Dynamics of solutes and dissolved oxygen in shallow urban

Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Dynamics of solutes and dissolved oxygen in shallow urban
groundwater below a stormwater infiltration basin
T. Datry*, F. Malard, J. Gibert
ˆ Forel 403,
UMR CNRS 5023, Ecologie des Hydrosystemes
Fluviaux, Universite´ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Bat.
43 Bd 11 Novembre 1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Received 22 September 2003; received in revised form 24 February 2004; accepted 28 February 2004
Artificial recharge of urban aquifers with stormwater has been used extensively in urban areas to dispose of
stormwater and compensate for reduced groundwater recharge. However, stormwater-derived sediments accumulating
in infiltration beds may act as a source of dissolved contaminants for groundwater. Concentrations of hydrocarbons,
heavy metals, nutrients and dissolved oxygen (DO) were monitored at multiple depths in shallow groundwater below
a stormwater infiltration basin retaining large amounts of contaminated organic sediments. Multilevel wells and
multiparameter loggers were used to examine changes in groundwater chemistry occurring over small spatial and
temporal scales. Rainfall events produced a plume of low-salinity stormwater in the first 2 m below the groundwater
table, thereby generating steep vertical physico-chemical gradients that resorbed during dry weather. Heavy metals
and hydrocarbons were below reference concentrations in groundwater and aquifer sediments, indicating that they
remained adsorbed onto the bed sediments. However, mineralization of organic sediments was the most probable
cause of elevated concentrations of phosphate and DOC in groundwater. DO supply in groundwater was severely
limited by bed respiration which increased with temperature. Cold winter stormwater slightly re-oxygenated
groundwater, whereas warm summer stormwater lowered DO concentrations in groundwater. Among several results
provided by this study, it is recommended for management purposes that infiltration practices should minimize the
contact between inflow stormwater and organic sediments retained in infiltration basins.
䊚 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Urban stormwater; Infiltration basins; Groundwater recharge; Nutrients; Heavy metals; Hydrocarbons
1. Introduction
Induced infiltration of urban stormwater into the
ground is increasingly used as an alternative to its
direct disposal to streams (Pitt et al., 1999;
Dechesne, 2002; Fischer et al., 2003). Stormwater
*Corresponding author. Tel.: q33-4-72-43-29-45; fax: q
E-mail address: datry@univ-lyon1.fr (T. Datry).
infiltration basins are expected to compensate for
reduced groundwater recharge caused by the sealing of the urban landscape and are designed to
promote the retention and degradation of contaminants in the soil and vadose zone (Chocat, 1997;
Fujita, 1997; Mason et al., 1999). Moreover,
recharge of groundwater with oxic stormwater can
increase the flux of dissolved oxygen (DO), thereby re-oxygenating shallow water-table aquifers that
often exhibit low DO concentrations (Starr and
0048-9697/04/$ - see front matter 䊚 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Gillham, 1993; Malard and Hervant, 1999; Chapelle, 2000).
Although urban runoff waters are known to
transport a variety of contaminants including heavy
metals, hydrocarbons and nutrients (Chebbo et al.,
1995; Pitt et al., 1999; Dechesne, 2002; Fischer et
al., 2003), few studies have examined the influence
of induced stormwater infiltration on the physicochemistry of underlying groundwater. Because
most metals and hydrocarbons in stormwater are
associated with suspended solids they can readily
be retained by physical filtration in the beds of
infiltration basins (Legret et al., 1988; Chebbo et
al., 1995; Mason et al., 1999; Pitt et al., 1999;
Baveye et al., 2000). However, stormwater sediments accumulating in infiltration beds may act as
a source of nutrients. Datry et al. (2003a) have
demonstrated that oxidation of organic carbon
contained in the bed sediments of a stormwater
infiltration basin consumed DO in inflow stormwater and released ammonium, phosphate and
dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Where the
groundwater table is closed to the surface, the
residence time of water in the vadose zone may
be insufficient to allow microbial degradation of
DOC and re-oxygenation of infiltrating stormwater.
In this case, groundwater below stormwater infiltration basins may become temporarily anoxic in
response to the input of weakly oxygenated stormwater and oxygen consumption caused by the
microbial degradation of DOC.
The dynamics of solutes and DO in shallow
groundwater below a stormwater infiltration basin
that has accumulated considerable amounts of
organic sediments contaminated with heavy metals
and hydrocarbons have been examined. Detailed
information on the physico-chemical characteristics of sediments and water in the infiltration bed
have been reported by Datry et al. (2003a,b).
Groundwater sampling and continuous measurements of DO were carried out at multiple depths
below the groundwater table using two clusters of
short screen monitoring wells; one was located
below the stormwater infiltration basin, the other
at a nearby reference site which was not influenced
by induced stormwater infiltration. The objectives
of the present study were to (1) identify contaminants transported by stormwater into the ground-
water; (2) delineate the thickness of the
groundwater layer physico-chemically affected by
stormwater inputs; and (3) determine changes in
the DO dynamics of shallow groundwater artificially recharged with stormwater.
2. Site description
The stormwater infiltration basin, located on the
campus of the University Claude Bernard, Lyon,
France, has a surface area of 750 m2 and a storage
capacity of approximately 4000 m3 (Fig. 1a). The
catchment is 2.5 ha in area and comprises teaching
and research buildings, car parks, roads and lawns.
The coefficient of imperviousness is approximately
0.9. The infiltration bed is a 2-m thick layer of
cobbles, which were spread over local fluvial
sediments (Fig. 1b). Because the basin has been
in operation for more than 30 years, the cobble
layer has retained considerable amounts of organic
stormwater sediments contaminated with hydrocarbons and heavy metals.
Due to the long-term accumulation of stormwater sediment, the cobble layer is partially
clogged and permanently retains water (Fig. 1b).
The water table in the infiltration bed was 1.2 m
below the ground surface during dry periods and
rose rapidly during rainfall events in response to
the inputs of stormwater. Return to pre-event water
levels usually took less than 4 days. Aquifer
sediments consisted of sand and gravel, the thickness and hydraulic conductivity of which ranged
from 13 m to 20 m and from 3Ø10y3 mys to
9Ø10y2 mys, respectively (Horizon, 2000).
Groundwater was recharged with Rhone
water and flowed south-westward (Fig. 1a). The
groundwater table fluctuated between 2.5 and 3.5
m below the surface of the infiltration bed. Therefore, the thickness of the unsaturated layer of
sediments between the bottom of the infiltration
bed and the regional groundwater table varied
from 0.8 to 1.3 m. The reference site, whose
groundwater was not artificially recharged with
stormwater, was located at a distance of 1100 m
from the infiltration basin (Fig. 1a). The groundwater table at the reference site fluctuated between
6 and 7 m below the soil surface (Fig. 1b).
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
3. Materials and methods
3.1. Monitoring wells
Six monitoring wells were positioned at regular
intervals along a 1-m diameter circle, the centre
of which was located at a distance of 1.6 m from
the main stormwater inlet (Fig. 1a). The well
casing was made of transparent Plexiglas䉸 with an
internalyexternal diameter of 54y60 mm. Transparent casing was used to examine in situ groundwater sediments and animals by means of a
downhole viewer (Datry et al., 2003c). All wells
were hermetically closed with a cap to prevent
direct input of stormwater. The wells were
screened at their lower end over a height of only
0.5 m and were successively installed at depths of
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 m below the surface of the
infiltration bed (Fig. 1b). Well 1 was used for
sampling stormwater circulating within the infiltration bed, whereas wells 3, 4, 5 and 6 were used
to collect groundwater at depths of 1, 2, 3 and 4
m below the groundwater table. Well 2, which
intersected the contact zone between the lowermost
part of the infiltration bed and fluvial sediments,
remained dry during the study period (November
2001–September 2002). Wells 7, 8 and 9 were
installed at the reference site to obtain groundwater
samples at depths of approximately 1.5, 3 and 4
m below the groundwater table. The screen height
of well 7 was 2.5 m instead of 0.5 m because
there was little information about the fluctuations
of the groundwater table when the wells were
3.2. Sediment sampling
Sediments were sampled to investigate the
potential accumulation of dissolved components
on fluvial sediments located below the infiltration
bed. A mixture of water and sediment was extracted using a hand piston pump from piezometers 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Because piezometer 2 was dry,
sediment was obtained by repeatedly injecting and
pumping water. After decanting, 3 sediment subsamples were collected for each well in polypropylene bottles and brought to the laboratory for
analysis of particulate organic carbon (POC), par-
ticulate nitrogen (PN), particulate phosphorus
(PP), heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn)
and total hydrocarbons.
3.3. Groundwater sampling
Subsurface water samples were collected from
wells 1 to 9 during 3 dry weather periods (5
November 2001, 8 March 2002 and 18 November
2002) and 3 rainfall events (30 November 2001,
15 March 2002 and 28 June 2002) (Fig. 2). During
rainfall events, a stormwater sample was collected
at the outlet of the stormwater inlet pipe. The first,
second and third rainfall events resulted in an input
of 517 m3, 560 m3 and 598 m3 of stormwater,
respectively. Groundwater was sampled 12 h after
the end of the rain. In addition, groundwater
samples were collected 32, 80 and 108 h after the
end of the third rainfall (28 June 2002) to examine
changes in physico-chemistry during recharge (i.e.
4 days). Water was pumped from each piezometer
at a discharge rate of 10 lymin with a suction
piston pump (Bou and Rouch, 1967). The first 50
l of pumped water were discarded as rinse. Then,
water was collected in burned 0.05-l glass bottles
for the determination of DOC, in 2-l polypropylene
bottles for the analysis of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni,
Pb and Zn) and dissolved non-metallic constituents
(Ca2q, Mg2q, Naq, Kq, HCOy
3 , SO4 , Cl ,
PO4 , NO3 , NO2 , NH4 and SiO2), and in 1-l
glass bottles for the analysis of total hydrocarbons.
Water samples were stored at 4 8C, brought within
4 h to the laboratory, and filtered through a 0.45
mm membrane filter (except for hydrocarbons).
Depth of the water table was measured in each
well with an OTT contact gauge. Specific conductance (WTW LF 330), DO (WTW OXI 330) and
pH (WTW pH 330) were measured in the field.
Sediment (grain size-2 mm) and water analyses
were performed by the Health and Environmental
Laboratory of Lyon following standard methods
(Clesceri et al., 1998; AFNOR, 1999). A detailed
description of all analytical methods is given by
Datry et al. (2003a). The average charge balance
error for water samples (ns75) was 1.35"1.96%
(min.sy3.69; max.s4.48) and the linear correlation coefficient between the sum of charge equivalents and specific conductance was rs0.98.
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Fig. 1. Location of the stormwater infiltration basin and reference site (a) and description of well clusters used for sampling
groundwater at multiple depths below the water table (b). Arrows in panel A indicate the regional groundwater flow direction.
3.4. Continuous measurements of specific conductance, temperature and DO
From October 2001 to September 2002, depth
of the water table, specific conductance, temperature and DO were recorded in wells 1–9 using
YSI 600 XLM multi-parameter loggers. Based on
manufacturer information, the accuracy and resolution of the probes were 0.12 and 0.001 m for
water depth, "2% and 1 mSycm for specific
conductance, "0.15% and 0.01 8C for temperature
and "2% and 0.01 mgyl for DO, respectively.
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Fig. 2. Rainfall and fluctuations of the local water table in the infiltration bed (thick continuous line) and regional groundwater
table at the infiltration site (thick broken line) and reference site (thin broken line). Grey and white arrows indicate sampling dates
during rainfall events (R.E.) and dry weather (D.W.), respectively. Leaning black arrows indicate cold (December–May, ns6) and
warm (July–August, ns6) rainfall events used for the analysis of DO dynamics in groundwater.
Parameters were measured at 1 h intervals and the
loggers were transported to the laboratory every
15 days for data transfer, data examination, probe
maintenance and calibration. Data were downloaded onto a computer and each series was checked
for inconsistencies (i.e. drift, erroneous values).
Loggers were placed in a water bath to test for
differences between readings provided by the individual loggers and those provided by calibrated
portable meters. When differences greatly exceeded the manufacturer accuracy, a correction factor
was applied to the data derived from the loggers.
Then, specific conductance and dissolved oxygen
were calibrated and differences between measurements from the individual loggers were tested
before deploying the loggers into the wells. On
several occasions, measurements provided by the
loggers were checked against those made on
groundwater samples collected from the wells.
Rainfall data (1 h intervals) were obtained from
the nearest station of the Meteorological Survey
of the city of Lyon, 200 m from the infiltration
4. Data analysis
Three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
multiple comparison tests (Scheffe´ tests) were
used to test for differences in solute concentrations
between sites, depths and hydrological phases (i.e.
dry weather vs. rainfall events). Concentrations
measured at depths of 1 and 2 m in groundwater
below the infiltration basin were compared with
those measured at a depth of 1.5 m in groundwater
at the reference site. Solutes concentrations were
log10 (xq1) transformed prior to statistical analysis to satisfy the assumption of homoscedasticity.
Three-way ANOVAs were performed on data
recorded during 6 cold rain and 6 warm rain events
in order to test for differences in specific conductance, temperature and DO concentration between
sites, depths and time (i.e. before vs. after rain)
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
(Fig. 2). Cold and warm rains, which, respectively,
decreased and increased water temperature of the
infiltration bed, were treated separately because
they appeared to have a dissimilar effect on DO
concentration of groundwater. For each rainfall
event, the following were calculated: (1) the average of DO values recorded during the 12 h
preceding the beginning of the rain (i.e. before the
rain); (2) the average of DO values recorded
during the 12 h following the lowest specific
conductance measured in groundwater (i.e. after
the rain). Specific conductance was used as a
tracer of stormwater infiltration because it was
much lower in stormwater (130 mSycm) than in
groundwater (540 mSycm).
A two-end member mixing model based on
recorded values of specific conductance was used:
(i) to determine vertical variation in the proportion
of inflow stormwater in groundwater; and (ii) to
measure the amount of DO consumed between
two consecutive depths during rainfall events.
Water sampled at each depth below the water table
was assumed to be a mix of (i) pre-event groundwater and (ii) stormwater water percolating downward into the saturated zone. The relative
proportion at depth x of water from depth xy1
was calculated using the following formula:
f(xy1)s(Cx –Cgx)y(Cxy1 –Cgx)
where f(xy1) is the proportion at depth x of water
from depth xy1, and Cx, Cgx and Cxy1 represent
the specific conductance values of water collected
at depth x during rainfall events (i.e. average of
values recorded during the 12 h following the
lowest specific conductance measured in groundwater), pre-event groundwater at depth x (i.e.
average of values recorded during the 12 h preceding the beginning of the rain), and water collected
at depth xy1, respectively. Specific conductance
measured in runoff water collected from the main
inlet pipe was used to calculate the proportion of
stormwater at a depth of 1 m below the groundwater table. For checking the validity of the mixing
model, differences in the proportion of inflow
stormwater calculated at each depth were tested
by using specific conductance and chloride as
conservative tracers. To determine the amount of
DO consumed between two consecutive depths,
predicted concentrations of DO (simple mixing of
water sources) were plotted against measured concentrations. Predicted vs. measured concentrations
were compared using a Wilcoxon paired test.
Significance for all statistical analyses was accepted at as0.05. Statistical analyses were performed
using the Statistica 6䉸 software package (Statsoft
Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA).
5. Results
5.1. Concentrations of nutrients, heavy metals and
hydrocarbons in sediments
Stormwater sediments collected in the infiltration bed (well 1) had high concentrations of
nutrients, hydrocarbons and heavy metals (Table
1). Ammonium nitrogen represented only 9% of
total nitrogen, indicating that nitrogen was essentially present in an organic form. Zinc, lead and
copper were by far the most abundant metals,
representing 95% of the total metal concentration
in stormwater sediments. Concentrations of nutrients, hydrocarbons and heavy metals were markedly reduced at a depth of 0.5 m below the bottom
of the infiltration bed (well 2). Concentrations in
fluvial sediments collected at depths of 1–3 m
below the infiltration bed (wells 3–5) were not
statistically higher (T-tests, ns3 sub-samples per
well, P)0.05) than those measured in sediments
of the reference site (well 7).
5.2. Patterns of solute concentrations
Water retained in the infiltration bed during dryweather periods was enriched in solutes relative to
the chemical composition of stormwater collected
from the inlet pipe (Table 2). Whereas stormwater
was near DO saturation, near-anoxic conditions
prevailed in the infiltration bed during dry weather.
Dissolved nitrogen was present exclusively as
ammonium in the infiltration bed, whereas nitrate
was the dominant form in stormwater. The average
concentration of ammonium nitrogen in the infiltration bed (1.9 mgyl NHq
4 –N) exceeded the
concentration of nitrate nitrogen in stormwater (1
mgyl NOy
3 –N). Phosphate concentrations in the
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Table 1
Concentrations (per kg sediment dry weight) of particulate organic carbon (POC), nitrogen (PN), phosphorous (PP), ammonium
4 ), heavy metals, and total hydrocarbons in sediments
Infiltration basin
Well 1
Reference site
Well 2
Well 3
Well 4
Well 5
Well 6
Well 7
Nutrients (gykg)
Hydrocarbons (mgykg)
0.25"0.07 -0.1
Heavy metals (mgykg)
infiltration bed averaged 3.9 mgyl, against concentrations of 0.3 mgyl in stormwater. The concentration of hydrocarbons averaged 0.7 mgyl in water
of the infiltration bed, whereas they were not
detected in stormwater samples. Metals were never
detected in stormwater or in the water of the
infiltration bed. Specific conductance and the concentration of most solutes decreased as the infiltration bed was replenished with stormwater during
rainfall events (Table 2). Discharge of stormwater
into the infiltration bed increased the concentrations of DO (from 0.8 to 4.6 mgyl O2), nitrate
(from 0.1 to 4.5 mgyl NOy
3 ) and DOC (from 3.1
to 4.3 mgyl).
There were no differences in solute concentrations between depths at the reference site (Fig. 3).
Specific conductance and the concentrations of
bicarbonate and calcium in groundwater below the
infiltration basin did not differ from those measured at the reference site during dry weather but
they were statistically lower during rainfall events
(P-0.001) (Table 2, Fig. 3). Sulfate, chloride,
silica, magnesium and sodium concentrations were
always lower (P-0.0001) at the infiltration site,
although differences between sites were typically
more pronounced during rainfall events. Metals
were never detected in groundwater. The concentration of hydrocarbons averaged 0.9"1.3 mgyl at
the reference site during dry weather whereas they
were never detected in groundwater below the
infiltration basin. Groundwater recharged with
stormwater was enriched in DOC and phosphate
(P-0.001) during both dry weather periods and
rainfall events (Table 2, Fig. 3).
There were steep vertical gradients of concentration in groundwater below the infiltration basin
during rainfall events (Fig. 3). Differences in
solute concentrations between sites were highly
significant (P-0.0001, multiple comparison tests)
at depths of 1 and 2 m below the groundwater
table, whereas there were either little or no differences between sites at depths of 3 and 4 m.
Vertical gradients of bicarbonate, nitrate and DOC
were greatest 12 h after the end of rain (Fig. 4).
Differences in concentration between depths progressively resorbed over time although they were
still apparent 108 h after the end of the rain.
Phosphate concentration exhibited a different pattern with highest differences between depths at the
end of a recharge event.
5.3. Time series of specific conductance, temperature and DO during rainfall events
Temporal changes (1-h intervals) in temperature, specific conductance and DO of water in the
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Table 2
Solute concentrations ("S.D., ns3) in inflow stormwater, water in the infiltration bed, groundwater below the infiltration basin,
and groundwater at the reference site during dry weather (D.W.) and rainfall events (R.E.)
Storm water
Infiltration bed
Sp. conductance (mSycm)
Temperature (8C)
3 (mgyl)
SiO2 (mgyl)
Ca2q (mgyl)
Mg2q (mgyl)
Naq (mgyl)
Kq (mgyl)
Cly (mgyl)
2 (mgyl)
4 (mgyl)
DOC (mgyl)
DO (mgyl)
Hydrocarbons (mgyl)
Cd (mgyl)
Cr (mgyl)
Cu (mgyl)
Ni (mgyl)
Pb (mgyl)
Zn (mgyl)
Ground water
Below basin
infiltration bed, groundwater below the infiltration
basin (i.e. 1 m below the water table), and groundwater at the reference site during a cold and a
warm rain are shown in Fig. 5. These cold and
warm rains resulted in a discharge of 535 m3 and
598 m3 of stormwater into the infiltration bed,
respectively. Groundwater at the reference site
showed no variation in specific conductance, temperature and DO. Less than 1 h after the beginning
of both rains, the inflow stormwater resulted in a
sharp decrease in specific conductance in the
infiltration bed. Specific conductance of groundwater started to decline 10 h after the beginning
of rain. Temperature decreased from 13 to 10 8C
in the infiltration bed and from 15 to 12 8C in
groundwater during the cold rain. The warm rain
elevated temperature of the infiltration bed from
20 to 24 8C and that of groundwater from 16 to
Reference site
19 8C. During both rainfall events, DO concentration in the infiltration bed rose with the input of
stormwater. However, the increase in DO concentration occurred 19 h after that of specific conductance during the warm rain. This lag difference
between the pulses of specific conductance and
DO was only observed during warm rainfall
events. DO concentration of groundwater increased
during the cold rain (from 3.8 to 4.7 mgyl O2),
whereas it decreased during the warm rain (from
3.6 to 1.9 mgyl O2).
5.4. Vertical gradients of specific conductance,
temperature and DO
Specific conductance, temperature and DO concentration showed no variation with depth at the
reference site either before or after the cold and
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
water elevated DO concentration at depths of 1, 2
and 3 m below the water table during cold rains,
whereas it decreased DO concentration at depths
of 1 and 2 m during warm rains. There were no
significant changes in DO concentration at a depth
of 4 m during cold rains and at depths of 3 and 4
m during warm rains.
5.5. DO consumption
Fig. 3. Vertical gradients of bicarbonates, nitrates, dissolved
organic carbon and phosphates in groundwater at the reference
site (gray circles) and infiltration site (white diamonds) during
dry weather (upper panels, mean"S.D.; ns3) and rainfall
events (lower panels, ns3).
warm rains (Fig. 6). Groundwater recharge with
stormwater resulted in a marked increasing gradient of specific conductance with depth. Specific
conductance at depths of 1, 2 and 3 m below the
water table was significantly lower after the rain.
There were no differences in specific conductance
before and after the rain at a depth of 4 m below
the water table. Cold and warm rains, respectively,
decreased and increased groundwater temperature
at depths of 1 and 2 m below the water table (Fig.
6). Temperature measured after the rain at depths
of 3 and 4 below the water table did not differ
from that measured before the rain. There were no
differences in DO concentration between depths
before the rain. Post-event DO concentration
decreased with depth during cold rains, whereas it
increased during warm rains. Recharge with storm-
Wilcoxon matched pairs test indicated no difference (Ps0.078) between the proportions of
stormwater calculated with the mixing models
based on chloride concentration and specific conductance (Fig. 7, ns3 rainfall events). Calculation
made using specific conductance as a conservative
tracer revealed that 84.6"5.6 and 71.0"7.0%
(ns12 rainfall events) of groundwater at depths
of 1 and 2 m below the water table was composed
of newly infiltrating stormwater. The relative proportion of stormwater dropped to 6.6"5.7% and
0% at depths of 3 m and 4 m below the water
table, respectively. Measured concentrations of DO
were significantly lower (P-0.001) than predicted
concentrations at a depth of 1 m below the water
table (Fig. 8a). However, there were no differences
between measured and predicted concentrations at
depths of 2, 3 and 4 m below the water table. The
difference between measured and predicted concentrations of DO at a depth of 1 m below the
water table was much higher during warm rainfall
events than during cold rainfall events and
increased linearly with water temperature in the
infiltration bed (Fig. 8b).
6. Discussion
6.1. Stormwater flow pattern
The transit of water in the catchment of the
infiltration basin was rapid as stormwater started
to discharge into the infiltration bed only 15 min
after the beginning of rains (Datry et al., 2003a).
Because of the reduced thickness of the vadose
zone (-3 m) and high permeability of fluvial
sediments (Ks5Ø10y2 mys), the transit of water
from the infiltration bed to the groundwater table
should have been a matter of minutes. However,
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Fig. 4. Vertical gradients of bicarbonates, nitrates, dissolved organic carbon and phosphates in groundwater below the infiltration
basin 12 h (white diamonds), 32 h (gray squares), 80 h (gray triangles) and 108 h (black diamonds) after the end of a rain (28
June 2002). Black circles show mean concentrations ("S.D.; ns4) at the reference site during the same rainfall event.
specific conductance of groundwater was found to
decrease only 10 h after the beginning of rains.
This long time lag strongly suggested that clogging
of the infiltration bed prevented the downward
flow of stormwater through the vadose zone in the
vicinity of monitoring wells. Well 2, whose screen
intersected the contact zone between the infiltration bed and fluvial sediments, remained dry during the study period. Video-logging carried out in
transparent wells revealed that the pores of the
cobble layer were entirely filled with fine stormwater sediments (particle size-100 mm) from a
depth of 1.4 m below the surface of the infiltration
bed (Datry et al., 2003c). Therefore, stormwater
followed subhorizontal pathways in the upper part
of the cobble layer prior to infiltration through
permeable areas of the infiltration bed. The bulk
of stormwater probably percolated downward at
the edges of the infiltration bed because stormwater sediments were found to extend over most
of the bed area (BURGEAP, 2002). Spatial heterogeneity in the infiltration of stormwater is probably a common phenomenon because infiltration
basins without decanting pre-treatment accumulate
considerable amounts of low permeability sediments over time (Chebbo et al., 1995; Marsalek
and Marsalek, 1997; Baveye et al., 2000; Dechesne, 2002).
Stormwater input to the water table resulted in
a low-salinity plume that extended vertically and
horizontally into the aquifer. During rainfall
events, the water level in the shallowest well was
on average 8 cm higher than that of the deepest
well, indicating a downward flow of water. The
vertical velocity of stormwater in the upper layers
of the saturated zone was approximately 0.7 myh
because the time lag between the lowest specific
conductance values measured at depths of 1 and 2
m below the groundwater table averaged 1.5 h
(ns9 rainfall events). Groundwater at a depth of
1 m below the water table consisted almost exclusively of stormwater. However, the plume of low
specific conductance water was restricted to the
upper part of the aquifer: stormwater did not
appear to penetrate at depths greater than 3 m
below the water table. Appleyard (1993) has
demonstrated that stormwater recharge through
infiltration basins receiving runoff from large
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Fig. 5. Rainfall, temporal changes in water level in the infiltration bed (upper panels) and corresponding temporal series (1-h
intervals) of temperature, specific conductance and DO of water in the infiltration bed (black continuous line), groundwater below
the infiltration basin (1 m below the water table, gray continuous line), and groundwater at the reference site (black broken line)
during a cold (left panels) and a warm (right panels) rain.
impervious catchments of the Perth metropolitan
area, Australia, caused a marked reduction in total
dissolved salts to depths of more than 10 m below
the groundwater table. Return to pre-event water
level in the infiltration bed took less than 4 days
but the low specific conductance plume persisted
for longer in groundwater (7 days). Therefore,
vertical gradients of specific conductance and temperature were maintained in the absence of stormwater infiltration when rainfall events succeeded
over short time intervals (e.g. thunderstorms in
July and August).
6.2. Effects of stormwater infiltration on nutrient
concentrations in groundwater
Clogging of the infiltration bed favoured the
contact between stormwater and organic sediments
stored in the cobble matrix. Indeed, clogging not
only increased the residence time of inflow storm-
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Fig. 6. (a) Vertical gradients of specific conductance, temperature and dissolved oxygen in groundwater at the reference site (gray
circles) and infiltration site (white diamonds) before (upper panels) and after (lower panels) cold rainfall events (mean"S.D.; ns
6 rainfall events). (b) Same as in (a) but for warm rainfall events (ns6).
water during recharge events but also caused a
permanent retention of water. Assuming a thickness of water-saturated cobble matrix of 1 m, an
estimated volume of 280 m3 of stormwater was
retained in the infiltration bed between successive
rains. Differences in chemistry between inflow
stormwater and water collected in the infiltration
bed during dry weather showed that microbial
respiration of organic matter produced ammonium
and phosphates, which accumulated in solution in
the absence of dissolved oxygen. Datry et al.
(2003a) have measured average concentrations of
ammonium and phosphate as high as 12.0"2.6
mgyl NHq
4 (ns30 samples) and 9.2"1.7 mgyl
during a dry weather. Based on the results
of field sampling and slow filtration column experiments, these authors also demonstrated that particulate organic matter stored in the infiltration bed
released DOC through leaching andyor enzymatic
hydrolysis. Therefore, we expected stormwater
infiltration to result in elevated concentrations of
DOC, phosphates and ammonium in groundwater.
This assumption was partly supported by the present study.
During rainfall events, DOC and phosphate
concentrations were higher in groundwater below
the infiltration basin and decreased with increasing
depth below the water table. The average concentration of DOC at depths of 1 and 2 m below the
water table (2.52"0.17 mgyl) was 4.8 times
higher than that measured at the reference site
(0.52"0.07 mgyl). However, DOC concentration
in groundwater was less than that measured in
inflow stormwater. Therefore, the results did not
conclusively determine whether the main source
of DOC was from particulate organic matter
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
Fig. 7. Comparison between the proportions of inflow stormwater at depths of 1 m (diamond), 2 m (triangle), 3 m (square)
and 4 m (circle) below the groundwater table calculated with
the mixing models based on chloride concentration and specific
conductance (ns3 rainfall events). The line indicates 1:1
equivalence relationships.
trapped in the infiltration bed or from inflow
stormwater. In contrast, dissolved phosphate measured in groundwater was necessarily produced
within the infiltration bed because it appeared at a
concentration higher than that measured in inflow
stormwater. The migration of phosphates might
occur preferentially towards the end of each
recharge event when stormwater in the infiltration
bed become anoxic. Although ammonium was the
dominant nitrogen species in the infiltration bed
during dry weather, it was not detected in groundwater. Ammonium was probably oxidized to nitrate
when the bed was replenished with oxic inflow
stormwater. Nitrification is a rapid process shown
to cause the disappearance of ammonium in a
number of fast infiltration basins (Summer et al.,
1998; Mason et al., 1999). Because stormwater
contained 2.5 times less nitrate than pre-event
groundwater, induced infiltration caused a marked
reduction in nitrate concentration in the upper part
of the saturated zone. Heavy metals and hydrocarbons were never detected in groundwater despite
their high concentrations in bed sediments; despite
shallow water table conditions (-3 m), groundwater was not impacted by either metal or hydrocarbons contamination. Particulate materials to
which metals bind were retained by physical filtration in the infiltration bed. Moreover, the five
metals measured in this study are known to adsorb
strongly onto particle surfaces such as clay minerals and oxides under the pH range in the infiltration bed (pH approx. 7.5) (Hermann and
Neuman-Mahlkau, 1985; Legret et al., 1988). A
total of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were
identified in the bed sediments (Datry et al.,
2003a), all of which (except naphtalene) had a
very solubility in water (solubility <1 mgyl,
Montgomery, 1996). Results of sediment analyses
also suggested that metals and hydrocarbons did
not migrate at depth into underlying gravely and
sandy sediments. In contrast, Mason et al. (1999)
have reported that zinc, lead and chromium contained in roof runoff migrated downward to a
depth of 1.6 m in unsaturated soil sediments of a
Fig. 8. Upper panel: Predicted concentrations from the two-end
member mixing model based on specific conductance vs. concentrations of DO measured at depths of 1 m (diamond), 2 m
(triangle), 3 m (square) and 4 m (circle) below the groundwater table at the infiltration site. Black and white symbols
correspond to cold (ns6) and warm (ns6) rainfall events,
respectively. The line indicates 1:1 equivalence relationships.
Lower panel: Relation between DO deficit in groundwater (i.e.
predicted minus measured DO concentrations) at a depth of 1
m below the water table and water temperature in the infiltration bed.
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
2-year old infiltration site. In the present study,
metals and hydrocarbons were restricted to the first
50 cm of sediments, which consisted of a mixture
of fine stormwater particles and natural gravel and
6.3. DO dynamics in groundwater below the infiltration bed
Induced infiltration of stormwater is expected to
replenish urban groundwater with DO, as runoff
water is usually near DO saturation. Appleyard
(1993) showed that infiltration of urban runoff
water into groundwater of the Perth metropolitan
area, Australia, elevated DO concentration and
resulted in the oxidation of free ferrous iron. In
contrast, Fischer et al. (2003) measured lower
dissolved oxygen concentrations compared to
background levels in groundwater below 16 stormwater basins in southern New Jersey, USA. In the
present study, stormwater infiltration induced only
a moderate (2 mgyl) and short-duration (less than
2 days) increase in DO concentration of groundwater during cold rains. DO concentration of
groundwater even decreased during warm rainfall
events. Results strongly suggest that the dynamics
of DO in groundwater is mainly controlled by
variation in the rate of microbial respiration in the
infiltration bed. Indeed, differences in oxygen deficit between depths (predicted minus measured
DO concentrations) showed that DO was consumed during the transit of inflow stormwater
from the infiltration bed to the first meter below
the groundwater table. DO concentration in inflow
stormwater was substantially reduced by microbial
respiration of organic sediments stored in the
infiltration bed. Microbial respiration was stimulated by the increase in temperature, thereby leading to higher oxygen deficit in summer. During
warm rains, microbial respiration was high enough
to maintain near anoxic conditions in the infiltration bed during most of the recharge period. The
transit time of infiltrating water in the vadose zone
was probably too short for inducing a substantial
re-oxygenation of infiltrating water. Thus, the
strong oxygen deficit measured at a depth of 1 m
below the groundwater table was more likely due
to the input of deoxygenated stormwater rather
than to the biological degradation of DOC in
groundwater. This observation was supported by
the fact that the input of DOC had no detectable
influence on DO consumption at depths of 2, 3
and 4 below the groundwater table. Although
additional analyses are needed to determine the
composition of DOC, this might indicate that a
large fraction of dissolved organic matter reaching
groundwater was refractory.
7. Conclusions
Shallow water-table groundwater artificially
recharged with urban runoff stormwater exhibited
a strong temporal and vertical heterogeneity in
physico-chemistry. Hence, multilevel wells and
multiparameter loggers were essential for examining changes in groundwater chemistry occurring
over small spatial and temporal scales below infiltration basin. Rainfall events resulted in a plume
of low-specific conductance water in the uppermost layers of the aquifer (2 m below the groundwater table), thereby generating steep vertical
physico-chemical gradients, which progressively
resorbed when infiltration ceased. Heavy metals
and hydrocarbons were either not detected or
below reference concentrations in groundwater and
aquifer sediments indicating that they remained
adsorbed onto stormwater sediments stored in the
infiltration bed. However, mineralization of organic sediments appeared to be the most probable
cause of elevated concentrations of phosphate and
DOC in groundwater below the infiltration basin.
The influence of mineralization processes on nutrient concentration of infiltrating stormwater was all
the more pronounced as bed clogging considerably
increased the contact time of inflow stormwater
with organic sediments. Similarly, microbial respiration strongly reduced DO in inflow stormwater,
thereby severely limiting DO supply in groundwater. Because DO uptake in the infiltration bed
increased with increasing temperature, the effect
of stormwater infiltration on DO concentration of
groundwater varied seasonally. Cold winter stormwater slightly re-oxygenated groundwater, whereas
warm summer stormwater lowered DO concentra-
T. Datry et al. / Science of the Total Environment 329 (2004) 215–229
tion in groundwater. In a previous paper (Datry et
al., 2003a), it has been suggested that there could
be a discrepancy between the expected effects of
runoff water infiltration evaluated from the analysis of nutrients and DO concentrations in inflow
water and the risk resulting from the percolation
of inflow water through a layer of stormwater
sediment. This assumption was supported by the
results of the present study. It is recommended that
stormwater infiltration practices should minimize
the contact between inflow stormwater and organic
sediments retained in infiltration basins.
This work was part of the OTHU project
(Experimental Observatory for Urban Hydrology)
and was funded by the urban community of Lyon
(COURLY) and the Rhone-Alpes
Region. We are
indebted to G. Bouger and L. Vitry for their most
dedicated help with the field and laboratory work.
We also thank Chris Robinson and one anonymous
reviewer for their comments and meticulous editing that improved the final version of this paper.
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