MEASUREMENT AND PREDICTION OF PRIMARY PRODUCTION AT AN OFFSHORE STATION IN LAKE ONTARIO l by P. Stadelmann and J. E. Moore CANADA CENTRE FOR INLAND. WATERS GREAT LAKES BIOLIMNOLOGY LAB. 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050 Burlington, Ontario. This is the 6th report of work done by Great Lakes Biolimnology Lab on Great Lakes. 1. The study was undertaken as part of the International Field Year for the Great Lakes, a joint Canadian-U.S. contribution to the International Hydrological Decade program. 1 Abstract Photosynthesis rates using the 14C technique were measured in situ in Lake Ontario and simultaneously in a shipboard incubator. There was good agreement between maximum in situ photosynthesis rate and that obtained in the incubator. Empirical factors were computed by compar- ing the photosynthesis rate obtained during a 4 hr. experiment (10 A.M. - 2 P.M.) with that for the whole daylight period. This relation showed that 36-58% of the daily production occurred during this 4 hr. period. At an off- shore station annual production was estimated (185 g C m- 2 year-I) . Daily photosynthesis rates using the "reference integral" method were computed and compared with in situ daily rates; both methods gave similar values. 80 Lake of Lucerne (47°N latitude - Gaechter 73) ------------ Lake Ontario (43°45' N latitude) 70 zto- 60 w ""0.. U 0: W D.. 50 ,, 0 ,, ,, ,, ,, , 40 ~" " "tr__ ~; 0 // /~ -------o.---o ... ~ LAKE / / / / / / / / / /~ / ... -0---.. ONTARIO 30 -t---,-----.---,----,---,------r--,--'--,-----.------r--,---+ Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec FIG. 1 2/ Fraction of total daily photosynthesis (mg elm day) to be expected during 4 hr. exposure (10: 00 -14: 00) 1972 1973 2000.,------------'----------------------------------, OFFSHORE STATION (OOPS Stn.19 IFYGLl . o measurement during the whole day {', extrapolated values from 4 hrs. experiments 1500 >- --E t1l U 1000 () OJ E I: 500 0+----,-Apr FIGURE May 2 = 185 g Cm- 2 year·' ..... ··T Jun Jul Aug ·····--·....,-·-·-....,·---,----··-1 Sep Oct 2 Nov Dec ···-·-T··-··-·..----··--··- Jan Feb Mar Daily carbon uptake rates (mg Cm- day -1) in Lake Ontario (offshore station) 3 Our main object during the International Field Year for the Great Lakes was to'I'measure daily photosynthesis rates at an inshore and offshore station in Lake Ontario in order to estimate annual production. In situ 14C measurements were conducted on short-time intervalS-(2-4 hrs.) over the whole day at various depths to 25 metres. (For details see Stadelmann et. al. 1974) Photosynthesis rates obtained during noon at the offshore station are shown in Table 1. Daily photosynthesis rates per m2 were determined by integrating the observed values over depth and time and summing the results for consecutive exposures. When 14 C measurements were conducted only during a 4 hour period (10:00-14:00 EST), empirical factors were used to convert results to daily production rates. The values for this factor as a function of season are shown in figure 1. This relation shows that 36-58% of the daily production occurred during this 4 hour period; the values for Lake Ontario were lower than those found by Gaechter (1973) in Lake of Lucerne. In figure 2 daily photosynthesis rates per m2 , based on measured and extrapolated values, are shown for the offshore station. The daily production was integrated over a period of one year (April 1972 to April 1973);, this resulted in a primary production rate of- 185 g C m- 2 year-I. Gaechter (1973) tested different mathematical relations to calculate daily production rates from short time in situ measurements. He found that the reference integral method introduced by Vollenweider (1965) gave good agreement between measured and calculated photosynthesis. Vollenweider's expression gives daily production as a product of p t £ and op . E an integral function which depends only on I' ( )/I'k o max • Best agreement was found using the following reference integral, which takes into account inhibition of photosynthesis in layers close to the surface. . Productlon m- 2 day -1 = J I' o 11+ (x)/I" k r.::' 0 . dx (x)/2. 6 where: = production rate at light optimum (mg C m- 3 hr- l ) = day length (hr) -E = average extinction roefficient of the photosynthetically useful spectrum (m- ) (1 ) 4 I' o = subsurface light intensity (ergs m-2 hr -1 ) I' k = light intensity at the intersect between initial linear slope and the height of the saturation plateau given by Popt. I' o (max) = highest light intensity at noon. Fee (1971) has tabulated this reference integral for different I'o/I'k values. I' o (max ) can be determined from the relation I' o (max) = 2 E' 0 (2 ) Q, provided that the daily insulation is symmetrical with respect to mid-day and can be approximated by a cosine function. E' is the radiation energy input during one day, which can be ~o measured with a shipboard pyranometer. The values I'k and E can be obtained by plotting the relative photosynthesis (p/p t) op on a semilogarithmic scale against depth. For a given production curve - ~ssuming homogeneous distribution of phytoplankton and all other environmental factors (with exception of light) in the euphotic zone - and a known subsurface intensity (1'0) we can directly obtain E and I'k (Vollenweider 1965, Fee 1971, Gaechter 1973). In Table 2 rand I'k values are shown for the offshore station; the assumption of homogeneity was verified by checking biomass parameters such as chlorophyll a and particulate nitrogen. Daily carbon uptake rates were computed by the method of "reference integral" and compared with the in situ daily production. There was good agreement between calculated and measured values, although during stratification temperature and nutrients were not always distributed homogeneously in the euphotic zone and the solar radiation was not always symmetrical with respect to midday. In situ measurements of photosynthesis are tedious and expenSIve for comprehensive studies or large bodies of water such as the Laurentian Great Lakes, thus only few stations can be investigated intensively over one year, and alternative procedures are desirable. Various approaches have been made in the Great Lakes to avoid extensive in situ measurements; this was accomplished by the use of light-rncubators on board ship. Saunders et ale (1962) reviewed problems of surveying photosynthesis rates on large areas. They extrapolated daily production rates per m2 by determining (1) the absolute photosynthesis rate of a surface sample, which was exposed in an incubator providing optimal daylight conditions, (2) a correction ff~tor for transparency of ·the water column using an in situ C experiments with surface phytoplankton as "photometer", 5 FIGURES 3 and 4 over .)' .... ...... C') 20 I i • • / • x 20 r = 0.849 y = 1.01 • -. • 30 i 30 i Popl. - mgC/m 3/ hr 10 I . /. • STATION 11 • 20 i r = 0.987 y=1.10x Popl. - mgC/m 3/hr 10 •• • I i FIG.3 RELATION BETWEEN CARBON UPTAKE RATES IN SITU (popt.) AND IN INCUBATOR (pinc.) o oI ~J E oOJ E ........ C') ....... J:: .... 30j o oI 0:: 10 c u E OJ c? 20 E J:: 30 STATION 19 W if) ~ IW a: 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1% OOPS STATION 19 (IFYGL) 10% 100% • FIGURE:'; VARIATIONS OF OPTICAL PROPERTIES AT THE OFFSHORE STATION. THE PERCENTAGE TRANSMISSION OF THE SPECTRUM 400 - 700 n m ( QSM READINGS ) ~ I 0.1% o 0'\ 7 (3) a correction factor for inhomogeneous distribution of the algae at different depths. The final calculated profile curve was obtained by multiplication. Fee (1971) used a light incubator on Lake Hichigan, in which C1 4 experiments were conducted at four light_~nte~~ities ~100%, 30%, ?% and 5% of about 46.10 11 ergs m hr -). USlng Vollenwelder's photosynthesis model (1965) the carbon uptake rates obtained in incubator were converted to integral production and related to the actual irradiance in order to estimate daily production. Glooschenko et al. (1974) estimated primary ~roduction using a shipboard--fncubator with a constant light lntensity (8 klux = approx. 11.5'10 11 ergs m- 2 hr- l ). ~hey extrapolated average daily production from pooled data on 32 Lake Ontario and 25 Lake Erie stations. The prediction was Performed by correlating incubator 14 C experimen·ts and Secc~i depth readings wi·tIl results from in ~.:!:..tu experiments. Incubator experiments (40.10 11 ergs m- 2 hr- l ) were conducted simultaneously with the in situ photosynthesis measuremen·t during noon in Lake Ontarioduring IFYGL. Comparison of the maximum in situ photosynthesis rates at light sa·turation (p . ' )-~/vitl~-rates obtained in the , b.j... (,p, .. op-clffium f rom samp~es . 1 t a k.en Wl . ' th an lncu a~or ' t \ - lncuDa' or) integrating sampler (O-··J. Om) indicated good agreement as shown in figure 3. The statistical relation between Pincubator versus p t' at the offshore station was P, = 1.10p op t . op lInum lnc. (r = 0.99). The linear regression line at the inshore station was p.lnc. = 1.01 P op t (r = 0.85) If P op't'lmum can be simulated 0 in the incubator and the vertical extinction coefficient for the photosynthetically useful. energy in the water column and the daily energy input of energy input is recorded, then the only unknown is the value of I k" The information of I' k can be obtained using different lignt intensities in the incubator and the daily photosynthesis rates can be estimated using only incubator measurements (Fee, 1971). I The variation of the underwater optical conditions at the offshore station are given in figure 4; the data were obtained using a spectrophotometer (Quantaphotometer Incentive Res. & Div. A.B., Broma, Sweden.) From these -transmission curves average extinction coefficient can be calculated. The following are some recoI~mendations for primary production measurements in the Great Lakes: 1. If in situ carbon uptake measurement can be conducted the:most efficient way is to choose a standard time exposure (10:00-14:00) and to use empirical factors in order to get day rates per square meter. '~his procedure has the advantage that neither the radiation energy input nor the extinction coefficient has to be determined (Gaechter, 1973). Assuming homogeneous distribution of the phytoplankton in the euph.otic zone the "reference integral" method will give good results, if the light energy input during a day (E'o) 8 t' , -E and Ilk are op lmum obtained graphically from an in situ photosynthesis profile. is recorded. 2. The parameters p If carbon uptake rates are measured with an incubator only, Feels method is recommended (Vollenweider 1970). Samples from the euphotic zone should be collected with an integrating sampler (Schroeder 1969) and exposed 2 to 4 hrs. to different light intrnsities (100%, 50%, 10%, 5%1 2% of about 50.10 11 ergs m- 2 hr- ). Fluorescent lamps are now available, which simulate natural outdoor light (Vita-Fluorescent, Duro Test Corporation, North Bergen, N. J. 07047). The vertical extinction coefficient of the photosynthetically active spectrum in the water columns should be measured with an underwater photometer and the incident light intensity should be recorded. 9 REFERENCES Fee, J. F., 1971. A numerical model for the estimation of integral primary production and its application to Lake Michigan. Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, Centre for Great Lake studies. Thesis l69p. Gaechter R., 1973. Determination of the daily rates of the primary production of phytoplankton. Models and measurements in situ (in German) Swiss J. Hydrol., 35: 1Glooschenko, W. A., J. E. Moore, M. Hunawar and R. A. Vollenweider, . 1974. Primary production in Lakes Ontario and Erie: a comparative study. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. (in press) . Saunders, G. W.! ~. B. Trama az;d R. W. Bachmann, 1962. Evaluation of a mod1.f1.ed 1 4 C techn1.que for shipboard estimation of Great Lakes Research photosynthesis in large lakes. Division, Publication No.8. Schroed~r, R., 1969. A summarizing water sampler. aydrobiol. 66: 241-243. Arch. Stadelmann P., J. E. Moore andE •.Pickett, 1974. Primary production in relation to light conditions, temperature structure and biomass concentration at an inshore and offshore station in Lake Ontario. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. (in press). I· I I. ,. I· Vollenweider, R. A., 1965. Calculation models of photosynthesis depth curves and some implications regarding day rate estimates in primary production measurements. Mem. 1st. Ital. Idrobiol., 18 Suppl.,425-457. Vollenweider R. A., 1970. Models for calculating integral photosynthesis and some implications regarding structural properties of community metabolism of aquatic systems. IN: Prediction and measurement of photosynthetic produGtivity proceedings of the IBP/PP Technical meet~ng,Trebon, Centre for Agricultural Publishing and IDocumentation, Wageningen, Netherlands, 455-473 • . . ' 12/4 9:4514:00 (0.04) 0.74 0.63 (0.08)(0.08) 20 30 3.65 1.92 0.27 1.60 1.41 15 Incubator mgCin- 3hr- 1 1.94 2.41 2.50 10 35.3 1.68 2.64 2.19 2.01 2.43 7 E mgCm- 2hr- 1 35.3 2.19 2.24 2.15 1.96 5 - 30.5 0.68 2.43 1.60 46.3 2.91 29.2 (0.04) 0.21 1.14 (0.27) 0.47 2.32 1.29 2.30 L30 _ .. 2.4L._ .. 1.18 1. 58 3 2.72 1. 74 0.29 1.54 0.25 0.69 34.3 16:08 30/5 14:00- 0.34 0.12 147.5 25/5 10:4214:38 1 0.57 41. 7 19/4 10:2313:57 0.10 - 141.0 13: 55 10:05- 18/4 0 Depth in metres xl0 1 ergs m- 2 hr- 1 127.6 Enerp' Date Time EST TABLE 1: 2.20 40;5 (0.17) 0.76 1. 58 2.42 2.70 2.63 1.86 0.70 0.24 106.5 3.26 50.5 0.08 0.60 1. 32 3.19 3.58 3.99 3.34 1. 53 0.67 61. 3 1 9 7 2 21/6 31/5 10:209:5514:00 13:55 2.69 35.2 0.05 0.61 1.62 2.74 1.94 1. 33 6.83 39.9 0 0.17 0.89 2.25 1.87 2.57 4.15 0 23.56 131.0 0 0.37 6.54 19.38 9.38 5.97 12.98 - (2.46) 8.72 94.4 19/7 9:30 13:20 4.24 16.5 30/6 9:4613:46 0.87 76.0 29/6 9:5613:49 19.95 134.0 0.02 0.23 4.03 9.59 12.33 18.00 17 .68 11.09 86.2 25/7 9:47 13: 42 17 .87 86.2 0.03 0.25 1.40 4.67 6.99 14.00 14.00 9.31 64.8 26/7 10:05 13:50 -3 hr -1 Carbon uptake rates during noon at the offshore station, mg C m (OOPS STATION 19, IFYGL) I-' C> 3.48 7.33 4.58 13.08 3.58 1.25 0.22 87.5 33.30 19.35 7.16 1.67 0 0.03 - 175.4 33.7 19.9 7.3 1.5 0.4 0 - 3 5 7 10 15 20 30 mgC~-3hr-1 33.75 incubator Lm6Co-2hr-i 178.0 5.57 8.63 24.50 26.91 26.3 1 34.4 10.02 28.6 0.12 0.69 10.41 53.9 0 0.03 0.27 1. 34 3.07 5.24 10.2 Depth 0 23.18 82.5 23.6 106.0 102.3 Energy 7.59 51.0 44.7 8.36 - 0.19 0.62 1. 83 3.11 4.54 - 0.05 0.22 1.02 2.07 6.17 8.16 5.67 5.36 22.0 25/10 10:1214:07 Page 2 7.79 10.1 24/10 10:2514:03 19/10 10:4014:36 13/9 10:0414:00 - Date Time TABLE 1 1972 12/9 7/9 10:35- 10:0114:35 13:47 1.88 24.8 Q 0.12 0.54 0.98 1.87 2.36 2.53 1.82 0.76 37.9 22/11 10:3014:20 1.81 36.3 0.07 0.54 0.81 - - - 20.4 8.4 17 .4 0.22 0.65 0.07 - 0.04 0.09 1.05 1. 53 0.44 0.28 1.63 1.49 0.58 70.0 7/3 10:1114:19 0.69 1.00 1.14 11.1 19/1 9:5914:04. 0 - 0.80 2.46 1. 61 1.10 1. 47 1.19 13.6. 1973 16/1 10:4714:25 2.54 2.95 1. 33 52.3 29/11 10:3515: 00 2.18 25.6 0.01 0.09 0.45 1.38 2.23 2.84 2.25 0.33 99.8 15/3 10:1514:00 35 2.00 23.4 0.05 0.20 0.57 1. 1.95 2.14 2.22 0.94 53.0 16/3 10:0013:50 I-' I-' 15.2 - 814.7 786.0 144.8 - 64.0 - 14.5 - 14.9 14.1 15.0 14.8 - 12.6 12.5 - 9.0 9.2 - - 8.4 - 11. 0 11. 5 21/16/72 29/6/72 30/6/72 25/7/72 26/7/72 7/9/72 12/9/72 13/9/72 19/10/72 24/10/72 25/10/72 22/11/72 29/11/72 19/1/73 7/3/73 15/3/73 16/3/73 614.0 407.0 111.6 70.8 - 31. 6 14.2 - - 63.8 32.1 Ill. 5 - 106.2 109.0 23.5 97.6 - 106.1 200.5 702.6 - 165.4 272.3 - 768.9 - 31/5/72 - - 47.2 30/5/72 294.9 12.5 153.8 0 -E 0.29 0.22 0.15 0.20 0.14 0.21 0.20 0.25 0.29 0.62 0.51 0.53 0.32 0.30 - 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.20 0.17 l' max = E'o 2/ Q, 19/4/72 0 1031. 0 E' 13.4 £ -- - k 12.0 6.6 21. 0 6.9 23.5 11. 4 9.9 7.1 30.9 7.0 14.0 12.8 23.3 27.6 - 8.6 10.4 13.2 10.6 7.5 15.1 Ii 5.89 8.03 9.30 10.72 3.33 2.20 2.22 3.22 3.18 2.00 2.67 4.59 8.21 7.99 4.56 3.95 - 11.34 - 6.29 10.18 Ii o II' k 647.5 1. 369 2.84 2.22 1. 63 1.14 2.95 2.53 6.17 8.16 1. 796 1. 836 1.193 0.914 0.919 1.193 1.174 0.861 1. 046 107.7 116.0 193.4 213.0 47.6 194.0 237.0 58.0 344.0 333.2 283.8 52.1 262.0 252.9 893.0 1443.0 1156.0 1241. 0 468.0 446.0 470.0 273.0 379.0 measured f-' tv 293.0 697.9 494.0 1. 413 24.50 8.63 1429.9 822.7 886.4 1186.2 - 418.0 398.1 1. 738 1. 727 900.0 - 226.8 230.3 240.1 152.0 computed 348.0 Q; 190.0 E Popt· 1. 318 - 1. 843 1.565 1. 729 1. 581 1. 832 J 33.30 33.70 14.00 18.00 4.24 2.74 3.99 2.70 2.30 2.43 2.41 Popt Comparison between computed daily production using the "refeience integral" method (Vollenweider 1965) and measured daily production in Lake Ontario (offshore station, OOPS Station 19, IFYGL). 18/4/72 Date TABLE 2 -