VELOPHARYNGEAL FUNCTION: A SPATIAL-TEMPORAL MODEL- Fredericka Bell-Berti sounds the vocal tract (Fant the vocal tract and oral additional abil to cavities air stream For oral of the the index the usefulness 41 and therefore, employing the velar coarticulation data reported in the literature, as well as data from an experiment to be reported here, we propose to offer a model of velar function that may prove to be a useful subject for further comparisons with the actions of the human articulatory system. II. MECHANISMS OF VELAR CONTROL A Introduction The role of the mechanism in speech has been of interest for many years, but the hi of this interest will only be surveyed briefly in this chapter. (See Dickson & Maue-Dickson, 1980, for a comprehensive historical perspective.) Thus, Fritzell (1969) reports studies by Czermak (1857, 1858, 1869) and Passavant (1863) involving both indirect and direct measures of velopharyngeal closure during speech.[1] The conclusion of these experiments was that velar decreases through the vowel series [i], [u], [0], [e], [a]. Passavant also placed tubes of varying diameters in the velopharyngeal port region to determine how small the port must be to prevent nasalization of oral sounds and found that a cross-sectional area of 12.6om2 had lit tIe effect on qual, but that a cross-sectional area of 28.3mm 2 resulted in the nasalization of most consonants. He also reported a bUlging in the posterior wall, above the level of velopharyngeal closure during the speech of a cleft palate speaker. He assumed that this bulging 9 which has come to be known as Passavant! s ridge 9 occurs in all 9 It is possible to two lines of investigation leading from these early studies. The first line concerns the dimensions and mechanisms of oral and nasal articulation. , is oral articulation achieved (a) and movement of the velum; ( a combination of velar movement and directed movement of the posterior pharyngeal wall (Passavant i s ) ; or (c) a combination of velar movement and medially directed movement of the lateral pharyngeal wall? Which muscles are responsible for the velar port? Need the port be completely closed for all "oral" articulations? And, is nasal articulation achieved by the contraction of some muscle or muscle group, or by decreasing activity in those muscles for oral articulation? The second line of concerns of variations in activ both as function of of and as a function of interactions among prox (coarticulation) Mechanisms It 42 is is the muscle Bell-Berti, 1 This and peoples Calnan (1 ) has di the presence of Passavant's ridge in and claimed that such a mechanism would be far too sl sh and be reliable mechanism for wi th inad muscul ature" ( w Hill, Pettitt & Kane, 1 & Hill t that Passavant's r is not a mechanism used most normal e cleft ate ects tend to use more wall movement in ng than do normal ) concluded that, when Passav ant's r clefts t i t may be used as them In lel and (1 1) w directed and that movement r was velar Passavant' closure constricthe 1 also been Lubker 1 Me Call, & Barnes anatomithe atal above thi constrictor movements cour Skolnick 43 showing of the constrictor, for (cf& Minifie, Hixon, Kelsey &. Woodhouse, 1970; seems reasonable in 1 of EMG data i the constrictor musc , a t the level at superior of the (Bell-Berti, 1 first, and simplest, is that the muscles used in closing it relax and the elastic tissue forces open the port The second possibil i ty is that the contraction of some muscle or group of muscles (possibly palatopharyngeus or palatoglossus) s downward on the velum while the muscles involved in the port are relax e In an EMG study~ Fri I across ects~ but in [i] and [u] Bell-Berti (1 works stical wi th the for open than for close isthmus for these articulations. for the role e activ to vary more active for the vowel [a] than for that the palatopharyngeus but that it is more active to narrow the faucial Thus~ the available EMG data do not provide as a velar The situation however, for the pal studies have activ occurs when ni activ is is, at times to nasal consonant articulation ( ~ Hirose, Sawashima, &: ima, 1977; Fritzell, 1 ; Lubker, Fritzell, &: Li ist, 1970; Lubker, Lindqvist, &: Fritzell, Note ) In contrast however, Bell-Berti (1973 1976; Bell-Berti &: Hi rose, 1 ) has EMG, recorded from several , showi ng no difference in activ associated with in the status of the velar data show activ for back vowels and vel segments for which levator atini is also Kuenzel, 1 ), involvement in These authors have vowel ~ rose ( Taken universal mechanism muscle (Bell-Berti, nvol ves the and for some downward , at the least, that there is no velum increased activ in any Rather ~ the basic mechanism for the velar of i those muscles acting to close it, the contraction of the to provide no evidence that the 45 among the control articulators (cf Lindblom ~ Stevens House ~ 1 of vel control be an ' thIn, wi th variable reI and correction for mechanical constraints number of & Shriner for s of for vowels here, confirm the ) , pulsing to continue the period of vocal tract occlusion for obstruent (cf Bell-Berti, 1975; Perkell, 1969; van den 1958) Conversely, some s maintain the transglottal pressure difference necessary for glottal pul allowing air to 'leak' through a partially opened port (Dixit & MacNeilage, Note 1)0 Still other accomplish this vocal tract ustment in other ways, including and depressing the root, the lar ,or volume (cf0 Bell-Berti, 1 Tatsumi, & 1969) 0 $ $ These articulatory maneuvers effective volume, as well as the ustment of cross-sectional area for vowels (cfe Bell-Bert, 1 ), are reasons e First, and most obvious, that model must account all of the articUlatory of mechanism Second, and more here, interaction with otherwise our of data collected of sequences of which we must collect if we are our under stand interaction between motor for, the execution 0 IV In addition and their interaction also tried to uence ~~~-~~"~ OF PHONETIC and nasal articulation of velar function have , the extent of the position for proximate motor po si tion for common observation is no and (1) positions than do the velar elevation occurs hav ironment for One general production that has been tested wi th velar function data is phoneme-based modele This model assumes the input to the to be of phonemes that are fied as sets of invariant articulatory goals, or "features." It postulates a "lookahead" procedure that allows the s of phonemes occurring later in the to influence the current and vocal tract , so as these s are not in conflict with any more immediate s [3] A model from the Moll and Daniloff data proposes two velar s: for consonants and 'open' for nasal consonants for vowels is assumed to be fied, and determined fied posl tion The lctions of thi essentially binary those of Henke's model of tion, and a substantial of the data in lctions of such model e e There are, • of the look-ahead model The first of these three instances in which blind ication account for observations of human effect of a marked junctural in downstream (McClean 1 Ushijima & Hirose, in nasal may result from command to the vel um, that this ex anamodel and the look-ahead model concerns NC sequences, movement toward for consonant model issues in the model utterances whose sequences velar vO\rlel ) and et 131", A second, and more that velar position for velar , limitation is between oral consonants, that velar the tacit will be the substantial cav ---- FUNCTION 12. 11.0 10. W ...... 9. 8. 7. -600 300 msec at x ~)( xxxxxxxx)OOOO(xXx )(Xxx ~ Ensemble~average from the carrier contains contains is 50 the velar elevation functions for two V1C V? phrases utterance set described in Section V, B 1 spBken in the The upper figure sentence nIt's a the function for the lower the function for the Velar elevation units time in msec duration of the on 9 e extent of interaction effects among vowels and consonants, in entirely oral utterances, and are described below. B0 The _-'l....... _ ect in thi York Ci the of standard Greater utterances were 27 twoand were [i] and [a], the the remaining 12 ases combinations of [ w i th word-boundary positions varied in each vowel-order setse This such contrasts as 11 for ex e, [itll [ s t i J and [atslltiJ Nine minimal contrasts were possible between vowel-order sets, in addition to the contrasts wi thin each vowel-order set among hav consonant of different duration (and number of Each phrase and ended wi th an obstruent consonant, al different consonants and ended the two The were embedded in the carrier sentence nIt' ain 9t and aced in lists in random order.. The 1 ists had from to eight tokens of each .. 0) was inserted into the rested on the floor of the nasal border of the hard ate, wall from the level A thin astic nostril and nasal sur face of the supravelar surface and VF at 60 velum was then The each utterance were between the end of the vowel, and were each can be made urn continues many 51 s for may sum cumulatively t and even the most extreme exceeded $ another alternative~ one assuming positional s, is that the velar may not be achieved even during the production of a of five obstruent segments hav a duration of 360 msec. icit in this last is a velar position goal that far exceeds the velar necessary to nasal coupl The second observation, al mentioned above and which admitted cannot be from the first~ is that velar for vowels differs from velar si tion oral consonants. The obvious conclusion, therefore ~ i that the vel s for vowels differ from those for consonants$ Furthermore the for open and close vowel s, at the I east may very well differ from each other 9 observations are al so po ssible • One in velar for different vowels between vowel environment and maximum velar Still other observations are concerned with in relation to ar position the vowel s [ and [a], for [ in each of the 18 (nine sons (t )$ These differthan in the first refl ar elevation for infl uence of 3). § this difference of the elevation occurs msec and the average duration ases. of turn, be on ar extreme that 52 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 7.0 6. a LLnUL.L. 2. U1 Lv 1 Velar position " second elevation contrast consonant strings: the vocalic of the first and described in Section V,B Velar ordinate in unitse Minimalthe abscissa their syllable 2 is at the $ \..J1 -I>- ," , a _,' / x~~ ~~ ~ . ~, ~~ " ..X , / ,, }, , X .D-O=aCni x--x -: iCno 3 Peak velar elevation, from the ensemble averages t for minimal contrasts indicated the abscissa. The smallest and largest standard deviation values are shown their respective means. o 11. o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 x x x x x x o xX X x X x x 8.5 x 200 300 .400 DURATION (MSEC) Figure lJ1 lJ1 0 Scatter-plot of peak velar elevation (along the consonant-string duration (along the abscissa). ordinate) vs. F~nally, to estimate the time at which V2 exerts more influence on peak elevat10n than does V1 , velar elevation was compared in the nine minimal pairs at several times before peak elevation was achieved: at 100, 150, 200, and 250 msec before the beginning of V2a The mean difference in velar position was determined for each time point: by subtracting the value obtained for [iC na ] strings from that obtained for [aC i] strings a So long as V.2 exerts the greater influence, this difference si\ould be positive, and it"" should ~ecrease as the influence of V 2 diminishes, becoming negative when the 1nfluence of V1 exceeds that of V2 a These data are summarized in Table 1a Clearly, at even 100 msec before V2 , the influence of that vowel is small (t 8 ::1 a J9), and. at ~Oo. mse? before V,? .the mean difference across comparison pa1rs 1S negat1ve, 1nd1cat1ng that th~ 1nfluence of V predominates. 1 Table 1 Mean difference in velar position between laC il and liC al utterances, taken at 50 msec intervals before the (acoustic) ~nd of the Honsonant string (t::O msec) a The difference is at t::50 msec, where exerts the influence, and smallest at wnere the infl of V is 1 comparison time (msec before V ) 2 ( 50) 100 Mean Difference 200 150 08 -11 e 7 250 7 19 a C This n-ary fication of tion both of the fication of consonants, Additional consonants; it po nasal the appropriate close vowel is 1 'Model the already in the literature, This model res or movement s, one each for vowel, and obstruent consonants hal f-close vowel sand sonorant other hand, be to velar interaction between the nasal consonant and s for nasal zed that for open vowelsa 0 some which it rather than 56 abruptly, and to be some fixed time after the (acoustic) end of the segment for which it fied The model assumes that the velum is programmed to achieve its maximum excursion for a before the (acoustic) end of the Once the velum has achieved this maximum ment, it moves ei ther towards its rest position or po , some neutral, y (cf@ & Halle, 1 p@ 300)@ (It should be to determine whether not this movement away from the maximum is toward the rest position the 'neutral' on vel movement before marked al boundaries, where the neutral po ex and in utterance-final positions, where the be ex @) The fication may take the form mov some position, or, alternatively, or tento The model is not able two al ternatives. In ei ther however, successive fications described. the to the second the data / will have vowel because ; that is, closer indeed, in velar si tion values Bell-Berti 57 It is important to note that this that it is the result both of temporal component comprising a particular overlap, or co-occurrence, of gestures for successiv not permit determination of the effect of in lex ng rate on the of the and end of relation to the acoustic onset of the for which Nor does this model contain the among the of it claims that a vowel infl uence an about 150 to 200 msec before the acoustic onset of the ins in relation no claims about when the velar movements for to is constant of lexical rate Obviously, a However, after the values established it should infl uences on model may be used to determine the model' Dixit, 58 velar function and tend Once impl ies among the and of temporal These data do stress and in velar in are fied. relationThus while consonant vowel, it makes the of this ng available. have been account for done the utterances, Bell-Berti, F. 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FOOTNOTES 1It is possible to observe articulator movements associated wi th gestures in two fundamentally different ways (cf" Bell-Berti, 1973).. first of these, Viewing, involves measurement of articulator for example, measuring the elevation of the velum over time include visual observation (using posterior rhinoscopy or cinematography t cinerad t ul trasonic echo , and recording of reflected light. The second group of methods, the cause or result of articulator specifying articulator movements, includ acoustic, and transillumination recordings ---~ The , involves measurements of acement, implying but not flow is of some interest to note that all of these recent data provide general confirmation of Passavant's (1863) that a al port cross-sectional area 12.6 mm 2 had little effect on the speech, while a cross-sectional area of 28 mm 2 resulted in nasal oral speech sounds, and thus, in distorted speech 3Another fr nikov and Chistovich the basic uni ts of described as CV model accounts for for vel function consonant unless we assume that different 62 4Binary models are frequently proposed because of their simplicity However, if a binary model requires a large number of reorganization instructions to account for observational data, it seems that an n-ary model may have equal, or even greater, elegance. 50ne would expect cumulative velar position as the response of an openloop system. Such a system would obviate the need for continuous of velar position, while guaranteeing closure preventing nasal coupl dur oral segments. A. Before considering the acoustic effects of the nasal resonator to the pharyngeal and oral resonators it seems prudent to provide and/ or descriptions of that will, of , find their \-lay into the following discussion. Thi treatment, of course, will not, and could not, be exhaustive 9 Traditionally, in an acoustic we view the vocal tract as an acoustic tube, one hav variable and For oral speech sounds, the tube is a simple one, hav ing no side branches, wi th one end at the glottis and the other at the [ 1] For voiced oral sounds, the acoustic of such a tube can be described its , which is the ratio of the volume at the to - - -sound - source (the ). transfer function can be described its , resonances that can be described their and bandwid ths, or The resonance and their bandltlid ths are a function of and of the tube (Fant, 1 1; Stevens & House, 1955, 1961). For voiceless speech sounds, the transfer function is the ratio of the volume at the 1 to the sound pressure of the source, which, in this condition, is the noi or transient exci tation at the vocal tract constriction (Bell. • Heinz stevens, 1).[2] B Adding a side acoustic interactions of the wi ttl those of the branches shunt, the vocal tract tube several ways 6 n 63 nasal-branch driving point admittance decrease, approach the of their paired zeroes, and are cancelled (Fuj imura & Lindqv ist, 1971) " The poles of the nasal-branch driving-point admittance are the fre at which zeroes are observed in the transfer function of the vocal tract therefore, the closer the pole frequencies of the nasal-branch admittance to the resonances of the rest of the vocal tract, the more extensive will be effects of adding the nasal branch to the In spite of this ity, however, it is possible qualitatively, the results of some of the interactions among and resonators" (We will confine ourselves to the on the transfer functions of vowel , and not because of an interest in understanding observed differences for different vowel s,,) First, the lowest formant will fall between the lowest nasal-branch resonance formant of the non-nasal zed vowel effects of nasal occur in the admi t tances into the and nasal in the reduction, aero vowel, ~f F , and is minimized (cf Lindqvist. 1 J been established, however It has not has the acoustic effects of nasal ThUS, while it is known that close vowels will than will at smaller velar ~'J; Henderson & Marshall, 1 resul ts from the of nasal FOOTNOTES 1This is an for the considerations acoustic Shirt 64 3An advance in understanding the interactions between coupled pharyngeal, oral, nasal branches was effected by Mermelstein (Mermelstein, 1971; Rub in, Baer, & Mermelstein, 1979), who established a method for calculating the vocal tract transfer function, based on the independence of the driving point admittances looking into each branch from the velopharyngeal port and of the pressure gain across each branch. This has simplified the techniques necessary for calculating the coupled-system transfer function e 65