DesignCon 2011 Worst-Case Patterns for High- Speed

DesignCon 2011
Worst-Case Patterns for HighSpeed Simulation and
Masashi Shimanouchi, Altera Corporation
Mike Peng Li, Altera Corporation
Daniel Chow, Altera Corporation
Design and validation of high speed serial link at multi Gbps requires time-domain
simulation and measurement. The pattern length for transistor level simulation is limited
to a few hundred bits due to the practical simulation time while the pattern length for
oscilloscope measurement is limited to a few hundred to a few thousand of bits due to the
record length. This is where and why “killer” patterns are needed, which are relatively
short (less than a few hundred bits), yet induce the worst case ISI.
Author(s) Biography
Masashi Shimanouchi is a senior member of technical staff at Altera Corporation. His
work on high-speed serial links of FPGA products includes link system and component
architecture, modeling, characterization, and link jitter and BER simulation tools
development with expertise in signal processing, signal integrity and jitter area.
Dr. Mike Peng Li is a Principal Architect and Distinguished Engineer at Altera
Corporation since September 2007. He is a corporate expert and adviser on jitter, noise,
signal integrity, high-speed link, SERDES and on-die instrumentation (ODI), electrical
and optical signaling, silicon photonics, and optical FPGA. Dr. Li was the Chief
Technology Officer (CTO) for Wavecrest Corporation from 2000-2007, where he led the
technology roadmap, leadership, vision, and product developments.
Dr. Daniel Chow is a Principal Signal Integrity Engineer at Altera Corporation. His
responsibilities include defining design, testing, and validation methodologies for signal
integrity, power integrity, and jitter analysis in high-speed components. Specifically, he is
responsible for developing Altera’s knowledge base on jitter-related issues. Dr. Chow
received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis.
1. Introduction
In order to design, and validate a high speed serial link at multi Gbps and above, timedomain integrated circuit simulation at transistor level such as SPICE simulation and
behavioral simulation such as IBIS-AMI and jitter/noise measurement with sophisticated
test and measurement instruments such as broadband high speed real time or equivalent
sampling oscilloscopes equipped with jitter extraction/decomposition software, are all
important and essential. On the simulation side, serial data pattern length used in SPICE
simulation is commonly limited to within a few hundred bits, due to the long simulation
time (several hours to days if no accuracy compromise is made) associated with it. On the
measurement side, a few hundred to a few thousand bits long data pattern is used for
high-bandwidth real time sampling oscilloscopes due to the record length limitation in
those instruments. Meanwhile, some communication standards [1] call for PRBS 2^31-1
(~ 2 billion bits) as the compliance pattern to excite and validate the worst inter symbol
interference (ISI). Obviously, simulating and testing such long pattern bits at a highspeed link output is prohibitive in practice. It would be beneficial to develop a “killer”
pattern that is much shorter compared with PRBS2^n-1 in terms of the number of bits,
and approximates PRBS2^n-1 in terms of exciting worst case ISI, especially for a linear
time-invariant (LTI) system such as transmission lines on a PCB or a back plane, and this
subject is the focus of this paper. While “killer” pattern would make accurate transistor
level SPICE simulation and full waveform measurement for jitter and noise investigation
doable in practice, it would not simply replace more complicated patterns and/or
PRBS2^n-1 patters. It would rather give us deeper insight into the ISI mechanism in
channel loss and its equalization.
In section 2, we will review the basics of ISI mechanism in LTI system, and discuss
worst case ISI-inducing patterns. In section 3, we will study PRBS2^n-1 pattern in detail
and explain the guideline to design “killer” patterns. In section 4, we will discuss some
applications of “killer” patterns. In section 5, we will summarize and conclude.
2. Basics of Inter-Symbol-Interference in LTI System
and Worst Case Patterns
2.1 LTI System Model of High Speed Serial Link
A block diagram of high speed serial link consisting of a transmitter, channel and a
receiver is shown in Figure 1 (a), and the lower level building blocks of the link’s
physical layer are shown in Figure 1 (b). Large portion of the link, which is highlighted in
Figure 1, can be approximated by linear time-invariant model. Considering this portion of
the link as an LTI system, we can study the ISI and resulting jitter and noise with respect
to the signal patterns being transmitted by utilizing a rich set of mathematical tools such
as convolution, Fourier transform, etc [2].
Figure 1Building Blocks of High Speed Serial Link Considered as LTI System
2.2 Inter-Symbol-Interference Mechanism in LTI System
To study the ISI mechanism in a lossy channel, let’s consider its single bit response [3].
When one bit signal goes into the channel, its output width is broadened spreading over
many unit intervals (UIs) as illustrated in Figure 2. The amplitude at each UI time is
called cursor, and the entire single bit response consists of pre-cursors, main cursor and
Figure 2 Single Bit Response and Pre/Post Cursors
Referring to Figure 3, let’s study how each single bit response (drawn in blue) is affected
by preceding bits response. One previous bit is assumed to be zero to consider an isolated
target bit. Because of the long-lasting tail of preceding bits, the target bit signal level is
raised. The more preceding bits are ones, the higher the target bit signal level is pushed
up, which causes the edges’ timing shift, i.e. jitter. The leading edge of the target bit is to
come earlier, and the trailing edge is to come later. Thus, the preceding contiguous
identical digits (ones in this example), CIDs, strongly affect the target edge timing shift.
The term “run length” and CID is usually inter-changeably used. Note that the spreading
leading edge transition of the following bits would also affect the target bit. Thus, the
neighboring bits affect each other, and therefore it is called inter-symbol-interference
Figure 3 Accumulation of Neighboring Bits Response
2.3 Inter-Symbol-Interference vs. Contiguous Identical Digits
In order to quantitatively study the relationship between ISI (resulting Time Interval
Error, TIE here) and CID, simulation was performed, the concept of which is illustrated
in Figure 4. The pattern is 1010… + CIDs (1s) + 01 + flipped CIDs (0s) + 1010…, where
the number of CIDs was varied and ISI (TIE) was calculated as the waveform’s state
change timing deviation from the corresponding ideal edge timing.
Figure 4 Transition Edge Timing Deviation due to ISI
Different channel resulted in different ISI vs. CID characteristic. While one channel
exhibited monotonous ISI vs. CID relationship as shown in Figure 5 (a), another channel
exhibited more complicated non-monotonous relationship as shown in Figure 5 (b). We
will analyze the mechanism behind these two distinct characteristics in the next section.
Figure 5 Two Types of ISI vs. CID Relationship
2.4 Single Bit Response and Worst Case Patterns
Figure 6 illustrates how the ISI from preceding bits accumulates at the target bit location
using the concept of the cursors of a single bit response.
Figure 6 ISI Accumulation from Preceding Bits
As discussed in section 2.2, the longer the CID is, the larger the overall ISI is in this
example. If some of the cursors, however, are opposite polarity, they contribute to
cancelling some ISI. In this case, the longer CID would not simply result in larger ISI,
which is the mechanism behind the non-monotonous ISI vs. CID relationship in Figure 5
If the bits were flipped at the cursors with opposite polarity, this new pattern would cause
larger ISI as illustrated in Figure 7 (b), or the worst ISI for a given CID. Though they are
not literally “contiguous identical digits” any more, allow us to use the term CID here.
This is the basis of the worst case pattern segment.
Figure 7 Two Types of Cursors’ Polarities
3. Worst Case Pattern and Killer Pattern
3.1 Patterns Used for Tests
Various standards specify their own test patterns [1][4][5]. They depend on coding
scheme, which puts constraint on the maximum run length (CID) and affects overhead
(8B/10N vs. 64B/66B, etc.). They also depend on the purpose of each test. Some patterns
are used to test transmitters while others are used to test receivers. Some patterns are used
to test RJ, others are used to test DJ, or some patterns are used to test overall jitter
performance mixing DJ and RJ.
3.2 Killer Pattern
Our interest in this paper is the pattern which is short, excites worst case ISI and provides
insight into the ISI mechanism. We name such pattern “killer” pattern.
• Short pattern
As discussed in section 1, it is desirable for a pattern to be shorter than a few hundred
to a few thousand bits for transistor level simulation and/or real time oscilloscope
measurement. Even for behavioral level simulation, very short simulation time with
short pattern allows us to examine many scenarios and/or explore large solution
• Exciting worst case ISI
While there may be several “worst” cases, we will discuss two types of worst cases.
One is pathological worst case which would provide the worst case jitter bound for a
given system though it may never occur in a link’s life time. Another is PRBS-
equivalent worst case which induces less worse ISI than pathological worst case, but
is more likely to occur in practice.
Providing insight into ISI mechanism
Designing killer pattern involves analyzing and understanding the ISI mechanism in
detail, and therefore we will be able to gain insight into it in the killer pattern design
process itself as inferred from the preceding discussion, and recognized in the rest of
this paper.
3.3 PRBS Pattern
Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence (PRBS) pattern is usually generated using a maximal
length Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR). A block diagram to generate PRBS 2^151 is shown in Figure 8 as an example. In order for an n-bit LFSR to generate 2^n-1 bits
random sequence, particular combinations of the feedback taps need to be used.
Figure 8 PRBS2^15-1 Generator by LFSR
When 2^N-1 bits pseudo-random sequence is generated by N-bit maximal LFSR, specific
number of CIDs are found in the sequence. An example of PRBS 2^7-1 is shown in Table
Table 1 Occurrence of CIDs in PRBS 2^7-1
When the spreading of single bit response is longer than a CID segment under
consideration with associated ISI, the states of the preceding bits to this CIDs also affect
the ISI. Because of this, more preceding bits’ states need to be considered when ISI with
shorter CID is to be studied. Thus the ISI for a given CID exhibits a certain distribution
for a given channel and data rate. An example distributions with PRBS 2^10-1 are shown
in Figure 9 in two slightly different views. From the ISI distribution, it is noticed that
only a few particular patterns cause large or worst case ISI, which are of our interest in
this paper.
Figure 9 ISI Histogram vs. CID with PRBS 2^10-1
3.4 Guideline to Design Killer Pattern
A killer pattern is designed for a given channel, data rate and equalization, but it is not
uniquely determined. One killer pattern may better approximate a worst case situation
than another. Below is a guideline to design simple killer pattern with small effort when
very high accuracy is not needed. There are four points to consider.
Considertaion-1 : DC Balance
In order to prevent extreme bias voltage, the numbers of 1s and 0s are set to the same.
Note that though the number of 1s of PRBS pattern is larger by one than the number
of 0s, the DC unbalance would be negligibly small when N is large.
Considertaion-2 : Settling Time
Both physical measurement and computer simulation start from either settled low
level or settled high level, which is extremely DC unbalanced state. After a certain
time from the beginning, the bias voltage level reaches equilibrium in a global sense
if the pattern is DC balanced. This is usually when we are interested in the system
performance such as BER and ISI. An example of a pattern (1010… in this case)
settling over many UIs is shown in Figure 10 where the equilibrium is reached at
about 180 UI from the beginning.
Figure 10 Settling 10… Pattern over Time
Considertaion-3 : ISI vs. CID
As discussed in section 2, the longer the CID, the larger the ISI in general, but
actual relationship becomes more complicated depending on the polarities of the
cursors of the system’s single bit response. This detail needs to be taken into
account in the killer pattern design in practice. Thus the “1...10” bit-segment and
“0…01” bit-segment with finer structure in the CID parts if needed become the
core parts of a killer pattern.
Considertaion-4a : Pathological Pattern
By repeating the core part of the same polarity within a range of the setting time,
the DC bias is deviated from the equilibrium in a short time, which results in
pathologically worst situation. An example is shown in Figure.11.
Figure 11 Pathological Killer Pattern Response
Considertaion-4b : PRBS-equivalent Pattern
Two distinct characteristics of PRBS patter are taken into account. One is that the
maximum CID of PRBS 2^N-1 pattern is N, and another is that because of the
way PRBS pattern is generated by LFSR, larger CIDs tend to cluster as observed
in Figure 12, which causes large local DC bias deviation from its global
equilibrium. This is the reason why the worst case ISI does not always occur right
after the largest ISI but somewhere near the cluster of large CIDs even if the
polarity of all the cursors of the single bit response is the same (monotonous ISI
vs. CID). Simplest way to approximate this clustering is to repeat the core bitsegment of the same polarity twice or three times. An example is shown in Figure
Figure 12 PRBS 2^10-1 Pattern Response
Figure 13 PRBS-equivalent Pattern Response
3.5 Killer Pattern Length vs. CID
The length of the two types of killer patterns and PRBS patterns are shown in Figure 14.
Settling time of 200 UIs is assumed, and 1010... bit-segment of the length of the settling
time is inserted between the adjacent core bit-segment of different polarities. Note that
the length of killer patterns does not explode with increasing CIDs, which makes accurate
transistor level SPICE simulation and full waveform measurement by real time
oscilloscope for jitter and noise investigation doable in practice
Figure 14 Pattern Length vs. CID (400 “padding” bits)
4. Applications of Killer Pattern
Four topics are discussed in this section. While they are not directly related each other,
we have found them very useful and important characteristics in our investigation of the
relationship between ISI and signal bit patterns.
4.1 Channel ISI Measurement
To evaluate the correlation between PRBS pattern and PRBS-equivalent killer pattern of
the same CID, the peak-to-peak ISI of the signal at the output of a lossy backplane
channel was measured. The measurement set up is shown in Figure 15.
Figure 15 ISI Measurement Set Up for Backplane Output Signal
The measured ISIs are shown in Figure 16. The difference within +/-5% between PRBS
pattern and equivalent killer pattern is good enough in many cases for simple killer
Figure 16 Correlation between PRBS Pattern and Killer Pattern
4.2 Equalization Effect on Channel Loss
Each killer pattern is generated based on the single bit response of an LTI system. This
means that killer pattern for a high speed serial link without equalization and the killer
pattern for this link with equalization are different. While necessity of the different killer
patterns for different link configurations is not very convenient, analyzing each killer
pattern leads us to deeper understanding of how a lossy channel is equalized and the
consequence on the resulting ISI.
A channel output waveform with PRBS 2^7-1 without equalization is shown in Figure 17
along with the resulting time interval errors (TIEs) due to ISI at each state transition and
the digital input pattern. Bit errors occurred (no TIE line segment in the TIE vs. Time
plot) at around single bit locations surrounded by large CIDs as inferred from the
discussion in sections 2 and 3.
Figure 17 Waveform and TIE with PRBS2^7-1 without TX PreEmphasis
The output waveform of the same channel and the associated TIEs with equalization by
TX PreEmphasis is shown in Figure 18. No bit error occurred in this case. The bit
locations of the worst case TIEs due to the ISI are different from the bit error locations
without equalization. While it may be difficult to analyze the bit errors and/or worst TIEs
by studying the phenomena only with PRBS pattern, one would gain deeper insight into it
by using the single bit response and killer pattern based on it.
Figure 18 Waveform and TIE with PRBS2^7-1 with TX PreEmphasis
The single bit responses of this system with and without equalization are shown in Figure
19, from which we are to expect that bit errors or worst case ISIs occur at very different
bit locations because their pre and post cursors polarity characteristics are very different.
Figure 19 Single Bit Response with/without TX PreEmphasis
The channel output waveforms and the associated TIEs with the same equalization with
two types of killer patterns (KP_noPreE and KP_eh) are shown in Figure 20 and Figure
21. The killer pattern KP_noPreE was generated based on the single bit response shown
in Figure 19 (a), and the killer pattern KP_eh was generated based on the single bit
response shown in Figure 19 (b). The overall eye height and eye width with each pattern
is summarized in Table 2. Note that the eye with the killer pattern considering the
equalization is worse than the eye without considering the equalization, which is
expected from the preceding discussion.
Figure 20 Waveform and TIE with TX PreEmphasis with Killer Pattern : KP_noPreE
Figure 21 Waveform and TIE with TX PreEmphasis with Killer Pattern : KP_eh
Table 2 Eye Width and Height with Three Patterns
4.3 Worst Case Eye Height and Eye Width
While the eye height with KP_eh pattern is worse than the eye height with PRBS pattern
in Table2, the eye width with KP_eh pattern is better than the eye width with PRBS
pattern. This can be explained with the exaggerated illustration in Figure 22 as follows.
Let’s model the ISI situation as noise being superimposed on clean signal/eye. Depending
on where on the eye the noise is superimposed, there are two extreme cases. One is that
noise is superimposed in the middle of the eye, and another is that noise is superimposed
in the middle of states transition. Note that the former reduces the eye height while the
latter reduces the eye width. As discussed in section 4.2 with Figure 19 (b), the killer
pattern KP_eh was generated by considering the pre/post cursors which are off from the
main cursor by integer-multiple of UI. Since this corresponds to the noise in the middle
of the eye scenario, the resulting eye with this pattern has worst case eye height.
Figure 22 Two Types of Stress on Eye
Now we can design a killer pattern which stress eye width more than eye height by
considering the pre/post cursors which are off from the main cursor by (n+0.1)*UI (n=+/1,+/-2,…) as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Single Bit Response with Half-UI-Shifted Cursors
Let’s call this new killer pattern KP_ew. The resulting waveform and the associated TIEs
are shown in Figure 24, and the overall eye height and eye width with three patterns
(PRBS, KP_eh stressing eye height and KP_ew stressing eye width) are summarized in
Table 3.
Figure 24 Waveform and TIE with Eye-Width Stress Pattern
Table 3 Eye Width and Height with Three Patterns
4.4 Channel Loss and Signal Spectrum
Though Fourier transform is most frequency used to study the frequency contents of a
signal, it is not always the best tool. We will review the Fourier spectrum and another
type of spectrum (short time Fourier spectrum) of PRBS pattern and killer pattern below.
4.4.1 Spectrum by Fourier Transform
The Fourier spectra of PRBS 2^7-1 signals at the source, channel output without TX
PreEmphasis and channel output with TX PreEmphasis are shown in Figure 25 along
with channel’s insertion loss (red curve).
Figure 25 Fourier Spectra with PRBS 2^7-1 Pattern
The Fourier spectra of KP_eh signals at the source, channel output without TX
PreEmphasis and channel output with TX PreEmphasis are shown in Figure 26 along
with the channel’s insertion loss (red curve). Though KP_eh seems to have very high
energy at round 6.25GHz, it is because many 1010… bit segment is used in this pattern at
12.5Gbps to provide neutral bias level, and it is not because the 1010… bit segment is
essential feature for the ISI vs. bit pattern relationship. As a way to address this issue,
modified Fourier transform is discussed in the next section.
Figure 26 Fourier Spectra with KP_eh Pattern
4.4.2 Spectrum by Short Time Fourier Transform
The issue of Fourier transform for our application is that the “average” spectrum is
obtained for the entire signal while distinct characteristics of ISI vs. bit pattern are
“localized” as discussed in the preceding sections. Various signal processing methods
have been developed to study signals in frequency domain and in time domain
simultaneously, and therefore it is called joint time-frequency analysis/representation
[6][7]. Among them, we chose Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) to study our
signals in this paper because its interpretation is much more straightforward than other
methods, and therefore it seems to be more suitable to begin with.
STFT is also called Windowed Fourier Transform, which is formulated by the equation
STFT {x(t )} ≡ X (ω ,τ ) = ∫ x(t ) w(t − τ )e − jωt dt
The idea is that small time duration segment is extracted from the signal x(t) by an
window function w(t), and Fourier transform is applied to this small segment. By sliding
this time window, the entire signal is analyzed. Thus, the spectrum of each local portion
of the signal is obtained. The magnitude of the STFT is called spectrogram, which is
often visualized with time in abscissa, frequency in ordinate and magnitude in color code.
The results of the joint time-frequency analysis of our signals are shown below. Figure 27
shows the spectrogram of the source signal and channel output signal without TX
PreEmphasis along with the time domain waveforms. It is noted in the source signal that
large CID portions exhibit strong low frequency energy around 5~6ns while short CID
portions such as 1010… exhibit strong high frequency energy around 4.5~5ns, 7ns and
9ns and 6~6.25GHz. On the other hand, it is noted in the channel output signal that high
frequency energy around 6~6.25GHz, which corresponds CID=1, are significantly
lowered around 4.5~5ns, 7ns and 9ns.
Figure 27 Spectrogram of Source and Channel Output without TX PreE with PRBS 2^7-1
Figure 28 shows the spectrogram of the channel output signal with TX PreEmphasis
along with the time domain waveform. It is noted that high frequency energy around
4.5~5ns, 7ns and 9ns are better maintained by the channel equalization. This feature,
however, is not exhibited very well for the CID=1 bit surrounded by large CIDs around
6ns, which is important pattern from the view point of worst case ISI.
Figure 28 Spectrogram of Channel Output with TX PreE with PRBS 2^7-1
By using KP_eh pattern instead of PRBS pattern, the spectral feature of the high
frequency signal and low frequency signal existing in small time duration is better
exhibited including the effect of TX PreEmphasis on the high frequency signal as shown
in Figure 29 and Figure 30. The coexistence of high frequency energy and low frequency
energy is clearly observed in the 5n~6ns segment.
Figure 29 Spectrogram of Source and Channel Output without TX PreE with KP_eh
Figure 30 Spectrogram of Channel Output with TX PreE with KP_eh
4.5 Limitations and Future Work
While it is possible to design a killer pattern which approximates the worst case ISI
vertically and horizontally very well, that is, reproduces the inner eye of the eye diagram,
as shown in Figure 31, such killer pattern is not unique and it currently requires much
larger effort that designing simpler killer pattern. Developing more universal algorithm to
automatically generate more accurate PRBS-equivalent killer pattern is our next step.
Figure 31 Eye Diagram Overlay of PRBS2^10-1 and Equivalent KP
Another future work is to improve time resolution in joint time-frequency analysis even
for PRBS pattern to detect ISI-prone bit patterns. Though the coexistence of high
frequency energy and low frequency energy is clearly observed in Figure 29 and Figure
30, their time resolution is not good. This issue of STFT is due to its fixed time window
size, which is overcome or significantly alleviated by wavelet transforms etc. in other
fields [7]. It will be our next step.
5. Summary and Conclusion
The length of the patterns used for transistor level simulation for best accuracy is limited
to a few hundred to a few thousand bits because of its very long simulation time. The
maximum length of the patters measured by real time oscilloscope is limited to a few
thousand bits because of the required memory size. On the other hand, some
communication standards call for PRBS 2^31-1 (~ 2 billion bits). In order to fill the gap
between the real life constraints and ever increasing demand mentioned above, we have
studied worst case ISI mechanism in LTI system, developed killer pattern concept and
killer pattern generation algorithm, and methodology to analyze the ISI vs. bit pattern.
We began with reviewing basic ISI mechanism in an LTI system which approximates a
high speed serial link. Then we studied PRBS pattern in detail, and proposed two worst
case ISI scenarios and distinct short pattern segments to induce them, which are
pathological worst case and PRBS-equivalent worst case. By applying joint timefrequency analysis to our time domain signals, we studied the spectra vs. bit pattern to
gain insight into time-varying frequency contents of signals which cannot be done by
standard Fourier transform.
6. Acknowledgement
We thank our colleagues Kaiyu Ren for the backplane channel ISI measurement, and
Hsinho Wu for his suggestion and discussion on some topics.
7. References
[2] R.E. Ziemer, W.H. Tranter, D.R. Fannin, Signals & Systems, Prentice Hall, 1996
[3] B.K.Casper, M.Haycock, R.Mooney, An Accurate and Efficient Analysis Method for
Multi-Gb/s Chip-to-chip Signaling Schemes, IEEE Symposium On VLSI Circuit Design,
[6] Shie Qian, Dapang Chen, Joint Time-Frequency Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1996
[7] Barbara Burke Hubbard, The World According to Wavelets, A K Peters, Ltd., 1998