29 Apr 2016 - Bedales School

The Friday Report
29th April 2016
At a glance
The Week Ahead
Letter from Jane
Boarding News
Notices Notices 2
Notices 3 Notices 4
Notices 5
Pupil Page
Young Writers
Sports Results
Match Reports
Match Reports 2
Parents - Key Dates
Group 1 - Lambing Trip
By Melissa Canter and Jonathan Peers
See photos
Block 1 - French ‘Play in a Day’
By Liv Burnett-Armstrong
Last Thursday saw the first Dunhurst MFL ‘Play in A Day’ event for Block 1.
See photos more photos
Block 2 London Street Art Trip
By Susan McFarlane
On Tuesday 19th April Block 2 enjoyed an Art and Design trip to London.
See photos more photos
The Week Ahead
Fri. 29th Apr.
4.30-7.00pm LAMDA Jaw
6.30-8.30pm Private view for Block 1 parents: Art Exhibition - Flora
Twort Gallery
Sat. 30th Apr.
1.00pm Leave weekend
Sun. 1st May
Leave weekend
Mon 2nd May
7.00pm Boarders return
Tue. 3rd May
Block 1 Art exhibition - Flora Twort Gallery (until Sat 7th May)
8.00am-5.00pm JDA Media filming Group 3 spoken word
6.00-7.00pm Dunhurst Platform Strings and Singers
Wed. 4th May
1.30-5.30pm U11 Wessex league Cricket v Princes Mead (A) (match
start time 2.30pm)
1.30-6.00pm U12 + U13 Cricket v Seaford (A) (match start time
2.30-5.30pm U11B Cricket v Kingscourt (H)
2.00-5.00pm U11A + U9/U10A Girls Rounders v Lavant House (A)
(match starts at 3.00pm)
2.30-4.30pm U9 Cricket v Seaford (H)
2.40-4.00pm U12A + U13A Girls Rounders v St. Edmund's (H)
(match starts at 2.30pm) on Steephurst pitches
3.30-4.45pm U9 Girls Rounders v Meoncross (H)
Thur. 5th May
8.50-10.50pm Block 2R + Block 2S SRE
2.00-4.00pm Dunhurst Cross Country (U9-U13)
6.00-7.00pm Dunhurst Platform Wind, Brass and Piano
Fri. 6th May
JBF Big Weekend: 3 Schools Quiz Night
8.50-10.50am Block 2T + Block 2U SRE
11.00am-5.30pm Block 1 Art and English trip to Roche Court
4.30-5.30pm JAW Athletics
Sat. 7th May
2.00-5.00pm JBF Big Weekend: Bedales Dog Show + Fete hosted by
Friends of Dunhurst
Sun. 8th May
7.00pm Boarders return
Letter from Jane
Dear Parents,
Just three ewes remain in the Cobb’s field awaiting their lambs and the Dunhurstians have
been very active in watching the births and helping out with the new lambs as they have
arrived. A bumper crop are now safely nestling in the Black Barn and there are chicks
hatching in the hatchery too. If your child has younger siblings, you are most welcome to
bring them to the Black Barn at the bottom of Cobb’s field to see all our new arrivals,
but please do supervise well and ensure that noise is kept to a minimum so that we don’t
disturb our new mums and their babies.
Due to Kathy leaving at the end of this term to take up a Headship at Lorendon Prep
School, I am delighted to announce that Andy Wiggins has been appointed as our new
Director of Teaching & Learning from September. Andy will remain as a Group 3 class
teacher and Nichola Gotel will become the overarching Head of English for both Blocks
and Groups.
Our musicians performed for The Welcome Club at Steep Village Hall on Thursday. The
Dunhurst musicians are always given a very cheery reception, ending in a fabulous tea
which they all enjoy along with some great conversations with our local Steep
Ryan and his ODW team are busy in local hospitals and surgeries with our pupils
designing, improving and building gardens to brighten the corridors and waiting areas.
Ryan’s ODW shop will be selling a range of plants and produce over the coming weeks
and proceeds will go towards funding the plants and materials for these really worthwhile
community projects.
LAMDA Jaw takes place today in the Well: Groups 4.30–5.30pm and Blocks 6.00–7.30pm.
A large number of pupils will perform their examination pieces and this is always a highly
entertaining event. You are most welcome to join us (as you are for all JAWs on Fridays)
as the bigger the audience and support given to our drama pupils, the better!
Our fabulous Block 1 art exhibition at the Flora Twort Gallery in Petersfield has its
private view tonight from 6.30–8.30pm. The pupils in Block 1 have been exploring and
developing imagery based on the amazing architecture of the local area. I am sure you
will enjoy the quality of their work and the drawing skills and media creativity. Please do
join us for a glass of wine and enjoy this wonderful local gallery venue.
Have a restful and enjoyable leave weekend which starts for Groups today at 5.30pm and
Blocks at 1.00pm tomorrow with boarders returning on Monday 2nd May from 7.00pm
and day pupils Tuesday 3rd May from 8.00am. Let’s hope for some summery weather very
Boarding News
From the couch…
The boarders had a wonderful time on Sunday with Ken. Some pottery in the morning and then a
blustery dog walk on Witterings Beach, stopping to toast some marshmallows halfway. Thank you Ken!
Friday night was Music night with Boarders Battle of the Bands!
Don’t forget to join us for Boarders’ Tea
from 6.00pm after drop off on Monday!
Have a lovely long weekend from the boarding team!
Dear Parents and Friends of Dunhurst,
I have been overwhelmed by the generosity and good will of the
Dunhurst community in support of my marathon run. I had an amazing
day and could not have enjoyed the event more! My training paid off as
I beat my target time completing the 26.2 miles in 4:26. Anyone who
has completed the London Marathon will tell you what an incredible
day it is, and I often drew inspiration from the amazing total you
helped me to raise. I aimed for
sponsorships of £1500, but was
amazed to have topped £2500 - of
which Dunhurst was a huge
contributing factor. Thank you once
again for helping Parkinson's UK with
their amazing work!
Many thanks,
Saturday 30 April
Depart Petersfield 1:48pm
Arrive Waterloo 2:57pm
Monday 2 May
Depart Waterloo 6:30pm
Arrive Petersfield 7:31pm
Gaps Duty Mobile Number: 07745265704
Next Tuesday evening, 3 May, we present a celebrity song recital featuring the outstanding young
soprano Elizabeth Watts, with pianist James Cheung. They perform a very attractive programme of
English, French and German song. Among many delectable highlights, Les nuits d’été by Berlioz will
surely be to the fore. Some of you will have seen Ian Bostridge, the last singer to appear in our
Wilfred Brown Recital Series, performing in the weekend’s multi-faceted tribute to Shakespeare from
the home of the RSC at Stratford-upon-Avon. We are very confident that next Tuesday’s concert will
be in the fine tradition extending back from his recital two years ago to the inaugural concert given by
Dame Felicity Lott and Ann Murray DBE.
Elizabeth Watts has sung leading roles at The Royal Opera House, Welsh National Opera, Santa Fe
Opera, Theater an der Wien, and with the major international orchestras. Her particular aptitude in
the art song repertoire was recognised early, when she won the Song Prize at the BBC’s Cardiff
Singer of the World competition.
Tickets are available at £20 for adults, £15 for students and other concessions, from
tickets@bedales.org.uk or 01730 711511.
has a new programme of classical music meshed with gypsy and traditional Jewish klezmer music. The
programme is called ‘Schubert through the Looking Glass’ and we endeavour to play the great Schubert C major
String Quintet, plus lots of great gypsy and klezmer tunes. Real toe-tapping, soul-searching stuff.
We will be performing on Sunday 8th May 6:30pm at St. Mary’s Church, Liss. We are also doing a free
workshop at 3.00pm, all part of the Spirit of Music Festival which is now in its third year and going strong.
Here is my band’s website for a flavour:
and our You Tube film of our Brahms programme
(recently featured live on Radio 3’s ‘In Tune’ and ‘Late Junction’)
It would be lovely to see you there.
is for LAMDA students to perform
one of their pieces that they have been working on
Groups will start at 4.30pm to 5.30pm
Blocks will start at 6.00pm to 7.30pm
All parents are welcome
Please come and
for the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust
Friday 6th May 2016, 10.00 - 12.30
Bedales School, Church Road, Steep, Near Petersfield, Hampshire GU32 2DG
We plan to meet at about 10.00 for coffee
then there will be a choice of walks starting at 10.30.
For the energetic, a walk will be led up to the Edward Thomas Memorial Stone,
on Shoulder of Mutton Hill, where a few poems relating to the Trust’s work will be read.
Alternatively, there will be a student-led guided tour of the school,
including the exquisite Grade 1 Listed Arts and Crafts Library
and unique Outdoor Work Department.
Sandwiches will then be available on return at 12.30.
Dogs most welcome, with leads please.
The Charlie Waller Memorial Trust raises recognition of depression,
fights stigma and educates people and professionals to help
identify those who are unwell and get them the support they need.
This is an awareness day and there is no charge to join in,
but donations will of course be very welcome.
Please see http://www.cwmt.org.uk
for how your money could be so well spent.
Please email avril.hardie@gmail.com to let us know that
you would like to come, so we have some idea of numbers.
If you would have liked to come, but cannot, and
would like to make a donation, please click here:
PLEASE DO JOIN US, and bring a friend or two
Avril Hardie
The John Badley Foundation Big Weekend just got bigger!
The Bedales Parents’ Association is delighted to announce a new event for the JBF Big Weekend….
Ladies’ Lunch with Old Bedalian, Kirstie Allsopp
Monday 9 May, 12 – 2.30 pm
Please join us for a celebration of women in industry.
Lunch with wine, followed by a talk from Kirstie.
To be held in Bedales’ brand new Art & Design building.
This is a unique chance to see inside before the official
opening ceremony (on Parents’ Day 25 June).
This ladies only event is open to current, former and
prospective parents, and OBs.
Tickets £45 (+booking fee) per person, places are limited
TO BOOK: ladies-lunch-with-kirstie.eventbrite.com
To add the ticket cost to your school bill, click on Payment Method and choose
Pay by invoice, then click on Send Invoice.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And don’t forget to book for the other two events taking place over The JBF Big Weekend
Three Schools’ Quiz Night
hosted by the Bedales Parents’ Association
Friday 6 May, Meet in The Bedales Quad at 6.30 pm
Book as a group of 8 and name your team
or book individually to be placed in a team
Tickets £25 per person (+ booking fee)
TO BOOK: three-schools-quiz-night.eventbrite.com
Bedales Dog Show and Fête, hosted by Friends of Dunhurst
Saturday 7 May at 2 pm on the Dunhurst Mem Pitch
Free entry for humans,
dogs £5 (to be paid on the day)
Please also bring cash for the stalls, activities,
Fodders Bar and BBQ!
Please let us know you are coming by registering at
Proceeds of all three events will go to the John Badley Foundation which provides 100% bursaries
The John Badley Foundation is the working title for Bedales School Development Trust, Registered Charity No. 1138332
Pupil Page
Jacob for singing ‘One Hand, One Heart’ for West
Side Story and for hitting the high notes so perfectly!
Tiger for playing a ‘Study’ by
Popper with such precision and
Harry for telling us all about his exciting skateboarding hobby and for showing us the
video (which he made) of his daredevil skateboarding tricks! Here is a link to the video:
What’s Been Happening...
To Athena and Ruben who will have their short stories
published in this year’s Young Writers Anthology, a
copy of which will be sent to school, and one to the
British Library! Dare you read Athena’s tale...
What’s That?
What’s that?
I’m hunting in the forest to the North of camp, all my senses on high alert, and my ears
have detected a sound from a thicket: perfect for seeing without being seen. From within,
something rustles.
That’s when I see the track.
It’s huge, at least the size of two, no three bear prints, and that’s saying something. But it’s
not a bear print. It’s… it’s like a human foot’s outline merged with an animal’s, but I can’t
tell what.
Something pounces on me from the thicket. And I realise,
I’m about to be killed by a werewolf.
By Athena Lucas
What’s Been Happening...
What’s Been Happening...
Last Thursday saw the first Dunhurst MFL ‘Play in A Day’ event for Block 1. Off timetable from 9.00 – 5.30, this
enthusiastic band of Francophiles spent the whole day immersed in the French language.
Drama games were further enhanced by a visit from Dunannie.
Moving to the Hall, each group of Block 1 children began to create their own performance with just the chapters
of their text book for guidance.
Things really started to take shape with the generous help of the costume ladies, Isy and Tamsin.
What’s Been Happening...
And the final performances were a fine showcase for the Block 1 children’s creativity and invention as they lifted
vocabulary off the pages of the text book and brought it all to life.
All the Block 1 children committed to the day with
boundless energy, and commented that it was enjoyable to
spend the day focusing entirely on French and working with
people outside their usual classes. Felix said it was a really
fun day, and Emily dreamt that night that she was a fluent
French speaker!
What’s Been Happening...
On Tuesday 19th April, Block 2 enjoyed an Art and Design trip to London. First we made our way to Shoreditch
for an ‘Alternative London’ Street art tour and workshop. Our guides Josh, Andreas and Keir were
knowledgeable and very savvy. We saw feral animals by Belgian artist ROA traversing walls, monkey faces by
Mighty Mo on railway bridges, carnival style lettering by Ben Eine, and came face to face with an original Banksy,
amongst others. Inspired and enthused we were taken to a practice wall deep in the East End and pupils
unleashed their creative talents.
In the early afternoon we headed to the Southbank to meet with photographer Jo Scott, mother of Jake. We
were challenged to take photographs under the theme ‘Different Viewpoints’. We were working against the
clock, with little more than half an hour we dashed around looking for good compositions, checking the lighting,
taking images near and far and looking up and down. All this we managed and still had time to squeeze in an after
photo-shoot ice-cream!
A gloriously creative day was had by all and I look forward to showing you the results of the Photography
competition in due course (when all the work has been submitted).
What’s Been Happening...
Sport News
U10 Rounders v Alton Convent
Dunhurst batted first in the opening innings. Sage was first up and scored a rounder off the first ball-what a great
start! Alton’s fielding was superb and despite some good batting from Dunhurst, Alton limited our scoring
opportunities. Maisie was the only Dunhurst batter to stay in for the whole innings and she showed great
determination when running between the posts. Dunhurst scored 3 Rounders in the first innings. Izzy bowled
well for Dunhurst, and Rebekah on 2nd base demonstrated some excellent fielding skills. Alton had some big
hitters which meant that Mia had to be alert for the whole game as a deep fielder. Sage was excellent on 4th base
where she stumped 2 players out. Nell made a great catch on 1st base to get their big hitter out.
After the second innings, Dunhurst scored a total of 5 Rounders and they knew they would have to be focussed
and accurate when fielding. Rosie displayed some good throwing and catching skills and the fielding was much
better in this innings where the girls reduced the oppositions scoring chances. The game ended 14-5 to Alton
Convent. Well done to Sage for being named the bees knees.
U11 Rounders v Alton Convent
This was a very well matched and competitive game. Dunhurst batted first, and straight away Alton showed great
fielding skills limiting Dunhurst to3 ½ Rounders. Alton then batted and scored 4 rounders after their first innings.
The girls knew this was going to be a close game and in the second innings the game really came alive. The girls
batting was much improved- Millie H showed great technique along with Leela and Esme. The girls scored 6 ½ in
this innings to bring their total to 10 ½. Tory was excellent as bowler where she showed great accuracy and her
positional awareness to support her fielders was superb. Millie K made 2 great catches, coming off 2nd base to
catch the ball. Mia was a great back stop, supporting Beatrice on 4th base. In the deep field, Clemmie dropped off
3rd base to retrieve the ball from the big hitters. The game ended 12 ½ to 10 ½ to Alton. The girls were really
unlucky not to win this game but what a great start to the Rounders season! Well done to Millie K for being
named the bees knees.
Sport News
U11 Cricket v Highfield
Despite some cold weather and an unusual outbreak of snow earlier in the day the U11 match against Highfield
went ahead. Highfield won the toss and elected to bat first. An excellent run out in the first over by Will M and a
thumping delivery by Sam G in the second removed both the opening batsmen. Unfortunately Dunhurst could
not quite maintain the pressure and Highfield's experienced batting line up soon began to add runs to their tally.
Some good work in the field stopped various boundaries though Highfield still managed to climb to an impressive
157 runs.
Despite Dunhurst’s enthusiasm and refusal to give up, the score was never quite in reach. Will M and Sam G
managed to defend their wicket for a long period of time, but couldn’t quite match Highfield’s run rate.
Eventually, with 3 overs to spare, Highfield over powered the team and took the last wicket, leaving Dunhurst
short of their total. A lovely afternoon’s cricket. Well done to all involved.
U12 A + B Rounders v The Royal School
On Wednesday the U12 A and B Rounders teams met on the pitches for a pre-match warm up game before The
Royal School arrived. The sun was shining and the girls were super keen to play and practise. Once The Royal
School arrived, the matches of '20 good balls' began.
The B Team went into field with a positive manner. All the deep fielders spaced out perfectly in the field and
Esme, Alisia and Poppy covered their bases vigilantly. Tory delivered some great bowls and the girls worked well
together; communicating and backing each other up as the batters tried to run around the bases. The score at
half time was a close 5 - 5 1/2 rounders to The Royal School. In the second innings we continued fielding
cohesively. Athena and Annabelle collected balls quickly in first deep, Alisia got some batters out at 2nd post and
Rhiannon and Ruby read the game carefully. When in bat, Anna, Tory and Athena hit good strong balls into the
right field and took some brilliant risks whilst running around the track. Annabelle hit a great ball into left field
which fooled the opposition and she scored.
The teams were very evenly matched and the score was so close. We were unlucky to lose 11 - 12 1/2 rounders.
It could have gone ether way and the score did not reflect how well the girls all played.
Well done to Tory and Ruby for stepping in to play at the very last minute and for contributing so well to the
The A Team went into bat first. Mya was confident as bowler and delivered some smooth bowls. Gala covered
2nd post carefully, catching well under pressure and communicating well to the team. Shanklin and Maggie
covered deep field well, trying to catch the 'big hitter's' balls and moving quickly to chase the ball.
At half time it was a close 6 - 5 to The Royal School. Maggie, Mabel and Gala hit the ball hard and long, scoring
along the way. Nell covered 4th base brilliantly and made some excellent calls when trying to get the opposition
out and was calm under pressure. Sasha, Emma and Antonina read the game carefully and showed good initiate,
particularly when fielding. Mabel was superb as backstop. She made quick, sensible decisions and took the
necessary risks when she could particularly with the attacking triangle.
Like with the B team, the teams were evenly matched and the scores very close. The final score was a win for
The Royal School 9 1/2 - 8 1/2. The girls were disappointed to lose by one rounder but should be very proud of
their efforts.
Thank you to all the parents who came to support and well done to all the girls for a such a positive and
dynamic start to the rounders season.
Well done to the U13 Netball Team who were runners up in the Hampshire Schools Independent Netball
League. They successfully beat Meoncross, Portsmouth High School, Mayville High School and Ditcham Park in
the league, with St. Swithun’s winning overall. Well done girls!
Sport News
U13 Super Sixes Rounders Tournament at Prebendal
This tournament was a new format with only 6 players instead of 9. This meant that the fielding would be more
demanding with less players. The first game was against Highfield School who batted first. Ella A made a great
catch to get a player out on 4th base, but Highfield had some big hitters who made the most of the space on the
pitch. Highfield scored 15 rounders. Dunhurst knew what they had to beat, and Millie started the innings with a
great hit to score a rounder. Boo batted well next to score a rounder and then the Ella scored another half. The
innings ended 15- 5 to Highfield. Seaford were next and Dunhurst batted first. The Seaford bowler bowled with
pace which made it hard for our batters to connect with the ball. We scored four ½ rounders and a full rounder
to make it a total of 3 rounders. A quick change in the field saw Livvy go to Deep fielder 2 , where she had an
outstanding game. She showed great all round fielding skills with her throwing, catching and long and short
barriers. She combined well with Millie on 2nd base to limit Seaford’s scoring opportunities. Boo’s bowling was on
top form and her support play was immense. Ruby was excellent as back stop-her throwing to 2nd base was
accurate and again her support play on 4th base was superb. Dunhurst won this game 3 -2 ½. A well-deserved
win. Windlesham School were next and they chose to bat first. They had several big hitters and Livvy again was
excellent as a deep fielder. Talia as deep fielder 1, demonstrated great throwing skills to Millie on 2nd base.
Windlesham scored 16 ½ rounders. Dunhurst were stunned by the bowling pace and power of the Windlesham
bowler. This made our batting difficult and Dunhurst scored 2 rounders, meaning that we lost this match. Great
Ballard School was our last game, and this was a well matched game. Dunhurst were unlucky not to win this game
and Great Ballard won by ½ rounder on the final ball! Talia and Daisy showed much improved batting and Talia
was our secret weapon as a left handed batter! Overall Dunhurst came 3rd in their league. A great tournament
and experience for the girls!
U13A Cricket v Box Hill
On Wednesday 27th April the U13 A team played their first fixture of the season in conditions more akin to the
Arctic than the summer, away at Box Hill. The Dunhurst boys batted first and got off to a slow start, hampered
by the regular fall of wickets. Will S came in and steadied the rocking ship and was soon joined by Arthur L who
added some much needed impetus. Will R rounded off the innings well contributing 20 not out in a final
impressive total of 137 for 6. Will S top scored with a great knock of 46, Arthur L added 7 and Huw W 5.
The Box Hill innings flew along at the start helped by some ill disciplined Dunhurst bowling. After just five overs
Dunhurst were staring defeat in the face as it looked like Box Hill would get the Dunhurst total with overs to
spare. However Dunhurst sorted themselves out and tightened up their bowling. Wickets began to fall and
Dunhurst finished with a comfortable 21 run victory.
The pick of the bowlers was Will S with figures of 2 for 5 off his two overs. Huw had 2 for 20, Oscar A 2 for 22,
Jac W 1 for 3 (including a wicket maiden with his first ever over for the U13’s), Alec G 1 for 6 and Will R 1 for
21. Although Jamie E didn’t take any wickets he bowled very tightly just when it was need to go for only 7 runs in
his two overs and Luca M went for only 4 runs in his one over.
A few lessons to learn – not to give away wickets cheaply when batting and to not bowl so many extras. But a
great win to start the season and a side that shows a lot of promise for the upcoming campaign.
Man of the Match – Will S – for his excellent batting and bowling display.
U13 Cricket v Highfield
Highfield U13 came to play a friendly game of cricket against a mixed age group Dunhurst team manned by boys
from Group 2 to Block 2.
The match was a first time for many players and they certainly put on a great show. There was some spectacular
bowling incorporating many mixed styles and some brazen batting. Everyone had an opportunity to both bat and
bowl and all had a go. A very sporting show from both sides with lots of clapping from both teams. A final score
of Dunhurst 148 runs and Highfield 177 runs was greeted with 3 cheers and much hand shaking. Well played
Daniel V, Harry H, Elio M, Ed C, Arthur R, Max F, Leon A and Jago H. Daniel V was a deservedly MVP for his
exceptional bowling and batting (A star of the future). Well done to everyone.
Sat 30 April
Leave weekend begins
Mon 2 May
Boarders return
Tue 3 May
Platform concert: Strings & Singers in the Well
6.00pm – 7.00pm
Thur 5 May
Platform concert: Wind, Brass & Piano in the Well
6.00pm – 7.00pm
Fri 6 May
JBF Big Weekend 3 Schools Quiz
Sat 7 May
Mon 9 May
JBF Big Weekend Dog Show + Fete, hosted by Dunhurst
ABRSM exams
Tue 10 + Thur 12 May
LAMDA exams
All day
Wed 18 & Thur 19 May
Rock Show in the Olivier Theatre, Bedales
7.00pm – 8.30pm
Fri 20 May
Block 2 go home to prepare for Camps Week
Sat 21 May
No school for Block 2; normal school for Block 1
Sun 22 May
Block 2 depart for Normandy for Camps Week
Mon 23 May
Block 1 and Groups depart on Camps Week
Fri 27 May
All pupils return from Camps Week
Fri 27 May
Half term begins
Sun 5 June
Boarders return
Wed 8 June
Block 3 (2016) welcome event for parents at Bedales
7.00pm – 8.00pm
Sat 11 June
Block 1 and parents - Familiarisation morning at Bedales
10.15am – 12.45pm
Sat 11 & Sun 12 June
All in weekend for Blocks’ production rehearsals
Thur 16 June
Block’s production in the marquee
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Fri 17 June
Blocks’ production in the marquee
7.30pm – 9.30pm
Sat 18 June
Dunhurst Parents’ Day
10.15am – 1.00pm
Sat 18 June
Blocks’ production in the marquee
1.45pm – 3.45pm
Mon 20 June
Block 2 work placement day
All day
Tue 21 June
Block 2 walk and BBQ
8.50am – 5.30pm
Wed 22 June
5.30pm – 7.00pm
Fri 24 June
Block 2 Q&A session with Bedales Day and Boarding
Housestaff at Bedales
Sports day
Sat 25 June
Blocks’ careers morning
8.50am – 1.00pm
Tues 28 June
Summer Concert in the Quad
7.00pm – 8.30pm
Wed 29 June
Block 2 Leavers’ dinner
6.15pm – 9.00pm
Fri 1 July
End of term
All day
4.00pm – 6.00pm