B5-114 CIGRE 2014 http : //www.cigre.org A New Approach on Protection of Networks with Large Amounts of RES F. BALASIU Transelectrica florin.balasiu@transelectrica.ro Gh. MORARU Smart Romania Summary The integration of large amounts of distributed renewable energy sources (RES), in particular wind power impacts the proper connection of the plants, the reinforcement of the network, the operation of the power system, as well as the protection systems. Integration of RES results in increased electricity generation capacities, smoothes the progress of coupling of national networks into an internal market-base European network and an economically efficient deployment of future network. At present-day variable speed wind turbine generators, using doubly-fed asynchronous generators (DFAG) or full ac-dc-ac converters are used. The behaviour of these generators under short-circuit conditions is fully different from that of the traditional synchronous generators. Adaptation of short-circuit contribution calculations to the existing tools is not easy and is time consuming. The line side converters use power electronic devices (e.g. insulated-gate bipolar transistors – IGBT), that do not accept large short-circuit currents, during a fault. The short-circuit contribution magnitudes of a wind turbine [1] is quite small, in the range of about 1.2 p.u. to 1.6 p.u., depending on the voltage at turbine terminals and this issue must be considered when choosing the protection functions included into the multifunctional protection relays. In fact, short-circuit current contribution can be modelled as a limited current source, with greater current levels for the first 1-2 cycles. The photovoltaic generators (PVG) also use inverters based on the power electronic devices, which are sensitive to over voltages and provide a quite small amount of short-circuit currents during faults. Typically, the PVGs keep supplying current, for most of faults, for about two to ten cycles. The steady-state short-circuit current contribution to a fault of a PVG [2] is up to 1.2 p.u., while during the first half-cycle the current contribution could reach 1.5 up to 2.0 p.u. Thus, RES providing wind and PV generators represent a challenge for the protection engineers for modelling, integration into the existing software tools, choosing the right protection functions and testing as well. 1 1. Introduction 400 kV 21+85 21+85 BB 1 51 51 51N 51N Q0 67N 67N 79 79 CT1 87BB 50BF 21 400 kV BB 2 VT1 21 67N CT3 CT1 VT 1 87T.1 87T.2 63 49 49 49 T2 400/110 kV VT 2 VT 2 CT2 21 67N AVR Q01 110 kV BB 1 87L 21+85 51 51N 67N 79 VT 1 87T.1 87T.2 63 49 49 49 T1 400/110 kV 87L 21+85 51 51N 67N 79 Q0 VT 1 21 67N L2 400 kV OHL VT2 CT2 VT2 L1 400 kV OHL CT2 Large wind power plants, usually with more then 100 MW installed capacity are connected to the transmission network through new substations. A common solution, based on economic reasons is to connect the new substation into an existing transmission line as an input-output layout. Double bus bar and a coupler is a common architecture of such a substation (Fig. 1). Two line bays, two transformer bays 400/110 kV, the coupler and the bus bars voltage measurement bays are common requirements to connect the wind power plant. 21 67N CT2 87BB 50BF AVR Q01 21 VT1 110 kV BB 2 VT1 CT2 CT4 T-1 110/MV kV CT5 51 CT3 VT3 87T 63 49 49 21+85 51/51N 67N 67N 51N L1 110 kV (OHL) 50/51 46 CT4 T-2 110/MV kV CT5 MV 51 CT 3 VT 3 87T 63 49 49 87L 21 51/51N 67N 51N L2 110 kV (UGL) 50/51 46 MV Figure 1. Typical 400 kV connection of a wind power plant 2. Transformer and line protection 2.1 Power transformer protection The power transformers include protection functions [3] against internal faults and back-up protection functions against external network faults, both on the 400 kV and 110 kV. Usually, only network protection functions need carefully coordination to the protective system of the network. The power transformer protection are typically organized in two cubicles which include the main 1 and the main 2 multi-function protection relays. Thus, the main 1 consists of a multi-function relay including the transformer differential protection as essential protection function and other additional functions, while the main 2 includes a second multifunction relay including the transformer differential protection and other functions, then a multi-function relay, connected to the secondary windings of the 400 kV current transformers, with the distance protection function as an essential one and a multi-function relay, connected to the secondary windings of the 110 kV current transformers, providing the distance protection function as an essential one. Other protection function such as phase overcurrent, 2 earth fault protection directional and non-directional and thermal overload protection are typically include into the multi-function protection relays. The technological protections (e.g. Buchholtz, valve over-pressure, oil/winding/core overtemperature, etc) of the transformer issue the tripping order by both differential relays, thus offering the disturbance recording, too. The auxiliary transformer, if any, protection functions are typically included into a single multi-functional relay and consist of the technological protections (e.g. Buchholtz, oil/winding/core overtemperature, etc) and the transformer differential protection. In addition, phase or earth overcurrent protection functions are also included. The auxiliary transformer protection functions issue the trip command to the 400 kV and 110 kV circuit breakers (CBs). 2.2 A 400 kV line protection scheme The 400 kV line protection system [4] is organized in two ways, either using two multifunction relays with the distance protection function as main and other protection functions, or using two multi-function relays with the line differential protection function as main and including also other protection functions. However, the mandatory protection function is the distance protection function due to remote back-up capabilities. In each case two protection communication links are provided to fast clearance of faults along the transmission line. If the line differential is used, then the same fibre optic communication channel as for line differential is used. In case of only distance protection, a direct communication scheme between relays from both line ends is used or dedicated communication equipments are used. 2.3 The 110 kV protection schemes Smaller renewable power plants (wind or photo-voltaic), in the range 20 MW up to 60-100 MW installed capacity are connected to the 110 kV sub-transmission network. Normally, there are used two main connection methods, namely direct connection to an existing 110 kV substation, through a new input-output substation (fig. 2.a) and the tie connection to an existing 110 kV line by an overhead line or by an underground line (fig. 2.b). a) b) Figure 2. Network connection types of renewable energy generation units 3 2.3.1 Single direct line connection In case of the single direct line connection (fig. 2.a) of a generating unit, the line protection system (fig. 3) consists of two multi-functional relays. The first (F87L) is assigned to the CEE Cernavoda I main protection and is primarily based on the line current differential protection In=160 0A, 3 1.5 kA BUS-110 kV function for two line ends. The Q1 underground cable brings the line differential protection as mandatory. The Q0 w1:0, 2 20VA w 2: 0,5/3P 75VA data exchange between the line ends w3: 3 P 75VA P1 relays is based on an optical fibre 4 00/5 MET communication link. 0,2SFS5 10VA The second multi-function relay (F21), is 4 00/5 Wh WFC the back-up protection and includes the 0,2SFS5 10VA M ircea Voda Nord distance protection function as main T1 4 00/5 F87 F87 back-up. The distance protection mainly 5P20 50VA Usync provides protection against phase and 4 00/5 F21 F51 ground faults in the network and acts as 5P20 50VA back-up protection for the step-up P2 F21 transformers as well. It also provides phase over current protection functions and directional earth-fault protection functions. Sometimes, (fig. 3), an additional multi-function relay (F51) is included as back-up to cope with high Q9 Q8 resistive faults, mostly in case of the line differential protection out-of-service. T5 The line differential protection (87L), w1:0,2 20VA needs in this case a separate digital 64 w2: 0,5/3P 75VA Kbit/s communication channels to w3: 3P 75VA exchange telegrams among the line ends LES 110 kV Mircea Voda Nord relays. Figure 3. Direct 110 kV line connection protection system arrangement RED670 REF545 d; 100 V SEL3 11L d; 100 V The telegrams contain current sample values, time synchronisation information, trip and alarm signals and binary signals that may be used for any purpose. This application also uses the communication feature for the breaker failure protection function (BFP) and for the distance protection function communication scheme. 2.3.2 Single tie line connection In case of the single tie line connection of a generator unit, the line protection system is in some way typical (fig. 4) and consists of two multi-functional relays. The first, F87L, is assigned to the main protection and is primarily based on the line current differential protection function for three line ends. The data exchange among the line ends multifunctional relays is based on an optical fibre communication link. The distance protection function is usually also included in the same multi-functional relay and offers back-up protection for both network faults and generation units faults. Power swing detection and either block distance protection zones or trip is commonly applied. For a pretty long overhead line it is common to use the single-shot, single pole autoreclosing, assuming proper circuit breakers and generation units’ capabilities. The second multi-function relay (F21), the back-up protection includes the distance protection function, as the main 4 protection function and also phase over current protection functions and directional earth-fault protection functions. This arrangement allows to keep the generation unit connected to the network, even if the communication channel for the line differential protection function is broken. The distance protection function is also used as back-up of the transformer protections and to fast clearing of bus faults, assuming that the protection communication scheme among multi-functional relays is available. Sometimes, an additional multi-function relay (F51) is included as back-up, to cope with high-resistive faults, mainly in case of the line differential protection out-of-service. Typically, the main protection is connected alone to a protection secondary winding of the CT, while the back-up multi-function relay may be Rasova connected, together with other Medgidia Sud 110 kV devices, to a separate protection ENEL Q9 secondary winding of the CT. The connection to the protection TV5 secondary windings of the VT is w1 :0,2 2 0VA w2 : 0,5/ 3P 75VA either independently or on the same w3 : 0,5/ 3P 75VA secondary, but mandatory through Q8 separate mini circuit breakers. The line differential protection CEE Pestera Q9 function, included in the main, is 90 MW Med . Sud an absolute selective one with P2 some important advantages. The T PT2000 6 00/5 F87L 0,2 s,10VA first advantage consists in the 6 00/5 MET WFC F87L TI 1 0,2 s,15VA ability to fast clearing of all faults Rasova 6 00/5 F87L on the line, located among the three 5P20,50VA 6 00/5 F51 line ends CTs. The second one is 5P20,50VA 6 00/5 F21 the sensitivity, which can be made 5P20,50VA high, extremely important to detect P1 and trip high resistive faults. Not Q0 using voltage measurement, it does not lie on the availability of the VT and this is also an advantage. Q1 d, 100V RED670 RED670 RED670 REF545 SEL311C 110 kV Figure 4. Protection system arrangement The last, but not the least, coordination with other protections is simple. As it is phase segregated, the identification of the faulted phases is inherent and thus the application of single pole auto-reclosing is reliable. The line differential protection, used in this case needs a digital 64 Kbit/s communication channel (fig. 5) to exchange telegrams among the line ends relays. The telegrams contain current sample values, time synchronisation information, trip and alarm signals and up to eight binary signals that may be used for any purpose. Figure 5. Three line ends communication link 5 The current differential function operating characteristic is in general a percentage restrained dual slope one, based on the differential currents and restrain currents calculations. As a paired solution to the line differential protection function, a permissive over-reach transfer trip (POTT) scheme can be implemented into the distance protection function [5]. The communication scheme is using the same FO link as the differential protection. The distance zone 2 settings can be set in such a way, that they will well cover remote line ends and operate only for faults towards line. Suppose a fault at K1 (fig. 6), that is on the line side. All distance protection functions will place the fault inside zone 2 and will send a permissive signal to remote line ends. At one line end, when receiving the signals from the other remote line ends and checking the starting signal in zone 2 of the local distance protection, a trip signal is issued (fig. 7). Z2Medgidia Sud Z2Rasova Medgidia Sud K1 K2 Rasova F21 F21 Z2Rasova Z2CEE Pe stera Z2Medgidia Su d Z2CEE Pe stera F21 CEE Pestera Figure 6. Distance zone 2 settings for the POTT scheme If we assume a fault beyond one remote line end (K2 in fig. 6), at least one distance protection function will place the fault reverse and will not send a permissive signal to remote line ends and no instantaneous trip will emerge. Particular solutions, such as weak infeed and echo feature are to be taken in order to complete the overall POTT scheme. Medgidia Sud Z2 & T xB.1 RxA.1 RxB.1 TxC.1 Z2 & RxC.1 RxC.1 Channel C Med-Ras TxA. 1 RxA.1 & Trip T xC.1 Channel B Ras-Pes & TxA.1 Channel A Med-Pes Trip Rasova RxB.1 TxB.1 Z2 CEE Pestera & & Tr ip Figure 7. Principle of operation of the POTT scheme 6 To trip all line ends CBs, in case of a CB failure, the same communication channel of the line differential protection is used, via the binary inputs and outputs transfer capabilities. 3. Islanded Operation Another important issue for RES integration is the islanded operation mode. When loosing the connection to the utility network, the generators operate on the local load, if any. Generally, islanded operation is not permitted due to safety reasons, due to power quality issues and to protect equipment from adverse effects, in case of a sudden uncontrolled resynchronization. Detecting of an islanding operation mode is not an easy task as it depends on the operating principle of generators and on the balance between load and generation. Typically, islanded operation detection is based either on primary circuit switches position, or on under/over frequency and under/over voltage protection functions. In case of mismatch between active power generation and consumption, a low or high frequency condition could appear and a frequency based function can be used for detection and tripping. Based on the reactive power difference prior to an islanding condition, an undervoltage or an overvoltage condition could result, that can be used for detection and tripping. Monitoring of the circuit breakers position and disconnectors to sense an islanding condition needs an exchange of data between control devices, by use of a communication channel. These methods are based on local area data and could be limited depending on certain system conditions. Nowadays, phasor measurement units (PMU) are available either as separate devices or as an integrated function into the protection or control relays. The ability of data exchange between PMUs, using a proper communication channel, is the prerequisite for wide area detecting of an islanding condition. One PMU is situated at the RES generator location and the other one on the utility side, that is at the connection point. A phasor data processing unit (PDPU) is used for accurate time data alignment and to perform various data calculations. Thus, the local positive sequence voltage phase angle is measured by both PMUs and sent to the PDPU that calculates the phase angle difference and issues an alarm and a trip signal if the set thresholds are exceeded. The slip frequency is used for islanding detection in a similar way. A basic equivalent diagram of the software implementation in the PDPU is shown in fig. 8 below. PMU1-U1 _Cond=OK PMU1-U1 _phase angle & ∑ PMU2-U1 _Cond=OK PMU2-U1 _phase angle ΔΦ PU DO & Alarm Alarm_Threshold PU DO Trip _Threshold Trip PMU1-U1 _Cond=OK PMU1-U1 _frequency & ∑ PMU2-U1 _Cond=OK PMU2-U1 _frequency & Δf PU DO Alarm Alarm_Threshold Trip _Threshold PU DO Trip Figure 8. Basic of wide area islanding operation detection 7 4. Testing the protection systems It is a common rule to start the field tests with preliminary checks based on visual check of the protection and control cubicles, visual check of all racks, mechanical fixing of the cases, relay protection degree check, visual check of external wiring and proper marking according to the applicable drawings, visual check of cubicle and relays grounding and check of the DC voltage supply. Next, hardware checks have to confirm the proper connections of all binary inputs and outputs to the protection and control scheme. Activation and deactivation of all binary inputs and outputs is done for this purpose. Checking of the proper alarms, events and messages sent to the substation SCADA system as well as to the remote EMS SCADA system at the Network Control Centre (NCC) should be done during this stage. For analogue inputs check, the injection of all voltages and currents at rated values is mandatory. During this test it is possible to confirm the proper displayed values on the work stations of the control systems and also to check for the secondary burden of the CTs and VTs, as well as their proper connections related to the current direction flow. Next step is checking of the correct operation of the different protection functions, trip relays, alarm relays, LEDs, event recordings, alarms and messages both to local and remote NCC. Basically, the tests have to confirm the proper operation of the different protection functions included in the multi-function protection relays, according to the settings and configuration logic. In case of the distance protection function, tests for single phase-to-ground and phasephase faults as well as forward and reverse are to be done for each zone. To test a two or more line ends differential protection, two or more testing devices with GPS time synchronization are needed. Thus, from one line end is possible to start both the local and remote testing devices based on the accurate time synchronization and to simulate in-zone faults and outerzone faults as well. Functionality checks of circuit breakers trip and reclose, close/open commands, teleprotection scheme and interlocking are to be done according to a detailed procedure taking into account the substation layout and the protection and control system philosophy. The final confirmation of proper behaviour of the protection system according to the actual load flow is done by the on-load tests on energised equipment. Checking of the correct on-line direction of currents and voltages for all protection and control devices is the nearest test to real conditions. During this test reading out the values of currents, voltages, active and reactive power for both control and protection relays is the common way to confirm the proper connection of the relays. In addition triggering of disturbance recordings and analysing them offers valuable information of relay behaviour under load conditions. 5. Conclusions Different connection solutions for RES are developed, voltage level and size dependent. Some of the actual state-of-art, common met in the Romanian Power System were presented in the paper. New philosophies and procedures for protection organization, setting calculation and coordination, as well as testing were examined to improve the integration of these new generation units. The paper emphasized on the impact of medium size RES units on the protection systems and on the way that these difficulties can be solved. The single tie line connection arrangement to integrate medium size generators face the protection engineer to challenges regarding protection functions selection, calculation of settings and their coordination. The use of the line differential protection function together with a back-up distance protection function is a suitable solution. However, some difficulties 8 have to be solved to improve the total fault clearance time of the distance protection function trip, in case of differential protection failure. One solution is to make use of the communication channel among the multi-functional relays of the line ends to implement additional logic. Another important fact is to cope with the small amount of short-circuit contribution of RES generators and on methods of islanding detection and clearance. Besides the traditional islanding methods based on frequency and voltage protection functions, the paper has shown a method based on a wide-area detection scheme using phasor measurement units . Testing of the overall protection system becomes more difficult due to the large number of used protection functions and due to use of the line differential protection for lines with several line ends. Robust and flexible numerical testing devices are needed, but much more strong and diverse knowledge for the protection engineer is a must. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] R.A. Walling, E. Gursoy, B. English “Current Contribution from Type 3 and Type 4 Wind Turbine Generators During Faults”, PES IEEE Detroit 2011 [2] F. Katiraei a.o., “Investigation of Solar PV Inverters Current Contributions during Faults on Distribution and Transmission Systems Interrupting Capacity”, Western Protective Relay Conference, October, 2012 [3] H. J. A. Ferrer, E. O. Schweitzer III, “Modern Solutions for Protection, Control, and Monitoring of Electric Power Systems”, ISBN 978-0-9725026-3-4, chapter 5 [4] IEEE Standard C37.113 “IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Transmission Lines” [5] G. Ziegler, “Numerical Distance Protection”, ISBN 978-3-89578-318-0, Publics Corporate Publishing, Erlangen, 2008 9