Wu Zhuo Ying Wu 07/11/2009 Lecture 1 HCS 2009 summer In the

Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 1
HCS 2009 summer
In the seminar presentation on this Tuesday, there were several presentations
from different topics. For instance, topic from Carol Feltes, a university librarian from
Rockefeller University is Understand ‘Research’ which introduce how to prepare before
starting a research; how to do during research and how to analysis after research.
Mercury-Oxygen Secondary Bonding is a topic about chemistry science. In this topic
presentation, author explained the secondary bond is interaction energies in Hg2 acet
from experiment data. A topic about Herbarium which in BBG (Brooklyn Botanic
Garden) is to identify one place species from long time to now. Improving the dynamics
of a side channel blower is a topic about physical science by Littin Kandoth and Kenneth
Dsilva to explore that how the improve the velocity of air is much greater. Another topic
about health is Obesity and the Hypothalamus by Vicki Javier to search the relationship
between obesity and nervous system. Micronucleus also is a science topic about biology
to assay micronucleus’s identities and functions in body. The other topic about nutrition
and healthy living program which was worked with Columbia University in 2008
summer to do research about the living environment around the New York City.
Carol Feltes is a university librarian of Rockefeller University; she made a
presentation about Understand ‘Research’. Carol Feltes used a quote by Abraham Lincoln
to explain the definition about research. The quote is “if we could first know where we
are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.”
Carol Feltes summarized three steps to do a good research. First step is methodical which
means is to duplicate and to verify; second step is controlled that to limit are understood;
third step is comprehensive which to consider all appropriate and relevant information.
To start a research project, to select a topic is very important, because to select a topic
intriguing is good for researcher to do well in the project. After chose a topic, Carol
Feltes suggested to do prepare before starting research, for example, to formulate
questions and design the test or the plan of investigation. During the research project, the
researcher must to work with limits of language, geography, time period and culture.
Resources are the most important materials during the experiment. Resources are content
which mean to use the right resources for topic; are format that not everything is digital
and to look at anything to have the right content; are availability that many high quality
resources are costly. There are three types of resources, the first one is books which
synthesize the establish facts; second one is journals which from personal articles and
reports of new knowledge; the last one is databases from government, citation
information and academic. Databases cont. is to target specific audiences and is
structured to reflect the knowledge area. In the research project, Carol Feltes suggested
people to keep excellent records, cite correctly, give credit where it is due, verity facts, be
honest and be aware of copyright protections and honor them. The end of the research
project is to summary which should consist of seek advice, consult appropriate resources,
behave ethically and enjoy the hunt.
A chemistry topic about Mercury-Oxygen Secondary Bonding is exploring
the Hg2 acet which is crystal structure concludes two types of bond, one is covalent bond
(O…C) and the other one is secondary bond (O…Hg). The goal of the topic is to find
interaction energies in vary distances between Hg and O or secondary bond and to find
effect on vibration between O and C in covalent bond. From the experiment, the
researcher got the motivation which is experimental data to confirm experiment data
theoretically, to explain experimental trends and to determine O…Hg distance affect on
structure. The researcher used method in the project was density functional theory(DFT)
which is a quantum mechanical method used in physics and chemistry to investigate the
electronic structure of many electron system. The conclusion is the theory is in general
agreement with experiment; as distance increases, the energy of the secondary bond
between Hg and O decrease.
A topic about is a biology science research in BBG, the experiment use
interactive keys which is a cooperator program to helps identify and can also be used for
synopsis of a area of species. The Herbarium is a cold room to allow scientists to pressure
places for look of grass, to study specimens throughout the world without traveling and to
study specimens collected. The goal of invasive protocol is to use old forms and put the
information in the old forms into more comer forms. The Last year cont. are collect
specimen, record data, dry it. Mont it on heavy paper, freeze it, put in herbarium and
check specimen in herbarium periodically. The importance of this experiment is the
interactive keys are an aid to the proper identification of plant species and proper
identification of invasive species is especially.
Improving the dynamics of a side channel blower is a topic about physical
science by Littin Kandoth and Kenneth Dsilva to explore that how the improve the
velocity of air is much greater. A side channel Blower is a pump that transfers gas
content which was introduced in 1996 and used in agriculture. When the impeller rotates,
the air is sucked in, then the pressure difference the blower pushes the air out. The
pressure at the exit point is much so the velocity of air is much greater. In the side
channel Blower, there are centrifugal force and impeller speed. The centrifugal force is
created by the rotation of the shaft which accelerates the liquid and pushed it out. The
impeller speed is when the impeller speed increase the amount of liquid that comes out
increases as the liquid. The aim of experiment is to make change in the existing design to
improve the volume of air/gas moved peacefully and to get a higher rate of air flow
without increasing the speed of rotation of the shaft increase effective with less amount of
Another topic about health is Obesity and the Hypothalamus by Vicki Javier to
search the relationship between obesity and nervous system. Hypothalamus reflects to
obesity. The produce of experiment is to delete gene: MasH1, to perfusion, to DNA
isolation, to genotyping, to amplify MasH1 & NEO, to use NEO as indicator and to
immunities to chemistry. The future work is to get heterozygous mice with WT mice to
get bigger colony and to examine progression.
Micronucleus also is a science topic about biology to assay micronucleus’s
identities and functions in body. Total Body Irradiations (TBI) is to micronucleus assay,
to HPBL, to micronuclei (MNI) formation, to Gray. The objective of this project was to
determine. The materials were used in the experiment were cell system, chemistries and
equipments. The results were the MNI were identified as in shape and decay separated
from the main nucleus. Then the conclusion was TBT inducing MNI information.
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 2
HCS 2009 summer
In this Tuesday seminar, I heard sixteen different topics about environment,
science, health and study guide. For instance, Princess Kara presented an environment
topic named “Gender based enthusiasm during robot construction and website
construction” to explain how the boys and girls act differently after work together. A
professor from university to tell us that how can we prepare to college and how to do well
in the college. A science topic about “Ataxia Telangiectasia” by Abayomi-Mariam Are,
she suggested people to pay more attention this case. Sithi Momtat presented a physical
topic about “Testing new miniaturized air pollution monitors”, he designed a new
monitor which is small, easy controlled and with GPS function to save time and get more
accurate data. The other topic about physics was presented by Wayne Chen was “Design
and application of an electrical field in the construction of polydimethysiloxane(PDMS)
in the study of dynamic tactic cater faces”, to show us the behavior of electrical field in
different factors. Sheri Huang presented a topic about environment which was “Solar
power harvesting system for autonomous vehicles”. She discussed different kind of
autonomous vehicles with solar system and made a result that to choose one for future
experiment. A science topic about “Bringing imagination to life” by Murry Bergtuaum
and Mirza Shabhiar, they introduced two art computer programs for people to do some
art work at free time. A science topic about “Mass spectrometry and its application in
forensic science” was presented by Mabayoie Mojolaoluwa who explained the Mass
Spectron is a very useful material in forensic science. Rodney Agnant presented a biology
topic about “Advanced conformational analysis: molecular mechanics vs. ab ignition”, he
discussed how the information determines function. Melina Roopram presented a topic
about “Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer- Center Library”, she introduced us how to do
research during the project. There were four members of The 2009 HCS Nutrition and
Healthy Living Project presented what they do research about their living environment.
The other biology topic about “The BioCybernetics Initiative” by Farhan Kehman, he
presented his project to create a camera pill through the human gastrointestinal. Lisa Ho
presented a health topic which was “Are you Getting Sleepy?” to discuss the causes of
getting sleepy and how to have higher chance of dozy. Judith Nnah presented a science
topic about “2F51-High-resolution structure of recombinant Trichomonas vaginalis
thioredoxin” to discuss how to recombinant and how the result represented. The healthy
topic about “sleep tight” was presented by Roslyn Joinvil and Kedarry Ransome, they
explained what cause the sleep tight, how to prevent and cure the sleep tight. Shantae
Fyffe and Raykia Koroma presented a biology topic about “growth of yeast biofilms”.
They did the project to determine how the yeast biofilms and how the yeast biofilms react
in the experiment.
Princess Kara presented her topic: “based enthusiasm during robot construction
and website construction”. She has a question before starting the project; the question
was “how does gender affect 6th graders enthusiasm and general attitude towards
Robotics?” In her research, Kara asked 16 boys and 16 girls to join the survey. Kara got
the result was 100% of the students checked yes in respond to question “Are you excited
about this class”. During the research, all the students were separated in group sizes: 2-4;
and groups were mixed. After the survey ended, Kara got the results were the girls
became bored and the boys became more enthusiastic; the boys seemed more enthusiastic
and diligent. (Question: there were only 16 boys and 16 girls in this research, how can
Princess Kars determine the data was accurate?)
The Professor from university to tell us that how can we prepare to college and
how to do well in the college. She did a special presentation which I ever seen before.
During her presentation, the professor asked several students to talk their experiments
about how they prepare for college and how they do well in college. At the same time,
the professor gave us some suggestions about what should we do during college life. She
suggested us to save every minute to look for knowledge and do more thinking and
practices. (Question: Does everyone need to go to college?)
Abayomi-Mariam Are presented a science topic about “Ataxia Telangiectasia”
which means “poor coordination”. The A-T is A.K.A orphan disease and A-T is an
inherited disease that courses on chromosome number. Abayomi said the diagnosis for
the A-T disease is symptom screening which uses high incidence of respiratory
information. And the probability of patient who get A-T disease is 1/40,000 to
1/1,000,000. Abayomi mentioned the treatment is not treatment for A-T disease and only
500 people in the U.S have A-T therefore there is not a lot research for this disease.
(Question: Can people check the A-T disease when people are young, so there will be
more time to cure the disease.)
Sithi Momtat presented a physical topic about “Testing new miniaturized air
pollution monitors”, he designed a new monitor which is small, easy controlled and with
GPS function to save time and get more accurate data. The background of the project is
researcher want to get a cleaner environment in New York City in 2008 summer.
However, the old monitors were noisy and heavy; single integrated sample limit to 24-40
hours. Fortunately, Sithi created a new monitor which was small, easy to handle, very
quiet, GPS and has single integrated sample over 45 hours. The new monitor used new
version to make the data more accurate and efficient and uses GPS to see how accurate
the data are, to take data and to collect data. (Question: How many people need to do
research in the project to collect the environment data?)
Wayne Chen presented a physical topic was “Design and application of an
electrical field in the construction of polydimethysiloxane(PDMS) in the study of
dynamic tactic cater faces”, to show us the behavior of electrical field in different factors.
The goal of this project was to develop dynamic tactile interfaces that will enable visually
impaired and blind people to access visual information. The PDMS is silicon based
organic polymer before curing viscous liquid which was similar to honey; after the
experiment was electric solid. Wayne designed 5 tests to determine his hypothesis, and
the results were test 1 and 2 failed; test 3 was unsuccessful; test 4 was successful and test
5 was failed too. Both tests 1and 2 were created with only the Teflon blocks, no electrical
plates yet; test 4 was set up worked well and cured PDMS; test 5 was inconsistencies due
to bubble formations. The conclusion of the project was clear that the method by test 4
was completed is effective and can produce satisfying results. (Question: if the test 5
without the bubble formations, should we consider test 5 was successful?)
Sheri Huang presented a topic about environment which was “Solar power
harvesting system for autonomous vehicles”. She discussed different kind of autonomous
vehicles with solar system and made a result that to choose one for future experiment.
Driverless Car is computer controls the senor, navigation motion about everything. The
driverless car used solar panel which composed of photo and has photovoltaic effect.
Unfortunately, autonomous vehicles can only run a limited amount of time with the use
of batteries. Sheri did survey about the functions and price about decades of autonomous
cars in the market. She got a conclusion was she will choose the UNI-PAC30 cost$730 as
her experiment driverless car in the future. (Question: Can people make a autonomous
vehicle by themselves?)
Murry Bergtuaum and Mirza Shabhiar presented a science topic about
“Bringing imagination to life”, they introduced two art computer programs for people to
do some art work at free time. Povany is a computer program that allows people to
generate 3 dimensional images (x, y, z) on computers. And Proscripe is a computer
program that creates a big image in two dimensional images(x, y). The two program can
help a person to craftily, to express themselves. It’s good if have a project and people
want it to like good use if people bored at home, Murry andMirza suggested. (Question:
Is it easy for normal people to handle?)
Mabayoic Mojolaoluwa presented a science topic about “Mass spectrometry
and its application in forensic science”. Forensic science refers to any application of
science in the legal dependent laws that are criminal and civil laws. Ion source is
responsible for the introduced substance into ions and the mass analyzer to determine the
charger ions by using a computer. The result of Mabayoic’s experiment is Mass
Spectrometry is a very useful material in Forensic Science. (Question: how many
methods will use in forensic science?)
Rodney Agnant presented a biology topic about “Advanced conformational
analysis: molecular mechanics vs. ab ignition”, he discussed how the information
determines function. CADPR (Cyclic Adenosine Diphosphase Ribose) is an organic
molecule rings and chains can move helps regulates many cellular processors. The
molecular mechanics is classic Modd; ab initio is Quantum Mechains and Hperchem
8.0.4 are the analysis of molecules. The process of experiment is to elite two molecules
from database; to calculate energies by using ab initio 3.21G; to apply another 99
molecules mechains; to build twenty conformations; to extract ribose ring and H-H
angles and plot energies as functions of phase angle. Rodney made a conclusion to the
experiment is ab initio charges improved result. His discuss is to test complicated
molecules and informational theoretical. (Question: Are there any other factor affect the
Melina Roopram presented a topic about “Memorial Sloan Kettering CancerCenter Library”, she introduced us how to do research during the project. Melina used the
service for her project is to ask a Liberian; to search in database and to use electronic
journal. The databases can be used for the project are Scopus and Science. The progress
of Melina’s project were to consider the source; to focus on quality; to be a cyber skeptic;
to look for the evidence; to check for currency; to beware of biased information; to find
out who supports the site and to protect her privacy. After the finish the experiment,
Melina made a conclusion that how to make searches in the databases and how to find
journal articles are required using published. Melina will conduct more advanced
searches by using databases we learned in the future. (Question: How can people choose
reliable database when they are doing research?)
There were four members of The 2009 HCS Nutrition and Healthy Living
Project presented what they do research about their living environment. The first one said
there were 840,000 young people in Bronx and most of their family one year total income
just is $36,000. The second one said they did research in Washington Avenue in 167
street, their purpose was community use observation. The Washington Avenue was built
in 1840s in Harlem. They found one fact in 2000, 41.9% of people use other language
than English at home. The third one said to go to Staten Island is a chance that people can
get jobs even thought in the economic crisis. The last one said they did research in
Brooklyn which has most 2 apartment houses. The low class is African American in
Brooklyn, and 30% of people have low salary; 65% of high school grew and 36% of
people were graduated from college. (Question: How the environments affect local
people in normal life?)
Farhan Kehman presented a biology topic about “The BioCybernetics
Initiative” to create a camera pill through the human gastrointestinal. His missive and
ultimate goal is to design and construct and autonomous device at the nano-scale. Farhan
designed the project proposal was to create a camera pill on the mini scole; to mobile
through the human Gastrointestinal Tract (GT Tract); to have data collection capabilities
and the focus of the project depends on the establishment. The propulsion of the project
was designing a system to control the path and speed of the pill in the Gastrointestinal
Tract and researching the feasibility of recues issue. The pill demand a consistent power
supply for data collector and processing and the feasibility of the use of piezoelectric
fibers. The exoskeleton of the pill is researching possible materials and researching the
possibility of a Biodegrading enclose. The benefits of this project are for doctor to
diagnose their patient better with celiac Disease, Benign and Malignant Tumor in the
small intestine, Vascular disorders; also to learn about the human physiology and it more
comfortable than a colonoscopy. (Question: How can doctor control the pill when it gets
in the human body?)
Lisa Ho presented a health topic which was “Are you Getting Sleepy?” to
discuss the causes of getting sleepy and how to have higher chance of dozy. Her purpose
of the project is to determine that how does sleep deprivation affect a students. Gross
section study, population, distribution and sleep deprivation survey (exercise, see
scenarios and family history) are the methodology for this project. Lisa discovered people
who have more sleeping then they will have higher chance of dozing. Her conclusion was
limitations of surveys and population and her future works are sleep fragmentation.
(Question: How many hours for people sleeping is best? 7, 7.5 or 8 hours?)
Judith Nnah presented a science topic about “2F51-High-resolution structure
of recombinant Trichomonas vaginalis thioredoxin” to discuss how to recombinant and
how the result represented. Trichomonas Vaginalis is another world for TRICH and a
sexually transmitted disease that is caused by the parasite called Trichomonas Vaginalis.
The method for experiment is the Trx gene was identified in an expressed sequence; the
Taq database for T.V and cloned and inserted into the expression vector to create the
plasmid. Judith made the conclusion for the project is to compared to previously
determined thronedoxin structures show that T.V. Trx is most similar to the human
homologue and the electron density for most of the structure was no shown.
The healthy topic about “sleep tight” was presented by Roslyn Joinvil and
Kedarry Ransome, they explained what cause the sleep tight, how to prevent and cure the
sleep tight. The Epidemiology is Bed bugs which generally avoid light, hide during the
day and feed at night and they will feed during the day if hungry and light is dim. The
outbreak is Bed bug infestations are rapidly increasing worldwide. Adult bed bugs are
oval shaped, flat, and approximately 5mm long, they may increase in length after a blood
meal. The role bed bugs as a vector for disease transmission remain unclear is diseases
transmitted. How to eradicate beg bugs, many people may ask. The way to eradicate is to
proper identification of the bed bugs species present; to education of people involved; to
thorough inspection of infested and adjacent areas; to implementation of chemical and
nonchemical control measures and follow up to evaluate the success of eradication. The
way to prevent is avoidance, because no repellents for the insects have been demon
conclusively. People don’t panic and move; don’t move the bedroom set or throw away;
don’t bomb or fog the apartment and don’t attempt to treat bed bugs by themselves.
People should do take notice of themselves and other people in their house hold who
have mysterious bites, welts or unexplained thing; should do remove clutter; should do
give a thorough inspection to their bedding area and should do put isopropyl alcohol in a
spray. (Question: Which season will bed bugs occur high frequency?)
Shantae Fyffe and Raykia Koroma presented a biology topic about “growth
of yeast biofilms”. They did the project to determine how the yeast biofilms and how the
yeast biofilms react in the experiment. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of yeast
cells that is common of known as Baker’s Yeast. Candida Alicans is a fungus that causes
yeast infect. Biofilm is a structured community of microorganisms encapsulated within a
self-developed polymeric matter. They got the observation is the YPA suspension medias
smelled like beer when took them out of. Their final comment were when did the
experiment again, they found out that were able to replicate the project and get the same
results and also found out that ALS5 does affect the way yeast grows.
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 3
HCS 2009 summer
We had many wonderful presentations on this Tuesday meeting, there were three
special guests did their presentations. The first one was Robert B. Darnell, MD, PHD
from Rockefeller University and Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr. Darnell presented
a topic about the cause of cancer. The second one was an officer from one city
government department which support our Harlem Children Society 1.5 million budget to
make our program keep going. The third one was a professor from Columbia University;
he studies Human Rights between Liberia and United States of American. Also, there
were seven students’ presentations about scientific topic from those students who took
HCS program before or right now. From their presentations, my heart was shaking and
excited, because of those presentations attracted my attention to science and human rights.
Robert B. Darnell, MD, PHD presented a topic about; “Rare Diseases as Rosetta
Stones developing a new approaches to understanding life and death.” He asked us to
keep focus on the big pictures in science which were very general about our life
something. The big clinical problems conquered by “obscure” science about children’s
Ward, early 1920s. There was 1/5 children died before 12 months in US, the major cause
of death: bacterial pneumonia. From esoteric to critical observations, penicillin- Fleming,
1928: mold on a contaminated culture plate inhibits bacterial growth. Transformation of
nonpathogenic (small colonies) to pathogenic pneumococcal(large) by DNA from heart-
killed pathogenic pneumococcal. Tumor Immunosurveillance Hypothesis by Sir Lewis
Thomas & William Burnet, 1957: “It is by no means inconceivable that… tumor cells
may develop… new antigenic potentialities (to) provoke an effective immunological
reaction with regression of the tumor and no clinical hint of its existence” An esoteric
approach to cancer (Paranevplatic Neurologic Disorders windows on Invisible.) PND is
the patient and the science that got Dr. Darnell hocked: this experiment allowed us to
clone genes making PHD cancer antigens. The killer T cells see what protein (antigens)
are inside cells. Apoptotic cells as cancer vaccine cancer trials at RU Hospital; first
cancer vaccine is safe, immunogenic and effects on tumor marker (PSA curve). The
cloning PND antigens: identifies two families of proteins regulation gene expression in
cancer and neurons “Nova and Hu are neuron – specific RNA binding proteins”.
(Question: How can we identify cancer cells and normal cells?)
The officer from a city government department which supports our HCS
program even thought he didn’t present a science topic to us. But, fortunately, we got a
strong signal from his department that we will continue our wonderful, interesting and
special program. At the same time, we also learn the other skill from the officer that we
should learn to how to smile to our life, nothing is impossible. I hope the governor of his
department will go to our seminar to take a look in our activities, I think the governor will
be happy that our such wonderful program will be continue by their budget.
The professor from Columbia University studies human rights between
Liberia and U.S.A. From his presentation and the movie about Liberia, we saw a life in a
developing and at war country in Africa. There were many people can’t image the
situation in Liberia which had civil war over ten years. Liberian people chose a lady to
their president, they hoped her can change their country from a developing country to a
developed country. However, the road in front of the president, Ellen Johnson Sir leaf is a
difficult road. At this moment, there are two things which we need to do. One is we must
to learn more knowledge and other one is to use our knowledge to help Liberian and
other people like Liberian. (Question: Does the lady president solve her country problem
Rodney Agnant presented a biology topic about “Advanced conformational
analysis: molecular mechanics vs. ab ignition”, he discussed how the information
determines function. CADPR (Cyclic Adenosine Diphosphase Ribose) is an organic
molecule rings and chains can move helps regulates many cellular processors. The
molecular mechanics is classic Modd; ab initio is Quantum Mechains and Hperchem
8.0.4 are the analysis of molecules. The process of experiment is to elite two molecules
from database; to calculate energies by using ab initio 3.21G; to apply another 99
molecules mechains; to build twenty conformations; to extract ribose ring and H-H
angles and plot energies as functions of phase angle. Rodney made a conclusion to the
experiment is ab initio charges improved result. His discuss is to test complicated
molecules and informational theoretical. (Question: Are there any other factor affect the
Cloning of recombinant expression vectors that experimental objectives
produce HIV derived retroviral vectors allow T-cells to express luciferase and IL-15 or
IL-21. Cytokines are important because they help T-cells to eradicate cancer cells better.
Cells that express luciferase will produce light when luciferin(the enzyme’s substrate) is
injected. DNA was heat to separate and PCR result is the picture shows the band that was
desired. (Question: When use cytokines to help T-cells to eradicate cancer cells, will the
cytokines kill the healthy cells?)
Morkous Hanna presented a science topic about: “Random Motility Analysis
in ABI-1 knocks out mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). Cell motility describes the
methods that single-celled organisms use to both moves in their environment and move
things internally in the cell. To measure cell motility can be difficult to measure, as it
requires manual processing of images. Morkous made the metrology is to start 30 hours
after plating; the images were collected with 15 minutes intervals over 960 minutes with
a video camera. Migration rates were calculated as a ratio of the total length of migration
paths and the duration of migration. The conclusion is impaired, lower movement rates of
ABI-1 deprived cells. (Question: why scientists choose ABI-1 to as the materials?)
Praise Austin presented a topic about Cystic Fibrosis which is a hereditary
disorder characterized by lung congestion. Cystic Fibrosis is autonomic genetic disease
that causes early death. CFTR mutations are diagnosed by screening laboratories test
samples such as saliva, dried lab. About 70% of cystic fibrosis allels contain
phenylalanine 508 and 90% of patients contain one copy. (Question: Are there methods
will use to cure cystic fibrosis?)
Anne El-Shafei and Jose Murickan presented a topic about imprints. The
government uses a large fingerprint databases call AFIS, which stands for automazaprint.
Every fingerprint is unique; 10 common type of fingerprint; fingerprint are formed one
hundred days after conception and fingerprint breakdown. There are 3 different types of
fingerprint that are found at crime scenes. The materials were used to the experiment,
filter paper, a piece of string, a few iodine crystals and top jar. Footprints or shoeprints
can be both three dimensional and two dimensional. There is a interesting thing that the
length of a person’s foot is appreciate 15% of people height. Foot wear impressions focus
at crime sciences can be photographed, lifted or cast to cropland. (Question: Can people
destroy their fingerprints?)
Shirley Mu presented a topic about simulation technologies and applications
at IST at UCF. Simulation is croupier model which replicates a scenario or a unique
simulation. The reality spectrum is realistic simulation of an environment created by
computer and Mired reality is a combination of the virtual world and reality. (Question:
Does the simulation technologies and applications stable?)
Chanel Ligon presented a topic about myth busters: cryptic DNA analysis.
Anthropology is bio information. There were 450-500 sightings are reported each year in
America and 150-200 in Canada. To use python script to conge DNA sequence of bigfoot
to the DNA sequence of a chimp. Important to scientific community is using
mitochondrial DNA in order to identify Bigfoot. (Question: Are there the Bigfoot reports
are real?)
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 4
HCS 2009 summer
On Tuesday seminar presentation, we heard many wonderful presentations which
were about different kind of science topics. We were proud that we can invest some
professors from colleges, those professors took so excellent presentations. We learn many
things which cannot write down on the text book or website; at the same time, we know
more about different science subjects which could attach people to be interested about
them. Dr. Todd R. Distell is a professor from N.Y.U to do research about the human
genome. Mai Abdelal is one of Dr. Distell’s students to do a research about “analyzing
mitochondrial DNA in new world monkeys. Katherine Chan and Jonathan Liu presented
a topic about “sexual and asexual reproduction and cloning of plants”. Hafsn Yucel
presented a topic about “non-apoptotic linker cell death in C. Elegans”. Givi Basishvili
and Xavier Marren presented a topic about “micro- Bubbles”. Leaders for American’s
future T.M presented a topic about “gates millennium scholars”. HCS staff Ana Santos
presented a topic about happiness based on a book which named “snow” by Orhan
Pammk. Basiru-Lee-Leigh and Nicholas Gonzalez presented a topic about “front
temporal Dementia (FTD)”. Professor Gil Zassman presented a topic about “wireless
networks- design considerations and algorithms”. Pooja Vijay presented a topic about
“the effect of protein 4.1R on the structure of red blood cell membrane”. Adarshaa
Scebrch presented a topic about “questions in the distribution of prime numbers”. Randy
Garcia and Jah-Via Vaughon presented a topic about “harlem ecological summary and
solution”. Shardae white and Darleny Lizardo presented a topic about “research in
nutrition and healthy living geographic variations in product prices.” Rett Syndrome
presented a topic about “thahmina ali”.
Dr. Distell talked about the human genome which has powerful system and can
explain how life working. A barrel of monkey genome is the sequencing of the genome
of a female rhesus macaque maraca. To determine what type of animals and figure it out
what they ate which plant, which insect… To analysis of one million base pairs of
Neanderthal DNA and explore while genome amplification as a DNA recovery toll for
molecular genetics. In the lab, people can use x-ray to display a human genome and HCS
students can collect A half-million by own by using machines. They will use a special
machine to check few millions genome per day. Dr. Distell teach high school student in
this summer to write program to analysis data and figure out fasolecker and malidiact
data. There are two specials methods which are morphological stasis and successive
radiations. (Question: does data correct from that experiment?)
Mai Abdelal is one of Dr. Distell’s students to do a research about “analyzing
mitochondrial DNA in new world monkeys. Her goal is to find region of mitochondrial
DNA with most variation and learn how to use python script to create programs that
compare base pairs. The background is bioinformatics in the use of computer science
mathematics and information theory. The targets were the new world monkeys and
explore their mitochondrial DNA. Python script is a dynamic object-oriented (computer
program). (Question: how to write the program to do the experiment?)
Katherine Chan and Jonathan Liu presented a topic about “sexual and asexual
reproduction and cloning of plants”. Sexual reproduction is when two cellular events
reduce the number of the clone. Asexual reproduction can also be called cloning. An
organism is developed directly from somatic cells. This process does not include melons
or fission. A clone is an exact genetic copy of plants. There were three steps, to remove a
plant sample; to place that sample onto an agar place and to give sunlight and wait. The
result is depending on how they did and the results may vary. If they had successfully
cloned the plants, then the plant would grow roots. In the future, they will continue to
finish the project on plant cloning. (Question: how the results depend on how they did, so
the results can be believed?)
Hafsn Yucel presented a topic about “non-apoptotic linker cell death in C.
Elegances”. Cell death is an important step in the development of an organism, because
of the formation of structures, the deletion of structures, the control of cell numbers and
the elimination of abnormal cells. Cell death in C. elegances is similar to cell death in
other organisms. The genes can mediate and control process. Linker cell is the cell that
leads and shapes the gonad in C. elegances (ground is the germ line and egy-laying
apparatus of the worm). Linker cell dead is independent of all known cell death genes. A
dying linker cell is non- apoptotic. The object is to find new gens that control linker cell
death; to test genes to see if they activate sele-1 or are activated by sele-1 and sele-1
functions in the MAP kinas pathway in C. elegances. The methodology is to develop a
cross strategy to test different genes, to score new strains to see if there’s a linker cell
death defect and to visualize linker cell by using GFP. Dpy-5 is used to trade mtk-1
which was both in chromosome 1 so it’s easy to trade mtk-1. (Question: how can they
control the data?)
Givi Basishvili and Xavier Marren presented a topic about “micro- Bubbles”.
Leaders for American’s future T.M presented a topic about “gates millennium scholars”.
Oxygen bubbles will keep patients with lung failure alive and injected directly into blood.
(question:how can oxygen bubbles carry oxygen gas?)
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 5
HCS 2009 summer
In the seminar presentation on this Tuesday, there were several presentations from
different topics. One presentation was about “testing new therapies in melanoma mouse
models”. Mena Hanna presented a topic was “synthesis of cyclophosphamide with
decaterium substituent”. Katherine Chan made a presentation about “wireless technology
and robotics engineering”. Binton Fisiru did a presentation about “fingerprinting”.
Jeweria(Jia) Afreen presented a topic about “RNA analysis to study dry eye disease”.
Naa-Akomach Yeboah and Binta Wague made a presentation about “Tay-Sales disease”.
Kwasi Boatery presented a topic about “bioinformatics works in 2008 human obesity
protein-leptin(1ax8)”. Professor Sumanta Goswami PhD made a wonderful presentation
for us that his presentation about “interrogating breast cancer cells caught in the act of
invasion”. Ezequiel Hernandez and Kenneth D’silva presented a topic about “designing
green concrete”. And Fatih Aytekin did presentation about “near-field thermal radiative
transfer between spherical object”. After these excellent presentations, I learn many
things I didn’t know before and I feel upset that I didn’t work hard as possible as I can,
because there are thousands and thousands objects I don’t know and learn.
The first presentation was about testing new therapies in melanoma mouse models.
Melanoma is a skin tumor that involves that skin cells that produce pigment. Malignancy
with highest yearly increase in incidence (4-5%) and 80%-85% cured by yearly detection
and approximately. The malignancy is increase in USA that it improved prognosis of
melanoma or early detection. There are several chances of getting a melanoma can kill
people. For instance, fair skin that burns easily; many freckles and/or moles; a history of
repeated sunburn and a family history of melanoma. The reason for using mice is mice
are physiologically similar to humans and the recent technological advances have
dramatically increased our ability to mice. The goal of this experiment is to genetic
engineering of describe the disease; to rapid creation of prove breeding lines and identical
offspring and to and the animals model systems for research in human disease. The
produce of the experiment is to add genes to transgenic animal (one that carries a formic
gene that was been deliberately inserted into its genomes; to delete/alter genes to
knockout mutation; to cut copy and paste to chromosome engineering and to explore
functions to mutagenesis. (Question: how to cure this disease?)
The second presentation was “synthesis of cyclophosphamide with decaterium
substituent” by Mena Hanna. Alkyl ting Agnes and DNA is strategy where DNA function
is disrupted. For example, functions by different means to disrupt DNA duplication;
proves successful siace cancer cells generally multiply faster and with less error-correctly
than healthy cells. Nitrogen mustards is the oldest and most widely used alkylators which
based on the “mustard genes” used in chemical surface during WWI. The produce of
making cyclophosphamide is cell membrane is made of lipids; membrane permeability
calls for a hydrophobic segment that can force the drug into the cell. Metabolism of
cyclophosphamide was experimenting was not successful in cell culture, but only in
living organism and the oxidation through hepatic P450 enzyme. The reaction of
oxidation on the wrong carbon that P450 can not differentiate between similar carbon; the
mechanism is unclear; to avoid acrolein by favoring the enzyme for the 4th carbon which
disfavoring the other two similar carbon and each carbon contains two oxygen ions.
(Question: how can you to make sure the experiment is under of control?)
The third presentation was “wireless technology and robotics engineering” by
Katherine Chan. His goals were to understand webots and how to program it and to
simulate the robots environment. Webots is a program that simulates mobile robots and
E-Pude is a tiny robet that is also in webots. Webots is a computer program that is used to
through to robots. The result of the experiment was Katherine and his group mates’
completed the prelim simulation of a “MyBot” robot simple differential. In the future,
Katherine and her group mates will to emulate the proposed e-puck in its proposed
environment on Webots. (Question: how does the program work?)
The forth presentation was “fingerprinting” by Bintom Fisiru. All fingerprints
are unique to individuals. A fingerprint will remain unchanged during an individual’s
lifetime. Fingerprints have general ridge pattern. There are 60% of people in the world
having loop fingerprints and only 3% of people have circle fingerprints. At the crime
scene, there are three different types of prints. First one is visible fingerprints; second one
is plastic fingerprints and the last one is latent fingerprints. Bintom’s goal in this
experiment was to develop latent fingerprints using two different techniques and match
theories. His main idea was that the latent fingerprints are made up of chemicals that
come from the pores in our finger and are left on virtually evemety on it. Ninhydin reacts
with amino acids commonly found in latent print reside to form a purple compound,
fielding latent parse. Cyanoacrylau veacts with the fraces of amino acids, fatly acids and
proteins in the latent fingerprint and the moisture in the acid to produce a visible, sticky
white material that forms along the edges of fingerprints. The characters of fingerprints
are that typical are unique lines; minutiae are the details in a fingerprint and to make an
identification, one must find similar characteristic between fingerprints. (Question: Is it
possible to destroy our fingerprints?)
The fifth presentation was “RNA analysis to study dry eye disease” by Jeweria(Jia)
Afreen. Cytokines are a category of signaling molecules that are used extensively in
cellular communication. Dry eye disease is caused by decrease tear production. It is also
known as keratocon junctivitis sicca which means dryness of eyes. Jeweria thought the
benefit of the experiment is to help learn about dry eyes disease. (Question: does
everyone will get the dry eyes disease?)
The sixth presentation was “Tay-Sales disease” by Binta Wague and Naaakomach Yeboah. Bioinformates is the field of science in mixed biology, computer
science and information. Tay-Sales disease is a rare, recessive disorder, it causes
destruction of the central nervous system. Since Tay-Sale is recessive disorder we need to
avoid it. The symptom for Tay-Sales vary on whether you get it infancy or in authored.
The cause is a genetic mutualism that is passed on from parent to children. The HEXA
gene gives instructions for making part of an enzyme called beta-Hon. In diagnosing
Treatment, the doctor will ask questions about symptoms. In the future, they would like
to work with Tay-Sales patients and see different. They look at different neighborhood
and look at different factors that made up the neighborhood such as race, population,
wealth and health. (Question: Do some treatments have been worked out?)
The seventh presentation was “bioinformatics works in 2008 human obesity
protein-leptin(1az8)” by Kwasi Boatery. Lepin is a protein hormone that regulates food
intake and energy expenditure, it is produced by the body’s firse. PYMOL is computer
software that edits the viewing of high quality 3D images of small pictures. The study of
leptin began with an observation of mutant object. A very small group of humans possess
a mutant form of lepin which leads to a constant desire for foci result in serene obesity.
Leptin is a four-helix bundle with a very short strand segment. (Question:
Is easy to use
the computer software PYMOL?)
The eighth presentation was “interrogating breast cancer cells caught in the act of
invasion” by Sumanta Goswami PHD. Cancer is not one disease to treat, but a multitude
of disease in packet. Metastasis and drug resistance are the two main causes of mortality
and morbidity in breast cancer patients. Making GFP positive cells is to image tumor
cells in a live animal and to inject GFP cells into mammary fat pad to form a cell. The
collection of the invasive population of cells from living tumor by chemo taxis. Genes
regulated in the invasive subpopulation of tumor cells give rise to “invasion signature”.
Drug and radio resistance measured by apoptosis assay in mammary cancer cells from
different stages of metastasis. The lack of proliferation suggests that treatments that
target growth pathways might not be very effective at killing invasive tumor cells.
Patterns of gene expression and biological properties are unique to the invasive
subpopulation. Fortunately, the research leads to hope. For instance, biomarkers that can
predict and therefore provide earlier detecting; pathway directed drugs that can kill these
chemo and radio resistant cells and radio and chemo sensitizes that can revert these cells
back to radio and chemo sensitive. Ratio of Mena Inv/ Mena 11a can be used as a
biomarker for identifying invasive cells which are also drug and radio resistant. Pathway
directed drugs that can kill that chemo and radio resistant cells. Professor Sumanta’s hope
is they can have biomarkers that offer earlier detector and have biomarkers that predict
the different between cancer and normal cells. (Question: Does cancer can be cured?)
The ninth presentation was “designing green concrete” by Ezequiel Hernandez
and Kenneth D’silva. Concrete is a mixture of cement paste and aggregate in the right
proportion. Cement is one component of concrete and the proper term is a ‘concrete
trued’ not a’ cement truck’. Their goal was to design a concrete mix that is both light
weight and efficient as an insulating material; the concrete is to contain recycled matacis;
such as EPS beads or recycled concrete and eventually, they plan to create concrete
building panels made of this material. After calculating the w/c ratio, a/c and the
percentage of EPS beads, they gather the materials needed and weighted the contests.
Placing the aggregates and cement into an industrial mixing bowl, they started the mixer
and slowly added the water. After filling the forms wrap those in saran wrap. Please into
the caring chamber for24 hours, then remove the cubes from the forms and place into
chamber for 6 days. First, they place the cubes of concrete in water- filled beakers and
weight them, then place the cubes into an oven and heat. For testing, one must place on e
of the 2” cubes at a time onto the lower layer of a universal testing machine. Here they
measured how many pound s of force the cubes could withstand until failure. The
conclusion of the experiment is higher percentages of EPS create weaker mixtures;
negative relation between EPS and compressive strength. Their future works are to
recycle concrete; record physical characteristics of recycled concrete and fly ash and
make production for building panels. (Question: how many kind of concrete?)
The last presentation was “near-field thermal radioactive transfer between
spherical objects” by Fatih Aytekin. The aim of the project is to investigate near-field
thermal radioactive heat transfer between closely spaced spherical objects. Thermal
radiation is the light emitted by hot objects. Cantilever is a very sensitive force
measurement device. The reason to use spherical objects is parallel plate configuration
and sphere-plate configuration. To use AFM cantilever is very sensitive and they had
completed the hundred of the cantilevers that are attach to thermal radioactive. (Question:
what is the different between the parallel plate configuration and sphere-plate
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 6
HCS 2009 summer
In the seminar presentation on this Tuesday, there were several presentations
from different topics. For instance, topic from Carol Feltes, a university librarian from
Rockefeller University is Understand ‘Research’ which introduce how to prepare before
starting a research; how to do during research and how to analysis after research.
Mercury-Oxygen Secondary Bonding is a topic about chemistry science. In this topic
presentation, author explained the secondary bond is interaction energies in Hg2 acet
from experiment data. A topic about Herbarium which in BBG (Brooklyn Botanic
Garden) is to identify one place species from long time to now. Improving the dynamics
of a side channel blower is a topic about physical science by Littin Kandoth and Kenneth
Dsilva to explore that how the improve the velocity of air is much greater. Another topic
about health is Obesity and the Hypothalamus by Vicki Javier to search the relationship
between obesity and nervous system. Micronucleus also is a science topic about biology
to assay micronucleus’s identities and functions in body. The other topic about nutrition
and healthy living program which was worked with Columbia University in 2008
summer to do research about the living environment around the New York City.
The first presentation was about testing new therapies in melanoma mouse
models. Melanoma is a skin tumor that involves that skin cells that produce pigment.
Malignancy with highest yearly increase in incidence (4-5%) and 80%-85% cured by
yearly detection and approximately. The malignancy is increase in USA that it improved
prognosis of melanoma or early detection. There are several chances of getting a
melanoma can kill people. For instance, fair skin that burns easily; many freckles and/or
moles; a history of repeated sunburn and a family history of melanoma. The reason for
using mice is mice are physiologically similar to humans and the recent technological
advances have dramatically increased our ability to mice. The goal of this experiment is
to genetic engineering of describe the disease; to rapid creation of prove breeding lines
and identical offspring and to and the animals model systems for research in human
disease. The produce of the experiment is to add genes to transgenic animal (one that
carries a formic gene that was been deliberately inserted into its genomes; to delete/alter
genes to knockout mutation; to cut copy and paste to chromosome engineering and to
explore functions to mutagenesis. (Question: how to cure this disease?)
Mai Abdelal is one of Dr. Distell’s students to do a research about “analyzing
mitochondrial DNA in new world monkeys. Her goal is to find region of mitochondrial
DNA with most variation and learn how to use python script to create programs that
compare base pairs. The background is bioinformatics in the use of computer science
mathematics and information theory. The targets were the new world monkeys and
explore their mitochondrial DNA. Python script is a dynamic object-oriented (computer
program). (Question: how to write the program to do the experiment?)
Princess Kara presented her topic: “based enthusiasm during robot
construction and website construction”. She has a question before starting the project; the
question was “how does gender affect 6th graders enthusiasm and general attitude towards
Robotics?” In her research, Kara asked 16 boys and 16 girls to join the survey. Kara got
the result was 100% of the students checked yes in respond to question “Are you excited
about this class”. During the research, all the students were separated in group sizes: 2-4;
and groups were mixed. After the survey ended, Kara got the results were the girls
became bored and the boys became more enthusiastic; the boys seemed more enthusiastic
and diligent. (Question: there were only 16 boys and 16 girls in this research, how can
Princess Kars determine the data was accurate?)
The Professor from university to tell us that how can we prepare to college and
how to do well in the college. She did a special presentation which I ever seen before.
During her presentation, the professor asked several students to talk their experiments
about how they prepare for college and how they do well in college. At the same time,
the professor gave us some suggestions about what should we do during college life. She
suggested us to save every minute to look for knowledge and do more thinking and
practices. (Question: Does everyone need to go to college?)
The professor from Columbia University studies human rights
between Liberia and U.S.A. From his presentation and the movie about Liberia, we saw a
life in a developing and at war country in Africa. There were many people can’t image
the situation in Liberia which had civil war over ten years. Liberian people chose a lady
to their president, they hoped her can change their country from a developing country to a
developed country. However, the road in front of the president, Ellen Johnson Sir leaf is a
difficult road. At this moment, there are two things which we need to do. One is we must
to learn more knowledge and other one is to use our knowledge to help Liberian and
other people like Liberian. (Question: Does the lady president solve her country problem
Rodney Agnant presented a biology topic about “Advanced conformational
analysis: molecular mechanics vs. ab ignition”, he discussed how the information
determines function. CADPR (Cyclic Adenosine Diphosphase Ribose) is an organic
molecule rings and chains can move helps regulates many cellular processors. The
molecular mechanics is classic Modd; ab initio is Quantum Mechains and Hperchem
8.0.4 are the analysis of molecules. The process of experiment is to elite two molecules
from database; to calculate energies by using ab initio 3.21G; to apply another 99
molecules mechains; to build twenty conformations; to extract ribose ring and H-H
angles and plot energies as functions of phase angle. Rodney made a conclusion to the
experiment is ab initio charges improved result. His discuss is to test complicated
molecules and informational theoretical. (Question: Are there any other factor affect the
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 7
HCS 2009 summer
First presentation is Asthma, by Jonathan Loaiza and Belinda Chiu.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways, it is a complex.
There are 6.5 million children and as well as 18 yrs old have asthma.
Reversible airway obstruction, airway hyper reactivity airway inflammation
Coughing (the coughing won’t go away); Wheezing; Shortness of breath are the signal of
Asthma. Scientists used Physical exam to check prolonged expiratory phase and
discovered diffuse wheezing rapid breathing interposal retraction
Spirometry. There is 12% improvement in FEV 1 after treatment with – short-acting
The second presentation is The use of cell cultures to study the central nervous system,
By Mirza Shabbir and Mojolaoluwa Abalone. Cell cultures, individual cells that are
plated onto cover slips or Petri dishes and filled with medium for experimental uses.
Primary cells, are taken directly from a living organism, consist of different cell types
within the culture. Central nervous system consists of two major parts, spinal cord and
brain. The major cell types in the CNS are the neurons. Choice of species for experiments,
drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) vs. Sprague dawley rat. Fly,they have shorter life
cycle, a well known complete genome sequence, survive many genetic mutations. Rat,
have a more complex life cycle very similar physiologically to humans, man genetic
mutations are lethal in rats. Using brain cells form fruit flies, detection of silica acids.
Silica acids, they have identified the gene responsible for generation of silica acid
syntheses in both mammals and D. melanogaster. Foal is to use Drosophila melanogaster
animal to study. There is no mammalian animal model available. Future work, use the
Click –iT technique we will finish the quantification of sialic acid incorporation in wild
type flies, the silica acid syntheses mutant an in the recuperation o mutant. 2nd experiment,
using spinal cord cells from adult rat. Motor neurons, neurons that specialize in the
movement of muscles by reacting to specific stimuli and generating a response.
Hypothesis and stimulation of the cannabionid receptors by introduction. Experimental
vs. control setup Controls, control ell plates evaluates the effects of all other parameters
on the survival of muter neurons except the drug
Experimental, experimental well plate contains the drug, WIN 55 212-2 in Neurobasal A
(nutrient )medium. Criteria for a good perfusion, the liver of the rat must turn a grey; the
lungs swell up and turn white and have small red spots; the extremities of the rat and the
snout must turn white; Hydraulic extrusion: Exposed the spinal column of the rat after
Future work, at this time we were blinded to the different condition in which the cells are
housed in to eliminate the possibility of being bias during the analysis.Summary, cell
culture experiments can be done on rats and fruit flies; the CNS consists of neurons
important in receiving and transmitting signals.
Third presentation is talking about four forms of Resume and cover letter.
Fourth presentation is Toxicity of Hydrogen peroxide and ophthalmic solutions
containing Benzalkonium Chloride on Ocular Cells, by Dominique Smart and Prince
Outline, purpose, important terms, materials, procedure,. Expected results, conclusion.
Current status of studies.Purpose, is to determine the toxicity of hydrogen peroxide on
ophthalmic solutions containing the preservative BA. This information is vital for the
health of all individuals. Ophthalmic solution, a mixture of 1 or more substances
dispersed molecularly in a sufficient uantity of dissolving medium for administration into
the eye.MTT toxicity Assay, an assay used to determine the toxicity of pharmaceutical
agents and other potentially toxic materials. Toxicity= (absorbance “+” controlabsorbance expt solution)
Experiments are currently underway, we expect that absorbance, and hence health, will
decrease with increasing concentration. Conclusion, we hope to find out the toxicity that
the different percentage of H2O2 has on each of the corneal cells; we hope to measure the
health apoptosis of the cells. Current status of studies, we plan on determining the
toxicity of hydrogen peroxide on ocular cells (using the MTT assay protocol).
Fifth presentation is Nutrition in Niagara Jonathan Beaver in Nutrition Group.
From july22nd to July 27th, their family went to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side.
Some people made money by owing stores in the tourist attraction part of Niagara.
Observation between Niagara Falls and Niagara on the lake there are different things to
Economy. Tourism of course has the biggest part in the city economy Different ethnic
Prices info, peaches, 2.50 in Canada, 3.0 in NYC per poundNectarines, cannot found in
Conclusion, I found that the fruit and vegetables are way better preserved over there and
presented better; I also found that the estates that I was at were one of the biggest Ice
Wine distributors and makers in the world.
Zhuo Ying Wu
Lecture 8
HCS 2009 summer
First presentation is Nutrition and Health Living 2009: Socioeconomics, by Group3
Amy, Angela
Socioeconomics, the study of interrelations between economics and social behavior
Purpose, aim was to go into the different farmers market around NYC to observe the food.
Hypothesis, Low-income consumers do not patronize these businesses due to residence
lack of health education and high prices of good quality foods. First, we began our site
visits to various farmers market around the city in groups. Then we found the nearest
Finally after we did all these observations at the farmers market, supermarket and corner
store we would walk around a block radius of the farmers market to observe the
Different races or ethnicities of NYC residents. White has a most population.
Results, residents in Manhattan for example tend to eat healthier due to the fact they have
a wide variety of store to purchase.
Conclusion, we learned that the environment a personal lives in plays a huge role in
The second presentation is Nutrition in the Bronx, by Ada Alozie, Rosa J. Sanchez,
Ashley Dawkins. (group 6)
As of 2008, there were 1391903 people residing in the Bronx. Different races or
ethnicities of Bronx residents. White has a most population. Income, this is all possible
with the acquisition of income. Does income not only affect nutrition, but overall life
Obesity, is defined as an excess of body fat. BMI, over 30. In one meal a t McDonalds is
1000 calories. Exercising persistently can reduce your risk of obesity.
Health Care, is medical service provided to prevent, manage and treat disease.
28% of Bronx residents don’t have health care. Site visits. During our time with our
mentors, we visited a number of locations in Bronx. Site 1, southern blvd, and 174th St.
Many corner stores, different culture, and most people over weight.
Local western beef, conclusion, even though the area seemed to have low-income family,
they have high quality of supermarkets. Farmers market, a variety of food but more of
Mexican culture.
Conclusion. Depending and how many people reside in an area and what choices they
make, income may adjust to the needs of the people.
The third presentation is Micro Bubbles, by Givi Bassishvili, Xavier Marrero.
Micro-bubbles, small bubbles, >10micrometer. They can hold oxygen, genetic info, drug.
Used for medical purposes. Purpose, deliver chemicals to specific areas, targeted and
popped by ultrasound, can be used to treat cancer, lung failure and other disorders.
Oxygen bubbles, will keep patients with lung failure alive, injected directly into blood,
oxygen acquired by red blood cells and hemoglobin. Bubble chemistry, components:
lipid, oxygen, water. Intermolecular forces. Engineering bubbles, lipid + oxygen+ sound
waves =oxygen bubbles.
Research, to create stable bubbles, determine best storing conditions, determine bubble
properties, test in vivo( living organisms).Bubbles frozen in dry ice (-65 oC) freeze
quickly, forming small crystals. This does not damage bubbles as much. If bubbles can be
frozen without bursting, they may have indefinite shelf life. Conclusion #1, dry ice may
possibly be used for storage, time frame seems not to affect the size of bubbles and shelf
and life is indefinitely postponed. Stability test, problem, our micro-bubbles only last 3-5
Rotation, bubbles grow in size over time. Hypothesis, rotation will prevent bubble
Conclusion #3, quotation = higher KE =more instability.
Future test, testing different lipid formulas, vary engineering used to create bubbles.
The fourth presentation is Nutrition group 9. By Isabelle Fesale, Karrah.
Hypothesis: low income area have poor quality and limited availability of healthy food
Factors, gender. Want to do a survey. Age group, zip code, medical history, culture,
where do they eat. Our criteria, presentation, the freshness of the fruits, accessibility
meaning how easily the farmers market can be found, and friendliness of the sellers are
such things that we decided should be taken in account. Limitations, advantage, we were
given the opportunity to visit places all over NYC, visited all five boroughs unlike last
year. Disadvantage, poorly organized, people not putting enough effort towards the
project. Urban geography is the study of urban area which have a high concentration
and/or percentage of buildings and infrastructure. Socio-economics, definition. Results,
when we went to these three sites and rated how clean each farmers. The nutrition project
started last year. Conclusion, our research confirmed our hypothesis. The qualities of
food vary depending on the income.
The fifth presentation is Maya Chuck.
Maya Chuck about Bioinformatics Protein Project: Cyclin D1. Uses of databases are for
evolutionary biology, for protein modeling and genome mapping. NCBI is one of the
research tools that being used. NCBI creates automated systems that store and analyze
information. Protein research is to study the essential elements of the structural biology of
our proteins put in certain scientific circumstances. Cyclin D1 is being studied. There are
two main types of Cyclins in cell cycle, G1/S, which controls the beginning of the cell
cycle, and G2M which controls mitosis. For Cyclins structure, each Cyclin has a Cyclin
fold which is 2 core compact domains each with five alfa helixes. Cyclin D1 has
hydrophobic patch, which is on its surface. Cyclin D1 is very important in the cell cycle
in “mid-to-late” G1. Here, I want to ask that besides G1/S and G2M, is there any other
part to control the cell cycle since a cycle is not only the beginning and mitosis.
The sixth presentation is Dr. Christina on UNICEF.
Started after WW2. It’s a UN agency to support young people, by sending medicine from
160 countries. Help them build schools. Guiding principles, human rights perspective
using CRC as the principal reference. Support national priorities within nationally owned
policies and processes. Focus on LDCs, sub-Saharan Africa. Focus areas, young child
survival and development, basic education and gender equality, child protection, policy
advocacy and partnerships for children’s rights, HIV/AIDS and Children. Participants on
voices of youth: 57% girls, 69% young people (10-24 years), majority (15-19).61%
developing counties. Interactive learning modules, child rights, commercial sexual
The seventh presentation Experimentation with phospholipids for HPLC analysis, by
Minique Honeyghan.
Phospholipids Structure, monomer, SUV bilayer, MLV. Motivation, prepare a protocol
for a lab assignment designated for Columbia undergrad seniors majoring in Chemical
Engineering, create a solution of phospholipids and solypholiqids, run the lipid solution
through the HPLC to identify and quantify both types of lipids. Procedure, 1.preparation
of lipids solution. 2.Sonication: sonic energy breaks up large vesicles into SUVs,
3.extrusion, mechanical energy in the form of force to push larger vesicles through small
pores in order to help form uniformed vesicles. 4. Testing on DLS machine. DLS,
Dynamic Light Scanner. 5. Enzyme reaction, reactant: liposome, products:
lysophospholiqid + fatty acid. 6. Extraction. 7. HPLC, high performance liquid
chromatography.Results, probe sonication is faster, but there is a risk to contaminating
the sample with particles from the metal probe. Hot bath is more efficient than quenching
with cold water; however, if samples need to be cooled, it is better to do it rapidly.
Virtually no difference between syringe filtering and not doing so.Making 10mg/ml
sample sis easier and more efficient than making 15mg/ ml samples. HPLC has no final
Conclusion, able to produce vesicles averaging around 100nm in diameter, developed
protocol so the undergrads can reproduce the experiment, safety concerns established.
The eighth presentation Computational Machine Learning Computer Lab workshop.
CML.CONED, stands for conedision.
The Edison project has been working a conjunction with Columbia University to develop
machine learning models Remote Desktop, refers to software or an OS feature allowing
graphical applications to be run remotely on a server, while being displayed locally.
Asset Visualization, a drop down option from the toolbar, this selection generates
valuable quality images that are similar to a visual perception.
Google Earth, excels the limitations that are contained on an ordinary map.
HiPot, hipot tester is an electronic device used to verify the electrical insulation in a cable,
printed circuit board, electric motor, transformer or other wired assembly.
AC/DC, AC, alternating current AC, refers to the form in which electricity is delivered to
businesses and residences. DC, Direct current, is the unidirectional flow of electric
Results, we found minimal leakage or shortage out breaks of electricity in Flatbush
The ninth presentation is Study of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors in Men1. By
Mashkura Chowdhury, Sithi Momtaz.
MEN1- autosomal dominant disorder caused by mutations in MEN1 tumor suppresser
No cure. Known as Wermer’s syndrome. MEN1, Vasco Endothelial growth Factor
(VEGF), contribute to tumor growth, predominant regulator of angiogenesis, preservation
and induction of abnormal vasculature. Genetically stable protein unsusceptible to
Past research, mice completely deficient of MEN1 in both endocrine and exocrine
pancreas developed only pancreatic endocrine tumors. Objective, use knock-out mice to
define the components of the tumor microenvironment. Hypothesis, activation of VEGF
signal pathway may induce cancer stem cell differentiating into pancreatic endocrine
tumor. Methodology, Islet isolation from rat or mouse pancreas; immunochemistry and
immune-fluorescence staining of islet cells; checked for proliferation. Conclusion,
research is still progress, as HIF increase, BEFG increases. Future, hope to aid in
development of cancer research by understanding cancer environments.
The tenth presentation is Effects of geotaxis stress on germ and somatic testicular cells,
by Devika Briglall.
Focuses, regulation of spermatogenesis of meiosis, male infertility, stress response in the
Techniques, cell culture, western blot, flow Cytometry, fluorescent microscopy,
APOPTOTIC ASSAYS, RNA and DNA isolation (gene expression), CoImmunoprecipitation, (study of protein-protein interaction). What is spermatogenesis,
production of sperm, occurs in the somniferous tubules of the testis, and continues
throughout the life of the male from puberty until old age. Phases of spermatogenesis,
mitosis (spermatozoid), meiosis (spermatocytes), spermiogenesis (spermatid
differentiation). Germ cells can be affected by different types of stress during their
development. Elevated scrotal temperature has a detrimental effect on germ and somatic
testicular cell development. Her project, the goal was to determine which cells are the
primary tartgets. Etoposide, to induce genotoxic stress, we used DNA breaking agent
Etoposide. Tunnel assay was used for microsocopy. Used for detecting DNA
fragmentation that results from apoptotic programmed cell death.Cell lines were used.
Flow cytometry, is a technique used for counting and examining particles suspended in a
stream of fluid.PARP and Apoptosis, PARP is a protein that serves as another apoptotic
marker, during apoptosis the 113 kDa proteins is being cleaved into 89- and 24-kDa
Conclusion, spermatogonia and not SERTOLI are the primary target of the genotoxic
stress in the testis. Relevance to cancer patients that undergo chemotherapy treatments in
their reproductive years.
The eleventh presentation is X-Ray Crystallography in Modern Biology. By a mentor.
X-Ray crystallography, physical method used to determine the arrangement of atoms in
three dimensional spaces within a crystal; has been used to determine the chemical
structures of everything from slats, to important pharmaceutical compounds, to biological
macromolecules (protein, DNA, RNA).How is it practiced? 1. Obtain sample of interest
in its purest form and crystallize it. 2. Expose crystal to X-rays in the 1-3A (10-10m) range
and obtain diffraction information.3. Build an atomic model of your sample into the
resulting electron density map. 4. Refine your model against the original data.
The twelfth presentation is scientific research and reporting, by Alenadreale Banton’s
New York Times 101, The New York Times is the largest metropolitan newspaper in the
Scholarship, provides a scholarship, summer employment and laptop computers to the
Provides personal., financial and academic support and guidance throughout college
years and beyond. Seminars about racial and financial diversity issues that we might
confront in college.
What did they accomplish in six weeks, this summer? Topic Pages, a database being built
to be similar to Wikipedia but more reliable, currently being created and developed.
Library weeding, Updating books and periodicals that are archived by the library.
Shadowing researchers to learn research technique and to gain insight on news research.
College preparation: writing seminars, museum visit, financial and student life workshops.
Moderated the comments on the Well Blog, Tierney Lab and New Old Age.
Researchers must use reliable and trusted sources on information. Four main texts,
encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, almanac other sources include “.gov” websites.
Government published information is reliable.
The thirteenth presentation is using a bacteriophage protein to kill staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus aureus. Spherical gram + bacteria, 20% of population are non-infectious
carriers on skin, 30+% in nasal passages, causes numerous types of skin infections.
Bacteriophage, is virus that affects bacteria.Phage and phage proteins can inhibit bacterial
What is ORF67. Is a Sau specific inhibitor of growth?
The fourteenth presentation is Raihan Saleh, Porphyrins, Phthalocyanines and
polyoxometalates: New Models of Solar cell Devices.
We want to be able to invent a new material that will replace the expensive silicon based
solar cells. Our initial thought was to use Hf based porphyrins, because porphyrins are
widely known for their electronic properties, and are also very cheap. After working with
hf-porphyrins, we decided to try out Zr because Zr is a lot more abundant on earth. We
also faced a few problems using Hf that we might not face using Zr. We also decided to
use phthalocyanines as well, because they are also known for their photocnonductive
abilities.Porphyrins are four sided flat structured complex organic molecules. There are
many different types of porphyrins. They occur in nature all the time. A porphine is the
chemical compound parent of a porphyrin.
Phthalocyanines, (PC) are four sided organic complexes that have very specific photo
chemical and photoconductive properties. They are most commonly used as dyes. Results,
combining the Zr with the TPP was a bit difficult but we have successfully made a ZrTPP complex. We also combined the Zr-TPP with Pw11 very easily. Conclusion, the
reactivity of the Zr (IV) TPP is similar to the Hf (IV)TPP, but the Zr(Por)POM complex
seems to be a lot more stable.
Future studies, our long term goal is definitely to find an alternative to the silicon based
solar cells. Possibly Zr of Hf based porphyrins and phthalocyanine bonded to oxide
surfaces such as TiO2.