Platform Interface Module
ADSL Triple Play PIM
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ADSL has been designed to carry a high speed Internet
connection over the existing twisted pair copper line used by the telephone system (POTS).
This is being done by running a frequency band higher than the POTS band (20KHz – 2.2MHz) in order
to obtain internet downstream access bandwidth up to 24Mbp/s.
During the process of installing it is necessary to test and verify that the existing copper pair is up to the
job. Even more after installation has been done problems may still arise as many customers will upgrade
their lines or add new services to their subscription. Many customers will be utilizing the new
Triple-Play–Services on this line thus the ISP needs to have test equipment that very easily will help the
engineer to test everything from commissioning the new ADSL installation all the way to troubleshooting
the IPTV or VoIP service quality.
ADSL Triple Play PIM Configuration
Functions and Options
ADSL Chip Set
Digital Volts – Resistance Meter-DVRM
PIM – 12/13X – SPLM Physical Loop Meter (PLM)
PIM – 1XX-SEPM Ethernet Termination
PIM – 1XX-SEPM Ethernet Pass through
TPAS – IPTV Expert Analysis
TPAS – IPTV STB Simulation
TPAS – VoIP Expert Analysis
TPAS – VoIP SIP Phone Simulation
TPAS – Ethernet IP Analysis
PIM – 1XX-SILT IP Layer Test
PIM – 1XX-SALT ATM Layer Test
PIM – 1XX-SIST Internet Service Test
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Main Features
ADSL Triple Play PIM
CSA Platform
Modem Termination/Pass Through, Ethernet Termination /
Pass-Through Tests
7” Large Touch-Sensitive Color LCD Display with
Optional Multi-Language GUI Operation
Programmable Scheduling Test with Alarm/Events Logs
Rugged Chassis Construction, Handheld ( 1.2 kg) with
intelligent Lithium-Ion Rechargeable, Easy to Swap Long
Life Battery (Up to 8 Hours with ADSL Triple Play PIM)
Optional Internet Service Test-True HTTP WEB Browser
( Konqueror Compliant ) and FTP Test
Optional ATM/IP Layer Tests – PPP/Ping/Trace Route/FTP
and ATM OAM Tests
CSA RISC Based Processor Platform with Standard
Linux OS & Up to 2GB Storage Capacity Via MMC
Modular Platform Designed with Flexible HW/SW
Architectures and Seamless PC Integration Functionality
Optional Wireless LAN 802.11b/g Tests
PLM™ Physical Loop Meter HW Option Featuring
DMM/RFL/ Distance to Open & Short Meter/Kick and
Leakage Resistance Tests
Triple-Play Analysis Suite (TPAS) Option
- Data: Ethernet IP Analysis
- IPTV: STB Simulation and MPEG Measurement
- VoIP: SIP Phone Simulation and Call Quality Analysis Per
ITU-T G.107 E Model
The CSA ADSL Triple Play Platform Interface Module (PIM) supports five modes of operation, Each mode
has been tailored for fast and intuitive test operations via interaction with the large 7” touch screen.
Modem Termination (MT)
Ethernet Termination (ET)
Modem Pass Through (MPT)
Ethernet Pass Through (EPT)
2W Copper
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
DVRM/PLM - Copper Fault Analysis
For an added convenience, the ADSL Triple Play PIM incorporates an auto-ranging Digital
Voltage-Resistance Meter (DVRM) as a standard tool on PIM-11A/B-ADSLA/B for locating or identifying
the correct wiring from MDF for modem installation. This is a significant aid to the field technician when
qualifying the physical wiring characteristics of a copper loop. E.g. detecting a short/open or verifying
the -48Vdc power feed on the ADSL with POTS loop.
With the optional PLM - Physical Loop Meter (Available on PIM-12A/B-ADSLA/B and PIM-13A/B-ADSLA/B)
you increase the functionally test area for the ADSL Triple Play PIM with in-depth cooper fault analysis
D.C. Voltage (T-R, T-G, R-G)
A.C. Voltage (T-R, T-G, R-G)
Loop Current Measurement
Loop Resistance with T-R, T-G, R-G
Loop Capacitance with T-R, T-G, R-G
Resistance Fault Locater (RFL)
Kick Test
Opens/Shorts Meter
Resistive Fault Locater (RFL)
In cases where you have high-resistance faults, they are often hard to identify with a TDR. AnaCise
RFL analysis can be used to measure loop resistance, insulation resistance, and exact distance to the
location of faults with RFL feature.
Kick Test will comes in handy for evaluting an active POTS loop with the results of battery voltage
and resistance/distance to the Central office (C.O.).
Open/Short Meter
This function measures the capacitance and converts the value into a distance. This is done by
measuring the Open (capacitance) or Short (Resistance) and calculate the distance using the wire
gauge, cable type and temperature.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Modem Termination
With the CSA Modem Termination, test you can easily verify that the ADSL service is working by
emulating the ATU-R modem at the customer premise or anywhere along the loop. You get information
on current or max possible connection rate, signal noise margin, attenuation, Tx power and capacity as
well as PSD analysis in Bit per tone, SNR per tone and SNRM per tone all presented in an easy to read
graphics or tabular format that may be saved to a file. Finally you may run a set of comprehensive IP or
ATM layer test to verify the service is up and performing as expected.
2W Copper
Modem Termination
All important alarm or event/protocol handshaking/running state are uniquely presented
with time stamps in CSA Control Information Window (CIW)
Support for all major WAN encapsulations, Including MER
True WEB Browser with up/down IP stream traffic statistics
Bit/SNR/SNRM PSD analysis results in graphic or tabular
Scheduling of tests with detailed event/alarm log including time stamps
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Modem DMT Test
Information presented in the CIW has carefully been selected to assist the field engineer. For up and
downstream, you get the link rate connected and the max.X link rate. With this information you also get
the SNR margin which is an important parameter when observing an ADSL link, as SNR really gives you
the picture whether or not this link will sustain the load in the long run.The information is accompanied
with two big dials in dashboard style for easy reading.
Two LED signs have been implemented in order for the field engineer to keep an eye on link up
thresholds. This is crucial information to the engineer when determining the link quality for installation
and troubleshooting. Apart from the easy to use “Start” and “Stop” function keys on the CIW you also
find some very useful Log information and Test Scheduling control keys. Those are functions that makes
testing with the CSA a daily pleasure.
Control Information Window (CIW)
Observe the upper centre part of CIW;, The green modem indicates the
modem link is up and running without errors, Red modem points to link down
and this will be accompanied by real time status LED information on the
PIM. In the 2nd line you see the actual status for modem negotiation
procedures followed by the time it took to get the link up which is extremely
valuable when commissioning the line. Line 3 is the real time alarm/event
information that will change constantly according to link behaviour.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Event Log
The ADSL Triple Play PIM provides real time log
information that will give you information as current
number of retrains and line errors, CRC and FEC errors
during scheduling test. CSA gives you the option of
saving all this logged information just by a simply touch
of the "Scheduler" button on the screen.
Scheduling Test
Defining a scheduled test is a very easy
and intuitive task, you simple enabling the
test scheduled followed by the date/time
to start and stop the test.
With the CSA you have up to 10 interval
test results logged. This way you could send
the CSA to a remote destination, have the
instrument connected and just collect the
results after the scheduling period. All
results being saved to the log file on MMC
for storage and printing.
DMT PSD Results.
Complete Result Presented in Single Screen
All of BitMap/SNR/SNRM PSD
analysis results are presented in
both graphics or tabular format,
with easy to use zoom in functions
in the auto scaling display.
The CSA Triple Play PIM displays all important
information about link quality from physical,
DMT through ATM layer in single screen. This is
yet another place where the CSA stands
outperforms its competitors as those often
takes at least 2-3 screens to display the same
amount of information.All information is real
time, and at the same time saving to the LOG
with the test scheduled so the complete test
history is secured.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
IP Layer Test
You will always know when everything is up and running properly with your CSA. If modem light is
“Green” and “PPP” light is “Green” while the “Ping” light is blinking green, this is a positive indication of
performing a PING test. Now you can focus 100% on this test without worrying if any of the lower layers
is unstable or eventually not working. Again yet another place where the CSA stands out and excels.
Trace Route Test
Setting up e.g. a Trace Route test is very
easy and intuitive as all configurable
parameters are presented in the same
screen. When running either PING or
Trace Route, test you get very
comprehensive information presented in
the results screen. Including hop number,
host name and IP address response time
and status information for each hop.
ATM Layer Test
The ATM test features auto-scanning
VPI/VCI pairs together with OAM cell
loop back test measurement on the link.
Internet Service Test
With the CSA, AnaCise has taken the complete step and implemented a full WEB browser function.
The CSA features a very comprehensive set of important test functions giving you detailed
information about packet layer throughput in upstream and downstream of WEB server you are
trying to access. When running this kind of test and the response time from the remote Web host
tends to be slow, the question arises; where is the problem? The CSA leads you in the right
direction by presenting all details of Ethernet traffic information, and at the same time you have all
alarm information present with indication for modem link up status.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
The other important part
of WEB testing is “seeing is
believing”. Click on
“BROWSER” and you are
taken straight to the
powerful Konqueror Web
Browser compliance.
Modem Pass Through
Modem Pass Through test enables you to emulate/replace the ATU-R modem towards the DSLAM while
time testing connectivity to the subscriber PC / Terminal Equipment. This way the engineer may verify that
all protocols are working correctly and conduct performance tests towards ISP hosts and PC. The modem
pass-through test provides you with all of Modem DMT quality information as well as extensive network
layer and statistics, based on the traffic transported to the PC or Internet destination host.
2W Copper
Auto scanning for ATM VPI/VCI
Detailed IP/ATM traffic statistics in real time
Verification of all Ethernet layers throughputs and errors
Monitoring of Modem DMT quality simultaneously
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
When executing the Modem Pass Through test, all important performance information is gathered
in a single screen. You can verify the performance of the physical DMT link with real time alarm
information as well. You get the actual throughput performance obtainable at the packet layer
including packets, bytes, unicast and
broadcasts in last cycle or accumulated.
These are the values the customer
experiences in real life. Thus this test gives
you the necessary information needed in
order to evaluate if the link will sustain the
load of the new Triple-Play application.
Apart from standard interface information
provided like, speed, active information and
link LED indications, the CIW also gives
comprehensive information on the Ethernet
interface in terms of packets, utilization, error
frames and CRC statistics on both uplink and
Ethernet Termination
When the engineer is going to the customer site for troubleshooting or provisioning an ADSL line.
He will often find the ATU-R and line to be in good condition, but the end user equipment having
problem. With the CSA, only one tool
is needed as the CSA provides you
with a full toolbox for CPE testing, all
the way from providing the IP and
DNS address to the client, testing FTP
performance for both upload and
download and HTTP Browsing.
The CSA ADSL Triple Play PIM features an
all new test approach in which you may
conduct SNR Trace to ATU-R Modem
experience via Telnet. With this test, you
now have the option of monitoring the
actual customer QoS experience over a
longer period of time.
Even with the expensive centralized Network Monitoring System (NMS), you are only able to perform
remote log-in to the modem and get the actual SNR information in real time, as no SNR history is
provided by any ATU-R manufacturer in the market place today. Thus the CSA puts you in front of your
competition and truly helps you to reduce churn and optimize QoS.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
2W Copper
Optional customized Modem Telnet for ATU-R SNR Trace Test
Faster identification of client PC with wrong IP configuration or a bad NIC
Easy to prove that the ATU-R supplied from an ISP is working properly
More secure test results compared to Modem Termination test/Modem Pass-through
Better suited for enterprise environment as you need to test for switches & routers
Offers HTTP access / FTP upload & download access + general IP ping/Trace route testing
Provides true Ethernet traffic statistic with error information for up/downstream while doing
the FTP/HTTP access Test and commissioning
FTP Access Test
The CSA can be configured as a FTP client. FTP client testing is very useful when establishing a baseline
towards either an ISP FTP server or a FTP server on the enterprise customer premises for an overall
throughput and downstream performance evaluation with Ethernet traffic statistics.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Modem SNR Trace Test
The modem SNR trace test is yet
another place where the CSA excels.
Imagine a link that keeps failing during
odd hours, With the SNR Trace Test, The
CSA connects to the loop under test
and starts retrieving the SNR value over
time automatically, this way you may
easily zoom in on the problem and
investigate closer.
Ethernet Pass Through
With a traditional test approach you will soon reach a stage where you will have to bring large amounts of
expensive test equipment to the CPE to verify or troubleshoot the new technologies like IPTV and VoIP.
AnaCise CSA is the leader of the next generation handheld test equipment and has from the start,
implemented features that will make it easy for you to test and provision the next generation networks
and technologies. This is where Ethernet Pass Through comes into play. By using the CSA build in
Ethernet Layer 2 switch with Optional Triple Play Analysis Suite you are now able to fully test and
analyze and understand the behaviour or service quality of e.g. IPTV
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
2W Copper
Wireless LAN Test
The Wireless LAN option PIM-1XX-SWLAN is a wireless LAN network test adaptor emulating the WLAN client
to scan for the signal presence of 2.4 GHz , and detect the all of WLAN networks available in range.
Furthermore, it also measures the quality metrics of network selected such as Signal Strength, Link Quality,
Encryption and Connecting Rate status for an extended complete installation test of ADSL Triple Play PIMs
from Wire-line to Wireless access with NO external PC is required to host WLAN measurement.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Option PIM-1XX-SWLAN is available for all current ADSL Triple Play PIMs being an external
mini-sized WLAN adaptor attached conveniently to any one of CSA’s 2x mini USB ports
interface, driven by CSA platform embedded software.
Either DHCP or Static IP addressing is supported for further WEB Browser test
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ADSL Triple Play PIM
Comprehensive Triple Play Tests
The whole is indeed greater than the sum of its parts. Answering the needs of growing
advancements in convergent technologies, the CSA offers some of the widest and deepest
testing technologies in various selections of field-swappable interface modules. Some of the ever
expanding selection of modules include ADSL Triple Play, VDSL Triple Play, GigE, IPTV, VoIP, PDH
and NGN SDH to name a few.
For product details, please refer to the individual technologies' Platform Interface Module (PIM)
specification sheets.
About AnaCise
ANACISE TESTNOLOGY is a Taiwan-based company with HQ office in Taipei. We are at the forefront
of helping our customers shape the changing broadband convergent technology landscape.
AnaCise's solutions enable network operators and service providers to better meet increasing
demands for network availability and services. We accomplish this by providing market-driven test,
measurement and monitoring solutions that accurately verify network performance, thus ensuring
perfect telecommunications network planning and service continuity.
Fl. 3, No. 3, Alley 112, Ruei-Guang Rd.,
Neihu Dist., Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel : +886-2-2792-8880
Fax : +886-2-2792-8058
E-mail :
Web :
Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. All product and company names are trademarks of their respective corporations. © 2007 AnaCise Testnology Corp. All rights reserved.
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ADSL Triple Play PIM