Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics r & tommunication Engineering Semester Course No: ECE-401 TINIT ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS I - II High frequency equivalent circuit of a transistor...Hybrid pi model- explanation of components -r parameters in terms of h parameters -Tunea amplifiers -frequencv response -applicationr "r"priri6^'lpfrnciple - single tuned and double tuned ("o;;it;irj-*;i;i""ge amprifiers -frequency response. II UNIT Feedback -different types -positive, negative, voltage, 9uryeqt, serie_s and shunt feedback- Feedback in amplifiers -its effeci-on implifiet pJttot*unce -typicd feldb?,ck arrangements -emitter followeramplifier. "irplin"r-lprr""#rt"r Darlington emitter follower -caicade ""rvj"-diff"."n"" Ull-IT III oscillators -conditions for oscillation -analysis and design of RC phase shift oscillator, general form of oscillator circuit -working of Hartley, colpitt's, crystal, tined collecto, unJ-wirn;irdg. oscillators. IINIT IV Astable' Mono-stable m-ultivibrator -analysis.- design - applications - triggering - Bistable multivibrator and design -different methods dftriggering -commutating capiJitor:s"rrritt fi:lfilt trigger-working - {INIT V Large signal amplifier -harmonic distortion -analysis of class A, class B, class c and class D amplifiers complimentarv and svmmetry stage -sweep generators -voltage -' "'.' oand current sweeps -time base generators -l inearization -m iII er and il;r;;;;;;;; Ail;;""rl Boolis Recommended l. 2. 3- 4. 5' 6. Electronic Devices and circuits by K. L. Kishore, BS publications, 200g. Electronic devices and circuits -Boylsted & Neshelsky, pearson Edn. Integrated electronics -Milrman & Halkias, Mc Graw Hill Electronic principles -Malvino Electronic Device II by U.A Bakshi; Technical publications Microelectronics Digital and Analogue _Botkar. Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering Semester 4th Course No: ECE-402 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING UNIT I signals and spectra: Introduction to Signals and its classificationr. ploperties of signals and Noise, physically realizable waveforms, time average operator, spectra and Fourier transform, properties Fourier transform, Parsevals theorem of a"A Grfi Densiry, p;;;'$"ctral Density and Autocorrelation Function, orthogonal series d representation : of signals and noise. UNIT II Amplitude Modulation/Demodulation Techniques: Basic Mathematical Time domain and Frequency domain representation, lheory of A. M modulation, Generation and dernoiulation of Amplitude Modulation' Double side bind Suppressed q""1"; I 6sB- sc) system: tttattrematical Analysis, Generation and Demodulation of DSIij SC signars, cortur)""riu".. UNIT III ssB Transmission/ssB Reception: Advantages of SSB transmission, Hilbert Transform, properties of Hilbert transform, applicatiois of Hilbert "T;;;fo"", 6f"n"rution of ssB; vestigial side-Band Modulation (VSB). SSB and VSB demodulation. UMT IV FM Modulation/ Reception: concept of Angle Modulation: Mathematical theory, phasor Representation of Angle modulated signal, Bandwidth cai-culation, c"n"rution of FM by Direct Methods. Indirect Generation of FM; The Armstrong Method, FM Stereo iransmission. FM R"."-l-* Direct Methods of Frequency Demodulation; Slope Detector, Foster selay or th;;" Discriminator, Fvt-o"tector using pLL and Stereo FM Multiplex Reception. U}[IT V Performance of Analog communication systems: Noise in communication system, Time-domain representation of Narrow band Noise, Filtered white Noise, Noise equivalent Band-width, Effective Noise temperature, Noise figure. AIVI Receiver model, N;il analysis of DSBSC and sSBSC using coherent detection, N.o1s1n AM using Envelope dd;io;;Noise in rM *irgiimiter-discriminator detection, FM threshold effect, pre- emphasis and D"-.;th;;i, i" evr. Books Recommended: 1 ? 3' 4. 5. Modern Digital.and Analog communication Systems, by B. p. Lathi,oxford press. George Kennedy, "Electronic communication syst#,;,'McGraw_ Hiil. Gary M. Miller and Jeffery S. Beasley, "Modern Electronic Communications ,,, pHI. simon Haykin, " communication Systems',, gth edition, wiley pubclishers. wayne Tomasi, Publishers. " Electronics communication systems,,, 4th edition, pearson syrlabus for B.Tech in Electronics & communication Engineering Semester 4th Course No: ECE-403 ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENTS UNIT I Measurement systems and characteristics of rnstruments: rntroductionMeasurements, significance of measurements, t"rno1:^:-t,-;":rritq* -."ururemenr Instruments unJ system, Electronic instruments, classification of instruments, Deflection and Null type instruments, comparison Analog and Digital Modes of operation, Applicatio" or t"""rrrement system, Errors in measurements, l""oi'e .rrJ;, Ii::t".tffi:'i"*ffi[ff*tJ::,T::1,i1':"q ffi;,i#". t;;; UNIT II Bridges: Bridge circuits for RLC Measurements: Measurement Maxwell' Anderson, Scherin^g and wien b.ioges Me"rrrr-"rt 9f-R, L and c, wheatstone, Kelvin, of Inductance, capacitance, Effective resistance at high frequency, Q-M"t".. UNIT III Electronic rnstruments: Introduction-Electronic voltmeter, Electronic multimeter, Logic Network Analyze4 generator, wj*. uutii"i, itur*onic Distortion -enatyzer, Analyzer, -Functionspectrum Analvzet' cathode Rav oscilloicope: Introduction-_ iRo; Cuirroa" ."rtu|;,;i;& diugrun, of cRo, Measurement of vortage, phase and'f."qu"n.y using cRo, Special purpose oscilroscopes. UNIT IV Transducers, sensors and Actuators: Principles of operation, classification of transducers based upon principle of Transduction,.Summary of factors'infd;'if;il;^Jhoi". of transducer, eualitative treatment of Strain Gauge, LVDT, Thermocouple, Piezo-ele.t ir und photo.lectric transd-ucers, Sensors for hostile environments, Actuators: Rerays, "fituiSoienoids, Stepper motors. UMT V rntroduction to Data Acquisition systems: components ofdata acquisition system, Interfacing of transducers, single channel and Multi channel system, rraurtipt"xing, Automat "iiutuacquisition. Books Recommended l' 2. 3' 4' 5' A' K' Sawhne/, " Electrical Dhanpat Rai and Sons. and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation,,, H.S.Kalsi,,,ElectronicInstrumentation.. J' B' Gupta JE| "Measurements and Instrumentation", S K Kataria & Sons, Delhi, First Edition (2003) w'D' cooper, A.D. Helfrick, "Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques',,pHI D'V'S' Murthy, "Transducers and Instrumentation", prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, Tenth Edition (2003). Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics r & &mmunication Engineering semester Course No: ECE-404 ELECTRICAL MACIIINES I]NIT I Transformers: operating principle, classification, construction, Emf equation, phasor diagrams' equivalent circuit model, losses efficiency, vortage ,"guiution,-- frequency response, -& r*""-ohase ntfrtfl, UNIT transfor-", fi1*ffi"jffi*ffi#"rr. II "J'n""ttnr, impedance matching, D'c' Machines: operating principle, generator & motor action, tgrrque power stages & efficiency, separately exciled;dir;i;;a*ipptication; ^equations, orJl.-!*erators, d.c motors, Losses & efficiency of d.c. machines, Hopkins & ilil;;.J'r".t. I]NITIII Induction Machine-s: Three-phase induction motors. Principle of operation, construction, tSrpes, Rotating magnetic field, Emf equation ac rvra"rri""] ,orqu" developed in an AC machine, equivalent circuit model, torque-speed.of .an ghdg;;il;;;;*;1"ry$ ;Gd Torque_Slip characteristics, Powerslip characteristics, _Methoor .-4 cage "ontrot oir-t#irrglr squirrel Shroud Rotor motors. TTNIT IV synchronous Machines: construction, gqes & operating principle of synchronous - circuif c armature windings, equivalent phuro.- aiagrams, voltage regulation, . parallel operation, synchronization, Power Angle ctraiact".istics, effect of field excitation change' synchronous Motor, Different starting methodi Equivarent circuit, phasor diagram, Torque and generator' A Power Relations, Effect of Load changes on Slncfrionorir;;;;r. UNIT V l'fi?yiti"Uff3ffi?lryf""I'Jes:Repulsion motor, Ac- series Morors, universar motors, Hysteresis Books Recommended: I 2. 3' 4. 5. 6. M.G. Say: Performance design of Ac Machines, pitman, ELBS DS Bhimbra: Electrical Machinary : Khanna publishers. K' Murukesh Kumar: Induction & Synchronous machinesb- Vikas publishing Fitz Gerald A.p & Kingsley; Erectricar Machinary, T;; ElechicMachinerybyNagrath. Electrical Machines by B.i. Thereja. J' M. Graw hills -----' - Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics r & &--ttoication Engineering semester Course No: ECE -405 ANALOG ELECTRONICS LAB The students are required to conduct experiments on following practicalwork: l. Power amplifiers: Design &, simulate class A and class AB push-pull power amplifiers and veri$, their power output. 2. Study of IC power amplifier. 3' oscillators: Design & simulation of RC phase shift, weinbridge, Hartley and colpitts oscillators. 4. Design and Simulation of Tuned amplifiers. 5. study, 6' design and simulate Darlington emitter-follower configuration. Design and simulate monostable, astable and bistable multivibrators using 555 Timer. Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics r & &*-ttttication Engineering semester t Course No: ECE- 406 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS LAB The students are required to conduct experiments on foilowing practicarwork: To study analog Multiplier (AD633) To Design and Simulate AM using a diode/transistor and Analog Multiplier also determine the depth of modulation. .t. To Design a n d s i m u I a t e envelope detector for demodulation of AM signal and observe diagonal peak clipping effect. 4. To Design and Simulate Frequency modulation 5. Frequency Demodulation using Discriminators. 6. Study of PLL and detection of FM signal using pLL. 7. & simuration of DSB-SC signal using balanced modulator. Generation & simulation of SSB signal. 8. . Generation 9. To Implement and Simulate Hilbert Transformer. 10. To Simulate VSB Modulator and Demodulator. 11. Measurement of Noise Figure using a Noise gEnerator. t2. Study the functioning ofsuper heterodyne AM receiver. 13. Measurement of sensitivity, Selectivity and Fidelity of radio receivers. Noise power spectral density measurement. t4. Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics & ( &mmunication Engin esling Semester Course No: ECE-407 ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTATION LAB The students are required to conduct experiments on following practicalwork: l' 2. 3' 4' 5. 6. 7' To study the working of DSo and saving various wavefbrms on its memory. Measurement of inductance by Maxwell..s bridge. Measurement of small resistance by the Kervin..s bridge. Measurement of medium resistance with the help of wheatstone bridse. Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge. To find Q of a coil by a series resonance method and verifz it by using e_meter. study the operation and characteristics of various temperature Thermocouple, RTD, Thermistor, IC LM3 5 Temperature Sensor. transducers vlz. 8' To study the operation and characteristics ofvarious optical transducers viz. photovoltaic cell, photo-diode, photo-transistor, ApD. 9' To study the operation and characteristics of various physical transducers viz. LVDT, strainGauge, Linear potentiometer, Linear Optical 10. To study the operation and characteristics of solar panel. Decoder, etc. Syllabus for B.Tech in Electronics r & &mmunication Engineering semester Course No: ECE- 408 ELECTRICAL MACHINES LAB The students are required to conduct experiments on following l' 2' 3. 4' 5' 6. ' 8' 7 9. 10' practicalwork: Familiarity with Power Transformer, Auto Transformer, Dimmer stat, Servo Stabilizer. Determination of open circuit characteristics (occ) of a DC machine. Starting and speed control of a DC shunt motor. connection and testing of a single-phase energy meter (unit power factor load only). Two-wattmeter method of measuring power in three-phase circuit (resistive load only). Poly phase connection of single phase transformer. To determine the armature and fierd resistance of a DC Machine. To calibrate a test (moving iron) ammeter and (dynamometer) a wattmeter with respect standard (DC PMMC) ammeter and voltmeters. open circuit and short circuit tests on a singre phase transformer. connection and starting of a three-phase induction motor using direct on line (DoL) or star delta starter.