IEEE Student Branch of Michigan Technological University Constitution Fall 2012 1 Name and Affiliation This organization shall be known as the IEEE Student Branch of Michigan Technological University (IEEE of Michigan Tech). It shall be affiliated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 2 Aims and Objectives The purpose of this organization shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of electrical and computer engineering and related fields, as well as the furtherance of the professional development of the student, and to serve the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, the School of Technology, the Computer Science Department, and the University as a whole. The operation of the IEEE of Michigan Tech shall be in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws on the National Society and in accordance with the primary purpose of the University. 3 Membership Membership shall be limited to undergraduate and graduate students of Michigan Technological University, and shall be granted for the entire academic year. In compliance with Michigan Technological University's Board of Control Equal Opportunity Policy effective February 4, 2011, and those of IEEE Inc., IEEE of Michigan Tech will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, height, weight, genetic information or marital status. IEEE of Michigan Tech must also be committed to the policy of not discriminating against disabled individuals or veterans. 3.1 Dues Dues will be set by the Executive Board, and are due before a student will be granted membership. Dues must be paid to the Treasurer or his/her authorized representative. 3.2 Safety Meeting A safety meeting will be held each semester to discuss the safety policies of the University and Department as applicable to the student projects laboratory. A student must attend one of these meetings before they will be granted membership. 1 3.3 Member Rights Members shall be granted access to the Student Projects Laboratory and granted voting rights within the organization, and have the ability to hold office, provided that said member is previously registered with the body known as Michigan Technological University. 3.4 Revocation of Membership Membership may be revoked for the following reasons: theft, vandalism or destruction of property, failure to comply with safety regulations, failure to maintain a safe and clean environment in the laboratory, or any other criminal activity within the laboratory. Revocation of membership may be permanent or temporary, depending on the severity of the offense(s). Permanent revocation prohibits the student from joining the organization in the future. The Executive Board will determine the punishment for the above offenses. 4 Officers The officers of the IEEE of Michigan Tech shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Webmaster, Secretary, and Public Relations Officer. The term of office shall be until the officer’s graduation or resignation. Officers must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the time of their election, and must be registered with Michigan Technological University. 4.1 Duties of the Officers Chairman - the Chairman shall preside over all general meetings, appoint all Committees, and assume all other executive duties not otherwise delegated. Vice Chairman - the Vice Chairman shall perform all the functions of the Chairman in his/her absence or at his/her request. Treasurer - the Treasurer shall receive all money and pay all bills of the IEEE of Michigan Tech, and will keep an exact record of all transactions. Webmaster - the Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining the IEEE of Michigan Tech website. Secretary - the Secretary shall keep a record of all activities of the IEEE of Michigan Tech and carry on all communications as necessary. Public Relations Officer – the Public Relations Officer shall have the duty of publicizing the activities of the IEEE of Michigan Tech. 2 4.2 Elections Election of open officer positions for the following year shall be held before the close of the academic year. Candidates shall be nominated at least one week prior to the election. To be eligible for office, a candidate should already be a member in good standing. Elections shall be held either at a general meeting or via absentee ballot. If the election is to be held at a meeting, members should be notified at east one week prior. A quorum of members must be present at the meeting for an election as defined in section 7.1. If the election is to be held via absentee ballot, then a one week window must be established where members may submit votes for candidates via a method determined by the Executive Board. This method must be accessible to all members. Members shall be notified of the dates and times of this window at least one week prior to the election beginning. A plurality of votes will elect candidates into office. 4.3 Impeachment An officer may be removed from office on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance of their duties by a plurality vote of members, at a meeting at which a quorum is present, by absentee ballot using the method described in section 4.2, or by a majority vote of the Executive Board. 5 Advisor The Executive Board will appoint a faculty advisor as necessary, who shall be a member of the faculty or staff of the University. The name of the desired advisor must be forwarded to Student Activities for approval before they assume office. The advisor will serve a term until he/she resigns or is removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Board. The faculty advisor shall advise the IEEE of Michigan Tech on all matters as he/she deems necessary. 6 Executive Board The management of the affairs and activities of IEEE of Michigan Tech will be performed by the Executive Board, consisting of the officers of the organization. The Chairman of IEEE of Michigan Tech will be the Chairman of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be the governing body of IEEE of Michigan Tech and shall transact all business it deems advisable, including the filling of vacancies in offices and authorization of expenditures. 3 7 Meetings Meetings will be held as necessary at times and places designated by the Executive Board or Chairman/Vice Chairman. All meetings will follow parliamentary procedure as established in “Robert’s Rules of Order Revised.” 7.1 Quorum A quorum is defined as 51% of members. 8 By-Laws IEEE of Michigan Tech shall be empowered to adopt By-laws which are consistent with this Constitution. 9 Adoption This Constitution will be adopted by a plurality vote of members as described in section 4.2. It shall take effect when approved by Student Activities. 10 Amendment The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of members as described in section 4.2 provided that the amendment shall have been proposed one week prior to the election taking place and members notified, as well as the amendment being approved by Student Activities. 4