Power Electronic Systems & Chips Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Green Energy Source Characteristics and Dynamics 鄒應嶼 教 授 國立交通大學 電機與控制工程研究所 電力電子系統與晶片實驗室 Power Electronic Systems & Chips Lab. 交通大學 • 電機與控制工程研究所 1/35 Modeling of Fuel Cell and PV Module BP 585 PV Module Appendix A: Photovoltaic Cell Model 2kW PEM fuel cell system Appendix B: PEM Fuel Cell Model Modelling and Simulation of a Photovoltaic Fuel Cell Hybrid System, El-Aal, PhD Thesis, 2005. 2/35 Operational Principle of the PV Cell Front contact Photon Ccell n-doped layer Dcell Rs Separation Internal electrical field,ψi p-doped layer space charge uD Rp isun Recombination id icell ucell Backside contact Cross section of an abrupt photo cell PN junction iPV uPV e0 U s Rs I s ) 1] I d I sat [exp( a f N sk Tj id,1 isun,1 id,2 isun,2 id,n isun,n 3/35 Characteristics of BP 585 High-Efficiency Monocrystalline PV Module 6 Maximum Power Points 1000 W/m2 800 80 W/m2 Power [W] Current [V] 5 100 4 600 W/m2 3 400 W/m2 2 1 200 W/m2 60 40 20 0 0 0 5 10 15 Voltage [V] 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Voltage [V] Influence of solar radiation (cell temperature Tj= 25°C) 4/35 Characteristics of BP 585 High-Efficiency Monocrystalline PV Module 6 100 80 Power [W] Current [V] 5 4 0°C 3 25°C 2 50°C 1 0°C 60 25°C 40 50°C 75°C 20 75°C 0 0 0 5 10 15 Voltage [V] 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 Voltage [V] Influence of cell temperature (solar radiation E0=1kW/m²) 5/35 Solar Array Characteristic Curves Odd number: insolation from 10 to 100 mW/cm2 at 25°C Even number: insolation from 10 to 100 mW/cm2 at 50°C 1.2 I,P 1 1 Current generator zone MPP Solar current ( Unit P.U. ) 100 mW/cm2 P(V) 2 0.8 3 0.6 5 P(V) 4 7 0.4 9 0.2 I(V) Voltage generator zone 6 8 V 10 mW/cm2 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Solar terminal voltage ( Unit P.U. ) (a) Current–voltage curves (b) Two different behaviors of PV cell (panel) separated by MPP zone 6/35 PV Module Model Based on the Data Sheet Proposed Photovoltaic Module Model I (V ) 1 Ei I sc TC V [1 i (T TN )]{1 exp[ ]} V V E 100 EiN 1 exp( 1) b( min (1 min ) i ) (Voc TCV (T TN )) b b Voc Voc EiN Nomenclature V voltage of operation for the solar panel. ISC short-circuit current under STC. I total output current for the solar panel. VOC open-circuit voltage under STC. P the solar panel total output power. (P=VI) TCi Temperature coefficient of Isc. R internal resistance of operation. (R=V/I) TCV Temperature coefficient of Voc. T solar panel temperature (TN=25°C) Vmin Ei effective irradiance over the PWM (EiN=1000 W/m2) is the maximum voltage, when the irradiation level is less than 20% using the experimental I-V characteristic curve. b I-V characteristic constant for the solar panel. γ is the shading linear factor for VOC. REF: Photovoltaic Module Model based on the Manufacturer Data Sheet 7/35 PV Module Model based on the Data Sheet .. 8/35 Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) Control PV Module 特性曲線 PV Inverter的日照圖與發電曲線 I0 Iph ID Ish Rs D Rsh V0 Equivalent circuit of a solar array R0 Shaded PV Module Model of two 6*12 = 72-cell PV modules, each with three bypass-diodes mounted in the junction box, and partial shadow covering part of the first PV module. Electrical model of a PV cell (a), and of a PV module made up around n cells (b). An electrical model of the PV cell is shown in Figure (a). The PV module is composed of n of these cells in series, as shown in Figure (b), in order to reach a high voltage at the terminals. The connection of PV cells in series is named a string. Partial Shadow The PV module applies to the weakest-link principle. The avalanche current of the PV cell can be calculated as: where Irs,r is the reverse-bias saturation-current. Hence, if one of the PV cells is shadowed, then it will be reversed biased and an avalanche current will start to flow, if the reverse voltage is high enough. This does not damage the PV cell, but it starts to dissipate power, being a load! 11/35 Output Power Partial Shadow Terminal Voltage Power versus voltage plot for the cases where each PV cell is bypassed with a diode. Note the regularity of the non-shaded curves, compared to the shadowed ones. 12/35 太陽電池的種類 太陽能電池 (Solar Cell) 現世代晶圓型 次世代薄膜型 矽薄膜 有機染料 化合物薄膜 化合物 矽晶 非晶矽 a-Si 微晶矽 μc-Si 堆疊型 a-Si μc-Si 染料敏化 DSSC 高分子 Polymer 碲化鎘 CdTe 銅銦鎵硒 CIS/ CIGS 砷化鎵 GaAs 單矽晶 c-Si 多晶矽 ploy-Si 混合型 HIT 多晶矽 (Poly-Si) 單晶矽 (c-Si) 13/35 Status of the Most Common PV Technologies Efficiency: Silicon Mono crystalline Multi crystalline Thin film amorphous Thin film CIS CdTe Typical 12%-15% 11%-14% 5%-7% - - Maximum 22.7% 15.3% - 10.5% 12.1% Laboratory 24.7% 19.8% 12.7% 16.0% 18.2% Production in 2002 (IEA) 161 MW 244MW 20MW Total 37 MW 目前市場產品的主要種類 (中國大陸為主要產地) REF: Soren Bakhoj Kjaer, Design and Control of an Inverter for Photovoltaic Applications, Ph. D. Thesis, Aalborg University, Denmark Institute of Energy Technology, January 2005. 14/35 PV Technology Market Share REF: PRESENT AND FUTURE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS, 2005. 15/35 Best Research – Solar Cell Efficiencies 台積電太陽能事業群選擇:CIGS(銅銦鎵硒) 薄膜太陽能電池 16/35 25微米的超薄型太陽光電池的矽晶圓薄膜 From 330 µm to 25 µm, Institute of SolarEnergy, 2002. (a) (b) By far the largest share of solar cells produced world-wide is based on monocrystalline or multicrystalline silicon wafers. In order to remain competitive in future against thin-film technology, one cost factor in particular must be reduced further: the silicon wafer itself. It accounts for 40 – 50 % of the module costs. Apart from efforts to reduce costs in growing the silicon crystals, the major focus is on the thickness of the wafer. Wafers with a thickness of about 330 µm are still used in most industrial processes today. The breakage probability is low and the yield is correspondingly high. Thin flexible wafer, with a thickness of only 25 µm, for which we are developing highly efficient solar cell structures. Source: 德國 ISE (Institute of SolarEnergy), Achievements and Results Annual Report 2002. 17/35 太陽電池(Solar Cell)效率發展狀況 (ITRI, Nov. 2005) 18/35 主要太陽能電池材料的比較 CIGS 薄膜太陽能電池具有低成本、重量輕、 可撓曲、壽命長等特色與優點,整合各種 CIGS 相關技術,只要能掌握關鍵技術、降低 製造成本,即可取得產品競爭優勢。 19/35 太陽能電池發展分析 (source: Sharp ) [GW] 16 14 12 10 日本Sharp公司對不同形式太 陽能電池的產量預測,以 2012年為例,薄膜太陽電池 的市占率將有40%,相對於 結晶矽太陽電池的55% Others Thin Film 8 6 Crystalline 4 2 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20/35 三洋電機太陽能電池轉換效率:19.5% (2003/3/24) 2003/03/24 【日經BP社報道】三洋電機日前成功開發出了電池轉換效率高達19.5%(2002年10月上 市的原產品為18.5%)的HIT太陽能電池單元。在4月1日將上市採用該電池單元的“200W HIT太陽能 電池模組”,以及採用這種模組的太陽能發電系統。 除了用於建築材料的大尺寸電池模組外,“200W HIT太陽能電池模組”首次達到了200W的高功率。如 此之高的功率主要源於:(1)電池有效發電面積的增大;(2)通過降低電池表面缺陷區域從而降 低了發電損失;(3)降低了電池與模組的電力損耗(電阻損耗)等。另外,通過採用高效HIT太陽 能電池,能夠確保17%的模組轉換率。該模組將主要用於住宅太陽能發電系統。 配備15塊太陽能電池模組時,以往產品的發電量為2450kWh/年(估計),而200W模組則可以達到 3530kWh/年,發電量提高了44%。據此推算,配置20塊200W模組差不多就能提供日本普通家庭的 平均年耗電量(約4795kWh/年)。另外在3kW的系統中,太陽能電池模組的重量為210kg,與原來 相比約減輕了90kg。 21/35 HIT PV MODULE HIP-215NHE5 High efficiency cell: 19.3%, Module: 17.2% Maximum Power: 215 Watts Warranty Minimum Power: 204.25W Voltage (@ maximum power): 42.0 Volts Current (@ maximum power): 5.13 amps Open Circuit Voltage: 51.6 Volts Short Circuit Current: 5.61 amps W x L x D (mm): 798 x 1570 x 35 (1.25 平方公尺) Construction: Polycrystalline, tempered glass Weight: 26.3 lb/ 11.9 kg Warranty: Within 20% of rated output for 25 years Power Generation Density: 215 W 0.798m x1.57m 172 W/m2 The Sanyo HIT (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer) solar cell is made of a thin mono crystalline silicon wafer surrounded by ultra-thin amorphous silicon layers. This product provides the industry's leading performance and value using state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques. 22/35 PV Module HIP-215NHE5 Electrical Characteristics 23/35 Typical data for some PV modules, at Standard Test Condition (STC) Standard Test Condition (STC) is defined as 25°C cell temperature, 1000 W/m2 sunlight intensity, and an air mass 1.5 solar spectral content. 24/35 Basic Description of a PEM Fuel Cell Operation 25/35 Modeling of the Fuel Cell Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Individual Fuel Cell Schematic Characteristics of Types of Fuel Cells Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) [1] Andrew Richard Balkin, Modeling a 500W PEM Fuel cell, 2002. [2] An Engineering Model for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM 質子交換膜) Fuel Cells. [3] Jay Tawee Pukrushpan, MODELING AND CONTROL OF FUEL CELL SYSTEMS AND FUEL PROCESSORS, University of Michigan, Ph. D. Thesis, 2003. [4] Rajesh Gopinath, Sangsun Kim, Member, Jae-Hong Hahn, Prasad N. Enjeti, Mark B. Yeary, and Jo W. Howze, Development of a Low Cost Fuel Cell Inverter System With DSP Control, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1256-1262, Sept. 2004 [5] A. Kirubakaran, Shailendra Jain, and R.K. Nema, "The PEM Fuel Cell System with DC/DC Boost Converter: Design, Modeling and Simulation," International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009. Fuel Cell Equivalent Circuit Modeling of the Fuel Cell Characteristic Graph for a PEMFC 1.4 Theoretical Voltage Cell Voltage (V) 1.2 Ohmic Loses 1 A 0.8 Actual Voltage B 0.6 C A-Reactive Rate Limited B-Ohmic Limited C-Mass Transfer Limited 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 Current Density (Amps/cm2) Fuel Cell Polarization Curve Maximum Open Circuit Voltage Max. Output Current Protection Reaction Rate Limit for Low Current Voltage [V] 40.00 MPP Power [W] 800 35.00 700 30.00 600 25.00 500 20.00 400 15.00 300 10.00 200 5.00 100 0.00 0.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 0 500.00 Current density [mA/cm2] Polarisation curve with concentration overvoltage Polarisation curve without concentration overvoltage Power out PEMFC polarization curve An Engineering Model for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM 質子交換膜) Fuel Cells 27/35 Matlab-Simulink Modeling of PV Inverter Systems Anca D. Hansen, Poul Sorensen, Lars H. Hansen and Henrik Bindner, Models for a Stand-Alone PV System, Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde December 2000. 28/35 PV Inverter Simulation Using MATLAB/Simulink Graphical Environment and PLECS Blockset M. Ciobotaru, T. Kerekes, R. Teodorescu, and A. Bouscayrol, "PV inverter simulation using MATLAB/Simulink graphical environment and PLECS blockset," IEEE IECON Con. Proc., pp.5313-5318, 6-10 Nov. 2006. Simulink Model of the Voltage Source Inverter PWM Control 30/35 Simulink Model of the Single-Phase PLL Structure 31/35 Modeling of the Converter, LCL Filter, and Grid 32/35 Simulink Model of the Grid Current Controller 33/35 References: Distributed Power Generation [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Modelling and Simulation of a Photovoltaic Fuel Cell Hybrid System, El-Aal, PhD Thesis, 2005. Andrew Richard Balkin, Modeling a 500W PEM Fuel cell, 2002. An Engineering Model for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM 質子交換膜) Fuel Cells. Jay Tawee Pukrushpan, MODELING AND CONTROL OF FUEL CELL SYSTEMS AND FUEL PROCESSORS, University of Michigan, Ph. D. Thesis, 2003. Rajesh Gopinath, Sangsun Kim, Member, Jae-Hong Hahn, Prasad N. Enjeti, Mark B. Yeary, and Jo W. Howze, “Development of a low cost fuel cell inverter system with DSP control,” IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 1256-1262, Sept. 2004 A. Kirubakaran, Shailendra Jain, and R.K. Nema, "The PEM Fuel Cell System with DC/DC Boost Converter: Design, Modeling and Simulation," International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, vol 1, no. 3, May 2009. Anca D. Hansen, Poul Sorensen, Lars H. Hansen and Henrik Bindner, Models for a Stand-Alone PV System, Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde December 2000. M. Ciobotaru, T. Kerekes, R. Teodorescu, and A. Bouscayrol, "PV inverter simulation using MATLAB/Simulink graphical environment and PLECS blockset," IEEE IECON Con. Proc., pp.5313-5318, 6-10 Nov. 2006. 34/35 Power Electronic Systems & Chips Lab., NCTU, Taiwan Smart Power Processing for Energy Saving Thanks for your kind attention! Knowledge, Innovation, and Education 電力電子系統與晶片實驗室 Power Electronic Systems & Chips Lab. 交通大學 • 電機與控制工程研究所 35/35