x-X E = U +U

Simposio de Metrología
25 al 27 de Octubre de 2006
Jeff C. Gust
Quametec Proficiency Testing Services
501 W. Van Buren St.
Unit A
Columbia City, Indiana 46725
260 244-7450 260 244-7905 (fax) gust@quametec-pt.com
Abstract: This discussion is intended to present the technical issues concerning the homogeneity and
stability of artifacts that are used primarily for proficiency testing of calibration laboratories. It is also intended
to make consensus recommendations concerning the resolution of these issues. These recommendations
are intended for use as guidance for the application of a proficiency testing scheme that meets the
requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997 and ILAC G13:2000.
documents. The En formula is defined in equation
(1) as:
This paper has been developed to be a
supplement to the Paper “ILAC Discussion Paper
on Homogeneity and Stability Testing” presented
by Dan Tholen at the second meeting of the ILAC
Proficiency Testing Consultative Group in May
20061. The original paper covered the issues of
stability and homogeneity in a general manner.
Tholen’s presentation was a draft paper, which is
expected to be revised over time as consensus
positions and practical experience in proficiency
testing develops. While Tholen’s original draft
addressed proficiency testing from the perspective
of test laboratories, and in particular microbiology
laboratories, this paper is intended to discuss
homogeneity and stability for the sector specific
application of proficiency tests for calibration
En =
En = normalized error
x = participant’s measurement result
X = assigned value of the artifact
Ulab= uncertainty of the participant’s measurement
Uref = uncertainty of the reference laboratory’s
assigned value
The focus of this discussion is: What is Uref
comprised of? By its definition, it is the uncertainty
associated with the reference laboratory’s
assigned value; this could imply that only
uncertainty components that the reference
laboratory took into account should be reported in
this quantity.
In order to determine whether or not a participating
laboratory is proficient for a particular
measurement discipline, an evaluation of the
laboratory’s performance must be conducted.
While many methods of evaluation exist, the most
commonly used method for determining the
performance of an individual calibration laboratory
is the Normalized Error (En) formula2. The En
performance statistic may be found in ISO/IEC
Guide 43-1:1997, ISO 13528:2005 (Statistical
Methods for use in proficiency testing by
Proficiency Testing Requirements for Accredited
Testing and Calibration Laboratories and in other
NIST Technical Note 12973 is the principal
document for how NIST evaluates and expresses
measurement results.
In section 7.6 of this
document, it states: “It follows from subsection 7.5
that for standards sent by customers to NIST for
calibration, the quoted uncertainty should not
normally include estimates of the uncertainties that
may be introduced by the return of the standard to
Simposio de Metrología
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estimates with the reference laboratory’s
measurement uncertainty for the artifact in order
for the estimate of uncertainty to be complete.
the customer’s laboratory or by its use there as a
reference standard for other measurements. Such
uncertainties are due, for example, to effects
arising from transportation of the standard to the
customer’s laboratory, including mechanical
damage; the passage of time; and differences
between the environmental conditions at the
customer’s laboratory and at NIST. A caution may
be added to the reported uncertainty if any such
effects are likely to be significant and an additional
uncertainty for them may be estimated and
quoted. If, for the convenience of the customer,
this additional uncertainty is combined with the
uncertainty obtained at NIST, a clear statement
should be included explaining that this has been
In the proceeding sections, issues of homogeneity
and stability will be discussed for different types of
Proficiency Test (PT) schemes used in proficiency
testing for calibration laboratories, with the support
of examples.
The term Homogeneity is not defined in ISO Guide
43-1:1997, ISO 13528:2005, nor the VIM. The
term is defined in ISO Guide 30, Terms and
definitions used in connection with reference
materials5. ISO Guide 30 defines Homogeneity as
“Condition of being uniform structure or
composition with respect to one or more specified
properties.” While this definition of homogeneity
may serve for a reference material, it may not be
complete as a metrological definition. If a property
exists for a material that will cause a variance in
measurement results, then homogeneity has not
been completely defined. If an artifact is to be
selected for a proficiency test, designers of the
proficiency test must define the measurand so that
all properties of the artifact that can cause
variability of the results have been addressed.
An example of how NIST has implemented this
practice can be found in the calibration of standard
resistors4 in NIST Technical Note 1458 and NIST
calibration reports for standard resistors. Section
9 of this document states: “The reported expanded
uncertainty contains no allowances for the longterm drift of the resistor under test, for the possible
effects of transporting the standard resistor
between laboratories, nor for measurement
uncertainties in the user's laboratory.”
While both of these documents make very
important statements about the components of
uncertainty that they did not take into account,
they provide no further guidance how to estimate
the uncertainties due to the passage of time,
differences in environment, or transportation
The uncertainties associated with
passage of time, and transportation effects are
excellent examples of issues of stability, while the
uncertainty associated with differences in
environment is a good example of issues involving
2.1.1 PT Scheme – All Participants Measure
the Same Artifact Under the Same Conditions
The majority of proficiency test schemes for
calibration laboratories involve the measurement
of one or more artifacts under appropriately
defined measurement conditions.
One such
example is when the proficiency test artifacts are
two standard resistors. Since all participants are
measuring the same artifacts, additional
measurements or statistical tests of homogeneity
are not required as per the definition cited above.
However, in order for it to hold that all participants
are measuring the same property (i.e. resistance),
the measurand must be appropriately and
explicitly defined.
In order for the proficiency test to be valid, Uref
must contain all components which are of
importance in the given situation.
If the
uncertainty associated with Uref is underestimated,
it lowers the value for the denominator of equation
(1), which would in turn increase the returned
value for En. This may cause a false failure for the
proficiency test.
When a proficiency test is
designed, often an artifact is selected and sent to
a reference laboratory such as NIST for the
assignment of the reference value. It is then up to
the proficiency test provider to determine the types
and magnitudes of uncertainty associated with
stability and homogeneity, and combine these
For the case of electrical resistance in a
proficiency test or interlaboratory comparison for
National Measurement Institutes (NMI’s) or
industrial laboratories with uncertainties within an
order of magnitude of NMI’s, a complete definition
would have to include the temperature of the
resistor, because the conductivity of materials
comprising the standard resistor changes as a
Simposio de Metrología
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An example of this type of proficiency test is when
the artifact is configured as in Figure 1. To
establish the reference value of the artifact, the
reference laboratory makes a preliminary
indentation on the artifact to seat it onto the anvil
of the hardness measurement machine within the
circled area at a matrix location such as B3. The
reference laboratory then makes measurements at
various locations selected randomly across the
artifact at locations such as A9, E7, I2, B1, and E5.
The average of the five measurements determines
the initial assigned value of the artifact.
function of temperature.
The resistance to
temperature relationship for the artifacts must be
known to the PT scheme developer before the
scheme is initiated. The relationship is generally
expressed as a second degree polynomial6.
Additionally for a proficiency test for electrical
resistance at this level, it is imperative that the test
current be defined. If the participants apply too
much current, the measured value for resistance
will increase as a result of self heating. If the
current is too low, then the floor noise of the
resistance measurement system causes excessive
variability for the measurement. The test current
should be defined at an optimal point so that the
effects of self heating and noise are minimized. A
well designed proficiency test will have some
leeway to allow the participant to treat the artifacts
as if they were performing routine tests7, and since
the variability of measurement should be
accounted for by the participant in their estimate of
uncertainty of measurement, the definition of
current is usually single sided, or not to exceed a
certain amount of current.
In order to effectively eliminate homogeneity for
these examples, a complete definition of the
measurand is required such as:
The measurand is electrical resistance of the
artifacts at 23 degrees Celsius. The test current is
not to exceed 10 mA for the 100 ohm artifact and
150 µA for the 19,000 ohm artifact.
Fig. 1 Schematic of PT Artifact for Rockwell
The participants also perform a preliminary
indentation in the artifact, and five additional
measurements on the artifact as directed by the
PT scheme provider.
2.1.2 PT Scheme – All Participants Measure an
Artifact at Different Locations
The measurement of metallic hardness is
essentially a destructive test8, in that, in order to
take a measurement, the hardness tester makes a
small indentation into the material. Since the
measurements must be taken on different
locations on the artifact. During the determination
of the reference value for the artifact, the reference
laboratory takes a series of measurements at
random locations across the artifact. The artifacts
also return to the reference laboratory after
completion of participant measurements for
another measurement run by the reference
The standard deviation of the
reference laboratory measurements (for both
opening and closing the round) may be used as an
estimate of homogeneity for the artifact.
At the end of the round, the artifacts are returned
to the reference laboratory for measurement
where a preliminary indentation and five additional
measurements are taken. The homogeneity of the
artifact may be determined by computing the
standard deviation of the ten reference laboratory
measurements across the artifact. The standard
deviation of the ten measurements then becomes
the standard uncertainty associated with
homogeneity of the artifact.
The PT Scheme provider should also evaluate the
participant data to see if there is any detectible
trend identification regarding the homogeneity of
the artifacts. However it is strongly cautioned that
any review of participant data must have a very
clear trend and must show strong correspondence
Simposio de Metrología
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associated with the reference laboratory
measurement. Unless the uncertainty associated
with artifact stability is appropriately accounted for
in the PT expanded uncertainty, false failure
results will occur for participants.
with reference laboratory data before any
conclusions about the homogeneity about the
artifact can be made.
In most cases, the
participants may not possess equipment of the
same accuracy or resolution and therefore their
uncertainty is larger. The participating laboratory
staff may not have the technical expertise of the
reference laboratory. All participant data should
be considered suspect unless an obvious trend is
During the design phase of the PT, stability should
be considered and estimated in order to develop
an estimated PT expanded uncertainty.
appropriate estimate of the PT expanded
uncertainty is used by the PT scheme provider and
participants to determine if the PT scheme is
suitable for the participant. The design phase for
the PT should also consider an appropriate model
for the measurement of artifact stability. When
stability is measured and analyzed (upon
completion of the round), the PT scheme provider
should also compare the measured stability versus
the estimated stability, so that if the artifact stability
exceeds pre-established limits and becomes
unsuitable, a nonconformance investigation may
be initiated by the PT scheme provider.
While the measurement examples of 2.1.1 and
2.1.2 do not address every given issue of
homogeneity for proficiency tests designed for
calibration laboratories, the majority of proficiency
test schemes performed today fall into the design
of either 2.1.1 or 2.1.2.
In any case, the
homogeneity of the artifact needs to be
considered, and if appropriate, measured, before
initiating the PT round.
2.2 Stability
As it was in the case for homogeneity, the term
stability is not defined in the documents ISO Guide
43-1:1997, ISO 13528:2005, nor the VIM. ISO
Guide 30 defines stability as: “Ability of a reference
material, when stored under specified conditions,
to maintain a stated property value within specified
limits for a specified period of time.” Once again,
while this may be suitable for defining stability of a
reference material, it may be somewhat
incomplete when discussing stability of a
metrological artifact used for a proficiency test of a
calibration laboratory. There are some conditions
that may not be able to be specified or known,
such as the change of the assigned value of the
artifact with respect to time. These types of issues
of stability may be very significant with respect to
the uncertainty estimated by the participant and
reference laboratory. Since it is not possible to
always accurately estimate the uncertainty due to
a particular condition of stability, the only
alternative is to measure and evaluate uncertainty
due to stability during the PT round.
2.2.1 Short Term Stability – Petal or Modified
Petal Design
The most conservative PT design for measuring
PT artifact stability is a through the use of a Petal9
or Modified Petal design, in which the artifact is
measured before and after shipments (to the
participant laboratory) by a pivot laboratory (PL).
This type of design allows stability to be artifact to
be determined with the smallest uncertainty and is
most applicable when participants are NMI’s or
industrial laboratories with uncertainty within an
order of magnitude of NMI’s. It is also a sound
design when there are concerns about the stability
of the artifact as compared to the initial estimate of
stability uncertainty. A drawback to the petal
design is that it has a high operational cost due to
sending the artifact back to the reference
laboratory after each participant. Figure 3 below
shows a Modified Petal design, often referred to
the Quametec Petal10. In a formal Petal design,
the only difference is that the reference laboratory
performs the before/after or pivot measurements in
addition to establishing the reference value for the
artifact. In the Quametec Petal, the PT scheme
provider has the ability measure the artifacts with
sufficient resolution and sensitivity.
The PT
scheme provider does not establish the absolute
value of the artifact, but instead leaves this to a
competent, accredited calibration laboratory. The
artifacts are measured before and after sending
the artifact to either the reference laboratory or the
The evaluation of stability is extremely important
when conducting proficiency tests for calibration
laboratories. Often, the reference laboratory can
provide a measured value and uncertainty of
measurement for the artifact that is extremely
small. Despite the best efforts of the PT scheme
developer, effects of transportation will make the
uncertainty associated with the stability of the
artifact several times larger than the uncertainty
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would be to consider the opening and closing pivot
measurements to be opposite ends of a
uncertainty due to stability associated with the
artifact is the difference between the opening and
closing measurement divided by the square root of
three. Sometimes if the artifact is known to be
sufficiently stable and the majority of the stability
uncertainty may be due to the measuring
equipment itself, and therefore the stability
measurement distribution may be estimated to be
participants. In either the Petal or Quametec Petal
design, it allows the PT scheme provider to
measure the short term stability of the artifact
which would capture any change in the reference
value of the artifact due to effects of transportation,
measurement of the artifact by the participant, and
any environmental changes.
At the completion of a proficiency test round, in
which the artifact has traveled from the reference
laboratory, through a group of participants, and
back to the reference laboratory, the measured
stability is determined by the deviation in the
assigned value for the artifact from the two
reference laboratory measurements. This longer
term stability value should be compared to the
stability observed through the shorter term stability
measurements performed by the pivot laboratory,
in order to assure that the PT expanded
uncertainty provided to each participant from pivot
measurements was not less than the PT expanded
uncertainty estimated from long term data.
Fig. 2 Quametec Petal Design Schematic
The benefits of a Petal Design are that they
capture all data associated with each participant,
so if the artifact is damaged during subsequent
measurements, some of the laboratory data can
be rescued and reported upon. This method also
allows a PT provider to provide a final report to the
participant in a much shorter timeframe, if the
estimate of stability is appropriately performed with
suitable equipment.
When the PT scheme
provider performs the pivot measurements, the
cost associated with the proficiency test is reduced
from having the reference laboratory perform the
pivot measurements. In the Quametec Petal, the
anonymity of the participant is better maintained,
because of the shipments directly from and to the
PT scheme provider rather than traveling to the
reference laboratory. Additionally, either the Petal
or Quametec Petal allow participation at will, that
is to say that the number of participants is not
restricted as in a one-off type of scheme, so long
as the artifact returns to the reference laboratory in
an appropriate amount of time.
2.2.2 Short Term Stability – When Stability
Can Be Assumed
Some artifacts are inherently stable by design,
such as dimensional standards like gauge blocks,
ring gauges, length standards etc. In cases where
the artifact is understood to be inherently stable,
short term stability measurements are not
2.2.3 Long Term Stability – Reference
Laboratory Measurements
When the artifacts are understood to be stable, a
Petal Design is not required, but a Ring Design is
used instead. In a Ring Design, the Reference
Laboratory establishes a reference value for the
artifact. The stability is assumed be small or
insignificant as compared to the uncertainty of
Reference Laboratory measurement.
The estimate of uncertainty due to short term
stability is usually determined by considering the
measured deviation from pivot measurements
completed before and after a participant. The
most conservative analysis of this information
Simposio de Metrología
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likely not lower than the opening measurement or
higher than the closing measurement, therefore
the opening/closing measurement may be
considered the ends of a rectangular distribution.
Resistance #1 19 kohm artifact
Summary Data 12/02 - 02/04 High Accuracy Participants Only (reporting 16 ppm or lower uncertainty)
Plotted as Deviation in ppm from average of opening/closing reference values
Fig. 3 Ring Design Schematic
The advantages for using a Ring Design are that
the labor and costs associated with the pivot
measurements is eliminated. A PT conducted for
the same number of laboratories would conclude
earlier with a Ring Design as opposed to a Petal
Design, because of the reduced shipping time for
the artifact.
Participant Measurement
PT Upper Unc.
PT Lower Unc.
Fig. 4 Graph of PT Data with Long Term Stability
The disadvantages of a Ring Design are that if the
artifact becomes unstable at any point in the PT,
all data for the round is lost, and shipping the
artifact from one participant laboratory to another
compromises some of the confidentiality of the
Organizations that develop PT schemes are
required to demonstrate that the homogeneity and
stability of artifacts used are quantified and
suitable for use. It is essential if the PT is to serve
its purpose of verifying the measurement capability
of the participants, and not provides false PT
results, that the artifacts meet intended estimates
of uncertainty for homogeneity and stability. In
order to completely understand issues of stability
and homogeneity, perhaps these terms should be
defined so that they are better suited for
metrological applications. Any measurement of
homogeneity or stability should be treated as a
source of uncertainty, converted to a standard
uncertainty, and combined with the estimate of
uncertainty associated with the reference
laboratory measurement to produce an expanded
uncertainty for the proficiency test artifacts11 for
use in judging proficiency of the participant.
Considering all potential sources of uncertainty
meet with both the principles of the ISO Guide to
the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, as
well as those previously mentioned in NIST
Technical Note 1297. It is been the personal
experience of the author both as a consultant to
NMI’s in the development of proficiency tests, and
Regardless of design, in proficiency tests designed
for calibration laboratories, the artifacts travel back
to the reference laboratory on a periodic basis. In
this case, the assigned value of the artifact for the
PT round is generally considered to be the
average of the opening and closing measurement
by the reference laboratory. Since the average of
the opening and closing measurements is used for
the assigned value, the most conservative
estimate of stability can be considered to be half
the deviation between the opening and closing
measurements, rectangularly distributed.
In Figure 4 below, the reference laboratory’s
opening data is represented by the solid blue line,
the closing data from the reference laboratory is
represented by the solid brown line (uncertainty of
reference laboratory measurements was also
considered for this graph). The pink dashed line is
the average of the opening and closing
measurements and one can see that it is
reasonable to estimate that the artifact was most
Simposio de Metrología
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as an accreditation assessor for calibration
laboratories, that it is a common mistake to not
include uncertainty due to stability and
homogeneity in the statement of Uref. Although the
Normalized Error (En) formula implicitly states that
it should include all sources of uncertainty which is
of importance in the give situation, in order to more
clearly communicate the appropriate estimate of
uncertainty for the proficiency test, the following
considerations to the En formula is suggested:
[2] ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997, Proficiency testing
by interlaboratory comparisons – Part 1:
Development and operation of proficiency
testing schemes, Appendix A.2. International
Organization of Standardization, 1997
[3] Taylor, B.N. and Kuyatt, C.E. NIST Technical
Note 1297, Guidelines for evaluating and
measurement results. NIST. 1994 Edition
Define equation (2) as follows:
UPT = Uref
+U2stab +Uhomo
[4] Elmquist, R.E. et al NIST Technical Note 1458,
NIST Measurement Service for DC Standard
Resistors. NIST. December 2003.
[5] ISO Guide 30, Terms and definitions used in
connection with reference materials. ISO 1992.
[6] Dzuiba, Ronald F. “Resistors” An entry in
Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Volume 16.
VCH Publishers, Inc. 1996. Pages 423 – 435.
Upt = expanded uncertainty of the proficiency test
Uref = uncertainty of the reference laboratory’s
assigned value
Ustab = uncertainty of the artifacts due to effects
associated with artifact stability
Uhomo= uncertainty of artifacts due to the effects
associated with artifact homogeneity
[7] ISO/IEC Guide 43-1:1997, Proficiency testing
by interlaboratory comparisons – Part 1:
Development and operation of proficiency
testing schemes, Section 6.2.4. International
Organization of Standardization, 1997
And the En formula (1) could be amended to
equation (3) substituting Upt for Uref, giving us:
En =
[8] Low, Samuel R. NIST SP 960-5, Rockwell
Hardness Measurement of Metallic Materials.
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
January 2001.
This paper is meant to provide specific guidance
for addressing issues of stability and uniformity for
PT Schemes for calibration laboratories. This is
not an all inclusive discussion of the subject, and it
is expected that this appendix will be amended
with additional information as the body of
knowledge grows.
NCSL RP-15, Guide for Interlaboratory
Comparisons. NCSL International. March
[10] Gust, J.C. Final Results from an Accredited
Proficiency Test.
Published in the
proceedings of the 2005 Measurement
Science Conference.
[1] Tholen, D.A. et al. ILAC Discussion Paper on
Homogeneity and Stability Testing. Presented
at the ILAC Proficiency Testing Consultative
Group Meeting. Madrid Spain May 12 & 13
International Organization of Standardization,