PSEG-LONG ISLAND SMART GRID SMALL GENERATOR INTERCONNECTION SCREENING CRITERIA FOR OPERATING IN PARALLEL WITH LIPA’S DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PSEG-LI SGSGIP DG Screening Criteria 5-29-14 Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................3 II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................................4 III. CONTROL AND PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................6 IV. NON-INVERTER INTERFACED DG SCREENING CRITERIA ............................................................... 13 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. V. VOLTAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 13 FLICKER ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 VOLTAGE DIP ................................................................................................................................................ 13 FREQUENCY .................................................................................................................................................. 13 HARMONICS ................................................................................................................................................... 14 POWER FACTOR ............................................................................................................................................ 14 EXTERNAL FAULT AND LINE CLEARING ........................................................................................................ 14 DC INJECTION ............................................................................................................................................... 15 UNINTENTIONAL ISLANDING .......................................................................................................................... 15 INVERTER-INTERFACED DG SCREENING CRITERIA ......................................................................... 16 A. B. C. D. E. 1. 2. 3. F. G. 1. 2. 3. 4. H. 1. 2. 3. I. J. K. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................. 16 KEY ASSUMPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 16 LIPA DG INTERCONNECTION POLICIES ....................................................................................................... 16 INVERTER-INTERFACED DG IMPACTS........................................................................................................... 17 STEADY-STATE VOLTAGE DEVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 17 Primary Feeder Voltage Profile ............................................................................................................ 17 Steady-State Primary Voltage Criteria ................................................................................................ 20 Secondary Voltages .............................................................................................................................. 22 CONTINGENCY VOLTAGE DECREASE ON SIMULTANEOUS DG TRIP ............................................................ 25 INADVERTENT ISLANDING AND TEMPORARY OVERVOLTAGE ....................................................................... 26 Temporary Overvoltages ...................................................................................................................... 26 Islanding TOV Criteria ........................................................................................................................... 28 Out-of-Phase Reclosing ........................................................................................................................ 31 Out-of-Phase Reclosing Criteria .......................................................................................................... 32 POWER QUALITY ........................................................................................................................................... 33 Flicker ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 Flicker Screening ................................................................................................................................... 36 Harmonics ............................................................................................................................................... 37 SYSTEM LOADING ......................................................................................................................................... 38 FAULT CURRENT CONTRIBUTION AND PROTECTION .................................................................................... 38 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDED SCREENS ..................................................................................................... 39 VI. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING REQUIREMENTS........................................................................... 43 VII. CLASSIFICATION OF DG SYSTEM GENERATOR INSTALLATIONS ........................................... 45 VIII. APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 46 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................................ 46 APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................................................ 51 APPENDIX C ............................................................................................................................................................ 52 APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................................................................ 53 APPENDIX E ............................................................................................................................................................. 54 APPENDIX F ............................................................................................................................................................. 55 PSEG-LI SGSGIP DG Screening Criteria 5-29-14 I. Introduction This document provides additional technical requirements defined in the Smart Grid Small Generator Interconnection Procedures (SGSGIP)for all interconnection Distribution Generation (DG) system for operating in parallel with LIPA’s distribution system. This document provides details for the minimum control and protection requirements for safe and effective operation of Distributed Generation Equipment, interconnecting with the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) radial distribution system. The term “Distributed Generation Equipment” (DG System) refers to generating systems owned by individuals, companies, or agencies, other than PSEG Long Island, within the PSEG Long Island service area. It is emphasized that these requirements are general and may not cover all details in specific cases. The customer must be Primary Metered for DG system greater than 1.5 MVA. Secondary Meter for DG system greater than 300 kVA will be permitted up to 1.5 MVA on a case by case basis only. Primary Metering requirements are defined elsewhere. Interconnections shall not be made to primary feeders supplying secondary network systems. Generator size limitations are outlined in Section VII - Classification of DG System Generator Installations. PSEG Long Island will evaluate applications for interconnections to looped radial primary systems (fused loops). If approved, these interconnections shall be made through a LIPA installed and owned fused disconnect switch installed on the primary side of the customer owned transformer. The installation of the fused switch shall be at the DG System’s expense. Interconnection requirements as well as specific electrical requirements for parallel operation with the LIPA system are provided for substation and distribution interconnections of synchronous generators, induction generators, and D.C. generators with inverters. Application forms from SGSGIP shall be used by the DG System and PSEG Long Island to document the specific characteristics of the installation. This application shall be coordinated by PSEG Long Island's Power Asset Management group. Responsibility for protection of the DG System against possible damage resulting from parallel operation with the LIPA Distribution System lies solely with the DG System. The LIPA transmission lines have automatic instantaneous reclosing and distribution feeders have automatic instantaneous and time delay reclosing with a dead time as short as 12 cycles and as long as 30 seconds. It is the DG System's responsibility to protect its equipment from being reconnected out-of-synchronism with the LIPA system after automatic reclosing of a LIPA circuit breaker. The DG System connected to the distribution system can also be affected by a transmission line breaker reclosure. It is the DG System’s responsibility to protect its equipment from these reclosures. The DG System shall provide high speed protective relaying to remove its equipment from the utility circuit prior to the automatic reclosure. This requirement cannot be met by direct transfer trip equipment. 3 II. General Requirements Each DG System operating in parallel with the LIPA system shall have its interconnection control and protection designs reviewed and accepted by PSEG Long Island. The specific design requirements of the protection system depend on the generator type, size, and other site specific considerations. The DG System shall meet PSEG Long Island's Specifications and Requirements for Electric Installations (Red Book), latest revision, all applicable sections of the NEC and all local and municipal codes. It is the intent of these Interconnection Requirements that interconnected DG Systems meet operational requirements outlined in IEEE Standard P1547 and all future companion documents to P1547, as they may be adopted by the IEEE Standards Board in the future. PSEG Long Island reserves the right to impose site specific interconnection requirements on a case by case basis. To eliminate unnecessary costs and delays, a DG System interconnection one line drawing should be submitted to PSEG Long Island for acceptance prior to the commencement of construction and ordering of equipment. Seven (7) copies of the following must be submitted before a final acceptance can be given to the DG System's design: A. DG System Interconnection one-line drawing. B. Relay Functional diagram showing all current (CT) and potential transformer (PT) circuits, relay connections, and protective control circuits. All interconnections with LIPA's circuits should be clearly labeled (See Appendix F for an example of an acceptable relay functional). C. Three line AC schematic diagrams of transformers and bus relay protection. D. Interconnection breaker AC and DC schematics. E. Protective relay equipment list including manufacturer model number, relay ranges, manufacturer's bulletins, curves and proposed settings. F. Generator, transformer, and breaker nameplate information including generator transient, generator harmonic characteristics (non type tested generators), subtransient, and synchronous impedances and transformer positive and zero sequence impedances (Appendix D). G. Producer generator protection scheme. H. Interconnection breaker speed curve. I. All drawings should incorporate PSEG Long Island's requirements for the name and number description of major equipment (switches, breakers, etc.). No installation of equipment can be completed without written acceptance from PSEG Long Island. If the DG System is installed without prior written acceptance of the equipment by PSEG Long Island, it shall be done at the DG system’s own risk. The DG System shall be solely responsible for all costs associated with the replacement of any equipment that has not been accepted by PSEG Long Island. Final acceptance of the interconnection by PSEG Long Island will be contingent upon PSEG Long Island's acceptance of all of the DG System's interconnection equipment. 4 If the DG System makes changes in the design of the project, any previous information furnished by PSEG Long Island shall be subject to review and possible changes. At the completion of construction, functional tests of all protective equipment shall be performed by a qualified testing company acceptable to PSEG Long Island, and PSEG Long Island reserves the right to witness such tests. If these tests are successful, and the protective relay settings have been correctly applied, PSEG Long Island shall permit the interconnection to be energized. To accomplish the interconnection and to provide for continuing operations in a safe, economical and efficient manner, PSEG Long Island shall prepare and deliver Operating Instructions to the DG System prior to interconnecting the facility. The Operating Instructions shall include but not be limited to defining requirements for: A. Maintaining proper voltage and frequency and for putting into effect voltage changes as required from time to time. B. Phasing and synchronizing the facility and LIPA's system. C. Taking feeders out of service for maintenance during a system emergency or system pre-emergency conditions and restoring such feeders to service. D. Controlling the flow of real and reactive power. E. Periodic maintenance of the interconnection circuit breaker and related facilities. F. Procedure for communication between electrical operations personnel of the DG System and PSEG Long Island. The DG System shall also ensure the availability of a dedicated telephone handset, for use by PSEG Long Island personnel during testing and maintenance of the DG System's equipment. The DG System shall be required to have a qualified testing company, acceptable to PSEG Long Island, perform maintenance, trip tests, and recalibration tests on its protective relaying devices once every two (2) years. A copy of the test results shall be sent to PSEG Long Island for review, comment, and acceptance, no later than five (5) working days after completion of tests. All other DG systems including but not limited to rotating machines, non-inverter interfaced DG system shall follow the Criteria outlined in Section IV. All inverter interfaced DG system shall be screened as per “Inverter-Interfaced DG Screening Criteria” (outlined in Section V). This document is developed for PSEG Long Island to provide a process to review inverter interfaced DG interconnection requests to determine the impacts and identify specific mitigation measures necessary to interconnect the DG. These screening criteria will determine whether an inverter based DG interconnection should be fast tracked or if the project requires further engineering study. 5 III. Control and Protection Requirements The inverter interfaced DG system passing the “Inverter-Interfaced DG Screening Criteria” may not need following engineering studies performed. A. Engineering Studies Engineering studies shall be performed by PSEG Long Island to determine the exact electrical configuration of the interconnection installation and to identify any required additions, changes, or modifications to the LIPA system. Major equipment requirements such as circuit breakers and special protective relaying shall also be studied. Items requiring investigation are as follows: B. 1. Equipment short circuit duty. 2. Feeder breaker relay protection coordination due to in-feed for three phase and line to ground faults. 3. Branch fusing coordination due to fault current in-feed from DG System's equipment. 4. Breaker Failure requirements. 5. Deadline operating restraints. 6. VAR requirements. 7. MVA limitations of generation because of location on the LIPA feeder. 8. Protective relay coordination for three phase and line to ground faults on the LIPA system and the DG System's generator installation. 9. Protective Relay Alarm Breaker Trip (required for DG Systems utilizing only one microprocessor relay). Equipment Requirements The following requirements apply to the interconnection of equipment of all generators operating in parallel with the LIPA distribution system: 1. All additions or changes required to protective relay and control equipment on the LIPA system shall be installed by PSEG Long Island at the DG System's expense. All additions or changes to relay and control equipment required at the point of interconnection shall be paid for and installed by the DG System. 2. The DG System shall be solely responsible for synchronizing its generator(s) with the LIPA system. 6 3. The DG Systems may provide a primary voltage interconnection breaker or secondary voltage breaker based on the total installed generator nameplate kVA rating. The breaker shall be located in the DG System's substation. If the interconnection breaker is a switchgear breaker, it shall be a drawout type with provisions for installing a ground and test device supplied by the DG system. 4. The interconnection breaker shall be capable of withstanding 220% of the interconnection breaker rated operating voltage. 5. For interconnection breakers rated at 480 Volts or less operating voltage the breaker shall be rated to withstand the greater of 220% of the operating voltage or two times the rated operating voltage of the interconnection breaker plus one thousand (1000) volts. 6. An isolation disconnect switch (Utility Disconnect Switch) that is readily accessible to PSEG Long Island at all times located within 10 feet of the PSEG Long Island metering point or within 10 feet of the LIPA service entrance, lockable with a 3/8 inch shank LIPA lock, visible-break and load break rated shall be installed to isolate the generator from the LIPA system. If the breaker is a drawout type and the DG System provides a ground and test device acceptable to PSEG Long Island, PSEG Long Island will evaluate allowing the DG System to omit the isolation disconnect switch. DG Systems may be isolated from the LIPA system by means of an isolating transformer. If this option is selected, the DG System shall have a wye grounded/delta or a wye grounded/delta/wye transformer with the wye grounded winding configuration on the LIPA side. See Appendix B for the technical explanation of this requirement. A ground fault current limiting neutral reactor shall be installed if required by LIPA on non-dedicated feeder installations. 7. 8. The DG system can opt not to use the wye-grounded (utility side)/delta (DG side) isolation transformer if all of the following conditions are met: a) The primary connected transformer must be a wye-grounded/wyegrounded transformer, and the generator must be effectively grounded. The generator neutral reactor is normally used to limit ground fault current and protect the generator windings. The generator neutral reactor must be sized such that it both prevents overvoltages and allows enough ground fault current to be detected by the DG System’s relaying for faults on the LIPA distribution feeder. b) The DG System must provide protective relaying that detects faults on the LIPA system, including ground faults. c) The DG System must meet the harmonic requirements of the interconnect guide and test data supporting this is provided. 9. A DG System with a total connected primary and/or secondary interconnect generator nameplate rating of greater than 1000 kVA shall require a SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system RTU (Remote Terminal Unit). PSEG Long Island may also require SCADA to be installed on 7 installation smaller than 1000 kVA if deemed necessary for the safe operation of the LIPA system. The RTU, if required, will be purchased by PSEG Long Island and paid for by the DG System or may purchased by the DG System to PSEG Long Island’s specifications and delivered to PSEG Long Island. The RTU shall provide PSEG Long Island with supervisory trip control of the interconnection breaker(s). It shall also provide telemetry of key operating parameters of the DG System's facility, which shall include but not be limited to: a. b. c. d. Status indication of interconnection breaker(s), generator breaker(s), and all other devices that are in series with these breakers. Status indication of various alarms such as loss of DC to interconnection breaker(s), loss of DC to RTU, loss of AC to RTU battery charger, loss of relaying communication channel, microprocessor relay alarm, etc. Digital metering telemetry for current, voltage, watts, VARS, and power factor for all interconnection breaker(s). Pulse accumulation of MWHR (in/out) and MVARHR (in/out) for the facility Access to the pulse metering signal will be made available to PSEG Long Island for the installation of additional metering and communications equipment if required. The location of the RTU shall depend on the proximity of the DG System to the interconnecting LIPA substation. The DG System shall not be allowed to operate in parallel if the RTU or its associated lease line is out of service. The RTU shall be maintained and repaired by PSEG Long Island at the DG System's expense. All costs for additional hardware and software for LIPA's mainframe supervisory computer that are required for its interconnection shall be charged to the DG System. Whether the RTU is purchased by the DG System or by LIPA, it shall be delivered to PSEG Long Island for testing and programming. At this time, loss of AC/DC relays, fuses, and various terminal blocks will be installed within the RTU cabinet by PSEG Long Island at the DG System's expense. The DG System shall make provisions adjacent to the supervisory control cabinet to terminate the supervisory control four (4) wire dedicated telephone lease line(s) on a double pole double throw open blade cut off switch(es) (diagram Appendix C). The lease line(s) shall be ordered by LIPA and owned by LIPA. Installation, maintenance and subsequent monthly charges shall be charged by LIPA to the DG System. 8 10. For facilities interconnected to LIPA by means of a dedicated feeder, a breaker shall be installed at the DG System's expense in the LIPA substation. For a non-dedicated feeder, a disconnect device controlled by LIPA shall be installed at the DG System's expense at the point of interconnection with the LIPA system. 11. The DG System shall be responsible for tripping its interconnection breaker if a fault occurs on the electric facilities serving its installation. Whenever the LIPA supply is de-energized, the DG System's interconnection breaker shall be tripped by voltage and/or frequency relays and transfer tripped from LIPA's interconnection substation. The interconnection breaker shall be automatically locked out and prevented from closing into a de-energized or partially de-energized (loss of one phase) LIPA system. The interconnection breaker close circuit shall include a synch check and an over/under voltage permissive contact to prevent closing the breaker when unfavorable voltage conditions exist. 12. The direct transfer trip (DTT) receiving terminal shall provide two outputs: a trip output and an alarm output to indicate a loss of transfer trip condition. The trip output shall energize a utility type target relay with multiple output contacts. One (1) output contact of the target relay shall trip the interconnection breaker. A second output contact of the target relay and the alarm contact of the DTT terminal shall be wired to the RTU. The DTT terminal and associated target relay shall be mounted indoors. 13. The alarm for the loss of a DTT lease line must come from the DG System’s SCADA or by having a bi-directional tone equipment that can give the alarm at the LIPA substation. If no SCADA is provided, a transfer trip receiver and transmitter with 4 wire lease line shall be provided. In the event of DDT lease line loss, the DG System shall cease parallel operation with the LIPA system. For DG systems less than 1000 KVA, the transfer trip system will be used for LIPA supervisory trip. 14. The required dedicated transfer trip lease line shall be ordered by LIPA. Installation, maintenance and subsequent monthly charges shall be charged to the DG System. The DG System shall make provisions to terminate the lease line with a double pole double throw open knife blade switch adjacent to the transfer trip equipment (Appendix C). The DG System will not be allowed to parallel with the LIPA system if its transfer trip or associated lease line is out of service. 15. For DG System’s utilizing only one microprocessor relay, the interconnection breaker or the generator breaker(s) must be tripped when the DG System’s protective relaying system goes into an alarm condition. This trip shall also trip a lock-out relay that requires manual intervention before the breaker(s) can be reclosed following successful clearing of the relay alarm condition(s). 9 16. The alarm for the loss of a DTT lease line must come from the DG System’s SCADA or by having a bi-directional tone equipment that can give the alarm at the LIPA substation. If no SCADA is provided, a transfer trip receiver and transmitter with 4 wire lease line shall be provided. In the event of DDT lease line loss, the DG System shall cease parallel operation with the LIPA system. For DG systems less than 1000 KVA, the transfer trip system will be used for LIPA supervisory trip. 17. The required dedicated transfer trip lease line shall be ordered by LIPA. Installation, maintenance and subsequent monthly charges shall be charged to the DG System. The DG System shall make provisions to terminate the lease line with a double pole double throw open knife blade switch adjacent to the transfer trip equipment (Appendix C). The DG System will not be allowed to parallel with the LIPA system if its transfer trip or associated lease line is out of service. 18. For DG System’s utilizing only one microprocessor relay, the interconnection breaker or the generator breaker(s) must be tripped when the DG System’s protective relaying system goes into an alarm condition. This trip shall also trip a lock-out relay that requires manual intervention before the breaker(s) can be reclosed following successful clearing of the relay alarm condition(s). 19. The following are the minimum relay requirements for the interconnection breaker: a. Phase overcurrent relays (one per phase) with instantaneous and voltage restraint time delay elements are required as well as one ground overcurrent relay with instantaneous and time delay elements. Each element of the phase and ground relays shall have its own target. b. c. d. e. f. g. Over/under voltage relays and over/under frequency relays are required on LIPA’s side of the interconnection breaker. Directional power relays may be required to limit power flow to contractual agreements. Directional overcurrent relays shall be required at sites where the DG System’s load requirements from LIPA exceed the DG Systems generating capability. Any exceptions to this requirement shall be approved by LIPA. Transformer differential relaying shall be required for interconnections using transformer banks greater than 1500 kVA. Negative sequence overcurrent relays. All interconnection breaker relays and required generator breaker relays shall be approved by LIPA. Interconnection breaker relays must be 10 capable of being calibrated and tested in their installed position to verify proper application of all relay settings and full functionality of the relay circuit(s). 20. All breakers shall be D.C. trip and close. Trip and close circuits of the interconnection breaker must be separately fused. If SCADA is provided then loss of D.C. and low DC voltage alarms shall be wired to the RTU. 21. Control, CT, and telemetering leads which interconnect to LIPA shall have a minimum size and stranding of 19/25, 19/22, and #18 STP, respectively. All control, CT, and telemetering leads must be terminated using ring type connectors. 22. The station battery shall be sized for an eight hour duty cycle in accordance with IEEE Standard 485-1983. At the end of the duty cycle the battery shall be capable of tripping and closing all breakers. 23. All solid state relays requiring an auxiliary power source shall be powered from the station battery. AC to DC converters is unacceptable. 24. All relaying CTs shall have a minimum accuracy of C200. Saturation current shall not be more than 10% of fault current. Interconnection relaying and telemetering shall have dedicated CTs. 25. Three PTs shall be installed on the LIPA side of the interconnection breaker and shall be connected wye-grounded/wye-grounded. Three red indicating lights, one per phase, connected phase to ground in the PT secondary, shall be installed to provide visual verification of potential on each phase. Three (3) single phase over/under voltage relays, associated with the high side breaker, shall be connected phase to ground to these PTs. 26. During emergency conditions, all interconnection breakers shall be capable of being tripped by LIPA via supervisory control. LIPA will consider tripping the generator breaker instead of the interconnection breaker if the system configuration permits. Interconnection breaker and generator breaker(s) status will be transmitted to LIPA via the RTU. The supervisory equipment shall be installed and paid for by the DG System. A digital meter or MW, MVAR, current, voltage and power factor transducers mounted in flexitest drawout cases shall be connected to the interconnection breaker CTs and line PTs and wired to the analog inputs of the RTU. LIPA shall furnish the DG System with the necessary wiring drawings to connect the transducers to the supervisory equipment. 11 27. Synch check relays are required across the interconnection breaker of a synchronous generator unless otherwise specified. A total of four potential transformers shall be required on the interconnection, three on LIPA's side of the breaker (as specified in #22) and one on the DG System's. Synch check relays shall be installed for manual synchronizing. Automatic synchronizing equipment shall be optional, however, it shall not permit the exclusion of a synch check relay. 28. The LIPA substation feeder breaker may require a set (3) of line side potential transformers to monitor the presence of voltage on the distribution feeder and to provide voltage to a synch check or voltage relay, which shall prevent closing the breaker into an unsynchronized DG System's generator. All costs incurred to purchase and place this system in service shall be at the DG System's expense. 29. The kVAR requirements of an induction generator, operating at 100% load, will be determined and the DG System will be charged that portion of the cost to install one or more 900 kVAR supervisory controlled distribution capacitor banks to provide the reactive supply. 30. Voltage and frequency relays shall be installed at the LIPA substation to disconnect the DG System's generator from the LIPA bus in the event that this bus becomes isolated from the LIPA system and the DG System's generator continues to carry the connected LIPA load. These relays shall be installed at the DG System's expense. 31. Interconnection breaker(s) for DG System owned generator(s) on the distribution system, unless otherwise specified, shall be automatically tripped for all trips of the LIPA substation feeder breaker. A generator breaker contact may be used to disable transfer trip of the interconnection breaker when the generator breaker is open. The communication tripping channel and transfer tripping equipment at the LIPA substation and at the DG System's facility shall be purchased and installed at DG System's expense, as part of the relay protection scheme. The transfer trip equipment and associated transfer trip communication channel shall be specified by LIPA. 32. The transformer configuration of an existing LIPA transformer that is to become customer-owned in a new primary metered installation must be verified in the field. The DG Systems will bear the cost of a replacement wye-wye transformer, which may be greater than the cost of purchasing the in-place LIPA transformer. 12 IV. Non-inverter Interfaced DG Screening Criteria It is the policy of LIPA to permit any applicant to operate a DG System in parallel with the LIPA electric system whenever such operation can take place without adversely affecting other PSEG Long Island customers, the general public, LIPA equipment and PSEG Long Island personnel. To minimize this interference, the DG System shall meet the following criteria: A. Voltage The DG System shall produce voltages within ± 5% of nominal when operating in parallel with the LIPA system. (Nominal voltages on the LIPA distribution system are 13.8 and 4.5 kV). The DG System shall provide an automatic means of disconnecting its generating equipment from LIPA's facilities as follows: Voltage Range (% of base voltage) V < 50 50 ≤ V < 88 110 < V > 120 V ≥ 120 Clearing Time (seconds) 0.16 2.0 1.0 0.16 Base voltages are nominal LIPA system voltages. The clearing time is the time between the start of the abnormal condition and the DG System ceasing to energize the LIPA system. The clearing times indicated are default times and may be adjusted based upon application specific requirements subject to PSEG Long Island review and approval. B. Flicker The DG System shall not cause voltage variations on the LIPA system exceeding those defined on the Border Line of Visibility in Appendix E - Voltage Flicker Curves. C. Voltage Dip The voltage dip on a primary circuit due to inrush current should not exceed 2 Volts on a 120 Volt base. D. Frequency The DG System shall provide an automatic means of disconnecting its generating equipment from LIPA's facilities for over and under frequency situations. No under frequency tripping shall take place between 59.9 Hz and 58.0 Hz. The final under frequency set point shall be determined to best support the operation of the LIPA system. The equipment must be disconnected within 0.16 seconds for a frequency of 60.5 Hz or more and within 1.0 second for a frequency of less than 58.0 Hz. 13 E. Harmonics The total harmonic voltage or current distortion created by a DG System must not exceed 5% of the fundamental 60 Hz voltage or current waveform. The harmonic current injection shall be exclusive of any harmonic currents due to harmonic voltage distortion present on the LIPA system without the DG System connected. Any single harmonic shall not exceed 3% of the fundamental frequency. ∞ % Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) = ∑h 2 i i=2 x100 h1 1 While a Single Component % Distortion = hi h1 x100 2 Where: hi = The magnitude of the ith harmonic of either voltage or current. hl = the magnitude of the fundamental voltage or current. For non-type tested units, as defined in the New York Standardized Interconnection Requirements and listed on the New York Public Service Commission website, the DG System(s) shall provide manufacturer’s harmonic testing reports. F. Power Factor DG Systems utilizing synchronous generators shall produce or absorb VARS such that the overall power factor at the delivery point (location of LIPA's revenue metering equipment) is between 0.90 and 1.0 leading or between 0.90 and 1.0 lagging. LIPA's System Operator may request DG System to adjust the power factor at the delivery point, within the above stated limits. For DG Systems utilizing induction generators with a nameplate power factor below 1.0, PSEG Long Island shall provide, at the DG System's expense, VAR capacity from its system to bring such generators' power factor to 1.0. G. External Fault and Line Clearing The DG System shall be responsible for disconnecting from the LIPA system within 8 cycles of the occurrence of a fault on the LIPA distribution system using it’s relaying. Backup relaying must coordinate with LIPA's protective relaying. Note: The maximum available symmetrical short circuit current from LIPA on the 13 kV distribution system is 16,000 amperes and is exclusive of any other DG Systems that may be connected to the same LIPA substation. 14 H. DC Injection The DG System shall not inject dc current greater than 0.5% of the full rated output current at the point of interconnection with the LIPA system. I. Unintentional Islanding In the event that an unintentional island in which the DG System energizes a portion of the LIPA system across the interconnection point, the DG System shall detect the island and cease to energize the LIPA system within two seconds of the formation of an island. 15 V. Inverter-Interfaced DG Screening Criteria A. Introduction Distributed generation (DG) can have an adverse impact on the operation, protection, equipment duty, and power quality of a distribution feeder. These impacts are a function of the types of DG and the total amount of DG relative to the characteristics of the feeder. Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) has established a process for review of DG interconnection requests in order to determine impacts and identify specific mitigation measures necessary to interconnect the DG. B. Key Assumptions The preparation of this screening methodology is intended to be specifically focused on the design characteristics of LIPA’s distribution systems. A number of key assumptions have been made, which are specific to the LIPA system. Thus¸ these criteria may not be applicable to other distribution systems, nor are the screening criteria necessarily comparable to any other utility’s or standards body’s criteria. LIPA Distribution System Design and Operating Characteristics • Feeders are relatively short, shorter than ten miles with relatively few exceptions. • Feeder step voltage regulators are infrequently applied in LIPA distribution systems. • Substation transformers use line drop compensation on the LTC controls. • Distribution capacitor banks are controlled by time clocks or via pager, and are not primarily controlled based on local distribution feeder voltage. • Fixed capacitor banks are infrequently used on feeders. • Pager-controlled capacitor banks are switched off during light load conditions. Time clock controlled capacitor banks may be switched on during lighter-load periods (e.g., shoulder seasons), but would not be on during nighttime minimum-load periods. • Three-phase distribution transformers are nearly always configured grounded-wye grounded-wye. • Distribution transformer resistances are almost always less than 2%IR. • Feeder voltages may be as high as 126 V (on a 120 V base). C. LIPA DG Interconnection Policies • • The consideration of the need to provide a ground source to avoid excess overvoltages is part of the development of the fast-track screening thresholds defined in this report. Any inverter-interfaced DG passing the proposed process (i.e., rating less than the defined thresholds) can be deemed to not need to provide a ground source to the LIPA feeder. Any DG exceeding the thresholds defined in this report requires further study to determine the technical requirements for interconnection, including the provision of a feeder ground source. Customer service voltages driven out of range by that customer’s DG is not a criterion for impact assessment or screening. 16 • • Flicker imposed on a customer by that customer’s variable DG output is not a criterion for impact assessment or screening. Flicker imposed on other customers, including those served by the same distribution transformer, is to be considered. LIPA may choose to require direct transfer trip (DTT), potentially for reasons beyond the direct distribution system impact discussed in this report (e.g., overall LIPA system energy management). Installation of DTT inherently requires engineering effort to interconnect the DTT system to the feeder protection, and to provide appropriate controls to transfer the DTT connection when the associated feeder section is transferred to other feeders during any operational feeder reconfiguration. This engineering effort, by definition, is inconsistent with the fast track process. Therefore, any DG interconnection requiring DTT will be assumed to not qualify for the fast-track process. D. Inverter-Interfaced DG Impacts The various impacts of DG have been amply described in many technical papers, as well as in IEEE Standard 1547.2. In this section of the report, the various types of impacts are catalogued and briefly described. Specific quantitative screening criteria are established which can be used to screen interconnection requests for inverter-interfaced DG. E. Steady-State Voltage Deviations 1. Primary Feeder Voltage Profile DG output reduces the net load served by the distribution system, and at high penetration, can potentially reverse the flow of power in the feeder. This can cause feeder voltage profile deviations, which may result in customer service voltages outside of ANSI C84.1 Range A. Screening criteria need to identify any significant risk that a DG interconnection could result in service voltages outside of this range, for any reasonably anticipated operating condition. Because DG reduces, or reverses, power flow, the usual effect on steady-state voltage is to cause an increase of voltage. This is not always the case, however, when DG interacts with voltage regulating devices using line drop compensation, or automatic capacitor switching controls. These interactions can potentially result in a voltage decrease. (Voltage regulating devices, in this context, includes line voltage regulators and distribution substation transformer on-load tap changers.) A very serious voltage deviation can occur if power through a feeder voltage regulator is reversed, and the regulator controls are configured to use reverse power flow as an indication that the feeder has been reconfigured such that the substation is now connected to the former load side of the regulator. Regulator controls with this “reverse power sensing” will switch the side that is regulated. If the power reversal is caused by DG output, and the substation remains connected to the same side of the regulator as before the power reversal, the switch of regulation to the substation side will cause the regulator tap to go to max boost or max buck tap setting. This is because the regulated side needs to be opposite the side from which has the most “stiffness”, or short-circuit strength. Inverter DG can provide power, but do not provide significant “stiffness”. Therefore, the reversal of 17 regulator control configuration, caused by DG-induced power reversal, results in the regulator attempting to regulate the strong side. As the tap changes, the regulated side voltage will not change appreciably, but the other side (where the DG is connected) will. The tap control will not be satisfied – e.g., a high sensed voltage will cause the regulator to increase buck, and the sensed voltage will increase as a result – thus causing the regulator to go to the maximum buck limit, resulting in very low voltages on the DG side of the regulator. Feeder voltage regulators are infrequently used in the LIPA system, but LIPA distribution substation transformer LTC controls have automatic voltage regulators with line drop compensation. LIPA feeder capacitors are pager controlled by system operators or are controlled by time clocks. Thus, the steady-state voltage impacts of DG on the LIPA system, for feeders without time clock controlled capacitor banks, are limited to the more straightforward condition of voltage rise caused by reversed power flow. The DG output need not exceed the total feeder load demand in order for power to be reversed on a portion of the feeder, and for excessively high voltages to occur. Figure 1 illustrates a case where the output of a large DG connected to the end of a feeder is less than the total feeder demand, but the voltage at the end of the rises outside of the acceptable range. Figure 1 Illustration of high voltage caused by DG with a capacity less than feeder load demand If a feeder of uniform per-mile impedance and load density is assumed, and it is also assumed that load power factor is periodically corrected along the feeder, then a concentration of DG located at the end of the feeder with output equal to 50% of the feeder demand results in a “U” shaped voltage profile where the substation end and remote end voltages are approximately equal. This scenario is illustrated in Figure 2. With these same assumptions, output of DG uniformly distributed along the feeder, with an aggregate output equal to 100% of feeder demand, results in a flat voltage profile. 18 Figure 2 Approximate voltage profile for a uniform, power-factor compensated feeder with a DG located at the remote end with output equal to 50% of feeder demand. Some LIPA feeders have capacitor banks that are controlled by time clocks. These capacitors are switched in for the daytime and evening hours, independent of the day of week or season of year. Thus capacitors will tend to be on during days when loading is quite light, such as weekend days during the shoulder seasons. Thus, these capacitors can overcompensate the feeders during these times, and feeder voltages at the capacitor bank locations can be substantially elevated. By standard, the voltage should not be raised greater than 126 V (this value may be exceeded in some locations in some instances). However, by raising primary voltage to this level, insufficient margin remains for any secondary voltage rise caused by DG. Likewise, substation bus voltage or feeder voltage regulator load-side voltage regulated to the maximum 126 V value also result in lack of margin for secondary voltage rise. These issues are discussed later in the section covering secondary voltages. LIPA substation transformers have on-load tap changer controls with line drop compensation (LDC), which increase substation bus voltage in proportion to the total loading on the transformer. This application of LDC has the inherent assumption that the loading patterns on the feeders are relatively similar, and that all of the feeders have similar voltage drops. Thus, control of the substation voltage with LDC can achieve reasonably good control of the feeder-end voltages. Even without DG present, this assumption is often quite imperfect. For example, a typical substation may have certain feeders supplying predominately commercial load, and others serving predominately residential load. Additional voltage range margin is needed in the feeder voltage management planning to account for the dissimilar loading pattern and voltage drops. The presence of DG can aggravate the differences in feeder voltage drop if the DG power production is dissimilar on the various feeders supplied by the substation. This can result from either differences in the installed DG capacity, or differences in the relative output of the DGs due to availability of their energy source (e.g., in the 19 case of possible future wide scale PV deployment, a cloud could shadow the geographic area served by one feeder while PV generators on another feeder are receiving full sunlight). Because the LDC at the substation transformer responds to the total load, and thus controls the average voltage drop, high DG penetration could cause voltages on certain feeders to be either too high or too low. This is illustrated in the extreme case shown in Figure 3, where high DG output on the top feeder causes excessive voltage at the end because the substation voltage has not been lowered enough, and an undervoltage condition on the end of the bottom feeder because the substation voltage has not been boosted enough for the voltage drop due to the loading on that feeder. Because feeder voltage regulation design must allow for the normal dissimilarities in feeder loading, there is inherently the capability to accommodate some degree of DG-caused net load dissimilarities, as well, unless the dissimilarity in DG production far exceeds the load dissimilarities. Figure 3 Illustration of DG interaction with substation transformer tap changer control line-drop compensation 2. Steady-State Primary Voltage Criteria To allow for feeder voltage drop without DG contribution, LIPA may wish to operate its distribution substation bus voltages up to 126 V (equivalent, on a 120 V base), the upper limit of Range A. Thus, any DG output that causes voltage anywhere on the feeder to exceed the substation bus voltage is undesirable. Within the idealized assumptions described previously for the example shown in Figure 2, it could be concluded that DG output up to 50% of the minimum feeder load is acceptable if the DGs are concentrated at the feeder remote end. If the DGs are widely distributed small units, the acceptable limit could reach 100% of minimum feeder load. 20 Practical feeders, however, seldom exhibit the uniformity assumed to derive these thresholds. Reduced conductor size may be used remote from the substation, because the current in these feeder sections is typically less. Thus, per-mile impedance may increase as distance from the substation increases, increasing voltage rise due to DGcaused reverse power flow at the remote feeder ends. Loads are also typically not uniformly distributed along a feeder. Feeders may be overcompensated, by line and cable charging during light-load conditions, further increasing remote end voltage. (It is assumed that switched capacitor banks would be off during light-load conditions, and LIPA infrequently uses fixed capacitor banks.) Thus, it is prudent to allow extra margin in the criteria to allow for these non-ideal circumstances, as well as to allow for dissimilarity in the net load of feeders supplied from the same substation. A 50% margin is deemed sufficient to minimize risks of adverse steady state voltage impact. The following criteria are recommended to indicate interconnections where impacts are not deemed significant: Psingle<0.5/(100% + 50%) = 0.33 Pfdr_min [3.1] Ptotal<1.0/(100% + 50%) = 0.66 Pfdr_min [3.2] Where: Psingleis the rating of the DG application being screened Ptotalisthe sum of all the DG ratings connected to the feeder, including the DG under screening Pfdr_min is the minimum load demand of the feeder. The criterion for Ptotal in Equation 3.2 is based on the assumption of widely distributed small DG. There could be acase where all the DGs are concentrated at an adverse location, such as a feeder remote end. In this case, all the DG together could have the impact of one large DG. The screening can be conservatively simplified to the following: Ptotal<0.33Pfdr_min [3.3] It is expected that a large percentage of the inverter-interfaced DG that will seek interconnection to the LIPA system will be PV solar. This form of generation can only produce during daylight hours. Thus, it may be unduly conservative to compare PV generation with feeder absolute minimum load which generally occurs during hours of darkness. Other forms of inverter-interfaced DG are generally uncorrelated with time of day. The following steady-state screening criteria are recommended to provide reasonable consideration of the time-dependent output of solar generation: Ptotal<0.33Pfdr_min_day and Ptotal_non-solar<0.33Pfdr_min [3.4] Where: Ptotal_non-solaris the sum of all the DG ratings, other than solar, connected to the feeder, including the DG under screening if it is non-solar. Pfdr_min_dayis the minimum load demand of the feeder during daylight hours (nominally, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m). 21 All other variables are defined as previously.In addition to a screen of the overall feeder DG capacity and load, similar screening also should be applied for a DG interconnecting to a single-phase feeder lateral. Lateral voltage rise would generally be inconsequential for a lateral supplied by the main feeder at a point remote from the substation. However, rise on a lateral near the substation could result in customers near the end of that lateral receiving excess voltage. DGs connected to a lateral can be expected to be of small rating, and thus it is reasonable to assume that if the aggregate rating of DG on the lateral is sufficient to be of consequence, the DGs can be assumed to be distributed on the lateral. If distribution of the DG capacity is perfectly uniform, then DG capacity up to the lateral’s minimum load should not cause voltage rise. However, the DG capacity will be somewhat unevenly spread in practice, so a 25% margin is recommended as shown in Equation 3.5. Because capacitor banks are not typically installed on laterals, this recommended degree of margin can be less than the 50% margin recommended for the feeder as a whole. Plat<0.80Plat_min_day and Plat_non-solar<0.80 Plat_min [3.5] Where: Platis the sum of all the DG ratings connected to the lateral, including the DG under screening Plat_non-solaris the sum of all the DG ratings, other than solar, connected to the lateral, including the DG under screening if it is non-solar Plat_min_dayis the minimum load demand of the lateral during daylight hours (nominally, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m). Plat_minis the minimum load demand of the lateral Actual lateral peak and minimum loading are often not available data, but can be reasonably estimated. For the purposes of this criterion, the ratio of lateral minimum load to connected transformer capacity on the lateral can be assumed to be the same as the ratio of feeder minimum load to total distribution transformer connected to the entire feeder. This assumption is based on the fact that, with sufficient loads to have good diversity (typically ten or more), the lateral load cycle will be reasonably consistent with the overall feeder load cycle. If the lateral has a small number of customers, then in the case of the LIPA system (in contrast with some rural utilities) it is reasonable to assume that the lateral is very short and lateral voltage drop/rise is not of significance. 3. Secondary Voltages The voltage criteria which have been so far described are intended to maintain a satisfactory voltage profile on the distribution primary feeder and its primary laterals. In addition to possible impacts on primary voltage, DG interconnection will also affect secondary voltages. Whereas significant primary voltage impacts will usually require a significant number of DG installations, a single DG may cause voltage issues at the secondary level. The impact of DG on secondary voltages may be considered separately for residential single-phase services, and large commercial three-phase services. There are significant differences between residential and commercial services in terms of load diversity, effect on other customers, and typical distribution transformer impedances. 22 Loading of distribution transformers and secondaries is inherently very non-diverse, particularly in residential situations. It is quite likely that maximum DG output can occur when there is very little loading on a residential distribution transformer (e.g., PV on a sunny weekday noon in the late spring with residents away at work and no need for heating or air conditioning). Thus, any installed DG capacity can potentially cause secondary voltages to rise above the per-unit value of the voltage at the primary side of the particular distribution transformer. If this distribution transformer is close to the substation, close to the load side of a feeder voltage regulator, or on a feeder with time clock controlled capacitor banks, then voltage can rise above the substation bus level. Residential distribution transformers typically have a relatively high resistance; thus export of power from the customer side results in a proportionately greater voltage rise than a three-phase transformer serving a large commercial load. Average service cable length tends to be longer for residential than for large commercial loads. Residential transformers usually serve multiple customers, but commercial transformers tend to be dedicated to individual customers (with frequent exceptions, such as strip malls). When multiple customers are served from the same transformer, DG power export from one customer can potentially have significant influence on voltages at other customers. In addition to voltage rise through the distribution transformer impedance, there is also rise on the secondary service cables. Assuming that each customer is fed radially from the distribution transformer1, the secondary cable voltage rise will only affect the customer with the DG. It is assumed that voltage driven outside of Range A by a customer’s export of power will not be considered as a distribution design requirement and will not be considered a criterion here. Because large commercial customers are typically served by a dedicated distribution transformer, voltage rise through the transformer only affects the customer exporting power. Using the same rationale as above, this voltage rise will not be considered as a screening criterion. Situations where multiple commercial customers are served by a single distribution transformer have attributes in common with both the residential and large commercial situations described above. Transformer resistance is low but one customer may affect another’s secondary voltage. To simplify the definition and application of the secondary voltage criteria, it is recommended to divide the screening between multi-customer distribution transformer applications, and dedicated applications instead of residential versus commercial, in order to avoid ambiguities regarding multi-customer commercial situations. Applying the higher resistance of residential single-phase distribution transformers to screening of multi-customer commercial applications results in a slight overestimation of the impacts, but is a reasonable and conservative simplification of the criteria. Thus, at any point on the feeder where the primary voltage exceeds 123 V, there is the potential for excess voltage at non-DG customer services, unless the DG service is on 1 “Secondary mains”, where multiple customers are served by a secondary cable section, may be used in dense areas. However, it is assumed that significant DG installation will not take place in such dense areas, and thus the secondary voltage impact of one customer on another sharing the same cable need not be considered in the design of these screening criteria. 23 a dedicated transformer. Such points include a portion of the feeder near the substation, downstream of any voltage regulators, and anywhere on feeders where there are time clock controlled capacitors. For DG interconnections where there is a dedicated distribution transformer, it is recommended that no secondary voltage screening criterion be applied. For DG interconnections where multiple customers are supplied from a common distribution transformer, a secondary voltage impact screening threshold should be applied based on the total DG capacity connected to the transformer and the expected maximum primary voltage at that location. The total DG capacity interconnected to the primary via a single distribution transformer can be expected to not have an aggregate rating greater than that of the distribution transformer. The maximum distribution transformer %IR is assumed to be 2%, thus the maximum voltage rise through the transformer would be 2.4 V. Considering that this is a relatively extreme %IR, but also taking into account the resistance of secondary cable segments that serve both the DR customer and other customers, in common, it seems that a 3 V maximum margin for secondary voltage rise is reasonable. The required margin is directly proportional to the rating of the DG served by the distribution transformer divided by the distribution transformer’s kVA rating. 3*Pdg/Sxfmr<126 - Vp_max [3.6] Where: Pdgis the sum of all the DG ratings connected to the secondary of the distribution transformer Sxfmris rating of the distribution transformer Vp_maxis the maximum primary voltage at the location, on a 120 V base The maximum primary voltageVp_maxcan be estimated based on the location of the distribution transformer on the feeder, relative to the feeder head and other equipment. Assuming a typical maximum 13.8 kV feeder load of 10 MVA, and a minimum load of 25% of the maximum, the minimum current at the feeder head is 105 A. Further assuming a power factor of 0.9, and a 336 kcmil feeder’s impedance, thevoltage drop is 0.16 V/1000’ (on a 120 V base). 2Thus, for a DG interconnection where the DG rating is equal to the distribution transformer rating, secondary voltage may be driven out of range if located within the first 3.6 miles of the feeder. This is the entire extent of many LIPA feeders. However, most DG ratings will be less than that of the interconnecting transformer, so Equation 3.6 can be combined with this assumed primary voltage drop to achieve the following criterion for DG located near the head of a feeder: Pdg<0.052 SxfmrDfdr [3.7] Where: 2 This assumes that the feeder current is constant over the section, which is a reasonable assumption if the section is a small portion of the feeder at the substation end. Distributed load taps will tend to decrease the average voltage drop per mile over the section. 24 Dfdris the distance, in thousands of feet, along the main feeder from the substation to the distribution transformer, or to the lateral tap on the main feeder if the distribution transformer is located on a lateral The minimum voltage drop on the feeder downstream of a voltage regulator will be less than 0.16 V/1000’ because the feeder loading at the regulator location will be much less than at the feeder head. Secondary voltage rise is quite likely to be constraining for any reasonable distance downstream of a regulator. Because of this, and the fact that regulators are infrequently used in the LIPA system, DG interconnections downstream of a regulator will be defined to fail the screening for expedited interconnection in order to keep the screening process from becoming unduly complicated. Likewise, because time-controlled capacitor banks can raise primary voltage to 126 V at points on the feeder where loading may be far less than the feeder head loading, raising voltage profiles both before and after these banks, it is not feasible to devise a simple screen to indicate DG interconnections where secondary voltage rise will not cause excess service voltage. Rather than screen out all DG interconnections on feeders containing such banks, LIPA may instead adopt a policy of responding to the high voltages resulting from DG interconnection if and when they occur. Options include removal of the capacitor bank, changing capacitor bank settings, installing a dedicated distribution transformer, installing a transformer with external taps or with a below-nominal fixed ratio, or adjusting substation LTC set points. F. Contingency Voltage Decrease on Simultaneous DG Trip Power production by DG will change the distribution feeder voltage profile, and will cause tap changer settings and switched capacitor bank status to be altered, as a consequence, if DG penetration is sufficient. To avoid islanding and continued DG infeed to faults, IEEE Std 1547 requires rather sensitive under- and over-voltage, and over- and under-frequency trip settings. While it is clearly desirable for a DG to trip immediately for a fault on the feeder to which it is connected, the trip settings are also likely to cause DG trip for faults on adjacent feeders, or even on the transmission system. It is therefore quite possible for all DG on a feeder to trip simultaneously, even without a fault on that feeder. The resulting step change in DG power output can make a significant step decrease in feeder voltage, particularly if controlled devices (e.g., tap changers and capacitor banks) are biased in their setting by the predisturbance DG flow. Such an event would be considered to be an abnormal contingency, and thus it is reasonable to allow service voltage levels to fall into Range B of ANSI C84.1 for such an event. Considering that the pre-disturbance voltage at some service could be as low as the bottom of Range A (assuming the feeder is designed and operated in accordance with this standard), the amount of tolerable voltage drop for this contingency is from the least voltage of Range A (114 V) to the least voltage of Range B (110 V), a change of 4 V. LIPA feeders, with very few exceptions, are less than ten miles long. LIPA’s construction standard for backbone three-phase feeders specifies 336 kcmil conductors, having a resistance of approximately 0.3 ohms per mile. For DG concentrated at the end of such a feeder, loss of a combined rating of 2100 kW could cause a 4 V (on 120 V base) step decrease in voltage. 25 The peak capacity of LIPA’s 13.8 kV feeders is approximately 10 MVA. A reasonable estimate of the greatest likely daytime minimum load is 6 MVA. The steady-state voltage screening criteria defined previously in Equation 3.4 limits solar DG to 33% of the daytime minimum load. (Because the overall minimum load is less, the limits on non-solar DG are even more stringent, as defined in Equation 3.3.) Thus, the total feeder DG capacity screening threshold set by the steady-state voltage criteria prevail over the capacity threshold relevant to the simultaneous DG trip consideration, and an additional screening criterion for simultaneous DG trip is not necessary. G. Inadvertent Islanding and Temporary Overvoltage Isolation of a feeder or feeder section in response to a fault or due to other switching, can potentially leave the feeder or section of a feeder energized by DG. This is undesirable for many reasons including safety, lack of utility control over the quality of power provided to other customers, and potential for out-of-synchronism reclosing. At any given time, the aggregate output of the DG is statistically unlikely to be exactly the same as the load demand. Any imbalance between generation and load will cause deviations in voltage or frequency that will eventually result in tripping of the DG over and under frequency and voltage protections, per IEEE 1547 and UL-1741. Inverters tested to UL-1741 must also have some form of active anti-islanding functionality to force the inverter to trip, even if load and DG output are precisely balanced. Thus, there is ideally little risk of a sustained island as long as compliant DGs are connected.3 1. Temporary Overvoltages Compliant DG can support an island for up to two seconds, per IEEE 1547. Even this short duration of islanded operation can have serious consequences to the utility and to customers. The most likely system event initiating an islanding situation is a feeder singlephase fault. During a single-phase fault, effective system grounding is necessary to avoid elevation of the unfaulted phase voltages to a high value. The normal source for feeder grounding is the grounded-wye winding of the distribution substation transformer but isolation of the feeder from the substation removes this ground source. Some utilities require that DG interconnections provide a ground source to the feeder, typically via a grounded-wye delta distribution transformer. Introducing ground sources along a feeder tends to desensitize ground current relays used to detect ground faults. Typically, the only “sources” of grounding on an islanded LIPA feeder are the wyeconnected loads. If too little load is connected to the island, the three-phase DG inverters can push the unfaulted phase voltages to excessive levels, potentially damaging utility equipment, such as surge arresters, and the equipment of other customers connected to the islanded section. In LIPA distribution systems, single-phase loads are served by phaseto-neutral connected transformers, and thus contribute to grounding. Three phase loads are supplied by grounded-wye grounded-wye transformers. For these three-phase loads, only the portion of the load that is connected phase-to-neutral on the secondary of these transformers contributes to feeder grounding. The windings of three-phase motors are 3 UL-1741 testing is performed with one DG by itself with load. There have been concerns raised in the industry that dissimilar active anti-island schemes may adversely interact with each other (e.g., one design tries to push frequency higher while another pushes lower.) There is insufficient information in the literature on this speculated situation on which to base DG impact assessment or screening criteria. 26 typically connected in delta, or floating wye, and thus do not contribute to grounding. Lighting loads in commercial buildings with 208Y/120 V service are often connected phase-to-phase. In commercial facilities with 480Y/277 V service, lighting and plug loads are usually supplied via stepdown transformers within the facility, and these are typically connected delta-wye. Thus for a primarily residential feeder, it is estimated that 80% to 90% of the load is contributing, but on a predominately commercial feeder, perhaps as much as 70% of the load is non-contributing. A three-phase inverter used for DG applications operates as a controlled positivesequence current source, in contrast to a synchronous generator which can be considered to be a voltage source in series with an impedance.. Three phase inverters can be considered to be an approximately ideal positive sequence current source, and they are effectively open circuits in the negative and zero sequences. Applying these conditions to a symmetrical component analysis of a single phase fault, the maximum unfaulted-phase voltage can be calculated as a function of load for a situation where inverter-interfaced DG supports a feeder island with no source of grounding other than the load. Results of this fault analysis yields the plots shown in Figure 4 for a residential feeder (assuming 80% of the load contributes to grounding), and Figure 5for an commercial or industrial feeder where it is assumed that only 30% of load contributes to grounding. Single phase inverters, applied and loaded equally on the three phases, have an aggregate behavior similar to three-phase inverters in most aspects. However, for the case of islanded operation without a ground source, the performance can be significantly different. This is because the single-phase inverters are connected to the feeder through line-to-ground connected distribution transformers, and there is no three-phase isolation transformer providing zero-sequence decoupling. In the case of an islanded ungrounded system with a ground fault applied, the single-phase inverters would try to push their rated current, but their voltage capability to do so is limited (in the case of three-phase inverters, there can be high feeder phase voltages that are not directly experienced by the inverter due to the zero-sequence isolation). A typical single-phase inverter design would not be capable of causing an extreme phase voltage, and neither would the aggregation of many single-phase inverters. The ratio of three-phase inverter-interfaced DG capacity to load in a feeder “section” can be used to indicate the possible overvoltage that may occur if that section is islanded. In a typical distribution system, there is usually more than one interrupting device upstream of any given DG interconnection. Any of these interrupters can open, leaving all of the DG downstream of that point islanded with all of the load downstream of the same point. Therefore, in this discussion, a feeder section is defined as any portion of a feeder downstream of an interrupting device. To illustrate this, refer to Figure 6. DG3 is on a lateral, and blowing of the lateral fuse islands that DG with all of the lateral’s load connected at that time. DGs 1 to 4 are on this feeder. Interruption of the feeder breaker islands all the loads along with all of the DGs. If ASU1 were a recloser, it would be necessary to consider a scenario where DGs 1 – 3 are islanded along with all the loads downstream of ASU1, shown as yellow and red diamonds. Because ASU1 is not a fault interrupting device, and DGs should already be tripped off before ASU1 opens during the main breaker’s reclose delay, it is not necessary to consider this potential islanding scenario. However, a prior fault could have caused ASU2 to operate, and after a five-minute delay (per IEEE Std 1547), DG 3 and DG4 could 27 reconnect. Thus, the scenario of DG3 and DG4 islanded with the loads ahead of ASU2 (yellow and green diamonds) needs to be considered. For an interconnection screen of DG3, or any other DG, all interruption scenarios must be separately screened. 2. Islanding TOV Criteria There is no standard that clearly defines the acceptable limits of temporary overvoltage (TOV) magnitude for the two-second duration during which islanding can be assumed to persist. Feeders without DG, however, routinely experience some degree of TOV due to ground faults and this TOV can persist for two seconds, depending on protection design. Thus, normal fault-induced TOV magnitudes (not involving islanding or DG behavior) can be used to benchmark TOV levels produced by DG islanding, to determine an acceptable TOV limit. LIPA feeders are designed to be effectively grounded. Feeders which minimally meet the formal definition of “effectively grounded”, as established by IEEE C62.92.1, can experience TOV as high as 1.4p.u.. This is an extreme case, and the grounding of most LIPA feeders substantially exceeds minimal effective grounding due to the generally short length of LIPA feeders. A typical level maximum level of TOV on LIPA feeders is estimated to be about 1.2 p.u. This level can be considered as an acceptable limit to also apply to TOV caused by DG islanding with a ground fault present. Referring to Figure 4 and Figure 5, the ratio of minimum load on a feeder section, relative to the total inverter-interfaced DG connected to that section, should be at least 87% for a residential feeder and 107% for a commercial or industrial feeder. Note that these criteria apply to any portion of a feeder that can become isolated. For each interrupting device upstream of a DG interconnection, the minimum load test should be applied. As an example, if a DG under screening is connected to a fused lateral, and the lateral is downstream of a feeder recloser, the load ratio should be evaluated for each of the following: 1. the lateral, considering all the DG connected to that lateral 2. the portion of the main feeder ahead of the next downstream ASU, including all laterals connected to that portion of the main feeder. 28 1.5 1.4 Maximum Phase Voltage (p.u.) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 Load Demand (p.u. of DG output) .Figure 4 Maximum unfaulted phase voltage as a function of load demand for predominately residential feeders. 1.5 1.4 Maximum Phase Voltage (p.u.) 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35 1.4 Load Demand (p.u. of DG output) Figure 5 Maximum unfaulted phase voltage as a function of load demand for predominately commercial/industrial feeders. 29 Figure 6 Illustration of the feeder section definition 30 As previously discussed for steady-state voltage impacts, only daytime minimum load needs to be considered for solar PV. Therefore, the screening criteria in Table 1 Error! Reference source not found.are recommended for three-phase inverter-interfaced DG. Table 1 Islanding TOV Criteria Predominately residential feeders Other feeders (commercial, residential, mixed) Ptotal_sect<0.87Psect_min_day and Ptotal_sect_non-solar<0.87Psect_min Ptotal_sect<1.07 Psect_min_day and Ptotal_sect_non-solar<1.07Psect_min The variables in Table 1have the following definitions: Ptotal_sectis the total three-phase DG capacity on the feeder section, solar plus non-solar. Ptotal_sect_non-solaris the total non-solar three-phase DG capacity on the feeder section. Psect_minis the absolute minimum load demand of the feeder section. Psect_min_dayis the absolute minimum daytime load demand of the feeder section. 3. Out-of-Phase Reclosing Another adverse aspect of DG-supported islanding is the potential for out-of-phase reclosing if the feeder breakers reclose before the DGs connected to the feeder trip off. Unlike synchronous generators, out-of-phase reclosing and the resulting jump of voltage phase angle are relatively inconsequential to inverter-interfaced DG equipment. However, such reclosing can result in high transient voltages on the feeder, as well as severe torque transients on customers’ motor-driven mechanical drive trains (e.g., HVAC air handler blower) connected to the feeder. The high transient voltages are caused by the transient overshoot when the voltage abruptly changes from one polarity to the other; very similar to a capacitor switch restrike. Ideally, voltages as high as 3 p.u. are theoretically possible, but magnitudes of 2.5 – 2.7 are more realistic. Current discussion in the development of IEEE P1547.8 indicates an industry consensus that reclosing out of phase into an energized feeder is assumed to be inconsequential if the voltage of the island is less than 0.2 – 0.3 p.u. Also, the switching transient caused by such an event would have a potential overvoltage of around 2 p.u., which should be within the capability of distribution surge arresters to withstand. For a typical distribution system, outof-phase reclose into an island having a pre-reclose voltage exceeding 0.4 p.u. could result in a transient voltage peak exceeding 2.0 p.u. upon reclose. Because IEEE 1547 requires DG to not sustain an island for more than two seconds, the out-of-phase reclosing concern is only relevant if the feeder breaker reclosing delay is less than two seconds. LIPA feeders using electromechanical reclosing controls are not set with any intentional reclosing delay. The inherent delay is about twelve cycles (0.2 seconds). For other feeders with digital relays, the first reclose is set for 300 ms delay. To avoid the impacts of out-of-phase reclosing, there are four basic options: 31 a. Increase reclosing delay to greater than two seconds. This adversely impacts power quality, and is not a preferable option. b. Use an undervoltage permissive function on reclosing, which would require installing PTs on the feeders to implement, which would require installing PTs on the load side of the feeders to implement. A voltage threshold of 0.2 to 0.3 p.u. is recommended, above which reclosing should be blocked. c. Ensuring that there is sufficient minimum load on the feeder such that the worst-case phase voltage is less than 0.2 p.u. in an island situation. (See the discussion on Out of Phase Reclosing Criteria, below) d. Implement direct transfer trip to sufficient DG such that the remaining DG cannot result in worst-case phase voltage greater than 0.2 p.u. during minimum load conditions. The direct transfer trip needs to be faster, including any DG response time, than the reclosing delay. In addition to the above, consideration could also be given to a zero sequence overvoltage (3*V0) high-speed protection function implemented on all DGs. There are a number of shortcomings to this latter approach, however, including the following: a. While the scheme should work if the causative event leading to islanding is always a permanent ground fault, it quite likely that many feeder ground faults will self-clear as soon as the substation breaker opens and interrupts the major source of fault current. If the fault is across a gap in open air or under oil, the greatly reduced fault current available from inverter-interfaced DG is likely to lead to an unstable fault arc, and the arc is likely to extinguish. Thus, the 3*V0 protection will only see the high zero-sequence voltage for the duration of the substation breaker clearing time, which may not be sufficient. b. Feeder islanding can also take place as the result of a balanced fault. While a bolted threephase fault on the feeder would not allow any significant voltage to be present on the feeder at the time of reclose, a higher-impedance balanced fault could result in feeder tripping while still allowing a voltage greater than 0.2 p.u. to persist on the island via DG contribution. A 3*V0 scheme is ineffective for such a situation. Where 3*V0 schemes are used, the setting should provide the best balance between sensitivity to detect faults on the same feeder (while the substation breaker is closed, in order to avoid the self-clearing fault situation discussed above) and selectivity to avoid pickup for ground faults on adjacent feeders. For DG connected to the main feeder, consideration may also be given to coordination with lateral fuses, if a fuse-blowing scheme is used, to minimize DG trips for ground faults on laterals cleared by fuses. Perfect coordination may not be achievable in many cases, and greater weighting toward island avoidance should be given over minimization of nuisance DG trips. Of the four effective options listed previously, the first, and second constitute a change in LIPA operational and design practices and are beyond the scope of screening process recommendations. The fourth option requires extensive engineering interaction to implement, which by definition is contradictory to a fast-track process. Thus, the screening criteria proposed in this report are focused on the third option. 4. Out-of-Phase Reclosing Criteria In the case of a balanced system (i.e., no ground fault present), load on the island would have to be five times the aggregate DG rating, assuming the inverter-interfaced DG 32 maintain a constant-current output and loads behave as constant impedances. If a ground fault is present, even more load (approximately 6.5 times aggregate DG rating) must be present if the DG are three-phase inverters, due to neutral shift (lack of adequate grounding). However, if any phase voltage at the DG terminals is less than 0.5 p.u., the DG must trip in less than 10 cycles, which is less than the 12 cycle “instantaneous” reclosing time used by LIPA. Therefore, there must only be sufficient load to reduce voltage to 0.5 p.u. to avoid out-of-phase reclosing. This value of minimum load is approximately two times the aggregate DG rating; thus yielding the following criteria: Ptotal_sect<0.5Psect_min_day andPtotal_sect_non-solar<0.5Psect_min The criteria above supersede those provided previously in Table 1, unless LIPA adopts a different approach to avoidance of out-of-phase reclosing (i.e., increasing reclosing delay, undervoltage permissive reclose, or direct transfer trip). H. Power Quality Power quality is a wide category, and in the broadest definition includes voltage transients, sags, and swells, as well as harmonic distortion and rapid voltage variations (flicker). Of these, the issues relevant to inverter-interfaced DG interconnection are flicker and harmonics. 1. Flicker Flicker is defined as rapid and repetitive variations in voltage. These voltage variations, when applied to lighting loads, causes variation in lamp luminance that can be a nuisance to electric customers and can even cause nausea and other physiological effects if severe. In the strictest definition, flicker only pertains to these illumination-related effects. However, frequent voltage variations can also cause impacts to other customer loads and to some utility equipment such as voltage regulators and voltage-controlled capacitor bank switches. The industry has come to more loosely define flicker as encompassing any of the adverse impacts of short-term voltage variation. The usual cause for flicker caused by inverter-interfaced DG is a variation of the primary energy source, such as wind speed in the case of wind generation and solar insolation in the case of PV solar generation. Frequent variations in wind turbine power output can occur during gusty conditions. Small “backyard” scale wind turbines are far more prone to short-term power output variations than large utility-scale wind turbines because these small turbines are not as high, and are thus in a wind regime where there is substantially more turbulence due to ground obstructions such as structures and trees. Wind generation is not likely to be a major distributed generation choice on Long Island due to siting, zoning, and land availability constraints. Solar generation is subject to variations due to cloud shadows movement. Typically, a crystalline silicon PV panel power output will decrease 60% - 80% when shadowed by a typical cumulus cloud on a partly cloudy day. Just prior to the shadowing, the output may actually increase above the clear-sky potential due to the reflection of light off of the side of the cloud, intensifying ground-level solar irradiance. This peaking of output immediately prior to the sharp decrease caused by shadowing increases the abrupt change in solar PV power output. Partly cloudy conditions typically results in the most severe solar PV variability. Heavily overcast days produce consistently low output from PV, and clear days 33 produce a smooth output curve over the day which does not result in flicker. For a fixed PV array, the clear sky output looks like a sinusoidal half-wave. For two-axis tracking PV arrays, the daily curve is broader, appearing more like a rounded-off square wave. Figure 7 shows the variations in output of a small PV panel over the mid-day hours. The variability in this example is extreme, with 80% output variations occurring as often as one cycle per minute. If there were a large amount of solar PV generation on a feeder, and all of this generation varied like this, in synchronism, the flicker impact would be severe. This does not occur, however, because typical cloud shadows4 have physical dimensions less extensive than the geographic footprint of a distribution feeder. If the PV is distributed throughout the feeder’s served area, some PV panels will be shaded while others are in the full sun during partly-cloudy conditions. Thus, there tends to be substantial geospatial diversity in widely distributed PV generation. This is demonstrated in field results shown in Figure 8. Solar irradiance measured at one point shows high variability, but the average irradiance of 25 points in a 4km grid around the single point is much smoother. This is further reinforced by the statistical correlation of short-term variations in solar irradiance, versus distance between points, shown in Figure 9. Points that are very close together have nearly a 100% correlation in output, but correlation drops rapidly, reaching zero at 400m, and actually going negative in the range of distances between 400 m and 1 km. This means that for two points A and B, say 800 m apart, B is more than likely in the sun when A is shaded, and vice versa. (fromM. Grady, U. of T., Austin) Figure 7 Output variations of a small PV panel The degree of geographic diversity of PV generation on a feeder has a large influence on the flicker impact. If there is a large amount of PV concentrated in one area, or one very large installation, there is limited diversity and a large amount of power output variation, which could lead to flicker if the location is far from the substation. On the other hand, small PV that is widely dispersed will have little short-cycle variation. 4 Shadows of scattered to broken cumulus clouds, associated with the partly-cloudy conditions responsible for periods of high solar variability 34 Designing effective and practically implementable flicker screening criteria can be problematic. Consider this example: A small PV installation is unlikely to have a significant flicker impact if all other PV installations on the feeder are of a similar small size. However, the small PV could be interconnected near a location where a much larger PV has been previously allowed to interconnect. If the impact of the large facility was very marginally below the acceptable value, the incremental correlated contribution of the new small facility may be sufficient to drive impact above the threshold of acceptability. Situations like this present a particularly challenging dilemma in the design of screening criteria, requiring a choice between simple screens through which a problematic interconnection could pass through versus extensive data requirements and analysis to apply a more foolproof screen. Figure 8 (fromPerez and Hoff) Comparison of irradiance at one point compared with average irradiance of 25 locations in a 4 km square. Figure 9 (from Perez) Correlation of 20-second fluctuations in solar irradiance, as a function between measurement points 35 2. Flicker Screening It is assumed that the overwhelming majority of variable DG on Long Island will be solar; thus the flicker screening process is based on available short-term solar variation characteristics. For simplicity, the screen can be applied to all other forms of variable DG, such as wind. Spatial correlations of short-term wind variations, at the heights of backyard wind generators, are not available. The first step to defining a flicker screen is to establish a geospatial “zone of correlation” (ZOC), within which solar DG can be assumed to be well correlated in terms of the shortterm power variation that can lead to flicker. DG beyond this zone is assumed to be uncorrelated. Figure 9 indicates a 400 m (~0.25 mile) radius of positive correlation. The correlation is much less than one for most of this radius, so the effective radius would be less. However, this graph is specifically for 20 second fluctuations. Somewhat longer fluctuation periods are also of relevance to flicker, which would indicate a larger radius. Such data are not available. Therefore, it shall be assumed that 0.25 miles is a reasonable estimate of the effective radius of the ZOC for any fluctuation responsible for flicker. Next, it is desirable to estimate the amount of variable DG that can be within this ZOC without introducing risk of flicker. Flicker, at the primary voltage level, is substantially due to the interaction of the real power variations with the resistive component of feeder impedance. The amount of tolerable voltage variation is conservatively set at 0.5%. This value is the “borderline of visibility” in the historic “GE flicker curve” found in IEEE Standard 519. The resistance of backbone feeders designed to LIPA’s standard is 0.3 ohm/mile. The aggregate variable DG limit within the ZOC is calculated as: 0.3 ⋅ D Vnom 2 PZOC = 0.005 [3.8] ⋅ 1000 PZOC = 16.7 ⋅ Vnom / D 2 [3.9] Where: D is the feeder distance from the substation to the ZOC Vnomis the nominal voltage of the feeder in kV (e.g., 13.8) PZOCis the screening limit for variable DG (typically solar) in the zone of correlation As an example, Equation 3.9 provides a screening limit of 1060 kW for a ZOC located three miles from the substation. When an interconnection is requested for a small variable DG, it is inconvenient to identify and sum all other DG within a 0.25 mile radius. This step is not necessary if all variable DG within the radius are smaller than a certain rating, because the maximum number of likely 36 DG within the radius can be conservatively estimated. A 0.25 mile radius encompasses 0.196 square miles, or 126 acres. Assuming a lot size of one-quarter acre, and further assuming that space occupied by streets and other unavailable land halves the potential DG density, a very conservative estimate is that there is a potential maximum of 252 variable DGs within the ZOC. Therefore, if no variable DGs within the ZOC exceed a rating of PZOC/252, then further screening is not needed. If this test is not passed, then the sum of all variable DG ratings within 0.25 miles need to be summed and compared with PZOC as calculated by Equation 3.8. Thus, the primary voltage flicker screen is: ZOC Max (P ) < P var ZOC / 252 or ∑ (P ) < P var ZOC [3.10] ZOC Where Pvar are the individual DG ratings in the ZOC. In addition to this screening for primary voltage impact, an additional screen is needed for secondary voltage impact when the interconnecting variable DG is supplied by a distribution transformer also serving other customers. Assuming a maximum distribution transformer resistance of 2%IR, the recommended secondary voltage flicker screen is: 0.02*Psecv/Sxfmr<0.005which simplifies to: Psecv< 0.25*Sxfmr [3.11] WherePsecvis the sum of the variable DG ratings connected to the secondary of the distribution transformer. 3. Harmonics Considerable attention has been given to inverter-interfaced DG with regard to harmonic distortion impact, primarily because there is an implicit assumption by much of the industry that power electronic devices are inherently “dirty”. There is historical basis to this, as the previous generations of thyristor and diode conversion equipment did indeed inject substantial harmonic current. However, almost all inverters used for DG applications today are based on voltage-source converter technology, with typically high switching frequencies. Although currents within the VSC inverter are highly distorted, the high frequency of that distortion makes filtering quite easy. DGs compliant with IEEE 1547, and tested in accordance with IEEE 1547.1 and UL 1741, have quite low harmonic output current. The harmonic distortion is far below many types of loads routinely connected to the distribution system. For example, the harmonic distortion of compact fluorescent lamps may exceed 100%, in comparison to the 5% total harmonic distortion (THD) limit set by standards for DG. The switching frequencies of various VSC inverter designs differ, and switching is usually not synchronized to the 60 Hz waveform. Therefore, the harmonic contributions of multiple VSC within the distribution system do not add arithmetically; in fact the injections of one device may partially cancel another’s. This cancellation effect is particularly pronounced above the 10th harmonic. 37 Using conservative assumptions, the voltage distortion produced by a 2 MVA standardscompliant inverter located at the remote end of a ten mile long 13.8 kV feeder is less than the voltage distortion limit recommended by IEEE 519. Considering all the factors discussed here, there does not appear to be justification to apply any screening criterion to inverter-interfaced DG with regard to harmonic impact. I. System Loading The general impact of DG on system loading is to cause a decrease in loading. Only certain extreme scenarios can result in potential LIPA system overload. These include: • • • High penetration of DG distributed about the feeder overall, with total DG capacity exceeding the sum of the feeder’s peak load plus the minimum load demand. A very large concentration of DG, far exceeding local load demand, at the remote end of a feeder DG capacity in excess of the serving distribution transformer’s capacity Other criteria established previously in this document, particularly the steady-state voltage criteria, are more limiting. Thus, setting additional screens for system loading is unnecessary. J. Fault Current Contribution and Protection A significant feature of inverter-interfaced DG is its very low short-circuit contribution. Voltage source inverters are typically controlled with a very fast-responding current regulation loop. This fast response is necessary to protect the transistors used in these inverters, because the overload capability of the transistors is very limited and even a very brief overload beyond a critical value, on the order of twice rated current, will typically result in permanent failure. Voltage source inverters will generally limit their current contribution to a fault to their rated value, except for a transient excursion slightly above rated current for only about the first half cycle. The inverters also tend to inject their current in phase with the voltage (unity power factor), which is in quadrature to the predominately reactive nature of fault current. As a bounding calculation, consider a 13.8 kV, 336 kcmil feeder that is ten miles long, with an estimated impedance of 3 + j6 ohms, and a peak load of 10 MVA. The minimum load of this feeder is postulated to be 40% of peak at 0.95 power factor. The minimum load is 4 MVA or 3.8 MW. Application of the steady-state voltage screening limit provided by Equation 3.3 indicates that an aggregate DG rating of 1.3 MW or more would fail this previous screen. Thus, for the feeder in this bounding calculation, the worst case with regard to incremental fault current contribution by DG would be if a 1.3 MW DG is located at the feeder end where the grid contribution to short circuit current is least. At this location, the fault current due to the grid alone is 1,190 A, and the fault current contribution from the 1.3 MW DG is 54 A. If the DG current injection is in quadrature to the grid fault current, the total fault current is increased only 0.1%, and if the DG contribution is perfectly in phase the fault current is only increased by 4.5%. Therefore, it can be reasonably concluded that DG penetration passing other screens recommended in this document will not materially affect fault currents and will neither interfere with system protection nor require changes to protection settings. 38 K. Summary of Recommended Screens The previous section identified a number of screens to identify inverter-interfaced DG interconnections where a significant risk of system impact is present. These screens were presented and discussed, organized by the different types of grid impact. Screens were, in many cases, divided by type of DG and by whether the DG is served by a dedicated distribution transformer. The screens are reorganized in this section and presented according to the DG application, to facilitate use of these screens. Solar DG Solar DG interconnections do not require further study if the following screen is true. If Ptotal<0.33Pfdr_min_day (Feeder steady-state voltage rise) And if the proposed DG is on a lateral: Plat<0.80Plat_min_day (Lateral steady-state voltage rise) And if the proposed DG is not on a dedicated distribution transformer: (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) Pdg< 0.052 SxfmrDfdr And DG is not downstream of a voltage regulator (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And DG is not on a feeder with clock-controlled capacitor banks (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) (Secondaryflicker) AndPsecv< 0.25*Sxfmr And: (Reclosing) Ptotal_sect<0.5Psect_min_day And if: ZOC Max (P ) < P var ZOC / 252 or ∑ (P ) < P var ZOC ZOC (Primary flicker) 39 Non-Solar Variable DG Non-solar variable DG primarily includes wind generation. An interconnection using this technology does not require further study if the following screen is true. If Ptotal<0.33Pfdr_min_day and Ptotal_non-solar<0.33Pfdr_min (Feeder steady-state voltage rise) And if the proposed DG is on a lateral: Plat<0.80Pflat_min_day and Plat_non-solar<0.80Plat_min (Lateral steady-state voltage rise) And if the proposed DG is not on a dedicated distribution transformer: Pdg< 0.052 SxfmrDfdr (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And DG is not downstream of a voltage regulator (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And DG is not on a feeder with clock-controlled capacitor banks (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And Psecv< 0.25*Sxfmr (Secondaryflicker) And: Ptotal_sect<0.5Psect_min_dayandPtotal_sect_non-solar<0.5Psect_min (Reclosing) And if: ZOC Max (P ) < P var ZOC / 252 or ∑ (P ) < P var ZOC ZOC (Primary flicker) 40 Non-Variable DG Non-variable DG are those inverter-interfaced DG fueled by resources that are reasonably consistent in supply. Examples are microturbines fueled by natural gas or landfill gas. DG interconnections in this category do not require further study if the following screen is true. If Ptotal<0.33Pfdr_min_day and Ptotal_non-solar<0.33Pfdr_min (Feeder steady-state voltage rise) And if the proposed DG is on a lateral: Plat<0.80Pflat_min_day and Plat_non-solar<0.80Plat_min (Lateral steady-state voltage rise) And if the proposed DG is not on a dedicated distribution transformer: Pdg< 0.052 SxfmrDfdr (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And DG is not downstream of a voltage regulator (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And DG is not on a feeder with clock-controlled capacitor banks (Secondary steady-state voltage rise) And: Ptotal_sect<0.5Psect_min_dayandPtotal_sect_non-solar<0.5Psect_min (Reclosing) 41 Summary of Variable Definitions Dfdris the distance, in thousands of feet, along the main feeder from the substation to the distribution tranfsformer, or to the lateral tap on the main feeder if the distribution transformer is located on a lateral. Ptotalis the sum of all the DG ratings connected to the feeder, including the DG under screening Pfdr_minis the minimum load demand of the feeder. Ptotal_non-solaris the sum of all the DG ratings, other than solar, connected to the feeder, including the DG under screening if it is non-solar Pfdr_min_dayis the minimum load demand of the feeder during daylight hours (nominally, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.). Platis the sum of all the DG ratings connected to the lateral, including the DG under screening Plat_non-solaris the sum of all the DG ratings, other than solar, connected to the lateral, including the DG under screening if it is non-solar Plat_min_dayis the minimum load demand of the lateral during daylight hours (nominally, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.). Plat_minis the minimum load demand of the lateral Pdgis the sum of all the DG ratings connected to the secondary of the distribution transformer Sxfmris rating of the distribution transformer Ptotal_sectis the total DG capacity on the feeder section, solar plus non-solar. Ptotal_sect_non-solaris the total non-solar DG capacity on the feeder section. Psect_minis the absolute minimum load demand of the feeder section. Psect_min_dayis the absolute minimum daytime load demand of the feeder section. PZOCis the screening limit for variable DG (typically solar) in the zone of correlation, and is equal to: PZOC = 16.7 ⋅ Vnom / D 2 Where: D is the feeder distance from the substation to a ZOC (0.25 mi radius around point of interconnection of the proposed DG) Vnomis the nominal voltage of the feeder in kV (e.g., 13.8) Pvar are the individual DG ratings in a ZOC. Psecvis the sum of the variable DG ratings connected to the secondary of the distribution transformer. 42 VI. Maintenance and Operating Requirements The following requirements apply to all DG System installations. A. The protective devices (relays, circuit breakers, etc.) required to disconnect the DG System's generation shall be owned, operated, and maintained by the DG System at its expense. B. All final relay setting calculations for the DG System's interconnection breaker shall be submitted for review and acceptance by LIPA, to assure protection of LIPA equipment and reliability of service to the adjacent LIPA customers. The DG System shall be required to change relay settings, if necessary, to accommodate changes in the LIPA system. C. If the DG Systems elects to install a solidly grounded neutral, LIPA will require that it be tested every 2 years and that the test reports be submitted to LIPA. D. It shall be the DG System's responsibility to have calibration and functional trip tests performed on its fault and isolation protection equipment. These tests shall be performed prior to placing equipment in service and once every two (2) years thereafter. Copies of these test results shall be sent submitted to LIPA no later than five working days after completion of tests. All the testing and calibration shall be performed by a qualified independent testing organization, acceptable to LIPA, in accordance with industry standards and shall be submitted to LIPA for review and acceptance. Interconnection breaker speed curves shall be verified using a Cincinnati Analyzer or an equivalent. Battery tests shall meet the requirements of IEEE Standard 450-1987. LIPA reserves the right to witness and accept or reject the results of all tests. LIPA shall be notified of the testing two (2) weeks in advance. E. After the DG System is in service, LIPA reserves the right to test or review on request the calibration and operation of all protective equipment including relays, circuit breakers, batteries, etc. at the interconnection, as well as review the DG System's complete maintenance records. A review of the calibration and operation of protective equipment may include LIPA-witnessed trip testing of the interconnection breaker from its associated protective relays. F. The failure of the DG System to maintain its equipment in a manner acceptable to LIPA or to furnish maintenance records on demand may result in the DG System being prevented from operating in parallel with the LIPA system. 43 G. If LIPA is requested to work at the DG System's generating site, LIPA operating and maintenance personnel shall inspect the site to insure that all LIPA safety requirements have been met. If not, commencement of the requested work shall be delayed until conditions are deemed safe by LIPA. H. LIPA reserves the right to test for or to request the DG System to supply certified test reports for harmonic content at the point of interconnection. The % Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) measurements shall be taken with a spectrum analyzer. Inverter installations shall be required to take two sets of measurements; one with the inverter isolated and the other with the inverter connected to the LIPA system. The current harmonic levels should be observed and recorded at 0, 1/2, 3/4, and full power measurements. If the % THD exceeds the limits outlined in Section II Part E the DG System shall install filters to meet the required limits. If at any time during parallel operation harmonic distortion problems affecting other customers' equipment can be traced to the DG System's generator, the DG System's generating equipment shall be immediately disconnected from the LIPA system and shall remain disconnected until the problem is corrected. I. The DG System shall close the interconnection circuit breaker only after obtaining approved switching orders from the responsible LIPA operator as defined in the Operating Instructions. No automatic reconnect shall be incorporated in the design. LIPA reserves the right to open the disconnecting device to the DG System for any of the following reasons: 1. System Emergency or System Pre-Emergency 2. Substandard conditions existing with the DG System's generating and/or protective equipment. 3. Failure of the DG System to maintain its equipment in accordance with the agreed upon schedule. 4. Failure of DG System to make maintenance records available to LIPA on request. 5. Interference by the DG System's generation system with the quality of service rendered by LIPA to its customers. 6. Personnel safety. 7. To eliminate conditions that constitute a potential hazard to the general public. 8. For LIPA maintenance and construction clearance. 44 VII. Classification of DG System Generator Installations Distributed Generation installations are classified into two types - those interconnecting to the LIPA system on a dedicated radial feeder and those interconnecting on a non-dedicated feeder (Refer to Appendix A). Maximum Gross Generation Capacity* Distribution Voltage Interconnection 13kV 4kV 10MVA 3MVA Main 3.0 MVA 1MVA Branch 1.5 MVA .5 MVA 1.5 MVA .5 MVA Main 2.5 MVA 750KVA Branch 1.0 MVA 300 kVA Main 1.5 MVA 750 kVA Branch 1.0 MVA 300 kVA 1. Dedicated Radial Feeder 2A.i Synchronous Generators Non-Dedicated Feeder 2A ii. Primary Metered Secondary Protection 2B.i Induction Generators Non-Dedicated Feeder 2B. ii Induction Generators Non-Dedicated Primary Metered Secondary Protection * These generation capacities are on a per-Producer basis. It should be noted, however, that the aggregate generation (sum of the total gross generation of all DG Systems connected to a particular segment of the LIPA system) on a non-dedicated distribution feeder must not exceed 5 MVA on 13 kV or 1.5 MVA on 4 kV. The maximum capacity of the aggregate generation connected to a branch circuit is 1.5 MVA on 13 kV and .5 MVA on 4 kV. The maximum aggregate generation connected to one LIPA 13 kV substation is 10 MVA. The maximum aggregate generation connected to one LIPA 4 kV substation is 3 MVA. The maximum aggregate generation shall also be limited to approximately one-third of the MVA rating of the step-down transformer at LIPA's substation. The aggregate generation may be further limited by the load and fault duty capability of the substation equipment and connecting distribution feeder. LIPA shall evaluate each application before deciding on the maximum MVA allowed onto the LIPA system at a given point. Special relay coordination problems may exist for non-dedicated feeder installations since all DG Systems may not be on-line at the same time. Each situation shall be evaluated on its own merits. 45 VIII. Appendix Appendix A Interconnection Example Drawing List 1. Dedicated Feeder Relay Circuit Greater Than 1,000 Feet Primary Metered - Primary Protection 2. Dedicated Feeder Differential Circuit Less Than 1,000 Feet Primary Metered - Primary Protection 3. Non-Dedicated Feeder Primary Metered - Primary Protection 4. Non-Dedicated Feeder Primary Metered - Secondary Protection These drawings are examples of typical interconnections. Each project is site specific and may have different requirements. 46 APPENDIX A-DRAWING 1 PRIMARY METERED- PRIMARY PROTECTION 48 APPENDIX A - DRAWING 2 PRIMARY METERED- PRIMARY PROTECTION 49 APPENDIX A-DRAWING 3 PRIMARY METERED- PRIMARY PROTECTION 50 51 Appendix B Explanation of the Requirement for A Wye Grounded Transformer All DG System interconnections with LIPA must be grounded sources. During a phase to ground fault on the LIPA system, the DG System's generator can be isolated with the phase to ground fault if the LIPA source opens before the DG System's protective equipment detects the fault condition and isolates from the LIPA system. If the generator is not grounded during the period it is isolated with the phase to ground fault, the neutral can shift resulting in overvoltage on the two remaining unfaulted phases. This overvoltage can reach 173% of normal and will damage LIPA phase to ground connected load or equipment isolated with the generator. To avoid the possibility of an overvoltage due to a neutral shift, LIPA requires that the DG System's generator interconnect into the LIPA system as a grounded source. The designer of the DG installation should be aware that the isolation transformer provides a path for zero sequence fault current for all phase to ground faults on the circuit. In order to limit the ground fault current from the DG System's equipment, LIPA may require that the system be designed to limit the zero sequence current (large zero sequence impedance) and still meet the grounding requirements. There are several methods to ground a source. Accepted method is to use a wye groundeddelta step-up transformer with the generator grounded. An additional purpose of the wye-grounded (LIPA side)/delta (DG System side) isolation transformer is to filter out the third harmonics and multiples of the third harmonics and to provide a ground source that enables the DG System(s) protection to be able to detect faults on the LIPA system. 51 Appendix C 53 Appendix D This Appendix is blank Not used 53 Appendix E Voltage Flicker Curves 54 Appendix F Relaying Functional Example I I TD TD (1) (3) 50 50 51 51N 600/5 ICO 79Y UNIT #4 S TD PB TD SUPV. 0-600 R A 600/5 TD CURR AM TDCR (3) 2000/5 AR 95 RFL 6745 D.T.T. XMIT GROUP 2 LEASE LINE NOTE: This is a sample of an acceptable Relaying Functional Diagram, and shall only be used for reference purposes. 55