UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY Effect of STATCOM Location on Distance Protection Relay Operation by Peng (Philip) Sun A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE GRADUATE PROGRAM IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CALGARY, ALBERTA JUNE, 2015 © Peng (Philip) Sun 2015 Abstract Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices are playing an increasingly important role in electrical power systems to satisfy the function of achieving better power transferability and enhancing power system controllability. The presence of FACTS devices in power systems has brought up some challenges to the protection schemes in the grid. Distance protection, as a major transmission line protective scheme, is facing such a challenge to meet the basic requirements for its accuracy, selectivity, reliability and security. This dissertation reviews FACTS concepts, and studies the shunt connected STATCOM and its modeling. Based on the dynamic behaviour of a shunt connected STATCOM in a two-machine system, where a distance protection scheme is applied to protect the transmission line connecting the two machines, performance of the two zone distance protection scheme has been evaluated in EMTDC/PSCAD simulation environment for various contingent conditions. This includes different STATCOM installation locations, various STATCOM voltage settings, various fault locations & types. To overcome the misoperation of the distance relay and make the distance scheme operational and reliable when the transmission line is shunt compensated with STATCOM, studies on some communication-aided protection schemes, including PUTT, POTT and DCB, are conducted. These pilot protection schemes have proven to be effective for fast clearance of the faults on the transmission line and meet the requirements for protections, regardless of STATCOM installation locations. ii Acknowledgements The dissertation is with great support and patience from my family in the past 4 years during which we suffered the deep sorrow of losing an important family member and overcame the unpredictable challenges of life together. The spiritual motivation from family is the power encouraging me to move towards the completion of this project. I wish to solemnly express my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation to my supervisors Dr. Ed P. Nowicki and Dr. O. P. Malik at this time for their constant guidance, encouragement and support throughout the whole program. A new window is open for me in Electrical Engineering with their direction, from which I greatly broadened my horizon in the application of power electronics and hence my professional career has benefited tremendously from the exciting learning procedure. My foremost thanks go to them and I also wish to extend my appreciation to other professors and support staff in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in University of Calgary for their help during my study here. I also wish to thank some of my friends for their continuous support and constructive suggestions that inspired and motivated me to complete the part time study, without whom I would be unable to finish my project successfully. iii Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................ iii Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... iv List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... vi List of Figures and Illustrations ........................................................................................ vii List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature .............................................................x CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1 1.1 Protection of transmission lines .................................................................................2 1.1.1 Non-Pilot Schemes ............................................................................................3 Distance relay ......................................................................................................3 Step Distance Schemes.........................................................................................5 1.1.2 Pilot Schemes ....................................................................................................6 1.2 Introduction to FACTS ..............................................................................................6 1.3 Type of converters ...................................................................................................11 1.4 Summary ..................................................................................................................13 1.5 Thesis Outline ..........................................................................................................13 CHAPTER TWO: STATCOM PRINCIPLE AND LITERATURE REVIEW .................16 2.1 Introduction to FACTS ............................................................................................16 2.2 STATCOM ..............................................................................................................17 2.2.1 Introduction to STATCOM .............................................................................17 2.2.2 Basic Principle of a STATCOM......................................................................19 2.2.3 STATCOM Control .........................................................................................23 Introduction to STATCOM Topologies ..............................................................23 Basic Control Approaches of a STATCOM .......................................................25 Indirect Control .................................................................................................26 Direct Control ....................................................................................................28 2.2.4 Steady State and Transient Characteristics of a STATCOM ..........................29 V-I characteristic ...............................................................................................29 Transient Stability ..............................................................................................31 2.2.5 Harmonic profile of STATCOM .....................................................................33 2.2.6 Detailed Mathematical Model of STATCOM .................................................36 Static Module of STATCOM ..............................................................................37 Dynamic Module of STATCOM .........................................................................38 2.2.7 STATCOM applications ..................................................................................41 CHAPTER THREE: MODELING OF DISTANCE PROTECTION IMPEDANCE .......46 3.1 STATCOM installed at mid-point of the transmission line.....................................46 3.1.1 Single phase fault after the STATCOM ..........................................................48 3.1.2 Single phase fault before the STATCOM .......................................................51 3.2 Phase to phase fault..................................................................................................54 3.2.1 Phase to phase fault after the STATCOM .......................................................54 3.2.2 Phase to phase fault before the STATCOM ....................................................56 iv CHAPTER FOUR: SIMULATION ...................................................................................59 4.1 System Simulation ...................................................................................................59 4.1.1 Transmission System Module .........................................................................59 System configuration..........................................................................................59 Transmission line ...............................................................................................60 Generator and load ............................................................................................61 4.1.2 STATCOM modelling and its Control Circuit ................................................63 STATCOM model ...............................................................................................63 Voltage Control Loop ........................................................................................65 PWM Control Module ........................................................................................65 4.1.3 Distance Protection Module ............................................................................68 Voltage & Current Signal Processing ...............................................................70 Distance Mho Characteristic .............................................................................71 Distance Relay Output .......................................................................................73 4.2 Fault Simulations .....................................................................................................74 4.2.1 Midpoint connected STATCOM simulation ...................................................75 Fault resistance is 0 Ω .......................................................................................76 Fault resistance is 50 Ω .....................................................................................78 4.2.2 Near-end bus connected STATCOM simulation ............................................82 4.2.3 Far-end bus connected STATCOM simulation ...............................................84 4.2.4 Effect of Voltage Setting of STATCOM.........................................................87 4.3 Concluding Remarks................................................................................................90 CHAPTER FIVE: COMMUNICATION-AIDED DISTANCE PROTECTION SCHEMES ...................................................................................................................................91 5.1 Directional Comparison Scheme ...........................................................................91 5.1.1 Permissive Transfer Trip .................................................................................92 5.1.2 Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) .....................................................102 5.2 Line Current Differential .....................................................................................108 5.3 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................109 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................110 6.1 Thesis Summary ....................................................................................................110 6.2 Discussion ..............................................................................................................111 6.3 Future work ............................................................................................................112 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................114 v List of Tables Table 1.1 Control Attributes of Various Controllers .................................................................... 10 vi List of Figures and Illustrations Figure 1.1 Mho Characteristic ........................................................................................................ 4 Figure 1.2 Normal Selectivity Adjustment of Step Distance Scheme ............................................ 5 Figure 1.3 Valve for a voltage-sourced converter ........................................................................ 12 Figure 1.4 Voltage-Sourced Converter ......................................................................................... 12 Figure 2.1 VSC-based STATCOM interface diagram in a power system .................................... 19 Figure 2.2 STATCOM and associated phasor diagrams (capacitive) for Rg=0 and Rg≠0 ........... 20 Figure 2.3 Topology of a three-phase, two-level, six-pulse voltage-sourced converter ............... 23 Figure 2.4 Topology of a three-phase, three-level, twelve-pulse voltage-sourced converter ....... 24 Figure 2.5 Block Diagram of the basic control structure of a STATCOM................................... 25 Figure 2.6 Indirect control diagram of a STATCOM ................................................................... 27 Figure 2.7 Direct control diagram of a STATCOM ..................................................................... 28 Figure 2.8 V-I characteristic of a STATCOM .............................................................................. 30 Figure 2.9 Two-machine, two-line power system with a STATCOM ......................................... 31 Figure 2.10 Illustration of equal area criterion for transient Stability .......................................... 33 Figure 2.11Typical Harmonics in 6-pulse STATCOM voltage output ........................................ 35 Figure 2.12 STATCOM Equivalent Circuit.................................................................................. 36 Figure 3.1 Transmission Line with a STATCOM at mid-point.................................................... 47 Figure 3.2 Circuit with a fault after the STATCOM .................................................................... 48 Figure 3.3 Sequence Circuit with a single phase to ground fault after mid-point STATCOM .... 49 Figure 3.4 Single phase fault before mid-point STATCOM ....................................................... 51 Figure 3.5 Sequence Circuit with a single phase to ground fault before mid-point STATCOM . 53 Figure 3.6 Sequence circuit with a phase to phase fault after mid-point STATCOM .................. 54 Figure 3.7 Sequence circuit with a phase to phase fault before mid-point STATCOM ............... 56 Figure 4.1 Single line Diagram of Simulated Power System ....................................................... 59 vii Figure 4.2 Transmission Line Module .......................................................................................... 61 Figure 4.3 VSC-based STATCOM module .................................................................................. 63 Figure 4.4 Voltage Control Loop of STATCOM Control Module ............................................... 65 Figure 4.5 PMW Control Module part 1 ....................................................................................... 66 Figure 4.6 PMW Control Module part 2....................................................................................... 67 Figure 4.7 Distance Relay Module ............................................................................................... 69 Figure 4.8 Voltage Signal Processing ........................................................................................... 70 Figure 4.9 Line-to-Ground Impedance and Mho Component ...................................................... 71 Figure 4.10 Line-to-Line Impedance and Mho Component ......................................................... 72 Figure 4.11 Distance Relay Output ............................................................................................... 73 Figure 4.12 Measured Impedance for Single phase ground (A-G) fault ...................................... 76 Figure 4.13 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault .................................... 77 Figure 4.14 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault................................................ 77 Figure 4.15 Measured Impedance for Single Phase Ground (A-G) fault ..................................... 78 Figure 4.16 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault .................................... 79 Figure 4.17 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault................................................ 80 Figure 4.18 Reactive Power from STATCOM for Single Phase Ground (A-G) fault ................. 81 Figure 4.19 Reactive Power from STATCOM for Phase-Phase-Ground (BC-G) fault ............... 81 Figure 4.20 Reactive Power from STATCOM for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault ............................ 81 Figure 4.21 Measured Impedance for Single phase ground (A-G) fault ...................................... 82 Figure 4.22 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault .................................... 83 Figure 4.23 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault................................................ 83 Figure 4.24 Measured Impedance for Single phase ground (A-G) fault ...................................... 84 Figure 4.25 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault .................................... 85 Figure 4.26 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault................................................ 86 viii Figure 4.27 Measured Impedance for A-G fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u ................... 87 Figure 4.28 Measured Impedance for BC-G fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u ................. 87 Figure 4.29 Phase to Phase Seen impedance for ABC-G fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u.......................................................................................................................................... 88 Figure 4.30 Measured Impedance for ABC fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u .................. 88 Figure 4.31 Reactive Power Vref = 1.1 p.u .................................................................................. 89 Figure 4.32 Reactive Power Vref = 0.9 p.u ................................................................................. 89 Figure 5.1 Permissive Overreach Protection Scheme and Logic diagram.................................... 93 Figure 5.2 Impedance measured at the sending end for an A-G fault without STATCOM ......... 94 Figure 5.3 Measured impedance at the sending end for an A-G fault with STATCOM .............. 95 Figure 5.4 Impedance measured by the receiving end relay for an A-G fault with STATCOM.. 95 Figure 5.5 Timing for POTT scheme ............................................................................................ 96 Figure 5.6 Permissive Under-reach Protection Scheme and Logic diagram ................................ 98 Figure 5.7 Measured impedance at the sending end for an ABC-G fault without STATCOM ... 99 Figure 5.8 Measured impedance at the sending end for an ABC-G fault with STATCOM....... 100 Figure 5.9 Impedance measured by the receiving end relay for an ABC-G fault with STATCOM ......................................................................................................................... 100 Figure 5.10 Timing for PUTT scheme ........................................................................................ 101 Figure 5.11 Directional Comparison Blocking Protection Scheme and Logic diagram............. 103 Figure 5.12 Measured impedance for an ABC-G fault with STATCOM................................... 105 Figure 5.13 Trip timing for DCB scheme ................................................................................... 106 Figure 5.14 Block timing for DCB scheme ................................................................................ 107 Figure 5.15 Line Differential Current Protection Scheme and Logic diagram........................... 108 ix List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature Symbol Definition FACTS STATCOM SC TCPST UPFC P Flexible AC Transmission System Static Synchronous Compensator Series Capacitor Thyristor Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer Unified Power Flow Controller Real Power transferred Reactive Power transferred Sending end voltage Receiving end voltage Power system angle Transmission line reactance STATCOM voltage output AC System voltage Current between AC system and STATCOM Leakage impedance of coupling transformer STATCOM voltage output in control simulation Capacitor voltage output in control simulation Phase angle between STATCOM and system Sending generator terminal voltage Receiving generator terminal voltage Bus voltage at sending end Bus voltage at receiving end Impedance from generator to STATCOM Impedance of transmission line System angle of power system Per unit distance from fault location to relay location Fundamental frequency of STATCOM output Park’ transformation operator Positive, negative and zero sequence impedance Positive, negative and zero sequence voltage Positive, negative and zero sequence current Ground fault current Teleprotection Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip Source to Line impedance Ratio Current- Sourced Converter Voltage-Sourced Converter Gate Turn-Off Thyristor θ δ ω TPR PUTT POTT SIR CSC VSC GTO x IGBT DCB PLL PLC PSCAD SCADA Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor Directional Comparison Blocking Gating firing pulse 1- 6 Overhead ground wire 1,2 Transmission line phase conductor Pulse Width Modulation Phase Lock Loop Fast Fourier Transform Power Line Carrier Power System CAD Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition xi Chapter One: Introduction Transmission lines, as a major component of an electrical power system, play the most important role in the transmission of power from generation to load and to interconnect regional power systems into a grid network. Hence, protection of transmission lines is critical in system contingencies to isolate faults and to ensure the safety and integrity of a power grid. A large variety of protection schemes are applied on transmission lines based on different protection theories and communication technologies, among which the most commonly used is the distance scheme. Despite the economic reasons, distance protection is widely employed because the basic requirements for a protection scheme, which are selectivity, reliability and sensitivity with satisfactory fault clearing time, can be easily met with proper scheme setup and coordination study. By measuring the ratio of voltage to current at relay location, distance protection can detect different types of faults and initiate related tripping schemes to isolate the fault from the system with a desired time delay [1]. Distance protection is a reliable and selective form of protection for transmission lines especially where line terminals are relatively far apart. With the development and application of power electronics technology and maturity of manufacturing, more and more power semi-conductor based devices, called FACTS [2], with ratings from tens to hundreds of giga watts, have been utilized in the power systems to satisfy the function of achieving better power transferability and enhancing power system controllability. FACTS actually is the application of power electronic equipment, with one or multiple functions, to regulate and control the electrical parameters that govern the operation of transmission systems including voltage, current, impedance, phase angle and damping of oscillations [2]. 1 FACTS controllers can cause rapid changes of the important system parameters mentioned above. Their presence, therefore, can significantly affect the operation of traditional distance schemes when either series or shunt connected FACTS devices introduce new dynamic controls into the power systems. They would inevitably affect the characteristics of a protective relay in a transmission line to some extent. This work presents STATCOM, a shunt connected FACTS device, and its modeling technology. Based on the dynamic behaviour of a STATCOM in a twomachine transmission system, performance of a distance relay protecting the transmission line in the system during various contingency conditions has been evaluated in EMTDC/PSCAD (commercial software) simulation environment. Further studies on the impedance seen by a distance relay are given. Improved performance of different distance schemes with communication aid in the same system is also shown in the analysis and system simulation. Recommendations and conclusions on the distance relay performance are made according to the simulation results and some future work is also discussed. 1.1 Protection of transmission lines A brief description of major schemes that are commonly used for the protection of transmission lines is presented here. As a widely accepted standard for a protective scheme, the following four basic requirements have to be met in order to make the scheme fully functional [3]. All schemes introduced work on the following criteria even though in some cases the standard cannot be reached completely at the same time due to some limits in applications: Reliability (Dependability, Security) Selectivity/Coordination 2 Sensitivity Fault clearing time Based on the availability of communication channels between substations, relay schemes on transmission lines can be listed into two categories: Non-pilot and pilot schemes. 1.1.1 Non-Pilot Schemes A variety of protection schemes belong to this category to protect transmission lines [4], such as over-current relay, directional over-current relay and distance relay. The following is a brief introduction to distance relay and the protection schemes based on it. Distance relay Distance relay, also called impedance relay [5], operates on the principle that measures the ratio of voltage to current phasors at a relay location to determine if a fault is within the relay’s protection boundary. Numerous characteristics in distance relay family are built up according to the positive and zero sequence impedance of the protected transmission line. According to different shapes of the protective operating boundaries [3], the major characteristics of distance relay can be recognized as Impedance, Mho, Reactance, Quadrilateral and Lenticular. More complex shapes can be obtained by using one or more of the above relay types in a logical combination to provide a composite tripping zone boundary [4]. Based on transmission line impedance, setting coordination with adjacent lines and other regulations, distance protection with specific characteristic can be selected to apply on the protected transmission line. 3 Figure 1.1 Mho Characteristic It is common to use an R–X diagram to both analyze and visualize the response of a distance relay. Impedance characteristic is plotted as a circle with its center at the origin of the coordinates and radius equal to its setting in ohms [6]. Relay operation occurs for all impedance values less than the setting, that is, for all the points within the circle. In this work, the Mho characteristic is chosen to build up the simulation models and is used to conduct analysis for a distance relay’s behavior under various system conditions with a STATCOM installed on the transmission line. As shown in Figure 1.1, the characteristic of a Mho impedance relay, when plotted on R-X diagram, is a circle whose circumference passes through the origin. It will operate only on faults in forward direction (quadrant one) along the transmission line. The Mho Characteristic of a distance relay is inherently directional to protect the faults in one direction on the protected line [7]. The relay operates when the measured impedance falls within the circle. 4 Step Distance Schemes As a non-pilot application, distance relaying is called step distance protection when several zones are employed to protect a transmission line [3]. A conventional step distance scheme installed at terminal 1 protecting transmission lines is shown in Figure 1.2. The first zone, designated as Z1, is set to trip without any intentional time delay and its protection boundary is set as approximately 80%-90% of transmission line impedance in order to avoid overreach operation for faults. The second zone, Z2, is set to protect the remaining 10%-20% of the transmission line plus an adequate margin, and it has to be time delayed (TA2) to coordinate with the relays installed at remote terminal 2. The third zone with time delay (TA3), Z3, is applied as backup for zone 2 and can be applied as backup for relay failure or breaker failure at remote terminal 2. With proper coordination, Z1 & Z2 at terminal 1, Z1 & Z2 at remote terminal 2, and Z3 at terminal 1 relay will detect all faults on the transmission lines A and B plus some part of the lines fed from the remote terminal 3 (Line C). . Figure 1.2 Normal Selectivity Adjustment of Step Distance Scheme 5 1.1.2 Pilot Schemes Pilot schemes utilize communication paths to send signals from the relaying system at one end to that at the other end [1], which allows high-speed tripping to occur for all the faults occurring on 100% of the protected transmission line. Current comparison schemes are commonly applied on a shorter transmission line when source to line impedance ratio (SIR) > 4 [3], in which a true differential measurement is made since the magnitudes and phase angles of currents between two relay locations are compared to operate the relay for internal faults. Because of its principle of responding only to current, it is more sensitive than the distance type schemes that always need voltage input. Some other pilot schemes, such as directional comparison schemes, AC pilot-wire relays, phase comparison schemes and directional comparison schemes, etc, are seldom used in applications [3]. However, with the assistance of pilot signals and the operation of distance relay, some new schemes, such as Direct Underreaching Transfer Trip (DUTT), Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip (PUTT), Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip (POTT) and Zone Acceleration, can be built up to enhance reliability and acceptable fault clearing time significantly [1]. 1.2 Introduction to FACTS IEEE PES Task Force of the FACTS Working Group defined terms and definitions for FACTS and FACTS Controllers in 1997 as follows [8]: Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Alternating current transmission systems incorporating power electronic-based and other static controllers to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability. 6 FACTS Controller A power electronic-based system and other static equipment that provides control of one or more AC transmission system parameters. From the above definitions it is easy to understand that the power electronic-based controllers are the key devices in the application. Also, it includes some other static controllers that are not based on power electronics, such as MSC/MSR (Multiphase Switched Capacitor/Reactor). In general, FACTS Controllers can be divided into four categories according to the way they are connected to the power system [2]: • Series Controllers • Shunt Controllers • Combined series-series Controllers • Combined series-shunt Controllers. Characteristics of these four FACTS Controllers in applications are listed below: Series Controllers: The series controllers could be variable impedance, such as capacitor, reactor, etc... They also could be power electronics-based variable source of main frequency, sub-synchronous and harmonic frequencies (or a combination) to serve the desired engineering need. In principle, all series controllers should inject voltage in series with the connected transmission line [2]. For easy understanding, a Series Controller works as a variable impedance multiplied by the current flowing through it, so it can represent an injected series voltage in the line. Shunt Controllers: 7 Same as series controllers, the shunt controllers may be variable impedance, variable source, or a combination of these [2]. All shunt controllers inject current into the system at the point of connection and work as a variable shunt impedance source connected to the line voltage. As long as the injected current is in phase quadrature with the system line voltage, the shunt controller only supplies or consumes variable reactive power. Any other phase relationships will involve real power exchange. Combined series-series Controllers: These could be either a combination of separate series controllers or a unified controller [2]. A combination of separate series controllers is controlled in a multiline transmission system in a coordinated manner. While as a part of a unified controller, series controllers can provide independent reactive power compensation for each line, and transfer real power among the lines via the power link. Combined series-shunt Controllers: This type of controller could be a combination of separate shunt and series controllers, which are controlled in a coordinated manner, or a Unified Power Flow Controller with series and shunt elements [2]. Combined shunt and series controllers will inject current into the system with the shunt part of the controller, and voltage in series in the line with the series part of the controller. When the shunt and series Controllers are unified, there can be a real power exchange between the series and shunt Controllers via the power link. The major functions and attributes of the four mentioned types of FACTS controllers are shown separately in Table 1.1 [9], based on the connections and structures of the controllers. The control of a series connected controller is achieved by adjusting the injected voltage [2]. As long 8 as the voltage is in phase quadrature with the line current, the series controller only has the control on reactive power. Otherwise, both real and reactive powers have to be affected by the adjustment of the controller. Similar to series connected controller, the control of a shunt connected controller is achieved by adjusting the injected current. The real power and reactive power also can be controlled in the case that the injected current is not in phase quadrature with the system voltage. Combined series-shunt controllers include independent and coordinated shunt and series controllers. Hence, injection of voltage and current to the compensated system can be established. More flexible control on the system parameters and functional goals for damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability, fault current limiting can be accomplished [2]. As one of the most important shunt connected FACTS controllers, STATCOM is the focus of this thesis. Its principles and applications will be discussed in Chapter 2. 9 Table 1.1 Control Attributes of Various Controllers Facts Controller Shunt Connected Controller Control Attributes Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM without storage) Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM with storage, large capacitor) Static VAR Compensator (SVC,TCR, TCS, TRS) Thyristor-Controlled Braking Resistor (TCBR) Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC without storage) Series Connected Controller Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC, TSSC) Thyristor-Controlled Series Reactor (TCSR, TSSR) Thyristor-Controlled PhaseShifting Transformer (TCPST) Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) Combined Shunt Series Thyristor-Controlled Voltage Limiter (TCVL) Thyristor-Controlled Voltage Regulator (TCVR) Voltage control, VAR compensation, damping oscillations, voltage stability Voltage control, VAR compensation, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability Voltage control, VAR compensation, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability Damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability Current control, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability, fault current limiting Current control, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability, fault current limiting Current control, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability, fault current limiting Active power control, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability Active and reactive power control, voltage control, VAR compensation, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability, fault current limiting Transient and dynamic voltage limit Reactive power control, voltage control, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability Reactive power control, voltage control, damping oscillations, transient and dynamic stability, voltage stability Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) 10 1.3 Type of converters In general, FACTS Controllers are based on an assembly of AC/DC or DC/AC converters or high power AC switches [2]. A converter is an assembly of valves in which each valve is an assembly of solid state power devices comprising of turn-on/turn-off gate drive circuits with snubber circuits for damping purpose. Similarly, each AC switch is an assembly of back-to-back connected solid state power devices along with their snubber circuits and turn-on/turn-off gate drive circuits. Compared to the self-commutating converter, the line-commutating converter must have an AC source connected and will consume reactive power and suffer from occasional commutation failures in the inverter mode of operation. Hence converters applicable to FACTS Controllers often employ the self-commutating type [2]. There are two basic categories of self-commutating converters: Current-sourced converter In Current-sourced converter (CSC), direct current always has one polarity, and the power reversal takes place through reversal of DC voltage polarity. Voltage-sourced converter In Voltage-sourced converter (VSC), the direct voltage always has one polarity, and the power reversal takes place through reversal of DC current polarity. For the reasons of economy and performance, voltage-source converter is often preferred for FACTS applications and it will be presented in the following. 11 Figure 1.3 Valve for a voltage-sourced converter A voltage-sourced converter valve that is made up of an asymmetric turn-off device such as a GTO, with a parallel diode connected in reverse is shown in Figure 1.3. Figure 1.4 Voltage-Sourced Converter The basic function of a voltage-sourced converter is shown in Figure 1.4. In this figure the converter valve is schematically represented by a box that has a valve and a diode inside it. On the DC side, the voltage is supported by a capacitor that is large enough to handle a sustained charge/discharge current that accompanies the switching sequence of the converter valves. The capacitor is also able to satisfy the current shifts in the phase angle of the switching valve 12 without significant changes in the DC voltage. The DC current can flow in either direction hence it can exchange power with the connected DC system in either direction. On the AC side, the generated AC voltage from the converter, Ua, is connected to the AC system via an inductor. To the AC system, the converter output is a voltage source with low internal impedance. Therefore, an inductive interface between the converter and the AC system is important to ensure that the DC capacitor will not discharge rapidly into a capacitive AC load, such as a transmission line, when there is a short circuit. In application, an interface transformer can be utilized to achieve multi-functions including inductive interface, voltage regulation and harmonic cancellation. 1.4 Summary A brief description of the major protection on power transmission lines, distance relay, and other protection schemes based on it is given above. Further, four basic types of FACTS controllers are introduced and different attributes of the controllers are briefly discussed. Self-commuting converters, the basic power electronic unit in FACTS Controllers, are also introduced. The operation of voltage-sourced converter that is most applicable to FACTS Controllers is discussed in the last section. The topic of how the traditional protection schemes are affected by the new emerging FACTS devices is raised. 1.5 Thesis Outline The thesis is organized as follows: In Chapter 2, description of shunt connected STATCOM with its operating principles is introduced first. Then different topologies of STATCOM based on GTOs are discussed along 13 with control methods of STATCOM. Both external and internal control approaches are presented by providing different control logistics. Afterwards, discussion of the stable and transient characteristic of STATCOM is given. The Equal criterion method is applied to analyze the improvement of system stability with a STATCOM installed. Harmonics in a 6 pulse voltage sourced converter are analyzed as well. Mathematical models for static and dynamic behaviour of a STATCOM are presented, from which the current and voltage of a STATCOM can be obtained with equations provided. Introduction to some worldwide STATCOM applications is given in the last section. In Chapter 3, mathematical model of distance protection impedance is built up so as to have a clear analysis of the measured impedance of a distance relay when a STATCOM is installed at mid-point of a transmission line. In the discussion for single phase to ground fault and phase to phase fault, the method of symmetrical components is utilized to obtain the equations for the measured impedance of the distance relay under different conditions. Conclusion of typical misoperations of distance relays can be made based on the new impedance equations. Simulation studies for a transmission line with a source at each end and with STATCOM installed are given in Chapter 4. Various control modules including transmission line module, VSC-based STATCOM module, voltage control loop module, PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control module, distance relay voltage processing module, distance relay Mho module and Distance relay output module are described. Simulations are run for midpoint connected STATCOM, near-end bus connected STATCOM and far-end bus connected STATCOM with different fault conditions. Comparison of the performance with different simulation studies is 14 presented along with an analysis of the behaviour of the distance relay. The effect of output voltage setting of STATCOM is also considered. Results of all simulation studies should be consistent with the conclusions made in Chapter 3. Possible solutions to overcome the mis-operation of the distance scheme when a STATCOM is installed on a transmission line are given in Chapter 5. Some communication-aided schemes, including Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip, Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip, Directional Comparison Blocking and Line Differential scheme, are analyzed and tested in the simulation system. As a conclusion, Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip is found to be the most suitable scheme to improve the performance of a traditional distance relay when STATCOM is installed on the transmission line. Summary of this work is given in Chapter 6. Further discussion of the distance protection with installed STATCOM is provided. Also, future work is considered and possible research approaches, such as pilot schemes and adaptive setting, are discussed for better improvement of distance relay in similar applications. Results of research on the distance protection of a transmission line with the shunt compensation device, STATCOM, are reported in this thesis. By conducting mathematical modeling for distance protection and by building power system simulation model for STATCOM and step distance scheme, this work provides a solid solution to overcome the mis-operation of a distance relay protection, i.e. Underreach and Overreach, on a transmission line where STATCOM is installed. 15 Chapter Two: STATCOM Principle and Literature Review 2.1 Introduction to FACTS From power system equation, real power and reactive power transferred between two power sources are [10]: (2.1) (2.2) where: U1 is the RMS voltage at power source 1 U2 is the RMS voltage at power source 2 θ1 is the power angle at power source 1 θ2 is the power angle at power source 2 XL is the transmission line reactance connecting the two sources From equations 2.1 and 2.2, the power flow can be controlled in either direction in theory by adjusting the variables of the equations on the right side, such as transmission line reactance XL, system voltages U1 & U2 and system power angles θ1 & θ2. In practical applications, various FACTS controllers can be used to achieve the different functions of adjusting specific system parameters in the system they connect. The shunt connected SVC or STATCOM can provide the supporting voltage to the compensated system. Other FACTS controllers can change the phase angles between the two systems, such as TCPST. TCSC can be series connected in a long transmission line to change the line reactance [2]. All the FACTS controllers mentioned above 16 can rapidly change the power flow within one cycle and even increase the power transfer limit at normal operating conditions. When the power system is in abnormal or faulty conditions, FACTS controllers can enhance the system stability with the inherent capability to change the system parameters continuously. Especially in a ring connected power system, by applying SC and TCPST, it is possible to meet the requirement of satisfying power demand, reducing transmission line loss and increasing power transmission capacity [2]. The dynamic control of FACTS devices is based on the real time adjustment of power electronic switching devices (turn on/off is within one millisecond). Therefore, a FACTS controller can respond more quickly than a traditional circuit breaker when the FACTS controller is functioning as an interrupting device (the fastest interrupting time of a circuit breaker is 2 cycles [11]). Moreover, it is impossible for the mechanical apparatus to conduct the same functions that a FACTS controller has. As common sense, mechanical device such as circuit breakers and disconnect switches, cannot be operated so continuously at such high operating speeds without any safety concerns and any power losses due to their inherent attributes. A circuit breaker can be used to connect a fixed valued capacitor bank into the system; however, continuous adjustment of compensation current from the capacitor bank is not possible. 2.2 STATCOM 2.2.1 Introduction to STATCOM The IEEE defines the STATCOM as [8]: 17 “Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM): A Static synchronous generator operated as a shunt-connected static VAR compensator whose capacitive or inductive output current can be controlled independent of the AC system voltage.” From this definition, a STATCOM is a shunt-connected reactive power compensation device that is capable of independently generating/absorbing reactive power at its output terminals. In addition, the compensating reactive power of a STATCOM device can be varied to control the specific parameters of the electric power system to which it is connected [12]. In summary, a STATCOM can improve power system performance in the following areas: 1) Independent dynamic voltage control of transmission and distribution systems 2) Power-oscillation damping in power transmission systems 3) System transient stability enhancement 4) Voltage flicker control 5) Control of both reactive and active power on the connected line with an energy storage source. Furthermore, in practical engineering a STATCOM has some other application benefits due to its small physical size and modular constructive characteristic compared to other shunt connected FACTS devices such as SVC. This makes STATCOM have a minimum environmental impact and more economic efficiency [12]. However, as new FACTS based technology, the STATCOM is less commonly employed than the SVC in the conservative market. Nevertheless, 18 more projects with STATCOM applications have been commissioned worldwide recently. Some examples of STATCOM projects are introduced later in this chapter. 2.2.2 Basic Principle of a STATCOM A STATCOM is analogous to an ideal synchronous machine [12] that generates a balanced set of sinusoidal voltages at the fundamental frequency with controllable amplitude and phase angle, and also generates either capacitive or inductive VARs for the system. Figure 2.1 VSC-based STATCOM interface diagram in a power system A voltage-sourced converter based STATCOM interface diagram in a power system is shown in Figure 2.1. The shunt connected compensation system, STATCOM, consists of three major components, a capacitor, converter and a coupling transformer. The capacitor C, functions as a DC input voltage source. As output voltages of the STATCOM, the three phase voltages 19 produced by the converters are connected to the AC system through the coupling transformer. The leakage impedance Xg of the coupling transformer normally is rated at 0.1 p.u to 0.15 p.u. [2]. Hence it can also functions as a tie inductance between the STATCOM and the AC system. Then the reactive power exchange can be controlled in a manner similar to that of the synchronous machine by adjusting the amplitude of the converter output voltages. Figure 2.2 STATCOM and associated phasor diagrams (capacitive) for Rg=0 and Rg≠0 20 The basic schematic connection of a VSC-based STATCOM for reactive power generation is shown in Figure 2.2 with phasor diagrams for the cases of Rg= 0 and Rg≠ 0, where Rg represents the total resistance of the STATCOM. The phasor diagrams are for the cases where the STATCOM provides capacitive VARs. The Rg = 0 case is the ideal case where power loss in the circuit is neglected and the STATCOM output voltages are in phase with system voltages. Referring to Figure 2.2, the equations for the voltages are given below: Us=Ug+ j IgXg+ IgRg (2.3) Where Us is the AC system voltage Ug is the Converter output voltage Xg is the reactance summation of the transformer leakage Rg is the total resistance summation in STATCOM For the Rg=0 case, the STATCOM current and reactive power exchanged is given by: Ig = (2.4) Q= (2.5) For the sake of better understanding, the operation of a STATCOM is sometimes considered analogous with the operation of a synchronous machine. Both equations 2.4 and 2.5 also apply for a synchronous machine as well. For a synchronous machine, reactive power flow can be controlled by adjusting the excitation of the machine, which in turn adjusts the magnitude of the output voltage |Ug|. When the machine is over-excited, then it is |Ug| > |Us|. This will result in a 21 leading current, as shown in Figure 2.2. In this case the machine is sending VARs to the system; consequently the machine can be seen by the system as a capacitor. Likewise, the machine can function as a reactor in the under-excitation condition with |Ug| < |Us| (not shown in Figure 2.2). A STATCOM functions in a similar way. This means if the amplitude of the converter output voltage |Ug| is greater than system voltage |Us|, |Ug| > |Us|,the converter provides capacitive reactive power to the system, i.e., the STATCOM behaves like a capacitor. On the other hand, reactive power is absorbed from the system by controlling the converter output voltage to be smaller than the system voltage, that is |Ug| < |Us|. In this case, the STATCOM behaves like an inductor. The resistance Rg in the circuit represents the total power loss of the STATCOM if the power loss of the switching devices and coupling transformer are considered. In normal operation, when the STATCOM is used for reactive power generation, the converter can keep the DC capacitor charged at a desired voltage by making the output voltage of the converter Ug lag behind the AC system voltages Us by a small angle, which is usually set between 0.1° and 0.2° [2]. In this way, a small amount of real power from the AC system will be absorbed by the converter to compensate for its internal real power loss and to meet the capacitor voltage requirement. This approach can be applied to increase or decrease the capacitor voltage. Hence VAR generation or absorption of the STATCOM can be controlled. STATCOM control approaches are now discussed, to be followed by a discussion of STATCOM’s applications and effects on distance protection. 22 2.2.3 STATCOM Control Introduction to STATCOM Topologies The topology of a STATCOM is related to the VAR capacity and to the harmonics profiles of the STATCOM. Regardless the number of pulses, the voltage-sourced converter, is composed of several high power switching devices such as GTO or IGBT devices, with a parallel diode connected in reverse for each device [2]. A six-pulse STATCOM topology is shown in Figure 2.3. If a higher VAR capacity is needed, then the 12-pulse topology of Figure 2.4 may be used. Other topologies exist, for example a 48pulse converter may be constructed using the multi-level converter approaches [2]. Figure 2.3 Topology of a three-phase, two-level, six-pulse voltage-sourced converter 23 Figure 2.4 Topology of a three-phase, three-level, twelve-pulse voltage-sourced converter Referring to Figures 2.3 and 2.4, a switching device usually is comprised of a number of (normally 3 to 10) series connected GTOs or IGBTs to increase the overall voltage peak capability. Each of the three legs of the converter is controlled to produce a quasi-square wave output voltage, or sometimes a pulse width modulated (PWM) output voltage waveform. The leg waveforms are 120° phase shifted from each other in a three phase system. A coupling transformer connection to the AC system is used to produce a stepped approximation of a sine wave current waveform, in which a significant number of low order harmonics are eliminated [2]. 24 Basic Control Approaches of a STATCOM A block diagram of the basic control functions of a STATCOM is shown in Figure 2.5. Figure 2.5 Block Diagram of the basic control structure of a STATCOM The control [2] of a STATCOM includes two main parts, external control and internal control. External control provides the reference signals to determine the functional operation of the STATCOM. The internal control provides the gating signals for the semiconductor power switches of the voltage-sourced converter. Some reference signals for external control are normally from operator instructions or system variables, such as system voltage fluctuation ΔUs and reactive current IQref. With the support of the STATCOM, the system voltage at the compensation point can be kept at a preset level. In applications, ΔUs is the voltage difference between system voltage Us and reference voltage Uref and it has to be kept within a limit for 25 internal power loss. The STATCOM is able to increase the adjustment range with a fixed MVAR capacity and to provide the flexible compensation to the system by following its V-I characteristic slope, as discussed in section 2.2.4. By computing the magnitude and phase angle of the STATCOM current Ig from external control and the pre-set reference voltage, the internal control of the STATCOM can be achieved to generate a set of coordinated timing waveforms, that can operate the converter power switches to produce output voltage waveforms Ug, and provide the real/reactive power exchange requested for the compensation. These timing waveforms have a gating pattern that determines the TurnON and Turn-OFF periods of each individual switch of the converter. The pre-defined phase relationship between the waveforms is determined by different factors, such as the converter pulse number, the method used for constructing the output voltage waveforms and the required angular phase relationship between outputs in each phase (normally 120 degree). There are two methods to achieve the function of internal control: Indirect Control and Direct Control. Indirect Control A simple block diagram of the indirect control of a STATCOM for pure reactive compensation is shown in Figure 2.6. 26 Figure 2.6 Indirect control diagram of a STATCOM In this approach, magnitude of the output voltage from the converter is proportional to DC capacitor voltage [2]. By varying the DC capacitor voltage through the temporary phase shift δ between the STATCOM output voltage Ug and the AC system voltage Us, reactive current from the converter can be controlled indirectly. The inputs from external control to the indirect control are AC system bus voltage Us, converter output current Ig and the reactive current IQref. Voltage Us operates a Phase Lock Loop circuit that provides the basic synchronizing signal angle θ. Current IgQ is the reactive component of the converter output current Ig. It is compared with the reference current IQref. The resulting error obtained provides an angle Δδ after suitable amplification. The angle Δδ defines the necessary phase shift between converter output voltage and the AC system voltage. Accordingly, Δδ is added to θ to provide Δδ+θ, which represents the desired synchronizing signal for the converter and is processed by the Gate Pattern Logic circuit. 27 The Gate Pattern Logic circuit generates the gate drive signals for individual power switches. When the control procedure is complete, there should be only reactive power exchange between the STATCOM and the system, and the final δ is zero (if Rg=0). Direct Control A simple block diagram of the direct control approach of a STATCOM is shown in Figure 2.7. Figure 2.7 Direct control diagram of a STATCOM In this approach [2] the reactive output current can be controlled directly by the internal voltage control mechanism of the converter while the DC voltage of capacitor is kept constant. To make this possible real power exchange is needed and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is applied to 28 control the output real power and output voltage. Inputs from the external control circuit to the indirect control are AC system bus voltage Us, converter output current Ig and the reactive current IQref, plus the DC voltage reference Udcref. The DC reference voltage determines the real power that the converter absorbs from the AC system in order to compensate its internal power loss. As illustrated in Figure 2.7, the reactive component of the STATCOM output current is compared with reference current IQref from external control. The real part is compared with IPref from DC voltage regulation loop. After suitable amplification, the real and reactive current error signals are processed to calculate the magnitude and phase angle Δδ. As in the case of indirect internal control, Δδ is added to the basic synchronizing signal angle θ that is from the Phase Locked Loop. As a result, the angle summation (Δδ + θ) together with the desired converter output voltage, Ug, operates the Gate Pattern Logic circuit to provide the individual gate drive logic signals to the switches. The internal control scheme operates the converters with a DC power supply, the internal real current reference, IPref, can be summed to an externally provided real current reference. This current, IgP, can indicate the desired real power exchange with the AC system. 2.2.4 Steady State and Transient Characteristics of a STATCOM V-I characteristic The V-I characteristic of a STATCOM [13] is shown in Figure 2.8. 29 Figure 2.8 V-I characteristic of a STATCOM On the Y axis in Figure 2.8, Vt is the per unit system voltage. The intersection of a given characteristic sloped line with Y-axis provides the STATCOM operating voltage, i.e. the Y intercept is the STATCOM voltage. It can be observed from the figure that the STATCOM can be operated as either a capacitive or an inductive compensator. It is also depicted in Figure 2.8 that the STATCOM is able to control its output current. As shown in the figure, the STATCOM can provide full rated steady-state reactive current even in the case that the system voltage is as low as 0.15 p.u rated. This outstanding capability, compared to other shunt connected FACTS devices, is particularly useful for the situations in which the STATCOM is needed to support the system voltage during or after fault conditions. 30 Transient Stability To examine the concept of transient stability, consider Figure 2.9, that shows a two-machine, two-line power system with a STATCOM installed in the middle of one line. Figure 2.9 Two-machine, two-line power system with a STATCOM In Figure 2.9, Ui is the generator terminal voltage; Uj is the voltage at the receiving end. Ub1 and Ub2 are voltages at the sending bus and the receiving bus while U1 represents the system voltage at the STATCOM connection point. ZS1 is the impedance between the generator and the STATCOM; Zr1 is the impedance between STATCOM and the receiving generator. P, Q and I represent, respectively, real power, reactive power and current at various locations of the system. The effectiveness of a STATCOM on transmission line stability improvement can be conveniently explained with the equal area criterion [10] for the system in Figure 2.9. 31 In normal practice voltage amplitudes on both ends of the transmission lines are equal. From equation 2.1, it means: |Ub1| =|Ub2| = U Defining: δ = θ1 - θ2 (2.6) equation 2.1 can be re-written as: (2.7) With the STATCOM installed at the mid-point of the transmission line system, the real power transferred through the line is: (2.8) Based on equations 2.7 and 2.8, the curves in Figure 2.10 show the power transmitted in the system without STATCOM and with STATCOM installed, respectively. The system is represented by the P versus δ curve ‘a’ and it is operating at angle δ1 to transmit power when a fatal fault occurs on line 2 [14]. During the fault, the system is characterized by the P versus δ curve ‘b’. During the fault transient, the transmitted power drops significantly but at the same time the mechanical input power to the sending generator remains substantially constant corresponding to P1. As a result, the generator accelerates and the system angle increases from δ1 to δ2, at which time the protective breakers disconnect the fault line 2 and the generator still accelerates. The additional energy absorbed by the generator during this transient corresponds to the area ‘A1’. After the fault is cleared, the system without line 2 is represented by P versus δ curve ‘c’. At angle δ2 on curve ‘c’ the transmitted power exceeds the mechanical input power P1 and the generator starts to decelerate. However the angle keeps increasing up to δ3 due to the 32 kinetic energy stored in the machine. δ3 is the maximum angle where the decelerating energy (area A1) is equal to accelerating energy (area A2). The limit of transient stability is reached at δ4, beyond which the decelerating energy would not balance the accelerating energy and system synchronism would be lost. The area ‘Amargin’ between δ3 and δ4 represents the transient stability margin of the system. From both curves it can be observed that the Amargin in the case with a STATCOM installed is significantly bigger than that in the case without the STATCOM. The above illustrates that the system stability has been improved by the STATCOM installation. Without STATCOM With STATCOM Figure 2.10 Illustration of equal area criterion for transient Stability 2.2.5 Harmonic profile of STATCOM As mentioned before, converters in STATCOM always have an inductive impedance interface with the AC system (usually through a coupling transformer). The function of the inductance in the circuit is to ensure that the DC capacitor does not discharge rapidly into a capacitive load such as a transmission line [2]. The inductance also reduces the resultant harmonic current flow. It is preferable if the STATCOM converter generates lower amplitude harmonics. Following is an analysis of a simple six-pulse VSC-based STATCOM to illustrate harmonics generation. 33 As shown in Figure 2.3, the elementary 6-pulse VSC-based STATCOM consists of six selfcommunicating semiconductor high power switches, such as IGBT or GTO, with anti-parallel diodes. The converter can produce a balanced set of three quasi-square voltage waveforms at a given frequency. The output voltage of the STATCOM is a staircase type synthesized waveform. It has substantial harmonics in addition to the fundamental. The following analysis is for a 180° conduction sequence, a sequence where three switches in different legs conduct for equal time intervals and conduct at a time [12]. Using Fourier-series equation, the STATCOM output voltage may be expressed as (2.9) where coefficients a0, an and bn can be determined by considering one fundamental period of Vab. If Vab has no dc component, then a0=0. With odd wave symmetry, an=0. The coefficient bn can be determined as: (2.10) Then = Therefore 34 (2.11) (2.12) For a 180° conduction sequence, α = 30°, where α is half of a step interval. The triplen harmonics are zero in the output line voltage as per equation 2.13, because when n=3k, if k=1,3,5,…, then cos (nα) =0 and if k=2,4,6… then cos(nα) = n=5k, cos(nα)= . It also can be noted that when . Hence the STATCOM output voltage only includes the harmonic components of (6k ) f0 in its output voltage, where f0 is the fundamental output frequency and k=1,2,3… The magnitudes of various harmonics in the converted voltage from the 6 pulse STATCOM are shown in Figure 2.11. Figure 2.11Typical Harmonics in 6-pulse STATCOM voltage output 35 To reduce the harmonic generation in the system, various converter configurations and converter switching techniques are utilized in practice. This could involve transformer configurations, different topologies of the STATCOM with multiple-level, multiple-pulse converter controls, etc. [12]. 2.2.6 Detailed Mathematical Model of STATCOM Since a STATCOM produces a synchronous voltage with the AC system, it can be considered as a synchronous voltage source. The real power and the reactive power can be solved with the Park’s Transformation. The equivalent circuit of a 6-pulse VSC-based STATCOM including a coupling transformer is shown in Figure 2.12. Figure 2.12 STATCOM Equivalent Circuit 36 The inductance L is primarily from the reactance of the coupling transformer; Rs represents the total loss from the converters and transformer; Udc is the DC voltage on the capacitor and idc is the DC current. For analysis, the following assumptions are made: 1) All the switches are ideal. 2) Only three phase sinusoidal voltages with 120 degrees phase displacement are generated from STATCOM, and the AC system voltage is symmetrical. 3) All harmonics are neglected. Static Module of STATCOM As discussed before, a STATCOM can be taken as a synchronous voltage source with controllable output voltage magnitude and phase angle. Refer to phasor diagram in Figure 2.2 for the following discussion. The reactive current Ig of the STATCOM and the corresponding reactive power Q exchanged is determined by equations 2.4 and 2.5, repeated here for convenience: Ig = (2.4) Q= (2.5) Ug = (2.13) It can be shown that: Therefore, the real power and active power from the STATCOM to the AC system are: P= (2.14) 37 Q= (2.15) Recall the Ratio of Modulation M defined as: M= (2.6) Then: Udc = = (2.16) It can be observed from the above equations that when the real power loss of the STATCOM, which is represented by Rg in the phasor diagram and equations, is included, the phase angle δ can be used to determine, 1) The STATCOM output voltage 2) DC voltage of capacitor bank 3) The magnitude and direction of real power and reactive power. Also, because of the angle δ, the current of STATCOM is not completely orthogonal to the AC system voltage. Dynamic Module of STATCOM For the AC voltage, if ω is the system frequency: (2.17) 38 where Usa, Usb and Usc are the system voltages. The voltage generated by the STATCOM is a three phase symmetrical voltage that has a phase angle, δ, with the AC system. Then: (2.18) From the circuit of Figure 2.13 and using the principle of conservation of energy: (2.19) Using the Park’s Transformation, neglecting zero sequence components: = Pk (2.20) = Pk · (2.21) in which Pk is the a-b-c to d-q-0 transformation operator: 39 Pk (2.22) Then the mathematical model in the d-q-0 frame of reference is: (2.23) Pk (2.24) When the system is in asymmetrical operation there are still no zero sequence components because of the delta connection of the STATCOM converters. The system voltage then can be decomposed into positive and negative sequence components according to the symmetrical component method. Taking phase A as the reference, the angle for positive voltage is zero and that for negative voltage is , then in the time domain: = (2.25) 40 Using Park’s transformation, the following can be obtained: (2.26) Then from equations 2.21 and 2.26 the current and voltage of a STATCOM can be resolved in the case of asymmetrical conditions. 2.2.7 STATCOM applications Over the past few decades Voltage Sourced Converter based technology has been successfully applied in a number of FACTS projects. In 1980, Kansai Electric Power Co. Inc. (KEPCO) and Mitsubishi Motors developed the first STATCOM in the world, a 20 MVAR STATCOM using forced-commuted thyristor inverters [15]. Recent STATCOM projects in North America have demonstrated the advantages of the application of the FACTS in power systems. In 1994 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), USA, developed a ±100 MVAR static condenser at the Sullivan substation for voltage control of transmission systems [16]. This installation was the first demonstration of a STATCOM under the EPRI flexible AC transmission systems program, and at that time was the largest installation of its type in the world with the availability of high power GTO thyristors for the development of controllable reactive power in transmission systems. In 1997, American Electric Power (AEP) installed the world's first Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) at the Inez substation in eastern Kentucky. In phase I of the project two ±160 MVAR voltage-sourced GTO-thyristor-based STATCOM were installed. This was the first practical demonstration of the UPFC concept with the highest power GTO-based STATCOM equipment ever installed [17]. On May 1st, 2001, the Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc. 41 (VELCO) placed a +133/-41 MVAR, 115 kV STATCOM system on line at the Essex Substation located near Burlington, VT, USA. The STATCOM was installed to provide dynamic voltage support and reactive compensation on the VELCO transmission system [18] [19]. In October 2002, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) initiated the installation of a 138 kV STATCOMbased dynamic reactive compensation system with capacity rating of 100MVAR in a major transmission system enhancement project involving a key 230/138 kV substation [20]. In a Northeast Utility project, a 150MVAR rated STATCOM at Glenbrook 115kV substation located in Hartford Connecticut is split into two halves, each rated at 75MVAR. The STATCOM is to provide fast acting dynamic reactive compensation for voltage support during contingency events [21]. In November of 2002, BC Hydro installed a small STATCOM, an 8 MVA D-VAR device, in their system at the Fort St. James substation to prevent voltage collapse in the 66 kV long radial system and as a means to defer costly transmission reinforcement. It has shown that utilizing small size STATCOMs distributed in multiple locations in a power grid is quite effective in addressing issues such as: voltage support in contingencies; power transfer limitations on interconnected systems; and integration of wind farms to grids [22]. As illustrated by the above projects, when a STATCOM is shunt connected in the system with the FACTS using power semiconductor switching technology, several benefits may result: dynamic voltage support; system stabilization; system transfer capacity increase and enhanced power quality for both transmission and distribution systems. In normal practice, when a STATCOM is used for voltage support, improving system stability or improving HVDC link performance, the device is often installed at the end of a transmission line or on a bus in a power 42 substation [18] [20] [21]. For controlling power flow or increasing the power transfer limit of a transmission line, the mid-point of the line is the best location for a STATCOM [2]. With the presence of a STATCOM in a system, there are concerns to be considered such as harmonics caused by switching converters and potential effects on various protective schemes. In this thesis, the focus is on the distance relay performance when a STATCOM is installed in a transmission system. The following are some references focusing on this topic. A general survey of the FACTS devices and a review of the effect of a STATCOM connected at the midpoint of a transmission line on the performance of distance protection relays are presented in Ref. [23]. The effect of the STATCOM installation locations on the measured impedance is considered in Ref. [24]. Three locations were investigated, i.e. at the relaying point, mid-point and the remote end of the transmission line. Analytical and simulation results based on steady operation for modelling the STATCOM are presented and the effect of STATCOM on a distance relay in both normal and faulty conditions under different load levels were studied in Ref.[25]. The effect of the balanced fault in distribution system with STATCOM was analyzed and simulated in Ref. [26]. The operating behaviour of the instantaneous over-current protection, time-delayed instantaneous over-current protection, and definite time over-current were also studied. The impact of STATCOM employed in a transmission system on the performance of distance relay was analyzed in Ref. [27]. The simulation cases include different fault conditions, influence 43 of location of STATCOM, settings of STATCOM control parameters, and the operation mode of STATCOM. The effect of mid-point STATCOM compensation on the performance of an impedance distance relay under normal load and fault conditions was investigated in Ref. [28]. The adaptive distance relaying scheme for transmission line protection was proposed and implemented in a DSP system. In Ref. [29], detail study on a quadrilateral characteristic distance relay in presence of STATCOM in a transmission line was given; adaptive distance relay protection was proposed based on the control parameters from SCADA information. The effect of mid-point FACTS compensation on the distance relay was studied in Ref. [30]. In this study, the errors introduced in the relay due to the presence of FACTS devices were analyzed first. Then various situations with different fault conditions and system conditions were simulated in EMTDC. Finally the results were confirmed by testing a commercial relay through RTDS. Mitigation methods to improve the performance of distance relays, when transmission lines are midpoint compensated by shunt-FACTS devices, are proposed in Ref. [31]. Some references in this chapter analyzed the impact of a STATCOM on the performance of distance relays. All studies have shown that when a STATCOM is installed in fault loops in a transmission system, the apparent impedance seen by a conventional distance relay is different from the one in a system without STATCOM due to the VAR injection of STATCOM and the steady and transient component changes in the fault. In order to give an overall analysis this work is supposed to consider the following issues in detail with different system variables and contingencies. Normal conditions and fault conditions; 44 STATCOM installation positions, mid-point and end receiving side; Setting voltage of STATCOM, 1.1pu, 1.0pu, and 0.90pu; Fault types, signal phase to ground, phase to phase, phase to phase to ground, three-phase to ground; Fault locations, from sending terminal to receiving terminal; Faulty resistances, from small to relatively large; Comparison with the situations without STATCOM. 45 Chapter Three: Modeling of Distance Protection Impedance As discussed in Chapter 2, the best location for the installation of a STATCOM to improve system stability in a two-power source transmission system is the mid-point of the transmission line. In this chapter, the impedance measured by a distance relay is analysed when a STATCOM is installed in this way. The scenarios discussed in this chapter are investigated further by simulations in Chapter four. Fault impedance calculation by a distance relay relies on the voltage and current of each phase measured at the relay location. How the transmission line impedance seen by a distance relay on the incidence of a fault is modified, when a STATCOM is installed at the middle of the line, is discussed in this chapter. Combination of the single phase to ground fault and phase to phase fault schemes can cover all types of faults in the forward direction of the transmission line. 3.1 STATCOM installed at mid-point of the transmission line The system shown in Figure 3.1 is utilized to perform an analysis of the distance relay protecting a transmission line with a STATCOM installed at the mid-point. In the circuit, two generators, G1 and G2, are connected with a transmission line. The distance relay is installed next to Bus 1 to protect the transmission line on which a STATCOM is installed at the mid-point (n=0.5 in Figure 3.1). In this case, only the distance relay close to Bus 1 is analysed. Another distance relay installed at the Bus 2 end to protect the transmission line should behave in a similar manner when the same types of faults occur on the transmission line. 46 Figure 3.1 Transmission Line with a STATCOM at mid-point In order to analyze the operation of the distance relay when a STATCOM is installed at the midpoint of the line, a sequence network for a single phase fault is utilized. The apparent impedance seen by the distance relay can be calculated with the symmetrical components of the voltage and the current measured at the relay location. The basic equation to calculate the apparent impedance seen by a distance relay for a single phase to ground is [4]: Z= (3.1) where: VR, IR are the phase voltage and current at relay point IR0 is zero sequence phase current Z0, Z1 are zero and positive sequence impedance, respectively, of the transmission line 47 For a distance relay on this transmission line, there are two possible fault locations to consider relative to the STATCOM in the circuit: before and after the STATCOM point of installation. 3.1.1 Single phase fault after the STATCOM A transmission line with a STATCOM installed at the mid-point and a single phase to ground fault in the second half of the transmission line, i.e. after the STATCOM, is shown in Figure 3.2. In the circuit, the distance relay is installed next to the sending Bus 1 and protects the transmission line. The parameter ‘n’ is defined as the per unit distance from the fault location to the relay location. Iline is the current in the transmission line after the STATCOM installation point, Vs and Is are the voltage and current at bus 1, respectively, If is the ground fault current, Ist is the shunt current injected from the STATCOM, Z is the combined impedance of the whole transmission line. Figure 3.2 Circuit with a fault after the STATCOM 48 Figure 3.3 Sequence Circuit with a single phase to ground fault after mid-point STATCOM The sequence circuit for the case of a single phase to ground fault (A-G) in the transmission line when the STATCOM is included in the fault loop is shown in Figure 3.3. From Figure 3.3 it can be written that: V1s= V1f + 0.5Z1I1s + (n-0.5)Z1(I1s + I1st) (3.2) V2s= V2f + 0.5Z2I2s + (n-0.5)Z2(I2s + I2st) (3.3) 49 V0s= V0f + 0.5Z0I0s + (n-0.5)Z0(I0s + I0st) (3.4) Z1=Z2 (for a transmission line) (3.5) Vs= V1s + V2s + V0s, (3.6) V1f + V2f + V0f = 0 (for a direct short-circuit to ground) (3.7) As: then: Vs = nZ1I1s + (n-0.5)Z1(I1s + I1st) + nZ2I2s + (n-0.5)Z2(I2s + I2st)+ nZ0I0s + (n-0.5)Z0(I0s + I0st) (3.8) Also for a single phase to ground fault (e.g. A-G): I1s = I2s = I0s (3.9) Ia= I1s + I2s + I0s (3.10) The current from the STATCOM: Ist= I1st + I2st + I0st (3.11) I0st =0 (3.12) Zero sequence current I0st from the STATCOM is zero. This is due to the Y/∆ configuration of the coupling transformer of the STATCOM. Then: Vs = nZ1 (Ia -I0s) + (n-0.5)Z1Ist + nZ0I0s (3.13) Vs = nZ1 [(Ia -I0s) + I0s] (3.14) ) Ist] (3.15) Vs = nZ1 [(Ia + Ist+ I0s+ ( The measured impedance of the distance relay is Zrelay = nZ1 = (3.16) 50 where: n>0.5 Comparing equation (3.16) with the equation (3.1) of a distance relay without STATCOM, it can be observed that the impedance seen by the relay is changed by the additional term ( ) Ist in the denominator. With the shunt current input from the STATCOM, Ist > 0, the reactive power can be injected to the AC system. From equation (3.16), the apparent impedance seen by the distance relay is bigger than the actual transmission line impedance. As one of the typical misoperations of a distance relay, this phenomenon is called under-reaching of a distance relay. Similarly, on the other hand, when the STATCOM consumes reactive power from the AC system and the current flow is from the AC system to the STATCOM, the Ist is negative (Ist < 0). In this case the apparent impedance measured by the distance relay is smaller than the real transmission line distance. Then another typical mis-operation of the distance relay, overreaching of a distance protection, occurs. 3.1.2 Single phase fault before the STATCOM There is another scenario when the same single phase fault occurs before the STATCOM installation point, i.e., in the first half on the transmission line. Figure 3.4 Single phase fault before mid-point STATCOM 51 The transmission line circuit with a single phase fault before the STATCOM is shown in Figure 3.4. This is the same circuit as discussed previously; the only difference is the single phase to ground location. In this circuit, the distance relay is installed next to the sending Bus 1 and protects the transmission line. The per unit distance from the fault location to the relay location is defined as n. Iline is the current in the transmission line after the STATCOM installation point, Vs and Is are voltage and current at bus 1, respectively, If is the ground fault current, Ist is the shunt current injected from the STATCOM, Z is the combined impedance of the whole transmission line. 52 Figure 3.5 Sequence Circuit with a single phase to ground fault before mid-point STATCOM The sequence circuit for the single phase to ground fault is shown in Figure 3.5. From the circuit: V1s= V1f + nZ1I1s (3.17) V2s= V2f + nZ2I2s (3.18) V0s= V0f + nZ0I0s (3.19) Z1=Z2 (3.4) Vs= V1s + V2s + V0s (3.5) V1f + V2f + V0f = 0 (3.6) Now: Also for a single phase to ground fault (e.g. A-G): I1s = I2s = I0s (3.8) Ia= I1s + I2s + I0s (3.9) Then: Vs = nZ1 [(Ia -I0s) + nZ0I0s (3.10) The measured impedance of the distance relay is Zrelay = nZ1 = (3.11) Equation (3.11) is the same as standard equation (3.1) for a distance relay used to calculate the measured impedance of the transmission line it protects. This clearly indicates that in the case that the STATCOM is not in the fault loop, the distance relay functions as normal and the STATCOM has no effect on the distance protection. 53 3.2 Phase to phase fault 3.2.1 Phase to phase fault after the STATCOM The basic equation to calculate the apparent impedance seen by a distance relay for a fault between phases B and C in a three phase transmission is [4]: Z= Vb Vc Ib Ic (3.12) Figure 3.6 Sequence circuit with a phase to phase fault after mid-point STATCOM The sequence circuit for the case of a phase to phase fault (B-C) in the transmission line when the mid-point STATCOM is included in the fault loop is shown in Figure 3.6. The positive and negative sequence voltage equations can be written as: 54 V1s= V1f + 0.5Z1I1s + (n-0.5)Z1(I1s + I1st) (3.13) V2s= V2f + 0.5Z2I2s + (n-0.5)Z2(I2s + I2st) (3.14) Z1=Z2 (3.15) V1f = V2f (3.16) V1s -V2s =0.5Z1 (I1s - I2s) + (n-0.5) Z1 (I1s + I1st -I2s -I1st) (3.17) As: Then: From the sequence components: Vb = V0 + Vc = V0 + Ib = I0 + Ic = I0 + V1 + α V2 α V1 + (3.18) V2 (3.19) I1 + α I2 α I1 + (3.20) I2 (3.21) Then: V1s -V2s = I1s -I2s = I1st -I2st = (Vb- Vc) (3.22) (Ib- Ic) (3.23) (Ib-st- Ic-st) (3.24) The impedance seen by the distance relay is calculated as: Zrelay = I I c st Vb Vc = nZ1 + b st (n-0.5) Z1 Ib Ic Ib Ic where n>0.5 55 (3.25) Compared to the standard equation 3.2 that a distance relay is used for phase to phase fault determination, equation 3.25 has an extra term I b st I c st (n-0.5) Z1. It shows the effect of the Ib Ic STATCOM on the measured impedance of a distance relay and the distance relay may not operate properly. As the currents of the STATCOM, Ib-st and Ic-st are smaller than the system current Ib&Ic in a phase to phase fault, the error of the seen impedance of the distance relay is within a small range. 3.2.2 Phase to phase fault before the STATCOM Figure 3.7 Sequence circuit with a phase to phase fault before mid-point STATCOM 56 The sequence circuit for a phase to phase fault before the STATCOM is shown in Figure 3.7. In this case: V1s= V1f + nZ1I1s (3.26) V2s= V2f + nZ2I2s (3.27) Z1=Z2 (3.28) V1f = V2f (3.29) V1s -V2s =nZ1 (I1s - I2s) (3.30) As: Then: From the sequence components: Vb = V0 + Vc = V0 + Ib = I0 + Ic = I0 + V1 + α V2 α V1 + (3.18) V2 (3.19) I1 + α I2 α I1 + (3.20) I2 (3.21) The impedance seen the distance relay is calculated as: Zrelay = Vb Vc = nZ1 Ib Ic (3.31) Equation 3.31 is the same as standard equation 3.12 that a distance relay is used to calculate the measured impedance of the transmission line for a phase to phase fault. This clearly indicates 57 that in the case that the STATCOM is not in the fault loop, the distance relay functions as normal and the STATCOM has no effect on the distance protection. 58 Chapter Four: Simulation 4.1 System Simulation EMTDC/PSCAD (Power System CAD) is utilized in this Chapter to build a simulation model for a 230 kV, 360 km long transmission system with a shunt-connected STATCOM. The transmission line in the simulated system is protected by a two-zone step distance protection scheme. Various system configurations and contingent conditions are considered in order to perform an analysis of how the shunt-connected STATCOM would affect the distance protection in the transmission system. This includes different fault types/fault resistance, different STATCOM installation locations, and various voltage settings of the STATCOM. Some FACTS and protection components in the PSCAD library are referenced to compose the major sections of the STATCOM, transmission line, as well as the distance protective scheme. 4.1.1 Transmission System Module System configuration Configuration of the simulated AC single line diagram is shown in Figure 4.1 Figure 4.1 Single line Diagram of Simulated Power System 59 In this system, the generator and the load are connected through a 360 km, 230 kV transmission line. A distance relay with two protective zones is installed next to Bus 1 that is close to power source Gen1 to react under various fault conditions. These include single phase to ground fault, phase to phase fault, and three-phase to ground fault at different locations on the transmission line. Another distance relay installed next to Bus 2 has the same function but protects the transmission line from the reverse direction. A STATCOM with 70 MVA rating is shunt connected into the system for analysis. The EMTDC/PSCAD model includes several modules to achieve the complete functionality. Among these modules, The Voltage Control and PWM Control modules are selected for STATCOM control; Signal Processing module and Protection Scheme module compose a twozone distance relay detecting phase to ground fault and phase to phase fault. Several display modules, such as System Display, STATCOM Display and Relay Display, are also built in for better presentation of different analog/digital variables and relay protective zones with measured impedance in the simulated system. Transmission line The 360 km long transmission line is simulated according to a Bergeron model [32], a model that is based on a distributed LC parameter travelling wave line with lumped resistance and reactance. Four 90 m long transmission line sections with transmission line interfaces are used in the simulation. The line module with two overhead ground wires, as shown in Figure 4.2, is used and the ACSR 477 is chosen for each single phase conductor. 60 GND1 10 [m] GND2 C2 10 [m] 5 [m] C1 C3 10 [m] 30 [m] Tower: 3H5 Conductors: 3M (ACSR 477) Ground_Wires: 1/2"HighStrengthSteel 0 [m] Figure 4.2 Transmission Line Module In Figure 4.2, one of the transmission towers, named 3H5, is shown. In this figure, GND1 and GND2 represent overhead ground wires, and C1, C2 and C3 are the three phase conductors. The conductors, and the clearance between them and ground determine transmission line parameters. Parameters of the transmission line for this model are as follows: Positive sequence impedance 0.0115 +j*0.572 ohms/km, Negative sequence impedance 0.0115 +j*0.572 ohms/km, Zero sequence impedance 0.4428 +j*1.3907 ohms/km Conductor DC resistance: 0.1138 ohm/km Conductor Geometric Mean Radius: 0.008758 m Number of sub-conductors in a bundle: 1 Generator and load There is a generator and a load in the simulated system. Both are based on Three-Phase Voltage Source Model 3 in the PSCAD library and both of them are set with a capacity of 100 MVA at 230 kV. The load at the end of the transmission line is presented as a generator, which is chosen 61 to have the reference system angle for the transmission system. The generator in the system at the sending end (Bus1) has a phase angle θ =10° input in order to create power flow on the transmission line from Gen to Load in the simulation. Parameters of the generator and the load are: Generator and unit transformer Power rating: 100 MVA; Voltage at HV terminal of unit transformer: 230 kV; System frequency: 60 Hz; Phase angle: 10°; Positive sequence impedance: 14.1588.04 ; Zero sequence impedance: 20.8488.17 ; Load Power rating: 100 MVA; System voltage: 230 kV; System frequency: 60 Hz; Phase angle: 0°; Positive sequence impedance: 26.4580 ; Zero sequence impedance: 32.7084.68 ; 62 4.1.2 STATCOM modelling and its Control Circuit The STATCOM considered in this work is based on a Voltage-Source Converter. As discussed before, from a given DC input voltage the STATCOM produces a set of three-phase AC output voltages to compensate the AC system. Each output voltage is in phase with the AC system and is coupled to the corresponding AC system voltage through a small reactance, provided by the leakage inductance of a coupling transformer. An energy-storage capacitor is utilized for the DC voltage input. STATCOM model The two level six-pulse STATCOM model, comprised of six Power Electronic Switches and a Y/D transformer from PSCAD example Lib, is chosen in this work. The core component of the STATCOM is based on Voltage-Sourced Converter, in which GTOs are utilized as the switching valves. 1 g1 2 3 g3 2 5 g5 2 300.0 [uF] #1 #2 4 g4 2 6 g6 2 2 g2 2 Figure 4.3 VSC-based STATCOM module 63 A VSC-based STATCOM module is shown in Figure 4.3. In this figure, the ratio of the Y/D-11 coupling transformer is 220 kV/25 kV. The transformer is rated at 300 MVA and its positive sequence leakage reactance is 0.1p.u. G1 to G6 are GTO-based power electronic switches whose gate firing pulses (g1 to g6) are generated by the STATCOM PWM control module. Each GTO has a reversed paralleled connected diode with 10 000 V reverse withstand voltage. A snubber circuit comprising resistance and capacitance is included in the GTO module as well. The capacitance of the capacitor in the DC circuit is 300 μF. The STATCOM control employed in this work is the Direct Control approach (discussed in Chapter 2) and is based on PWM to generate the sequence firing gate signals so as to turn on/off the GTO switches in the STATCOM to satisfy the desired VAR compensation and voltage stability. Essentially the control of the VAR compensator is by computing the voltage difference between STATCOM AC output and AC system from which the STATCOM takes its reference. It can control the DC voltage of the capacitor through a defined algorithm and hence achieve the goal of controlling the output voltage as well as the VAR output of the STATCOM at a pre-set level. The phase shift angle caused by the installed coupling transformer is also considered to generate gating signals for corresponding GTOs’ on/off operation. The major components in control include two parts: Voltage Control Loop Module and PWM Control Module. 64 Voltage Control Loop Voltage RMS (p.u.) B Low Pass 90Hz Notch 120Hz Notch Vref + 1 sT1 1 sT2 3% Droop + PI Controller A B A Reactive Power (p.u.) Angle Shift Figure 4.4 Voltage Control Loop of STATCOM Control Module The voltage control module of the STATCOM is shown in Figure 4.4. Reference signals are the per unit values of voltage that STATCOM is connecting to the system and the RMS value of the reactive power that the STATCOM exchanges with the system. The per-unit value of the reactive current is calculated first. Then after going through the low pass filters employed by the 2nd order transfer function, the voltage error is obtained to generate the phase shift angle for STATCOM through a Lead-Lag controller and PI controller. The output of the PI controller is the angle order, which represents the required angle shift between the voltage generated by the STATCOM and the system voltage based on the voltage error. The angle shift will determine the direction and amount of real power and reactive flow between STATCOM and the AC system. PWM Control Module In PWM control module, firing pulses for each GTO are generated by using comparison of reference signals to triangular signals. There are two parts in the module to generate triangular 65 signals and reference signals, respectively. The final firing pulses are obtained from an Interpolated Firing Pulses function. Figure 4.5 PMW Control Module part 1 The first part of a PMW Control Module is shown in Figure 4.5. The function of part one of the PWM control module is to generate triangular waveforms that are synchronized with the system AC voltage. A three phase PI-Controlled Phase Locked Loop (PLL) is utilized to produce a ramp slope signal θ that varies between 0 and 360° at the carrier frequency and is locked in phase with system voltage Va. Its frequency is multiplied by the PWM switching frequency (1980Hz which is 33 times the power frequency, hence the use of IGBT devices are more appropriate than GTO devices) and converted to a triangular signal whose amplitude is fixed between -1 and +1. Carrier signals are converted by two Non-Linear Transfer Characteristic components. The outputs of each component are saved in the format of a one-dimensional scalar array. They are the triangular signals that will be used to generate firing pulses in PMW Control Module part 2. There are two arrays in the application, one is for saving the turn-on triangular signals and the other is for saving turn-off triangular signals. PWM frequency (1980 66 Hz) in this work is chosen to be divisible by three. Hence it can be applied to each GTO valve in this 6-pulse Voltage Source Converter. (a) (b) Figure 4.6 PMW Control Module part 2 Part two of the PMW Control Module is shown in Fig. 4.6. The function of this second part of PWM control module, including section (a) and section (b), is to obtain a firing pulse and the 67 time tag required for each GTO switch in order to do the interpolated switching. In section (a), another three Phase Locked Loop component (PLL) is utilized to generate a ramp reference signal θ in a six-dimension format. The ramp signal is the input of the trigonometric function (Sin) after it is shifted a phase angle (30 degree) that is determined by the connected coupling transformer with Y-Delta configuration. It generates the signals, RSgnOn and RSgnOff, which are used as reference signals in section (b) of this module. In section (b), an Interpolated Firing Pulses function is employed to generate turn-on and turn-off signals for each GTO. The inputs of the function are two sets of arrays, triangular signals (TrgOn & TrgOff) created in PMW Control Module part 1 and reference signals created in section (a). One set of signals is for turning on and the second one (a negation of the first set of signals) is for turning off. In this Interpolated Firing Pulses function, the comparison from PWM triangular carrier signals to reference sinusoidal wave signals is achieved and gating pulses are generated at cross-over points of both signals. As a result, two pulse signals are being sent to each GTO switch in the form of a two-element array: The first output element is binary 0/1 and represents the actual gate control pulse to control the switch; the second one determines the exact moment of switching and is used by a interpolation procedure which allows for switching between time steps. 4.1.3 Distance Protection Module Modelling for protection is comprised of the following sub-modules to achieve the basic function of a Mho characteristic, two zone distance relay. For phase to ground distance protection: 68 Z= V Z 0 Z1 I I0 Z1 (4.1) For phase to phase distance protection: Z= Vm Vn Im In m a, n b; m b, n c; Where (4.2) m c; n a. Three-phase Voltages Three-phase Currents FFT Sequence Filter Vi Z Z1 Ii 0 I0 Z1 Sequence Filter i a, b, c FFT Vm V n Im In m a, n b; m b, n c; m c; n a. Single Phase Seen Impedance Phase to Phase Seen Impedance Figure 4.7 Distance Relay Module A distance relay module is shown in Figure 4.7. In this module, both Line to Ground Impedance component and Line to Line impedance component are built up. They can compute the line-to69 ground impedance and the line-to-line impedance seen by an impedance relay. The Mho characteristic is chosen to determine whether the measured impedance is within the protective zone. Inputs of the distance relay module are the current and voltage at the distance relay installation point. The output of the distance relay is the tripping signal to the circuit breaker to isolate the fault. It is logic 1 if the measured impedance is within the setting circle boundary, otherwise the output is 0. The assigned breaker (Bs) in the simulation system is controlled to open the circuit by the output logic 1 after a time delay. In the distance relay module, there are two major sections to achieve the basic functions for Voltage & Current Signal Processing and Distance Mho Characteristic. Voltage & Current Signal Processing v 1 2 3 vam vbm vcm 1 1 1 X1 X2 X3 vam Mag1 Mag2 Mag3 (7) (7) (7) Ph1 (7) 1 FFT Ph2 vap (7) 1 Ph3 vbp F = 60.0 [Hz] (7) 1 dc1 dc2 dc3 vcp |A| |P| /_A /_P vap vbm vpp |B| /_B vbp vcm vpm A B C + 0 |N| vnp |C| |Z| /_C /_Z vcp vnm /_N vzm vzp Figure 4.8 Voltage Signal Processing The Voltage Signal Processing procedure to get accurate sequence components of measured voltage at the distance relay for impedance calculation is shown in Figure 4.8. An online Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), a component that can determine the harmonic magnitude and phase angle of the input signal as a function of time, is utilized to filter out the harmonics (including 70 the DC component) of the input voltage and to extract fundamental magnitudes and phases. This component is meant for processing signals consisting of power frequencies (typically 50 Hz and 60 Hz) and its harmonics. As the distance protection is not designed to respond to high frequency harmonics, maximum 7th harmonics in the component is chosen to satisfy the accuracy requirement of the relay. From the FFT function, the magnitude and phase angle of the input voltage at fundamental frequency in each phase can be obtained. In Figure 4.8 for example, for phase A voltage, the output is vam (magnitude) and vap (phase angle). Afterwards, in a Sequence Filter function, the three phase voltages filtered from FFT are decomposed into their sequence component formats and are saved in arrays. Exactly the same functions and logics are used for Current Signal processing. Then some other arrays to install the sequence component formats of three phase currents can be created for the next steps of calculation. Distance Mho Characteristic VM VP IM IP I0M R Va X I + kI a 21 R X 0 I0P Figure 4.9 Line-to-Ground Impedance and Mho Component A component that computes the line-to-ground impedance as seen by a ground impedance relay and a Mho component in PSCAD library are shown in Figure 4.9. The inputs of the function are voltage magnitude & phase of the positive and zero sequence of current, and phase to ground voltage on the faulty phase. The line-to-ground impedance component produces the resistance 71 and reactance of the calculated impedance, which work as inputs of the Mho component. In the Mho component, the comparison is made between calculated impedance and the pre-set Mho circle. Depending on whether the calculated impedance is within the Mho circle or not, the output of the Mho component is given as 1 or 0. VM1 VP1 IM1 IP1 VM2 VP2 Va - Vb Ia - Ib R X R 21 X IM2 IP2 Figure 4.10 Line-to-Line Impedance and Mho Component A line-to-line impedance component that computes the phase to phase impedance as measured by a relay and a Mho component are shown in Figure 4.10. The structure of the function is similar to the Line-to-Ground Impedance and Mho component just discussed. The inputs of the line-to-line impedance component are voltages and currents from two different phases. The output function is either 1 or 0 depending on the comparison between pre-set Mho circle and the calculated impedance. In the simulation, two distance protection zones have been applied with the following settings. The complete impedance of the transmission line as per the modulation is: |Z1|=215.04 Ω θ=78.59° |Z0|=577.74 Ω θ= 72.34° Hence K= = 1.50 (4.3) 72 Zone 1: The setting of zone 1 is set to cover 85% of the transmission line Hence the setting of Zone 1 is |Z1|= 178.55Ω θ=78.52° Instantaneous Trip Zone 2 The setting of Zone 2 is set to cover 120% of the transmission line with the time delay of 0.35s |Z2|=252.07 Ω θ=78.52° T=0.35s The protective zones based on the setting are programmed to be of a typical two-zone directional Mho characteristic through origin in PSCAD system as follows. Distance Relay Output TIME Ta0Z1 6 Tb0Z1 Tc0Z1 4 1 TabZ1 2 TbcZ1 3 TcaZ1 5 Z1_Trip Delay Trip TIME Ta0Z2 6 Tb0Z2 Tc0Z2 4 1 TabZ2 TbcZ2 2 3 TcaZ2 5 Z2_Trip Delay Figure 4.11 Distance Relay Output 73 The output of a two zone distance relay is shown in Figure 4.11. When the calculated impedance value from voltage and current is within the preset Mho boundaries of the Zone1 or Zone 2 of the relay, the output of the zone will be asserted to logic 1. In this distance protection module, there are six phase-to-ground Mho components and six phase-to-phase Mho components, to achieve the complete coverage of Zone1 and Zone2 for various fault detections. Outputs from both Zone1 and Zone2, after adequate time delay respectively, have an ‘OR” operation and the outcome is sent to trip the main breaker (Bs) to isolate the fault from the system. 4.2 Fault Simulations The installation position of the STATCOM in the transmission system has a significant influence on distance tripping performance. In this work, three installation locations are considered as follows: midpoint of transmission line, near end bus (Bus 1) and far end bus (Bus2). The desired voltage level of STATCOM output is set to be 1.0 p.u. In this simulation, in order to have a better illustration of the impedance trajectories that the relay detects, the main breaker (Bs) is always kept close even though the tripping signal is received. All the faults are set to apply to the system at 0.2s from the start of the simulation and last 0.5s only, and all the faults are set to occur at 75% length of the line from near end bus (Bus 1). The behaviour of the distance relay that is installed next to Bus 1 is to be studied. As per the setting of Zone 1 of the distance relay, the reach of the zone is to cover 85% length of the transmission line. While for Zone 2, the reach boundary is up to 120% of the transmission line. In each of the following figures (Figure 4.12 through Figure 4.17), the Mho circles for Zone1 and Zone2 are presented. For phase to ground fault (A-G), the trajectory of the measured impedance on faulty phase is shown. For Phase to Phase fault (BC-G and A-B), the trajectories 74 of the measured impedances on two faulty phases are shown. It is the same presentation in Three Phase fault (A-B-C) as the trajectories of the measured impedance on three fault phases are shown. With various faults, in the case there is no STATCOM installed, the distance relay should pick up with Zone 1. However, with the installation of STATCOM, the apparent impedance the relay detects is off the Mho circle when it should be within. This represents mis-operation of the distance relay. 4.2.1 Midpoint connected STATCOM simulation For a midpoint connected STATCOM transmission system, three different types of faults are considered with two different fault resistance values 0 Ω and 50 Ω. Comparative results are shown in Figs. 4.12 through 4.14. For an easy illustration, all the diagrams are shown in a pattern that the measured impedance trajectory without STATCOM in the simulation is on left and the one with STATCOM is on right. It also needs to be noted that in the simulations the 0 Ω of ground fault resistance is set to be 0.01 Ω due to the constraint of the PSCAD software. From the analysis made in chapter 3 and the previous work in referenced papers, STATCOM connecting at the midpoint of the transmission line has a significant influence on the tripping characteristic of a Mho distance relay. From all simulations, both overreaching and under-reaching of the distance relay has occurred in different fault conditions. 75 Fault resistance is 0 Ω X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Ra Xa Ra Xa Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -y -100 0 100 200 -100 300 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.12 Measured Impedance for Single phase ground (A-G) fault X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xbc Rca Xca Rca Xca +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -y -200 -100 0 100 200 -200 300 -100 (a) Phase to Phase impedance 76 0 100 200 300 X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rb Rc Xc Rc Xb Xc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -100 -y 0 100 200 300 -100 0 100 200 300 (b) Phase to ground impedance Figure 4.13 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Xbc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -200 -100 0 -y 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.14 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault It can be observed from Figures 4.12 through 4.14 that the resistance and reactance of the apparent impedance of the transmission line with installed STATCOM is changed and thus the 77 trajectories of impedance curve are out of Zone 1 Mho boundary in every single case. This causes under-reaching of the distance relay because the actual reach of the distance protective Zone 1 decreases due to the presence of STATCOM in the system. It is shown that in the single phase to ground fault case, both resistance and reactance measured by the relay increase with the connection of the STATCOM. It is worth mentioning, however, that in the case of a phase to phase fault, the measured reactance of the relay decreases while resistance still increases when the STATCOM is connected. Fault resistance is 50 Ω By keeping the rest of the settings of the simulation unchanged, some tests following the same testing procedures were run and the results were recorded in Figures 4.15 through 4.17. The results show that, due to the high resistance of the fault, over-reaching of distance relay is present in the some simulations. X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Ra Xa Ra Xa Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -100 0 -y 100 200 300 -100 0 100 200 Figure 4.15 Measured Impedance for Single Phase Ground (A-G) fault 78 300 In Figure 4.15, single phase to ground fault shot shows that Zone 2 of the distance relay has an over-reach when the STATCOM is present in the fault loop. When the fault resistance is big, in normal conditions without STATCOM in the circuit, either Zone1 or Zone 2 of the distance relay cannot detect the fault. This is shown in the left figure. In comparison, when a STATCOM is present in the fault circuit, Zone 2 of the distance relay mistakenly detects the fault. X Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Ra Y Coordinate Ra Xa Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Xa Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -y -100 0 100 200 300 -100 0 100 200 300 (a) Phase to ground impedance X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xbc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 (b) Phase to Phase impedance Figure 4.16 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault 79 X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xcircle1 Xbc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.17 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault Figures 4.16 and 4.17 show the same test results that a distance relay is over-reaching at phasephase to ground fault and three-phase to ground fault conditions. The reason of Over-reaching of distance relay is as follows: The over-reach phenomenon to Zone 2 of the distance relay is caused by the fact that the reactive power the STATCOM injected to AC power system turned negative during the fault period. The reactive powers sent from STATCOM to AC system in different simulations are shown in Figures 4.18 through 4.20, respectively. The analysis on the reactive current/power direction was made in Chapter 3, which is validated with the tests here. 80 1.50 st Reactive Pow er Sending Reactive Pow er 1.00 y (MVAR) 0.50 0.00 -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 -2.00 Figure 4.18 Reactive Power from STATCOM for Single Phase Ground (A-G) fault 2.00 st Reactive Pow er Sending Reactive Pow er 1.50 1.00 y (MVAR) 0.50 0.00 -0.50 -1.00 -1.50 -2.00 -2.50 Figure 4.19 Reactive Power from STATCOM for Phase-Phase-Ground (BC-G) fault 12.0 st Reactive Pow er Sending Reactive Pow er 10.0 8.0 y (MVAR) 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 Figure 4.20 Reactive Power from STATCOM for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault 81 4.2.2 Near-end bus connected STATCOM simulation For a near end bus (Sending Bus1) connected STATCOM transmission system, by following the same test procedures with three different types of faults and fault resistance value 0 Ω, the comparisons are shown in Figures 4.21 through 4.23. X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rc Xc X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rc Xc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -y -100 -200 -100 0 -x +x -y -100 100 200 -200 300 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.21 Measured Impedance for Single phase ground (A-G) fault X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rb Rc Xc Rc Xb Xc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x -y -100 -200 -100 0 0 -x +x -y -100 100 200 -200 300 (a) Phase to ground impedance 82 -100 0 100 200 300 X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Rca Xca Rca Xbc Xca +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -200 -100 -y 0 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 (b) Phase to Phase impedance Figure 4.22 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Rca Xca Rca Xbc Xca +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -y -200 -100 0 100 200 -200 300 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.23 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault In the simulations shown in Figures 4.21 through 4.23, since the STATCOM is installed on Bus 1 and the relay measuring CTs are installed at the starting point of the transmission line after the STATCOM, when there is a fault located at 75% length of the transmission line, the STATCOM 83 actually is not in the circuit that the distance relay protects due to its directional characteristic. Hence the apparent impedance measured by the relay is equal to the actual impedance of the transmission line section from relay point to fault point and is rarely affected by the reactive power injection from the STATCOM. It can be observed from the distance relay measured impedance trajectories in all cases and it is consistent with the analysis in Chapter 3. 4.2.3 Far-end bus connected STATCOM simulation For a far end bus (Bus2) connected STATCOM transmission system, by following the same test procedures with three different types of faults and fault resistance value 0 Ω, the comparisons are shown in Figures 4.24 through 4.26. X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rb Xb Rc Xc Rc Xc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -y -100 -200 -100 0 -x +x -y -100 100 200 -200 300 -100 0 100 200 Figure 4.24 Measured Impedance for Single phase ground (A-G) fault 84 300 X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rb Xb Rc Xc Rc Xc +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -y -100 -200 -100 -x +x -y -100 0 100 200 -200 300 -100 0 100 200 300 (a) Phase to ground impedance X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xbc Rca Xca Rca Xca +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -200 -100 0 -y 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 (b) Phase to Phase impedance Figure 4.25 Measured Impedance for Phase-Phase-ground (BC-G) fault 85 300 X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xbc Rca Xca Rca Xca +y +y 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 -x +x 0 -x +x -y -200 -100 0 -y 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.26 Measured Impedance for Three Phase (A-B-C) fault In the simulations shown in Figures 4.24 through 4.26, the STATCOM is installed at the far end bus (Bus 2) of the system, where it is out of the reach of Zone 1 but still within Zone 2 of the distance relay. When there is a fault located at 75% length of the transmission line, the STATCOM actually is in the circuit that the distance relay protects and hence the apparent impedance measured by the relay should deviate from the actual impedance of the transmission line section that is from relay point to fault point. In this case, the STATCOM actually is out of the Zone 1 coverage. As per the analysis and equation 3.21 in Chapter 3, Zone 1 protection in this case should function normally. Zone 2 protection should have under-reaching per analysis in section 4.21. Simulation studies in Figures 4.24 through 4.26 show that zone 1 protections does not change at all in these tests and there is small offset on the trajectories of measured impedance by zone 2 protection in all cases. Thus as a conclusion, when a STATCOM is installed at transmission line receiving end, the impedance measured by Zone 2 of distance relay is with errors, but Zone 1 protection is still reliable. The distance scheme still functions well to protect 86 the transmission line under all fault conditions but additional backup protection is needed to cover 100% of the line. 4.2.4 Effect of Voltage Setting of STATCOM All the above tests are run with the STATCOM voltage setting at 1.0 p.u. The maximum reactive power injected from STATCOM to AC system is less than 12 MVAR in order to maintain the pre-set 1.0 p.u. voltage in various fault conditions. Behaviour of a distance relay when the STATCOM compensation voltage is set at different levels at a midpoint connected system for various fault conditions (A-G, BC-G and ABC) is discussed in this section. The tests results are recorded as follows in a pattern from left to right where the reference voltage of STATCOM (Vref ) is set at 1.0 p.u., 0.9 p.u. and 1.1 p.u., respectively. X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Ra Xa Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rb Xb Rb Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rc Xc Rc X Coordinate Y Coordinate Y Coordinate Xcircle1 Xb Xc +y +y +y 300 200 200 100 100 200 100 0 0 -x -x +x -x 0 +x +x -y -y -y -100 0 100 200 -200 300 -100 0 100 -200 200 -100 0 100 200 Figure 4.27 Measured Impedance for A-G fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xbc Rbc Rca Xca Rca Xca Rca Xbc Xca +y +y +y 300 200 200 200 100 100 100 0 0 -x -y -200 -x +x +x -100 0 0 -100 100 200 -x +x -y -200 -100 0 -y 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 Figure 4.28 Measured Impedance for BC-G fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u 87 X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Xbc Rbc Rca Xca Rca Xca Rca 300 300 200 200 200 100 100 100 -x +x 0 -y -100 -200 -100 Xca +y 300 0 Xbc +y +y -x +x -y -100 0 100 200 0 -200 300 -100 -x +x -y -100 0 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.29 Phase to Phase Seen impedance for ABC-G fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u X Coordinate Y Coordinate X Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rbc Rca Xca Rca Y Coordinate Xcircle1 200 100 100 100 -x +x -y 0 Xca +y 200 -100 Xbc Rca 200 -200 Xcircle1 Rbc 300 -100 Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xca +y 300 0 X Coordinate Xbc +y 0 300 -x +x -y -100 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 0 -x +x -y -100 100 200 300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 4.30 Measured Impedance for ABC fault Vref = 1.0 p.u, 0.9 p.u and 1.1 p.u As described before in Chapter 3, when reactive power is injected into the system (the shunt current from STATCOM to the system), the apparent impedance seen by a distance relay is bigger. This will lead to the under-reaching of a distance relay. Likewise, when the STATCOM consumes reactive power from the AC system, over-reaching of a distance protection occurs. However, it is easy to conclude from the comparison of the trajectories of the measured impedance of the distance relay in Figures 4.27 through 4.30 that the voltage settings of STATCOM have less effect on the measured impedance of a distance relay. This happens because in the application the different reference settings of STATCOM are in a regular range, 88 which causes the exchange of the reactive power between the system and STATCOM to be small (less than 3.8 MVAR from tests) and thus the shunt current Ist is relatively small compared to Irelay. Hence the setting of reference voltage of a STATCOM is not sensitive to a distance relay in application and has no significant effect on the distance relay behaviour. Reactive Power from STATCOM System : Reactive Pow er 4.0 st Reactive Pow er Sending Reactive Pow er 3.0 y (MVAR) 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 ... ... ... 0.90 1.00 ... ... ... Figure 4.31 Reactive Power Vref = 1.1 p.u System : Reactive Pow er 4.0 st Reactive Pow er Sending Reactive Pow er 3.0 y (MVAR) 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 Figure 4.32 Reactive Power Vref = 0.9 p.u 89 Reactive power exchange between STATCOM and the AC system is shown in Figures 4.31 and 4.32 for the case of a three-phase to ground fault condition. If the STATCOM is set at 1.1 p.u, during the fault time between 02s to 0.7s, the STATCOM is sending the reactive power to the system to support the voltage. In contrary, when the STATCOM is set at 0.9p.u, the STATCOM is sending capacitive power to the system during the fault period. 4.3 Concluding Remarks In this chapter, a simulation system for a two-terminal power transmission line is built up along with a STATCOM shunt connected to the transmission line. Various system components utilized in the work and their basic functions in different modules are introduced first. Simulations of different types of faults and STATCOM installation locations on the system are conducted, based on which analysis and comparison of the behaviour of a distance relay in different fault conditions are made. The test results are consistent with the analysis made in Chapter 3. Also, a study on how the voltage setting of a STATCOM affects a distance relay is conducted and from the tests, no significant influence is observed. The built-up system simulation module is also ready for future analysis in order to study adequate solutions to conquer the mis-operation of a distance relay on a transmission line when it is shunt-compensated by a STATCOM. 90 Chapter Five: Communication-aided Distance Protection Schemes As discussed, in the case of STATCOM installed at midpoint of a transmission line, the protection zone of a traditional distance relay will either under-reach or over-reach when faults occur between the midpoint and remote terminal. A pilot protection relay scheme can be utilized to help the distance relay keep its tripping accuracy and reliability. A pilot scheme [3], also known as Teleprotection (TPR), relies on relay communication channels sending information of a local relay to the remote end relay so as to protect 100% length of the transmission line. It will allow high speed tripping on faults occurring on the transmission line. The information exchange between two terminals can be currents, permissive signals and blocking signals. PLC (Power Line Carrier), microwave and fiber optic can be applied as the communication media. In the application where a STATCOM is installed on a transmission line, either current comparison schemes or directional schemes can be used to eliminate the misoperation of the distance relay. Directional comparison schemes send fault current directional information between the terminals. Current comparison systems send information related to current phase angle or magnitude of the current between the two replay locations. 5.1 Directional Comparison Scheme Various types of directional comparison schemes that use the inherent directional characteristic of a distance relay to make up complex and secure protection of the transmission line have been proposed [1][3]. In the case with a STATCOM installed on the transmission line, the distance 91 protection still can function well with proper logic setup and the transferring of permissive signals or blocking signals. 5.1.1 Permissive Transfer Trip A distance relay with permissive signal can be used to provide a reliable protection scheme for a two-terminal transmission line in applications with security and selectivity. The communicationaided distance protection scheme can initiate fast clearing for faults that occur at any point on the transmission line and reduce either the under-reaching or over-reaching of the distance measurement [1]. The schemes require permissive transfer signals from one terminal to the other. Based on this principle, the distance protection schemes can make Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) and Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip (PUTT). Permissive Overreach Transfer Trip (POTT) (a) Permissive overreach scheme 92 (b) Logic diagram Figure 5.1 Permissive Overreach Protection Scheme and Logic diagram The logic of a permissive overreach distance protection scheme is shown in Figure 5.1. In this scheme, it is expected that both ends of the transmission line have matching distance relays installed. Zone 2 of the distance relay is utilized to initiate the permissive signals through communication channel to the remote substation when a fault occurs in the protection zone. Upon receiving the permissive signal, distance relay at the remote end will open the breaker in the substation when its zone 2 protection picks up in conjunction with the received signal. If a fault is between the STATCOM and the remote end, Sub 3, as shown in the Figure 5.1(a), per previous discussion, the under-reaching of a distance relay will happen with a STATCOM installed at the mid-point of the transmission line. Zone 1 of the distance relay at Sub 3 will open the local breaker; at the same time zone 2 of the distance relay at Sub 3 will pick up and send a permissive signal to the distance relay at Sub 2. At Sub 2, zone 1 of the distance relay is not reliable to pick up for the faults, but zone 2 will trip the local breaker after the “AND” operation on receipt of the transmitted signal. Time delay for normal zone 2 protection is bypassed. The fault then is cleared in the system from both ends and the mis-operation of the distance 93 protection can be avoided for the fault. As zone 2 of the distance relay is utilized in this POTT scheme to send transfer signals and it is set further than remote terminal, it may cause coordination problems for zone 2 and zone 3, especially on a short transmission line. For a transmission line with a STATCOM installed at mid-point, a POTT scheme helps but is not the most suitable when the overall factors are considered. The following is the outcome of a POTT scheme in the simulation to verify the proper functionality of the protection scheme in the power transmission system with a STATCOM installed. X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rb Xb Rc Xc +y 300 200 100 0 -x +x -100 -y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 5.2 Impedance measured at the sending end for an A-G fault without STATCOM 94 X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rca Xca +y 300 200 100 -x 0 +x -y -100 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 5.3 Measured impedance at the sending end for an A-G fault with STATCOM X Coordinate Y Coordinate Ra2 Xa2 Rb2 Xb2 Rc2 Xc2 +y 300 200 100 0 -x +x -y -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 5.4 Impedance measured by the receiving end relay for an A-G fault with STATCOM 95 Tripping trajectories for the two distance relays in the STATCOM-installed transmission line system when a single phase fault (A-G) occurs at 75% of the line from the sending end, power source 1, are shown in Figure 5.2 through 5.4. The relay correctly detects the fault in zone 1 and zone 2 when there is no STATCOM installed in the system as shown in Figure. 5.2. Figure 5.3 shows the under-reaching of the relay when the same fault occurs but a STATCOM is connected at the mid-point. In this case, zone 1 does not detect the fault due to the impedance of the STATCOM and the tripping curve falling into zone 2 only. The tripping trajectory of the distance relay at the receiving end in the transmission line system for the same fault is shown in Figure 5.4. Both zone 1 and zone 2 of the relay can detect the fault when the STATCOM is installed Figure 5.5 Timing for POTT scheme 96 Figure 5.5 is also from system simulation to show distance zone element pickup and tripping intervals of two distance relays at both ends of a transmission line in the POTT scheme. It shows how the POTT scheme works fast to clear the fault at the sending end when under-reaching occurs. In the simulation, the fault begins at 0.2s and lasts for 0.5s. When the fault occurs, zone 1 at the sending end relay does not detect the fault; hence the Z1_PU is not picked up. The zone 2 of the same relay will trip the breaker with a pre-set time delay 0.35s. In the POTT scheme, zone 2 of the receiving end relay detects the fault instantly (R_Z2_PU is picked up) and sends the permissive transfer trip to the sending end relay, then Z1_Trip picks up and the relay operates to clear the fault in a very short time 0.05s. The time delay 0.05s shown between the dotted lines X and O on the diagram is caused by the communication channel and telecom equipment response time. The tripping of the distance relay, Z2_Trip, is obviously accelerated compared to the time delay of 0.35s from zone 2. Permissive Underreach Transfer Trip (PUTT) (a) Permissive underreach scheme 97 (b) Logic diagram Figure 5.6 Permissive Under-reach Protection Scheme and Logic diagram A PUTT scheme and its logic are shown in Figure 5.6. Similar to a POTT scheme, both ends of the transmission line should have the matching distance relays installed. In this scheme, zone 1, instead of zone 2, of the distance relay is utilized to initiate the permissive signals through communication channel to the remote substation when there is a fault detected in the protection zone. The distance relay at the remote end will open the breaker in the substation with the pickup of its zone 2 protection and the received signal. For a fault shown in Fig. 5.6(a), zone 1 of the distance relay at Sub 3 will pick up to trip the local breaker and at the same time to send a permissive signal to the distance relay at Sub 2. At Sub 2, zone 2 of the distance relay trips the local breaker after the “AND” operation on receipt of the transmitted signal. Zone 1 is normally set to protect 85% of the transmission line (L23) and in this scheme it is chosen to send transfer signals. For faults between one terminal (Sub 3) and the mid-point installed STATCOM, the distance relay at this end (Sub 3) performs normally. At the remote end (Sub 2), zone 1 of the distance relay will mis-operate as per the previous discussion. Zone 2 protection will pick up for the fault as the setting of zone 2 is set to protect 120% of the transmission line. Then the fault 98 will be cleared out in the system from both terminals. The PUTT scheme is suitable for long transmission lines, but setting coordination is needed for zone 2 and zone 3 without any major conflicts. The scheme can provide fast fault clearing for the full length of the protected line with the STATCOM installed and make a reliable protection scheme in this application. The outcome of a PUTT scheme in the simulation to verify the proper functionality of the protection scheme in the power transmission system with a STATCOM installed at mid-point is shown in Figures 5.7 through 5.9. X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc +y 300 200 100 0 -x +x -y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Figure 5.7 Measured impedance at the sending end for an ABC-G fault without STATCOM 99 X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle2 Xcircle2 Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc +y 300 200 100 0 -x +x -y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Figure 5.8 Measured impedance at the sending end for an ABC-G fault with STATCOM X Coordinate Y Coordinate Ra2 Xa2 Rb2 Xb2 Rc2 Xc2 +y 300 200 100 0 -x +x -y -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 Figure 5.9 Impedance measured by the receiving end relay for an ABC-G fault with STATCOM 100 The tripping trajectories for the distance relay at the sending end in the STATCOM-installed transmission line system when a three-phase to ground fault (ABC-G) occurs at 75% of the line from the power source 1 are shown in Figures 5.7 and 5.8. Figure 5.7 shows the relay correctly detects the fault in zone 1 and zone 2 when there is no STATCOM installed in the system. The under-reaching of the relay when the same fault occurs but with STATCOM connected at the mid-point is shown in Figure 5.8. In this case, the detection of zone 1 on the fault is not reliable due to the impedance of the STATCOM and most of the tripping curve falls into zone 2. Figure 5.9 shows the tripping trajectory of the distance relay at the receiving end with the STATCOMinstalled transmission line system when the same fault occurs. Both zone 1 and zone 2 of the relay detect the fault correctly. Z1_PU 0: 0.000 Z2_PU 0: 0.000 Z2_Trip 0: 0.000 R_Z1_PU 0: 1.000 Figure 5.10 Timing for PUTT scheme The distance zone elements pickup and tripping intervals of the two distance relays at both ends of a transmission line in the PUTT scheme as obtained from the system simulation studies are shown in Fig. 5.10. It shows how the PUTT scheme works fast to clear the fault at the sending 101 end when overreach occurs. In the simulation system, the fault begins at 0.2s of the timing and lasts for 0.5s. When the fault occurs, the detections of both zone 1 and zone 2 at the sending end relay is not reliable as the Z1_PU and Z2_PU picks up and drops off rapidly. In the PUTT scheme, zone 1 of the receiving end relay detects the fault instantly (R_Z1_PU is picked up) and sends the permissive transfer trip to the sending end relay, where Z2_Trip picks up and relay operates to clear the fault in a very short time 0.05s. The time delay of 0.05s shown between the dotted lines X and O on the diagram presents response time of the communication channel and telecom equipment. As shown in the figure, the tripping of the distance relay at the sending end, Z2_trip, is fast and reliable enough to clear the fault in the system. 5.1.2 Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) (a) DCB scheme 102 (b) Logic diagram Figure 5.11 Directional Comparison Blocking Protection Scheme and Logic diagram DCB scheme and its logic are shown in Figure 5.11. The basic operation logic of the scheme is that upon the receipt of a block signal from reverse zone protection at the remote end, the output of the accelerated zone 2 protection of the local distance relay is blocked with proper setting to prevent tripping of the local breaker [3]. For a fault shown in Figure 5.11, both zone 1 and zone 2 of the distance relay at Sub 3 will pick up, and zone 1 will trip the local breaker instantaneously. There is an additional protection covering reverse direction (towards Sub 4). This additional protection can be either directional ground fault or normal distance protection. A status of the reverse zone protection is sent to the remote terminal, Sub 2, as a blocking signal. At Sub 2, as discussed before, zone 1 is not reliable for this fault but zone 2 can pick up and initiate a normal trip to the local breaker through a timer T2. Meanwhile, the pickup of zone 2 also initiates a different timer T4, which is set much shorter than T2. The output of T4 has an “AND” operation with the NOT receipt of the reserve zone protection from terminal Sub3. If reverse zone protection at Sub 3 is not initiated, the output of 103 distance zone 2 at Sub 2 is able to open the local breaker through T4. On the other hand, if the reverse zone protection is initiated at Sub 3, it means that the fault is not on the protected line (L23), and then the transfer signal will be sent to Sub 2 to block the distance zone 2 accelerated outputs. Coordination of settings for distance zone 2, zone 3 and reverse zone is needed in this scheme [33]. The coverage of Zone 2 of a distance relay is set to reach beyond the remote terminal, normally 120% of the protected transmission line (L23). The blocking functions in the scheme are initiated to detect faults that are not on the protected line but the remote end (Sub 2) zone 2 can detect. Therefore, the reverse zone at local substation (Sub 3) has to be set to reach further than the zone 2 of the remote end (Sub 2) distance relay in the same direction. The DCB scheme can provide fast and reliable fault clearance for the full length of the protected transmission line, including a line with a STATCOM installed at mid-point. The deficiencies of a distance relay in the application, either underreach or overreach, can be overcome with this scheme. The outcome of a DCB scheme in the simulation studies carried out to verify the proper functionality of the protection scheme in the power transmission system with a STATCOM installed at mid-point is shown in Figure 5.12. 104 X Coordinate Y Coordinate Rcircle1 Xcircle1 Rbc Xbc Rca Xca +y 300 200 100 0 -x +x -100 -y -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 Figure 5.12 Measured impedance for an ABC-G fault with STATCOM The tripping trajectory for the distance relay at the sending end for a STATCOM-installed transmission line system when a two-phase to ground fault (BC-G) occurs at 75% of the line from the sending end, Sub 2, is shown in Figure 5.12. It can be observed from this figure that zone 2 element of the distance relay is reliable while zone 1 protection is totally malfunctioned. 105 Figure 5.13 Trip timing for DCB scheme Simulation results given in Figure 5.13 show how the DCB scheme on L23 works to clear the fault at the sending end (Sub 2) and to eliminate the mis-operation of the distance relay when the two-phase to ground fault (BC-G) occurs at 75% of the line from Sub 2. In the simulation system, the fault begins at 0.2s and lasts for 0.5s. The diagram presents distance zone elements pickup/tripping intervals of the distance relay at the sending end, Sub 2, of the transmission line. When the fault occurs, the zone 2 element is very reliable and picks up instantly. In the DCB scheme, reverse distance protection at the receiving end does not detect the fault (REV_PU is 0) and sends the permissive transfer to the sending end relay, where Z2_T4 is asserted after a short time delay (0.15s) to initiate the output of the relay, Trip, to clear the fault. The time delay caused by the communication channel and telecom equipment response time is covered by the time delay on Z2_T4. As shown in the figure, the accelerated tripping (Trip) of zone 2 of the 106 distance relay at the sending end is fast and reliable enough to clear the system fault in this DCB scheme. Figure 5.14 Block timing for DCB scheme A case when the same fault (BC-G) is on the transmission line between Sub 3 and Sub 4, the distance relay at Sub 2, is shown in Figure 5.14. The reverse direction protection at Sub 3 is picked up (REV_PU=1) and transferred to Sub 2 to block the output of timer Z2_T4 at this sending end. The zone 2 of the relay at Sub 2 can detect the fault and will clear the fault with the normal time delay 0.35s. This time is shown between X and O in the diagram. Normally, there is a distance relay installed at Sub 3 to protect the transmission line L34, the zone 1 of this relay will open the breaker instantaneously to clear the fault. DCB scheme installed on L23 in this case provides a solid backup protection for a fault out of its zone. 107 5.2 Line Current Differential (a) Line differential current scheme (b) Logic diagram Figure 5.15 Line Differential Current Protection Scheme and Logic diagram A line current differential scheme and its logic are shown in Figure 5.15. In the pilot scheme, matching relays are needed at both ends for a true current differential measurement [3][4]. The information compared can be either the phase angle or the magnitude of the currents from both terminals of the transmission line. The internal faults are determined by the current differential scheme when the current difference between the terminals is bigger than the set value. On a two- 108 terminal transmission line with a STATCOM installed, the scheme can operate on all the internal faults between the two terminals and protect 100% of the transmission line. The scheme only relies on currents to operate and does not need voltage inputs. Therefore, it is not affected by any power system contingencies that cause the system voltage problems. Normally it is only used on a short line with a big cost on telecommunication equipment [34]. A transmission line with a STATCOM installed should be a long line that needs compensation, so the line current differential scheme can work in this case but it is not the best choice to replace the distance scheme. 5.3 Concluding Remarks Different communication-aided protection schemes to improve the performance of the traditional step distance relays in the case where a two-terminal transmission line is midpoint-compensated using a STATCOM are discussed in this chapter. From the analysis and the system simulations, it can be concluded that PUTT, with transfer permissive signals, is the best scheme for application. DCB works well with the transferred block logic on zone 2 to clear the faults on the line with which the distance zone1 has problems. A line current differential scheme is able to protect all the internal faults on the line where there is a STATCOM. It is possible to replace the distance relay but with a large communication equipment cost. 109 Chapter Six: Conclusions 6.1 Thesis Summary The impact of a shunt connected FACTS device, the STATCOM, in a power transmission system is investigated in terms of impedance protection. In particular, the impedance measured by the distance relay protecting a transmission line compensated by a STATCOM is studied. A model for a transmission line including a STATCOM and a distance protection scheme is built in the PSCAD environment, in which various system fault conditions together with three STATCOM installation locations are simulated. The Mho tripping characteristic of the distance relay is analyzed in various contingent conditions. Both analysis and simulation results show that the STATCOM installation location has a significant influence on the performance of the distance relay. If the STATCOM is connected at the mid-point of the line, presence of the STATCOM in the transmission line can cause malfunction of the distance relay. If the STATCOM is installed at the sending end of the transmission line, the measured impedance of the distance relay is not affected. In the cases when the STATCOM is installed at the receiving end, the distance relay functions well with minimum errors. Voltage settings of the STATCOM also are considered in the studies. However, no effect on the measured impedance of the distance relay is detected when the voltage settings of the STATCOM are changed. In order to overcome the mis-operation of the distance relay in the transmission line system, and make the distance scheme operational and reliable when the transmission line is shunt compensated using STATCOM, some communication-aided protection schemes are discussed. Studies with different proposed schemes, including PUTT, POTT and DCB, are also conducted. These pilot protection schemes are proved to be effective for fast clearance of the faults on the 110 transmission line and satisfy the basic requirement for protection speed and accuracy, regardless of STATCOM installation location. 6.2 Discussion A summary of the performance of a distance relay on a transmission line, where a shunt STATCOM is connected at various installation points and the transmission system is exposed to various fault conditions is presented in Section 6.1. In most applications the STATCOM is installed at the mid-point of the transmission line and this configuration is discussed in more detail. It can be concluded from the results of simulation studies and analysis in this thesis that the conventional distance relay cannot work well for a mid-point shunt STATCOM compensated transmission line. Further details are given below: 1) The shunt connected STATCOM affect the protection zones, not only zone 1 on compensated line, but also zone 2 or zone 3 of a distance relay on the nearby transmission line. 2) When a distance relay acts as the main protection device for a high voltage transmission line, communication-aided pilot protection schemes should be applied to eliminate the malfunction of the distance relay. 3) In the communication-aided protection schemes, PUTT, POTT and DCB, can be utilized to make fast and accurate protection of the transmission line compensated with a STATCOM. 4) The voltage settings of the STATCOM, the fault type and fault resistance have little influence on the impedance measurement of distance relay. 111 5) The distance relay is functional when a STATCOM is installed at the receiving end of the transmission line, even though the relay tripping characteristics have minor errors (but they are acceptable errors). 6) No detrimental effects are observed for the distance relay tripping characteristics when the STATCOM is installed at transmission line sending end. 7) A transmission line current differential protection scheme can also ensure reliable protection of the line compensated by a STATCOM but at a high cost. However, it is not the best option to replace a distance scheme in the application considered in the thesis. 6.3 Future work In the future, two approaches, i.e. pilot scheme and adaptive setting, should be investigated to improve the performance of distance protection scheme for application to a transmission line shunt compensated with a STATCOM, as briefly outlined below. 1. Communication-aided Distance Protection Schemes a. These schemes rely on telecom technology and equipment to achieve protective function, reliability and tripping latency. b. With the development of telecom technology and new communication media, other forms of pilot scheme depending on the Transfer Trip or Transfer Block logic could be developed. Distance protection in the new scheme even could be investigated with solid state logic and reliable equipment. c. The transmission line differential scheme can be further improved if current readings can be made available in the STATCOM switching yard. 112 2. 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