Feburary, 2014 - Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club

The Kaw Valley Amateur Radio Club Newsletter
February 2014
Editor: Doug Dunton
ARRL Affiliated Since 1926
2014 Club Officers
President: Paul Mills
Secretary: Susan Sims
Treasurer: Paul Bayless
Under the direction of Doug Dunton, WD0DBS, this club has been frequently doing Ham Classes. A
couple of years have passed, so I felt it appropriate to reflect on the process a bit. One of the
motivations for this reflection is the criticism I frequently see and hear about the process and results.
Almost every time I pick up a publication about “Ham Radio” I hear how bad things are in the ham
community. These criticisms frequently complain about the way people operate, or even that they know
nothing, because they just memorize the test and answers. There are even those who are still hung up
on the code requirement having been dropped. As such, I would like to reflect on the process at Kaw
Valley Amateur Radio Club, and address some of these issues.
We have just finished, back to back classes for Technician, General, and Extra. In classroom time
invested by teachers and examiners is around 300 man-hours. I have been involved in all of these
classes, but of these, I have spent the most time, in and out of class on the Extra Class. To me it was
most gratifying to see 12 individuals pass the Extra exam. One decided he was not ready yet, and plans
to take the test soon. And of those who did not pass, all plan to continue study and retry again soon.
The question pool for the Extra is 701 questions, of those each exam has 50 questions. That means that
there are 14 questions for every one that will be seen on an exam. The person taking the test has no
idea which 50 questions he will see. Hardly the kind of thing that many are apt to memorize. Now, there
are things one can do to help remember … Just ask anyone in the class how many times they heard
“ELI the ICE man.” Oops! None of them learned the resistor color code, “Bad boys…”, but that is not on
the test!
Some sections are harder than others, and this time we spent a lot of time on the “Circuits and
Resonance for All” section. And this old man’s feet got tired and his mind a bit loopy by the time we
were done with that section. But it was gratifying to see some eager to do some math on the exam.
When I am teaching any class, I expect interaction with students, and watch faces. That is how I know if
the message is getting through. Not a perfect science, but is a good indicator. I must admit that there
were some that I really wondered about up through the second week of Extra Class, but by the time for
them to take the test, I was confident that 90% had the knowledge to pass. Students, well done!
Now as we turn these guys and gals loose on the Ham world, your job is to make them good operators.
No class can do that, but your good example can go a long way toward doing that!
A special thanks to Doug Dunton (WD0DBS), Bill Kuhn (NO0OO), Susan Sims (KD0ODN) for teaching
classes at all levels, and Dennis Miller (KC0AQE), Doug Bluthardt (AC0RS), Todd Brandenburg (K0KAN)
for exam sessions.
Reminder: We are now going into the second month of the year. Be sure to renew your club
membership, if you have not already.
Have another wonder filled month!
73 de AC0HY
Message from the Editor:
Please ask all of your ham buddies if they got their copy. If not, and they want to, they can sign up at
www.kvarc.org. We plan on sending this to all hams in the immediate area and also any others that
request (in the area and not, members of KVARC or not).
Please help me out. If you hear of a news story (amateur radio based of course), please send it to me at
wd0dbs@arrl.net. Especially if you think others would be interested. Also pictures of local hams doing
ham things. New or old. If you would like to help out by writing stories, that would be great too.
Annual 2014 Membership form at KVARC Application
Ham FAQ: For Hams new to the area or are just licensed - Ham FAQ
KVARC Club meeting February 7rd 7:30pm. This will be at the Topeka Shawnee County Library.
Topeka, KS
Regular test session at Feb 14 at Topeka Library at 2pm. Pre-register with Paul at
Regular test session at March 14 at Carbondale City Hall at 7pm. Pre-register with Paul at
Tuesday night ARES net on 145.27 at 830pm
NEW NET! - Thursday night Carbondale net 800pm on 147.30+ KB0WTH repeater
Wednesday night simplex net on 147.440 at 730pm run by KB0WOW –Dan
Free Technician class – April 5th and 12th at the Topeka Shawnee County Library. Testing on the
12th at 1 pm(there is a fee for the test) contact ham.class@kvarc.org for details and sign up.
There is a flyer attached to the end of the newsletter
Other info:
To sign up for this newsletter, Go to www.kvarc.org web site and fill in the request box with
your email address. Also, we will post these on the web site as soon as possible for you to download. If
you are receiving this newsletter and wish not to, please send an email to me at wd0dbs@arrl.net. If
there are any inaccuracies, please let me know so I can put out a correction.
The American Legion Amateur Radio Club
In January 2005, the Legion signed an agreement with the Department of Homeland
Security to support emergency disaster preparedness. Subsequently, the Disaster
Preparedness Booklet was made available to posts. Amateur-radio support was an integral
The American Legion has formed a special entity to provide a forum for military
veterans who today are engaged in a hobby that can also provide emergency
communications "when all else fails." During the May 2011 Spring Meetings, the National
Executive Committee authorized the establishment of The American Legion Amateur Radio
Club (TALARC).
The club has established an amateur radio station at National Headquarters with the
call sign K9TAL (K9 The American Legion) in order to conduct special-event operations on
The American Legion Birthday, Veterans Day, etc.; operate SKYWARN during local severe
weather; and provide members an opportunity to operate the station during visits to National
Headquarters. A special QSL card is provided to all amateur radio stations that work K9TAL
on the air.
Membership is free for all licensed amateur radio operators who are members of The
American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion.
Web site: http://www.legion.org/hamradio/about
Monthly TALARC Net Schedule
75 METERS, EVERY SATURDAY, 3919 KHz, 1800 CST (0000 UTC) with Art, KG4EYG
20 METERS, 2ND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH, 14.310 MHz, 1100 CST (1700 UTC)
with Bill, KI0CW
40 METERS, 2ND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH, 7.238 MHz, 1700 EST (2200 UTC)or
immediately following the Drake Technical Net,
with Craig, W3CRR
The TALARC IRLP Net, for those of you with UHF/VHF and access to a local IRLP
repeater, is held the second Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. Eastern (1900 UTC) on the
IRLP Channel 9205.
Other modes: K9TAL is not yet set up for digital modes – but we plan to install that
capability very soon, or enlist volunteer Net Controls who would like to give it a go. We'll
keep you posted.
As always, we look for opportunities to improve, so send your suggestions to the Ham
Radio Forum at www.legion.org/forum, or directly to k9tal@legion.org.
Thunderstorm Preparedness
While we all may not be members of a voluntary emergency communication group, it is
important that we all remember that our own families and community always come first! This
month’s preparedness topic will focus on thunderstorm preparedness.
Before lightning strikes...
Keep an eye on the sky. Look for darkening skies, flashes of light, or increasing wind.
Listen for the sound of thunder.
If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning. Go
to safe shelter immediately.
Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for the latest weather
When a storm approaches...
Find shelter in a building or car. Keep car windows closed and avoid convertibles.
Telephone lines and metal pipes can conduct electricity. Unplug appliances. Avoid using
the telephone or any electrical appliances. (Leaving electric lights on, however, does not
increase the chances of your home being struck by lightning.)
Avoid taking a bath or shower, or running water for any other purpose.
Turn off the air conditioner. Power surges from lightning can overload the compressor,
resulting in a costly repair job!
Draw blinds and shades over windows. If windows break due to objects blown by the
wind, the shades will prevent glass from shattering into your home.
If caught outside...
If you are in the woods, take shelter under the shorter trees.
If you are boating or swimming, get to land and find shelter immediately!
Protecting yourself outside...
Go to a low-lying, open place away from trees, poles, or metal objects. Make sure the
place you pick is not subject to flooding.
Be a very small target! Squat low to the ground. Place your hands on your knees with
your head between them. Make yourself the smallest target possible.
Do not lie flat on the ground--this will make you a larger target!
After the storm passes...
Stay away from storm-damaged areas.
Listen to the radio for information and instructions.
If someone is struck by lightning...
People struck by lightning carry no electrical charge and can be handled safely.
Call for help. Get someone to dial 9-1-1 or your local Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) number.
The injured person has received an electrical shock and may be burned, both where they
were struck and where the electricity left their body. Check for burns in both places.
Being struck by lightning can also cause nervous system damage, broken bones, and loss
of hearing or eyesight.
Give first aid. If breathing has stopped, begin rescue breathing. If the heart has stopped
beating, a trained person should give CPR. If the person has a pulse and is breathing,
look and care for other possible injuries. Learn first aid and CPR by taking a Red Cross
first aid and CPR course. Call your local Red Cross chapter for class schedules and
Disasters can strike quickly and without warning. As volunteers in the emergency services, we
must all remain ready to protect our families and our community while leading others by
National Weather Service www.nws.noaa.gov
Doug Bluthardt
Congratulations to our new Extras!
Ken Sanders
Perry Taylor
Craig Paul
Rob Zachritz
Larry Timberlake
Judy Riniker
John Dorsh
Les Callapp
Bob Hitt
Julie Hitt
Kenny Sieh
Terry McDonald
A big Thank You to Bill Kuhn, Susan Sims, Paul Mills for their time as instructors.
And Thanks to the VE’s, Dennis Miller, Bill Reinsch, Todd Brandenburg!
Found after testing last Saturday: 1 coat w/hood please let WD0DBS know if it is yours. I will have it at
the club meeting if not claimed by then. Wd0dbs@arrl.net
Brad Hutton (KA0DOR) emailed on Jan 28th to say. David Holdmeyer(KA0EPE) a past member passed
away this AM. We were both active late 70s to early 90s. David moved to Springfield Mo. Early 2000s. I
know he still has friends in the Ham community in Topeka area. Could you please get the word out to
the membership. 73s.
Dennis Miller(KC0AQE) has Wilson 3 element beam for sale. Contact him on the air or at
Please send any equipment you have for sale and I will include in next month’s issue
ARRL Affiliate since 1926
Courtesy of: http://www.qsl.net/k4adl/
Taking the Extra test
Our VE’s for the day! Thanks guys!
Ham Radio
Technician Class!
Amateur Radio, often called
“Ham Radio,” has consistently been
the most reliable means
of communications in emergencies when
other systems failed or were overloaded.
Would you like to get your Ham Radio License?
When: April 5, 12, from 9:00am-5pm
Where: Topeka Shawnee County Public Library
Exam Date: Apr 12 at 1pm
To register for the Tech class send an email
to ham.class@kvarc.org
(no charge for the class, but there is for the test)
Reply by April 4, 2014 to register