Ohaus Corporation 29 Hanover Road Florham Park, NJ 07932-0900 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Balances Go Bac k Hei p Prin 0% t WE IGH T >O/T < CO NT RA ST MO VE 0.0 100 0 G HIG RAM HL S IGH T % OHAU MA STAB IN ME LE NU S ® Ent er >O/T < Go Bac k Hel p Prin 0% t WE IGH T >O/T < CO NT RA ST MO VE 0.0 00 G HIG RAM HL S IGH T 100 % OHAU MA STAB IN L ME E NU S ® Ent er >O/T < Ohaus Corporation, 29 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey, 07932, USA Declaration of Conformity We, Ohaus Corporation, declare under our sole responsibility that the balance models listed below marked with “CE” - are in conformity with the directives and standards mentioned. Konformitätserkärung Wir, Ohaus Corporation, erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass die untenstehenden Waagentypen gekennzeichnet mit “CE” - mit den genannten Richtlinien und Norman übereinstimmen. Déclaration de conformité Nous, Ohaus Corporation, déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité, que les types de balance cidessous cité - munis de la mention «CE» - sont conformes aux directives et aux normes mentionnées ci-après. Declaración de Conformidad Nostras, Ohaus Corporation, declaramos bajo responsabilidad exclusiva que los modelos de balanzas indicados a continuación - con el distintivo ,CE’ - están conformes con las directivas y normas citadas. Dichiarazione di conformità Noi, Ohaus Corporation, U.S.A, dichiariamo sotto nostra unica responsabilità, che i tipi di bilance specificati di seguito - contrassegnati con la marcatura “CE” - sono conformi alle direttive e norme citate. Balance Type/Waagentyp/Type de balance/Modelo de balanza/Tipo di biliancia Explorer and Voyager Marked with: gekennzeichnet mit: munis de la mention: con el distintivo: contrassegnati con la marcatura: Year of attachment of the CE mark Jahr der ersten Eichung Année de la premère vérification Año de la primera verificación annodella prima verifica 96 122 M T2914 Directive Richtlinie Directive Directiva Direttiva Standard Norm Norme Norma Norma EU EU EU EU EU IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 73/23 Low Voltage 73/23 Niederspannung 73/23 Basse tension 73/23 Baja tensión 73/23 Bassa tensione & EN60950:1992 Safety Regulations & EN60950:1992 Sicherheitsbestimmungen & EN60950:1992 Consignes de sécurité & EN60950:1992 Disposiciones sobre seguridad & EN60950:1992 Prescrizioni . di sicurezza EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Electromagnetic compatibility EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 elektromagnetische EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Compatibilité électromagnétique EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Compatibilidad electromagnética EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Compatibilità elettromagnetica EN55022:1987 Emissions EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunity EN55022:1987 Funkstörungen EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunität EN55022:1987 Emissions parasites EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunité EN55022:1987 Radiointerferencias EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Inmunidad EN55022:Verträglichkeit 1987 Radiointerferenze EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunità EU 90/384 NAWI EU 90/384 FNSW EU 90/384 BFNA EU 90/384 PBNA EU 90.384 BFNA EN45501:1992 Non Automatic Weighing Instruments EN45501:1992 für nicht selbsttätige Waagen EN45501:1992 balances à fonctionnement non automatique EN45501:1992 para balanzas no automátäcas EN45501:1992 per bilance a funzionamento non automatics ISO 9001 Certificate for Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation, USA, was examined and evaluated in 1994 by the Bureau Veritas Quality International, BVQI, and was awarded the ISO 9001 certificate. This certifies that Ohaus Corporation, USA, has a quality system that conforms with the international standards for quality management and quality assurance (ISO 9000 series). Repeat audits are carried out by BVQI at intervals to check that the quality system is operated in the proper manner. ISO 9001-Zertifikat für Ohaus Corporation. Die Firma Ohaus Corporation, USA, wurde 1994 durch die Bureau Veritas Quality International BVQI geprüft, und erhielt das ISO 9001 Zertifikat. Dieses bescheinigt, dass Ohaus Corporation, USA über ein Qualitätssystem verfügt, welches den internationalen Normen für Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitátssicherung (ISO 9000er-Reihe) entspricht. Anlässlich von Wiederhol-Audits durch die BVQI wird periodisch überprüft, ob das Qualitätssystem zweckmässig gehandhabt. Certificat ISO 9000 pour Ohaus Corporation. La société Ohaus Corporation, USA, a été contrôlée en 1994 par Bureau Veritas Quality International BVQI et a obtenu le certificat, degré ISO 9001. Celui-ci atteste que Ohaus Corporation, USA, dispose d’un système qualité correspondant aux normes internationales pour la gestion de la qualité et pour I’assurance qualité (degré ISO 9000). Des audits réguliers effectués par la BVQI vérifient si le système qualité est appliqué de facon appropriée. Certificado ISO 9001 para Ohaus Corporation. La firma Ohaus Corporation, USA, ha sido inspeccionada por la Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI) y ha obtenido el certificado ISO 9001. Esto acredita que Ohaus Corporation, USA, dispone de un sistema de calidad que cumple las normas internacionales para gestión y garantfa de calidad (ISO serie 9000). Con ocasión de las inspecciones de repetibilidad por parte de la BVQI, se comprueba periódicamente si el sistema de calidad se manipula de forma correcta. Certificato ISO 9001 per la Ohaus Corporation. ll sistema di garanzia della qualità della Società Ohaus Corporation, USA è certificato ISO 9001 sin dal 1994 dall Bureau Veritas Quality International BVQI, e così fomice la dimostrazione che il suo sistema die Garanzia Qualità soddisfa i massimi requisite. ll sistema della garanzia della qualità Ohaus Corporation viene verificato periodicamente dall BVQI, dando cosi evidenza di. James Ohaus President John Enterline Marketing Manager Notice Certified scales,scales used for legal applications have the general type designation E...5 / V...5 and EU type Approval (T2914). The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. Such scales are verified in the factory and carry the "M" mark on the actual scale and the packaging. The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. If the letter M is shown against a solid background, the scale may be put into operation immediately. Should the background be partitioned and hatched, the scale must be verified at its place of use by the certified Ohaus service. If national regulations limit the duration of the validity of the verification certificate in individual countries, the end user of such a scale is personally responsible for arranging the repeat verification in good time. Hinweise Geeichte/eichpflichtige Waagen tragen die allgemeine Typenbezeichnung E... 5 / V...5. Für sie liegt eine EU Bauartzulassung vor (T2914). Das Jahr der ersten ist neben dem CE Zeichen aufgeführt. Solche Waagen sind ab Werk geeich und tragen die Kennzeichnung "M" auf dem Gerät selbst und auf der Verpackung. Erscheint der Buchstab M auf vollem Grund, darf die Waage sofort in Betrieb genommen werden. Ist der Grund geteilt und schraffiert, muss die Waage am Verwendungsort durch den zertifizierten Ohaus Service ortsgeeicht werden. Sofern gemäss den nationalen Vorschriften in den einzelnen Staaten die Güitigkeitsdauer der Eichung beschränkt ist, ist der Betreiber einer soichen Waage Für die rechtzeitige Nacheichung selbst verantwortlich. Remarques Les balances vérifiées/admissibles à la vérification portent la désignation de modèle générale E...5 / V ... 5. Elles font l’objet d’une approbation de modèle UE (T2914). L’année de la vérification primitive est indiquée à côté de la marque CE. Ces balances sont vérifidées d’origine et portent la marque "M" sur I’appareil lui-même et sur l’emballage, Si la lettre M apparaît sur un fond totalement vert, la balance peut être mise en service immédiatement. Si le fond est divisé et hachuré, la balance doit être vérifiée sur le lieu d’ustilisation par le service après-vente Ohaus certifié. Dans les pays où la durée de validité de la vérification est limitée par des prescriptions nationales, l’utilisateur est lui-même responsable de la vérification ultérieure d’une telle balance en temps voulu. Notas Las balanzas verificadas/verificables llevan la designatión general E...5 / V ...5 y cuentan con una aprobación de modelo UE (T2914). EL año de la primera verficación está indicado al lado del distintivo CE. Estas balanzas están verificadas en fábrica y Ilevan la designatión "M" sobre el propio aparato y sobre el embalaje. Cuando la letra M aparece sobre fondo sólido, la balanza se puede poner inmediatamente en funcionamiento. Si el fondo está dividido y rayado, la balanza ha de ser verificada en el lugar de uso por el sevicio técnico Ohaus certificado. Si la duración de la validez de la verificación está limitada de acuerdo con las normas de los distintos países, el propio usuario de tal balanza es responsable de la verificación posterior a su debido tiempo. Avvertenza Le bilance approvate hanno la denominazione del modello E... 5 / V ...5. Per esse esiste un’appprovazione CE del tipo. L’anno delia prima verifica è indicato a fianco della marcatura CE. I tipi marcati con un contrassegno "M" su sfondo verde pieno possono essere impiegati da subito. I tipi marcati con ii contrassegno "M" su sfondo nero/barrato diagonalmente dovranno essere verificati sul luogo d’installazione da parte d’un tecnico autorizzato dal Servizio Assistenza Ohaus o ispettore dell’Ufficio Metrico. Queste bilance sono state verificate in fabbrica e recano il contrassegno "M" sull’apparecchio stesso, e sull’imballo. É obbligo dell’untente denunciare la detenzione dello str umento all’ufficio metrico competente per territorio e sottoporio alia prescritta verifica periodica come da disposizioni ministeriali. NOTE: THIS EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND FOUND TO COMPLY WITH THE LIMITS FOR A CLASS A DIGITAL DEVICE, PURSUANT TO PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. THESE LIMITS ARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE REASONABLE PROTECTION AGAINST HARMFUL INTERFERENCE WHEN THE EQUIPMENT IS OPERATED IN A COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT. THIS EQUIPMENT GENERATES, USES, AND CAN RADIATE RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY AND, IF NOT INSTALLED AND USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL, MAY CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE TO RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT IN A RESIDENTIAL AREA IS LIKELY TO CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE IN WHICH CASE THE USER WILL BE REQUIRED TO CORRECT THE INTERFERENCE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE CLASS A LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL APPARATUS AS SET OUT IN THE INTERFERENCE-CAUSING EQUIPMENT STANDARD ENTITLED “DIGITAL APPARATUS”, ICES-003 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS. CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE RESPECTE LES LIMITES DE BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILS NUMERIQUES DE CLASSE A PRESCRITES DANS LA NORME SUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR : “APPAREILS NUMERIQUES”, NMB-003 EDICTEE PAR LE MINISTRE DES COMMUNICATIONS. Unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment are not permitted. TABLE OF CONTENTS OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS ....................................................................................................................... 1 1. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BALANCE ...................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2 2. INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Unpacking and Checking the Standard Equipment ...................................................................................... 2 2.2 Selecting the Location .................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3 Setting Up and Leveling the Balance ............................................................................................................ 3 2.4 Installing Cover Plate and Pan ..................................................................................................................... 4 2.5 Installing Wind Shield ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.6 Connecting Power ........................................................................................................................................ 4 3. OPERATING YOUR BALANCE ................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 Main Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Turning on the Balance ................................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Calibration .................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.3.1 Auto Calibration (AutoCalTM) ..................................................................................................................... 7 3.3.2 Span Calibration ....................................................................................................................................... 8 3.3.3 Linearity calibration ................................................................................................................................... 9 3.3.4 User Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... 10 3.3.5 Calibration Test ...................................................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Setting Measuring Unit ............................................................................................................................... 12 3.5 Basic Weighing ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.6 Parts Counting ........................................................................................................................................... 14 3.6.1 Easy Count ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.6.2 Advanced Counting ................................................................................................................................ 15 3.7 Filling ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 3.8 Animal Weighing ........................................................................................................................................ 17 3.9 Check Weighing ......................................................................................................................................... 18 3.10 Differential Weighing .................................................................................................................................. 19 3.11 Formulation ................................................................................................................................................ 21 3.12 Quick Check Weighing ............................................................................................................................... 24 3.13 Statistics ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.14 Density ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.14.1 Balance Preparation with Density Kit .................................................................................................... 26 i TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) 3.14.2 Solid Density Determinations ................................................................................................................... 27 3.14.3 Improving the accuracy of the Result of Solid Density Determinations ..................................................... 30 3.14.4 Liquid Density Determinations .................................................................................................................. 30 3.15 Library ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 3.16 Printing Data .............................................................................................................................................. 32 4. SETTING UP YOUR BALANCE ................................................................................................................. 34 4.1 Readout ..................................................................................................................................................... 34 4.2 Interface ..................................................................................................................................................... 35 4.3 Print Option ................................................................................................................................................ 36 4.4 Setup GLP .................................................................................................................................................. 39 4.5 Set Time/Date ............................................................................................................................................ 40 4.6 Auto Calibration .......................................................................................................................................... 41 4.7 Print current Settings .................................................................................................................................. 42 4.8 Reset 4.9 Lock Out ..................................................................................................................................................... 44 ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 4.10 Custom Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 45 4.11 Menu Lock-Out Protection .......................................................................................................................... 46 4.12 Legal for Trade (LFT) ................................................................................................................................. 47 5. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ...................................................................................................................... 48 5.1 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 48 5.2 RS232 Interface ......................................................................................................................................... 49 5.3 Error Codes List ......................................................................................................................................... 52 5.4 Information Messages ................................................................................................................................ 52 5.5 Service Information .................................................................................................................................... 53 5.6 Replacement Parts ..................................................................................................................................... 53 5.7 Accessories ................................................................................................................................................ 53 5.8 Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 54 ii OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS 1 6 8 2 WEIGHT Go Back 0% 3 4 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT 9 Enter STABLE MAIN MENU 7 10 Go Ba ck He lp Print 5 0% WE IGH T >O/T < CO NT RA ST MO VE 0.0 00 G HIG RAM HLI S GH T 11 100 % OHAU MA STAB IN LE ME NU S® En ter >O/T < 12 No. Designation 1 Function LCD display on off button. 2 Go Back button Permits going back in menus. 3 Help button Provides additional information on subject displayed in the current menu. 4 5 Print button When pressed, prints data either on an external printer or computer. 5 >O/T< button 6 button When pressed, sets balance to zero. When pressed, travels up through menu options and selects alpha numeric characters. 7 button When pressed, travels down through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 8 button When pressed, travels to the left through displays. 9 button When pressed, travels to the right through displays. 10 Enter button When pressed, accepts item on display. 11 Leveling feet Used to level the balance. 12 Leveling indicator Indicates leveling position of the balance. 1 1. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR BALANCE Please read through this section carefully, as it contains important information for safe and economical operation of your Voyager Balance. 1.1 Introduction Thank you for deciding to purchase a Voyager Balance from Ohaus. Thanks to a new modular design, your Voyager Balance lets you adapt the balance to your changing needs. Remote displays, upgraded displays which can be table, wall or tower mounted are available as accessories. It offers a high level of operating convenience and useful functions to make accurate measurements. A new, large, graphic LCD panel with a 240 x 128 pixel resolution is a Back lighted, Cold Cathode Fluorescent (CCFL) type. Pop up displays makes operation of the balance extremely simple. The use of the up/down, left/right arrow panel buttons enable selections from the menus. The Enter button on the front panel when pressed permits any highlighted menu item to be enabled. A Go Back button permits going back up to three levels in any menu. A Help button provides assistance when required. Panel controls are clearly marked as to their function with large Tare buttons on either side of the front panel. Operation and setup of the balance is straightforward and easy. The Voyager Balance is available in a variety of full scale capacities ranging from 62 grams to 8,100 grams with dual range models available. Legal for Trade versions are available. Behind your instrument stands OHAUS, a leading manufacturer of scales, balances and analytical measuring instruments. Our Aftermarket Department is staffed with trained instrument technicians and is dedicated to provide you, the customer, with the fastest service possible in the event your instrument requires servicing. OHAUS also has a Customer Service Department to answer any inquiries regarding applications and accessories. To ensure you make full use of the possibilities offered by your Voyager balance, we advise you to read through these operating instructions very carefully. 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 Unpacking and Checking the Standard Equipment Open the package and remove the instrument and the accessories. Check the completeness of the delivery. The following accessories are part of the standard equipment of your new Voyager balance. Analytical Equipment • Pan 3.5 • Pan 4.75" • Pan 6" (0.01g units) • Pan 8" (0.1g units) • Draft Shield • Wind Shield (6" Pan Units, 0.01g) • AC Power Adapter • Instruction Manual • Warranty Card 62g, 110g, 210g 210/100g Capacity 210, 410, 410/100g 610g - 4100g 4100/1000g 6100g - 8100g ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ • Remove packing material from the instrument. • Check the instrument for transport damage. Immediately inform your Ohaus dealer if you have complaints or parts are missing. • Store all parts of the packaging. This packaging guarantees the best possible protection for the tranport of your instrument. 2 2.2 Selecting the Location The balance should always be used in an environment which is free from excessive air currents, corrosives, vibration, and temperature or humidity extremes. These factors will affect displayed weight readings. DO NOT install the balance: • Next to open windows or doors causing drafts or rapid temperature changes. Go • Near air conditioning or heat vents. Back Heip 0% Print WEI GHT >O/T < CON TRA ST MOV GRA E HIGH MS LIGH 0.0 0 T 100 % STA MAIN BLE MEN U OHAUS ® Enter >O/T < • Near vibrating, rotating or reciprocating equipment. • Near magnetic fields or equipment that generates magnetic fields. • On an unlevel work surface. Go Back Heip Print 0% WEI GHT >O/T < CON TRA ST MOV E HIGGRA HLIGMS HT 0.0 0 STA BLE N MEN U • Allow sufficient space around the instrument for ease of operation and keep away from radiating heat sources. 100 % MAI OHAUS ® Go Enter >O/T < Back Heip Print 0% WEI GHT >O/T < CON TRA ST MOV GRA E HIGH MS LIGH T 0.0 100 0 % STA MAIN BLE MEN U OHAUS ® Enter >O/T < 2.3 Setting Up and Leveling the Balance Exact horizontal positioning and stable installation are prerequisites for repeatable results. To compensate small irregularites or inclinations at the location, the instrument can be leveled. For exact horizontal positioning, the balance is equipped with a level indicator located at the front on the control panel and two leveling feet located at the rear of the balance. Position the balance in the intended operating location. Adjust the leveling feet at the rear of the balance until the air bubble in the indicator is centered. Leveling Indicator Go k lp 0% t WEI GH T < CO NT RA ST MOV 0.0 00 E HI GRAM GH LIGHS T 100% MAI STAB N M LE EN U OHA US ® NOTE: The instrument should be leveled each time its location is changed. Leveling Foot Bac He Prin >O/T Ent er >O/T < 3 2.4 Installing Cover Plate and Pan Balances in the range of 62g to 410g are shipped with the pan and the protective cover plate not installed. On balances equipped with a draft shield, slide open the side door and place the cover plate into position. Then, insert the pan into the center hole which is the measuring transducer. Higher capacity balances with 6" or 8" pans do not have a cover plate. Go Pan Ba ck He lp 0% Pri nt WEI GH T 0.0 CO >O/T NT RA < ST MOV 00 E HI GRAM GH LIGHS T 100% ST AB N M LE EN U MAI OHA US ® En ter Cover Plate >O/T < 2.5 Installing Wind Shield On 610g to 4100g balances with 0.01g resolution, a wind shield is required to reduce the possibility of air currents from disturbing the pan. When the wind shield is in place, air currents are deflected up over the pan. Make sure the wind shield is firmly snapped into place. Wind Shield Go Ba ck He ip Print 0% WE IGH T >O/T < CO NT RA ST MO VE 0.0 100 0 G HIG RAM HL S IGH T % OHAU MA STAB IN ME LE NU S® En ter >O/T < 2.6 Connecting Power Connect the AC Adapter supplied to the three pin connector located at the rear of the balance. The balance is now ready for operation. AC Adapter Connection Rear of Balance 4 3. OPERATING YOUR BALANCE 3.1 Main Menu The Voyager balance has one main menu from which all selections are made. Shown below is the normal weighing display screen and the main menu screen. MAIN MENU WEIGHT Go Back 100% Go Back 0.00 Help 0% Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION SET BALANCE Print Enter Enter LIBRARY STABLE MAIN MENU Main Menu Screen Weighing Display Screen MENU SELECTION The menus shown below are selected from the main menu screen by using the arrow buttons and pressing ENTER. The screens shown are all of the primary selections that can be made. By using the arrow buttons, further selections can be made in each menu to set parameters. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING FILLINGMODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS MAIN UNITS MENU CHANGE SET BALANCE LIBRARY DENSITY MILLIGRAMS GRAMS KILOGRAMS CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE PENNY WEIGHTS CARATS OUNCES TROY OUNCES GRAINS MENU CALIBRATION CUSTOM HONG KONG TAELS SINGAPORE TAELSEIGH SET BALANCE LIBRARY EXIT TO WEIGH HONG KONG TAELS SINGAPORE TAELS ROC TAELS CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE MOMMES POUNDS POUND OUNCES NEWTONS TICALS MENU CALIBRATION CUSTOM CUSTOM UNITS EXIT TO WEIGH CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION LIBRARY SET BALANCE LIBRARY SPAN LINEARITY USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION 5 SET BALANCE ;LIBRARY MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE SET BALANCE LIBRARY MAIN MENU CALIBRATE MAINMENU MENU CUSTOM SETUP CUSTOM MENU EXIT TO WEIGH CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE MAIN UNITS MENU CHANGE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE PARTS COUNTING FILLING ANIMALMODE WEIGHINGCHANGE UNITS CHANGE CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK STATISTICS CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU DENSITY MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET LOCK OUT CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE VERSION EXIT TO WEIGH LIBRARY EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU SET BALANCE ;LIBRARY 0.00% USED EXIT TO WEIGH SET BALANCE LIBRARY CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION SET BALANCE LIBRARY 3.2 Turning On the Balance The Voyager balance is ready to operate after the the installation procedures are performed. When the balance is first turned on and it completes its checks, and is calibrated, it can be used to weigh or tare materials without setting the menus. The balance is preset at the factory to weigh in grams It is recommended that you read this manual carefully and set the balance to operate for your specific applications using the procedures in Chapter 4 Setting up Your Balance and calibrate the balance before using. LCD Display On/Off To turn the balance LCD display ON, press the ON/OFF button (circled button with an I inside) located at the upper left-hand corner of the panel once. To turn OFF, press button again. Stabilization Before initially using the balance, allow time for it to adjust to its new environment. The balance only requires to be plugged in to warm up. Recommended warm up period is twenty (20) minutes. The internal circuits of the balance are powered whenever it is plugged into a power source. 3.3 Calibration Voyager balances offer a choice of five calibration methods: Automatic Calibration (AutoCalTM), Span Calibration, User Calibration, Linearity Calibration, and Calibration Test. • Span - Span calibration ensures that the balance reads correctly within specifications using two weight values: zero and a weight value at 100% of the balance’s full capacity. • Linearity - Linearity calibration minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balance’s weighing range. Three weight values are used: zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balances weighing range, and a weight value at or near the balance’s specified capacity. • User - User calibration is a method where the balance can be calibrated using a mass of known value by entering that value into the balance. • Calibration Test - Calibration test allows the stored calibration data to be tested against the current mass being used for the test. • AutoCalTM Automatic calibration (AutoCalTM) of the balance is accomplished by an internal mass. Calibration Menu Protection NOTES: • Calibration may be locked out to prevent unauthorized personnel from changing calibration. If calibration has been locked out, you can only access Internal Weight Calibration and Calibration Test. CALIBRATION MASSES CAPACITY 62g 110g 210g 410g 610g 2100g 4100g 6100g 8100g • To lock out calibration menu, after calibration, refer to the section titled Menu Lock-Out Protection. • Linearity, Span and User calibration are disabled for Type Approved/LFT balances. Calibration Masses Before beginning calibration, make sure masses are available. If you begin calibration and realize calibration masses are not available, exit the menu. The balance will retain previously stored calibration data. Calibration should be performed as necessary to ensure accurate weighing. Masses required to perform the procedures are listed in the adjacent table. LINEARITY MASSES 20g/50g 50g/100g 100g/200g 200g/400g 200g/500g 1000g/2000g 2000g/4000g 2000g/5000g 4000g/8000g SPAN ONLY MASSES 50g 100g 200g 400g 500g 2000g 4000g 5000g 8000g Masses must meet or exceed ASTM Class 1 Tolerance. Calibration masses are available as accessories. 6 3.3.1 Auto Calibration (AutoCalTM) On Voyager balances equipped with the AutoCalTM feature, calibration can be accomplished using an internal calibration mass. Auto calibration can be performed at any time providing the balance has warmed up to operating temperature. PROCEDURE WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% arrow button to select MAIN MENU. 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT • Press Enter button. Enter • Using the arrow buttons, select CALIBRATION. STABLE MAIN MENU • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select AUTOCAL. • Clear the pan. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS • Press Enter button, screen displays PLEASE WAIT, the balance is automatically calibrated and then returns to a weighing mode. SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CALIBRATE CUSTOM MENU SPAN RETURN TO CALIBRATION LINEARITY WEIGH USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION MAIN MENU CALIBRATE INTERNAL CALIBRATION SPAN LINPLEASEERARITY PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN USER MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE AND PRESS < ENTER > ... CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU CALIBRATE INTERNAL CALIBRATION SPAN RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LINPLEASEERARITY WEIGH PLEASE WAIT . . . USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION NOTE: AutoCalTM calibration uses an internal mass in the balance for calibration and is done automatically when selected. SET BALANCE LIBRARY SET BALANCE LIBRARY WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST 7 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 3.3.2 Span Calibration Span calibration normally requires that calibration be made using a mass equal to the full capacity of the balance, however, the Voyager balance can be calibrated using other lesser values as specified on the display. PROCEDURE WEIGHT 0% Go Back • Press 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • Press Enter button. Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • Using the arrow buttons, select CALIBRATION. • Press Enter button. • Press CHANGE UNITS arrow button and select SPAN. • Press Enter button. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE or • Clear the pan and press Enter button. SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER MODE UNITS CHANGE RETURNCHANGE TO CALIBRATION WEIGH CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CUSTOM MENU • Place indicated mass value on pan and press Enter button. SET BALANCE CALIBRATION • Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. LIBRARY • Press any button, balance returns to weighing mode. • Remove masses from the pan. MAIN MENU CALIBRATE INTERNAL CALIBRATION SPAN LINPLEASEERARITY PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN USER MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE AND PRESS < ENTER > ... CALIBRATION TEST MAIN MENU CALIBRATE AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH SPAN NOTE: The samples shown on the displays were for an 4.1kg balance. INTERNAL CALIBRATION LINPLEASEERARITY PLEASE WAIT . . . RETURN TO USER CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENUCHANGE CHANGE UNITS MODE WEIGH CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CALIBRATE SPAN CALIBRATION SPAN LIBRARY CALIBRATION LINPLEASEERARITY PLEASE PUT: 4000.00 G ON PAN. USERAND PRESSCHANGE < ENTERUNITS > ... CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL OTHER WEIGHTS MAY BE USED: EXIT TO WEIGH 3000 2000 1000 CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION LIBRARY MAIN MENU CALIBRATE INTERNAL CALIBRATION SPAN LINPLEASEERARITY PLEASE WAIT . . . USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE CALIBRATION TEST MAIN MENU CALIBRATE AUTOCAL ENTER USER CAL VALUE EXIT TO WEIGH SPAN SPAN CALIBRATION 0 LINEARITY CUSTOM MENU WEIGHT Go Back CALIBRATION Print CONTRAST LIBRARY 8 100% 0.00 Help SPAN CALCHANGE SUCCESSFULLY LIBRARY USER MODE CALIBRATION UNITS DONE! CHANGE SET BALANCE UP/DOWN TO SCROLL CHARACTERS THE LAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL CALIBRATION TEST LEFT/RIGHT TOCAL MOVE AND LAST IS: CURSOR AUTOCAL ENTER TO ACCEPT 0.01 GRAMS EXIT TO WEIGH BACK TO QUIT PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT . . . CUSTOM MENU 0% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 3.3.3 Linearity Calibration Linearity calibration utilizes three calibration points, one at zero, center span and full span. This method minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balance's weighing range. Three weight values are used; zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balance's weighing range and a weight value at or near the specified capacity. PROCEDURE WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% • Press 0.00 Help Print GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT CONTRAST Enter arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • Press Enter button. STABLE MAIN MENU • Using the arrow buttons, select CALIBRATION. • Press Enter button. • Press MAIN MENU or arrow button and select LINEAR- ITY. CHANGE MODE CUSTOM MENU CHANGE UNITS MAIN MENU SET BALANCE CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST RETURN TO CALIBRATION AUTOCAL WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION • Press Enter button, LINEARITY CALIBRATION is displayed. SET BALANCE • Clear pan and press Enter button. LIBRARY • Place indicated mass value on pan. This will be one half of the total capacity of the balance, then press Enter button. MAIN MENU CALIBRATE LINEARITY CALIBRATION SPAN LINEARITY PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE AND PRESS ENTER KEY ... CALIBRATION TEST MAIN MENU CALIBRATE AUTOCAL LINEARITY CALIBRATION EXIT TO WEIGHSPAN LINEARITY PLEASE WAIT . . . USER CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION TEST WEIGH AUTOCAL MAIN MENU CALIBRATE EXIT TO WEIGH LINEARITY CALIBRATION SPAN LINEARITY RETURN TO PAN CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 2000.00 G ON CUSTOM MENU USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE WEIGH AND PRESS < ENTER > ... CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION • Place indicated mass value on pan. This will be the total capacity of the balance, then press Enter button. PLEASE WAIT is displayed followed by the actual weight value placed on the pan which is the maximum capacity of the balance. • Remove the masses from the pan. The balance is now calibrated. LIBRARY NOTE: The samples shown on the displays were for an 4.1kg balance. MAIN MENU CALIBRATE LINEARITY CALIBRATION SPAN LINEARITY PLEASE WAIT . . . USER MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MAIN MENU CALIBRATION TEST CALIBRATE AUTOCAL LINEARITY CALIBRATION SPAN EXIT TO WEIGH LINEARITY PLEASE PUT 4000.00 G ON PAN USER MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE AND PRESS RETURN TO < ENTER > . . . CALIBRATIONCALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU TEST WEIGH AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH WEIGHT Go Back 0% 4000.00 Help CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION LIBRARY Print CONTRAST 9 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 3.3.4 User Calibration User calibration is used when it is desired to calibrate the balance using a mass of known value. To use this calibration feature, proceed as follows: PROCEDURE WEIGHT 0% Go Back 100% • Press 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • Press Enter button. STABLE MAIN MENU • Using the arrow buttons, select CALIBRATION. • Press Enter button. • Press MAIN MENU CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE CUSTOM MENU CUSTOM MENU SPAN 2000 LINEARITY arrow button and select USER. • Press Enter button, USER CALIBRATION is displayed. MAIN MENU SET BALANCE CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST RETURN TO CALIBRATION AUTOCAL WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH or SET BALANCE CALIBRATION • Using the arrow buttons, enter a value which is at least 25% of the full span value, press Enter button. The sample displays shown used a 2kg mass on an 4.1kg balance. LIBRARY MAIN MENU CALIBRATE ENTER CAL VALUE • Clear the pan and press Enter button. USER MODE CHANGE UNITS MAIN SET BALANCE CHANGE MENU UP/DOWN TO SCROLL CHARACTERS CALIBRATE CALIBRATION TEST LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR ENTER CAL VALUE AUTOCAL SPAN ENTER TO ACCEPT USER CALIBRATION 0 EXIT TO WEIGH LINEARITY BACK TO QUIT USER MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE PLEASETO CLEAR THECHARACTERS PAN UP/DOWN SCROLL CALIBRATIONTEST RETURN TO CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION AND PRESS ENTER KEY . . . MENU MAIN LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR WEIGH CALIBRATE AUTOCAL ENTER TO ACCEPT ENTER CAL VALUE EXIT TO WEIGH SPAN BACK TO QUIT USER CALIBRATION 0 LINEARITY • Place the selected mass value on the pan and press Enter button. • Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. USER PLEASE CHANGE PUT:RETURN 2000UNITS G ON MODE TOPAN.SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENUCHANGE UP/DOWN TO SCROLLWEIGH CHARACTERS CALIBRATION ANDTEST PRESS < ENTER > ... LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR AUTOCAL ENTER TO ACCEPT EXIT TO WEIGH BACK TO QUIT CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION • Press any button, balance returns to weighing mode. LIBRARY MAIN MENU CALIBRATE ENTER CAL VALUE SPAN USER CALIBRATION 0 LINEARITY USER MODE PLEASE CHANGE WAIT . . . UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE UP/DOWN TO SCROLL CHARACTERS CALIBRATION TEST MAIN MENU LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR CALIBRATE AUTOCAL ENTER CAL VALUE ENTER TO ACCEPT EXIT TO WEIGH SPAN BACK TO QUIT USER CALIBRATION 0 LINEARITY CUSTOM MENU USER MODE USER CAL SUCCESSFULLY DONE! CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE RETURN TO CALIBRATION UP/DOWN TO SCROLL CHARACTERS WEIGH CALIBRATION TEST THE LAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR AUTOCAL AND LAST CAL IS: ENTER TO ACCEPT EXIT TO WEIGH 0.01 GRAMS BACK TO QUIT PRESS ANY KEY TO EXIT . . . CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION WEIGHT Go Back LIBRARY 0% Print CONTRAST 10 100% 0.00 Help GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 3.3.5 Calibration test Calibration test feature allows a check of a known calibration mass against the last stored calibration information in the balance. The sample displays shown are for a 4.1 kilogram balance. PROCEDURE WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% • Press 0.00 Help Print GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT CONTRAST Enter arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • Press Enter button. STABLE MAIN MENU • Using the arrow buttons, select CALIBRATION. • Press Enter button. • Press MAIN MENU or arrow button and select CALIBRA- TION TEST. CHANGE MODE CUSTOM MENU CHANGE UNITS MAIN MENU CALIBRATE SET BALANCE SPAN LINEARITY USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST RETURN TO CALIBRATION AUTOCAL WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION MAIN MENU CALIBRATE CALIBRATION TEST SPAN LINEARITY PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN USER MODE CHANGE SET BALANCE CHANGE AND PRESS < ENTERUNITS > ... CALIBRATION TEST MAIN MENU AUTOCAL CALIBRATE EXIT TO WEIGH CALIBRATION TEST SPAN LINEARITY PLEASE WAIT . . . LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHANGE USER MODE CHANGE UNITS CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION • Press Enter button. SET BALANCE • Clear the pan and press Enter button. • Place the indicated mass value on the pan and press Enter button. LIBRARY • Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. • Remove masses from the pan. • Press any button, balance returns to weighing mode. SET BALANCE LIBRARY MAIN MENU CALIBRATE CALIBRATION TEST SPAN LINEARITY PLEASE PUT: 4000.00 G ON PAN. USER CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE AND PRESS < ENTER > ... CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU CALIBRATE CALIBRATION TEST LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SPAN LINEARITY PLEASE WAIT . . . USER MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL MAIN MENU CALIBRATE EXIT TO WEIGH ENTER USER CAL CALIBRATION TESTVALUE SPAN 0 SPAN CAL SUCCESSFULLY DONE! LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LINEARITY THE LAST DIFFERENCE BETWEENSET THISBALANCE CAL USER CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE AND LAST TEST CAL IS: CALIBRATION 0.01 GRAMS AUTOCAL ANY KEY TO EXIT . . . EXITPRESS TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION WEIGHT Go Back 0% Print LIBRARY CONTRAST 11 100% 0.00 Help GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 3.4 Setting Measuring Unit Before using the balance for the first time, the desired measuring unit should be set first. The following measuring units are available: MILLIGRAMS, GRAMS, KILOGRAMS, PENNY WEIGHTS, CARATS, OUNCES, TROY OUNCES, GRAINS, HONG KONG TAELS, SINGAPORE TAELS, ROC TAELS, POUNDS, NEWTONS, TICALS and CUSTOM UNITS. Procedure To select a measuring unit, proceed as follows: WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • Press 100% • Press Enter button. Enter • Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE UNITS. STABLE MAIN MENU • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select the desired measuring unit. (Grams is shown). MAIN MENU • Press Enter button to save setting. The balance will CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION now weigh in the selected measuring unit. SET BALANCE NOTE: Depending upon the balance model/capacity, LIBRARY some measuring units may not be available when selected. When CUSTOM UNITS is selected, up to three differ- MAIN UNITS MENU CHANGE MILLIGRAMS GRAMS KILOGRAMS CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE PENNY WEIGHTS CARATS OUNCES TROY OUNCES GRAINS MENU CALIBRATION CUSTOM HONG KONG TAELS SINGAPORE TAELSEIGH ent entries may be made. You would select SETUP SET BALANCE and follow the prompts and enter UNIT NAME, SET MANTISSA, SELECT DP, SELECT LSD and then SAVE & EXIT. LIBRARY MAIN UNITS MENU CHANGE GRAINS HONG KONG TAELS SINGAPORE TAELSCHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE ROC TAELS MOMMES POUNDS NEWTONS TICALS MENU CALIBRATION CUSTOM CUSTOM UNITS EXIT TO WEIGH WEIGHT SET BALANCE Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print LIBRARY CONTRAST 12 GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 3.5 Basic Weighing Voyager balances are shipped with grams enabled. When the balance is to be used with other Type Approved/Legal for Trade units of measure, the desired unit must be enabled. For weigh below applications, refer to section on density measurements. MAIN MENU WEIGHT 0% Go Back 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION SET BALANCE Enter STABLE MAIN MENU LIBRARY MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING FILLINGMODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS Procedure • • • • • Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select BASIC WEIGHING. SET BALANCE LIBRARY DENSITY Zero/Tare Go Bac k Hei p 0% Prin t WE IGH When weighing material or objects that must be held in a container, taring stores the container weight in the balance’s memory, separate from the weight of the material in the container. T >O/T CO NT RA ST < MO VE 200 .00 G HIG RAM HL S IGH T 100 % S MA TAB L IN ME E NU Ent er >O/T OHAU S® < • Press O/T with no load on the pan to set the balance to zero. • Place an empty container on the pan. Its weight is displayed. (200 gram container is shown). (Example Container 200g) • Press O/T the display blanks until stable weight readings are received, then indicates zero. The container’s weight is stored in memory. • Add material to the container. As material is added, its net weight is displayed. (Example is 1620 grams). Go Bac k Hei p Prin • Removing the container and material from the platform will cause the balance to display the container’s weight as a negative number. The tared weight will remain in memory until O/T is pressed again or the balance is turned off. • Pressing O/T 0% t >O/T < WE IGH T 162 CO NT RA ST MO VE 0.0 G HIG RAM HL S IGH T OHAU S MA TAB L IN ME E NU S ® 0 100 % Ent er >O/T < resets the balance to zero. (Example Material 1620g) 13 3.6 Parts Counting The Voyager balance can be set to either an Easy Count or Advanced Count parts counting method. Easy Count setting enables a simplified method for counting parts. When selected, Easy Count displays a screen which requires that the number of sample parts be entered. After this entry, putting a quantity of samples on the pan, the balance will display the actual number of samples. Since the balance determines the quantity based on the average weight of a single part, all parts must be reasonably uniform in weight. Advanced Count setting contains a number of entry screens which include assigning a library name, filling and sorting applications and statisical information which can be printed. 3.6.1 Easy Count Procedure • Press • • • • WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS • • • SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. or arrow button and select PARTS Press COUNTING. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select EASY COUNT. Press Enter button. Enter the numeric sample size as indicated on the screen using the arrow buttons to set the value. Press Enter button. Place sample size on pan and press Enter button. Remove samples from pan and place samples to be measured on the pan. The display indicates the number of pieces based on the sample size. Repeated batches of samples may be placed on the pan and counted. Sample shown below indicates 10 pieces. BASIC WEIGHING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PARTS COUNTING CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLINGMODE CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE FORMULATION PARTS COUNTING BASIC WEIGHING QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU WEIGH PARTS STATISTICS EASYCOUNTING COUNT CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLING CHANGE MODE COUNT DENSITY ADVANCED ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL CHECK EXIT WEIGHING TO WEIGH DIFF WEIGHING EASY COUNT FORMULATION QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU WEIGH STATISTICS 0% DENSITY ENTER SAMPLE SIZE TARE WT = A.P.W. = SIZE =10 100% WEIGHT = <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR <ENTER> TO ACCEPT <BACK> TO ABORT CONTRAST arrow button to select MAIN MENU. PIECES 0% OPTIMIZE NEW A.P.W. = SIZE = EASY COUNT UNSTABLE MAIN TARE WT = 100% WEIGHT = SET A.P.W. PLEASE PUT: SAMPLES 10 AND PRESS < ENTER > . . . PIECES CONTRAST NEW OPTIMIZE UNSTABLE EASY COUNT MAIN 100% TARE WT = 0.00 0% A.P.W. = 30.00 SIZE = 10 WEIGHT = 300.02 10 PIECES CONTRAST 14 NEW OPTIMIZE UNSTABLE MAIN 3.6.2 Advanced Counting Advanced Count setting contains a number of entry screens which include assigning a library name, filling and sorting applications and statisical information which can be printed. Refer to screen 4 below which contains the following entries: LIBRARY NAME - A name up to 10 characters can be entered and stored to identify the item to be counted. A.P.W. - This average piece weight, when selected, either a sample size or actual piece weight can be entered. TARE WEIGHT - This is the tare weight of the container holding the samples. AUTO OPTIMIZATION - An ON or OFF function. When set ON, optimizes the accuracy based on sample size. FUNCTION LINK - Various pop-up screens permit the entry of four options, NONE, FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING and STATISTIC. When FILLING is selected, a target weight is entered which is shown as 100% on the bar graph on the display. When material is added to the balance pan, it is displayed as a percentage and weight. When CHECK WEIGHING is selected, a separate pop-up display has entries for nominal pieces, over pieces, under pieces, display type, library name and save and exit. This type of function permits checking of individual pieces against the stored information in the balance. When STATISTICS is selected, provides display of Standard Deviation, either population or sample, Mean, Sum, High, Low and Difference readings. Each can be individually set ON or OFF. SAVE TO LIBRARY - When selected, saves all settings to the library. RUN - When selected, starts program. Procedure WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT • • • • Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select PARTS COUNTING. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select ADVANCED COUNT. Press Enter button. Continue through all menus and make the required settings. SET BALANCE ADVANCED COUNT MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CUSTOM MENU BASIC WEIGHING LIBRARY CALIBRATION PARTS COUNTING FILLINGMODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE FORMULATION QUICK CHECK WEIGHINGPARTS COUNTING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU BASIC STATISTICS EASY COUNT PARTS COUNTING ADVANCED DENSITY CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLING CHANGE MODE COUNT RECALL ANIMAL WEIGHING EXITWEIGHING TO WEIGH CHECK MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING FORMULATION BASIC WEIGHING QUICK CHECK COUNT RETURN TO CALIBRATION EASY COUNT ADVANCED CUSTOM MENU PARTS COUNTING WEIGH STATISTICS LIBRARY NAME ADVANCED CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILL CHANGE MODE COUNT DENSITY APW/SIZE 0 EXIT TO WEIGH ANIMAL WEIGHING TARE WT 0 CHECK WEIGHING AUTO OPTIMIZATION OFF DIFF WEIGHING FUNCTION LINK NONE FORMULATION SAVE TO LIBRARY QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU RUN WEIGH STASTISTIC EXIT TO WEIGH DENSITY 15 100% TARE WT = 0.0005 0% A.P.W. = 30.0000 SIZE = 10 WEIGHT = 300.0000 10 PIECES LIBRARY NEW OPTIONS STABLE MAIN MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE PARTS COUNTING BASIC WEIGHING ADVANCED COUNT EASYCOUNTING COUNT PARTS LIBRARY NAME LIBRARY NAMA.P.W. 0 ADVANCED CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILL CHANGE MODE COUNT AARE WT 0 EXIT TO WEIGH ANIMAL WEIGHING TCWEIGHING ERR OFF CHECK OPTIMIZATION <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLLOFF CHARACTERS DIFF AUTO WEIGHING FUNCTION LINK NONE <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR FORMULATION SAVE TO LIBRARY <ENTER> TO ACCEPT QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU EAVE AND START <BACK> TO ABORT WEIGH STATISTIC DENSITY 3.7 Filling Filling or Fill weighing permits you to enter a target weight, then view other loads as a percentage of the reference which has been set in the balance parameters. The load you place on the platform is displayed as a percentage of what was entered into the balance. A twin bar display indicates up to 89% on the first bar and up to 110% on the second bar with a large numeric display. Procedure WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT • • • • • • • • Enter STABLE MAIN MENU MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select FILLING. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, enter the target weight. Press Enter button. Place the load on the balance pan, the display indicates on the bar graph as a percentage and displays the actual load weight numerically . SET BALANCE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLINGMODE CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU MAIN MENU WEIGH STATISTICS CHANGE MODE DENSITY ENTER TARGET WEIGHT BASIC WEIGHING 0.00 PARTS COUNTING TO SCROLL CHARACTERS CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILL<UP>/<DOWN> CHANGE MODE BALANCE <LEFT>/<RIGHT> ANIMAL WEIGHING TO MOVE CURSOR <ENTER> TO ACCEPT CHECK WEIGHING TO ABORT DIFF<BACK> WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS DENSITY FILLING Go Back Help 0% 90% 89% 110% 0.00 0.00 Print TARGET = 0.00 CONTRAST 16 DIFF WT = GRAMS NEW STOP 0.00 STABLE MAIN Enter 3.8 Animal Weighing Animal weighing permits you to weigh small animals directly on the balance. To compensate for active subjects, a setup menu permits you to enter a smoothing filter labeled Good, Better and Best which averages the subjects movements and displays an accurate weight. A single bar display indicates up to 100% of the capacity of the balance. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the subject. Procedure WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select ANIMAL WEIGHING. • Press Enter button. Enter STABLE MAIN MENU or • Press press Enter button. PUT ANIMAL ON PAN . . . is displayed. • Place the subject on the balance pan, a countdown appears on the display which allows the balance to accurately indicate the weight of the subject. The bar graph indicates the percentage of weight relative to the capacity of the balance. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLINGMODE CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU ANIMAL WEIGHING WEIGH STATISTIC DENSITY SET FILTER LEVEL 0% GOOD BETTER BEST buttons to set the AW Filter, then 100% ANIMAL WEIGHING RESET ( 0% CONTRAST )= 5 STOP PREVIOUS ( GRAMS FILTER ) = 5 STABLE MENU 100% PUT ANIMAL ON PAN . . . GRAMS CONTRAST FILTER STOP STABLE MENU ANIMAL WEIGHING Go Back 100% 0% 0.00 Help Print GRAMS CONTRAST 17 FILTER STOP STABLE MENU Enter 3.9 Check Weighing Check weighing mode permits you to weigh an item, set balance parmeters such as the nominal weight, over weight, under weight, type of display: normal shown with a bar graph and a numeric display or sign which spells out under, accept, over in large letters and assign a library name. This can then be recalled later eliminating the need to enter weighing parameters again. This type of weighing is where individual items must be checked against preset parameters. Since many displays are repetitive, not all will be shown in the following procedure Procedure WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select CHECK WEIGHING. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and start with NOMINAL WT. • Press Enter button. • Using the arrow buttons, enter the NOMINAL WT value, then, press Enter button. • Repeat steps and enter parameters for OVER WT, and UNDER WT. • Enter a library name for the object of measurement and press Enter button. • Press arrow button and select SAVE TO LIBRARY and press Enter button. • Press arrow button and select RUN. • Press Enter button. • Place item to be checked on the balance pan, the normal display indicates the weight of the item. The bar graph indicates whether the item is under , accepable or over in weight based on the settings made in the balance. Display below illustrates a 300 gram sample weight. Enter STABLE MAIN MENU MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS arrow button to select MAIN MENU. SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLINGMODE CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE FORMULATION SETUP BASIC WEIGHING QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU WEIGH NOMINAL WT 300.0 0 COUNTING STATISTIC PARTS OVER WT 0.00 CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILL BALANCE DENSITY CHANGE MODE UNDER WT 0.00 ANIMAL WEIGHING LIBRARY NAME CHECK WEIGHING SAVE TO LIBRARY DIFF WEIGHING RUN FORMULATION EXITCHECK TO WEIGH CALIBRATION QUICK LIBRARY CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS DENSITY MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING SETUP SET NOMINAL WEIGHT NOMINAL WT 0.0 0 PARTS COUNTING OVER WT 0.00 MENU CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILingL CHANGE MODE MAIN CHANGE MODE BALANCE 0.00 UNDER WT 0.00 ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP BASIC WEIGHING LIBRARY NAME CHECK WEIGHING UP/DOWN TO SCROLL CHARACTERS SET OVER WEIGHT NOMINAL WT 0.0 0 COUNTING SAVE &PARTS EXIT DIFF WEIGHING LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR OVER WT 0.00MAIN MENUBALANCE CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILLING CHANGE MODE R ENTER FOR TO ACCEPT CHANGE MODE 0.00 UNDER WT 0.00 WEIGHING EXIT TOANIMAL WEIGH QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU BACK TO QUIT SETUP LIBRARY NAME CHECK WEIGHING BASIC WEIGHING STATISTIC <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLLWEIGH CHARACTERS SET UNDER WEIGHT SAVE & EXIT NOMINAL WT WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING DENSITY DIFF <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR 0.0 0 R <ENTER> OVER WT 0.00 FORMULATION CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILLING CHANGE MODE BALANCE TO ACCEPT 295.00 EXIT TO WEIGH WT 0.00 TO ANIMAL WEIGHING QUICK CHECK RETURN CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU <BACK> TOUNDER ABORT WEIGH LIBRARY NAME TO SCROLL CHECK WEIGHING STATISTIC <UP>/<DOWN> CHARACTERS SAVE & EXIT DIFFIAL WEIGHING DENSITY <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR R <ENTER> TO ACCEPT FORMULATION EXIT TO WEIGH QUICK CHECK CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU <BACK> TO ABORT LIBRARY STATISTICS DENSITY CHECK WEIGHING MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING SETUP NOMINAL WT LIBRARY NAME 0.0 0 PARTS COUNTING NAME OVER WT 0.00 CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILLING CHANGE MODE BALANCE UNDER WT 0.00 ANIMAL WEIGHING <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS LIBRARY NAME CHECK WEIGHING <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR SAVE & EXIT DIFF WEIGHING R <ENTER> TO ACCEPT FORMULATION <BACK> TO ABORT EXITCHECK TO WEIGH CALIBRATION QUICK LIBRARY CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS DENSITY Go Back UNDER Help OVER UNDER ACCEPT = = NOMINAL = 305.00 295.00 DIFF -0.04 299.96 Print GRAMS CONTRAST 18 = OVER 300.00 NEW STOP STABLE MAIN Enter 3.10 Differential Weighing Differential weighing stores tare and weight values so a sample can be dried and the difference calculated at a later time. Up to 100 samples can be stored. samples can be added to the applications library. Batch and individual samples can be accommodated.The features in the Voyager balance for differential weighing include: RECALL - When selected, brings up previously stored library names associated with each sample. LIBRARY NAME - A name up to 10 characters can be entered and stored to identify the sample item. TARE WEIGHT - This is the tare weight of the container holding the samples, can be set to NO or YES. AUTO TARE - Used when it is desired to automatically tare the storing container's weight, can be set to NO or YES. AUTO SAMPLE DETECT - This feature is used for repetitive sample weighing, can be set NO or YES. MODE - Can be set to INDIVIDUAL or BATCH. FINAL RESULT - Can be set to show results in PERCENTAGE or WEIGHT. SAMPLE NUMBERS - Desired number of samples can be entered. SAVE TO LIBRARY - Permits all entries to be saved to the Library. EXIT TO WEIGH - When selected, will exit to standard weighing mode. Procedure • Press • Press Enter button. • Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. • Press Enter button. WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • Press or arrow button and select DIFF- WEIGHING. • Press Enter button. Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • Press or arrow button and select RECALL, SETUP or EXIT TO WEIGH. • Press Enter button. If RECALL was selected, you can scan the library and select the desired item. • If SETUP is selected, continue by pressing Enter button. • On the SETUP MENU, using the arrow buttons and Enter button, select YES or NO for each of the following items on the menu: TARE WEIGHT, AUTO TARE, AUTO SAMPLE DETECT; for MODE, select either INDIVIDUAL or BATCH; for FINAL RESULT, select either WEIGHT or PERCENT; for SAMPLE NUMBERS, enter the desired number of samples to be weighed; enter a name for LIBRARY NAME; scroll down using the arrow button and select SAVE TO LIBRARY by pressing Enter button. • Scroll to RUN, press Enter button. DIFF WEIGHINGSAMPLE 1 is displayed as shown below. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLINGMODE CHANGE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING BASIC WEIGHINGDIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING SETUP FORMULATION CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLRECALL CHANGE MODE QUICK CHECK TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU ANIMAL WEIGHING RETURN RESUME WEIGH STATISTICS CHECK EXITWEIGHING TO WEIGH DENSITY DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS DENSITY or MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHINGDIFF WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING SETUP CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLRECALL CHANGE MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING RESUME CHECK EXITWEIGHING TO WEIGH DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU WEIGHING STATISTICS BASIC WEIGHING DIFFWEIGH SETUP DENSITY PARTS S COUNTING DIFF WEIGHING -- NAME-- SAMPLE 1 Go Back Help CHANGE UNITSPARTSET FILLRECALL CHANGE MODE BALANCE TARE WEIGHT NO ANIMAL WEIGHING RSETUP AUTO TARE NO CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH AUTO SAMPLE DETECT NO DIFFERENTIAL MODE WEIGHING INDIVIDUAL FORMULATE FINAL RESULT WEIGHT QUICKSAMPLE CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION 3 CUSTOM MENU NUMBERS STATISTIC LIBRARY NAME NAME WEIGH DENSITY SAVE TO LIBRARY 100% 0% TARE WT= INIT WT= 0.00 0.00 Print GRAMS CONTRAST ENTER 19 EDIT STABLE MAIN Enter 3.10 Differential Weighing (Cont.) Procedure (Cont.) Initial Weighing First, the container is tared and stored, then the product is intially weighed in the container and stored for each sample. A name is given to the samples which is stored in the balance. After all samples have been weighed and entered, a summary table indicates the weight of the containers and each sample. DIFF WEIGHING - - NAME -- SAMPLE 1 100% 0% TARE WT= INIT WT= 19.09 0.00 19.09 GRAMS CONTRAST ENTER STABLE MAIN EDIT After the samples have undergone a process such as heating or cooling, the entire procedure is repeated starting with sample number 1 and continued until all samples have been completed. The balance then displays a new table which indicates the tare weight of the container, the initial weight of the product, the final weight of the product and the difference weight. To enter samples, proceed as follows: DIFF WEIGHING -- NAME -- SAMPLE 1 100% 0% TARE WT= INIT WT= 19.09 306.17 306.17 GRAMS CONTRAST ENTER STABLE MAIN EDIT Initial Weighing Summary Page # TARE WT 1 2 3 19.09 19.09 19.10 INIT WT FINAL WT • Press >O/T< button. • Place container on pan, wait for stable indication, then press Enter button. The display indicates the container weight. • Place the first sample in the container on the pan. The display indicates the initial weight of the first sample. • Press Enter button, display changes to sample 2. • Remove first sample and container from pan. • Place container on pan for sample two, press Enter button. The display indicates the container weight. • Place the second sample in the container on the pan. The display indicates the initial weight of the second sample. • Press Enter button, display changes to sample 3. • Remove second sample and container from pan. • Repeat the above procedure for all samples. The example shown at left is for one sample. DIFF 304.93 306.17 307.28 CONTINUE SAVE RE-SAMPLE DELETE Final Weighing DIFF WEIGHING -- NAME-- SAMPLE 1 100% 0% TARE WT= INIT WT= 19.09 304.93 FINAL WT= DIFF WT = 300.04 -4.89 300.04 GRAMS UNSTABLE DIFF WEIGHING -- NAME-SAMPLE 2 CONTRAST ENTER MAIN EDIT 100% 0% TARE WT= INIT WT= 19.09 306.17 FINAL WT= DIFF WT = When the last sample is placed on the balance, a summary display indicates the TARE WT and INITIAL WT. • Using the arrow buttons, select CONTINUE or SAVE, then enter Data File Name. 300.05 -6.12 300.05 CONTRAST ENTER GRAMS UNSTABLE DIFF WEIGHING -- NAME-- SAMPLE 3 MAIN EDIT 100% 0% TARE WT= INIT WT= 19.10 307.28 FINAL WT= DIFF WT = Final Weighing 300.03 -7.25 When all of the samples have been removed and processed externally, reenter Differential Weighing and select RESUME. The final samples are weighed with their containers one after another. When the last sample is weighed on the balance, a final summary display is shown. See example at bottom of the page. The final summary indicates the TARE WT, INIT WT, FINAL WT and DIFF (difference weight). This can be printed. The RE-SAMPLE and EDIT selections on the displays allow corrections to be made. 300.03 GRAMS CONTRAST ENTER EDIT UNSTABLE MAIN Final Summary # TARE WT 1 2 3 19.09 19.09 19.10 INIT WT 304.93 306.17 307.28 CONTRAST RETURN FINAL WT DIFF 300.04 300.05 300.03 -4.89 -6.12 -7.25 RE-SAMPLE DELETE 20 3.11 Formulation The Voyager balance can store between 200 minimum and 500 formulations limited only by the memory capacity of the resident library. Each formulation can be named and have up to 10 components specified and identified by name. Once the formulations are stored in the balance library, they may be recalled and used at any time. Each component of a given formulation can be specified as to its weight or percentage. The balance will display each element of a formulation on a dual bar graph as a percentage and also displays the desired weight. Thus, each product may be placed on the pan until 100% is indicated. Names are limited to 10 characters. The illustrations in this procedure are samples for one formulation using a higher resolution balance. Procedure • Press WEIGHT 0% Go Back • • • • 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENUCHANGE FILLING CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE FORMULATION QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION WEIGHING FORMULATION CUSTOM MENU BASIC STATISTIC WEIGH PARTS COUNTING SETUP DENSITY FILLRECALL CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING RESUME CHECK EXITWEIGHING TO WEIGH DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTICS R • • • • • DENSITY arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select FORMULATION. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select SETUP. Press Enter button, FORMULA SETUP is displayed. Press or arrow button and select LIBRARY NAME. Press Enter button. Enter a library name for the 1st formula using the arrow buttons. Press Enter button when name is completed, FORMULA SETUP is displayed again. Press arrow button and select WEIGH TYPE. Press Enter button, a new screen with WEIGHT and PERCENT is displayed. WEIGHT allows components of the formula to be specified by weight. PERCENT allows components to be specified by percentage. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION FORMULA SETUP PARTS COUNTING SETUP FILLRECALL CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NAME LIBRARY ANIMAL WEIGHING R WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT CHECK WEIGHING MAIN EXIT TOREFERENCE WEIGH SET CHANGEMENU MODE DIFFERENTIAL NUMBER WEIGHING OF ITEMS 0 FORMULATION FORMULATE BASIC WEIGHING SETUP FORMULA SETUP QUICK CHECK PARTS COUNTING SETUP SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTIC CHANGE FILLRECALL LIBRARY NAME WEIGH CHANGE UNITS MODE SET BALANCE LIBRARYNAME RUN DENSITY ANIMAL WEIGHING R WEIGH TYPE EXIT TO WEIGH FORMULA 1 CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH SET REFERENCE DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING NUMEM NAUMBERS 0 <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS FORMULATE SETUP <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR QUICK CHECK SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU <ENTER> TO ACCEPT STATISTIC WEIGH RUN DENSITY <BACK> TO ABORT EXIT TO WEIGH FORMULATIONS BY WEIGHT MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION FORMULA SETUP PARTS COUNTING SETUP FILLR LIBRARY CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NAME ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT MAIN MENU CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH CHANGE MODE SET REFERENCE DIFFERENTIAL NUMBER WEIGHING OF ITEMS 0 BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION FORMULATE SETUP FORMULA SETUP COUNTING SETUP QUICK CHECKPARTS SAVE TOFILL LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATIONCHANGE CUSTOM MENU SELECT WEIGH UNITS TYPE SET BALANCE MODE NAME R LIBRARY STATISTIC CHANGE WEIGH RUN ANIMAL WEIGHING DENSITY RECALL WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT WEIGHT EXIT TOCHECK WEIGH WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH SET REFERENCE PERCENT DIFFERENTIAL NUMBER WEIGHING 0 FORMULATE SETUP QUICK CHECK SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTIC WEIGH RUN DENSITY EXIT TO WEIGH 21 or arrow button and select WEIGHT. • Press • Press Enter button. • Using arrow button, scroll to ITEM NUMBER. •Press Enter button. A new screen, SET ITEM NUMBER appears. • Press or arrow button and enter the number of components in the formula. • Press Enter button, FORMULA SETUP isdisplayed. • Press or arrow button and select SETUP. • Press Enter button, NAME menu is displayed with the number of items you entered for the first formula. • Press or arrow button and select item 1. • Press Enter button, COMPONENT NAME display appears. • Using arrow buttons, enter the component name for item 1 in the formula. 3.11 Formulation (Cont.) Procedure (Cont.) FORMULATIONS BY WEIGHT (cont.) • Press Enter button, a NAME menu appears with the value shaded. • Press Enter button, ENTER COMPONENT WEIGHT menu is displayed. • Using the arrow buttons, enter the component weight for item 1 in the formula. • Press Enter button when desired weight is entered. The NAME menu appears again. Repeat steps (identified with arrow R on previous page) and enter the component names and weight values for the first formula. Samples shown at left. • When all of the entries have been made, select SAVE TO LIBRARY in the FORMULATION SETUP menu, and then select RUN, press Enter button. The balance displays the first component of the formula and the required weight. • Place a container on the pan and tare by pressing >O/T< button. • Add the required amount to the container until thebalance indicates 100% on the bar graph and the proper weight. • Using the arrow buttons, select NEXT shown at the bottom of the screen and press Enter button. The second component of the formula is displayed. Add the required weight. Select NEXT and repeat the procedure for all items in the formula. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION FORMULA SETUP PARTS COUNTING SETUP FILLR LIBRARY CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NAME MAIN MENU MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT FORMULATION CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TOREFERENCE WEIGH BASIC WEIGHING SET DIFFERENTIAL FORMULA SETUP PARTS COUNTING SETUP NUMBER WEIGHING OF ITEMS 0 FORMULATE FILLR LIBRARYNAME SET ITEM NUMBER SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP QUICK CHECK ANIMAL WEIGHING SAVE TO LIBRARY RECALL RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU WEIGH3TYPE STATISTIC WEIGH CHECK WEIGHING RUN EXIT TO WEIGH SET REFERENCE DENSITY DIFFRENTIAL WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH NUMBER NUMBER TO SCROLL CHARACTERS <UP>/<DOWN> FORMULATE SETUP <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR QUICK CHECK SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU <ENTER> TO ACCEPT STATISTIC WEIGH RUN DENSITY <BACK> TO ABORT EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION FORMULA SETUP PARTS COUNTING SETUP FILLR LIBRARY CHANGE UNITS FORMULA1 CHANGE MODE NAME SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TOREFERENCE WEIGH BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION SET DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING FORMULATION SETUP NUMBER OF ITEMS 3 PARTS COUNTING SETUP FORMULATE SETUP FILLR LIBRARYNAME # NAME UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE MODE COMPONENT NAME VALUE QUICK CHECK CHANGE SAVE TO LIBRARY ANIMAL WEIGHING RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU RECALL WEIGHT TYPE 1 A1 A1 0.00 STATISTIC WEIGH RUN CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH SET REFERENCE 2 DENSITY MAIN MENU DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH MODE NUMBEM NUMBER 0 3 UP/DOWN TO SCROLLCHANGE CHARACTERS FORMULATE SETUP FORMULATION LEFT/RIGHT TO MOVE CURSOR BASIC WEIGHING QUICK CHECK SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURNSETUP TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU ENTER TO ACCEPT FORMULATION PARTS COUNTING SETUP STATISTIC WEIGH RUN CHANGE TORQUIT FILL # NAME UNITS VALUE CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE DENSITY BACK LIBRARYNAME EXIT TO WEIGH ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL WEIGHT 1 TYPE A1 20.00 CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TOREFERENCE SET 2WEIGH A2 30.00 DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING NUMBEM NUMBER 3 A3 50.000 FORMULATE SETUP QUICK CHECK SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTIC WEIGH RUN DENSITY EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING FORMULATION FORMULA SETUP PARTS COUNTING SETUP FILLR LIBRARY CHANGE UNITS FORMULA1 CHANGE MODE NAME SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT FORMULATION CHECK WEIGHING BASIC WEIGHING EXIT TOREFERENCE WEIGH SET FORMULA SETUP DIFFERENTIAL PARTS SETUP NUMBER WEIGHING OF ITEMS 3COUNTING FORMULATE FILLR LIBRARY CHANGE UNITS FORMULA1 SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NAME SETUP ANIMAL WEIGHING QUICK CHECK RECALL WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHECK WEIGHING STATISTIC EXIT TOREFERENCE WEIGH WEIGH SET RUN DIFFERENTIAL DENSITY NUMBER WEIGHING OF ITEMS 3 EXIT TO WEIGH FORMULATE SETUP QUICK CHECK SAVE TO LIBRARY RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTIC WEIGH RUN DENSITY EXIT TO WEIGH • When you have completed weighing all items in the formula, select NEXT again and a display appears which indicates the Target Weight, Result and Difference Weight for the formula. See display below. FORMULATION -- FORMULA1 0% 89% 90% 110% A1 = 20.00 CONTRAST 20.00 DIFF WT = GRAMS FORMULATION -PREVIOUS NEXT 0% 89% 90% 110% 30.00 A2 = 30.00 CONTRAST • To select previously stored formulations, select FORMULATION menu and select RECALL. This will bring up the library of formulations. 0.00 STABLE FORMULA1 MAIN DIFF WT = GRAMS NEXT 0.00 STABLE FORMULATION -- FORMULA1 MAIN PREVIOUS Go Back 90% 50.00 A3 = 50.00 CONTRAST DIFF WT = GRAMS NEXT PREVIOUS TARGET 20.00 30.00 50.00 100.00 RESULT 20.05 30.07 50.00 100.27 DIFF WT 0.05 0.07 0.15 0.27 Help 89% 0% FORMULA1 A1 A2 A3 TOTAL Print 110% 0.00 STABLE MAIN Example using a total of 100 grams in the formulation. 22 Enter 3.11 Formulation (Cont.) Procedure FORMULATIONS BY PERCENTAGE Formulations can be done by using percentages instead of weight values. See page 21 and repeat procedure up to where screen choice for WEIGH TYPE is displayed, Then continue as follows: • Press arrow button and select WEIGH TYPE. • Press Enter button, a new screen with WEIGHT and PERCENT is displayed. PERCENT allows components to be specified by percentage. • Press or arrow button and select PERCENT. • Press Enter button. arrow button, scroll to SET REFER• Using ENCE. • Press Enter button. A new screen, ENTER TARGET WEIGHT appears. • Using arrow buttons, enter target weight. • Press Enter button, FORMULA SETUP isdisplayed. • Using arrow button, scroll to NUMBER OF ITEMS . • Press Enter button. A new screen, SET ITEM NUMBER appears. • Press or arrow button and enter the number of components in the formula. • Press Enter button, FORMULA SETUP isdisplayed. • Press or arrow button and select SETUP. • Press Enter button, NAME menu is displayed with the number of items you entered for the first formula. • Press or arrow button and select item 1. • Press Enter button, COMPONENT NAME display appears. • Using arrow buttons, enter the component name for item 1 in the formula. • Press Enter button, a NAME menu appears with the value shaded. • Press Enter button, ENTER COMPONENT % menu is displayed. • Using the arrow buttons, enter the component percentage for item 1 in the formula. • Press Enter button when desired weight is entered. The NAME menu appears again. Repeat steps and enter the component names and percent values for the first formula. 23 • When all of the entries have been made, select SAVE TO LIBRARY in the FORMULATION SETUP menu, and then select RUN, press Enter button. The balance displays the first component of the formula and the required weight. • Place a container on the pan and tare by pressing >O/T< button. • Add the required amount to the container until the balance indicates 100% on the bar graph and the proper percentage. • Using the arrow buttons and select NEXT shown at the bottom of the screen and press Enter button. The second component of the formula is displayed. Add the required weight. Select NEXT and repeat the procedure for all items in the formula. • When you have completed weighing all items in the formula, select NEXT again and a display appears which indicates the Target Weight, Result and Difference Weight for the formula. See display below. Go Back FORMULA2 B1 B2 B3 TOTAL TARGET 10.00 20.00 70.00 100.00 RESULT 10.03 20.08 69.94 100.05 DIFF WT 0.03 0.08 -0.06 0.05 Help Print Enter 3.12 Quick Check Weighing Quick check weighing permits you to place a reference sample or a sample weight on the balance pan which is used as a reference weight to measure against similar samples. A single bar display indicates up to 100% of the capacity of the balance, the difference in weight between the original sample and suceeding samples is displayed. The difference in percentage is also shown along with the reference weight. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the subject. Procedure WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT • • • • Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHANGE UNITSPARTSET BALANCE FILLINGMODE CHANGE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK QUICK CHECK RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU WEIGH STATISTICS 0% DENSITY • GRAMS NEW STOP Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select QUICK CHECK. Press Enter button. Place the reference weight on the pan and press the Enter button. Remove reference weight from the pan and place sample to be compared against the reference weight on the pan. The balance displays the difference of the sample weight against the reference weight in a measuring unit and percentage. The bar graph indicates the percentage of weight of the capacity of the balance. To enter a new reference weight, select NEW at the 100% bottom of the display using the DIFF = REF WT = SET REFERENCE DIFF % = PLEASE PUT THE REFERENCE WEIGHT ON PAN AND PRESS. .<. ENTER > . . . WAIT FOR STABLE CONTRAST arrow button to select MAIN MENU. arrow button and press the Enter button and repeat procedure. UNSTABLE MAIN QUICK CHECK Go Back Help 100% 0% DIFF = 0.00 DIFF % = 0.00 Print REF WT = 300.44 300.44 GRAMS CONTRAST 24 NEW STOP STABLE MAIN Enter 3.13 Statistics Statistics is used when it is desired to compare a number of samples and examine the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data such as mean, sum, maximum and minimum and difference. A minimum of three samples is required in this program. Statistics contains a number of pop-up menus which include standard deviation, mean, sum, maximum, minimum, difference, relative deviation, auto sample detect and sample size. All of these can be set ON or OFF except sample size which can be set for a particular number. When a printer or computer is connected to the balance, all statistical information can be observed and printed Procedure • • • • • WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS • • SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU FILLINGMODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION BASIC WEIGHING SETUP STATISTICS QUICK CHECK PARTS COUNTING STD DEV ON CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY STATISTIC FILLING CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE MEAN ON DENSITY ANIMAL SUMWEIGHING ON CHECK WEIGHING MAXIMUM ON DIFFMINIMUM WEIGHING ON MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE FORMULATION DIFFERENCE ON BASIC WEIGHING SETUP QUICK CHECK RELATIVE ON STATISTICS LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU DEV. COUNTING STATISTIC DEV ON SAMPLE PARTS SIZESTD 3 FILLING DENSITY CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE MEAN ON LIBRARY NAME ANIMAL WEIGHING SUM ON CHECK WEIGHING MAXIMUM ON DIFFMINIMUM WEIGHING ON FORMULATION DIFFERENCE ON QUICK CHECK RELATIVE ON LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU DEV. STATISTIC SAMPLE SIZE 3 EXITLIBRARY TO WEIGH NAME MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING SETUP STATISTICS PARTS COUNTING STD DEV ON FILLING CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE MEAN ON ANIMAL SUMWEIGHING ON MENU MAIN CHANGE CHECK WEIGHING MAXIMUM ON MODE DIFFMINIMUM WEIGHING SETUP ANIMAL WEIGHING ONSTATISTICS FORMULATION CHECK DIFFERENCE ONSAMPLEON STDWEIGHING DEV SET SIZE QUICK CHECK DENSITY RELATIVE DEV. ON LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE MEAN ON STATISTIC DIFFERENTIAL SAMPLE SIZE 3 SUM 3 WEIGHING ON DENSITY FORMULATE LIBRARY NAME MAXIMUM ON <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS QUICK CHECK MINIMUM ON CURSOR <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE STATISTIC DIFFERENCE <ENTER> TO ACCEPT ON SQC MAIN RELATIVE DEV. ON RETURN TO CUSTOM <BACK> MENU TOCALIBRATION MODE ABORTCHANGEMENU WEIGH MOLARITY AUTO SAMPLE DETECT ON BASIC WEIGHING SETUP STATISTICS DENSITY SAMPLE SIZE 3 PARTS COUNTING STD DEV ON FILLING CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE MEAN ON ANIMAL SUMWEIGHING ON WEIGH -SAMPLE 1 CHECK WEIGHING MAXIMUM ON DIFFMINIMUM WEIGHING ON FORMULATION DIFFERENCE ON 0% DEV. QUICK CHECK RELATIVE ON LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU STATISTIC SAMPLE SIZE 3 DENSITY LIBRARY NAME SET GRAMS NEW STOP • Press • Press button and select SAVE TO LIBRARY. • Press button and select RUN, press Enter. A new screen appears . Place a sample on the pan and wait for STABLE to appear, press Enter button, then remove the 1st sample and place the second, press Enter button. Continue to do this until all samples have been weighed. The final screen will automatically appear when the last sample is entered as shown below. Help Print 100% button and select LIBRARY NAME. Enter a library name, press Enter. Go Back SAMPLE SIZE = 3 SAMPLE DONE = 3 STD DEV. SAMPLE = 0.012 RELATIVE DEV. = 0.004 MEAN = 300.013 SUM = 900.04 MAXIMUM = 300.03 MINIMUM = 300.00 DIFFERENCE = 0.03 PRESS < ENTER > TO START ANOTHER RUN PRESS < GO BACK > TO EXIT . . . 0.00 STATS ON • • • Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select STATISTICS. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select STD DEV. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select either ON or OFF. Continue through all menus and set each of the items ON or OFF. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select SAMPLE SIZE, three is the minimum. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, enter the sample size. Press Enter button. STABLE MAIN 25 Enter 3.14 Density Density determinations of solids and liquids can be made with the Voyager balance. A Density Determination Kit Part Number 470007-010 is specifically designed to be used with Ohaus® Analytical Voyager balances. Illustrations in this procedure refer to the density kit, however, you may use whatever lab apparatus will suit the requirements for density measurements. The Voyager balance contains built in reference density tables for water and ethanol at temperatures between 10° C and 30° C. It is not necessary to refer to any external tables to calculate density. 3.14.1 Balance Preparation with Density Kit • Place the Support into position over the bracket making sure the Support does not make contact with the Bracket as shown in illustration. Support Bracket Weigh Below Hook Equalizing Washer Support Bracket Kit Components Support Mounting • Allow the balance to warm up sufficiently before making measurements. 3.14.2 Solid Density Determinations The density Q is the quotient of the mass m and the volume V. m Q= V • Open either the left or right side door of the balance and remove the Pan as shown. Go Density determinations are performed by using Archimedes' principle. This princple states that every solid body immersed in a fluid loses weight by an amount equal to that of the fluid it displaces. The density of a solid is determined with the aid of a liquid whose density Q0 is known (water or ethanol are usually used as auxiliary liquids). The solid is weighed in air (A) and then in the auxiliary liquid (B). The density Q can be calculated from the two weighings as follows: Back Help Prin t Pan Ente r ® Balance Preparation • Insert the Bracket into the balance where the Pan was removed from. Q • On balances which are rated over 400g, place the Equalizing Washer on top of the Bracket as shown in the illustration. A • Q0 A-B The balance allows direct determination of the buoyancy P (P = A - B) and consequently the above formula can be simplified: A Q= • Q0 P Q = Density of the solid A = Weight of the solid in air B = Weight of the solid in the auxilary liquid Q0 = Density of the auxiliary liquid at a given temperature (this value depends on the temperature. The density table is included in Voyager balances). P = Buoyancy of the solid in the auxiliary liquid (corresponds to A - B). Mod e Units Setu p Ente r Print Bracket and Washer Mounting 26 3.14 Density (Cont.) 3.14.2 Solid Density Determinations (Cont.) As previously mentioned, the balance contains built in density tables for water and and ethanol. In the the event that a different liquid is to be used, provisions are made to enter the density of the desired liquid and enter its name into a library. The following procedure uses water as an example. Procedure • • • • • • • • • WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU NOTE: At this point you could also select either ethanol or a different auxiliary liquid. When a different auxiliary liquid is selected, you must enter its density and name it for the library. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CHANGE MODE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select DENSITY. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select SOLID. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select H2O. SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE BASIC WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU FILLINGMODE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE SET BALANCE ANIMAL WEIGHING CHECK WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING FORMULATION QUICK CHECK CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY STATISTIC DENSITY • Install a 250ml beaker (not supplied) as shown when using the density kit and suspend a precision calibrated thermometer 0° C to 30° C on the edge of the beaker. • Suspend the Weigh Below Hook from the Bracket into the beaker. • Fill the beaker with auxiliaryliquid (liquid of known density Q0' usually distilled water or ethanol). Insure that the liquid will cover the sample by at least 1 cm after immersion. • Ensure that no air bubbles adhere to the immersed part of the Weigh Below Hook. Remove air bubbles by moving the Weigh Below Hook or by means of a fine brush. • Close the draft shield doors and tare the balance. • Open the draft shield of the balance. Beaker & Thermometer Installation 27 3.14 Density (Cont.) 3.14.2 Solid Density Determinations (Cont.) Procedure (Cont.) • Press Enter button, ENTER TEMPERATURE is displayed. • Using the arrow buttons, enter the temperature of the liquid in the beaker. • Press Enter button, the display DENSITY SOLID requests item to weighed, press the >O/T< button. • Close the draft shield doors and weigh the solid (weight A ) by pressing the Enter button. The display now requests the weight in liquid. • Open the draft shield of the balance and place the solid in the Weighing Pan of the Weigh Below Hook in the liquid as shown. Ensure that there are no air bubbles on the solid to be weighed. • Close the draft shield doors and weigh the solid (buoyancy P ) by pressing the Enter button. The display indicates the density in grams/cc. • Successive samples may be taken simply by pressing Enter with the SET bar highlighted. Sample Weighing in Air MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE WEIGHING SELECT MATERIAL PARTS COUNTING SOLID FILLING CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE LIQUID ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU DIFF WEIGHING CHANGE MODE FORMULATION WEIGHING SELECT MATERIAL QUICK CHECK PARTS COUNTING CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY SELECT AUX. LIQUID SOLID STATISTIC FILLING CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE LIQUID H2O DENSITY ANIMAL WEIGHING RECALL ETHANOL CHECK WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH DENSITY - - SOLID OTHER DIFF WEIGHING EXIT TO WEIGH FORMULATION ENTER TEMPERATURE QUICK CHECK CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY 0% STATISTIC 00.0 WT IN AIR= TEMPERATURE= DENSITY TO SCROLL WT IN<UP>/<DOWN> LIQ= AUX CHARACTERS DENSITY = <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR <ENTER> TOPUT ACCEPT PLEASE WEIGHT ON . . . <BACK> TO ABORT Sample Weighing in Liquid DENSITY - - SOLID 100% 0% DENSITY - - SOLID WT IN AIR= WT IN LIQ= TEMPERATURE= 20.0 AUX DENSITY = 0.99823 WEIGH IN AIR. . . NEW DENSITY - - SOLID WT IN AIR= WT IN LIQ= GRAMS/CC CONTRAST SET GRAMS/CC 100% 0% 0% STABLE PLEASE PUT WEIGHT ON . . . MAIN WT IN AIR= 50.03 WT IN LIQ= CONTRAST NEW CONTRAST TEMPERATURE= AUX DENSITY = UNSTABLE MAIN SET NEW 100% 100% DENSITY - - SOLID TEMPERATURE= 20.0 AUX DENSITY = 0.99823 100% GRAMS/CC STABLE WEIGH IN AIR. . . 0% DENSITY MAINWT IN AIR= 50.03 SET TEMPERATURE= 20.0 - - SOLID WT IN LIQ= AUX DENSITY = 0.99823 GRAMS/CC STABLE 100% WEIGH IN LIQUID. . . 0% MAIN SET NEW CONTRAST WT IN AIR= 50.03 TEMPERATURE= 20.0 WT IN LIQ= 49.08 AUX DENSITY = 0.99823 GRAMS/CC STABLE DENSITY - - SOLID LIQUID. . . SET WEIGH IN MAIN NEW CONTRAST CONTRAST NEW 0% GRAMS/CC STABLE WT IN AIR= 50.03MAIN SET WT IN LIQ= 49.08 100% TEMPERATURE= 20.0 AUX DENSITY = 0.99823 52.5699 GRAMS/CC CONTRAST 28 NEW SET STABLE MAIN 3.14 Density (Cont.) 3.14.2 Solid Density Determinations (Cont.) For density determination of solids with a density less than 1 g/cm3, the bottom of the Weigh Below Hook for solids must be used as it holds the solid body below the surface of the auxiliary liquid. If the buoyancy of the solid is greater than the weight of the Weigh Below Hook, the Weigh Below Hook must be weighted by placing an additional mass on the submerged part of the Weigh Below Hook as shown. After loading the additional mass, tare the balance and start the weighing again. • Wait until the balance has reached stability and note the displayed weight P (buoyancy of the solid). • Now determine the density Q1 of the solid by dividing the first weight A (weight of the solid in air) by the second result P (buoyancy) and multiplying this result by the known density Q0 of the auxiliary liquid (at the temperature read off of the thermometer). Q1 = A P • Q0 [g / cm3] Mass Sample Buoyancy Sample Weighing 29 3.14 Density (Cont.) 3.14.3 Improving the Accuracy of the Result of Solid Density Determinations The following tips should help you improve the accuracy of the results in the density determination of solids. Temperature Solids are generally so insensitive to temperature fluctuations that the corresponding density changes are of no consequence. However, as work is performed with an auxiliary liquid in the density determination of solids, their temperature must be taken into account as the temperature has a greater effect with liquids and causes density changes in the order of magnitude 0.1 to 1% per °C. This effect is already apparent in the third decimal place of the result. To obtain accurate results, we recommend that you always take the temperature of the auxiliary liquid into account an all density determinations. Air Buoyancy 1 cm3 air weighs approximately 1.2 mg (depending on the physical condition). As a consequence, in the weighing in air, each solid experiences a buoyancy of this magnitude (the so-called "air buoyancy") per cm3 of its volume. However, the air buoyancy must be taken into account only when a result is required with an accuracy of 3 to 4 decimal places. To correct for this, the air buoyancy (0.0012 g per cm3 volume of the body) is added to the calculated result: Calculated density + 0.0012 g/cm3 air buoyancy = effective density Surface Tension of the Auxiliary Liquid Adhesion of the liquid to the Weigh Below Hook causes an apparent weight increase of up 3 mg. As the Weigh Below Hook is immersed in the auxiliary liquid in both weighings of the solid (in air and in the auxiliary liquid) and the balance is tared before every measurement, the influence of the apparent weight increase can be neglected. To reduce the effect of air bubbles and to ensure the greatest possible accuracy, use a few drops of a wetting agent (not supplied) and add them to the auxiliary liquid. 3.14.4 Liquid Density Determinations The density of a liquid can be made using either a sinker of known volume or a Pycnometer. When using the sinker, the sinker is weighed in air and then in the liquid whose density is to be determined. The density Q can be determined from the two weighings as follows: Q = Density of the liquid A = Weight of the sinker in air Q= A-B B = Weight of the sinker in liquid V V = Volume of the sinker P = Buoyancy of the sinker in the liquid ( P= A-B ) When the Pycnometer is used, it is filled with a known volume of a liquid. The density is arrived at as follows: Density = Air Weight of full pycnometer - Weight of pycnometer +{ } density Volume of pycnometer NOTE: pycnometer may be obtained at laboratory supply firms. • Follow the same procedure for solid density determination except select LIQUID under the Select material display. The balance is prepared in the same manner. 30 3.15 Library The Voyager balance can store approximately 200 names in the library. Four functions in the balance have provisions for storing a library name, they are: Advanced Counting, Check Weighing, Differential Weighing and Formulation. When a library name is selected, the associated function is also displayed along with the percentage of memory used for the entry. A Library menu is provided which allows the selected library name and function to be run or deleted. If you have accessed the library and do not want to run or delete a name an exit to weighing selection can be made which does not affect the library. Procedure WEIGHT Go Back • Press 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST LIBRARY EXIT TO WEIGH GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT MAIN MENU CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION LIBRARY EXIT TO WEIGH • Press Enter button. • Using the arrow buttons, select LIBRARY. • Press Enter button. The LIBRARY menu is displayed with all of the previously entered names and their corresponding functions. • Using the arrow buttons, select the name and function you want to access. • Press Enter button, a LIBRARY menu is displayed. • Using the arrow buttons, select either RUN, DELETE, DELETE ALL or EXIT TO WEIGH. When RUN is selected, that particular balance operation is enabled and can be run again. When a particular name is selected and the DELETE selection is made, that particular name and function is removed from the library. DELETE ALL when selected removes the entire contents of the library. • Press Enter button. Enter STABLE MAIN MENU 3.36% USED PART1 PC PART2 PC CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE FIXTURE CHK WT MED1 DIFF WT GLUE#1 FORM GLUE#2 FORM EXIT TO WEIGH 0.41% 0.45% SET BALANCE 0.82% 0.61% 0.52% 0.55% LIBRARY MAIN MENU 3.36% USED PART1 PC 0.41% PART2 PC 0.45% CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE FIXTURE CHK WT 0.82% MED1 DIFF WT 0.61% GLUE#1 FORM 0.52% GLUE#2 FORM 0.55% EXIT TO WEIGH LIBRARY MAIN MENU LIBRARY 3.36% USED CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU EXIT TO WEIGH PART1 LIBRARY: PART1 PC 0.41% PART2 PC 0.45% RUN CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE FIXTURE CHK WT 0.82% DELETE MED1 DIFF WT 0.61% DELETE ALL GLUE#1 0.52% EXIT TO WEIGH FORM GLUE#2 FORM 0.55% EXIT TO WEIGH CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION arrow button to select MAIN MENU. LIBRARY 31 3.16 Printing Data Printing data to an external computer or printer requires that the communications parameters be set first. Refer to Section 4, Setting up Your Balance. Procedure WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST • Press the Print button. Printing to an external printer or computer will occur each time the Print button is pressed unless autoprint feature is turned on in which case printing can occur in a continuous fashion at specified intervals or each time a stable reading is achieved. GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • This section defines the various printing setups with printing samples. The sample shown, indicates the status in the menus. Time and Date When time and date are entered in the balance with both Time and Date options set to ON, each printout starts with the date and time on the first line. SAMPLE PRINTOUTS TYPE= MM/DD/YY TYPE= 24 HOUR 12/17/96 16:26:12 READOUT STABILITY LEVEL FILTER = 0.5d AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER = 1 AZT LEVEL = 0.5d GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME = OFF BALANCE ID = OFF PROJECT NAME = OFF USER NAME = OFF DIFFERENCE = OFF PRINT OPTION AUTO PRINT = OFF INTERVAL= 0 STABLE PRINT = OFF NUMERIC DATA = OFF DATE= OFF TIME= OFF PRINT REFERENCE = OFF RS232 = 2400: NONE: 7 : 2 32 3.16 Printing Data (Cont.) SAMPLE PRINTOUTS Span Calibration Printout When performing a Span calibration, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan and the Print button is pressed. - - - - - SPAN CAL - - - - - 7/01/96 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 4000.00g Old: 4000.00g Dif: 0.00g Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - Linearity Calibration Printout When performing a Linearity calibration with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan and the Print button is pressed. - - - - - LIN CAL - - - - - 7/01/96 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 4000.00g Old: 3999.94g Dif: 0.06g Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - Calibration Test Printout When performing a Calibration Test with GLP turned on, a printout is available. When the display indicates the mass value to be placed on the pan, the balance the automatically displays the calibration weight required and the Print button is pressed. - - - - - CAL TEST - - - - - 7/01/96 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 4000.00g Act: 4000.04g Dif: 0.04g Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - 33 4. SETTING UP YOUR BALANCE The Voyager balance has nine menus under SET BALANCE which are listed as follows: AUTOCAL - Function can be set ON or OFF. PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS - When selected, print data to external printer or computer. RESET - Allows the resetting of Readouts, RS232, Print Option and GLP Print Option. SETUP GLP - GLP stands for Good Laboratory Practices. This series of menus permits setting of time, date, GLP print options, balance I.D., project I.D. and user I.D. SOFTWARE VERSION - Indicates software version and date. READOUT - User menu is used to adapt the balance to environmental conditions. INTERFACE - Interface is used to set the balance up for communications. PRINT OPTION - Allows the setting of various print options. SET TIME/DATE - Permits setting time and date. 4.1 Readout The Readout menu enables you to set the balance averaging level, stability level (good, better, best) automatic zero tracking (AZT) settings and legal for trade (LFT) ON or OFF. Procedure • • • • • WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter • • STABLE MAIN MENU • • • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE • • • • READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE MAIN MENU AUTOCAL ENABLE SETUP BALANCE AZT PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS READOUT SETUP READOUT RESET INTERFACE ;LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU AVERAGING LEVEL 1 LOCK OUT PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE LEVEL STABLILITY 1 SOFTWARE SETUP VERSION GLP AUTO ZERO 0.5 MAIN MENU SETLEGAL TIME/DATE SETUP BALANCE FOR TRADE OFF AUTOCAL SAVE & EXIT READOUT READOUT SETUP PRINT SETTINGS EXITCURRENT TO WEIGH INTERFACE LEVEL AVERAGINGAVERAGING LEVEL 1 FILTER RESET RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE LEVEL STABLILITY 1 LOCK OUT WEIGH GOOD BETTER BEST SETUP GLP AUTO ZERO 0.5 SOFTWARE VERSION SETLEGAL TIME/DATE FOR TRADE OFF AUTOCAL SAVE & EXIT PRINT EXITCURRENT TO WEIGHSETTINGS RESET RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK RESET OUT ( ) = 5 PREVIOUS WEIGH ( ) = 10 SOFTWARE VERSION • • • • MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE • READOUT READOUT SETUP INTERFACE AVERAGING LEVEL 1 MAIN MENU PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE LEVEL SETUP STABLILITY 1 BALANCE SETUP GLP AUTO ZERO 0.5 USER USER SETLEGAL TIME/DATE AZT FOR TRADE INTERFACE AVERAGE LEVEL OFF 10 AUTOCAL SAVE & SETUP EXIT GLP STABLE LEVEL CHANGE UNITS 10 OFF SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE PRINT SETTINGS EXITCURRENT TO EXIT WEIGH TO WEIGH AZT0.5 OFF MENU MAIN RESET SETUP BALANCE RETURN TO CUSTOM MENU LFT1CALIBRATION OFF LOCK OUT WEIGH READOUT READOUT SETUP SAVE 3 & EXIT SOFTWARE VERSION INTERFACE EXIT TO WEIGH AVERAGING LEVEL 1 PRINT OPTION CHANGERETURN UNITS CHANGE MODE LEVEL STABLILITY 1 TO SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SETUP GLP WEIGH AUTO ZERO 0.5 MAIN MENU SETLEGAL TIME/DATE BALANCE FOR TRADE SETUP OFF AUTOCAL SAVE &READOUT EXIT READOUT SETUP PRINT SETTINGS EXITCURRENT TOINTERFACE WEIGH LEGAL FOR TRADE AVERAGING LEVEL 1 RESET PRINT OPTION RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE LEVEL STABLILITY 1 OFF LOCK OUT WEIGH SETUP GLP AUTO 0.5 ON ZERO SOFTWARE VERSION SETLEGAL TIME/DATE FOR TRADE OFF AUTOCAL SAVE & EXIT PRINT SETTINGS EXITCURRENT TO WEIGH RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select READOUT. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select AVERAGING LEVEL. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and set the filter level. Press Enter button. Repeat the same procedure for stability level. Press or arrow button and select AUTO ZERO. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select AZT level. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select LEGAL FOR TRADE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select ON or OFF. Press Enter button. or arrow button and select SAVE & Press EXIT. Press Enter button. WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST LFT 34 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.2 Interface The Interface menu enables you to set the balance communication parameters for an RS 232 interface. The baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bit can be set to match the communication requirements of external printers or computers. Procedure • Press WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE AUTOCAL INTERFACE RSERSETTINGS PRINT CURRENT INTERFACE BAUD RATE 2400 RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU P SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE DATAMODE BITS 7 SOFTWARE VERSION SETUP GLP PARITY NONE EXIT TO WEIGH S STOP BIT 2 MENU OFF MAIN SETUP BALANCE A SAVE & EXIT INTERFACE P EXIT TO RSER WEIGH RP INTERFACE BAUD RATE BAUD RATE 2400 LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE P VERSION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE DATA BITS 7 300 EXIT TO WEIGH SETUP GLP PARITY NONE 1200 S STOP BIT 2 2400 A SAVE 4800& EXIT P EXIT TO WEIGH 9600 R LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE INTERFACE RSER INTERFACE BAUD RATE 2400 P SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE DATAMODE BITS 7 MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE SETUP GLP PARITY NONE SEXIT TOBIT WEIGH INTERFACE RSER STOP 2 OFF A SAVE & EXIT INTERFACE DATA BITS BAUD RATE 2400 P EXIT TO WEIGH P SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE DATA BITS 7 7 R SETUP CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY NONE PARITY 8 GLP SOFTWARE VERSION S STOP BIT 2MAIN MENU OFF EXIT TO WEIGH SETUP BALANCE A SAVE & EXIT P EXIT TO WEIGH INTERFACE RSER R INTERFACE LIBRARY BAUD RATE 2400 CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARECHANGE VERSION P DATAMODE SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS BITS 7 EXIT TO WEIGH SETUP GLP PARITY NONE S STOP BIT 2 OFF A SAVE & EXIT MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE P EXIT TO WEIGH R INTERFACE LIBRARY RSER CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE VERSION INTERFACE PARITY 2400 BAUD RATE EXIT TO WEIGH MODE P SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE DATA BITS 7 NONE SETUP GLP PARITY NONE EVEN S STOP BIT 2 ODD A SAVE 0 & EXIT P EXIT 1 TO WEIGH R LIBARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE VERSION EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE INTERFACE RSER INTERFACE BAUD RATE 2400 P SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE DATAMODE BITS 7 SETUP GLP MAIN MENU PARITY NONE SETUP BALANCE S STOP BIT 2 OFF INTERFACE A SAVE & EXIT RSER P EXIT TO WEIGH INTERFACE BAUD RATE STOP BIT 2400 P DATA R SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS BITS 7 1 MODE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHANGE SETUP SOFTWARE VERSION PARITY NONE 2 GLP S STOP BIT EXIT TO WEIGH 2 A SAVE & EXIT P EXIT TO WEIGH R LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE VERSION EXIT TO WEIGH OFF arrow button to select MAIN MENU, press Enter button. • Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select INTER FACE, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select BAUD RATE, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select either 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, or 9600. ( 2400 is normal), press Enter button. or arrow button and select DATA • Press BITS, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select 7 or 8, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select PARITY, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select either NONE. EVEN, ODD , 0 or 1, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select STOP BIT, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select 1 or 2, press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select SAVE and EXIT, press Enter button. OFF WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST OFF 35 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.3 Print Option The Print Option menu contains various print features which can be set ON or OFF and include Auto Print, Stable Data only, Numeric Data only, Date, Time and Reference data. Procedure Auto Print WEIGHT Go Back 0% When enabled, Auto Print causes the balance to automatically output display data in one of three ways: continuously, at user specified time intervals, or upon stability. Auto print can also be set off. 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, Press Enter button. or arrow button and select PRINT Press OPTION. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select AUTO PRINT. • Press Enter button, AUTO PRINT OPTIONS is displayed. • Press or arrow button and select either OFF, CONTINUOUS, INTERVAL or STABLE. • Press Enter button, display returns to PRINT OPTION. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT OPTION READOUT PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE RESET CHANGE STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE MODE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARESETUP VERSION NUMERIC OFF GLP DATA EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION EXIT READOUT TO WEIGH SOFTWARE VERSION AUTO PRINTAUTO PRINT OPTIONS OFF EXIT TOINTERFACE WEIGH PRINT OPTION STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE OFF SETUP GLP DATA NUMERIC OFF CONTINUOUS SET TIME/DATE PRINT DATE OFF INTERVAL AUTOCAL PRINT TIME OFF STABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS PRINT REFERENCE OFF RESET SAVE & EXIT LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOEXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH Procedure Print Stable Data MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS When selected, permits only stable display data to be output. SET BALANCE • Press MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE RESET CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION LIBRARY READOUT SOFTWARE VERSION AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE EXIT TO WEIGH STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL MAIN MENU PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SETUP BALANCE SAVE & EXIT READOUT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATIONPRINT OPTION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH STABLE DATA AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT OFF STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE ON NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA DATE OFF SETPRINT TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH • • • • arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select PRINT OPTION. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select STABLE DATA. • Press Enter button, STABLE DATA is displayed. • Press or arrow button and select either OFF or ON. • Press Enter button, display returns to PRINT OPTION. 36 4.3 Print Option (Cont.) Procedure Numeric Data MAIN MENU When set ON, only numeric data will be output. CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE • Press READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS PRINT OPTION READOUT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU AUTO PRINT OFF SOFTWAREINTERFACE VERSION STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION EXIT TO WEIGH SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL MAIN MENU PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SETUP BALANCE SAVE & EXIT RESET PRINT OPTION LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOMREADOUT MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE NUMERIC DATA EXIT TO WEIGH STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION OFF SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA ON PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select PRINT OPTION. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select NUMERIC DATA. • Press Enter button, NUMERIC DATA is displayed. • Press or arrow button and select either OFF or ON. • Press Enter button, display returns to PRINT OPTION. Procedure Print Date MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS arrow button to select MAIN MENU. SET BALANCE When the Date function is set ON, allows the balance to output the current date to the printer. MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU MAIN MENU SOFTWARE VERSION SETUP BALANCE • Press • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select PRINT OPTION. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select PRINT DATE. • Press Enter button, PRINT DATE is displayed. • Press or arrow button and select either OFF or ON. • Press Enter button, display returns to PRINT OPTION. EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT OPTION READOUT AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE S EXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT OPTION READOUT PRINT DATEOFF INTERFACE AUTO PRINT OFF PRINT OPTION STABLE DATA OFF CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE ON SETUP GLP DATA NUMERIC OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT DATE OFF AUTOCAL PRINT TIME OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS PRINT REFERENCE OFF RESET SAVE & EXIT CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH arrow button to select MAIN MENU. SET BALANCE LIBRARY 37 4.3 Print Option (Cont.) Procedure Print Time MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS When Print Time is turned ON, current time will be output to the printer. SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM CHANGE MENU CHANGE UNITS MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE VERSION PRINT OPTION READOUT EXIT TO INTERFACE WEIGH AUTO PRINT OFF STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT OPTION READOUT INTERFACE AUTO PRINT PRINT TIME PRINT OPTION STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF OFF SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP DATA NUMERIC OFF ON SET TIME/DATE PRINT DATE OFF AUTOCAL PRINT TIME OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS PRINT REFERENCE OFF RESET SAVE & EXIT LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH • Press • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select PRINT OPTION. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select PRINT TIME. • Press Enter button, PRINT TIME is displayed. • Press or arrow button and select either OFF or ON. • Press Enter button, display returns to PRINT OPTION. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Procedure Print Reference SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE When the Print Reference function is set ON, print the value of weight used as a reference to the printer. READOUT INTERFACE LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU RESET SETUP BALANCE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SOFTWARE VERSION PRINT OPTION READOUT EXIT TO WEIGH AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SAVE & EXIT RESET SETUP BALANCE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT OPTION READOUT EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT REFERENCE AUTO PRINT OFF INTERFACE OFF STABLE DATA CHANGE UNITS OFF PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE ON NUMERIC OFF SETUP GLP DATA PRINT DATE OFF SET TIME/DATE PRINT TIME OFF AUTOCAL PRINT REFERENCE OFF PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU S EXIT TO WEIGH EXIT TO WEIGH • Press • • • • arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, Press Enter button. or arrow button and select PRINT Press OPTION. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select PRINT DATE. • Press Enter button, PRINT DATE is displayed. • Press or arrow button and select either OFF or ON. • Press Enter button, display returns to PRINT OPTION. • After making all selections in Print Option, press arrow button and select SAVE & EXIT. • Press Enter button, display returns to WEIGHT dis play. 38 4.4 Setup GLP Setup GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) menu allows the selection of Time, Balance Identification Number, Identification Number, Project Number, Calibration and Name data to be printed. The purpose of this menu is to permit the printing of the above selected items. These items are not displayed. The default setting is off. When an external printer is used, and all items are set ON and the balance is calibrated, the printer will print out calibration data for audit trail purposes and will indicate date, and time. Since there are many displays used in this procedure, not all are shown. WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU Procedure MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE • Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. or arrow button and select SETUP Press GLP. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select PROJECT NAME. • Press Enter button. • Continue in the menu and enter the User Name, GLP Print Options (these are limited to 10characters each) and then save. The GLP Print Options can be set ON or OFF. • After making all selections in Setup GLP, press arrow button and select SAVE & EXIT. • Press Enter button, display returns to WEIGHT display. CHANGE UNITS MAIN MENUSET BALANCE SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS READOUT SETUP GLP RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT INTERFACE PROJECT NAME PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS MODE SOFTWARECHANGE VERSION USER NAME SETUP GLP GLP PRINT OPTIONS SET TIME/DATE SAVE & EXIT AUTOCAL MAIN MENU EXIT TO WEIGH SETUP BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SETUP GLP RESET READOUT CALIBRATION LIBRARY CUSTOM MENU INTERFACE ENTER PROJECT NAME PROJECT NAME LOCK OUT PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE USER NAME SOFTWARE VERSION SETUP GLP GLP PRINT OPTIONS SET TIME/DATE SAVE & EXIT <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR PRINT<ENTER> CURRENTTO SETTINGS ACCEPT RESET<BACK> TO ABORT LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT SETUP GLP INTERFACE PROJECT NAME PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE USER NAME SETUP GLP GLP PRINT OPTIONS SET TIME/DATE SAVE & EXIT AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT READOUT SETUP GLP INTERFACE SOFTWARE VERSION ENTER USER NAME PROJECT NAME PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE USER NAME SETUP GLP GLP PRINT OPTIONS SET TIME/DATE SAVE & EXIT <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR PRINT<ENTER> CURRENTTO SETTINGS ACCEPT RESET<BACK> TO ABORT MAIN MENULIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SETUP BALANCE LOCK OUT SETUP GLP SOFTWAREREADOUT VERSION INTERFACE PROJECT NAME PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE USER NAME SETUP GLP GLP PRINT OPTIONS SET TIME/DATE SAVE & EXIT AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET MAIN MENU LIBRARY SETUP BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOVK OUT READOUT SETUP GLP SOFTWARE VERSION INTERFACE GLP PRINT OPTIONS PROJECT NAME DATE & TIME CHANGE UNITS OFF SET BALANCE PRINT OPTION CHANGE MODE USER NAME BALANCE ID OFF SETUP GLP GLP PRINT OPTIONS PROJECT OFF SET TIME/DATE SAVE & EXIT NAME USER NAME OFF AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH OFF PRINTCALIBRATION CURRENT SETTINGS SAVE & EXIT RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCKEXIT OUT TO WEIGH SOFTWARE VERSION WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST 39 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.5 Set Time/Date Permits entering time and date into the balance. A battery backup is used for the memory, time and date information. The life of the battery is up to five years. Time and date information appears on printed data and to an external computer when connected to the balance. Procedure • Press WEIGHT Go Back 0% • • • • 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS • SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION LIBRARY SET BALANCE CALIBRATION CUSTOMCHANGE MENU CHANGE UNITS MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET SETUP DATE/TIME READOUT LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT INTERFACE DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY SOFTWAREPRINT VERSION OPTION SET DATE 10/10/96 SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP TIMEGLP TYPE 12 HOUR SETSET TIME/DATE TIME 1:51:16PM AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION • • • • • • • • MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE SETUP DATE/TIME READOUT INTERFACE DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY PRINT OPTION SET DATE 10/10/96 SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP TIMEGLP TYPE 12 HOUR SETSET TIME/DATE TIME 1:51:16PM AUTOCAL EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS SETUP BALANCE SETUP DATE/TIME RESET READOUT LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SET DATE INTERFACE LOCK OUT DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY PRINT SOFTWARE VERSION YEAR SETOPTION DATE 10/10/96 SET BALANCE CHANGE96 UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP MONTH 1012 HOUR TIME TYPE SETSET TIME/DATE DAY 10 TIME 1:51:16PM AUTOCAL EXITSET TO CALENDAR WEIGH PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS EXIT TO WEIGH RESET MAIN MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SETUP BALANCE LOCK OUT SETUP DATE/TIME READOUT SOFTWARE VERSION SET DATE INTERFACE DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY SET YEAR PRINT YEAR SETOPTION DATE 10/10/96 SET BALANCE CHANGE96 UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP MONTH 1012 HOUR TIME TYPE 96 SETSET TIME/D<ATE DAY 10 TIME 1:51:16PM <UP>/<DOWN> TO SCROLL CHACTERS AUTOCAL EXITSET TO CALENDAR WEIGH <LEFT>/<RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS EXIT <ENTER> TO WEIGH TO ACCEPT RESET <BACK>CALIBRATION TO QUIT LIBRARY CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION • arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select SET TIME/DATE. Press Enter button, SETUP DATE/TIME is displayed. Press or arrow button and select DATE TYPE. Press Enter button, SELECT DATE TYPE is displayed. Six formats are shown. Press or arrow button and select format for date. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select SET DATE. Press Enter button, SET DATE is displayed with the YEAR, MONTH, DAY, SET CALENDAR and EXIT TO WEIGH. Press or arrow button and select YEAR. Press Enter button, SET YEAR is displayed. Using the arrow buttons enter the year. Press Enter button. Repeat the above procedure for the month, day and time. The displays are not shown here. When the year, month and day have been entered, scroll to SET CALENDAR and press Enter button. WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST 40 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.6 Auto Calibration Automatic calibration of the balance can be accomplished when equipped with this option. On balances which do not contain AutoCalTM, the automatic calibration function is inoperative. On balances equipped with AutoCalTM, a second screen permits turning this function ON or OFF. Procedure • Press WEIGHT Go Back 0% • • • • 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION • • SET BALANCE arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select AUTOCAL ENABLE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select ON or OFF. Press Enter button, display returns to SETUP BALANCE. Press arrow button and select EXIT TO WEIGH. Press Enter button, display returns to WEIGH. LIBRARY MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET MAIN MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SETUP BALANCE LOCK OUT AUTOCAL READOUT SOFTWARE VERSION OFF INTERFACE ON OPTION PRINT CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION SET BALANCE LIBRARY WEIGHT Go Back 0% Print CONTRAST 41 100% 0.00 Help GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.7 Print Current Settings When this function is selected, and the Enter button is pressed, all settings which were made in the balance are sent to an external printer or computer. This is a quick method of checking the balance settings. Procedure • Press WEIGHT Go Back 0% • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS. • Press Enter button, a small screen appears for a few seconds with the word PRINTING . . . displayed. When the data has been sent, the word PRINTING is no longer displayed. arrow button and select EXIT TO WEIGH. • Press • Press Enter button, display returns to WEIGH. 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION arrow button to select MAIN MENU. SET BALANCE LIBRARY MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE SOFTWARE VERSION READOUT PRINTING . . . INTERFACE PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION SET BALANCE LIBRARY WEIGHT Go Back 0% Print CONTRAST 42 100% 0.00 Help GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.8 Reset When this function is selected, and the Enter button is pressed, settings which were made in Readouts, RS232, Print Option and GLP Print Option can be reset to factory settings. Procedure • Press WEIGHT Go Back 0% • • • • • 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION • SET BALANCE • • LIBRARY MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select RESET. Press Enter button, RESET TO FACTORY SETTING is displayed. Press arrow button and select either RESET READOUTS, RESET RS232, RESET PRINT OPTION, or RESET GLP PRINT OPTION. Selecting any of these items will reset that function to the factory setting. Press Enter button, display returns to SETUP BALANCE. Press arrow button and select EXIT TO WEIGH. Press Enter button, display returns to WEIGH. READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION SETUP BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT READOUT RESET TO FACTORY SETTING SOFTWARE VERSIONINTERFACE RESET READOUTS RESET RS232 CHANGE UNITS PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE MODE RESET SETUP GLPPRINT OPTION GLP PRINT OPTION SETRESET TIME/DATE EXIT TO WEIGH AUTOCAL PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT SOFTWARE VERSION WEIGHT Go Back 0% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST 43 100% GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.9 Lock Out Lock Out when selected permits various measurement units, calibration methods, and balance functions to be selected and either turned on or off or locked out. Procedure • Press WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% • 0.0 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter • STABLE MAIN MENU • • • MAIN MENU • CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT LFT LOCK READOUT SOFTWARE VERSION UNIT LOCK INTERFACE CALIBRATION LOCK PRINT OPTION CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE FUNCTION SETUP GLP LOCK EXIT TO WEIGH SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT arrow button to select MAIN MENU, press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE, press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select LOCK OUT. Press Enter button, LFT LOCK screen is displayed. Press arrow button and select either UNIT LOCK, CALIBRATION LOCK or FUNCTION LOCK. Depending on which category was selected, you may select either ON or OFF and press Enter button. When you have finished selecting items to be ON or OFF, use the arrow buttons and scroll to SAVE & EXIT, press Enter button, display returns to WEIGHT. SET BALANCE LIBRARY SOFTWARE VERSION WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.0 Help Print CONTRAST 44 GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 4.10 Custom Menu Custom menu provides a convienent way of selecting one or more balance functions. By entering the Custom menu, you can quickly select your most used function and operate the balance. There are 16 items in the menu which parallel the menus in the CHANGE MODE and SET BALANCE menus and are listed with the associated paragraphs in the manual at the bottom of the page.. Procedure WEIGHT • Press 0% Go Back 100% 0.00 Help Print GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT CONTRAST • • • • Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select CUSTOM MENU. Press Enter button, CUSTOM MENU is displayed. Press or arrow button and select SETUP CUSTOM MENU. • Press Enter button, FUNCTION LIST is displayed. This list contains the various functions available in the balance. • Press or arrow button and select desired Enter STABLE MAIN MENU MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS functions. • Press Enter button, FUNCTION SELECT with a YES or NO choice is displayed. Press or arrow button and select either YES or NO. When YES is selected, that function is available under the Custom menu for operation. • Repeat the above steps for all functions to be included in the Custom menu. • When you entered all of the selected functions,using the arrow button, scroll down to SAVE & EXIT. • Press Enter button. The selections you have made are stored and can be accessed when the Custom menu is selected. SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CUSTOM SETUP CUSTOM MENU EXIT TO WEIGH LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE MAIN MENU CUSTOM SETUP CUSTOM MENU FUNCTION LIST EXIT TO WEIGH FILLING CALIBRATION YES LIBRARY CUSTOM MENU CHECK WEIGHING NO CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE ANIMAL WEIGHING NO EASY COUNT NO ADVANCED COUNT NO MAIN MENU CUSTOM DIFF WEIGHING NO SETUP CUSTOM MENU FUNCTION LIST QUICK CHECK NO LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU EXIT TO WEIGH INTERFACE NO FORMULATION NO PRINT OPTION NO MODE SET BALANCE STATISTICS CHANGE NOCHANGE UNITS SETUP GLP NO SET TIME/DATE NO AUTOCAL ENABLE NO PRINT CURRENT SETUP NO RESET NO LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU SAVE & EXIT EXIT TO WEIGH MAIN MENU MENU CUSTOM FILLING SETUP CUSTOM MENU EXIT TO WEIGH CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE CUSTOM MENU CALIBRATION arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Paragraph References FILLING - Paragraph 3.7 CHECK WEIGHING - Paragraph 3.9 ANIMAL WEIGHING - Paragraph 3.8 EASY COUNT - Paragraph 3.61 ADVANCED COUNT - Paragraph 3.62 DIFFERENTIAL WEIGHING - Paragraph 3.10 QUICK CHECK WEIGHING - Paragraph 3.12 FORMULATION - Paragraph 3.11 STATISTICS - Paragraph 3.13 READOUT - Paragraph 4.1 INTERFACE - Paragraph 4.2 PRINT OPTION - Paragraph 4.3 SETUP GLP - Paragraph 4.4 SET TIME/DATE - Paragraph 4.5 AUTO CALIBRATION - Paragraph 4.6 PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS - Paragraph 4.7 LEGAL FOR TRADE (LFT) - Paragraph 4.12 SET BALANCE LIBRARY Example of Filling Entered into Custom Menu 45 4.11 Menu Lock-Out Protection Access to the various menus can be disabled setting the Lockswitch located on the PC board inside the balance to OFF position. The Lockswitch locks out certain menus when Legal For Trade is turned ON. The default setting for the Lockswitch is OFF. Type Approved/Legal for Trade Balance Sealing Procedure • Turn the display off and unplug the power cord. All Voyager balances may be sealed for type approved/ legal for trade applications. Type Approved balances include a lead seal with wire and security screw as shown in the figures. • On balances with a draft shield, slide the door open and remove the pan and cover plate. Higher capacity balances with a 6" or 8" pan do not have a cover plate. For type approved balances consult local Weights and Measures officials to determine sealing method requirements. • On balances without a draft shield, remove the pan and cover plate. • Remove the protective cover seal. After the balance has been set up properly and LFT is set ON, proceed to seal the balance. • The Lockswitch is located to the left of the pan support hole. • Select the desired position on the Lockswitch and reassemble the balance. Lock Switch shown in Locked Position Pan Go He lp Prin t Ba ck 0% NE TW EIG HT >O/T < CE CO NTE NT R O RA ST F 0 MO VE 0.0 0 G HIG RAM HL S IGH T OHAU U MA NSTA IN B ME LE NU S ® 100 % En ter >O/T < Sealing Screw Cover Plate Cover Seal Lead Seal Example of Sealing Method 46 4.12 Legal for Trade (LFT) Legal for trade (LFT) is a software controlled option which can be set Legal For Trade ON or OFF. When set ON, certain items in the Calibration and Set Balance menus are automatically preset and locked to permit the balance to operate in a legal for trade application and works in conjunction with a Lock Out switch. Default setting is OFF. The Readout menu enables you to set the balance legal for trade (LFT) ON or OFF. See default table. Procedure • • • • • WEIGHT Go Back 0% 100% 0.00 Help Print CONTRAST GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT Enter STABLE MAIN MENU • • • • MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE READOUT LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS MAIN MENU SETUP BALANCE RESET LIBRARY CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU READOUT SETUP LOCK OUT READOUT INTERFACE SOFTWARE VERSION AVERAGING LEVEL 1 PRINT OPTION SET BALANCE CHANGE UNITS CHANGE MODE LEVEL STABLILITY 1 SETUP GLP AUTO ZERO 0.5 SETLEGAL TIME/DATE FOR TRADE ON AUTOCAL SAVE & EXIT PRINT SETTINGS EXITCURRENT TO WEIGH RESET RETURN TO CALIBRATION CUSTOM MENU LOCK OUT WEIGH SOFTWARE VERSION Press arrow button to select MAIN MENU. Press Enter button. Using the arrow buttons, select SET BALANCE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select READOUT. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select LEGAL FOR TRADE. Press Enter button. Press or arrow button and select ON. • Press Enter button. • Press or arrow button and select SAVE & EXIT. • Press Enter button. NOTE: When LFT is turned ON, the last digit on the weight display has a white colored block behind it. This signifies that the balance is in a legal for trade operational mode and that the last digit should be ignored. The CENTER OF Zero is displayed only for LFT operation. LFT DEFAULT TABLE LFT and Lockswitch Set Balance Menu Readout Averaging Level Stability Level Auto Zero Interface Print Option Auto Print Stable Data Numeric Data Print Data Print Time Print Reference Setup GLP Set Time and Date Autocal Enable Print Current Settings Default Value Unlocked Locked to 1 Limited to OFF & 0.5 Unlocked Unlocked Locked ON Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked Unlocked WEIGHT Go Back 0% Print CENTER OF 0 CONTRAST 47 100% 0.00 Help GRAMS MOVE HIGHLIGHT STABLE MAIN MENU Enter 5. CARE AND MAINTENANCE To keep the balance operating properly, the housing and platform should be kept clean and free from foreign material. If necessary, a cloth dampened with a mild detergent may be used. Keep calibration masses in a safe dry place. 5.1 Troubleshooting SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE(S) REMEDY Unit will not turn on. Power cord not plugged in or properly connected to balance. Check power cord connections. Incorrect weight reading. Balance was not re-zeroed before weighing. Press O/T with no weight on the pan, then weigh item. Balance not properly calibrated. Recalibrate correctly. Cannot display weight in desired unit or cannot access desired weighing mode. Desired unit not selected. Check setting. Unable to store menu settings/ changes. Exit was not selected. You MUST use SAVE &Exit to leave menus and save settings. RS232 interface not working. Print menu settings not properly set up. Verify interface settings in RS232 menu correspond to those of peripheral device. Cable connections. Check cable connections. Random segments displayed or display locks up. Microprocessor locks up. Turn power off, then turn on again. If condition persists, unit must be serviced. Unable to change settings. Lock set ON. (LFT set ON) Set Lock switch to OFF. Unstable readings. Excessive air current Check environmental condition. Vibration on table surface. Place balance on a stable surface or change averaging level. Error message display. See Error Codes list. 48 5.2 RS232 Interface Voyager balances are equipped with a bi-directional RS232 compatible interface for communication with printers and computers. When the balance is connected directly to a printer, displayed data can be output at any time by simply pressing PRINT. RS232 Connection Connecting the balance to a computer enables you to operate the balance from the computer, as well as receive data such as displayed weight, weighing mode, stability status, etc. The following sections describe the hardware and software provided with the balance Hardware Rear of Balance On the rear of the balance, the right-hand, 9-pin male subminiature “D” connector is provided for interfacing to other devices. The pinout and pin connections are shown in the adjacent illustration. The balance will not output any data unless pin 5 (CTS) is held in an ON state (+3 to +15 V dc). Interfaces not utilizing the CTS handshake may tie pin 5 to pin 6 to defeat it. RS232 Commands All communication is accomplished using standard ASCII format. Only the characters shown in the following table are acknowledged by the balance. Invalid command response "ES" error indicates the balance has not regonized the command. Commands sent to the balance must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) or carriage return-line line feed (CRLF). For example, a tare command should appear as shown in the adjacent diagram. Data output by the balance is always terminated with a carriage return - line feed (CRLF). Output Formats Data output can be initiated in one of three ways: 1) By pressing PRINT; 2) Using the Auto Print feature; 3) Sending a print command (“P”) from a computer. The output format is illustrated in the RS232 command table which follows. . TARE * PRINT * 1 2 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 RS232 COMMAND TABLE Command Character ? Description Print current mode Field: Mode Stab CR Length: 5 1 1 LF 1 blank if stable “ ? ” if unstable mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t nnnnA Set Auto Print feature to “nnnn” (see table). GN tael tael tael momme lb nnn = 0 nnn = S nnn = C nnnn = 1-3600 N tical custm Pcs % Turns feature OFF Output on stability Output is continuous Sets Auto Print Interval 49 1 2 3 4* 5 6 7 8 9* N/C Data Out (TXD) Data In (RXD) Tare (External signal) Clear To Send (CTS) Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Ground Request To Send (RTS) Print (External signal) * External PRINT and/or TARE switches may be installed as shown in the diagram. Momentary contact switches must be used. 5.2 RS232 Interface ( Cont.) RS232 COMMAND TABLE (Cont.) Command Character xD Description Set 1 second print delay (set x = 0 for OFF, or x = 1 for ON) F Print current function. xI Set Averaging Filter Level to “x”, where x = 0 to 9 (see table). If LFT, level 0 to 2. xM Places balance in mode “x”, where x = 1 to 17 (see table). If unit or mode is not already enabled, command will be ignored. P Print display data T Same effect as pressing O/T button. V Print EPROM version Esc V xZ Esc R = = = = = = = = = = minimum level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 15 16 17 = = = milligrams grams kilo grams dwt Carats Ounces Ounces troy Grains Taels Hong Kong Taels Singapore Taels Taiwan Mommes Decimal Pounds Pounds-Ounces combined Newton's tical Custom Units maximum level Print balance ID (13 characters). Set Auto Zero to “x”,where x = 0 to 3 ). 0=Off, 1=0.5d, 2=1d, 3=5d.If LFT, programs Auto zero level from 0 to 1. Resets Setup and Print menus to factory defaults. CAUTION: This will reset RS232 configuration. ON Turns balance on. OFF Turns balance off. ? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Print current weigh mode. 50 RS232 COMMAND TABLE (Cont.) Command Character Description # Print current Parts Count Reference Weigh. % Print current Percent Reference Weigh. xA Set Auto Print feature, action CA - continuous printing, SA - print on stability, 0A - turns all selections off. ID Print Current ID String. XID Program User ID String, 1-8 characters. SN Show Serial Number. xS Print Stable Only. Where x =0 Off and x=1 On. TIME Print Current Time. Note, a ? mark will follow if date or time has not been set. SETDATE Set Date Command and remove Invalid Indicator SETTIME Set Time Command and Remove Invalid Time Indicator DATE Prints Current Date. Note, a ? mark will follow the year if date or time has not been set. 51 5.3 Error Codes List Error Codes List The following list describes the various error codes and which can appear on the display and the suggested remedy. Data Errors 1.0 1.1 1.2 Transient error (hardware error, probably static discharge). If error persists, the balance must be serviced. Balance temperature transducer hardware error. No data from main board. Tare Errors 2.0 Balance is unable to stabilize within time limit after taring. Environment is too hostile or balance needs recalibration. Calibration Errors 3.0 3.1 Incorrect or no calibration mass used for calibration. Recalibrate with correct masses. Balance was unable to acquire stable data during calibration. The balance will try again. RS232 Errors 4.4 RS232 buffer is full. User Errors 7.0 7.2 User entry out of bounds. Number outside of display capacity. Over-Under Load Errors 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Hardware error causing an internal weight signal which is too low. Check if pan is off. If not, the balance must be serviced. Hardware error caused by an internal weight signal which is too high. Check load on the pan which may be excessive. If error persists, the balance must be serviced. Power-on load out of specification (LFT only) Rated capacity exceeded. Remove excessive weight from pan. Underload condition on balance. Check that the proper pan is installed. AutoCalTM weight internal sensor indicated its weight on the pan. CheckSum Errors 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. AutoCalTM data failed checksum. This failure will disable access to the autocal feature (if installed). Factory calibration data failed checksum. Bad program checksum. Bad CMOS checksum. User calibration data failed checksum. Temperature compensation data failed checksum. 5.4 Information Messages Informational messages such as calibrate now and error messages appear on the display either when an action is required on the users part or a malfunction has occurred in the balance due to hardware, software errors or misapplication. 52 5.5 Service Information If the Troubleshooting section does not resolve or describe your problem, you will need to contact an authorized Ohaus Service Agent. For Service assistance in the United States, please call Aftermarket, Ohaus Corporation tollfree at (800) 526-0659. An Ohaus Product Service Specialist will be available to help you. 5.6 Replacement parts Description Power Pack, 100/120 V ac US Plug (Cord set part of power pack) Power Pack, (Cord set required for UK, European and Australian) Cord Set, 230 V ac, UK Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, European Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, Australian plug Ohaus Part No. 490202-01 490203-01 76448-00 76212-00 76199-01 5.7 Accessories Description Ohaus Part No. Calibration Masses - ASTM Class 1 Tolerance: 20 g 50 g 100 g 200 g 500 g 1 kg 2 kg 4 kg 49024-11 49054-11 49015-11 49025-11 49055-11 49016-11 49026-11 49046-11 In-Use Display Cover Kit Security Device Draftshield Kit Density Determination Kit Modular Display Upgrade Kit Auxilliary Display Kit (Table Mount) (Wall Mount) (Tower Mount) Remote Display Kit (Table Mount) (Wall Mount) (Tower Mount) RS232 Interface Cable, Blunt end (user defined) RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 25 Pin RS232 Interface Cable, (connects impact printer) RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 9 Pin RS232 Interface Cable, Apple® llGS/Macintosh Printer Battery, Memory - 3 Volt Lithium ( Use BR2325, Ray O Vac or Panasonic) NOTE: When the Memory Battery is replaced, all stored data in the balance will be lost. 53 470003-010 470004-010 470006-010 470007-010 470008-010 470009-010 470009-020 470009-030 470010-010 470010-020 470010-030 AS017-01 AS017-02 AS017-06 AS017-09 AS017-10 AS142 --------- 5.8 Specifications Analyticals Capacity (g) 62 110 Readability (mg) Weighing modes 100/210 * 0.1/1 g, mg, oz , oz t, ct, dwt, taels (3), mommes, gn, ti, N, custom unit Functions Performance enhancing features 210 0.1 Parts counting, differential weighing, quick check, statistics, formulation, filling, animal weighing, percent formulation, check weighing, density determination, SQC & pipette calibration. Program-LinkTM, GLP protocol, contrast and brightness control, custom menu, pop-up windows, application library, go-back key, help text Repeatability (Std. dev.) (mg) 0.1 0.1/0.5 Linearity (mg) (+) 0.2 0.2/0.5 Tare range Full capacity by subtraction Safe overload capacity 150% of capacity Stabilization time <4 seconds Sensitivity drift PPM/°C (10°C - 30°C) 3 Operating temperature range: w/internal calibration w/o internal calibration 10° to 40°C/ 50° to 104°F 10° to 30°C/50° to 86°F Calibration Auto calibration Power requirements External Adapter, 100 -120 V ac, 220 - 240 V ac, 50/60 Hz Plug configuration for US, Euro, UK, Japan & Australia Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) 10.2/25.9 Display (in/cm) 0.6/1.5 Pan size (in/cm) 3.5/9. diameter Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) 9 x 15.25 x14/22.8 x 38.7 x 35.5 Precision Top Loaders Capacity (g) 210 Readability (g) Weighing modes 100/410* 610 6100 8100 0.1 0.0005/0.005 0.005 0.01/0.05 0.05 0.002 0.002/0.005 0.02 0.02/0.05 0.1 Full capacity by subtraction Stabilization time <3 seconds 4 3 4 Operating temperature range: w/internal calibration w/o internal calibration 3 4 3 4 3 10° to 40°C/50° to 104°F 10° to 30°C/50° to 86°F Calibration Auto-calibration Power requirements External Adapter, 100 -120 V ac, 220 - 240 V ac, 50/60 Hz Plug configuration for US, Euro, UK, Japan & Australia 10.2/25.9 Display (in/cm) Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) * Moveable FineRange TM 4100 0.01/0.1 0.0005 Tare range Pan size (in/cm) 1000/4100* Program-LinkTM, GLP protocol, contrast and brightness control, custom menu, pop-up windows, application library, go-back key, help text Linearity (g) (+) Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) 4100 0.01 Parts counting, differential weighing, quick check, statistics, formulation, filling, animal weighing, percent formulation, check weighing, density determination, SQC & pipette calibration. Repeatability (Std. dev.) (g) Sensitivity drift PPM/°C (10°C - 30°C) 2100 0.001/0.01 g, mg, kg, lbs, oz , oz t, ct, dwt, taels (3), mommes, gn, ti, N, custom unit Functions Performance enhancing features 410 0.001 0.6/1.5 4.7/12 Dia. 6.8 x 6.8/17.2 x 17.2 w/windshield 9 x 15.25 x14/22.8 x 38.7 x 35.5 8 x 8/ 20.3 x 20.3 8.25 x 4 x 14/23.4 x 10.1 x 35.5 NOTE: Not all weighing modes apply depending upon capacity and resolution of the balance. 54 55 56 LIMITED WARRANTY Ohaus products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of delivery through the duration of the warranty period. During the warranty period Ohaus will repair, or, at its option, replace any component(s) that proves to be defective at no charge, provided that the product is returned, freight prepaid, to Ohaus. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse, exposed to radioactive or corrosive materials, has foreign material penetrating to the inside of the product, or as a result of service or modification by other than Ohaus. In lieu of a properly returned warranty registration card, the warranty period shall begin on the date of shipment to the authorized dealer. No other express or implied warranty is given by Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation shall not be liable for any consequential damages. As warranty legislation differs from state to state and country to country, please contact Ohaus or your local Ohaus dealer for further details. Ohaus Corporation 29 Hanover Road, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA Tel: (201) 377-9000, Fax: (201) 593-0359 Ohaus Europe Ltd. ENGLAND Tel: +44 (0) 1954 251343, Fax: +44 (0) 1954 250205 With offices in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Mexico and Japan. P/N 400040-022 © Ohaus Corporation 1997, all rights reserved. Ohaus Corporation 29 Hanover Road Florham Park, NJ 07932-0900 Operating instructions balances 1 Ohaus Corporation, 29 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey, 07932, USA Declaration of Conformity We, Ohaus Corporation, declare under our sole responsibility that the balance models listed below marked with CE - are in conformity with the directives and standards mentioned. Konformitätserkärung Wir, die Ohaus Corporation, erklären in alleiniger Verantwortung, dass die untenstehenden Waagentypen, gekennzeichnet mit CE mit den genannten Richtlinien und Normen übereinstimmen. Déclaration de conformité Nous, Ohaus Corporation, déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité, que les types de balance ci-dessous cité - munis de la mention «CE» - sont conformes aux directives et aux normes mentionnées ci-après. Declaración de Conformidad Nosotros, Ohaus Corporation, declaramos bajo responsabilidad exclusiva que los modelos de balanzas indicados a continuación - con el distintivo ,CE - están conformes con las directivas y normas citadas. Dichiarazione di conformità Noi, Ohaus Corporation, U.S.A, dichiariamo sotto nostra unica responsabilità, che i tipi di bilance specificati di seguito contrassegnati con la marcatura CE - sono conformi alle direttive e norme citate. Balance Type/Waagentyp/Type de balance/Modelo de balanza/Tipo di biliancia Explorer and Voyager Marked with: Gekennzeichnet mit: Munis de la mention: Con el distintivo: Contrassegnati con la Marcatura: Year of attachment of the CE mark Jahr der ersten Eichung Année de la premère vérification Año de la primera verificación annodella prima verifica Directive Richtlinie Directive Directiva Direttiva Standard Norm Norme Norma Norma EU EU EU EU EU IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 IEC1010-1 73/23 Low Voltage 73/23 Niederspannung 73/23 Basse tension 73/23 Baja tensión 73/23 Bassa tensione & & & & & EN60950:1992 Safety Regulations EN60950:1992 Sicherheitsbestimmungen EN60950:1992 Consignes de sécurité EN60950:1992 Disposiciones sobre seguridad EN60950:1992 Prescrizioni . di sicurezza EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Electromagnetic compatibility EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Compatibilité électromagnétique EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Compatibilidad electromagnética EU 89/336, 92/31, 93/68 Compatibilità elettromagnetica EN55022:1987 Emissions EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunity EN55022:1987 Funkstörungen EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunität EN55022:1987 Emissions parasites EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunité EN55022:1987 Radiointerferencias EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Inmunidad EN55022:Verträglichkeit 1987 Radiointerferenze EN45501:1992, EN50082-1:1992 Immunità EU EU EU EU EU EN45501:1992 EN45501:1992 EN45501:1992 EN45501:1992 EN45501:1992 90/384 90/384 90/384 90/384 90.384 NAWI FNSW BFNA PBNA BFNA Non Automatic Weighing Instruments Für nicht selbsttätige Waagen Balances à fonctionnement non automatique Para balanzas no automátäcas Per bilance a funzionamento non automatics ISO 9001 Certificate for Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation, USA, was examined and evaluated in 1994 by the Bureau Veritas Quality International, BVQI, and was awarded the ISO 9001 certificate. This certifies that Ohaus Corporation, USA, has a quality system that conforms with the international standards for quality management and quality assurance (ISO 9000 series). Repeat audits are carried out by BVQI at intervals to check that the quality system is operated in the proper manner. ISO 9001-Zertifikat für Ohaus Corporation. Die Firma Ohaus Corporation, USA, wurde 1994 durch das Bureau Veritas Quality International BVQI geprüft, und erhielt das ISO 9001 Zertifikat. Dieses bescheinigt, dass Ohaus Corporation, USA über ein Qualitätssystem verfügt, welches den internationalen Normen für Qualitätsmanagement und Qualitätssicherung (ISO 9000er-Reihe) entspricht. Anlässlich von Wiederhol-Audits durch das BVQI wird periodisch überprüft, ob das Qualitätssystem zweckmässig gehandhabt wird. Certificat ISO 9000 pour Ohaus Corporation. La société Ohaus Corporation, USA, a été contrôlée en 1994 par Bureau Veritas Quality International BVQI et a obtenu le certificat, degré ISO 9001. Celui-ci atteste que Ohaus Corporation, USA, dispose dun système qualité correspondant aux normes internationales pour la gestion de la qualité et pour Iassurance qualité (degré ISO 9000). Des audits réguliers effectués par la BVQI vérifient si le système qualité est appliqué de facon appropriée. Certificado ISO 9001 para Ohaus Corporation. La firma Ohaus Corporation, USA, ha sido inspeccionada por la Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI) y ha obtenido el certificado ISO 9001. Esto acredita que Ohaus Corporation, USA, dispone de un sistema de calidad que cumple las normas internacionales para gestión y garantfa de calidad (ISO serie 9000). Con ocasión de las inspecciones de repetibilidad por parte de la BVQI, se comprueba periódicamente si el sistema de calidad se manipula de forma correcta. Certificato ISO 9001 per la Ohaus Corporation. ll sistema di garanzia della qualità della Società Ohaus Corporation, USA è certificato ISO 9001 sin dal 1994 dall Bureau Veritas Quality International BVQI, e così fomice la dimostrazione che il suo sistema die Garanzia Qualità soddisfa i massimi requisite. ll sistema della garanzia della qualità Ohaus Corporation viene verificato periodicamente dall BVQI, dando cosi evidenza di. 2 Notice Certified scales,scales used for legal applications have the general type designation E...5 / V...5 and EU type Approval (T2914). The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. Such scales are verified in the factory and carry the "M" mark on the actual scale and the packaging. The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. If the letter M is shown against a solid background, the scale may be put into operation immediately. Should the background be partitioned and hatched, the scale must be verified at its place of use by the certified Ohaus service. If national regulations limit the duration of the validity of the verification certificate in individual countries, the end user of such a scale is personally responsible for arranging the repeat verification in good time. Hinweise Geeichte/eichpflichtige Waagen tragen die allgemeine Typenbezeichnung E... 5 / V...5. Für sie liegt eine EU Bauartzulassung vor (T2914). Das Jahr der ersten Eichung ist neben dem CE Zeichen aufgeführt. Solche Waagen sind ab Werk geeicht und tragen die Kennzeichnung "M" auf dem Gerät selbst und auf der Verpackung. Erscheint der Buchstabe M auf vollem Grund, darf die Waage sofort in Betrieb genommen werden. Ist der Grund geteilt und schraffiert, muss die Waage am Verwendungsort durch den zertifizierten Ohaus Service ortsgeeicht werden. Sofern gemäss den nationalen Vorschriften in den einzelnen Staaten die Gültigkeitsdauer der Eichung beschränkt ist, ist der Betreiber einer solchen Waage für die rechtzeitige Nacheichung selbst verantwortlich. Remarques Les balances vérifiées/admissibles à la vérification portent la désignation de modèle générale E...5 / V ... 5. Elles font lobjet dune approbation de modèle UE (T2914). Lannée de la vérification primitive est indiquée à côté de la marque CE. Ces balances sont vérifidées dorigine et portent la marque "M" sur Iappareil lui-même et sur lemballage, Si la lettre M apparaît sur un fond totalement vert, la balance peut être mise en service immédiatement. Si le fond est divisé et hachuré, la balance doit être vérifiée sur le lieu dustilisation par le service après-vente Ohaus certifié. Dans les pays où la durée de validité de la vérification est limitée par des prescriptions nationales, lutilisateur est lui-même responsable de la vérification ultérieure dune telle balance en temps voulu. Notas Las balanzas verificadas/verificables llevan la designatión general E...5 / V ...5 y cuentan con una aprobación de modelo UE (T2914). EL año de la primera verficación está indicado al lado del distintivo CE. Estas balanzas están verificadas en fábrica y Ilevan la designatión "M" sobre el propio aparato y sobre el embalaje. Cuando la letra M aparece sobre fondo sólido, la balanza se puede poner inmediatamente en funcionamiento. Si el fondo está dividido y rayado, la balanza ha de ser verificada en el lugar de uso por el sevicio técnico Ohaus certificado. Si la duración de la validez de la verificación está limitada de acuerdo con las normas de los distintos países, el propio usuario de tal balanza es responsable de la verificación posterior a su debido tiempo. Avvertenza Le bilance approvate hanno la denominazione del modello E... 5 / V ...5. Per esse esiste unappprovazione CE del tipo. Lanno delia prima verifica è indicato a fianco della marcatura CE. I tipi marcati con un contrassegno "M" su sfondo verde pieno possono essere impiegati da subito. I tipi marcati con ii contrassegno "M" su sfondo nero/ barrato diagonalmente dovranno essere verificati sul luogo dinstallazione da parte dun tecnico autorizzato dal Servizio Assistenza Ohaus o ispettore dellUfficio Metrico. Queste bilance sono state verificate in fabbrica e recano il contrassegno "M" sullapparecchio stesso, e sullimballo. É obbligo delluntente denunciare la detenzione dello strumento allufficio metrico competente per territorio e sottoporio alia prescritta verifica periodica come da disposizioni ministeriali. 3 NOTE: THIS EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND FOUND TO COMPLY WITH THE LIMITS FOR A CLASS A DIGITAL DEVICE, PURSUANT TO PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. THESE LIMITS ARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE REASONABLE PROTECTION AGAINST HARMFUL INTERFERENCE WHEN THE EQUIPMENT IS OPERATED IN A COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT. THIS EQUIPMENT GENERATES, USES, AND CAN RADIATE RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY AND, IF NOT INSTALLED AND USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL, MAY CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE TO RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT IN A RESIDENTIAL AREA IS LIKELY TO CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE IN WHICH CASE THE USER WILL BE REQUIRED TO CORRECT THE INTERFERENCE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE CLASS A LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL APPARATUS AS SET OUT IN THE INTERFERENCE-CAUSING EQUIPMENT STANDARD ENTITLED DIGITAL APPARATUS, ICES-003 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS. CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE RESPECTE LES LIMITES DE BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILS NUMERIQUES DE CLASSE A PRESCRITES DANS LA NORME SUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR : APPAREILS NUMERIQUES, NMB-003 EDICTEE PAR LE MINISTRE DES COMMUNICATIONS. Unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment are not permitted. NOTICE: This manual was prepared by: George W. Smidhum - Technical Writer Mark de Haas - Software Engineer Michael Sattan - Project Engineer 4 Contents OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS ..................................................................................................... 8 1. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VOYAGER BALANCE....................................................................... 9 1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 9 1.2 Overview of the Voyager balance ........................................................................................... 9 1.3 What you should know about these instructions .................................................................... 10 1.4 Safety is first ..................................................................................................................... 10 2. INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................. 11 2.1 Unpacking and checking the standard equipment .................................................................. 11 2.2 Selecting the location ......................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Leveling the balance .......................................................................................................... 12 2.4 Installing cover plate and pan ............................................................................................. 12 2.5 Installing wind shield ......................................................................................................... 13 2.6 Power supply .................................................................................................................... 13 2.7 Switching the balance on or off ........................................................................................... 14 2.8 Weigh below preparation .................................................................................................... 14 3. THE MENU ....................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 What is the menu? ............................................................................................................. 15 3.2 Menu operation ................................................................................................................. 16 3.3 Library ............................................................................................................................. 17 4. CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 Span calibration ................................................................................................................ 20 4.2 Linearity calibration............................................................................................................ 21 4.3 User calibration ................................................................................................................. 22 4.4 Calibration test .................................................................................................................. 23 4.5 Auto calibration ................................................................................................................. 24 4.6 AutoCalTM delta correction ................................................................................................... 25 5 5. WEIGHING MADE SIMPLE .................................................................................................. 26 5.1 Selecting a weighing unit .................................................................................................... 26 5.2 Taring the balance ............................................................................................................. 27 5.3 Performing a simple weighing ............................................................................................. 27 5.4 Custom unit ...................................................................................................................... 28 6. BALANCE MODES ............................................................................................................. 31 6.1 Parts counting ................................................................................................................... 31 6.1.1 Easy count ............................................................................................................ 31 6.1.2 Advanced counting ................................................................................................. 32 6.2 Filling ............................................................................................................................... 33 6.3 Animal weighing ............................................................................................................... 34 6.4 Check weighing ................................................................................................................. 35 6.5 Differential weighing........................................................................................................... 36 6.6 Formulation ...................................................................................................................... 41 6.7 Quick check weighing ........................................................................................................ 43 6.8 Statistics/function link ......................................................................................................... 44 6.9 Density ............................................................................................................................. 45 6.9.1 Balance preparation with density kit .......................................................................... 45 6.9.2 Solid density determination for items more dense than water ........................................ 46 6.9.3 Solid density determination for items less dense than water ......................................... 48 6.9.4 Improving the accuracy of the result of solid density ................................................... 49 6.9.5 Liquid density determination .................................................................................... 50 6.10 Statistical quality control (SQC) ........................................................................................... 51 6.10.1 Resuming a particular SQC setup ............................................................................. 54 6.10.2 Specifing a new SQC setup ...................................................................................... 55 6.10.3 Redoing or correcting a batch .................................................................................. 56 6.11 Pipette calibration .............................................................................................................. 57 7. BALANCE SETTINGS .......................................................................................................... 62 7.1 Reset to factory settings ...................................................................................................... 62 7.2 Setting contrast and brightness of the display ........................................................................ 62 7.3 Setting the readout ............................................................................................................. 63 7.4 Setting the interface ............................................................................................................ 64 7.5 Setting print option ............................................................................................................. 65 6 7.6 Setting GLP print options .................................................................................................... 66 7.7 Setting time and date ......................................................................................................... 67 7.8 Setting auto calibration ....................................................................................................... 68 7.9 Print current settings .......................................................................................................... 68 7.10 Lock out ............................................................................................................................... 69 7.11 Software version ................................................................................................................ 70 7.12 Setting custom menu ......................................................................................................... 70 7.13 Legal for trade ................................................................................................................... 71 7.14 Menu lock-out protection .................................................................................................... 72 8. RS232 INTERFACE/PRINTING DATA .................................................................................... 73 8.1 RS232 interface ................................................................................................................ 73 8.2 Printing data ..................................................................................................................... 76 9. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................. 79 9.1 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................. 79 9.2 Error codes list .................................................................................................................. 80 9.3 Information messages ........................................................................................................ 81 9.4 Service information ............................................................................................................ 81 9.5 Replacement parts ............................................................................................................. 81 9.6 Accessories....................................................................................................................... 81 9.7 Specifications .................................................................................................................... 82 A APPENDIX SPECIAL APPLICATIONS ................................................................................... 83 A-1 Sieve analysis ................................................................................................................... 83 A-2 Porous material density determinations ................................................................................ 86 7 Overview Overview of controls 1 6 8 2 9 3 7 4 10 5 11 12 No. Designation 1 Function LCD display on off button. 2 Go Back button Permits going back in menus. 3 Help button Non functional. 4 5 5 Print button When pressed, prints data either on an external printer or computer. >O/T< button When pressed, sets balance to zero. 6 button When pressed, travels up through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 7 button When pressed, travels down through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 8 button When pressed, travels to the left through displays. 9 button When pressed, travels to the right through displays. 10 Enter button When pressed, accepts item on display. 11 Leveling feet Used to level the balance. 12 Leveling indicator Indicates leveling position of the balance. 8 Getting to know your Voyager balance 1. Getting to know your Voyager balance This section provides you with detailed information on your Voyager balance. Please read through the section carefully even if you have experience with OHAUS balances and be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety notes. 1.1 Introduction Thank you for deciding to purchase a Voyager Balance from Ohaus. Behind your instrument stands OHAUS, a leading manufacturer of precision Balances, Scales and Indicators. An Aftermarket Department with trained instrument technicians is dedicated to provide you with the fastest service possible in the event your instrument requires servicing. OHAUS also has a Customer Service Department to answer any inquiries regarding applications and accessories. To ensure you make full use of the possibilities offered by your Voyager balance, please read the manual completely before installation and operation. 1.2 Overview of the Voyager balance The Voyager balances offer a high level of operating convenience and useful functions to make accurate measurements. The Voyager balances have the following features: Extremely rugged and chemically resistant construction. Convenient operating controls and large, easily readable display. Easy to follow menus for simplified operation. Go Back button permits going back in menus. Built-in functions for filling, percent weighing, piece counting, animal weighing, check weighing, density, pipette calibration, statistics, and SQC. Built-in leveling feet and level indicator for consistent operation on unlevel surfaces. Automatic internal calibration (on some models). Menu locks which prevent settings from being changed. Built-in RS232 interface. 14 units of measurement and custom units. Bar graph indicator for quick visual indication of values in addition to a large numerical readout. A variety of accessories includes in-use display cover kit, table mount, remote displays, interface communication cables and security device. A brief word regarding standards, directives and procedures for quality assurance: Your Voyager balance conforms with all common standards and directives. It supports standard procedures, work techniques and records as required by GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Recording of the sequences of operations and calibration work is highly important in this connection: we recommend use of OHAUS AS-142 Printer. Your Voyager balance has a CE declaration of conformity and OHAUS is registered to ISO 9001 - Management System. 9 Getting to know your Voyager balance 1.3 What you should know about these instructions These instructions contain orientation aids which represent certain functions, notices and controls. These graphic aids are not meant to be step by step operational procedures but simply a guide. This symbol indicates pressing a button. This representation symbolizes the current display of your balance. This symbol indicates additional information and instructions which facilitate your handling of the balance and contribute to proper and economical use. These symbols indicate safety and hazard instructions which must be complied with. Nonconformance with such instructions can lead to personal injuries to the user, damage to the balance or other tangible assets or to malfunctions. 1.4 Safety is first Please note the following instructions for safe and problem-free operation of your balance. Voyager balances may be used only indoors and only when attached to receptacle outlets with a ground connection. The Voyager balances may not be operated in a hazardous environment. Use only the AC adapter supplied with your Voyager balance and ensure that the voltage value printed on it matches the local line voltage. Operate and use your Voyager balance only in accordance with these operating instructions. Use only optional equipment and peripherals supplied by OHAUS. Your Voyager balance is ruggedly constructed, but is still a precision instrument. Treat it with the appropriate care and it will provide you with years of trouble-free operation. 10 Installation 2. Installation In this section, you will learn how you unpack and install your new balance and prepare it for operation. On completion of the steps described in this section, your balance is ready for operation. 2.1 Unpacking and checking the standard equipment Open the package and remove the instrument and the accessories. Check the completeness of the delivery. The following accessories are part of the standard equipment of your new Voyager balance. Equipment Pan 3.5 Pan 4.75 Pan 6 (0.01g units) Pan 8 (0.1g units) Draft Shield Wind Shield (6" Pan Units, 0.01g) AC Power Adapter Instruction Manual Warranty Card Analytical 62g, 110g, 210g 210/100g 210, 410, 410/100g Capacity 610g - 4100g 4100/1000g 6100g -8100g 4100g, 6100g and 8100g balances with internal calibration are equipped with 6 Pan and Windshield. Remove packing material from the instrument. Check the instrument for transport damage. Immediately inform your Ohaus dealer if you have complaints or parts are missing. Store all parts of the packaging. This packaging guarantees the best possible protection for the transport of your instrument. 11 Installation 2.2 Selecting the location The balance should always be used in an environment which is free from excessive air currents, corrosives, vibration, and temperature or humidity extremes. These factors will affect displayed weight readings. DO NOT install the balance: Next to open windows or doors causing drafts or rapid temperature changes. Near air conditioning or heat vents. Near vibrating, rotating or reciprocating equipment. Near magnetic fields or equipment that generates magnetic fields. On an unlevel work surface. In confined areas, allow sufficient space around the instrument for ease of operation and keep away from radiating heat sources. 2.3 Leveling the balance Exact horizontal positioning and stable installation are prerequisites for repeatable results. To compensate for small irregularities or inclinations at the location, the instrument can be leveled. Adjust the leveling feet at the rear of the balance until the air bubble in the indicator is centered. Leveling Indicator NOTE: The instrument should be leveled each time its location is changed. Leveling Foot 2.4 Installing cover plate and pan 62g to 410g balances do not have the pan and protective cover plate installed. Pan On balances with a draft shield, open the door and place the cover plate into position. Insert the pan into the center hole. Higher capacity balances with 6" or 8" pans do not have a cover plate. Cover Plate 12 Installation 2.5 Installing wind shield Wind Shield On 610g to 4100g balances with 0.01g resolution, a wind shield is required to reduce the possibility of air currents from disturbing the pan. Make sure the wind shield is firmly snapped into place. 2.6 Power supply Check to ensure the voltage printed on the AC adapter matches your local line voltage. If this is not the case, on no account connect the AC adapter to the power supply, but contact your responsible OHAUS dealer. Ensure that the AC adapter can never come into contact with liquids! Connect the AC Adapter supplied to the three pin connector located at the rear of the balance. AC Adapter Connection Rear of Balance The balance now performs a self-test, loads parameters, displays the software version, capacity, indicates if autocal is installed and the normal weight display then appears. Allow your balance to warm up for at least 30 minutes to enable it to adapt itself to the ambient conditions. If the balance has been stored in a very cold environment before installation, it may require several hours for the balance to stabilize. 13 Installation 2.7 Switching the balance on and off Your balance is on at all times when connected to a power source, the display is on initially and can be turned off. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 To switch the balance on, press the button. As soon as the weight display appears, your balance is ready. To switch the balance off, press the button. After the balance has been switched off, your balance is in the standby mode. If you wish to perform a weighing, press the button again. As your balance needs no warm-up time when in the standby mode and is immediately ready for weighing, we advise you to switch the display off by use of the button and not to disconnect it from the power supply. This also ensures that the balance is always in thermal equilibrium. 2.8 Weigh below preparation The Voyager balance is equipped with a weigh below hook at the bottom of the balance. To use this feature, remove power from the balance and remove the protective cover underneath the balance. See illustration for location. The balance can be supported using lab jacks or any other convenient method. Make sure the balance is level and secure. Apply power and operate the balance. Attach items to be weighed to the hook underneath the balance. 14 The menu 3. The menu 3.1 What is the menu? The menu allows you to match your balance to your specific weighing needs. In the menu, you can change the settings of your balance and activate functions. The Main Menu contains 7 selections. CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS Basic weighing Milligrams Readout Run Parts counting Grams Interface Filling Kilograms Animal weighing Pennyweight Check weighing Diff weighing Formulation Quick check Statistics Density SQC Pipette Print option Carats Ounces Troy ounces Grains Hong Kong taels Singapore taels ROC taels Mommes SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Span LCD contrast/ Setup custom menu stored setups Linearity brightness adjust Exit to weigh User Contains list of Setup GLP Calibration test Set time/date Autocal Autocal enable Autocal delta correction Print current settings Exit to weigh Reset Lockout Software version Exit to weigh Pounds Newtons Ticals Custom units Exit to weigh 1. Change mode: 2. Change units: 3. Set balance: Readout: Interface: Print option: Setup GLP: Set time/date: Autocal enable: Print current settings: Reset: Lockout: Software version: 4. Custom menu: 5. Library: 6. Calibration: 7. Contrast: Permits setting the balance to one of 12 different operating modes. Allows balance to measure in any of 15 selected measuring units and custom units. Permits setting averaging level, stability level, auto zero and legal for trade. Communication settings of baud, data, parity and stop bits can be set. Includes auto print, stable & numeric data, date, time and reference. Project name, user name and GLP print options can be entered. Allows balance to be set to current time and date with options on date types. Automatic calibration can be set to on or off (when balance is equipped with autocal). When selected, current balance settings can be printed. Allows resetting of readouts, RS232, print option, GLP or all to factory defaults. Units, calibration and functions can be set to on or off. Indicates software version installed in balance at time of manufacture. Permits running a custom menu and setting up of a custom menu. Contains a list of stored setups which can be recalled for operating the balance. Span, linearity, user, calibration test, auto calibration can be selected to calibrate the balance. Autocal delta correction permits user to adjust internal calibration weight to match local standard. Allows LCD screen contrast to be set for best viewing conditions. 15 The menu 3.2 Menu operation In this section you will learn how to work with the menu. Information regarding the individual menu options and available settings can be found in the following sections. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS Enter STABLE How to change from the weighing mode to the main menu The balance is operating in the basic weighing mode. Press the Enter button. The main menu is displayed with the first option highlighted. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST or How to select the menu options Press either the up or down arrow buttons and scroll to the desired option. Each time the arrow button is pressed, the balance switches to the next menu option. Each time the arrow button is pressed, the balance switches to the previous menu option. Enter How to enter the menu option MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Press the Enter button when the desired menu option is highlighted. How to enter alpha numeric data Certain menu options can have names or numerical entries made. When prompted to enter information, use the arrow buttons as follows: Press the and arrow buttons to scroll through numbers or alphabet. Enter Go Back Press the arrow button to advance to the next character in the display. Press the display. arrow button to go back to the previous character in the Press the Enter button to accept entry. Press the Go Back button to cancel entry. 16 The menu Enter How to save your settings and quit the menu MAIN MENU Certain menu options have ON and OFF settings. In these options, pressing the Enter button saves the setting after you make a selection. SAVING In options which offer various settings, after you have selected a setting, press the Enter button. SAVING is momentarily displayed and the display returns to the same option. How to back out of a menu BASIC WEIGHING Go Back 0.000 GRAMS STABLE You can back out of a menu and return to the weighing mode at any time with the Go Back button. Use the Go Back button to cancel a number, alphanumeric entry or to leave a mode. 3.3 Library Approximately 200 names can be stored in the library. Eight functions in the balance have provisions for storing a library name, they are: Advanced Counting, Check Weighing, Statistics, Differential Weighing, Formulation, Density, SQC and Pipette. When a library name is selected, the associated function is also displayed. A Library menu is provided which allows the selected library name and function to be run, deleted or delete all entries. If you have accessed the library and do not want to run or delete a name, an exit to weighing selection can be made by pressing the Go Back button which does not affect the library MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Select LIBRARY, then press the Enter button. Display advances to LIBRARY % USED menu indicating all previously entered names, their corresponding functions and the percentage of the library which has been used. LIBRARY 15.21% USED P1 P2 SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ5 From main menu PIP PIP SQC SQC SQC SQC 1.26% 1.26% 3.17% 3.17% 3.17% 3.17% The sample shown indicates six library entries. Entries are stored in alphabetical order. Accessing library function or LIBRARY RUN DELETE DELETE ALL Select LIBRARY function and press the Enter button. Display advances to LIBRARY menu with RUN, DELETE and DELETE ALL options shown. Select either RUN, DELETE, or DELETE ALL. When RUN is selected, that particular balance operation is enabled and can be run. When a particular name is selected and the DELETE selection is made, that particular name and function with all parameters is removed from the library. DELETE ALL, when selected, removes the entire contents of the library. 17 Calibration 4. Calibration Your balance can be calibrated with an internal mass (optional) or external masses. The balance can also be checked by a test with internal or external masses. If you have a printer attached to your balance, the data of the calibration and the results are printed out following GLP recommendations. A choice of six calibration methods are available: Span, Linearity, User, Test, Automatic AutoCalTM and AutoCalTM with Delta Correction. CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Span - Span calibration ensures that the balance reads correctly within specifications using two weight values: zero and a weight value at 100% of the balances full capacity. Linearity - Linearity calibration minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balances weighing range. Three weight values are used: zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balances weighing range, and a weight value at or near the balances specified capacity. User - User calibration is a method where the balance can be calibrated using a mass of known value by entering that value into the balance. Test - Calibration test allows the stored calibration data to be tested against the current mass being used for the test. AutoCalTM On balances equipped with AutoCalTM, automatic calibration of the balance is accomplished by an internal mass. AutoCalTM On balances equipped AutoCalTM, a software feature W/Delta allows the internal calibration mass to be adjusted ± 100 Correction divisions at full scale capacity. This permits adjusting the balance using an external Class I mass which is traceable to a certified standard. 18 Calibration Calibration Menu Protection Calibration may be locked out to prevent unauthorized personnel from changing calibration under LFT (Legal for Trade) mode. If calibration has been locked out, you can only access Internal Weight Calibration and Calibration Test. To lock out calibration menu, after calibration, refer to paragraph 7.14 titled Menu Lock-Out Protection. Linearity, Span and User calibration are disabled for Type Approved/LFT balances. Calibration Masses Before beginning calibration, make sure masses are available. If you begin calibration and realize calibration masses are not available, exit the menu. The balance will retain previously stored calibration data. Calibration should be performed as necessary to ensure accurate weighing. Masses required to perform the procedures are listed in the following table. CALIBRATION MASSES LINEARITY SPAN ONLY CAPACITY CAL POINT CAL POINT 62g 20g/50g 50g 110g 50g/100g 100g 210g 100g/200g 200g 410g 200g/400g 400g 610g 200g/500g 500g 2100g 1000g/2000g 2000g 4100g 2000g/4000g 4000g 6100g 2000g/5000g 5000g 8100g 4000g/8000g 8000g Masses must meet or exceed ASTM Class 1 Tolerance. Calibration masses are available as accessories. 19 Calibration 4.1 Span calibration Span calibration normally requires that calibration be made using a mass equal to the full capacity of the balance, however, the Voyager balance can be calibrated using other lesser values as specified on the display. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Clear the pan. SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place indicated mass value on pan. SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... OTHER WEIGHTS MAY BE USED: 300 200 100 Enter SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 400.000 Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 20 Calibration 4.2 Linearity calibration Linearity calibration utilizes three calibration points, one at zero, center span and full span. This method minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balance's weighing range. Three weight values are used; zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balance's weighing range and a weight value at or near the specified capacity. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to LINEARITY. LINEARITY CALIBRATION Clear the pan. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION Place indicated mass value on pan. PLEASE PUT 200.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION Place indicated mass value on pan. PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 400.000 Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 21 Calibration 4.3 User calibration User calibration is used when it is desired to calibrate the balance using a mass of known value. To use this calibration feature, proceed as follows: Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to USER. User calibration range is specified. USER CALIBRATION USER CALIBRATION RANGE: 100-400 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER. TO CONTINUE. Enter the calibration value. USER CALIBRATION ENTER CAL VALUE IN GRAMS 200.000 Enter 200.000 Clear the pan. USER CALIBRATION PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place selected mass value on pan. USER CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 200.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter USER CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 200.000 Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 22 Calibration 4.4 Calibration test Calibration test feature allows a check of a known calibration mass against the last stored calibration information in the balance. Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Enter Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to CALIBRATION TEST. Clear the pan. CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place indicated mass value on pan. CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 200.000 Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 23 Calibration 4.5 Auto calibration (AutoCalTM) On balances equipped with the AutoCalTM feature, calibration can be accomplished using an internal calibration mass. Auto calibration can be performed at any time providing the balance has warmed up to operating temperature. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL. INTERNAL CALIBRATION Clear the pan. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT... INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. It is not necessary to press the Enter button, the balance returns to a weighing mode automatically. Balance returns to a weighing mode. BASIC WEIGHING 0% Please wait is displayed while the balance is calibrating. If the balance is unstable, a message indicating this appears. The balance will continue self calibration until successful. 100% 0.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 24 Calibration 4.6 AutoCalTM delta correction Balances with AutoCalTM contain software which allows the internal calibration mass to be adjusted + 100 divisions at full scale capacity. This permits calibrating the balance using an external ASTM Class 1 mass which is traceable to a certified standard. BASIC WEIGHING ->O/T<- 0% 100% 0.000 Tare the balance, then place an ASTM Class 1 mass equal to the span calibration value of the balance. Note the reading. If the reading is higher or lower than the value of the mass, proceed as follows: PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION. CALIBRATE AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION 2 Enter 2 INTERNAL CALIBRATION Enter the number of digits shown between the span calibration value of the balance and the actual reading. For example, on a 400g balance, the reading is 400.002g. The difference is 0.002g. This indicates a correction of 2 divisions is required. Clear the pan. Internal calibration starts. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Balance returns to a weighing mode. BASIC WEIGHING 0% Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. It is not necessary to press the Enter button, the balance returns to a weighing mode automatically. If a difference still exists, repeat the procedure. The difference should be 0.000 grams. 100% 0.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 25 Weighing made simple 5. Weighing made simple In this section, you will learn how to select a weighing unit, tare the balance, perform simple weighings and enter a custom unit. 5.1 Selecting a weighing unit In this menu option you specify which weighing unit is to be displayed. There are a total of 15 measuring units and custom units which can be selected. The balance shows the result in grams BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST STABLE From main menu Select CHANGE UNITS. Scroll to the desired measuring unit and press Enter button. If a custom unit is desired, refer to paragraph 5.4. The following units are available: Display/Designation milligrams grams kilograms penny weight carats ounces troy ounces grains Hong Kong taels Singapore taels ROC taels mommes pounds newtons ticals custom units 26 Comments with mg balances only with higher capacity balances only available in library Weighing made simple 5.2 Taring the balance The weight of any container can be tared by the press of a button. The taring range covers the entire weighing range of your balance. To tare a container, place it on the weighing pan. ->O/T<- Close all draft shield doors (if draft shield is used). Press the >O/T< button to start the taring operation. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS You cannot tare the balance when the weighing pan is unstable. On completion of taring, the word STABLE appears in the lower right hand portion of the display and the numerical display indicates zero. STABLE Remember, when taring a container, the weight of the container is subtracted from the total capacity of the balance. 5.3 Performing a simple weighing The balance always starts in a weighing mode when first turned on. After taring the balance, place sample on the pan. Wait until display indicates STABLE. Now read the weight in the display. If the balance is in another mode, press the Go Back button repeatedly to get back to the weighing mode. 27 Weighing made simple 5.4 Custom unit Custom unit allows the creation of your own custom weighing units. It permits entering a conversion factor which the balance will use to convert grams to the desired unit of measure. Custom Units are stored in the Library. Values for up to fifteen different custom units can be entered. Conversion Factor x Weight in grams = Weight in custom unit Conversion factors are expressed in scientific notation and entered into the balance in three parts: 1) a number between 0.1 and 1.999999 called the mantissa 2) a power of 10 called the exponent 3) a least significant digit (LSD) SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Conv. Factor Number Between 0.1 and 1.999999 Power of 10 Mantissa EXPONENTS Exp. 123.4 = .1234 x 1000 = .1234 x 10 12.34 = .1234 x 100 = .1234 x 102 1.234 = .1234 x 10 = .1234 x 101 .1234 = .1234 x 3 .01234 = .1234 x 1 = .1234 x 100 .1 = .1234 x 10-1 .001234 = .1234 x .01 = .1234 x 10-2 .000123 = .123 Enter CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH E-3 Moves decimal point 3 places to the left. E-2 Moves decimal point 2 places to the left. E-1 Moves decimal point 1 place to the left. E0 Leaves decimal point in normal position. E1 Moves decimal point 1 place to the right. E2 Moves decimal point 2 places to the right. E3 Moves decimal point 3 places to the right. x .001 = .123 x 10-3 From main menu Select CHANGE UNITS. Scroll to CUSTOM UNITS and press Enter button. The display indicates GO TO LIBRARY. When using the balance for the first time, the library is empty and does not contain any custom units. Later, after you have performed the setup procedures, you will be able to select a custom unit by a name you have assigned. Proceed to SETUP. Enter Scroll to SETUP and press Enter button. UNIT NAME is displayed. CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH 28 Weighing made simple UNIT NAME UNIT1 <LEFT> / <RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR <UP> / <DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 SELECT DP LOCATION E-3 E-2 E-1 E0 E1 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 Unit name Enter a unit name. The name you enter and custom unit characteristics will be stored in the library when you complete all entries. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with ENTER FACTOR highlighted. Factor Enter the factor number. This can be a number between 0.1 and 1.999999. For conversion factors outside of this range, the exponent will be used to move the decimal point. Decimal point Scroll to SELECT DP, press Enter button. SELECT DP LOCATION is displayed. Select a decimal point. Scroll to either E-3, E-2, E-1, E0, E1, E2, or E3, and press Enter button. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with UNIT NAME highlighted. Least significant digit Scroll to SELECT LSD which is the Least Significant Digit, press Enter button. SELECT LSD is displayed. LSDs LSD 0.5 Adds one decimal place display counts by 5s. LSD 1 Display counts by 1s. LSD 2 Display counts by 2s. LSD 5 Display counts by 5s. LSD 10 Display counts by 10s. LSD 100 Display counts by 100s. RETURN TO SETUP 29 Weighing made simple SELECT LSD LSD LSD LSD LSD LSD 0.5 1 2 5 10 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN Enter UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH Select the least significant digit. Scroll to either LSD 0.5, LSD 1, LSD 2, LSD 5 or LSD 10 and press Enter button. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with UNIT NAME highlighted. Scroll to RETURN, press Enter button. CUSTOM UNITS menu is displayed with GO TO LIBRARY highlighted. At this point, you can select the custom unit you just entered from the library or exit to weigh. When LIBRARY is selected, scroll to the custom unit you entered, press Enter button and select RUN from the menu. The abbreviation for custom units in the display is CU. 30 Balance modes 6. Balance modes Your balance has 11 additional modes of operation in addition to basic weighing. These built-in modes expand the possibilities of your balance and facilitate your daily work. The following sections will acquaint you with these modes. 6.1 Parts counting Your balance can be set to either Easy Count or Advanced Count parts method. 6.1.1 Easy count Easy count is a simplified method for counting parts. After specifying a sample size, the balance will display the actual number of samples placed on the pan. Accuracy is based on the average piece weight (APW) of a single part. All parts must be reasonably uniform in weight. Enter From main menu CHANGE MODE EASY PARTS COUNTING Enter CHANGE MODE, scroll to PARTS COUNTING and select EASY PARTS COUNTING. PARTS COUNTING Enter numeric sample size and press Enter button. SAMPLE SIZE PARTS COUNTING APW 0.3898 SIZE 10 PIECES WEIGHT: 3.900 10 Place specified number of samples on the pan. After a few seconds, the display indicates the number of pieces based on the sample size. Repeated batches of samples may be placed on the pan and counted. STABLE 31 Balance modes 6.1.2 Advanced counting Advanced Count contains a number of entries which include assigning a library name, filling and sorting applications and statistical information which can be printed. Once a library name is assigned, this particular counting function can be recalled at any time. Enter PARTS COUNTING ADVANCED PARTS COUNTING PART COUNTING SETUP Enter APW/SIZE. You have a choice of entering a sample size or average piece weight. Enter required data. Display advances to TARE WEIGHT. PART COUNTING SETUP Tare weight Enter the tare weight. This is the tare weight of the container holding the samples. TARE WEIGHT PARTS COUNTING SETUP ON FUNCTION LINK OFF FILLING CHECK WEIGHING STATISTICS Enter Library name APW/Size APW/SIZE SAMPLE SIZE SET A.P.W. AUTO OPTIMIZATION Enter CHANGE MODE. Select PARTS COUNTING and then select ADVANCED PARTS COUNTING. Display advances to PARTS COUNTING SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Enter library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. The library name can be recalled later and the same type of items can be counted at any time. The display advances to APW/SIZE. LIBRARY NAME or From main menu PARTS COUNTING SETUP APW/SIZE TARE WT AUTO OPTIMIZATION FUNCTION LINK RUN Auto optimization An ON or OFF function. When set ON, optimizes the accuracy based on sample size. After selecting, the display advances to FUNCTION LINK. Function link Four options are available, OFF, FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING and STATISTICS. When FILLING is selected, a target weight is entered which is shown as 100% on the bar graph on the display. When material is added to the balance pan, it is displayed as a percentage and weight. When CHECK WEIGHING is selected, a separate display has entries for nominal pieces, over pieces, under pieces, run and exit. This type of function permits checking of individual pieces against the stored information in the balance. When STATISTICS is selected, provides display of Standard Deviation, either population or sample, Mean, Sum, High, Low and Difference readings. Each can be individually set ON or OFF. RUN when selected starts the program. 32 Balance modes 6.2 Filling Filling permits you to enter a target reference weight, then view other loads as a percentage of the reference which has been set in the balance parameters. The load placed on the pan is displayed as a percentage of what was entered into the balance. A twin bar display indicates to 89% on the first bar and to 110% on the second bar. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE. Select FILLING, display advances to TARGET. CHANGE MODE FILLING Enter the target weight, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. The display advances to FILLING with a dual bar display. FILLING TARGET FILLING 0% 90% 90% 110% TARGET: GRAMS 0.000 DIFF: Place filling material on the balance pan, the display indicates on the bar graph as a percentage and displays the actual load weight numerically. Target and difference weights are also displayed. STABLE After you have completed the filling procedure, you have choices at the bottom of the display to either enter a new target value, change mode or return to the main menu. 33 Balance modes 6.3 Animal weighing This feature permits weighing small animals directly on the balance. If an animal cage is used, the balance can be tared (weight of cage is subtracted) and then the subject is placed in the cage and weighed. An averaging filter compensates for animal movements. The filter can be set in a range from Good to Best. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the subject and the bar graph indicates balance capacity used. Enter Enter or MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE From main menu ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN Enter AVERAGING LEVEL, display advances to AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER. Enter CHANGE MODE. Select ANIMAL WEIGHING, display advances to ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP. ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER GOOD Enter 5 BEST ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN Enter A setting of GOOD is used for subjects which are inactive. The balance will respond quickly and present an average reading. When a setting of BEST is used, the balance responds slowly providing a much longer averaging time for very active subjects. Select filtering level and press Enter button. AUTO SAMPLE when selected and set ON permits placing subjects on pan one after another with the weight showing automatically after each subject. When OFF is selected, user must press Enter button after each subject is placed on the pan. Select RUN. Place animal on the pan, press Enter button, START SAMPLE is highlighted at the bottom of the display. An averaged reading is displayed after a count-down. The count-down time is affected by the averaging level filter setting. When AUTO SAMPLE has been selected, it is not necessary to press the Enter button to activate sampling. 34 Balance modes 6.4 Check weighing Check weighing is used when items are checked against preset balance parameters. This feature permits you to weigh an item, assign a library name, set balance parameters such as the nominal weight, over weight and under weight. Library recall eliminates the need to enter the weighing parameters again. A bar graph at the top of the Check Weighing screen indicates UNDER, ACCEPT and OVER for items being checked. MAIN MENU From main menu Enter CHECK WEIGHING Enter CHANGE MODE. Select CHECK WEIGHING, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. CHECK WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME CW1 CHECK WEIGHING SETUP Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to NOMINAL WT entry. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. Enter the Nominal option. LIBRARY NAME NOMINAL OVER UNDER RUN CHECK WEIGHING SETUP NOMINAL WT 200.000 Enter CHECK WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME NOMINAL OVER UNDER RUN CHECK WEIGHING UNDER ACCEPT OVER: 202.000 UNDER: 199.000 OVER NOMINAL: 200.00 DIFF: 0.026 Enter the nominal weight and then enter over and under weights. Press Enter button after each entry. Select RUN. Place the item to be checked on the balance pan, the display indicates the over, under, nominal and difference weight of the item. The bar graph indicates UNDER, ACCEPT and OVER. 200.026 35 Balance modes 6.5 Differential weighing Differential weighing stores tare and weight values so samples can be dried or processed and the difference in weight calculated at a later time. Up to 80 samples can be stored. The balance has the capability to work with one or two different containers or no container at all. A Sieve Analysis procedure is also included in Appendix A-1 for this type of application. Samples can be added to the applications library or extracted by name using the previously stored data. The balance can be used for other applications during processing time. Enter CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME DIFF STARTUP SETUP RESUME Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLEOFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DIFF WEIGHING, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DIFF STARTUP. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. For first time entries, select SETUP. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP. RESUME will bring you directly to RUN which starts the program. Do not use RESUME initially. Enter TARE SETUP. TARE SETUP NO TARE SINGLE TARE DUAL TARE RETURN TARE SETUP offers a choice of NO TARE (no container is used), SINGLE TARE (one container used during entire process), and DUAL TARE (two containers used, one at the start of a process and a different container at the end of a process). DUAL TARE is also used for sieve analysis. Select the appropriate tare option for your process. TARE SETUP NO TARE SINGLE TARE DUAL TARE RETURN Select RETURN. Display returns to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP. 36 Balance modes Enter Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN Automatic sampling Enter AUTO SAMPLE. Auto Sampling permits repetitive sampling automatically. Select ON or OFF. Display advances to DIFF RESULT. DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN Difference result Enter DIFF RESULT. Difference result enables final weighing results to be shown by weight, percentage (for sieve analysis), or % retention. Select appropriate result for your process. DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLEOFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF WEIGHING SETUP NUMBER OF SAMPLES Select RETURN and press Enter. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with NUMBER OF SAMPLES highlighted. Enter the NUMBER OF SAMPLES display. Enter number of samples Enter the number of samples you want to test. A maximum of 80 samples can be run per library entry. After specifying number of samples, press Enter button, display returns to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with RUN highlighted. Processing the samples Since there are three options of taring, each procedure will be covered separately. Follow either NO TARE, SINGLE TARE or DUAL TARE methods depending upon which you have selected. Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates PUT INITIAL SAMPLE # 1 ON PAN. This first sample is your unprocessed sample. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 0.000 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT No Tare - Initial weighing SETUP Put first unprocessed sample on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all samples. 37 Balance modes TAREWT N/A N/A N/A INIT WT TARE WT 7.705 NA 7.702 N/A 7.701 N/A CONTINUE SAVE FINAL \VT 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE This sample display indicates 3 samples taken with no tare. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. To return to your final weighing, find and select the Library name of your test. The balance then returns to where you left off in your sampling procedure for final weighing. No Tare - Final weighing DIFF WEIGHING Enter TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 7.299 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TAREWT INITWT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A 7.705 7.702 7.701 CONTINUE SAVE 7.299 7.299 7.299 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT N/A N/A N/A TOTAL 7.705 7.702 7.701 23.109 FINAL \VT NA N/A N/A 7.220 7.299 7.299 21.896 WT DIFF -0.407 -0.403 -0.402 -1.212 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put first processed sample on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN This procedure is used when one container is used with the initial and final samples. After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 0.000 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT Single Tare - Initial weighing (one container) SETUP Put container #1 on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next container. Continue adding containers and pressing the Enter button for each container until all containers have been weighed. When the last container has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all containers. 38 Balance modes TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 0.000 O.O00 0.000 CONTINUE Enter FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A SAVE 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: 20.006 TARE WT: FINAL WT: 20.006 This sample display indicates 3 containers weighed. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. Select CONTINUE. Display changes to PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place sample # 1 on the pan, press Enter button. Repeat steps and place each sample on the pan. PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 20.006 20.096 20.096 FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 When the last sample is placed on the pan and entered, the display indicates the tare weight of the containers and the initial weight of the samples. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE Single Tare - Final weighing (one container) DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT:16.144 16.144 PUT FINAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TARE WT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 20.006 20.096 20.096 SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE N/A N/A N/A FINAL \VT 16.143 16.598 16.685 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT WT DIFF 1 2 3 TOTAL -3.863 -3.498 -4.411 -11.772 11.267 11.352 11.358 33.977 7.404 7.854 6.947 22.205 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put first processed sample with the container on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 39 Balance modes Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN This procedure is used when separate containers are used at the start of a process and the end of a process. After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates to PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: 8.738 IN IT WT: TARE Wf: FINALWT:8.738 8.738 PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 0.000 O.O00 0.000 CONTINUE Enter SAVE FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: 23.076 Dual Tare - Initial weighing (two containers) TARE WT: FINAL WT: 23.076 Put container #1 on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next container. Continue adding containers and pressing the Enter button for each container until all containers have been weighed. When the last container has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all containers. This sample display indicates 3 containers weighed. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. Select CONTINUE. Display changes to PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place sample # 1 on the pan, press Enter button. Repeat steps and place each sample on the pan. PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 23.989 23.994 24.064 FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE When the last sample is placed on the pan and entered, the display indicates the tare weight of the containers and the initial weight of the samples. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE Dual Tare - Final weighing (two containers) DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT:8.738 8.738 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put final container #1 on the pan. Repeat process for all containers. PUT FINAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TARE WT INIT WT TARE WT FINAL \VT 8.738 8.738 8.738 19.647 20.580 20.102 23.989 23.994 24.064 SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE 8.738 8.741 8.738 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT WT DIFF 1 2 3 TOTAL .342 -3.417 -3.962 -11.721 15.251 15.256 15.326 45.833 10.909 1.839 11.364 34.112 Put first processed sample with the container on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 40 Balance modes 6.6 Formulation Formulations can be named and have from 2 to 10 components specified. Names are limited to 8 characters. Once named, they may be recalled and used at any time. Each component of a given formulation can be specified as to its weight or percentage. Each element of a formulation is shown on a dual bar graph as a percentage and displays the desired weight. Thus, each component may be placed on the pan until 100% is indicated. CHANGE MODE FORMULATION FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select FORMULATION, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to FORMULATION SETUP with WEIGH TYPE highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM2 WEIGHT Weigh type WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT PERCENT RETURN Enter the weigh type. You can select the components to be specified by weight or percentage. Display returns to FORMULATION SETUP. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM 2 WEIGHT FORMULATION SETUP NUMBER OF ITEMS Number of items Select NUMBER OF ITEMS. Specify the number of items (components) in the formulation. After specifying the number of items, the display returns to FORMULATION SETUP with SETUP highlighted. 41 Balance modes Enter FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM2 WEIGHT FORMULATION SETUP 1 0.000 0.000 2 FORMULATION SETUP 1 0.000 2 Enter 90% 90% 110% 200.044 DIFF WT: 0.044 STABLE A1=200.000 GRAMS TARGET Al 200.000 A2 200.000 TOTAL 400.000 Specifying weight or percentage values Specify either weight value or percentage value which you had previously selected for the first component. Repeat these two steps for all components in your formula. After you enter all component names and values, the display advances to FORMULATION SETUP with RUN highlighted. Add the first component on the pan. The bar graph is used as a guide to precisely add 100% of the first component. NEXT appears highlighted at the bottom of the display. Press Enter button to add next component. Sample indicates 200.044 grams. Leave the first component on the pan. Repeat this procedure for all additional components. Adding remaining components FORMULATION 90% Specify the name for the first component of the formula, then press Enter button. Display advances to right of screen which is either weight or percentage (whichever was previously selected). Adding first component FORMULATION Enter Enter FORM2 WEIGHT 0% A1=200.000 GRAMS Specifying component names Select RUN. A dual bar display appears indicating the weight or percentage to be placed on the pan. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN Enter SETUP in the FORMULATION SETUP. Display advances to a split screen. 110% 200.021 Add all remaining components one at a time, pressing the Enter button after each component is placed on the pan. DIFF WT: 0.021 STABLE RESULT 200.044 200.021 400.065 DIFF 0.044 0.021 0.065 Final results After the last component is placed on the pan, the final result is indicated on the display. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 42 Balance modes 6.7 Quick check weighing Quick check weighing permits placing a reference sample on the balance pan which is used as a reference weight to measure against similar samples. A single bar display indicates up to 100% of the capacity of the balance. The difference in percentage is also shown along with the reference weight. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the sample. CHANGE MODE From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select QUICK CHECK, display advances to QUICK CHECK. QUICK CHECK Setting reference weight QUICK CHECK ->O/T<- DIFF: 0.000 DIFF%: 0.020 REF WT: 14.798 14.800 PUT REF WT ON PAN WAIT GRAMS NEW REF WT MODE STABLE MAIN MENU Adding samples QUICK CHECK DIFF: 0.030 DIFF%: 0.020 REF WT: 14.798 14.768 GRAMS NEW REF WT Enter MODE STABLE MAIN MENU NEW REF WT REF WT: 14.798 0.0000 GRAMS MODE After the balance accepts the weight, remove the reference weight and place the first sample on the pan. The display indicates the difference in weight and percentage of the sample against the reference weight. You may continue to weigh additional samples. Setting new reference weight QUICK CHECK DIFF: 0.030 DIFF%: 0.020 Tare the balance. The display indicates PUT REF WT ON PAN. Place the reference weight on the pan. WAIT is momentarily displayed as the balance accepts the reference weight. STABLE MAIN MENU Clear the pan and tare the balance. With NEW REF WT highlighted at the bottom of the display, press Enter button. The display indicates PUT REF WT ON PAN. You may now place a new reference weight on the pan and repeat the above procedure for new samples using a new reference weight. When you exit quick check weighing and use other balance functions and return to quick check weighing, the previous reference weight appears in the display. Disregard display readings. When you place a new reference weight on the pan, the balance resets to the new weight. 43 Balance modes 6.8 Statistics/Function link Statistics are used when it is desired to compare a number of samples and examine the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data. A minimum of three samples is required in this program. Statistics contains menu options which include standard deviation, mean, sum, maximum, minimum, difference, relative deviation, auto sample and sample size. Most of these can be set ON or OFF except sample size which can be set for a particular number. When a printer or computer is connected to the balance, all statistical information can be observed and printed. FUNCTION LINK offers a choice of three functions; CHECK WEIGHING, FILLING and ANIMAL WEIGHING which can be linked directly to statistical data. Statistics can be enabled either through the CHANGE MODE menu or the LIBRARY. The library method will automatically run the link. Changes can be made through the CHANGE MODE menu setup. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE and select STATISTICS, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME STD DEV MEAN SUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM DIFFERENCE RELATIVE DEV STATS1 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON FUNCTION LINK OFF FILLING CHECK WEIGHING ANIMAL WEIGHING RETURN TO SETUP STATISTICS RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES: 3 UNIT: GRAMS MEAN: 203.571 MAXIMUM: 203.929 MINIMUM: 203.283 STD DEVIATION: 0.310 RELATIVE DEV: 0.064 SUM: 610.713 DIFFERENCE:0.546 Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to STATISTICS SETUP with STD DEV highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Turning statistics on or off Select each option under the STATISTICS SETUP and turn either ON or OFF. When you reach FUNCTION LINK, you have a choice of linking the statistical data to either CHECK WEIGHING, FILLING or ANIMAL WEIGHING or not linking and leave the FUNCTION LINK OFF. Selecting a function link Selecting FUNCTION LINK offers a choice of either FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING, or ANIMAL WEIGHING functions to have statistics available on printouts. Select the desired function and press Enter button. STATISTICS SETUP DIFFERENCE RELATIVE DEV AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT SAMPLE SIZE FUNCTION LINK RUN Library name ON ON OFF OFF 3 OFF Running the program Select RUN and press Enter button. If statistics was selected to link with any function, the display for that function will indicate STATS ON at the top of the display. Statistical result display When a program has been run, a typical display as shown appears. Function links when set up to a particular function such as FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING, or ANIMAL WEIGHING can be run directly from the Library listing. Scrolling through the Library will reveal which item(s) are linked to statistics. 44 Balance modes 6.9 Density Four methods of density determinations can be made with the Voyager balance. These are: solids more dense than water, solids less dense than water, porous material (impregnated with oil), and liquid density. A Density Determination Kit Part Number 470007-010 is specifically designed to be used with Ohaus® Analytical Voyager balances. Illustrations in this procedure refer to the density kit, however, you may use whatever lab apparatus that will suit the requirements for density measurements. A built in reference density table for water at temperatures between 10ºC and 30ºC is included in the balance software. When making density measurements, the material should weigh at least 10.0 mg on an analytical balance and 100 mg on a precision balance. 6.9.1 Balance preparation with density kit Allow the balance to warm up sufficiently before making measurements. Support Bracket Washer Equalizing Weigh Bracket Washer Below Hook Kit Components Pan Balance preparation Bracket and Washer Mounting Open either the left or right side door of the balance and remove the Pan as shown. Insert the Bracket into the balance where the Pan was removed. On balances which are rated over 400g, place the Equalizing Washer on top of the Bracket as shown in the illustration. Place the Support into position over the bracket making sure the Support does not make contact with the Bracket as shown in illustration. Support Bracket Support Mounting Install beaker on support as shown. NOTE: Beaker and thermometer are not supplied as part of the density kit. Beaker Installation 45 Balance modes 6.9.2 Solid density determinations for items more dense than water The density Q is the quotient of the mass m and the volume V. Q= m V Density determinations are performed by using Archimedes principle. This principle states that every solid body immersed in a fluid loses weight by an amount equal to that of the fluid it displaces. The density table for water is included in the Voyager balance software. The density of a solid is determined with the aid of a liquid whose density, Qo, is known (water is used as an auxiliary liquid). The solid is weighed in air (A) and then in the auxiliary liquid (B). The density Q can be calculated from the two weighings as follows: Q= A •Q0 A -B The balance allows direct determination of the buoyancy P (P =A - B ) and consequently the above formula can be simplified: Q= A P •Q0 Q = Density of the solid A = Weight of the solid in air B = Weight of the solid in the auxiliary liquid Q0 = Density of the auxiliary liquid at a given temperature (this value depends on the temperature). The density table for water is included in Voyager balances. P = Buoyancy of the solid in the auxiliary liquid (corresponds to A -B). In the event that a different liquid is to be used, provisions are made to enter the density of the desired liquid and enter its name into a library. The following procedure uses water. Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DENSITY, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY SETUP with SOLID DENSITY highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. After you select SOLID DENSITY, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with H2O highlighted. OFF OFF 46 Balance modes Enter AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC Enter Enter Enter AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN Enter the temperature of the water and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Skip the next two steps. Selecting an auxiliary liquid Select OTHER, and perform the next step. Specify auxiliary liquid density AUX LIQ & MODE Enter Select H2O, and perform the next step. If you are using a different liquid, skip the next step and continue. Specify temperature AUX LIQ & MODE Enter Selecting water as auxiliary liquid D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF Enter the density of the auxiliary liquid and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Return to setup Select RETURN TO SETUP. Disregard POROUS MATERIAL in menu as this is explained in Appendix A-2. Display returns to DENSITY SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE highlighted. Auto sample Select AUTO SAMPLE and turn it ON or OFF. A setting of ON allows samples to be sequentially sampled without pressing the Enter button for each sample. Auto print At this point you can select AUTO PRINT. To turn on, press the Enter button and select ON. If you do not want automatic printing, select OFF. Testing the sample Select RUN and press the Enter button. The display advances to DENSITY and requests WEIGH IN AIR shown at the bottom of the screen. DENSITY - - D2 WEIGH IN AIR: 0.000 WEIGH IN LIQ: WEIGH IN AIR START/SAMPLE TEMP:25.0 AUX D= 9.971 VOLUME: 0.000 SETUP MAIN MENU 47 Balance modes START/SAMPLE is highlighted. Make sure a beaker with liquid is in position on the stand in the balance. Press the >O/T< button to zero the balance reading. Sample Weighing in Air Place solid on top of the bracket as shown and close the draft shield doors. Weigh the solid (weight A) and press the Enter button. The display now requests WEIGH IN LIQUID. Open the draft shield of the balance and place the solid in the Weighing Pan on the Weigh Below Hook in the liquid as shown. Ensure that there are no air bubbles on the solid to be weighed. Close the draft shield doors and weigh the solid (buoyancy P) by pressing the Enter button. The display indicates the density in grams/cc. Sample Weighing in Liquid DENSITY - - D2 WEIGH IN AIR: 15.703 WEIGH IN LIQ: 15.306 TEMP:25.0 AUX D= 9.971 VOLUME: 0.40 Successive samples may be taken simply by pressing Enter with the START SAMPLE bar highlighted. If AUTO SAMPLE was selected previously, samples can be taken as per the indication on the display. A typical final display is shown which indicates all of the parameters and values. 39.438 GRAMS/CC START/SAMPLE SETUP STABLE MAIN MENU 6.9.3 Solid density determinations for items less dense than water For density determination of solids with a density less than 1 g/CM3, the bottom of the Weigh Below Hook for solids must be used as it holds the solid body below the surface of the auxiliary liquid. If the buoyancy of the solid is greater than the weight of the Weigh Below Hook, the Weigh Below Hook must be weighted by placing an additional mass on the submerged part of the Weigh Below Hook as shown. Weigh the sample in air first as explained in the previous procedure. Mass After loading the additional mass, tare the balance and start the weighing again. Wait until the balance has reached stability and note the displayed weight P (buoyancy of the solid). Sample Buoyancy Sample Weighing 48 Balance modes 6.9.4 Improving the accuracy of the result of solid density The following tips should help you improve the accuracy of the results in the density determination of solids. Temperature Solids are generally so insensitive to temperature fluctuations that the corresponding density changes are of no consequence. However, as work is performed with an auxiliary liquid in the density determination of solids, their temperature must be taken into account as the temperature has a greater effect with liquids and causes density changes in the order of magnitude 0.I to 1% per °C. This effect is already apparent in the third decimal place of the result. To obtain accurate results, we recommend that you always take the temperature of the auxiliary liquid into account on all density determinations. Air buoyancy 1 CM3 of air weighs approximately 1.2 mg (depending on the physical condition). As a consequence, in the weighing in air, each solid experiences a buoyancy of this magnitude (the so-called air buoyancy) per cm3 of its volume. However, the air buoyancy must be taken into account only when a result is required with an accuracy of 3 to 4 decimal places. To correct for this, the air buoyancy (0.0012 g per cm3 volume of the body) is added to the calculated result: Calculated density + 0.0012 g/cm3 air buoyancy = effective density Surface tension of the auxiliary liquid Adhesion of the liquid to the Weigh Below Hook causes an apparent weight increase of up 3 mg. As the Weigh Below Hook is immersed in the auxiliary liquid in both weighings of the solid (in air and in the auxiliary liquid), the influence of the apparent weight increase can be neglected because the balance is tared before every measurement. To reduce the effect of air bubbles and to ensure the greatest possible accuracy, use a few drops of a wetting agent (not supplied) and add them to the auxiliary liquid. 49 Balance modes 6.9.5 Liquid density determinations The density of a liquid can be made using a sinker of known volume. The sinker is weighed in air and then in the liquid whose density is to be determined, The density, Q, can be determined from the two weighings as follows: Q= Q = Density of the liquid A = Weight of the sinker in air B = Weight of the sinker in liquid V = Volume of the sinker P = Buoyancy of the sinker in the liquid ( P = A-B) A-B V DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF DENSITY SETUP ENTER SINKER VOLUME IN CC 30.000 DENSITY - - D3 WEIGH IN AIR: 211.395 WE GH iN LIQ: 200.043 SKRVOL:30.000 0.378 START/SAMPLE GRAMS/CC STABLE SETUP MAIN MENU Select liquid density The balance is prepared in the same manner. Follow the same procedure for solid density determination except select LIQUID DENSITY under the DENSITY SETUP display. Press the Enter button. The display advances to ENTER SINKER VOLUME IN CC. Enter sinker volume Enter the sinker volume in CCs. The display starts with 30 cc. Continue with the instructions on the displays and select RUN. After weighing the sinker in air and then weighing the sinker immersed in liquid, the balance calculates the density of the liquid and is displayed in grams/cc. See illustrations below for placement of the sinker. When the sinker is immersed in the liquid, it must not come into contact with the bottom of the beaker. Sinker Sinker Sinker In Air Sinker In Liquid 50 Balance modes 6.10 Statistical quality control (SQC) The Statistical Quality Control (SQC) feature is extremely useful during various types of process filling operations when it is desired to monitor and control the process to eliminate under and over filling. Provisions are made in the balance to accommodate the weight of various packaging methods. During operation, parameters of the packaged product are set into the balance such as packaging weight, acceptable weight limits and non-acceptable weight limits of the product. These weight limits are identified as +Tl, +T2, NOMINAL and -TI, -T2. As samples are weighed and stored in the balance, a trend analysis is developed and displayed on the balance. Up to 25 samples in a batch with up to ten batches are visible on a trend screen for quality control purposes. Each batch of samples is shown on the display which indicates the maximum/minimum standard deviation and mean values for each batch. An on going examination of the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data can be viewed and is stored. By observing the results of the TREND ANALYSIS screen, you can effectively monitor the filling process operation. Setup parameters can be stored in the library and up to 5 products with statistical history can be stored in memory. All SQC information can be printed. Enter CHANGE MODE SQC Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter From main menu SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME SQC1 NO TARE OFF l SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to SQC SETUP with TOLERANCE highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Tolerance Enter TOLERANCE. Display advances to DEFINE TOLERANCE with +T2 highlighted. I DEFINE TOLERANCE +T2 +T1 NOMINAL WEIGHT -Ti -T2 RETURN TO SETUP Library name 0.000 0.000 O.O00 0.000 0.000 SQC1 NO TARE OFF l Defining tolerances Define the tolerances for your product. Start with +T2, continue with +Tl, NOMINAL WEIGHT, then -TI, finish with -T2. After entering values, press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP, press Enter button. Selecting tare Select TARE and press Enter button. Display advances to TARE SELECTION with NO TARE highlighted. I 51 Balance modes Selecting type of tare TARE SELECTION NO TARE MEAN TARE INDIVIDUAL TARE ADD. WITH MT RETURN TO SETUP Four types of taring are available. NO TARE is self explanatory, MEAN TARE is used to subtract the packaging weight automatically, INDIVIDUAL TARE is for each sample with display prompts, ADD with MT is additive weighing with mean tare. After selecting tare type, press Enter button. SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Selecting auto sample/auto print SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF I SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Specifying sample size SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF 3 SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME OFF OFF 3 0 The balance has a total limit of 5 history files which can include other functions such as Differential Weighing and Formulation. If more than five sets are entered, one or more data files will have to be removed. If when saving, a message appears FAILED TO SAVE, the library is full. Sample # 1 SQC - - SQC2 100% 0.000 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN 100% 11.905 START/SAMPLE SETUP Enter BATCH NAME. Specify the name of the batch and press Enter button. After specifying the batch name, the display advances to SQC SETUP with RUN highlighted. You are now ready to take samples. Taking samples SQC SETUP 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN Enter NUMBER OF SAMPLES. Specify the number of samples to be measured. After specifying sample size, display advances to SQC SETUP with BATCH NAME highlighted. Press Enter button. Specifying batch name SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF 3 AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME V IEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN AUTO SAMPLE and AUTO PRINT are ON/OFF selectable functions. When AUTO SAMPLE is turned ON, samples can be taken without pressing any buttons. When AUTO PRINT is set ON, automatic printing of results are made. Select functions and press Enter button. With the SQC SETUP displayed and RUN highlighted, press Enter button, display indicates the previously entered data Library name at the right hand top of the display and instructs: PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place your first sample on the balance pan, then press Enter button. When the balance stabilizes, it will record the weight you have placed on the pan and will automatically advance to sample number 2. MAIN MENU 52 Balance modes Sample # 2 SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #2 ON PAN 100% 12.305 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Remaining samples SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #3 ON PAN 100% 12.710 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU SAMPLES 3 BATCH NAME: NOI UNIT GRAMS NOMINAL WT: 12.181 MEAN 12.307 MAXIMUM 12.710 MINIMUM 11.906 STD DEVIATION: 0.402 RELATIVE DEVIATION: O.108 >+T2 0.00% 0 >+T1 0.00% 0 TI>N>-TI 100.00%, 3 <-T10.00%, 0 <-T20.00% 0 Go Back Remove the first sample from the pan and place the second sample on the pan. When the balance stabilizes, press the Enter button. When AUTO SAMPLE is ON, you do not have to press Enter. SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES 3 VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN SQ1 TOTAL BATCHES I 1 05/24/99 08:06:28A 05/24/99 02:34:19 19.513 +T2 16.076 +T1 12.181 N 8.742 -Tl 7.500 -T2 Continue this procedure until all of your samples have been entered. When all samples have been entered, a History screen is displayed which indicates the parameters of the first batch. Batch history result The sample history result at the left represents a batch of three samples. To run additional batches of samples, press the Enter button, the display will return to PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Remember that only ten batches will be displayed, however, if more batches are run, data is still recorded. Analyzing data Press the Go Back button until SQC SETUP is displayed. Select VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE. Press the Enter button and the Trace Value screen appears. This screen indicates the limits you have set for your samples and the amount of deviation per batch. Viewing mean value trace After you have taken the required number of data samples, you can view the sample value trace and/or the sample batch history. Screen indicates 11 batches were processed with the last 10 displayed. Sample Value Trace STANDARD DEVIATION MAXIMUM LIMIT Symbol Definitions MEAN VALUE OF SQC SET The sample illustration at the left describes the symbols used on the Mean Value Trace screen and their definitions. MINIMUM LIMIT Symbol definitions 53 Balance modes Go Back SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES 3 VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN START SAMPLING: 05/24/99 08:26:28A TOTAL BATCHES:11 TOTAL SAMPLES: 33 MEAN: 14.314 MAXIMUM: 20.523 MINIMUM: 8.745 STD DEVIATION: 2.226 >+T2: 9.09% 3 >+T1: 24.24% 8 T1>N>-T1: 66%, 22 <-T1:0.00%, 0 <-T2:0.00%, 0 LAST SAMPLE: 05/24/99 02:34:19P 6.10.1 Selecting batch history To select the batch history, press the Go Back button to enter the SQC SETUP screen and scroll down to VIEW BATCH HISTORY. Press the Enter button. Viewing batch history Eleven batches of samples with three samples per batch were taken as an example. The sample illustration at the left indicates the parameters taken during the last 33 samples. Resuming a particular SQC setup SQC has a resume feature which enables you to recall any SQC procedure which has been named and stored in the library. The Setup procedure enabled you to designate the product parameters and assign a basic name. To use a stored product parameter with a new set of samples, you recall the procedure by name. Enter CHANGE MODE SQC From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter library name Enter the library name of the previous SQC procedure you want to resume. Press Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. The balance uses the parameters which were previously set. In the next step, you cannot use the Go Back to exit the menu. If you decide to exit, you must enter RESUME first, then back out. Enter SQC SETUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! Select resume When RESUME is selected, the display returns to the SQC SETUP with RUN highlighted. 54 Balance modes Enter SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN OFF OFF 3 0 PUT SAMPLE # 1 ON PAN 0.000 6.10.2 SETUP With RUN selected, press Enter button. Adding additional samples SQC - - SQI START/SAMPLE Select run MAIN MENU Display returns to the name of the SQC identified and is ready to run sample # 1. You may now run additional samples with the parameters previously set. These samples will be added to the original sample set. The last ten samples are displayed on the MEAN VALUE TRACE. Specifying new SQC setup There are two methods of entering SQC for a new setup. One is to start at the beginning of the SQC procedure. The second method is to enter the SQC STARTUP menu. The second method is specified. Enter SQC CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter From main menu SQC STARTUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT N NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME SQC 1 NO TARE OFF 0FF OFF 1 Enter library name If you have selected an existing library name you can still change the setup in the next step. Press the Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. Select new setup When NEW SETUP is selected, the display returns to the SQC SETUP with TOLERANCE highlighted. Completing new setup Refer back to section 6.10 and enter all information required for a new setup. 55 Balance modes 6.10.3 Redoing or correcting a batch If during the course of taking samples, an error has occurred and you want to rerun the set of samples you are currently working with, this procedure will allow you to start a new set without recording data from the set containing errors. Go Back Enter Enter Exiting a sample set containing an error SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT N NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME When the current sample you are working with is incorrect, you can exit by pressing the Go Back button. The display returns back to SQC SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Press the Enter button. STATISTICS SETUP Entering current library name LIBRARY NAME The current name you assigned should be displayed. Press the Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. SQC STARTUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! Select PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH and press Enter button. The display returns to SQC SETUP with VIEW BATCH HISTORY highlighted. Select run SQC SETUP MEAN TARE VALUE OFF AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN Select previous setup OFF OFF 3 N01 Scroll to RUN. With RUN selected, press the Enter button. The balance returns to the sample set interrupted and you may continue to take samples. Clearing previous data set When you are in the SQC STARTUP menu, you can elect to remove all data if desired by selecting PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA and pressing Enter button. 56 Balance modes 6.11 Pipette calibration Pipette calibration checks the accuracy and precision values of pipettes by weight analysis. An analytical balance is recommended for maximum accuracy. The balance is capable of recording data from 3 to 30 samples of each pipette tested. Each test run is stored in the application library. The number of tests which can be stored will depend on the number of samples per test. The density table for water is included. If other liquids are used for pipette calibration, you must enter the liquids density in g/cc at current room temperature. Since all calculations are made within the balance, it is also required that you know the atmospheric pressure which has to be entered. A printout can be made which specifies all parameters of the test made. Enter CHANGE MODE PIPETTE PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select PIPETTE, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with TEST LIQUID G/CC highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Test liquid Press Enter button. Display advances to SELECT TEST LIQUID with H2O highlighted. Selecting water as the test liquid If you are using water as the test liquid, press the Enter button. If you are using a liquid other than water, skip the next step and continue. Enter temperature of water ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS 25.000 25.000 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP Measure the temperature of water you will be using for Pipette measurements in Celsius. A standard room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius has been pre-entered in the balance. Enter the correct value. Selecting other test liquid If you are using a liquid other than water as the test liquid, scroll to OTHER and press the Enter button. The display advances to ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC. 57 Balance modes Enter density of test liquid ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC 0.9971 Enter Enter 0.9971 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP Enter the density value for the test liquid. The standard density for water has been pre-entered. Enter the correct value for the liquid you are using, and press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP. Return to setup Press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with BARO PRESSURE highlighted. PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 BAROMETRIC PRES- ATM SURE PSIG MMHG MBAR HPA INHG Enter barometric pressure Press the Enter button. The display advances to BAROMETRIC PRESSURE with ATM highlighted. Select unit of atmospheric pressure measurement Select unit, press Enter button. The display advances to BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. Specify barometric pressure BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 1.0000 1.000 Enter the barometric pressure of the test area, then press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE OFF highlighted. If you do not want auto sampling, skip next two steps and select AUTO PRINT. It should be noted that in the next step you can select AUTO SAMPLE either ON or OFF. When AUTO SAMPLE is turned ON, it is a real time saver as the balance controls do not have to be touched during sampling. Enter Enter PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 Select auto sampling If you want auto sampling, press Enter button. Display advances AUTO SAMPLE with ON highlighted. Press the Enter button. Select auto print on Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with AUTO PRINT OFF highlighted. 58 Balance modes Enter Enter Set auto print on AUTO PRINT ON OFF When set ON, results are automatically printed. Press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with NUMBER OF SAMPLES highlighted. PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 NUMBER OF SAMPLES 10 Enter 1 10 PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 Select number of samples Press the Enter button. The display advances to NUMBER OF SAMPLES. Enter sample size Enter the number of samples. Press Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with PIPETTE NAME highlighted. Select pipette name Press Enter button. Display advances to new screen PIPETTE NAME. Enter pipette name PIPETTE NAME WHEAT Enter the name of the pipette. Press Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE NUMBER. Press Enter button. Enter pipette number PIPETTE NUMBER 345 Enter or PIPETTE SETUP BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 WHEAT 345 0.00ML NOMINAL VALUE UNITS ML UL RETURN TO SETUP Enter the number of the pipette. Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with NOMINAL highlighted. Select nominal Press the Enter button. The display advances to NOMINAL VALUE UNITS with ML highlighted. Select nominal value unit Select either ML (milliliters) or UL (microliters). Press the Enter button. Display advances to NOMINAL. 59 Balance modes Enter nominal value Enter the nominal value. Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with INACCURACY highlighted. NOMINAL 0.0000 Enter 0.0000 Select inaccuracy PIPETTE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY OFF OFF 10 WHEAT 345 3.45ML 2.00% Select INACCURACY. Press Enter button. The display advances to INACCURACY. Enter inaccuracy value Enter the percentage of acceptable inaccuracy. This indicates the deviation of all pipette samples (mean error). Press Enter button. The default setting is 2 percent. Display advances to IMPRECISION. INACCURACY 2.000 Enter 2.000 Select imprecision PIPETTE SETUP AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY IMPRECISION OFF 10 WHEAT 345 3.45ML 2.00% 2.00% Select IMPRECISION. Press the Enter button. Display advances to IMPRECISION. Enter imprecision value Enter the imprecision value. This indicates the variation of all pipette samples from the mean value (Coefficient of Variation). Press the Enter button. The default setting is 2 percent. The display advances to RUN. IMPRECISION 2.000 2.000 When placing samples in the vessel during pipette calibration, make sure to continue the calibration to the end without significant pauses in between each sample. If a significant amount of time has elapsed (30 seconds or more) between samples, re-tare the balance before adding the next sample. This is to eliminate errors introduced by evaporation. Enter Taking samples PIPETTE SETUP PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY IMPRECISION VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN 345 3.45ML 2.00% 2.00% With RUN highlighted, press the Enter button. The display advances to a screen requesting to PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. PIPETTE - - P2 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN 100% 0.000 AUTO SAMPLE ON GRAMS STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Press Enter, the display indicates PIPETTE -- NAME of test at the top of the screen. START/SAMPLE is at the bottom of the screen. Pressing Enter starts the testing. If you are using water,use distilled water only. Place empty vessel on the balance, fill the vessel with a small amount of liquid, and then tare the balance. 60 Balance modes When AUTO SAMPLE has been selected, it is not necessary to press the Enter button for each sample. If the balance fails to advance to the next sample, press the Enter button. Place the first sample from the pipette into the vessel and press Enter. The display indicates SAMPLE #1. Place the second sample from the pipette into the vessel and press Enter. P1 05/26/99 03:11:03P NOMINAL: 3.45ML 3.525 2S 3.492 S 3.458 M 3.425 S 3.391 2S STATUS PASS INACCURACY: 0.30% IMPRECISION:0.97% Repeat the above steps until all samples have been run. When the last sample is placed on the balance and the Enter button is pressed, the panel display indicates the results of the test which includes the Date, Time, Status, Nominal value, Inaccuracy and Imprecision. The graph on the display indicates the mean value in the center with standard deviation and 2 times standard deviation above and below shown as lines across the screen. Each sample is shown as a diamond shaped mark on the graph. A ten sample set is shown. If AUTO PRINT was selected during the setup, the results are automatically printed. Printout contains numerical results and all statistics. For manual printing of test results, press the Print button on the balance. 61 Balance settings 7. Balance settings 7.1 Reset to factory settings In this menu option you can reset selected functions or all menu settings to factory settings. Enter CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE Select SET BALANCE, display advances to SET BALANCE. Select RESET, press Enter button. Display advances to RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS. SET BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET or From main menu SET BALANCE RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS RESET READOUTS RESET RS232 RESET PRINT OPTION RESET GLP RESET ALL EXIT TO WEIGH Enter Reset to factory settings The RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS has several reset functions. To reset a function, select the function using the arrow buttons and press Enter button. To reset all functions, select RESET ALL using arrow buttons and press Enter button. RESET ALL when selected, will return the balance to factory default settings. 7.2 Setting contrast and brightness of display When the balance is first turned on, you may want to adjust the balance's LCD display contrast and brightness to suit your needs. Enter or MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Enter the MAIN MENU and select CONTRAST and press Enter button. Display advances to LCD CONTRAST / BRIGHTNESS ADJUST. Using arrow buttons, adjust contrast as needed. MAIN MENU LCD CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS Press arrow buttons and adjust brightness as needed. Press Enter or Go Back button to return to MAIN MENU. MAIN MENU LCD CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS 62 Balance settings 7.3 Setting the readout This menu option enables you to set the balance averaging level, stability level, auto zero, and legal for trade (LFT). Enter SET BALANCE READOUT From main menu or READOUT SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER Setting averaging level GOOD or BEST 5 READOUT SETUP STABILITY LEVEL FILTER GOOD BEST 5 READOUT SETUP AZT or OFF 0.5 1 3 or Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Press the Enter button, display advances to READOUT SETUP. READOUT SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 STABILITY LEVEL 5 AUTO ZERO 0.5 LEGAL FOR TRADE OFF EXIT TO WEIGH Press Enter button, AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER is displayed. Averaging level filter compensates for vibration or excessive air currents. A zero setting (GOOD) corresponds to minimum filtering with fastest stabilization time. A setting of (BEST)10 is maximum filtering with the slowest stabilization time. Adjust to desired setting and press Enter button. Setting stability level Scroll to STABILITY LEVEL and press Enter button, STABILITY LEVEL FILTER is displayed. Stability level filter determines the variation range in divisions for a given reading depending upon the filter setting. A setting of zero (GOOD) permits the balance to respond to variations of .5 divisions. A setting of (BEST) 10 sets the threshold to 3 divisions. Adjust to desired setting and press Enter button. Setting auto-zero Scroll to AUTO ZERO and press Enter button, AZT is displayed. Auto zero minimizes the effects of temperature changes and shift on the zero reading. There are 4 settings, OFF, 0.5, 1, and 3. The numbers represent display divisions. The balance maintains the zero display until the set threshold is exceeded. Select the desired setting and press Enter button. Setting legal for trade Scroll to LEGAL FOR TRADE and press Enter button. Legal for trade can be set ON or OFF. When set ON, only the functions allowed by the national weights and measures legislation are available. Press Enter button after making your selection. 63 Balance settings 7.4 Setting the interface This menu option enables you to set the balance communication parameters for the RS232 interface which include: baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bit. Enter SET BALANCE INTERACE or 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 RETURN or NONE EVEN ODD 0 1 RETURN Setting baud rate INTERFACE DATA BITS Setting data bits INTERFACE PARITY INTERFACE STOP BITS or 1 2 RETURN Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to INTERFACE and press the Enter button, display advances to INTERFACE. INTERFACE BAUD RATE 7 8 RETURN or From main menu Baud rates of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 are available for communications. Select the appropriate rate. Default setting is 2400 baud. Press Enter button. Data bits of 7 or 8 are selectable. Select appropriate bit rate. Default setting is 7. Press Enter button. Setting parity Select appropriate parity setting of either NONE, EVEN, ODD, 0, or 1. Default setting is NONE. Press Enter button. Setting stop bits Select appropriate stop bits setting of either 1 or 2. Default setting is 2. Press Enter button. 64 Balance settings 7.5 Setting print option This menu option enables you to set various print features ON or OFF and include Auto Print, Data, Numeric Data, Print Date, Print Time and Print Reference. SET BALANCE Enter PRINT OPTION or or AUTO PRINT OFF CONTINUOUS STABLE INTERVAL PRINT OPTION STABLE DATA OFF NUMERIC DATA OFF PRINT DATE OFF PRINT TIME OFF PRINT REFERENCE OFF STABLE DATA or ON OFF From main menu Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to PRINT OPTION and press the Enter button, display advances PRINT OPTION with AUTO PRINT OFF highlighted. Setting auto print Enter AUTO PRINT. AUTO PRINT can be set to output display data in one of three ways: CONTINUOUS, STABLE or INTERVAL at user specified interval (seconds). When Interval is selected, you will have to specify number of seconds. Select desired mode and press Enter button. Setting stable data, numeric data, print date, print time, print reference All of these features can be set ON or OFF. STABLE DATA, when set ON, prints only when the reading is stable. NUMERIC DATA, when set ON, prints numerical data. PRINT DATE, when set ON, prints current date. PRINT TIME, when set ON, prints current time. PRINT REFERENCE, when set ON, prints the value of the weight used as a reference to the printer. Setting functions on or off Select each of the above functions and select either ON or OFF. Enter 65 Balance settings 7.6 Setting GLP print options This menu GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) options allows the entering of a Project Name, User Name, and GLP Print Options which include: Date & Time, Balance ID, Project Name, User Name and Calibration all of which can be set ON or OFF. SET BALANCE Enter Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to SETUP GLP and press the Enter button, display advances SETUP GLP with PROJECT NAME highlighted. SETUP GLP Enter Enter project name SETUP GLP PROJECT NAME Enter PROJECT NAME, the display advances to permit entering project name. Specify the project name SETUP GLP PROJECT NAME Enter Specify the user name Specify the user name, and press Enter button. The display advances to GLP PRINT OPTIONS. Press Enter, the display advances to GLP PRINT OPTIONS with DATE & TIME highlighted. USER NAME GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME BALANCE ID PROJECT NAME USER NAME CALIBRATION RETURN OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF STABLE DATA or ON OFF Specify the project name. The name can have any combination of alpha numeric characters not to exceed 8 characters. After specifing the project name, the display advances to USER NAME. Select user name SETUP GLP USER NAME SETUP GLP or From main menu Setting GLP print options GLP PRINT OPTIONS permit DATE & TIME, BALANCE ID, PROJECT NAME, USER NAME, and CALIBRATION DATA to be turned ON or OFF for printing. Setting functions on or off Select each of the above functions and select either ON or OFF. Enter 66 Balance settings 7.7 Setting time and date This menu permits entering time and date. A battery backup is used for the memory. The battery has a life of 5 years. Enter SET BALANCE Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to SET TIME/DATE and press the Enter button. SET TIME/DATE Enter Enter SETUP DATE/TIME DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY SETUP DATE/TIME SET DATE SETUP DATE/TIME SET DATE Enter or SETUP DATE/TIME TIME TYPE SELECT TIME TYPE 24 HOUR 12 HOUR RETURN From main menu Setting date type This option offers 6 arrangements of date styles to suit your needs. They are: MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, YY/MM/DD, MM/YY/DD, DD/YY/MM, YY/DD/MM. Enter the date type option and press the Enter button. The display advances to SET DATE. Setting date This option permits entering the current date. Enter the SET DATE option. The display advances to a new SET DATE display. Enter the date in the format you have chosen above. After entering the date, press the Enter button. The display advances to SETUP DATE/TIME with TIME TYPE highlighted. Setting time type This option permits entering either a 12 hour or 24 hour display for time. Enter the TIME TYPE option. The display advances to SELECT TIME TYPE. Select either 24 hour or 12 hours. This will be displayed on printouts which have time and date turned on. After selecting time type, press the Enter button. The display advances to SET TIME. Enter 67 Balance settings SETUP DATE/TIME Enter SET TIME or 11:23:21AM Enter set time Enter the SET TIME option. The previously entered time appears in the display. Press the Enter button. SETUP DATE/TIME SET TIME Setting the time SETUP DATE/TIME Setting am/pm AM PM Enter the time in the format you have chosen above. After entering the time, the display advances to SELECT AM/PM display only if 12 hour time type was selected. Select AM or PM as required. The display returns to the DATE TYPE. Press the Go Back button to return to SET BALANCE menu, SET TIME/DATE is displayed. 7.8 Setting auto calibration Automatic calibration of the balance can be accomplished when equipped with this option. When this function is turned ON, the balance automatically calibrates itself due to a temperature change. Enter SET BALANCE AUTOCAL ENABLE AUTOCAL ENABLE or ON OFF From main menu Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL ENABLE and press the Enter button. Select either ON or OFF and press the Enter button. The display returns to AUTOCAL ENABLE. 7.9 Print current settings When this option is selected, you may view all settings made in your balance on an external printer. Enter SET BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS From main menu Enter SET BALANCE and select PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS. Press the Enter button. The balance wil print current settings out to a printer. If a printer is not connected or improperly connected, the balance will display PRINT FAILED after displaying PRINTING. 68 Balance settings 7.10 Lock out This software option works in conjunction with a hardware Lockswitch and LFT software. It permits various measurement units, calibration methods and balance functions to be selected and either turned ON or OFF. Before using this sofware function, check the status of the hardware lock switch and Legal for Trade software (see section 7.14). If the hardware switch is ON, and the Legal for Trade software is set ON (locked), you cannot access the LFT LOCK software. Enter SET BALANCE From main menu Enter the SET BALANCE menu and scroll to LOCK OUT. LOCK OUT or LFT LOCK Select any one of the available options and press Enter button. TURN UNITS <ON> OR <OFF> TURN CALIBRATION <ON> OR <OFF> TURN FUNCTIONS <ON> OR <OFF> Enter Depending on what you have selected, an entire list of all Units, Calibration methods and balance Functions are displayed. Every item in each list can be individually turned ON or OFF. These items when turned OFF will not be available for balance operation and are locked out. All selected items which have been turned OFF will still function. Menu lock out is accomplished with the setting of a physical switch located under the pan. Paragraph 7.14 describes how to lock out the selected menus. The balance can then be sealed if required. 69 Balance settings 7.11 Software version This option allows you to view the software version number, date installed and main board version number. These numbers are very important for servicing. To view software version, proceed as follows; Enter SET BALANCE SOFTWARE VERSION From main menu Enter SET BALANCE. Select SOFTWARE VERSION, press the Enter button, the software version is indicated on the display. Keep a written record of this information in the event servicing is required and the display does not work. Software Version_______________________________. 7.12 Setting custom menu This option allows you to enter specific balance functions. These functions can be selected conveniently from this menu to operate the balance in a RUN mode. There are 18 items which can be selected and are listed with the associated paragraphs in the following table. Enter CUSTOM MENU RUN SETUP CUSTOM MENU STABLE DATA or From main menu Enter the CUSTOM MENU and select SETUP CUSTOM MENU. Review list on menu shown in table. Setting functions on or off Select any of the functions and set either ON or OFF. ON OFF Enter LIST OF CUSTOM MENU ITEMS FILLING CHECK WEIGHING ANIMAL WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING DIFF WEIGHING QUICK CHECK FORMULATION STATISTICS DENSITY Enter CUSTOM MENU RUN SETUP CUSTOM MENU SQC PIPETTE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS To run a particular function, select RUN and press the Enter button.. 70 Balance settings 7.13 Legal for trade (LFT) LFT is a software controlled option which can be set to Legal For Trade ON or OFF. When set ON, certain items in the CALIBRATION and SET BALANCE menus are automatically preset and locked to permit the balance to operate in a legal for trade application and works in conjunction with a Lock Out switch (see section 7.14). Default setting is OFF. The READOUT menu enables you to set the balance legal for trade (LFT) ON or OFF. See default table. Enter SET BALANCE READOUT READOUT SETUP From main menu Enter SET BALANCE and select READOUT. The READOUT SETUP menu is displayed. Select LEGAL FOR TRADE, press Enter button . LEGAL FOR TRADE Legal for trade default settings The following table indicates the menus and options which are locked and unlocked when LFT is set ON. LFT DEFAULT TABLE LFT and Lockswitch Set Balance Menu Readout Averaging Level Stability Level Auto Zero Interface Print Option Auto Print Stable Data Numeric Data Print Data Print Time Print Reference Setup GLP Set Time and Date Autocal Enable Print Current Settings Default Value Unlocked Locked to 1 Limited to OFF & 0.5 Unlocked Unlocked Locked ON Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked Unlocked When LFT is turned ON, the last digit on the weight display has a white colored block behind it. This signifies that the balance is in a legal for trade operational mode and that the last digit should be ignored. The CENTER OF ZERO is displayed only for LFT operation. 71 Balance settings 7.14 Menu lockout protection Access to the various menus can be disabled by setting the Lock switch located on the PC board inside the balance to ON position. The Lock switch locks out certain menus when Legal For Trade is turned ON. The default setting for the Lock switch is OFF. Type Approved/Legal for Trade Balance Sealing All Voyager balances may be sealed for type approved/legal for trade applications. Type Approved balances include a lead seal with wire and security screw as shown in the illustration. For type approved balances consult local Weights and Measures officials to determine sealing method requirements. After the balance has been set up properly and LFT is set ON, proceed to sealing the balance. Sealing the balance — Turn the display off and unplug the power cord. — On balances with a draft shield, slide the door open and remove the pan and cover plate. Higher capacity balances with a 6" or 8" pan do not have a cover plate. — On balances without a draft shield, remove the pan and cover plate. — Remove the protective cover seal. — The Lock switch is located to the left of the pan support hole. — Select the desired position on the Lock switch, seal and reassemble the balance. Lock Switch shown in Locked Position Pan Sealing Screw Cover Seal Lead Seal Cover Plate Example of Sealing Method 72 RS232 Interface/printing data 8. RS232 interface/printing data 8.1 RS232 interface The balance is equipped with a bi-directional RS232 compatible interface for communication with printers and computers. When the balance is connected directly to a printer, displayed data can be output at any time by simply pressing PRINT. The balance can be operated from a computer, as well as receive data such as displayed weight, weighing mode, stability status, etc. The following sections describe the hardware and software provided with the balance RS232 Connection Hardware On the rear of the balance, the right-hand, 9-pin male subminiature D connector is provided for interfacing to other devices. 1 N/C 2 Data Out (TXD) 3 Data In (RXD) 4* Tare (External signal) 5 Clear To Send (CTS) 6 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 7 Ground 8 Request To Send (RTS) 9* Print (External signal) * External PRINT and/or TARE switches may be installed as shown in the diagram. Momentary contact switches must be used. Output Formats Data output can be initiated in one of three ways: 1) By pressing PRINT; 2) Using the Auto Print feature; 3) Sending a print command (P) from a computer. RS232 Commands All communication is accomplished using standard ASCII format. Only the characters shown in the following table are acknowledged by the balance. Invalid command response "ES" error indicates the balance has not recognized the command. Commands sent to the balance must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) or carriage return-line line feed (CRLF). For example, a tare command should appear as shown in the adjacent diagram. Data output by the balance is always terminated with a carriage return - line feed (CRLF). 73 RS232 Interface/printing data RS232 COMMAND TABLE Command Character Description ? Field: Length: Print current mode Mode Stab 5 1 CR 1 LF 1 blank if stable mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t nnnn GN tael tael tael momme lb Set 1 second print delay (set x = 0 for OFF, or x = 1 for ON) F Print current function. xI Set Averaging Filter Level to x, where x = 0 to 9 (see table). If LFT, level 0 to 2. P Places balance in mode x, where x = 1 to 17 (see table). If unit or mode is not already enabled, command will be ignored. Print display data Field Lenght: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = = = = = = = = = = minimum level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 15 16 17 = = = milligrams grams kilo grams dwt Carats Ounces Ounces troy Grains Taels Hong Kong Taels Singapore Taels Taiwan Mommes Decimal Pounds Pounds-Ounces combined Newton's tical Custom Units maximum level Number field Units 6 characters Stab CR LF Variable 3-9 mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t 74 ? if unstable nnn = 0 Turns feature OFF nnn = S Output on stability nnn = C Output is continuous nnnn = 1-3600 Sets Auto Print Interval Set Auto Print feature to nnnn (see table) xD xM N tical custm Pcs % GN tael tael tael momme lb N tical custm Pcs % blank if stable ? if unstable RS232 Interface/printing data RS232 COMMAND TABLE (Cont.) Command Character Description T Same effect as pressing O/T button. V Print EPROM version Esc V Print balance ID (13 characters). xZ Set Auto Zero to x,where x = 0 to 3 ). 0=Off, 1=0.5d, 2=1d, 3=5d.If LFT, programs Auto zero level from 0 to 1. Esc R Resets Setup and Print menus to factory defaults. CAUTION: This will reset RS232 configuration. ON Turns balance on. OFF Turns balance off. ? Print current weigh mode. # Print current Parts Count Reference Weigh. % Print current Percent Reference Weigh. xA Set Auto Print feature, action CA - continuous printing, SA - print on stability, 0A turns all selections off. ID Print Current ID String. XID Program User ID String, 1-8 characters. SN Show Serial Number. xS Print Stable Only. Where x =0 Off and x=1 On. TIME Print Current Time. Note, a ? mark will follow if date or time has not been set. SETDATE Set Date Command and remove Invalid Indicator SETTIME DATE Set Time Command and Remove Invalid Time Indicator Prints Current Date. Note, a ? mark will follow the year if date or time has not been set. 75 RS232 Interface/printing data 8.2 Printing data Printing data to an external computer or printer requires that the communications parameters be set first. Printing to an external printer or computer will occur each time the Print button is pressed unless the autoprint feature is turned on, in which case, printing can occur in a continuous fashion at specified intervals or each time a stable reading is achieved. When an external printer or computer is properly connected and the communication parameters are set correctly, the display indicates PRINTING... If the external printer or computer is improperly connected or the communication parameters are set incorrectly, PRINT FAILED is displayed. To clear the screen, press the Go back button. Check computer/printer settings and connections. This section defines the various printing setups with printing samples. The sample shown, indicates the status in the menus. SAMPLE PRINTOUTS TYPE= MM/DD/YY Time and date When time and date are entered in the balance with both Time and Date options set to ON, each printout starts with the date and time on the first line. TYPE= 24 HOUR 12/01/99 16:00:00 READOUT STABILITY LEVEL FILTER = 0.5d AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER = 1 AZT LEVEL = 0.5d GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME = OFF BALANCE ID = OFF PROJECT NAME = OFF USER NAME = OFF DIFFERENCE = OFF PRINT OPTION AUTO PRINT = OFF INTERVAL= 0 STABLE PRINT = OFF NUMERIC DATA = OFF DATE= OFF TIME= OFF PRINT REFERENCE = OFF RS232 = 2400: NONE: 7 : 2 76 RS232 Interface/printing data - - - - - SPAN CAL - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Old: 400.000g Dif: 0.000g Span calibration printout When performing a Span calibration with GLP turned ON, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - LIN CAL - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Old: 399.094g Dif: 0.006g Linearity calibration printout When performing a Linearity calibration with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - CAL TEST - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Act: 400.004g Dif: 0.004g Calibration test printout When performing a Calibration Test with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - 77 RS232 Interface/printing data Pipette Results Pipette Name: WHEATON Pipette test printout When performing a Pipette Test with GLP turned on, a printout is available. The following sample printout is shown. Pipette Number: 832 Water Temp<C>: 25.0 Test Liquid Density<g/cc: 0.9971 Barometric Pressure: 1.00PSIA Nominal Value: 3.448ml INACCURACY E%: 0.31% E% Limit: 2.00% Mean Value: 3.459ml IMPRECISION CV: 0.88% CV Limit: 2.00% Standard Deviation: 0.031ml Status: PASS 07/01/99 -----Sample Data ml---3.488 3.485 3.487 3.435 3.458 3.430 3.470 3.510 3.446 3.456 Operator:---------------------- 78 Care and maintenance 9. Care and maintenance To keep the balance operating properly, the housing and platform should be kept clean and free from foreign material. If necessary, a cloth dampened with a mild detergent may be used. Keep calibration masses in a safe dry place. 9.1 Troubleshooting SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE(S) REMEDY Unit will not turn on. Power cord not plugged in or properly connected to balance. Check power cord connections. Incorrect weight reading. Balance was not re-zeroed before weighing. Press >O/T< with no weight on the pan, then weigh item. Balance not properly calibrated. Recalibrate correctly. Cannot display weight in desired unit or cannot access desired weighing mode. Desired unit not selected. Check setting. Unable to store menu settings/ changes. Exit was not selected. You MUST use SAVE & Exit to leave menus and save settings. RS232 interface not working. Print menu settings not properly set up. Verify interface settings in RS232 menu correspond to those of the peripheral device. Cable connections. Check cable connections. Random segments displayed or display locks up. Microprocessor locks up. Turn power off, then turn on again. If condition persists, unit must be serviced. Unable to change settings. Lock set ON. (LFT set ON) Set Lock switch to OFF. Unstable readings. Excessive air current Check environmental condition. Vibration on table surface. Place balance on a stable surface or change averaging level. Error message display. See Error Codes list. 79 Care and maintenance 9.2 Error codes list Error Codes List The following list describes the various error codes and which can appear on the display and the suggested remedy. Data Errors 1.0 Transient error (hardware error, probably static discharge). If error persists, the balance must be serviced. 1.1 Balance temperature transducer hardware error. 1.2 No data from main board. Tare Errors 2.0 Balance is unable to stabilize within time limit after taring. Environment is too hostile or balance needs recalibration. Calibration Errors 3.0 Incorrect or no calibration mass used for calibration. Recalibrate with correct masses. RS232 Errors 4.4 RS232 buffer is full. User Errors 7.0 User entry out of bounds. 7.2 Number outside of display capacity. Over-Under Load Errors 8.0 Hardware error causing an internal weight signal which is too low. Check if pan is off. If not, the balance must be serviced. 8.1 Hardware error caused by an internal weight signal which is too high. Check load on the pan which may be excessive. If error persists, the balance must be serviced. 8.2 Power-on load out of specification (LFT only) 8.3 Rated capacity exceeded. Remove excessive weight from pan. 8.4 Underload condition on balance. Check that the proper pan is installed. 8.5 AutoCalTM weight internal sensor indicated its weight on the pan. CheckSum Errors 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. AutoCalTM data failed checksum. This failure will disable access to the autocal feature (if installed). Factory calibration data failed checksum. Bad program checksum. Bad CMOS checksum. User calibration data failed checksum. Temperature compensation data failed checksum. 80 Care and maintenance 9.3 Information messages Informational messages and error messages appear on the display either when an action is required on the users part or a malfunction has occurred in the balance due to hardware, software errors or misapplication. A typical message is shown below. SCALE UNSTABLE -Balance was unable to acquire stable data during calibration. The balance will try again. 9.4 Service information If the Troubleshooting section does not resolve or describe your problem, you will need to contact an authorized Ohaus Service Agent. For Service assistance in the United States, please call Aftermarket, Ohaus Corporation toll-free at (800) 526-0659. An Ohaus Product Service Specialist will be available to help you. 9.5 Replacement parts Description Power Pack, 100/120 V ac US Plug (Cord set part of power pack) Power Pack, (Cord set required for UK, European and Australian) Cord Set, 230 V ac, UK Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, European Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, Australian plug Ohaus Part No. 490202-01 490203-01 76448-00 76212-00 76199-01 9.6 Accessories Description Calibration Masses - ASTM Class 1 Tolerance: 20 g 50 g 100 g 200 g 500 g 1 kg 2 kg 4 kg In-Use Display Cover Kit Security Device Draftshield Kit Density Determination Kit Auxilliary Display Kit (Table Mount) (Wall Mount) (Tower Mount) Remote Display Kit (Table Mount) (Wall Mount) (Tower Mount) RS232 Interface Cable, Blunt end (user defined) RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 25 Pin RS232 Interface Cable, (connects impact printer) RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 9 Pin RS232 Interface Cable, Apple® llGS/Macintosh Printer Battery, Memory - 3 Volt Lithium ( Use BR2325, Ray O Vac or Panasonic) ---NOTE: When the Memory Battery is replaced, all stored data in the balance will be lost. 81 Ohaus Part No. 49024-11 49054-11 49015-11 49025-11 49055-11 49016-11 49026-11 49046-11 470003-010 470004-010 470006-010 470007-010 470009-040 470009-050 470009-060 470010-010 470010-020 470010-030 AS017-01 AS017-02 AS017-06 AS017-09 AS017-10 AS142 ----- Care and maintenance 9.7 Specifications Analyticals Capacity (g) 62 110 Readability (mg) Weighing modes Functions 210 100/210 * 0.1 0.1/1 mg, g, kg, dwt, ct, oz , oz t, gn, taels (3), mommes, lbs, N, ti, custom unit Parts counting, differential weighing, quick check, statistics, formulation, filling, animal weighing, percent weighing, check weighing, density determination, SQC & pipette calibration. Program-LinkTM, GLP protocol, contrast and brightness control, custom menu, pop-up windows, application library, go-back key Performance enhancing features Repeatability (Std. dev.) (mg) 0.1 Linearity (mg) (+) 0.1/0.5 0.2 0.2/0.5 Tare range Full capacity by subtraction Safe overload capacity 150% of capacity Stabilization time <4 seconds Sensitivity drift PPM/°C (10°C - 30°C) 3 Operating temperature range: w/internal calibration w/o internal calibration .................. .................. 10° to 40°C/ 50° to 104°F 10° to 30°C/ 50° to 86°F .................. InCALTM calibration Calibration Power requirements External Adapter, 100 -120 V ac, 220 - 240 V ac, 50/60 Hz Plug configuration for US, Euro, UK, Japan & Australia Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) 10.2/25.9 .................. Display (in/cm) 0.6/1.5 Pan size (in/cm) 3.5/9 diameter Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) .................. 9 x 15.25 x14/22.8 x 38.7 x 35.5 .................. Precision Top Loaders Capacity (g) 210 Readability (g) 410 610 0.001/0.01 Weighing modes Functions 100/410* 0.001 2100 4100 1000/4100* 0.01 4100** 0.01/0.1 6100** mg, g, kg, dwt, ct, oz , oz t, gn, taels (3), mommes, lbs, N, ti, custom unit Parts counting, differential weighing, quick check, statistics, formulation, filling, animal weighing, percent weighing, check weighing, density determination, SQC & pipette calibration. Program-LinkTM, GLP protocol, contrast and brightness control, custom menu, pop-up windows, application library, go-back key Performance enhancing features Repeatability (Std. dev.) (g) 0.0005 0.0005/0.005 0.005 0.01/0.05 0.05 Linearity (g) (+) 0.002 0.002/0.005 0.02 0.02/0.05 0.1 Tare range Full capacity by subtraction Stabilization time Sensitivity drift PPM/°C (10°C - 30°C) <3 seconds 4 3 4 3 4 Operating temperature range: w/internal calibration w/o internal calibration 3 4 .................. 10° to 40°C/ 50° to 104°F 10° to 30°C/ 50° to 86°F 3 .................. .................. .................. InCALTM calibration Calibration Power requirements Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) 8100** 0.1 External Adapter, 100 -120 V ac, 220 - 240 V ac, 50/60 Hz Plug configuration for US, Euro, UK, Japan & Australia 10.2/25.9 .................. .................. Display (in/cm) 0.6/1.5 Pan size (in/cm) 4.7/12 Dia. Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) 9 x 15.25 x14/22.8 x 38.7 x 35. 6.8 x 6.8/17.2 x 17.2 w/windshield 8.25 x 4 x 14/20.9x 10.1 x 35.5 * Moveable FineRange TM ** Balances with internal calibration are equipped with a 6" x 6" Pan and Windshield. NOTE: Not all weighing modes apply depending upon capacity and resolution of the balance. 82 8 x 8/ 20.3 x 20.3 .................. Appendix A - special applications A-1 Sieve analysis During most sieving operations, it is necessary to record the initial weight of each sieve before beginning as the weights of the sieves may change due to particles being retained from the previous operation. In this procedure, the basic sample is weighed first with its container weight tared. This sample weight is entered into the balance manually and stored during the procedure. Then, each sieve is weighed in sequence and the weights are stored. After the screening process, each sieve along with its retained sample, is weighed in sequence. The balance stores the weight values and automatically subtracts the weight of each sieve and displays the retained amount in a table as percent retension. Up to 80 sieve weights can be stored. Enter CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME DIFF4 Enter Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF WEIGH 1 DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF WEIGH 1 DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF % RETENSION 1 From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select DIFF WEIGHING, display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Specify the library name Specify the library name. The name can have any combination of alpha numeric characters not to exceed 8 characters. After specifing the library name, the display advances to DIFF STARTUP with SETUP highlighted. Press the Enter button. The display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with TARE SETUP highlighted. Tare setup Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of NO TARE, SINGLE TARE, DUAL TARE and RETURN. Select type of tare and press Enter button. Then scroll to RETURN and press Enter button. Auto sample Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of ON or OFF, then press Enter button. AUTO SAMPLE permits one sieve after another to be weighed without pressing the Enter button. Display returns to DIFF RESULT highlighted. Diff result Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of WEIGHT, PERCENT, % RETENSION and RETURN. Select % RETENSION, then press Enter button. Display indicates to ENTER TOTAL SAMPLE WEIGHT. 83 Appendix A - special applications ENTER TOTAL SAMPLE WEIGHT 200.025 Enter the total sample weight. This is the weight of the actual sample. Press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN. With RETURN highlighted, press the Enter button. DIFF RESULT Enter Enter total sample weight WEIGHT PERCENT % RETENSION <-SELECTED RETURN Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF % RETENSION 1 Enter number of samples Enter the number of samples, press the Enter button., Specify the number of samples 3 Enter Enter NUMBER OF SAMPLES DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN SIEVE 2 OFF ON % RETENTION 3 DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT:3.426 FINAL WT: 3.426 PUT EMPTY SIEVE # 1 ON PAN START/SAMPLE EDIT TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE STABLE SETUP FINAL \VT 3.426 3.969 3.962 RESAMPLE 0.000 0.000 0.000 Specify the number of samples and press Enter button. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with RUN highlighted. Initial weighing of sieves Press the Enter button, the display indicates to PUT EMPTY SIEVE #1 ON PAN. Place empty sieve #1 on the pan and press Enter button. When AUTO SAMPLE is set ON, display advances to the next sieve. Continue adding sieves until all sieves have been weighed pressing the Enter button after each sieve. When the last sieve has been weighed, the display indicates the tare weight of all sieves. Press the Enter button. This sample display indicates 3 sieves were weighed. With CONTINUE highlighted at the bottom of the display, press Enter button. The display advances and indicates PUT FULL SIEVE #1 ON PAN. DELETE 84 Appendix A - special applications Final weighing of sieves DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: INIT WT: Enter TARE WT: FINAL WT:3.841 3.841 PUT FULL SIEVE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP EDIT TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE FINAL \VT 3.426 3.969 3.962 RESAMPLE 3.839 4.388 4.377 200.025 200.025 200.025 0.413 0.419 0.415 1.247 With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT % RETENSION 1 2 3 TOTAL After pressing Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Place first full sieve on the pan and press Enter button. Repeat weighing with remaining sieves pressing the Enter button after each sieve. When the last sieve has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. 0.206 0.209 0.207 0.623 Final display indicates the initial weight, final weight of all sieves and the total weight and total amount of retention in percent. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU The above illustration represents 3 sieves which weighed between 3.4 and 3.9 grams each. TARE SETUP was set OFF, AUTO SAMPLE was set OFF and % RETENTION was selected. The sample weight retained in each different sieve weighed between 3.839 and 4.377 grams. The total amount of retention is shown in percent on the last display which was 0.623 for three sieves. Initial sample was 200.25 grams. 85 Appendix A - special applications A-2 Porous material density determinations The density of a porous (oil impregnated part) can be made with the balance. Weigh the part (dry) prior to oil impregnation and record its weight. You must also know the density value of the oil to be used in immersing the part before starting. In this procedure, you will follow the method for solid density measurements using water. Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DENSITY, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY SETUP with SOLID DENSITY highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Select SOLID DENSITY, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with H2O highlighted. OFF OFF AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP AUX LIQ & MODE ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS Enter From main menu AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL ON DRY WEIGHT 200.040 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP Selecting water as auxiliary liquid Select H2O, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS highlighted. Specify temperature Enter the temperature of the water and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Specify porous material Select Porous Material and press Enter button. Display advances to POROUS MATERIAL ON/OFF. Select ON and press Enter button. Enter dry weight Enter the dry weight of the part as previously measured. Press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY OF OIL highlighted. 86 Appendix A - special applications AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL ON DRY WEIGHT 200.040 DENSITY OF OIL 0.4000 RETURN TO SETUP Enter Enter Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY - - D7 WEIGH IN AIR: 207.457 WEIGH IN LIQ: 204.005 DRY WEIGHT: 200.040 TEMP: 25.0 AUX: D:0.9971 VOLUME: 3.59 57.779 WEIGH IN AIR P1: 535.58% GRAMS/CC STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Enter oil density Enter the density of the oil being used to impregnate the part. Press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP highlighted. Press Enter button. Display returns to DENSITY SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE highlighted. Auto sample Select AUTO SAMPLE and turn it ON or OFF. A setting of ON allows samples to be sequentially sampled without pressing the Enter button for each sample. Auto print At this point you can select automatic printing. To turn on, press the Enter button and select ON. If you do not want automatic printing, select OFF. Testing the sample Select RUN and press Enter button. Display advances to final DENSITY display and requests to weigh the sample in air. Now follow balance prompts to weigh sample in air and water. After weighing in air, weigh the sample in water. The balance will calculate Dry Density and Oil Content by Volume (P1). To determine wet density Wet density of the sample can be calculated by following the normal Solid Density procedure using the oil impregnated part. When in AUX LIQ MODE menu, turn OFF POROUS MATERIAL, then follow previous solid density measuring procedure. 87 LIMITED WARRANTY Ohaus products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of delivery through the duration of the warranty period. During the warranty period Ohaus will repair, or, at its option, replace any component(s) that proves to be defective at no charge, provided that the product is returned, freight prepaid, to Ohaus. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse, exposed to radioactive or corrosive materials, has foreign material penetrating to the inside of the product, or as a result of service or modification by other than Ohaus. In lieu of a properly returned warranty registration card, the warranty period shall begin on the date of shipment to the authorized dealer. No other express or implied warranty is given by Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation shall not be liable for any consequential damages. As warranty legislation differs from state to state and country to country, please contact Ohaus or your local Ohaus dealer for further details. 88 Ohaus Corporation 29 Hanover Road, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA Tel: (973) 377-9000, Fax: (973) 593-0359 With offices worldwide. P/N 400040-023 © Ohaus Corporation 1999, all rights reserved. 89 Operating instructions balances >O/T < ! "# OHAU S ® $ >O/T < >O/T < !" # >O/T < Ohaus Corporation, 19A Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2033, Pine Brook, NJ, 07058-2033, USA Declaration of Conformity We, Ohaus Corporation, declare under our sole responsibility that the balance models listed below marked with CE - are in conformity with the directives and standards mentioned. Balance model (s) Voyager Marked with: EC Directive (Including applicable amendments) Year of attachment of the CE mark: 96 Standard 73/23/EC Electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits IEC 1010 -1:1990 + A1: 92 + A2: 95 Safety requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements 89/336/EC Electromagnetic compatibility EN61326: -1:1997 (class B) + A1: 1998 EMC Emissions, residential, commercial and light industry. EN61326: -1:1997 A1:1998 (industrial requirements) EMC Immunity. EN61000-3-2:1995 + A1:1998 + A2: 1998; EN61000-3-3:1995 EMC Part 3 (for equipment rated input current < or=16A) Limits- Section 2: Limits for harmonic current emissions Limits- section 3: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage supply systems EU 90/384 NAWI EN45501:1992 Non Automatic Weighing Instruments 97 T2914 Additional Standards CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92; UL Std. No. 3101-1 Safety requirements for Electrical Equip. for measurement, Control and Laboratory Use, Part 1; General Requirements FCC FCC, Part 15, class A Emission AS/NZS4251.1 AS/NZS4252.1 Emission and Immunity ISO 9001 Registration for Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation, USA, was examined and evaluated in 1994 by the Bureau Veritas Quality International, BVQI, and was awarded ISO 9001 registration. This certifies that Ohaus Corporation, USA, has a quality system that conforms with the international standards for quality management and quality assurance (ISO 9000 series). Repeat audits are carried out by BVQI at intervals to check that the quality system is operated in the proper manner. Ted Xia President Ohaus Corporation, Pine Brook, NJ USAn Notice Certified scales,scales used for legal applications have the general type designation E...5 / V...5 and EU type Approval (T2914). The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. Such scales are verified in the factory and carry the "M" mark on the actual scale and the packaging. The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. If the letter M is shown against a solid background, the scale may be put into operation immediately. Should the background be partitioned and hatched, the scale must be verified at its place of use by the certified Ohaus service. If national regulations limit the duration of the validity of the verification certificate in individual countries, the end user of such a scale is personally responsible for arranging the repeat verification in good time. Hinweise Geeichte/eichpflichtige Waagen tragen die allgemeine Typenbezeichnung E... 5 / V...5. Für sie liegt eine EU Bauartzulassung vor (T2914). Das Jahr der ersten Eichung ist neben dem CE Zeichen aufgeführt. Solche Waagen sind ab Werk geeicht und tragen die Kennzeichnung "M" auf dem Gerät selbst und auf der Verpackung. Erscheint der Buchstabe M auf vollem Grund, darf die Waage sofort in Betrieb genommen werden. Ist der Grund geteilt und schraffiert, muss die Waage am Verwendungsort durch den zertifizierten Ohaus Service ortsgeeicht werden. Sofern gemäss den nationalen Vorschriften in den einzelnen Staaten die Gültigkeitsdauer der Eichung beschränkt ist, ist der Betreiber einer solchen Waage für die rechtzeitige Nacheichung selbst verantwortlich. Remarques Les balances vérifiées/admissibles à la vérification portent la désignation de modèle générale E...5 / V ... 5. Elles font lobjet dune approbation de modèle UE (T2914). Lannée de la vérification primitive est indiquée à côté de la marque CE. Ces balances sont vérifidées dorigine et portent la marque "M" sur Iappareil lui-même et sur lemballage, Si la lettre M apparaît sur un fond totalement vert, la balance peut être mise en service immédiatement. Si le fond est divisé et hachuré, la balance doit être vérifiée sur le lieu dustilisation par le service après-vente Ohaus certifié. Dans les pays où la durée de validité de la vérification est limitée par des prescriptions nationales, lutilisateur est lui-même responsable de la vérification ultérieure dune telle balance en temps voulu. Notas Las balanzas verificadas/verificables llevan la designatión general E...5 / V ...5 y cuentan con una aprobación de modelo UE (T2914). EL año de la primera verficación está indicado al lado del distintivo CE. Estas balanzas están verificadas en fábrica y Ilevan la designatión "M" sobre el propio aparato y sobre el embalaje. Cuando la letra M aparece sobre fondo sólido, la balanza se puede poner inmediatamente en funcionamiento. Si el fondo está dividido y rayado, la balanza ha de ser verificada en el lugar de uso por el sevicio técnico Ohaus certificado. Si la duración de la validez de la verificación está limitada de acuerdo con las normas de los distintos países, el propio usuario de tal balanza es responsable de la verificación posterior a su debido tiempo. Avvertenza Le bilance approvate hanno la denominazione del modello E... 5 / V ...5. Per esse esiste unappprovazione CE del tipo (T2914). Lanno delia prima verifica è indicato a fianco della marcatura CE. I tipi marcati con un contrassegno "M" su sfondo verde pieno possono essere impiegati da subito. I tipi marcati con ii contrassegno "M" su sfondo nero/ barrato diagonalmente dovranno essere verificati sul luogo dinstallazione da parte dun tecnico autorizzato dal Servizio Assistenza Ohaus o ispettore dellUfficio Metrico. Queste bilance sono state verificate in fabbrica e recano il contrassegno "M" sullapparecchio stesso, e sullimballo. É obbligo delluntente denunciare la detenzione dello strumento allufficio metrico competente per territorio e sottoporio alia prescritta verifica periodica come da disposizioni ministeriali. FCC NOTE: THIS EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN TESTED AND FOUND TO COMPLY WITH THE LIMITS FOR A CLASS A DIGITAL DEVICE, PURSUANT TO PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. THESE LIMITS ARE DESIGNED TO PROVIDE REASONABLE PROTECTION AGAINST HARMFUL INTERFERENCE WHEN THE EQUIPMENT IS OPERATED IN A COMMERCIAL ENVIRONMENT. THIS EQUIPMENT GENERATES, USES, AND CAN RADIATE RADIO FREQUENCY ENERGY AND, IF NOT INSTALLED AND USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL, MAY CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE TO RADIO COMMUNICATIONS. OPERATION OF THIS EQUIPMENT IN A RESIDENTIAL AREA IS LIKELY TO CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE IN WHICH CASE THE USER WILL BE REQUIRED TO CORRECT THE INTERFERENCE AT HIS OWN EXPENSE. THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE CLASS A LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL APPARATUS AS SET OUT IN THE INTERFERENCE-CAUSING EQUIPMENT STANDARD ENTITLED DIGITAL APPARATUS, ICES-003 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS CANADA. CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE RESPECTE LES LIMITES DE BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILS NUMERIQUES DE CLASSE A PRESCRITES DANS LA NORME SUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR: APPAREILS NUMERIQUES, NMB-003 EDICTEE PAR LE MINISTRE DES Unauthorized changes or modifications to this equipment are not permitted. EC - DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Voyager V10640 V11140 V12140 V1RR80 V12130 V14130 V1RV70 V16120 V1B120 V1D120 V1RW60 V1D110 V1F110 V1H110 V16130 V1F120 V00640 V01140 V02140 V0RR80 V02130 V04130 V0RV70 V06120 V0B120 V0D120 V0RW60 V0D110 V0F110 V0H110 V06130 V0F120 V10645 V11145 V12145 V1RR85 V12132 V14132 V1RV72 V16122 V1B122 V1D122 V1RW62 V1D112 V1F112 V1H112 V16135 V1F122 V02132 V04132 V0RV72 V06122 V0B122 V0D122 V0RW62 V0D112 V0F112 V0H112 V12135 V14135 V1RV75 V16125 V1B125 V1D125 V1RW65 V1D115 V1F115 V1H115 V0F122 V1F125 Ted Xia President Ohaus Corporation, Pine Brook, NJ USAn New Jersey, 07058, USA 03, April. 02 Contents 5 Contents OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS .................................................................................................................. 8 1. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VOYAGER BALANCE .................................................................................... 9 1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Overview of the Voyager balance ......................................................................................................... 9 1.3 What you should know about these instructions ................................................................................. 10 1.4 Safety is first ................................................................................................................................... 10 2. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................ 11 2.1 Unpacking and checking the standard equipment ............................................................................... 11 2.2 Selecting the location ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Leveling the balance ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.4 Installing pan .................................................................................................................................. 12 2.5 Wind shield .................................................................................................................................... 13 2.6 Power supply .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.7 Switching the balance on or off ......................................................................................................... 14 2.8 Weigh below preparation ................................................................................................................. 14 3. THE MENU ..................................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 What is the menu? .......................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Menu operation ............................................................................................................................... 16 3.3 Library ........................................................................................................................................... 17 4. CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................. 18 4.1 Span calibration .............................................................................................................................. 20 4.2 Linearity calibration ......................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 User calibration ............................................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Calibration test ................................................................................................................................ 23 4.5 Auto calibration ............................................................................................................................... 24 4.6 AutoCalTM delta correction ................................................................................................................. 25 Contents 6 5. WEIGHING MADE SIMPLE ............................................................................................................... 26 5.1 Selecting a weighing unit.................................................................................................................. 26 5.2 Taring the balance ........................................................................................................................... 27 5.3 Performing a simple weighing .......................................................................................................... 27 5.4 Custom unit .................................................................................................................................... 28 6. BALANCE MODES ........................................................................................................................... 31 6.1 Parts counting ................................................................................................................................ 31 6.1.1 Easy count .......................................................................................................................... 31 6.1.2 Advanced counting ............................................................................................................... 32 6.2 Filling ............................................................................................................................................. 33 6.3 Animal weighing ............................................................................................................................. 34 6.4 Check weighing .............................................................................................................................. 35 6.5 Differential weighing ........................................................................................................................ 36 6.6 Formulation .................................................................................................................................... 41 6.7 Quick check weighing ...................................................................................................................... 43 6.8 Statistics/function link ...................................................................................................................... 44 6.9 Density........................................................................................................................................... 45 6.9.1 Balance preparation with density kit ....................................................................................... 45 6.9.2 Solid density determination for items more dense than water ..................................................... 46 6.9.3 Solid density determination for items less dense than water ...................................................... 48 6.9.4 Improving the accuracy of the result of solid density ................................................................. 49 6.9.5 Liquid density determination .................................................................................................. 50 6.10 Statistical quality control (SQC) ......................................................................................................... 51 6.10.1 Resuming a particular SQC setup ........................................................................................... 54 6.10.2 Specifing a new SQC setup .................................................................................................... 55 6.10.3 Redoing or correcting a batch ................................................................................................ 56 6.11 Pipette calibration ............................................................................................................................ 57 7. BALANCE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................ 62 7.1 Reset to factory settings ................................................................................................................... 62 7.2 Setting contrast and brightness of the display ..................................................................................... 62 7.3 Setting the readout ........................................................................................................................... 63 7.4 Setting the interface.......................................................................................................................... 64 7.5 Setting print option........................................................................................................................... 65 Contents 7 7.6 Setting GLP print options .................................................................................................................. 66 7.7 Setting time and date ....................................................................................................................... 67 7.8 Setting auto calibration..................................................................................................................... 68 7.9 Print current settings ........................................................................................................................ 68 7.10 Lock out ......................................................................................................................................... 69 7.11 Software version .............................................................................................................................. 70 7.12 Setting custom menu ....................................................................................................................... 70 7.13 Legal for trade ................................................................................................................................. 71 7.14 Menu lock-out protection .................................................................................................................. 72 8. RS232 INTERFACE/PRINTING DATA .................................................................................................. 73 8.1 RS232 interface .............................................................................................................................. 73 8.2 Printing data ................................................................................................................................... 76 9. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 79 9.1 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 79 9.2 Error codes list ................................................................................................................................ 80 9.3 Information messages ..................................................................................................................... 81 9.4 Service information .......................................................................................................................... 81 9.5 Replacement parts ........................................................................................................................... 81 9.6 Accessories .................................................................................................................................... 81 9.7 Specifications.................................................................................................................................. 82 A APPENDIX SPECIAL APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................ 83 A-1 Sieve analysis ................................................................................................................................. 83 A-2 Porous material density determinations.............................................................................................. 86 Overview 8 Overview of controls 1 2 3 6 8 Go Back Help Print 9 Enter 4 7 10 5 >O/T < ! "# OHAU S® 11 $ >O/T < 12 No. Designation 1 Function LCD display on off button. 2 Go Back button Permits going back in menus. 3 Help button Non functional. 4 5 5 Print button When pressed, prints data either on an external printer or computer. >O/T< button When pressed, sets balance to zero. 6 button When pressed, travels up through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 7 button When pressed, travels down through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 8 button When pressed, travels to the left through displays. 9 button When pressed, travels to the right through displays. 10 Enter button When pressed, accepts item on display. 11 Leveling feet Used to level the balance. 12 Leveling indicator Indicates leveling position of the balance. Getting to know your Voyager balance 9 1. Getting to know your Voyager balance This section provides you with detailed information on your Voyager balance. Please read through the section carefully even if you have experience with OHAUS balances and be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety notes. 1.1 Introduction Thank you for deciding to purchase a Voyager Balance from Ohaus. Behind your instrument stands OHAUS, a leading manufacturer of precision Balances, Scales and Indicators. An Aftermarket Department with trained instrument technicians is dedicated to provide you with the fastest service possible in the event your instrument requires servicing. OHAUS also has a Customer Service Department to answer any inquiries regarding applications and accessories. To ensure you make full use of the possibilities offered by your Voyager balance, please read the manual completely before installation and operation. 1.2 Overview of the Voyager balance The Voyager balances offer a high level of operating convenience and useful functions to make accurate measurements. The Voyager balances have the following features: Extremely rugged and chemically resistant construction. Convenient operating controls and large, easily readable display. Easy to follow menus for simplified operation. Go Back button permits going back in menus. Built-in functions for filling, percent weighing, piece counting, animal weighing, check weighing, density, pipette calibration, statistics, and SQC. Built-in leveling feet and level indicator for consistent operation on unlevel surfaces. Automatic internal calibration (on some models). Menu locks which prevent settings from being changed. Built-in RS232 interface. 14 units of measurement and custom units. Bar graph indicator for quick visual indication of values in addition to a large numerical readout. A variety of accessories includes in-use display cover kit, table mount, remote displays, interface communication cables and security device. A brief word regarding standards, directives and procedures for quality assurance: Your Voyager balance conforms with all common standards and directives. It supports standard procedures, work techniques and records as required by GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Recording of the sequences of operations and calibration work is highly important in this connection: we recommend use of OHAUS AS-142 Printer. Your Voyager balance has a CE declaration of conformity and OHAUS is registered to ISO 9001 - Management System. Getting to know your Voyager balance 10 1.3 What you should know about these instructions These instructions contain orientation aids which represent certain functions, notices and controls. These graphic aids are not meant to be step by step operational procedures but simply a guide. This symbol indicates pressing a button. This representation symbolizes the current display of your balance. This symbol indicates additional information and instructions which facilitate your handling of the balance and contribute to proper and economical use. These symbols indicate safety and hazard instructions which must be complied with. Nonconformance with such instructions can lead to personal injuries to the user, damage to the balance or other tangible assets or to malfunctions. 1.4 Safety is first Please note the following instructions for safe and problem-free operation of your balance. Voyager balances may be used only indoors and only when attached to receptacle outlets with a ground connection. The Voyager balances may not be operated in a hazardous environment. Use only the AC adapter supplied with your Voyager balance and ensure that the voltage value printed on it matches the local line voltage. Operate and use your Voyager balance only in accordance with these operating instructions. Use only optional equipment and peripherals supplied by OHAUS. Your Voyager balance is ruggedly constructed, but is still a precision instrument. Treat it with the appropriate care and it will provide you with years of trouble-free operation. Installation 11 2. Installation In this section, you will learn how you unpack and install your new balance and prepare it for operation. On completion of the steps described in this section, your balance is ready for operation. 2.1 Unpacking and checking the standard equipment Open the package and remove the instrument and the accessories. Check the completeness of the delivery. The following accessories are part of the standard equipment of your new Voyager balance. Equipment Pan 3.5 Pan 4.75 Pan 6 (0.01g units and 0.1g units w/AutoCal) Pan 8 (0.1g units w/o AutoCal) Draft Shield Wind Shield (6" Pan Units, 0.01g) AC Power Adapter Instruction Manual Warranty Card Analytical 62g, 110g, 210, 410, 610g 210g, 210/100g 410/100g Capacity 610g - 6100g 4100/1000g 6100g - 8100g 4100g, 6100g and 8100g balances with internal calibration are equipped with 6 Pan and Windshield. Remove packing material from the instrument. Check the instrument for transport damage. Immediately inform your Ohaus dealer if you have complaints or parts are missing. Store all parts of the packaging. This packaging guarantees the best possible protection for the transport of your instrument. Installation 12 2.2 Selecting the location The balance should always be used in an environment which is free from excessive air currents, corrosives, vibration, and temperature or humidity extremes. These factors will affect displayed weight readings. DO NOT install the balance: >O/T < !" # Next to open windows or doors causing drafts or rapid temperature changes. Near air conditioning or heat vents. Near vibrating, rotating or reciprocating equipment. Near magnetic fields or equipment that generates magnetic fields. On an unlevel work surface. In confined areas, allow sufficient space around the instrument for ease of operation and keep away from radiating heat sources. >O/T < >O/T< !" # >O/T< >O/T < !" # >O/T < 2.3 Leveling the balance Exact horizontal positioning and stable installation are prerequisites for repeatable results. To compensate for small irregularities or inclinations at the location, the instrument can be leveled. Adjust the leveling feet at the rear of the balance until the air bubble in the indicator is centered. NOTE: The instrument should be leveled each time its location is changed. Leveling Indicator >O/T< ! "# $ OHAU S ® >O/T< Leveling Foot 2.4 Installing pan Balances are shipped with the pan not installed. On balances equipped with a draft shield, slide open the side door and insert the pan into the center hole which is the measuring transducer. Pan Go Bac k Help 0% Prin t >O/T< BA SIC PR ES S WE IGH ING 0.0 00 <E NT ER GRAM > FO S R ME NU 100% ST AB LE Ente r OHAU S® >O/T< Installation 13 2.5 Wind shield Wind Shield >O/T !" NOTE: 4100g, 6100g and 8100g balances with 0.1g resolution and internal calibration are equipped with a 6 Pan and Wind Shield. < On 610g to 6100g balances with 0.01g resolution, a wind shield is required to reduce the possibility of air currents from disturbing the pan. Make sure the wind shield is firmly snapped into place. # >O/T < 2.6 Power supply Check to ensure the voltage printed on the AC adapter matches your local line voltage. If this is not the case, on no account connect the AC adapter to the power supply, but contact your responsible OHAUS dealer. Ensure that the AC adapter can never come into contact with liquids! Connect the AC Adapter supplied to the three pin connector located at the rear of the balance. AC Adapter Connection Rear of Balance The balance now performs a self-test, loads parameters, displays the software version, capacity, indicates if autocal is installed and the normal weight display then appears. Allow your balance to warm up for at least 30 minutes to enable it to adapt itself to the ambient conditions. If the balance has been stored in a very cold environment before installation, it may require several hours for the balance to stabilize. Installation 14 2.7 Switching the balance on and off Your balance is on at all times when connected to a power source, the display is on initially and can be turned off. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 To switch the balance on, press the button. As soon as the weight display appears, your balance is ready. To switch the balance off, press the button. After the balance has been switched off, your balance is in the standby mode. If you wish to perform a weighing, press the button again. As your balance needs no warm-up time when in the standby mode and is immediately ready for weighing, we advise you to switch the display off by use of the button and not to disconnect it from the power supply. This also ensures that the balance is always in thermal equilibrium. 2.8 Weigh below preparation The Voyager balance is equipped with a weigh below hook at the bottom of the balance. To use this feature, remove power from the balance and remove the protective cover underneath the balance. See illustration for location. The balance can be supported using lab jacks or any other convenient method. Make sure the balance is level and secure. Apply power and operate the balance. Attach items to be weighed to the hook underneath the balance. The menu 15 3. The menu 3.1 What is the menu? The menu allows you to match your balance to your specific weighing needs. In the menu, you can change the settings of your balance and activate functions. The Main Menu contains 7 selections. CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS Basic weighing Milligrams Readout Run Parts counting Grams Interface Filling Kilograms Pennyweight Print option Animal weighing Check weighing Diff weighing Formulation Quick check Statistics Density SQC Pipette Carats Ounces Troy ounces Grains Hong Kong taels Singapore taels ROC taels Mommes SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Span LCD contrast/ Setup custom menu stored setups Linearity brightness adjust Exit to weigh User Contains list of Setup GLP Calibration test Set time/date Autocal Autocal enable Autocal delta correction Print current settings Exit to weigh Reset Lockout Software version Exit to weigh Pounds Newtons Ticals Custom units Exit to weigh 1. Change mode: 2. Change units: 3. Set balance: Readout: Interface: Print option: Setup GLP: Set time/date: Autocal enable: Print current settings: Reset: Lockout: Software version: 4. Custom menu: 5. Library: 6. Calibration: 7. Contrast: Permits setting the balance to one of 12 different operating modes. Allows balance to measure in any of 15 selected measuring units and custom units. Permits setting averaging level, stability level, auto zero and legal for trade. Communication settings of baud, data, parity and stop bits can be set. Includes auto print, stable & numeric data, date, time and reference. Project name, user name and GLP print options can be entered. Allows balance to be set to current time and date with options on date types. Automatic calibration can be set to on or off (when balance is equipped with autocal). When selected, current balance settings can be printed. Allows resetting of readouts, RS232, print option, GLP or all to factory defaults. Units, calibration and functions can be set to on or off. Indicates software version installed in balance at time of manufacture. Permits running a custom menu and setting up of a custom menu. Contains a list of stored setups which can be recalled for operating the balance. Span, linearity, user, calibration test, auto calibration can be selected to calibrate the balance. Autocal delta correction permits user to adjust internal calibration weight to match local standard. Allows LCD screen contrast to be set for best viewing conditions. NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. The menu 16 3.2 Menu operation In this section you will learn how to work with the menu. Information regarding the individual menu options and available settings can be found in the following sections. How to change from the weighing mode to the main menu BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS Enter The balance is operating in the basic weighing mode. STABLE Press the Enter button. The main menu is displayed with the first option highlighted. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST or How to select the menu options Press either the up or down arrow buttons and scroll to the desired option. Each time the arrow button is pressed, the balance switches to the next menu option. Each time the arrow button is pressed, the balance switches to the previous menu option. Enter How to enter the menu option MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Press the Enter button when the desired menu option is highlighted. How to enter alpha numeric data Certain menu options can have names or numerical entries made. When prompted to enter information, use the arrow buttons as follows: Press the and arrow buttons to scroll through numbers or alphabet. Enter Go Back Press the arrow button to advance to the next character in the display. Press the display. arrow button to go back to the previous character in the Press the Enter button to accept entry. Press the Go Back button to cancel entry. The menu 17 Enter How to save your settings and quit the menu MAIN MENU Certain menu options have ON and OFF settings. In these options, pressing the Enter button saves the setting after you make a selection. SAVING In options which offer various settings, after you have selected a setting, press the Enter button. SAVING is momentarily displayed and the display returns to the same option. BASIC WEIGHING Go Back 0.000 GRAMS STABLE How to back out of a menu You can back out of a menu and return to the weighing mode at any time with the Go Back button. Use the Go Back button to cancel a number, alphanumeric entry or to leave a mode. 3.3 Library Approximately 200 names can be stored in the library. Eight functions in the balance have provisions for storing a library name, they are: Advanced Counting, Check Weighing, Statistics, Differential Weighing, Formulation, Density, SQC and Pipette. When a library name is selected, the associated function is also displayed. A Library menu is provided which allows the selected library name and function to be run, deleted or delete all entries. If you have accessed the library and do not want to run or delete a name, an exit to weighing selection can be made by pressing the Go Back button which does not affect the library MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST LIBRARY 15.21% USED P1 P2 SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ5 PIP PIP SQC SQC SQC SQC 1.26% 1.26% 3.17% 3.17% 3.17% 3.17% From main menu Select LIBRARY, then press the Enter button. Display advances to LIBRARY % USED menu indicating all previously entered names, their corresponding functions and the percentage of the library which has been used. The sample shown indicates six library entries. Entries are stored in alphabetical order. Accessing library function or LIBRARY RUN DELETE DELETE ALL Select LIBRARY function and press the Enter button. Display advances to LIBRARY menu with RUN, DELETE and DELETE ALL options shown. Select either RUN, DELETE, or DELETE ALL. When RUN is selected, that particular balance operation is enabled and can be run. When a particular name is selected and the DELETE selection is made, that particular name and function with all parameters is removed from the library. DELETE ALL, when selected, removes the entire contents of the library. Calibration 18 4. Calibration Your balance can be calibrated with an internal mass (optional) or external masses. The balance can also be checked by a test with internal or external masses. If you have a printer attached to your balance, the data of the calibration and the results are printed out following GLP recommendations. A choice of six calibration methods are available: Span, Linearity, User, Test, Automatic AutoCalTM and AutoCalTM with Delta Correction. CALIBRATE Span - Span calibration ensures that the balance reads correctly within specifications using two weight values: zero and a weight value at 100% of the balances full capacity. Linearity - Linearity calibration minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balances weighing range. Three weight values are used: zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balances weighing range, and a weight value at or near the balances specified capacity. User- User calibration is a method where the balance can be calibrated using a mass of known value by entering that value into the balance. Test- Calibration test allows the stored calibration data to be tested against the current mass being used for the test. AutoCalTM On balances equipped with AutoCalTM, automatic calibration of the balance is accomplished by an internal mass. AutoCalTM W/Delta Correction On balances equipped AutoCalTM, a software feature allows the internal calibration mass to be adjusted ± 100 divisions at full scale capacity. This permits adjusting the balance using an external Class I mass which is traceable to a certified standard. SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Calibration 19 Calibration Menu Protection Calibration may be locked out to prevent unauthorized personnel from changing calibration under LFT (Legal for Trade) mode. If calibration has been locked out, you can only access Internal Weight Calibration and Calibration Test. To lock out calibration menu, after calibration, refer to paragraph 7.14 titled Menu Lock-Out Protection. Linearity, Span and User calibration are disabled for Type Approved/LFT balances. Calibration Masses Before beginning calibration, make sure masses are available. If you begin calibration and realize calibration masses are not available, exit the menu. The balance will retain previously stored calibration data. Calibration should be performed as necessary to ensure accurate weighing. Masses required to perform the procedures are listed in the following table. CAPACITY 62g 110g 210g 410g 610g 2100g 4100g 6100g 8100g CALIBRATION MASSES LINEARITY SPAN ONLY CAL POINT CAL POINT 20g/50g 50g 50g/100g 100g 100g/200g 200g 200g/400g 400g 200g/500g 500g 1000g/2000g 2000g 2000g/4000g 4000g 2000g/5000g 5000g 4000g/8000g 8000g Masses must meet or exceed ASTM Class 1 Tolerance. Calibration masses are available as accessories. Calibration 20 4.1 Span calibration Span calibration normally requires that calibration be made using a mass equal to the full capacity of the balance, however, the Voyager balance can be calibrated using other lesser values as specified on the display. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Clear the pan. SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place indicated mass value on pan. SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... OTHER WEIGHTS MAY BE USED: 300 200 100 Enter SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 400.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 21 4.2 Linearity calibration Linearity calibration utilizes three calibration points, one at zero, center span and full span. This method minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balance's weighing range. Three weight values are used; zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balance's weighing range and a weight value at or near the specified capacity. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to LINEARITY. LINEARITY CALIBRATION Clear the pan. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION Place indicated mass value on pan. PLEASE PUT 200.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION Place indicated mass value on pan. PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 400.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 22 4.3 User calibration User calibration is used when it is desired to calibrate the balance using a mass of known value. To use this calibration feature, proceed as follows: Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Enter Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to USER. User calibration range is specified. USER CALIBRATION USER CALIBRATION RANGE: 100-400 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER. TO CONTINUE. USER CALIBRATION Enter the calibration value. ENTER CAL VALUE IN GRAMS 200.000 Enter 200.000 Clear the pan. USER CALIBRATION PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place selected mass value on pan. USER CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 200.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter USER CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE BASIC WEIGHING Enter 0% 100% 200.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 23 4.4 Calibration test Calibration test feature allows a check of a known calibration mass against the last stored calibration information in the balance. Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Enter Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to CALIBRATION TEST. Clear the pan. CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place indicated mass value on pan. CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Enter BASIC WEIGHING 0% 100% 200.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 24 4.5 Auto calibration (AutoCalTM) On balances equipped with the AutoCalTM feature, calibration can be accomplished using an internal calibration mass. Auto calibration can be performed at any time providing the balance has warmed up to operating temperature. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL. INTERNAL CALIBRATION Clear the pan. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT... INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. It is not necessary to press the Enter button, the balance returns to a weighing mode automatically. Balance returns to a weighing mode. BASIC WEIGHING 0% Please wait is displayed while the balance is calibrating. If the balance is unstable, a message indicating this appears. The balance will continue self calibration until successful. 100% 0.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Calibration 25 4.6 AutoCalTM delta correction Balances with AutoCalTM contain software which allows the internal calibration mass to be adjusted + 100 divisions at full scale capacity. This permits calibrating the balance using an external ASTM Class 1 mass which is traceable to a certified standard. BASIC WEIGHING ->O/T<- 0% 100% 0.000 Tare the balance, then place an ASTM Class 1 mass equal to the span calibration value of the balance. Note the reading. If the reading is higher or lower than the value of the mass, proceed as follows: PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION. CALIBRATE AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION 2 2 INTERNAL CALIBRATION Enter Enter the number of digits shown between the span calibration value of the balance and the actual reading. For example, on a 400g balance, the reading is 400.002g. The difference is 0.002g. This indicates a correction of 2 divisions is required. Clear the pan. Internal calibration starts. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Balance returns to a weighing mode. BASIC WEIGHING 0% Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. It is not necessary to press the Enter button, the balance returns to a weighing mode automatically. If a difference still exists, repeat the procedure. The difference should be 0.000 grams. 100% 0.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Weighing made simple 26 5. Weighing made simple In this section, you will learn how to select a weighing unit, tare the balance, perform simple weighings and enter a custom unit. 5.1 Selecting a weighing unit In this menu option you specify which weighing unit is to be displayed. There are a total of 15 measuring units and custom units which can be selected. The balance shows the result in grams BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST STABLE From main menu Select CHANGE UNITS. Scroll to the desired measuring unit and press Enter button. If a custom unit is desired, refer to paragraph 5.4. The following units are available: Display/Designation milligrams grams kilograms penny weight carats ounces troy ounces grains Hong Kong taels Singapore taels ROC taels mommes pounds newtons ticals custom units Comments with mg balances only with higher capacity balances only available in library NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. Weighing made simple 27 5.2 Taring the balance The weight of any container can be tared by the press of a button. The taring range covers the entire weighing range of your balance. To tare a container, place it on the weighing pan. ->O/T<- Close all draft shield doors (if draft shield is used). Press the >O/T< button to start the taring operation. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS You cannot tare the balance when the weighing pan is unstable. On completion of taring, the word STABLE appears in the lower right hand portion of the display and the numerical display indicates zero. STABLE Remember, when taring a container, the weight of the container is subtracted from the total capacity of the balance. 5.3 Performing a simple weighing The balance always starts in a weighing mode when first turned on. After taring the balance, place sample on the pan. Wait until display indicates STABLE. Now read the weight in the display. >O/T < ! " #$ % >O/T < If the balance is in another mode, press the Go Back button repeatedly to get back to the weighing mode. Weighing made simple 28 5.4 Custom unit Custom unit allows the creation of your own custom weighing units. It permits entering a conversion factor which the balance will use to convert grams to the desired unit of measure. Custom Units are stored in the Library. Values for up to fifteen different custom units can be entered. Conversion Factor x Weight in grams = Weight in custom unit Conversion factors are expressed in scientific notation and entered into the balance in three parts: 1) a number between 0.1 and 1.999999 called the mantissa 2) a power of 10 called the exponent 3) a least significant digit (LSD) SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Number Between 0.1 and 1.999999 EXPONENTS E-3 Moves decimal point 3 places to the left. Exp. E-2 Moves decimal point 2 places to the left. 123.4 = .1234 x 1000 = .1234 x 103 E-1 Moves decimal point 1 place to the left. 12.34 = .1234 x 100 = .1234 x 102 1.234 = .1234 x 10 = .1234 x 101 E0 Leaves decimal point in normal position. .1234 = .1234 x E1 Moves decimal point 1 place to the right. E2 Moves decimal point 2 places to the right. E3 Moves decimal point 3 places to the right. Conv. Factor .01234 = .1234 x Power of 10 1 Mantissa = .1234 x 100 .1 = .1234 x 10-1 .001234 = .1234 x .01 = .1234 x 10-2 .000123 = .123 Enter CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH x .001 = .123 x 10-3 From main menu Select CHANGE UNITS. Scroll to CUSTOM UNITS and press Enter button. The display indicates GO TO LIBRARY. When using the balance for the first time, the library is empty and does not contain any custom units. Later, after you have performed the setup procedures, you will be able to select a custom unit by a name you have assigned. Proceed to SETUP. Enter Scroll to SETUP and press Enter button. UNIT NAME is displayed. CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH Weighing made simple 29 UNIT NAME UNIT1 <LEFT> / <RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR <UP> / <DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 SELECT DP LOCATION E-3 E-2 E-1 E0 E1 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 Unit name Enter a unit name. The name you enter and custom unit characteristics will be stored in the library when you complete all entries. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with ENTER FACTOR highlighted. Factor Enter the factor number. This can be a number between 0.1 and 1.999999. For conversion factors outside of this range, the exponent will be used to move the decimal point. Decimal point Scroll to SELECT DP, press Enter button. SELECT DP LOCATION is displayed. Select a decimal point. Scroll to either E-3, E-2, E-1, E0, E1, E2, or E3, and press Enter button. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with UNIT NAME highlighted. Least significant digit Scroll to SELECT LSD which is the Least Significant Digit, press Enter button. SELECT LSD is displayed. LSDs LSD 0.5 Adds one decimal place display counts by 5s. LSD 1 Display counts by 1s. LSD 2 Display counts by 2s. LSD 5 Display counts by 5s. LSD 10 Display counts by 10s. LSD 100 Display counts by 100s. RETURN TO SETUP Weighing made simple 30 SELECT LSD LSD LSD LSD LSD LSD 0.5 1 2 5 10 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN Enter UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH Select the least significant digit. Scroll to either LSD 0.5, LSD 1, LSD 2, LSD 5 or LSD 10 and press Enter button. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with UNIT NAME highlighted. Scroll to RETURN, press Enter button. CUSTOM UNITS menu is displayed with GO TO LIBRARY highlighted. At this point, you can select the custom unit you just entered from the library or exit to weigh. When LIBRARY is selected, scroll to the custom unit you entered, press Enter button and select RUN from the menu. The abbreviation for custom units in the display is CU. Balance modes 31 6. Balance modes Your balance has 11 additional modes of operation in addition to basic weighing. These built-in modes expand the possibilities of your balance and facilitate your daily work. The following sections will acquaint you with these modes. 6.1 Parts counting Your balance can be set to either Easy Count or Advanced Count parts method. 6.1.1 Easy count Easy count is a simplified method for counting parts. After specifying a sample size, the balance will display the actual number of samples placed on the pan. Accuracy is based on the average piece weight (APW) of a single part. All parts must be reasonably uniform in weight. Enter From main menu CHANGE MODE EASY PARTS COUNTING Enter CHANGE MODE, scroll to PARTS COUNTING and select EASY PARTS COUNTING. PARTS COUNTING Enter numeric sample size and press Enter button. SAMPLE SIZE PARTS COUNTING APW 0.3898 SIZE 10 PIECES WEIGHT: 3.900G 10 STABLE Place specified number of samples on the pan. After a few seconds, the display indicates the number of pieces based on the sample size. Repeated batches of samples may be placed on the pan and counted. Balance modes 32 6.1.2 Advanced counting Advanced Count contains a number of entries which include assigning a library name, filling and sorting applications and statistical information which can be printed. Once a library name is assigned, this particular counting function can be recalled at any time. Enter PARTS COUNTING ADVANCED PARTS COUNTING PART COUNTING SETUP Enter APW/SIZE. You have a choice of entering a sample size or average piece weight. Enter required data. Display advances to TARE WEIGHT. PART COUNTING SETUP Tare weight Enter the tare weight. This is the tare weight of the container holding the samples. TARE WEIGHT PARTS COUNTING SETUP ON FUNCTION LINK OFF FILLING CHECK WEIGHING STATISTICS Enter Library name APW/Size APW/SIZE SAMPLE SIZE SET A.P.W. AUTO OPTIMIZATION Enter CHANGE MODE. Select PARTS COUNTING and then select ADVANCED PARTS COUNTING. Display advances to PARTS COUNTING SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Enter library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. The library name can be recalled later and the same type of items can be counted at any time. The display advances to APW/SIZE. LIBRARY NAME or From main menu PARTS COUNTING SETUP APW/SIZE TARE WT AUTO OPTIMIZATION FUNCTION LINK RUN Auto optimization An ON or OFF function. When set ON, optimizes the accuracy based on sample size. After selecting, the display advances to FUNCTION LINK. Function link Four options are available, OFF, FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING and STATISTICS. When FILLING is selected, a target weight is entered which is shown as 100% on the bar graph on the display. When material is added to the balance pan, it is displayed as a percentage and weight. When CHECK WEIGHING is selected, a separate display has entries for nominal pieces, over pieces, under pieces, run and exit. This type of function permits checking of individual pieces against the stored information in the balance. When STATISTICS is selected, provides display of Standard Deviation, either population or sample, Mean, Sum, High, Low and Difference readings. Each can be individually set ON or OFF. RUN when selected starts the program. Balance modes 33 6.2 Filling Filling permits you to enter a target reference weight, then view other loads as a percentage of the reference which has been set in the balance parameters. The load placed on the pan is displayed as a percentage of what was entered into the balance. A twin bar display indicates to 89% on the first bar and to 110% on the second bar. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE. Select FILLING, display advances to TARGET. CHANGE MODE FILLING Enter the target weight, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. The display advances to FILLING with a dual bar display. FILLING TARGET FILLING 0% 90% 90% 110% TARGET: GRAMS 0.000 DIFF: Place filling material on the balance pan, the display indicates on the bar graph as a percentage and displays the actual load weight numerically. Target and difference weights are also displayed. STABLE After you have completed the filling procedure, you have choices at the bottom of the display to either enter a new target value, change mode or return to the main menu. Balance modes 34 6.3 Animal weighing This feature permits weighing small animals directly on the balance. If an animal cage is used, the balance can be tared (weight of cage is subtracted) and then the subject is placed in the cage and weighed. An averaging filter compensates for animal movements. The filter can be set in a range from Good to Best. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the subject and the bar graph indicates balance capacity used. Enter Enter or MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE From main menu ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN Enter AVERAGING LEVEL, display advances to AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER. Enter CHANGE MODE. Select ANIMAL WEIGHING, display advances to ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP. ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER GOOD Enter 5 BEST ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN Enter A setting of GOOD is used for subjects which are inactive. The balance will respond quickly and present an average reading. When a setting of BEST is used, the balance responds slowly providing a much longer averaging time for very active subjects. Select filtering level and press Enter button. AUTO SAMPLE when selected and set ON permits placing subjects on pan one after another with the weight showing automatically after each subject. When OFF is selected, user must press Enter button after each subject is placed on the pan. Select RUN. Place animal on the pan, press Enter button, START SAMPLE is highlighted at the bottom of the display. An averaged reading is displayed after a count-down. The count-down time is affected by the averaging level filter setting. When AUTO SAMPLE has been selected, it is not necessary to press the Enter button to activate sampling. Balance modes 35 6.4 Check weighing Check weighing is used when items are checked against preset balance parameters. This feature permits you to weigh an item, assign a library name, set balance parameters such as the nominal weight, over weight and under weight. Library recall eliminates the need to enter the weighing parameters again. A bar graph at the top of the Check Weighing screen indicates UNDER, ACCEPT and OVER for items being checked. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHECK WEIGHING Enter CHANGE MODE. Select CHECK WEIGHING, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. CHECK WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME CW1 CHECK WEIGHING SETUP Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to NOMINAL WT entry. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. Enter the Nominal option. LIBRARY NAME NOMINAL OVER UNDER RUN CHECK WEIGHING SETUP NOMINAL WT 200.000 Enter CHECK WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME NOMINAL OVER UNDER RUN CHECK WEIGHING UNDER ACCEPT OVER: 202.000 UNDER: 199.000 OVER NOMINAL: 200.00 DIFF: 0.026 200.026 Enter the nominal weight and then enter over and under weights. Press Enter button after each entry. Select RUN. Place the item to be checked on the balance pan, the display indicates the over, under, nominal and difference weight of the item. The bar graph indicates UNDER, ACCEPT and OVER. Balance modes 36 6.5 Differential weighing Differential weighing stores tare and weight values so samples can be dried or processed and the difference in weight calculated at a later time. Up to 80 samples can be stored. The balance has the capability to work with one or two different containers or no container at all. A Sieve Analysis procedure is also included in Appendix A-1 for this type of application. Samples can be added to the applications library or extracted by name using the previously stored data. The balance can be used for other applications during processing time. Enter CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME DIFF STARTUP SETUP RESUME Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLEOFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DIFF WEIGHING, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DIFF STARTUP. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. For first time entries, select SETUP. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP. RESUME will bring you directly to RUN which starts the program. Do not use RESUME initially. Enter TARE SETUP. TARE SETUP NO TARE SINGLE TARE DUAL TARE RETURN TARE SETUP offers a choice of NO TARE (no container is used), SINGLE TARE (one container used during entire process), and DUAL TARE (two containers used, one at the start of a process and a different container at the end of a process). DUAL TARE is also used for sieve analysis. Select the appropriate tare option for your process. TARE SETUP NO TARE SINGLE TARE DUAL TARE RETURN Select RETURN. Display returns to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP. Balance modes 37 Enter Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN Automatic sampling Enter AUTO SAMPLE. Auto Sampling permits repetitive sampling automatically. Select ON or OFF. Display advances to DIFF RESULT. DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN Difference result Enter DIFF RESULT. Difference result enables final weighing results to be shown by weight, percentage (for sieve analysis), or % retention. Select appropriate result for your process. DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLEOFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF WEIGHING SETUP NUMBER OF SAMPLES Select RETURN and press Enter. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with NUMBER OF SAMPLES highlighted. Enter the NUMBER OF SAMPLES display. Enter number of samples Enter the number of samples you want to test. A maximum of 80 samples can be run per library entry. After specifying number of samples, press Enter button, display returns to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with RUN highlighted. Processing the samples Since there are three options of taring, each procedure will be covered separately. Follow either NO TARE, SINGLE TARE or DUAL TARE methods depending upon which you have selected. Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates PUT INITIAL SAMPLE # 1 ON PAN. This first sample is your unprocessed sample. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 0.000 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT No Tare - Initial weighing SETUP Put first unprocessed sample on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all samples. Balance modes 38 TAREWT N/A N/A N/A INIT WT TARE WT 7.705 NA 7.702 N/A 7.701 N/A CONTINUE SAVE FINAL \VT 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE This sample display indicates 3 samples taken with no tare. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. To return to your final weighing, find and select the Library name of your test. The balance then returns to where you left off in your sampling procedure for final weighing. No Tare - Final weighing DIFF WEIGHING Enter TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 7.299 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TAREWT INITWT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A 7.705 7.702 7.701 CONTINUE SAVE 7.299 7.299 7.299 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT N/A N/A N/A TOTAL 7.705 7.702 7.701 23.109 FINAL \VT NA N/A N/A WT DIFF 7.220 7.299 7.299 21.896 -0.407 -0.403 -0.402 -1.212 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put first processed sample on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN This procedure is used when one container is used with the initial and final samples. After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 0.000 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT Single Tare - Initial weighing (one container) SETUP Put container #1 on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next container. Continue adding containers and pressing the Enter button for each container until all containers have been weighed. When the last container has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all containers. Balance modes 39 TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 0.000 O.O00 0.000 CONTINUE Enter FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A SAVE 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: 20.006 TARE WT: FINAL WT: 20.006 This sample display indicates 3 containers weighed. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. Select CONTINUE. Display changes to PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place sample # 1 on the pan, press Enter button. Repeat steps and place each sample on the pan. PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 20.006 20.096 20.096 FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 When the last sample is placed on the pan and entered, the display indicates the tare weight of the containers and the initial weight of the samples. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE Single Tare - Final weighing (one container) DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT:16.144 16.144 PUT FINAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TARE WT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 20.006 20.096 20.096 SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE N/A N/A N/A FINAL \VT 16.143 16.598 16.685 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT WT DIFF 1 2 3 TOTAL -3.863 -3.498 -4.411 -11.772 11.267 11.352 11.358 33.977 7.404 7.854 6.947 22.205 PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put first processed sample with the container on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. Balance modes 40 Enter Dual Tare - Initial weighing (two containers) DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN This procedure is used when separate containers are used at the start of a process and the end of a process. After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates to PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: 8.738 IN IT WT: TARE Wf: FINALWT:8.738 8.738 PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 0.000 O.O00 0.000 CONTINUE Enter SAVE FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: 23.076 TARE WT: FINAL WT: 23.076 Put container #1 on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next container. Continue adding containers and pressing the Enter button for each container until all containers have been weighed. When the last container has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all containers. This sample display indicates 3 containers weighed. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. Select CONTINUE. Display changes to PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place sample # 1 on the pan, press Enter button. Repeat steps and place each sample on the pan. PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 23.989 23.994 24.064 FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 When the last sample is placed on the pan and entered, the display indicates the tare weight of the containers and the initial weight of the samples. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE Dual Tare - Final weighing (two containers) DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT:8.738 8.738 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put final container #1 on the pan. Repeat process for all containers. PUT FINAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TARE WT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 23.989 23.994 24.064 SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE 8.738 8.741 8.738 FINAL \VT 19.647 20.580 20.102 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT WT DIFF 1 2 3 TOTAL .342 -3.417 -3.962 -11.721 15.251 15.256 15.326 45.833 10.909 1.839 11.364 34.112 PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Put first processed sample with the container on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. Balance modes 41 6.6 Formulation Formulations can be named and have from 2 to 10 components specified. Names are limited to 8 characters. Once named, they may be recalled and used at any time. Each component of a given formulation can be specified as to its weight or percentage. Each element of a formulation is shown on a dual bar graph as a percentage and displays the desired weight. Thus, each component may be placed on the pan until 100% is indicated. CHANGE MODE FORMULATION FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select FORMULATION, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to FORMULATION SETUP with WEIGH TYPE highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM2 WEIGHT Weigh type WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT PERCENT RETURN Enter the weigh type. You can select the components to be specified by weight or percentage. Display returns to FORMULATION SETUP. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM 2 WEIGHT FORMULATION SETUP NUMBER OF ITEMS Number of items Select NUMBER OF ITEMS. Specify the number of items (components) in the formulation. After specifying the number of items, the display returns to FORMULATION SETUP with SETUP highlighted. Balance modes 42 Enter FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM2 WEIGHT FORMULATION SETUP 1 0.000 0.000 2 FORMULATION SETUP 1 0.000 2 Enter 90% 90% 110% 200.044 DIFF WT: 0.044 STABLE A1=200.000 GRAMS TARGET Al 200.000 A2 200.000 TOTAL 400.000 Specifying weight or percentage values Specify either weight value or percentage value which you had previously selected for the first component. Repeat these two steps for all components in your formula. After you enter all component names and values, the display advances to FORMULATION SETUP with RUN highlighted. Add the first component on the pan. The bar graph is used as a guide to precisely add 100% of the first component. NEXT appears highlighted at the bottom of the display. Press Enter button to add next component. Sample indicates 200.044 grams. Leave the first component on the pan. Repeat this procedure for all additional components. Adding remaining components FORMULATION 90% Specify the name for the first component of the formula, then press Enter button. Display advances to right of screen which is either weight or percentage (whichever was previously selected). Adding first component FORMULATION Enter Enter FORM2 WEIGHT 0% A1=200.000 GRAMS Specifying component names Select RUN. A dual bar display appears indicating the weight or percentage to be placed on the pan. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN Enter SETUP in the FORMULATION SETUP. Display advances to a split screen. 110% 200.021 Add all remaining components one at a time, pressing the Enter button after each component is placed on the pan. DIFF WT: 0.021 STABLE RESULT 200.044 200.021 400.065 PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU DIFF 0.044 0.021 0.065 Final results After the last component is placed on the pan, the final result is indicated on the display. Balance modes 43 6.7 Quick check weighing Quick check weighing permits placing a reference sample on the balance pan which is used as a reference weight to measure against similar samples. A single bar display indicates up to 100% of the capacity of the balance. The difference in percentage is also shown along with the reference weight. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the sample. CHANGE MODE From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select QUICK CHECK, display advances to QUICK CHECK. QUICK CHECK Setting reference weight QUICK CHECK ->O/T<- DIFF: 0.000 DIFF%: 0.020 REF WT: 14.798 14.800 PUT REF WT ON PAN WAIT GRAMS NEW REF WT MODE STABLE MAIN MENU Adding samples QUICK CHECK DIFF: 0.030 DIFF%: 0.020 REF WT: 14.798 14.768 GRAMS NEW REF WT Enter MODE STABLE MAIN MENU NEW REF WT REF WT: 14.798 0.0000 GRAMS MODE After the balance accepts the weight, remove the reference weight and place the first sample on the pan. The display indicates the difference in weight and percentage of the sample against the reference weight. You may continue to weigh additional samples. Setting new reference weight QUICK CHECK DIFF: 0.030 DIFF%: 0.020 Tare the balance. The display indicates PUT REF WT ON PAN. Place the reference weight on the pan. WAIT is momentarily displayed as the balance accepts the reference weight. STABLE MAIN MENU Clear the pan and tare the balance. With NEW REF WT highlighted at the bottom of the display, press Enter button. The display indicates PUT REF WT ON PAN. You may now place a new reference weight on the pan and repeat the above procedure for new samples using a new reference weight. When you exit quick check weighing and use other balance functions and return to quick check weighing, the previous reference weight appears in the display. Disregard display readings. When you place a new reference weight on the pan, the balance resets to the new weight. Balance modes 44 6.8 Statistics/Function link Statistics are used when it is desired to compare a number of samples and examine the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data. A minimum of three samples is required in this program. Statistics contains menu options which include standard deviation, mean, sum, maximum, minimum, difference, relative deviation, auto sample and sample size. Most of these can be set ON or OFF except sample size which can be set for a particular number. When a printer or computer is connected to the balance, all statistical information can be observed and printed. FUNCTION LINK offers a choice of three functions; CHECK WEIGHING, FILLING and ANIMAL WEIGHING which can be linked directly to statistical data. Statistics can be enabled either through the CHANGE MODE menu or the LIBRARY. The library method will automatically run the link. Changes can be made through the CHANGE MODE menu setup. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE and select STATISTICS, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME STD DEV MEAN SUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM DIFFERENCE RELATIVE DEV STATS1 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON FUNCTION LINK OFF FILLING CHECK WEIGHING ANIMAL WEIGHING RETURN TO SETUP STATISTICS RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES: 3 UNIT: GRAMS MEAN: 203.571 MAXIMUM: 203.929 MINIMUM: 203.283 STD DEVIATION: 0.310 RELATIVE DEV: 0.064 SUM: 610.713 DIFFERENCE:0.546 Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to STATISTICS SETUP with STD DEV highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Turning statistics on or off Select each option under the STATISTICS SETUP and turn either ON or OFF. When you reach FUNCTION LINK, you have a choice of linking the statistical data to either CHECK WEIGHING, FILLING or ANIMAL WEIGHING or not linking and leave the FUNCTION LINK OFF. Selecting a function link Selecting FUNCTION LINK offers a choice of either FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING, or ANIMAL WEIGHING functions to have statistics available on printouts. Select the desired function and press Enter button. STATISTICS SETUP DIFFERENCE RELATIVE DEV AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT SAMPLE SIZE FUNCTION LINK RUN Library name ON ON OFF OFF 3 OFF Running the program Select RUN and press Enter button. If statistics was selected to link with any function, the display for that function will indicate STATS ON at the top of the display. Statistical result display When a program has been run, a typical display as shown appears. Function links when set up to a particular function such as FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING, or ANIMAL WEIGHING can be run directly from the Library listing. Scrolling through the Library will reveal which item(s) are linked to statistics. Balance modes 45 6.9 Density Four methods of density determinations can be made with the Voyager balance. These are: solids more dense than water, solids less dense than water, porous material (impregnated with oil), and liquid density. A Density Determination Kit Part Number 470007-010 is specifically designed to be used with Ohaus® Analytical Voyager balances. Illustrations in this procedure refer to the density kit, however, you may use whatever lab apparatus that will suit the requirements for density measurements. A built in reference density table for water at temperatures between 10ºC and 30ºC is included in the balance software. When making density measurements, the material should weigh at least 10.0 mg on an analytical balance and 100 mg on a precision balance. 6.9.1 Balance preparation with density kit Allow the balance to warm up sufficiently before making measurements. Support Bracket Go Washer Back Help Print Mode Units Setup Equalizing Weigh Bracket Washer Below Hook Kit Components Enter ® Pan Balance preparation Enter Print Bracket and Washer Mounting Open either the left or right side door of the balance and remove the Pan as shown. Insert the Bracket into the balance where the Pan was removed. On balances which are rated over 400g, place the Equalizing Washer on top of the Bracket as shown in the illustration. Place the Support into position over the bracket making sure the Support does not make contact with the Bracket as shown in illustration. Support Bracket Support Mounting Install beaker on support as shown. NOTE: Beaker and thermometer are not supplied as part of the density kit. Beaker Installation Balance modes 46 6.9.2 Solid density determinations for items more dense than water The density Q is the quotient of the mass m and the volume V. Q= m V Density determinations are performed by using Archimedes principle. This principle states that every solid body immersed in a fluid loses weight by an amount equal to that of the fluid it displaces. The density table for water is included in the Voyager balance software. The density of a solid is determined with the aid of a liquid whose density, Qo, is known (water is used as an auxiliary liquid). The solid is weighed in air (A) and then in the auxiliary liquid (B). The density Q can be calculated from the two weighings as follows: Q= A _Q A -B 0 The balance allows direct determination of the buoyancy P (P =A - B ) and consequently the above formula can be simplified: Q= A _Q0 P Q = Density of the solid A = Weight of the solid in air B = Weight of the solid in the auxiliary liquid Q0 = Density of the auxiliary liquid at a given temperature (this value depends on the temperature). The density table for water is included in Voyager balances. P = Buoyancy of the solid in the auxiliary liquid (corresponds to A -B). In the event that a different liquid is to be used, provisions are made to enter the density of the desired liquid and enter its name into a library. The following procedure uses water. Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DENSITY, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY SETUP with SOLID DENSITY highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. After you select SOLID DENSITY, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with H2O highlighted. Balance modes 47 Enter AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC Enter Enter Enter AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY - - D2 WEIGH IN AIR: 0.000 WEIGH IN LIQ: WEIGH IN AIR START/SAMPLE TEMP:25.0 AUX D= 9.971 VOLUME: 0.000 SETUP Enter the temperature of the water and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Skip the next two steps. Selecting an auxiliary liquid Select OTHER, and perform the next step. Specify auxiliary liquid density AUX LIQ & MODE Enter Select H2O, and perform the next step. If you are using a different liquid, skip the next step and continue. Specify temperature AUX LIQ & MODE Enter Selecting water as auxiliary liquid MAIN MENU Enter the density of the auxiliary liquid and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Return to setup Select RETURN TO SETUP. Disregard POROUS MATERIAL in menu as this is explained in Appendix A-2. Display returns to DENSITY SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE highlighted. Auto sample Select AUTO SAMPLE and turn it ON or OFF. A setting of ON allows samples to be sequentially sampled without pressing the Enter button for each sample. Auto print At this point you can select AUTO PRINT. To turn on, press the Enter button and select ON. If you do not want automatic printing, select OFF. Testing the sample Select RUN and press the Enter button. The display advances to DENSITY and requests WEIGH IN AIR shown at the bottom of the screen. Balance modes 48 START/SAMPLE is highlighted. Make sure a beaker with liquid is in position on the stand in the balance. Press the >O/T< button to zero the balance reading. Sample Weighing in Air Place solid on top of the bracket as shown and close the draft shield doors. Weigh the solid (weight A) and press the Enter button. The display now requests WEIGH IN LIQUID. Open the draft shield of the balance and place the solid in the Weighing Pan on the Weigh Below Hook in the liquid as shown. Ensure that there are no air bubbles on the solid to be weighed. Close the draft shield doors and weigh the solid (buoyancy P) by pressing the Enter button. The display indicates the density in grams/cc. Sample Weighing in Liquid DENSITY - - D2 WEIGH IN AIR: 15.703 WEIGH IN LIQ: 15.306 TEMP:25.0 AUX D= 9.971 VOLUME: 0.40 Successive samples may be taken simply by pressing Enter with the START SAMPLE bar highlighted. If AUTO SAMPLE was selected previously, samples can be taken as per the indication on the display. A typical final display is shown which indicates all of the parameters and values. 39.438 GRAMS/CC START/SAMPLE SETUP STABLE MAIN MENU 6.9.3 Solid density determinations for items less dense than water For density determination of solids with a density less than 1 g/CM3, the bottom of the Weigh Below Hook for solids must be used as it holds the solid body below the surface of the auxiliary liquid. If the buoyancy of the solid is greater than the weight of the Weigh Below Hook, the Weigh Below Hook must be weighted by placing an additional mass on the submerged part of the Weigh Below Hook as shown. Weigh the sample in air first as explained in the previous procedure. Mass Sample Buoyancy Sample Weighing After loading the additional mass, tare the balance and start the weighing again. Wait until the balance has reached stability and note the displayed weight P (buoyancy of the solid). Balance modes 49 6.9.4 Improving the accuracy of the result of solid density The following tips should help you improve the accuracy of the results in the density determination of solids. Temperature Solids are generally so insensitive to temperature fluctuations that the corresponding density changes are of no consequence. However, as work is performed with an auxiliary liquid in the density determination of solids, their temperature must be taken into account as the temperature has a greater effect with liquids and causes density changes in the order of magnitude 0.I to 1% per °C. This effect is already apparent in the third decimal place of the result. To obtain accurate results, we recommend that you always take the temperature of the auxiliary liquid into account on all density determinations. Air buoyancy 1 CM3 of air weighs approximately 1.2 mg (depending on the physical condition). As a consequence, in the weighing in air, each solid experiences a buoyancy of this magnitude (the so-called air buoyancy) per cm3 of its volume. However, the air buoyancy must be taken into account only when a result is required with an accuracy of 3 to 4 decimal places. To correct for this, the air buoyancy (0.0012 g per cm3 volume of the body) is added to the calculated result: Calculated density + 0.0012 g/cm3 air buoyancy = effective density Surface tension of the auxiliary liquid Adhesion of the liquid to the Weigh Below Hook causes an apparent weight increase of up 3 mg. As the Weigh Below Hook is immersed in the auxiliary liquid in both weighings of the solid (in air and in the auxiliary liquid), the influence of the apparent weight increase can be neglected because the balance is tared before every measurement. To reduce the effect of air bubbles and to ensure the greatest possible accuracy, use a few drops of a wetting agent (not supplied) and add them to the auxiliary liquid. Balance modes 50 6.9.5 Liquid density determinations The density of a liquid can be made using a sinker of known volume. The sinker is weighed in air and then in the liquid whose density is to be determined, The density, Q, can be determined from the two weighings as follows: Q= Q = Density of the liquid A = Weight of the sinker in air B = Weight of the sinker in liquid V = Volume of the sinker P = Buoyancy of the sinker in the liquid ( P = A-B) A-B V DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF DENSITY SETUP ENTER SINKER VOLUME IN CC 30.000 DENSITY - - D3 WEIGH IN AIR: 211.395 WE GH iN LIQ: 200.043 SKRVOL:30.000 0.378 GRAMS/CC STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Select liquid density The balance is prepared in the same manner. Follow the same procedure for solid density determination except select LIQUID DENSITY under the DENSITY SETUP display. Press the Enter button. The display advances to ENTER SINKER VOLUME IN CC. Enter sinker volume Enter the sinker volume in CCs. The display starts with 30 cc. Continue with the instructions on the displays and select RUN. After weighing the sinker in air and then weighing the sinker immersed in liquid, the balance calculates the density of the liquid and is displayed in grams/cc. See illustrations below for placement of the sinker. When the sinker is immersed in the liquid, it must not come into contact with the bottom of the beaker. Sinker Sinker Sinker In Air Sinker In Liquid Balance modes 51 6.10 Statistical quality control (SQC) The Statistical Quality Control (SQC) feature is extremely useful during various types of process filling operations when it is desired to monitor and control the process to eliminate under and over filling. Provisions are made in the balance to accommodate the weight of various packaging methods. During operation, parameters of the packaged product are set into the balance such as packaging weight, acceptable weight limits and non-acceptable weight limits of the product. These weight limits are identified as +Tl, +T2, NOMINAL and -TI, -T2. As samples are weighed and stored in the balance, a trend analysis is developed and displayed on the balance. Up to 25 samples in a batch with up to ten batches are visible on a trend screen for quality control purposes. Each batch of samples is shown on the display which indicates the maximum/minimum standard deviation and mean values for each batch. An on going examination of the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data can be viewed and is stored. By observing the results of the TREND ANALYSIS screen, you can effectively monitor the filling process operation. Setup parameters can be stored in the library and up to 5 products with statistical history can be stored in memory. All SQC information can be printed. Enter CHANGE MODE SQC Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter From main menu SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME SQC1 NO TARE OFF l SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to SQC SETUP with TOLERANCE highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Tolerance Enter TOLERANCE. Display advances to DEFINE TOLERANCE with +T2 highlighted. I DEFINE TOLERANCE +T2 +T1 NOMINAL WEIGHT -Ti -T2 RETURN TO SETUP Library name 0.000 0.000 O.O00 0.000 0.000 SQC1 NO TARE OFF l I Defining tolerances Define the tolerances for your product. Start with +T2, continue with +Tl, NOMINAL WEIGHT, then -TI, finish with -T2. After entering values, press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP, press Enter button. Selecting tare Select TARE and press Enter button. Display advances to TARE SELECTION with NO TARE highlighted. Balance modes 52 Selecting type of tare TARE SELECTION NO TARE MEAN TARE INDIVIDUAL TARE ADD. WITH MT RETURN TO SETUP Four types of taring are available. NO TARE is self explanatory, MEAN TARE is used to subtract the packaging weight automatically, INDIVIDUAL TARE is for each sample with display prompts, ADD with MT is additive weighing with mean tare. After selecting tare type, press Enter button. SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Selecting auto sample/auto print SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF I SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Specifying sample size SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF 3 SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME OFF OFF 3 0 The balance has a total limit of 5 history files which can include other functions such as Differential Weighing and Formulation. If more than five sets are entered, one or more data files will have to be removed. If when saving, a message appears FAILED TO SAVE, the library is full. Sample # 1 SQC - - SQC2 100% 0.000 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN 100% 11.905 START/SAMPLE SETUP Enter BATCH NAME. Specify the name of the batch and press Enter button. After specifying the batch name, the display advances to SQC SETUP with RUN highlighted. You are now ready to take samples. Taking samples SQC SETUP 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN Enter NUMBER OF SAMPLES. Specify the number of samples to be measured. After specifying sample size, display advances to SQC SETUP with BATCH NAME highlighted. Press Enter button. Specifying batch name SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF 3 AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME V IEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN AUTO SAMPLE and AUTO PRINT are ON/OFF selectable functions. When AUTO SAMPLE is turned ON, samples can be taken without pressing any buttons. When AUTO PRINT is set ON, automatic printing of results are made. Select functions and press Enter button. MAIN MENU With the SQC SETUP displayed and RUN highlighted, press Enter button, display indicates the previously entered data Library name at the right hand top of the display and instructs: PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place your first sample on the balance pan, then press Enter button. When the balance stabilizes, it will record the weight you have placed on the pan and will automatically advance to sample number 2. Balance modes 53 Sample # 2 SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #2 ON PAN 100% 12.305 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Remaining samples SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #3 ON PAN 100% 12.710 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU SAMPLES 3 BATCH NAME: NOI UNIT GRAMS NOMINAL WT: 12.181 MEAN 12.307 MAXIMUM 12.710 MINIMUM 11.906 STD DEVIATION: 0.402 RELATIVE DEVIATION: O.108 >+T2 0.00% 0 >+T1 0.00% 0 TI>N>-TI 100.00%, 3 <-T10.00%, 0 <-T20.00% 0 Go Back Remove the first sample from the pan and place the second sample on the pan. When the balance stabilizes, press the Enter button. When AUTO SAMPLE is ON, you do not have to press Enter. SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES 3 VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN SQ1 TOTAL BATCHES I 1 05/24/99 08:06:28A 05/24/99 02:34:19 19.513 +T2 16.076 +T1 12.181 N 8.742 -Tl 7.500 -T2 Continue this procedure until all of your samples have been entered. When all samples have been entered, a History screen is displayed which indicates the parameters of the first batch. Batch history result The sample history result at the left represents a batch of three samples. To run additional batches of samples, press the Enter button, the display will return to PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Remember that only ten batches will be displayed, however, if more batches are run, data is still recorded. Analyzing data Press the Go Back button until SQC SETUP is displayed. Select VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE. Press the Enter button and the Trace Value screen appears. This screen indicates the limits you have set for your samples and the amount of deviation per batch. Viewing mean value trace After you have taken the required number of data samples, you can view the sample value trace and/or the sample batch history. Screen indicates 11 batches were processed with the last 10 displayed. Sample Value Trace STANDARD DEVIATION MAXIMUM LIMIT Symbol Definitions MEAN VALUE OF SQC SET The sample illustration at the left describes the symbols used on the Mean Value Trace screen and their definitions. MINIMUM LIMIT Symbol definitions Balance modes 54 Go Back SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES 3 VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN START SAMPLING: 05/24/99 08:26:28A TOTAL BATCHES:11 TOTAL SAMPLES: 33 MEAN: 14.314 MAXIMUM: 20.523 MINIMUM: 8.745 STD DEVIATION: 2.226 >+T2: 9.09% 3 >+T1: 24.24% 8 T1>N>-T1: 66%, 22 <-T1:0.00%, 0 <-T2:0.00%, 0 LAST SAMPLE: 05/24/99 02:34:19P 6.10.1 Selecting batch history To select the batch history, press the Go Back button to enter the SQC SETUP screen and scroll down to VIEW BATCH HISTORY. Press the Enter button. Viewing batch history Eleven batches of samples with three samples per batch were taken as an example. The sample illustration at the left indicates the parameters taken during the last 33 samples. Resuming a particular SQC setup SQC has a resume feature which enables you to recall any SQC procedure which has been named and stored in the library. The Setup procedure enabled you to designate the product parameters and assign a basic name. To use a stored product parameter with a new set of samples, you recall the procedure by name. Enter CHANGE MODE SQC From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter library name Enter the library name of the previous SQC procedure you want to resume. Press Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. The balance uses the parameters which were previously set. In the next step, you cannot use the Go Back to exit the menu. If you decide to exit, you must enter RESUME first, then back out. Enter SQC SETUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! Select resume When RESUME is selected, the display returns to the SQC SETUP with RUN highlighted. Balance modes 55 Enter SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN OFF OFF 3 0 0.000 6.10.2 SETUP With RUN selected, press Enter button. Adding additional samples SQC - - SQI PUT SAMPLE # 1 ON PAN START/SAMPLE Select run MAIN MENU Display returns to the name of the SQC identified and is ready to run sample # 1. You may now run additional samples with the parameters previously set. These samples will be added to the original sample set. The last ten samples are displayed on the MEAN VALUE TRACE. Specifying new SQC setup There are two methods of entering SQC for a new setup. One is to start at the beginning of the SQC procedure. The second method is to enter the SQC STARTUP menu. The second method is specified. Enter SQC CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter From main menu SQC STARTUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT N NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME SQC 1 NO TARE OFF 0FF OFF 1 Enter library name If you have selected an existing library name you can still change the setup in the next step. Press the Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. Select new setup When NEW SETUP is selected, the display returns to the SQC SETUP with TOLERANCE highlighted. Completing new setup Refer back to section 6.10 and enter all information required for a new setup. Balance modes 56 6.10.3 Redoing or correcting a batch If during the course of taking samples, an error has occurred and you want to rerun the set of samples you are currently working with, this procedure will allow you to start a new set without recording data from the set containing errors. Go Back Enter Enter Exiting a sample set containing an error SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT N NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME When the current sample you are working with is incorrect, you can exit by pressing the Go Back button. The display returns back to SQC SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Press the Enter button. STATISTICS SETUP Entering current library name LIBRARY NAME The current name you assigned should be displayed. Press the Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. SQC STARTUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! Select PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH and press Enter button. The display returns to SQC SETUP with VIEW BATCH HISTORY highlighted. Select run SQC SETUP MEAN TARE VALUE OFF AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN Select previous setup OFF OFF 3 N01 Scroll to RUN. With RUN selected, press the Enter button. The balance returns to the sample set interrupted and you may continue to take samples. Clearing previous data set When you are in the SQC STARTUP menu, you can elect to remove all data if desired by selecting PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA and pressing Enter button. Balance modes 57 6.11 Pipette calibration Pipette calibration checks the accuracy and precision values of pipettes by weight analysis. An analytical balance is recommended for maximum accuracy. The balance is capable of recording data from 3 to 30 samples of each pipette tested. Each test run is stored in the application library. The number of tests which can be stored will depend on the number of samples per test. The density table for water is included. If other liquids are used for pipette calibration, you must enter the liquids density in g/cc at current room temperature. Since all calculations are made within the balance, it is also required that you know the atmospheric pressure which has to be entered. A printout can be made which specifies all parameters of the test made. Enter CHANGE MODE PIPETTE PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select PIPETTE, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with TEST LIQUID G/CC highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Test liquid Press Enter button. Display advances to SELECT TEST LIQUID with H2O highlighted. Selecting water as the test liquid If you are using water as the test liquid, press the Enter button. If you are using a liquid other than water, skip the next step and continue. Enter temperature of water ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS 25.000 25.000 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP Measure the temperature of water you will be using for Pipette measurements in Celsius. A standard room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius has been preentered in the balance. Enter the correct value. Selecting other test liquid If you are using a liquid other than water as the test liquid, scroll to OTHER and press the Enter button. The display advances to ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC. Balance modes 58 Enter density of test liquid ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC 0.9971 Enter Enter 0.9971 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP Enter the density value for the test liquid. The standard density for water has been pre-entered. Enter the correct value for the liquid you are using, and press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP. Return to setup Press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with BARO PRESSURE highlighted. PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE ATM PSIG MMHG MBAR HPA INHG Enter barometric pressure Press the Enter button. The display advances to BAROMETRIC PRESSURE with ATM highlighted. Select unit of atmospheric pressure measurement Select unit, press Enter button. The display advances to BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. Specify barometric pressure BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 1.0000 1.000 Enter the barometric pressure of the test area, then press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE OFF highlighted. If you do not want auto sampling, skip next two steps and select AUTO PRINT. It should be noted that in the next step you can select AUTO SAMPLE either ON or OFF. When AUTO SAMPLE is turned ON, it is a real time saver as the balance controls do not have to be touched during sampling. Enter Enter PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 Select auto sampling If you want auto sampling, press Enter button. Display advances AUTO SAMPLE with ON highlighted. Press the Enter button. Select auto print on Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with AUTO PRINT OFF highlighted. Balance modes 59 Enter Enter Set auto print on AUTO PRINT ON OFF When set ON, results are automatically printed. Press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with NUMBER OF SAMPLES highlighted. PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 NUMBER OF SAMPLES 10 Enter 1 10 PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 Select number of samples Press the Enter button. The display advances to NUMBER OF SAMPLES. Enter sample size Enter the number of samples. Press Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with PIPETTE NAME highlighted. Select pipette name Press Enter button. Display advances to new screen PIPETTE NAME. Enter pipette name PIPETTE NAME WHEAT Enter the name of the pipette. Press Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE NUMBER. Press Enter button. Enter pipette number PIPETTE NUMBER 345 Enter or PIPETTE SETUP BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 WHEAT 345 0.00ML NOMINAL VALUE UNITS ML UL RETURN TO SETUP Enter the number of the pipette. Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with NOMINAL highlighted. Select nominal Press the Enter button. The display advances to NOMINAL VALUE UNITS with ML highlighted. Select nominal value unit Select either ML (milliliters) or UL (microliters). Press the Enter button. Display advances to NOMINAL. Balance modes 60 Enter nominal value Enter the nominal value. Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with INACCURACY highlighted. NOMINAL 0.0000 Enter 0.0000 Select inaccuracy PIPETTE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY OFF OFF 10 WHEAT 345 3.45ML 2.00% Select INACCURACY. Press Enter button. The display advances to INACCURACY. Enter inaccuracy value Enter the percentage of acceptable inaccuracy. This indicates the deviation of all pipette samples (mean error). Press Enter button. The default setting is 2 percent. Display advances to IMPRECISION. INACCURACY 2.000 Enter 2.000 Select imprecision PIPETTE SETUP AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY IMPRECISION OFF 10 WHEAT 345 3.45ML 2.00% 2.00% Select IMPRECISION. Press the Enter button. Display advances to IMPRECISION. Enter imprecision value Enter the imprecision value. This indicates the variation of all pipette samples from the mean value (Coefficient of Variation). Press the Enter button. The default setting is 2 percent. The display advances to RUN. IMPRECISION 2.000 2.000 When placing samples in the vessel during pipette calibration, make sure to continue the calibration to the end without significant pauses in between each sample. If a significant amount of time has elapsed (30 seconds or more) between samples, re-tare the balance before adding the next sample. This is to eliminate errors introduced by evaporation. Enter Taking samples PIPETTE SETUP PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY IMPRECISION VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN 345 3.45ML 2.00% 2.00% With RUN highlighted, press the Enter button. The display advances to a screen requesting to PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. PIPETTE - - P2 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN 100% 0.000 AUTO SAMPLE ON GRAMS STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Press Enter, the display indicates PIPETTE -- NAME of test at the top of the screen. START/SAMPLE is at the bottom of the screen. Pressing Enter starts the testing. If you are using water, use distilled water only. Place empty vessel on the balance, fill the vessel with a small amount of liquid, and then tare the balance. Balance modes 61 When AUTO SAMPLE has been selected, it is not necessary to press the Enter button for each sample. If the balance fails to advance to the next sample, press the Enter button. Place the first sample from the pipette into the vessel and press Enter. The display indicates SAMPLE #1. Place the second sample from the pipette into the vessel and press Enter. P1 05/26/99 03:11:03P NOMINAL: 3.45ML 3.525 2S 3.492 S 3.458 M 3.425 S 3.391 2S STATUS PASS INACCURACY: 0.30% IMPRECISION:0.97% Repeat the above steps until all samples have been run. When the last sample is placed on the balance and the Enter button is pressed, the panel display indicates the results of the test which includes the Date, Time, Status, Nominal value, Inaccuracy and Imprecision. The graph on the display indicates the mean value in the center with standard deviation and 2 times standard deviation above and below shown as lines across the screen. Each sample is shown as a diamond shaped mark on the graph. A ten sample set is shown. If AUTO PRINT was selected during the setup, the results are automatically printed. Printout contains numerical results and all statistics. For manual printing of test results, press the Print button on the balance. Balance settings 62 7. Balance settings 7.1 Reset to factory settings In this menu option you can reset selected functions or all menu settings to factory settings. Enter CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE SET BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET or SET BALANCE RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS RESET READOUTS RESET RS232 RESET PRINT OPTION RESET GLP RESET ALL EXIT TO WEIGH Enter From main menu Select SET BALANCE, display advances to SET BALANCE. Select RESET, press Enter button. Display advances to RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS. Reset to factory settings The RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS has several reset functions. To reset a function, select the function using the arrow buttons and press Enter button. To reset all functions, select RESET ALL using arrow buttons and press Enter button. RESET ALL when selected, will return the balance to factory default settings. 7.2 Setting contrast and brightness of display When the balance is first turned on, you may want to adjust the balance's LCD display contrast and brightness to suit your needs. Enter or MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST MAIN MENU Enter the MAIN MENU and select CONTRAST and press Enter button. Display advances to LCD CONTRAST / BRIGHTNESS ADJUST. Using arrow buttons, adjust contrast as needed. LCD CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS MAIN MENU LCD CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS Press arrow buttons and adjust brightness as needed. Press Enter or Go Back button to return to MAIN MENU. Balance settings 63 7.3 Setting the readout This menu option enables you to set the balance averaging level, stability level, auto zero, and legal for trade (LFT). Enter or Setting averaging level BEST 5 READOUT SETUP STABILITY LEVEL FILTER GOOD BEST 5 READOUT SETUP AZT or OFF 0.5 1 3 or Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Press the Enter button, display advances to READOUT SETUP. READOUT SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER GOOD or From main menu SET BALANCE READOUT READOUT SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 STABILITY LEVEL 5 AUTO ZERO 0.5 LEGAL FOR TRADE OFF EXIT TO WEIGH Press Enter button, AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER is displayed. Averaging level filter compensates for vibration or excessive air currents. A zero setting (GOOD) corresponds to minimum filtering with fastest stabilization time. A setting of (BEST)10 is maximum filtering with the slowest stabilization time. Adjust to desired setting and press Enter button. Setting stability level Scroll to STABILITY LEVEL and press Enter button, STABILITY LEVEL FILTER is displayed. Stability level filter determines the variation range in divisions for a given reading depending upon the filter setting. A setting of zero (GOOD) permits the balance to respond to variations of .5 divisions. A setting of (BEST) 10 sets the threshold to 3 divisions. Adjust to desired setting and press Enter button. Setting auto-zero Scroll to AUTO ZERO and press Enter button, AZT is displayed. Auto zero minimizes the effects of temperature changes and shift on the zero reading. There are 4 settings, OFF, 0.5, 1, and 3. The numbers represent display divisions. The balance maintains the zero display until the set threshold is exceeded. Select the desired setting and press Enter button. Setting legal for trade Scroll to LEGAL FOR TRADE and press Enter button. Legal for trade can be set ON or OFF. When set ON, only the functions allowed by the national weights and measures legislation are available. Press Enter button after making your selection. Balance settings 64 7.4 Setting the interface This menu option enables you to set the balance communication parameters for the RS232 interface which include: baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bit. Enter SET BALANCE INTERACE or 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 RETURN or NONE EVEN ODD 0 1 RETURN Setting baud rate INTERFACE DATA BITS Setting data bits INTERFACE PARITY INTERFACE STOP BITS or 1 2 RETURN Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to INTERFACE and press the Enter button, display advances to INTERFACE. INTERFACE BAUD RATE 7 8 RETURN or From main menu Baud rates of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 are available for communications. Select the appropriate rate. Default setting is 2400 baud. Press Enter button. Data bits of 7 or 8 are selectable. Select appropriate bit rate. Default setting is 7. Press Enter button. Setting parity Select appropriate parity setting of either NONE, EVEN, ODD, 0, or 1. Default setting is NONE. Press Enter button. Setting stop bits Select appropriate stop bits setting of either 1 or 2. Default setting is 2. Press Enter button. Balance settings 65 7.5 Setting print option This menu option enables you to set various print features ON or OFF and include Auto Print, Data, Numeric Data, Print Date, Print Time and Print Reference. SET BALANCE Enter PRINT OPTION or or AUTO PRINT OFF CONTINUOUS STABLE INTERVAL PRINT OPTION STABLE DATA OFF NUMERIC DATA OFF PRINT DATE OFF PRINT TIME OFF PRINT REFERENCE OFF STABLE DATA or ON OFF Enter From main menu Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to PRINT OPTION and press the Enter button, display advances PRINT OPTION with AUTO PRINT OFF highlighted. Setting auto print Enter AUTO PRINT. AUTO PRINT can be set to output display data in one of three ways: CONTINUOUS, STABLE or INTERVAL at user specified interval (seconds). When Interval is selected, you will have to specify number of seconds. Select desired mode and press Enter button. Setting stable data, numeric data, print date, print time, print reference All of these features can be set ON or OFF. STABLE DATA, when set ON, prints only when the reading is stable. NUMERIC DATA, when set ON, prints numerical data. PRINT DATE, when set ON, prints current date. PRINT TIME, when set ON, prints current time. PRINT REFERENCE, when set ON, prints the value of the weight used as a reference to the printer. Setting functions on or off Select each of the above functions and select either ON or OFF. Balance settings 66 7.6 Setting GLP print options This menu GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) options allows the entering of a Project Name, User Name, and GLP Print Options which include: Date & Time, Balance ID, Project Name, User Name and Calibration all of which can be set ON or OFF. SET BALANCE Enter Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to SETUP GLP and press the Enter button, display advances SETUP GLP with PROJECT NAME highlighted. SETUP GLP Enter Enter project name SETUP GLP PROJECT NAME Enter PROJECT NAME, the display advances to permit entering project name. Specify the project name SETUP GLP PROJECT NAME Enter USER NAME Specify the user name Specify the user name, and press Enter button. The display advances to GLP PRINT OPTIONS. Press Enter, the display advances to GLP PRINT OPTIONS with DATE & TIME highlighted. USER NAME GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME BALANCE ID PROJECT NAME USER NAME CALIBRATION RETURN ON OFF Enter OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF STABLE DATA or Specify the project name. The name can have any combination of alpha numeric characters not to exceed 8 characters. After specifing the project name, the display advances to USER NAME. Select user name SETUP GLP SETUP GLP or From main menu Setting GLP print options GLP PRINT OPTIONS permit DATE & TIME, BALANCE ID, PROJECT NAME, USER NAME, and CALIBRATION DATA to be turned ON or OFF for printing. Setting functions on or off Select each of the above functions and select either ON or OFF. Balance settings 67 7.7 Setting time and date This menu permits entering time and date. A battery backup is used for the memory. The battery has a life of 5 years. Enter SET BALANCE Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to SET TIME/DATE and press the Enter button. SET TIME/DATE Enter Enter SETUP DATE/TIME DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY SETUP DATE/TIME SET DATE SETUP DATE/TIME SET DATE Enter or SETUP DATE/TIME TIME TYPE SELECT TIME TYPE 24 HOUR 12 HOUR RETURN Enter From main menu Setting date type This option offers 6 arrangements of date styles to suit your needs. They are: MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, YY/MM/DD, MM/YY/DD, DD/YY/MM, YY/DD/MM. Enter the date type option and press the Enter button. The display advances to SET DATE. Setting date This option permits entering the current date. Enter the SET DATE option. The display advances to a new SET DATE display. Enter the date in the format you have chosen above. After entering the date, press the Enter button. The display advances to SETUP DATE/TIME with TIME TYPE highlighted. Setting time type This option permits entering either a 12 hour or 24 hour display for time. Enter the TIME TYPE option. The display advances to SELECT TIME TYPE. Select either 24 hour or 12 hours. This will be displayed on printouts which have time and date turned on. After selecting time type, press the Enter button. The display advances to SET TIME. Balance settings 68 SETUP DATE/TIME Enter SET TIME or 11:23:21AM Enter set time Enter the SET TIME option. The previously entered time appears in the display. Press the Enter button. SETUP DATE/TIME SET TIME Setting the time SETUP DATE/TIME Setting am/pm AM PM Enter the time in the format you have chosen above. After entering the time, the display advances to SELECT AM/PM display only if 12 hour time type was selected. Select AM or PM as required. The display returns to the DATE TYPE. Press the Go Back button to return to SET BALANCE menu, SET TIME/DATE is displayed. 7.8 Setting auto calibration Automatic calibration of the balance can be accomplished when equipped with this option. When this function is turned ON, the balance automatically calibrates itself due to a temperature change. Enter SET BALANCE AUTOCAL ENABLE or AUTOCAL ENABLE ON OFF From main menu Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL ENABLE and press the Enter button. Select either ON or OFF and press the Enter button. The display returns to AUTOCAL ENABLE. 7.9 Print current settings When this option is selected, you may view all settings made in your balance on an external printer. Enter SET BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS From main menu Enter SET BALANCE and select PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS. Press the Enter button. The balance wil print current settings out to a printer. If a printer is not connected or improperly connected, the balance will display PRINT FAILED after displaying PRINTING. Balance settings 69 7.10 Lock out This software option works in conjunction with a hardware Lockswitch and LFT software. It permits various measurement units, calibration methods and balance functions to be selected and either turned ON or OFF. Before using this sofware function, check the status of the hardware lock switch and Legal for Trade software (see section 7.14). If the hardware switch is ON, and the Legal for Trade software is set ON (locked), you cannot access the LFT LOCK software. Enter SET BALANCE From main menu Enter the SET BALANCE menu and scroll to LOCK OUT. LOCK OUT or LFT LOCK Select any one of the available options and press Enter button. TURN UNITS <ON> OR <OFF> TURN CALIBRATION <ON> OR <OFF> TURN FUNCTIONS <ON> OR <OFF> Enter Depending on what you have selected, an entire list of all Units, Calibration methods and balance Functions are displayed. Every item in each list can be individually turned ON or OFF. These items when turned OFF will not be available for balance operation and are locked out. All selected items which have been turned OFF will still function. Menu lock out is accomplished with the setting of a physical switch located under the pan. Paragraph 7.14 describes how to lock out the selected menus. The balance can then be sealed if required. Balance settings 70 7.11 Software version This option allows you to view the software version number, date installed and main board version number. These numbers are very important for servicing. To view software version, proceed as follows; Enter SET BALANCE SOFTWARE VERSION From main menu Enter SET BALANCE. Select SOFTWARE VERSION, press the Enter button, the software version is indicated on the display. Keep a written record of this information in the event servicing is required and the display does not work. Software Version_______________________________. 7.12 Setting custom menu This option allows you to enter specific balance functions. These functions can be selected conveniently from this menu to operate the balance in a RUN mode. There are 18 items which can be selected and are listed with the associated paragraphs in the following table. Enter CUSTOM MENU RUN SETUP CUSTOM MENU STABLE DATA or From main menu Enter the CUSTOM MENU and select SETUP CUSTOM MENU. Review list on menu shown in table. Setting functions on or off Select any of the functions and set either ON or OFF. ON OFF Enter LIST OF CUSTOM MENU ITEMS FILLING CHECK WEIGHING ANIMAL WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING DIFF WEIGHING QUICK CHECK FORMULATION STATISTICS DENSITY Enter CUSTOM MENU RUN SETUP CUSTOM MENU SQC PIPETTE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS To run a particular function, select RUN and press the Enter button. Balance settings 71 7.13 Legal for trade (LFT) LFT is a software controlled option which can be set to Legal For Trade ON or OFF. When set ON, certain items in the CALIBRATION and SET BALANCE menus are automatically preset and locked to permit the balance to operate in a legal for trade application and works in conjunction with a Lock Out switch (see section 7.14). Default setting is OFF. The READOUT menu enables you to set the balance legal for trade (LFT) ON or OFF. See default table. Enter SET BALANCE READOUT READOUT SETUP From main menu Enter SET BALANCE and select READOUT. The READOUT SETUP menu is displayed. Select LEGAL FOR TRADE, press Enter button. LEGAL FOR TRADE Legal for trade default settings The following table indicates the menus and options which are locked and unlocked when LFT is set ON. LFT DEFAULT TABLE LFT and Lockswitch Set Balance Menu Readout Averaging Level Stability Level Auto Zero Interface Print Option Auto Print Stable Data Numeric Data Print Data Print Time Print Reference Setup GLP Set Time and Date Autocal Enable Print Current Settings Default Value Unlocked Locked to 1 Limited to OFF & 0.5 Unlocked Unlocked Locked ON Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked Unlocked When LFT is turned ON, the last digit on the weight display has a white colored block behind it. This signifies that the balance is in a legal for trade operational mode and that the last digit should be ignored. The CENTER OF ZERO is displayed only for LFT operation. Balance settings 72 7.14 Menu lockout protection Access to the various menus can be disabled by setting the Lock switch located on the PC board inside the balance to ON position. The Lock switch locks out certain menus when Legal For Trade is turned ON. The default setting for the Lock switch is OFF. Type Approved/Legal for Trade Balance Sealing All Voyager balances may be sealed for type approved/legal for trade applications. Type Approved balances include a lead seal with wire and security screw as shown in the illustration. For type approved balances consult local Weights and Measures officials to determine sealing method requirements. After the balance has been set up properly and LFT is set ON, proceed to sealing the balance. Sealing the balance a Turn the display off and unplug the power cord. a On balances with a draft shield, slide the door open and remove the pan and cover plate. Higher capacity balances with a 6" or 8" pan do not have a cover plate. a On balances without a draft shield, remove the pan and cover plate. a Remove the protective cover seal. a The Lock switch is located to the left of the pan support hole. a Select the desired position on the Lock switch, seal and reassemble the balance. Lock Switch shown in Locked Position Pan Sealing Screw Cover Seal >O/T < ! "# $ OHA US ® >O/T < Lead Seal Cover Plate Example of Sealing Method RS232 Interface/printing data 73 8. RS232 interface/printing data 8.1 RS232 interface The balance is equipped with a bi-directional RS232 compatible interface for communication with printers and computers. When the balance is connected directly to a printer, displayed data can be output at any time by simply pressing PRINT. The balance can be operated from a computer, as well as receive data such as displayed weight, weighing mode, stability status, etc. The following sections describe the hardware and software provided with the balance RS232 Connection Hardware On the rear of the balance, the right-hand, 9-pin male subminiature D connector is provided for interfacing to other devices. 1 N/C 2 Data Out (TXD) 3 Data In (RXD) 4* Tare (External signal) 5 Clear To Send (CTS) 6 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 7 Ground 8 Request To Send (RTS) 9* Print (External signal) * External PRINT and/or TARE switches may be installed as shown in the diagram. Momentary contact switches must be used. Output Formats Data output can be initiated in one of three ways: 1) By pressing PRINT; 2) Using the Auto Print feature; 3) Sending a print command (P) from a computer. RS232 Commands All communication is accomplished using standard ASCII format. Only the characters shown in the following table are acknowledged by the balance. Invalid command response "ES" error indicates the balance has not recognized the command. Commands sent to the balance must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) or carriage return-line line feed (CRLF). For example, a tare command should appear as shown in the adjacent diagram. Data output by the balance is always terminated with a carriage return - line feed (CRLF). RS232 Interface/printing data 74 RS232 COMMAND TABLE Command Character Description ? Field: Length: Print current mode Mode 5 Stab 1 CR 1 LF 1 blank if stable mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t GN tael tael tael momme lb Set Auto Print feature to nnnn (see table) xD Set 1 second print delay (set x = 0 for OFF, or x = 1 for ON) F Print current function. xI Set Averaging Filter Level to x, where x = 0 to 9 (see table). If LFT, level 0 to 2. Places balance in mode x, where x = 1 to 17 (see table). If unit or mode is not already enabled, command will be ignored. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = = = = = = = = = = minimum level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = milligrams grams kilo grams dwt Carats Ounces Ounces troy Grains Taels Hong Kong Taels Singapore Taels Taiwan Mommes Decimal Pounds Pounds-Ounces combined Newton's tical Custom Units 15 = 16 = 17 = P Print display data Field Lenght: ? if unstable nnn = 0 Turns feature OFF nnn = S Output on stability nnn = C Output is continuous nnnn = 1-3600 Sets Auto Print Interval nnnn xM N tical custm Pcs % maximum level Number field Units 6 characters Stab CR LF Variable 3-9 mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t GN tael tael tael momme lb N tical custm Pcs % blank if stable ? if unstable NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. RS232 Interface/printing data 75 RS232 COMMAND TABLE (Cont.) Command Character Description T Same effect as pressing O/T button. V Print EPROM version Esc V Print balance ID (13 characters). xZ Set Auto Zero to x,where x = 0 to 3 ). 0=Off, 1=0.5d, 2=1d, 3=5d.If LFT, programs Auto zero level from 0 to 1. Esc R Resets Setup and Print menus to factory defaults. CAUTION: This will reset RS232 configuration. ON Turns balance on. OFF Turns balance off. ? Print current weigh mode. # Print current Parts Count Reference Weigh. % Print current Percent Reference Weigh. xA Set Auto Print feature, action CA - continuous printing, SA - print on stability, 0A turns all selections off. ID Print Current ID String. XID Program User ID String, 1-8 characters. SN Show Serial Number. xS Print Stable Only. Where x =0 Off and x=1 On. TIME Print Current Time. Note, a ? mark will follow if date or time has not been set. SETDATE Set Date Command and remove Invalid Indicator SETTIME Set Time Command and Remove Invalid Time Indicator DATE Prints Current Date. Note, a ? mark will follow the year if date or time has not been set. RS232 Interface/printing data 76 8.2 Printing data Printing data to an external computer or printer requires that the communications parameters be set first. Printing to an external printer or computer will occur each time the Print button is pressed unless the autoprint feature is turned on, in which case, printing can occur in a continuous fashion at specified intervals or each time a stable reading is achieved. When an external printer or computer is properly connected and the communication parameters are set correctly, the display indicates PRINTING... If the external printer or computer is improperly connected or the communication parameters are set incorrectly, PRINT FAILED is displayed. To clear the screen, press the Go back button. Check computer/printer settings and connections. This section defines the various printing setups with printing samples. The sample shown, indicates the status in the menus. SAMPLE PRINTOUTS TYPE= MM/DD/YY TYPE= 24 HOUR 12/01/99 16:00:00 READOUT STABILITY LEVEL FILTER = 0.5d AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER = 1 AZT LEVEL = 0.5d GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME = OFF BALANCE ID = OFF PROJECT NAME = OFF USER NAME = OFF DIFFERENCE = OFF PRINT OPTION AUTO PRINT = OFF INTERVAL= 0 STABLE PRINT = OFF NUMERIC DATA = OFF DATE= OFF TIME= OFF PRINT REFERENCE = OFF RS232 = 2400: NONE: 7 : 2 Time and date When time and date are entered in the balance with both Time and Date options set to ON, each printout starts with the date and time on the first line. RS232 Interface/printing data 77 - - - - - SPAN CAL - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Old: 400.000g Dif: 0.000g Span calibration printout When performing a Span calibration with GLP turned ON, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - LIN CAL - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Old: 399.094g Dif: 0.006g Linearity calibration printout When performing a Linearity calibration with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - CAL TEST - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Act: 400.004g Dif: 0.004g Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - Calibration test printout When performing a Calibration Test with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. RS232 Interface/printing data 78 Pipette Results Library Name: WHEATON Pipette Name: WHEATON Pipette Number: 832 Water Temp(C): 25.0 Test Liquid Density(g/cc): 0.9971 Barometric Pressure: 1.00PSIA Nominal Value: 3.448ml INACCURACY E%: 0.31% E% Limit: 2.00% Mean Value: 3.459ml IMPRECISION CV: 0.88% CV Limit: 2.00% Standard Deviation: 0.031ml Status: PASS 07/01/99 -----Sample Data ml---3.488 3.485 3.487 3.435 3.458 3.430 3.470 3.510 3.446 3.456 Operator:---------------------- Pipette test printout When performing a Pipette Test with GLP turned on, a printout is available. The following sample printout is shown. Care and maintenance 79 9. Care and maintenance To keep the balance operating properly, the housing and platform should be kept clean and free from foreign material. If necessary, a cloth dampened with a mild detergent may be used. Keep calibration masses in a safe dry place. 9.1 Troubleshooting SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE(S) REMEDY Unit will not turn on. Power cord not plugged in or properly connected to balance. Check power cord connections. Incorrect weight reading. Balance was not re-zeroed before weighing. Press >O/T< with no weight on the pan, then weigh item. Balance not properly calibrated. Recalibrate correctly. Cannot display weight in desired unit or cannot access desired weighing mode. Desired unit not selected. Check setting. Unable to store menu settings/ changes. Exit was not selected. You MUST use SAVE & Exit to leave menus and save settings. RS232 interface not working. Print menu settings not properly set up. Verify interface settings in RS232 menu correspond to those of the peripheral device. Cable connections. Check cable connections. Random segments displayed or display locks up. Microprocessor locks up. Turn power off, then turn on again. If condition persists, unit must be serviced. Unable to change settings. Lock set ON. (LFT set ON) Set Lock switch to OFF. Unstable readings. Excessive air current Check environmental condition. Vibration on table surface. Place balance on a stable surface or change averaging level. Error message display. See Error Codes list. Care and maintenance 80 9.2 Error codes list Error Codes List The following list describes the various error codes and which can appear on the display and the suggested remedy. Data Errors 1.0 Transient error (hardware error, probably static discharge). If error persists, the balance must be serviced. 1.1 Balance temperature transducer hardware error. 1.2 No data from main board. Tare Errors 2.0 Balance is unable to stabilize within time limit after taring. Environment is too hostile or balance needs recalibration. Calibration Errors 3.0 Incorrect or no calibration mass used for calibration. Recalibrate with correct masses. RS232 Errors 4.4 RS232 buffer is full. User Errors 7.0 User entry out of bounds. 7.2 Number outside of display capacity. Over-Under Load Errors 8.0 Hardware error causing an internal weight signal which is too low. Check if pan is off. If not, the balance must be serviced. 8.1 Hardware error caused by an internal weight signal which is too high. Check load on the pan which may be excessive. If error persists, the balance must be serviced. 8.2 Power-on load out of specification (LFT only) 8.3 Rated capacity exceeded. Remove excessive weight from pan. 8.4 Underload condition on balance. Check that the proper pan is installed. 8.5 AutoCalTM weight internal sensor indicated its weight on the pan. CheckSum Errors 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. AutoCalTM data failed checksum. This failure will disable access to the autocal feature (if installed). Factory calibration data failed checksum. Bad program checksum. Bad CMOS checksum. User calibration data failed checksum. Temperature compensation data failed checksum. Care and maintenance 81 9.3 Information messages Informational messages and error messages appear on the display either when an action is required on the users part or a malfunction has occurred in the balance due to hardware, software errors or misapplication. A typical message is shown below. SCALE UNSTABLE -Balance was unable to acquire stable data during calibration. The balance will try again. 9.4 Service information If the Troubleshooting section does not resolve or describe your problem, you will need to contact an authorized Ohaus Service Agent. For Service assistance in the United States, please call Aftermarket, Ohaus Corporation toll-free at (800) 526-0659. An Ohaus Product Service Specialist will be available to help you. 9.5 Replacement parts Description Power Pack, 100/120 V ac US Plug (Cord set part of power pack) Power Pack, (Cord set required for UK, European and Australian) Cord Set, 230 V ac, UK Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, European Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, Australian plug Ohaus Part No. 490202-01 490203-01 76448-00 76212-00 76199-01 9.6 Accessories Description Calibration Masses - ASTM Class 1 Tolerance: 20 g 50 g 100 g 200 g 500 g 1 kg 2 kg 4 kg In-Use Display Cover Kit Security Device Draftshield Kit Density Determination Kit Auxilliary Display Kit (Table Mount) (Wall Mount) (Tower Mount) Remote Display Kit (Table Mount) (Wall Mount) (Tower Mount) RS232 Interface Cable, Blunt end (user defined) RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 25 Pin RS232 Interface Cable, (connects impact printer) RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 9 Pin RS232 Interface Cable, Apple® llGS/Macintosh Printer Battery, Memory - 3 Volt Lithium ( Use BR2325, Ray O Vac or Panasonic) NOTE: When the Memory Battery is replaced, all stored data in the balance will be lost. Ohaus Part No. 49024-11 49054-11 49015-11 49025-11 49055-11 49016-11 49026-11 49046-11 470003-010 470004-010 470006-010 470007-010 470009-010 470009-020 470009-030 470010-010 470010-020 470010-030 AS017-01 AS017-02 80500570 AS017-09 AS017-10 SF42 --------- Care and maintenance 82 9.7 Specifications Analyticals Capacity (g) 62 110 Readability (mg) 210 100/210 * 0.1 Weighing units 0.1/1 mg, g, kg, dwt, ct, oz , oz t, gn, taels (3), mommes, lbs, N, ti, custom unit Application modes Parts counting, differential weighing, quick check, statistics, formulation, filling, animal weighing, percent weighing, check weighing, density determination, SQC & pipette calibration. Performance enhancing features Program-LinkTM, GLP protocol, contrast and brightness control, custom menu, pop-up windows, application library, go-back key Repeatability (Std. dev.) (mg) 0.1 0.1/0.5 Linearity (mg) (+) 0.2 0.2/0.5 Tare range Full capacity by subtraction Safe overload capacity 150% of capacity Stabilization time <4 seconds Sensitivity drift PPM/C (10 C - 30 C) 3 Calibration .................. External/AutoCalTM calibration Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) 10.2/25.9 Display (in/cm) 0.6/1.5 Pan size (in/cm) 3.5/9 diameter Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) 9 x 15.25 x14/22.8 x 38.7 x 35.5 Precision Top Loaders Capacity (g) .................. 210 410 Readability (g) 610 100/410* 0.001 610 0.001/0.01 Weighing units 2100 4100 6100 1000/4100* 0.01 0.01/0.1 .................. 4100** 6100** 8100** 0.1 mg, g, kg, dwt, ct, oz , oz t, gn, taels (3), mommes, lbs, N, ti, custom unit Application modes Parts counting, differential weighing, quick check, statistics, formulation, filling, animal weighing, percent weighing, check weighing, density determination, SQC & pipette calibration. Performance enhancing features Program-LinkTM, GLP protocol, contrast and brightness control, custom menu, pop-up windows, application library, go-back key Repeatability (Std. dev.) (g) 0.0005 0.0015 0.0005/0.005 Linearity (g) (+) 0.002 0.002/0.005 Tare range 0.05 0.1 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 External/AutoCalTM calibration 10.2/25.9 .................. Display (in/cm) 0.6/1.5 Pan size (in/cm) 4.7/12 Dia. Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) 9 x 15.25 x14/22.8 x 38.7 x 35. * Moveable FineRange TM 0.02/0.05 <3 seconds Calibration Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) 0.01 0.01/0.05 0.04 Full capacity by subtraction Stabilization time Sensitivity drift PPM/C (10 C - 30 C) 0.005 0.02 6.8 x 6.8/17.2 x 17.2 w/windshield 8.25 x 4 x 14/20.9x 10.1 x 35.5 ** Balances with internal calibration are equipped with a 6" x 6" Pan and Windshield. NOTE: Not all weighing modes apply depending upon capacity and resolution of the balance. NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. 8 x 8/ 20.3 x 20.3 .................. .................. Appendix A - special applications 83 Admissible ambient conditions Temperature range: Atmospheric humidity: Voltage fluctuations: Installation category: Pollution degree: Power supply voltage: Power adapter: Use only in closed rooms 10 ºC to 40 ºC/50º to 104º F with internal calibration 10 ºC to 30 ºC/50º to 86º F without internal calibration 80% rh @ to 30 ºC 15% +10% II 2 12 V ac, 50/60 Hz or 12 V dc, 1A AP2805E 220 - 240V, 50/60 Hz, 100 mA AP2805 110 - 120V, 50/60 Hz, 150 mA A-1 Sieve analysis During most sieving operations, it is necessary to record the initial weight of each sieve before beginning as the weights of the sieves may change due to particles being retained from the previous operation. In this procedure, the basic sample is weighed first with its container weight tared. This sample weight is entered into the balance manually and stored during the procedure. Then, each sieve is weighed in sequence and the weights are stored. After the screening process, each sieve along with its retained sample, is weighed in sequence. The balance stores the weight values and automatically subtracts the weight of each sieve and displays the retained amount in a table as percent retension. Up to 80 sieve weights can be stored. Enter CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME DIFF4 From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select DIFF WEIGHING, display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Specify the library name Specify the library name. The name can have any combination of alpha numeric characters not to exceed 8 characters. After specifing the library name, the display advances to DIFF STARTUP with SETUP highlighted. Press the Enter button. The display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with TARE SETUP highlighted. Appendix A - special applications 84 Enter Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF WEIGH 1 DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF WEIGH 1 DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF % RETENSION 1 ENTER TOTAL SAMPLE WEIGHT 200.025 Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of NO TARE, SINGLE TARE, DUAL TARE and RETURN. Select type of tare and press Enter button. Then scroll to RETURN and press Enter button. Auto sample Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of ON or OFF, then press Enter button. AUTO SAMPLE permits one sieve after another to be weighed without pressing the Enter button. Display returns to DIFF RESULT highlighted. Diff result Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of WEIGHT, PERCENT, % RETENSION and RETURN. Select % RETENSION, then press Enter button. Display indicates to ENTER TOTAL SAMPLE WEIGHT. Enter total sample weight Enter the total sample weight. This is the weight of the actual sample. Press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN. With RETURN highlighted, press the Enter button. DIFF RESULT Enter Tare setup WEIGHT PERCENT % RETENSION <-SELECTED RETURN Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF % RETENSION 1 Enter number of samples Enter the number of samples, press the Enter button., Specify the number of samples 3 NUMBER OF SAMPLES Specify the number of samples and press Enter button. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with RUN highlighted. Appendix A - special applications 85 Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN SIEVE 2 OFF ON % RETENTION 3 DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT:3.426 FINAL WT: 3.426 PUT EMPTY SIEVE # 1 ON PAN START/SAMPLE STABLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A FINAL \VT 3.426 3.969 3.962 SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE Enter 3.841 PUT FULL SIEVE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE FINAL \VT 3.426 3.969 3.962 RESAMPLE 3.839 4.388 4.377 200.025 200.025 200.025 0.413 0.419 0.415 1.247 This sample display indicates 3 sieves were weighed. With CONTINUE highlighted at the bottom of the display, press Enter button. The display advances and indicates PUT FULL SIEVE #1 ON PAN. After pressing Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Place first full sieve on the pan and press Enter button. Repeat weighing with remaining sieves pressing the Enter button after each sieve. When the last sieve has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT % RETENSION 1 2 3 TOTAL Place empty sieve #1 on the pan and press Enter button. When AUTO SAMPLE is set ON, display advances to the next sieve. Continue adding sieves until all sieves have been weighed pressing the Enter button after each sieve. When the last sieve has been weighed, the display indicates the tare weight of all sieves. Press the Enter button. Final weighing of sieves TARE WT: FINAL WT:3.841 EDIT Press the Enter button, the display indicates to PUT EMPTY SIEVE #1 ON PAN. DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: INIT WT: Initial weighing of sieves 0.206 0.209 0.207 0.623 Final display indicates the initial weight, final weight of all sieves and the total weight and total amount of retention in percent. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU The above illustration represents 3 sieves which weighed between 3.4 and 3.9 grams each. TARE SETUP was set OFF, AUTO SAMPLE was set OFF and % RETENTION was selected. The sample weight retained in each different sieve weighed between 3.839 and 4.377 grams. The total amount of retention is shown in percent on the last display which was 0.623 for three sieves. Initial sample was 200.25 grams. Appendix A - special applications 86 A-2 Porous material density determinations The density of a porous (oil impregnated part) can be made with the balance. Weigh the part (dry) prior to oil impregnation and record its weight. You must also know the density value of the oil to be used in immersing the part before starting. In this procedure, you will follow the method for solid density measurements using water. Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DENSITY, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY SETUP with SOLID DENSITY highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Select SOLID DENSITY, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with H2O highlighted. OFF OFF AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP AUX LIQ & MODE ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS Enter From main menu AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL ON DRY WEIGHT 200.040 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP Selecting water as auxiliary liquid Select H2O, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS highlighted. Specify temperature Enter the temperature of the water and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Specify porous material Select Porous Material and press Enter button. Display advances to POROUS MATERIAL ON/OFF. Select ON and press Enter button. Enter dry weight Enter the dry weight of the part as previously measured. Press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY OF OIL highlighted. Appendix A - special applications 87 AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL ON DRY WEIGHT 200.040 DENSITY OF OIL 0.4000 RETURN TO SETUP Enter Enter Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY - - D7 WEIGH IN AIR: 207.457 WEIGH IN LIQ: 204.005 DRY WEIGHT: 200.040 TEMP: 25.0 AUX: D:0.9971 VOLUME: 3.59 57.779 WEIGH IN AIR P1: 535.58% GRAMS/CC STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Enter oil density Enter the density of the oil being used to impregnate the part. Press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP highlighted. Press Enter button. Display returns to DENSITY SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE highlighted. Auto sample Select AUTO SAMPLE and turn it ON or OFF. A setting of ON allows samples to be sequentially sampled without pressing the Enter button for each sample. Auto print At this point you can select automatic printing. To turn on, press the Enter button and select ON. If you do not want automatic printing, select OFF. Testing the sample Select RUN and press Enter button. Display advances to final DENSITY display and requests to weigh the sample in air. Now follow balance prompts to weigh sample in air and water. After weighing in air, weigh the sample in water. The balance will calculate Dry Density and Oil Content by Volume (P1). To determine wet density Wet density of the sample can be calculated by following the normal Solid Density procedure using the oil impregnated part. When in AUX LIQ MODE menu, turn OFF POROUS MATERIAL, then follow previous solid density measuring procedure. LIMITED WARRANTY Ohaus products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of delivery through the duration of the warranty period. During the warranty period Ohaus will repair, or, at its option, replace any component(s) that proves to be defective at no charge, provided that the product is returned, freight prepaid, to Ohaus. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse, exposed to radioactive or corrosive materials, has foreign material penetrating to the inside of the product, or as a result of service or modification by other than Ohaus. In lieu of a properly returned warranty registration card, the warranty period shall begin on the date of shipment to the authorized dealer. No other express or implied warranty is given by Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation shall not be liable for any consequential damages. As warranty legislation differs from state to state and country to country, please contact Ohaus or your local Ohaus dealer for further details. Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road, Pine Brook, NJ 07058-9878, USA Tel: (973) 377-9000, Fax: (973) 593-0359 Ohaus UK Ltd. 64 Boston Road Beaumont Leys Leicester LE4 1AW England With offices worldwide. www.ohaus.com P/N 11780297C © Ohaus Corporation 2002, all rights reserved. Operating instructions balances On Go He Pri Ba /O ff ck lp 0% nt >O /T< PR ES S BA SIC W EIG HIN 0.0 G 10 0% 00 G < E RAM NT S ER > FO STA B R M E LE NU En ter On /O ff OHAU S ¨ Go Ba ck >O /T< He ip 0% Pri nt >O /T< PR ES S G <E RA NT MS ER > BA SIC W EIG HIN 0.0 G 10 0% 0 FO ST R AB ME LE NU En ter >O /T< Declaration of Conformity The undersigned, representing the following manufacturer Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road PO Box 2033 Pine Brook, NJ 07058 USA hereby declares that the following products are in conformity with the EEC directives listed below (including any and all modifications). V10640, V00640, V10642, V10645, V11140, V11142, V01140, V11145, V12140, V02140, V12142, V12145, V1RR80, V0RR80, V1RR82, V1RR85, V12130, V02130, V12132, V02132, V12135, V14130, V04130, V14132, V04132, V14135, V1RV70, V0RV70, V1RV72, V0RV72, V1RV75, V16120, V06120, V16122, V06122, V16125, V1B120, V0B120, V1B122, V0B122, V1B125, V1D120, V0D120, V1D122,V0D122, V1D125, V1RW60, V0RW60, V1RW62, V0RW62, V1RW65, V1D110, V0D110, V1D112, V0D112, V1D115, V1F110, V0F110, V1F112, V0F112, V1F115, V1H110, V0H110, V1H112, V0H112, V1H115, V16130, V06130, V16132, V16135, V1F120, V0F120, V1F122, V0F122, V1F125 Marked with: EC Directive (Including applicable amendments) 73/23/EC Electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits CE marking affixed in 97 89/336/EC Electromagnetic compatibility Standard IEC 1010 -1:1990 + A1: 92 + A2: 95 Safety requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements EN61326: -1:1997 (class B) + A1: 1998 EMC Emissions, residential, commercial and light industry. EN61326: -1:1997 A1:1998 (industrial requirements) EMC Immunity. EN61000-3-2:1995 + A1:1998 + A2: 1998; EN61000-3-3:1995 EMC Part 3 (for equipment rated input current < or=16A) Limits- Section 2: Limits for harmonic current emissions Limits- section 3: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage supply systems xx T2914 xx= year CE affixed ISO 9001 Registration for Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation, USA, was examined and evaluated in 1994 by the Bureau Veritas Quality International, BVQI, and was awarded ISO 9001 registration. This certifies that Ohaus Corporation, USA, has a quality system that conforms with the international standards for quality management and quality assurance (ISO 9000 series). Repeat audits are carried out by BVQI at intervals to check that the quality system is operated in the proper manner. Ted Xia Ted President Xia President Ohaus Corporation Ohaus Corporation, NJ USA Pine Pine Brook,Brook, NJ USA Date Date: marchMarch 6, 2003n 6, 2003 Johan Dierbach General Manager Ohaus Europe Greifensee, Switzerland Date: March 6, 2003 Additional Standards CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 1010.1-92; UL Std. No. 3101-1 Safety requirements for Electrical Equip. for measurement, Control and Laboratory Use, Part 1; General Requirements FCC 315 FCC, Part 15, class A Emission AS/NZS4251.1 AS/NZS4252.1 Emission and Immunity Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada Contents 5 Contents OVERVIEW OF CONTROLS .................................................................................................................. 8 1. GETTING TO KNOW YOUR VOYAGER BALANCE .................................................................................... 9 1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 Overview of the Voyager balance ......................................................................................................... 9 1.3 What you should know about these instructions ................................................................................. 10 1.4 Safety is first ................................................................................................................................... 10 2. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................ 11 2.1 Unpacking and checking the standard equipment ............................................................................... 11 2.2 Selecting the location ....................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Leveling the balance ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.4 Installing pan .................................................................................................................................. 12 2.5 Wind shield .................................................................................................................................... 13 2.6 Power supply .................................................................................................................................. 13 2.7 Switching the balance on or off ......................................................................................................... 14 2.8 Weigh below preparation ................................................................................................................. 14 3. THE MENU ..................................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 What is the menu? .......................................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Menu operation ............................................................................................................................... 16 3.3 Library ........................................................................................................................................... 17 4. CALIBRATION ................................................................................................................................. 18 4.1 Span calibration .............................................................................................................................. 20 4.2 Linearity calibration ......................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 User calibration ............................................................................................................................... 22 4.4 Calibration test ................................................................................................................................ 23 4.5 Auto calibration ............................................................................................................................... 24 4.6 AutoCalTM delta correction ................................................................................................................. 25 Contents 6 5. WEIGHING MADE SIMPLE ............................................................................................................... 26 5.1 Selecting a weighing unit.................................................................................................................. 26 5.2 Taring the balance ........................................................................................................................... 27 5.3 Performing a simple weighing .......................................................................................................... 27 5.4 Custom unit .................................................................................................................................... 28 6. BALANCE MODES ........................................................................................................................... 31 6.1 Parts counting ................................................................................................................................ 31 6.1.1 Easy count .......................................................................................................................... 31 6.1.2 Advanced counting ............................................................................................................... 32 6.2 Filling ............................................................................................................................................. 33 6.3 Animal weighing ............................................................................................................................. 34 6.4 Check weighing .............................................................................................................................. 35 6.5 Differential weighing ........................................................................................................................ 36 6.6 Formulation .................................................................................................................................... 41 6.7 Quick check weighing ...................................................................................................................... 43 6.8 Statistics/function link ...................................................................................................................... 44 6.9 Density........................................................................................................................................... 45 6.9.1 Balance preparation with density kit ....................................................................................... 45 6.9.2 Solid density determination for items more dense than water ..................................................... 46 6.9.3 Solid density determination for items less dense than water ...................................................... 48 6.9.4 Improving the accuracy of the result of solid density ................................................................. 49 6.9.5 Liquid density determination .................................................................................................. 50 6.10 Statistical quality control (SQC) ......................................................................................................... 51 6.10.1 Resuming a particular SQC setup ........................................................................................... 54 6.10.2 Specifing a new SQC setup .................................................................................................... 55 6.10.3 Redoing or correcting a batch ................................................................................................ 56 6.11 Pipette calibration ............................................................................................................................ 57 7. BALANCE SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................ 62 7.1 Reset to factory settings ................................................................................................................... 62 7.2 Setting contrast and brightness of the display ..................................................................................... 62 7.3 Setting the readout ........................................................................................................................... 63 7.4 Setting the interface.......................................................................................................................... 64 7.5 Setting print option ........................................................................................................................... 65 Contents 7 7.6 Setting GLP print options .................................................................................................................. 66 7.7 Setting time and date ....................................................................................................................... 67 7.8 Setting auto calibration ..................................................................................................................... 68 7.9 Print current settings ........................................................................................................................ 68 7.10 Lock out ......................................................................................................................................... 69 7.11 Software version .............................................................................................................................. 70 7.12 Setting custom menu ....................................................................................................................... 70 7.13 Legal for trade ................................................................................................................................. 71 7.14 Menu lock-out protection .................................................................................................................. 72 8. RS232 INTERFACE/PRINTING DATA .................................................................................................. 73 8.1 RS232 interface .............................................................................................................................. 73 8.2 Printing data ................................................................................................................................... 76 9. CARE AND MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 79 9.1 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 79 9.2 Error codes list ................................................................................................................................ 80 9.3 Information messages ..................................................................................................................... 81 9.4 Service information .......................................................................................................................... 81 9.5 Replacement parts ........................................................................................................................... 81 9.6 Accessories .................................................................................................................................... 81 9.7 Specifications .................................................................................................................................. 82 A APPENDIX SPECIAL APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................ 83 A-1 Sieve analysis ................................................................................................................................. 83 A-2 Porous material density determinations .............................................................................................. 86 Overview 8 Overview of controls 1 6 On/Off 2 3 Go Back 8 BASIC WEIGHING 0% 9 100% 0.000 Help Print Enter GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU 4 7 10 On/ Off Go Ba ck Hel p Pr 5 int 0% >O /T< PR ES S BA SIC W EIG HIN G 0.0 G <E RAM NT S ER > OHAU S ¨ 11 10 0% 00 FO STA B R ME LE NU En ter >O /T< 12 No. Designation 1 Function LCD display on off button. 2 Go Back button Permits going back in menus. 3 Help button Non functional. 4 5 5 Print button When pressed, prints data either on an external printer or computer. >O/T< button When pressed, sets balance to zero. 6 button When pressed, travels up through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 7 button When pressed, travels down through menu options and selects alphanumeric characters. 8 button When pressed, travels to the left through displays. 9 button When pressed, travels to the right through displays. 10 Enter button When pressed, accepts item on display. 11 Leveling feet Used to level the balance. 12 Leveling indicator Indicates leveling position of the balance. Getting to know your Voyager balance 9 1. Getting to know your Voyager balance This section provides you with detailed information on your Voyager balance. Please read through the section carefully even if you have experience with OHAUS balances and be sure to familiarize yourself with the safety notes. 1.1 Introduction Thank you for deciding to purchase a Voyager Balance from Ohaus. Behind your instrument stands OHAUS, a leading manufacturer of precision Balances, Scales and Indicators. An Aftermarket Department with trained instrument technicians is dedicated to provide you with the fastest service possible in the event your instrument requires servicing. OHAUS also has a Customer Service Department to answer any inquiries regarding applications and accessories. To ensure you make full use of the possibilities offered by your Voyager balance, please read the manual completely before installation and operation. 1.2 Overview of the Voyager balance The Voyager balances offer a high level of operating convenience and useful functions to make accurate measurements. The Voyager balances have the following features: Extremely rugged and chemically resistant construction. Convenient operating controls and large, easily readable display. Easy to follow menus for simplified operation. Go Back button permits going back in menus. Built-in functions for filling, percent weighing, piece counting, animal weighing, check weighing, density, pipette calibration, statistics, and SQC. Built-in leveling feet and level indicator for consistent operation on unlevel surfaces. Automatic internal calibration (on some models). Menu locks which prevent settings from being changed. Built-in RS232 interface. 14 units of measurement and custom units. Bar graph indicator for quick visual indication of values in addition to a large numerical readout. A variety of accessories includes in-use display cover kit, table mount, remote displays, interface communication cables and security device. A brief word regarding standards, directives and procedures for quality assurance: Your Voyager balance conforms with all common standards and directives. It supports standard procedures, work techniques and records as required by GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Recording of the sequences of operations and calibration work is highly important in this connection: we recommend use of OHAUS AS-142 Printer. Your Voyager balance has a CE declaration of conformity and OHAUS is registered to ISO 9001 - Management System. Getting to know your Voyager balance 10 1.3 What you should know about these instructions These instructions contain orientation aids which represent certain functions, notices and controls. These graphic aids are not meant to be step by step operational procedures but simply a guide. This symbol indicates pressing a button. This representation symbolizes the current display of your balance. This symbol indicates additional information and instructions which facilitate your handling of the balance and contribute to proper and economical use. These symbols indicate safety and hazard instructions which must be complied with. Nonconformance with such instructions can lead to personal injuries to the user, damage to the balance or other tangible assets or to malfunctions. 1.4 Safety is first Please note the following instructions for safe and problem-free operation of your balance. Voyager balances may be used only indoors and only when attached to receptacle outlets with a ground connection. The Voyager balances may not be operated in a hazardous environment. Use only the AC adapter supplied with your Voyager balance and ensure that the voltage value printed on it matches the local line voltage. Operate and use your Voyager balance only in accordance with these operating instructions. Use only optional equipment and peripherals supplied by OHAUS. Your Voyager balance is ruggedly constructed, but is still a precision instrument. Treat it with the appropriate care and it will provide you with years of trouble-free operation. Installation 11 2. Installation In this section, you will learn how you unpack and install your new balance and prepare it for operation. On completion of the steps described in this section, your balance is ready for operation. 2.1 Unpacking and checking the standard equipment Open the package and remove the instrument and the accessories. Check the completeness of the delivery. The following accessories are part of the standard equipment of your new Voyager balance. Equipment Pan 3.5 Pan 4.75 Pan 6 (0.01g units and 0.1g units w/AutoCal) Pan 8 (0.1g units w/o AutoCal) Draft Shield Wind Shield (6" Pan Units, 0.01g) AC Power Adapter Instruction Manual Warranty Card In-Use Cover Analytical 62g, 110g, 210, 410, 610g 210g, 210/100g 410/100g Capacity 610g - 6100g 4100/1000g 6100g - 8100g 4100g, 6100g and 8100g balances with internal calibration are equipped with 6 Pan and Windshield. Remove packing material from the instrument. Check the instrument for transport damage. Immediately inform your Ohaus dealer if you have complaints or parts are missing. Store all parts of the packaging. This packaging guarantees the best possible protection for the transport of your instrument. Installation 12 2.2 Selecting the location The balance should always be used in an environment which is free from excessive air currents, corrosives, vibration, and temperature or humidity extremes. These factors will affect displayed weight readings. DO NOT install the balance: >O/T < !" # Next to open windows or doors causing drafts or rapid temperature changes. Near air conditioning or heat vents. Near vibrating, rotating or reciprocating equipment. Near magnetic fields or equipment that generates magnetic fields. On an unlevel work surface. In confined areas, allow sufficient space around the instrument for ease of operation and keep away from radiating heat sources. >O/T < >O/T< !" # >O/T< >O/T < !" # >O/T < 2.3 Leveling the balance Exact horizontal positioning and stable installation are prerequisites for repeatable results. To compensate for small irregularities or inclinations at the location, the instrument can be leveled. Adjust the leveling feet at the rear of the balance until the air bubble in the indicator is centered. NOTE: The instrument should be leveled each time its location is changed. Leveling Indicator On /Of f Go Ba ck He lp 0% Pri nt >O /T< PR ES S BA SI C W EI GHI NG 0.0 OHA US 10 00 G <E RAM NT S ER > FO STAB R MENLE U ¨ 0% En ter >O /T< Leveling Foot 2.4 Installing pan Balances are shipped with the pan not installed. On balances equipped with a draft shield, slide open the side door and insert the pan into the center hole which is the measuring transducer. Pan On Go Ba He Pri lp /Of f ck 0% BA SI C nt >O /T < PR ES S 0. W EI G HI NG 00 10 0% 0 G RA <E M NT S ER ST > AB FO LE R M EN U OHAU S¨ En >O /T < ter Installation 13 2.5 Wind shield Wind Shield On Go He Pr Ba /O On 610g to 6100g balances with 0.01g resolution, a wind shield is required to reduce the possibility of air currents from disturbing the pan. Make sure the wind shield is firmly snapped into place. ff NOTE: 4100g, 6100g and 8100g balances with 0.1g resolution and internal calibration are equipped with a 6 Pan and Wind Shield. ck ip 0% int BA >O /T< PR ES S <E GR N T AM S ER > SIC W EIG HIN 0.0 G 10 0 FO STA R ME BLE NU 0% En ter >O /T< 2.6 Power supply Check to ensure the voltage printed on the AC adapter matches your local line voltage. If this is not the case, on no account connect the AC adapter to the power supply, but contact your responsible OHAUS dealer. Ensure that the AC adapter can never come into contact with liquids! Connect the AC Adapter supplied to the three pin connector located at the rear of the balance. AC Adapter Connection Rear of Balance The balance now performs a self-test, loads parameters, displays the software version, capacity, indicates if autocal is installed and the normal weight display then appears. Allow your balance to warm up for at least 30 minutes to enable it to adapt itself to the ambient conditions. If the balance has been stored in a very cold environment before installation, it may require several hours for the balance to stabilize. Installation 14 2.7 Switching the balance on and off Your balance is on at all times when connected to a power source, the display is on initially and can be turned off. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 To switch the balance on, press the button. As soon as the weight display appears, your balance is ready. To switch the balance off, press the button. After the balance has been switched off, your balance is in the standby mode. If you wish to perform a weighing, press the button again. As your balance needs no warm-up time when in the standby mode and is immediately ready for weighing, we advise you to switch the display off by use of the button and not to disconnect it from the power supply. This also ensures that the balance is always in thermal equilibrium. 2.8 Weigh below preparation The Voyager balance is equipped with a weigh below hook at the bottom of the balance. To use this feature, remove power from the balance and remove the protective cover underneath the balance. See illustration for location. The balance can be supported using lab jacks or any other convenient method. Make sure the balance is level and secure. Apply power and operate the balance. Attach items to be weighed to the hook underneath the balance. The menu 15 3. The menu 3.1 What is the menu? The menu allows you to match your balance to your specific weighing needs. In the menu, you can change the settings of your balance and activate functions. The Main Menu contains 7 selections. CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS Basic weighing Milligrams Readout Run Contains list of Span LCD contrast/ Parts counting Grams Interface Setup custom menu stored setups Linearity brightness adjust Filling Kilograms Pennyweight Print option Exit to weigh Animal weighing Check weighing Diff weighing Formulation Quick check Statistics Density SQC Pipette Carats Ounces Troy ounces Grains Hong Kong taels Singapore taels ROC taels Mommes SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST User Setup GLP Calibration test Set time/date Autocal Autocal enable Autocal delta correction Print current settings Exit to weigh Reset Lockout Software version Exit to weigh Pounds Newtons Ticals Custom units Exit to weigh 1. Change mode: 2. Change units: 3. Set balance: Readout: Interface: Print option: Setup GLP: Set time/date: Autocal enable: Print current settings: Reset: Lockout: Software version: 4. Custom menu: 5. Library: 6. Calibration: 7. Contrast: Permits setting the balance to one of 12 different operating modes. Allows balance to measure in any of 15 selected measuring units and custom units. Permits setting averaging level, stability level, auto zero and legal for trade. Communication settings of baud, data, parity and stop bits can be set. Includes auto print, stable & numeric data, date, time and reference. Project name, user name and GLP print options can be entered. Allows balance to be set to current time and date with options on date types. Automatic calibration can be set to on or off (when balance is equipped with autocal). When selected, current balance settings can be printed. Allows resetting of readouts, RS232, print option, GLP or all to factory defaults. Units, calibration and functions can be set to on or off. Indicates software version installed in balance at time of manufacture. Permits running a custom menu and setting up of a custom menu. Contains a list of stored setups which can be recalled for operating the balance. Span, linearity, user, calibration test, auto calibration can be selected to calibrate the balance. Autocal delta correction permits user to adjust internal calibration weight to match local standard. Allows LCD screen contrast to be set for best viewing conditions. NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. The menu 16 3.2 Menu operation In this section you will learn how to work with the menu. Information regarding the individual menu options and available settings can be found in the following sections. How to change from the weighing mode to the main menu BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS Enter The balance is operating in the basic weighing mode. STABLE Press the Enter button. The main menu is displayed with the first option highlighted. MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST or How to select the menu options Press either the up or down arrow buttons and scroll to the desired option. Each time the arrow button is pressed, the balance switches to the next menu option. Each time the arrow button is pressed, the balance switches to the previous menu option. Enter How to enter the menu option MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST Press the Enter button when the desired menu option is highlighted. How to enter alpha numeric data Certain menu options can have names or numerical entries made. When prompted to enter information, use the arrow buttons as follows: Press the and arrow buttons to scroll through numbers or alphabet. Enter Go Back Press the arrow button to advance to the next character in the display. Press the display. arrow button to go back to the previous character in the Press the Enter button to accept entry. Press the Go Back button to cancel entry. The menu 17 Enter How to save your settings and quit the menu MAIN MENU Certain menu options have ON and OFF settings. In these options, pressing the Enter button saves the setting after you make a selection. SAVING In options which offer various settings, after you have selected a setting, press the Enter button. SAVING is momentarily displayed and the display returns to the same option. How to back out of a menu BASIC WEIGHING Go Back 0.000 GRAMS STABLE You can back out of a menu and return to the weighing mode at any time with the Go Back button. Use the Go Back button to cancel a number, alphanumeric entry or to leave a mode. 3.3 Library Approximately 200 names can be stored in the library. Eight functions in the balance have provisions for storing a library name, they are: Advanced Counting, Check Weighing, Statistics, Differential Weighing, Formulation, Density, SQC and Pipette. When a library name is selected, the associated function is also displayed. A Library menu is provided which allows the selected library name and function to be run, deleted or delete all entries. If you have accessed the library and do not want to run or delete a name, an exit to weighing selection can be made by pressing the Go Back button which does not affect the library MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST LIBRARY 15.21% USED P1 P2 SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 SQ5 PIP PIP SQC SQC SQC SQC 1.26% 1.26% 3.17% 3.17% 3.17% 3.17% From main menu Select LIBRARY, then press the Enter button. Display advances to LIBRARY % USED menu indicating all previously entered names, their corresponding functions and the percentage of the library which has been used. The sample shown indicates six library entries. Entries are stored in alphabetical order. Accessing library function or LIBRARY RUN DELETE DELETE ALL Select LIBRARY function and press the Enter button. Display advances to LIBRARY menu with RUN, DELETE and DELETE ALL options shown. Select either RUN, DELETE, or DELETE ALL. When RUN is selected, that particular balance operation is enabled and can be run. When a particular name is selected and the DELETE selection is made, that particular name and function with all parameters is removed from the library. DELETE ALL, when selected, removes the entire contents of the library. Calibration 18 4. Calibration Your balance can be calibrated with an internal mass (optional) or external masses. The balance can also be checked by a test with internal or external masses. If you have a printer attached to your balance, the data of the calibration and the results are printed out following GLP recommendations. A choice of six calibration methods are available: Span, Linearity, User, Test, Automatic AutoCalTM and AutoCalTM with Delta Correction. CALIBRATE Span - Span calibration ensures that the balance reads correctly within specifications using two weight values: zero and a weight value at 100% of the balances full capacity. Linearity - Linearity calibration minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balances weighing range. Three weight values are used: zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balances weighing range, and a weight value at or near the balances specified capacity. User- User calibration is a method where the balance can be calibrated using a mass of known value by entering that value into the balance. Test- Calibration test allows the stored calibration data to be tested against the current mass being used for the test. AutoCalTM On balances equipped with AutoCalTM, automatic calibration of the balance is accomplished by an internal mass. AutoCalTM W/Delta Correction On balances equipped AutoCalTM, a software feature allows the internal calibration mass to be adjusted ± 100 divisions at full scale capacity. This permits adjusting the balance using an external Class I mass which is traceable to a certified standard. SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Calibration 19 Calibration Menu Protection Calibration may be locked out to prevent unauthorized personnel from changing calibration under LFT (Legal for Trade) mode. If calibration has been locked out, you can only access Internal Weight Calibration and Calibration Test. To lock out calibration menu, after calibration, refer to paragraph 7.14 titled Menu Lock-Out Protection. Linearity, Span and User calibration are disabled for Type Approved/LFT balances. Calibration Masses Before beginning calibration, make sure masses are available. If you begin calibration and realize calibration masses are not available, exit the menu. The balance will retain previously stored calibration data. Calibration should be performed as necessary to ensure accurate weighing. Masses required to perform the procedures are listed in the following table. CAPACITY 62g 110g 210g 410g 610g 2100g 4100g 6100g 8100g CALIBRATION MASSES LINEARITY SPAN ONLY CAL POINT CAL POINT 20g/50g 50g 50g/100g 100g 100g/200g 200g 200g/400g 400g 200g/500g 500g 1000g/2000g 2000g 2000g/4000g 4000g 2000g/5000g 5000g 4000g/8000g 8000g Masses must meet or exceed ASTM Class 1 Tolerance. Calibration masses are available as accessories. Calibration 20 4.1 Span calibration Span calibration normally requires that calibration be made using a mass equal to the full capacity of the balance, however, the Voyager balance can be calibrated using other lesser values as specified on the display. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Clear the pan. SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place indicated mass value on pan. SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... OTHER WEIGHTS MAY BE USED: 300 200 100 Enter SPAN CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE BASIC WEIGHING Enter 0% 100% 400.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 21 4.2 Linearity calibration Linearity calibration utilizes three calibration points, one at zero, center span and full span. This method minimizes deviation between actual and displayed weights within the balance's weighing range. Three weight values are used; zero, a weight value at midpoint of the balance's weighing range and a weight value at or near the specified capacity. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to LINEARITY. LINEARITY CALIBRATION Clear the pan. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION Place indicated mass value on pan. PLEASE PUT 200.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION Place indicated mass value on pan. PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter LINEARITY CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE BASIC WEIGHING Enter 0% 100% 400.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 22 4.3 User calibration User calibration is used when it is desired to calibrate the balance using a mass of known value. To use this calibration feature, proceed as follows: Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Enter Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to USER. User calibration range is specified. USER CALIBRATION USER CALIBRATION RANGE: 100-400 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER. TO CONTINUE. USER CALIBRATION Enter the calibration value. ENTER CAL VALUE IN GRAMS 200.000 Enter 200.000 Clear the pan. USER CALIBRATION PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place selected mass value on pan. USER CALIBRATION PLEASE PUT 200.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter USER CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE BASIC WEIGHING Enter 0% 100% 200.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 23 4.4 Calibration test Calibration test feature allows a check of a known calibration mass against the last stored calibration information in the balance. Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Enter Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to CALIBRATION TEST. Clear the pan. CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. Enter Place indicated mass value on pan. CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE PUT 400.000 GRAMS ON PAN AND PRESS <ENTER... Enter CALIBRATION TEST PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE BASIC WEIGHING Enter 0% 100% 200.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Display indicates the difference between the present calibration and the last calibration. Display indicates weight of the calibration masses. Remove masses from pan. Balance returns to a weighing mode. Calibration 24 4.5 Auto calibration (AutoCalTM) On balances equipped with the AutoCalTM feature, calibration can be accomplished using an internal calibration mass. Auto calibration can be performed at any time providing the balance has warmed up to operating temperature. Enter Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL. INTERNAL CALIBRATION Clear the pan. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT... INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. It is not necessary to press the Enter button, the balance returns to a weighing mode automatically. Balance returns to a weighing mode. BASIC WEIGHING 0% Please wait is displayed while the balance is calibrating. If the balance is unstable, a message indicating this appears. The balance will continue self calibration until successful. 100% 0.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Calibration 25 4.6 AutoCalTM delta correction Balances with AutoCalTM contain software which allows the internal calibration mass to be adjusted + 100 divisions at full scale capacity. This permits calibrating the balance using an external ASTM Class 1 mass which is traceable to a certified standard. BASIC WEIGHING ->O/T<- 0% 100% 0.000 Tare the balance, then place an ASTM Class 1 mass equal to the span calibration value of the balance. Note the reading. If the reading is higher or lower than the value of the mass, proceed as follows: PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Enter From main menu CALIBRATE SPAN LINEARITY USER CALIBRATION TEST AUTOCAL AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION EXIT TO WEIGH Scroll to CALIBRATION and press the Enter button. Display advances to CALIBRATE with SPAN highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION. CALIBRATE AUTOCAL DELTA CORRECTION 2 2 INTERNAL CALIBRATION Enter Enter the number of digits shown between the span calibration value of the balance and the actual reading. For example, on a 400g balance, the reading is 400.002g. The difference is 0.002g. This indicates a correction of 2 divisions is required. Clear the pan. Internal calibration starts. PLEASE CLEAR THE PAN. . . AND PRESS <ENTER>. INTERNAL CALIBRATION PLEASE WAIT. . . THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS CAL AND THE LAST CAL IS: 0.000 GRAMS PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE Balance returns to a weighing mode. BASIC WEIGHING 0% Display indicates if calibration was successful and the difference between the last calibration. It is not necessary to press the Enter button, the balance returns to a weighing mode automatically. If a difference still exists, repeat the procedure. The difference should be 0.000 grams. 100% 0.000 GRAMS STABLE PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Weighing made simple 26 5. Weighing made simple In this section, you will learn how to select a weighing unit, tare the balance, perform simple weighings and enter a custom unit. 5.1 Selecting a weighing unit In this menu option you specify which weighing unit is to be displayed. There are a total of 15 measuring units and custom units which can be selected. The balance shows the result in grams BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST STABLE From main menu Select CHANGE UNITS. Scroll to the desired measuring unit and press Enter button. If a custom unit is desired, refer to paragraph 5.4. The following units are available: Display/Designation milligrams grams kilograms penny weight carats ounces troy ounces grains Hong Kong taels Singapore taels ROC taels mommes pounds newtons ticals custom units Comments with mg balances only with higher capacity balances only available in library NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. Weighing made simple 27 5.2 Taring the balance The weight of any container can be tared by the press of a button. The taring range covers the entire weighing range of your balance. To tare a container, place it on the weighing pan. ->O/T<- Close all draft shield doors (if draft shield is used). Press the >O/T< button to start the taring operation. BASIC WEIGHING 0.000 GRAMS You cannot tare the balance when the weighing pan is unstable. On completion of taring, the word STABLE appears in the lower right hand portion of the display and the numerical display indicates zero. STABLE Remember, when taring a container, the weight of the container is subtracted from the total capacity of the balance. 5.3 Performing a simple weighing The balance always starts in a weighing mode when first turned on. After taring the balance, place sample on the pan. Wait until display indicates STABLE. Now read the weight in the display. On /Of f Go Bac k He ip 0% Prin t PR ES S BA 162 >O/T < <E GR NT AM S ER > FO SIC WEI GH ING 0.0 RM EN 0 100% ST AB U LE Ent er >O/T < If the balance is in another mode, press the Go Back button repeatedly to get back to the weighing mode. Weighing made simple 28 5.4 Custom unit Custom unit allows the creation of your own custom weighing units. It permits entering a conversion factor which the balance will use to convert grams to the desired unit of measure. Custom Units are stored in the Library. Values for up to fifteen different custom units can be entered. Conversion Factor x Weight in grams = Weight in custom unit Conversion factors are expressed in scientific notation and entered into the balance in three parts: 1) a number between 0.1 and 1.999999 called the mantissa 2) a power of 10 called the exponent 3) a least significant digit (LSD) SCIENTIFIC NOTATION Number Between 0.1 and 1.999999 EXPONENTS E-3 Moves decimal point 3 places to the left. Exp. E-2 Moves decimal point 2 places to the left. 123.4 = .1234 x 1000 = .1234 x 103 E-1 Moves decimal point 1 place to the left. 12.34 = .1234 x 100 = .1234 x 102 1.234 = .1234 x 10 = .1234 x 101 E0 Leaves decimal point in normal position. .1234 = .1234 x E1 Moves decimal point 1 place to the right. E2 Moves decimal point 2 places to the right. E3 Moves decimal point 3 places to the right. Conv. Factor .01234 = .1234 x Power of 10 1 Mantissa = .1234 x 100 .1 = .1234 x 10-1 .001234 = .1234 x .01 = .1234 x 10-2 .000123 = .123 Enter CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH x .001 = .123 x 10-3 From main menu Select CHANGE UNITS. Scroll to CUSTOM UNITS and press Enter button. The display indicates GO TO LIBRARY. When using the balance for the first time, the library is empty and does not contain any custom units. Later, after you have performed the setup procedures, you will be able to select a custom unit by a name you have assigned. Proceed to SETUP. Enter Scroll to SETUP and press Enter button. UNIT NAME is displayed. CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH Weighing made simple 29 UNIT NAME UNIT1 <LEFT> / <RIGHT> TO MOVE CURSOR <UP> / <DOWN> TO SCROLL CHARACTERS PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 SELECT DP LOCATION E-3 E-2 E-1 E0 E1 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 Unit name Enter a unit name. The name you enter and custom unit characteristics will be stored in the library when you complete all entries. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with ENTER FACTOR highlighted. Factor Enter the factor number. This can be a number between 0.1 and 1.999999. For conversion factors outside of this range, the exponent will be used to move the decimal point. Decimal point Scroll to SELECT DP, press Enter button. SELECT DP LOCATION is displayed. Select a decimal point. Scroll to either E-3, E-2, E-1, E0, E1, E2, or E3, and press Enter button. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with UNIT NAME highlighted. Least significant digit Scroll to SELECT LSD which is the Least Significant Digit, press Enter button. SELECT LSD is displayed. LSDs LSD 0.5 Adds one decimal place display counts by 5s. LSD 1 Display counts by 1s. LSD 2 Display counts by 2s. LSD 5 Display counts by 5s. LSD 10 Display counts by 10s. LSD 100 Display counts by 100s. RETURN TO SETUP Weighing made simple 30 SELECT LSD LSD LSD LSD LSD LSD 0.5 1 2 5 10 CUSTOM UNIT SETUP UNIT NAME ENTER FACTOR SELECT DP SELECT LSD RETURN Enter UNIT1 1.0000 E-2 LSD1 CUSTOM UNITS GO TO LIBRARY SETUP EXIT TO WEIGH Select the least significant digit. Scroll to either LSD 0.5, LSD 1, LSD 2, LSD 5 or LSD 10 and press Enter button. Display returns to CUSTOM UNIT SETUP with UNIT NAME highlighted. Scroll to RETURN, press Enter button. CUSTOM UNITS menu is displayed with GO TO LIBRARY highlighted. At this point, you can select the custom unit you just entered from the library or exit to weigh. When LIBRARY is selected, scroll to the custom unit you entered, press Enter button and select RUN from the menu. The abbreviation for custom units in the display is CU. Balance modes 31 6. Balance modes Your balance has 11 additional modes of operation in addition to basic weighing. These built-in modes expand the possibilities of your balance and facilitate your daily work. The following sections will acquaint you with these modes. 6.1 Parts counting Your balance can be set to either Easy Count or Advanced Count parts method. 6.1.1 Easy count Easy count is a simplified method for counting parts. After specifying a sample size, the balance will display the actual number of samples placed on the pan. Accuracy is based on the average piece weight (APW) of a single part. All parts must be reasonably uniform in weight. Enter From main menu CHANGE MODE EASY PARTS COUNTING Enter CHANGE MODE, scroll to PARTS COUNTING and select EASY PARTS COUNTING. PARTS COUNTING Enter numeric sample size and press Enter button. SAMPLE SIZE PARTS COUNTING APW 0.3898 SIZE 10 PIECES WEIGHT: 3.900G 10 STABLE Place specified number of samples on the pan. After a few seconds, the display indicates the number of pieces based on the sample size. Repeated batches of samples may be placed on the pan and counted. Balance modes 32 6.1.2 Advanced counting Advanced Count contains a number of entries which include assigning a library name, filling and sorting applications and statistical information which can be printed. Once a library name is assigned, this particular counting function can be recalled at any time. Enter PARTS COUNTING ADVANCED PARTS COUNTING PART COUNTING SETUP Enter APW/SIZE. You have a choice of entering a sample size or average piece weight. Enter required data. Display advances to TARE WEIGHT. PART COUNTING SETUP Tare weight Enter the tare weight. This is the tare weight of the container holding the samples. TARE WEIGHT PARTS COUNTING SETUP ON FUNCTION LINK OFF FILLING CHECK WEIGHING STATISTICS Enter Library name APW/Size APW/SIZE SAMPLE SIZE SET A.P.W. AUTO OPTIMIZATION Enter CHANGE MODE. Select PARTS COUNTING and then select ADVANCED PARTS COUNTING. Display advances to PARTS COUNTING SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Enter library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. The library name can be recalled later and the same type of items can be counted at any time. The display advances to APW/SIZE. LIBRARY NAME or From main menu PARTS COUNTING SETUP APW/SIZE TARE WT AUTO OPTIMIZATION FUNCTION LINK RUN Auto optimization An ON or OFF function. When set ON, optimizes the accuracy based on sample size. After selecting, the display advances to FUNCTION LINK. Function link Four options are available, OFF, FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING and STATISTICS. When FILLING is selected, a target weight is entered which is shown as 100% on the bar graph on the display. When material is added to the balance pan, it is displayed as a percentage and weight. When CHECK WEIGHING is selected, a separate display has entries for nominal pieces, over pieces, under pieces, run and exit. This type of function permits checking of individual pieces against the stored information in the balance. When STATISTICS is selected, provides display of Standard Deviation, either population or sample, Mean, Sum, High, Low and Difference readings. Each can be individually set ON or OFF. RUN when selected starts the program. Balance modes 33 6.2 Filling Filling permits you to enter a target reference weight, then view other loads as a percentage of the reference which has been set in the balance parameters. The load placed on the pan is displayed as a percentage of what was entered into the balance. A twin bar display indicates to 89% on the first bar and to 110% on the second bar. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE. Select FILLING, display advances to TARGET. CHANGE MODE FILLING Enter the target weight, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. The display advances to FILLING with a dual bar display. FILLING TARGET FILLING 0% 90% 90% 110% TARGET: GRAMS 0.000 DIFF: Place filling material on the balance pan, the display indicates on the bar graph as a percentage and displays the actual load weight numerically. Target and difference weights are also displayed. STABLE After you have completed the filling procedure, you have choices at the bottom of the display to either enter a new target value, change mode or return to the main menu. Balance modes 34 6.3 Animal weighing This feature permits weighing small animals directly on the balance. If an animal cage is used, the balance can be tared (weight of cage is subtracted) and then the subject is placed in the cage and weighed. An averaging filter compensates for animal movements. The filter can be set in a range from Good to Best. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the subject and the bar graph indicates balance capacity used. Enter Enter or From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE. Select ANIMAL WEIGHING, display advances to ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP. ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER GOOD Enter 5 BEST ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN ANIMAL WEIGHING SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 AUTO SAMPLE OFF RUN Enter Enter AVERAGING LEVEL, display advances to AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER. A setting of GOOD is used for subjects which are inactive. The balance will respond quickly and present an average reading. When a setting of BEST is used, the balance responds slowly providing a much longer averaging time for very active subjects. Select filtering level and press Enter button. AUTO SAMPLE when selected and set ON permits placing subjects on pan one after another with the weight showing automatically after each subject. When OFF is selected, user must press Enter button after each subject is placed on the pan. Select RUN. Place animal on the pan, press Enter button, START SAMPLE is highlighted at the bottom of the display. An averaged reading is displayed after a count-down. The count-down time is affected by the averaging level filter setting. When AUTO SAMPLE has been selected, it is not necessary to press the Enter button to activate sampling. Balance modes 35 6.4 Check weighing Check weighing is used when items are checked against preset balance parameters. This feature permits you to weigh an item, assign a library name, set balance parameters such as the nominal weight, over weight and under weight. Library recall eliminates the need to enter the weighing parameters again. A bar graph at the top of the Check Weighing screen indicates UNDER, ACCEPT and OVER for items being checked. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHECK WEIGHING Enter CHANGE MODE. Select CHECK WEIGHING, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. CHECK WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME CW1 CHECK WEIGHING SETUP Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to NOMINAL WT entry. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. Enter the Nominal option. LIBRARY NAME NOMINAL OVER UNDER RUN CHECK WEIGHING SETUP NOMINAL WT 200.000 Enter CHECK WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME NOMINAL OVER UNDER RUN CHECK WEIGHING UNDER ACCEPT OVER: 202.000 UNDER: 199.000 OVER NOMINAL: 200.00 DIFF: 0.026 200.026 Enter the nominal weight and then enter over and under weights. Press Enter button after each entry. Select RUN. Place the item to be checked on the balance pan, the display indicates the over, under, nominal and difference weight of the item. The bar graph indicates UNDER, ACCEPT and OVER. Balance modes 36 6.5 Differential weighing Differential weighing stores tare and weight values so samples can be dried or processed and the difference in weight calculated at a later time. Up to 80 samples can be stored. The balance has the capability to work with one or two different containers or no container at all. A Sieve Analysis procedure is also included in Appendix A-1 for this type of application. Samples can be added to the applications library or extracted by name using the previously stored data. The balance can be used for other applications during processing time. Enter CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME DIFF STARTUP SETUP RESUME Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLEOFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DIFF WEIGHING, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DIFF STARTUP. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. For first time entries, select SETUP. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP. RESUME will bring you directly to RUN which starts the program. Do not use RESUME initially. Enter TARE SETUP. TARE SETUP NO TARE SINGLE TARE DUAL TARE RETURN TARE SETUP offers a choice of NO TARE (no container is used), SINGLE TARE (one container used during entire process), and DUAL TARE (two containers used, one at the start of a process and a different container at the end of a process). DUAL TARE is also used for sieve analysis. Select the appropriate tare option for your process. TARE SETUP NO TARE SINGLE TARE DUAL TARE RETURN Select RETURN. Display returns to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP. Balance modes 37 Enter Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN Automatic sampling Enter AUTO SAMPLE. Auto Sampling permits repetitive sampling automatically. Select ON or OFF. Display advances to DIFF RESULT. DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN Difference result Enter DIFF RESULT. Difference result enables final weighing results to be shown by weight, percentage (for sieve analysis), or % retention. Select appropriate result for your process. DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLEOFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF WEIGHING SETUP NUMBER OF SAMPLES Select RETURN and press Enter. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with NUMBER OF SAMPLES highlighted. Enter the NUMBER OF SAMPLES display. Enter number of samples Enter the number of samples you want to test. A maximum of 80 samples can be run per library entry. After specifying number of samples, press Enter button, display returns to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with RUN highlighted. Processing the samples Since there are three options of taring, each procedure will be covered separately. Follow either NO TARE, SINGLE TARE or DUAL TARE methods depending upon which you have selected. Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates PUT INITIAL SAMPLE # 1 ON PAN. This first sample is your unprocessed sample. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 0.000 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT No Tare - Initial weighing SETUP Put first unprocessed sample on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all samples. Balance modes 38 TAREWT N/A N/A N/A INIT WT TARE WT 7.705 NA 7.702 N/A 7.701 N/A CONTINUE SAVE FINAL \VT 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE This sample display indicates 3 samples taken with no tare. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. To return to your final weighing, find and select the Library name of your test. The balance then returns to where you left off in your sampling procedure for final weighing. No Tare - Final weighing DIFF WEIGHING Enter TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 7.299 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TAREWT INITWT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A 7.705 7.702 7.701 CONTINUE SAVE 7.299 7.299 7.299 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT N/A N/A N/A TOTAL 7.705 7.702 7.701 23.109 FINAL \VT NA N/A N/A 7.220 7.299 7.299 21.896 WT DIFF -0.407 -0.403 -0.402 -1.212 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put first processed sample on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN This procedure is used when one container is used with the initial and final samples. After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT: 0.000 PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT Single Tare - Initial weighing (one container) SETUP Put container #1 on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next container. Continue adding containers and pressing the Enter button for each container until all containers have been weighed. When the last container has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all containers. Balance modes 39 TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 0.000 O.O00 0.000 CONTINUE Enter FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A SAVE 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: 20.006 TARE WT: FINAL WT: 20.006 This sample display indicates 3 containers weighed. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. Select CONTINUE. Display changes to PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place sample # 1 on the pan, press Enter button. Repeat steps and place each sample on the pan. PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 20.006 20.096 20.096 FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 When the last sample is placed on the pan and entered, the display indicates the tare weight of the containers and the initial weight of the samples. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE Single Tare - Final weighing (one container) DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT:16.144 16.144 PUT FINAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TARE WT INIT WT TARE WT 8.739 8.744 8.738 20.006 20.096 20.096 N/A N/A N/A FINAL \VT 16.143 16.598 16.685 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put first processed sample with the container on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT WT DIFF 1 2 3 TOTAL -3.863 -3.498 -4.411 -11.772 11.267 11.352 11.358 33.977 7.404 7.854 6.947 22.205 PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Final display. Balance modes 40 Enter Dual Tare - Initial weighing (two containers) DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF DIFF RESULT WEIGHT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN This procedure is used when separate containers are used at the start of a process and the end of a process. After pressing the Enter button, the display indicates to PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN. DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: 8.738 IN IT WT: TARE Wf: FINALWT:8.738 8.738 PUT INITIAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 0.000 O.O00 0.000 CONTINUE Enter SAVE FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 RESAMPLE DELETE DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: 23.076 TARE WT: FINAL WT: 23.076 Put container #1 on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next container. Continue adding containers and pressing the Enter button for each container until all containers have been weighed. When the last container has been weighed, the display indicates the initial weight of all containers. This sample display indicates 3 containers weighed. Four options are available at the bottom of the display. CONTINUE permits continuing with the procedure. SAVE permits saving the data and returns the balance to a weighing mode. RESAMPLE allows going back to resample a selected entry. DELETE permits deleting a selected entry. Select CONTINUE. Display changes to PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place sample # 1 on the pan, press Enter button. Repeat steps and place each sample on the pan. PUT INITIAL SAMPLE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 23.989 23.994 24.064 FINAL \VT N/A N/A N/A 0.000 0.000 0.000 When the last sample is placed on the pan and entered, the display indicates the tare weight of the containers and the initial weight of the samples. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE Dual Tare - Final weighing (two containers) DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT: FINAL WT:8.738 8.738 After pressing the Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Put final container #1 on the pan. Repeat process for all containers. PUT FINAL CONTAINER #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE Enter EDIT SETUP TARE WT INIT WT TARE WT 8.738 8.738 8.738 23.989 23.994 24.064 SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE 8.738 8.741 8.738 FINAL \VT 19.647 20.580 20.102 RESAMPLE DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT WT DIFF 1 2 3 TOTAL .342 -3.417 -3.962 -11.721 15.251 15.256 15.326 45.833 10.909 1.839 11.364 34.112 PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU Put first processed sample with the container on the pan. When the weight has stabilized, press Enter button with START/SAMPLE highlighted on the display. This advances to the next sample. Continue adding samples and pressing the Enter button for each sample until all final samples have been weighed. When the last sample has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. Final display. Balance modes 41 6.6 Formulation Formulations can be named and have from 2 to 10 components specified. Names are limited to 8 characters. Once named, they may be recalled and used at any time. Each component of a given formulation can be specified as to its weight or percentage. Each element of a formulation is shown on a dual bar graph as a percentage and displays the desired weight. Thus, each component may be placed on the pan until 100% is indicated. CHANGE MODE FORMULATION FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select FORMULATION, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to FORMULATION SETUP with WEIGH TYPE highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance displays the parameters which were set. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM2 WEIGHT Weigh type WEIGH TYPE WEIGHT PERCENT RETURN Enter the weigh type. You can select the components to be specified by weight or percentage. Display returns to FORMULATION SETUP. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM 2 WEIGHT FORMULATION SETUP NUMBER OF ITEMS Number of items Select NUMBER OF ITEMS. Specify the number of items (components) in the formulation. After specifying the number of items, the display returns to FORMULATION SETUP with SETUP highlighted. Balance modes 42 Enter FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN FORM2 WEIGHT FORMULATION SETUP 1 0.000 0.000 2 FORMULATION SETUP 1 0.000 2 Enter 90% 90% 110% 200.044 DIFF WT: 0.044 STABLE A1=200.000 GRAMS TARGET Al 200.000 A2 200.000 TOTAL 400.000 Specifying weight or percentage values Specify either weight value or percentage value which you had previously selected for the first component. Repeat these two steps for all components in your formula. After you enter all component names and values, the display advances to FORMULATION SETUP with RUN highlighted. Add the first component on the pan. The bar graph is used as a guide to precisely add 100% of the first component. NEXT appears highlighted at the bottom of the display. Press Enter button to add next component. Sample indicates 200.044 grams. Leave the first component on the pan. Repeat this procedure for all additional components. Adding remaining components FORMULATION 90% Specify the name for the first component of the formula, then press Enter button. Display advances to right of screen which is either weight or percentage (whichever was previously selected). Adding first component FORMULATION Enter Enter FORM2 WEIGHT 0% A1=200.000 GRAMS Specifying component names Select RUN. A dual bar display appears indicating the weight or percentage to be placed on the pan. FORMULATION SETUP LIBRARY NAME WEIGH TYPE NUMBER OF ITEMS SETUP RUN Enter SETUP in the FORMULATION SETUP. Display advances to a split screen. 110% 200.021 Add all remaining components one at a time, pressing the Enter button after each component is placed on the pan. DIFF WT: 0.021 STABLE RESULT 200.044 200.021 400.065 PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU DIFF 0.044 0.021 0.065 Final results After the last component is placed on the pan, the final result is indicated on the display. Balance modes 43 6.7 Quick check weighing Quick check weighing permits placing a reference sample on the balance pan which is used as a reference weight to measure against similar samples. A single bar display indicates up to 100% of the capacity of the balance. The difference in percentage is also shown along with the reference weight. The large numeric display indicates the weight of the sample. CHANGE MODE From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select QUICK CHECK, display advances to QUICK CHECK. QUICK CHECK Setting reference weight QUICK CHECK ->O/T<- DIFF: 0.000 DIFF%: 0.020 REF WT: 14.798 14.800 PUT REF WT ON PAN WAIT GRAMS NEW REF WT MODE STABLE MAIN MENU Adding samples QUICK CHECK DIFF: 0.030 DIFF%: 0.020 REF WT: 14.798 14.768 GRAMS NEW REF WT Enter MODE STABLE MAIN MENU NEW REF WT REF WT: 14.798 0.0000 GRAMS MODE After the balance accepts the weight, remove the reference weight and place the first sample on the pan. The display indicates the difference in weight and percentage of the sample against the reference weight. You may continue to weigh additional samples. Setting new reference weight QUICK CHECK DIFF: 0.030 DIFF%: 0.020 Tare the balance. The display indicates PUT REF WT ON PAN. Place the reference weight on the pan. WAIT is momentarily displayed as the balance accepts the reference weight. STABLE MAIN MENU Clear the pan and tare the balance. With NEW REF WT highlighted at the bottom of the display, press Enter button. The display indicates PUT REF WT ON PAN. You may now place a new reference weight on the pan and repeat the above procedure for new samples using a new reference weight. When you exit quick check weighing and use other balance functions and return to quick check weighing, the previous reference weight appears in the display. Disregard display readings. When you place a new reference weight on the pan, the balance resets to the new weight. Balance modes 44 6.8 Statistics/Function link Statistics are used when it is desired to compare a number of samples and examine the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data. A minimum of three samples is required in this program. Statistics contains menu options which include standard deviation, mean, sum, maximum, minimum, difference, relative deviation, auto sample and sample size. Most of these can be set ON or OFF except sample size which can be set for a particular number. When a printer or computer is connected to the balance, all statistical information can be observed and printed. FUNCTION LINK offers a choice of three functions; CHECK WEIGHING, FILLING and ANIMAL WEIGHING which can be linked directly to statistical data. Statistics can be enabled either through the CHANGE MODE menu or the LIBRARY. The library method will automatically run the link. Changes can be made through the CHANGE MODE menu setup. Enter From main menu MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE and select STATISTICS, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME STD DEV MEAN SUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM DIFFERENCE RELATIVE DEV STATS1 ON ON ON ON ON ON ON FUNCTION LINK OFF FILLING CHECK WEIGHING ANIMAL WEIGHING RETURN TO SETUP STATISTICS RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES: 3 UNIT: GRAMS MEAN: 203.571 MAXIMUM: 203.929 MINIMUM: 203.283 STD DEVIATION: 0.310 RELATIVE DEV: 0.064 SUM: 610.713 DIFFERENCE:0.546 Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to STATISTICS SETUP with STD DEV highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Turning statistics on or off Select each option under the STATISTICS SETUP and turn either ON or OFF. When you reach FUNCTION LINK, you have a choice of linking the statistical data to either CHECK WEIGHING, FILLING or ANIMAL WEIGHING or not linking and leave the FUNCTION LINK OFF. Selecting a function link Selecting FUNCTION LINK offers a choice of either FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING, or ANIMAL WEIGHING functions to have statistics available on printouts. Select the desired function and press Enter button. STATISTICS SETUP DIFFERENCE RELATIVE DEV AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT SAMPLE SIZE FUNCTION LINK RUN Library name ON ON OFF OFF 3 OFF Running the program Select RUN and press Enter button. If statistics was selected to link with any function, the display for that function will indicate STATS ON at the top of the display. Statistical result display When a program has been run, a typical display as shown appears. Function links when set up to a particular function such as FILLING, CHECK WEIGHING, or ANIMAL WEIGHING can be run directly from the Library listing. Scrolling through the Library will reveal which item(s) are linked to statistics. Balance modes 45 6.9 Density Four methods of density determinations can be made with the Voyager balance. These are: solids more dense than water, solids less dense than water, porous material (impregnated with oil), and liquid density. A Density Determination Kit Part Number 470007-010 is specifically designed to be used with Ohaus® Analytical Voyager balances. Illustrations in this procedure refer to the density kit, however, you may use whatever lab apparatus that will suit the requirements for density measurements. A built in reference density table for water at temperatures between 10ºC and 30ºC is included in the balance software. When making density measurements, the material should weigh at least 10.0 mg on an analytical balance and 100 mg on a precision balance. 6.9.1 Balance preparation with density kit Allow the balance to warm up sufficiently before making measurements. Support Bracket Washer On Go Ba He Pri lp On/ Off /Of Go f Hel p ck 0% /T Equalizing Weigh Bracket Washer Below Hook Kit Components BA SI C nt >O < PR ES S 0. Prin t W EI G HI NG 00 0 G RA <E M NT S ER ST > AB FO LE R M EN U OHAU S¨ > >O O /T/ < 10 0% En T Bac k 0% 0 % BA B A SIC S IC WE W IG HI ENG IG 0. < PR ES S 0 0.0 000 0 G GR AM <E R NT ASM ER S > ST FO S TA AB R B ME LE LE NU H IN G 10 10 0% 0% Ent er ter OHAU S >O /T ¨ >O > O /T/ < T < < Pan Balance preparation Bracket and Washer Mounting Open either the left or right side door of the balance and remove the Pan as shown. Insert the Bracket into the balance where the Pan was removed. On balances which are rated over 400g, place the Equalizing Washer on top of the Bracket as shown in the illustration. Place the Support into position over the bracket making sure the Support does not make contact with the Bracket as shown in illustration. Support Bracket Support Mounting Install beaker on support as shown. NOTE: Beaker and thermometer are not supplied as part of the density kit. Beaker Installation Balance modes 46 6.9.2 Solid density determinations for items more dense than water The density Q is the quotient of the mass m and the volume V. m Q= V Density determinations are performed by using Archimedes principle. This principle states that every solid body immersed in a fluid loses weight by an amount equal to that of the fluid it displaces. The density table for water is included in the Voyager balance software. The density of a solid is determined with the aid of a liquid whose density, Qo, is known (water is used as an auxiliary liquid). The solid is weighed in air (A) and then in the auxiliary liquid (B). The density Q can be calculated from the two weighings as follows: Q= A Q A -B 0 The balance allows direct determination of the buoyancy P (P =A - B ) and consequently the above formula can be simplified: A Q0 Q= P Q = Density of the solid A = Weight of the solid in air B = Weight of the solid in the auxiliary liquid Q0 = Density of the auxiliary liquid at a given temperature (this value depends on the temperature). The density table for water is included in Voyager balances. P = Buoyancy of the solid in the auxiliary liquid (corresponds to A -B). In the event that a different liquid is to be used, provisions are made to enter the density of the desired liquid and enter its name into a library. The following procedure uses water. Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DENSITY, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY SETUP with SOLID DENSITY highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. After you select SOLID DENSITY, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with H2O highlighted. Balance modes 47 Enter AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC Enter Enter Enter AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY - - D2 WEIGH IN AIR: 0.000 WEIGH IN LIQ: WEIGH IN AIR START/SAMPLE TEMP:25.0 AUX D= 9.971 VOLUME: 0.000 SETUP Enter the temperature of the water and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Skip the next two steps. Selecting an auxiliary liquid Select OTHER, and perform the next step. Specify auxiliary liquid density AUX LIQ & MODE Enter Select H2O, and perform the next step. If you are using a different liquid, skip the next step and continue. Specify temperature AUX LIQ & MODE Enter Selecting water as auxiliary liquid MAIN MENU Enter the density of the auxiliary liquid and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Return to setup Select RETURN TO SETUP. Disregard POROUS MATERIAL in menu as this is explained in Appendix A-2. Display returns to DENSITY SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE highlighted. Auto sample Select AUTO SAMPLE and turn it ON or OFF. A setting of ON allows samples to be sequentially sampled without pressing the Enter button for each sample. Auto print At this point you can select AUTO PRINT. To turn on, press the Enter button and select ON. If you do not want automatic printing, select OFF. Testing the sample Select RUN and press the Enter button. The display advances to DENSITY and requests WEIGH IN AIR shown at the bottom of the screen. Balance modes 48 START/SAMPLE is highlighted. Make sure a beaker with liquid is in position on the stand in the balance. Press the >O/T< button to zero the balance reading. Sample Weighing in Air Place solid on top of the bracket as shown and close the draft shield doors. Weigh the solid (weight A) and press the Enter button. The display now requests WEIGH IN LIQUID. Open the draft shield of the balance and place the solid in the Weighing Pan on the Weigh Below Hook in the liquid as shown. Ensure that there are no air bubbles on the solid to be weighed. Close the draft shield doors and weigh the solid (buoyancy P) by pressing the Enter button. The display indicates the density in grams/cc. Sample Weighing in Liquid DENSITY - - D2 WEIGH IN AIR: 15.703 WEIGH IN LIQ: 15.306 TEMP:25.0 AUX D= 9.971 VOLUME: 0.40 Successive samples may be taken simply by pressing Enter with the START SAMPLE bar highlighted. If AUTO SAMPLE was selected previously, samples can be taken as per the indication on the display. A typical final display is shown which indicates all of the parameters and values. 39.438 GRAMS/CC START/SAMPLE SETUP STABLE MAIN MENU 6.9.3 Solid density determinations for items less dense than water For density determination of solids with a density less than 1 g/CM3, the bottom of the Weigh Below Hook for solids must be used as it holds the solid body below the surface of the auxiliary liquid. If the buoyancy of the solid is greater than the weight of the Weigh Below Hook, the Weigh Below Hook must be weighted by placing an additional mass on the submerged part of the Weigh Below Hook as shown. Weigh the sample in air first as explained in the previous procedure. Mass Sample Buoyancy Sample Weighing After loading the additional mass, tare the balance and start the weighing again. Wait until the balance has reached stability and note the displayed weight P (buoyancy of the solid). Balance modes 49 6.9.4 Improving the accuracy of the result of solid density The following tips should help you improve the accuracy of the results in the density determination of solids. Temperature Solids are generally so insensitive to temperature fluctuations that the corresponding density changes are of no consequence. However, as work is performed with an auxiliary liquid in the density determination of solids, their temperature must be taken into account as the temperature has a greater effect with liquids and causes density changes in the order of magnitude 0.I to 1% per °C. This effect is already apparent in the third decimal place of the result. To obtain accurate results, we recommend that you always take the temperature of the auxiliary liquid into account on all density determinations. Air buoyancy 1 CM3 of air weighs approximately 1.2 mg (depending on the physical condition). As a consequence, in the weighing in air, each solid experiences a buoyancy of this magnitude (the so-called air buoyancy) per cm3 of its volume. However, the air buoyancy must be taken into account only when a result is required with an accuracy of 3 to 4 decimal places. To correct for this, the air buoyancy (0.0012 g per cm3 volume of the body) is added to the calculated result: Calculated density + 0.0012 g/cm3 air buoyancy = effective density Surface tension of the auxiliary liquid Adhesion of the liquid to the Weigh Below Hook causes an apparent weight increase of up 3 mg. As the Weigh Below Hook is immersed in the auxiliary liquid in both weighings of the solid (in air and in the auxiliary liquid), the influence of the apparent weight increase can be neglected because the balance is tared before every measurement. To reduce the effect of air bubbles and to ensure the greatest possible accuracy, use a few drops of a wetting agent (not supplied) and add them to the auxiliary liquid. Balance modes 50 6.9.5 Liquid density determinations The density of a liquid can be made using a sinker of known volume. The sinker is weighed in air and then in the liquid whose density is to be determined, The density, Q, can be determined from the two weighings as follows: Q= Q = Density of the liquid A = Weight of the sinker in air B = Weight of the sinker in liquid V = Volume of the sinker P = Buoyancy of the sinker in the liquid ( P = A-B) A-B V DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF DENSITY SETUP ENTER SINKER VOLUME IN CC 30.000 DENSITY - - D3 WEIGH IN AIR: 211.395 WE GH iN LIQ: 200.043 SKRVOL:30.000 0.378 GRAMS/CC STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Select liquid density The balance is prepared in the same manner. Follow the same procedure for solid density determination except select LIQUID DENSITY under the DENSITY SETUP display. Press the Enter button. The display advances to ENTER SINKER VOLUME IN CC. Enter sinker volume Enter the sinker volume in CCs. The display starts with 30 cc. Continue with the instructions on the displays and select RUN. After weighing the sinker in air and then weighing the sinker immersed in liquid, the balance calculates the density of the liquid and is displayed in grams/cc. See illustrations below for placement of the sinker. When the sinker is immersed in the liquid, it must not come into contact with the bottom of the beaker. Sinker Sinker Sinker In Air Sinker In Liquid Balance modes 51 6.10 Statistical quality control (SQC) The Statistical Quality Control (SQC) feature is extremely useful during various types of process filling operations when it is desired to monitor and control the process to eliminate under and over filling. Provisions are made in the balance to accommodate the weight of various packaging methods. During operation, parameters of the packaged product are set into the balance such as packaging weight, acceptable weight limits and non-acceptable weight limits of the product. These weight limits are identified as +Tl, +T2, NOMINAL and -TI, -T2. As samples are weighed and stored in the balance, a trend analysis is developed and displayed on the balance. Up to 25 samples in a batch with up to ten batches are visible on a trend screen for quality control purposes. Each batch of samples is shown on the display which indicates the maximum/minimum standard deviation and mean values for each batch. An on going examination of the relative deviation of the samples along with other statistical data can be viewed and is stored. By observing the results of the TREND ANALYSIS screen, you can effectively monitor the filling process operation. Setup parameters can be stored in the library and up to 5 products with statistical history can be stored in memory. All SQC information can be printed. Enter CHANGE MODE SQC Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter From main menu SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME SQC1 NO TARE OFF l SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLEOFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to SQC SETUP with TOLERANCE highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Tolerance Enter TOLERANCE. Display advances to DEFINE TOLERANCE with +T2 highlighted. I DEFINE TOLERANCE +T2 +T1 NOMINAL WEIGHT -Ti -T2 RETURN TO SETUP Library name 0.000 0.000 O.O00 0.000 0.000 SQC1 NO TARE OFF l I Defining tolerances Define the tolerances for your product. Start with +T2, continue with +Tl, NOMINAL WEIGHT, then -TI, finish with -T2. After entering values, press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP, press Enter button. Selecting tare Select TARE and press Enter button. Display advances to TARE SELECTION with NO TARE highlighted. Balance modes 52 Selecting type of tare TARE SELECTION NO TARE MEAN TARE INDIVIDUAL TARE ADD. WITH MT RETURN TO SETUP Four types of taring are available. NO TARE is self explanatory, MEAN TARE is used to subtract the packaging weight automatically, INDIVIDUAL TARE is for each sample with display prompts, ADD with MT is additive weighing with mean tare. After selecting tare type, press Enter button. SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Selecting auto sample/auto print SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF I SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME Specifying sample size SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF 3 SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME OFF OFF 3 0 The balance has a total limit of 5 history files which can include other functions such as Differential Weighing and Formulation. If more than five sets are entered, one or more data files will have to be removed. If when saving, a message appears FAILED TO SAVE, the library is full. Sample # 1 SQC - - SQC2 100% 0.000 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN 100% 11.905 START/SAMPLE SETUP Enter BATCH NAME. Specify the name of the batch and press Enter button. After specifying the batch name, the display advances to SQC SETUP with RUN highlighted. You are now ready to take samples. Taking samples SQC SETUP 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN Enter NUMBER OF SAMPLES. Specify the number of samples to be measured. After specifying sample size, display advances to SQC SETUP with BATCH NAME highlighted. Press Enter button. Specifying batch name SQC1 NO TARE OFF OFF OFF 3 AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME V IEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN AUTO SAMPLE and AUTO PRINT are ON/OFF selectable functions. When AUTO SAMPLE is turned ON, samples can be taken without pressing any buttons. When AUTO PRINT is set ON, automatic printing of results are made. Select functions and press Enter button. MAIN MENU With the SQC SETUP displayed and RUN highlighted, press Enter button, display indicates the previously entered data Library name at the right hand top of the display and instructs: PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Place your first sample on the balance pan, then press Enter button. When the balance stabilizes, it will record the weight you have placed on the pan and will automatically advance to sample number 2. Balance modes 53 Sample # 2 SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #2 ON PAN 100% 12.305 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Remaining samples SQC - - SQC2 0% PUT SAMPLE #3 ON PAN 100% 12.710 START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU SAMPLES 3 BATCH NAME: NOI UNIT GRAMS NOMINAL WT: 12.181 MEAN 12.307 MAXIMUM 12.710 MINIMUM 11.906 STD DEVIATION: 0.402 RELATIVE DEVIATION: O.108 >+T2 0.00% 0 >+T1 0.00% 0 TI>N>-TI 100.00%, 3 <-T10.00%, 0 <-T20.00% 0 Go Back Remove the first sample from the pan and place the second sample on the pan. When the balance stabilizes, press the Enter button. When AUTO SAMPLE is ON, you do not have to press Enter. SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES 3 VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN SQ1 TOTAL BATCHES I 1 05/24/99 08:06:28A 05/24/99 02:34:19 19.513 +T2 16.076 +T1 12.181 N 8.742 -Tl 7.500 -T2 Continue this procedure until all of your samples have been entered. When all samples have been entered, a History screen is displayed which indicates the parameters of the first batch. Batch history result The sample history result at the left represents a batch of three samples. To run additional batches of samples, press the Enter button, the display will return to PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. Remember that only ten batches will be displayed, however, if more batches are run, data is still recorded. Analyzing data Press the Go Back button until SQC SETUP is displayed. Select VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE. Press the Enter button and the Trace Value screen appears. This screen indicates the limits you have set for your samples and the amount of deviation per batch. Viewing mean value trace After you have taken the required number of data samples, you can view the sample value trace and/or the sample batch history. Screen indicates 11 batches were processed with the last 10 displayed. Sample Value Trace STANDARD DEVIATION MAXIMUM LIMIT Symbol Definitions MEAN VALUE OF SQC SET The sample illustration at the left describes the symbols used on the Mean Value Trace screen and their definitions. MINIMUM LIMIT Symbol definitions Balance modes 54 Go Back SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE OFF AUTO PRINT OFF NUMBER OF SAMPLES 3 VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN START SAMPLING: 05/24/99 08:26:28A TOTAL BATCHES:11 TOTAL SAMPLES: 33 MEAN: 14.314 MAXIMUM: 20.523 MINIMUM: 8.745 STD DEVIATION: 2.226 >+T2: 9.09% 3 >+T1: 24.24% 8 T1>N>-T1: 66%, 22 <-T1:0.00%, 0 <-T2:0.00%, 0 LAST SAMPLE: 05/24/99 02:34:19P 6.10.1 Selecting batch history To select the batch history, press the Go Back button to enter the SQC SETUP screen and scroll down to VIEW BATCH HISTORY. Press the Enter button. Viewing batch history Eleven batches of samples with three samples per batch were taken as an example. The sample illustration at the left indicates the parameters taken during the last 33 samples. Resuming a particular SQC setup SQC has a resume feature which enables you to recall any SQC procedure which has been named and stored in the library. The Setup procedure enabled you to designate the product parameters and assign a basic name. To use a stored product parameter with a new set of samples, you recall the procedure by name. Enter CHANGE MODE SQC From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter library name Enter the library name of the previous SQC procedure you want to resume. Press Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. The balance uses the parameters which were previously set. In the next step, you cannot use the Go Back to exit the menu. If you decide to exit, you must enter RESUME first, then back out. Enter SQC SETUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! Select resume When RESUME is selected, the display returns to the SQC SETUP with RUN highlighted. Balance modes 55 Enter SQC SETUP AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN OFF OFF 3 0 0.000 6.10.2 SETUP With RUN selected, press Enter button. Adding additional samples SQC - - SQI PUT SAMPLE # 1 ON PAN START/SAMPLE Select run MAIN MENU Display returns to the name of the SQC identified and is ready to run sample # 1. You may now run additional samples with the parameters previously set. These samples will be added to the original sample set. The last ten samples are displayed on the MEAN VALUE TRACE. Specifying new SQC setup There are two methods of entering SQC for a new setup. One is to start at the beginning of the SQC procedure. The second method is to enter the SQC STARTUP menu. The second method is specified. Enter SQC CHANGE MODE Enter CHANGE MODE and select SQC, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter From main menu SQC STARTUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT N NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME SQC 1 NO TARE OFF 0FF OFF 1 Enter library name If you have selected an existing library name you can still change the setup in the next step. Press the Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. Select new setup When NEW SETUP is selected, the display returns to the SQC SETUP with TOLERANCE highlighted. Completing new setup Refer back to section 6.10 and enter all information required for a new setup. Balance modes 56 6.10.3 Redoing or correcting a batch If during the course of taking samples, an error has occurred and you want to rerun the set of samples you are currently working with, this procedure will allow you to start a new set without recording data from the set containing errors. Go Back Exiting a sample set containing an error SQC SETUP LIBRARY NAME TOLERANCE TARE MEAN TARE VALUE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT N NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME When the current sample you are working with is incorrect, you can exit by pressing the Go Back button. The display returns back to SQC SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Press the Enter button. STATISTICS SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter SQC STARTUP RESUME NEW SETUP PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA! SQC SETUP MEAN TARE VALUE OFF AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES BATCH NAME VIEW MEAN VALUE TRACE VIEW BATCH HISTORY RUN OFF OFF 3 N01 Entering current library name The current name you assigned should be displayed. Press the Enter button. Display advances to SQC STARTUP with RESUME highlighted. Select previous setup Select PREVIOUS SETUP/REDO BATCH and press Enter button. The display returns to SQC SETUP with VIEW BATCH HISTORY highlighted. Select run Scroll to RUN. With RUN selected, press the Enter button. The balance returns to the sample set interrupted and you may continue to take samples. Clearing previous data set When you are in the SQC STARTUP menu, you can elect to remove all data if desired by selecting PREVIOUS SETUP/CLEAR ALL DATA and pressing Enter button. Balance modes 57 6.11 Pipette calibration Pipette calibration checks the accuracy and precision values of pipettes by weight analysis. An analytical balance is recommended for maximum accuracy. The balance is capable of recording data from 3 to 30 samples of each pipette tested. Each test run is stored in the application library. The number of tests which can be stored will depend on the number of samples per test. The density table for water is included. If other liquids are used for pipette calibration, you must enter the liquids density in g/cc at current room temperature. Since all calculations are made within the balance, it is also required that you know the atmospheric pressure which has to be entered. A printout can be made which specifies all parameters of the test made. Enter CHANGE MODE PIPETTE PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select PIPETTE, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a Library Name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with TEST LIQUID G/CC highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Test liquid Press Enter button. Display advances to SELECT TEST LIQUID with H2O highlighted. Selecting water as the test liquid If you are using water as the test liquid, press the Enter button. If you are using a liquid other than water, skip the next step and continue. Enter temperature of water ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS 25.000 25.000 SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP Measure the temperature of water you will be using for Pipette measurements in Celsius. A standard room temperature of 25 degrees Celsius has been preentered in the balance. Enter the correct value. Selecting other test liquid If you are using a liquid other than water as the test liquid, scroll to OTHER and press the Enter button. The display advances to ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC. Balance modes 58 Enter density of test liquid ENTER LIQUID DENSITY IN CC 0.9971 0.9971 Enter Enter SELECT TEST LIQUID H2O OTHER RETURN TO SETUP Enter the density value for the test liquid. The standard density for water has been pre-entered. Enter the correct value for the liquid you are using, and press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP. Return to setup Press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with BARO PRESSURE highlighted. PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE ATM PSIG MMHG MBAR HPA INHG Enter barometric pressure Press the Enter button. The display advances to BAROMETRIC PRESSURE with ATM highlighted. Select unit of atmospheric pressure measurement Select unit, press Enter button. The display advances to BAROMETRIC PRESSURE. Specify barometric pressure BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 1.0000 1.000 Enter the barometric pressure of the test area, then press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE OFF highlighted. If you do not want auto sampling, skip next two steps and select AUTO PRINT. It should be noted that in the next step you can select AUTO SAMPLE either ON or OFF. When AUTO SAMPLE is turned ON, it is a real time saver as the balance controls do not have to be touched during sampling. Enter Enter PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 Select auto sampling If you want auto sampling, press Enter button. Display advances AUTO SAMPLE with ON highlighted. Press the Enter button. Select auto print on Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with AUTO PRINT OFF highlighted. Balance modes 59 Enter Enter Set auto print on AUTO PRINT ON OFF When set ON, results are automatically printed. Press the Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with NUMBER OF SAMPLES highlighted. PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 NUMBER OF SAMPLES 10 Enter 1 10 PIPETTE SETUP LIBRARY NAME TEST LIQUID(G/CC) BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME P2 0.9971 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 Select number of samples Press the Enter button. The display advances to NUMBER OF SAMPLES. Enter sample size Enter the number of samples. Press Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with PIPETTE NAME highlighted. Select pipette name Press Enter button. Display advances to new screen PIPETTE NAME. Enter pipette name PIPETTE NAME WHEAT Enter the name of the pipette. Press Enter button. Display advances to PIPETTE NUMBER. Press Enter button. Enter pipette number PIPETTE NUMBER 345 Enter or PIPETTE SETUP BARO PRESSURE AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL 1.0ATM OFF OFF 10 WHEAT 345 0.00ML NOMINAL VALUE UNITS ML UL RETURN TO SETUP Enter the number of the pipette. Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with NOMINAL highlighted. Select nominal Press the Enter button. The display advances to NOMINAL VALUE UNITS with ML highlighted. Select nominal value unit Select either ML (milliliters) or UL (microliters). Press the Enter button. Display advances to NOMINAL. Balance modes 60 Enter nominal value Enter the nominal value. Press the Enter button. The display advances to PIPETTE SETUP with INACCURACY highlighted. NOMINAL 0.0000 Enter 0.0000 Select inaccuracy PIPETTE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY OFF OFF 10 WHEAT 345 3.45ML 2.00% Select INACCURACY. Press Enter button. The display advances to INACCURACY. Enter inaccuracy value Enter the percentage of acceptable inaccuracy. This indicates the deviation of all pipette samples (mean error). Press Enter button. The default setting is 2 percent. Display advances to IMPRECISION. INACCURACY 2.000 Enter 2.000 Select imprecision PIPETTE SETUP AUTO PRINT NUMBER OF SAMPLES PIPETTE NAME PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY IMPRECISION OFF 10 WHEAT 345 3.45ML 2.00% 2.00% Select IMPRECISION. Press the Enter button. Display advances to IMPRECISION. Enter imprecision value Enter the imprecision value. This indicates the variation of all pipette samples from the mean value (Coefficient of Variation). Press the Enter button. The default setting is 2 percent. The display advances to RUN. IMPRECISION 2.000 2.000 When placing samples in the vessel during pipette calibration, make sure to continue the calibration to the end without significant pauses in between each sample. If a significant amount of time has elapsed (30 seconds or more) between samples, re-tare the balance before adding the next sample. This is to eliminate errors introduced by evaporation. Enter Taking samples PIPETTE SETUP PIPETTE NUMBER NOMINAL INACCURACY IMPRECISION VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN 345 3.45ML 2.00% 2.00% With RUN highlighted, press the Enter button. The display advances to a screen requesting to PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN. PIPETTE - - P2 0% PUT SAMPLE #1 ON PAN 100% 0.000 AUTO SAMPLE ON GRAMS STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP MAIN MENU Press Enter, the display indicates PIPETTE -- NAME of test at the top of the screen. START/SAMPLE is at the bottom of the screen. Pressing Enter starts the testing. If you are using water, use distilled water only. Place empty vessel on the balance, fill the vessel with a small amount of liquid, and then tare the balance. Balance modes 61 When AUTO SAMPLE has been selected, it is not necessary to press the Enter button for each sample. If the balance fails to advance to the next sample, press the Enter button. Place the first sample from the pipette into the vessel and press Enter. The display indicates SAMPLE #1. Place the second sample from the pipette into the vessel and press Enter. P1 05/26/99 03:11:03P NOMINAL: 3.45ML 3.525 2S 3.492 S 3.458 M 3.425 S 3.391 2S STATUS PASS INACCURACY: 0.30% IMPRECISION:0.97% Repeat the above steps until all samples have been run. When the last sample is placed on the balance and the Enter button is pressed, the panel display indicates the results of the test which includes the Date, Time, Status, Nominal value, Inaccuracy and Imprecision. The graph on the display indicates the mean value in the center with standard deviation and 2 times standard deviation above and below shown as lines across the screen. Each sample is shown as a diamond shaped mark on the graph. A ten sample set is shown. If AUTO PRINT was selected during the setup, the results are automatically printed. Printout contains numerical results and all statistics. For manual printing of test results, press the Print button on the balance. Balance settings 62 7. Balance settings 7.1 Reset to factory settings In this menu option you can reset selected functions or all menu settings to factory settings. Enter CHANGE MODE SET BALANCE SET BALANCE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS RESET or SET BALANCE RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS RESET READOUTS RESET RS232 RESET PRINT OPTION RESET GLP RESET ALL EXIT TO WEIGH Enter From main menu Select SET BALANCE, display advances to SET BALANCE. Select RESET, press Enter button. Display advances to RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS. Reset to factory settings The RESET TO FACTORY SETTINGS has several reset functions. To reset a function, select the function using the arrow buttons and press Enter button. To reset all functions, select RESET ALL using arrow buttons and press Enter button. RESET ALL when selected, will return the balance to factory default settings. 7.2 Setting contrast and brightness of display When the balance is first turned on, you may want to adjust the balance's LCD display contrast and brightness to suit your needs. Enter or MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE CHANGE UNITS SET BALANCE CUSTOM MENU LIBRARY CALIBRATION CONTRAST MAIN MENU Enter the MAIN MENU and select CONTRAST and press Enter button. Display advances to LCD CONTRAST / BRIGHTNESS ADJUST. Using arrow buttons, adjust contrast as needed. LCD CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS MAIN MENU LCD CONTRAST/BRIGHTNESS CONTRAST BRIGHTNESS Press arrow buttons and adjust brightness as needed. Press Enter or Go Back button to return to MAIN MENU. Balance settings 63 7.3 Setting the readout This menu option enables you to set the balance averaging level, stability level, auto zero, and legal for trade (LFT). Enter or Setting averaging level BEST 5 READOUT SETUP STABILITY LEVEL FILTER GOOD BEST 5 READOUT SETUP AZT or OFF 0.5 1 3 or Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Press the Enter button, display advances to READOUT SETUP. READOUT SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER GOOD or From main menu SET BALANCE READOUT READOUT SETUP AVERAGING LEVEL 5 STABILITY LEVEL 5 AUTO ZERO 0.5 LEGAL FOR TRADE OFF EXIT TO WEIGH Press Enter button, AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER is displayed. Averaging level filter compensates for vibration or excessive air currents. A zero setting (GOOD) corresponds to minimum filtering with fastest stabilization time. A setting of (BEST)10 is maximum filtering with the slowest stabilization time. Adjust to desired setting and press Enter button. Setting stability level Scroll to STABILITY LEVEL and press Enter button, STABILITY LEVEL FILTER is displayed. Stability level filter determines the variation range in divisions for a given reading depending upon the filter setting. A setting of zero (GOOD) permits the balance to respond to variations of .5 divisions. A setting of (BEST) 10 sets the threshold to 3 divisions. Adjust to desired setting and press Enter button. Setting auto-zero Scroll to AUTO ZERO and press Enter button, AZT is displayed. Auto zero minimizes the effects of temperature changes and shift on the zero reading. There are 4 settings, OFF, 0.5, 1, and 3. The numbers represent display divisions. The balance maintains the zero display until the set threshold is exceeded. Select the desired setting and press Enter button. Setting legal for trade Scroll to LEGAL FOR TRADE and press Enter button. Legal for trade can be set ON or OFF. When set ON, only the functions allowed by the national weights and measures legislation are available. Press Enter button after making your selection. Balance settings 64 7.4 Setting the interface This menu option enables you to set the balance communication parameters for the RS232 interface which include: baud rate, data bits, parity and stop bit. Enter SET BALANCE INTERACE or 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 RETURN or NONE EVEN ODD 0 1 RETURN Setting baud rate INTERFACE DATA BITS Setting data bits INTERFACE PARITY INTERFACE STOP BITS or 1 2 RETURN Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to INTERFACE and press the Enter button, display advances to INTERFACE. INTERFACE BAUD RATE 7 8 RETURN or From main menu Baud rates of 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 and 9600 are available for communications. Select the appropriate rate. Default setting is 2400 baud. Press Enter button. Data bits of 7 or 8 are selectable. Select appropriate bit rate. Default setting is 7. Press Enter button. Setting parity Select appropriate parity setting of either NONE, EVEN, ODD, 0, or 1. Default setting is NONE. Press Enter button. Setting stop bits Select appropriate stop bits setting of either 1 or 2. Default setting is 2. Press Enter button. Balance settings 65 7.5 Setting print option This menu option enables you to set various print features ON or OFF and include Auto Print, Data, Numeric Data, Print Date, Print Time and Print Reference. SET BALANCE Enter PRINT OPTION or or AUTO PRINT OFF CONTINUOUS STABLE INTERVAL PRINT OPTION STABLE DATA OFF NUMERIC DATA OFF PRINT DATE OFF PRINT TIME OFF PRINT REFERENCE OFF STABLE DATA or ON OFF Enter From main menu Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to PRINT OPTION and press the Enter button, display advances PRINT OPTION with AUTO PRINT OFF highlighted. Setting auto print Enter AUTO PRINT. AUTO PRINT can be set to output display data in one of three ways: CONTINUOUS, STABLE or INTERVAL at user specified interval (seconds). When Interval is selected, you will have to specify number of seconds. Select desired mode and press Enter button. Setting stable data, numeric data, print date, print time, print reference All of these features can be set ON or OFF. STABLE DATA, when set ON, prints only when the reading is stable. NUMERIC DATA, when set ON, prints numerical data. PRINT DATE, when set ON, prints current date. PRINT TIME, when set ON, prints current time. PRINT REFERENCE, when set ON, prints the value of the weight used as a reference to the printer. Setting functions on or off Select each of the above functions and select either ON or OFF. Balance settings 66 7.6 Setting GLP print options This menu GLP (Good Laboratory Practices) options allows the entering of a Project Name, User Name, and GLP Print Options which include: Date & Time, Balance ID, Project Name, User Name and Calibration all of which can be set ON or OFF. SET BALANCE Enter Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to SETUP GLP and press the Enter button, display advances SETUP GLP with PROJECT NAME highlighted. SETUP GLP Enter Enter project name SETUP GLP PROJECT NAME Enter PROJECT NAME, the display advances to permit entering project name. Specify the project name SETUP GLP PROJECT NAME Enter USER NAME Specify the user name Specify the user name, and press Enter button. The display advances to GLP PRINT OPTIONS. Press Enter, the display advances to GLP PRINT OPTIONS with DATE & TIME highlighted. USER NAME GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME BALANCE ID PROJECT NAME USER NAME CALIBRATION RETURN ON OFF Enter OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF STABLE DATA or Specify the project name. The name can have any combination of alpha numeric characters not to exceed 8 characters. After specifing the project name, the display advances to USER NAME. Select user name SETUP GLP SETUP GLP or From main menu Setting GLP print options GLP PRINT OPTIONS permit DATE & TIME, BALANCE ID, PROJECT NAME, USER NAME, and CALIBRATION DATA to be turned ON or OFF for printing. Setting functions on or off Select each of the above functions and select either ON or OFF. Balance settings 67 7.7 Setting time and date This menu permits entering time and date. A battery backup is used for the memory. The battery has a life of 5 years. Enter SET BALANCE Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to SET TIME/DATE and press the Enter button. SET TIME/DATE Enter Enter SETUP DATE/TIME DATE TYPE MM/DD/YY SETUP DATE/TIME or SETUP DATE/TIME TIME TYPE SELECT TIME TYPE 24 HOUR 12 HOUR RETURN Enter Setting date type This option offers 6 arrangements of date styles to suit your needs. They are: MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY, YY/MM/DD, MM/YY/DD, DD/YY/MM, YY/DD/MM. Enter the date type option and press the Enter button. The display advances to SET DATE. Setting date This option permits entering the current date. Enter the SET DATE option. The display advances to a new SET DATE display. SET DATE SETUP DATE/TIME SET DATE Enter From main menu Enter the date in the format you have chosen above. After entering the date, press the Enter button. The display advances to SETUP DATE/TIME with TIME TYPE highlighted. Setting time type This option permits entering either a 12 hour or 24 hour display for time. Enter the TIME TYPE option. The display advances to SELECT TIME TYPE. Select either 24 hour or 12 hours. This will be displayed on printouts which have time and date turned on. After selecting time type, press the Enter button. The display advances to SET TIME. Balance settings 68 SETUP DATE/TIME Enter SET TIME or 11:23:21AM Enter set time Enter the SET TIME option. The previously entered time appears in the display. Press the Enter button. SETUP DATE/TIME SET TIME Setting the time SETUP DATE/TIME Setting am/pm AM PM Enter the time in the format you have chosen above. After entering the time, the display advances to SELECT AM/PM display only if 12 hour time type was selected. Select AM or PM as required. The display returns to the DATE TYPE. Press the Go Back button to return to SET BALANCE menu, SET TIME/DATE is displayed. 7.8 Setting auto calibration Automatic calibration of the balance can be accomplished when equipped with this option. When this function is turned ON, the balance automatically calibrates itself due to a temperature change. Enter SET BALANCE AUTOCAL ENABLE AUTOCAL ENABLE or ON OFF From main menu Select SET BALANCE and press the Enter button. Display advances to SET BALANCE with READOUT highlighted. Scroll to AUTOCAL ENABLE and press the Enter button. Select either ON or OFF and press the Enter button. The display returns to AUTOCAL ENABLE. 7.9 Print current settings When this option is selected, you may view all settings made in your balance on an external printer. Enter SET BALANCE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS From main menu Enter SET BALANCE and select PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS. Press the Enter button. The balance wil print current settings out to a printer. If a printer is not connected or improperly connected, the balance will display PRINT FAILED after displaying PRINTING. Balance settings 69 7.10 Lock out This software option works in conjunction with a hardware Lockswitch and LFT software. It permits various measurement units, calibration methods and balance functions to be selected and either turned ON or OFF. Before using this sofware function, check the status of the hardware lock switch and Legal for Trade software (see section 7.14). If the hardware switch is ON, and the Legal for Trade software is set ON (locked), you cannot access the LFT LOCK software. Enter SET BALANCE From main menu Enter the SET BALANCE menu and scroll to LOCK OUT. LOCK OUT or LFT LOCK Select any one of the available options and press Enter button. TURN UNITS <ON> OR <OFF> TURN CALIBRATION <ON> OR <OFF> TURN FUNCTIONS <ON> OR <OFF> Enter Depending on what you have selected, an entire list of all Units, Calibration methods and balance Functions are displayed. Every item in each list can be individually turned ON or OFF. These items when turned OFF will not be available for balance operation and are locked out. All selected items which have been turned OFF will still function. Menu lock out is accomplished with the setting of a physical switch located under the pan. Paragraph 7.14 describes how to lock out the selected menus. The balance can then be sealed if required. Balance settings 70 7.11 Software version This option allows you to view the software version number, date installed and main board version number. These numbers are very important for servicing. To view software version, proceed as follows; Enter SET BALANCE SOFTWARE VERSION From main menu Enter SET BALANCE. Select SOFTWARE VERSION, press the Enter button, the software version is indicated on the display. Keep a written record of this information in the event servicing is required and the display does not work. Software Version_______________________________. 7.12 Setting custom menu This option allows you to enter specific balance functions. These functions can be selected conveniently from this menu to operate the balance in a RUN mode. There are 18 items which can be selected and are listed with the associated paragraphs in the following table. Enter CUSTOM MENU RUN SETUP CUSTOM MENU STABLE DATA or From main menu Enter the CUSTOM MENU and select SETUP CUSTOM MENU. Review list on menu shown in table. Setting functions on or off Select any of the functions and set either ON or OFF. ON OFF Enter LIST OF CUSTOM MENU ITEMS FILLING CHECK WEIGHING ANIMAL WEIGHING PARTS COUNTING DIFF WEIGHING QUICK CHECK FORMULATION STATISTICS DENSITY Enter CUSTOM MENU RUN SETUP CUSTOM MENU SQC PIPETTE READOUT INTERFACE PRINT OPTION SETUP GLP SET TIME/DATE AUTOCAL ENABLE PRINT CURRENT SETTINGS To run a particular function, select RUN and press the Enter button. Balance settings 71 7.13 Legal for trade (LFT) LFT is a software controlled option which can be set to Legal For Trade ON or OFF. When set ON, certain items in the CALIBRATION and SET BALANCE menus are automatically preset and locked to permit the balance to operate in a legal for trade application and works in conjunction with a Lock Out switch (see section 7.14). Default setting is OFF. The READOUT menu enables you to set the balance legal for trade (LFT) ON or OFF. See default table. Enter SET BALANCE READOUT READOUT SETUP From main menu Enter SET BALANCE and select READOUT. The READOUT SETUP menu is displayed. Select LEGAL FOR TRADE, press Enter button. LEGAL FOR TRADE Legal for trade default settings The following table indicates the menus and options which are locked and unlocked when LFT is set ON. LFT DEFAULT TABLE LFT and Lockswitch Set Balance Menu Readout Averaging Level Stability Level Auto Zero Interface Print Option Auto Print Stable Data Numeric Data Print Data Print Time Print Reference Setup GLP Set Time and Date Autocal Enable Print Current Settings Default Value Unlocked Locked to 1 Limited to OFF & 0.5 Unlocked Unlocked Locked ON Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Unlocked Locked Unlocked When LFT is turned ON, the last digit on the weight display has a white colored block behind it. This signifies that the balance is in a legal for trade operational mode and that the last digit should be ignored. The CENTER OF ZERO is displayed only for LFT operation. Balance settings 72 7.14 Menu lockout protection Access to the various menus can be disabled by setting the Lock switch located on the PC board inside the balance to ON position. The Lock switch locks out certain menus when Legal For Trade is turned ON. The default setting for the Lock switch is OFF. Type Approved/Legal for Trade Balance Sealing All Voyager balances may be sealed for type approved/legal for trade applications. Type Approved balances include a lead seal with wire and security screw as shown in the illustration. For type approved balances consult local Weights and Measures officials to determine sealing method requirements. After the balance has been set up properly and LFT is set ON, proceed to sealing the balance. Sealing the balance Turn the display off and unplug the power cord. On balances with a draft shield, slide the door open and remove the pan and cover plate. Higher capacity balances with a 6" or 8" pan do not have a cover plate. On balances without a draft shield, remove the pan and cover plate. Remove the protective cover seal. The Lock switch is located to the left of the pan support hole. Select the desired position on the Lock switch, seal and reassemble the balance. Lock Switch shown in Locked Position Sealing Screw On Go He Pr int lp Ba /O Pan ff ck 0% >O /T< PR ES S Cover Seal BA SIC WE IG HIN G 0.0 OHA US 10 0% 00 G <E RAM NT S ER > FO STA R M BLE EN U ¨ En ter >O /T< Lead Seal Cover Plate Example of Sealing Method RS232 Interface/printing data 73 8. RS232 interface/printing data 8.1 RS232 interface The balance is equipped with a bi-directional RS232 compatible interface for communication with printers and computers. When the balance is connected directly to a printer, displayed data can be output at any time by simply pressing PRINT. The balance can be operated from a computer, as well as receive data such as displayed weight, weighing mode, stability status, etc. The following sections describe the hardware and software provided with the balance RS232 Connection Hardware On the rear of the balance, the right-hand, 9-pin male subminiature D connector is provided for interfacing to other devices. 1 N/C 2 Data Out (TXD) 3 Data In (RXD) 4* Tare (External signal) 5 Clear To Send (CTS) 6 Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 7 Ground 8 Request To Send (RTS) 9* Print (External signal) * External PRINT and/or TARE switches may be installed as shown in the diagram. Momentary contact switches must be used. Output Formats Data output can be initiated in one of three ways: 1) By pressing PRINT; 2) Using the Auto Print feature; 3) Sending a print command (P) from a computer. RS232 Commands All communication is accomplished using standard ASCII format. Only the characters shown in the following table are acknowledged by the balance. Invalid command response "ES" error indicates the balance has not recognized the command. Commands sent to the balance must be terminated with a carriage return (CR) or carriage return-line line feed (CRLF). For example, a tare command should appear as shown in the adjacent diagram. Data output by the balance is always terminated with a carriage return - line feed (CRLF). RS232 Interface/printing data 74 RS232 COMMAND TABLE Command Character Description ? Field: Length: Print current mode Mode 5 Stab 1 CR 1 LF 1 blank if stable mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t GN tael tael tael momme lb Set Auto Print feature to nnnn (see table) xD Set 1 second print delay (set x = 0 for OFF, or x = 1 for ON) F Print current function. xI Set Averaging Filter Level to x, where x = 0 to 9 (see table). If LFT, level 0 to 2. P Places balance in mode x, where x = 1 to 17 (see table). If unit or mode is not already enabled, command will be ignored. Print display data Field Lenght: ? if unstable nnn = 0 Turns feature OFF nnn = S Output on stability nnn = C Output is continuous nnnn = 1-3600 Sets Auto Print Interval nnnn xM N tical custm Pcs % 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 15 16 17 = = = minimum level maximum level milligrams grams kilo grams dwt Carats Ounces Ounces troy Grains Taels Hong Kong Taels Singapore Taels Taiwan Mommes Decimal Pounds Pounds-Ounces combined Newton's tical Custom Units Number field Units 6 characters Stab CR LF Variable 3-9 mg g kg dwt ct oz oz t N GN tical tael custm tael Pcs tael momme % lb blank if stable ? if unstable NOTE: Availability of shaded weighing units subject to local regulations. RS232 Interface/printing data 75 RS232 COMMAND TABLE (Cont.) Command Character Description T Same effect as pressing O/T button. V Print EPROM version Esc V Print balance ID (13 characters). xZ Set Auto Zero to x,where x = 0 to 3 ). 0=Off, 1=0.5d, 2=1d, 3=5d.If LFT, programs Auto zero level from 0 to 1. Esc R Resets Setup and Print menus to factory defaults. CAUTION: This will reset RS232 configuration. ON Turns balance on. OFF Turns balance off. ? Print current weigh mode. # Print current Parts Count Reference Weigh. % Print current Percent Reference Weigh. xA Set Auto Print feature, action CA - continuous printing, SA - print on stability, 0A turns all selections off. ID Print Current ID String. XID Program User ID String, 1-8 characters. SN Show Serial Number. xS Print Stable Only. Where x =0 Off and x=1 On. TIME Print Current Time. Note, a ? mark will follow if date or time has not been set. SETDATE Set Date Command and remove Invalid Indicator SETTIME Set Time Command and Remove Invalid Time Indicator DATE Prints Current Date. Note, a ? mark will follow the year if date or time has not been set. RS232 Interface/printing data 76 8.2 Printing data Printing data to an external computer or printer requires that the communications parameters be set first. Printing to an external printer or computer will occur each time the Print button is pressed unless the autoprint feature is turned on, in which case, printing can occur in a continuous fashion at specified intervals or each time a stable reading is achieved. When an external printer or computer is properly connected and the communication parameters are set correctly, the display indicates PRINTING... If the external printer or computer is improperly connected or the communication parameters are set incorrectly, PRINT FAILED is displayed. To clear the screen, press the Go back button. Check computer/printer settings and connections. This section defines the various printing setups with printing samples. The sample shown, indicates the status in the menus. SAMPLE PRINTOUTS TYPE= MM/DD/YY TYPE= 24 HOUR 12/01/99 16:00:00 READOUT STABILITY LEVEL FILTER = 0.5d AVERAGING LEVEL FILTER = 1 AZT LEVEL = 0.5d GLP PRINT OPTIONS DATE & TIME = OFF BALANCE ID = OFF PROJECT NAME = OFF USER NAME = OFF DIFFERENCE = OFF PRINT OPTION AUTO PRINT = OFF INTERVAL= 0 STABLE PRINT = OFF NUMERIC DATA = OFF DATE= OFF TIME= OFF PRINT REFERENCE = OFF RS232 = 2400: NONE: 7 : 2 Time and date When time and date are entered in the balance with both Time and Date options set to ON, each printout starts with the date and time on the first line. RS232 Interface/printing data 77 - - - - - SPAN CAL - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Old: 400.000g Dif: 0.000g Span calibration printout When performing a Span calibration with GLP turned ON, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - LIN CAL - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Old: 399.094g Dif: 0.006g Linearity calibration printout When performing a Linearity calibration with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - - - - - - CAL TEST - - - - - 12/01/99 1:00:00 PM Bal Id 1234 Cal: 400.000g Act: 400.004g Dif: 0.004g Wt. Ref...................................... USER NO 2056853 PROJ NO 100012 Name........................................ - - - - - END - - - - - Calibration test printout When performing a Calibration Test with GLP turned on, a printout is automatically made after the calibration mass is placed on the pan. RS232 Interface/printing data 78 Pipette Results Library Name: WHEATON Pipette Name: WHEATON Pipette Number: 832 Water Temp(C): 25.0 Test Liquid Density(g/cc): 0.9971 Barometric Pressure: 1.00PSIA Nominal Value: 3.448ml INACCURACY E%: 0.31% E% Limit: 2.00% Mean Value: 3.459ml IMPRECISION CV: 0.88% CV Limit: 2.00% Standard Deviation: 0.031ml Status: PASS 07/01/99 -----Sample Data ml---3.488 3.485 3.487 3.435 3.458 3.430 3.470 3.510 3.446 3.456 Operator:---------------------- Pipette test printout When performing a Pipette Test with GLP turned on, a printout is available. The following sample printout is shown. Care and maintenance 79 9. Care and maintenance To keep the balance operating properly, the housing and platform should be kept clean and free from foreign material. If necessary, a cloth dampened with a mild detergent may be used. Keep calibration masses in a safe dry place. 9.1 Troubleshooting SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE(S) REMEDY Unit will not turn on. Power cord not plugged in or properly connected to balance. Check power cord connections. Incorrect weight reading. Balance was not re-zeroed before weighing. Press >O/T< with no weight on the pan, then weigh item. Balance not properly calibrated. Recalibrate correctly. Cannot display weight in desired unit or cannot access desired weighing mode. Desired unit not selected. Check setting. Unable to store menu settings/ changes. Exit was not selected. You MUST use SAVE & Exit to leave menus and save settings. RS232 interface not working. Print menu settings not properly set up. Verify interface settings in RS232 menu correspond to those of the peripheral device. Cable connections. Check cable connections. Random segments displayed or display locks up. Microprocessor locks up. Turn power off, then turn on again. If condition persists, unit must be serviced. Unable to change settings. Lock set ON. (LFT set ON) Set Lock switch to OFF. Unstable readings. Excessive air current Check environmental condition. Vibration on table surface. Place balance on a stable surface or change averaging level. Error message display. See Error Codes list. Care and maintenance 80 9.2 Error codes list Error Codes List The following list describes the various error codes and which can appear on the display and the suggested remedy. Data Errors 1.0 Transient error (hardware error, probably static discharge). If error persists, the balance must be serviced. 1.1 Balance temperature transducer hardware error. 1.2 No data from main board. Tare Errors 2.0 Balance is unable to stabilize within time limit after taring. Environment is too hostile or balance needs recalibration. Calibration Errors 3.0 Incorrect or no calibration mass used for calibration. Recalibrate with correct masses. RS232 Errors 4.4 RS232 buffer is full. User Errors 7.0 User entry out of bounds. 7.2 Number outside of display capacity. Over-Under Load Errors 8.0 Hardware error causing an internal weight signal which is too low. Check if pan is off. If not, the balance must be serviced. 8.1 Hardware error caused by an internal weight signal which is too high. Check load on the pan which may be excessive. If error persists, the balance must be serviced. 8.2 Power-on load out of specification (LFT only) 8.3 Rated capacity exceeded. Remove excessive weight from pan. 8.4 Underload condition on balance. Check that the proper pan is installed. 8.5 AutoCalTM weight internal sensor indicated its weight on the pan. CheckSum Errors 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. Bad factory checksum. If error persists, have the balance serviced. AutoCalTM data failed checksum. This failure will disable access to the autocal feature (if installed). Factory calibration data failed checksum. Bad program checksum. Bad CMOS checksum. User calibration data failed checksum. Temperature compensation data failed checksum. Care and maintenance 81 9.3 Information messages Informational messages and error messages appear on the display either when an action is required on the users part or a malfunction has occurred in the balance due to hardware, software errors or misapplication. A typical message is shown below. SCALE UNSTABLE -Balance was unable to acquire stable data during calibration. The balance will try again. 9.4 Service information If the Troubleshooting section does not resolve or describe your problem, you will need to contact an authorized Ohaus Service Agent. For Service assistance in the United States, please call Aftermarket, Ohaus Corporation toll-free at (800) 526-0659. An Ohaus Product Service Specialist will be available to help you. 9.5 Replacement parts Description Power Pack, 100/120 V ac US Plug (Cord set part of power pack) Power Pack, (Cord set required for UK, European and Australian) Cord Set, 230 V ac, UK Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, European Plug Cord Set, 230 V ac, Australian plug In-Use Display Cover Kit US Part No. 490202-01 490203-01 76448-00 76212-00 76199-01 80850042 Global Part No. 21202536 21202537 89405 87925 88751 80850042 9.6 Accessories Description Calibration Masses - ASTM Class 1 Tolerance: 20 g 50 g 100 g 200 g 500 g 1 kg 2 kg 4 kg 49024-11 49054-11 49015-11 49025-11 49055-11 49016-11 49026-11 49046-11 Security Device 470004-010 Density Determination Kit 470007-010 Auxilliary Display Kit (Table Mount) 470009-010 RS232 Interface Cable, Blunt end (user defined) AS017-01 RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 25 Pin AS017-02 RS232 Interface Cable, (connects impact printer) 80500570 RS232 Interface Cable, IBM® - PC 9 Pin AS017-09 RS232 Interface Cable, Apple® llGS/Macintosh AS017-10 Printer SF42 Printer Cable SF42 80500570 Battery, Memory - 3 Volt Lithium ( Use BR2325, Ray O Vac or Panasonic) ---NOTE: When the Memory Battery is replaced, all stored data in the balance will be lost. 80780022 80730028 80780020 80780023 80780029 80780021 80780024 80780027 80850043 80850045 80850048 80850013 80850014 80500570 80850015 80850072 SF42 80500570 Care and maintenance 82 9.7 Specifications Admissible Ambient Conditions Use only in closed rooms Ambient Temperature range: Atmospheric humidity: 5 ºC to 40 ºC 80% rh @ to 30 ºC Voltage fluctuations: Installation category: 15% +10% II Pollution degree: Power supply voltage: 2 12 VAC, 50/60 Hz or 12 VDC, 1A Analytical Balances Capacity (g) Readability (mg) Repeatability (Std. dev.) (mg) Linearity (mg) Weighing units *** Application modes Tare Features Tare range Stabilization time (s) Calibration Display Type Display Size (in/cm) Pan size (in/mm) Operating temperature range: Power requirements Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) Pan size (in/cm) Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) Net Weight (lb/kg) Net Weight (lb/kg) InCal Models * Moveable FineRange 110 210 100/210 * 0.1 0.1/1 0.1 0.1/0.5 (+) 0.2/0.5 (+) 0.2 gram, milligram, ounce, ounce troy, carat, pennyweight, Hong Kong Tael, Singapore Tael, Taiwan Tael, mommes, grain, tical, Newton, custom Weighing, Parts Counting, Animal Weighing, Check Weighing, Percent Weighing, Filling, Gross-NetWeighing RS232 Port, Auxillary Display Port, GLP Protocol, Selectable Language, Display Text, Selectable Displayed Information Settings, Selectable Environmental Settings, Selectable Auto-Print Settings, Integral Weigh Below Hook, Contrast and Brightness Control, Protective In-Use cover Full capacity by subtraction 4 External / Internal LCD Dot Matrix w/CCFL Backlight 2.5 x 4.7 / 64 x 120 3.5/9 Non LFT w/internal calibration 10°C to 40° C / 50°F to 104° F w/o internal calibration 10°C to 30°C / 50°F to 86° F External Adapter, 100 -120 VAC 150mA, 220 - 240 VAC 100mA, 50/60 Hz Plug configuration for US, Euro, UK, Japan & Australia 10.2/25.9 TM *** Units availability is country dependent. 62 3.5 / 9. diameter 8.5 x 13.5 x 14.5 / 21.5 x 35.5 x 37 12.5 / 5.7 14.8 / 6.7 Appendix A - special applications 83 Precision Balances Capacity (g) Readability (g) Repeatability (Std. dev.) (g) Linearity (g) Weighing units*** Application modes Features Tare range Stabilization time (s) Operating temperature range: Calibration Power requirements Draft shield (in/cm) (free height above platform) Display Type Display size (in/mm) Pan size (in/cm) Dimensions (WxHxD) (in/cm) Net Weight (lb/kg) Net Weight (lb/kg) InCal Models 210 410 510 610 100/410* 610 1500 2100 4100 6100 1000/4100* 4100** 6100** 8100** 0.001 0.001/0.01 0.01 0.01/0.1 0.1 0.0005 0.0015 0.0005/0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01/0.05 0.05 (+)0.002/0.005 (+)0.02 (+)0.04 (+)0.02/0.05 (+)0.1 (+)0.002 gram, milligram, kilogram, pound, ounce, ounce troy, carat, pennyweight, Hong Kong Tael, Singapore Tael, Taiwan Tael, mommes, grain, tical, Newton, custom Weighing, Parts Counting, Animal Weighing, Check Weighing, Percent Weighing, Filling, Gross-NetTare Weighing RS232 Port, Auxillary Display Port, GLP Protocol, Selectable Language, Display Text, Selectable Displayed Information Settings, Selectable Environmental Settings, Selectable Auto-Print Settings, Integral Weigh Below Hook, Contrast and Brightness Control, Protective In-Use cover Full capacity by subtraction 3 Non LFT w/internal calibration 10°C to 40°C / 50°F to 104° F All others 10°C to 30°C / 50°F to 86°F External / Internal External Adapter, 100 -120 VAC 150mA, 220 - 240 VAC 100mA, 50/60 Hz Plug configuration for US, Euro, UK, Japan & Australia 10.2/25.9 None LCD Dot Matrix w/CCFL Backlight 2.5 x 4.7 / 64 x 120 4.7/12 Dia. 6.8 x 6.8/17.2 x 17.2 w/windshield 8 x 8/ 20.3 x 20.3 ** 8.5x13.5x14.5/21.5x35.5x37 8.5 x 4 x 14.5/21.5 x 10.1 x 37 12.5 / 5.7 8.4 / 3.8 10/4.5 8.4 / 3.8 10 / 4.5 14.8 / 6.7 10 / 4.5 15.5/7 10 / 4.5 15.5 / 7 * Moveable FineRange TM ** Balances with Auto Cal are equipped with a 6.8 in. x 6.8 in. / 17.2 cm x 17.2 cm Pan and Windshield. *** Units availability is country dependent. A-1 Sieve analysis During most sieving operations, it is necessary to record the initial weight of each sieve before beginning as the weights of the sieves may change due to particles being retained from the previous operation. In this procedure, the basic sample is weighed first with its container weight tared. This sample weight is entered into the balance manually and stored during the procedure. Then, each sieve is weighed in sequence and the weights are stored. After the screening process, each sieve along with its retained sample, is weighed in sequence. The balance stores the weight values and automatically subtracts the weight of each sieve and displays the retained amount in a table as percent retension. Up to 80 sieve weights can be stored. Enter CHANGE MODE DIFF WEIGHING DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME DIFF4 From main menu Enter CHANGE MODE and select DIFF WEIGHING, display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with LIBRARY NAME highlighted. Specify the library name Specify the library name. The name can have any combination of alpha numeric characters not to exceed 8 characters. After specifing the library name, the display advances to DIFF STARTUP with SETUP highlighted. Press the Enter button. The display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with TARE SETUP highlighted. Appendix A - special applications 84 Enter Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF WEIGH 1 DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF WEIGH 1 DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF % RETENSION 1 ENTER TOTAL SAMPLE WEIGHT 200.025 Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of NO TARE, SINGLE TARE, DUAL TARE and RETURN. Select type of tare and press Enter button. Then scroll to RETURN and press Enter button. Auto sample Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of ON or OFF, then press Enter button. AUTO SAMPLE permits one sieve after another to be weighed without pressing the Enter button. Display returns to DIFF RESULT highlighted. Diff result Press the Enter button, the display indicates a choice of WEIGHT, PERCENT, % RETENSION and RETURN. Select % RETENSION, then press Enter button. Display indicates to ENTER TOTAL SAMPLE WEIGHT. Enter total sample weight Enter the total sample weight. This is the weight of the actual sample. Press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN. With RETURN highlighted, press the Enter button. DIFF RESULT Enter Tare setup WEIGHT PERCENT % RETENSION <-SELECTED RETURN Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN DIFF4 NO TARE OFF % RETENSION 1 Enter number of samples Enter the number of samples, press the Enter button., Specify the number of samples 3 NUMBER OF SAMPLES Specify the number of samples and press Enter button. Display advances to DIFF WEIGHING SETUP with RUN highlighted. Appendix A - special applications 85 Enter Enter DIFF WEIGHING SETUP LIBRARY NAME TARE SETUP AUTO SAMPLE DIFF RESULT NUMBER OF SAMPLES VIEW RESULTS CLEAR ALL DATA RUN SIEVE 2 OFF ON % RETENTION 3 DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: IN IT WT: TARE WT:3.426 FINAL WT: 3.426 PUT EMPTY SIEVE # 1 ON PAN START/SAMPLE STABLE EDIT SETUP TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A FINAL \VT 3.426 3.969 3.962 0.000 0.000 0.000 Initial weighing of sieves Press the Enter button, the display indicates to PUT EMPTY SIEVE #1 ON PAN. Place empty sieve #1 on the pan and press Enter button. When AUTO SAMPLE is set ON, display advances to the next sieve. Continue adding sieves until all sieves have been weighed pressing the Enter button after each sieve. When the last sieve has been weighed, the display indicates the tare weight of all sieves. Press the Enter button. This sample display indicates 3 sieves were weighed. With CONTINUE highlighted at the bottom of the display, press Enter button. The display advances and indicates PUT FULL SIEVE #1 ON PAN. SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE RESAMPLE DELETE Final weighing of sieves DIFF WEIGHING TARE WT: INIT WT: Enter TARE WT: FINAL WT:3.841 3.841 PUT FULL SIEVE #1 ON PAN STABLE START/SAMPLE SETUP EDIT TAREWT INIT WT TARE WT N/A N/A N/A NA N/A N/A SAMPLE #1 CONTINUE SAVE FINAL \VT 3.426 3.969 3.962 RESAMPLE 3.839 4.388 4.377 200.025 200.025 200.025 0.413 0.419 0.415 1.247 With CONTINUE highlighted, press Enter button to review final display. DELETE SAMPLE # INIT WT FINAL WT % RETENSION 1 2 3 TOTAL After pressing Enter button, the display returns to final weighing. Place first full sieve on the pan and press Enter button. Repeat weighing with remaining sieves pressing the Enter button after each sieve. When the last sieve has been weighed, the display indicates the final weight of all samples. 0.206 0.209 0.207 0.623 Final display indicates the initial weight, final weight of all sieves and the total weight and total amount of retention in percent. PRESS <ENTER> FOR MENU The above illustration represents 3 sieves which weighed between 3.4 and 3.9 grams each. TARE SETUP was set OFF, AUTO SAMPLE was set OFF and % RETENTION was selected. The sample weight retained in each different sieve weighed between 3.839 and 4.377 grams. The total amount of retention is shown in percent on the last display which was 0.623 for three sieves. Initial sample was 200.25 grams. Appendix A - special applications 86 A-2 Porous material density determinations The density of a porous (oil impregnated part) can be made with the balance. Weigh the part (dry) prior to oil impregnation and record its weight. You must also know the density value of the oil to be used in immersing the part before starting. In this procedure, you will follow the method for solid density measurements using water. Enter MAIN MENU CHANGE MODE DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME Enter Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED Enter CHANGE MODE. Select DENSITY, display advances to LIBRARY NAME. Library name Enter a library name, up to 8 characters and press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY SETUP with SOLID DENSITY highlighted. If a previous name was entered and selected, the balance uses the parameters which were previously set. Select SOLID DENSITY, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with H2O highlighted. OFF OFF AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP AUX LIQ & MODE ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS Enter From main menu AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL OFF DRY WEIGHT O.000 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL ON DRY WEIGHT 200.040 DENSITY OF OIL 0.0000 RETURN TO SETUP Selecting water as auxiliary liquid Select H2O, display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with ENTER TEMPERATURE CELSIUS highlighted. Specify temperature Enter the temperature of the water and press Enter button. Display advances to AUX LIQ & MODE with POROUS MATERIAL highlighted. Specify porous material Select Porous Material and press Enter button. Display advances to POROUS MATERIAL ON/OFF. Select ON and press Enter button. Enter dry weight Enter the dry weight of the part as previously measured. Press Enter button. Display advances to DENSITY OF OIL highlighted. Appendix A - special applications 87 AUX LIQ & MODE H20 <-SELECTED OTHER POROUS MATERIAL ON DRY WEIGHT 200.040 DENSITY OF OIL 0.4000 RETURN TO SETUP Enter Enter Enter DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY SETUP LIBRARY NAME SOLID DENSITY LIQUID DENSITY AUTO SAMPLE AUTO PRINT RUN D2 <-SELECTED OFF OFF DENSITY - - D7 WEIGH IN AIR: 207.457 WEIGH IN LIQ: 204.005 DRY WEIGHT: 200.040 WEIGH IN AIR START/SAMPLE TEMP: 25.0 AUX: D:0.9971 VOLUME: 3.59 57.779 Enter oil density Enter the density of the oil being used to impregnate the part. Press Enter button. Display advances to RETURN TO SETUP highlighted. Press Enter button. Display returns to DENSITY SETUP with AUTO SAMPLE highlighted. Auto sample Select AUTO SAMPLE and turn it ON or OFF. A setting of ON allows samples to be sequentially sampled without pressing the Enter button for each sample. Auto print At this point you can select automatic printing. To turn on, press the Enter button and select ON. If you do not want automatic printing, select OFF. Testing the sample Select RUN and press Enter button. Display advances to final DENSITY display and requests to weigh the sample in air. Now follow balance prompts to weigh sample in air and water. After weighing in air, weigh the sample in water. The balance will calculate Dry Density and Oil Content by Volume (P1). P1: 535.58% GRAMS/CC STABLE SETUP MAIN MENU To determine wet density Wet density of the sample can be calculated by following the normal Solid Density procedure using the oil impregnated part. When in AUX LIQ MODE menu, turn OFF POROUS MATERIAL, then follow previous solid density measuring procedure. LIMITED WARRANTY Ohaus products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship from the date of delivery through the duration of the warranty period. During the warranty period Ohaus will repair, or, at its option, replace any component(s) that proves to be defective at no charge, provided that the product is returned, freight prepaid, to Ohaus. This warranty does not apply if the product has been damaged by accident or misuse, exposed to radioactive or corrosive materials, has foreign material penetrating to the inside of the product, or as a result of service or modification by other than Ohaus. In lieu of a properly returned warranty registration card, the warranty period shall begin on the date of shipment to the authorized dealer. No other express or implied warranty is given by Ohaus Corporation. Ohaus Corporation shall not be liable for any consequential damages. As warranty legislation differs from state to state and country to country, please contact Ohaus or your local Ohaus dealer for further details. Ohaus Corporation 19A Chapin Road, P.O. Box 2033 Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA Tel: (973) 377-9000, Fax: (973) 593-0359 With offices worldwide. www.ohaus.com *11780297* P/N 11780297D © Ohaus Corporation 2002, 2003, all rights reserved.