S E L E C T I N G Y E A R L I N G R A H M A N I SHEEP H. A. KARAM College of Agriculture, Alexandria University, Egypt HE most efficient method of selection is that which results in the maxiT mum genetic improvement per unit of time and effort expended (Hazel and Lush, 1942). They found that the total score method or index was most efficient. Hazel (1943) outlined the method for constructing selection indexes. Hazel and Terrill (1946) presented an index for selecting Rambouillet lambs. Karam et al. (1953) suggested an index for farm flock lambs. The purpose of the present study was to construct an index for selecting yearling Rahmani sheep, rams and ewes, for replacements. At present, the most important traits to consider are body weight, fleece weight and type of birth (litter size). They all have a direct effect on income from the sheep enterprise, i.e. meat and wool. There are other traits such as market grade, staple length and wool grade but they are not expected to be of economic importance until there is a demand for them by the consumer and the industry. There are several constants which must be obtained and used in constructing the index. They are the relative economic value for each trait, the phenotypic and genetic variances, and the phenotypic and genetic covariances between traits. Materials The data used in the present study were taken from the records of Rahmani sheep kept on the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture from 1943 to 1956. The sheep were fed on Berseem (TriJolium Alexandrinum) from November until May. During the summer they grazed in the fields on waste feeds and were given a concentrate supplement consisting of one part undecorticated cottonseed cake to one part rice bran. Results The Economic Values. The economic value of a trait is defined as the relative effect of a unit change on net profit. Any increase in the cost of production due to that extra unit should be considered. Karam (1957, 1959a) estimated the average lambing percentage among Rahmani sheep as 124% and the average lamb mortality, from birth up to 4 months of age, as 26.9%. Using an annual replacement rate of 20% one would expect a flock of 100 ewes to wean about 72.5 lambs each year. 1452 RAHMANI SHEEP 1453 The economic value of a unit change in yearling weight is a function of market price and the cost of production. Table 1 presents the average price of mutton over a period of 10 years from 1947 to 1956. Years prior to 1947 were still affected by Second World War conditions. T h e average price of 1 kilogram of mutton was 25 piasters. There is no information available on live weight prices. On the basis of an estimate ( 4 4 % ) for the dressing percentage of Rahmani sheep as reported by Badreldin (1951) the average price of 1 kilogram of sheep would be about 11 piasters. TABLE 1. THE AVERAGE PRICES OF WOOL AND MUTTON ACCORDING TO CAIRO AND ALEXANDRIA MARKETS FOR THE YEARS 1947 TO 1956 (ANNUAL STATISTICS, MINISTRY OF FINANCE) Piasters per pound for: Year Mutton Brown and black wool 1947 1948 1949 1050 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 Average 10.08 10.38 10.45 11.00 12.55 12.13 11.30 11.08 11.14 11.13 11.12 7.97 9.06 9.12 10.92 12.77 12.71 11.52 11.6o 13.17 12.25 11.11 Therefore the price of the extra kilograms of sheep sold each year would be 7.98 pounds. I n E g y p t mutton prices are almost the same as lamb prices and mutton conformation has little or no economic value. The cost of maintaining an extra kilogram of body weight in a flock of 100 ewes from the end of the Berseem season until the new Berseem is available will not be more than 3.08 pounds. This was based on the assumption that one animal consumes (per day) an amount of feed worth an average of one piaster. Such feeds are usually given to sheep in the dry lot. The maintenance cost while on Berseem was negligible. There will be no extra charge for shipping since it is usually done on a per head basis. Therefore the economic value of a 1 kilogram change in yearling body weight is about 4.90 pounds. About 117 lambs would be weaned every year if each lambing ewe in the flock had a twin. This means 44.5 more lambs. A twin lamb averages about 35 kilograms by the time it is 12 months old (Karam, 1959b). On the basis of the previous discussion its value will be 3.85 pounds and the cost of maintenance about 2.41 pounds. Ten more piasters should be subtracted for handling and shipping charges, leaving 1.34 pounds as the 1454 KARAM TABLE 2. P H E N O T Y P I C VARIANCES AND COVARIANCES Item Yearling weight Fleece weight Type of birth Yearling weight" Fleece weight ~ Type of birth 36.99 0.55 0.08 --.39 - - . 02 0.12 a Recorded in kilograms. economic value of an extra twin born lamb or 60.73 pounds for the 44.5 lambs. The average price of 1 kilogram of brown wool (since all Rahmani wool is brown) was 25 piasters (table 1). An extra kilogram of fleece will not increase shearing costs since it is done on a per head basis. The cost of maintaining an extra kilogram of fleece was assumed to be similar to that of maintaining a kilogram of mutton. Therefore; the net profit of a unit increase in fleece weight in a flock of 100 ewes was 15.06 pounds. Phenotypic Variances and Covariances. The phenotypic variances and covariances required for the index are presented in table 2. The variances were obtained from earlier work published by the author (Karam, 1957, 1959b, 1959c). The covariances were calculated from the relationship Sxi xj--rxi xj Sx~Sxj. The correlations were estimated within year and season as presented in table 3. Separate estimates are given for each sex. The correlations between body weight and fleece weight of rams and ewes were similar and therefore were pooled (0.32). This was used in obtaining the covariance. Morley (1950) found, in Merino sheep, that the correlation between grease fleece weight and body weight was 0.30. Terrill et al. (1950) reported an estimate of 0.54 for the correlation of the same traits in range Rambouillet rams. Twin born lambs are usually lighter in weight and shear lighter fleeces than singles. This was true of the correlations obtained for ewes. Those of rams were small and insignificant. One was --.10 and the other -[-.10. The extra care and feed which ram lambs usually receive might be the cause of such low estimates. Therefore, only the correlations obtained for ewes were used in calculating the covariances needed. TABLE 3. P H E N O T Y P I C C O R R E L A T I O N S A M O N G T R A I T S Traits correlated Body wt. and fleece wt. of rams Body wt. and fleece wt. of ewes Body wt. and type of birth of rams t~o~dy wt. and type of birth of ewes Fleece wt. and type of birth of rams Fleece wt. and type of birth of ewes Body wt. and type of birth produced by ewe Fleece wt. and type of birth produced by ewe N u m b e r of animals 166 190 238 193" 218 170 193 170 r 0.34___ .07 0.28-t-.07 - - . 10___+.06 - - . 15___. 07 0.10-+-. 07 - - . 14___. 08 0.23___+.07 0.05-4-.08 R A H M A N I SHEEP 1455 Table 3 also presents the correlations of body weight and fleece weight with type of birth produced by the ewe. They were 0.23 and 0.05, respectively. They were used in developing an index for ewes with one lambing record. Terrill and Stoehr (1942) found that ewes which were heavier as yearlings tended to wean more pounds of lamb per ewe year during their lifetime. The major part of the difference was due to more ewes lambing per ewe year and more lambs born per ewe lambing. The regression of pounds of lamb weaned per ewe year on pounds increase of fall yearling weight of the ewes was 0.49, 0.48 and 0.63 for Columbia, Corriedale and Rambouillet ewes, respectively. They also found that there was a slight advantage in lifetime average fleece weight in favor of heavier yearling ewes. T A B L E 4. G E N E T I C V A R I A N C E S A N D C O V A R I A N C E S Item Yearling weight Fleece weight T y p e of birth Yearling weight ~ 7.03 Fleece weight ~ 0.17 0.03 Type of birth 0.00 0.00 0.01 Recorded in kilograms. Genetic Variances and Covariances. Table 4 presents the genetic variances and covariances. The variances were estimated from the relationship so.2-h2sx2, where h 2 is the heritability of the trait. Heritability estimates of yearling weight, fleece weight and type of birth were 0.19, 0.41 and 0.08, respectively (Karam, 1957, 1959b, 1959c). The present set of data was not large enough to obtain reliable estimates of genetic covariances needed for the index. The genetic covariance between fleece weight and yearling weight was obtained from data presented by Morley (1.950) on Merino sheep. The genetic covariance between fleece weight and type of birth was considered to be zero on the basis of the small and insignificant phenotypic correlation between the two traits (table 3). Also a value of zero was assigned to the covariance between body weight and type of birth. It is believed that the phenotypic correlation between them is mainly environmental. The Index. Figure 1 is a path diagram illustrating the relationships among the traits considered in the present study. The aggregate genic value of an individual was defined as H~alGI-]-a.,G._,+a:~G:~ where G1, G2 and G:~ are the genic values for yearling body weight, fleece weight and type of birth, respectively, and a~, a._, and a~ are the relative economic values for these traits. Their phenotypes are included in the index which was defined by Henderson (1951 ) as: I----alIl-+- . . . . +anIn =ClXa+ . . . . --[-CnXn. 11, . . . . , In are indexes for estimating G1, . . . . , Gn utilizing information on the phenotypes of all traits xl , . . . . , Xn. The advan- 1456 KARAM tages of using this method of calculating the index were outlined by Karam et al. (1953). The following three indexes were calculated and compared using the correlation between each of them and the aggregate genic value (H). The relative economic values used were 1.0, 3.1 and 12.3 for body weight, fleece weight and type of birth, respectively. Figure 1. Path diagram illustrating relationships among traits considered to have a direct effect on income in a Rahmani flock. Xrw, X~w and X ~ are phenotypic expressions for yearling weight, fleece weight and type of birth (singles or twins). G's are genic values. E's are non-additive genetic effects plus environmental effects. H is aggregate genie value of the individual and I the selection index. Straight lines represent path coefficients and curved lines correlation coefficients. (1) includes body weight (xl), fleece weight (x~) and type of birth (x3). I---alI1-4-a212-~a313 I1-----. 182 xl-~-i. 064 x~@. 770 x~ I2~.000 xlq- .395 x ~ - . 0 6 3 x:~ I 3 ~ . 000 xl--~- 9009 x,9-J-.044 x3 ~x1@13.1 x2@8.2 xg rm~---. 456 (2) Includes body weight (xl) and type of birth (x:0. I--'~alI1 @a212-~-a313 I 1 = . 197 XI-@ 9 640 x3 I 2 = .005 xi-J-.O16 x3 I3--'. 000 xi@. 043 x:, --xi-~- 5.6 x3 r m - - . 418 RAHMANI SHEEP 1457 (3) Includes body weight alone. I - - a l 11-t- a,,I2 +a~I.~ I1~0.190 xl 12~0.005 x2 Iaz0.000 x3 ~X 1 ri~i--0.398 The x's are in terms of deviations from the means. If all lambs being indexed have the same amount of information on each of the characters studied the absolute values can be used rather than the deviations, xl and x2 are measured in kilograms and x:~ will have a value of one for singles and two for twins. Comparison of animals by index should be done within year, season and sex. Adjustments should be made for the effect of age of dam. Discussion. Any selection index should include only heritable traits with economic importance. The index provides the most efficient method of giving the right amount of emphasis to the traits considered. The resulting genetic improvement will depend on the number of traits considered, the heritability of each trait, the genetic and phenotypic correlations between traits and the intensity of selection. Rahmani lambs are slow growers and they do not reach market weight until they are close, to one year of age. Selection of ram and ewe lambs for replacements is partly done at weaning and the rest of it is done when they are 12 months old. This is the most important and intensive selection during the lifetime of the sheep. The characters thought to be of most economic importance, at that age, were body weight, fleece weight and type of birth. The considerations previously given in estimating the economic values of each trait might be given different emphasis, depending on the location of the farm, type of farming and market prices and costs in different localities. Accurate and efficient estimates of the economic values requires several things. They are the lambing percentage, replacement rate, average age of the flock and the level beyond which a change in the character does not have further effect on income. Also required are the market price of one unit of a character and the cost of maintaining, producing and marketing the products which result from a unit change in a character. Cooperation of those concerned with sheep breeding and agricultural economists is highly recommended for solving such problems. Data available for the present index were not extensive enough to allow a realistic estimate of the genetic covariances. When these estimates are available they should be used to improve the index. The correlations between each of the three indexes developed and the aggregate genic value show that the first index, including body weight, fleece weight and type of birth, should provide the greatest gain. The 1458 KARAM second index, including body weight and type of birth, is more efficient than the third index which includes body weight alone. The correlation between the index and the aggregate genic value is a measure of the genetic gain expected when the index is used compared to that expected if the genotypes of the animals were known. The second index can be used if the fleece weights are not available. Its efficiency is close to that of the first. This is primarily due to the relatively small variability of fleece weights. Another selection problem, although less important than that of yearling sheep, is that of ewes having one lambing record. The general practice is to add to the flock more ewes than are needed for final replacement. This is because some of them may not turn cut to be good mothers and hence leave the flock. An index developed for ewes having one lambing record is as follows: I--aJl+a,.,I2+aaI:~ I 1 - - . 187 xl-J-.943 x2-~.843 x.~ I 2 = .000 xl-~ .384 x2--.029 xa I3--" .001 x l - - . 0 0 3 x 2 + .088 xa ---xi-[-I 1 x2-~-4 xa rm--" .473. where xl, x~ and x3 are the yearling body weight, yearling fleece weight and type of birth produced by ewe, respectively. The aggregate genic value is the same as that defined earlier. The phenotypic covariances of body weight and fleece weight with type of birth were 0.49 and 0.01 respectively, as obtained from the corresponding correlations given in table 3. The other variances and covariances needed were taken from tables 2 and 4. Comparing the correlations between each index and the aggregate genic value showed that this index is more efficient than any of the three estimated for yearlings. This was expected since type of birth is a measure of the animal's own performance and not of its dam as used in the other indexes. Culling should not be based on index alone. Defects must be selected against and other information considered important must be taken into account in particular cases. The applicability of the index for different kinds of flocks and localities will depend on the amount of data available and on the magnitude of the differences in the composition of the flock and management and feeding practices. Summary In the present study three indexes for selecting yearling Rahmani sheep were developed. The traits selected for were: body weight, fleece weight and type of birth. The relative economic values, the phenotypic and genetic variances and covariances required for the indexes were obtained and discussed. The indexes are as follows: RAHMANI SHEEP 1459 (1) Includes body weight ( x l ) , fleece weight (x2) and type of birth (x3). I=xl+13.1 x 2 + 8 . 2 x~ (2) Includes body weight (xl) and type of birth (x3). I=x~+5.6 xz (3) Includes body weight alone. I---x1 The correlations between each index and the aggregate genic value (H) were obtained and used in comparing the indexes. The most efficient was index ( 1 ), the least, index (3). An index for a ewe with a lambing record was also constructed. I t contained body weight and fleece weight as a yearling and her own lamb production. Literature Cited Badreldin, A. B. 1951. Growth and carcass percentage in Ossimi and Rahmani sheep. Faculty of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt. Bul. No. 3. Hazel, L. N. 1943. The genetic basis for constructing selection indexes. Genetics 28:476. Hazel, L. N. and J. L. Lush. 1942. The efficiency of three methods of selection. J. Heredity 33:393. Hazel, L. N. and C. E. Terrill. 1946. The construction and use of a selection index for range Rambouillet lambs. J. Animal Sci. 5:412 (Abstracts). Henderson, C. R. 1951. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. (Mimeo.). Karam, H. A. 1957. Multiple birth and sex ratio in Rahmani sheep. J. Animal Sci. 16:990. Karam, H. A. 1959a. Some factors affecting lamb mortality in Rahmani sheep. Empire J. Exp. Agr. 27:133. Karam, H. A. 1959b. Effect of some environmental factors on weaning and yearling weights of Rahmani sheep. Empire J. Exp. Agr. (In press). Karam, H. A. 1959c. Heritability estimates of birth, weaning and yearling weights of Rahmani sheep and correlations among these weights. Empire J. Exp. Agr. (In press). Karam, H. A., A. B. Chapman and A. L. Pope. 1953. Selecting lambs under farm flock conditions. J. Animal Sci. 12 : 148. Morley, F. H. W. 1950. Selection for economic characters in Merino sheep. Ph.D. Thesis, Ames, Iowa. Iowa State College Library. Terrill, C. E., W. H. Kyle and L. N. Hazel. 1950. Correlations between traits of range Rambouillet rams. J. Animal Sci. 9:540 (Abstracts). Terrill, C. E. and John A. Stoehr. 1942. The importance of body weight in selection of range ewes. J. Animal Sci. 1:221.