NOTICE: This document contains references to Varian. Please note that Varian, Inc. is now part of Agilent Technologies. For more information, go to Varian MS Workstation 6.9 Service Pack #2 The software contained in this kit is an add-on to the Varian MS Workstation 6.9 SP1 software (P/N 03-914982-01:17), containing a number of improvements and corrections. Installing the MS Workstation 6.9 Service Pack #2 Software Verify that Version 6.9 of the MS Workstation is installed on your computer. You can do this by selecting “About...” under Help in the menu bar of any of the MS Workstation applications and checking the version number, or right-click on an open area of the MS Workstation Toolbar, select “About Workstation Toolbar” and check the displayed version number. If ‘Service Pack 1’ is not displayed under ‘Version 6.9.0’, you must install MS Workstation Version 6.9 with SP1 before you can install this Update. If MS Workstation Version 6.9 SP1 is already installed, you may install the SP2 Update by downloading it from and launching MSWS690SP2.EXE. 2000 MS, 4000 MS, 500-MS No changes MS Data Handling/Reports Id: 6359 Title: Component: Area: Description: Manual integration sometimes updates calibration replicates incorrectly MS Workstation Platform MS DataRev – Quan, Review Results When manual integration changes a compound result from Missing to Identified or from Identified to Missing, the calibration data point replicates sometimes can be updated incorrectly. If the modified calibration point was an Internal Standard, the relative response factors in the data file for all of the compounds that are calibrated with it will be updated incorrectly. Id: 6366 Title: Component: Area: Description: Ion Time shown for Quad files! MS Workstation Platform MS DataRev - General When Quad spectra are displayed, “N/A” should be displayed for Ion Time values in spectrum Plot Titles. Id: 6393 Title: Component: Area: Description: Long Sample ID name can crash Method Builder in Print Preview MS Workstation Platform DHMeth MS – Standard MS Reports Method Builder can crash when Print Preview is selected if Sample ID is selected as the Sort By key in the Standard MS Reports “Summary Report Format” dialog, and the Sample ID string is very long. Page 1 Core Workstation Platform Id: 5927 Title: Component: Area: Description: Inject Single Sample makes two injections (& repeated sample list) Core Workstation Platform System Control - Automation Under some conditions, a sample list or single sample injection ran twice without any operator action. A potential cause of this problem was corrected Id: 6386 Title: Component: Area: Description: 212-LC: Method Printout broken 212-LC Method Editor - Printing Method printouts for the 212-LC did not show composition or flow. Run Log printing/formatting was fine. The problem was corrected in the 212-LC driver. Id: 6400 Title: Component: Area: Description: CPAL: Automix "Aspirate" command does not work CombiPAL AutoSampler System Control - Automation The AutoMix "Aspirate" command moves the head to the specify vial, but the needle does not go in the vial. The command was corrected to use the penetration specified in the method. Quadrupole MS (3X0-MS/1200/1200L) Id: 6387 Title: Component: Area: Description: APCI Corona current resets on some Breakdown curves 1200 System Control - General When running the API Capillary Breakdown in APCI mode in positive mode, the corona current resets itself to 2.0 when the breakdown starts. Id: 6360 Title: Scan parameters changed during acquisition will not take effect if probe is running 3X0-MS ModWin - Acquistion When performing an acquisition with the probe running and the Scan Parameters (such as mass window) are changed, the message "Would you like to Install the new method into the scan?" is displayed. Clicking on Apply should cause the new parameters to be applied but they are not. If the probe program is not active and the same changes are made, the acquisition is updated correctly. Component: Area: Description: Id: 6361 Id: 6364 Title: Component: Area: Description: Open Current Error if running Probe with automatic adjust to signal strength 3X0-MS ModWin - General If the Probe is running in “feedback” mode (aka Changes temperature ramp to reach target ion signal strength), an "Open Current Error" occurs shortly after initiating the program with a starting current of 10. Title: Exposure Probe maximum current is wrong Page 2 6364 Component: Area: Description: 3X0-MS System Control - Automation When typing a number greater than 450 into the current program (or constant current) for an Exposure Probe method and clicking on Apply, the value is automatically changed to 450. The Exposure Probe max current should be 1500mA. Id: 6365 Title: If using all masses in Probe feedback mode evaluates incorrect mass range 3X0-MS ModWin - General If the “Intensity of ions scanned” Ion signal type is selected in Probe “feedback” mode (Changes temperature ramp to reach target ion signal strength), an incorrect mass range is evaluated. Component: Area: Description: Id: 6391 Title: Component: Area: Description: Probe Status in Instrument Status screen gets truncated 3X0-MS System Control - General If there are more than 2 numerical digits for the probe current/temperature, the text box in the instrument status screen gets cut off, so that the values are not visible. Id: 6402 Title: Component: Area: Description: Low end limiting of the RF is too restrictive 3X0-MS System Control - General When scanning from mass 10, some systems will sometimes exhibit a ghost peak as a result of variances in Mass Calibration. Id: 6407 Title: Component: Area: Description: There is no 'EFC/EPC Check' Log 3X0-MS System Control - General It would be desirable to have an 'EFC/EPC Check' Log that would document the steps taken. Id: 6443 Title: Component: Area: Description: Inlet interlock cable disconnected should behave as open cap 3X0-MS System Control - General When the Inlet interlock cable is disconnected, it should disable the filament, detector, and quad voltages as it does when the spray chamber is open. Id: 6457 Title: Instrument status says 'Calibrating Methane' when it’s actually Flushing. 3X0-MS System Control - General When the system is switched from EI to CI the status says 'Calibrating Methane' instead of 'Flushing'. Component: Area: Description: Id: 6477 Title: Component: Area: Description: Air/Water Check runs even when masses 18 & 28 are not tuned. 3X0-MS System Control - General Currently, when the system is Autotuned with masses 18 & 28 unchecked and the 'Air Water' check is run, although the system is unable to adjust Page 3 resolution on these masses, the check still completes and gives a report. The user should be warned to Tune the system at 18 & 28 before running the test. Id: 6334 Title: Component: Area: Description: System Control Crash/Blue Screen of Death when syntax error occurs in Advanced Options PML command line Quad (General) System Control - General In the Advanced Options window of the Scan Table (in Manual Control), if a PML with incorrect syntax is entered, there is an error message displayed, but System Control hangs without allowing the error to be resolved. Id: 6344 Title: Component: Area: Description: EDR Calibration Error Quad (General) ModWin – Auto Tune The EDR calibration error currently tells the user that the calibration was aborted: "Curve - ion signal too large". There should be an additional comment telling the user to try the calibration again after 1 - 7 days if a new multiplier was just installed. Id: 6385 Title: Component: Area: Description: Acquisition hangs on Waiting for Injection Quad (General) System Control - Automation When running a Sample List without an autosampler, after a number of injections, the acquisition/automation will get stuck on Waiting for Injection. If automation is suspended and restarted, it will start again, but will eventually happen again. Id: 6388 Title: Component: Area: Description: RunLog and Detector Overrides Quad (General) System Control - General Currently, the detector behaves in such a way that if there is an override in one segment, the detector does not revert back to the original global value when it goes to the next segment and that segment has no override checked. The RunLog shows the detector reverting back to the global value, while System Control shows the overriden value in a segment where the value is not overridden. The runlog should match what the detector actually does during the run. Id: 6403 Title: Component: Area: Description: Manifold heater should be shut off if fuse F3 is blown Quad (General) System Control - General Currently the software maintains power to the manifold heater as long as the line voltage is not greater than 140V. However, if the instrument is set up for 220V operation and fuse F3 is blown or missing the line voltage will continue to be powered but the current to it will be doubled. Id: 6404 Title: Q1ms and Q3ms switching isn’t always immediately reflected in the status Quad (General) ModWin - General After typing Q1ms in the command line and then switching to Q3ms, Component: Area: Description: Page 4 although scanning does change as it should to Q3ms, the status screen reflecting this isn’t always updated until some other action is taken in the system. Id: 6406 Title: Component: Area: Description: Need to clarify Air/Water Check Criteria Quad (General) ModWin - General The AutoTune process currently reports the following conditions if they are detected: "Mass 18 is at least as large as Mass 69" "Mass 28 is at least as large as Mass 69" However, this situation does not necessarily imply a leak and we should eliminate these messages to stop leading users to this invalid conclusion. On the other hand, we need to encourage regular use of the Air/Water check to explicitly check for leaks. To that end: 1) Eliminate the above checks and messages from the Auto Tune process - They should not affect the results. 2) Unconditionally and automatically run the Air/Water Check at the end of each Auto Tune [Tune and Calibrate, Calibrate] when operating in EI mode. Id: 6426 Title: Component: Area: Description: CID Pressure Calibration Quad (General) ModWin - Diagnostics Change the way that CID and source pressure calibration results are reported. If there is too much noise or pressure drift, report the resulting error with a message like "Warning!, CID calibration is only within 1.2mTorr" If there is no pressure or any other error not allowing the creation of a calibration curve, report the following: "CID calibration failed, no new calibration was generated" or "CID calibration failed, default calibration table was installed" Id: 6431 Title: Component: Area: Description: Uninitialized EEPROM on new power PCB should be initialized Quad (General) System Control - General When a new Power PCB is installed in a Quad the EEPROM on it has not yet been initialized. If there is a valid config.cub on the system then the EEPROM should be initialized automatically. Correcting this should resolve spurious “Model Definition” errors. Id: 6432 Title: Component: Area: Description: Analyzer Connections test questionable Quad (General) System Control - General Eliminate the “dirt test” from the Analyzer Connections test. Id: 6454 Title: Component: Area: Description: EDR Calibration Problems Quad (General) ModWin – Auto Tune Periodically, especially with new detectors, there are discontinuities in the EDR calibration due to the broad range of voltages included in the curve. Limiting the curve to the range of calibrated values eliminates the problem. Page 5 Id: 6478 Title: Component: Area: Description: Autotune vs. Report Only flags are inconsistent Quad (General) ModWin – Auto Tune The Autotune report will flag ions that were not used in the tune as “report only, not tuned.” However, if a report is generated without re-tuning the instrument, the tune report shows warning flags for mass shifting and peak resolution on these unused ions. These flags should match the Autotune report so as not to confuse and unduly concern the user. Id: 6489 Title: Component: Area: Description: Mass shift on Q1 Quad (General) System Control (General) When doing Full Scan: If the collision cell energy listed in the Scan Table is 0.00, rather than a blank cell, the masses are shifted on Q1 (M-1), but OK on Q3. In Full Scan, if 0.00 is the collision cell energy, it should behave the same as if there was no energy entered. Note: The following change to the Tune Report was implemented in MSWS 6.90 for Quadrupole MS systems: If a problem is encountered with a mass that is specified to be included in the report but not tuned, the message “Reported only, not tuned” will appear in the report under that particular mass. If the mass is reported only and no problem is encountered, no message will appear. Page 6