Auditing Water Resources for Application to Water-Sensitive Urban Design: A Case Study in the Lima (Perú) Metropolitan Area Kara Jean McElhinney, M.Sc. Young Researchers’ Forum, BMBF “Future Megacities in Action” Conference May 13, 2013 Advisement: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidrun Steinmetz & Dipl.-Ing. RBM Carsten Meyer Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Wassergüte- und Abfallwirtschaft, Uni Stuttgart Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Antje Stokman & Dipl.-Ing. Eva Nemcova Institut für Landschaftsplanung und Ökologie, Uni Stuttgart Challenges in Lima 2 Challenges in Lima Natural stressors: • arid climate •poor distribution of surface water resources • topography “Man-made” stressors: • fast, informal, low-density population growth • effects of climate change …create consequences for: • potable water supply and distribution • wastewater collection and removal • providing and maintaining urban green space 3 Sustainable & Integrated Urban Water Management Water-Sensitive Urban Design • manage water resources sustainably • protect aquatic ecosystems • integrate management of total water cycle into urban design and built form • enhance landscape towards creation of an urban ecology A water audit can guide and constrain WSUD by providing information about the quantity and quality of available water resources 4 Thesis Framework & Goals TECHNICAL DESIGN PHASE I: INITIAL IMPRESSIONS STRATEGIC PLANNING PHASE II: “LIMA: BEYOND THE PARK” SUMMER SCHOOL PHASE III: ANTEPROYECTO SUMMER SCHOOL DESIGN IDEAS ANTEPROYECTO DESIGN IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS OBSERVATION, WATER INTERVIEWS, SITE AUDIT PRELIMINARY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT FIELD TESTING FINAL DELIVERABLES: RECOMMENDED CW TECHNOLOGIES, LAND AREA ESTIMATIONS DIMENSIONING TOOL DEVELOPMENT, CW LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TESTING, FINAL RESEARCH AUDIT RESULTS 5 Thesis Framework & Goals TECHNICAL DESIGN PHASE I: INITIAL IMPRESSIONS STRATEGIC PLANNING PHASE II: “LIMA: BEYOND THE PARK” SUMMER SCHOOL PHASE III: ANTEPROYECTO SUMMER SCHOOL DESIGN IDEAS ANTEPROYECTO DESIGN IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS OBSERVATION, WATER INTERVIEWS, SITE AUDIT PRELIMINARY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT FIELD TESTING FINAL DELIVERABLES: RECOMMENDED CW TECHNOLOGIES, LAND AREA ESTIMATIONS DIMENSIONING TOOL DEVELOPMENT, CW LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TESTING, FINAL RESEARCH AUDIT RESULTS 6 Thesis Framework & Goals TECHNICAL DESIGN PHASE I: INITIAL IMPRESSIONS STRATEGIC PLANNING PHASE II: “LIMA: BEYOND THE PARK” SUMMER SCHOOL PHASE III: ANTEPROYECTO SUMMER SCHOOL DESIGN IDEAS ANTEPROYECTO DESIGN IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS OBSERVATION, WATER INTERVIEWS, SITE AUDIT PRELIMINARY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT FIELD TESTING FINAL DELIVERABLES: RECOMMENDED CW TECHNOLOGIES, LAND AREA ESTIMATIONS DIMENSIONING TOOL DEVELOPMENT, CW LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TESTING, FINAL RESEARCH AUDIT RESULTS 7 Thesis Framework & Goals TECHNICAL DESIGN PHASE I: INITIAL IMPRESSIONS STRATEGIC PLANNING PHASE II: “LIMA: BEYOND THE PARK” SUMMER SCHOOL PHASE III: ANTEPROYECTO SUMMER SCHOOL DESIGN IDEAS ANTEPROYECTO DESIGN IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS INFORMATION & IDEAS OBSERVATION, WATER INTERVIEWS, SITE AUDIT PRELIMINARY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT FIELD TESTING FINAL DELIVERABLES: RECOMMENDED CW TECHNOLOGIES, LAND AREA ESTIMATIONS DIMENSIONING TOOL DEVELOPMENT, CW LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TESTING, FINAL RESEARCH AUDIT RESULTS 8 Water Resources in Chuquitanta 9 Water Resources in Chuquitanta 10 Water Resources in Chuquitanta 11 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters Water Quantity 12 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters Water Quantity Nutrient Content Other Temperature Oxygen Balance Microbiology Salt Content Acidity 13 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters 1. Which water quality parameters are typically considered in the assessment of surface waters and wastewaters in Germany and in Perú? 14 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters 1. Which water quality parameters are typically considered in the assessment of surface waters and wastewaters in Germany and in Perú? 2. Which parameter levels might be affected by “upstream” activities, or by day-to-day uses of local water resources? 15 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters 1. Which water quality parameters are typically considered in the assessment of surface waters and wastewaters in Germany and in Perú? 2. Which parameter levels might be affected by “upstream” activities, or by day-to-day uses of local water resources? 3. Which parameter levels are important to the intended or “downstream” uses of local water resources? 16 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters 1. Which water quality parameters are typically considered in the assessment of surface waters and wastewaters in Germany and in Perú? 2. Which parameter levels might be affected by “upstream” activities, or by day-to-day uses of local water resources? 3. Which parameter levels are important to the intended or “downstream” uses of local water resources? 4. Which parameters are easiest and cheapest to obtain information about? 17 Audit Development: Choice of Parameters Water Quantity Temperature Oxygen Balance BOD5 COD DO Salt Content EC ClAcidity pH Nutrient Content Other NO3-N NH4-N Cd Cr TKN PO4-P Cu Fe Ptot Mn Pb Microbiology Zn TSS fecal coliforms fats & oils heat-resistant coliforms total coliforms E. coli salmonella helminth eggs 18 Audit Development: Choice of Methods Send field samples to private laboratory for analysis Least Desirable Test field samples on-site or in-house at UNI-CITRAR laboratory Make estimations based on literature values and data we already have Collect data via observation and interviews, and from available literature and other accessible sources Most Desirable 19 Audit Development: Choice of Methods Water Quantity Temperature Oxygen Balance BOD5 COD DO Salt Content EC ClAcidity pH Nutrient Content Other NO3-N NH4-N Cd Cr TKN PO4-P Cu Fe Ptot Mn Pb Microbiology Zn TSS fecal coliforms fats & oils heat-resistant coliforms total coliforms measured using probes E. coli measured using Cell Tests salmonella evaluated by private lab helminth eggs 20 21 temperature pH EC DO COD, NO3-N, NH4-N, PO4-P, Ptot, Cl- BOD5, total coliforms, helminth eggs 22 Wetland Area Estimation Tool Co: target outflow concentration of dimensioning parameter Kadlec’s p-k-C* Model (πΆπ − πΆ ∗ ) = π ∗ (πΆ − πΆ ) Ci: inflow concentration of dimensioning parameter 1 ππ΄ 1+ πππ π C*: background concentration of dimensioning parameter k: modified first-order areal constant A: required wetland area P: number of tanks in series Qi: inflow rate 23 Results Results exceeds standard within the limit of standard no standard available for comparison NV no value determined Domestic Wastewater: Santa Cruz Hill Residential Area The Basics • no connection to water supply/sewerage network – potable water delivered by truck • no formal sanitation facilities • domestic wastewater discarded in the street • high degree of community engagement and self-organization 26 Domestic Wastewater: Santa Cruz Hill Residential Area Main Design Ideas • collect combined grey- and blackwater from settlement; carry by gravity to base of hill for treatment in constructed wetland • intended as temporary system until formal sewerage connections are installed in Santa Cruz 27 Domestic Wastewater: Santa Cruz Hill Residential Area Estimated Wetland Area: 50 m2 28 Domestic Wastewater: Santa Cruz Hill Residential Area Recycled vertical flow CW for greywater treatment: Space saver. High success with GW treatment. Requires pump. UDDTs for collection of urine and faeces: Potential for reuse in tree fertilization and improvement of soil. 29 WWTP Effluent: SEDAPAL Puente Piedra The Basics • CSBR-3 built in 2002 to treat 36,460 m3 wastewater per day (422 L/s) for reuse in irrigation • higher inflow volumes and organic loads than anticipated have caused major operational problems • low-quality outflow nonetheless used for local agricultural irrigation 30 WWTP Effluent: SEDAPAL Puente Piedra Main Design Ideas • expand wastewater treatment via a lowcost biological treatment system for secondary treatment of effluent (envisioned as incorporating ponds or lagoons) • include recreational green space adjacent to treatment ponds/lagoons 31 WWTP Effluent: SEDAPAL Puente Piedra Estimated Wetland Area: 8.5 ha 32 WWTP Effluent: SEDAPAL Puente Piedra Subsurface CW for wastewater treatment: High reduction in organic content & pathogens. Requires less space than free surface CW. Minimizes odor problems. Planted vegetation would increase green area. No problems with TSS since levels in WWTP 33 effluent are low. Good interim choice until plant can be upgraded. Irrigation Water: Chuquitanta Canal Network The Basics • canal network fed by upstream point along Chillón River and used for local agricultural irrigation • flow rates vary between upstream dry and rainy seasons, but never fall to 0 • sections of network which pass through residential areas have been closed off; others are used as solid waste and wastewater dumps 34 Irrigation Water: Chuquitanta Canal Network Main Design Ideas • use natural material (i.e., not concrete) to construct canals, and cover them where water quality remains poor • develop canal-side recreation areas • treat canal water AND household DWW in canal-side constructed wetlands • use treated water for irrigation of urban agriculture and medians/green strips along avenues 35 Irrigation Water: Chuquitanta Canal Network Estimated Wetland Area: 1 ha 36 Irrigation Water: Chuquitanta Canal Network Free surface CW for surface water treatment: High reduction in organic content, nitrate, and pathogens. Water quality good enough for treatment area to double as green park. Treated water can be re-channelized for use in agricultural or green space 37 irrigation. Requires large land area. River Water: Chillón River The Basics • annual flood and no-flow periods • dike between settlement and river, but banks not reinforced • wide variety of pollution sources contribute to low water quality 38 River Water: Chillón River Low-Water Mid-Water High-Water Main Design Ideas • river re-naturation incorporating natural morphology and native bank plantings • reinforce banks for flood protection • supplement river flow during dry periods with puquio water and treated WWTP effluent 39 River Water: Chillón River Estimated Wetland Area: 39 ha 40 River Water: Chillón River Terraced CW “modules” for greywater treatment and river flood protection Step 1: Pre-treatment (removal of oils/fats, gravel/sand filtration) at central greywater collection point on the top of dike Concrete basin with plantings as CW “module” Step 2: Water is routed into system of concrete basins which are planted with Phragmites australis and arranged to form riverbank terraces on the river side of the dike 41 River Water: Chillón River Terraced CW “modules” for greywater treatment and river flood protection: Success in the use of Phragmites australis in nitrate removal AND in riverbank stabilization by vegetation. Concrete basins and will provide additional bank stability. Basin plantings will serve to green riverbank. Requires pump or manually carrying water from settlement to top of dike. One part of a more comprehensive solution needed for river. Tawantinsuyu agricultural terracing in the southern Peruvian Andes 42 Summary of Results & Recommendations Domestic WW AUDIT RESULTS BOD5, NO3-N, Ptot, fecal clfms., Salmonella, helminth eggs, TSS, TKN, quantity WWTP Effluent Irrigation Water BOD5, COD, PO4P, Ptot, Cl-, , thermotol. clfms., total clfms., helminth eggs, DO, NO3-N, NH4-N, TSS, temp., pH, EC, quantity NO3-N, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, fats/oils, COD, NO3-N, thermotol. clfms., total clfms., BOD5, DO, NH4- total clfms., E. coli, BOD5, COD, DO, N, PO4-P, Ptot, Cl-, NH4-N, PO4-P, Ptot, helminth eggs, Cl-, temp., pH, EC, temp., pH, EC, Cr, Zn, helminth quantity eggs, quantity River Water DESIGN RESULTS FINAL REC. recycled vertical flow CW & UDDT subsurface CW free surface CW terraced CW “modules” 43 Thank You! Any Questions? 44