329/BT/(I) BT/35/EC(EE)-301/T/ODD/13-14 ii) In VCO, the frequency is dependent on the value of 2013-14 a) Resistance B. TECH–EE (3rd Sem) b) Inductance Paper Name : Analog Electronic Circuits Paper Code : EC(EE)-301 Full Marks : 70 Time : 3 Hours The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. Separate answer booklet to be used for Part - A and Part - B c) Capacitance d) Voltage iii) The ripple factor is lowest in a) Half-wave rectifier without filter b) Full-wave rectifier without filter c) Full-wave rectifier with capacitor fiber d) Full-wave rectifier with capacitor filter and using a Zener diode. PART - A iv) For a square input of a differentiator, the output (Marks : 35) becomes GROUP-A (Multiple Choice Type Questions) 1. Choose the correct alternatives from the following: 1×5=5 i) Positive feedback amplifier is used to get a) Power amplifier b) Oscillator c) Current to voltage converter d) Voltage amplifier v) a) trangular b) sin wave c) spike d) parabolic The maximum theoretical efficiency of Class A amplifier can be [Turn over] 329/BT/(I) a) 90% b) 60% c) 25% d) 50% [2] GROUP-B (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer any three of the following. 2. c) transistor of CE, CC and CB modes. 5×3=15 Discuss the advantages of MOSFET over other transistors. Mention some of its uses. 4+1 3. Explain the difference between Class A and Class B amplifiers. Discuss how a push-pull amplifier can be used as power amplifier. 1+4 4. Explain the stability factor and thermal run-away of a transistor. With the help of circuit diagram discuss the operation of CE mode transistor amplifier. 2+3 5. What is advantages of Op-Amp? Discuss different uses of Op-Amps in practical circuits. 2+3 6. 8. a) Explain b) the characteristics of a bipolar What is load line? How it helps for different classes of amplifier circuits? c) Draw the circuit of self biasing arrangement of a npn transistor. How this arrangement improves the stability factor against temperature variation. Give some practical values against temperature variation. 9. a) 4+4+7 Draw and explain the operation of a astable multivibrator. b) With a neat diagram explain the operation of a square wave generator and hence prove that the frequency of the oscillator depends on the circuit parameters. c) With the help of circuit diagram explain one clipper circuit. GROUP-C (Long Answer Type Questions) Answer any one of the following. 15×1=15 6+6+3 Explain h-parameter and why it is used in amplifier of a transistor circuits. b) With the help of a basic amplifier circuit find out the expressions of current gain, voltage gain and input impedance using this parameter. 329/BT/(I) [3] [Turn over] 4+8+3 transistor amplifier circuits. Draw and explain the circuit diagram of an emitter follower. Discuss its uses and how to improve the gain. 3+2 7. a) Discuss the typical h-parameter values for a 329/BT/(I) [4] PART - B iv) (Marks : 35) GROUP : A (Multiple Choice Type Questions) 10. Choose the correct alternatives from the following: 1×5=5 i) Operational amplifiers may be used as a) a power amplifier b) a non-inverting voltage amplifier c) voltage multiplier d) logic gates ii) A voltage to current converter circuit should have a) very high input impedance and low output impedance b) low input impedance and low ouput impedance c) low input impedance and high output impedance d) very high input impedance and very high output impedance. iii) Power amplifier produces maximum harmonic distortion if it operates in a) Class A mode b) Class B mode c) Class C mode d) Class A-B mode. 329/BT/(I) [5] [Turn over] v) To realize integration and differentiation of an electrical signal we use a) common emitter amplifier b) emitter follower c) operational amplifier d) common base amplifier. A rectangular pulse feed at the input of a circuit produces ramp The circuit is a) an integrator b) differentiator c) emitter follower d) rectifier GROUP : B (Short Answer Type Questions) Answer any three of the following. 11. 5×3=15 Explain how an operational amplifier be configured as adder of two voltage signal. 12. With neat circuit diagram explain the functions of a current to voltage converter. 13. With a suitable circuit diagram explain the functions of a transformer coupled Class-A power amplifier. Why this type of amplifiers are not normally used for power amplification? 14. With proper illustration discuss the principle of monostable, bistable and astable multivibrator. 329/BT/(I) [6] 15. Explain the functioning of an inverting amplifier using operational amplifier. GROUP-C (Long Answer Type Questions) Answer any one of the following: 16. a) 15×1=15 Draw the circuit diagram of a transformer coupled Class B amplifier. b) Explain the functioning of the amplifier. c) Derive the expression of power efficiency of this amplifier. 17. a) With a neat diagram discuss the functioning of a differential amplifier. b) Derive the expression of CMRR. 18. With suitable circuit diagram, discuss the realization of astable multivibrator using 555IC Timer. How the frequency of oscillation may be varied? Illustrate with suitable example. ____________ 329/BT/(I) [7]