D Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 6 (2012) 315-320 DAVID PUBLISHING New Generation of Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Rated Voltage up to 40.5 kV Alexey Chaly and Sergey Benzoruk Industrial Group Tavrida Electric Ltd., Moscow 123298, Russia Received: December 28, 2010 / Accepted: June 09, 2011 / Published: February 29, 2012. Abstract: The article describes design peculiarities of the novel compact vacuum circuit breaker with rated voltage 40.5 kV. The design incorporates several novel technical solutions: polycarbonate support insulation, mono-stable magnetic actuator, labyrinth pulling insulator, core-type flexible contact and new compact vacuum interrupter (VI). Phases are encapsulated into silicone rubber providing required creepage distance and excellent tracking resistance. These novelties along with extensive modeling of the mechanical and electrical fields followed by design optimization resulted in weight reduction of more than 50% compared with alternatives available in the market. And this is in spite of built in sensors measuring: phase currents, zero-sequence current, phase voltages. Key words: Outdoor vacuum circuit breaker, magnetic actuator, combined voltage and current sensor, silicon rubber. 1. Introduction 33-40.5 kV outdoor substations are widely used throughout the world. With the development of the vacuum interrupting technology these substations are more often equipped with the outdoor vacuum circuit breakers (OVCB). OVCB with respect to their design can be divided into two groups: dead-tank and live-tank. In a dead-tank OVCB the vacuum interrupter is arranged in a weather-proof manner inside a metal enclosure [1-3]. In comparison with live-tank, the dead-design allows implementation of voltage measurement from both side (demands in ring overhead lines) and provides reliable protection and internal insulation against weather exposure and contamination. On the other hand dead-tank modules exhibit larger weight, dimension and cost. As a result the live-tank design looks more attractive for radial line configurations (where it is required to measure Corresponding author: Alexey Chaly, Ph.D., research fields: vacuum interrupters, circuit breakers, reclosers and switchgear. E-mail: cam@tavrida.com. voltage from the load side). In live-tank circuit-breakers, the vacuum interrupter is arranged in a weather-proof way inside an insulating enclosure (the vacuum interrupter is at electrical potential, which means “live”) [4-8]. Epoxy and porcelain insulation are usually used for the enclosure. Overhead lines 34.5-40.5 kV commonly have a radial structure, therefore live-tank outdoor vacuum circuit breakers are generally presented in the market for these voltages. The live-tank OVCB 34.5-40.5 kV can be divided into two subgroups: Assembled design [4, 5]; Solid insulated design [6-8]. The assembled design is shown in Fig. 1. A phase consists of two support insulators joined through a lower terminal. This design may be considered as obsolete due to excessive dimensions and weight. Current and voltage sensors may be installed as separate devices but this leads to higher transport, 316 New Generation of Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Rated Voltage up to 40.5 kV Fig. 2 Fig. 1 Assembled design. installation and service costs. Moreover, epoxy and porcelain lose hydrophobicity under the influence of contamination (epoxy loses its irreversibility within the first years of service under solar radiation) thus leading to the development of a completely wetted, resistive conductive surface on outdoor insulation. As a result, leakage currents are increased which enlarges arcing and risk of insulator flashover. The solidly insulated design was developed during the 1990s. These OVCB are based on the application of epoxy material, serving simultaneously as mechanical support structure and external insulation (see Fig. 2). The vacuum interrupter (VI) along with terminals and sensor are encapsulated in epoxy resin. Solid insulated OVCB have lower dimensions and weight in comparison to assembled ones. Integrated voltage and current sensors are also significant advantage of these circuit breakers. However, the solid dielectric design could not overcome the disadvantage of the assembly design. For outdoor insulation epoxy resins are used. Despite the increase of hydrophobicity and tracking-erosion features, the usage of an epoxy polymer OVCB still seems undesirable in regions with a severely contaminated environment. Solid dielectric design. Moreover, solidly dielectric circuit breakers were designed for IEC and IEEE markets and 38 kV versions have rated power frequency withstand voltage up to Ud =70 kV [9, 10] and rated lightning impulse withstand voltage not more than Up = 170 kV [9, 10]. The Russian market requires Ud/Up = 95/190 kV [11], the Chinese market requires Ud/Up = 95/185 kV [12], the IEEE market of outdoor circuit breakers demands, Ud/Up = 80/200 kV [13]. Currently available in the market solid dielectric OVCB do not satisfy requirements of the said markets. As it follows from the presented review there is no universal OVCB design that would fit technical requirements of the different markets: applicability to severe environmental conditions; BIL level up to 200 kV; extended metering capabilities; low dimensions and lightweight; cost effectiveness. The goal of the present research is to develop such a design. 2. Advantages of the Silicone Rubber for Outdoor Insulation Silicone rubber possesses excellent hydrophobicity and high tracking resistance. A further feature makes this material attractive for outdoor applications. New Generation of Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Rated Voltage up to 40.5 kV Silicone rubber can transfer hydrophobicity onto a polluted layer (hydrophobicity transfer material) and this process occurs during the lifetime of an insulator [14]. If the creepage distance is more than 31 mm/kV the hydrophobicity transfer velocity is sufficient to prevent flashover in severely contaminated environments. The outdoor circuit breaker OSM\TEL-27-12.5/630-205 with silicone outdoor insulation and creepage distance of 860 mm [15] successfully passed the environmental test in KIPTS without any incident of insulation leakage current exceeding 750 mA [16]. Solid dielectric OVCB OVR-3 (ABB) with the last modification of the Cycloaliphatic Epoxy (so call Hydrophobic Cycloaliphatic Epoxy) and creepage distance of 960 mm [7] passed the test with one incident [17]. This is one of the numerous evidences of the superiority of silicone rubber for outdoor insulators. In spite of above mentioned advantages, outdoor vacuum circuit breakers 34.5-40.5 kV with fully encapsulated phases with silicone rubber are not available in the market. The novel outdoor circuit breakers from IG Tavrida Electric will change this situation. 3. The OSM35_Smart Design The OSM35_Smart design is a symbiosis of the two above mentioned designs: solid dielectric and assembled. Support insulation consists of two insulators (1, 2, Fig. 3) which are jointed through a lower terminal (3). The lower terminal performs three functions: current carrying, screening sharp edges of the VI bellow and flexible contact, and heat dissipation. The compact VI (4) is fixed between the upper (5) and lower terminal (3). The terminals configuration is designed in order to decrease induced potential shift of the screen of the VI in open position. А sensor block (6, Fig. 3) is installed near the lower terminal. The block includes: phase current sensor (Rogowsky coil); Fig. 3 317 OSM35_Smart cross section. special transformer for zero-sequence current sensor; capacitor-type phase voltage sensor. The assembled phase together with the sensor block is encapsulated in RTV silicone rubber (7, Fig. 3). Silicone rubber forms: insulation of terminals and sensors; protective layer of support insulator; ribs in order to provide creepage distance 1050 mm (the ribs shape meets the requirement of IEC/TS60815-3 [18]). The OSM35_Smart provides Ud/Up = 70/150 kV. The creepage distance of 1050 mm and the utilization of hydrophobicity transfer material (silicone rubber) definitely allow to use this module in regions with medium pollution (c class of pollution level [18]). In markets with higher Ud and Up requirements (Russia, China, America, etc.) and in regions with heavy or very heavily polluted atmosphere (d and e class of pollution level [18]) the OSM35_Smart will be supplied with extensions (Fig. 4). The extensions allow for an increased creepage distance of up to 1750 mm and BIL level up to 200 kV. The circuit breaker has a phase to phase distance of 280 mm. Arrangement of the extensions provides minimum strike distance 400 mm (Table 1). Basic parameters of the OSM35_Smart are shown in Table 1. Dimensions are presented in Fig. 5. These parameters were achieved as follows: 318 New Generation of Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Rated Voltage up to 40.5 kV Table 1 No. 1 2 The OSM35_Smart parameters. 6 7 8 9 10 Parameter Rated voltage (kV) Rated current (A) Rated symmetrical interrupting current (kA) Rated impulse voltage Up (kV) Rated power frequency test voltage Ud (kV) Creepage distance (mm) Min external strike distance (mm) Mechanical life, CO cycles Ambient temperature (C) Weight (kg) 11 Dimensions (W × H × D) (mm) 3 4 5 Value 40.5 1250 1250 20 25 150 (200*) 150 70 (95*) 1050 (1710*) 240 (400*) 20 000 -60 + 55 72 (82*) 770/600/440 (900*/770*/600*) arc and the use of finite element analysis. The miniaturization of vacuum interrupter is achieved by: decreasing the contact gap and height of the ceramic envelope; reducing the flexible contact mass and bellow rigidity; minimizing the holding force and providing minimum VI resistance thus simplifying the magnetic actuator design, reducing the energy of the control module and thus simplifying temperature-rise tests requirements. *- with extensions (see Fig. 5) 3.2 Core-Type Flexible Contact Fig. 4 The application of core-type flexible contact (8, Fig. 3) results in a decrease of phase height and reduction of actuator energy consumption. The flexible contact increases the height of the phase by only 16 mm. Due to a resistance of around 4 Ohm the opposing force is negligible. The Core-type contact required meticulous technological development in order to achieve a cheap design with stable resistance under series manufacture. OSM35_Smart with extensions. 3.3 Pulling Insulator The pulling insulator length substantially defines a phase height. The application of the labyrinth pulling insulator in the OSM35_Smart (9, Fig. 3) resulted in a decrease of terminal to frame distance to 200 mm. Moreover, the pulling insulator provides Ud/Up = 95/200 kV. The concept of labyrinth pulling insulators is described in a Tavrida Electric patent [21]. Fig. 5 OSM35_Smart dimensions. 3.4 Polycarbonate Support Insulation 3.1 Compact VI The essential advantage of Tavrida’s 40.5 kV vacuum interrupter design (Fig. 3) is its very compact design. The vacuum interrupters have a height of 153 mm. Such miniaturization has been achieved with long-term research in the field of high current vacuum Tavrida Electric has utilized polycarbonate polymer for support insulation of vacuum circuit breaker for more than 10 years. Field experience supports the claim that polycarbonate is one of the most advanced polymers for medium voltage switchgear: Mechanical properties, impact strength, thermal New Generation of Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Rated Voltage up to 40.5 kV properties are sufficient to design support insulation with wall thickness not exceeding 6 mm (technology requirement); Injection molding provides insulation manufacture without minor pores; Low polymer cost (7$/kg) together with cheap processing enables the manufacture of low cost insulators. Using polymers such as polycarbonate resulted in the development of new criteria for static and dynamic structural analysis. Positive field experience of Tavrida Electric indoor circuit breakers has made it possible to develop essential criteria for the design of a support insulator without huge strength margins. 3.5 Silicone Rubber Encapsulation 319 Novel magnetic actuator design has been used for the OSM35_Smart [20, 21] (10, Fig. 3). Phase to phase distance of 280 mm allowed an increase of outer diameter of the actuator of up to 150 mm. This resulted in an opportunity to decrease the height of the magnetic actuator up to 100 mm and a frame height of 120 mm. A distinct feature of actuator’s block of the OSM35_Smart is the lack of a synchronizing shaft. Each magnetic actuator is operated by a separate driver to allow single-phase tripping and eliminate complicated linkage (in comparison to shafted variants). Compact and lightweight design of the mono-stable magnetic actuator has been achieved with the aid of finite-element analysis optimization. Except for advantages mentioned above, phase encapsulation by silicone rubber enables a decrease of dimensions to values which are influenced by the internal part of the vacuum circuit breaker. For example, lower terminal to frame distance is defined only by the dimension of labyrinth pulling insulation. RTV silicone rubber is used for the encapsulation. The rubber is injected in a mould form under low pressure (several bars). The shapes of support insulators, terminals and sensor have been optimized in order to prevent trapping of air inside the encapsulation. Moreover, substantial experimental and computational efforts have been undertaken in order to guarantee stable adhesion of RTV rubber to substrates (support insulators, terminals, sensors) in temperature range -60-+90 С. 3.6 Mono-stabile Magnetic Actuator All Tavrida Electric circuit breakers are equipped with mono-stabile magnetic actuators. Each phase has a separate actuator. All movable parts travel linearly along the phase axis. Lack of transmission knots and friction surfaces provide reliable operation during the life cycle of the TEL-type circuit breaker without any maintenance. Fig. 6 OSM35_Smart and conventional outdoor vacuum circuit breaker (assembled design) with the same parameters. 320 New Generation of Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Rated Voltage up to 40.5 kV 4. Conclusions As you can see in Fig. 6 long-term research efforts, skills in finite-element methods analysis, application of advanced materials and technologies have made it possible to create compact and lightweight outdoor vacuum circuit breakers up to 40.5 kV with integrated metering capabilities On the basis of these current parameters the OSM35_Smart can be seen as a new milestone in the development of medium voltage outdoor vacuum circuit breakers. Acknowledgments The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to all engineers of Tavrida Electric who participated and supported this development project. 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