1533 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DFV1CF.S. VOL 37. N O 6. J U N E I Y W [7] M. Sakaue. T . Tamaina, and Y. Mizushima, "Unidirectional transfer properties of plasma-coupled shift register." /EEE Trans. Electrotl De1ice.s. vol. ED-29. no. 8, pp. 1276-1283, 1982. [SI T . Tamarna and N. Kuji. "Auto-calibrated potential map drawing equipment and its application to characterization of plasma-coupled devices." / E E E 7rcr)i.s. Electron Dc1,icxs. vol. ED-33, no. 2. pp. 192197. 1986. Gallium Arsenide Photo-MESFET's B . LAKSHMI, K. CHALAPATI. A. K . SRIVASTAVA. B. M. ARORA, S . SUBRAMANIAN, A N D D. K . SHARMA Fig. 2. A radiation pattern of the plasma from a tired cell is shown, superimposed nn the usual optical pattern. The emitter injection current is 10 mA through 500-R load from 5 V . The plasma area is partly covered by the metallized middle row. s o that the recombination radiation image is observed as separated by this metallization line. The shift pulsewidth and also the exposut-e time are 40 p s , and the integration is 60 s. Abstract-Response of normall) off GaAs photo-MESFET's has been investigated in two modes: i) the normal mode in which the photon energy is greater than the bandgap and the light intensity is sufficient to bias the device abme turn-on threshold, and ii) the wbthreshold mode with subbandgap photon energy illumination. In the second mode, the tranGstor operates b j internal photoemission from metal gate to the semiconductor. In the normal mode, the square root of the drain photocurrent \ a r k s as logarithm of the incident light intensity. The device characteristics for subbandgap illumination have been analy7ed for the first time and we show that the photocurrent varies linearly with light intensity in this mode. I. I N T R O D L ~ C I I O N Fig. 3. Consecutive patterns of the emission by delaying the sampling signal. The delay is changed by 20-ps interval. A unit transfer occurs cvery 40 ps. A transient and stable plasma states are alternativcly displayed. It implies that a timing analysis of digital circuit is po\sihlc. [ l ] A. G . Chynoweth and K . G . McKay. "Photon emission from avalanche breakdown in silicon." P h ~ s Rei,. . . v o l . 102. no 2 , pp. 369376, 1956. [2] C . Hu. S . C. Tam. F-C. Hsu, P-K. K O , T-Y. Chan. and K . W . Terril. "Hot-electron-induced MOSFET degradation~model. monitor. and improvenicnt." / € E € 7rwi.s. Elcctrori De\,ic.rs. vol. ED-32. no. 2. pp. 375-385, 1985. 131 T . Tsuchiya and S. Nakajiina. "Emission mechanism and h i a d e p e n dent emission cfhciency of photons induced by drain avalanche in Si MOSFETs." l E E E Trtrris. Electroti Dci.ic(,.\. vol. ED-32. n o . 2 , pp. 405-412. 1985. 141 N.Khurana and C-L. Chang. "Analysis of product hot electron problems by gated emission microscope." i n 24th Ann. Pro(,. /EEE/RPS. pp. 189-194. 1986. [SI N. Khurana, "Pulsed infrared microscopy for debugging i n latch-up on CMOS product\." in Ami. Proc. IEEEIIRPS. pp. 122-117. 1984. 161 S-C. Lim and E-G. Tan, "Detection of junction spiking and its induced latch-up by emission microscopy," i n A I I H . Proc,. /EEE//RPS. pp. 119-125. 1988. Recently, ultrafast photoresponse of GaAs M E S F E T ' s . also called O P F E T ' s , has also been demonstrated [ I ] . These devices are capable of detecting light pulses of 100-ps duration with a 2-GHz repetition rate [21, [31. Sugeta er al. [2] also explored the mechanism of photodetection by M E S F E T ' s . They found that the M E S F E T first acts as a photodiode, and then the F E T amplification takes place. An alternative explanation, based on a direct optically induced modulation of depletion layer, has been proposed by T . Umeda et al. 141. Since Schottky-barrier structure is a majoritycarrier device. it can have turn-on and turn-off times as small as a few picoseconds 151 and therefore M E S F E T ' s could be fabricated to detect extremely short light pulses. In this brief. photodetection response measurements were perfornied on GaAs M E S F E T devices. including their response to photon energies smaller than the bandgap of GaAs. For the photon energies between the Schottky-barrier height and the bandgap energy (0.85-1.4 e V ) it is the internal photoemission process which gives rise to photocurrent. This current is, in turn, amplified by the F E T . A self-consistent model using measured parameters is presented to explain the results. T h e spectral response in the subbandgap region shows the behavior predicted by the Fowler theory 161 and our results confirm the mechanism proposed by Sugeta et a / . 11. E X P E R I M E N T A L Nomially off GaAs M E S F E T devices were fabricated on semiinsulating GaAs substrates ion-implanted with silicon using standard processing steps. T h e current-voltage behavior of the MESFET's was invcstigatcd under front illumination. For photon Manuscript received May 23. 1989. revised December 15. 1989. The review of this brief wa, arranged by Associate Editor G . Craford. B. Lakshmi and K. Chalapati are with SAMEER, Indian Institute of Technology Campus. Bombay 400076, India. A. K . Srivastava, B. M. Arora, S . Subramanian, and D. K . Sharma are with the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400005. India. IEEE Log Number 9034392. 0018-9383/90/0600-1533$01.OO O 1990 I E E E Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 04:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. It.F.F, TKANSACTIONS O N F.I.ECIROK DF..VICk.:S. VOL. 1534 37. N O . 6. J U N t I940 energies hv > E,, a 2-mW He-Ne laser was used. Thc intensity of illumination was varied by a set of neutral density filters. For spectral response measurements, light from a tungsten lamp was passed through a monochromator and then focused onto the gate region. For photon energies h u < E,, the light beam was chopped and the photocurrent was measured by using a lock-in amplifier. Current-voltage behavior in dark was also measured. 111. RESULTSA N D DISCLISSION A . Normal Operation Fig. 1 shows typical l,),5-VDs characteristics of a large-area (90-pm-long g a t e ) device operating in dark. The device shows normally off behavior and operates a s an enhancement-mode MESF E T , with a threshold voltage V , = 100 m V . Similar characteristics were observed with 2-pm-long gate M E S F E T ' s . F i g . 2 shows typical ID,s-VD,s characteristics of a large-area MESFET, which is operated with a floating gate and light excitation from a He-Ne laser. Different IDs-VLls curves were obtaincd by reducing the incident light with calibrated neutral density filters. Characteristics in Fig. 2 resemble those in F i g . I . with the gate becoming forward-biased by light, like in Schottky-barrier solar cell with VDS ( V ) Fig. I , /il,-V,)5 characteristics ot GaAs MESFET operating in dark He - N e Loser Illurninallon where I,yc is the short-circuit current proportional to the incident light intensity, lois the dark saturation current. and n is the ideality factor of the Schottky barrier. The value of n was measured to be 1.27 from dark I-V characteristics. By varying the intensity of illumination, the open-circuit voltage developed on the gate changes and hence a family of IDS-VDscurves were obtained. In the square law regime, with VGs >> V , . the drain current depends on the incident light power P a s follows: where q is the quantum efficiency and hv is the photon energy. Fig. 3 shows a plot of versus log of normalized incident power. The data are in satisfactory agreement with the above relationship (2). T h e spectral response of the device is shown in Fig. 4. A sharp I .4-eV photon energy indicates the onset rise in responsivity at of the band-to-band absorption. In addition to the high responsivity at photon energies hv > 1.4 e V , the device shows significant response at subbandgap energies. - -.? ::k 01 0 2 0.3 0 4 0 5 0 6 07 0 8 09 V D ~(VOLTS) Fig. 2 . Opcn-gate MESFET characteristics with He-Ne laser illumination B. Subthreshold Subbundgap Operution T h e inset in Fig. 4 shows the device response at photon energies Illumination hu < 1 . 4 eV extending down to -0.8 e V . G a A s does not have significant absorption at these photon energies (0.8-1.3 e V ) to give L G= 90prn - the observed photoresponse from a 0.4-pin-thick active layer in the device. T h e photoresponse can be caused by the internal photoemission of electrons from the gate metal into the channel. T o investigate the mechanism of the subbandgap photorcsponse. the relationship between the incident light intensity and the drain current needs to be established. Under weak illumination, the Vc;sdeveloped is much smaller than V , and the device operates in the subthreshold condition. A plot of I,,\ versus Vc;,5characteristics of the device operating in dark at low gate bias ( Vc;,5< 100 m V ) on a semilog scale gives a straight line indicating that in the subthreshold region IDS varies exponentially with Vc;,s L 6 7 (3) where Vo IS found to be 4 0 m V . Under illumination with hv < E,, the open-circuit voltage at the gate can still be expressed by ( I ) From ( I ) and (3) we get Fig. 3 . /i,.5-light intensity characteristics of MESFET for He-Ne illumination. For ISc << I,,, w e obtain ,111 q , , (4) Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 04:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 153s where f,, is related t o incident chopped light power f a s - I,$( I@ = -. 11 v Fig. 5 shows a plot of versus i5(at I-Km wavelength. A s anticipated from (6). a linear relationship is observed between i/),s and is(.. T h e ratio f/),s/[,(. is constant and expresses the current gain in the subthreshold region. T h e value of current gain is found to be 7 in our devices. In order to substantiate the internal ohotoemission nature of the photoresponse in the subbandgap regime. we have plotted the square root of the drain current per incident photon o r the yield Y a s a function o f t h e photon energy. T h e experimental curve is shown in Fig. 6. A linear relationship is seen over a wide energy range h u > 48. W e obtain a value of G8 0.87 cV. which is in good agreement with the Ti-GaAs Schottky-barrier height 161. PHOTON ENERGY (eV) - Fig. 4. Spectral response of GaAs MESFET. I V . CONCLUSION A normally off M E S F E T can be used for detecting light of energy i) above the bandgap of the semiconductor by hand-to-hand excitations and ii) below the semiconductor bandgap by internal photoemission. T h e lower limit of the photon energy that can be detected in the latter case is given by the gate Schottky-barrier height. In both cases, the photoresponses can be explained by a model in which the M E S F E T gate Schottky barrier acts like a photodiode and develops a photovoltage under illumination, which, in turn. changes the drain current. T h e response current is amplitied by the F E T transistor action. In the nomial mode of operation, ( varies logarithmically with the light intensity. W e have shown that in the subthreshold-mode operation the drain current varies linearly with the light intensity. T h e photo-MESFET thus provides means for light detection over a wide energy range with amplification. Sincc M E S F E T ' s are majority-carrier devices. they also otfer the advantage of high speed. ' 0 1 1 IO 20 Fig. 5 . AC photocurrent 1 30 , 40 50 1 8 1 ' 60 70 80 90 f,,,,-f,, characteristics wavelength of I 1 o f GaAs MESFET at a ACKNOWL.~,DGMEN~' pili. T h e authors wish t o thank P. P. Suratkar and V . T . Karulkar for assistance in the fabrication of M E S F E T ' s . [ I ] J . C. Campbell. "Photo-transistora." / w r t r / s . vol. 22D. W . T. Tsang. Ed in Ser,iic.orit/rc[.,ors t r r i d SemiNew York. NY: Academic Press. 1985. 121 T . Sugeta and Y . Mirushima. "High speed photoresponse mechanism of a GaAs MESFET." J t r p t r ~ iJ . A ~ / J /Ph\s.. . vol. 19. p. L27. 1980. 131 J . C. Gamniel and J . M. Ballantyne. "The OPFET: A new high speed optical detector." in lEDM Proc... pp. 120-123, 1980. 141 T. Umeda and Y . Cho. "Etfect oi incident light illumination shape o n responsivity o f GaAs MESFET photodetector," Jtrptrti J . Appl. P/i!.\. pp. L367TL364. 1985. I S ] A . McCowen. S . B . N. Shaari. and K . Board, "Transient analykis o f Schottky harrier diode." / / I . s I . Elrc.. E r ~ ~ ypt. . . 1. vol. 135. p. 71. 1988. 161 S. M. Sze. Ph!.sic..\ (!f S~,r,iic.oirt/rcc.ro,. DoVcrs. New York. NY: Wiley. 1969. ch. 8 . . PHOTON ENERGY (eV) On the Calculation of Specific Contact Resistivity on ( 100) Si KWOK K . NG Fig. 6. (Yield)' versus photon energy characteristics for GaA\ MESFET in the subbandgap region. T h e a c photocurrent at the drain is therefore given by ANI) RUICHEN LIU Abstract-In order to design suhmicrometer Si MOSFET's properly, the specific contact resistivity p , has to he controlled. The p, is known Manuscript received April 24. 1989: revised January 4. 1990. The review of this brief was arranged by Associate Editor K . C. Saraswat. The authors are with AT&T Bell Laboratories. Murray Hill, NJ 07974. IEEE Log Number 903.5 180. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on January 24, 2009 at 04:07 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.