deluxe delay

Eurorack Module
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
Main features DELUXE DELAY
PT239-based Digital Delay for Eurorack module systems
VCA for modulation of the input signal's level going into the delay
CV-input for modulation of delaytime
CV-input for modulation of feedback
Delaytime tweakable into areas where the chip is not intended for
Send-/Return-jacks to process the echoes with external equipment (Filter, EQ)
„Mix“ knob from 100% dry to 100 % wet - suitable for insert-usage
Width 70.7 mm / 14 TE, Depth about 25 mm
Current draw: +5 V - 16mA, +12 V - 35 mA, -12 V - 12 mA
Needs the +5 Volt-rail of the powerbus
Functional block diagram
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
Connecting to power
Interfacing power is the same as on any other
module for eurorack. The pic to the right shows
the typical eurorack power bus pins.
The DELUXE DELAY needs the +5 Volt rail to be
!! Please pay double attention to put the
connector cable in the right direction on the
module and the powerbus connector.
Attaching the cable in the wrong way could
lead to damage onto the module or even your
power supply !!
Put the powercable onto the power connector with
the red wire pointing towards the lower edge of
the module.
Like in the picture to the left. (Please do not use
the stickers for orientation, they can be on a
different place on your module).
The red wire indicates the -12 Volt rail.
The other connector of the cable must be
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
plugged onto your module systems power-bus. Again, with the red wire pointing
"In" jack
This is the typical 3.5 mm mono jack where to put an
ordinary audio signal. The signal can origin from your
mixer, an oscillator-module system or a synth-output the DELUXE DELAY eats audio of all levels.
"Level" knob
This knob is a simple attenuator to get the sometimes
very high audiolevels of the eurorack world (up to 20
Vpp) down to a level, the delaychip does not distort
anymore (about 5V pp), even if the Send-VCA is fully
open. The input signal itself, which will be mixed with
the delay by the „mix“ knob is not altered by the
„Level“ knob.
Send-VCA with CV-jack and switch
Creative note
You might ask yourself now „What? What? Wait. SendVCA? I don't get it! What is it good for?“ Well, it is just this Send-VCA making the DELUXE
DELAY that unique. This feature allows continuois and precise control of the amount of
delay on a special musical moment. 'Ordinary' delays endlessly paint the input signal with
their echos, often resulting in an undefined sound-mash. Our DELUXE DELAY allows you e.g.
to send a drumloop through it and put delay on JUST a snaredrum, keeping the rest of the
loop completely dry.
Thats how to do it: tilt the switch to the left to close the Send-VCA and send a control
voltage into the Send-VCA CV-jack. The control voltage is 0 Volt per default and goes high
(e.g. +5V) for just that short moment, the snare is present. As long as the CV is high, it opens
the VCA letting the short passage with the snare sound pass through into the delayunit. The
CV drops back to 0 Volt, closes the Send-VCA and the rest of the loop will therefore NOT be
painted with the delay effect.
The feedback of the delay with the echoes of your snare are NOT influenced by the SendVCA and fade out naturally by getting back into the delayunit independently. Of course the
Send-VCA can not only be ON or OFF; the modulation of the Send-VCA is stepless.
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
Another example: connect +5 Volt with the input of a foot
volume pedal and connect it's output into the Send-VCA
jack. Now you can paint your musical performance with
more or less delay using the pedal.
The Send-VCA will be modulated by a mix of the
switch and the CV-jack. The CV-jack allows stepless
modulation of the input-signal amount going into the
delayunit. It allows to paint more or less or no delay
onto the input signal.
The switch will be mixed with the CV-jack and is kind
of simple ON/OFF function on the DELUXE DELAY. In
short: you can fully open or close the Send-VCA
without having to use any CVs or cables.
Switch to the LEFT - LED is off – as long as there will
not be any positive CV sent into the jack, the Send-VCA
remains closed. No input signal will reach the delayunit.
Switch to the RIGHT - LED is bright - the VCA for the Delay-Send-Level is completely
open and the whole input signal is sent into the delayunit – the signal level is
dependant on the position of "Send Level".
If the switch is tilted to the left side and a positive CV is used, the LED starts to shine in
dependency of the CV. Please do not expect the LED to be an precise meter, indicating
the opening of the Send-VCA linearily. It's just a simpe indicator.
Creative note
The output of the delay and the feedback path from the delay's output to it's input is
completely independent from the Send-VCA. Still echoing echos or endless feedbackloops
are present even if the Send-VCA is completely closed.
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
"Delay" knob
This knob determines the time, the input signal is
delayed. Fully to the right is the shortest time, fully left
is the longest. This seems to be 'wrong' first. But due
to the logarithmic characteristics of the pot it has the
benefit of a much better and precise feeling for
adjusting the desired delaytime.
"Delay" jack
Feed a positive, negative or bipolar CV into this jack to
modulate the delaytime. Don't worry, you can't break
the module as long as the CV keeps inside the range
of the powersupply (normally +/- 12 Volt). To archive
the desired effect, it is likely to use an attenuator
getting the CV down to a reasonable level.
The CV and the position of the delay-knob will be
mixed inside the module. The area of modulation will
therefore be shifted if you turn the delay knob.
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
"Feedback" knob
"Feedback" sets the amount of delay output getting
back into the delay's input. In other words, you can
adjust the number of echoes. The more you turn it to
the right, the longer it will take until all echoes are
gone. At a certain position the echos are repeated
endlessly and the delay starts to scream by itself, even
if there is no input signal at all.
"Feedback" jack
Similar to the Delay-CV-input you can modulate the
amount of feedback using an external control voltage.
To optain maximum amount of feedback, the control
voltage should be about +10 Volt.
The signal going into the CV-jack and the position of
the pot are mixed together. The area of modulation
will therefore be shifted if you turn the feedback knob.
"Send/Return" jacks
Here you can insert external effects. You can colorize your echoes e.g. with a
bandpass or highpass filter.
Creative note
Colorizing your echos using Send/Return might drastically change their frequency range
and – as a result - increase or decrease feedback. It sometimes needs some patience and
feeling to get the right balance between Feedback, Mix and the settings of your external
equipment. What we liked most was to use an external bandpass filter. With the
bandpasses Q/Resonance you can additionally influence the feedback and it's character
and response. Distoring the Delaychip with „Send Level“ and slightly modulating the
bandpass frequency give the delaysound a nice reggae-feeling.
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
"Mix" knob
This adjusts the ratio between 100% dry input signal
in leftmost position and - you guess it - 100% delay
sound in the fully clockwize position. The levels of
"Dry" and "Wet" can become quite different,
depending on the position of "Send Level" and the
level of the Send-VCA. The electronic circuit causes the
dry output signal to be inverted (180°) to the original
input signal.
"Out" jack
Here you get the output of the module - the mix of dry
and wet signal - according to the position of "Mix".
Now you're equipped with all you need to know.
Have fun experimenting and meeting the
Stereoping DELUXE DELAY.
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015
If you experience any problems using this product, are coming up with a genious
improvement feature, if you are missing something or just want to write us that you
LOVE our product, go ahead. We are looking forward to receiving your Mail!
Gregor Zoll Musikelektronik
Waldstrasse 52
45525 Hattingen
Manual DELUXE DELAY Eurorack V1.1
© Stereoping Germany, Hattingen 03/2015