Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The George Washington University GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIP APPLICATION Note: This form is to be used only by current students in the ECE Department who will be pursuing a graduate degree as a full-time student in the ECE Department during the semester for which you are seeking an Assistantship. The form must be filled completely and all requested information provided. Your application may not be considered if any information is not provided. To be eligible to become a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), a student MUST satisfactorily complete The George Washington University Teaching Assistant Program conducted by the office of the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs. 1. Student Information: This application is for (check one): Fall Spring Summer 200_____ Name: __________________________________________________________________ GW ID: _____________________________ SSN: _________________________ Birthdate: ____________________________ Sex: Male U.S. Citizen: Yes Type of Visa Status: No F-1 Female Country of Citizenship: ______________________ J-1 Address: ________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( ) ______________ E-mail address: ______________________________ Will you be a full-time graduate student at GWU during the semester/year indicated above (check one)? Yes No Not sure If awarded a GTA, how many credit hours of tuition support will you need (max. 18): __ TOEFL Score: ___________ Version: Paper Computer Internet 1 2. Academic Record: Attach an unofficial, up-to-date copy of your GW transcript. M.S. What degree will you be pursuing (check one)? Ph.D. If you will be pursuing the M.S. degree, skip the next item. 3. Research Record: 1. When did (will) you start the Ph.D. program? _____________________________ 2. What is your area of research focus? ___________________________________ 3. Who is your Dissertation Director (if known)? ____________________________ 4. What is your status (check all that apply)? Passed Preliminary Examination Passed Qualifying Examination (Written) Passed Qualifying Examination (Oral) 5. List any peer reviewed journal and conference papers you have published. Attach separate sheet if needed. 4. Teaching Experience: List all courses taught at GWU: Course # (Include Section) Semester Year Course # Semester Year (Include Section) Other teaching experience and relevant information that highlights why you believe that you can be a good instructor: 2 5. Teaching Qualification and Preference: Choose the courses from the table below that you are interested in teaching and are qualified to teach. You must arrange to be interviewed by the faculty course director of each course you are interested in teaching and obtain his/her concurrence that you are qualified to teach the courses listed before you submit the application. Choose as many courses as you can. Please have a Recommendation for Graduate Teaching Assistant available for the course director in case they have comments on your teaching potential. Should you be chosen as a GTA, note that you are not guaranteed to be assigned a course you selected below. Course Number Course Director ECE 1 ECE 2 ECE 11 ECE 12 ECE 20 ECE 117 ECE 121 ECE 122 ECE 126 ECE 128 ECE 140 ECE 141 ECE 143 ECE 144 ECE 147 ECE 156/157/158 ECE 159 ECE 162 ECE 181 ECE 186 Korman Korman Zaghloul Kyriakopoulos Korman Kyriakopoulos/Doroslovacki Korman Korman Zaghloul Zaghloul Zaghloul El-Ghazawi/Eom Doroslovacki Doroslovacki Doroslovacki Korman Loew Zaghloul El-Ghazawi/Subramaniam Loew Course Director’s Signature Date 3 Rate your knowledge of the following: Minimal Moderate Proficient Expert Spice MatLab Opnet LabView Synopsis Tanner Cadence Other: ________ 4 The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dissertation or Thesis Advisor’s Recommendation for Graduate Teaching Assistant (This form is required of all Ph.D. and M.S. thesis-option students. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that his/her director turns in the completed form to the Department by the deadline. The referee must submit the form directly to the Department.) Recommendation for: ____________________________________________________ Is this student making good research progress? Yes No When do you expect the student to finish his/her dissertation? _____________________ Additional comments - Please highlight student’s research progress, knowledge in the field, presentation and interpersonal skills and (if not native language) his/her English: ___________________________________ Faculty Signature Date *** Dissertation/Thesis Director: Please submit completed form to the Department Chairman’s Office directly *** The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science 5 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Recommendation for Graduate Teaching Assistant (Recommended – Copy as necessary) Recommendation for: ____________________________________________________ Do you recommend this student for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship? Yes No Not sure In what capacity do you know the student? _____________________________________ Additional comments – Please highlight student’s knowledge in the field, presentation and interpersonal skills and (if not native language) his/her English. ___________________________________ Faculty Signature Date *** Referee: Please submit completed form to the Department Chairman’s Office directly *** 6