J. agric. Engng Res. (1987) 37, 8 1-91 Ride Vibration Transfer Functions of Agricultural Tractors: between the Ground and the Tractor Body J. A. LINES* Two experiments are described in which measurements were made of the transfer function between the ground profile and the motion of an unsprung agricultural tractor. The results of these experiments indicate that significant differences exist between the characteristics of rolling and non-rolling tyres. The stiffness of tyres was found to decrease at the onset of rolling and thereafter remain relatively constant for further increases in rolling speed. The damping characteristic of the tyres was found according to circumstances to increase or decrease substantially with changing rolling speed. The dynamic characteristics of rolling tyres were found to be relatively unaffected by changes in vibration amplitude. The motion of the tractor was found to be coherent with the profile of the ground only at frequencies lower than half the passing frequency of the tyre lugs. 1. Introduction There are numerous published records of attempts to model the ride vibration of unsuspended vehicles such as agricultural tractors. Unfortunately the results are seldom supported by experimental evidence. In a previous paper’ a simulation method has been described and shown to be unable to predict the dynamic behaviour of a tractor with any real reliability. In this simulation each tyre was modelled as three mutually perpendicular springs orientated axially connecting the bottom of the tyre to the ground surface. A viscous damper was coupled in parallel with each spring. The tractor was described as a rigid massive body with a pivoted front axle. In order to establish the reason for the failure of this simulation, the response of a tractor was measured in the laboratory by using a hydraulic ram to vibrate a plate on which one of the tractor tyres was standing. The acceleration of the plate and the consequent acceleration of the tractor in various directions was measured and transfer functions calculated from these measurements. When these transfer functions were inserted into the simulation in place of the predicted transfer functions, the simulation was still not able to predict correctly the ride vibration behaviour of the tractor. Two further experiments have now been carried out in order to enable these results to be understood and to establish how a more accurate model of a driving tractor might be produced. In both of these the tractor wheels were rolling, but while one was conducted in the laboratory, the other was made using a modified tractor driven over a test track. 2. Background It is now well established that the dynamic characteristics of tyres vary with rolling speed. *- ” In so far as the tractor can be represented by idealized linear components, i.e. masses, springs and viscous damping, the radial spring stiffness of tyres is found to decrease at the onset of rolling and recover again slowly as rolling speed increases. However reports about the amount by which the stiffness initially decreases, and the point at which it starts to * Agricultural Vehicles Division, NIAE, Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedford MK45 4HS, UK Received 9 September 1985; accepted in revised form 29 June 1986 81 002 l-8634/87/07008 I+ II %03.00/O 0 1987 The British Society for Research in Agricultural Engineermg 82 RIDE VIBRATION OF TRACTORS recover differ widely. Laib* indicates that on tractor rear tyres he found only a 5% decrease in tyre stiffness and a minimum stiffness occurring at about 1 km/h. This contrasts with the results of Hooker3 and others whose work on road vehicle tyres indicates a minimum stiffness occurring at 10 km/h which is 30% below the non-rolling tyre stiffness. The stiffness of non-rolling tyres is reported to decrease substantially as the amplitude of deflection increases.3*4 The same authors report that the stiffness of rolling tyres is relatively unaffected by variation in amplitude. The damping coefficient of rolling tyres is reported as decreasing with increasing rolling speed. *M Laib* reports that at a frequency of 4 Hz the damping coefficient of a tyre decreases tenfold between 0 and 10 km/h. Giihlich et d4 indicate that the damping coefficient of a tractor tyre increases at the onset of rolling by 20% reaching a peak at about 0.3 km/h then decreasing in an exponential way to 40% of its non-rolling value by the time the speed reaches 10 km/h. The axial (lateral) and tangential (longitudinal) characteristics of agricultural tyres have not been subjected to much investigation. Stayner and Boldero” have made free vibration measurements on a non-rolling tyre and related these to stiffness and damping characteristics of a spring and viscous damper in parallel. Other authors13 have reported force deflection curves. In contrast road vehicles have received much more attention both in the development of relevant theory and the measurement of tyre characteristics. There are however important differences between road and agricultural tyres which limits the usefulness of much road vehicle research. One such difference is the ratio between the tyre contact patch length (or more strictly the tyre relaxation length) and the rolling speed. A road vehicle travelling at 20 m/s with a tyre contact patch length of O-1 m completely changes the rubber in contact with the road surface 200 times a second. An agricultural tractor travelling at 2 m/s with a tyre contact patch length of 0.4 m changes the rubber in contact with the road surface only five times a second. Consequently the lateral and longitudinal response of these tyres to, say, a 3 Hz vibration is likely to be quite different. At zero or very low speed when the rate of change of the contact patch is low compared with the frequency of vibration, the contact patch will not move with respect to the road surface in response to the vibration. All the restraining force and energy dissipation takes place in the tyre carcass. The simplest way of representing the longitudinal and lateral characteristics of the tyre under these circumstances is with a spring and damper in parallel in the longitudinal direction, and another such pair in the lateral direction connecting the wheel rim to the ground. At high rolling speeds a rolling tyre responds to side force with side slip (and similarly to longitudinal force with tangential slip). The relationship between the slip angle (a) and force (F) can be represented as F = LA(1 -e-ka) where F is the side force, L the radial load on the tyre, a the angle which the path of the tyre contact patch makes with the plane of the tyre (in radians) and A and k are constants. Even at low speeds and high levels of vibration the angle a is small, so the expression above can be simplified to F = LC,a where Ak = C, which is the coefficient of slip. If the rolling speed of the wheel is I/, and the lateral velocity of the tyre contact patch is &, then the above relationship can be represented as F=LC,$ J. A. 83 LINES The side slip of the contact patch on the road therefore responds with a velocity is which is proportional to the side load applied. The tyre road interface therefore behaves as a viscous damper in series with the characteristics of the tyre carcass and with a damping coefficient given by McAllister’4 has measured the side force developed on a variety of surfaces by agricultural tyres. Values of C, obtained in the experiment are typically 4 rad-‘. Hence the apparent damping at the tyre ground interface due to side slip for a medium size tractor with say 10 kN load on each rear tyre and driving at 4 m/s is 10000 Nsm-‘. This is substantially larger than the tyre carcass damping which is typically 2000 Nsm- ’ (Stayner and Boldero).” In the same way, the longitudinal forces are developed by tangential slip. For small slip values a similar relationship to that given above is valid: where j, is the difference between the no slip speed and the actual speed, C,_is the coefficient of longitudinal slip and FL is the longitudinal force. A typical value” for C, is 85 which for the same conditions as before implies a viscous damping at the tyre ground interface of 20 000 Nsm- ‘. Again this is substantially larger than the damping coefficient of a non-rolling tyre which is around 2500 Nsm- ‘. Agricultural tyres are operated in a regime between the low and high speed cases given. The longitudinal deflection characteristics of tractor tyres are dominated by bending of the individual tyre lugs” so the relaxation length is short. Lateral deflection of tractor tyres is dominated by shearing of the tyre carcass so the relaxation length for this type of deflection is longer. It is therefore to be expected that the longitudinal deflection characteristic of the tyre will more nearly be described by the high rolling speed model than will the lateral characteristics. It was a purpose of the experiment to observe the effects on tractor vibrational changes in tyre characteristic due to rolling speed. In order to predict the vibration of a vehicle as it is driven over a track of a known profile it is necessary that all the sources of excitation are included. It is also necessary that the vibration caused by each known source adds linearly to the vibration caused by the other sources and that the characteristics of the tractor do not change with changing excitation amplitude. Measurements have not yet been reported which show to what extent these conditions are met. The work presented here is also aimed at clarifying these points. 3. Experiments In order to measure the transfer functions of the tractor between the ground contact patch at one of its wheels and the vehicle body response, it was necessary to excite one wheel with a signal which was quite independent of any signals at the other wheels. This situation does not occur during normal tractor driving because on each side of the tractor the front and rear wheels pass over virtually the same ground profile. Reported here are two different methods which were used to create this situation. 3.1. Laboratory method An agricultural tractor was placed on an hydraulic test stand” which enabled each of its wheels to be independently vibrated in the vertical direction by an hydraulic actuator 84 RIDE VIBRATION OF TRACTORS (Fig. I). The surface on which each of the wheels rested was covered by small diameter (50 mm) rollers so that the wheels could be rotated. On this stand the tractor wheels were driven under tractor power at various speeds. The tractor was excited by vibration under one or more wheels. The vertical acceleration of the pads on which the wheels rested was measured, as was the acceleration of the tractor body, measured on the cab floor under the operator’s seat in the vertical, longitudinal, lateral, roll, pitch and yaw directions. In this way the transfer functions of the tractor through each wheel could be measured at various tyre rolling speeds and vibration amplitudes with and without the presence of uncorrelated vibration input at the other wheels. The wheel for which the transfer function was being calculated was excited with random excitation which had a reasonably flat acceleration power spectrum from 0.5 to 12 Hz. The other three wheels were either not excited or excited with vibration, approximately equal in acceleration rms to the first wheel. This excitation was similar to that which would be received travelling along a rough track. The three inputs were correlated accordingly. The advantages of this method of exciting the tractor were that vibration amplitude and driving speed could be independently controlled, that the filtering effect of the tyre enveloping the track17 did not confuse comparisons made between different driving speeds, and that long statistically reliable signal lengths could be used and easily repeated. The method produced repeatable and well correlated measurements. The disadvantage of this method was that the excitation used was somewhat removed from reality. Because the rollers under the tyres were free to rotate in response to the tyres rather than being constrained to rotate at a given velocity by the momentum of the tractor, any longitudinal deflection of the tyre is likely to have resulted in acceleration of the rollers rather than the tractor. The longitudinal vibration of the tractor was also affected by a horizontal steel hawser which restrained it from driving off the front of the test stand. Since the longitudinal vibration of the vehicle is linked by the inertia of the tractor to the pitch and vertical vibration, measurements in these other two directions too may not be fully representative of the real situation. A further drawback to this test method is that in real life a change of ground level under a wheel is always accompanied by a change of gradient whereas on the test stand the surfaces remained level. The response of a tractor wheel to such a change of gradient is not yet fully understood, but one would expect it to affect the longitudinal, and hence also the pitch and vertical response. Fig. 1. The four ram hydraulic test stand J. A. LINES 85 3.2. Test track method A tractor was driven over a standard rough track” with one wheel on the rough profile and the other three on relatively smooth concrete. This was achieved by changing the wheel track width asymmetrically (Fig. 2). In this way the main vibration input was through only one wheel, and this was not correlated with any input from the other three wheels. The transfer function was again measured between the second differential of the ground elevation under the tyre and the acceleration in six directions measured on the cab floor under the driver’s seat. The ground elevation was measured simultaneously with the tractor acceleration, using an optical non-contacting displacement transducer.lg A similar tractor had been excited by a vertical input at one wheel using a hydraulic actuator as mentioned in the introduction. In this way comparison could be made between the response of the tractor when the tyres were rolling, and when not rolling. Further details of this experiment are given elsewhere.” The advantages of this method are that it very closely represents the actual situation of a tractor driving on a rough surface. The disadvantages are that only one rather short (100 m) track could be used which resulted in noisy and somewhat unreliable transfer function measurements. It was not possible to alter the profile or amplitude of either the rough profile for the measured wheel or the smooth profile for the other three wheels. In order to interpret the measurements made at different speeds it was necessary to model the spatial filtering effect of the tyre as it enveloped the ground profile. The filtering model used, smoothly decreased the levels of the ground excitation as its frequency increased, so that a 50% decrease in input level was reached as the ground input wavelength approached a length twice that of the tyre contact patch. Details of the filter are given in reference 20. To assess the effect which the wheel track asymmetry had on the tractor performance, it was driven with both standard and asymmetric track widths over a track and the measured ride accelerations were compared. These indicated that no significant difference in the vehicle behaviour resulted from the asymmetric track widths. Fig. 2. Track method used to excite tractor with (left) a rear wheel input and (right) a front wheel input RIDE 86 VIBRATION OF TRACTORS 4. Results 4.1. General description Transfer functions of the stationary tractor show a highly resonant system which is similar for the two tractors used. Pitch and longitudinal transfer functions show a common resonance frequency with the vertical and have in addition one other resonance. Roll and lateral transfer functions have both of their resonance frequencies in common. The yaw transfer function is less distinct but appears to share resonance frequencies with roll and lateral. In this way the transfer functions are consistent with linear analysis which shows that the system can be split into two independent sub-systems, one involving vertical, longitudinal and pitch motion, the other involving roll, lateral and yaw motion. 4.2. Changes with amplitude When the wheels are not rolling, changes in the amplitude of the input to the wheels cause significant changes in the transfer functions (Fig. 3). In general the natural frequencies of the system decrease-typically by 10% for a 1 : 5 increase in r.m.s. level, and the effective level of damping increases. The increase in damping varies considerably from one transfer function to another. In most cases transfer functions for the front wheel inputs are more sensitive to amplitude than those for the rear. Since the chan&e in input amplitude represents a proportionally greater deflection of the smaller front tyres than the rear tyres, this is perhaps understandable. The effect of changes in excitation level on rolling wheels is much less than on stationary wheels. An increase in the excitation level does not have an observable effect on the natural frequencies but in some cases it increases the level of damping slightly. This effect seems to be greater for the front wheels and for low driving speeds. In the laboratory tests all the transfer functions were measured both with the other three tractor wheels receiving no input, and with them receiving approximately equal amounts of excitation to that of the measured wheel. This excitation was similar to that which might be received travelling along a rough track, and the three inputs were correlated accordingly. There is no evidence that the addition of this extra “noise” in the system changes the transfer functions in any way. 4.3. Changes with rolling speed 4.3.1. Laboratory experiment There are large differences between transfer functions measured with wheels rolling and not rolling (Fig. 4). At a tyre rolling speed of 6 km/h the natural frequencies are found to be typically 25% lower than for non-rolling tyres. No significant change can be observed between the natural frequencies at 6 km/h and 11 km/h. This observation is consistent with those of previous authors that tyre stiffness drops sharply at the onset of rolling and thereafter increases only gradually. It appears from the transfer functions that the tyre stiffness in all three axial directions (radial, lateral and longitudinal) could behave in this way. The measurements show large changes in damping as speed is varied between 0 km/h and 11 km/h. Damping of the lateral mode increases from about 20% to around 100% of the critical level. Roll and yaw transfer functions show similar effects. The vertical transfer function shows only a small change in damping. Longitudinal and pitch transfer functions develop very much stronger resonances indicating a decrease in the damping level. The transfer functions measured at 6 km/h show that the increase in damping in the lateral, roll and yaw is gradual and proportional to rolling speed. However the apparent J. A. LINES 87 Frequency, Hz Fig. 3. Transfer jiinctions showing vertical response to high (--) and low (- -) excitation for [left) stationary and (right) rolling wheels 1 Rear wheel Vertm levels qf rear wheel Rear wheel Lateral 8 3 Rear wheel Longitudinal Rear wheel -z BL 0 8 0 0 Front wheel Vertical Front wheel Lateral Frequency, Hz Fig. 4. Laboratory experiment. Magnitudes of transfer functions, calculated between input at wheel and tractor response at driver’s seat mounting point at 0 km/h (--), 6 km/h ( - - ) and I1 km/h (---, 88 RIDE VIBRATION OF TRACTORS decrease in damping in vertical, longitudinal and pitch appears to be closely linked to the change in tyre stiffness, varying as it does only slowly with rolling speed after the initial change at the onset of rolling. It would seem then, that these two effects originate from two different sources. 4.3.2. Test track experiment Measurements of the transfer functions made on the test track show results that are consistent with reduction of tyre stiffness at the onset of rolling and show only slow change thereafter (Fig. 5). The decrease in -the apparent damping which was observed in the laboratory experiment for longitudinal and pitch motion is not shown in these measurements. The results show a progressive decrease in damping with increasing rolling speed. The transfer function measured on the stationary tractor shows a much stronger second resonance than any of the rolling measurements. The increase in damping observed for roll, lateral and yaw movements is only apparent in the field experiment results for the front wheel of the tractor. The rear wheel transfer function damping does not appear to change substantially. 31 I 61: : Rear wheel Vertical o- 0 8 Rear wheel ‘Longltudlnal Rear wheel Roll Front wheel Vertical Front wheel Lateral 8 0 Frequency, Hz Fig. 5. Field experiment. Magnitude of transfer function, calculated between input at wheel and response ),IIkm/h (--) and15kmlh (....) at driverS seat mounting point at 0 km/h (-- 8 J. A. 89 LINES 4.4. Additional excitation The coherence associated with the measurements made in the laboratory is generally good (Fig. 6). However at the wheel rotation frequencies (both front and rear), and at harmonics of these, the coherence drops, indicating that the tractor is being excited by wheel rotation at these frequencies. At half the tyre lug passing frequency and at the tyre lug passing frequency of each wheel the coherence once again drops. Because of the power of excitation at these frequencies and small variations in the driving speed, these bands of low coherence are wide. Above half of the lug passing frequency the coherence remains much poorer than it was at lower frequencies. The coherence between excitation and response signals measured in the track experiment was much poorer than for the laboratory experiment. In this case it decreases to a very low value at a frequency which appears to be proportional to driving speed. This frequency however was not obviously related to the tyre lug passing frequency as it was in the laboratory experiment and was lower than the track slat passing frequency. The most likely cause of this low value of coherence is the precision with which the profile of the track was measured. Since the power in the ground surface displacement profile decreases rapidly with increasing spatial frequency, the upper frequency limit of accurate frequency response functions depends on the precision with which the track profiles have been surveyed. 5. Discussion It is immediately apparent that for ride vibration simulations of unsprung vehicles to produce accurate results the characteristics of rolling tyres must be used. Not only must the tyre characteristics be measured on a rolling tyre, but the way in which the apparent damping changes with rolling speed must also be understood and incorporated. It has been previously noted’ that the predicted longitudinal ride vibration for a tractor is closer to the measured vibration if the longitudinal damping of the tyres is increased to a near critical level. It is therefore encouraging to see that the longitudinal damping in the field experiment appears to be much higher for rolling than non-rolling cases. It is not clear at the moment why the transfer functions measured across the rear wheel of the tractor on the test track should vary from those of the front wheel and the results measured in the laboratory. However, one common factor is that only the rear wheels of the tractor on the test track are subjected to any significant amount of tangential deflection. In the other three cases either because the wheels are not driven, or because of the test stand arrangement, tangential forces between the wheel and the surface are very rapidly dissipated. The amplitude non-linearity of the rolling tyre transfer functions is small. An important 01 0 1 12 0 Frequency, Fig. 6. Coherence between laboratory experiments Hz rear wheel input and tractor vertical response in (left) field ). 6km/h (- -), II km/h (+-) and ISkmlh at 0 km/h (-- and (right) (....I 90 RIDE VIBRATION OF TRACTORS consequence of this is that the principle of superposition is valid, so that the vibration due to the input at each wheel can be computed separately and summed to give the motion of the tractor subjected to all four inputs simultaneously. Because of this it may well be possible to make use of frequency domain methods for simulating ride vibrations, rather than the comparatively slow and complex time domain methods. 6. Conclusions The characteristics of rolling tyres are significantly different from those of non-rolling tyres. The tyre stiffness characteristics appear to decrease at the onset of rolling and thereafter to remain relatively constant with further increases in rolling speed. The vibrational energy dissipated by the tyres may however increase proportionally with rolling speed. Amplitude non-linearities appear to be negligible for rolling tyres and the principle of superposition therefore is applicable. Wheel eccentricity and tyre lugs excite the tractor at specific frequencies. It appears that at frequencies above half the tyre lug passing frequency, tractor vibration is only poorly correlated with ground excitation. Acknowledgement The laboratory experiment described in this paper was carried out in the technical university of Berlin, Institut fiir Landtechnik und Baumaschinen. I am grateful to Professor Dr Ing. H. Giihlich and Dipl. Ing. A. Kising for their assistance during the experiment and for the use of their hydraulic test stand. I would also like to thank Dr Koch of the Institut fur Wasserbau for the loan of analysis equipment. References ’ Stayner, R. M.; Collins, T. S.; Lines, J. A. Tractor ride vibration as an aid to design. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 1984, 29(4): 345-356 * Laib, L. On the dynamic behaviour of agricultural tyres. Journal of Terramechanics 1979, 16(2): 77-85 3 Hooker, R. G. A model for the radial dynamic behaviour of pneumatic tyres. International Journal of Vehicle Design 1980, l(4): 361-372 4 Giihlich, H.; Schiitz, F.; Jungerberg, H. Unterschungen zum vertikalen Schwingungsverhalten von Ackerschlepperreifen (Research into vertical vibration characteristics of tractor tyres). Grundlagen der Landtechnik 1984, 34: 13-18. NIAE Translation 527 5 Hahn, W. D. Uber das Feder-Diimpfer-Verhalten von Luftreifen (The spring-damper characteristics of pneumatic tyres). 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