Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Electrical Workers Registration Board September 1999 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience INTRODUCTION This Manual details the Electrical Workers Registration Board's policy and procedures for issuing registrations and practising licences based on qualifications and experience gained outside New Zealand. It also includes the Board's policy regarding the issuing of provisional licences to persons having overseas qualifications and experience. The Manual codifies all of the present polices and practices relating to how the assessment and recognition of overseas qualifications and experience is currently carried out. Therefore all policies and procedures used before this Manual was introduced are now superseded. The relationship between section 86 of the Electricity Act 1992 and the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 is also detailed. It is expected that, in the future, this manual will contain no reference to electrical worker licences issued under statutory requirements anywhere within Australia. The manual will, however, continue to contain information on the requirements relating to electrical worker qualifications obtained in Australia, where there is no statutory obligation to obtain those qualifications to carry out electrical work. This Manual is a public document and, therefore, is available to be viewed by any person on request. Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CONTENTS Page Part I - Policy and Procedures 1. Scope .................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Objective............................................................................................................................... 1 3. Background .......................................................................................................................... 1 4. Policy .................................................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Recognition of Certificates ........................................................................................... 3 4.2 Persons Applying With a Recognised Certificate ......................................................... 3 4.3 Persons Applying Without a Recognised Certificate .................................................... 3 4.4 Acceptance of Certificates and Documents ................................................................. 4 4.5 General Policy for the Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience .......... 4 4.6 Policy for Electricians Registration ............................................................................... 4 4.7 Policy for Electrical Service Technician Registration ................................................... 5 4.8 Policy for Line Mechanics Registration ........................................................................ 7 4.9 Policy for Practising Licences ....................................................................................... 7 5. Procedures for Registrations, Practising Licences ......................................................... 8 5.1 Enquiries (phone, fax, E-mail, letter or in person) ........................................................ 8 5.2 Verbal Advice ............................................................................................................... 8 5.3 Providing Advice and Information................................................................................. 8 6. Recognised Certificates and Experience ........................................................................... 9 Part II - Recognised Certificates ARGENTINA 1. Electrician Registration..............................................................................................ARG-1 1.1 Diploma de Tecnico ............................................................................................ ARG-1 1.2 Certificado de Tecnico Auxilar ............................................................................ ARG-1 AUSTRALIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. AUS-1 1.1 Northern Territory ................................................................................................ AUS-1 1.2 Queensland ......................................................................................................... AUS-1 1.3 South Australia .................................................................................................... AUS-2 1.4 Western Australia ................................................................................................ AUS-3 2. Line Mechanic Registration ........................................................................................ AUS-3 2.1 New South Wales ................................................................................................ AUS-3 2.2 Queensland ......................................................................................................... AUS-4 2.3 Victoria ................................................................................................................ AUS-4 AUSTRIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. AUT-1 1.1 Certificate of Completion with a Prufungszeugnis or Lehrbrief Certificate .......... AUT-1 1.2 Lehrvertrag Certificate with a Prufungszeugnis or Lehrbrief Certificate .............. AUT-2 1.3 Abschlusszeugnis Certificate .............................................................................. AUT-3 CONTENTS Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Page BELGIUM 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. BEG-1 1.1 Certificat de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool (Flemish) .................... BEG-1 1.2 Brevet de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Brevat van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool" (Flemish)............................. BEG-1 1.3 Certificat de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School (Flemish) ............. BEG-2 1.4 Diplome de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Diploma van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School (Flemish) .................... BEG-3 1.5 Certificat de Qualificatione .................................................................................. BEG-4 1.6 Masters Certificate .............................................................................................. BEG-5 BRAZIL 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. BRA-1 1.1 Carta de Oficio Diploma ...................................................................................... BRA-1 1.2 Certificado de Aprendizagem issued in the State of Rio de Janeiro ................... BRA-1 1.3 Certificado de Aprendizagem issued in a State other than Rio de Janiero ......... BRA-2 1.4 SENAI Trades Technician Diploma..................................................................... BRA-3 1.5 SENAI Trades Technician (Part-time) Diploma .................................................. BRA-3 CANADA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. CAN-1 1.1 Description of Certificates ................................................................................... CAN-1 1.2 Province/Territory Certificates ............................................................................. CAN-1 1.3 Four Year Apprenticeship.................................................................................... CAN-2 1.4 Three Year Apprenticeship.................................................................................. CAN-3 1.5 In-Plant or Vocational Training ............................................................................ CAN-3 CHILE 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... CHI-1 1.1 Licencia de Educacion Media with a Technico Ornamental Certificate ............... CHI-1 1.2 A Technico Ornamental Certificate ...................................................................... CHI-1 1.3 Universidad Tecnica Frederico Santa Maria Diploma (Santa Maria Technical University)............................................................................................................ CHI-2 1.4 Universidad Tecnica Del Estado Diploma (State Technical University) ............... CHI-3 CHINA For guidance only ....................................................................................................... CHN-1 COLUMBIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. COL-1 1.1 Certifica - Certificate of Professional Aptitude..................................................... COL-1 1.2 Bachillerato .......................................................................................................... COL-2 CROATIA 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................. CRO-1 1.1 Level 3 or 4 Svjedodzba Certificate and A Level 5 Svjedodzba Certificate ........ CRO-1 1.2 Vocational School Certificate ............................................................................. CRO-2 CONTENTS Page Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CZECH REPUBLIC 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. CZE-1 1.1 Vyuci List Certificate ............................................................................................ CZE-1 1.2 Vycuny List Certificate ......................................................................................... CZE-1 DENMARK 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. DEN-1 1.1 Svendebrev Certificate ........................................................................................ DEN-1 1.2 Certificate of Education ....................................................................................... DEN-1 ECUADOR 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. ECU-1 1.1 Certificado de Aptitud Profesional ....................................................................... ECU-1 1.2 Bachillor Tecnico ................................................................................................. ECU-2 EIRE 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... EIR-1 1.1 National Craft Certificate ...................................................................................... EIR-1 FIJI 1. Electrician Registration................................................................................................ FIJ-1 1.1 Certificate of Apprenticeship with a Course of Instruction Certificate ................... FIJ-1 1.2 Certificate of Apprenticeship with a Trade Certificate ........................................... FIJ-1 1.3 Certificate of Apprenticeship with a Diploma ......................................................... FIJ-2 1.4 *Wiremans Licence ............................................................................................... FIJ-3 FINLAND 1. Electrician Registration................................................................................................ FIN-1 1.1 Paastotodistus Certificate...................................................................................... FIN-1 1.2 Ammattitodistuksen Certificate.............................................................................. FIN-2 FRANCE 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. FRA-1 1.1 Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle (CAP) Certificate........................................ FRA-1 1.2 Certificat de Fin Apprentissage (CFA) Certificate ............................................... FRA-2 GERMANY 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. GER-1 1.1 Facharbeiterbrief Certificate ................................................................................ GER-1 1.2 Gesellenbrief Certificate ...................................................................................... GER-2 1.3 Meisterbrief Certificate ........................................................................................ GER-2 GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................. GBR-1 1.1 List of Common Certificates ................................................................................ GBR-1 1.2 Craftsman Certificate .......................................................................................... GBR-2 1.3 Military Forces Training ....................................................................................... GBR-3 CONTENTS Page GREECE 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. GRE-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.1 1.2 1.3 ΙΤΥΧΙΟΝ Certificate ............................................................................................ GRE-1 Lower Technical School Certificate ..................................................................... GRE-1 ΙΙΣΤΟΙΙΟΙΗΤΙΚΟΝ Certificate with a ΕΚΙΙΑΙ∆ΕΥΣΩΣ Certificate ........................ GRE-2 HONG KONG 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................. HON-1 1.1 Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Contract ........ HON-1 INDIA 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... IND-1 1.1 National Apprenticeship Certificate ...................................................................... IND-1 1.2 Provisional National Apprenticeship Certificate.................................................... IND-1 1.3 Indian Army Training Documents ......................................................................... IND-2 ITALY 1. Electrician Registration................................................................................................ ITA-1 1.1 Diploma Di Qualifica .............................................................................................. ITA-1 1.2 Certificato Di Qualifica ........................................................................................... ITA-1 1.3 Attestato Di Qualificazionne Professionale Certificate with a Attestato Di Specializzazione Professionale Certificate ........................................................... ITA-2 1.4 Company Certificate or Letter ............................................................................... ITA-3 1.5 Apprenticeship Documents ................................................................................... ITA-4 JAPAN 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... JAP-1 1.1 First Grade Certified Skilled Workers................................................................... JAP-1 KOREA 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................. KOR-1 1.1 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 1 Craftsman..................... KOR-1 1.2 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman with a Technical High School Graduation Certificate .......................................... KOR-2 1.3 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman with a Vocational Training Institute Graduation Certificate.................................. KOR-3 1.4 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman with a Company In-plant Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate ...... KOR-4 1.5 Class II Engineers Certificate .............................................................................. KOR-4 MACEDONIA 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................. MAC-1 1.1 Level 3 or Level 4 Certificate with a Level 5 Certificate ...................................... MAC-1 1.2 Vocational School Certificate ............................................................................. MAC-2 MALAYSIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. MAL-1 1.1 Perakuan Kecekapan Certificate with a Sijil Kecekapan Ketukangan Certificate ........................................................................................ MAL-1 CONTENTS Page MALTA 1. Electrician Registration..............................................................................................MAP-1 1.1 Journeymen's Certificate with an Apprenticeship School Certificate .................. MAP-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 1.3 Malta Dockyards Apprenticeship Documents with a City and Guilds of London Institute Level 2 Certificate ................................................................................. MAP-2 Technical Institute Certificate .............................................................................. MAP-2 NETHERLANDS 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. NET-1 1.1 Diploma Bemetel with a Getuigschrift Certificate ................................................ NET-1 1.2 Praktijkgetuigschrift Certificate with a Getuigschrift Certificate ........................... NET-2 1.3 Diploma Gezel with a Getuigschrift Certificate .................................................... NET-3 1.4 SOM Diploma with a Getuigschrift Certificate ..................................................... NET-4 1.5 Diploma VEV - Second Mechanic (strong current) ............................................. NET-5 1.6 Philips Diploma.................................................................................................... NET-6 1.7 Marine Engineering School Certificate ................................................................ NET-7 1.8 Diploma VEV - First Mechanic (strong current)................................................... NET-8 1.9 *Electrical Technician TS1 Certificate or Advanced Craftsman EML Certificate .................................................................................................... NET-8 NORWAY 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................. NOR-1 1.1 Fagbrev Certificate ............................................................................................. NOR-1 PARAGUAY 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. PAR-1 1.1 Bachiller Tecnico Certificate ................................................................................ PAR-1 1.2 “B” Class Certificate ............................................................................................ PAR-1 1.3 “C” Class Certificate ............................................................................................ PAR-2 PERU 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. PER-1 1.1 Certificado de Formacion Professional ............................................................... PER-1 1.2 Certificado de Perfeccionamiento Professional .................................................. PER-1 1.3 Certificado de Capacitacion ................................................................................ PER-2 1.4 Calificacion Profesional Extraordinaria................................................................ PER-3 1.5 Titulado Certificate .............................................................................................. PER-5 PHILIPPINES 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... PHI-1 1.1 Trade Test Certificate - First Class ...................................................................... PHI-1 1.2 Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship with a Certificate of Apprenticeship...................................................................................................... PHI-1 POLAND 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. POL-1 1.1 Swiadectwo Ukonczenia (zasadniczej szkoly zawadowe)................................... POL-1 1.2 Swiadectwo Ukonczenia (zasadniczej szkoly zawadowe) with a Dyplom (ukonczenia policealnego studium zawodowego) .................................. POL-1 CONTENTS Page REPUBLIC OF SLOVAKIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. SLO-1 1.1 Vyuci List Certificate ............................................................................................ SLO-1 1.2 Vycuny List Certificate ......................................................................................... SLO-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience RUSSIA 1. Electricians Registration............................................................................................ RUS-1 1.1 PTU (Trades School) Graduation Certificate ...................................................... RUS-1 SERBIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. SER-1 1.1 Level 3 or Level 4 Certificate with a Level 5 Certificate ....................................... SER-1 1.2 Vocational School Certificate .............................................................................. SER-2 SINGAPORE 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... SIN-1 1.1 Craftsman Certificate together with a National Trade Certificate Stage Two ....... SIN-1 1.2 Certificate of Completion with a National Trade Certificate Stage Two ............... SIN-2 1.3 Certificate of Completion with a Diploma in Electrical Engineering ...................... SIN-2 1.4 National Trade Certificate Stage Two together with a Certificate of Apprenticeship ................................................................................ SIN-3 1.5 National Trade Certificate Stage Two .................................................................. SIN-4 SLOVENIA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. SLV-1 1.1 Level 3 or Level 4 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate with a Level 5 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate ............................................... SLV-1 1.2 Vocational School Certificate ............................................................................... SLV-2 SOUTH AFRICA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. SOU-1 1.1 National Trade Test Certificate ........................................................................... SOU-1 1.2 Wiremans Licences ............................................................................................. SOU-2 1.3 Electrical Tester for Single Phase Licence .......................................................... SOU-2 1.4 *Installation Electrician Licence ........................................................................... SOU-3 1.5 Master Installation Electrician Licence ................................................................ SOU-4 1.6 Apprentice Contract Completion Documents (pre 1985) .................................... SOU-5 SPAIN 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. SPA-1 1.1 Titulo de Oficial Industrial Certificate ................................................................... SPA-1 1.2 Maestro Industrial Certificate............................................................................... SPA-1 1.3 Tecnico Auxiliar Certificate .................................................................................. SPA-2 1.4 Tecnico Especialista Certificate .......................................................................... SPA-2 1.5 Apprenticeship Documents ................................................................................. SPA-3 1.6 In-plant Training Documents ............................................................................... SPA-4 SRI LANKA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. SRA-1 1.1 Certificate of Proficiency endorsed with the word "Special" ................................ SRA-1 1.2 Certificate of Proficiency with no endorsement ................................................... SRA-1 CONTENTS Page SWEDEN 1. Electrician Registration ............................................................................................. SWE-1 1.1 Slutbetyg Certificate ........................................................................................... SWE-1 1.2 Certificate from an In-plant School ..................................................................... SWE-2 1.3 Diplom ................................................................................................................ SWE-2 1.4 Gesallbrev Certificate ......................................................................................... SWE-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SWITZERLAND 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... SWI-1 1.1 Certificat de Capacite, Fahigkeritszeugnis, Attestato di Capacita Certificate ..... SWI-1 1.2 Masters Certificate .............................................................................................. SWI-3 TAIWAN 1. Electrical Service Technician Registration ................................................................ TAI-1 1.1 Level “B” Skill Test Diploma with a Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate ........................................................................................... TAI-1 2. Electrician Registration................................................................................................ TAI-2 2.1 Level “B” Skill Test Diploma with a Siemens Electrical Training Centre Certificate .................................................................................................. TAI-2 TURKEY 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. TUR-1 1.1 Sanat Enstitusu Diplomasi .................................................................................. TUR-1 1.2 Endustri Meslek Lisesi Diplomasi ........................................................................ TUR-1 1.3 Employers Certificate .......................................................................................... TUR-2 1.4 Ciraklik Diplomasi ................................................................................................ TUR-3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. USA-1 1.1 Certificate of Completion ..................................................................................... USA-1 URUGUAY 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. URU-1 1.1 Titulado Certificate .............................................................................................. URU-1 1.2 Salesian Institute Certificate ................................................................................ URU-1 VENEZUELA 1. Electrician Registration.............................................................................................. VEN-1 1.1 Apprenticeship Completion Certificate ................................................................ VEN-1 VIETNAM For guidance only ......................................................................................................... VIE-1 ZIMBABWE 1. Electrician Registration............................................................................................... ZIM-1 1.1 Skilled Worker Class One Certificate ................................................................... ZIM-1 Part I Policy and Procedures Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1. Scope 1.1.1 These policies and procedures apply to the recognition of overseas qualifications and experience for the purpose of obtaining registration as an electrician, electrical service technician or line mechanic. Electrical inspectors registration is not included as one of the prerequisites for this registration is the holding of an electrician, electrical service technician or line mechanic registration for 3 years. 1.1.2 Practising licence requirements are included because most overseas applicants for registration will work for payment and require a licence. 2. Objective 2.1.1 The objective of the policy and procedures is to ensure: (a) A consistent, fair approach is taken in assessing and recognising overseas qualifications and experience. (b) Registration and practising licence requirements are consistent with those that apply to electrical workers trained in New Zealand. (c) The Board and Trades Recognition Australia have consistent policies for the recognition of overseas qualifications and experience. (d) Electrical workers emigrating to New Zealand: (e) (i) Understand the registration and practising licence requirements before they emigrate or that must be completed after they arrive in New Zealand. (ii) Know where to obtain registration and practising licence information. Government Departments such as NZQA, the Immigration Department and Embassies and Consulates have the necessary electrical registration information for electrical workers emigrating to New Zealand. 2.1.2 Paragraph 2.1.1 (a), (b) and (c) are covered in this Manual. Separate brochures and pamphlets, containing relevant information drawn from the manual, are issued to cover paragraph 2.1.1(d) and (e). 3. Background 3.1.1 Electricity Act 1992 Under section 81 of the Act, the Board can register a person as an electrical service technician, electrician, line mechanic or electrical inspector if that person: 1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (a) Holds a recognised certificate relevant to the class of registration for which they will be registered and has fulfilled any conditions required by the Board; or (b) Has no recognised certificate, but has: (i) Successfully completed a course of training that is substantially equivalent to the training required in New Zealand for the class of registration for which they will be registered; and (ii) Fulfilled any conditions required by the Board. 3.1.2 Recognition of qualifications is achieved either directly by the Board or via a schedule to the regulations. The schedule to the regulations was first introduced in 1993, and a revised schedule - Schedule 6 - was inserted in the Electricity Regulations 1997 when those regulations were introduced on 7 April 1997. 3.1.3 In August 1997, the Board accepted the Registrar's recommendation that a list of acceptable overseas qualifications, based on those used by Trades Recognition Australia (TRA), be published as recognised certificates for the purpose of section 81(b) of the Electricity Act 1992. The holder of a recognised certificate being exempt from the theoretical requirements for electrician registration but must: • • • • pass the regulation examination. pass a 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. provide evidence of having acquired the skills listed in Clause 1(2)(b) of Schedule, 1 to the Electricity Regulations 1997, complete the requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 to the Electricity Regulations 1997, prior to registration. 3.1.4 Trades Recognition Australia Most of the information relating to recognised certificates has been provided by Trades Recognition Australia (TRA). However, TRA concentrate exclusively on the recognition of equivalent electrical mechanic ("electrician") qualifications. Some qualifications (or part qualification) recognised by TRA can also be recognised for electrical service technician registration or line mechanic registration. 3.1.5 Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 (TTMRA) This Act provides an alternative recognition process to the Electricity Act 1992 for Australian occupational licences. Under the TTMRA, recognition is required to be granted to an equivalent occupational licence (or registration) where there are (Australian) statutory requirements to obtain that licence to be able to carry out electrical work. Recognition is based on Australian States and Territories having legislation equivalent to the TTMRA. At present, those with equivalent legislation are 2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria (these are Australian jurisdictions under the TTMRA). Recognition of electrical workers licences issued in these jurisdictions will be carried out under the TTMRA. The licences issued in Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia will continue to be recognised and processed under section 81 of the Electricity Act 1992. Recognition under the Electricity Act will continue until such time as each State and Territory becomes an Australian jurisdiction under the TTMRA. Note: The Manual may also contain recognised qualifications from Australia. These qualifications are not required under any legislation (and are therefore not within the scope of the TTMRA) but can still be recognised under section 81 of the Electricity Act. 4. Policy This section contains extracts from Policy No.10 of the Board’s Standing Orders and Policy Manual. 4.1 Recognition of Certificates 4.1.1 Certificates become recognised where an analysis of the training, both onjob and off-job, tuition and examination that the holder has to undergo to gain that particular certificate confirming some equivalence to New Zealand registration requirements. 4.1.2 Recognised certificates originate from a number of sources. From Australia they are almost exclusively those licences issued by statutory licencing authorities. Recognised certificates from other countries are issued by licensing authorities, educational institutions, individual companies, worker organisations (such as unions) or employer organisations (such as craft guilds or chambers of commerce). 4.1.3 This policy does not make a distinction between a certificate (licence) that may have legal status in the country it is issued and a certificate that has no legal status in the country it is issued. The policy in paragraph 4.1.1 is applied equally to both types. Certificates that are recognised are detailed in Schedule 6 the Electricity Regulations 1997 and in the Board’s Manual “Policy and Procedures for the Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience”. 4.2 Persons Applying With a Recognised Certificate A person applying for registration and holding a recognised certificate is automatically entitled to the exemptions provided by that certificate. The certificate may, in itself, be evidence of the completion equivalent examinations and/or the completion of the work and skill experience requirements. 4.3 Persons Applying Without a Recognised Certificate 3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience A person applying for registration but having no recognised certificate must provide relevant documentation that establishes equivalence with one or more of the New Zealand registration requirements. 4.4 Acceptance of Certificates and Documents 4.4.1 Copies of recognised certificates are acceptable, but must be certified (for example, by a notary public) as being a true copy. 4.4.2 Copies of non-recognised certificates and other documents are acceptable, but must be: (a) Certified (for example, by a notary public) as being a true copy; and (b) If not in English, accompanied by a certified English translation. 4.4.3 Where details are not clear or there is doubt as to the authenticity, the originals must be provided. 4.5 General Policy for the Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 4.5.1 A person applying for registration on the basis of overseas qualifications and experience must complete, for the class of registration for which they are applying, the same registration requirements that apply to a New Zealand trained person for that class or have completed equivalent requirements. 4.5.2 The equivalent requirements will be recognised through recognised certificates or documentation or a combination of both. 4.6 Policy for Electricians Registration 4.6.1 Persons must complete the following conditions or provide documentation that shows they have the relevant work experience and have passed equivalent examinations or assessments. The conditions are: (a) Have a minimum of 4 years work experience within which they have obtained the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (b) Pass the 3rd stage theory examination in the subject matter detailed in paragraph (a) of Clause 2 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Pass a regulations examination in the subject matter detailed in paragraph (b) of Clause 2 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or practical examination in the subject matter detailed in paragraph (c) of Clause 2 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 . 4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (e) 4.6.2 Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. A person's recognised certificate, other documentation and work experience will determine which requirements have to be completed. In most cases the recognised certificate and accompanying documentation will: (a) Provide an exemption from the electrical theory examination requirements; and (b) Be evidence of the completion of the work experience requirements. 4.7 Policy for Electrical Service Technician Registration 4.7.1 Within this section: (a) An 230 volt limitation means that the electrical service technician registration will have the following limitation: Limited to the maintenance of electrical appliances rated up to 230 volt, single phase supplied via plug and flexible cord. (b) A 460 volt limitation means that the electrical service technician registration will have the following limitation: Limited to the maintenance and replacement of electrical appliances and fittings rated up to 460 volts including their disconnection from and reconnection to fixed wiring. (c) 4.7.2 An “unlimited registration” means a electrical service technician registration with no limitations, restrictions or conditions. A 230 volt limitation Persons must complete the following conditions or provide documentation that shows they have the relevant work experience and have passed equivalent examinations or assessments. The conditions are: (a) Have a minimum of 18 months work experience within which they have obtained 12 moths experience in the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to a 230 volt limitation. (b) Complete a course of tuition related to a registration with a 230 volt limitation. (c) At the completion of that course, pass the examination and practical assessment in the subject matter detailed in Clause 2 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that to relate a registration with a 230 volt limitation. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 4.7.3 A 460 volt limitation Persons must complete the following conditions or provide documentation that shows they have the relevant work experience and have passed equivalent examinations or assessments. The conditions are: (a) 4.7.4 Have a minimum of 18 months work experience within which they have obtained: (i) 6 months experience in the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to a 230 volt limitation; and (ii) 6 months experience in the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to a 460 volt limitation. (b) Complete a course of tuition related to a registration with a 230 volt limitation and, at the completion of the course, pass the theory examination and practical assessment in the subject matter detailed in clause 2 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to registration with a 230 volt limitation. (c) Complete a course of tuition related to a registration with a 460 volt limitation and, at the completion of the course, pass the theory examination and practical assessment in the subject matter detailed in clause 2 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to registration with a 460 volt limitation. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. An unlimited registration Persons must complete the following conditions or provide documentation that shows they have the relevant work experience and have passed equivalent examinations or assessments. The conditions are: (a) Have a minimum of 3 years work experience within which they have obtained 18 months experience in the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to unlimited registration. (b) Complete a course of tuition related to a registration with no limits. (c) At the completion of that course, pass the theory examination and practical assessment in the subject matter detailed in Clause 2 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to unlimited registration. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 6 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 4.7.5 A person's recognised certificate, other documentation and work experience will determine which requirements have to be completed. In most cases the recognised certificate and accompanying documentation will be evidence of the completion of the work experience requirements. 4.8 Policy for Line Mechanics Registration 4.8.1 Persons must complete the following conditions or provide documentation that shows they have the relevant work experience and have passed equivalent examinations or assessments. The conditions are: 4.8.2 (a) Have a minimum of 2 years work experience within which they have obtained the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (b) Complete theory and regulations examinations and a practical examination or assessment in the subject matter detailed in Clause 2 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Complete 3 months prescribed electrical work. A person's recognised certificate, other documentation and work experience will determine which requirements have to be completed. In most cases the recognised certificate and accompanying documentation will: (a) Provide an exemption from the theory and regulations examinations and a practical examination or assessment requirements; and (b) Be evidence of the completion of the work experience requirements. 4.9 Policy for Practising Licences 4.9.1 Persons requiring a practising licence will need to: (a) (b) 4.9.2 Complete a New Zealand training course in: (i) Safe working practices relating to the type of registration for which they are applying; and (ii) Testing for safety before, during and after work is completed that relates to the type of registration for which they are applying. Complete a New Zealand training course or show evidence of completing a course equivalent to a New Zealand training course in: (i) Resuscitation; and (ii) Basic first-aid. A person who completes the requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1, 2 or 3 (relating to the type of registration for which they are applying) of the 7 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Electricity Regulations 1997, will only have to complete the basic first aid requirement to complete the requirements for a practising licence. 5. Procedures for Registrations, Practising Licences These procedures were adopted by the Board 25 June 1998. The procedures must be applied to ensure each person or application is treated fairly and consistently. 5.1 Enquiries (phone, fax, E-mail, letter or in person) Obtain the following information: 5.2 (a) Where the person is from. (b) What certificates they have and what they are evidence of. (c) What work experience they have: (i) Training. (ii) Apprenticeship. (iii) Work experience after training. (d) Electrical theory and practical examinations (or assessments) passed. (e) What documents they have to confirm the work experience and the passing of examinations. Verbal Advice Provide verbal advice, based on the policy in section 4, Part I as to what the person has to do to obtain a registration and practising licence. Ensure the person understands that the verbal advice is preliminary. Confirmation in writing will be given only after the Board has received the persons certificates and documents (or copies). 5.3 Providing Advice and Information When the certificates and documentation have been received, definite advice, based on the policy in section 4, Part I can be given as to what the Board requires. Advice must be in writing (or confirmed in writing) in all cases. The person must be (as applicable to the type of registration they want and recognised certificate they have): 5.3.1 Advised of what they need to do obtain a registration and practising licence. This will be to: (a) Pass a theory examination. 8 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 5.3.2 (b) Pass a regulations examination. (c) Pass a practical assessment or examination. (d) Carry out further prescribed electrical work (in the case of line mechanics registration). (e) Provide any other additional documents that confirm their work experience or, alternatively, gain further experience in prescribed electrical work. (f) Complete a practising licence safety training course. Provided with the options assessments. Including: for sitting examinations and practical (a) Providers (NZQA, training providers, the Board). (b) Where and when examinations are available. (c) The cost (where this information is available). (d) Some practical assessments also cover the requirements for a practising licence safety training course. 5.3.3 Provided with a list of practising license safety training course training providers in the area where they live and a "Safety Training Work Record" form. The must also be advised the cost of a practising licence safety training course is set by the training provider. 5.3.4 Provided with the appropriate application forms for registration and a practising licence. 5.3.5 Advised that a copy of the Electricity Regulations 1997 should be purchased. 6. Recognised Certificates and Experience This section contains: 6.1.1 The qualifications listed in Schedule 6 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 and the registration requirements in that schedule for those qualifications. Excluded are the qualifications in that schedule that relate to licences issued by Australian jurisdictions - Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. Applications relating to these licences are dealt with under the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 - refer to Policy No.11 in the Board’s Standing Orders and Policies. 9 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 6.1.2 The certificates recognised by the Board for the purpose of Section 81(b) of the Electricity Act 1992, and the Board's policy relating to each certificate. Note: Where a person also requires a practising license, the requirements of section 4.9, Part I apply. There are no exemptions to these requirements. 10 Part II Recognised Certificates Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience ARGENTINA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Diploma de Tecnico 1.1.1 Description This certificate, issued by CONET - Consejo Nacional de Educacion Tecnico (National Council for Technical Education), is evidence of the completion of the "Basico Superior" course - a 6 year full-time vocational course at a state or private technical school. The diploma is either an ornamental document or a transcript of records of subjects passed in each of the 6 years of the course with the endorsement Se ha hecho acreedor al titulo de Tecnico. Most applicants will only have the transcript. The documents or transcript records must also be endorsed with the words electricista or electricista instalador. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Certificado de Tecnico Auxilar 1.2.1 Description ARG-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate, issued by CONET, is evidence of the completion of a 3 year basic cycle full-time vocational course and a 1 year Technician Assistant's Terminal Course at a state or private technical school. The certificate is either an ornamental document or a transcript of records of subjects passed in each of the 4 years of the training with the endorsement Se ha hecho acreedor al Certificado de Auxilar Tecnico. Most applicants will only have the transcript. The documents or transcript records must also be endorsed with the words electricista or electricista instalador. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. ARG-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience AUSTRALIA All of these certificates, and the requirements are taken from Schedule 6 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Note: LE AT means licensed by examination. means apprentice trained. 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Northern Territory 1.1.1 Licence "A" Grade Electrical Mechanics Licence endorsed LE or AT 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination requirements. (c) Exempts the holder from the regulations examination requirements. (d) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (e) Exempts the holder from the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration requirements Nil Note: Where the holder requires a practising licence, they must complete the requirements detailed in section 4.9, Part I. 1.2 Queensland 1.2.1 Licences (a) Certificate of Competency as an Electrical Mechanic endorsed AT or LE. (b) Certificate of Competency as an Electrical Fitter and Electrical Mechanic endorsed AT or LE. AUS-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination requirements. (c) Exempts the holder from the regulations examination requirements. (d) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (e) Exempts the holder from the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration requirements Nil Note: Where the holder requires a practising licence, they must complete the requirements detailed in section 4.9, Part I. 1.3 South Australia 1.3.1 Licences 1.3.2 (a) Electrical Workers Registration. (b) Electrical Worker/Electrical Contractor licence. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination requirements. (c) Exempts the holder from the regulations examination requirements. (d) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (e) Exempts the holder from the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration requirements AUS-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Nil Note: Where the holder requires a practising licence, they must complete the requirements detailed in section 4.9, Part I. 1.4 Western Australia 1.4.1 Licences 1.4.2 (a) Grade Electrical Workers Licence endorsed Electrical Mechanic. (b) Grade Electrical Workers Licence endorsed Electrical Fitter and Electrical Mechanic. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination requirements. (c) Exempts the holder from the regulations examination requirements. (d) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (e) Exempts the holder from the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration requirements Nil Note: Where the holder requires a practising licence, they must complete the requirements detailed in section 4.9, Part I. 2. Line Mechanic Registration 2.1 New South Wales 2.1.1 Licence This is a certificate of service issued under the Overhead Line (Workers) Regulations 1964. 2.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: AUS-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 2.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the theory and regulation examination requirements and the practical examination or assessment requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Complete three months prescribed electrical work. (b) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 2.2 Queensland 2.2.1 Licence Certificate of Competency as an Electrical Linesman. 2.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 2.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the theory and regulation examination requirements and the practical examination or assessment requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Complete three months prescribed electrical work. (b) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 2.3 Victoria 2.3.1 Licence SECV Certificate 2.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: AUS-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 2.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the theory and regulation examination requirements and the practical examination or assessment requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 3 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Complete three months prescribed electrical work. (b) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. AUS-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience AUSTRIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificate of Completion with a Prufungszeugnis or Lehrbrief Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1 Description (a) Certificate of Completion This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an approved full-time trades course conducted in a trade training centre by the Austrian Trade Union Federation. It must be endorsed with the word betrieselektriker or electrinstallateur. (b) Prufungszeugnis certificate This certificate is evidence of completion of the final Skilled Worker Examination conducted by a statutory board and details the results obtained. It replaced, from January 1970, the "Facharbeiterbrief" certificate (for industry trades) and the "Gesellenbrief" certificate (for handicraft trades). Both of these earlier certificates are still acceptable. (c) Lehrbrief certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of the final Skilled Worker Examination conducted by a statutory board. Any of these certificates issued prior to 1970 are still acceptable. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. AUT-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The experience must be gained after the completion of the trades course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Lehrvertrag Certificate with a Prufungszeugnis or Lehrbrief Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description (a) Lehrvertrag certificate This is the apprenticeship contract which shows details of the trade, employer, duration etc. It must be endorsed with the word betrieselektriker or electrinstallateur. (b) Prufungszeugnis certificate This certificate is evidence of completion of the final Skilled Worker Examination conducted by a statutory board and details the results obtained. It replaced, from January 1970, the "Facharbeiterbrief" certificate (for industry trades) and the "Gesellenbrief" certificate (for handicraft trades). Both of these earlier certificates are still acceptable. (c) Lehrbrief certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of the final Skilled Worker Examination conducted by a statutory board. Any of these certificates issued prior to 1970 are still acceptable. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.2.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. AUT-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Lehrvertrag Certificate show, at least 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Abschlusszeugnis Certificate 1.3.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time course in an intermediate vocational school. It must be endorsed with the word betrieselektriker or electrinstallateur. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3.5 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 6 months work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. AUT-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience BELGIUM 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificat de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool (Flemish) 1.1.1 Description A Certificat de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure or a Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool is evidence of the successful completion of the final examination for a A.4 level, 4 year course at a vocational school. The Certificat de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. The Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of either certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Brevet de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Brevat van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool" (Flemish) 1.2.1 Description BEG-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience A Brevet de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure or a Brevat van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool is evidence of the successful completion, with a pass mark of 60% or more, of the final examination for a A.4 level, 4 year course at a vocational school. The Brevet de L'Ecole Professionelle Secondaire Inferieure must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. The Brevat van de Lagere Secundaire Beroepsschool must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of either certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Certificat de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School (Flemish) 1.3.1 Description A Certificat de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure or a Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School is evidence of the successful completion of the final examination for a A.3 level, 4 year course at a technical school. The Certificat de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. The Getuigschrift van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. BEG-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of either certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Diplome de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure (French) or Diploma van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School (Flemish) 1.4.1 Description A Diplome de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure or a Diploma van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School is evidence of the successful completion, with a pass mark of 60% or more, of the final examination for a A.3 level, 4 year course at a technical school. The Diplome de L'Ecole Technique Secondaire Inferieure must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. The Diploma van de Lagere Secundaire Technische School must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. BEG-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4.3 Registration Requirements The holder of either certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 Certificat de Qualificatione 1.5.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship in the electrical trades under the control of the Ministry of Middle Classes. It must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur or mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.5.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Certificat de Qualificatione show, at least 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. BEG-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.6 Masters Certificate 1.6.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship and an additional 2 to 3 years training. It must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur or mecanicien-electricien or monteurelectricien. The certificate is additional to any other certificates relating to training or an apprenticeship. 1.6.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.6.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the regulations examination. (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. BEG-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience BRAZIL 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Carta de Oficio Diploma 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship conducted by SENAI (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial). It must be endorsed with the words electricista enrolader or electricista instalador. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Certificado de Aprendizagem issued in the State of Rio de Janeiro 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship, conducted by SENAI in Rio de Janiero State. It must be , endorsed with the words electricista enrolader or electricista instalador. The certificate is the equivalent of the "Carta de Oficio" Diploma. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: BRA-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Certificado de Aprendizagem issued in a State other than Rio de Janiero 1.3.1 Description A Certificado de Aprendizagem issued in a State other than Rio de Janiero is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship, conducted by SENAI. It must be and endorsed with the words electricista enrolader or electricista instalador endorsed with the words electricista enrolader or electricista instalador. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. BRA-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4 SENAI Trades Technician Diploma 1.4.1 Description This certificate, issued by SENAI is evidence of the successful completion of a trades technician course conducted by the Department of Education or SENAI. It must be endorsed with the words electricista enrolader or electricista instalador. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 SENAI Trades Technician (Part-time) Diploma 1.5.1 Description This certificate, issued by SENAI is evidence of the successful completion of a part-time trades technician course conducted by SENAI. It must be endorsed with the words electricista enrolader or electricista instalador. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.5.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: BRA-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. BRA-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CANADA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Description of Certificates Legislation in each Province or Territory provides for the certification of electricians whether trained by apprenticeship or otherwise. The main form of training is the apprenticeship system but there is also in-plant and vocational competency based training. Apprenticeships are either 3 or 4 years duration. To be permitted to work as an electrician in most Provinces, a person must have a Certificate of Qualification or Certificate of Proficiency, i.e., an electrician is a "compulsory certified trade". In the Provinces where there is voluntary trade certification, electricians must be licensed. There are inter-provincial standards for construction and industrial electricians. This system establishes inter-provincial recognition by a common (national) examination with a pass mark of 70%. Where this is achieved the Certificate of Apprenticeship or Certificate of Qualification or Certificate of Proficiency is endorsed with a Red Seal. In those provinces where the inter-provincial exam has been adopted as the trade examination, a person is issued with their certificate for a 60% pass mark and stamped with the Red Seal with a 70% pass mark. A certificate must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical repairer or construction electrician or maintenance electrician or industrial electrician. 1.2 Province/Territory Certificates The recognised Canadian certificates are: 1.2.1 Alberta Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Proficiency, both issued by the Department of Advanced Education and Manpower. 1.2.2 British Columbia Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Department of Labour. 1.2.3 Manitoba Certificate of Qualification, issued by the Department of Labour and Manpower. 1.2.4 New Brunswick CAN-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Department of Labour and Manpower. 1.2.5 Newfoundland Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Department of Labour and Manpower. 1.2.6 North West Territory Completion of Apprenticeship Certificate and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism. 1.2.7 Nova Scotia Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Department of Labour. 1.2.8 Ontario Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. 1.2.9 Prince Edward Island Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or a Certificate of Qualification, both issued by the Department of Labour. 1.2.10 Quebec Certificate of Qualification (Certificat de Qualification Interprovinciale), issued by the Department of Manpower. 1.2.11 Saskatchewan Certificate of Qualification, issued by the Department of Labour. 1.2.12 Yukon Certificate of Qualification, issued by the Department of Education. 1.3 Four Year Apprenticeship 1.3.1 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. CAN-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3.2 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Three Year Apprenticeship 1.4.1 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.4.2 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 In-Plant or Vocational Training 1.5.1 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.5.2 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements CAN-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. CAN-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CHILE 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Licencia de Educacion Media with a Technico Ornamental Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description The Licencia de Educacion Media is evidence of the satisfactory completion of a course at an industrial high school. The Technica Ornamental Certificate must be issued by the Ministry of Education. Both certificates must be endorsed with the words electro mecanico or instalador electricista. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together, exempt the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.1.3 Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be gained after the completion of the training course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 A Technico Ornamental Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the satisfactory completion of a INACAP medium-level technicians course. It must be endorsed with the words electro mecanico or instalador electricista. CHI-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The certificate must be issued jointly by the Ministry of Education and INACAP. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.2.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be gained after the completion of the training course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Universidad Tecnica Frederico Santa Maria Diploma (Santa Maria Technical University) 1.3.1 Description This diploma is evidence of the satisfactory completion of a course at a technical university. It must be endorsed with the words electro mecanico or instalador electricista. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. CHI-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Universidad Tecnica Del Estado Diploma (State Technical University) 1.4.1 Description This diploma is evidence of the satisfactory completion of a course at a technical university. It must be endorsed with the words electro mecanico or instalador electricista. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. CHI-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CHINA This section is for guidance only. With the information available it is not possible to be specific as to the relevance of documents and experience from China to the classes of registration in New Zealand. The actual class of registration for which a person from China may be able to apply for can only be taken on a case-by-case basis on the information supplied by the applicant. Generally, they will need to have the following: 1. Documentation showing graduation from course at a vocational secondary school, skilled worker school, secondary technical school or advanced vocational school. Most courses are of 2 to 4 years duration. Evidence of work experience at: or - Grades 4,5 or 6 or Medium Grade (skilled worker level) Grades 7, or 8 or High Grade (special class or master level) or 2. Documentation that shows the serving of an electrical apprenticeship and, at least, graduation from a skilled worker school course in the electrical trades. Evidence of work experience at: or - Grades 4,5 or 6 or Medium Grade (skilled worker level) Grades 7, or 8 or High Grade (special class or master level) The type of training course and work experience will determine the class of registration for which they will be eligible. CHN-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience COLUMBIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certifica - Certificate of Professional Aptitude This certificate indicates the completion of an apprenticeship or a course. There are different registration requirements for each. 1.1.1 Apprenticeship (a) Description This certificate is evidence of the satisfactory completion of an apprenticeship administered by SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje). The Modo de Formacion endorsement must be Aprendizaje. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-mecanico or instalador electricista or electricista da instalacion y mantenimiento. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.1.2 (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Course (a) Description The certificate is evidence of the satisfactory completion of four basic modules of a Complementacion course administered by SENA. The Modo de Formacion endorsement must be Complementacion. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-mecanico or instalador electricista or electricista da instalacion y mantenimiento. COL-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate, where the 4th training module has been completed: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the 4th module. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Bachillerato 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the satisfactory completion of a six year course at a state or vocational training school. It must be endorsed with the words electro-mecanico or instalador electricista or electricista da instalacion y mantenimiento. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. COL-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CROATIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Level 3 or 4 Svjedodzba Certificate and A Level 5 Svjedodzba Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description Each certificate must be endorsed with the words elektroinstalater or elektromechanicar. (a) Level 3 Svjedodzba Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (b) (i) A full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 3. There must be, at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 years electrical vocational education course. (ii) An adult vocationally directed approved education course designed to provide qualification to Level 3. Level 4 Svjedodzba Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 4. There must be at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 year vocational education course in electrical industrial subjects. (c) Level 5 Svjedodzba Certificate This certificate is evidence of 2 or 3 years work experience at level 3 or 4 and the successful completion of an approved 2 years part-time training course. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements CRO-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work at level 5 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Vocational School Certificate 2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time course at a vocational school. It must be endorsed with the words elektroinstalater or elektromechanicar. A vocational school can be one of the following: 1.2.2 (a) A full-time Government school in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. (b) A part enterprise, part Government School in which the practical training is done in the enterprise school and the theoretical training in the Government School. (c) A school operated by an enterprise, and recognised by the Government, in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. CRO-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vocational School Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. CRO-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience CZECH REPUBLIC 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Vyuci List Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate, issued by the Government, is evidence of the satisfactory completion of an apprenticeship. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the apprenticeship was in the electrical trades. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vyuci List Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Vycuny List Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate, issued by the Government, is evidence of the satisfactory completion of an apprenticeship. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the apprenticeship was in the electrical trades. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements CZE-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vycuny List Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. CZE-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience DENMARK 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Svendebrev Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship. It must be endorsed with the words electro-montor or elektro-mekaniker. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Svendebrev Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Certificate of Education 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship. It must be endorsed with the words electro-montor or elektro-mekaniker. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements DEN-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Show documents that show they have completed the foundation year of the "Erhvervsfaglig Grunduddannelse (EFG)" and these together with the Certificate of Education show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. DEN-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience ECUADOR 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificado de Aptitud Profesional 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time, 1, 2 or 3 year course conducted by SECAP (Servico Ecuatoriano de Capacitacion Profesional). It must be endorsed with the word electricista. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of: (i) For the 3 year course, 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (ii) For the 2 year course, 1 year work experience. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show: (i) Where the 3 year course has been completed, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (ii) Where the 2 year course has been completed, at least, 3 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (iii) Where the 1 year course has been completed, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of ECU-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Bachillor Tecnico 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time trades course at the Salesian Technical College, Quito. It must be endorsed with the word electricista. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. ECU-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience EIRE 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 National Craft Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is issued by FAS (An Foras Aiseanna) the Training and Employment Authority and is evidence that an apprenticeship has been successfully completed. It must be endorsed with the word electrician. Certificates, also endorsed with the word electrician, and issued by the predecessor to FAS - AnCO (An Chomhairle Oiliuna) are also acceptable. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Pass the 3rd stage theory examination, where the apprenticeship was completed before 1 September 1976 and a Department of Education Junior Trade Certificate cannot be produced. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. EIR-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience FIJI 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificate of Apprenticeship with a Course of Instruction Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description These certificates issued by the Fiji National Training Council are evidence of the successful completion of 4 year apprenticeship under the Fiji National Training Act 1973. They must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical technician. The certificates may also indicate that the training was undertaken as a technician apprentice as part of the Technician Programme. These are also acceptable. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: 1.2 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Certificate of Apprenticeship with a Trade Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description These certificates are evidence of the successful completion of a 4 year trades or technician apprenticeship. They must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical technician. FIJ-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The Certificate of Apprenticeship is issued by the Fiji National Training Council and the Trade Certificate is issued by the Fiji Institute of Technology. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.2.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: 1.3 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Certificate of Apprenticeship with a Diploma Both certificates must be held. 1.3.1 Description These certificates are evidence of the successful completion of a 4 year trades or technician apprenticeship. They must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical technician. The Certificate of Apprenticeship is issued by the Fiji National Training Council and the Diploma is issued by the Fiji Institute of Technology. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.3.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: FIJ-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. *Wiremans Licence * Listed in Schedule 6 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4.1 Description These licence are issued by the Fiji Electricity Authority under the Fiji Electricity Regulations for the wiring, constructing, installing, repairing or altering of an electrical installation. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Nil 1.4.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this licence must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Pass the 3rd stage theory examination (d) Other documents that, together with the Wiremans Licence show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (e) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. FIJ-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience FINLAND 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Paastotodistus Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion a full-time vocational course: (a) Of 2 to 3 years duration that includes practical and theoretical training and conducted in a general vocational school controlled by a commune, group of communes or central government together with a period of apprenticeship or other training; or (b) Of 2 to 4 years duration which includes time on production work and conducted in a special vocational in-plant school run by an individual firm or trade union together with a period of apprenticeship or other training; or (c) Comprising a 2 or 3 year course in a general vocational school together with a 2 year course at an in-plant school. The certificate must be endorsed with the word sahlkolaiteasentaja or sahkeasentaja. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship and training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship and/or vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and/or training and is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Paastotodistus Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. FIN-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Ammattitodistuksen Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate: (a) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship under the control of an Apprenticeship Board. (b) Is evidence of the successful completion of the final examination. (c) Maybe evidence of the completion of full-time vocational training prior to the apprenticeship. The certificate must be endorsed with the word sahlkolaiteasentaja or sahkeasentaja. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship and training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship and half the period of vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and half the period of vocational training totals less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Ammattitodistuksen Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. FIN-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience FRANCE 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle (CAP) Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of one of the following: (a) The successful completion of a full-time course in a "College d'Enseignement Technique" or "Lycee Professionnel". (b) The completion of an apprenticeship and successful completion of the final examination. (c) An electrical apprenticeship in the Artisanat (small trades) area and the successful completion of the CAP examination. The certificate must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship or training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship or training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship or training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Certificat d'Aptitude Professionnelle (CAP) Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. FRA-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 Certificat de Fin Apprentissage (CFA) Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship in the Artisanat (small trades) area and successful completion of the final examination that is restricted to that Artisanat area. It must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Certificat de Fin Apprentissage (CFA) Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 FRA-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience GERMANY 1. Electrician Registration The documents and training for Germany only relate to the systems operating in the former Federal Republic of Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland). 1.1 Facharbeiterbrief Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of one of the following: (a) The successful completion of an apprenticeship. (b) The successful completion of a 2 year course under the “training by stages" system. (c) The successful completion of a period of formal training as an adult. The certificate must be endorsed with the word elektromechaniker or elektroinstallateur. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship or training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship or training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship or training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Facharbeiterbrief Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. GER-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 Gesellenbrief Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship. It must be endorsed with the word elektromechaniker or elektroinstallateur. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Gesellenbrief Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Meisterbrief Certificate 1.3.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship together with an additional 5 years experience. It must be , endorsed with the word elektromechaniker or elektroinstallateur. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. GER-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) 1.3.3 Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the regulations examination. (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. GER-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 List of Common Certificates City and Guilds of London Institute - Level 2 Certificate *Ordinary or Higher National Certificate in Electrical Engineering *City and Guilds Full Technological Certificate *City and Guilds Electrician's Certificate *City and Guilds Electrical Technician's Part 1 Certificate *City and Guilds Electrical Technicians Part 2 Certificate in Electrical Power Equipment *City and Guilds Electrical and Electronic Craft Studies Part 2 *City and Guilds Electrical Installation Course 2360 Part 2 *City and Guilds Certificate in Electrical Installation Competencies *Northern Counties T.E.C Electrical Technicians 2nd Year Certificate *Welsh Joint Education Committee Electrical Engineering Technicians Part 1 Certificate *Welsh Joint Education Committee Electrical Technicians Certificate 2nd Year (Intermediate) *Scottish Technical Educational Council Higher Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering *BTEC (or TEC) Certificates: National Certificate in Electrical Engineering Higher National Certificate in Electrical Engineering Diploma in Electrical Engineering Higher Diploma in Electrical Engineering any of these must have a pass in the following subjects: Stage II - Electrical and Electronic Applications, or Electrical or Electronic Principles. Stage III - Heavy Current Electrical Applications *BTEC National Certificate in Mining Engineering (Mining and Electrical) *Scotvec (Scottish Vocational Education Council) Higher Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering The following certificates are not now issued but are still acceptable: *City and Guilds Intermediate Grade Electrical Engineering Practice AC and DC *City and Guilds Final Grade Electrical Engineering Practice Parts 1 and 2 *City and Guilds Electrical Installation Work Courses "B" or "C" Certificate *City and Guilds Intermediate Electrical Technicians Certificate *City and Guilds Colliery Electrician Craft Certificate. *City and Guilds Certificate in Electrical Installation Work *City and Guilds Installation Work Certificate B and C (scheme 236) *City and Guilds Certificate Part 2, Certificate in Electrical Installation Work * 1.1.1 Listed in Schedule 6 to the Electricity Regulations 1997 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements GBR-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience Any certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.1.2 Registration Requirements The holder of a certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that show 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience can include the period of apprenticeship or training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Craftsman Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of completion of a training programme prescribed by any approved Industry Training Board. This includes the training for the City and Guilds of London Institute - Level 2 Certificate or equivalent. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 where the period of the training programme was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the training programme was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Craftsman Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. GBR-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Military Forces Training 1.3.1 Description Documents must show that the training received has reached the standard contained in an agreement between Military and the relevant Union. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the period of training show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. GBR-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience GREECE 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 ΙΤΥΧΙΟΝ Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship under the control of the Ministry of Labour or a programme approved by the Ministry. It must be endorsed with the words 'Ηλεκτροτεχνιτης κεριελιξεων or 'Ηλεκτρολοζ εσωτερικων εγκaτaστaσεων. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the ΙΙΤΥΧΙΟΝ Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Lower Technical School Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of 3 year full-time course or 4 year part-time course in a lower technical school. The certificate must be endorsed with the words 'Ηλεκτροτεχνιτης κεριελιξεων or 'Ηλεκτρολοζ εσωτερικων εγκaτaστaσεων. GRE-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 1 years work experience. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.3 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 3 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. ΙΙΣΤΟΙΙΟΙΗΤΙΚΟΝ Certificate with a ΕΚΙΙΑΙ∆ΕΥΣΩΣ Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.3.1 Description These certificates, together, are evidence of the completion of a full-time courses in the lower and middle technical schools. They must be endorsed with the words 'Ηλεκτροτεχνιτης κεριελιξεων or 'Ηλεκτρολοζ εσωτερικων εγκaτaστaσεων. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.3.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. GRE-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. GRE-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience HONG KONG 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Contract Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description (a) Certificate of Completion A certificate of completion is evidence of the successful completion a valid craft apprenticeship or valid technician apprenticeship and must be issued. (i) Under section 28 of the Apprenticeship Ordinance 1976 of Hong Kong and signed by the Commissioner for Labour or, after 1 April 1982, the Director of the Technical Education and Industrial Training Department; or (ii) By the employer prior to 18 July 1976 and signed by the Commissioner for Labour or, after 1 April 1982, the Director of the Technical Education and Industrial Training Department and meeting the requirements of the Hong Kong Labour Department; or (iii) By the Hong Kong Government. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical technician. (b) Apprenticeship Contract An apprenticeship contract, endorsed with the words electrician or electrical technician is valid where it was: (i) Registered with the Commissioner for Labour or, after 1 April 1982, the Director of the Technical Education and Industrial Training Department under sections 15, 16 and 17 of the Apprenticeship Ordinance 1976 of Hong Kong; or (ii) Attested by the Commissioner for Labour prior to the commencement of the Ordinance as provided under section 18(i) of the Apprentice Ordinance 1976. Section 18(i) of the Ordinance was deleted at 1 April 1982; or (iii) Exempted from registration by the Commissioner for Labour as provided for under section 18(i) of the Apprentice Ordinance 1976. Section 18(i) of the Ordinance was deleted at 1 April 1982; or HON-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (iv) Voluntarily registered with the Commissioner for Labour or, after 1 April 1982, the Director of the Technical Education and Industrial Training Department prior to the trade becoming a designated trade under section 17 of the Apprenticeship Ordinance 1976; or (v) Made with the Hong Kong Government. A technician apprenticeship must not be less that 3 years duration. 1.1.2 Endorsements Some certificates may be endorsed with the words “for practical training only”. 1.1.3 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.4 (a) Exempt the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements where neither certificate is endorsed with the words “for practical training only”. (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the craft apprenticeship or technician apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the craft apprenticeship or technician apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship and Apprenticeship Contract show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Pass the 3rd stage theory examination if a Certificate of Completion or Apprenticeship Contract is endorsed with the words “for practical training only”. (e) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. HON-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience INDIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 National Apprenticeship Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship pursuant to the Apprentices Act 1961. It must be endorsed with the word electrician. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the National Apprenticeship Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The experience can include credits granted under the Apprentices Act 1961 on the successful completion of an acceptable course under the Craftsman Training Scheme. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Provisional National Apprenticeship Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship and is issued by a State Government Examining Authority. It must be endorsed with the word electrician. IND-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Provisional National Apprenticeship Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The experience can include credits granted under the Apprentices Act 1961 on the successful completion of an acceptable course under the Craftsman Training Scheme. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Indian Army Training Documents 1.3.1 Description These documents show the trade training and employment experience in the Indian Army (Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) as recognised by the Department of Labour and Employment as equal to the standard of the National Apprenticeship Certificate under Memorandum No. 113(4)/68 –TC, 6 March 1970. The documents must be endorsed with the word electrician. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These documents: (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. IND-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (c) 1.3.3 Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of these documents must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Indian Army Training Documents show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. IND-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience ITALY 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Diploma Di Qualifica 1.1.1 Description This diploma is evidence of the successful completion of full-time 3 or 5 year vocational course or equivalent part-time course conducted or authorised by the Ministry of Public Education in a Technical Institute for Industry (Instituti Tecnici Industriale). The diploma must state the title and duration of the course and be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico - installatore industriale or elettricista - industriale or elettrista - installatore or elettrista - montatore. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that together with the Diploma Di Qualifica Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. There must be, at least, 1 year work experience at level 4 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Certificato Di Qualifica 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of full-time 3 or 5 year vocational course or equivalent part-time course conducted or authorised by the Ministry of Public Education in a State Vocational Training Centre (Instituti Professionale de Sato per L'índustria e L'artigianato). ITA-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The certificate must state the title and duration of the course and be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico - installatore industriale or elettricista - industriale or elettrista - installatore or elettrista montatore. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.3 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that together with the Certificato Di Qualifica Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. There must be, at least, 1 year work experience at level 4 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Attestato Di Qualificazionne Professionale Certificate with a Attestato Di Specializzazione Professionale Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.3.1 Description These certificates are evidence of the successful completion of full-time 3 year vocational course or equivalent part-time course either: (a) At an approved vocational training centre. (b) Conducted by an approved training organisation. Each certificate must state the title and duration of the course and be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico - installatore industriale or elettricista - industriale or elettrista - installatore or elettrista montatore. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements ITA-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience These certificates, together: 1.3.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that together with the Attestato Di Qualificazionne Professionale Certificate and Attestato Di Specializzazione Professionale Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. There must be, at least, 1 year work experience at level 4 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Company Certificate or Letter 1.4.1 Description The certificate or letter, which must be on the company's letterhead, is evidence of the successful completion a in-plant vocational training course conducted by an approved company training organisation. The certificate or letter must state the duration of the course and be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico - installatore industriale or elettricista - industriale or elettrista - installatore or elettrista montatore. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements The letter or certificate: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate or letter must: ITA-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that together with the Company Certificate or Letter show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. There must be, at least, 1 year work experience at level 4 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 Apprenticeship Documents 1.5.1 Description These documents are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship under Apprenticeship Law – 1955 Act 25 on apprenticeship, Presidential Decree 10 of 15 January 1972 and Law 845 of 2 December 1979. These are a dual form of apprenticeship, of not less than 2 years, where the practical training is supplied by the employer and theoretical training by a separate institution to and approved training plan/syllabus. The documentation must: 1.5.2 (a) Include an apprenticeship contract and/or letter from the employer that specifies the training is in the electrical trades and its duration; (b) Include a certificate or letter from the institution providing the theoretical training that specifies the training is in the electrical trades and the performance of the person; and (c) Be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico installatore industriale or elettricista - industriale or elettrista installatore or elettrista - montatore. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These documents: 1.5.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these documents must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. ITA-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that together with the Apprenticeship Documents show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. There must be, at least, 1 year work experience at level 4 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. ITA-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience JAPAN 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 First Grade Certified Skilled Workers 1.1.1 Description This certificate, issued by the Ministry of Labour, is evidence of the successful completion of the first grade skill test under the Vocational Law No. 54 of 18 July 1969, Chapter 5. It must be endorsed with the words denko. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.1.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that together with the First Grade Certified Skilled Workers show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience can include the period of training in: (d) (i) Public Vocational Training Facilities. (ii) Vocational training facilities recognised under Chapter 3 of the Vocational Law No. 54 of 18 July 1969. Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. JAP-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience KOREA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 1 Craftsman 1.1.1 Description This blue covered certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an examination for a First-Class Craftsman under the: (a) National Technical Qualification Act-Law No. 2672 of 31 December 1973; (b) National Technical Qualification Enforcement Decree-Presidential Decree No. 7283 of 6 October 1974; and (c) National Technical Qualification Act Enforcement Rule-Prime Ministerial Ordinance No. 142 of 31 December 1974, or the Basic Law for Vocational Training-Law 2973 31 December 1976. The certificate must be issued by the appropriate Minister and endorsed with the words chonki chakap-kong. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.1.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that together with the National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 1 Craftsman show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience can include: (d) (i) A time credit of 1 year where, after 1967, a person has successfully completed a 3 year technical high school course directly related to the electrical trades. (ii) A time credit of 2 years where a person has successfully completed a 2 year post-secondary Junior Technical College course directly related to the electrical trades. Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. KOR-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman with a Technical High School Graduation Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Descriptions (a) National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman This blue covered certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an examination for a Class 2 Craftsman under the: (i) National Technical Qualification Act-Law No. 2672 of 31 December 1973; (ii) National Technical Qualification Enforcement Presidential Decree No. 7283 of 6 October 1974; and (iii) National Technical Qualification Act Enforcement Rule-Prime Ministerial Ordinance No. 142 of 31 December 1974, or the Basic Law for Vocational Training-Law 2973 31 December 1976. Decree- The certificate must be issued by the appropriate Minister and endorsed with the words chonki chakap-kong. (b) Technical High School Graduation Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a 3 year course at a Technical High School and is issued by the Principal of that school. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.2.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory (b) Are evidence of the completion 1 year work experience. examination Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 3 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be obtained after receiving the National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman . (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. KOR-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman with a Vocational Training Institute Graduation Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.3.1 Descriptions (a) National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman This blue covered certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an examination for a Class 2 Craftsman under the: (i) National Technical Qualification Act-Law No. 2672 of 31 December 1973; (ii) National Technical Qualification Enforcement Presidential Decree No. 7283 of 6 October 1974; and (iii) National Technical Qualification Act Enforcement Rule-Prime Ministerial Ordinance No. 142 of 31 December 1974, or the Basic Law for Vocational Training-Law 2973 31 December 1976. Decree- The certificate must be issued by the appropriate Minister and endorsed with the words chonki chakap-kong. (b) Vocational Training Institute Graduation Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a course of not less than 1800 hours at a Vocational Training Institute and is issued by the Director of that institute. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together, exempt the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.3.3 Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be obtained after receiving the National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman . (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. KOR-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4 National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman with a Company In-plant Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.4.1 Descriptions (a) National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman This blue covered certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an examination for a Class 2 Craftsman under the: (i) National Technical Qualification Act-Law No. 2672 of 31 December 1973; (ii) National Technical Qualification Enforcement Presidential Decree No. 7283 of 6 October 1974; and (iii) National Technical Qualification Act Enforcement Rule-Prime Ministerial Ordinance No. 142 of 31 December 1974, or the Basic Law for Vocational Training-Law 2973 31 December 1976. Decree- The certificate must be issued by the appropriate Minister and endorsed with the words chonki chakap-kong. (b) Company In-plant Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a course of not less than 1800 hours at an approved company operated In-plant Vocational Training Centre and is issued by a responsible officer of the company. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together, exempt the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.4.3 Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: 1.5 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be obtained after receiving the National Technical Qualification Certificate for Class 2 Craftsman. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Class II Engineers Certificate KOR-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.5.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an examination for a Class 2 Engineer under the: (a) National Technical Qualification Act-Law No. 2672 of 31 December 1973; (b) National Technical Qualification Enforcement Decree-Presidential Decree No. 7283 of 6 October 1974; and (c) National Technical Qualification Act Enforcement Rule-Prime Ministerial Ordinance No. 142 of 31 December 1974, or the Basic Law for Vocational Training-Law 2973 31 December 1976. The certificate must be endorsed with the words chonki chakap-kong. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.5.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that together with the Class II Engineers Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. KOR-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience MACEDONIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Level 3 or Level 4 Certificate with a Level 5 Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description Each certificate must be endorsed with the words elektroinstalater or elektromechanicar. (a) Level 3 Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (b) (i) A full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 3. There must be, at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 years electrical vocational education course. (ii) An adult vocationally directed approved education course designed to provide qualification to Level 3. Level 4 Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 4. There must be at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 year vocational education course in electrical industrial subjects. (c) Level 5 Certificate This certificate is evidence of 2 or 3 years work experience at level 3 or 4 and the successful completion of an approved 2 years part-time training course. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements MAC-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work at level 5 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Vocational School Certificate 2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time course at a vocational school. It must be endorsed with the words elektroinstalater or elektromechanicar. A vocational school can be one of the following: 1.2.2 (a) A full-time Government school in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. (b) A part enterprise, part Government School in which the practical training is done in the enterprise school and the theoretical training in the Government School. (c) A school operated by an enterprise, and recognised by the Government, in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. MAC-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vocational School Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. MAC-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience MALAYSIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Perakuan Kecekapan Ketukangan Certificate Certificate with a Sijil Kecekapan Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description (a) Perakuan Kecekapan (Certificate of Proficiency) This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship under the National Apprenticeship Scheme and is issued by the Ministry of Labour Manpower Department. The apprenticeship must be of not less than 3 years duration. It must be endorsed with words that signify that the apprenticeship was in the electrical trades. (b) Sijil Kecekapan Ketukangan (Intermediate Grade Certificate) This certificate, with a green border, is issued by the National Industrial Training and Certification Board. It must be endorsed with words that signify that the apprenticeship was in the electrical trades. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. MAL-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience MALTA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Journeymen's Certificate Certificate with an Apprenticeship School Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description (a) Journeyman's Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship under the control of the Ministry of Labour. It must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical apprentice. (b) Apprenticeship School Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of the theoretical course at the Apprenticeship School. It must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical apprentice. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Journeymen's Certificate and Apprenticeship School Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. MAP-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 Malta Dockyards Apprenticeship Documents with a City and Guilds of London Institute Level 2 Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description (a) Malta Dockyards Apprenticeship Apprenticeship documents show the successful completion of an electrical apprenticeship with the Malta Dockyards. The documents must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical apprentice. (b) City and Guilds of London Institute Level 2 Certificate This certificate is a recognised certificate from the United Kingdom. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.2.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Apprenticeship Documents show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Technical Institute Certificate 1.3.1 Description MAP-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a 5 year full-time course at a Technical Institute. It must be endorsed with the words electrician or electrical apprentice. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. MAP-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience NETHERLANDS 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Diploma Bemetel with a Getuigschrift Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description (a) Diploma Bemetel This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (i) A 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school together with a 2 or 3 year apprenticeship under the control of "Bemetel" (National Trade Training Organisation covering the metal and electro-technical industries); or (ii) A 3 or 4 year apprenticeship under the control of "Bemetel", and the successful completion of the final examination of an examiners board proposed by "Bemetel" and appointed by the Minister for Education and Science. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. (b) Getuigschrift certificate This certificate is evidence of the completion of a supplementary theoretical examination conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science. The examination must be for the electrical trades. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 1 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship and, where applicable, a 1 year time credit for the vocational course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements 1 Where an applicant cannot produce a Getuigschrift certificate, they must also complete the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. NET-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of these certificates must: 1.2 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Diploma Bemetel show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Praktijkgetuigschrift Certificate with a Getuigschrift Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description (a) Praktijkgetuigschrift Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (i) A 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school together with a 2 or 3 year apprenticeship under the control of "V.A.M" (National Trade Training Organisation covering the automobile and related industries); or (ii) A 3 or 4 year apprenticeship under the control of "V.A.M", and the successful completion of the final examination of an examiners board proposed by "V.A.M" and appointed by the Minister for Education and Science. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. (b) Getuigschrift certificate This certificate is evidence of the completion of a supplementary theoretical examination conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science. The examination must be for the electrical trades. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. NET-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (c) 1.2.3 Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship and, where applicable, a 1 year time credit for the vocational course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements 2 The holder of these certificates must: 1.3 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Praktijkgetuigschrift Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Diploma Gezel with a Getuigschrift Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.3.1 Description (a) Diploma Gezel This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (i) A 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school together with a 2 or 3 year apprenticeship under the control of "Smecoma" (National Trade Training Organisation covering small and medium businesses in the metal trades); or (ii) A 3 or 4 year apprenticeship under the control of "Smecoma", and the successful completion of the final examination of an examiners board proposed by "Smecoma" and appointed by the Minister for Education and Science. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. (b) Getuigschrift certificate This certificate is evidence of the completion of a supplementary theoretical examination conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science. The examination must be for the electrical trades. 1.3.2 2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Where an applicant cannot produce a Getuigschrift certificate, they must also complete the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. NET-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience These certificates, together: 1.3.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship and, where applicable, a 1 year time credit for the vocational course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements from the 3rd stage theory examination 3 The holder of these certificates must: 1.4 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Diploma Gezel show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SOM Diploma with a Getuigschrift Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.4.1 Description (a) SOM Diploma This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (i) A 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school together with a 2 or 3 year apprenticeship under the control of "Stichting Opleidingen Metaal" National Trade Training Organisation (since 1982, an amalgamation of "Bemetel" "V.A.M" and Smecoma"); or (ii) A 3 or 4 year apprenticeship under the control of "Stichting Opleidingen Metaal", and the successful completion of the final examination of an examiners board proposed by "Stichting Opleidingen Metaal" and appointed by the Minister for Education and Science. 3 Where an applicant cannot produce a Getuigschrift certificate, they must also complete the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. NET-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-monteur. (b) Getuigschrift certificate This certificate is evidence of the completion of a supplementary theoretical examination conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science. The examination must be for the electrical trades. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.4.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship and, where applicable, a 1 year time credit for the vocational course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements 4 The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the SOM Diploma show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 Diploma VEV - Second Mechanic (strong current) 1.5.1 Description This certificate endorsed with the words electro-monteur is evidence of the successful completion of either: (a) 4 A 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school together with a 2 or 3 year apprenticeship under the control of Where an applicant cannot produce a Getuigschrift certificate, they must also complete the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. NET-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience "V.E.V" (National Trade Training Organisation covering the electrical industries); or (b) A 3 or 4 year apprenticeship under the control of "V.E.V", and the successful completion of the final examination of an examiners board proposed by "V.E.V" and appointed by the Minister for Education and Science. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificates: 1.5.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship and, where applicable, a 1 year time credit for the vocational course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Diploma VEV - Second Mechanic (strong current) show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.6 Philips Diploma 1.6.1 Description This certificate, endorsed with the words electro-monteur, is evidence of the successful completion of 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school and a two year apprenticeship in the electrical trades at the Philips Works, Eindhoven. 1.6.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: NET-6 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.6.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.7 Marine Engineering School Certificate 1.7.1 Description This certificate, endorsed with the words electro-monteur, is evidence of the successful completion of 3 or 4 year full-time vocational course at an elementary technical school and a 2 year apprenticeship in the electrical trades at a Marine Engineering Training School. 1.7.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.7.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. NET-7 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.8 Diploma VEV - First Mechanic (strong current) 1.8.1 Description This certificate with the endorsement electro-monteur is evidence of: 1.8.2 (a) The successful completion of a 3 or 4 year apprenticeship under the control of "V.E.V"; and (b) At least, 2 years work experience after completing the apprenticeship and the successful completion of a qualifying examination to become an electrical contractor. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.8.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.9 (a) Pass the regulations examination. (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. *Electrical Technician TS1 Certificate or Advanced Craftsman EML Certificate * 1.9.1 These certificates are listed in Schedule 6 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Description Either of these certificates is evidence of the completion of the registration electrical theory requirements. They are the theory component of the V.E.V Diploma - First Mechanic (strong current) (paragraph 1.8 above). 1.9.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements Either certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.9.3 Registration Requirements NET-8 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. NET-9 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience NORWAY 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Fagbrev Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of one of the following: (a) The successful completion of a 1 or 2 year full-time course in a workshop school together with a 3 or 4 year apprenticeship. (b) The successful completion of a 3 or 4 year apprenticeship. (c) The successful completion of a 3 or 4 year full-time course in a workshop school. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electro-mecanikk, electristk installater or elektriker. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship or training course that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of apprenticeship and/or the vocational course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship and/or training was less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Fagbrev Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. NOR-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience PARAGUAY 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Bachiller Tecnico Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of 3 year full-time vocational course at a Government Technical Vocational Training School. It must be endorsed with the words electricista or instalador electricista. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The work experience must be gained after the completion of the vocational course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 “B” Class Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is issued by ANDE (Paraguay Electricity Authority). ANDE is responsible, under Paraguayan Law, for the certification of electrical workers. The certificate is evidence of the completion of practical experience and theory and practical examinations. It must be endorsed with the words electricista or instalador electricista. This certificate limits the holder to work on systems up to 60 kW. PAR-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 “C” Class Certificate 1.3.1 Description This certificate is issued by ANDE (Paraguay Electricity Authority). ANDE is responsible, under Paraguayan Law, for the certification of electrical workers. The certificate is evidence of the completion of practical experience and theory and practical examinations. It must be endorsed with the words electricista or instalador electricista. This certificate limits the holder to work on systems up to 25 kW. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. PAR-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience PERU 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificado de Formacion Professional 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship conducted by "SENATI" (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje y Trabajo Industrial). The certificate must specify, on the front and rear, details of the duration of the courses and subjects studied and must be endorsed with the words electricista - adjustador en general or mecanico electricista. This was an official certificate prior to 1 January 1977. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Certificado de Perfeccionamiento Professional 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a trades training course conducted by "SENATI". The certificate must specify, on the front and rear, details of the duration of the courses and subjects studied and must be endorsed with the words electricista - adjustador en general or mecanico electricista. This was an official certificate prior to 1 January 1977. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements PER-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of training is less that 4 years, have documents that together with the Certificado de Perfeccionamiento Professional show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience can include the period of part-time training courses which are assessed on the basis of 38 hours training equals one week. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Certificado de Capacitacion 1.3.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a trades training course conducted by "SENATI". The certificate must specify, on the front and rear, details of the duration of the courses and subjects studied and must be endorsed with the words electricista - adjustador en general or mecanico electricista. This was an official certificate prior to 1 January 1977. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training course was 4 or more years. PER-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of training is less that 4 years, have documents that together with the Certificado de Capacitacion show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience can include the period of part-time training courses which are assessed on the basis of 38 hours training equals one week. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Calificacion Profesional Extraordinaria 1.4.1 Description This is the official certificate issued since 1 January 1977 and replaces the "Certificado de Formacion Professional", "Certificado de Perfeccionamiento Professional" and "Certificado de Capacitacion Certificates. The certificate must specify, on the front and rear, details of the duration of the courses and subjects studied and must be endorsed with the words electricista adjustador en general or mecanico electricista. The registration requirements depend on the type of an additional endorsement. Note: 1.4.2 These certificates are acceptable even though it may state that the apprenticeship was completed prior to 1 January 1997. "Culminado el programa de aprendizaje" Endorsement (a) Description A certificate with this endorsement is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship conducted by "SENATI". (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements The certificate with this endorsement: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements PER-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of a certificate with this endorsement must: 1.4.3 (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 “Culminado el programa de perfeccionamiento de trabajadores en servicio (PTS)” Endorsement (a) Description A certificate with this endorsement is evidence of the successful completion of a trades training course conducted by "SENATI". ("PTS" denotes a night course). (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements The certificate with this endorsement: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (iii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of the certificate with this endorsement must: 1.4.4 (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Where the period of training is less that 4 years, have documents that together with the Certificado de Capacitacion show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience can include the period of part-time training courses which are assessed on the basis of 38 hours training equals one week. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. "Culminado el programa de capacitacion" Endorsement (a) Description PER-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience A certificate with this endorsement is evidence of the successful completion of a trades training course conducted by "SENATI". (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements The certificate with this endorsement: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (iii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training course was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of a certificate with this endorsement must: (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Where the period of training is less that 4 years, have documents that together with the Calificacion Profesional Extraordinaria show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 Titulado Certificate 1.5.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a secondary technical course conducted by a State Vocational School or the Salesian Institute. The certificate must be endorsed with the term "Certificado de Tecnico" and also endorsed with the words electricista - adjustador en genera or mecanico electricista. This certificate was issued prior to 1979. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.5.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: PER-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. This experience can include the period of the training course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. PER-6 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience PHILIPPINES 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Trade Test Certificate - First Class 1.1.1 Description This certificate (coloured red) is evidence of the successful completion of the first class trade test under the National Trade Skills Programme and is issued under the authority of the Executive Director of the National Manpower and Youth Council. It must be endorsed with the words electrician (building wiring). 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.1.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.2 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. This experience must be gained after any training is completed. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship with a Certificate of Apprenticeship Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description These certificates are evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship at the United States Naval Ship Repair Facility as Subic Bay. The Certificate of Completion of Apprenticeship is issued by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training and must be endorsed with the words electrician, electrical repairer, construction electrician, maintenance electrician or industrial electrician. PHI-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The Certificate of Apprenticeship is issued by the United States Department of the Navy, US Naval Ship Repair Facility, Subic Bay and must be endorsed with the words electrician, electrical repairer, construction electrician, maintenance electrician or industrial electrician. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.2.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. This experience can include the apprenticeship. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. PHI-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience POLAND 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Swiadectwo Ukonczenia (zasadniczej szkoly zawadowe) 1.1.1 Description This certificate, the Basic Vocational School Certificate, is evidence of the successful completion of a 3 year full-time basic vocational course in electrical trades under the control of the Ministry of Education. A certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the course was in the electrical trades. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate is evidence of 1 year work experience. 1.1.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.2 (a) Pass the 3rd theory examination. (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Pass the regulations examination. (d) Have other documents that show, at least, 3 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. This experience must be gained after the completion of the vocational training. (e) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Swiadectwo Ukonczenia (zasadniczej szkoly zawadowe) with a Dyplom (ukonczenia policealnego studium zawodowego) Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description (a) Swiadectwo Ukonczenia (zasadniczej szkoly zawadowe) (Basic Vocational School Certificate) This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a 3 year full-time basic vocational course in the electrical trades under the control of the Ministry of Education. A certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the course was in the electrical trades POL-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Dyplom (ukonczenia policealnego studium zawodowego) (Technician Diploma) This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a 3 year technical secondary course under the control of the Ministry of Education. A diploma must be endorsed with words that signify that the course was in the electrical trades. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.2.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of 4 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. POL-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience REPUBLIC OF SLOVAKIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Vyuci List Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate, issued by the Government, is evidence of the satisfactory completion of an apprenticeship. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the apprenticeship was in the electrical trades. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vyuci List Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Vycuny List Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate, issued by the Government, is evidence of the satisfactory completion of an apprenticeship. A certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the apprenticeship was in the electrical trades. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements SLO-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vycuny List Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SLO-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience RUSSIA 1. Electricians Registration 1.1 PTU (Trades School) Graduation Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a 1, 2 or 3 year full-time trades course. A certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the course was in the electrical trades 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.1.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporates the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Where: (i) The 1 year trades training course has been completed, at least 3 years experience must be obtained as a tradesperson at Level 3 or higher after the completion of the course. (ii) The 2 year trades training course has been completed, at least 2 years experience must be obtained as a tradesperson at Level 3 or higher after the completion of the course. (iii) The 3 year trades training course has been completed, at least 1 year experience must be obtained as a tradesperson at Level 3 or higher after the completion of the course. Evidence of experience after the training course must be statements of service from employers (workbooks are not acceptable). (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. RUS-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SERBIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Level 3 or Level 4 Certificate with a Level 5 Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description This certificate must be endorsed with the words obratovni elektrikar or pogonski elektrikar. (a) Level 3 Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (b) (i) A full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 3. There must be, at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 years electrical vocational education course. (ii) An adult vocationally directed approved education course designed to provide qualification to Level 3. Level 4 Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 4. There must be at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 year vocational education course in electrical industrial subjects. (c) Level 5 Certificate This certificate is evidence of 2 or 3 years work experience at level 3 or 4 and the successful completion of an approved 2 years part-time training course. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements SER-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work at level 5 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Vocational School Certificate 2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time course at a vocational school. It must be endorsed with the words obratovni elektrikar or pogonski elektrikar. A vocational school can be one of the following: 1.2.2 (a) A full-time Government school in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. (b) A part enterprise, part Government School in which the practical training is done in the enterprise school and the theoretical training in the Government School. (c) A school operated by an enterprise, and recognised by the Government, in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. SER-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Vocational School Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SER-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SINGAPORE 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Craftsman Certificate together with a National Trade Certificate Stage Two Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description These certificates, together, are evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship under the Joint Industrial Training Scheme. Each certificate must be endorsed with the words electrical fitting and installation. (a) (b) 1.1.2 The Craftsman Certificate must be issued by one of the following Government Training Centres: (i) Economic Development Board. (ii) Philips Government Training Centre. (iii) Brown Boveri Government Training Centre. (iv) TATA Government Training Centre. (v) Precision Engineering Institute. The National Trade Certificate Stage Two must be issued by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SIN-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 Certificate of Completion with a National Trade Certificate Stage Two Both certificates must be held. 1.2.1 Description These certificates, together, are evidence of the successful completion of a period of training (equivalent to an apprenticeship) of a duration of not less than 4 years in a training establishment approved by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. Each certificate must be endorsed with the words electrical fitting and installation. 1.2.2 (a) The Certificate of Completion must be issued by the approved training establishment. (b) The National Trade Certificate Stage Two must be issued by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.2.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: 1.3 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Certificate of Engineering Completion with a Diploma in Electrical Both certificates must be held. 1.3.1 Description These certificates, together, are evidence of the successful completion of a period of training (equivalent to an apprenticeship) of a duration of not less than 4 years in a training establishment approved by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. Each certificate must be endorsed with the words electrical fitting and installation. SIN-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3.2 (a) The National Trade Certificate Stage Two must be issued by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. (b) The Diploma in Electrical Engineering must be issued by the Singapore Polytechnic. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.3.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: 1.4 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. National Trade Certificate Stage Two together with a Certificate of Apprenticeship Both certificates must be held. 1.4.1 Description These certificates, together, are evidence of the successful completion of a full-time course approved by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board and a subsequent apprenticeship of not less than 2 years duration. Each certificate must be endorsed with the words electrical fitting and installation. 1.4.2 (a) The National Trade Certificate Stage Two must be issued by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. (b) The Certificate of Apprenticeship must be endorsed by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination SIN-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4.3 (b) Are evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997, where the period of the course and apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the training and apprenticeship are less than 4 years, have documents that together with the National Trade Certificate Stage Two and Certificate of Apprenticeship show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 National Trade Certificate Stage Two 1.5.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a part-time course approved by the Vocational and Industrial Training Board and is issued where the work experience totals not less than 5 years. It must be endorsed with the words electrical fitting and installation. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.5.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that are evidence of having completed, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 . SIN-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SIN-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SLOVENIA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Level 3 or Level 4 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate with a Level 5 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1 Description Each certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the training was in the electrical trades. (a) Level 3 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of either: (b) (i) A full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 3. There must be, at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 years electrical vocational education course. (ii) An adult vocationally directed approved education course designed to provide qualification to Level 3. Level 4 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time secondary (vocationally directed) education course to Level 4. There must be at least, 2 years general secondary vocational education and an approved 2 year vocational education course in electrical industrial subjects. (c) Level 5 Spricevalo o zakljucnem izpitu Certificate This certificate is evidence of 2 or 3 years work experience at level 3 or 4 and the successful completion of an approved 2 years part-time training course. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together: 1.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements SLV-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work at level 5 after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Vocational School Certificate 2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time course at a vocational school. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the training was in the electrical trades. A vocational school can be one of the following: 1.2.2 (a) A full-time Government school in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. (b) A part enterprise, part Government School in which the practical training is done in the enterprise school and the theoretical training in the Government School. (c) A school operated by an enterprise, and recognised by the Government, in which both theoretical and practical training is provided. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. SLV-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, show documents that together with the Vocational School Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SLV-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SOUTH AFRICA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 National Trade Test Certificate 1.1.1 Description (a) Since 1985, an apprentice has been required to obtain this certificate to gain skilled status. (b) This certificate is evidence of any of the following: (c) (d) (i) The successful completion of an apprenticeship registered under the South African Department of Manpower Apprenticeship Act, commenced between 1985 and 1991. (ii) The successful completion of an apprenticeship under the auspices of the South African Department of Labour (formerly the Department of Manpower), commenced after 1991. (iii) Recognition of informal training and experience criteria by an Industry Training Board (ITB) under section 28 of the National Manpower Act and the completion of bridging training provided by that ITB. Prior to 1991, the tests to be passed to gain the certificate were conducted and certificates issued by the Central Organisation for Trades Testing (COTT). Since 1991, COTT has set the standards and have authorised ITBs to conduct the test and issue the certificates. The ITBs are: (i) Transnet Training Board. (ii) Electrical Contractors Association of South Africa. (iii) Metals and Engineering Industries Education Training Board. All certificates must have the following information: (i) A red seal at the bottom. (ii) The signature of the Registrar of the South African Department of Labour (or Manpower depending on the date of issue). (iii) The section of the Manpower Training Act 1981 under which the candidate was assessed (section 13 for apprentices or section 28 for informal training). (iv) The candidates name, identity document number and the trade classification of electrician. SOU-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship and/or informal training and experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship or training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where: (d) 1.2 (i) The apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the National Trade Test Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (ii) The National Trade Test Certificate was obtained through informal training and experience, have documents that show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be in addition to any training. Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Wiremans Licences Licences are issued by the Department of Labour under the Electrical Installation Regulations 1992 (made under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1993). Under those regulations, every user of an electrical installation must have a valid certificate of compliance for that installation. A certificate of compliance must be issued by an accredited person - a person who holds a wiremans licence. The 3 types of licence are “electrical tester for single phase”, “installation electrician” and “master installation electrician”. 1.3 Electrical Tester for Single Phase Licence 1.3.1 Description An electrical tester for single phase must have one of the following: SOU-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3.2 (a) Passed a trade test that qualifies them as an electrician (construction) and five years experience in electrical installation work (can include apprenticeship). (b) Passed a recognised trade test other than the N2, passed the Installation Rules subject at a technical college and five years experience in electrical installation work (can include apprenticeship). (c) Have a certificate of recommendation from the Electrical Contracting Board of South Africa and five years experience in electrical installation work. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This licence: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this licence must: 1.4 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. *Installation Electrician Licence * 1.4.1 Listed in Schedule 6 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Description An installation electrician must have: (a) One of the following: (i) A N2 certificate with a pass in electrical trade theory or electricians mathematics and any two of the following subjects; electronics, applied science or technical drawing. (ii) A N3 certificate with a pass in mathematics N2 and at least one of the following subjects; electricians SG (St 10), electrical trade theory N3 or electrotechnology N3. (iii) National Senior Certificate with mathematics, technical electrical technical drawing or similar subject and one of the following; electricians SG (St 10), electrical trade theory N3 or SOU-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience electrotechnology N3, electrotechnics N4 or higher, principles of electricity T1 or higher, electrical engineering T1 or higher or electrical power and control T1 or higher. 1.4.2 (b) Passed the prescribed test under the Manpower Training Act 1981 for the trade of electrician, electrician (engineering), electrician construction or millwright (electro-mechanical) . (c) Passed the subject “Installation Rules” (based on the South African Bureau of Standard “Code of Practice for the Wiring of Premises SACS 0142. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This licence: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination requirements. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Exempts the holder from the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration requirements The holder of this licence must pass the regulations examination Note: Where the holder requires a practising licence, they must complete the requirements detailed in section 4.9, Part I. 1.5 Master Installation Electrician Licence 1.5.1 Description A master electrician must have: 1.5.2 (a) Two years experience after registration as an installation electrician. (b) A N3 Certificate (must include electrical trade theory). (c) Passed the subject “Specialised Electrical Installation Codes” based on ASBS 05, 086, 089, and 0108. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This licence: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. SOU-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.5.3 (b) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination requirements. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Exempts the holder from the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration requirements The holder of this licence must pass the regulations examination. Note: Where the holder requires a practising licence, they must complete the requirements detailed in section 4.9, Part I. 1.6 Apprentice Contract Completion Documents (pre 1985) 1.6.1 Description These documents, endorsed with the words electrician, must show the successful completion of an apprenticeship, commenced prior to 1985, registered under the South African Department of Manpower Apprenticeship Act. 1.6.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These documents exempt the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. 1.6.3 Registration Requirements The holder of these documents must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have documents that together with the Apprenticeship documents show, at least, 4 years work experience that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SOU-5 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SPAIN 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Titulo de Oficial Industrial Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time course in a vocational school. The certificate must be issued by the Ministry of Education and be endorsed with the words instalador-montador. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Titulo de Oficial Industrial Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Maestro Industrial Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an appropriate full-time course in a vocational school. The certificate must be issued by the Ministry of Education and be endorsed with the words instalador-montador. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements SPA-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Tecnico Auxiliar Certificate 1.3.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time course pursuant to the General Law for Education 1970, of not less than 2 years duration. The certificate must be issued by the Ministry of Education and be endorsed with the words instalador-montador. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 1 year work experience. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.4 (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 3 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Tecnico Especialista Certificate SPA-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time course, pursuant to the General Law for Education 1970, of not less than 2 years duration. The certificate must be issued by the Ministry of Education and be endorsed with the words instalador-montador. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 1 year work experience. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 3 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be gained after the completion of the course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.5 Apprenticeship Documents 1.5.1 Description Apprenticeship documents show the successful completion of an apprenticeship in the electrical trades. They must be endorsed with the words instalador-montador. 1.5.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These documents are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. 1.5.3 Registration Requirements The holder of these documents must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage theory examination SPA-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Pass the regulations examination. (d) Where the period of the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Apprenticeship documents show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (e) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.6 In-plant Training Documents 1.6.1 Description In-plant training documents show the successful completion of an in-plant training equivalent to an apprenticeship in the electrical trades. They must be endorsed with the words instalador-montador. 1.6.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These documents are evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 where the period of the training was 4 or more years. 1.6.3 Registration Requirements The holder of these documents must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Pass the regulations examination. (d) Where the period of the training was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the In-plant documents show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (e) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SPA-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SRI LANKA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificate of Proficiency endorsed with the word "Special" 1.1.1 General Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a craft apprenticeship, of not less than 3 years duration, under the National Apprenticeship Act No, 49 of 1971. The apprenticeship is carried out at the Apprenticeship Training Institute, Moratuwa. Endorsed certificates are issued jointly issued by the National Apprenticeship and Industrial Training Authority (prior to 1990, known as the National Apprenticeship Board) and the Apprenticeship Training Institute. The certificate must be endorsed with the word electrician. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. The experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Certificate of Proficiency with no endorsement 1.2.1 Description SRA-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a craft apprenticeship, of not less than 3 or 4 years duration, under the National Apprenticeship Act No, 49 of 1971. The certificate must be endorsed with the word electrician. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of: (i) Two years work experience that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 where the period of apprenticeship was 3 years. (ii) Three years work experience that incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 where the period of apprenticeship was 4 years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show: (d) (i) At least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the apprenticeship period was 3 years. The experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. (ii) At least, 1 year work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the apprenticeship period was 4 years. The experience must be gained after the completion of the apprenticeship. Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SRA-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SWEDEN 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Slutbetyg Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time vocational course at a workshop school as follows: (a) Kommunala Verkstadskola - conducted by a municipality of Centrala Verkstadskola - give complete training in a skilled occupation and are designed for students from rural areas. (b) Inbygg Verkstadskola - provide theoretical instruction and practical training on industrial premises. (c) Gymnasieskola - an integrated upper secondary school. The certificate must be endorsed with industrielektriker or installationselektriker. 1.1.2 the word elektromonter, Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Slutbetyg Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SWE-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2 Certificate from an In-plant School 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time vocational course at an in-plant school (Foretagsskola). These are subsidised by the Government and are run by large industrial premises that provide theoretical and practical training. These certificates are: (a) Avgangsbetyg - AB Scania-Vaga The certificate must be endorsed with industrielektriker or installationselektriker. 1.2.2 the word elektromonter, Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Certificate from an In-plant School show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Diplom 1.3.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time vocational course to the skilled worker level at a school run by a member company of the Swedish Metal Trades Employers Association. It must be endorsed with word elektromonter, industrielektriker or installationselektriker. SWE-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.3.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the vocational training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Diplom show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Gesallbrev Certificate 1.4.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship regulated by the Swedish Federation of Crafts and Medium Sized Industries through the Council for Apprentice Training (CYN). It must be endorsed with the word elektromonter, industrielektriker or installationselektriker. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. SWE-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.4.3 Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the apprenticeship was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Gesallbrev Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SWE-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience SWITZERLAND 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificat de Capacite, Fahigkeritszeugnis, Attestato di Capacita Certificate 1.1.1 General Description and Endorsements The certificate is printed in French, German and Italian. Where (a) French is used (Certificat de Capacite) it must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. (b) German is used (Fahigkeritszeugnis) it must be endorsed with the word elektromechaniker or elektroinstallateur. (c) Italian is used (Attestato di Capacita) it must be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico - istallatore industriale or elettricista - industriale or elettrista - installatore or elettrista montatore. The certificate can be issued for a number of different training situations each of which have differing requirements. These are: 1.1.2 Apprenticeship (a) Description The certificate is evidence of the successful completion of the apprenticeship examination. The apprenticeship is carried out under the supervision of the Office of Industry, Arts and Crafts and Labour (BIGA). There is also an additional certificate, the Lehrbrief, confirming the successful completion of the apprenticeship. This can be issued by the employer, employer organisation or Cantonal Authority. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (iii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. SWI-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (c) Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.1.3 (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Certificat de Capacite, Fahigkeritszeugnis, Attestato di Capacita Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Craft School (a) Description The certificate is evidence of the successful completion of the apprenticeship examination. There is also another certificate, the equivalent of the Lehrbrief, that confirms the successful completion of a full-time course at a craft school. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of an training that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (iii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience where the period of the training was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Where the training course was less than 4 years duration, have documents that together with the Certificat de Capacite, Fahigkeritszeugnis, Attestato di Capacita Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SWI-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.1.4 Experience (a) Description The certificate is evidence of the successful completion of the apprenticeship examination together with, at least, 6 years work experience. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Masters Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of, at least, 3 years experience after the successful completion of an apprenticeship or full-time course. The certificate is issued in one of three languages: 1.2.2 (a) The Diplome (French) which must be endorsed with the words mecanicien-electricien or monteur-electricien. (b) The Diplom (German) which must be endorsed with the words elektromechaniker or elektroinstallateur. (c) The Diploma (Italian) which must be endorsed with the words elettromeccanico or elettromeccanico - istallatore industriale or lettricista - industriale or elettrista - installatore or elettrista montatore. Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: SWI-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the regulations examination. (b) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. SWI-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience TAIWAN 1. Electrical Service Technician Registration 1.1 Level “B” Skill Test Diploma with a Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate Both certificates must be held. 1.1.1 Description (a) Level “B” Skill Test Diploma This certificate is evidence of passing the skilled workers test at "B" level conducted by the Employment and Vocational Training Authority (EVTA). EVTA also issue the certificate. The test can only be sat after obtaining 3 years work experience after receiving the graduation certificate. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the test was for the electrical trades. (b) Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a 18002000 hour full-time training course. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the course was for the electrical trades. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements These certificates, together, are evidence of the completion of, as applicable: 1.1.3 (a) Eighteen months work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that relates to an “A” type limitation; or (b) Eighteen months work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that relates to a “B” type limitation; or (c) Three years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work that relates to an unlimited registration. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Have documents that together with the Level "B" Skill Test Diploma and Vocational Training Centre Graduation Certificate show whether their work experience relates to: TAI-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) (i) The skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to an “A” type limitation; or (ii) The skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to an “B” type limitation; or (iii) The skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997 that relate to an unlimited registration. Complete the course of tuition for, as applicable: (i) The "A" type limitation; or (ii) The "A" type limitation and the "B" type limitation; or (iii) An unlimited registration, and pass the examination and practical assessment at the end of the course. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 2 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 2. Electrician Registration 2.1 Level “B” Skill Test Diploma with a Siemens Electrical Training Centre Certificate Both certificates must be held. 2.1.1 Description (a) Level “B” Skill Test Diploma This certificate is evidence of passing the skilled workers test at "B" level conducted by the Employment and Vocational Training Authority (EVTA). EVTA also issue the certificate. The test can only be sat after obtaining 3 years work experience after receiving the graduation certificate. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the test was for the electrical trades. (b) Siemens Electrical Training Centre Certificate This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a 3 years full-time training course. The certificate must be endorsed with words that signify that the course was for the electrical trades. 2.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements TAI-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience These certificates, together: 2.1.3 (a) Exempt the holder requirements. from the 3rd stage theory examination (b) Are evidence of the completion 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of these certificates must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show at least 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. The experience must be gained after the completion of the training. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. TAI-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience TURKEY 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Sanat Enstitusu Diplomasi 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time course at the boys trade institution. It must be endorsed with the words elektrikli aletlerin yapim ve tamirinde calisir or elektrik mekanisyeni veya elektrik tesisatcisi. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of a course that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the period of the course is 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the course is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Sanat Enstitusu Diplomasi show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Endustri Meslek Lisesi Diplomasi 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a full-time course at the boys trade institution. It must be endorsed with the words elektrikli aletlerin yapim ve tamirinde calisir or elektrik mekanisyeni veya elektrik tesisatcisi. TUR-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.2.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of a course that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the period of the course is 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the course is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Endustri Meslek Lisesi Diplomasi show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.3 Employers Certificate 1.3.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the successful completion of a period of training as an apprentice or as a learner with a company under a programme specified by the Ministry of Labour. The certificate must be endorsed by the Ministry of Labour and with the words elektrikli aletlerin yapim ve tamirinde calisir or elektrik mekanisyeni veya elektrik tesisatcisi. 1.3.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. TUR-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (c) 1.3.3 Is evidence of the completion 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the period of the apprenticeship is 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Employers Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.4 Ciraklik Diplomasi 1.4.1 Description This apprenticeship diploma is evidence of the successful completion of an apprenticeship with the Turkish Railways. It must be endorsed with the words elektrikli aletlerin yapim ve tamirinde calisir or elektrik mekanisyeni veya elektrik tesisatcisi. The training must have been completed prior to 1973. 1.4.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.4.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the period of the apprenticeship is 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. TUR-3 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Ciraklik Diplomasi show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. TUR-4 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Certificate of Completion 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the satisfactory completion of an apprenticeship registered with either: (a) The Federal Bureau of Apprenticeship Training. (b) A State Apprenticeship Council recognised under the National Apprenticeship Act. The certificate must be endorsed with the words electrician, electrical repairer, construction electrician, maintenance electrician or industrial electrician. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (c) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Where the period of the apprenticeship is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Certificate of Completion show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. USA-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience URUGUAY 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Titulado Certificate 1.1.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a trades course conducted by the University of Labour. It must be endorsed with the words electricista or electricista de instalacion. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This is experience must be gained after the completion of the training course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. 1.2 Salesian Institute Certificate 1.2.1 Description This certificate is evidence of the completion of a full-time trades course conducted by the Salesian Institute, Montevideo. It must be endorsed with the words electricista or electricista de instalacion. 1.2.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. URU-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (b) 1.2.3 Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the training course. (d) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. URU-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience VENEZUELA 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Apprenticeship Completion Certificate 1.1.1 Description The certificate must specify the completion of an apprenticeship conducted by INCE (Instituto Nacional de Cooperacion Educativa) and be endorsed with the words instalador montador, electromecanico or electricista de mantenimiento. 1.1.2 Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: 1.1.3 (a) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (b) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (a) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (b) Pass the regulations examination. (c) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. VEN-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience VIETNAM This section is for guidance only. Persons from Vietnam need to show, at least, theoretical and practical training and work experience to the 4/7 level (skilled worker) and above. The type of registration depends on the training and experience. However, it should be noted that vocational training courses are, largely, in 4 categories: (a) Factory and appliance repairs. (b) Refrigeration and air-conditioning (c) Electronic radio and television (d) Installation electrical It would seem that (a), (b) and (c) are more aligned to work for which an electrical service technician registration is appropriate and (d) together with (a) or (b) or (c) is more aligned to work for which electricians registration is appropriate. VIE-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience ZIMBABWE 1. Electrician Registration 1.1 Skilled Worker Class One Certificate 1.1.1 Description The Skilled Worker Class One Certificate is evidence of passing a trade test set by the Department of Manpower, Planning and Development. (A person may also receive the certificate if they demonstrate to the Department that they have fulfilled the necessary trade test criteria). The certificate must be endorsed with the word electrician. A person can sit the Class One trade test if they have successfully completed an apprenticeship, institutional training or have the necessary experience. 1.1.2 Apprenticeship (a) Description An apprenticeship is conducted under the auspices of the Department of Manpower, Planning and Development and, on completion, a National Certificate or the National Craft Certificate is received. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of an apprenticeship that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. (iii) Is evidence of the completion of 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work where the period of the apprenticeship was 4 or more years. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Where the period of the apprenticeship is less than 4 years, have documents that together with the Skilled Worker Class One Certificate show, at least, 4 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. ZIM-1 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (iv) 1.1.3 Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Training programme (a) Description This is a 3 year vocational programme at the completion of which a National Certificate is received. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (c) (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. (ii) Is evidence of the completion of 3 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: 1.1.4 (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Have other documents that show, at least, 1 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the training. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Experience (a) Description The (electrical) trades tests for Skilled Workers Classes 1 Certificate can be sat where a person has obtained the Skilled Workers Classes 2 and 3 Certificates and has had 6 years work experience. (b) Equivalence to New Zealand Requirements This certificate: (i) Exempts the holder from the 3rd stage theory examination requirements. ZIM-2 Electrical Workers Registration Board - Policy and Procedure Manual Recognition of Overseas Qualifications and Experience (ii) (c) Is evidence of the completion of 2 years work experience that has incorporated the skills in paragraph 1(2) of Clause 1 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. Registration Requirements The holder of this certificate must: (i) Pass the 3rd stage practical assessment or examination. (ii) Pass the regulations examination. (iii) Have other documents that show, at least, 2 years work experience on (the equivalent of) prescribed electrical work. This experience must be gained after the completion of the training. (iv) Complete the safety instruction requirements of Clause 3 of Schedule 1 of the Electricity Regulations 1997. ZIM-3