Catholic University of Milan REDESIGNING

(Research Center in Healthcare Management)
Catholic University of Milan
13-14-15 September 2016
Catholic University of Milan
Redesigning hospital operations: tools and solutions
13-14-15 September 2016
Catholic University of Milano
INSTRUCTORS: Joseph Polimeni
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Local Health Authority, Lucca, Italia.
Sharon J. Williams
Associate Professor at the College of Human & Health Sciences, Swansea University.
Health Foundation Improvement Science Fellow.
Stefano Villa
Associate Professor in Healthcare Management, Department of Management,
Catholic University, Rome, Italy.
Coordinator Field Research Projects at CERISMAS, Catholic University, Milano,
This course aims to present tools, methodologies and models for a better control of patient flows logistics in hospitals. In hospitals, processes of care take
place in five different broad categories of production units: hospital floors (including Intensive Care Units), operating rooms, emergency departments, diagnostics (e.g. CT scan or MRI) and outpatient platforms.
Studies and practical experience show that a lack of control of these assets is
often the principal cause of typical problems that seriously jeopardize quality
and efficiency such as: delays, waiting time, errors, fragmented care, “trolley
waits”, inappropriate setting of care and so on.
Despite these considerations, healthcare managers all over the world have paid
little or none attention to day-to-day management of operations and logistics
dedicating efforts and energies in large-scale projects (such as mergers and acquisitions or construction of new facilities) with unclear and only long-run impact.
In a context of reduction of available resources and of redefinition of paradigms
of care (see for example the new patient-centered hospital models) it is very
much critical for healthcare managers to acquire tools and methodologies for a
better management of patient flows logistics.
The course will focus particularly on operations management issues. The use of
operations management techniques, extensively applied in businesses of all
kinds, has also become a necessity in health care. In order for managers to improve the quality and efficiency of health care delivery, or successfully launch
new services or products, they must understand the design and management of
health care operations. Stocks and flows, variability methodology, just-in-time
processes, theory of constrains — all of the notions associated with the factory
floor — are exactly what modern hospitals most sorely need.
In particular the course aims to address the following questions:
- which are the most relevant innovative solutions to redesign hospital patient flows logistics?
- Which are the most relevant end-to-end process improvement tools?
- How can I control variability in the design and management of
healthcare production processes?
- How can I set up a control system for a better patient flows management?
Centro di Ricerche e Studi in Management Sanitario (CERISMAS)
c/o Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
L.go Gemelli, 1 - 20123 MILANO
Telefono: 02- - Fax: 02- - E-mail: - Web:
Which are the operational conditions to implement the patient-centered
hospital model?
How can I overcome the current organizational model based on semiautonomous departments that do not consider the impact of their actions
on upstream or downstream departments?
How can I eliminate waste and increase value with the lean model?
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Medical Directors
Operations Managers
Operating Rooms Coordinators
Nursing Directors and Nurse Managers
Directors of Strategic Offices (such as quality, clinical governance, planning
and control and so on).
The contents of the course can be beneficial also to policymakers (such as National Agencies or Regions) interested in promoting innovative solutions to redesign hospital patient flows logistics.
Finally a good understanding of operations and logistics is becoming increasingly important for suppliers (e.g. pharmaceutical and medical devices companies)
that aim to develop beneficial and lasting relationships with healthcare organizations.
Classes consist of both lectures, discussions and case studies. In fact, despite
the relatively short length of the course, we aim to convey to participants some
sound theoretical principles, some tools and methodologies to replicate in their
own context and finally a good understanding of what it takes to implement such
relevant changes.
The use of active learning methods is aimed to maximize the interaction with the
classroom in order to get out the most from the professional experience of each
single participant.
The fee for the three-days course is € 800 + VAT (if due)
Organizations associated to CERISMAS will benefit of a 25% discount if duespaying member or 15% if regular member.
To enroll in the course it is necessary to fill out the attached form and send it to:
Largo Gemelli 1 - 20123 Milano
Fax 02 7234 3828
The payment of the fee must occur through bank transfer to:
CERISMAS, Banca Cariparma – via Molino delle Armi, 23
IBAN IT53 P 06230 09486 000063431539.
Centro di Ricerche e Studi in Management Sanitario (CERISMAS)
c/o Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
L.go Gemelli, 1 - 20123 MILANO
Telefono: 02- - Fax: 02- - E-mail: - Web:
Tuesday 13th of September
Wednesday 14th of September
Thursday 15th of September
Welcome Coffee
9.00 – 11.00
Patient centered hospital organizational models
Stefano Villa
CERISMAS, Catholic University of Milan
9.00 – 11.00
Lean in healthcare
Sharon J. Williams
Swansea University
10.00 – 11.30
Why healthcare organizations need to become
serious about operations management?
Sharon J. Williams
Swansea University
11.30 – 13.00
Patient Flows Logistics: tools for analysis
Stefano Villa,
CERISMAS, Catholic University of Milan
14.00 – 15.30
Solutions to redesign Patient Flow Logistics
Stefano Villa,
CERISMAS, Catholic University of Milan
15.30 – 17.30
Case Study
Boston Medical Center: Implementing System
Changes to Patient Flows Logistics
17.30 – 18.00
Wrap-Up of the Day
11.00 – 13.00
11.00 – 13.00
Stone Hospital
Case study
Re-design hospital wards around patient needs: why Virginia Mason Medical Center
and how?
14.00 – 15.30
Class Discussion
14.00 – 15.30
Class Discussion
15.30 – 17.30
Implementing patient centered hospital organizational models: conditions for success
Joseph Polimeni,
Local Health Authority Lucca
15.30 – 17.30
Round Table
Lean Thinking in Action: What it Takes to Get it
17.30 – 18.00
Wrap-Up of the Day
Sharon J. Williams
Swansea University
17.30 – 18.00
De-briefing and take-home messages.
Polimeni is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Local Health Authority of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy: 2.700 employees, an
annual turnover of € 430.000.000 and three hospitals with overall 700 beds.
He is also Member of the Regional Committee for Project Finance Administration of the New Tuscan Hospital Projects. Before becoming CEO, Polimeni acted as General Medical Director and Chief Medical Hospital Officer in several hospitals and Local Health Authorities with a leading role in different relevant projects such as:
- outsourcing management of hospital utilities;
- control of Electronic Medical Records e coding DRG systems in private health care sector;
- accreditation of Tuscan hospitals organizations;
- hospital organization from the legal, health and managerial point of view;
- control of appropriateness and quality of medical care;
- clinical governance and operations management;
- redesign of hospital layout with a particular focus on ICU and Operating Theatres;
- operating rooms and wards efficiency.
He is invited as instructor from different universities in Italy including, for example, Catholic University, Bocconi University and LUISS University of Rome.
Williams is an Improvement Science fellow with the Health Foundation and Associate Professor at the College of Human & Health Sciences at Swansea University. Prior to joining Swansea, Sharon was a Lecturer with Cardiff Business
School, where she taught Supply Chain Management, Operations Management and Lean Operations at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Previously, Sharon was a senior member of the Clinical Systems Improvement team at
Warwick University’s Medical School, where she assisted in the development of a number of national healthcare improvement programs and designed and delivered short courses and postgraduate modules in clinical systems improvement.
Williams’ current research is a feasibility study to examine the design of care pathways and the application of improvement technologies such as lean and agile. Her wider research interests include clinical and business systems
improvement, leading and managing transformation, change and improvement, and process, organizational and
pathway/supply chain redesign. Sharon is particularly interested in moving improvement work into health and social
care, much of the previous research in this area has focused on hospitals.
Villa, PhD, Msc is associate professor at Catholic University, department of management (Rome, Italy) and coordinator of field research projects at CERISMAS (Research Centre in Health Care Management) of Catholic University (Milano, Italy).
He is also senior research fellow at Boston University School of Management, Health Policy Institute (Boston, USA)
and coordinator of the Patient Flows Community, a hospitals’ network managed, in partnership, by three Universities
(Catholic University, Bocconi University and University of Florence).
His research interests include quality measurement and improvement in health care, operations management and logistics in service delivery organizations. Villa is author of more than 30 publications in these areas and Principal Investigator of different research projects.
Villa received his undergraduate degree in Economics from Bocconi University in 2000. He is doctor of philosophy
(PhD) in Public Administration and Business Economics (Parma University, Italy) and he holds a Master of Science
degree in Health Policy Management from Harvard University (School of Public Health).
(following english version)
Redesigning hospital operations: tools and solutions
13-14-15 settembre 2016 – Milano
Modalità di iscrizione
Si prega di restituire il presente modulo compilato per ogni singolo partecipante a:
Segreteria CERISMAS: fax 02.7234.3828 – E-mail:
Partecipante all’iniziativa
Nome e Cognome
Posizione Aziendale
Il/La sottoscritto/a si iscrive al corso "Redesigning hospital operations: tools and solutions" in data 13-14-15
settembre 2016, presso la sede di Milano e dichiara di versare la somma di € 800,00 + IVA a ricevimento fattura tramite
bonifico bancario:
Soggetto a cui inviare la fattura
Nome e Cognome ________________________________________________________
Indirizzo _________________________________________________________________
Codice Fiscale ____________________________________________________________
Città __________________________________ (prov. ______) c.a.p. ________________
Il/La sottoscritto/a si iscrive al corso "Redesigning hospital operations: tools and solutions" in data 13-14-15
settembre 2016, presso la sede di Milano e dichiara che il versamento della quota di partecipazione di € 800,00 +
IVA, se dovuta, sarà effettuato da un soggetto giuridico a ricevimento fattura tramite bonifico bancario (compilare la
parte seguente della presente scheda).
Dati fiscali dell’Ente/Azienda di appartenenza
Ragione sociale __________________________________________________________
Indirizzo _________________________________________________________________
Città __________________________________ (prov. ______) c.a.p. ________________
Codice fiscale ________________________ Partita iva ________________________
Codice Univoco Ufficio________________________ Codice CIG ________________________
Al fine di perfezionare l’iscrizione, per le aziende pubbliche che richiedono la fatturazione elettronica, è necessario inviare l’ordine aziendale contestualmente alla scheda di iscrizione con i dati necessari.
Soggetto a cui inviare la fattura
Nome e Cognome ________________________________________________________
Indirizzo _________________________________________________________________
Città __________________________________ (prov. ______) c.a.p. ________________
Nominativo e telefono del referente dell’Azienda per eventuali contatti
(*) c/c intestato a: CERISMAS – Banca Cariparma – Via Molino delle Armi 23, Milano– IBAN IT53 P 06230 09486
000063431539. È necessario precisare il titolo del corso e il nome del partecipante sulla causale del versamento.
Informativa ai sensi del D.Lgs.196/2003
CERISMAS in qualità di titolare del trattamento, garantisce la massima riservatezza dei dati da Lei forniti in ottemperanza alle disposizioni del D.Lgs.196/2003. Le informazioni raccolte verranno utilizzate ai fini organizzativi del corso.
In ogni momento, a norma dell'articolo 7 del citato decreto, potrà avere accesso ai Suoi dati e chiederne la modifica o
la cancellazione. Compilando la scheda d’iscrizione, avrà la possibilità di ricevere materiale informativo su future e
analoghe iniziative promosse dal Centro. Ove fosse interessato, barri la casella qui accanto.
Data ________________________________ Firma ______________________________
Redesigning hospital operations: tools and solutions
Milan, 13th-14th-15 th September 2016
Enrollment instructions
For each participant please complete and return this form to:
CERISMAS Secretary: fax 02.7234.3828 – E-mail:
Name (last, first)
Position in organization
The undersigned applies to be admitted to the course and declares to pay € 800,00 + VAT (if due) upon receipt of the
invoice by bank transfer:
Person to send the invoice
First and Last Name ________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
National identification number (Tax code) ____________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ Zip (Postal code) ________________
The undersigned applies for course admission and declares that the following legal identity will pay € 800,00 + VAT (if
due), upon receipt of the invoice by bank transfer:
Organization’s financial information/data
Business name __________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ Zip (Postal code) _________________________________
National identification number (Tax code) ______________________
VAT number _______________________________
CUU Code ______________________ CIG Code _______________________________
In order to complete the enrollment, public organizations requesting FatturaPA (electronic invoice) must send
the order code, together with the enrollment form completed with all the necessary data.
Person to receive the invoice
First and Last Name ________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ ZIP (Postal code) ________________
Contact person’s name and phone number for any contact requests
(*) Bank account assigned to: CERISMAS – Banca Cariparma – Via Molino delle Armi 23, Milano – IBAN IT53 P
06230 09486 000063431539. Please specify the title of the course and the name of the participant in the reason for
Information pursuant to legislative decree no. 196/2003
CERISMAS will process your data in compliance with the provisions set out in Legislative Decree No. 196/2003. Data
collected will be processed to fulfill the purposes of the course. In accordance with article 7 of Legislative Decree No.
196/2003, you are entitled at any time to access your data and to obtain the updating or erasure of such data. By filling out the course enrollment form, you may be informed on upcoming CERISMAS events and courses. If interested,
please tick the box below:
Date ________________________________ Signature ______________________________