Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms

Monitors: overview
Overview of Presentation
encapsulation and appropriate abstraction
Monitors and Condition Variables
how they are an improvement over semaphores
The "Dining Philosophers" Problem
Overview of real synchronization mechanisms
exclusion requirements depend on object and methods
implementation should be encapsulated in object
clients shouldn't need to know the exclusion rules
a monitor is not merely a lock
kernel vs. user-mode synchronization
it is an object class, with instances, state, and methods
UNIX and NT exclusion and synchronization
all operations on object state protected by a semaphore
Interprocess Communication
Attributes of communications mechanisms
Overview of common IPC mechanisms
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
monitors have some very nice properties
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easy to use for clients, hides unnecessary details
high confidence of adequate protection
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Monitors: implementation
monitor generic {
semaphore mutex = 1;
... other private data ...
Monitors: use
// protects all methods in class generic
// public external entry points ... all get the mutex before any computation
public: generic_1(parms) { p(&mutex); _generic_1(parms); v(&mutex); }
generic_2(parms) {p(&mutex); _generic_2(parms); v(&mutex); }
// real implementations ... intra-monitor calls uses these directly
_generic_1( parms ) {
// real implementation of 1st method
_generic_2( parms ) {
// real implementation of 2nd method
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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monitor sharedBalance {
int balance;
credit(int amount ) { balance = balance + amount; }
debit(int amount) { balance = balance - amount; }
// the automatic class locking serializes calls to credit and debit
// so that multiple threads cannot possibly interfere with one another
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Monitors: simplicity vs. performance
(nested monitors – simpler isn't safer)
consider two monitors:
monitor locking is very conservative
lock the entire class (not merely a specific object)
lock for entire duration of any method invocations
QUEUE with methods: enqueue, dequeue
ADAPTOR with methods: process, receive
where ADAPTORs are implemented with QUEUEs
this can create performance problems
possible static deadlocks:
they eliminate conflicts by eliminating parallelism
QUEUE.enqueue adds entry, calls ADAPTOR.process
if a thread blocks in a monitor a convoy can form
ADAPTOR.process calls QUEUE.dequeue
There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
fine-grained locking is difficult and error prone
coarse-grained locking creates bottle-necks
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
possible dynamic deadlocks:
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thread 1 calls QUEUE.enque, calls ADAPTOR.process
thread 2 calls ADAPTOR.receive, calls QUEUE.enqueue
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Condition Variables
nested monitors – example
separate the exclusion and waiting mechanisms
thread 2
thread 1
monitor: queue
monitor: adaptor
mutual exclusion – monitor semaphores
prevent multiple threads from executing in monitor
threads blocked on condition vars aren't executing
completion awaiting – condition variables
two supported operations: wait and signal
release monitor semaphore prior to waiting
(can only be done at a safe point in computation)
reacquire monitor semaphore after signaled
safer and more powerful than semaphores alone
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Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Monitor synchronization philosophy
monitor semaphore doesn't convey object ownership
it only controls critical sections for object operations
provides mutual exclusion for all operations
all data structures are protected by monitor semaphore
enables complex tests and operations to be atomic
condition variables are the opposite of locking
normally we seize a lock during critical sections
w/condition variables we unlock during safe sections ...
(and perhaps safe sections are easier to recognize)
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The Dining Philosophers Problem
Five philosophers
five plates of pasta
five forks
is the classical illustration of deadlocking
it was created to illustrate deadlock problems
other variables must represent resource state
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
The Dining Philosophers Problem
they eat whenever
they choose to
it cannot be solved with semaphores
it is a very artificial problem
it was carefully designed to cause deadlocks
changing the problem would eliminate deadlocks
but then it couldn't be used to illustrate deadlocks
in the next lecture
we'll explore what makes situations deadlock-prone
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Dining Philosophers w/semaphores
five semaphores, one per fork
when hungry, philosopher needs two forks
first P the left fork, then P the right fork
if all try to eat simultaneously, they deadlock
semaphores alone cannot solve this problem
one requires two
forks to eat pasta,
but must take them
one at a time
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
they will not
negotiate with
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there is no way to look at semaphore count
one must hold the first fork and then P for second
if second fork is already taken, he will block
while blocked, he cannot free fork he already has
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Dining Philosophers w/monitors
monitor semaphore does not control a particular fork
rather it controls the taking/returning of forks
only one philosopher at a time may take/return forks
a condition variable describes each pair of forks
if philosopher cannot obtain both, wait on the pair
wait operation blocks till both forks are free
when a fork is put down, see if pair should be signaled
signal operation awakens blocked philosopher
philosophers hold no forks while waiting
Dining Philosophers: solution
#define N 5
// # of philosophers
enum status {eating, hungry, thinking};
// philo[i] is hungry, get his forks
monitor dining_philosophers {
pickUpForks( int i ) {
status state[N]; // state of each philo
state[i] = hungry;
condition self[N]; // condition var or forks
// monitor protects operations on state/self
if (state[i] != eating) self[i].wait;
// see if we should give forks to philo[i]
// philo[i] is through eating, return his forks
test( int i ) {
putDownForks( int i ) {
if ((state[(i-1)%N] != eating) &&
state[i] = thinking;
(state[i] == hungry) &&
test((i-1) %N );
(state[(i+1)%N] != eating)) {
test((i+1) %N );
state[i] = eating;
diningPhilsophers() { // initialization
for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
state[i] = thinking;
if noone blocks holding resources, there are no deadlocks
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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encapsulating synchronization behavior is right idea
object implementation should be responsible for object integrity
real synchronization behavior often spans multiple operations
monitors are not really a complete solution
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Monitors: why have they been ignored?
Dining Philosophers: Solution
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
they don't relieve client of need for deadlock avoidance
signal or crash within monitor compromises resource
fork within monitor would have two threads in critical section
monitors are simple, but not high-performance
P4pick P3pick P4put
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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artificially extended critical sections create coarse grained locking
unconditional and unlimited waits for all operations
condition variables don't deal with preemption and true parallelism
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Monitors – wrap-up
user-mode synchronization operations
monitors are not used in real Operating Systems
but their key lessons are used everywhere
encapsulating object synchronization behavior
are often implicit
are often associated with other system objects
object implementations ensure object integrity
protecting critical sections vs. managing objects
e.g. open or read block until the operation completes
files, processes, messages, events
are usually general high level operations
critical sections are very tricky, and require locks
hide nasty details (like interrupts and SMP) from the caller
given mutual exclusion, object management is easy
have relatively simple behavior, little burden on caller
decoupling exclusion and completion awaiting
combining them yields crude tools, and deadlocks
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are usually implemented via system calls into the OS
because they can affect scheduling and other processes
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
kernel-mode synchronization
UNIX: exclusion mechanisms
is almost always explicit
synchronization objects are fundamental to the OS
tends to have many options and flavors
shared vs. exclusive, interruptable, SMP susceptable, ...
may impose complex requirements on callers
implemented in a few machine language instructions
atomic instructions, interrupt disables, occasional spins
designed for high performance
minimal overhead for high frequency use
minimize contention in the face of massive parallelism
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sem_open, sem_close, sem_post, sem_wait
exclusive access file opens
advisory file locking (flock)
shared/exclusive, blocking/non-blocking
enforced record locking (lockf)
locks a contiguous region of a file
lock/unlock/test, blocking/non-blocking
all blocks can be aborted by a timer
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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NT: exclusion and synchronization
UNIX: asynchronous completions
most completions are associated with open files
normal files and devices
network or inter-process communication ports
poll if a logical channel is ready or would block
select the first of n channels to become ready
sleep for a specified interval of time
CreateEvent, Set, Reset, Pulse, Wait (for one/multiple)
Mutexes ... exactly one at a time
Create, Release, Wait (for one/multiple)
Critical Sections ... mutexes within a process
a signal will interrupt a block for any of these
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we've talked about two parts of synchronization
mutual exclusion to protect critical sections
awaiting the availability of a requested resource (or the
completion of a requested operation)
we have talked about asynchronous event notification
traps and interrupts in the hardware, signals for software
these control the execution of threads and processes
the piece that is still missing is communication
Initialize, Enter, Leave, Delete
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
Inter Process Communication (IPC)
Create, Release, Wait (for one/multiple)
Events ... individual or group wakeup
wait for the termination of a child process
use for semaphores, events, and mutexes
open can specify blocking or non-blocking use
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
General WaitForOneObject, WaitForMultipleObjects
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IPC through shared memory
sender/receiver must share some common memory
intra-process, all threads share same address space
inter-processes, OS must create/map shared segments
easy and efficient data management
data copying can be done with ordinary instructions
buffer pointers can be managed with atomic instructions
some applications may require OS exclusion mechanisms
notification done w/OS completion mechanisms
but it does have some security and integrity problems
the exchange of data between distinct processes
and the model does not work well over a network
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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IPC via message exchanges
Why implement messaging in the OS
to protect processes from one-another
communication through IPC channels
objects, implemented by the operating system
methods to set-up channels, send and receive messages
messages are exchanged between distinct processes
cross-address-space transfers require supervisor mode
to ensure message authenticity, privacy, and integrity
higher overhead than shared memory
system calls to copy from sender to OS, OS to receiver
messaging is more general
ensure every message properly identifies its sender
ensure no other process can see/change message
to ensure performance
IPC messages can be filtered and forwarded
messages represent natural transaction boundaries
messaging is more secure
IPC is the basis for a wide range of higher level services
data transfer and synchronization must be efficient
to encapsulate a lot of complexity
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Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
IPC: operations
IPC: messages vs streams
channel creation and destruction
insert data into the channel
extract data from the channel
channel content query
a continuous stream of bytes
read or write few or many bytes at a time
write and read buffer sizes are unrelated
stream may contain app-specific record delimiters
how much data is currently in the channel
connection establishment and query
control connection of one channel end to another
who are end-points, what is status of connections
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a sequence of distinct messages
each message has its own length (subject to limits)
message is typically read/written as a unit
delivery of a message is typically all-or-nothing
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IPC: synchronous and asynchronous
IPC: communication fan-out
synchronous operations
point-to-point/unicast (1->1)
channel carries traffic from one sender to one receiver
multi-cast (1->N)
messages are sent to specified receivers or group
writes block until message sent/delivered/received
reads block until a new message is available
very easy for programmers
asynchronous operations
broadcast (1->N)
messages are sent to all receivers in a community
no confirmation of transmission/delivery/reception
requires auxiliary mechanism to learn of errors
publish/subscribe (N->M)
messages are distributed/filtered based on content
routing can be at sender, receiver, and in-between
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in-band messages
often involves "wait for any of these" operation
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
messages delivered in same order as sent
message n+1 won't be seen till after message n
out-of-band messages
designed for connecting programs input/output
e.g. % diff file1.c file2.c | more
buffered inside OS
operations: read/write
use priority to “cut” ahead in the queue
priority must be honored on each link in the path
deliver them over a separate channel
a separate message channel, or perhaps a signal
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
IPC examples: UNIX pipes
can be inherited (stdin/stdout) or named/opened
messages that leap ahead of queued traffic
often used to announce errors or cancel requests
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simple stream oriented communication
reads return promptly if no message available
requires auxiliary mechanism to learn of new messages
IPC: in-band vs out-of-band messages
writes return when system accepts message
reads and writes are synchronous
flow control achieved by blocking writer
contents may survive a reader close/reopen
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Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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IPC examples: mail boxes
IPC examples: UNIX sockets
more powerful than pipes
named message queues
can be bound to various protocols
tcp ... reliable stream, network protocol
udp ... unreliable datagrams, network protocol
associated with a particular receiving process
any process can send messages to any mailbox
additional semantics vary with implementations
unix ... named pipes
trusted identification of sending process
connect, listen, accept, broadcast, multicast
synchronous and asynchronous options
both stream and message semantics
confirmation of delivery (or receipt)
contents of queue may survive a kill and restart
more versatile connection options
read/write ... synchronous stream
send/recv ... synchronous datagrams
messages typically buffered in the OS
socket is destroyed when creator dies
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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for the next lecture
monitors and condition variables
but not section 10.5 (deadlock detection)
read it if you like, but I won't expect you to know it
avoidance and prevention techniques
other deadlock-like problems
detection and recovery strategies
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
why monitors, why condition variables, how they work
advantages of monitors over semaphores, problems
next lecture
deadlocks and how they occur
the dining philosopher problem
there will be a quiz on this material
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key points
read chapter 10
some flow control is usually provided
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
how it illustrates deadlock, how to solve with monitors
inter process communication
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shared memory vs. messages
stream vs. message
in-band vs. out-of-band, synchronous vs. asynchronous
unicast, multicast, pub/sub
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IPC: reliable/confirmed delivery
IPC: flow-control
There are many reasons for a message not to be processed:
transient communications errors
receiver invalid, dead, or not responding
receiver got message but never processed it properly
queued messages consume system resources
many things can increase required buffer space
How hard/how long should we try to deliver it?
buffered in the OS until the receiver asks for them
try n times? try for n seconds? retry for ever?
sender faster than receiver, receiver is non-responsive
must be a way to limit required buffer space
When do we tell the sender "OK"?
queued locally? added to receivers input queue?
sender side: block sender or refuse message
receiver has read? receiver has acknowledged?
receiving side: stifle sender, flush old messages
this is usually handled by network protocols
Reliable and confirmed delivery don't come for free:
sender is delayed and buffers tied up until we say OK
– asynchronous acknowledgments
Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
mechanisms to report stifle/flush to sender
are hard to use
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Advanced Synchronization Mechanisms
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