1 Modeling and Design of MPPT Controller for a PV Module using PSCAD/EMTDC Rajesh Gupta, Member, IEEE, Gaurang Gupta, Dharmendra Kastwar, Amir Hussain and Hars Ranjan Abstract- This paper presents a modeling of photovoltaic (PV) module in PSCAD/EMTDC and design of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) using boost converter. The model can be used for simulation studies of grid interface applications using voltage source converter in the PSCAD. The validity of the PV model developed has been verified using the set of data collected experimentally. In order to extract maximum power from the PV module the boost converter can be controlled through the Hill Top algorithm. All the simulation study has been done in the PSCAD/EMTDC simulation software. Index Terms-- Boost Converter, Hill Top algorithm, maximum power point tracking (MPPT), photovoltaic (PV) module, PSCAD/EMTDC. I. INTRODUCTION P OWER generation from environment friendly resources is one of the major concerns today. Conversion of solar energy through photovoltaic (PV) system has now reached to the user end, where he can now contribute to the overall protection of the environment. Recent growth in the power semiconductor technology has made possible the clean and efficient conversion of solar energy into electrical energy through a PV cell. A PV module generally is a source of low power DC that cannot be directly put the grid applications. A power converter is required that converts the raw electrical power generated by solar PV module into the usable electrical power. The output power of the solar PV module is variable for a fixed input condition of cell temperature and solar insolation level. In addition the output power extracted from the solar PV module is a function of electrical variable such as current and voltage. There is a set of these variables at a particular temperature, insolation level and load at which the power drawn from the solar PV module is maximum. Therefore a maximum power point tracker (MPPT) is required which can extract the maximum power out of the PV module, continuously. A power electronics converter is used that not only converters the raw electrical power into usable electrical power but can also extract maximum power. A DC-DC converter can track the maximum power from the PV module continuously. With the increased penetration of solar PV system into the distributed generation, this renewable source of energy is taking the significant share of the overall power generation. Authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, M. N. National Institute of Technology, Allahabad-211004, India (e-mail: rajeshgupta310@rediffmail.com, gauranggpt@yahoo.co.in, lucky16kastwar @gmail.com, exploreamir@gmail.com, harsonly4u@gmail.com). Study of the dynamic model of PV module and its applicability is one of the important aspect of the PV system. Generation of power from PV module and its supply to the load or interface to the grid through various converter stages require accurate modeling of the various characteristics of the PV system. The PSCAD/EMTDC is a simulation tool for the Power System Computer Aided Design and Electromagnetic transients for DC. This simulation package has become very useful for various power system simulations and design studies [1]. Integration of distributed power generation resources such as solar PV module require a simulation tool that can accurately model both the fast power system dynamics and slow power generation dynamics of solar PV module. There has been a recent proposal for modeling of wind energy conversion system using PSCAD/EMTDC simulation tool [2]. However PSCAD simulation package lacks the valid simulation model. Extensive study of grid interface of solar PV system requires accurate PV model in PSCAD/EMTDC. In this paper first a simulation model is developed for the PV module in the PSCAD/EMTDC software that accurately models the PV characteristics including the effect of temperature and insolation level. Further an MPPT controller is designed for the boost DC-DC converter using Hill Top algorithm for the PV model developed in the PSCAD/EMTDC. The simulation results are obtained that verifies the proposed MPPT algorithm. II. OVERVIEW OF A PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) MODULE A solar cell is the simplest component of a PV module that generates current carriers when sunlight falls on it. The current generated by these cells is very small. A solar module is a combination of number of solar cells that are connected in series and/or parallel to generate usable current and voltage. A practical solar cell is current source, with an anti parallel semiconductor diode as shown in Fig. 1, whose p-n junction is exposed to light [3]. A solar cell also offers a series resistance Rs due to contact resistance of the metal base with the p-type semiconductor, the resistance of p and n bodies, the contact resistance of the n layer with the top metal grid, and the resistance of the grid [4]. Some generated current also goes as leakage current due to the fabrication of the PV cell, which gives rise to a shunt resistance Rsh. The resistances Rs and Rsh are shown in Fig. 1. The value of Rsh is generally high whereas that of Rs is low. An ideal solar cell doesn’t offers any series and shunt resistance. 2 Ipv Id Rs I PV = [I sc + K i (T − Tn )] I Ir Rsh V Fig. 1 A solar cell model. The basic equation that governs the relationship between the solar cell current I and voltage V of a single ideal solar cell is given by the following equation. ⎡ ⎛ q(V + I R s ) ⎞ ⎤ V + I R s I = I PV − I o ⎢exp⎜ ⎟ − 1⎥ − αKT R sh ⎠ ⎦ ⎣ ⎝ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎤ ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟⎥ ⎝ Tn T ⎠⎥⎦ (4) where, Ki is the short circuit current/temperature coefficient, G is the solar insolation in W/m2 and Gn is the nominal solar insolation in W/m2. The dependence of the VI characteristic on the cell temperature and radiation or insolation is shown in Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b), respectively. As the cell temperature of module increases the open circuit voltage decreases keeping the short circuit current almost constant whereas if insolation level increases the short circuit current increases keeping open circuit voltage almost constant. (1) where, IPV is the current generated by the incident light, Id is the diode current, Io is the reverse saturation or leakage current of the diode, Ir is the current through the shunt resistance, q is the electron charge (1.6×10-19 C), K is the Boltzmann constant (1.38×10-23 J/K), T is the temperature in Kelvin of the p-n junction and α is the ideality factor which varies between 1.0 and 1.5. Equation (1) represents a basic Kirchhoff’s current law equation. This is shown graphically in Fig. 2, where Fig. 2(a) shows IPV, 2(b) shows Id, and 2(c) shows I, that is the current fed to the load assuming that RS is negligible and Rsh is infinite. The VI characteristic of the PV module shown in Fig. 2(c) depends upon the internal parameters of the module, i.e., Rs and Rsh, and on the external influences such as insolation level and temperature of the cell. The diode saturation current Io and its dependence on the temperature may be expressed by the equation as shown below [5]. 3 ⎡ qE g ⎛T ⎞ I o = I o,n ⎜ n ⎟ exp ⎢ ⎝ T ⎠ ⎢⎣ αK G Gn 2 (a) 2 (b) 2 (c) Fig. 2 Kirchhoff’s current law I = IPV – ID in PV module (ignoring the RS and Rsh), (a) IPV , (b) Id , and (c) I. (2) Fig. 3 (a) Variation of VI characteristic by varying the cell temperature. where, Eg is the band gap energy of the semiconductor, Tn is the nominal temperature (298 Kelvin) and Io,n is the nominal saturation current given by the following equation. The subscript n denotes the nominal conditions here. I o,n = I sc ⎛V exp⎜⎜ oc ⎝ αVt ⎞ ⎟ −1 ⎟ ⎠ (3) where, Voc is the open circuit voltage of the PV module and Isc is the short circuit current of the module and Vt is the thermal voltage defined as, Vt = Ns KT/q. The symbol Ns is the number of series cells in an array. The light generated current of the module depends linearly on the solar radiation and is also influenced by the temperature according to following equation. Fig. 3 (b) Variation of VI characteristic by varying the solar insolation. 3 III. MODELING OF PV MODULE USING PSCAD Start In this section PV module is modeled using PSCAD/EMTDC. The PV characteristics are modeled using FOTRAN programming to create the component in PSCAD. The proposed algorithm for modeling of PV module is described using a flow chart as shown in Fig. 4 and briefly explained below. The schematic of the PV module component created in PSCAD is shown in Fig. 5. The component is embedded with the FORTRAN code implementing the algorithm of Fig. 4. In order to obtain the VI characteristic of the PV module, the load is varied in steps. For a particular load the steady state values of the current variable ‘I’ and intermediate voltage variable ‘TEST’ are recorded. The simulation is repeated by varying the load, temperature and the insolation level. The sample simulation results are shown in Fig. 6. The parameters chosen for modeling corresponds to the TATA BP solar module as listed in Table I. The voltage V is considered varying from 0 to open circuit voltage Voc corresponding to the variation in current from short circuit current Isc to 0. Fig. 6 (a) shows the VI characteristics with the variation in cell temperature for a fixed insolation level of 600 W/m2. It can be seen from the characteristics that the open-circuit voltage decreases with the increase in cell temperature, while the short circuit current Isc remaining constant. Similarly, Fig. 6 (b) shows the VI characteristics with the variation in solar insolation level at a constant cell temperature of 35 degrees. It can be seen that the short circuit current increases with the increase in insolation level, while with vary little change in the open-circuit voltage. The result clearly matches with the ideal results of Fig. 3. The peak value of the product of V and I represent the maximum power point (MPP) Pmax of the solar module. The current and voltage of PV module at the MPP are denoted by Imp and Vmp, respectively. The solar module should always be operated in this region so as to extract the maximum power for a given input conditions. For this purpose various algorithms have been proposed in the literature that can be developed in order to extract maximum power from the module. In order to verify the model of PV module developed, experiment was conducted in which the TATA BP solar module was used and its VI characterstic were plotted by varying load as shown in Fig. 7, under the assumption that the temperature of the cell and insolation level were almost constant having values, insolation level = 800 W/m2 and cell temperature = 30 degree, with variable load resistance. A large load corresponds to the short circuit current Isc = 4 A and no load voltage corresponds to the open-circuit voltage Voc = 19 V (approx.). The experimental results are also compared with the simulation results in Fig. 7 that verifies that the model developed in PSCAD is in close approximation to the actual one. Results at other operating conditions showed the similar approximation. The result in the Fig. 6 and 7 implies that the PV model developed in PSCAD is in close approximation to the actual charateristics and can be used for the design of a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) for the given operating conditions and load. Specify the different parameters of the PV module as given in datasheet Input the temperature and insolation level of the PV module Calculate IPV,Io,n and Io At,TIME = 0, then, initialize I(k-1)=IPV, V(k-1) = 0, TEST = V(k-1) Calculate, I(k) = f(V(k-1),I(k-1)) Increment, V(k) = V(k-1) + 0.005 V(k-1)= TEST, I(k-1) = I TEST = V(k), I = I(k) Sense TEST and I if I(k) < 0 or I(k)>IPV Yes I(k) = IPV, V(k) = 0 No Yes if [V(k)/I(k)] < Rload No Take reading of TEST and I Stop Fig. 4 Flowchart for the PV module simulation algorithm. Fig. 5 Model of PV module built in PSCAD based on the algorithm shown in Fig. 4. Table I Parameters of TATA BP SOLAR Parameter Imp Vmp Pmax Isc Voc KV Ki Ns Rs Rsh Value 4.608 A 17.655 V 81.360 W 5.078 A 21.827 V -0.1230V/K 1.141 mA /K 36 0.502 ohm 644.13 ohm 4 L O A D MPPT System PV Module Fig. 8 Block Diagram of a typical MPPT system. Fig. 6 (a) VI characteristic of the developed model of the PV module at different cell temperature and constant insolation of 600W/m2. The peak power is reached with the help of a dc/dc converter by adjusting its duty cycle such that the load impedance corresponding to the peak power is obtained as shown in Fig. 9. Various algorithms have been developed in past to implement the MPPT controller [6], namely Hill Top algorithm, Perturb and observation, etc. In this paper, Hill Top algorithm has been implemented in PSCAD/EMTDC environment in order to extract the maximum power from the PV module [7]. V. HILL TOP ALGORITHM Fig. 6 (b) VI characteristic of the developed model of the PV module at different solar insolation and constant cell temperature of 35 degree. As the name of the hill climbing method states, this process works by increasing or decreasing the duty cycle of the buck or boost DC to DC converter and observing its impact on the module output power. This current value of power is compared to its previous value and according to the result of the comparison, the sign of the “slope”, which is a program variable (slope ∈{1,-1}), is either complemented or remains unchanged [8]. As a result, the PWM output duty cycle or duty ratio is changed accordingly. Fig. 7 shows the flowchart for the hill climbing method as it is implemented in controlling the switch position of the switching device used in the DC-DC converter. Current Sensor A PV MODULE L Voltage V Sensor C Cout L O A D MPPT Controller Fig. 7 Comparison of simulation and experimental PV module characteristic. IV. MAXIMUM POWER POINT TRACKING The output power of the solar PV module changes with change in direction of the sun, change in solar insolation level and change in temperature. Also there is a single maximum power point in the PV characteristics of the PV module for a particular operating condition. It is desired that the PV module operates close to this point, i.e., output of the PV module approaches near to MPP. The process of operating PV module at this condition is called as maximum power point tracking (MPPT). Maximization of PV power improves the utilization of the solar PV module. The load and the PV module are interfaced with each other through a dc/dc converter (step up/step down) that serves the purpose of transferring maximum power from the solar PV module to the load as shown in Fig. 8. By continuously changing the duty cycle, the maximum power is transferred to the load. Fig. 9 Circuit for the MPPT using DC-DC boost converter. In order to implement hill-top algorithm, a controller is designed in the PSCAD as shown in Fig. 9. In this figure, the source for the converter is the PV model as built earlier in the PSCAD. The voltage and current output of the PV module is continuously fed to the MPPT controller that drives a DC-DC boost converter. The variable L and Cout represents the boost converter inductance and capacitance respectively. The capacitor C holds the input DC voltage for the boost converter. In the MPPT controller the algorithm shown in Fig. 10 is embedded. The output of the controller is a duty cycle. This duty cycle varies between 0 and 1. It is then compared with a sawtooth signal whose amplitude is 1.0 V. The comparator output is high if duty cycle is greater than the carrier signal and low when duty cycle is less than the carrier signal. The controller continuously adjusts the duty cycle so that the maximum power is extracted from the PV module. Fig. 11 shows the schematic of the PV model, boost converter and MPPT controller developed in PSCAD 4.2. 5 compared in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17. The load resistance is directly proportional to the voltage. Therefore Fig. 16 and 17, indirectly holds the relationship between the power and voltage. The schematic in Fig. 11 was run for different insolation with the open loop and close loop (MPPT) control of the converter. The duty cycle in both the cases was initialized to 0.7. In open loop case, the duty cycle was fixed, whereas in the close loop case the duty cycle was set to vary by the MPPT controller. The results are compared in Fig. 18. The power with the open loop control is less as compared to the close loop control, hence the MPPT controller operation and PV model developed in PSCAD/EMTDC is justified. Start Slope = 1 Sense module's Voltage V(k), Current I(k) Calculate Power P(k) = V(k).I(k) P(k) > P(k-1) No Yes Complement Slope Duty Ratio = Duty Ratio + slope*step size Fig.10 Hill Top Algorithm. Fig. 12 Duty cycle variation. Fig. 11 Schematic of the PV model, boost converter and MPPT controller developed in PSCAD. Fig. 13 Switching signal for boost converter switch. VI. SIMULATION RESULTS The proposed schematic was simulated in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment at the cell temperature of 30 degree and insolation level of 800 W/m2. Duty cycle was initialized to 0.7 and step size was taken as ½8. Fig. 12 shows the variation of the duty cycle with time. It changes itself in order to extract the maximum power from the PV module. When the maximum power point is achieved it settles down finally at a steady state. Fig. 13 shows the switching signal for the power switch (sa1 shown in Fig. 11) used in the DC-DC boost converter. Fig. 14 and 15 shows the output voltage across the PV module and the load. The figure clearly shows that the output of the module and the load settles up after sometime when the maximum power point is tracked. In order to verify the results, the schematic was simulated at different temperatures and insolation levels and the results are Fig. 14 Voltage across the model of PV module. 6 chargeable battery supported DVR which compensates for sags and swells in the event of their occurrences. Other example includes supply of power from the battery supported inverter to the grid connected loads in the event of main grid failure. In both the above cases the battery is continuously charged from the PV module. The model of PV module proposed in this paper can easily be combined for the applications involving multiple PV modules to produce PV array, multi-string PV system and distributed PV system support to the grid. VII. CONCLUSIONS Fig. 15 Voltage across the load. Fig. 16 Output PV power verses load resistance at 30º temperature for different insolation level in W/m2. This paper presented the modeling of a PV module in PSCAD/EMTDC and design of the MPPT controller. The validity of the model of the PV module developed in the PSCAD/EMTDC has been verified by comparing its VI characteristics with the actual data set collected experimentally. The comparison showed the close approximation of the model characteristics with the actual characteristics. Furthermore, the VI characteristics of the PV model has been studied with the variations in insolation level and temperature and found to be in close approximations to the ideal characteristics. The application of the PV model has been shown through the MPPT using DC-DC boost converter based on the Hill Top algorithm in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment. It is shown that the MPPT algorithm extracts the maximum power from the PV model under all conditions of insolation level and temperature. Also the results are shown for the operation of the converter under open loop and close loop control at different insolation and it has been observed that more power is extracted when the MPPT controller is used. 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