COURSE OUTLINE 1. GENERAL SCHOOL TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS DEPARTMENT COMPUTER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING LEVEL OF STUDY UNDERGRADUATE SEMESTER OF STUDY 4th COURSE UNIT CODE 244403 COURSE TITLE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING COURSEWORK BREAKDOWN Lectures COURSE UNIT TYPE PREREQUISITES : LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION/EXAMS: COURSE DELIVERED TO ERASMUS STUDENTS MODULE WEB PAGE (URL) TEACHING WEEKLY HOURS 2 Laboratory 2 Total 4 ECTS Credits 4 Compulsory NONE Greek Yes in English 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES Learning Outcomes This course will develop digital signal processing (DSP) theory and methods with the following objectives: Understand the significance of digital signal processing in multi-media technology, storage and communications. Familiarity with fundamental concepts such as 'linearity' , 'time-invariance', 'impulse response', 'convolution', 'frequency response', 'z-transforms' and the 'discrete time Fourier transform'. as applied to signal processing systems. Knowledge of digital filters and their application to digitised sound and images. Understand how FIR and IIR type digital filters: may be designed and implanted in software. Use the "MATLAB" language and "signal processing toolboxes" for designing, implementing and simulating digital signal processing (DSP) operations as applied to speech, music and images.. Understand analogue/digital conversion as required for the digital processing of analogue signals. Understand the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), its applications and its implementation by FFT techniques. Gain some knowledge of the 2-D FFT and its application to image processing and compression. General Skills Teamwork 3. COURSE CONTENTS The following gives a list of topics, covered in the course : Theory 1. Introduction: What is signal processing, history of the topic, application examples. 2. Discrete-time (DT) signals: the discrete-time complex exponential, and a computer music synthesis example. 3. Digital Signal Processing and DSP Systems 4. Model of DSP Systems 5. Z Transform 6. Fourier Analysis: The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and series (DFS). 7. The discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT). Examples. 8. The fast Fourier transform algorithm (FFT). 9. Linear Filters: Linear time-invariant systems, convolution, ideal and realizable filters. 10. Filter design and implementation, examples. 11. Interpolation and Sampling: Continuous-time (CT) signals, interpolation, sampling. 12. The sampling theorem. Processing of CT signals in DT. 13. DSP, Tools, DSP and the Future Laboratory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Discrete-Time Signals in the Time Domain Discrete-Time Systems in the Time Domain Discrete-Time Signals in the Frequency Domain LTI Discrete-Time Systems in the Frequency Domain Digital Processing of Continuous-Time Signals Digital Filter Structures Digital Filter Design Digital Filter Implementation 4. TEACHING METHODS - ASSESSMENT MODE OF DELIVERY Face to Face USE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY TEACHING METHODS ASSESSMENT METHODS Using computers to assist in teaching and learning Method description Lectures Labs Preparation for the lab Semester Workload 26 26 10 Self study 38 Total 100 Final exam (40%) Coursework 20% Written lab exams (40%) 5. RESOURCES - Recommended Book and Journal Article Resources: 1. 2. 3. 4. Advanced Topics in Digital Signal Processing, by John G. Proakis, Charles Rader, and Fuyun Ling, Prentice Hall, 1992 Analog and Digital Filter Design Using C (Book/Disk), 1/e , by Leslie D. Thede , Prentice Hall, 1996 Digital Signal Processing , by Oppenheim, Prentice Hall, 1988 Signals and Systems Laboratory With Matlab by Palamides A., Veloni A., CRC Press, 2010