Patented Dec. 8, 1942 2,304,334 UNITED STATESX PATENT OFFICE 2,304,334 RUSHING Charles Philippe Boucher and Bertrand H. ll. Noble, Paterson, N. I., aulgnors to Boucher In l ventions, Ltd., Washington, D. C., a corporation of Delaware Application July 29, 1939, Serial No. 287,410 8 Claims. V(Cl. 174-153) Our invention relates to high potential bush breakage has been encountered. In some cases ings and more particularly concerns such bush the bushings are chipped in handling the equip ings as may be used in connection with high po tential electrical equipment, such as neon sign ment. transformers. ment, as by being struck with a wrench. Break age in such cases requires costly repairs because the transformer must be torn down to remove the broken part from the casing of the equip ment, and then rebuilt with a new bushing in One object of our invention, therefore, is the provision of a simple, economical and eillcient bushing assembly which is capable of withstand ing high electrical potentials, which has great mechanical strength, and which is well adapted In others, they are chipped or broken completely during the installation of theequip place. Accordingly, an outstanding object of to withstand the varying conditions of actual our invention is the production of a highpoten practical use. tial bushing assembly which is sturdy and not Another object is the provision of a compact readily broken and in which external parts sub ject to mistreatment readily may be replaced which combines high internal dielectric strength 15 when broken-all at small cost and without the with high resistance to external surface leakage, necessity for tearing down the transformer. which affords protection of parts expensive to In heretofore known bushing assemblies em replace, and which permits ready replacement ploying a plurality of parts, it has been cus of parts likely to be damaged in handling or in tomary to employ a clip to secure the several stalling the associated equipment. 20 parts of the assembly together. This construc Another object is the provision of a high po tion has been found to be not entirely satisfac tential bushing assembly for electrical equip tory, however, for the reason that no adequate ment in which detrimental flash-over, and pos and lasting seal between the bushing and the sible destruction of insulation and damage to the casing of the electrical equipment, upon which equipment upon appearance of voltages in ex the bushing is mounted, has been obtained. We cess of rated voltages„is avoided in a simple, attribute this to insuilicient pressure being ob direct and fully reliable manner. tained on the sealing gasket employed. An im Other objects of our invention in part will portant object of our invention, therefore, is to be apparent and in part pointed out hereinafter. ‘ eliminate this disadvantage of known multi-part The invention accordingly consists in the com v bushing assemblies, and to provide a bushing as bination of elements, features of construction, sembly which is tightly and positively sealed to and rugged high potential Abushing assembly and arrangement of parts, all as described here in, the scope of the application of which is in dicated in the following claims. In the drawing, the single figure is a longitudi nal sectional view of a bushing assembly in ac cordance with`our invention, As conducive to a clearer understanding of cer tain features of our invention, it may be noted at the equipment casing on which it is mounted. Referring now more particularly to the prac tice of our invention, attention is directed to the 36 drawing illustrating one embodiment of our in vention. An inner bushing member l is provided which is formed of suitable material of high di electric strength such as wet process porcelain. 'I'his possesses high mechanical strength. More this point that in handling high potential elec 40 over, such wet process porcelain is found to have trical equipment such as neon sign transformers, an internal electrical resistance which is about and especially in the installation and repair of seventeen times that of, say, the comparatively the same, a considerable breakage of bushings inexpensive dry process porcelain. Thus, despite has been encountered. l the greater cost of the wet process porcelain, we It is customary practice to assemble neon sign 45 prefer to employ this material in the production transformers, with their attendant enclosures of the inner bushing member I, because it is so and bushings, at. the place of manufacture, plac located that it must withstand the greatest elec ing the transformers in their enclosures, mount trical stress, as well as the various mechanical ing the bushings, and thereafter filling the en stresses encountered in use. Of course it is with closure with whatever insulated ñller or com 50 in the purview of our invention to substitute for pound it is desired to employ. Thus theì trans the wet process porcelain from which the inner formers are shipped with their bushings in situ, bushing member l is fashioned, some other suit and upon delivery, it is necessary only to con able insulating material, either plastic or other nect the high tension terminal leads to the load. wise, having the desired high dielectric qualities The bushings are of porcelain and considerable 65 and required mechanical strength, 2 2,304,334 Bushing member I is so shaped as to have a body portion 2 and a protruding extension 3. of reducedv section, extending to the right as seen in the drawing. While body portion 2 and the protruding extension I may be formed of any desired cross sectional shape, it is always desirable in high potential practice to eliminate wherever possible the occurrence of sharp bends or corners, in order to avoid local concentration the wall 4 and beyond the projecting extension I, in a threaded portion I1. This bolt is con nected at its head 1 to a conductor I3 from the transformer or other high potential electrical equipment housed within casing 4. Conductor Il is secured to the head 1 in any suitable manner, as by soldering, or by looping it under the head. Bolt l is thus seen to conduct the high potential current either into or out of the enclosure, as of electro-static forces and attendant discharge. 10 desired, and at the same time, as will be more Accordingly, we prefer to shape the cross-section fully pointed out hereinafter, it is used to hold of parts 2 and 3 along some continuous curve, tightly together the several parts oi' the bushing preferably making them circular. A 'I'he circular cross-section, and hence cylindrical elongated assembly to give a strong and rugged construc tion suited to the varying conditions of actual shape facilitates low manufacturing costs of 15 use. these bushing assemblies. Ordinarily, in its In order to protect bushing member I from manufacture, the bushing member is turned to breakage and from weathering and the forma desired size and shape. tion of a conductive film along its surface, a cov The bushing member I‘ is mounted interiorly ering body I9 is provided. The body or outer of the casing of the associated electrical equip 20 bushing member is recessed axially at 2l to re ment with body part 2 abutting the inner surface ceive the projecting extension of bushing mem of casing wall 4. A shoulder 3 is provided at the ber I with a fair degree of snugness. Convenient junction of body portion 2 and extension I, and ly, this recess 20 is continued as a bore 2I of in practice, the bushing I passes by its extension smaller diameter, to receive the bolt 5, the thread I from the interior of the enclosure through an 25 ed end I‘I of which protrudes to the exterior therebeyond. It will thus be seen that the cov erably is of such size as to loosely receive the ering body I9, when in its assembled position, extension 3i Moreover, shoulder 9 is nicely ñtted, lies axially with respect to the bushing member to ensure intimate contact with the interior face I. Moreover, it will be seen that it lies on the of wall 4, and thereby effectively seal against 30 opposite side of the casing wall 4 from the body leakage of the insulating compound with which portion 2, and completely encloses the projecting the casing may be filled. ` extension 3. A conducting bolt 5 passes centrally through While the outer bushing member or covering bushing member I, by way of the longitudinal body I9 may be formed of any desired insulating bore Ii provided in parts 2 and 3 of the said material, it advantageously is shaped from an bushing I for this purpose. Bolt 5 is provided inexpensive material of low dielectric and me with a head portion -I which is adapted to seat chanical strength as compared with the wet proc in a recess 8 in the bushing member body por ess porcelain from which we prefer to form the tion I. Bolt head and recess may be shaped to inner bushing member. For example, as pointed prevent twisting of the bolt within the bushing out hereinbefore, it is desired that the inner opening I0 in the wall 4. This opening pref member. . y The inner bushing member I serves to insulate the casing against the high potential of the con ducting bolt 5, and to this end, it is formed of the bushing member of high dielectric strength be protected from breaking and chipping in handling and installation of the equipment by an outer bushing member which lies entirely outside of the material of high dielectric qualities previously 46 equipment casing and which is formed of inex described. Moreover, it is formed of a material having high mechanical strength because in ac pensive material and of a shape which is con ducive to low production costs. Moreover, it is tual practical use it may be desired to lift or unnecessary that this element have the high di otherwise handle the transformer or other equip electric strength of the inner bushing member I ment by the bushing. The fit between the open 50 because the region of the conducting bolt 5 pass ing ID and the projecting extension 3 is made ing through the covering body I9 is so much snug, to prevent dynamic shear resulting from more remote from the casing wall 4 than in the play between these two parts when the equipment case of the inner bushing member. All that is is lifted by means of the bushing. required of the covering body I9 is that its sur To ensure that bushing member I properly in 55 face be glazed, vitrifled, or in general, non-mois sulates against the rated voltage of the equip ture absorbing, and that its effective surface ment, the surface path II, I2, I3, I4 is of such length be suflicient to prevent surface leakage length as to prevent high potential current leak from bolt 5 to wall 4. In order to increase the age from bolt 5 to the wall 4. That is to say, effective length of surface, to the aforementioned the recess 8 of bushing I is of such depth as to end, the covering body is provided with suitable ensure a leakage path of desired length. Fur profile irregularities, such as the skirted por thermore, the thickness through the body por tion 22. tion 2 is suiiicient to prevent rupture across the Outer bushing member or covering body Il bushing under the electrical stresses maintaining. is recessed centrally as at 23, the recess termi The length I5, I6 of the projecting extension 65 nating in a shoulder 24. This shoulder is pro of the bushing member is designed so that at vided to receive a washer 25, and a nut 25, rated voltage no sparking occurs between bolt 5 threadedly engaging the threaded extension I'I and the wall 4, either through the air or over of bolt 5. Thus, when the nut is turned down on the surface of the projecting extension. The an bolt 5, the outer bushing member I9 is drawn nular section of the projecting extension 3 is of 70 tightly against the wall 4 thru the action of wash sufficient thickness to ensure against rupture er 25. Interposed between the wall 4 and the thereacross, either from electrical stresses, or inner face of the outer bushing member, we pre rough mechanical handling. fer to insert a sealing gasket 21 of any suitable The conducting bolt 5 extends axially through material. This gasket is compressed when the the bushing member I to the exterior, beyond 76 outer bushing member is drawn into place, and 3 2,304,334. serves to prevent any moisture from entering of our invention is directed to the utilization, if the transformer enclosure, through breathing. Moreover, this gasket also cushions the outer bushing member I9 to prevent the latter from cracking under local compressive strains. The space 28 sealed off by the washer 25 and gasket 21 and defined by bolt 5, outer bushing member I9 and the projecting portion of inner bushing 3, may be conveniently iilled with a vis desired, of what we call a set-gap corona dis is provided with a notch 29 in which is received, when the bushing is assembled, one face of a and so long as the excessive potential is present charger. As shown in the drawing, this corona discharger comprises opposed washers 38 and 39` of conducting material mounted axially in the assembly. Washer 38A is disposed about the base of the projecting extension 3_ of the inner bushing member and against the shoulder 9 of body por tion 2. This washer has an outwardly extending cous insulating material, such as a thick insu flange 40 in electrical contact` with casing wall 4, and an axially extending rim or ñange 4 I. Facing lating varnish or wax, or an` insulating oil, to make the bushing assembly air- and moisture the washer 38 there is the washer 39 mounted about tight. Whenever this insulating material is use_d bolt 5, in electrical contact therewith, and seated washer 25 is in the form of a steel lock-washer on the extreme end of the projecting extension which allows for the expansion and contraction là 3 of the inner bushing member. Washer 39 is of the bushing assembly in use. In another em provided with an axially turned peripheral flange bodiment of our invention We fashion Washer 25 42. 'I'he iiange 4I of washer 38 and ilange 42 of of senil-hard, pliable material, such as lead, which washer 39 are directed towards each other, andyields and compresses under the pressure of the together comprise the operating part of the corona nut 26 and obstructs the space 28, so that the 20 discharger. The space between those two rims insulating filler may be omitted, if desired. constitutes the spark-gap of the discharger, and To prevent the outer bushing member I9 from this space will break down uniformly, in a brush moving relative to casing wall 4, one of these ele discharge, upon critical voltages being impressed ments is provided with a notch and the other with upon the equipment. The brush, or corona, dis a cooperating protuberance. Conveniently, the 25 charge takes place between the washer 39, at high wall contacting face of outer bushing member I9 potential, and the washer 38 at ground potential, this uniform, tuft-like discharge continues, there by precluding a disruptive spark discharge within from the wall 4, a protuberance 30 conforms to 30 the equipment. struck portion 21A in the gasket 2l. Extending the other face of the struck portion 21A of the gasket 21. In this simple manner the outer bush ing member is protected against axial rotation. A high-potential conductor (not shown) is con» nected to our bushing assembly by way of bolt 5 and a second nut 3I threadedly engaging the bolt. When desired, a washer 32 is used to separate nuts 25 and 3I in order to prevent a loosening of the former in backing off the latter while changing the high-potential conductor. 40 To facilitate corona discharge action, and for general purposes of safety, the wall 4 or other part of the transformer casing may be grounded, in conventional manner, as shown at 43. ' When a corona discharger is employed, it may be desirable t'o normalize pressure conditions with in the bushing assembly, and to this end, gases stressed as by increased pressure resulting from corona discharge may be vented, if desiredf' through opening's 44 formed in the outer bushing member I9. Where this expedient is adoptedfit of object contacting the bolt 5 or the high-potential course is necessary either to omit the’use of the connection to the bolt, or Where there is possibility seal of viscous insulating material for the space of damage thereto, it is desirable to protect the 28, or `to confine the seal to the space between end of the bolt, and the connecting end of the 4. Washers 25 and 39, and bolt 5 and outer bushing member I9. high-potential conductor, in some suitable man ner. To this end, we provide a cover 33 of soft, It will readily be seen, from a consideration of the foregoing, that there is provided in our in pliable material, such as rubber or a suitable plas tic having the elastic qualities or characteristics vention a bushing assembly in which the various of rubber. One end, 34, of this cover protrudes ci C objects hereinbefore noted, together with many Where there is any likelihood of a person or in the manner of a cap, and this end is illustrated as provided with a blind hole 35 which fits over the end of bolt 5. We prefer to form the cover so practical advantages,are fully achieved. Our new bushing assembly is much more dependable than the assemblies hitherto employed by those work that it engages the bolt by tight friction fit. Once ing in the art. 'I'he bushing assembly enjoys a pressed into position, the cover 33 will remain in 55 combination of high dielectric strength with high place. A notch 36 is provided near the inner end resistance »to external surface leakage. It is of the cover 33, to house snugly, and to permit the strong and rugged in construction. 'I'he outer passage therethrough, of the high potential cable. bushing member, or covering body, protects the projecting extension of the inner bushing member It will be noted that at its inner end, the cover member has outwardly ñaring or tapered, thinned 00 _from breakage or damage. Where the outer bush knife-edges 31, also formed of the soft, pliable ing member is chipped or otherwise damaged in rubber or the like, to adapt the cover sensitively to handling the equipment with which the bush the contours of the outermost edge of the outer ing is associated, it can be readily replaced with out any necessity for opening the equipment clo bushing member I9. Thus, when the cover 33 is pressed onto the end of bolt 5, the knife-edges 65 sure, or impairing in any way the function of the 31 spread on the surface of the covering body' I9 same. and provide a perfectly dust-proof and bug~proof As many possible embodiments may be made of seal. Moreover, this seal to a large extent pre our invention, and as many changes may be made vents corrosion or other deterioration of or dam in the embodiment hereinbefore set forth, it will 70 be understood that all matter described herein, or age to the bolt itself, or to the connection. In many instances, it is desirable to prevent oc shown in the accompanying drawing, is to be currence of over-voltages, transient or otherwise, interpreted as illustrative, and not in a limiting from locally overstraining any part of the electri sense. We claim: cal equipment or system with which our bush ing assembly is associated. To this end, one phase Ans 1. A high potential bushing assembly, com 4 2,304,884 bining high internal dielectric strength with high resistance to external surface leakage, and adapted to be mounted on the casing of high potential electrical equipment, said bushing as sembly comprising, in combination, an elongated, Wet process porcelain bushing member, having a shoulder portion thereof and an axial bore ex same substantially completely against the ex terior, the open ene` of said cap having outwardly haring edges which engage against the outermost edge oi' said second bushing member, thus pro viding a dust-prooi’ and bug-proof seal for the cable connection. 4. A high potential bushing assembly, com bining high internal dielectric strength with tending therethrough and being adapted to bear snugly against an inner surface ofthe casing of high resistance to external surface leakage, and the equipment and protrude exteriorly there 10 adapted to be mounted on the casing of high through; a conducting terminal bolt for said potential electrical equipment, said bushing as equipment extending through said bushing mem sembly comprising, in combination, an elongated ber and protruding exteriorly in a threaded ex bushing member of high dielectric and mechani tension beyond the same; a dry, molded process cal strengths having a shoulder portion thereof porcelain second bushing member skirted to in 15 and an axial bore extending therethrough and crease the effective path of surface leakage, hav being adapted to bear snugly against an inner ing an axial bore receiving said bolt and en closing the protruding portion of said hrst mentioned bushing member and adapted to bear surface of the casing of the equipment and pro trude exteriorly therethrough; a conducting ter minal bolt for said equipment extending through against an outer surface of said casing; and 20 said bushing member and protruding exteriorly means engaging the threaded portion of said in a threaded extension beyond the same; a sec terminal bolt for maintaining said bushing mem ond bushing member of high resistance to ex bers in proper abutting relation to said equip ternal surface leakage, having an axial bore re ment casing. ceiving said bolt and enclosing the protruding 2. A high potential bushing assembly, com 25 portion of said hrst-mentioned casing; means bining high internal dielectric strength with engaging the threaded portion of said terminal high resistance to external surface leakage, said bolt for maintaining said bushing members in bushing assembly comprising, in combination, a proper abutting relation to said equipment cas wet process porcelain bushing member of high ing; and corona discharge means for said equip dielectric and mechanical strengths having an ment comprising two opposed hanged washers, elongated portion and having an axial bore ex disposed coaxially on the protruding extension tending therethrough, a conducting terminal bolt of said mst-mentioned bushing member, with extending through said bushing member and hanged portions facing each other to determine protruding exteriorly in an extension beyond the the maximum potential for the equipment, one same, a dry process porcelain bushing mem $5 said hanged washer being seated at the base oi' ber of high resistance to external surface leak the protruding extension of said member and in age having an axial bore receiving said bolt and electrical contact with the equipment casing, and enclosing the Wet process porcelain bushing the other being seated at the free end of the pro member, means engaging the extending portion truding extension and in electrical contact with of said terminal bolt and maintaining said bush 40 said terminal bolt. ing members in assembled relationship; means 5. A high potential bushing assembly, com for securing a high-tension cable to the extension bining high internal dielectric strength with high of said bolt; and an insulating cover engaging the free end of the bolt to close the same sub resistance to external surface leakage, and stantially completely against the exterior. potential electrical equipment, said bushing as sembly comprising, in combination, an elongated bushing member of high dielectric and mechani cal strengths having a shoulder portion thereof and an axial bore extending therethrough and being adapted to bear snugly against an inner 3. A high potential bushing assembly, com bining high internal dielectric strength with high resistance to external surface leakage,- and adapted to be mounted on -the casing of high potential electrical equipment, said bushing as sembly comprising, in combination, an elongated, wet process porcelain bushing member, having a shoulder portion thereof and an axial bore ex tending therethrough and being adapted to bear adapted to be mounted on the casing of high surface of the casing of the equipment and pro trude exteriorly therethrough; a conducting ter minal bolt for said equipment extending through said bushing member and protruding exteriorly snugly against an inner surface of the casing of 55 in a threaded extension beyond the same; a sec ond bushing member of high resistance to ex through; a conducting terminal bolt for said ternal surface leakage, having an axial bore re the equipment and protrude exteriorly there equipment extending through said bushing mem ceiving said bolt and enclosing the protruding ber and protruding exteriorly in a threaded ex tension beyond the same; a dry, molded process porcelain second bushing member skirted to in crease the effective path of surface leakage, hav ing a recessed end-portion and an axial bore re portion of said hrst-mentioned casing; means engaging the threaded portion of said terminal bolt for maintaining said bushing members in proper abutting relation to said equipment cas ing; corona discharge means for said equipment ceiving said bolt and enclosing the protruding comprising two opposed flanged washers, dis portion of said first-mentioned bushing member 65 posed coaxially on the protruding extension of and adapted to bear against an outer surface of said first-mentioned bushing, with hanged por said casing; means seated in the recessed end tions facing each other to determine the maxi portion of said second bushing member and en mum potential for the equipment. one said gaging the threaded portion of said terminal bolt hanged washer being seated at the base oi' the for maintaining said bushing members in proper 70 protruding extension of said member 'and in abutting relation to said equipment casing; electrical contact with the equipment casing, means for securing a high tension cable to the and the other being seated at the free end of threaded extension of said bolt; and a cap of the protruding extension and in electrical contact soft, pliable insulating material engaging the free with said terminal bolt; and means comprising end of the bolt by tight frictional ht to close the 75 breathing holes in said second bushing member 2,304,334. for relieving the pressure of expanding atmos phere between the space of said first and second bushing members during operation of said corona discharge means. ~ 6. A high potential bushing assembly, com 5 electric and mechanical strengths having a shoulder portion thereof and an axial bore ex tending therethrough and being adapted to bear snugly against an inner surface of the casing of the equipment with a portion protruding ex teriorly therethrough; a conducting terminal bolt bining high internal dielectric strength with high resistance to external surface leakage, and for said equipment extending through said bush adapted to be mounted on the casing of high ing member and protruding exteriorly in an ex potential electrical equipment, said bushing as' tension beyond the same; a dry process porce sembly comprising, in combination, a Wet process y10 lain bushing member of high resistance to ex porcelain bushing member of high internal di ternal surface leakage, having an axial bore electric and mechanical strengths having a shoulder portion thereof and an axial bore ex tending therethrough and being adapted to bear snugly against an inner surface of the casing of the equipment with a portion protruding ex teriorly therethrough; a conducting terminal bolt for said equipment extending through said bushing member and protruding exteriorly be yond the same; a dry process porcelain bushing 20 member of high resistance to external surface sealed from the exterior receiving said bolt and enclosing the protruding portion of said wet process porcelain bushing member; means main taining the said bushing members in assembled relation, with the dry bushing member in locked engagement with said equipment casing; and an insulating cap engaging the free end of the bolt to close the same substantially completely against the exterior. 8. A high potential bushing assembly, com leakage, having an axial bore sealed from the bining high internal dielectric strength with high exterior receiving said bolt and enclosing the resistance to external surface leakage, compris protruding portion of said wet process porcelain ing, in combination, a Wet process porcelain bushing member having an elongated portion bushing lmember, and being in locked engage ment with an outer portion of said equipment and having an axial bore extending there casing; and tightening means on said bolt for through, a dry process porcelain bushing mem maintaining said bushing members and casing ber having an axial bore and receiving said in abutting relationship. elongated portion of said wet process porcelain 7. A high potential bushing assembly, com 30 bushing member, and axial conductor means bining high internal dielectric strength with high positioned within the bores of said bushing mem resistance ,to external surface leakage, and bers and maintaining the same in assembled adapted to be mounted on the casing of high relationship. ' potential electrical equipment, said bushing as sembly comprising in combination, a wet process CHARLES PHILIPPE BOUCHER. porcelain bushing member o1' high internal di BERTRAND H. H. NOBLE.