First Year Second Semester

First Year Second Semester
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
MATH 201
Advanced Calculus
Objective: To extend the first year calculus course and to equip students for the rigorous analysis
required for engineering studies.
Space Coordinates: cylindrical coordinates, equations relating Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates,
spherical coordinates, equations relating Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates to spherical, polar
coordinates graphs of polar equations, polar equations of conics and other curves, polar integrals.
Limits and Indeterminate Forms: the form 0.a, the form a.a, the forms 00, 0a, a0, aa, 1a, orders of
Functions of Several Variables and Their Derivatives:
- functions of two or more variables, limits and continuity
- partial derivatives, chain rules, dependent variables
- gradients, directional derivative and tangent planes, higher order derivatives
- maxima, minima and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, exact differentials.
Multiple Integrals:
- introduction, double integrals, area, changing to polar coordinates
- triple integrals in rectangular coordinates
- integrals in cylindrical and spherical coordinates
- surface area, change of order of integration.
Beta and Gamma Functions:
- Beta and Gamma functions, properties of the functions
- transformations of Gamma functions, relation between the functions.
Applications of the Theory of Integration:
- area of curves in Cartesian coordinates, area between two Cartesian curves
- area of the curves in polar coordinates, volume of solid of revolutions
- surface of solids of revolutions, Dirichlet's integrals.
Vector Functions and Their Derivatives:
- derivatives of vector functions, tangent vectors, velocity and acceleration
- arc length for space curves, the unit tangent vector
- curvature and normal vectors and components, derivatives of vector products,
Vector Integral Calculus:
- vector fields, surface integrals, line integrals and work, two dimensional fields
- flux across a plane curve, Green's theorem, Gauss's theorem, Stoke's theorem.
Fourier Series and Integrals:
- periodic functions, trigonometric series, Fourier series, Euler's formulae,
- convergence theorem ( proof not required ), functions having arbitrary period,- even and odd
functions, half-range expansions, Fourier integral.
1. G B Thomas and R L Finney,Calculus and Analytic Geometry, Narosa Publishing House
2. E Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
PHYS 102
General physics II
A. Electricity & Magnetism
1. Electrostatic field
Electric charge; Coulomb's law; electric field due to point and continuous charge distribution; flux in
electric field; Gauss's law; electric field due to line, plane, and spherical charge distribution. Line
integral of an electric field; potential difference and potential; gradient of scalar field; relation between
electric field and potential; flux; divergence of vector field; Gauss divergence theorem; divergence in
Cartesian coordinates; divergence of electric field; Poisson's equation; Laplace’s equation; Curl of
vector function; Stokes’ theorem; curl in Cartesian coordinates; curl of electrostatic field; energy of point
and continuous charge distribution; energy density in electric field.
(10 hours)
2. Electrostatic field in matter
The electric field of dipole; force and torque on a dipole; energy of dipole in electric field; dielectric;
polarization; bound charges; field vectors D and E and their boundary conditions; capacitors filled with
dielectrics, electric susceptibility, polarizability, Clausius-Mossotti relation.
(4 hours)
3. Magnetostatics
Magnetic field B and magnetic flux; Lorentz's force; volume current density; equation of continuity; the
magnetic field of a steady current; Biot-Savart law; Ampere’s law; divergence and curl of B; magnetic
vector potential.
(4 hours)
4. Magnetostatic field in matter
Magnetic dipole; torque on magnetic dipole; energy of magnetic dipole in magnetic field; magnetization;
bound current; magnetic field vectors B and H and their relation; magnetic susceptibility;
diamagnetism, paramagneitsm and ferromagnetism; Langevin theory of diamagnetism and
paramagneitsm; domain theory of ferromagnetism; hysteresis.
(5 hours)
5. Electromagnetic induction
Motional emf; loop moving in static magnetic field; Faraday's law; Faraday’s lawin differential form;
self-induction; mutual induction; reciprocity theorem; energy stored in magnetic field.
(3 hours)
6. Electromagnetic wave propagation
Displacement current; Maxwell's equations; Maxwell’s equations in vacuum; Maxwell's equations in
material medium; energy in electromagnetic field; Poynting’s theorem and Poynting vector;
electromagnetic wave equation in vacuum.
(3 hours)
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
PHYS 102
General physics II
B. Modern Physics
1. Physics of atoms and molecules
Atomic spectra: visible and X-ray, Molecular bonds, Molecular spectra, Raman effect, Band theory of
solid, electrical conduction in metals, insulators and semiconductors, superconductivity.
(3 hours)
2. Nuclear structure
Nuclear binding energy, Natural and artificial radioactivity, Nuclear reactions (3 hours)
3. Applications of nuclear physics
Nuclear fission and fusion, Nuclear reactors, Radiation detectors, Radiation hazards, Uses of nuclear
(3 hours)
Reference Books:
David J. Griffith: Introduction to electrodynamics
R. Resnick and E. Halliday: Physics part II
Berkley Physics Series: Electricity and magnetism
R. A. Serway and J. W. Jewett: Physics for engineers and scientists
R. Murugeshan: Modern physics
List of experiments
Measurement of low resistance using Carey-Foster's Bridge.
Determination capacitance of a capacitor by charging and discharging.
Study of the phenomenon of resonance in parallel LCR circuit.
Determination of wavelength of laser light using a plane diffraction grating.
Study of the absorption of beta-particles by an intervening medium and determination of
the mass absorption coefficient.
6. Determination of specific charge of an electron (e/m) by Thompson method.
7. Determination of moment of inertia of given fly wheel.
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
COMP 116
Object Oriented Programming
Course Description: This course introduces the fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming
Constructs in C++. Topics include classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism and template etc.
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming[4 hours]: Concept of Object Oriented
Paradigm,Features of OOP, Benefits of OOP
Introducing C++ [4 hours]: Introduction,A sample C++ program, Reference Variables,Inline
Functions,Function Overloading,Comparison between C and C++
Classes and Objects [6 hours]: Introduction to class and objects, Defining a class with member
function, Private Member Functions,Initializing an Object,Static Data Members, Static Member
Object Constructions and Destructions [5 hours]: Introduction to Constructor, Parameterized
Constructor, Copy Constructor, Destructor
Operator Overloading [6 hours]: Introduction, Defining Operator Overloading, Overloading Unary
Operators, Overloading Binary Operators, Overloading Binary Operators using Friend Functions
Inheritance[6 hours]: Introduction, Base Classes and Derived Classes, Single Inheritance and Multiple
Inheritance, Protected Members, Virtual Base classes and Abstract classes, Constructors and
Destructor in Derived Classes
Polymorphism [6 hours]: Introduction, Pointers to Objects, Pointers to Derived Classes, Virtual
Functions, Pure Virtual Functions
Template [4 hours]: Introduction, Class Templates, Function Templates
Exception Handling [4 hours]: Introduction, Basics of Exception Handling, Exception Handling
Mechanism, Throwing and Catching Exception, Re-throwing an Exception
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Reference Books:
1. John R. Hubbard, “Theory and Problems of Programming with C++, 2/e”, McGraw-Hill.
2. H. M. Deitel, “C++ How to Program” D&D.
3. Friedman and Koffman, “Problem Solving, Abstraction and Design using C++ , 5/e”,
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
ENGG 112
Elements of Engineering II
Objective: This course is the fundamental course in electrical technology and covers the topics that is
applicable to the future professional to the all branches of engineering. It covers topics in basic circuit
analysis, A.C. circuit, transformers and electrical machines.
Basic Circuit Theory
Ideal and non-ideal sources, dependent and independent sources, resistors: characteristics (value,
power rating, codes, tolerances), current, voltage, power relationships, equivalent resistance in parallel
and series connection, temperature coefficient, delta-star connection, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage
laws, voltage divider and current divider formula, node and mesh analysis, solution by determinant and
substitution, superposition theorem, Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems and network solution using
these theorems, maximum power transfer to the load in a 2 -port resistive network.
Transient Analysis
Terminal characteristics of inductor and capacitor, voltage current relationship in inductor and capacitor,
voltage and current across the capacitor and inductor in steady state, abrupt change of current or
voltage across capacitor or induction, energy stored in inductor and capacitor in steady state, inductors
and capacitors in series and parallel, source free and step response of RL and RC circuit.
AC Circuit Fundamentals
Generation of AC voltage (brief theoretical introduction of ac machine), definition of time period,
frequency, waveform, phase, and phase difference, peak, peak-to-peak, average, and RMS or effective
value of any type of ac voltage or current waveform, phasors: phasor algebra and steady state analysis
of RLC circuits, impedance, admittance, and reactance, real, reactive and apparent power, power factor
and significance of power factor, resonance in series and parallel RLC circuits, bandwidth, and effect of
Q-factor in resonance, 3-phase circuits: generation of 3-phase, merits of 3-phase over 1-phase
generation, phase sequence (ABC or CBA), voltage and current phasors in different sequence (ABC or
CBA), line and phase quantities in Y-connected or delta connected balanced load, Y-delta equivalence,
power in 3-phase circuits.
Magnetic Circuits and Transformers
Revision of electromagnetism, magnetic field and flux, magnetic field strength, MMF, permeability of
free space, relative permeability, B-H curve and its significance in the construction of electromechanical
energy conversion devices, introduction to a simple magnetic circuit with air gap, reluctance and
permeance, comparison of magnetic circuit with electric circuit, Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
induction, self inductance and mutual inductance, coupling coefficient, dot convention in electric circuit,
single phase transformers: construction, principle of operation, ideal transformer, voltage and current
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
ENGG 112
Elements of Engineering II
relationship, turns ratio, impedance transformation, losses, efficiency, and regulation, operation of relay
and solenoid.
Electrical Machines and Instruments
Basic principle of DC and AC machine (generator and motor), construction features, basic operation
principle, types, characteristics, principle of moving coil and moving iron galvanometer, principle of the
DC voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter, voltmeter sensitivity and error correction.
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
ENGT 102
Communication Skills
Study Skills in English: (following selections from the textbook)
Units 4, 5, 6, and 7
- Seminar Skills
- English Composition : Theory and Practice
Adventures in English: (prescribed units)
Reading at four levels:
i. How sane are we?
ii. Mr. Know- all
iii. Keeping errors at Bay
iv. The Telegram on the table
v. We are breaking the silence about death vi. Where the mind is without fear
vii. A Tale
viii. Who Was to Blame?
Professional Writing:
a. Research Essay
b. Seminar
c. Business Letters
d. Report
Other language activities and games.
Nissani, Moti & Lohani, Shreedhar. Adventures in English. Nepal: Ekta Books, 1996.
Michael . J. Study Skills in English (Complete set). CUP. 1980.
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
EDRG 102
Engineering Drawing
Isometric Projection
Introduction, Isometric projection of different objects, orthographic projection.
Production drawing
Nominal and basic size, allowance, tolerance, limits of size, clearance fit, interference fit, basic hole
system and shaft system.
Screw threads
Representation and dimensions
Types and drawing representation of keys, cutter, joints, springs, bearings, bolt and nut. Rivet and
riveted joints- Types and representation.Section of solids.Intersection of solids.Development of
Fundamental of Engineering Drawing by W.J LUZADDER
Engg. Drawing and Graphic Technology by T.L. FRENCH
Engineering drawing volume 1&2 by K.R. GOPAL KRISHNA
Engineering drawing by M.D. BHAT
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
ENGG 102
Engineering Project
The first few weeks of the course will be classroom basic instruction on the theoretical and
practical principles of digital logic design will be covered. This will be followed by instruction and
practical exercises on the skills of report writing and presentation.
Students will then be divided into teams of six. They will appoint a team leader who wills coordinate the activities of the team. An advisor will be allocated to each team.
Each team will be guided into the selection of one of a number of projects involving
digital circuitry. Possible projects might be one of the following examples:- direction pointer. LED
chaser. 7-segment Display Driver .Reaction Tester Electronic Dice Traffic Lights. Encoder I.C.
Tester. Up/Down counter.
Each team will be given a design specification which may include a block diagram. They will then
carry out the design. Prototype construction and testing of selected project.
Each team will compile a report. Each student should make a contribution to the report. It should
include but not be limited to the following section:- introduction why the project was chosen and
what the aim was ). How it was carried out (who did what). Details of design and construction a
brief estimate of the costs involved. Test results (how well it met the specification). Lessons
learned from the project exercise and what modifications might be made for further development.
Each term will give a presentation. Every member of the team should take part. Emphasis should
be making on giving a clear and concise overview of how the project was carried out Long and
detailed explanations of how the circuit works should be avoided. The team should use
appropriate resources such as white or chalk boards. Overhead projector charts etc. give a
demonstration of the produce and be prepared to questions. A maximum of half an hour will be
given for the presentation. This must not be exceeded. Each student will be assessed individually
for their presentation.
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
ENGG 102
Engineering Project
Fundamentals of Ecology
Organization, functioning and development, Concept of ecosystem, Organization of ecosystem:
abiotic and biotic component, Functioning of ecosystem: ecological energetic. Biogeochemical
cycles- N2, H 20,So2,P: homeostasis, Concept of limiting factors, Habitat and niche, Ecological
equivalents, Sympatry and Allopatry
Environmental Engineering
Introduction, Environmental system overview, Environmental ethics, A material balance approach
to problem solving, Environmental law, Environmental Economics
The hydrological cycle, Surface water hydrology, Ground water hydrology, Common units of
measurement, The hydrologic equation, Rainfall analysis, Runoff analysis
Water Quality management: Water pollutants and their sources, Water quality standard, Water
Quality Analysis, Water treatments,
Water Supply
Population estimation and Prediction, Consequence of overdrawing surface water and ground
water, Water Pollution- Nepalese context, Arsenic pollution in Nepal
Wastewater treatment: Wastewater microbiology, Characteristics of waste water, Municipal waste
water treatment system, Reed Bed Waste water treatment system
Air pollution
Physical and chemicals fundamentals, Air pollution perspectives, Air pollution standards, Effect of
air pollution, Air pollution meteorology, Atmospheric dispersion, Indoor air pollution, Control
measures, PM 10 – An analysis of Brick Kilns factory
Noise pollution
Introduction, Effect of noise on people, Rating system, Noise control
Solid waste management
Introduction, Sources, collection, transportation, landfilling, incineration and composting, Resource
conservation and recovery, Hazardous wastes
Global environmental events: Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Acid deposition,
Eutrophication, Asian Brown Cloud,
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue
ENGG 102
Engineering Project
Case study
Chernobyl disasters, Bhopal gas tragedy and Minamatta disease
Environmental mathematical modeling
Environmental technologies
Bioengineering, GIS and Remote Sensing, Instrumental Analysis
Observational studies
Air pollution monitoring in Kathmandu University, Water quality monitoring, Noise pollution,
Field trip
Bagmati waste water treatment KU Wastewater treatment, Dhulikhel Water Treatment Project
1. Odum, E.P. (1996) Fundamentals of Ecology, 3rd Edition, Natraj Publishers, Dehra Dun,
2. Enger, E.D. and B. F. Smith (2000) Environmental Science: A Study of Interrelationships,
7th Ed., Mc Graw Hill Higher Education ,International Edition, Boston, USA.
3. Davis, M and David A. Cornell (1998) Introduction to environmental engineering.Third
edition, Mc Graw Hill International edition.
4. K. Subramanya (1994) Engineering hydrology, 2nd edition, Mc Graw Hill Publishing
Company Limited, New Delhi.
5. P. N. Modi (1998), Water Supply Engineering, Vol 1,Dr. P.N. Modi, Standard Book home,
Department of Mechanical Engineering - Course Catalogue