15.1 Multistage ac-Coupled Amplifiers 1077 TABLE 15.3 Three-Stage Amplifier Summary Voltage gain Input signal range Input resistance Output resistance Current gain Power gain HAND ANALYSIS SPICE RESULTS +998 92.7 V 1 M 60.5 +4.03 × 106 4.02 × 109 +1010 — 1 M 55.7 — — and a low output resistance. The current and power gains are both quite large. The input signal must be kept below 92.7 V in order to satisfy the small-signal limitations of the transistors. 15.1.7 Improving Amplifier Voltage Gain We know that the gain of the C-S amplifier is inversely proportional to the square root of drain current. In this amplifier, there is no need to operate the first stage at a 5-mA bias current level, and the voltage gain of the amplifier could be increased by reducing I D1 while maintaining a constant voltage drop across R D1 . It should be possible to improve the signal range by increasing the current in the output stage and the voltage drop across R E3 . Another possibility is to replace Q 3 with a FET. Some gain loss might again occur in the third stage because the gain of a common-drain amplifier is typically less than that of a common-collector stage, but this could be made up by improving the gain of the first and second stages (see Probs. 15.3 and 15.7). Exercise: (a) What would be the voltage gain of the amplifier if I D1 is reduced to 1 mA and constant? (b) The FET gm decreases by RD1 is increased to 3 k so that VD is maintained 5. Why did the gain not increase by a factor of 5? Answers: 1840; although RD1 increases by a factor of 5, the total load resistance at the drain of M1 does not. 15.1.8 The Common-Emitter Cascade The three-stage amplifier in Fig. 15.1 uses a common-source stage in cascade with a commonemitter stage. However, we know from Chapters 13 and 14 that common-emitter stages typically offer more voltage gain than common-source stages, and, to achieve the highest possible voltage gain, several common-emitter stages are often cascaded, as indicated by the ac small-signal equivalent circuit for an n-stage amplifier in Fig. 15.7. The gain can be written as the product of the gains of the individual stages; Av = v 1 v2 vo ··· = Av1 Av2 · · · Avn vi v 1 vn−1 (15.26) 1078 Chapter 15 Multistage Amplifiers v2 v1 v n –1 Qn Q2 Q1 RI2 RI1 vi RL + vo – Figure 15.7 n-Stage cascade of common-emitter amplifiers. For all but the final stage, the gain is given by Avi = −gmi (R I i rπi+1 ) (15.27) where gmi = transconductance of transistor i R I i = ith interstage resistance rπi+1 = input resistance of transistor i + 1 ∼ −10VCC , where VCC is the power supply voltage. The gain of the last stage is Avn = −gmn R L = Two limits are of particular interest. If the gain is limited by the interstage resistances, then each stage has a gain of approximately −10VCC , and the overall gain of the n-stage amplifier is Avn = (−10VCC )n (15.28) For the second case, the gain is assumed to be limited by the input resistance of the transistors, and the gain becomes Avn = (−1)n IC1 βo2 βo3 · · · βon (10VCC ) ICn (15.29) Normally, ICn ≥ IC1 because the signal and power levels usually increase in each successive stage of most amplifiers. Because βo is often less than 10VCC , Eq. (15.29) is often the actual limiting case. The origin of Eq. (15.29) can be more readily understood from the three-stage example in Fig. 15.8, in which the interstage resistors are assumed infinite in value. The output signal current from the first stage is −gm1 vs . This current is amplified by the current gain of the next two stages and produces an output current of ic3 = βo3 βo2 gm1 vi (15.30) β o3 βo2 gm1vs βo2 gm1vs gm1vs Q3 Q2 Q1 RL vi Figure 15.8 Ideal common-emitter cascade. + vo – 15.2 Direct-Coupled Amplifiers 1079 which develops the output voltage across load resistance R L : vo = −βo3 βo2 gm1 R L vi (15.31) The voltage gain of the overall cascade is then Av3 = vo gm1 = −βo3 βo2 gm1 R L = − βo3 βo2 (gm3 R L ) vi gm3 (15.32) Writing the transconductances in terms of their respective collector currents yields an equation in the form of Eq. (15.29): Av3 = − Ic1 βo2 βo3 (10VCC ) Ic3 (15.33) For a cascade of n identical stages (ICn = IC1 ), Eq. (15.33) becomes Avn = (−1)n (βo )n−1 (10VCC ) (15.34) Except for the last stage, the voltage gain of each stage defined by Eq. (15.34) is equal to the current gain βo , which may be less than 10VCC . Exercise: An amplifier is required with a gain of 140 dB. Estimate the minimum number of amplifier stages that will be required if the design must use a 15-V supply and transistors with β o = 75. Answer: Five stages; although Eq. (15.28) yields an estimate of four stages, Eq. (15.34) yields an estimate of five. (β o < 10VCC .) 15.2 DIRECT-COUPLED AMPLIFIERS The coupling capacitors in the multistage amplifier in Fig. 15.1 limit the low-frequency response of the amplifier and prevent its application as a dc amplifier. For the amplifier to provide gain at dc or very low frequencies, capacitors in series with the signal path (C1 , C3 , C5 , and C6 ) must be eliminated. Such an amplifier is called a dc-coupled, or direct-coupled, amplifier. Using a direct-coupled design can also eliminate the additional resistors that are required to bias the individual stages in an ac-coupled amplifier, thus producing a less expensive amplifier design. Bypass capacitors C2 and C4 also affect the gain at low frequencies and cause the amplifier to have a high-pass response. However, they do not inherently prevent the amplifier from operating at dc. 15.2.1 Analysis of a dc-Coupled Amplifier Figure 15.9 is a direct-coupled version of the three-stage amplifier in Fig. 15.1. The dc levels at the various nodes in Fig. 15.9 have been designed to permit direct connections between the stages, and coupling capacitors C3 and C5 have been eliminated between M1 and Q 2 , and between Q 2 and Q 3 , respectively. Symmetrical ±7.5-V power supplies are now used so that the Q-point voltages at both the input and output of the amplifier will be approximately zero. However, the amplifier in Fig. 15.9 still includes bypass capacitors to enhance its ac performance (see Prob. 15.2). The 1080 Chapter 15 Multistage Amplifiers C-S amplifier C-E amplifier C-C amplifier +7.5 V RD1 620 RE2 C4 1.4 k 22 F Q2 RI Q3 M1 10 k v± RG 1 M RS1 C2 1.6 k 22 F RC2 4.7 k RE3 3.3 k 250 –7.5 V Figure 15.9 A direct-coupled version of the three-stage amplifier in Fig. 15.2. dc gain of the amplifier is small, but the midband ac gain exceeds 1000 due to the presence of the two bypass capacitors. An amplifier truly designed for dc amplification will eliminate all these capacitors, and the basic differential and operational amplifier circuits to be discussed later in this chapter do completely eliminate the need for both coupling and bypass capacitors. npn transistor Q 2 in Fig. 15.1 has been replaced by a pnp transistor in Fig. 15.9. Alternating npn or n-channel with pnp or p-channel transistors from stage to stage is common in dc-coupled designs. This is a technique developed to take maximum advantage of the available power supply voltage. 15.2.2 dc Analysis The dc equivalent circuit for the dc-coupled amplifier appears in Fig. 15.10. Note that the source and load resistors, R I and R L , must now be included in the circuit. The voltage at the drain of M1 provides bias voltage to the base of Q 2 , and the voltage developed at the collector of Q 2 establishes the base bias for Q 3 . For amplifiers, the transistors should all be operating in the active region. Thus, the current in M1 is independent of the voltage at its drain and therefore independent of the fact that the base of Q 2 happens to be connected to its drain. Similarly, the collector current of Q 2 is not be affected by the presence of Q 3 attached to its collector. Because of this lack of interaction, the dc analysis can proceed through the circuit from left to right, from M1 to Q 2 to Q 3 . If we use the transistor parameter values in Table 15.1 and assume active-region operation with zero gate current, then the drain current of M1 is given by ID = Kn 0.01 (VG S − VT N )2 = (VG S + 2)2 2 2 where VG S = VG − VS = 0 − (−7.5 + 1600I D ) (15.35) Collecting terms yields a quadratic equation for I D : 2.56 × 106 I D2 − 30,600I D + 90.3 = 0 (15.36) 15.2 Direct-Coupled Amplifiers 1081 +7.5 V RE2 620 Ω 1.4 kΩ RD1 IE2 IB2 VD Q2 ID 10 kΩ M1 RG RS1 1 MΩ IC2 VC2 IB3 Q3 RC2 I3 4.7 kΩ 1.6 kΩ IL RE3 3.3 kΩ RL 250 Ω –7.5 V Figure 15.10 dc Equivalent circuit for direct-coupled amplifier. The solutions to Eq. (15.36) are I D = 5.29 mA and I D = 6.66 mA. A 6.66-mA drain-source current would produce a voltage drop of 10.7 V across R S1 and cut off the FET. Thus, the drain current must be I D = 5.29 mA, and the voltage at the source of M1 is VS = 0.964 V. Applying KCL at the drain node, the drain voltage of M1 can be expressed as VD = 7.5 − 620(I DS − I B2 ) (15.37) VD ∼ = 7.5 − 620I D = 7.5 − 620 (5.29 mA) = 4.22 V (15.38) If we assume that I B2 I D , then and the drain-source voltage of M1 is VDS = 4.22 − 0.964 = 3.26 V, which is indeed sufficient to pinch-off M1 . The Q-point of bipolar transistor Q 2 is controlled by the voltage at its base, which is equal to the drain voltage of M1 . Assuming active-region operation, VD = 7.5 − 1400I E2 − VE B2 (15.39) and solving Eq. (15.39) for I E2 gives I E2 = 7.5 − VD − VE B2 7.5 V − 4.22 V − 0.7 V = = 1.84 mA 1400 1400 (15.40) Based on the current gain β F2 = 150 from Table 15.1, IC2 = 1.83 mA and I B2 = 12.2 A (15.41) The results in Eq. (15.41) justify the assumption I B2 I D used in Eq. (15.38). The voltage VC2 at the collector of Q 2 can be expressed as VC2 = 4700(IC2 − I B3 ) − 7.5 V (15.42) 1082 Chapter 15 Multistage Amplifiers Assuming that I B3 IC2 , VC2 ∼ = 4700IC2 − 7.5 V = 1.10 V (15.43) Checking the collector-emitter voltage of Q 2 , VEC2 = VE2 − VC2 = VD1 + VE B2 − VC2 = 4.22 + 0.7 − 1.10 = 3.82 V (15.44) which is greater than 0.7 V. This confirms that Q 2 is operating in the active region. The voltage at the output of the amplifier is equal to the emitter voltage of Q 3 , VO = VC2 − VB E3 = 1.10 V − 0.700 V = 0.400 V (15.45) and the emitter current of Q 3 is given by I E3 = I3 + I L = VO + 7.5 V VO 0.40 + 7.5 V 0.4 + = + = 3.99 mA 3300 250 3300 250 (15.46) Using the current gain β F3 = 80, IC3 = 3.94 mA and I B3 = 49.3 A (15.47) I B3 is less than 3 percent of IC2 , so neglecting I B3 in the calculation of VC2 in Eq. (15.43) was a reasonable assumption. Finally, the collector-emitter voltage of Q 3 is VC E3 = 7.5 − VE3 = 7.5 − 0.40 = 7.10 V (15.48) which verifies that Q 3 is operating in the active region. Calculation of the Q-points of the three transistors is complete. The Q-point values have been used to determine the values of the small-signal parameters, as summarized in Table 15.4. (Be sure to compare the Q-point values in Table 15.4 to those in Table 15.2.) Two things should be noted here. There is an offset voltage (0.4 V) at the output of the amplifier, and a nonzero dc current exists in the 250- load resistor. In an ideal design, the output voltage would be zero, and no dc current would appear in R L . In this circuit, it is virtually impossible to achieve exactly zero output voltage with standard resistor values without some form of overall feedback around the amplifier. (Remember in Chapters 11 and 12 that we saw many circuits in which feedback was used to set the quiescent output of an op amp to 0 V.) Also, the TABLE 15.4 Q-Points and Small-Signal Parameters for the Transistors in Fig. 15.10 M1 Q2 Q3 Q-POINT VALUES SPICE CALCULATIONS Q-POINT VALUES HAND CALCULATIONS SMALL-SIGNAL PARAMETERS (5.31 mA, 3.21 V) (1.77 mA, 4.27 V) (1.98 mA, 7.56 V) (5.29 mA, 3.26 V) (1.83 mA, 3.82 V) (3.99 mA, 7.10 V) gm = 10.4 mS, ro = 10.1 k gm = 73.2 mS, rπ = 2.05 k, ro = 45.8 k gm = 160 mS, rπ = 501 , ro = 16.8 k 15.2 Direct-Coupled Amplifiers 1083 results depend on the assumed values of VB E and VE B . If we simulate the circuit in SPICE using the parameters in Table 15.1 with I S = 0.1 fA, the output voltage is found to be close to zero (−62.7 mV). The Q-points from SPICE are given in Table 15.4. The collector current of Q 3 is reduced since there is now only a small current in R L . Exercise: Verify that the values of the small-signal parameters in Table 15.4 are correct. Exercise: Use SPICE to verify the Q-points for the three transistors in the circuit in Fig. 15.9. Answers: See Table 15.4. Exercise: What is the minimum value of VDS needed to saturate M1 ? Find I E2 and VD1 if β F 2 = 10. (Assume I B2 no longer satisfies I B2 I D1 .) Answers: +1.04 V; 1.77 mA, 4.32 V 15.2.3 ac Analysis The ac equivalent circuit for the amplifier in Fig. 15.9 is drawn in Fig. 15.11, and is very similar to that in Fig. 15.3. The values of the interstage resistors have increased slightly in value due to the absence of bias resistors R1 − R4 in Fig. 15.1. Because the Q-points and small-signal parameters of the transistors are also almost identical to those in the ac-coupled amplifier, the overall characteristics of the amplifier should be quite similar to those of Fig. 15.1, and indeed they are: Av = 1160, Rin = 1 M, and Rout = 47 . Details of these calculations mirror those done in Sec. 15.1 and are left as the next exercise. Thus, in this case we can achieve the same amplifier performance with either an ac- or dc-coupled design. dc coupling requires fewer components, but the Q-points of the various stages become interdependent. If the Q-point of one stage shifts, the Q-points of all the stages may also shift (see Prob. 15.16). v3 v2 Q2 Rin3 10 kΩ Rin2 M1 RI vi Q3 RI2 RL3 4.70 kΩ 232 Ω RI1 RG 1 MΩ + vo – 620 Ω C-S amplifier C-E amplifier C-C amplifier Figure 15.11 ac Equivalent circuit valid for small-signal analysis. 1084 Chapter 15 Multistage Amplifiers Exercise: Calculate the actual voltage gain, input resistance, and output resistance of the direct-coupled amplifier in Fig. 15.9. Answers: 1160, 1 M, 47 Exercise: What is the dc gain of the amplifier in Fig. 15.9? (The dc gain is the gain with the two bypass capacitors removed from the circuit.) Answer: 0.94. A quick estimate would be Av = Av1 Av2 Av3 = RD1 − RS1 RC2 − RE2 (1) = 620 1600 4700 1400 = 1.3 15.2.4 Compound Transistor Configurations — The Darlington and Cascode Circuits In this section, we will discuss the characteristics of two special dc-coupled transistor configurations, the Darlington and cascode circuits. These compound transistor circuits function in a manner similar to a single transistor, but with improved characteristics. The Darlington stage provides high current gain, whereas the cascode amplifier offers high output resistance and intrinsic voltage gain. In Chapter 17, we will also find that the cascode amplifier provides improved response at high frequencies. An additional compound transistor configuration can be found in Prob. 15.35. The Darlington Circuit In many circuits, it would be advantageous to have a bipolar transistor with a much higher current gain than that of a single BJT. An FET may not be usable because it cannot provide the required amplification factor, or a bipolar IC technology that does not realize FETs may be in use. The circuit depicted in Fig. 15.12, called the Darlington configuration, or Darlington circuit, is an important two-stage direct-coupled amplifier that attempts to solve this problem. The Darlington circuit behaves in a manner similar to that of a single transistor but with a current gain equal to the product of the current gains of the individual transistors. The dc and ac behavior of the Darlington circuit are discussed in the next two sections. dc Analysis Writing an expression for the dc collector current IC at the output of the composite transistor in Fig. 15.12(a) in terms of the input base current I B , IC = IC1 + IC2 = β F1 I B + β F2 I E1 = β F1 I B + β F2 (β F1 + 1)I B (15.49) and factoring β F1 β F2 from Eq. (15.49) gives 1 1 IC = β F1 β F2 1 + IB ∼ + = β F1 β F2 I B β F1 β F2 for β F1 , β F2 1 (15.50) iC iC1 B + vBE – iB + vBE1 – B Q2 iB iE – E (a) + IC2 = βo2 I E1 ∼ = βo2 IC1 v2 gm2 ∼ = βo1 gm1 1085 C i2 iC + vBE2 Direct-Coupled Amplifiers C iC2 Q1 15.2 i1 Q' Q1 + iE v1 E – ve Q2 – (b) Figure 15.12 (a) Darlington connection of two Figure 15.13 Darlington bipolar transistors. (b) Representation as a single composite transistor Q . circuit as a two-port. rπ1 ∼ = βo1 rπ2 ro1 ∼ = βo1 ro2 v1 (βo1 + 1)rπ2 ∼ ve = v 1 = rπ 1 + (βo1 + 1)rπ2 2 If both current gains are much larger than 1, then the composite transistor has a current gain that is approximately equal to the product of the current gains of the individual transistors. Also, note that the collector currents of the two transistors are related by IC2 ∼ = β F2 IC1 ∼ = IC . The Darlington circuit requires higher dc bias voltages than does a single transistor. The base-emitter voltage of the composite transistor is equivalent to two diode voltage drops VB E = VB E1 + VB E2 ∼ = 1.4 V (15.51) and to keep the collector-base junction of Q 1 reverse-biased, VC E must also be greater than (VB E1 + VB E2 ). ac Analysis The ac behavior of the Darlington circuit can be explored by treating the configuration as the two-port in Fig. 15.13 and calculating its y-parameters: i1 = y11 v1 + y12 v2 i2 = y21 v1 + y22 v2 (15.52) These parameters are easily found by replacing the transistors in Fig. 15.13 by their small-signal models and applying the definitions of the parameters to the resulting network. Because of the relationship between IC1 and IC2 , the small-signal parameters of the two transistors are also related to each other by the expressions given with the circuit in Fig. 15.13. The results of this analysis are presented in Eq. (15.53), although the detailed calculations are left for Prob. 15.26. rπ = (y11 )−1 = rπ 1 + (βo1 + 1)rπ 2 ∼ = 2βo1rπ 2 1 ∼ y12 ∼ =− =0 (βo1 + 1)ro1 gm1 gm2 ∼ gm2 gm = y21 = + = 2 2 2 2 r o1 ∼ ro = (y22 )−1 ∼ = ro2 = ro2 2β 3 o2 (15.53) 1086 Chapter 15 Multistage Amplifiers The ac current gain βo and amplification factor µf for the composite Darlington transistor are y21 = = gm rπ ∼ = βo1 βo2 y11 v2 =0 µf2 v2 gm2 ro2 2 = µf = = gm ro = v1 i2 =0 2 3 3 βo (15.54) From Eqs. (15.53) and (15.54), we can see that the Darlington configuration behaves as a single composite transistor operating with a very high, effective current gain, βo1 βo2 , but with a transconductance equal to one-half that of a single BJT operating at the collector current IC . The high current gain results in a high input resistance; however, the amplification factor of the composite device has been reduced by a factor of 3. Exercise: What is the current gain of a Darlington transistor if β F 1 = 50, V A1 = 75 V, β F 2 = 80, and V A2 = 60 V? If the operating current of the composite transistor is 500 A and VC E = 10, what are the values of r π , gm , r o , and µf ? Answers: 4000; 400 k, 0.01 S, 70 k, 700 The Cascode Amplifier — A C-E/C-B Cascade Another very important direct-coupled two-transistor amplifier configuration is the cascade connection of the common-emitter and common-base amplifiers. This special amplifier configuration is referred to as the cascode amplifier. The cascode amplifier is particularly useful in wide-band amplifiers used in RF communications as well as high output resistance current sources and high gain amplifiers. Although this section focuses on the C-E/C-B version of the cascode amplifier, it can be made with any combination of C-E/C-S and C-B/C-G stages (that is, with C-E/C-B, C-E/C-G, C-S/C-G, or C-S/C-B) — (see Probs. 15.33, 15.37, 15.40, and 15.42). dc Considerations In Fig. 15.14, we can see that the collector current of Q 1 is the emitter current of Q 2 , and so IC2 = α F IC1 . For typical transistors with reasonably high current gain, IC2 ∼ = IC1 . The base of Q 2 must be biased by a voltage source VB B that is large enough to ensure that Q 1 is operating in the forward-active region. The minimum value of VB B is VC E1 = VB B − VB E2 ≥ VB E1 VB B ≥ 2VB E or and must be equal to at least 2VB E , or approximately 1.4 V. iC1 iB1 Q1 Q2 iC2 + vCE1 – VBB Figure 15.14 Cascode circuit with dc bias source VB B . (15.55) 15.3 Differential Amplifiers 1087 Q2 i1 Q1 i2 + + v2 v1 – – Figure 15.15 Cascode circuit as a two-port. ac Analysis The ac behavior of the cascode circuit can also be explored by treating the configuration as the two-port in Fig. 15.15 and calculating its y-parameters. As with the Darlington circuit, these parameters can be found by replacing the transistors in Fig. 15.15 by their smallsignal models, recognizing that the transistor parameters are related through IC2 = α F2 IC1 . The results are given in Eq. (15.56), but the detailed calculations are left for Prob. 15.33. rπ = (y11 )−1 = rπ 1 y12 ∼ =0 gm = y21 = α o2 gm1 ∼ = gm1 −1 ∼ r = (y22 ) = ro2 (1 + gm2 (rπ 2 ro1 )) ∼ = βo2ro2 (15.56) o The current gain βo and amplification factor µf for the composite cascode transistor are y21 = = βo1 αo2 ∼ = βo1 y11 v2 =0 v2 µf = = βo2 µ f 2 v1 i2 =0 βo (15.57) From Eqs. (15.56) and (15.57), we can see that the cascode configuration behaves as a single composite common-emitter transistor operating at a collector current IC ∼ = IC2 , but having an extremely high amplification factor of βo2 µ f 2 . The cascode stage is often found in high-performance differential and operational amplifiers, where it can afford very high voltage gain and commonmode rejection. It can also be used to realize current sources with very high output resistances. In Chapter 17, we shall find that cascode amplifiers also offer much better bandwidth than the corresponding single-transistor C-E or C-S stages. Exercise: Calculate the two-port parameters of the cascode amplifier in Fig. 15.15 if the transistors are identical and Q2 has I C2 = 100 A. Use β F = β o = 100, V A = 75 V, and VC E2 = 10. What are the current gain and amplification factor for the cascode configuration? What would be the values of r π , gm, r o, and µ f for a single transistor operating with I C = 100 A and VC E = 10 V? Answers: 24.8 k, 0, 0.004 S, 85 M; 99.2, 340,000; 25.0 k, 0.004 S, 85 k, 3000 15.3 DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIERS The direct-coupled amplifier design in Sec. 15.2 still uses internal bypass capacitors to achieve high ac gain as well as external coupling capacitors at the input and output. The dc-coupled