Philip Burman Military Medals

List No. 154 November 2015
Philip Burman
Orders, Decorations & Medals
The Cottage, Sandy Lane, Blackborough End, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1SE, U.K.
Telephone: 01553 840350
E-mail :
If you wish to see detailed photos, please get in touch, either by phone or e-mail
Seringapatam Medal. Silver. 48 mm. The medal is in a silver fitted case with glass to the front and back, and has
a ring and bar suspender. It has what appears to be original ribbon with a three-claw pin buckle at the top, and a
slide-on silver ornamental bar with “Seringapatam” embossed on it. A very handsome piece.
Mysore Medal 1792. 43 mm. Silver. Milled edge. As awarded to Jemadars.
Sultan’s Medal for Egypt. 1801 - Silver 36 mm. - Conferred by Sultan Selim 111 of Turkey on the British
Officers (in gold) and N.C.O’s (in silver) who took part in the campaign against the French. Fitted with
contemporary hook and chain.
Manchester Rifle Regiment 1804 A “Gold” medal with red ribbon. Obverse, a bugle: Above - “Reward of Merit”
Below - the recipient’s name - Mr. J. Holdsworth. Reverse - “Manchester Rifle Regiment. March 1804” (NEF)
Bagur and Palamos Medal. 1811 - Silver.
Awarded by the Captain General of Catalonia to Royal Marines and Officers and Seamen from the British
frigate “Cambrian” for two actions on the coast of Catalonia in September 1810. Only awarded to those who
actually went ashore.
Coorg Medal 1837 - Bronze.
Coorg Medal 1837 - Silver. Original striking.
N.G.S. 1 Bar Syria. Edward Holt. Recipient served as Pte. R.M. aboard HMS Powerful. Pawnbroker’s mark
at 3 o’clock on rim. Edge knock at 7 o’clock on obverse.
N.G.S. 1 Bar Syria. Osborne Francis. Recipient served as Captain’s Cook aboard HMS Powerful.
Military General Service. 1 Bar Egypt. J. Boyd. 27th Foot. Verified.
M.G.S. 1 Bar Guadaloupe. W. McCormack. 25th Foot. Verified on Mullen’s Roll.
M.G.S. 1 Bar Vittoria. John Serjeant. 7th Foot. Verified on Mullen’s Roll.
M.G.S. 1 Bar Toulouse. D. Bowling. 3rd Dragoon Gds. Verified on Mullen’s Roll.
Military General Service. 1 Bar Martinique. Paul Atkins. Serjt. Royal Arty.
Military General Service. 1 Bar Pyrenees. R. Fraitter. 91st Foot.
Military General Service. 2 Bars Orthes/Touloouse. A. Roberts. Troop Sgt. Major. 7th Light Dragoons. (NEF) £1195
Waterloo. William Campbell. 3rd Batt. Grenadier Guards. Sold with copy papers which state - “Went to Spain in
1812 and was engaged at Bayonne, wounded in the side. Was at the storming of St. Sebastian in the same year was wounded in the shoulder - returned to England in 1814 - went to Flanders in 1815 - was at Waterloo,
wounded in the neck by a musket ball - joined the army at Paris Camp - returned to England from Cambray in
Fitted with clip and split ring suspender.
Minor signs of brooch mounting on obverse.
Waterloo. Thos. Duncanson. 1st Batt. 91st Regt. Foot. Sold with copy roll confirming serving in Capt. Wm.
Stewart’s Company at Waterloo. Also included is a copy of the quarterly pay list showing recipient as died of
10-12-1824 whilst still serving. Replacement clip and ring suspender.
Waterloo. Lieut. John Campbell. 1st Batt. 91st Regt Foot. Served in Capt. W. Gun’s Coy No. 6 at Waterloo (NEF) £3350
Waterloo. Issac Shaw. Royal Horse Guards. Served in Major Drake’s Troop at Waterloo. Two small plug
holes in rim at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock which have been neatly filled in. Casualties during the battle were quite
heavy with 17 killed and 60 wounded out of 237 men of the R.H.G. Clip and ring suspender.
Waterloo. Danl. Knights. 2nd Battn. Grenadier Gds. Served in Lt. Col Colquett’s Coy at Waterloo. ‘l’ of Danl.
and ‘K’ of Knights over impressed.
St. Jean D’Acre Medal - Silver. Fitted with a Crimea type suspender.
China 1842. John Howarth. 98th Regiment Foot.
79th Foot. Silver Regimental Medal. Obverse - A shield, inscribed 79, and surrounded by a Military Trophy.
Reverse - A dadiated star. In the centre a sphinx. Below, “Egypt”, “Waterloo” and “Peninsular”, surrounded by
a scroll inscribed “Egmont-Op-Zee, Fuentes D’Onor, Salamance, Pyrennees, Nivelle, Nive, Toulouse”.
The medal was instituted in 1819 and given in silver for twelve years Good Conduct. It was discontinued
in 1838.
Sutlej Medal 1846. For Sobraon. No Bar. Sgt. G. Teeling. Sappers & Miners.
Sutlej Medal 1846. For Ferozeshuhur. Pte. J. Moonly. 50th Foot. Named in sloping engraved capitals
(Late issue?)
Sutlej Medal 1846. For Sobraon. Sgt. G. Teeling. Sappers & Miners.
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 1 Bar Mooltan. Sepoy Sawehurun Doobe. (Unit unreadable)
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 1 Bar Chilianwala. James Wildbore. 29th Foot. K.I.A. Chilianwala 13-1-1849. (EF) £1625
30. Punjab Medal 1848-49.
1 Bar Mooltan. Joseph Pickering. 32nd Foot.
Sold with copies of the regimental
quarterly pay list which records recipient as having died on the 29th November 1848.
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 1 Bar Mooltan. Richard Bottriell. 1st Eur Fus. Sold with some career details. (NEF)
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 1 Bar Goojerat. Richard Ware. 53rd Foot.
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 2 Bars Goojerat/Chilianwala. Serjt. Major A. Heffernan. 30th Bengal N.I.
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 2 Bars Goojerat/Chilianwala. J. Cantle. 24th Foot. Recipient died at Nowshera on 22nd
November 1855. He was born in Hindon, Wiltshire, and was employed as a labourer prior to enlistment on
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 2 Bars Goojerat/Mooltan. Capt. J.R. Western. Engrs.
Punjab Medal 1848-49. 2 Bars Goojerat/Mooltan. Wm. Goodwin. 10th Foot. Minor contact marks.
Punjab Medal 1849. Lieut. W.T. Freeling. 40th Gengal N.I.
South Africa 1834-53. Hugh Eagleston. 2nd Bn. 60th Rifles.
Baltic Medal. Un-named as issued to Royal Navy.
Baltic Medal. Un-named as issued to Royal Navy.
Crimea. No Bar. Un-named as issued to R.N.
Crimea. No Bar. E. Carr. 2nd Batn. Rifle Bde. Officially impressed. Recipient was K.I.A. during the first attack
on the Redan 18-6-1855.
Crimea. 1 Bar Inkermann. Edmund Irish. Scots Fus. Gds Officially impressed K.I.A. Inkermann 5-11-1854 (NEF)£1025
Crimea. 1 Bar Sebastopol (loose). Un-named as issued.
Crimea. 2 Bars Inkermann/Sebastopol. John Borlace. Boat’sn 3.C. Officially impressed. Sold with copy papers
which show recipient as serving on HMS “Wasp”.
Boatswain John Corlace, who was landed from HMS Wasp, was mentioned in despatches by Capt. Henry
Keppell, Commander of the Naval Brigade. He was one of those seamen who had “particularly distinguished
themselves by their gallant conduct during the Siege of Sebastopol.”
Crimea. 3 Bars Alma/Ink/Seb. H. Williams. 1st R. Dragoons. Officially impressed. Sold with copy papers and
Rolls. Took part in the famous Charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava.
Crimea. 4 Bars Alma/Balaklava/Inkermann/Seb. A. Roy. Gr. & Dr. 12th Btn. Rl. Arty. Officially impressed. (VF) £950
Crimea 4 Bars Alma/Bal./Ink/Seb. Seignobose. 286. (Depot impressed)
Crimea. 4 Bars Alma/Bal/Ink/Seab. Thos. Emery. 21st (R.S. Fus) Engraved naming. Contact marks and
some edge knocks.
Turkish Crimea. Sardinian issue. W. Hudson. 1st Bn. Fusiliers.
Turkish Crimea.
Sardinian issue. Crimea type suspender. Un-named as issued.
Indian Mutiny. No Bar. Hy Clappen. 80th Regt.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Relief of Lucknow. Shoeing Smith Robt. Locock. 13th Bn. R. Arty. Recipient was
severely wounded at Cawnpore on 2.11.1857.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central Inida. Wm. Arthur. 72nd Highlanders.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. Alexr. Walker. 71st Highd. L.I. Verified.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. Actg. S. & P. Sergt. I. Neild.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. Trooper Amrrool Ali Khan. 1st Regt. Cavy. Hydd. Conjt.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. Veerapah. 1st Regiment N.I.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. Wm. Arthur. 72nd Highlanders.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. Asst. Surgn. W.C. Browne. 2nd Tp. H. Bde. Bombay Arty.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Central India. John Keefe. 88th Regt. Verified. Contact marks.
Indian Mutiny. 3 Bars Lucknow/Rel. of Lucknow/Delhi. Gnr. C. Callahame. 1st Bde., Bengal H. Art. (NEF)
China 1857-60. 2 Bars Taku Forts 1860/Pekin 1860. Asst. Surgn. 8th Regt. Punjab Infy. (NEF)
China 1857--60. 1 Bar Taku Forts 1860. Un-named as issued to Royal Navy.
China 1857-60.
1 Bar Canton 1857. Un-named as issued to Royal Navy.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Pegu.. Josh. Baverstoke. “Winchester”. Verified. Contact marks.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Pegu. Asst. Surgeon G.W. Walter. Born Oct. 1916. M.R.C.S. 1849. Asst. Surgeon 12.10.1849.
Surgeon 15.6.1864. Surgn. Major 12.10.1869. Retired 17.8.1874. Died in London 22.11.1879. Named in later
style impressed capitals.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar North West Frontier. J. Maskerry. H.M’s 1st Bn. 19th Regt. Awarded for an expedition under
Major-General A.T. Wilde against the Bazotee Black Mountain Tribes 3-22 Oct 1868. Contact marks. (VF)£350
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Looshai. Sepoy Jowakir. Bl. Sappers & Miners.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Looshai. 1st Class Sgt. Maung Lu Gau. Thayetanyo Dist. Police.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Looshai. Sepoy Nund Sing Lama. 44th Regt. N.I.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Jowaki 1877-8. Pte. Saml. Coulson. 4th Bn. Rifle Bde. Verified on roll.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Naga 1879-80. Constable Shuharoo Cachari. Goalpara Fr. Police.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Pte. .J. Doyle. 2nd Bn. Liverpool Regt.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Pte. G. Williams. 2nd Bn. Som. Lt. Inf. Verified on roll.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Cpl. S. Terne. 2nd Bn. Liverpool R.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Sepoy Manbir Magar. 2nd Bn. 3rd Gurkha Regt.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Bronze. Jam Hohamid Khan. Comst. Transport Dep.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Sikkim 1888. Sergt. D. Deenihan. 2nd Bn. Derby R.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1888. Surgn. W.H.E. Woodwright. I.M.S. Recipient was born in Co. Monaghan on
10-7-1865. L.R.S.C.I. 1886. L.K.Q.C.P. 1886. Surgeon 1.10.1887. F.R.C.S.I. 1891. Major 1.10.1899.
Lt. Colonel 1.10.1907. S. List 21.6.1915. Retired 10.7.1920.
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1888. Sepoy Mattar Sing Surung. 2nd Bn. 5th Gurkha Regt.
82. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1888. Pte. F. Wran. 2nd Bn. R. Sussex R.
83. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1888. Naick Hazuri. 2nd Sikh Infy. Loose suspender.
84. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1888.
Cpl. H. Parratt. 2nd Bn. Northd. Fus. Suspender loose.
85. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1888. Pte. J. Hixon. 2nd Bn. Northd. Fus.
86. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1887-89. Pte. W. Kelleher. 2nd Bn. R. Munster Fus.
87. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1887-89. Sgt. T. Butler. 1st Bn. Hampshire R.
88. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1887-89. Drummer J. Connell. 2nd Bn. R.W. Surrey. R.
89. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1887-89. Pte. W. Woolins. 2nd Bn. Cheshire R. Possible renaming.
90. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1887-89. Cpl. V. Guidolli. 2nd Bn. Cheshire R. Verified on roll.
91. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1889-92. Cpl. G.W. Taylor. 1st Bn. D.C. Lt. Infy.
92. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Chin-Lushai 1889-90. Pte. G.H. Roache. 1st Bn. Cheshire R. Verified on roll.
93. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Chin-Lushai 1889-90. Pte. Luknac Gonac. 28th Bo. Infy.
94. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Chin-Lushai. 1889-90. Sub-Postmaster Sarada Prasad Dutt. Postal Dept.
95. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar N.E. Frontier 1891. Sepoy Jawahir Khan. 1st Bl. Infy.
96. I.G.S. 1854. 1 Bar N.E. Frontier 1891. Pte. E.W. Ives. 4th Bn. K.R.R.C. Sold with copy papers. (NEF)
97. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Lushai 1889-92. Sepoy Hardit Pande. Mily. Police Bn. Pyinmana.
98. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Lushai 1889-92. Sepoy Dasarath Gurung. Mily. Police Bn.
99. I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Lushai 1889-92. Pte. E. Bennett. 4th Bn. K.R.R.C. Copy papers - medal &bar. Verified. (NEF)
100.I.G.S. 1854 1Bar Samana 1891. Gnr. W. Lucas. No. 3 Mtn. Bty. R.A. Sold with copy papers.
101.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1891. Pte. G. Ladd. 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highrs. Verified on roll.
102.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1891. L/Cpl. C. Knappett. 1st B.n. R.W. Fus.
103.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Hazara 1891. Bronze. Dooly Bearer Bodhai. Comst. Transport Dept.
104.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Burma 1889-92 Pte. H. Pegham. 2nd Bn. Devon Regt. Verified.
105.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Chin Hills 1892-93, Spr. Soonthrum. No. 1 Coy. 26th Sappers & Miners.
106.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Chin Hills 1892-93. Un-named (not erased). Traces of silvering. Rare Bronze Bar. (NEF)
107.I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Waziristan 1894-5. Pte. Mooneesaw My. 14th Madras Infy.
108.I.G.S. 1854 2 Bars Chin Hills 1892-93/Burma 1887-89. Sepoy Rallan Singh. Aje-U-Mil. Police Bn. (NEF)
109.I.G.S. 1854 2 Bars Burma 1885-7/Burma 1887-89. Sgt. P. Carter. 1st Bn. Rifle Bde. (Top bar loose) (NEF)
110.I.G.S. 1854 2 Bars Burma 1885-7/Burma 1887-89. Pte. J. Stacey. 2nd Bn. Somerset L.I.
111. I.G.S. 1854 3 Bars Bhootan/Burma 1885-7/Burma 1887-89. Lieut. S.B. Home. 6th N.I. Ensign - 12-10-1859.
Lieut. - 28-7-1861. Captain - 6-5-1869. Major - 12-10-1879. Lt. Colonel - 17-11-1885. Colonel 12-10-1889.
Retired - 20-11-1891. Also entitled to Afghan 1878-80 Medal without clasp. Sold with brief career details. (NEF)
112. Abyssinia. Major F.J. Ellis. Commst. Dept.
113.Abyssinia. D. Cahill. H.M. 45th Regt. The suspension ring has been squashed into a more oblong shape. (NEF)
114.Abyssinia. W.H. Tredidgo. Caulker. H.M.S. Argus. Usual (neat) repair to suspender.
115. Ashantee 1873-4. 1 Bar Coomassie. Pte. J. Smith. 42nd Highlanders. Recipient suffered gunshot wounds to
116.Ashantee 1873-74. No. Bar. J. May. Gunr. R.M.A. HMS Aegus. Contact marks.
117.Ashantee. No Bar. Pte. J. Bumford. 2 Bn. Rfile Bde. 1873-4.
Sold with copy papers. Born Long Compton,
Warwickshire, and enlisted, aged 18 ½, at Warwick on 3-1-1855. He was discharged on 11-12-1875. Very minor
contact marks.
118.Ashantee. 1 Bar Coomassie. A. Sisley Pte., R.M. HMS Active.
119. Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Pte. J.W. Raper. 2/15th Foot.
120.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Major W.R. Bunbury. Bl. S.C. Exe. Cdm. Off.
Ensign 104th Regt. 1855. Lieut. 1863, Major, Sub. Assistant Commissary General, 1st class, on Field Service
1878. Present in engagement of Ali Kheyl. Lt. Colonel, Asst. Commissary General 1st class 1884. Colonel,
Indian Staff Corps 1888. Retired 1896. Sold with career details.
121.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Sepoy Chanisa Chand. 1st Goorkha Regt.
(Sales list No. 154.wps
122.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Pol. Local Lt. W.E.C. Paget. Trans. Dep.
123.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Dfr. Shew Lall. 17th Bengal Cavy.
124.Afghanistan 1878-80. No. Bar. Cpl. G.O. Easter. 2/7th Foot. Enlisted 8-2-1881. Sgt. 29-3-1882. L/G
30-6-1903 - “Conductor G.O. Easter to be Deputy-Assistant Commissary, and to have the honorary rank of
Lieutenant. Dated 4-2-1903”.
125.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Pte. Geo. Hart. 63rd Regt.
126.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Sepoy Deua Sing. 1st Punjab Infy.
127.Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Pte. W. Flanagan. 2/8th Regt.
128.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Ahmed Khel. Dvr. G. Brewer A/B. R.H.A. Verified on roll.
129.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Ahmed Khel. Pte. T. Campion. 59th Foot.
130.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Ahmed Khel. L/Cpl. J. Suffern. 59 Foot.
131.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Ali Musjid. Sgt. W. Eden. 1/17th Regt.
132.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Ali Musjid. Pte. C. Hampshire. 4th Bn. Rifle Bd.
133.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Kandahar. Pte.. J. Dunkin 2/7th Foot. Verified on roll.
134.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Kandahar. Lieut. C.F.S. Alban. Tran. Ser.
135.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Peiwar Kotal. Pte. T. Armstrong. 2/8th Regt. Verified on roll.
136.Afghanistan 1878-80. 1 Bar Peiwar Kotal. Pte.. J. Kilroy. 2/8th Regt. Sold with copy papers.
137.Afghanistan 1878-80. 2 Bars Charasia/Kabul. L/Cpl. P. Callaghan. 67th Foot.
138.Afghanistan 1878-80. 2 Bars Charasia/Kabul. Pte. E. Galton. 67th Foot.
139.Afghanistan 1878-80. 2 Bars Kabul/Charasia. Sepoy Gumbheer Singh. 5th Regt. N.I.
140.Afghanistan 1878-80. 2 Bars Charasia/Kabul. Cpl. R. Holloway. 67th Foot.
141.Egypt - 1882. No Bar. C. Wallace. A.B. HMS Inconsistent.
142.Egypt - 1882. 1 Bar Suakin 1885. Gnr. .J. Burke. 6/1 Sco. Div. R.A.
143.Egypt - 1882. 1 Bar Tel-El-Kebir. Pte. T. Collins. 2/York & Lanc. R. Pitted.
144.Egypt - 1882 1 Bar Tel-El-Kebir. Pte. J. Bennett. 12th Co. C.&T. Corps.
145.Egypt - 1882 1 Bar Tel-El-Kebir. Pte. J. Scott. 1/Scots Gds.
146.Egypt - 1 Bar El-Teb. Pte. J. Murray. 1/Rl. Highrs.
147.Egypt - 1 Bar The Nile 1884-85. Pte. J. Messon. 1/Rl. Irish Regt.
148.Egypt. - 1 Bar El-Teb-Tamaai. Pte. E. Nowland. 3/K.R. Rif. C.
149.Egypt - 1 Bar Suakin 1885. Pte. W. Campion. 1/Coldstream Gds. Verified. Shallow pitting.
150.Egypt - 1 Bar Suakin 1885. Cpl. H. Moseley. M.S. Corps.. Shallow pitting.
151.Egypt - 1 Bar Gemaizah 1888. Pte. R. Gill. 2/K.O. Scot. Bord. Slight Pitting.
152.Egypt - 2 Bars El-Teb-Tamaai/The Nile 1884-85. Pte. A. Croad. 1/Gordon Highrs.
153.Egypt - 3 Bars Tel-El-Kebir/The Nile 1884-85/Abu Klea. Pte. J. Bergin. 3/K.R. Rif. C. Only 25 Abu Klea
clasps to the K.R.R.C.
154.Khedives Star 1882.
155.Khedives Star 1884-6. Reverse impressed “ 1448. R.I.” (Royal Irish)
156.Khedives Star 1884-6.
157.East and West Africa. For M’Wele 1895-6. Hvdr. Umar Din. 24th Bo. Infy.
158.British South Africa Coy. - Rhodesia 1896. Cpl. I.D. Mackenzie. ‘D’ Troop. B.F.F.
159.I.G.S. 1895. 3 Bars Pjb. Fr/Samana/Tirah. Gnr. J. Power. 11th Fd. Bty. R.A. Sold with copy papers.
160.I.G.S. 1895. 3 Bars Rel. of Thitral/Tirah/Pjb. Fr. Pte. W. Knowles. 2nd Bn. K.O. Sco. Bord. Recipient was
K.I.A. on 21-11-1897 at Bagh. - Gunshots to body.
161.I.G.S. 1895. 3 Bars Pjb. Fr/Sam/Tirah. Sowar Ali Asghar. Kurrum Militia.
162.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Malakand. Sepoy Tiarzand Ali. 24th Punjab Infy.
163.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Malakand. Sepoy Hansu. 31st Bengal Infy.
164.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Malakand 1897. Sepoy Shah Wali Khan. 31st Bl. Infy.
165.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Samana. Pte. C. Luff. 2nd Bn. Ryl. Irish Regt. Sold with copy papers.
166.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Tirah. Pte. G. Fordham. 2nd Bn. Ryl Sussex Regt. Sold with copy papers. (NEF)
167.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Tirah. Sepoy Ramia Thapa. 2nd Bn. 1st Gurkha Rifles. Loose suspender.
168.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Tirah. Pte. J. Bailey. 1st Bn. Ryl. W. Surrey. R. Bars Verified.
169.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Tirah. Ballak Ram. Survey Dept.
170.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Tirah. Pte. S. Foot. 1st Bn. Dorset R. Recipient died of Enteric fever at Cherat on
27-7-1898, aged 25. Sold with copy of death certificate and medal verification.
171.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Tirah. Rfn. Kirpal Sing Negi. 39th Bl. Infy.
172.I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb. Fr/Samana. Hav. Gosaom. 5th Junjab Infy.
173.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Rel. of Chitral. Pte. T.W. Smith. 1st Bn. Gordon Highrs. Verified on roll. (EF)
174.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Rel. of Chitral. Hav. Buta Singh. 20 (D.C.O.) P.I.
175.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Rel. of Chitral. Pte. H. Evans. 2nd Bn. Seaforth Highrs.
176.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Rel. of Chitral. Dvr. O. Allen. 15 Fd. By. R.A.
177.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Spr. Lal Khan. Bl. Sappers and Miners.
178.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Sepoy Bustu Singh. 35/Sikhs.
179.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Sepoy Biland. 1st Punjab Infy.
180.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Gnr. Jawan Singh. No. 8 Bl. Mtn. Bty.
181.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Sepoy Khazana. 4th Sikh Infy.
182.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Sepoy Kale Khan. 22nd Punjab Infy.
183.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Signr. Heeralal. Tel. Dept.
184.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Bronze. Driver Nalbu. 1st Patiala I.S. Infy.
185.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Jemadar Pooran Singh. 12th Bl. Cavalry. Enlisted 26-8-1882, Jemadar
186.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Punjab Fr. Pte. H. Drewett. 3rd Bn. Rifle Bde. Verified on roll.
187.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Waziristan 1901-2. W.A. Amesbury Esq.. Asst. Engr. P.W. Dept. A very rare clasp to a
188.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Waziristan 1901-2. L/Nk. Kaim. 20th Mule Cps.
189.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Waziristan 1901-2. Bronze. Syce. 5th Pjb. Cavy.
190.I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Waziristan 1901-2. Bronze. Syce Kamar Ali. 5th Punjab Cavy.
191.Khedives Sudan No Bar. Un-named as issued.
192.Khedives Sudan. No Bar. Pte. J. Smith. 5th Fusrs.
193.Khedives Sudan. Pte. R. Lisle. 1st Sea. Highrs. Sold with copy of roll which lists recipient as deceased.
(Researcher’s report states “killed”) Roll shows entitlement to “Atbara” clasp.
194.Khedives Sudan. 2 Bars Firket/Hafir. Un-named as issued.
195.Khedives Sudan. 4 Bars Firket/Hafir/Sudan 1897/Khartoum. Un-named.
196.Khedives Sudan. No Bar. Bronze. Un-named as issued.
197.East and Central Africa. 1 Bar 1898. Pak Shadi 27th Bo. Infy. Rank and Regiment’s number erased.
Suspender re- pinned.
198.Q.S.A. 6 Bars CC/OFS/Johan/D.Hill/Belfast/SA’01. Pte. C. Manners. Rl. Warwick R. Sold with copy papers
and roll, verifying bars.
199.Q.S.A. 5 Bars CC/OFS/TVL/SDA’01/SA’02. Pte. T.J. Maller. N. Zealand M.R. Ghost dates. Toned. (NEF)
200.Q.S.A. 5 Bars Rel. of Kimberley/Paard/Drief/Johan/Sa’01. Capt. O. Harris. W. Riding Regt.
Recipient died of enteric and pneumonia on 9-10-1901. Born 1863 and educated at Winchester. Joined
W. Riding Regt from 3/R.W. Kent R. Jan 1884. Capt. Feb. 1890. Adjutant of Volunteers Feb. 1892 to Feb. 1898,
and held the local rank of Major in S. Africa from Feb. 22nd 1901, whilst commanding a Battn. of M.I. He was
wounded at Klip Kraal on 16-2-1900, and again wounded (severely) at Bothaville on 6-11-1900. Mentioned in
despatches - L/G 8-2-1901.
201.Q.S.A. 5 Bars CC/OFS/TVL/SA’01/SA’02. Lieut. A.W. White. 21/Imp. Yeo. Lt. White was seconded for
service with the Imperial Yeomanry from the 4th Vol. Bn. South Wales Borderers.
202.Q.S.A. 4 Bars CC/TVL/SA’01/SA’02. Cpl. A. Venn. 51st Coy. Imp. Yeo. (Paget’s) Recipient was K.I.A. at
Trenanfontein on 21-1-1902.
203.Q.S.A. 4 Bars Tug. Hts/Rel. of L’Smith/TVL/L. Nek. Pte. T. Heaps. 13/Hussars. D.O.W. at Buchmans Kop
on 23-2-1901.
204.Q.S.A. 4 Bars CC/OFS/TVL/SA’01/SA’02. Sgt. C.S. Wheeler. 2nd Dragoon Gds.
205.Q.S.A. 4 Bars Def. Of L’Smith/OFS/L. Nek/Belfast. Pte. T. Greenin. 19/Hussars. Contact marks.
206.Q.S.A. 4 Bars CC/OFS/SA’01/SA’02. Checker G. Kinton. A.S.C.
207.Q.S.A. 4 Bars CC/OFS/SA’01/SA’02. Cpl. J. Stage. Scottish C.C.
Rare Unit.
208.Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/SA’02. Pte. E. Prince. Manchester Regt. Sold with copy papers.
209.Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/TVL. Pte. B. Mitchell. 23rd Coy. 8th Imp. Yeo.
210.Q.S.A. 3 Bars TVL/SA’01/SA’02. 3rd Cl. Tpr. R.J. Smith. S.A.C. Sold with Irish Rifle Assocn. Bronze Gilt
Medal with 8 date bars - 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1892. 1894. 1895 and 1896.
211.Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/TVL/L.Nek. Pte. A. McCallister. Liverpool R. D.O.W. Johannesburg 20-9-1900
212.Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/L.Nek/Belfast. Pte. W. Smith. Liverpool R. Recipient was wounded in action at Helvetia on
29-12-1900 when four weak companies of the Kings Regt., under the command of Major S.L. Cotton, and
detachments of the 19th Hussars and 6th Coy W.D. R.G.A., suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Boer troops
commanded by Gen. Ben Viljoen.
213.Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/SA’02. Pte. H. Cowell. Vol. Coy. E. Lanc. R.
214.Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/TVL. Pte. N. Crowther 23rd Coy. 8th Imp. Yeo. K.I.A. near Hoopstad on 23-10-1900 (EF) £525
215.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/OFS. Pte. A. Prescott. 1st Camn. Highrs. Recipient died of disease at Kroonstad on
216.Q.S.A. 2 Bars OFS/SA’01. W.A. Tomlin. F.I.D. (Field Intelligence Dept.)
217.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/SA’02. Pte. W. Skipton. Worcester Regt. Sold with copy papers.
218.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/OFS. Cpl. A. Levy. Rl. Fusiliers.
219.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/OFS. Pte. E.W. Langley. Oxford Lt. Infy.
220.Q.S.A. 2 Bars OFS/TVL. Pte. E.H. McChesney. Imp. Lt. Horse. Recipient was killed by lightning at
Vischgat on 9-11-1901.
221.Q.S.A. 2 Bars TVL/SA’02. 2/Lieut. G. Waters. A.S.C. Loose suspender. (VF)
222.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/OFS. Pte. W.E. Sale. 2nd East Yorkshire R. Died of disease on 20-6-1900 & buried in
President Avenue Cemetery, Bloemfontein. (EF)
223.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/Paard. Pte. W. Bryce. 1st Highland Lt. Infy. Verified.
224.Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/Witt. Cpl. J. Morris. 2/E. Yorkshire Regt. Sold with copy papers.
225.Q.S.A. 1 Bar Cape Colony. Pte. T. McManus. W. Yorkshire Regt. Recipient died of injuries caused by an
accident on the railway at Kimberley on 4-7-1901.
226.Q.S.A. 1 Bar Relief of Kimberley. Sgt. I. Louis. A.S.C.
227.Q.S.A. No Bar. Pte. W.G. Paston. S. Stafford R. Sold with copy papers which show entitlement to bars for
O.F.S. and SA’02.
228.Q.S.A. No Bar. Captain C. Glluyas. Rand Rif.
229.Q.S.A. No Bar. Pte. S. Leech. Manchester Regt.
230.Q.S.A. No Bar. (Silver). Multr. Mahomed Zaman. S. & T. Corps.
231.K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Sgt. J.C. Forbes. R.G.A.
232.K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Pte. W. Roberts. N. Stafford Regt.
233.K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Pte. A. McDiarmid. K.O. Scot. Bord.
234.K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Pte. J. Turnbull. Northd. Fus. Official correction to initial “J”. K.I.A. with 1st Bn.
At Klerksdorp on 25th Feb. 1902.
235.K.S.A. 1 Bar S. Africa 1902. Pte. A. Griffiths. N. Stafford Regt. Confirmed a s one bar medal. (GVF)
236.S.S. Maine Silver Medallion. 1¾” diameter - Fitted as a hospital ship and lent to the British Govt for use in
Transvaal War by President of Atlantic Transport Coy. Tribute Medal. In fitted case.
237.Queens Mediterranean Medal. Pte. G. Isherwoo. L.N. Lanc. Regt.
238.Queens Mediterranean Medal. Pte. A. Mackenzie. Seaforth Highrs.
239.China 1900. 1 Bar Relief of Pekin. H. Robinson. Pte. R.M. HMS Orlando.
240.China 1900. 1 Bar Relief of Pekin. J. Barrett. Ord. HMS Aurora.
241.China 1900. 1 Bar Relief of Pekin. T. Prynn. A.B. HMS Aurora. Wounded 19-6-1900 - bullet wound to right
242.Transport Medal. 1 Bar S. Africa 1899-1902. J. Craig. In command. (S.S. Algeria - Anchor line) (NEF)
243.Ashanti Medal. Bar Kumassi. Pte. Ibrahima Bakanu. G.C.C. (Gold Coast Constaby.)
244.A.G.S. 1 Bar Somaliland 1902-04. Bronze. Cooly Sowar Khan. S. & T.C. Verified.
245.A.G.S. 1 Bar Somaliland 1902-04. Sepoy Hoossain Khan.11. 101/Gren. Repair to suspender, does not swivel (GVF) £175
246.A.G.S. 1 Bar Somaliland 1902-04, A.W. Spurling. Sgt. R.M. HMS Perseus.
247.A.G.S. 1 Bar Kenya. Warder John S/O Oleje.
248.A.G.S. 1 Bar Kenya. Capt. K.B. Holloway. R.A.M.C. M.B. Capt 31-8-1954 - Regular Army National Service
249.A.G.S. 2 Bars Somaliland 1902-04/Jidballi. Sepoy Megh Singh. Bikanir Camel Corps.
250.Tibet 1903-4. No Bar. Silver. Sepoy Dartap Singh. 32nd Sikh Pioneers. Minor edge knocks.
251.Tibet 1903-4. No Bar. Bronze. Cooly Dismull. S. & T. Corps.
252.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Silver. L/Cpl. W. Ramble. 1st Bn. Ryl. Fuslrs.
253.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Silver. L/Nk. Ahmed. 24th P.M. Corps.
254.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Silver. Saddler Jaggamath Badhi. 12th Mule Corps.
255.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Silver. Clerk Sardar Singh. Postal Dept.
256.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Silver. Const. Mambir Gurung. Sikkim Police.
257.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Bronze. Cooly Pharke Magar. S. & T.C.
258.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Bronze. Cooly Doree. S. & T. Corps.
259.Tibet 1903-4. 1 Bar Gyantse. Bronze. Cooly Kabiraj Gussarn. S & T. Corps. (GVF)
260.Messina Earthquake Medal 1908. Un-named as issued.
261.Khedives Sudan 1910. 2nd type. 1 Bar Nyima 1917-18. Un-named as issued.
262.Khedives Sudan 1910. 1st type. No Bar. Bronze. Un-named as issued.
263.Khedives Sudan 1910. 1 Bar Zeraf 1913-14. Silver. Un-named as issued.
264.1914 Star & Bar. Cpl. J. Burke. 1/K.R.R.C. (copy bar)
265.1914 Star & Bar, Pte. J. Russell A.S.C. (copy bar)
266.1914 Star. Pte. J. Capstick. R. Lanc. R. (Kings Own) Recipient was K.I.A., on 5-4-1916 with the 6th Bn.,
in Mesopotamia and is commemorated on the Basra Memorial.
267.1914 Star. Strpr. J.T. Bradbury. A.S.C.
268.1914 Star. Pte. W. Proctor. 1/Leicerster R.
269.1914 Star. Pte. C. Howard. 18/Hussars.
270.1914 Star. Lieut. C.R. Shannon. Recipient K.I.A. 4.10.1915 and is commemorated on the Loos Memorial (NEF) £175
271.1914 Star. Cpl. H.G. Mathers. 1/K.R. Rif. C. Sold with recipient’s B.W.M. and “Dog-tag”.
272.1914 Star. Pte. J. Taylor. 1/6 Welsh Regt.
273.1914-15 Star. Sepoy Khushi Hohd. 92/Punjabis.
274.1914-15 Star. Pte. T. Stark. R. Highlanders. Sold with recipient’s Victory Medal.
275.1914-15 Star. Spr. F.C. Young. R.E.
276.1914-15 Star. Sepoy Makhmud Ji. 1/Bn. Guides Infy.
277.1914-15 Star. Gnr. G. Ewer. R.F.A.
278.1914-15 Star. Nk. Devi Singh. 1/30/Punjabis.
279.1914-15 Star. Sepoy Ranjha. 1/41 Dogras.
280.1914-15 Star. Pte. A.B. Crumpton. R.M.L.I. Sold with recipient’s B.W.M. He was K.I.A., on 26.10.1917serving
with 1/R.M. Bn. R.N.D., & is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial. Sold with damaged boxes of issue. (NEF) £140
281.1914-15 Star. Spr. A.J. Piggott. R.E. Sold with recipient’s B.W.M. and damaged boxes of issue.
282.1914-15 Star. Pte. E. Gurney. R.W. Kent R. Sold with recipient’s Victory Medal. Pte. Gurney was K.I.A. with
the 7th Bn on 1.7.1916 (First Day of the Somme) and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.
283.1914-15 Star. Pte. W. Huson. N. Staffs. R.
284.1914-15 Star. Pte. E.W. Dark. Devon R.
285.1914-15 Star. Dvr. Feroze. 7/Mule Corps.
286.1914-15 Star. Cpl. J.M. Huson. Stafford Yeo.
287.1914-15 Star. Lieut. W. Somerville. R.A.M.C. Sold with M.I.C. which shows service in Gallipoli and
entitled to S.W.B.
288.1914-15 Star. F. Thorpe. W.T.O. RNR (Served in the Wireless Telegraphy Service)
289.1914-15 Star. 21594 Pte. A. Paylor Yorks L.I. Double issue of Star to same man - per Roll 0/2/88 Page 784
and Roll 0/2/2B Page 475.
290.1914-15 Star. Sepoy Lal Khan. 46/Punjabis.
(Sales list No. 154.wps
291.B.W.M. Pte. L. Earnshaw. Monmouth R.
292.B.W.M. Pte. A. Middlehurst. S. Lancashire R.
293.B.W.M. Gnr. W. Penfold. R.A.
294.B.W.M. Gnr. G. Woodgate. R.A.
295.B.W.M. Dvr. Sajawal. 7. Mule Corps.
296.B.W.M. Dvr. Atta Mohd. A. Mule Depot.
297.B.W.M. Dvr. Wali Mohd. C. Mule Depot.
298.B.W.M. Pte. W. Wynd. Q.O.R. Glasgow Yeo.
299.B.W.M. L/Sgt. J.P. Deverenne. 26-Canadian Inf. Sold with copy papers.
300.B.W.M. Sep. Gulab Din. 24. Punjabis.
301.B.W.M. Sep. Yar Mohd. 1-25 Punjabis.
302.B.W.M. Sep. Gulab Khan. 54-Sikhs.
303.B.W.M. Bearer Aziz Ahmed. 57 Rifles F.F.
304.B.W.M. Nk. Jahan Khan. 130 Baluchis.
305.B.W.M. Major S.D. Sewell (R.E.) K.I.A., aged 40, serving with the 3rd Field Coy on 18-2-1915 and buried in
Ypres Town Cemetery Extension. He was O/C 3rd Fd. Coy, 2nd London Division (T/F)
306.B.W.M. Cpl. W. Revie. Highland Lt. Infy. Sold with M.I.C.
307.B.W.M. Pte. J. Silk. Cheshire Regt.
308.B.W.M. Pte. G.W. Whildes. Seaforth Highrs. Recipient was K.I.A. with the 1st Bn. In Mesopotamia on 20.5.1916
and is buried in Amara War Cemetery, Iraq.
309.B.W.M. 2/Lieut. M. Watt. R.A.F.
310.B.W.M. Pte. M.F. Holden. Connaught Rangers. (NEF)
311.B.W.M. Ftr. Dalip Singh. Meso’ Rlys.
312.B.W.M. Nk. Jahan Khan. 130 Baluchis.
313.B.W.M. Lt. Col. J.G.P. Murray - I.M.S. Born 1875. M.B. C.M. (Honours) 1896. M.D. 1910. Ed . S. Lt. 28.7.1897
Capt. 28.7.1900. Major 28.1.1909. F.R.C.S. Ed 1910. Lt. Col. 28.1.1917. S. List 21.9.1926. Retired 21.3.1927.
314.Victory. Sepoy Slawal Khan. 2-Guides Infy.
315.Victory. Havr. Jalal Khan. 93 Infy. Recipient was K.I.A. on 16-6-1916 &is commemorated on Basra Memorial (NEF) £33
Victory. L/Nk. Ganpat Singh. 3-S. & M. Recipient was K.I.A. on 18-2-1916 and is commemorated on the
Basra Memorial.
316.Victory. Dvr. Faten Jang. A. Mule Depot.
317.Victory. Sepoy Blawal Khan. 2. Guides Infy.
318.Victory. Havr. Muhd Nawaz. 27-Punjabis.
319.Victory. Spr. L.F. White. R.E.
320.Victory. 2/Lieut. D.V. Gillespie R.A.F. Recipient, a pilot on 70th Sqn., was K.I.A., aged 20, on 6-4-1918.
The official report states “He was shot down in a combat with a superior number of hostile aircraft and his
death was instantaneous.” He is buried in Villers-Bretonneux Military Cemetery, Somme. War graves entry states
M.I.D. His three brothers were all awarded the Military Cross.
321.Victory. Sepoy Ahmad Khan. 82 Punjabis.
322.Victory. Dvr. Fatteh Khan. A. Mule Depot.
323.Victory. Dvr. Fateh Khan. A. Mule Depot.
324.Victory. Pte. S. Smith. Monmouth R.
325.Victory. Sowar Sher Khan. 36-Horse.
326.Victory. Te. W. Brown. Scot. Rifles. K.I.A. with 9th Bn., on 22-3-1918 and commemorated on the Pozieres
327.Victory. Pte. J. Gallagher. Army Cyclist Corps.
328.Victory. Pte.1. T. Bowser. R.A.F.
329.Victory. Pte. C.J. Morrell. Middlesex R.
330.Victory. Pte. R. Greenhalgh. Manchester R. - 16th Service Bn. “Pals” Bn. - Sold with M.I.C. and roll. (NEF)
331.Victory Cpl. F.W. Albertyn S.A.M.C. (Bi-Lingual reverse)
332.Territorial Force War Medal. Gnr. G. Pepperd. R.A.
333.Scottish Woman’s Hospital Medal. For War Service 1914. N.U.W.S.S. Bronze. Very scarce.
334.British Red Cross Society for War Service 1914-1918. Complete with Top Pin Bar.
335.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1908. Bronze Cooly Kalla. 1. Tel. Dept. (Indian Telegraph Dept)
336.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1908. Sowar Sahfras Khan. 37th Lancers.
337.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1908. Carpenter Badar Din. 1st Mule Corps.
338.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1908. Sowar Umhojo Khan. 21st Cavalry. Loose suspender.
339.I.G.S. 1 Bar Abor 1911-12. Spr. Ghulam Nabi. 1st K.G.O. S. & M.
340.I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Pte. W.H. White. 1-K.D. Guards.
341.I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. A/Cpl. A.C. White. R.W. Kent R.
Sales list No. 154.wps
342.I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Pte. F. Beaver. 2/Somerset L.I. Sold with M.I.C. etc..
343.I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. L/Cpl. T. Kirkham. N. Staff. Regt.
344.I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Dvr. Mohd Ali. 45 Mule Corps.
345.I.G.S. 1 Bar Mahsud 1919-20. Dvr. Mohammad. 27 Mtn. Bty.
346.I.G.S. 1 Bar Waziristan 1921-24. Pte. W.T. Thomas. Welch Regt.
347.I.G.S. 1 Bar Waziristan 1921-24. Pte. J. Downes. R. Berkshire R.
348.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. Pte. J. Gibb. Seaforth Highrs.
349.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. Pte. W.F. Knights. Durham Lt. Infy.
350.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. Gnr. R.I. Hughes R.A.
351.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. 2/Lieut. W.H. Niall. 2-9 Jat R. Born 6-1-1909. Commissioned 31-1-1929. Died on
3-5-1944, aged 35 as a Major serving with 9th Bn., 9th Punjab Regt., and buried in Madras War Cemetery. Chennai.
Mounted as worn.
352.I.G.S. 1 Bar Burma 1930-32. Sep. Turkistan. Kurram Mil.
353.I.G.S. 1 Bar Burma 1930-32. L/Nk. Bahadur Gurung. N.S.S. Bn. B.M.P.
354.I.G.S. 1 Bar Burma 1930-32. Sepoy Shamande Rai. Res. Bn. B.M.P.
355.I.G.S. 1 Bar Mohmand 1933. Gnr. W. Sheppard R.A.
356.I.G.S. 1 Bar Mohmand 1933. Sep. Mai Ditta. 3-14 Punjab R. Recipient was K.I.A., aged 30, on 5.2.1941, and
is commemorated on the Khartoum Memorial.
357.I.G.S. 1 Bar Mohmand 1933. Gnr. C. Winmill R.A. Recipient was K.I.A., aged 33, serving with 1/H.A.A. Regt.
R.A., on 25-10-1943, and is buried in Catania War Cemetery, Sicily.
358.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1935. Sepoy Karam Dad. R.I.A.S.C. (M.T.)
359.I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1935. Pte. A. Andrews. D.W.R. Edge knock at 6 o’clock (reverse)
360.I.G.S. 2 Bars Afghan NWF 1919/Waz. 1919-21. Sepoy Nikko. 37/Dogras.
361.I.G.S. 2 Bars Burma 1930-32/NWF 1935. Sepoy Rostan Khan. 2-15 Punjab R. Obverse heavily polished. (GF)
362.N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939. F.W. Granger. A.B. R.N.
363.N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939.. W. Painter. Sto. 1. R.N.
364.N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939. Schlmr. G.N. Pask. R.N. (Schoolmaster)
365.N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. .B. Gildin. E.M.I. R.N.
366.N.G.S. 1 Bar Minesweeping 1945-51. S. Lt. J.F.A. Hall. R.N.V.R. Official correction to rank and initials. (NEF) £135
367.N.G.S. 1 Bar Minesweeping 1945-51. A. Knight. Sto. Mech. R.N.
368.N.G.S. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. L.P. Webb Mne. R.M. Naming rubbed.
369.N.G.S. 1 Bar Near East. J.G. Rathbone J. Smn. R.N.
370.N.G.S. 1 Bar Near East. R.A. Findlay. Tel. R.N.
371.N.G.S. 1 Bar Near East. Lieut. T.F.K. Bonner. R.N.
372.N.G.S. 2 Bars Palestine 1936-1939/Palestine 1945-48. P. Trotter. Sig. 1. R.N.
373.N.G.S. 2 Bars Palestine 1945-48/Malaya. R.J. Biss. Mne. R.M.
374.G.S.M. 1 Bar Kurdistan. Pte. J. Ingall. W. York R. Verified on roll.
375.G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. Pte. J. Lister. Northd. Fus. Verified on roll.
376.G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. R. Pilkington. Sold with M.I.C. and roll which shows Miss Pilkington employed as a clerk
at the Ordnance Dump, Mosul, Mesopotamia from 1.1.20 to 15.9.20. Rare.
377.G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. Pte. J. Measures. North’d. Fus.
378.G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. Nurse S.M. Golvin. Q.A.I.M.N.S.R.
379.G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. Pte. T.W. Stanbridge. R. Fusiliers. (GVF)
380.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Pte. A.E. Taylor. Essex R.
381.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Dvr. H. Morey. R.E.
382.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Pte. J.F. Owens. W. York R. Edge knocks.
383.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Pte. I. Dewar. A. & S.H.
384.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Sgln. A. Pask. R. Signals.
385.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Pte. W. Kelly. Worcester R. Recipient was awarded the Military Medal (M.M.) per
L/G of 16-4-1942 for bravery in East Africa. - “At Gogni on 26-1-1941 W/Sgt. Kelly in command of his
platoon was ordered to advance and occupy a small hill from which to give covering fire to the main advance
upon the objective. He skilfully led his platoon across bullet swept country and later was able to leap frog through
into the main objective where he captured seven prisoners.
After a strong enemy counter-attack had been repulsed by fire, and whilst the position was under shell fire,
volunteers were called for to organise a bayonet charge to clear the enemy from a small re-entrant. W/Sgt. Kelly
immediately volunteered ad whilst organising his party was wounded. Throughout this operation, this N.C.O.
showed a complete disregard for his own personal safety, and by his example and leadership was largely responsible
for the success of the operation”.
Sold with silver shooting medal, reverse engraved “Rfm. W. Kelly. Recruits Best Rifle Shot 1930” (NEF)
386.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Dvr. J. Delvin. R.A.S.C. Recipient was K.I.A., aged 24, on 14-11-1942, serving with
14 Gen. Transport Coy., R.A.S.C. and is commemorated on the Alamein Memorial.
387.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Gnr. J.D. Carlisle. R.A.
388.G.S.M. 1 Bar S.E. Asia 1945-46. L.A.C. F.R. Myatt. R.A.F.
389.G.S.M. 1 Bar S.E. Asia 1945-46. Pte. A. Felstead. W. Yorks.
390.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Gnr. E. Blake. R.A.
391.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. D. Tokonye. A.P.C.
392.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Spr. R. Heseldin R.E.
393.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. R. Stubbs. A.A.C. (Army Air Corps.)
394.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Sgt. J. Viccars. R.A.F. In box of issue.
395.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Sigmn. K.C. Bilton. R. Signals. In box of issue.
396.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Tpr. R. Coleman. 4/7 Dgn. Gds.
397.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Tpr. T. May. 17/21 Lancers.
398.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. W.G. Manville. Herts. R.
399.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Spr. R.W. F. Chilcott. R.E.
400.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. R. Turner. H.L.I.
401.G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. J. Marshall. K.O.S.B.
402.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Cpl. E. Lightbody. W.R.A.C.
403.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. L.A.C. J. MacDonald. R.A.F.
404.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Sgt. Atiba Limamba. K.A.R.
405.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. Friday Nsonkho. K.A.R.
406.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Cey/18040550 Pte. K.H. David. R.P.C. (NEF)
407.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. L/Cpl Harneck Namwakwa. E.A.A.M.C. (East African Army Medical Corps) (VF)£195
408.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. John Chagoma. K.A.R.
409.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Sgt. A. Carus. A.C.C. (NEF)
410.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya Geo. V1. Cpl. G.H. Blakeley R.A.P.C.
411.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. Dinner Allan. K.A.R.
412.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Cpl. J. Coyne. R. Signals.
413.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. Evans Kandemela. K.A.R.
414.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Rfn. Dhanram Limbu. 7 Gurkha R.
415.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Rfn. Birbahadur Rai. 10 Gurkha R.
416.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. Jafali Morris. K.A.R.
417.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. H. Taylor. R.A.P.C.
418.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Un-named (not erased)
419.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Pte. J. Wood K.O.Y.L.I.
420.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Sister D.A. Harper. Q.A.R.A.N.C.
421.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Sigmn. J. Spears. R. Sigs.
422.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Pte. F.C.D. Sleath. Intelligence Corps.
423.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Cpl. P.M.B. Norbury. Q.A.R.A.N.C.
424.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Rfn. Singbir Gurung. 6/Gurkha Rif.
425.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. 2/9653 R.J. Gray. (Australian recipient)
426.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. S.A.C. P. Moseley R.A.F. Mounted for wear.
427.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Lieut. E.M. Munro Q.A.R.A.N.C.
428.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Pte. D. Ball. W. Yorks.
429.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Pte. D. Soutar. R.A.P.C.
430.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Act. Cpl. J.E. McLachlan. R.A.F.
431.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Sigmn. A.R. Hill. R. Sigs.
432.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Tpr. G.R. Greig. R.A.C.
433.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Major T.H. Rolph. R.E.
434.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz.11. Fus. A. Duff. R.S.F.
435.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz.11. Capt. L.W. Crawford. R.A.E.C.
436.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz.11. Tpr. G. Pendry. 12-Lancers.
437.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz.11. Capt. J.C. Clark. Q.A.R.A.N.C.
438.G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz.11. Pte. S. Gregory. R.A.O.C.
439.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Gfn. J. Baylis. R.E.M.E.
440.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Gnr. T.R. Bennett. R.A.
441.G.S.M. 2 Bars Cyprus/Near East. Pte. H. Mushet. Rl. Scots.
442.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Rfn. O. McGarvey. R.U.R.
443.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. L.A.C. D.H. Gallimope. R.A.F.
444.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Gnr. J.S. Riddel. R.A.
445.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Pte.. I. Wright. Wiltshire R.
446.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Dvr. L.V. Clifton. R.A.S.C.
447.G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. Pte. B. Horridge. R.A.O.C.
448.G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. Gnr. G. Roper. R.A.
449.G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. Pte. N.B. Dixon. R.P.C.
450.G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. Cfn. E.R. Coles. R.E.M.E. - Sold with Suez Medal, for service in the Canal Zone
(the unofficial medal manufactured by Award Productions Ltd.) Both medals in boxes.
451.G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. Cpl. W. Smith. R.E.
452.G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. Spr. G.R. Hills. R.E.
453.G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. W.O. Cl. 2. J.F. Stedman. R.E. In box of issue.
454.G.S.M. 1 Bar Brunei. Rfn. N.R. Foster. 1-Green Jackets.
455.G.S.M. 1 Bar Brunei. Sgt/Mjr. Morchan Bin Brahim. Sarawak Police.
456.G.S.M. 1 Bar Canal Zone. Pte. T.F. Benstead. R.A.O.C.
457.G.S.M. 1 Bar Canal Zone. A.C.I. A.T. Bishop. R.A.F. (impressed) In box of issue.
458.G.S.M. 1 Bar Canal Zone. Cpl. G.V. Elliott. R.A.F. Sold with original RAF certificate of service.
459.G.S.M. 1 Bar Canal Zone. AC2 W.N. Laughlin. R.A.F. (Impressed naming)
460.G.S.M. 2 Bars Malaya/Brunei. Pte. E. Bessant. R. Hamps.
461.G.S.M. 2 Bars Near East/Cyprus. Spr. J.F.R. Skinner. R.E.
462.G.S.M. 2 Bars Malaya/Cyprus. (2nd Bar loose) A.C.2. D.E.G. Martin. R.A.F. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
463.I.G.S. 1936-39. 1 Bar NWF 1936-37. L/Nk. Wirza Khan. 1. Road Construction Bn.
464.I.G.S. 1936-39. 1 Bar NWF 1936-37. Overseer Karnail Singh. M.E.S.
465.I.G.S. 1936-39. 1 Bar NWF 1936-37. L/Nk Mohd Alam. R.I.A.S.C. (A. Tpt)
466.1939-45 Star.
467.Atlantic Star
468.France & Germany Star
469.Burma Star
470.Pacific Star. Un-named as issued.
471.Defence Medal
472.War Medal 1939-45
473.Australia Service Medal 1939-45. A.J.D. Henderson.
474.India Service Medal 1939-45. Un-named as issued.
475.Normandy Campaign Medal 1944. In fitted case of issue. With Bar “Normandy”.
476.Queens Korea. Pte. A. Murphy. R. Scots.
477.Queens Korea. Cfn. J. Martin R.E.M.E.
478.Queens Korea. Pte. M.M. Appleby. D.L.I. (1st type)
479.U.N. Korea. Original striking.
480.U.N. Medal for Korea. Modern striking. (NEF)
481.C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. M.D. Edwicker. A.B. R.N. Official correction to “B” of rank.
482.C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Cpl. P. Burton. R.A.S.C.
483.C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. R.J. Wilson. R.E.M.I. R.N.
484.C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Rfn. Ombahadur Sing. ½ G.R.
485.C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. S.A.C. D. Foster. R.A.F.
486.C.S.M. 1 Bar Malay Peninsular. Spr. A.A. Grubey. R.E.
487.C.S.M. 1 Bar Malay Peninsular. S.A.C. A.P. Holstead R.A.F.
488.C.S.M. 1 Bar Radfan. S.R. Morgan. N.A.I. R.N. (F.A.A.)
489.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. Cpl. M.R. Lawson R.A.F.
490.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. Pte. S. Gascoine. K.O.Y.L.I.
491.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. S.A.C. R. Lodge. R.A.F.
492.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. L/Cpl. L.J.D. Trevithick. R. Signals.
493.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. Gdsm. A. Thomas. Welsh Gds.
494.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. Gdsm. L. Bedford. Coldstream Gds.
495.C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. Spr. F.M. Smith. R.E. In box of issue.
496.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. L/Cpl. S.R. Aspey. W.R.A.C.
497.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. D.G.J. Guy. L.I.
498.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. P.H. Woolf. Mne. R.M.
499.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Fus. C.D. Hicks. R.R.F.
500.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. J.A. Elliott. W.F.R.
501.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Gnr. A.C. Craig. R.A.
502.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Gnr. B. Robinson. R.A.
503.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. L/Cpl. J.S. Lees. R.C.T.
504.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. K.D. Whitehouse. O.E.M.I. R.N.
505.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. A.O.M. (EW) 1. M.J.F. Butler. R.N.
506.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Fus. B.A. Austin. R.H.F.
507.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A.R. Horspall P.W.O.
508.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Mne. P. Connors R.M.
509.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. J. Leeming. Q.L.R.
510.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A.M. Broom D. & D. (Devon and Dorset)
511.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. S.A.C. A.C. Edwards. R.A.F.
512.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. R. Oxley. L.I.
513.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Fus. E. Walker. R.R.F.
514.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Fus. J. Finnie. R.R.F.
515.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A.R. Ferguson. L.I.
516.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Tpr. J. Chinn. R.T.R.
517.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. S.J. Roberson. R. Anglian.
518.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Fus. M.W. Bickett R.R.F.
519.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. W. Barton. Q.L.R.
520.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. L/Bdr. G.W. Godwin R.A.
521.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A.R. Riley. Q.L.R.
522.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Dvr. G.R. Barrie. R.C.T.
523.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Air Tpr. W.A. Norman. A.A.C.
524.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. K. Dando. D.E.R.R.
525.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. P.A. Dew. L.I.
526.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Sig. M.L. Ball. R. Signals.
527.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Air Tpr. T.R. Pearce A.A.C.
528.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Tpr. A.J. Coates R.T.R.
529.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A.S. Nichols. Para.
530.C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Mne. J.J. Townsley R.M.
531.C.S.M. 1 Bar Air Operations Iraq. S.G.I.A. J. Chester. R.F.A.
532.C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Peninsular. Rfn. Rirthinarayan Limbu. 1/7 Gurkha R. Copy papers - recipient died
on 25-9-1969 whilst home on leave.
533.C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Peninsular. Rfn. Dhaniparsad Rai. 1/7 Gurkha R. Sold with copy papers. (NEF)
534.C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Pen. Rfn. Yambahadur Pun. 2/2 Gurkha Rif.
535.C.S.M. 2 Bars Radfan/S. Arabia. Dvr. E.P. Mulhollland. R.A.S.C. Mounted for wear.
536.C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/S. Arabia. Cpl. P.F. Rathbone. R.M.
537.C.S.M. 3 Bars Radfan/S. Arabia/N. Ireland. S.A.C. J.A. Ford. R.A.F.
538.C.S.M. 3 Bars Borneo/Malay Pen/S. Arabia. A.D. Davis. Mne. R.M.
539.Multinational Force and Observers Medal - Military ribbon.
540.South Vietnam Campaign Medal - Bar 1960. USA type, fixed suspender. Un-named.
541.Gulf Medal - Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991. Fus. P.H. Wilkinson. R.H.F.
542.Gulf Medal - Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991. Pte. P. Thomson K.O.S.B. (NEF)
543.Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait.
544.Kuwaiti Liberation Medal. Fourth Grade.
545.United Nations Emergency Force Medal. (U.N.E.F. - for Israel and Egypt 1956-57)
546.Saudi Arabia - Liberation of Kuwait.
547.U.N. - Emergency Force Medal (UNEF) Later issue.
548.NATO Medal - Former Yugoslavia.
549.NATO Medal - Eagle Assist. 1 Bar - Artice 5.
550.Iraq Medal (Op Telic) - Bar “19 Mar to 28 Apr. 2003” Pte. D.L. Kilner D.W.R.
551.Iraq Medal (Op Telic) Pte. D.J.P. Baxter. R.A.M.C. (No Bar)
552.Iraq Medal (Op Telic) No Bar. Pte. K.C. Jones. R.L.C.
553.Iraq Medal (Op Telic) - Bar 19 Mar to 28 Apr. 2003. Spr. D. Brydon R.E. In box of issue.
554.Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Tpr. C. Grant. 9/12 Lancers. Sold with box of issue. (EF)
555.Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Mr. W. Mitchell. (Civilian recipient) In case of issue. (EF)
556.Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Cpl. M.W. Stratford. R.E.M.E.. In box of issue.
557.Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Pte. J.D. Elliott. Scots. In box of issue.
558.Most Honourable Order of the Bath - Knight Commander. (K.C.B.) - Civil. Neck Badge in 18 ct gold.
Hallmarked 1886 and Breast Star in gold, silver and enamels. In Garrard fitted case of issue.
559.Most Honourable Order of the Bath - Knight Commander. (K.C.B.) - Civil - Neck Badge. Silver Gilt.
Hallmarked 1920.
560.Most Honourable Order of the Bath - Companion (C.B.) - Civil - Breast Badge. Gilt.
561.Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George - Knight Commander (K.C.M.G.) Neck and Breast
Badges, in fitted Garrard’s case, together with original bestowal parchment, presented to V.C.W. Forbes Esq.
C.M.G., dated 1-1-1945.
562.Royal Victorian Order (C.V.O.) Neck badge. No. C420. In fitted Collingwood case of issue.
563.Royal Victorian Order - Lieutenant - (L.V.O.) Numbered 606. In fitted case, numbered 338. Breast Badge. (EF) £425
564.Royal Victorian Medal. Edw. V11. Silver. In fitted case of issue.
565.Royal Victorian Medal. Edw. V11. Bronze. In fitted case of issue.
566.C.B.E. 2nd type - Civil. In Garrard case of issue.
567.M.B.E. 2nd type - Civil - In original case, box, and register3d envelope addressed to recipient. Sold with original
award parchment for the M.B.E. named to Frank Beer Esq.. L/G 8-6-1950 - “Frank Beer Esq. Assistant Engineer
Inspector, Admiralty”.
Also included are the following - letter from 10 Downing St., informing recipient that he is being nominated for
the award of the M.B.E., letter from Central Chancery forwarding warrant, letter of congratulations from Admiralty,
letter of appreciation from Admiralty on retirement, and Buckingham Palace letter forwarding decoration etc..
Also included are portrait photographs of recipient and his wife taken in 1920 and a photograph of them both taken
in later years.
568.Knight Batchelor’s Badge. Smaller type (1933) In fitted case of issue.
569.Knight Batchelor’s Badge. Smaller type (1933). Sold with award parchment stating that Sir Stanley Holt has been
admitted to be a member of the Imperial Society of Knights Batchelor on 22nd July 1964.
Recipient was first considered for the award on May 17 1957, but the recommendation was withdrawn by the
Prime Minister on 24 May 1957 because of a case brought up by the Board of Inland Revenue. His name was
subsequently put forward to the Queen on 13-5-1964.
Sold with original relevant correspondence
In case of issue
570.Indian Order of Merit (I.O.M.) 2nd class. Reward of Gallantry. (1939-44) Some enamel damage and lacking
wearing buckle.
571.Order of British India. (O.B.I.) 1st class - light blue centre and dark blue surround. Fitted with gold ring and bar
572.Distinguished Service Order (D.S.O.) Victoria. Silver Gilt. Top Pin Bar missing. Very slight enamel damage
to right hand corner of bottom arm, and edge of right arm on reverse, otherwise
573.Royal Red Cross. 2nd class (A.R.R.C.) G. V. In fitted case of issue.
574.Royal Red Cross. 2nd class (A.R.R.C.) Geo. V.
575.Royal Red Cross. 2nd class (A.R.R.C.) Geo. V1. Dated 1942.
576.Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V. Reverse engraved “Robert M. Connell. March 1918” L/G 1-1-1919 “Lt. (A/Capt) R.M. Connell R.G.A. T.F. Attd. 140th Hy. By.”
577.Military Cross. (M.C.) Geo. V. Un-named as issued.
578.Military Cross. (M.C.) Geo. V1. Dated 1939. The date is correctly made up of the smaller style numerals. (EF)
579.Military Cross. (M.C.) Geo. V1. Dated 1944.
580.Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. B.S. Mjr. G. Porter R.F.A.
L/G 26-9-1916 - “For conspicuous gallantry during operations. When a gun was hit and some men wounded,
he tended the men under heavy fire, and quickly got the gun into action again. On another occasion he showed great
courage in assisting to dig out men who had been buried by shell fire”..
This medal is a late issue or replacement, and is officially named.
581.Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. L/Bmbr. T.H. Tams. R.F.A.
L/G - 1-1-1919 - B/231st (N. Mid) Bde., R.F.A. T.F. - “Period 1st May to 17th September 1918. - For
conspicuous gallantry in repairing telephone lines on several occasions during heavy shell fire. On 23rd August
he maintained communication with forward section when the area through which lines ran was being continuously
shelled by 12” and 5.9’s cutting the line several times. He also showed gallantry as F.O.O’s linesman on
several occasions”. Obverse somewhat polished.
582.Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V1. 1st type. Cpl..J.D. Raw. R.N.C. (Royal Natal Carbineers)
L/G 21-10-1941. 1-Royal Natal Carbineers. (Immediate). “For conspicuous gallantry in action at Combolcia Pass
on 22 April 1941. After a M.G. Post had been silenced, two other M.Gs opened fire, Cpl. Raw attempted to
dislodge the gun crews with bombs, and when this failed, he stalked the position and shot the crews. This action
saved his Company many casualties”.
Scarce award, only 57 Distinguished Conduct Medals awarded to South African Personnel during W.W.2. (NEF) £3850
583.Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. R.Q.M. Sgt. H. Gentry. 10/Essex Regt.
D.C.M. - L/G 21-10-1918 - “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. He has carried out his duties in
a very capable manner, for a long time in the absence of the Quartermaster. He has always seen to the comfort of
the Battalion and brought up rations under trying and dangerous circumstances. He has always set a fine example
to his men.”
584.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Nk. Barmayya. 64th Pioneers. - For Mesopotamia
(per 1360/1917) Recipient was also M.I.D. (per 1740/1917)
585.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Sepoy Muhammed Fazal. 69th Pjbis. (Attd 35
Div. Sig. Coy) - per 1388/1916. Recipient was also M.I.D. (per 1241/1916) - For Mesopotamia.
586.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Hav. Har. Lal. 6th Jat Lt. Infy. (per 187/1916) For France.
587.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Gnr. Phuman Singh. 30 Mtn. By.
For Mesopotamia (per 1160/1915. Recipient was also M.I.D. (per 441/1916)
588.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Sapper Khan Bahadur. 30th Bde. Signal Sec.
For Mesopotamia (per 1160/1915) Recipient was also M.I.D. (per 441/1916) Sold with recipients I.G.S.
1 Bar NWF 1935 (Naik Khan Bahadur. I.S.C.)
589.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Sepoy Lala. 24th Punjabis. (Mesopotamia) Recipient died on
14-7-1915 and is commemorated on the Basra Memorial, Iraq.
590.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Naik Gindu. 24th Punjabis (Mesopotamia). Recipient was taken
P.O.W. by the Turks. Also M.I.D. per 441/1916.
591.Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Hav. Maj. Fazal Dad. Ind. Divl. Amm Col.
592.Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M.) Geo. V. H. Taylor. Engn. R.N.R. “Unitia”. Minesweeping 1917.
(L/G 17.4.1918)
593.Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M.) Geo. V. G. Langley. Sto. 1. Cl. Submarine Service 1918.
L/G 21-6-1918. Sold with copy papers. Polished - (NVF)
594.Distinguished Service Medal. (D.S.M.) Geo. V1. J. Sculher. A.B. H.M.T. Loch Askaig. (Anti-submarine trawler)
L/G 12-4-1940 - “For unfailing courage, endurance, resource and devotion to duty in H.M. Trawlers in their
hard and perilous tasks of sweeping the seas clear of mines, combating submarines, and keeping a look-out for the
enemy”. There were attacks on “Loch Oskaig” by enemy aircraft on 12-12-1941 and 17-5-1942 and copies of the
official reports covering the actions are included.
595.Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M.) Geo. V1. Sig. R.A. Pell (Royal Naval Patrol Service)
L/G 11-12-1945 - For distinguished service whilst serving aboard HMS 19. Sold with original letter of
congratulation from Buckingham Palace and original registered, addressed forwarding envelope & case of issue.
We understand that HMS 19 (MTB 19) later became MAC. 6 (Minesweeping Attendance Craft) (EF)
596.Indian Distinguished Service Medal. (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. Naik Barmayya. 64th Pioneers. For Mesopotamia
(per 1360/1917) Recipient was also M.I.D. (per 1740/1917)
597.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. R.F. Chaffer. ‘Z’ Spec. Coy. R.E. (Gas Coy)
598.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Spr. F.A. Dovey R.E. Recipient was K.I.A., on 22-10-1918 whilst serving
with 2nd Div. Sig. Coy. R.E. He resided in Westcliffe-on-Sea.
599.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. F. Dickinson. 1/6 W. Riding R. T.F. - L/G 18-7-1917.
Recipient D.O.W. with 1/7th Bn on 13-4-1918 & (NEF) is buried in Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery.
He resided in Bradford. (NEF)
600.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. L/Cpl. G.L. Bishop. 12/R. Fusiliers.
601.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. R. Henderson. C.2607/\9L.Ld) Bde. R.F.A. T.F. Recipient D.O.W.,
aged 24, with “C” Bty. 86th Bde. R.F.A. on 9-9-1917 and is buried in Godewaersvelde British Cemetery. He
was born and resided in Edinburgh.
602.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. G. Cooper. 1/The Queen’s Regt.
603.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. C. Desmond. 9/Devon Regt.
604.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. J.C. Clifford. 13/Middlesex R.
605.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. H. Savage. 19/Middlesex R.
606.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. T.J. Goodman. 520/London F. Coy. R.E. T.F.
607.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. W. Conn. 1/5 R. Scots Fus. (L/G 25-4-1918) Sold with MN.I.C. which
shows entitlement to 1914-15 Trio. (Disembarked Balkans 6-6-1915)
608.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. T.W. Vickery. 232/S. Staff. Bde. R.F.A. T.F. Recipient D.O.W., aged
23, on 24-4-1917, and is buried in Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun.
609.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. L/Cpl. A. Gilbert 2/Middlesex R.
610.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. B.M.J. Barnett. ¼ London R. Recipient was K.I.A., on 28-3-1918.
Resided in Marylebone. M.M. - L/G 13-3-1918
611.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. A. Knight. 1/7 London R. Recipient was K.I.A., aged 19, on 25--7-1918,
and is buried in Contay British Cemetery, Contay. He resided in Stratford, London. M.M. - L/G 13-3-1918 (NEF) £595
612.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. A.M. Marr. 1/R. Scots Fus. Memorial Plaque Alexander Marr.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 21, on 2-9-1918 and is commemorated on the Vis-En-Artois Memorial. He resided
in Tillyfourie, Aberdeenshire.
613.Military Medal. (M.M.) Geo. V Sgt. E. Swain 10/11 Highland Lt. Infy. Recipient K.I.A. on 23-4-1917. (NEF)
614.Military Medal. (M.M.) L/Cpl. T. McGrath. 9/York & Lanc. R. Recipient was born in Galway, Ireland, &
enlisted in Liverpool. He was K.I.A. in F. & F. on 30-9-1917. (NEF)
615.Military Medal. (M.M.) Geo. V. 55494 L. Cpl. Mishu Miru. 3-Iraq Levies.
L/G 22-4-1927. “For Bravery in the Field in connection with operations in the Penjwin area, Iraq, during the
period 10th June 1926 and 11th July 1926”.
This is one of only two Military Medals ever awarded to the Iraq Levies. Dark toned.
616.Military Medal. (M.M.) Geo. V. A/Cpl. H.V. Thompson. No. 1 Co. R. Monmouth R.E. - S.R. L/G 11-10-1916.
Sold with M.I.C. which shows recipient being commissioned into the R.E. & later into the 2nd Q.V.O. Sappers
& Miners, Indian Army.
Very scarce to this unit.
617.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. F.J. Mann. 8/R. Sussex R.
618.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1. Pte. J. Hawkins. R.A.S.C.
L/G 26.7.1945 - “After receiving a let wound, Hawkins was captured at Kallamata (Greece) on 29 Apr. 1941
and was imprisoned at Corinth. By bribery he obtained civilian clothes, and mingling with civilians who had
brought food, he walked out the camp. He had covered a considerable distance when his betrayal by a farmer
resulted in his return to Corinth. Although he had received ill-treatment after his first bid for freedom, Hawkins
slipped away from a column of prisoners being marched to Salonika. Owing to his leg injury, however, he was
forced to join the next column; this he did unnoticed .
Shortly after his transfer to Stalag XV111A (Wolsberg, #Austria), he escaped hidden under refuse, only to be
recaptured 5 hours later.
In the autumn of 1943, taking with them food and water they had collected, he and another prisoner hid in a
railway wagon leaving the factory near Villach (Austria) at which they were employed. Under the impression that
they had reached Switzerland, they emerged on the fifth day to find that they were at Leoben. They were arrested
almost immediately and sent back to Stalag XV111A.
At the beginning of Sep. 1944 Hawkins was employed on farm work at a subsidiary camp. Having acquired
civilian clothing, a pistol, maps, and a compass, Hawkins and a companion slipped away from their work to meet
a Jugoslav, who escorted them to a Partisan H.Q. near Fala. With the assistance of Guerillas they reached
Semnto, from where they were evacuated by air to Italy of 13 Oct. 1944.
Recommended for the award of the Military Medal”. A very well deserved Decoration to an “Escaper” (NEF) £2100
619.Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1. A/Sgt. J. McFadden. R.S. Fus.
L/G 24-1-1946. - “Sgt. McFadden has served with this Battalion since it landed in France on 15-6-1944.
As a fusilier in a rifle section, he took over his section on more than one occasion when the section commander
became a casualty. By his example, initiative and drive he always carried out any task allotted to the section.
As a N.C.O. he has shown the finest powers of leadership and the greatest devotion to duty. Never did he allow cont….
any consideration for his own personal safety to interfere with his duty.
Two examples are but typical of his high standard On 16-9-1944 during the heavy fighting in the Gheel Bridgehead an officer was making his way back from
an isolated position held by the company. AT that moment a counter-attack developed. The officer was forced
to ground by a sudden burst of automatic fire and he was quite unable to move. Sgt. McFadden saw the incident
and quickly ordered all weapons of his section to engage the area from which the fire was coming. Under cover
of this fire he rushed out to where the officer was lying and told him of his plan to get back. Then he indicated
that more fire was required, and under cover of this he and the officer got back.
Again, in the attack on Blerick on 3-12-1944 Sgt. McFadden, who was a section commander, had to take over
his platoon just prior to crossing the start line owing to the platoon commander being wounded. The Kangeroo
in which his platoon was travelling became bogged before reaching the objective. Without hesitation he
dismounted his platoon and led them to the objective which was under considerable enemy defensive fire. His
leadership was such that he reached the objective without losing a single man.
Throughout the campaign his services have been worthy of the highest commendation”. Minor edge knocks. (GVF) £1695
620.Sea Gallantry Medal - Board of Trade for Gallantry in Saving Life. - Bronze. Un-named.
621.Sea Gallantry Medal - Bronze - Edw. V11 - Large. Albert Erikson. “Vanduara” 25th June 1902.
Recipient with four others, manned a boat and attempted to rescue a shipmate who had fallen overboard, at
considerable risk. The “Vanduara was a sailing ship out of Swansea.
622.Sea Gallantry Medal - Silver - Geo. V. George Edward Johnson. “Hope”. 1st October 1911.
About 8 p.m. on 30 Sept 1911, the “Hope” when lying to, about 60 miles S.E. of Lowestoft, shipped a heavy
sea, which carried away both masts and the small boat, and caused the vessel to spring a serious leak. Next
morning, when the Hope had drifted to about 20 miles N.W. of the Maas Lightship, the “Rievaulx Abbey”
approached as near as was safe, and her lifeboat manned by the 2nd mate and four A.Bs rescued the Hope’s crew
of five hands. The rescuers incurred considerable risk owing to the strong gale and heavy seas. Their boat was
half full of water before they left their ship and it was eventually smashed to pieces
Recipient was the 2nd Mate, and he and the other four men were all awarded the Silver Medal which were
presented by the King on 6-3-1912.
623.Russia - Medal of St. George. 4th Class. No. 165084 Officially impressed. L/Cpl. G. Robson. 2/R. Scots.
Rare to Regt.
624.Russia - Medal for Zeal - Silver. Nicholas 11. Officially impressed. E.J. Mitchell. M.A.A. HMS Jupiter. In January 1915 the Admiralty received a request for assistance from the Russian Government, the latter’s
icebreaker used to keep open the passage to Archangel in the White Sea having broken down. In response the
Royal Navy sent out the Tyne Guard Ship H.M.S. Jupiter, an old Majestic-class battleship. She departed for Archangel
on 5th February 1915, freeing en route a number of vessels stuck in Ice, occasionally by using explosive charges.
She, too, sometimes became icebound, but still managed to make a major impression on the problem, improving
the safe passage of numerous vessels, many of them laden with highly important war materials, among them the
S.S. Thracia. The latter was taken in tow after the use of explosive charges to free her. Throughout these operations
it was not usual for the temperature to fall as low as minus 20 degrees, a hard test indeed on the morale and well being
of the Jupiter’s crew. Her mission completed by May 1915, the Tzar expressed his gratitude by the presentation of a
variety of Russian Honours and Awards to her crew. Jupiter made history by becoming the first ship ever to get
through the ice into Arkhangelsk during the winter; her February arrival was the earliest in history there.
(NEF) £545
625.Kings Police Medal. Geo. V. 1st type. Coinage Head. Gul Mohammed. Ex. Foot Constable Peshawar Dist.
L/G 12-2-1917 - “At 1.45 a.m. on the 31st of March 1916 the house of a Hindu in ‘B’ Division of
Peshawar City was attacked by a party of 20 to 25 armed dacoits, mostly afridis. The alarm was raised and the
main body of the dacoits was engaged by a party of police from the Police Station. Hearing the firing, a patrol
consisting of a Head Constable and two Constables set off in the direction of the disturbance. They, however,
unexpectedly encountered a picket put out by the dacoits. The picket fired a volley at the police patrol with the result
that Foot Constable Gull Mohomed had his right knee shattered by a bullet. He fell and lay in the open whilst
his two companions proceeded to climb on to the roof of a house in order to obtain a better position. The dacoits
endeavoured to seize the wounded constable’s musket, but in spite of his wound he kept firing as he lay and
defended himself successfully. He not only saved his arms but wounded one of the dacoits. Foot Constable Gul
Mahomed’s conduct was most gallant. His wound was so severe that his leg had to be amputated the next day and
as he lay in the open he was fully exposed to the dacoit’s fire”.
626.Kings Police Medal Geo. V. 1st type. Coinage Head. C. Briavansing. Sowar. Palanpur Agency Police. (NEF) £1195
627.Indian Police Medal. Geo. V. For distinguished conduct. Subedar Fazal Dad Khan. Burma Military Police. (NEF) £700
628.Indian Police Medal - For Distinguished Conduct. Geo. V. Mohammad Ibrahim Khan. Cons. U.P. Police.
Gazette of India 2.6.1934 - “On the 12th July 1931, Constable Mohammad Ibrahim Khan formed one of a party
of police and villagers who were in pursuit of a dangerous gang of dacoits which, led by one Bahaduir Singh, had
been responsible for no fewer than 14 dacoits during the first half of that year. Early in the morning four of the
gang were sighted on the further bank of a river armed with guns. Although it was breast deep in flood, the
police party forded the river and, after an exchange of shots, Constable Mohammad Ibrahim and two villagers who
were in the van succeeded in overtaking and capturing one of the dacoit’s a mile away. Although the dacoits
quickened their pace, Constable Mohammad Ibrahim and one villager went on and again overtook and captured
another of them. A third dacoit was intercepted and arrested by a village chaukidar and his brother though not
before the chaukidar had been shot and wounded in the chest. There remained Bahadur Singh who fired several
times in the air to frighten his pursuers; but without slackening their pace they eventually caught and arrested him.
Constable Mohammad Ibrahim showed great courage and initiative in pursuing the dacoits and personally
apprehending two of them.”
629.Indian Police Medal. For Gallantry - Geo. V1. F. Hag. Assist. Sub Inspector of Police. Punjab.
630.Indian Police Medal. For Distinguished Conduct. Geo. V1. Ghulam Abbas. Constable N.W. Fr. Police. (NEF) £625
631.Royal National Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck. (Later the R.N.L.I. Early Silver
Medal (Geo.1V) Issued without suspender & un-named.
632.British Empire Medal. (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. Military. Ch. M. (E) William R. Callicot (R.N.) L/G 8-6-1963. (EF) £360
633.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo V1 1st type. S-Sgt. E.A. Underdown R.A.S.C., I.A.C.C. (L/G 9-1-1946)(NEF)£315
634.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. - Civil. Edgar Littlejohn. L/G 9-1-1946 “Edgar Littlejohn. Electrical
Overseer, Admiralty Outstation”.
635.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1 - Military. Shpwt. I. Cl. Sidney A. Harper (R.N.) - L/G 1-1-1945
In box of issue.
636.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1 - Military. S/Sgt. Edward Shaw. R.A. (H.Q. Anti-Aircraft Command)
L/G 10-4-1945 - “S/Sgt. Shaw has been employed in “A” Branch, H.Q. A.A. Command since 21-2-1941.
During the whole of this time he has carried out his duties with exceptional ability, and by his never failing energy,
cheerfulness and loyalty has imbued with his high standards the many A.T.S. clerks who have worked under his
control. In the absence of the Chief Clerk of the branch he has frequently taken control, and if promotion had
been allowed and if the appointment of Chief Clerk had not been for an A.T.S. auxiliary, he would have been
promoted into that appointment. During the last six months, when the branch has been working at high pressure,
frequently until late at night, dealing with the large programme of disbandment of units and posting of personnel
to infantry, he has set a high example of loyal and untiring work during exceptionally long hours.”
637.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. Robert Edward Summerton. (Merchant Navy)
The following is a precis of the write-up in L/G of 11.5.1943 - “The ship was torpedoed and badly damaged.
As she immediately began to sink by the head, order were given to stand by the boats. Within ten minutes another
torpedo hit the ship and abandonment was then ordered. Although the weather was very bad, with heavy seas, all
on board got away safely. A nearby ship came to the assistance of the survivors, but rescue operations were
exceedingly difficult. A number of the boats capsized and the occupants were thrown against the side of the
rescuing ship ……..
…. Assistant Stewards Roach and Summerton did excellent work, being lowered over the side to assist
survivors in the water. Both were in grave danger from the high seas which were continually crashing the boats
and rafts against the sides of the rescuing vessel, but each managed to rescue a survivor.
A total of 2 x O.B.E., 1 x M.B.E., and 4 x B.E.M. were awarded for the action.
638.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) - Military Geo V1. Ladies issue. S/Sgt. Ivy Weston. A.T.S. L/G 1-1-1947.
“Joined A.G.16 July 1942. S/Sergeant Weston has, since hostilities ceased, become Chief Clerk of the other
rank section of A.G.16. Since the commencement of the release scheme she has been responsible for the
training of her new and fluctuating staff and also the co-ordination of all clerical work on the amalgamation of
two sections. Work in A.G.16 involves all Arms of the Aray and S/Sergeant Weston has shown great accuracy,
patience and initiative. Her work has undoubtedly been of great assistance towards the efficiency of this Branch.
Her tact, cheerfulness and personal example have created a happy atmosphere in an office which, being staffed
half by civilians and half by Auxiliary Territorial Services, might have presented a problem under a less
capable Section Leader.”
639.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. Ladies issue. Miss Elsie Florence Pedder. L/G. 3-6-1978 - “Miss
E.F. Pedder. National Savings Group Collector. Margate”. In case of issue.
640.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. Sefu Hemedi.
L/G 27-9-1955. “Sefu Hemedi, messenger of Native Authority, Handedi Tanganyika. - Sefu Hemedi was
sent to arrest a man who had been on the wanted list for some time for housebreaking and escape from lawful
custody and who was known to be a dangerous character. He tracked him down to an isolated hut and called upon
the man to come out and give himself up. The man came out armed with a long knife and without hesitation Sefu
tackled him and during the course of the struggle received four slashes from the knife which severed the muscle
tendons of his left wrist. Despite these wounds he continued his efforts until the criminal was overpowered.
Sefu Hemedi acted without fear of the consequences to himself, and his courageous action resulted in the
arrest of the criminal”.
In Royal Mint case of issue.
641.British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. P.O. Edward M. Hancock. R.N.Z.N.
Recipient served in the Royal Navy and his trade was making sea charts. At the time of the award he had been
on loan to the Royal New Zealand Navy carrying out the same type of work. Sold with relevant newspaper cutting
which includes a photograph of P/O Hancock. In Royal Mint case of issue.
642. British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11 - Civil. Abduli Grunshie.
L/G 9-10-1956 - Abdulai Grunshie. Timber Headman. Bibiani Gold Mine. Gold Coast. - “A machine
driver in the Bibiani Gold Mine accidentally fell 40 feet to the bottom of an ore pass. He was injured and called
for help. At grave personal risk and without regard to the dangers involved, Grunshie immediately descended into
the ore pass by means of a chain ladder. While carrying out rescue operations some of the broken ore above
released itself and fell. Through Grunshie could easily have climbed the rope to safety, he stood by the injured man
in most dangerous circumstances until further help was forthcoming. Medal in fitted Royal Mint case of issue. (EF) £775
643.St. Andrew’s Ambulance Association. Silver Medal for Saving Life on Land. Un-named.
644.Viceroys Medal for Good Recruiting Work - Silver - H.E. Lord Willingdon. 1 5/8 ” diameter. Small double
ring suspension.
645.Liverpool Shipwreck and Humane Society Marine Medal - Silver. Ernest Walton for gallant service 6th July 1911with Bar - Second Service 13 Aug. 1911. Sold with top 3 prong pin bar, and in fitted case of issue.
646.Royal Humane Society. Large Bronze. Sgt. Nicholas Chapman. Worcester Militia. 20th May 1855. It would
appear that at one time medal was fitted with suspender from edge - since removed.
647.Royal Humane Society - Large type bronze medal - successful. James Connor. 20 June 1847. Fitted with
ring suspender.
648.Royal Humane Society. Large type bronze medal - successful. Edward Jeffery. 29 June 1855.
649.Royal Humane Society. Small type silver medal - successful. P.C. W. Mears. ‘M’ Divn.
650.Royal Humane Society. Small type silver medal, with second award bar. Un-named not erased).
651.Moray Floods - Silver Medal for Courage 1829. Handsome piece. 40 mm diameter. Obverse - Flood scene
surrounded by laurel leaves. Reverse - “Presented by the Central Committee for the Flood Fund to Alexander Riach
Rothes, as an Honorary Reward for his courage and humanity shown at the Great Flood. August 4th 1829”.
Reverse has been neatly converted for brooch wear.
652.Royal Society for the Protection of Life from Fire silver. Man & woman on obverse dated 1843. Un-named (NEF)£315
653.Hundred of Salford Humane Society - Silver Cruciform Medal. William Henry Mason. August 1887 - For
saving life.
654.Hundred of Salford Special Proficiency Medal. Reverse named “Lucy Andrews 1927”
655.Order of St. John - Officer. Breast Badge 6th type (1984-91) Silver and enamel.
656.Order of St. John - Officer. Breast Badge 7th type (1991 -) Silver and enamel.
657.Order of St. John - Officer. Ladies issue, on bow. In case of issue.
658.Governor of Bengal - Award for Loyal Service. Large silver medallion. 2¼” diameter, with coat of arms on
obverse. Named to Babu K.C. Rakshit. 1943.
659.University of St Andrews. Tullis Medal 1882-83. Large Oval Silver Medal 1-3/4”x2” Obverse Cross of
St Andrews & wording as above. Reverse engraved “Awarded to Alexander Cleland 2nd class of Mathematics.
P.R. Scott Lang M.A. Professor”, with a legend in Greek around the edge. (NEF).
660.Glasgow Highlanders. Gold Medallion Reverse engraved "Lance Sergt R. McDonald" Front of Medallion
dated 1885. (NEF)
661.Glasgow Corporation Gold Medal for Bravery. James Murphy 1973. In case of issue. (EF)
662.Glasgow Corporation Silver Medal for Bravery. Mr. John McFarlane King 1957. (EF)
663.M.S.M. Victoria. Qr. Mr. Sgt. F. Hewison. Rifle Brigade. 1st Btn.
Contact marks.
664.Indian Army M.S.M. 1848. Sgt. Major Joshua Burton. 34th N.I. G.O.C.C. 1853.
665.M.S.M. Victoria - Indian issue. Col. Hav. Janu Sambhuja. 14th Bo. Infy. Scratches on obverse at 3 o’clock. (VF)
666.M.S.M. Edw. V11. Sgt. G.S. Grayson. 2nd Dragoon Gds. A note that came with the medal states that recipient
is also entitled to Mutiny Medal with bar “Lucknow”.
667.Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Pte.-A/Cpl. C.R. Brown. R.A.M.C.
L/G 3-6-1919 (France and Flanders)
668.M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. S.Q.M. Sgt. R. Bamford. R.A.S.C. L/G 3-6-1918.
669.M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. Cpl-A/Sgt. H. Ellison R.A.M.C. (L/G 3-6-1919) Recipient was also mentioned
in dispatches per L/G 4.1.1917.
670.Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V1. 2nd type. Sgt. H.A. Barrell. Coldstream Gds.
671.M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. Pte-A/Cpl. S. Roberts. R.A.M.C. L/G 3-6-1919.
672.M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. Q.M. Sgt. J. Coles. Worcester R.
673.M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. Cpl.- A.S.Q.M. Sgt. G.K. Mallen R.A.O.C. L/G 7.2.1919 - For Military Operations
in East Africa.
674.M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. S.Q.M. Sgt. M. Orton A.S.C. (L/G 12.3.1917) Recipient was M.I.D. twice - L/G
1.12.1916 and 11.6.1918. He died on 4.12.1918.
675.M.S.M. Geo. V1. 2nd type. W.O. Cl. 1. H. Willmore. R.A.P.C.
676.M.S.M. Geo. V1. Indian issue. Hav. Manohar Lal. 9-13 F.F. Rif. (NEF)
677.M.S.M. Geo. V1. Indian issue. Hav. Indar Singh. 4-1 H.C. (Indian Hospital Cps.)
678.M.S.M. Geo. V1. Indian issue. Hav. Shama Roshan. 2-13 F.F.R.
679.M.S.M. Geo. V1. Indian issue. Hav. Sohnu. 10-13 F.F. Rif. (NEF)
680.R.N. M.S.M. Geo. V. F.H. Jacobs. A/C.P.O. “Cardiff”. Services during war.
681.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Large letter reverse. Sgt. Arthur Rowland Coldstream Gds. Replacement bar suspender
682.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. - Large letter reverse. Daniel Maskell. 76th Regiment Foot 1841 Clip & ring suspender
683.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Large letter reverse. Cpl. Ml. Fagan. 73rd Reft.
684.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Pte. J. Terry. 4th Rifle Bde.
685.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Cr. Sgt. G. Orwin. Rl. Highlanders.
686.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Cr. Sgt. W. Barrell. Coldstream Gds.
687.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Pte. J. Harding. 15/Hussars.
688.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - Pte. J. Crowden. 7/Hussars.
689.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - L/.Cpl. W. Tipper. R. War. R.
690.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria - large letter reverse. School Mr. Serjt. A. Graham. 78th Highrs - 1856.
691.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Pte. H. Buckingham. North’d. Fus.
692.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Sgt. W. Pedder Cst. Bde. R.A.
693.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Cpl. T. Brigg. Grendr. Gds.
694.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Gnr. F. Gascoyne. Dep: Eastern Div. R.A.
695.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Gnr. J. Gellatly. 4/Div. Cst. Bde. R.A.
696.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Pte. J. Madge. 1-7th Foot.
697.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Tp Sgt. Major D. Craig 7th Dn. Gds. Copy papers. Enlisted 1859 discharged 1880 (NEF)
698.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. M. Mahoney. 70th Regt.
699.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Sgt. W. Walsh. 31st Foot.
700.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. I. Cl. Sgt. Inst. H. Riches. Gymn. Staff.
701.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Pte. W. Leslie. Dorset Regt.
702.Army L.S.G.C. Victoria. Indian issue. Sapper Mootoogany, 26th Sappers and Miners.
703.Army L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Sub. Condr. C. Collins. P.W. Dept.
704.Army L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Indian issue. Sepoy Buta Singh. 122nd Rajputana Infy.
705.Army L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Sgt. C.P. Parker R.F.A.
706.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. C.S. Instr. F. Dean. Moulmein Vol Rifles.
707.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. S/Sgt. F.G. Parsons A.O.C.
708.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Indian issue. L/Nk Ilam Din. 23 - D.T.T. Coy.
709.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V1. 1st type “Regular Army” Sgt. D. Barfoot. A.D.C. (Army Dental Corps) Official
correction to initial “D”.
710.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V1. Indian issue. Nk. Bhola Singh. R. Bombay S. & M.
711.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V1. Indian issue. L/Hav. Alla Yar Khan. 2-11 Sikh R.
712.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V1. 2nd type “Regular Army” Sgt. W.J. Kerruish R.A. (Replacement)
713.Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V1. Indian issue - Un-named (not erased)
714.Army L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type “Regular Army”. L/Cpl. D.L. Risi. R. Signals.
715.Army L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type “Regular Army” S/Sgt. J. Clark R.E.
716.Army L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Cpl. D.J. Johnstone. A.C.C.
717.Army L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. “Regular Army” W.O.2. K. Dickson R.A.O.C.
718.South Africa Permanent Force L.S.G.C. Geo. V1. 2nd type. S/Sgt. W.J. Pretorius. S.A.A.F. (NEF)
719.Volunteer Decoration - Victoria. V.R. Top Pin Bar missing. Hallmark 1892.
720.Volunteer Decoration. - Complete with top pin bar. Hallmark 1892.
721.Volunteer Decoration. - Victoria V.R. Complete with top pin bar. Hallmarked “1898”
722.Volunteer Decoration
- Edw. V11. Complete with top pin bar. Hallmarked “1904”
723.Volunteer Force Long Service. Victoria. Cpl. D. Ferguson. 3rd V.B. H.L.I. (GVF)
724.Volunteer Force Long Service. Victoria. Pte. L. McLean. 1st Lanark V.R.C.
725.Volunteer Force Long Service. Victoria. Un-named as issued. “Regina”.
726.Volunteer Force Long Service. Victoria. Col. Sgt. W.E. Hillier. Presidency Vol. Rifle Bn. Official correction
to initial “E”.
727.Volunteer Force Long Service. Victoria. Orly. Room Sgt. W. Ayres. 1st Bn. Cal. Vol. Rifles. (Occupation Superintendent, Accountant - Generals Office, Calcutta)
728.Volunteer Force Long Service. Victoria. Cpl. S.W. Coleston. Alabad Vol. Rifles.
729.Volunteer Force Long Service. Edward V11. Pte. J.H.L. Metcalfe. 1/V.B. W. York Regt.
730.Volunteer Force Long Service. Edward V11. Sgt. W.G. Goble. 13/Middlesex V.R.C.
731.Volunteer Force Long Service. Edward V11. Sgt. P.J. Conlon. 5th Vol. Bn. Durham L.I.
732.Volunteer Force Long Service. Edward V11. Sgt. J. Feltham. 1st Wilts V.R.C.
733.Volunteer Force Long Service. Edward V11. Sgt. J. Seivwright. 1/Lanark V.R.C.
734.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. L/Sgt. H. Parsons. 2-N.W. Rly. R. A.F.I.
735.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Rfmn. J. Tinson. Simla Rifles A.F.I.
736.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Sgt. T.A. Mody. Bombay Bn. A.F.I.
737.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Cpl. J. Westwater. Cossipore Arty. Volunteers.
738.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Sgt. A.J. Westwood. 1st (Cossipore) Bde. Mobile Arty. (I.D.F.)
739.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Bmbr. G. Low. 1st (Cossipore) Bde. Mobile Arty. I.D.F.
740.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Sgt. R. Paxton 1st Bn. C.V. Rifles (Calcutta Vol. Rifles. Medal awarded
per I.A.O. 397 of 19-6-1916.
741.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Coy Qmr. Sgt. W.T. Huett. 2-N.W.R. Regt. A.F.I.
742.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Tpr. R.P.N. Stephens. U.P. Horse. A.F.I. Recipient worked as an Engineer
with the firm of Muir Mills & Co. Ltd., Cawnpore. He served in the Utd Provinces Horse, Cawnpore Sqn. (EF)
743.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Tpr. W.C. Cooper. 2nd U.P. Horse - official correction to “P” of unit.
Sold with some career details.
744.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. C.S. Long. The Kolar Gold Flds. Bn. A.F.I. (Occupation - Supervisor
of Watchmen, Nundydroog Co. Ltd.)
745.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. C.W. Smythe. 2/Nagpur Rifles. I.D.F.
746.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Cpl. T. Arklie. 2nd Bn. Madras & S.M. Rly. Rifles.
747.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Rfmn. W.A. Nedou. Punjab Rifles. I.D.F. - Part of rank erased. (NEF)
748.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. R.O. Collyer. The Bombay Bn. A.F.I.
749.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. W.H. Collins. 43/Kolar Gold Fields Bn. I.D.F.
750.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. E.H. Hill. 1. Bn. G.I.P. Rly. R. A.F.I.
751.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. F. Baker 2-B.B. & C.I. Rly. Rif. A.F.I. (Bombay, Baroda & Cent.
India Rly.
752.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Vol. H.W. Whiteside. E. India Rly. Vol. Rifles (Occupation - Guard,
753.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Cpl. G.P. Dullard. E.I. Ry.. Voltr. Rifles (Occupation - Asst.
Commercial Manager. Howrah)
754.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Sgt. R.A. Hessing. 2nd Bn. B.B. & C.I. Ry. Vol. Rifles. (Occupation
Foreman. Carriage and Wagon Section. Ajmer)
755.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Sgt. R.E. Perry. 2/B.N. Rly. Regt. (A.F.)
756.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. V. O’R. Ryan. U. Burma Bn. R.F.I. (Occupation - Assistant/Miner.
Ruby Mines. Mogok.
757.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. C.W. McLeod. The Upper Burma Bn. A.F.I. (Occupation Sub-Engineer. Public Works Dept.
758.Volunteer Force Long Service. Geo. V. Pte. F. McLeod. D’Dun A.F.I. (Dehra Dun Contgt.)
759.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Edw. V11. Cpl. W. Cosans. 5/H.L.I. (NVF)
760.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Edw. V11. L/Cpl. A. Doig. Highland Cyclists Bn. (NVF)
761.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Sgt. J. Cameron. 6/R. Scots.
762.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Sgt. J. Allan. 8/H.L.I. Recipient was K.I.A. serving with 16 th Bn
Royal Scots, on 28-4-1917 and is buried in Brown’s Copse Cemetery, Roeux.
763.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Dvr. T.R. Johnson. R.A.S.C.
764.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. C. Sgt. T. Young. N. Cyclist Bn. (NEF)
765.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Sgt. R. Dawson. North R.G.A.
766.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Pte. D. McCallum R.A.M.C.
767.Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. C.S. Mjr. P.P. Carr. 7/E. York R. Also entitled to D.C.M.
(L/G 13-2-1917)
768.Efficiency Decoration Geo. V1. Dated 1951. Complete with Top Pin Bar “Territorial”. - with extra Service
Bar - 1951.
769.Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V. Sgt. J. Carruthers. Lanark Yeomanry.
770.Efficiency Medal
“Territorial” Geo. V. Sgt. W.C. Munt. R. Signals.
771.Efficiency Medal
“Territorial” Geo. V. Cpl. A.E. Fisher. Glosters.
772.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. Pte. R.W.H. Clarke. 2-E.I. Rly. R. A.F.I.
773.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. C.Q.M. Sgt. C. Woolen. 4. Frt. Coy R.E. A.F.I.
774.Efficiency Medal
“India” Geo. V. Pte. E.F. Avron. N.W. Rly. Bn. A.F.I.
775.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V1. - with extra service bar. M-Tpr. C.W. Harvey. Chota Nagpur R. A.F.I. (NEF) £95
776.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V1. Gnr. R. Hall. Bengal Arty. A.F.I.
777.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. Cpl. C.E. Kenton. 2. E.I. Rly. R. A.F.I.
778.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. L/Cpl. A. Francis. 2. M. & S.M. Rly. Rif. A.F.I.
779.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. Pte. S. Wood. I.G.I.P. Rly R. A.F.I.
780.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. L/Cpl. J.N. Balsara. Bombay Bn. A.F.I.
781.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. Pte. S. Stuart. I. M. & S.M. Rly. Rif. A.F.I.
782.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V. Pte. C.E. Oatley. 2E.I. Rly. R. A.F.I.
783.Efficiency Medal
“Militia” Geo. V. Spr. R. Whisker. R.E.
784.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V1. Cpl. W.F. Roberts. Bo. Bn. A.F.I. (Bombay Bn)
785.Efficiency Medal. “India” Geo. V1. Pte. A.J. Snaize. 1. E.I. Rly. R. A.F.I. (Occupation - shunter/driver) (VF)
786.Efficiency Medal
“India” Geo. V1. Pte. P. Williams. Delhi Contgt. A.F.I.
787.Efficiency Medal “Burma” Geo. V1. Pte. A. Abraham. Rangoon Bn. B.A.F.
788.Efficiency Medal. “Militia” Geo. V1. 1st type. Cpl. R. Graham. R. Signals.
789.Efficiency Medal “Militia” Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgln. W.F. Southgate. R. Signals.
790.Efficiency Medal. “Militia” Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgln. J. Taylor. R. Signals.
791.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgt. G.E. Honour R.A.
792.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Pte. T.C. Walton. R.P.C.
793.Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Pte. F. Ricketts. Queens. (GVF)
794.Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Bdr. T. Rowntree. R.A.
795.Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Cpl. J. Sibley R.A.P.C.
796.Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. `1st type - with extra service bar. Bmbr. J. Moncaster R.A. Sold with
original birth certificate (Gainsborough) and dog tags.
797.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Spr. J.G. Holmes. R.E.
798.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Gnr. R. Anderson R.A.
799.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Pte. C. Green. A.C.C.
800.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Cpl. H.J.R. Thatcher. R.A.S.C.
801.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Pte. A. McCallum 6-H.L.I.
802.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Cfn. J.J. Wardrop. R.E.M.E.
803.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgt. G.V. Sharpe. The Queen’s R.
804.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Bdr. T. Gray. R.A.
805.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Lieut. E.T. Walls. R.A. In box of issue (L/G 11-6-48) (EF)
806.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. W.O. Cl. 2. J. Scott. H.L.I.
807.Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Cfn. B.J. Drew. R.E.M.E.
808.Efficiency Medal. “T. & A.V.R.” Eliz. 11. - with extra service bar. Pte. E.V. Bletsoe Q.A.R.A.N.C. (NEF)
809.Kings African Rifles L.S.G.C. Geo. V. Sgt. Murjan Kombo. K.A.R.
810.Imperial Yeomanry L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Sgt. J. Carlin. Notts I.Y.
811. Special Reserve L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Pte. S. Hickley. 4/Notts & Derby Regt.
812.R.N.V.R. LSGC Geo. V1. 1st type. Sup/P/O. G.H. Horn. S.A.N.F. (V). (South African Naval Force) (NEF)
813.R.N.V.R. LSGC
Geo. V1. 1st type. C.C. Mortimore. Stores P.O. R.N.V.R.
814.R.N. LSGC
Victoria. F.E. Cole. Writer 1st Cl. HMS Ajax (awarded 1888) Recipient served from
1876 until his death in Plymouth Hospital on 16.9.1897.
815.R.N. LSGC
Victoria. George Baker. Stoker. H.M.Y. Victoria & Albert.
816.R.N. LSGC
Victoria. J.W. Marcham. P.O. I. Cl. HMS Pembroke.
817.R.N. LSGC
Victoria. J.M. Truscott. Car. Mte. HMS Ringdove.
818.R.N. LSGC
Geo.. V. 2nd type. D.J. Ferguson. P.O. HMS Victory.
819.R.N. LSGC
Eliz. 11 2nd type R.E. Ralph D.S.M. P.O.M.(E) HMS Loch Ruthven. Awarded D.S.M. per
L/G 2.6.1943 - R.N.P.S.
820.R.N. LSGC
Eliz. 11. 2nd type. L.W.E.M.(O) D.M. Bruce. R.N.
821.R.N.R. Decoration. Geo. V.
822.R.N.R. Decoration. Eliz. 11. Dated 1991. In Royal Mint case of issue.
823.R.N.R. LSGC
Edw. V11. J. Davy. Sean. 1. Cl. R.N.R.
824.R.N.R. LSGC
Edward V11. J. Goldring. Sean 1. Cl. R.N.R.
825.R.N.R. LSGC
Geo. V. 1st type. B. Benefer. Smn. R.N.R.
826.R.F.R. LSGC
Geo. V1. 1st type. A.B. W.H.J. Armstrong R.A.F.R. (Royal Australian Fleet Rescue) (NEF) £235
827.Prison Service L.S.G.C. S.O. S. Lyons WDO31. - Sold with recipient’s Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012. (EF)
828.R.A.F. L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. S.A.C. P.P. Hallinan R.A.F.
829.R.A.F. L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Sgt. G.A. Robertson R.,A.F.
830.Royal Warrant Holders Association Medal Eliz. 11. R.M. Blackwell. In Garrard case.
831.Royal Warrant Holders Silver Jubilee 1977. Thomas Caddick.
832.R.S.P.C.A. Life-saving Medal - Bronze -Top Bar “For Humanity”. Stn. Offr. G.C. Warren 1952. In fitted case (EF) £185
833.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Geo. V. Crowned Head. Harry C. Griffith.
834.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Geo. V. Crowned Head. Merton F. Frankenberg.
835.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Geo. V. Coinage Head. Harry Bryant.
836.Special Constabulary Faithful Service Geo. V1 2nd type (Fid. Def) Andrew Fraser.
837.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Albert E. Taylor.
838.Special Constabulary Faithful Service Eliz. 11. Frank W. Hayward.
839.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type James Duncan.
840.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. James Carson.
841.Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Eliz. 11. Ulster Reverse Frederick W. Toon.
842.Glasgow Special Constabulary Service Medal 1914-1919 with “3 years” Bar. Andrew Jeff.
843.Birmingham Special Constabulary Long Service. 1916. Named on reverse “F. Salmon”
844.Edinburgh City Special Constabulary Long Service 1914.
845.Metropolitan Special Constabulary Long Service 1914.
846.Birmingham Special Constabulary Water Works Guard 1917-1918. Bronze Medal awarded by Birmingham
Corporation. Un-named.
847.Burgh of Greenock Special Constabulary Medal - with “2years” top pin bar. H. Cuthbert. In box of issue. (NEF)`£285
848.Cardiff City Special Police. Bronze Medal for service in Great War 1914-19. Un-named. Mounted for wear. (NEF) £80
849.Liverpool City Police Good Service Medal. Bronze. P.S. 12 “B” John Richard Rowley. 10th April 1919, and
Liverpool City Police Good Service Medal. Silver. Sergt. 12 “B” John Richard Rowley. 10th April 1924. Both
medals presented by the Watch Committee. The silver medal in fitted case of issue.
850.Police Exemplary Service. Geo. V1. Sgt. Reginald L. Clark.
851.Police Exemplary Service. Geo. V1. Sgt. Edwin F. Lofting.
852.Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Const. Daniel Lowe.
853.Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Const. Aubrey R.R. Brown. (EF)
854.Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Const. John Owen. (NEF)
855.Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Const. Alfred Vintner.
856.Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Sgt. Joseph Richardson.
857.Fire Service Exemplary Service. Ldg. Fireman. Archibald J. Thomas.
858.Fire Service Exemplary Service. Fireman Harry V. Bignell. In box of issue (London)
859.Fire Service Exemplary Service. Fireman Walter G. Fell. In box of issue.
860.Fire Service Exemplary Service. Fireman Henry W. Stevenson. Together with British Fire Services Assocn. Medal
Bronze (10 yrs) H.W. Stevenson, and the St. John Ambulance Assn. Medal with six date bars (1928-32 and 1941) Henry Stevenson. First two medals in boxes of issue.
861.New Zealand United Fire Services Assn. Long Service - Silver - with four extra “2 years service” Bars.
R.N. Hermon. Levin V.F.B. 29-10-96. Complete with ornate top pin bar.
862.National Fire Brigades Association Long Service - with “Ten Years” Bar. Bronze. Albert L. Shepherd. (EF)
863.National Fire Brigades Union Long Service - with “Ten Years” Bar. Chas Thomas. (Hon. Sec) Ferndale F.B. 1918.
864.British Fire Services Association Long Service. Bronze. Original ribbon S. Bassett.
865.Voluntary Medical Service. Silver - with extra service bar. William Nicol. Mounted as worn.
866.St. Andrews Ambulance Assocn. - Corps Jubilee Medal 1904-1954. Un-named as issued.
867.Imperial Service Medal. Edw. V11. “Star type”. Un-named as issued.
868.Imperial Service Medal. Geo. V1. 2nd type. Hebert Charles Atkinson.
869.Imperial Service Medal. Eliz. 11. 1st type. George Wall.
870.Civil Defence Long Service. Un-named as issued.
871.Royal Observer Corps Medal. Eliz. 11. 1st type Chief Observer S.C.M. Fowler.
872.Royal Observer Corps Medal. Eliz. 11. 2nd type Observer Off A.J. Parkinson. Sold with Corps Lapel Badge (NEF) £250
873.Ceylon Police L.S.G.C. 1950 issue. Eliz. 11. Const. G. Ginnoris. Ceylon Police. The medal is pitted and
the naming is rubbed but readable.
874.Ceylon Police L.S.G.C. 1950 issue. Eliz. 11. Const. D.P.A. Weerasurya. Ceylon Police.
875.Canadian Forces Decoration. (C.D.) Eliz. 11. Sgt. R. Guyea.
876.Canadian Forces Decoration (C.D.) Eliz. 11. Sgt. C. Bollis.
877.Coronation Medal 1902. Silver. Un-named as issued. (NEF)
878.Visit to Ireland 1903 - Top Pin Bar missing. Const. J. Sullivan. R.I.C.
879.Delhi Durbar 1911. Un-named as issued.
880.Delhi Durbar 1911. Un-named as issued.
881.Coronation Medal 1911
882.Silver Jubilee 1935. Un-named as issued.
883.Coronation 1937. Un-named as issued.
884.Coronation 1953
Gentleman’s issue.
885.Silver Jubilee 1977. Ladies issue.
886.Silver Jubilee 1977 - Canadian issue.
887.Silver Jubilee 1977. Gentleman’s issue.
888.Diamond Jubilee 2012. In box of issue.
Military Temperance Medals
889.Army Temperance Assn. - India - 3 Year Medal. Silver (ATAI.3) The Beatty Star.
890.Group of Fifteen
To Major-General T. Young. C.B., O.B.E., R.A.M.C.
Most Honourable Order of the Bath - Companion (C.B.) - Military. Neck Badge, in Gilt (1951)
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire - Officer - (O.B.E.) 2nd type. Military (1945)
1914-15 Star. Lieut. T. Young R.A.M.C.
B.W.M. and Victory (M.I.D.) Capt. T. Young.
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31 Major T. Young.
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals (M.I.D.)
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Brigadier T. Young (O.B.E. Staff.
Coronation Medal 1953.
U.S.A. - Legion of Merit - Legionnaire. (1946)
France - Medaille De La Reconnaissance (1945)
Born 1893. M.B., CHB (Glasgow) 1915. M.D. 1951. D.P.H. (Cambridge) 1924. Lieut. R.A.M.C. Served
European war, Dardanelles, MEF, EEF 1915-22. (Despatches twice). India 1925-1931 and 1934-39. Major 1927.
Lt. Col. 1941. Temp. Col. 1941. Dep. Dir. Of Hygiene, Bnaf and Cmf, 1942-46 (Despatches twice). Col. 1945.
Comdt Army School of Hygiene 1946. Brigadier 1947. Dir of Medical Services Farelf 1948. Major-General
1949. Hon. Physician to King 1950. Hon Physician to Queen 1952-53. Dir. Army Health 1949-53. Retired
1953. Col. Comdt. R.A.M.C. 1955-61.
Sold with quantity of original paper work, including C.B. Bestowal document, O.B.E. Bestowal document,
3 x M.I.D. certificates. Invitation to Coronation at Westminster 2-6-1953. Coronation 1953 award certificate.
U.S.A. Legion of Merit Bestowal document and associated photographs of presentation. French Medal De La
Reconnaissance Bestowal document and associated papers. Booklet re the dinner given by the army to H.M.
the Queen, 27-11-1956 and two associated photographs of the event, and the Army Medical Service Magazine,
Jan. 1956 which featured Major-General Young. Together with some copied research and photographs.
Medals mounted as worn, by Spink.
891.Group of Four
Most Honourable Order of the Bath - Companion (C.B.) - Civil - Neck Badge (L/G 1-1-1919)
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire - Companion (C.B.E.) Civil. (L/G 1918)
B.W.M. H. Piggott.
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935.
Sir Henry Howard Piggott was born in 1871 and was educated at Kingswood School, Bath, and Corpus
Christi, Oxford. He served as H.M. Inspector of Schools, Board of Education 1902-1915, and during the war
at the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1919, serving as Private Secretary to the Rt. Hon. C. Addison and to Rt. Hon.
Winston Churchill when Ministers of Munitions 1916-1917. He was then appointed an Assistant Secretary of
the Ministry, a post he held until the end of the war, when he was transferred to the Ministry of Transport. From
1929-1934 he was Deputy Secretary, and in 1934 he was appointed Chairman of the Traffic Commissioners
and Licensing Authority for the South-East area. During the 1939-45 war he was Regional Transport Commissioner
of the Southern region, and prior to his retirement in 1946 he became Deputy Traffic Commissioner and
Licensing Authority for the Metropolitan area. He died in 1951.
He was recommended for the C.B.E. by Winston Churchill and for the C.B. by Lloyd-George, and Photostat
copies of their letters informing Piggott of their recommendations are included. Both decorations and the
Jubilee Medal are in their cases of issue.
892.Group of Six
Most Distinguished Order of ST. Michael and St. George - Companion - (C.M.G.) Neck Badge.
Distinguished Service Order (D.S.O.) Geo. V.
Tibet 1903-4. Bar - Gyantse. Capt. C. Elliott. R.E.
1914-15 Star. Major C.A. Elliott. R.E.
B.W.M. and Victory (M.I.D.) Brig. General C.A. Elliott
C.M.G. - L/G 3-6-1919 - Lt. Col. (T/Br. Gen) C.A. Elliott D.S.O. R.E.
D.S.O. - L/G 1-1-1917 - Major (Temp Lt. Col) C.A. Elliott. R.
M.I.D. - For Tibet - L/G 13-12-1904 - Capt. C. Elliott. Field Engineer.
M.I.D. - L/G 4-1-1917 - Elliott. Maj. (Temp Lt. Col) C.A. R.E.
M.I.D. - L/G 15-5-1917 - Elliott. Maj. (Temp Lt. Col) C.A. D.S.O. R.E.
M.I.D. - L/G 11-12-1917 -Elliott. Maj. (Temp Lt. Col) C.A. D.S.O. R.E.
M.I.D. - L/G 17-12-1918 - Elliott. Lt. Col. (T/Brig. Gen) C.A. D.S.P. R.E.
M.I.D. - L/G 5-7-1919 - Elliott Lt. Col. (T/Brig Gen) C.A. D.S.O. R.E.
Sold with small early photograph of recipient in uniform. Mounted for display.
893.Group of Eight
Order of British India (O.B.I.) 1st class (1939)
1914 Star and Bar Trio. Nk. Said Amir. 59 Rifles F.F.
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. Hav. Said Amir 2-12 F.F.R.
War Medal 1939-45
India Service Medal 1939-45
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935.
894.Group of Six
Distinguished Service Order (D.S.O.) Geo. V. Complete with Top Brooch Bar.
Q.S.A. 4 Bars CC/OFS/L.Nek/Belfast. Lieut. R.S. Walker R.E. (ghost dates)
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Capt. R.S. Walker. R.E.
1914 Star. Major R.S. Walker. R.E.
B.W.M. and Victory. Lt. Col. R.S. Walker.
Memorial Plaque. Reginald Selby Walker.
D.S.O. - L/G 3-6-1916
Born 1871. 2/Lieut. R.E. 25-7-1890 - Lieut. 25-7-1893 - Captain 25-7-1901 - Major 25-7-1910
Recipient was K.I.A. on 30-9-1918 serving with R.E. V1 Cps. H.Q., and is buried in Flesquieres Hill British
Cemetery, France. During the Boer War he served in the Searchlight Section R.E., and was twice mentioned
in despatches - L/G 8-2-1901 and L/G 29-7-1902. During W.W.1. He was again M.I.D. - L/G 4-1-1917.
Sold with copy photographs, photograph of headstone, copies of entries from his diary, and copies of letters
of sympathy sent to his wife, etc.
895.Group of Five
Distinguished Service Order (D.S.O.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Trio. Major R.T. Pemberton A.S.C.
Territorial Decoration (T.D.) Complete with Top Pin Bar.
D.S.O. - L/G 1-1-1917, and twice mentioned in despatches - L/G 1-1-1916 and 4-1-1917. Born 26-5-1888.
Joined 1st Vol. Bn. S. Staffs Regt as a Private on 6-2-1906. Promoted Cpl., and on the formation of the T.F.
transferred as a Sgt to the 8th Bn R. Warwick Regt. Commissioned in the N. Midland Div. S. & T. Column.
Lieut. 28-6-1910. Capt. 1-2-1911. Major 11-2-1915. Mobilised 4-8-1914. Later Bt. Colonel.
896.Group of Ten
Order of the British Empire - Commander (C.B.E.) 2nd type - Military.
N.G.S. 1 Bar Persian Gulf 1909-1914. Payr. B. Carter. R.N. HMS Swiftsure.
1914-15 Star. Asst. Payr. B. Carter R.N.
B.W.M. and Victory. Payr. Lt. Cdr. B. Carter. R.N.
1939-45 and Africa Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935.
C.B.E. - L/G 11-6-1942 - “Paymaster Captain Bernard Carter. Royal Navy (retired)
Sold with copy papers covering career from 1902 to 1923.
Mounted as worn.
897.Group of Four
Order of the British Empire. Officer (O.B.E.) 1st type Military.
1914-15 Star. Lieut. W.A. Young R.E.
B.W.M. and Victory (M.I.D.)
O.B.E. - L/G 3-6-1919 - T/Capt. W.A. Young R.E.
M.I.D. - Two - L/G 20-7-1917 (T/Lieut. R.E.) and L/G 3-6-1919 (T/Capt. R.E.)
898.Group of Three
Order of the British Empire - Officer (O.B.E.) 2nd type. Civil.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Lieut. B.D. Fairgrieve. R.A.M.C.
National Service Medal 1939-1960 Un-named.
O.B.E. - L/G 14-6-1986 - “Brian David Fairgrieve. D.L. For service to the Scout Association in Blair Atholl.
Sold with copy of L/G dated 8-10-1957 containing the following entry - “The under mentioned Capts from
Res of Offrs Nat. Serv. List to be Capts., 10th Sept 1957 retaining their present seniority:- Brian David Fairgrieve
M.B. (421334)” Also included are a set of three miniatures, mounted as worn.
899.Group of Seven
Order of the British Empire - Officer .B.E. 2nd type. Civil.
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. J.P. Morrison A.S.C. (Pte on Star)
Coronation Medal 1937.
Coronation Medal 1953.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Cpl. J.P. Morrison. R.A.S.C. (/G 18-1-1919)
The roll for the 1953 Coronation Medal lists “J.P. Morrison O.B.E. Town Clerk Paisley.” Mounted as worn (NEF) £575
900.Group of Four
Order of the British Empire - Member (M.B.E.) 2nd type - Civil.
1914-15 Trio. A.K.A. Lockie. A.B. R.N.V.R.
M.B.E. - L/G 1-1-1962 - “A.K.A. Lockie Esq. Head of Plumberwork Section, Ship Drawing Officer,
Alexander Stephen and Sons Ltd., Glasgow.
Sold with copy of “In-House” magazine reporting award and giving career details, various photographs, and
M.B.E. in case of issue.
901.Group of Two
Order of the British Empire - Officer. (O.B.E.) Second type - Civil. - Ladies issue in Royal Mint case.
Defence Medal.
Sold with original award parchment for the O.B.E. named to Miss Katherine Jane Inglis. L/G 1-1-1957 “Miss K.J. Inglis, Honorary Secretary for Women’s Work, The Church Army”.
902.Group of Six
Order of the British Empire (O.B.E.) 2nd type. Civil.
1914-15 Trio. Lieut. F.H. Austen R.N.
Coronation Medal 1953.
Portugal - Military Order of Avis - Chevalier. (L/G 4-2-1921)
O.B.E. - L/G 1-1-1948 - “Commander F.H. Austen R.N. (Retired). Commandant, Home Office Civil
Defence School, Easingwold”.
Mounted as worn.
903.Group of Seven
Order of the British Empire - Member - 2nd type. Military. (M.B.E.)
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. W.O. Cl. 1. C. Blair M.B.E. R.A.S.C.
L.S.G.C. “Regular Army” Eliz. 11. 1st type. W.O. Cl. 1. C. Blair M.B.E. R.A.S.C.
M.B.E. - L/G 7-6-1951 - “Warrant Officer Blair has been employed in A.G.8. Since 1 April 1946, and
has given outstanding service throughout this period. During the last year in particular he has been subjected to
quite abnormal conditions, all of which he has overcome in the most exemplary manner. Owing to reductions in
staff, the clerical work of the branch has frequently been at breaking point, but on each occasion by his own
personal example, initiative, and untiring work, W.O. Blair has averted a crisis.
He has been fighting personal ill-health or illness in his family throughout this period, and has been
uncomplaining and cheerful, and the requirements of the service have always been put before his own personal
problems, acute though they have been.
To weld into a happy and hardworking team a mixed staff of military and civil servants, many of whom are
over 60, is a remarkable achievement, which reflects the greatest credit on such a young warrant officer.
W.O. Blair was most highly recommended for the award of a M.B.E. in the New Year’s Honours List
1950, in view of his outstanding service over many years, the extremely difficult circumstances under which he
fulfilled his task as chief clerk, A.G.8., up to August 1949, and the success with which he had welded into a happy and
hardworking team the mixed staff of military and civilian clerks comprising the establishment of A.G.8.”
Mounted as worn.
904.Group of Six
Order of the British Empire - Member. (M.B.E.) 1st type. Military (L/G 11-6-1919 - Paymaster Sub-Lieut.
D.W. Abbey. R.N.)
1914-15 Tri0o. (M.I.D.) Payr. S. Lt. D.W. Abbey. R.N. (Clk. R.N. on Star)
Defence and War Medals.
M.B.E. recommendation - “Has carried out the exceptionally arduous and responsible duties of Secretary to
Capt (D) 3rd and 21st flotilla’s - Captain’s Clerk of Depot Ship of 3rd. and 21st flotillas under most difficult
circumstances in an exceptionally efficient and capable manner with exceptional ability. I cannot speak too
highly of this Officer’s services which have contributed to a large extent to the efficiency of the attached flotillas.
This Officer has worked indefatigably at all times an is in all respects loyal, trustworthy and conscientious.
Further, during the time this officer served as my Secretary with the convoy flotillas in “leander”, his services
were invaluable to me, and were carried out in the same exceptionally efficient manner stated above. I consider
this case deserving of special recognition”. M.I.D. - L/G 14-3-1919. Mounted as worn (wrong order!) (NEF)
905.Group of Four
Order of the British Empire - Member (M.B.E.) 1st type (L/G 7-6-1918 - Chief Carpenter J.G. Rogers. R.N.)
1914-15 Star. Ch. Carp. J.G. Rogers. R.N.
B.W.M. and Victory. Shpt. Lieut. J.G. Rogers. R.N.
M.B.E. - “For valuable services in structural repairs to damaged destroyers at Harwich” Commissioned
1-10-1914. Shipwright Lieut. 13-9-1918. Shipwright Lieut-Commander 13-9-1916. Copy papers. (NEF)
906.Group of Two
Order of the British Empire - Member (M.B.E. 1st type. (L/G 25-11-1920 T/Warrant Officer A.V. Green.
Royal Indian Marine)
B.W.M. Gnr. A.V. Green. R.I.M.
M.B.E. - “For valuable services rendered in connection with military operations in Mesopotamia.
907.Group of Three
Order of the British Empire - Member (M.B.E.) 1st type. Military.
B.W.M. and Victory. Lieut. W. Pollock.
M.B.E. - L/G 12.12.1919. T/Lt. Douglas Warren Pollock. R.E.
Mounted as worn.
908.Group of Four
Most Excellent Order of the British Empire - Member (M.B.E.) 1st type - Civil.
Defence Medal.
Coronation Medal 1937
Voluntary Medical Service Medal - with three extra service bars. Mary J. Drummond.
M.B.E. - L/G 30-3-1920 - “Divisional Secretary, Greenwich and Woolwich Division, B.R.C.S.”
Recipient assisted in training recruits for V.A.D. from August 1914 to July 1915 and from July 1915 to May
1917 was part time V.A.D. in Southwood Red Cross Hospital, and later became Divisional Secretary. She was
awarded her V.M.S. medal in 1932 &gained the last of her bars in 1940 at the age of 71. Mounted for wear. (NEF)
909.Group of Six
M.B.E. - 2nd type - Military.
B.W.M. H. Richardson. A.M.2. R.N.A.S. (The “A.S.” of “R.N.A.S.” has been removed)
Defence and War Medals.
Coronation Medal 1953 )Verified - Flt. Lt. H. Richardson. R.A.F. Cardington)
R.A.F. LSGC Geo. V. Cpl. H. Richardson R.A.F.
M.B.E. - L/G 13-6-1959 Flt. Lt. R.A.F.) Recipient was commissioned A/Pilot Officer in the Technical Branch
per L/G 28-10-1941 with seniority dating from 11-8-1941, and was promoted Flight Lieut. W.E.F. 1-9-1945. He
retired circa 1959-1960. An interesting group to a long serving member of the R.A.F. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
910.Group of Three
Royal Red Cross. Second class (A.R.R.C.) Geo. V.
B.W.M. and Victory. Sister L.E. Allee (T.F.N.S.)
A.R.R.C. - L/G 3-6-1916.
Mounted for display.
911. Group of Four
Royal Red Cross. Second class (A.R.R.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Star. S/Nurse L.M. Coates. Q.A.I.M.N.S.R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Sister L.M. Coates.
A.R.R.C. - L/G 1-1-1918.
Mounted for display.
912.Group of Four
Royal Red Cross. Second Class. (A.R.R.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Star. S/Nurse H. Baumann. S.A.M.N.S.
B.W.M. and Victory. N/Sister H. Baumann.
A.R.R.C. - L/G 1-1-1918.
Sold with a copy of a report on the work of the South African Military Nursing Service in France.
913.Group of Three
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V. - in case of issue
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut H.A. Small (Liverpool R.) In registered envelope, packets, and boxes of issue.
Memorial Plaque. Hugh Alexander Small. In original cardboard case and with Buckingham Palace letter.
M.C. - L/G 24-66-1916 - 16th Bn.. (Attd. 20th Bn Liverpool R.) - “For conspicuous gallantry during a
heavy bombardment by the enemy. He displayed great coolness, helped to dress the wounded, and, after being
himself covered with earth by the explosion of a shell, continued his work till all the wounded had been removed”.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 10-7-1916 during the Battle of the Somme, & is commemorated on the Theipval
914.Group of Four
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Star. Sgt. F. Silvers. S. Staffs. R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. F.P. Silvers.
M.C. - L/G 1-1-1918 - Lieut. (A/Capt) F.P. Silvers. S. Staffs R. He was commissioned on 28-8-1915
Recipient D.O.W. on 27-5-1918 with 1/6 S. Staffs Regt and is buried in Pernes British Cemetery.
915.Group of Three
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V.
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. L.M. Bayly (R. Irish Rifles)
M.C. - L/G 16-9-1918 - Lt. (A/Capt. L.M. Bayly. R. Ir. Rif. Spec. Res. - “For conspicuous gallantry and
devotion to duty. He commanded a company through a weeks heavy fighting, taking part in rearguard actions and
counter-attacks, in which he set a fine example. On one occasion he carried a Lewis gun the whole of a long march.
Recipient died of wounds on 22-10-1918 and is buried in Duhallow A.D.S. Cemetery, Ypres.
916.Group of Three
Military Cross. (M.C.) Geo. V.
B.W.M. and Victory. Major T.C. Parsons. (E. Lanc. Regt.)
M.C. - L/G 1.1.1918. Sold with M.I.C. which shows no entitlement to Star. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
917.Group of Four
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Star. Sgt. W.H. Parker. Manchester R.
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut W.H. Parker
L/G 26-7-1918 - T/2nd Lieut. W.H. Parker. Worcester Regt. - “ For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to
duty throughout long operations. When his Company Commander was killed, he assumed command and maintained
his position, covering the withdrawal of troops of other units with great courage and skill, inflicting heavy
casualties on the advancing enemy”
This action took place at Morchies on 21/25-3-1918. Sold with M.I.C. which confirms service in both the
Manchester and Worcester Regiments.
918.Group of Four
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Star. Pte. J.A. Hobson. R. Fus.
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. J.A. Hobson. (R. Fus. Attd. M.G.C.
M.C. - L/G 23.4.1918 - “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty when in command of a Battery.
When his machine guns were silenced by an intense barrage, they were first dismounted and placed under cover
in a deep trench and the men withdrawn to shelter. When the supports were observed to be withdrawing, and it
was decided to establish a strong point of defence, he at once dashed back to his Battery position through a
most intense barrage, and succeeded in bringing back one gun intact”.
Recipient was killed in action on 2.12.1917 whilst serving with 175th Coy, M.G.C. (Inf), and is buried in
Ribecourt British Cemetery, Nord, France. He received his commission in September 1916, having been in the
Royal Fusiliers since 1915. Prior to that he was an employee of the Bolton Co-op Society.
Sold with copy papers, newspaper cuttings and photographs etc..
Mounted for wear.
919.Group of Six
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Star. Pte. W.A. Ward. 15-London R. (Civil Service Rifles)
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. W.A. Ward.
Coronation Medal 1953
Efficiency Medal - Top bar “Malaya” Geo. V1. - with two extra service bars. Sgt. W.A. Ward. M.C. F.M.S.V.F.
Military Cross - L/G 1-1-1919 - Lt. (A/Capt) Wilfred Arthur Ward. Lan. Fus., Spec. Res., & 60th Bn. M.G.C.
Recipient was born in 1892 and entered the Colonial Service in 1920. He was appointed District Officer Port
Dickson in 1925 and Under-secretary, Singapore in 1940. He was interned by the Japanese from 1942 to 1945, and
in 1946 was appointed Resident Commissioner, Selangor, Federation of Malaya. In 1948 he was appointed
Commissioner for Malaya in the United Kingdom - a post he held until his retirement in 1953
Sold with the medals are original letters of appreciation etc., sent to recipient around the time of his retirement,
two from the Rt. Hon. Malcolm MacDonald, Commissioner General for the U.K. in South-East Asia, two from
Field Marshall Sir Gerald Templer, High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya, and one from Sir John
Nicoll, Governor and C. in C. Singapore. Also included is recipient’s internment (P.O.W.) number badge, and his
medal ribbon bar, and four original photographs - one of which is of him in his Resident Commissioners uniform
and wearing his medals. His son was a member of the Everest party that scaled the mountain for the first time
in 1953.. Also entitled to the C.M.G. (Awarded 1948).
Mounted as worn.
920.Group of Five
Military Cross (M.C.) Geo. V.
1914-15 Trio (M.I.D.) Capt. J.D. Standen 1/10/Jats.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Waziristan 1921-24. Capt. J.D. Standen 2-9 Jat R.
Recipient was shot dead on 22-12-1923 at Jandola, Waziristan by a Sepoy who ran amok He was aged 35 and
was educated at Elizabeth College, Guernsey. He saw service during the W.W.1. In the Tochi on the N.W. Frontier
of India, in Mesopotamia, at Salonika, on the Black Sea, and in Asia Minor.
He was awarded the M.C. on 31-10-1920 during the Turkish War of Independence and was twice mentioned
in despatches - 9-3-1919 and 31-10-1920. Sold with two original M.I.D. certificates, newspaper cuttings referring
to his death and copy head and shoulders photographs.
We are awaiting the M.C. details.
921.Group of Seven
Distinguished Flying Cross (D.F.C.) Dated 1942
Distinguished Flying Medal (D.F.M.) Sgt. R. Lambert R.A.F.
1939-45 and Air Crew Europe Stars. Defence and War Medals.
Coronation Medal 1953.
D.F.M. - L/G 30-7-1940 - No. 115 Sqn. R.A.F. Marham. (Wellington Bombers) “This airman has been
continuously engaged as Air Observer on operational flying since the beginning of the war, his own personal
record being 5 long sweeps and 18 bombing operations. At all times he has displayed a very high standard of
enthusiasm and an indefatigable devotion to duty under the most trying conditions when in action, while his
unfailing cheerfulness during long periods of standing by and particularly when preparing for operations, have
been of the greatest value in sustaining the high state of morale in his flight. In particular his sound navigation
and backing of his Captain and Section Leader at the time, was largely responsible for enabling the Section to
make successful dawn and twilight attacks, without loss, on Stavanger Aerodrome, on 14th April and 30th April,
1940, respectively.
Since the death in action of the remainder of his crew, he has taken over the duties of Navigator to his Flight
Commander with undiminished cheerfulness and enthusiasm and continued to set the finest example to all ranks.
The efficiency and imperturbability of this N.C.O. have undoubtedly been of the utmost value to his unit. He
possesses a temperament which makes him ideally suited for employment in a heavy bomber squadron where his
determination, courage and thoroughness have been well tested”. Sgt. Lambert went on to complete 35 operational
sorties with 115 squadron, of which 12 out of the last 15 were over the Ruhr area.
D.F.C. - L/G 26-5-1943 - Warrant Officer - No. 15 Sqn. RAF Wyton (Stirling Bombers) “This Warrant
Officer has taken his place as Air Observer on fifty-six operations during his two tours, which included several attacks
on such heavily defended targets as Berlin, Wilhelmshaven, and the Ruhr. At all times his Captain has spoken most
highly of his ability as a Navigator, and his coolness and efficiency as a Bomb Aimer in the face of the heaviest
defences. I consider him to be one of the very best Observers in this squadron, who by his coolness and enthusiasm
acts as a most excellent example to everyone, and most strongly recommend him for the award of the Distinguished
Flying Cross. W/O Lambert carried out a further 3 operational sorties up to 12-4-1942 with No. 15 squadron,
making a total of 59 ops up to that date.
Recipient was born 9-11-1905 and was first commissioned on 1-12-1942 and was discharged as a Flight
Lieutenant some time after the war. He rejoined the RAF on 13-1-1953 and was appointed to a permanent commission
in the Technical Branch with the rank of Flight Lieutenant. He retired on 31-12-1960, and his last appointment was
that of Station Armament Officer at RAF Chivenor. His wife whom he married in 1947 was a Section Officer in
the W.A.A.F. Flt. Lt. Lambert died on 11-12-1984.
Sold with two commissioning parchments dated 19-1-1943 (Pilot Officer) and 21-7-1953 (Flt. Lt.), and his wife’s
commissioning parchment dated 16-3-1943 (Assistant Section Officer). Also included are details of his operational
sorties with both squadrons (E.G. 12-12-1941 - “Aircraft hit by flak in both main-planes. Held by searchlights for
three minutes”, and 226-1-1942 - flak intense and A/C hit”), a newspaper cutting from the “Salford City Reporter”
detailing the award of the D.F.C., and a scrap book compiled by his wife containing various letters, newspaper
cuttings etc.. This includes letter appointing Flt. Lt. Lambert to a permanent commission (1953), Air Ministry letters
concerning his impending retirement (1960), the covering document for the award of the Coronation Medal (1953),
and letter of thanks from H.M. the Queen for his long and valuable services (1960). Also included is a newspaper
photograph of his wedding and another photograph and article recording his retirement. There is also a letter to
his wife from the Air Ministry, dated 19-2-1943 confirming appointment to commission in the W.A.A.F. and
a letter to her signed by Wg. Cdr. H.I. Edwards VC. DSO. DFC. thanking her for her activities in the Officer’s
Mess and with the Station Concert Party overt Christmas and the New Year (9-1-1944 - RAF Binbrook)
A fine wartime record for someone who was not a young man by R.A.F. Aircrew standards in W.W.2. (NEF) £7750
922.Group of Three
Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. Pte. G. Lowe. 1/Gordon Highrs.
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. G. Lowe. Gordons.
L/G 11-3-1920 - “he has served with the Battalion since October 1915, in which he has carried out the duties
of stretcher bearer. In a recent action two stretcher-bearers were killed and two wounded in this Battalion, but
he continued his work untiringly in the face of the heaviest shell and machine-gun fire. He has at all times set an
example of courage and self-sacrifice”.
923.Group of Four
Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. Pte-A/Sgt. J. Hockley. M.T. - A.S.C
1914 Star Trio. Sgt. J. Hockley A.S.C. (Pte on Star)
D.C.M. - L/G 21-10-1918 - “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty. As Transport Sergeant
carried out his work with the most exceptional ability and zeal. In the execution of his duty he was constantly
exposed to heavy shell fire, but always completed his task in spite of all difficulties”.
924.Group of Four
Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. Pte. B.N. Fairgrieve. 7/K.O.S.B.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. B.N. Fairgrieve. K.O. Sco. Bord.
D.C.M. - L/G 15-3-1916 - “For conspicuous gallantry. During a bombardment by the enemy with bombs and
rifle grenades he picked up a grenade which had fallen in the meddle of six men and threw it over the parapet,
where it exploded. His promptness certainly saved casualties”.
925.Group of Five
Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. C.Q.M. Sgt. T.G. Allen. 2/S. Staff Regt.
1914 Star Trio. W.O. Cl. 2. T.G. Allen. S. Staff R. (Sgt. 2-S. Staff. R. on Star)
Memorial Plaque. Thomas George Allen.
D.C.M. - L/G 14-1-1916 - “For conspicuous gallantry. Company Quartermaster-Sergeant Allen and L/Cpl.
Swinnerton crawled out along the towpath in spite of heavy fire and with utter disregard of danger rescued no fewer
than two wounded officers and ten men”.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 38, on 17-2-1917, and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial. Born and
resided in Birmingham.
926.Group of Two
Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. C.S. Mjr.J.W. Mann. 2/K.O.S.B
1914 Star and Bar. Sgt. J. Mann. K.O.Sco.Bord.
Memorial Plaque John Mann.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 34 on 11-6-1915, and is buried in Dickebusch New Military Cemetery.
D.C.M.-L/G 3-6-1915 - “For gallantry, initiative, and coolness on the 18th April 1950 at Hill 60, when he handled
his men with great ability at a critical time during the fighting for possession of the hill”.
927.Group of Four
Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. A. Wyer. 1/R. Innis Fus.
1914 Star Trio. Sgt. R. Wyer. A.S.C. (Pte on Star)
D.C.M. - L/G 12-3-1919 - “For conspicuous gallantry and initiative in the attack near Spriete on the 19th of
October 1918. He behaved in a most inspiring manner throughout the days operations. His company was left with
only one officer, and he took over command of the left half company and ably led his men to their objective in the
face of many obstacles and under heavy machine-gun fire. The services rendered by him at a critical period of
the operations were of great value, and he showed marked courage and powers of organisation.” Resided in
928.Group of Five
Distinguished Conduct Medal. (D.C.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. J.W. Mildenhall. 36/Bde. R.F.A.
1914 Star Trio. Cpl. J.W. Mildenhall R.A. (Gnr. R.F.A. on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Cpl. J.W. Mildenhall D.C>M. R.F.A.
D.C.M. - L/G 23-6-1915 - “For conspicuous gallantry and ability as a signaller throughout the campaign.
On the Aisne and at St. Julien, he was continually under fire repairing lines. In front of Ypres he carried messages
backward and forward under heavy shell fire, and at Givenchy and Festubert he showed great ability in his work
and devotion to duty”.
929.Group of Three
Distinguished Service Medal. (D.S.M.) Geo. V. A. McIver Lg. Sean. R.N.R. Ocean Retriever. Aux. Patrol
B.W.M. and Victory. A. McIver L.S. R.N.R.
D.S.M. - L/G 14-7-1916.
930.Group of Three
Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M.) Geo. V. P.J.L. Day. Dk. Hd. R.N.R. “Tarantella” minesweeping
18th Oct. - 18 Nov. ‘18
B.W.M. and Victory. P.J.L. Day. D.H. R.N.R.
D.S.M. - L/G 14-2-1919 - In recognition of services in minesweeping operations off the Belgian coast
including the minefields off the ports of Ostend and Zeebrugge.
931.Group of Two
Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M. Geo. V. F. Rendall. C.E.R.A. 1. Cl. HMS Orion. 31 May-1 June 1916.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. Frederick Rendall C.E.R.A. 2. Cl. HMS Bristol.
D.S.M. - L/G 15-9-1916. Battle of Jutland Award.
932.Group of Three
Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M.) Geo. V. T. Fowler. E.R.A. 4th Cl. “Grasshopper” 1918
B.W.M. and Victory. L. Fowler. E.R.A. 3. R.N.
L/G 11-12-1918. HMS “Grasshopper” was a small destroyer of 923 tons, launched in 1909”
Sold with copy papers which record that recipient was “sentenced 24 Oct ‘18, Chester Assizes to 3 months
imprisonment without hard labour. (Attempted murder).
933.Group of Three
Distinguished Service Medal (D.S.M.) Geo. V. A.E.C. Thomas. C.E.R.A. Heligoland Bight 17th Nov. 1917.
1914-15 Star. A.E.C. Thomas. E.R.A.3. R.N.
Victory. Art. Eng. A.E.C. Thomas. R.N.
Recipient was appointed Artificer Engineer on 1-6-1918, and promoted Commissioned Engineer on
1-6-1928. Sold with “other ranks” copy papers.
934.Group of Two
Indian Distinguished Service Medal (I.D.S.M.) Geo. V. Subadar Hanumantu. 13 Coy. 2nd Q.V.O. S. & M. For Mesopotamia (per 1388/1916). Also M.I.D. - 1241 1916.
Sold with recipient’s Silver Tiber 1903-4 Medal. (No Bar), named Havdr. Hainumantu. 12 Coy. 2nd Q.O.
S. & M Enlisted 1-5-1899. Jemadar 7-7-1914.
935.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. R.W. Taylor. 2/Worcester R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. R.W. Taylor. Worcester R.
Mounted as worn.
936.Group of Two
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. C.A. Hay. 1/1 D. of Lanc. Yeomanry.
T.F.E.M. Geo. V. Cpl. C. Hay. D. of Lanc. O. Yeomanry.
937.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. L. Harris. 7/Rifle Bde.
1914-15 Star and Victory Medal (B.W>M. missing) Cpl. L. Harris. Rifle Bde.
Sold with original W.W.2. National Registration Identity Card containing photograph of recipient, and
replacement discharge certificate (W.W.1.), dated 2-11-1939.
938.Group of Three.
(M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. R. Wallace 11/R. Scots.
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. R. Wallace R. Scots. Mounted as worn.
939.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. G. Troth. 2/8 Worcester R. - T.F.
B.W.M. and Victory. Sgt. G. Troth. Worcester R.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 5-1-1917, with the 2nd/8th Bn., and is buried in Ovillers Military Cemetery. He resided
in Bromsgrove.
M.M. - L/G 21-9-1916. Sold with M.I.C. which shows no entitlement to Star.
940.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. J.W. Mortimer 9/York & Lanc. R.
1914-15 Star. Pte. J.W. Mortimer. E. York R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. 2. J.W. Mortimer R.A.F.
M.M. - L/G 16-8-1917.
Sold with original newspaper cutting (including photograph), reporting the award of the M.M. - “He went
over the top in the second wave, and was told off along with another man to carry a box into the German second line.
When they got on the top his mate was shot in the hand, and Pte. Mortimer dragged the box over no man’s land by
himself into the German first line, and then into the second line. During an attack several signal linesmen were
wounded, and despite shellfire Pte. Mortimer volunteered to assist in laying out a line forward. The officer in
charge and other men were severely wounded for fourteen hours, in spite of the intense shelling by the enemy”.
He was 26 years old and a member of the Salvation Army, Icehouse Corps.
941.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. A. Rowland. A.S.C.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. A. Rowland. A.S.C.
M.M. - L/G 19.3.1918.
Resided in Stockport.
942.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. S. Owen. 22/Manchester R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. S. Owen. Manchester R.
943.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. E.S. Straw. 10/R. Fusiliers.
944.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Bmbr. A.D. Turner. H.Q. 72/Bde. R.F.A
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. A.D. Turner R.A. (Gnr. R.F.A. on Star)
945.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Gnr. A. Bennett. 310/Sge. By. R.G.A.
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. A. Bennett. R.A. M.M. - L/G 16-8-1917. Not entitled to Star.
946.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. J. Webster. 5/6 Scottish Rifles.
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. J. Webster. Sco. Rif.
947.Group of Five
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. R. Hockheimer. 21/F.A. R.A.M.C
1914 Star Trio. Pte. R. Hockenheimer R.A.M.C.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Cpl. R. Hochheimer M.M. R.A.M.C.
Somewhat polished.
948.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Gnr. S.J. Binks. 180/Bde. R.F.A.
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. S.J. Binks R.A.
M.M. - L/G 14-9-1916. Sold with M.I.C. which shows no entitlement to Star.
949.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. W. Wilson. 11/Essex Regt.
B.W.M. and Victory. W.O. Cl. 2. W. Wilson. Essex R.
France - Croix De Guerre 1914-1918.
950.Group of Six
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. - with Second Award Bar Pte. A. Charlton 19/F.A. R.A.M.C.
Order of St. John - Serving Brother.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. A. Charlton. R.A.M.C.
S.J.A.B. Long Service - with three extra service bars. Cpl. A. Charlton M.M. L. Hulton Dvn. Ellse No. 4 Dist.
S.J.A.B. 1924.
951.Group of Three
Military Medal (M M) Geo. V. Gnr. A. Bennett. 310/Sge. Bty. R.G.A.
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. A. Bennett. R.A.
M.M. - L/G 16-8-1917. Sold with M.I.C. which shows no entitlement to Star.
952.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. I.A.. oy. 1/R. Sco. Fus.
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. I.A. Joy R.S. Fus. (Pte on Star) Somewhat polished. Mounted for display.
953.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. W.H. Cook. 136/Hy. By. R.G.A.
B.W.M. and Victory. Sgt. W.H. Cook R.A.
Sold with copy of L/G entry (18-7-1917), M.I.C., and “M.M.” award slip.
954.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. E.G. Warner. 1/Middlesex R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Sgt. E.G. Warner. Middlesex R.
Mounted for wear.
955.Group of Five
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. J. Groves. 4/Coldstream Gds.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Groves. C. Gds (G. Groves on Star, but numbers are the same)
Gold (hall-marked) Tribute Medal - 3 cm diameter. Obverse “With Oswaldwistle’s Gratitude”. Obverse “The
Great War 19114-1918”, and named Pte. J. Groves M.M.
956.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. R. McCulloch 1/R. Highlanders.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. R. McCulloch. R. Highrs.
Recipient D.O.W. on 6-9-1918 serving with the 1st Bn. (VF) £925
957.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. C.E. Lowe. 2/West Riding Field Coy. R.E. - T.F.
1914-15 Trio. Sgt. C.E. Lowe. R.E. (L/Cpl. on Star)
Recipient was K.I.A., on 20-9-1916. He resided in Rotherham.
958.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. 13827 Pte. R.E. Pickenings. 7/E. Lanc. R.
1914-15 Star. 13827 Pte. R.E. Pickings E. Lanc. R.
B.W.M. and Victory. 13827 Cpl. R.E. Pickings. E. Lanc. R.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 28-10-1918 with the 1st Bn.
Sold with a large illuminated scroll given by the
U.D.C. of Stretford to Sgt. R.E. Pickens tendering the Council’s congratulations to Sgt. R.E. Pickens on being
awarded the Military Medal . The scroll is very colourful and bears the official seal of the U.D.C.
Please note the different spellings of the surname - “Soldiers Died” records it as Pickenings. - The initials and
the regimental number (13827) are the same throughout.
959.Group of Five
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. W. Batchelor. 12/Highland Lt. Infy. (L/G 7-10-1918)
1914-15 Trio. Sgt. W. Batchelor H.L.I. (L/Cpl on Star)
France - Croix De Guerre 1914-1918.
960.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl J. Caskie. 51st (H) Bn. M.G.C. (L/G 13-9-1918)
B.W.M. and Victory. Cpl. J. Caskie. A. & S.H. Territorial Effic. Medal. Geo. V. Cpl. J. Caskie. 8-A. & S.H.
Sold with M.I.C. which shows entitlement to the 1914-15 Star.
Mounted for display.
961.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. W.F. White 1/Div. Co. A.C.C. (Army Cyclist Corps)
B.W.M. and Victory. Lieut. W.F. White.
962.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Spr. W.C. Gribble 23/London Fd. Co. R.E. - T.F.
B.W.M. and Victory. A.”. Cpl. W.C. Gribble R.E.
Sold with original “dog-tag” and B.W.M. and Victory Box. (damaged)
963.Group of Seven
Family Group - 3 Brothers
1. Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. A.B. J. Grosart. Howe Bn., R.N.V.R.
B.W.M. and Victory. J. Grosart. A.B. R.N.V.R.
K.I.A., aged 36 with Howe Bn., R.N. Div., on 29-12-1917 and buried in Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery,
Villiers - Plouich. Not entitled to Star.
2. B.W.M. and Victory. Spr. J. Grosart. R.E.
K.I.A., aged 32 with 87th Field Coy., on 5-8-1916 and buried in Aveluy Communal Cemetery Extension.
3. B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. A. Grosart. R.A.M.C.
964.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. J. Graham. 2/2 N.M.F.A. R.A.M.C. T.F.
B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. J. Graham. R.A.M.C. Memorial Plaque James Graham.
Recipient was K.I.A. aged 37, with the 2nd/2nd North Midland Field Amb. on 21-3-1918 - the first day of the
Spring Offensive. He is commemorated on the Arras Memorial. Sold with recipient’s “dog tag” & original
envelope & packet for the plaque. (EF)
965.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Sgt. J. Morrison. A.76/A.Bde. R.F.A.
B.W.M. & Victory. Sgt. J. Morrison R.A. (GVF)
966.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. L/Cpl. C.H. Iley. 4/R. Fusiliers.
B.W.M. & Victory. Cpl. C.H. Iley. R. Fus. L/G 23-10-1918.
967.Group of Five
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. G.W. Gibb. 206/F.Coy. R.E.
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. G.W. Gibb. R.E. (Spr. on Star).
Roumania - Medal for bravery & loyalty, with swords 2nd class in silver. (L/G 20-9-1919 - “Corporal George
W. Gibb, 206th Field Company R.E.) Recipient came from Renfrewshire. A very rare combination. (GVF)
968.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. - Crowned Head. L/Cpl. F. Britten. 2-D.W.R. (L/G 8-5-1936)
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1935. Pte. F. Britten D.W.R.
Defence and War Medals.
M.M. for the action at Dand Banda on 23-8-1935. - “The advance guard reached Dand at about 1800 hrs and
“B” Company acting as the rear guard was called on to attack and occupy a ridge overlooking the selected camp
sites. In gaining their objective the Company came under heavy and accurate rifle fire, thereby suffering four
casualties - L/Cpl’s Stone, Britten, and Pte’s Clarke and Ward. The remainder of the Battalion eventually reached
camp at 10.50 hrs, having withdrawn 15 road piquets en route, most of which had to be called down in the dark.
The fact that the rear guard was not followed up was proof of the severe defeat the enemy had suffered. Enemy
casualties were reported as being not less than 60 dead and 40 wounded. Our own casualties were 9 killed and
21 wounded. For their conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty for the attack on the ridge, L/Cpl’s Stone
and Britten were both awarded the Military Medal.”
L/Cpl Britten died on 22-4-1943 whilst serving with the 10th Bn Duke of Wellington’s Regt., aged 56 and is
buried in Rotherham (Masbrough) Cemetery.
969.Group of Three
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V. Pte. H. Brookes. 1/Scot. Rifles.
B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. H. Brookes. Scot. Rifles.
970.Group of Five
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1. Fus. G. Weir. R.S. Fus. (4/5th Bn.)
1939-45 and France and Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
L/G 21-6-1945 - “At Alpon (1531) on 8 Mar ‘45 Fus. Weir was a sniper attached to “C” Coy 4/5 Royal Scots
Fusiliers. This company had the task of clearing the town when the other three companies had got into positions
round the outside.
Throughout the whole operation which lasted nearly 9 hours this company was subjected to heavy and accurate
artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire. At one stage of the battle it was vitally important to get an order to a
forward platoon from company H.Q. Fusilier Weir immediately volunteered to take the message in spite of the
fact that he knew he would have to cross absolutely open ground in full view and within very close range of the
enemy. Not only did Fus. Weir take this message, but five others, and the last time on his way back he stopped
while under fire and carried a wounded fusilier on his back and brought him to safety.
The very gallant conduct of this fusilier not only very materially assisted towards the success of the operation,
but also very probably saved the life of a comrade.”
971.Group of Eight
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1. 1st type. Dr. Mehtab Khan (R.I.A.S.C.)
1939-45 and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Pakistan - Independence Medal 1948.
Pakistan - G.S.M. 1 Bar Kashmir 1948
Pakistan - Republic Medal 23rd March 1956
M.M. - L/G 14-9-1944 - There is no citation published - the award is listed in the “London Omnibust”
list for “Gallant and Distinguished Services in the Field”
Mounted for display.
972.Group of Five
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1. Bandsman R.E. Taylor. Arg. & Suth. Highrs.
1939-45 and Pacific Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
A scarce “Immediate” award for deeds performed in Malaya in December 1941
The award was published in L/G of 23 Jan. 1942, and the citation for this very early S.W. Pacific theatre
“Immediate” award was published in the Singapore based “Straits Times” on 31 Jan 1942. - “His great devotion
to duty during bombing and machine-gun attacks was an example to all. At the height of activity he was exposed
to great danger in carrying casualties to the ambulance”.
The above deeds were performed at Salak village, Perak River, Malaya on 23 Dec 1941, on which day 2/Argylls
were bombed and machine-gunned by Japanese aircraft reported to be flying as low as 300 ft, as well as bombarded
by Japanese artillery.
Recipient was captured with others of his regiment at the surrender of Singapore on 15 Feb 1942, and
died as a P.O.W. on 15 Jan 1944 in Changi Jail, aged 42. He is attributed to have been a co-writer of the popular
war song “Moon over Malaya” - a song whose title was used as the title of the book “Moon over Malaya - a tale of
Argylls and Marines” (extracts from which are included with the lot)
973.Group of Four
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1 Hvldr. Peo Gul. Punjab R.
1939-45 and Pacific Stars. War Medal 1939-45.
L/G 19-12-1946 - “On 12 Dec 1941 when 5/14 Punjab R. was fighting in Thailand, Hav. Peo Gul and his
platoon were detailed for road block duty in the front line on the 15 km mark on the Krok-Opattini Road. The
Japanese forces attacked this position at night in large numbers, but largely due to Hav. Peo Gul’s example and
courage, were forced to withdraw. He continued to lead patrols throughout the night. This same N.C.O. also
distinguished himself on the night of 3 Jan 1942 when his unit was in an ambush position South of Kampar.
He was employed as Pl. Cdr. in forward area covering a road block. At 0200 hrs the enemy attacked in tanks
followed by motorized infantry. Hav. Peo Gul held his fire till the enemy were compelled to halt due to the road
block, then opened up concentrated fire on the vehicles. He also co-ordinated the fire of an A/T Gun Sec., attached
to the unit.
This N.C.O’s conduct throughout the whole of a difficult campaign, when neither ordinary battle reliefs or
sufficient weapons or air support were obtainable was first class. A fine leader in the field, & gallant in action”.
Recipient was taken P.O.W. and survived the ordeal. The original recommendation was for the Indian Order
of Merit.
Mounted for display.
974.Group of Seven
Military Medal (M.M.) Geo. V1. 2nd type. Cpl. (A/Sgt) T.A. Want R.M.
1939-45, Atlantic (France & Germany), Africa (N. Africa 1942-43) and Italy Stars.
War Medal 1939-45
N.G.S. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. T.A. Want A/Sgt. R.M.
M.M. - L/G 21-10-1952 - “Sgt. Want has been engaged on anti-bandit operations since June 1950.
Throughout this period he has commanded his sub-section with tireless energy, outstanding devotion to duty, and
with no other thoughts than to get to grips with the bandits.
On 1st June 1951 his sub-section had an unexpected encounter with a party of bandits. He immediately led his
section into action, killing one bandit and wounding several others with no casualties to his side.
On Christmas eve 1951, he led his sub-section to an enemy camp in very thick country in the Kampar Hills,
two bandits were contacted and both killed.
On 8th February 1952 when his sub-section came rather unexpectedly on a bandit camp, he quickly took
charge of the situation, so that three out of four bandits were killed.
In nearly two years of bandit fighting, Sgt. Want’s high sense of duty, his cheerfulness at all times, and his
complete disregard of his own personal safety, have been a magnificent example and inspiration, not only to
his sub-section, but also to the remainder of the troop”.
Sold with full career details of recipient, and a copy of the “Globe and Laurel” (Jan-Feb 2012) containing
recipient’s obituary and photograph (wearing medals)
Only eleven Military Medals awarded to the Royal Marines for the Malayan Emergency 1948-1960.
Mounted as worn.
975.Group of Two
British Empire Medal - Geo. V1. - Civil. Herbert G. Freeston.
Defence Medal.
B.E.M. - L/G 24-6-1946 - “H.G. Freeston. Acting First Class Draughtsman. Engineer-in-Chief’s Dept.,
Admiralty”. Sold with Photostat copies of articles of apprenticeship (Chatham Dockyards), and various documents.
Also forwarding Buckingham Palace letter for the B.E.M. and letter of congratulation from the Admiralty.
Recipient and a fellow engineer invented and patented a coupling for use between the engine and propeller
shafts in submarines (emergency coupling), and details and copies of relevant correspondence are enclosed..
An interesting lot.
Both medals in boxes of issue.
976.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. Miss Evelyn Marjorie Vivienne Fletcher
B.W.M. and Victory. E.M.V. Fletcher V.A.D.
Defence Medal.
Women’s Voluntary Service Medal. Un-named as issued.
B.E.M. - L/G 1-1-1964 - “Miss E.M.V. Fletcher, member, County Staff, Norfolk. W.V.S.”
All five medals are in their original cases/boxes of issue, and additionally the two World War One Medals are
in their forwarding registered envelope.
977.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M. Civil - Geo. V1. William Christie Murdock (M.N.)
1939-45, Atlantic, and Italy Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
B.E.M. - L/G 21-5-1943 - “The ship was torpedoed. The fires were at once shut off, the engines were
stopped and the machinery spaces vacated. After inspecting the damage, the Master decided that there was a chance
of saving the ship. Her ordered the passengers and the majority of the crew into the boats and called for volunteers
to operate the necessary pumps and gear.
Officers Tyson, Mackenzie and MacDonald with fireman Murdock and Sandilands volunteered for this
dangerous task. Returning below, they re-lit the furnaces and proceeded to pump out two of the cargo tanks. They
also worked the engines as required by the Master in his attempts to place the ship in a favourable weather position.
Conditions made this impossible and it was decided to try to pump out another tank, but the leakage into the engine
room was more than could be dealt with and eventually the fires were put out by the rising water. It was only then,
with sixteen feet of water in the engine-room, that those below relinquished their efforts, and the ship had to be
finally abandoned”.
Sadly Mr. Murdock did not survive (died 8.9.1944) to receive personally from the King his B.E.M., and this
was handed to his widow at an Investiture held at Buckingham Palace on 17.7.1945. Mounted for display. (NEF) £895
978.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1 - Military. Shpt. 4 Cl. Hugh Wallace R.N
1939-45 and Africa and Italy Stars. War Medal 1939-45.
B.E.M. - L/G 11-12-1945 - Coastal Force Base, Miraglia. - “This rating has completed 26 months of
outstanding service with Coastal Force Craft in the Mediterranean during which time he has never from his untiring
efforts to keep the boats at sea. He has worked long extra hours without being asked to, in order to turn out the
craft for the Coastal Force Operations in the Adriatic. He has earned, by his ability and industry, the admiration of
every commanding officer on whose boat he has worked. He is always cheerful and read to encourage others.
It would be impossible for any rating to make greater efforts to maintain the efficiency and fighting power of the
979.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. C.Y.S. William D. Winzer.
1939-45 and Atlantic Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
B.E.M. - L/G 1-1-1941 - “Chief Yeoman William Douglas Winzer (pensioner), HMS “Edinburgh Castle”,
was one of the pioneer staff who arrived at Freetown in mid-September. For months he and another Chief Yeoman
of Signals worked in the cable office from early morning until late at night with only short times off for meals:
coding, typing, distributing and assisting in very way at the Shore Signal Station. During the absence of the Signal
Boatswain (which coincided with the arrival of the “Edinburgh Castle”) they managed the rapidly expanding
Prince of Wales S.D.O. work very efficiently. For eleven months Winzer and his partner showed incessant
keenness and interest in all that they were called upon to do”.
980.Group of Five
Family Group - Husband and Wife.
Wife British Empire Medal (B.E.M. Geo. V1 Military. Sgt. Josephine R. Rudder A.T.S. - For services with
Headquarters Combined Operations, Whitehall.
Husband 1939-45 and Africa Stars. War Medal. Africa Service Medal. All named C.A. Rudder except Africa Star.
Recipient was taken P.O.W. in Tobruk and eventually ended up in Germany in Stalag 344 in Lamsdorf.
Sold with original newspaper cutting including photograph reporting the award of the B.E.M. to
Sgt. Rudder, and head and shoulders postcard sized photograph of Pte. C.A. Rudder.
981.Group of Three
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgt. Joan Norman. A.T.S.
Defence and War Medals.
L/G 10-4-1945 - 9 A.A. (A.T.S.) Company. - “Sgt. Norman enlisted in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in
February 1941, and since that date she has by her perseverance, cheerful and unfurled disposition, and sound
common sense, been an inspiration to all serving with her. As sergeant in charge of the Adjutant General’s
Branch at Headquarters I. A.A. Group, now 9 A.A. Group, she has shown outstanding ability and conscientiousness.
This Branch has continually been faced with a volume of work greater than anticipated by the war establishment
owing to the many exceptional calls made upon this Headquarters when in London and when suddenly five
additional brigades, ten in all, were placed under its command. At such times Sgt. Norman accepted great
responsibility, virtually that of a Staff Captain, without demur and with marked initiative. No call has ever been
too great and she has consistently achieved both in herself and her immediate staff the highest standards in all
that she has done. She has at all times shown an exceptional appreciation of her responsibilities and given a great
example of unswerving devotion to duty.”
982.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. Civil. George Stevenson.
1939-45, Atlantic, and Africa Stars. War Medal 1939-45.
B.E.M. - L/G 9-1-1946 - “George Stevenson. Chief Steward. M.V. ‘Rugeley’. (Stephens Sutton & Company)
B.E.M. in box of issue.
983.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. E.R.A. 5.Cl. Theodore S.D. Farley. R.N.
1939-45 and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
B.E.M. - L/G 6-11-1945 - “For outstanding bravery, determination and endurance whilst serving in H.M.s
Arcturus, when severe damage from the explosion of a mine was sustained in the engine room”.
During minesweeping operations in Northern Adriatic, in establishing channel to Ventoe, Farley was E.R.A. of
the watch when severe damage was sustained to the engine room of his ship when she was hit by a ground mine.
Although he had had barely a year’s experience in a sea-going ship, Farley acted with great presence of mind in
very trying and alarming conditions, In an engine room devoid of lighting, filling with live steam from an unknown
source, with displaced floor plates rendering movement difficult in the darkness, and in spite of a blow on the head
from an emergency lamp, Farley took immediate steps to minimise the further risk of damage to the ship’s machinery
and equipment being caused by a smashed main circulating pump and the escaping steam. He at once notified the
bridge by telegraphs and he stopped the engines, shut the throttle valves of both engines, and then made an effort
to start the fire and bilge pumps to circulate the main condenser and had succeeded in opening the correct discharge
valve. This attempt had to be abandoned owing to prevailing conditions, so Farley passed orders to the boiler room
to shut down ad evacuated the engine room. He collapsed from shock on emerging from the engine room hatch,
but before doing so he reported that the engines were stopped and that he was confident that all personnel were clear
of the engine room.
Mounted for display.
984.Group of Two
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Geo. V1. A/Sgt. John Longworth R.C.S.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Sgt. J. Longworth B.E.M. R. Signals.
B.E.M. - L/G 13-12-1949 - 2 Guards Brigade Signal Sqn. - Malaya
“This N.C.O. has been employed as N.C.O. 1/C M.T. Troop during the mobilisation of this Squadron and
subsequently. He has been an outstanding example of devotion to duty and technical efficiency. He has worked
tirelessly over long hours to maintain the 30 vehicles of 6 different makes, and has achieved a high standard of
mechanical efficiency, despite shortage of spare parts.
He has been largely responsible for the effectiveness by which this Squadron has:(1) Maintained wireless detachments over a very large area.
(2) Provided its own escorts for D.Rs.
(3) Provided five vehicles, including two armoured, with the Three Guards Battalions for their own use.” (NEF) £435
985.Group of Four
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. Sgt. Walter D. Boulter. R.C.T.
G.S.M. 2 Bars Canal Zone/Malaya. Sgt. W.D. Boulter R.A.S.C.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Sgt. W.D. Boulter. R.C.T.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type “Regular Army” Cpl. W.D. Boulter R.A.S.C.
B.E.M. - L/G 14-6-1975
Sold with copy of recommendation for B.E>M., which was initiated by Field Marshal Sir Michael Carver
G.C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O. M.C., Chief of the Defence Staff, and reads as follows “Staff Sgt Boulter has given long and distinguished service to the army, first in the Scots Guards, then later in the
Military Provost Staff Corps., and for over 20 years in the R.A.S.C. and R.C.T. For almost all this last period he has
been staff car driver to a very large number of distinguished senior Army Officers including three Field-Marshals.
He has driven me for nearly 9 years in the Far East and in the U.K. in five successive appointments between July
1966 and February 1975. He has always maintained the very highest standards of driving, of turn-out and discipline,
of good manners and behaviour. He has never abused his position and has always set a splendid example to younger
drivers and N.C.Os in every respect.
I strongly recommend that his long, distinguished and exemplary service should be recognised by the award of
The British Empire Medal.”
Mounted as worn.
986.Group of Eight
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. A/W).1. Spencer E.G. Bartlett. R.A.S.C.
1939-45, Africa (8th Army) and France and Germany Stars. Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Cyprus. S/Sgt. S.E. G. Bartlett. R.A.S.C.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type. “Regular Army” S/Sgt. S.E.G. Bartlett. R.A.S.C.
B.E.M. L/G June 1961 - “From Feb 1957 to March 1960 S/Sgt. Bartlett was in command of 99 Field Bakery
at Episkopi (Cyprus) This bakery was equipped and staffed to meet the needs of 5500 troops, but during this
period of the Cyprus Emergency the bakery was supplying an inflated figure of some 10,000 to 12,000 personnel
of the army and R.A.F. Throughout this time, despite the problems of continual heavy overloading, the bakery
maintained an excellent and unfailing service, and this was due entirely to the great energy, drive and technical
ability of S/Sgt. Bartlett.
In April 1960. He was promoted A/W.O. and posted to command the static bakery at Dhekelia, where he has
continued to apply his wholehearted enthusiasm and skill. The result has been that, by reorganisation and
adjustment, the civilian overtime expenditure has been considerably reduced, and, at the same time, efficiency
has been increased in regard to quality of the product.
In addition to his duties as a master baker at Dhekelia, he has carried out several inspection and supervisory
visits to other army bakeries within the command - this task being quite outside his normal responsibilities.
Throughout this period of four years, S/Sgt. Bartlett has shown himself to be an outstanding example of a high
grade senior rank craftsman who, by applying himself unsparingly to his responsibilities, has produced excellent
results and has given very valuable service to a considerable part of the army and R.A.F. in Cyprus. His diligence,
skill, loyalty and devotion to duty set an example to all ranks”
A well deserved award for the Cyprus Emergency.
Mounted as worn.
987. Group of Four
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz 11. S/Sgt. Angeline C. Spears. W.R.A.C.
Defence and War Medals.
L.S.G.C. “Regular Army” Eliz. 11 2nd type. S/Sgt. A.C. Spears. B.E.M. W.R.A.C.
L/G 12-6-1958 - “Staff Sergeant Spears, as NCO in charge of the W.R.A.C. Vehicle Maintenance Team
employed in the Vehicle Depot, Central Ordnance Depot, Bicester, has shown an unswerving devotion to her work,
far beyond the normal call of duty, over a long period. Her tireless example, throughout the very difficult period
when the Vehicle Depot was being formed and also carrying an almost overwhelming work-load, proved an unfailing
asset in the maintenance of the high spirit which enabled the task to be coped with successfully. In spite of long
hours of work and far from good working conditions, she was, by her leadership and enthusiasm, able to sustain
morale and provide an example for all other ranks. This devotion to duty which continues to encourage all who
work with her is not confined to her technical duties. She also performs all her regimental duties with outstanding
keenness and enthusiasm.
Mounted as worn.
988.Group of Five
British Empire Medal (B.E.M.) Eliz. 11. Harold Christopher Newell.
Order of St. John - Serving Brother.
Defence and War Medals.
Order of St. John Service Medal - with six extra service bars. Pte. H. Newell. No. 7 Dis. S.J.A.B. 1942.
B.E.M. - L/G 12-6-1976 - “For services to the St. John Ambulance Bde in Shrewsbury.
Order of St. John, Serving Brother - L/G 21-6-1968.
Mounted as worn.
989.Group of Five
Order of St. John - Officer.
Cadet Forces Medal. Eliz. 11 2nd type - with two extra service bars. Act. Flt. Lt. J.W. F. Brotherston. RAFVR (T)
General Service Cross.
National Service Medal. Voluntary Service Medal.
The last three unofficial medals have all been named “Flt. Lt. J.;W. Brotherston RAF. Mounted as worn (EF)
990.Group of Four
1939-45 and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Corporation of Glasgow Medal for Bravery (silver) Pte. Lawrence Howard (R.A.M.C.)
Magistrates Committee’s minutes 2nd March 1943 - “For rescuing a boy (aged 4) from drowning in the
River Kelvin on 4th October last”.
991.Group of Five
1914 Star and Bar. Pte. C.J. Rendle. 1/1 N. Somerset Yeomanry.
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. C.J. Rendle.
Defence Medal.
Russia - Medal of St. George. 3rd Class. Sgt. C.J. Rendle. N. Som. Yeo. T.F. (L/G 25-8-1915)
992.Group of Five
1914-15 Trio. A.S. Sgt. C.E. Rendell. R.A.M.C. (Cpl. C.E. Randell on Star - Service Number is same)
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. Cpl. - A/Sgt. C.E. Rendell. R.A.M.C.
Russia - Medal of the Order of St. Stanislas - Silver (1921 - verified)
M.S.M. - L/G 28-10-1920 - “In recognition of valuable services rendered with the British Military Mission,
South Russia.
Sold with original registered envelope forwarding medals.
993.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. W.H. Williams. R. Fusiliers.
France - Medal of Honour - Silver - Ministere Des Affairs Etrangeres. Au Soldat W. Williams.
Sold with card accompanying the French Medal, letter forwarding the 1914-15 Star, and M.I>C.
994.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars. Defence and War Medals.
Greece - Medal for Outstanding Services with Bar. (Distinguished Service Medal) - L/G 6-9-1946
Sold with original Greek Award Parchment named to Sergeant J. Bunce, forwarding box for British Medals
addressed to J.C. Bunce Esq., and original Air Ministry letter, dated 13 April 1959 forwarding the Greek Decoration
to recipient’s widow. Also included are copies of recipient’s record of service.
The Greek Award was given “For creditable and effective service for over 26 months in the Greek War Squadrons”.
(Nos 335 and 336 Sqns.) Medals are in boxes of issue. Extremely rare award to the R.A.F.V.R.
995.Group of Six
1914 Star Trio. W.G. Elcombe. B.R.C.S. & St. J.J.
British Red Cross Society Medal for War Service 1914-1918.
British Red Cross Society - Proficiency in Red Cross First Aid. W. Elcombe.
Belgium - Civil Decoration 2nd class 1914-18 - with Bar “1914-1918”. Verified.
996.Group of Five
1914-15 Star. Cpl. R. Hunter. Lanark Yeomanry.
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. R. Hunter. (The B.W.M. has been erased)
Belgium - Order of the Crown - Chevalier.
Belgium - Croix de Guerre - with palm leaf.
L/G 24-10-1919. Lieut Robert Hunter. R.F.A. (S.R.)
Sold with ribbon bar and a full set of miniatures mounted as worn.
997.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Rev. C.G. Cavalier.
Order of the Crown of Roumania - Chevalier.
L/G 20-9-1919 - “The Revd. C.G. Cavalier. Temporary Chaplain to the Forces, 4th class. Royal Army
Chaplains “Dept”.
Recipient was ordained Deacon in 1909 and Priest 1910, serving in Southwark. He was Curate of St. Matthews,
Redhill 1909-1913 and Asst. Master, St. John’s School Leatherhead 1913-1915. T.C.F. 1916-1919 and Curate of
All SS Fulham 1919-1922. Vicar of St. Simon Zelotes Bethnal Green 1922-1927, and Rector of Brampton Ash
with Dingley 1927-1947/
Mounted as worn.
998.Group of Five
1914-15 Trio. Pte. D.. Hamilton. A.S.C.
Serbia - Gold Medal for Zealous Service (L/G 7-6-1919)
Serbia - Obilitch Medal - Silver.
Recipient resided in Cupar, Fife.
999.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Spr. J. Lunn R.E.
Belgium - Croix De Guerre - L/G 15-4-1918
Sold with M.I.C. which shows landing in France 30-5-1915.
Mounted for display.
1000.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. Tpr. A.E. Cave. R.H. Gds. (Royal Horse Guards)
Roumania - Medaille Barbatie Si Credinta. 3rd class (Medal for Bravery & Loyalty)
Recipient transferred to the Guards Machine Gun Regt. during W.W.!. and was awarded the Roumanian
Decoration whilst serving with this unit (L/G 20-9-1919) He transferred back to the R.H. Gds on 5-3-1919.
Sold with copy papers which show entitlement to clasp to 1914 Star. Mounted as worn.
1001.Group of Four
B.W.M. and Victory. Bmbr. H.A.H. Trimnell. R.A.
Defence Medal.
France - Croix De Guerre 1914-1918.
Sold with copy M.I.C. which confirms no entitlement to Star. Croix De Guerre - L/G 19-6-1919 - Bmbr. H.A.H.
Trimnell. D/38th Bde., R.F.A. (East Sheen).
Mounted as worn
1002.Group of Two
Order of St. John - Officer.
Order of St. John Service Medal - with extra service bar. A/Asst. Commr. F.F. Le Souet Simpson. C. of Worcester
No. 3 W. Dis. S.J.A.B. 1925.
Mounted as worn.
1003.Group of Five
Order of St. John - Officer.
Cadet Forces Medal. Eliz. 11 2nd type - with two extra service bars. A/Flt. Lt. J.W.J. Brotherston. R.A.F.V.R. (T)
Mounted as worn with three unofficial medals - General Service Cross, National Service Medal, and the
Voluntary Service Medal. - These named Flt. Lt. J.W.J. Brotherston R.A.F.
1004.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. I.A.M. C.S. Furrell. R.A.F.
France - Croix De Guerre 1914-1918, with Star.
Croix De Guerre - L/G 10-10-1918 - Royal Flying Corps. (NEF)
1005.Group of Two
M.G.S. 1 Bar Corunna. T.M. Fogo. Asst. Surgeon. O.M.D.
Waterloo. Surgeon Thomas M. Fogo. Royal Foot Artillery. -- Fitted with bar suspender.
Supernumerary Asst. Surgeon 22-1-1806. Asst. Surgn. O.M.D. 1-2-1808. Surgeon O.M.D. 26-9-1814.
Half pay 1-9-1816. Full pay 19-3-1825. Senior Surgn. 1-1-1843. Retired 25-7-1845. Died at Tiverton, Devon
1006.Group of Four - Family Group - Brothers
Brother 1.
Crimea Medal. 1 Bar Sebastopol. Lieut. W. Haslett. 13th or P.A. Lt. Infy. (Engraved)
Indian Mutiny Medal. No Bar. Lieut. W. Haslett. 1st Bn. 13th Lt. Infy.
Lieutenant William Haslett died on 6th August 1860, aged 24 years in South Africa. Copy photo of gravestone and
location included. Reported in Morning Post of 30 Oct. 1860-page 8, having died at King William’s Town, South
Brother 2.
I.G.S. 1854 Medal. 1 Bar Jowaki 1877-8. Lieut. P. Haslett. Royal Engrs.
Afghanistan 1878-80 Medal. 1 Bar Ahmed Khel. Lieut. P. Haslett. R.E.
Mentioned in field force orders by Genl. Officer Com de Peshawer field force 3/1/78
Lieut. P. Haslett was M.I.D. by Lt. General Sir D.M. Stewart, commanding the Ghazni Field Force, for his actions
at Ahmed Khel on 19-4-1810 whilst commanding No. 10 Coy, Sappers and Miners, as per L/G 30-7-1880.
Specially mentioned in unpublished dispatch of Sir D. Stewart dated 24th June 1879 (W.O. Page 7697/372)
served in the Jawaki Expedition 1878 with the force under the command of Brigadier General C.C.G. Ross C.B. was in charge of the field telegraphs during the operations.
Served in the Afghan Campaign 1878-79 commanded 4 Field Tel. Coy Bengal Sappers & Miners attached to
Present at the action of Jakai-a-Pul. Served during second phase of campaign 1880 as asst. to Eng 2 North
Afgan Field Force under Sir D. Stewart and Major Paul J. Hills V.C. Present at the Battle of Ahmed Khel.
Lieut. Pechell Haslett made the rank of Colonel before retiring. Became Justice of the Peace in Co. Donegal,
Ireland. Died 1921.
Eldest and youngest sons of William Haslett and Catherine Irvine, fr9om Moville, County Donegal and
Londonderry, County Londonderry. Sold with copy service papers for Lieut Pechell Heslett.
1007.Group of Three
Crimea. 1 Bar Sebastopol. James Kelly. Corporal 97th Foot. Depot named.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Lucknow. Jas. Kelly. 97th Regt.
Turkish Crimea - Sardinian issue. Un-named as issued. Double ring suspender.
1008.Group of Three
Crimea. 3 Bars Alma/Balaclava/Seb. George Fleming. 42 Royal Highlanders. Regimentally impressed.
Indian Mutiny. 1 Bar Lucknow. Cpl. G. Fleming. 42nd Rl. Highlanders.
Turkish Crimea. British issue. Double ring suspender.
1009.Group of Two
Crimea. 3 Bars Alma/Ink/Seb. Abner Wildman. Scots Fus. Gds. Impressed naming.
Turkish Crimea. Sardinian issue.
A man of the same name was severely wounded at Inkermann.
1010.Group of Two
Crimea. 2 Bars Alma/Seb. J. Carrick 42nd Regt. Officially impressed.
Turkish Crimea. British issue. J. Carrick. 42nd Regt. Ring and Bar suspender.
1011.Group of Two
Indian Mutiny. No Bar. Michl. Hogan. 87th Regt.
L.S.G.C. Victoria. Sgt. M. Hogan. 87th Foot.
1012.Group of Two
I.G.S. 1854. 1 Bar North West Frontier. Pte. W. England. 3 Bn Rifle Bde.
Indian Mutiny. 2 Bars Lucknow/Central India. Pte. William England. 3rd Bn Rifle Bde.
1013.Group of Two
I.G.S. 1854. 3 Bars Hazara 1888/Samana 1891/Waziristan 1894-5. Sepoy Ghulam Shah. 3rd Sikh Infy.
I.G.S. 1895. 1 Bar Waziristan 1901-2. Nk. Ghulam Shah. 3rd Sikhs.
1014.Group of Three
I.G.S. 1854. 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Captain H.R. Lloyd. 2nd Bn. Somerset L.I.
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/TVL. Major H.R. Lloyd. Somerset L.I.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Lt. Col. H.R. Lloyd. Som. L.I.
Born 1858. Joined the 13th Lt. Infy from the Militia in 1878, and joined the 2nd Bn at Bellarg, India in April
1879. Lieut 1-7-1861. Captain 31-12-1886. He left the Somerset Light Infantry to join the Royal Sussex Regt.
on promotion in 1904.
1015.Group of Two
I.G.S. 1854 1 Bar Chin Hills 1892-93. Sepoy Ghasilla Shwebo Mily. Police
China 1900. No bar. Pte. Ghasita Khan. 31st Burma Lt. Infy. Mounted for display.
1016.Group of Two
Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Lieut. D.J.O. Taylor. 1/25th Regt.
I.G.S. 1854. 2 Bars Samana 1891/Waziristan 1894-5. Capt. D.J.O. Taylor. 6th Pjb. Infy.
Sold with copy group photographs in which Capt. Taylor is identified. Born 1859. Commissioned 1-5-1878.
Lt. Colonel 22-6-1905. Retired 22-6-1906.
Mounted as worn.
Sold with contemporary set of miniatures - both pairs in a glass fronted display case.
1017.Group of Two
Afghanistan 1878-80. No Bar. Gnr. J. Coxon. 13/9th Bde. R.A.
L.S.G.C. - Victoria. Gnr. J. Coxon. 9/1 Sco. Div. R.A.
1018.Group of Three
I.G.S. 1854 2 Bars Jowaki 1877-8/Burma 1885-7. Capt. W.C. Farwell. Bengal Army (Top bar loose)
Afghanistan. 4 Bars Ali Musjid/Charasia/Kabul/Kandahar. Capt. W.C. Farwell. Bl. 1
Kabul to Kandahar Star. Un-named. (not erased)
Recipient was mentioned in despatches - 16-1-1880, 4-5-1880 and 3-12-1880. Later Lt. Colonel. (GVF)
1019.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. 3 Bars Tel-El-Kebir/Suakin 1884/El-Teb-Tamaai. Pte. J. Payne. 1/Gordon Highrs.
Khedives Star 1882
Recipient was K.I.A. at Tamaai on 13-3-1884. Sold with copy of regimental pay lists. Shallow pitting. (VF)
1020.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. 1 Bar Alexandria 11th July. W.J. Isaacs. Stkr. HMS Invincible.
R.N. LSGC - Victoria. W.J. Isaacs. Ch. Sto. HMS Victory.
Very slight pitting on Egypt Medal.
Sold with copy papers.
1021.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. 1 Bar Alexandria 11th July. C. King. A.B. HMS Penelope.
R.N. LSGC - Victoria. Chas. King. Comd. Boatn. H.M. Coast Guard.
Sold with copy papers. Very slight pitting on Egypt Medal.
1022.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. No Bar. A.J. Madden. A/E.R. Artfr. HMS Hye
R.N. LSGC - Victoria. A.J. Madden. E.R.A. HMS Pembroke. Copy Papers. Slight pitting.
1023.Group of Two
Egypt. 1 Bar The Nile 1884-5. Pte. W. Robinson. 1/Cameron Highrs.
Khedives Star 1884.
1024.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. No Bar Sgt. J. Morse. 7/1 N.D. R.A.
Khedives Star 1882.
Copy papers.
Minor pitting.
1025.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. No Bar. Pte. A. Howe. 4th Dn. Gds.
Khedives Star 1882.
1026.Group of Two
Egypt. 1 Bar Suakin 1885. Gnr. J. Hynd. 5/1. Sco. Div. R.A.
Khedives Star 1884-6.
Minor pitting.
1027.Group of Two
Egypt. 1 Bar The Nile 1884-85. Pte. T. Bourne. 2/Essex R.
Khedives Star 1884-6.
Very minor pitting.
1028.Group of Two
Egypt 1882 1 Bar Tel-El-Kebir. Pte. J.Lee. 2/D. of C. L.I.
Shallow pitting
1029.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. 1 Bar Tel-El-Kebir. Pte. J. Ferguson. 2/Highland L.I.
Khedives Star 1882. Un-named as issued.
Very minor pitting.
1030.Group of Two
Egypt 1882. 1 Bar Tel-El-Kebir. Pte. R. Neil. 1/Seaforth Highrs.
Khedives Star 1882.
Shallow pitting.
1031.Group of Two
I.G.S. 1895. 2 Bars Pjb Fr/Tirah. Pte. A. Lyon. 1st Bn Gordon Hrs.
Q.S.A. 2 Bars Elandslaagte/Defence of L’Smith. Pte. A. Lyon. Gordon Highrs.
1032.Group of Two
Queens Sudan. Pte. A.E. Coomer. 1/N. Staff. R.
Khedives Sudan. Pte. A.E. Coomer. 1/N. Staffs.
Sold with copy papers.
1033.Group of Two
Queens Sudan. Pte. H. Childs. 1st Royal War Regt.
Khedives Sudan. 1 Bar Khartoum. Pte. H. Childs. 1. Roy. Warwickshire Regt.
1034.Group of Four
Queens Sudan. Capt. J.P.S. Hayes. R.A.M.C.
Q.S.A. 2 Bars Natal/TVL. Major J.P.S. Hayes R.A.M.C. K.S.A. Usual two bars. Major J.P.S. Hayes R.A.M.C.
Khedives Sudan. Major J.P.S. Hayes R.A.M.C. Egypt 1898
Born 27-1-1859. Captain 30-1-1886. Major 30-1-1899. Retired 30-1-1906.
Mounted for display. (NEF) £1025
1035.Group of Three
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/TVL. Pte. R. Ayres. 2-R. Berks R.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Pte. R. Ayres. Rl. Berks Regt.
Terr. Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Pte. R. Ayres. 18/York R.
Mounted as worn.
1036.Group of Two
Q.S.A. 4 Bars R. of Kimb/Paard/Drief/TVL. Pte. E. Carroll. W. Riding Regt.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Cpl. E. Carroll. W. Riding Regt.
1037.Group of Six
Q.S.A. 4 Bars CC/OFS/Johan/D. Hill. Dvr. W. Butler. A.S.C.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Cpl. Wheeler W. Butler A.S.C.
1914-15 Star. Wheeler S. Sgt. W. Butler A.S.C.
B.W.M. and Victory. S. Sgt. W. Butler A.S.C.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. W.S. Sgt. W. Butler. 15/D. Tn. 138 Co. A.S.C.
M.S.M. - L/G 18-10-1916.
Mounted for wear.
1038.Group of Two
Q.S.A. 2 Bars. Sgt. Drummer A.G. Furr. A. & S. Hiighrs.
L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Sgt. Dmr. A.G. Furr. A. & S. Highrs. (Correction to surname) Mounted as worn.
(GVF) £195
1039.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/SA’01/SA’02. Pte. J. Robertson. Lovat’s Scouts.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Robertson. A. & S. Highrs.
1040.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 3 Bars TVL/CC/SA’02. Pte. E.W. Smith. Rl. Warwick R.
1914-15 Trio (M.I.D.) Sgt. E.W. Smith Hampshire Regt. M.I.D. - L/G 28-11-1917. Mounted for display. (GVF) £300
1041.Group of Five
Q.S.A. 3 Bars Def. of Kimberley/Drief/TVL. Spr. A. Carr R.E.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Spr. A. Carr R.E.
1914-15 Trio. Spr. A. Carr C.E. (Spr. Canadian Eng on Star)
1042.Group of Five
Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/SA’02. Pte. G. Hammond. Gren Gds.
1914 Star Trio. Pte. G.W. Hammond 1/Grenadier Gds.
Mounted as worn.
1043.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 8 Bars CC/Tug. Hts/OFS/Rel of L’Smith/TVL/L. Nek/SA’01/SA’02. Pte.. J.H. Nosworthy. R.A.M.C.
1914-15 Trio. Sgt. .J.H. Nosworthy R.A.M.C..
Mounted as worn. Toned.
1044.Group of Five
2 Brothers
1. Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/OF. Pte. F.M. Keightley. Queensland I.B. (Imperial Bushmen)
1914-15 Trio. Pte. F.M. Keightley. N.Z.E.F.
Mounted as worn
2. Q.S.A. 2 Bars OFS/TVL. Pte. W. Keightley. Queensland I.B.
1045.Group of Three
Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/OFS. R.Q.M. Sgt. J. Henry. 7/D. Gds.
L.S.G.C. Victoria. Q.M. Sgt. J. Henry. 7/Dgn. Gds.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. Coinage Head. Q.M. Sgt. J. Henry. 7-Dn. Gds.
1046.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/TVL. 3970 Pte. W.J. Renno. 6/Dgns.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. 3976 Sgt. G.W. Renno. Innis Dgns.
B.W.M. 3976 W.O. Cl. 11. W.G. Renno. 6-Dgns.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type S/Sgt. Instr. G.W. Renno. 39th Chota Nagpur Regt. I.D.F.
Sold with 3 medallions - 1. Silver 1½”” diameter - Rifle Club monthly medal, Inniskilling. Reverse embossed
“Won by No. 3976 Sergeant G. Renno. August 1907”. 2. Silver. 1½” diameter. Obverse embossed “B” Squadron
Inniskilling Dragoons. Abbassia 1908”. Reverse engraved “Inter-Squadron Team Shooting. Sgt. G.W. Renno.
Score 47. 3. Bronze 1” diameter - Reverse engraved “Sergt. G.W. Renno 1910”
1047.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 3 Bars OFS/TVL/SA’02. L/Cpl. J.G. Wayne. 8th Hussars.
1914-15 Trio. Major J.G. Wayne. P.P.C.L.I.
Mounted as worn.
1048.Group of Five
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/TVL. Pte. H. Haylock. Bedford Regt.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Pte. H. Haylock. Bedford Regt.
1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. H. Halock. 2-Essex R.
Recipient was K.I.A. on 22-11-1914, and is commemorated on the Ploegsteert Memorial.
1049.Group of Five
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/OFS/Johan. Dvr. T.J. Beckett. 74th Bty. R.F.A.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Dvr. T.J. Beckett R.F.A.
1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. T.J. Beckett. 9-London R.
The medals have been carefully lacquered and mounted for display.
1050.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 5 Bars CC/OFS/TVL/SA’01/SA’02. Pte. C.N. Wakelin. 7th Hussars.
1914-15 Trio. Sgt. C.N. Wakelin. C.A.H.C.T. (Cpl. Natal Lt. Hse. on Star)
Bi-Lingual Victory Medal.
Mounted for display
1051.Group of Two
Q.S.A. 5 Bars Rel. of Kimberley/Paard/Johan/D. Hill/Witt. Capt. G. Vawdrey A.S.C.
K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Major G. Vawdrey. A.S.C.
1052.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 3 Bars OFS/TVL/SA’02. Pte. G. Tombling. 3rd Hussars.
1914-15 Trio. Pte. G.T. Tombling. 3-Hussars.
Q.S.A. somewhat polished.
1053.Group of Two
Q.S.A. 1 Bar Cape Colony. S/Sgt. J. Rae. A.O.C.
L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. St. Sgt. J. Rae. A.O.C.
1054.Group of Two
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/TVL/Witt. Cpl. G. Lewis. Scots Gds. K.S.A. Usual Two Bars. Sgt. G. Lewis. Scots Guards.
Sold with bronze medallion, 1¾” diameter. Obverse regimental badge. Reverse - “Brigade of Guards Athletic
Meeting, Burton’s Court. July 18th 1903. 3rd Prize. Quarter Mile”. In fitted case by Mapin Brothers London.
Mounted as worn.
1055.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 2 Bars CC/SA’02 Cpl. A. Martin. Coldstream Gds.
1914 Star Trio. Pte. A. Martin. Coldm. Gds (L/Cpl on Star)
Sold with S.W.B. which is verified - Discharged, aged 38, on 1-7-1917, suffering from cataracts.
1056.One - With Shooting Medals.
Q.S.A. 3 Bars. Pte. H. Doig. 1st Dragoon Gds.
India/S. Africa. Silver medal - 6 sided. 1½” diameter. “Indo-Transvaal won by K.G.F. Vols. 1908-9. Vol. H. Doig
Bronze Medal. 2” diameter. “Presented by the Earl of Minto, Viceroy of India”. L/Cpl. H. Doig 1910.
Kolar Gold Field Vols. - Bronze 1½” diameter. The Dewar Shield 1915-16 “C” Coy (Runners-up) Cpl. H. Doig.
Kolar Gold Field Vols. - Silver 1½” diameter. The Dewar Shield 1916-17 “C” Coy (Winners). A/Sgt. H. Doig.
Kolar Gold Field Vols. - Silver 1½” diameter. The Dewar Shield. Won by Vol. Doig. B. Co. K.G.F.V.
Kolar Gold Field Vols. - Bronze 1½” diameter. The Dewar Shield 1911. Runner up B. Company L/Cpl. H. Doig.
The Bell Medal - Bronze 1½” diameter. “Presented by the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs. With Bar “1905”,
and with three pronged wearing pin. Un-named as awarded.
Four Wearing Bars in Bronze 2¼” x 1”, with Kolar Gold Field Vols Badge in Silver in the centre dated 1908, 1910,
1913, and 1922, and similar bar, with I.V.R.A. Viceroy’s Competition Badge in centre and dated 1911.
Also included is a Bronze N.R.A. Medal, and a Miniature Rifle Club Medal - both un-named. (GVF/NEF)
1057.Group of Two
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/Witt/SA’01. Spr. J. Campbell R.E. (Top Bar loose)
L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. Spr. J. Campbell. R.E. Obverse polished. (NVF)
1058.Group of Four
Q.S.A. 3 Bars CC/SA’01/SA’02. Pte. R.G. Wilsdon. Cape M.R. (Top 2 Bars loose)
1914-15 Star. Lt. R.G. Wilsdon. 2nd S.A.M.R.
B.W.M. & Victory. Lieut. R.G. Wilsldon.
Recipient was appointed 2/Lt. In the Ox & Bucks. Lt. Infy. On 28-5-1915 after service in the South African Forces.
Also included is a gold medal, 1” diameter, obverse engraved “Best shot in the regiment 1912”. Reverse “Cape
mounted rifleman. No. 3696 Corporal R.G. Wilsdon ‘A’ Squadron. AGG 175” & a silver medal - obverse an
embossed rugby match scene, & reverse engraved “K.R.F.T. R.G. Wilsdon 1910. Interesting lot.
1059.Group of Four
China 1900. Asst. Engr. W. Rowe R.N. HMS Undaunted.
1914-15 Trio. Eng. Commander W. Rowe. R.N. (Eng. Lt. Cr. on Star)
1060.Group of Two
A.G.S. 2 Bars Somaliland 1902-04/Jidballi. Khalasi Mirza. Corps Survey of India.
B.W.M. 131 Mirza. Surveys.
1061.Group of Two
A.G.S. 1 Bar Samalilland 1908-10. Pte. Ghulam Muhammad. 127 Baluch L.I.
B.W.M. Jemdr. Ghulam Mohd. 127 Baluchis.
Enlisted 1-6-1908. Promoted Jemadar May 1918, and Subadar in June 1921, and last appears in the Indian
Army list of 1929. Served Somaliland 1908-10, in operations in East Africa and Egypt March 1915 to Jan 1919,
and on the N.W. Frontier of India, Oct. 1919 to March 1921. He was awarded the I.O.M. 2nd Class as Havaldar
by G.G.O. No. 894 of 9-6-1917 for service in East Africa.
1062.Group of Four
A.G.S. 1 Bar Nyalaland 1915. F.C. Toogood. Nyasaland Vol Res.
1914-15 Star. Vol. F.C. Toogood. Vol. Nyasaland F.F.
B.W.M. and Victory (M.I.D.) Lieut. F.C. Toogood.
M.I.D. - L/G 7-3-1918
1063.Group of Four
A.G.S. 1 Bar Nyasaland 1915. F. Maiden. Nyasaland Vol. Res.
1914-15 Star. Vol. F. Maiden F.F.
B.W.M. and Victory. Lieut. F. Maiden.
1064.Group of Three
Tibet 1903-4. No Bar. Silver. Cr. Sgt. A. Christer. Ryl. Fusiliers.
L.S.G.C. Edw. V11. C. Sgt. A.T. Christer. Rl. Fus.
M.S.M. Geo. V. Coinage Head. C/Sgt. A.T. Christer R. Fus.
Sold with an original page from the Royal Fusiliers Chronicle in 1935 announcing the award of the M.S.M.,
including a picture of recipient in uniform wearing the Tibet and L.S. Medals.
1065.Group of Two
Tibet 1903-4 1 Bar Gyantse. Silver. Nk. Abdulla. 6th Mule Corps.
I.G.S. 1908. 1 Bar NWF 1908. Dvr. Abdulla 6th Mule Corps.
Regimental No. 4 on both medals.
1066.Group of Two
N.G.S. 1 Bar Persian Gulf 1909-1914. J.J. Freeman. Ldg. Sign. HMS Prosperine.
R.F.R. LSGC. Geo. V. 1st type. J.J. Freeman. Yeo. Sigs. R.F.R.
A pin has been fixed to the back of the N.G.S. bar to stop it “swinging” when worn.
1067.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. H.J. Coulson. Smn. R.N.R.
R.N.R. LSGC H.J. Coulson. Smn. R.N.R.
1068.Group of Four
B.W.M. and Victory. Cpl. F.S. Back. Devon Regt.
Territorial Force War Medal. Cpl. F.S. Back. Devon Regt.
Territorial Force Efficy Medal. Geo. V. Cpl.-A/Sgt. F.S. Back. 4/Devon R.
1069.Group of Four
B.W.M. and Victory. W.O. Cl.1. P.H.D. Corsbie. A.S.C.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. S.Q.M. Sgt. P.H.D. Corsbie. R.A.S.C.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. T.S.S. Major P.H.D. Corsbie R.A.S.C.
M.S.M. - L/G 3-9-1919 (Egypt)
Mounted for wear.
1070.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. S.C. Wright. R. Fusiliers.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Waziristan 1919-21. Pte. S.C. Wright. Norfolk Regt.
Sold with original army form B.104, dated Sep. 26 1918 informing recipient’s father that he had been wounded
and was admitted to 12 (St. Louis. USA) General Hospital, Rouen on 19-9-18 suffering from a shrapnel wound
in right thigh.
Mounted as worn.
1071.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. W.C. Leplea. 13-Hussars.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Tpr. W.C. Leplea. 11-Hussars.
1072.Group of Two
B.W.M. Minnie Pitt.
Mercantile Marine War Medal. Minnie Pitt.
Sold with copy papers which list recipient as serving as a stewardess. Also included is a copy of recipient’s
death certificate, issued by the Metropolitan Borough of Southwark, stating that dead body was found on 29-9-1940,
and that death was “due to war operations.” (We are told that she was killed during the London Blitz).
1073.Group of Five
1914 Star and Bar. Capt. G.H. Richard. R.A.M.C. (‘slide-on’ type Bar)
B.W.M. and Victory. Lt. Col. G.H. Richard.
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935.
Coronation Medal 1937.
Born 1880. M.R.C.S. 1903. Lrpc. Lieut. 30-7-1904. Capt. 30-1-1908. Major 15-10-1915.
T/Lt. Col. 28-1-1916. Lt. Col. 7-3-1929. Colonel 1-5-1934. Retired 23-10-1937. Re-employed 9-3-1940.
Reverted 28-7-1942. Died 25-12-1945 at Nottingham. Served India 1905-8. B.E.F. France 1914-15 and 1916-17.
C.O. 105 Fd. Amb. 1916-17. Gibraltar 1918-23. Constantinople 1923. Gibraltar 1923. Shanghai 1927-28.
India 1928-32. Adms H.Q. Eastern Comd. 1932-34. Egypt 1934-37. C.O. Citidal Mil. Hospl. 1934-36 (Cairo)
Ddms. H.Q. Bte 1936-37. Sold with M.I.C. All medals verified. Mounted as worn.
1074.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. A.S. Sgt. P. Rice. A.S.C. (Dvr. Wheeler on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Whlr. Dvr. P. Rice R.A.S.C.
1075.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Major J.G. Coleburt (I.O.D.)
L.S.G.C. Victoria. Store Sgt. J.G. Coleburt. Ordce. Dept.
1076.Group of Five
1914 Star Trio. Pte. H. Hastings. R.M.L.I. (R.M. Brigade on Star)
R.F.R. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. H. Hastings Pte. R.F.R.
Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Eliz. 11 2nd type. Henry H.V. Hastings.
1077.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. Pte. P.C. Clements. 1/Bedford Regt.
Territorial Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Pte. P. Clements. 8 - A. & S. H.
1078.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Sgt. J. Harrison R.A.M.C. (Cpl on Star The Star has been nicely gilded.
Meritorious Service Meal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. Sgt. J. Harrison. R.A.M.C.
M.S.M. - L/G 18-1-1919 (France and Flanders)
1079.Group of Four
B.W.M. Lt. Col. F.M. Leslie. 37 Calcutta Presy Bn. I.D.F.
Defence Medal.
Delhi Durbar 1911. Major F.M. Leslie V.D. 2nd (Presy) Battalion Calcutta Volunteer Rifles.
Indian Volunteer Forces Officers Decoration. Edw. V11. Major F.M. Leslie. 2nd Bn. Cal. Vol. Rifles
Sold with a W.W.2. Silver A.R.P. Lapel Badge, and a copy of a letter recipient wrote to “The Times” on
9-10-1938 concerning A.R.P. recruits.
1080.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. Hon. V.A.C. Harbord (Scots Gds)
Coronation Medal 1911.
Recipient was the son of 6th Baron Suffield and was born on 12-9-1897. He was educated at Eton and R.M.C.
Sandhurst and was commissioned (Scots Gds) as 2nd Lieut W.E.F. 16-6-1915 whilst still under 18 yrs of age.
Posted to the B.E.F. in France on 4-12-1916 for active service with 2/S.G. He became a gas casualty at
Boesinghe Chateau during the 3rd Battle of Ypres and was hospitalised and evacuated to the U.K. Returned to
France on 16-2-1918 and promoted Capt. on 12-9-1918. At Moeuvres on the night of 13/14 Sept. 1918 Capt.
Harbord was again gassed and evacuated to the U.K.
He succeeded as 7th Baron Suffield on the death on his father on 10-2-1924, and resigned his commission
on 13-12-1924. In his schooldays recipient was appointed a Page of Honour to King George V and was awarded
the 1911 Coronation Medal.
Sold with M.I.C., copy papers referring to his time at Eton and wedding details etc..
1081.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. E. Wise. 7-Hussars
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Tpr. E. Wise. The Greys.
Mounted for display.
1082.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. J. Perkins. 7-Hussars.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Sgt. J. Perkins. 7 Hussars.
1083.Group of Four
B.W.M. and Victory (M.I.D.) Sgt. E.F. Cleal. R.A.
Defence Medal.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Sgt. E.F. Cleal. R.A.
Sold with M.I.C. and original M.I.D. certificate - L/G 4-7-1919 - 335 Siege By. (16-3-1919)
1084.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Mercantile Marine War Medal. Sidney Hyam.
1085.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. G.W. Brown. Lincoln Regt.
City of Lincoln Tribute Medallion 1914-1919. Bronze - in fitted case of issue.
1086.Group of Eight
1914-15 Star. 2/Lieut. G. West. Suffolk Regt.
B.W.M. and Victory. Lt. Col. G. West.
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals (M.I.D.)
Efficiency Decoration. Bar “Burma” Geo. V1. Named Lt. Col. G. West. B.A.F.
Born 1894. Commissioned 7-10-1914. Lieut. Oct. 1915. Capt. Sept. 1916. T/Major and A/Lt. Col. Dec. 1917.
Relinquished commission 1-4-1920. After the war he was employed in the medical service in Burma being appointed
secretary of the General Hospital in Mandalay in Feb. 1939. He was granted a commission as Lieut in the Upper
Burma Bn. A.F.I. On 8-6-1930, and attained the rank of Lt. Colonel in Sept. 1938.
M.I.D. - L/G 17-8-1946 “In recognition of gallant & distinguished service in Burma”. Mounted as worn (NEF) £995
1087.Group of Six Family Group - Father and Son
Father - 1914-15 Trio. Cpl. G. Hamilton. R. Scots (Mounted as worn)
- 1939-45 and Italy Star. War Medal. Sold with medal forwarding slip named Flt. Sgt. J. Hamilton, and
medal forwarding box addressed to G. Hamilton Esq., Edinburgh. F/Sgt. Hamilton was K.I.A. aged 22 serving
as a navigator on 252 Sqn., when his aircraft crashed into the sea 30 miles N.W. off Cap Amouti, Cyprus on
8-12-1943. He is commemorated on the Alamein Memorial.
1088.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. Sgt. A.H. Phillips. M.P.S.C. (Military Provost Staff Corps)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Sgt. A.H. Phillips. M.P.S.C.
1089.Group of Four
1914 Trio. T.W.O. Cl. 1. P.J. Marshall A.O.C. (Amt. S. Sgt on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. W.O. Cl. 11. P.J. Marshall. R.A.O.C.
Mounted as worn.
1090.Group of Two
B.W.M. C. Lloyd. Tel. Dept.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Waziristan 1919-21. E-S. C.G. Lloyd. Signals.
1091.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pnr. P. Quance R.E.
Silver Medal 1¾” diameter, fitted with ring suspender. Tangyes Ltd., Engineers, Birmingham. Cornwall Works,
Soho. Twenty five Years Service. Named “P. Quance. September 1927.
1092.Group of Eight
B.W.M. and Victory. R. Higgins. E.R.A.4. R.N.
1939-45 and Pacific Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. A.S.P. R. Higgins. Fed. Of Malaya Police.
Colonial Police Medal for Meritorious Service Geo. V1 2nd type. Asst. Supt. Robert Higggins. Fed. Malaya
Mounted as worn.
1093.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Dvr. C.G. Wainwright. N.Z.E.F.
Anzac Commemorative Medal (The Gallipoli Medallion) C.G. Wainwright.
The Anzac Medal is in it fitted case and is sold with its official forwarding letter from the New Zealand
1094.Group of Five
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. R.G. Snewin R.A.
Defence Medal (in forwarding box addressed to recipient)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. S/Sgt. R.G. Snewin R.A.
Sold with silver sports medallion, 1½” diameter - Gibraltar Command Sports Club. Reverse engraved
“Gibraltar Garrison Inter-Company 1922-23. R.G. Snewin”.
1095.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. F. Newell Coldsteam Gds.
Imperial Service Medal. Frederick George Newell.
Mounted for display.
1096.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. H. Smith. R. Sussex R.
Terr. Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Pte. H. Smith. 5-Suffolk R.
1097.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. G.J. Rule. R.F.A.
Terr. Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Bmbr. G.J. Rule. R.F.A.
1098.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Dvr. C.H.F. Baker. A.S.C.
Terr. Force Efficiency Medal. Dvr. C.H.F. Baker. R.A.S.C.
1099.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. E.J. Maber. 4-London R.
Terr. Efficiency Medal. Pte. E. Maber. 4-London R.
Mounted for display.
1100.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. A/W.O. Cl. 2. W. Tweedie. Lothian & Border Horse. (L/Sgt on Star.)
T.F.E.M. Geo. V. Cpl. W. Tweedie. Loth. & Bord. H.
Sold with three original identity discs.
1101.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Sgt. W. Turner. R.F.A.
T.F.E.M. Geo. V. Sgt. W. Turner R.F.A.
1102.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Sepoy Nadir Khan. 124 Baluchis.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Naik Nadir Khan. 1-124 Infy. Mounted as worn.
1103.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. H.H. Bamford.
Territorial Decoration (T.D.) Geo. V. - with top pin bar “Canada”. Major (Pmr) H.H. Bamford.
April 1917 Army list show recipient as Quarter Master, Hon. Capt. 128 Bn. Canadian Infy. T.D. in case of issue
1104.Group of Thirteen - Family Group - Father and Son.
1. 1914-15 Star. A.H.F. Norman. L.S. R.N.
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. A.H.F. Norman R.N.
1939-45, Atlantic, and Africa Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935.
Messina Earthquake Medal 1908.
Sold with copy papers which show recipient as being commissioned (gunner) on 22-6-1918. He was placed
on the retired list on 31-12-1938, but was recalled on 19-9-1939 - Lt. Cdr.
2. 1939-45 and Air Crew Europe Stars. War Medal 1939-45 (Sgt A.J. Norman R.A.F.)
Sold with Flying Log Book (Observer) which shows Sgt. Norman, flying Blenheims, with 82 Sqn.,
carrying out 5 missions before being listed “killed in action”. The Squadron’s operations record book lists
Sgt. Norman and crew being killed in a crash after taking off on an operational sortie on 22-1-1941.
Sold with condolence slip, and forwarding medal box addressed to father.
1105.Group of Three
B.W.M. A. W.O. Cl.1. E.J. Theobalds C.A.D.C.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V 1st type. Cpl-A.S. Mjr. E.J. Theobalds Canadian A.D.C. (L/G 12-12-1919)
Colonial Auxy Forces Long Service. Geo. V. A/Sgt. E.J. Theobalds. C.C.F.C. (renamed)
The medals have been lacquered.
1106.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. Sgt. D. Dorward. A.S.C. (L/Cpl. on Star)
Imperial Service Medal. Geo. V1. 1st type. David Darward.
Mounted for wear.
1107.Group of Four
1914-15 Star. Paymaster R.J.D. Bishop. R.N.R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Payr. Lt.-Cdr. R.J.D. Bishop.
R.N.R. Decoration - Geo. V.
Mounted as worn.
1108.Group of Four
1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. W. Watt. 8/R. Scots. (“slide-on” type bar)
Terr. Efficy. Medal. Geo. V. Pte.-L/Cpl. W.R. Watt. 8-R. Scots.
Mounted as worn.
1109.Group of Nine
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. R.A. Warters.
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1937-39. Lt. Col. R.A. Warters. I.M.S.
1939-45 and Pacific Stars. War Medal 1939-45.
India Service Medal 1939-45
Silver Jubilee Medal 1935. Coronation Medal 1937.
Recipient was taken P.O.W. by the Japanese at the Fall of Singapore.
1110.Group of Five
Family Group - Brother and Sister.
1. 1914 Star Trio. Miss L.M. Nalsmith. Q.A.I.M.N.S.R. (Star). Sister L.M. Nalsmith (Pair)
2. B.W.M. & Victory. 2/Lieut. J.C.D. Nalsmith. (Commissioned 13-5-1917 - R.F.A. - S.R.)
1111.Group of Six
1914-15 Star and B.W.M. Capt. M. Purvis. I.M.S.
Victory. Lt. Col. Purvis (M.I.D.)
G.S.M. 1 Bar Kurdistan Capt. M. Purvis.
B.W.M. & Victory.
Mounted as worn.
1112.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Sepoy Nawrose. 33-Punjabis (Sepoy Nowroze Khan on Star - same number)
I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Sepoy Nowroze 1/33/Pjbs.
Sold with bronze sports medal - “Poona and Bombay Districts - Assault at Arms - Alarm Race 1924-25”
Sy Nauroz Khan ‘A’ Coy 3/16 P.R.
1113.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. A/S/Sgt. G.F. Durward. A.O.C. (Cpl. on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. S/Sgt. G.F. Durwood. R.A.O.C.
Mounted as worn.
1114.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. G.E. Collom. E.R.A.2. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. G.E. Collom. E.R.A.2. HMS Pembroke.
1115.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. G.A. Hill. Act. C.E.R.A.2. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. G.A. Hill C.E.R.A.2. HMS Pembroke.
1116.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. J.A.I. Williams E.R.A.2. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. J.A.I. Williams E.R.A. I. Cl. HMS Columbine.
1117.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. E.C. Steadman S.P.O. HMS Marlborough. Mounted as worn.
1118.Group of Six
B.W.M. and Victory (M.I.D.) Spr. A.R. Martin R.E.
Defence and War Medals.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V1 2nd type. W.O. Cl. 2. A.R. Martin R.E.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 2nd type “Regular Army” Sgt. A.R. Martin R.E.
M.I.D. - L/G 7-7-1919.
1119.Group of Two
B.W.M. Pte. W. Rollins. 18 Bn. I.D.F.
L.S.G.C. Edw. V11 Sgt. W. Rollins. I.T. Dept.
1120.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Bmbr. H,G. Wood. R.F.A./R.A.
Borough Polytechnic Institute Fire Brigade. Jubilee Medal 1911 - Bronze. Section Officer H.G. Wood.
Mounted as worn.
1121.Group of Four
1914 Star. Dmr. R. Smith. 6/Cheshire R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Cpl. R. Smith. Cheshire R.
Territorial Force Efficiency Medal - Geo. V. Pte.-L/Cpl. R. Smith. 6/Cheshire R.
Sold with Photostat copy of recipient in uniform.
1122.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. W.J. Boyle. A.S.C.
Efficiency Medal - “India” Geo. V1. Gnr. W.J. Boyle. Bengal Artillery. A.F.I.
1123.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. Dvr. F.J. Churchill R.E. (S. & C.S. F. Churchill R.E. on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Spr. F.J. Churchill. R.E.
Mounted as worn.
1124.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. A/Cpl. J. Frankland. 9-Lancers.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. Top Bar ‘India’ S-Condr. J. Frankland. I.A.O.C.
1125.Group of Five
B.W.M. and Victory. S/Sgt. W.H. Donald. R.A.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Waziristan 1921-24. S/Sgt. W.H. Donald M.E.S.
Silver Jubilee 1935 (Verified)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type S/Sgt. W.H. Donald M.E.S.
Enlisted 20-12-1935 in R.F.A. Appointed to I.U.L. 8-4-1914. Sub. Condr. 13-1-1925. Conductor 8-4-1928.
Commissioned 22-12-1935. Retired as Lieu (Asst. Comsy) on 20-9-1936. Sold with copy papers
Mounted as worn.
1126.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. R. Phillips. R. Innis Fus.
Special Constabulary Faithful Service. “Ulster” reverse, with extra “Long Service” Bar Eliz. 11. Sgt. Richard
1127.Group of Four
1914 Star and Bar Trio. T.W.O. Cl. 1. W.R. Brown R.E. (2. Cpl. on Star) - Original Bar)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Sgt. W.R. Brown. R.E.
Mounted as worn.
1128.Group of Two
B.W.M. Lieut. A.J. Hobley
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Major A.J. Hobley. R.A.
1129.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Francis. R.M.L.I.
Coronation Medal 1953
1130.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Eng. S. Lieut. J. Nicol. R.N.R.
Mercantile Marine War Medal. John Nicol.
1131.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. H. Seagrove R.A.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Musician H. Seagrove. R.G.A.
Sold with a heart shaped silver nameplate taken from a cigarette box, engraved “Presented to Musician H.
Seagrove by the R.G.A. Band on his Retiring 1921”. M.I.C. confirms no entitlement to Star.
1132.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Pte. E. Grant. R.M.L.I. (B.W.M. erased)
R.N. LSG Geo. V. 1st type. Edward Grant. Private. R.M.L.I.
Sold with Coronation Medal 1911 in gilt bronze, 35 mm diameter with ship on reverse and anchor shaped
suspender. Believed to be designed by A. Toft for the Birmingham Mint. Copy papers record recipient as dying
in R.N. hospital, Great Yarmouth, on 20-9-1919, aged 35.
1133.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. A/Sgt. R.G. Lean. Northampton R.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V. A/Sgt. Instructor Lean A.G. Staff (Army Gymnastic Staff)
M.S.M. - L/G 17-6-1918 “In recognition of valuable services rendered with the forces in France”.
1134.Group of Four
1914 Star. Gnr. J. Cockerill. R.M. Brigade
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. C.J. Cockerill R.M.A.
R.N. LSGC - Victoria. C.J. Cockerill. Gunr. R.M.A.
1135.Group of Four
1914-15 Star Trio. Cpl. E. Crouch A.S.C. (Pte. on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. W.O. Cl. 11. E. Crouch R.A.S.C.
Mounted as worn.
1136.Group of Five
B.W.M. and Victory. Lieut. R.N.W. Jeff R.A.F.
1939-45 and Africa Stars. War Medal. Africa Service Medal. - All named R.N.W. Jeff.
Recipient enlisted into the 28th London Regt. (Artists Rifles) on 27-5-1916, and was discharged to commission
as 2/Lieut Royal Flying Corps on 3-4-1917 and trained as an Observer and was posted to 48 Sqn. After completion
of training. Whilst taking part in a photography mission on 11-8-1917, his aircraft (Bristol Fighter) was hit by A.A.
fire and the petrol tank bottom was blown out and was forced to land and Lt. Jeff was taken prisoner. He was
repatriated in December 1918.
Sold with copy papers referring to W.W.1. - W.W.2. Service un-researched . Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1137.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. Capt. T.T. Nesbitt. (Lieut. W. Riding on Star) War Medal 1939-45.
Recipient died, aged 47 whilst serving on the General List, on 10-6-1940 and is commemorated on Panel 3
of Golders Green Crematorium Memorial.
1138.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory. Sepoy Mir Baz. 1/22 Punjabis.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Sepoy Mir Baz. 1/22 Pjbs. Somewhat polished.
1139.Group of Five
B.W.M. and Victory. W.O. Carr. A.B. R.N.
N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939. Bosun W.O. Carr R.N.
Defence and War Medals.
Sold with copy papers which show enlisting for Boy Service and later commissioned and retiring with the rank
of Lieutenant.
Mounted for display.
1140.Group of Four
1914 Star and Bar (slide on type) Trio. A-W.O. Cl. 2. L. Pay. W. York R. (Sgt 2/W. York R on Star)
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type Sgt. L. Pay. W. York R.
Mounted as worn.
1141.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. A-2 Cpl. A. Denne R.E. (Victory erased)
Terr. Force Efficiency Medal. Geo. V. Spr.-A/Cpl. A. Denne R,E, Sold with M.I.C.
1142.Group of Three
1914-15 Star & B.W.M. W.H. Cousins. Sto. 1. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. W.H. Cousins. Sto. 1. HMS Vivid. Victory missing. (VF)
1143.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. F.W. Jacobs. P.O. R.N. (L.S. R.N. on Star)
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. F.W. Jacobs. P.O. HMS Vivid. (VF)
1144.Group of Four
1914 Star Trio. Pte. A. Simpson. 3/Rifle Bde.
Imperial Service Medal. Geo. V1 1st type. Aylesbury Thomas Arthur Simpson. Sold with M.I.C.
1145.Group of Four
1914-15 Trio. F.A. Walker. A.B. R.N.
R.F.A. LSGC Geo. V. 1st type. F.A. Walker. A.B. R.F.R.
1146.Group of Three
1914-15 Star. A.A. Smith. L. Sto. R.N.
Victory Medal. A. Smith. Act. S.P.O. R.N.
R.F.R. LSGC Geo. V. 2nd type. A. Smith. S.P.O. R.F.R. (B.W.M. missing) (NEF)
1147.Group of Three
B.W.M. & Victory. A. Sgt. J. Young. Highland Cyclist Bn.
A.G.S. 1 Bar Somaliland 1920. W.O. Cl. 11. J. Young. High. Cyc. Bn.
The word “Bn.” has been removed from the A.G.S., - probably by the recipient as he was the only man from
his unit biking around Somaliland at that time!!!
Mounted as worn.
1148.Group of Four
G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. Pte. B.S. Wolf-Milner. R. Fus.
Defence and War Medals
Efficiency Decoration Geo. V (GR1) with top pin bar “Nigeria” Reverse named “Capt Basil S. Wolf-Milner. (NEF) £695
1149.Group of Two
G.S.M. 2 Bars Iraq/N.W. Persia. Gnr. T.E. Shubart R.A.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. “Regular Army”. Bmbr. T.E. Shubart. R.A
Sold with handsome gilt and enamel R.A.O.B. medal, with top pin bar “Egypt”. Reverse - “Member of the Province
of Egypt. Bro. T.E. Shubart”.
1150.Group of Two
I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Pte. E. Payne. 2/Somerset L.I.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. Pte. E. Payne. Som. Lt. Inf.
1151.Group of Two
Family Pair - Husband and Wife.
I.G.S. 1Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Condr. H.J. Hoberts. Ordnance Dept.
I.G.S. 1 Bar Afghan NWF 1919. Clerk Mrs. Roberts. Ordnance Dept.
Please note - Different initials on surnames.
1152.Group of Four
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. Sigmn. Sadar Ud Din. I.S.C.
1939-45 and Pacific Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 35, whilst serving with the Indian Signals Corps in Malaya on 28-1-1942 and is
commemorated on the Singapore (unmaintable graves) Memorial, Singapore.
1153.Group of Two
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1930-31. Sgln. H.C. Sutherland. R. Signals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Sgln. H.C. Sutherland. R. Signals.
1154.Group of Three
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1935. Pte. T. Gillespie. H.L.I.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Pte. T. Gillespie H.L.I.
War Medal 1939-45
Bronze Regimental Sports Medal - 1¾” diameter - Allan Cup October 1932 - Cross Country Running. First
three mounted as worn.
1155.Group of Four
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1935. Pte. W. Stewart H.L.I.
1939-45 and F. & G. Stars.
War Medal.
Handwritten note with medals states - Enlisted 20-11-28. To Reserve 19-11-36. Rejoined 2-9-39. Discharged
to Reserve 8-12-45. Born 15-8-1910. Died 5-4-1972.
1156.Group of Five
I.G.S. 1 Bar NWF 1937-39 L/Sgt. Holmes. W. R.E.
1939-45 and Burma Stars. War Medal 1939-45
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya Geo. V1. W.O. Cl. 11. W. Holmes R.E.
Mounted for display.
1157.Group of Five
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Cpl. J.T. Noble. R.A.F.
1939-45 Star.
Defence and War Medals.
R.A.F. LSGC Geo. V1. 1st type. W.O. J.T. Noble R.A.F.
Recipient was commissioned A/Plt. Off on probation for six yrs on the active list on 2.9.1939. Promoted
Plt. Off on 27-7-1940 and Flt. Lt on 27-7-1942. He relinquished his commission on 21-9-1944 on account of
ill-health, retaining his rank.
Mounted for display.
1158.Group of Seven
G.S.M. Palestine. Pte. J. Midgley. King’s Only.
1939-45 and Africa Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Queens Korea. Capt. J.E. Midgley. R.E.
U.N. Korea.
1159.Group of Seven
N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939. W.J.A. Fisher A.B. R.N.
1939-45, Atlantic, and Africa Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
R.N. LSGC. Geo. V1. 1st type. W.J.A. Fisher. A.B. HMS Vernon.
1160.Group of Five
G.S.M. 2 Bars Palestine/Malaya. Mr. J.R. Harris.
1939-45 and Africa Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Mounted as worn.
1161.Group of Four
N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939. F.J. Timms A/P.O. Tel. R.N.
1939-45 and Atlantic Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
Recipient died, aged 42, on 15-10-1943 whilst serving with HMS ‘Archer’ and is buried in Cowle
(S.S. Mary and John) Churchyard.
1162.Group of Seven
N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1936-1939. T.H. King A.B. R.N.
1939-45, Africa, and Burma Stars. War Medal 1939-45.
R.F.R. LSGC Geo. V1. 2nd type. T.H. King. P.O. R.F.R.
1163.Group of Eight
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine. Gnr. J. Sexton R.A.
1939-45, Africa (8th Army) and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Coronation Medal 1953
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 1st type “Regular Army”. Sgt. .J. Sexton R.A.
G.S.M. verified (7th Medium Regt R.A.) and Coronation Medal confirmed (Sgt. R.A.) Mounted for display. (GVF) £275
1164.Group of Six
N.G.S. 2 Bars Palestine 1936-1939/Minesweeping 1945-51. S.F. Fisher. A/L.S. R.N.
1939-45, Atlantic, and Africa Stars.
War Medal.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V1. 1st type. S.F. Fisher. P.O. HMS Kilele.
Mounted as worn.
1165.Group of Six
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals..
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Capt. A.J. Morgan. R.A.S.C.
Coronation Medal 1953. Major 7-9-54.
Mounted as worn.
1166.Group of Five
1939-45 and Africa Stars. Defence and War Medals. All named 91069 M.D. Smeaton.
Africa Service Medal 1939-45. M.D. Smeaton.
Sold with copy papers which show Millicent Doreen Smeaton enlisting in the S.A.M.N.S. as a Staff Nurse and
later being promoted Nursing Sister. Medals verified.
Also included are three unofficial medals - one commemorating the Royal visit to South Africa 1947, and
two commemorating the Independence of Malawi 6-7-1966 (Both different)
1167.Group of Six
1939-45 and Africa Stars. Defence and War Medals.
Army Emergency Reserve Decoration. Complete with Top Pin Bar. Dated 1965.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgt. C.W.F. Cook R.E.
Sold with a summary of recipient’s life. He was employed on the railways, latterly as public affairs manager
British Rail (Eastern Region) York. Served in the T.A. from 1936 to 1970, retiring as Major. A lifelong member of
the scout movement 1928-1970, retiring as District Commissioner.
Mounted as worn.
1168.Group of Five
1939-45 Star.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 2 Bars Palestine 1945-48/Malaya. Gnr. K.G. Stanford. R.A.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type “Regular Army” Sgt. K.G. Stanford R.A.
Sold with recipient’s certificate of service book which lists him as being R.S.M. of the School of Artillery.
First four medals mounted as worn.
1169.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals.
Air Efficiency Award Eliz. 11. Flt/Lieut. C.G. Bardswell R.A.F.V.R.
Sold with set of miniatures consisting of the above three medals, plus the Danish Order of the Dannebrog.
The Danish Order is verified as being awarded on 3-12-1976, by a letter from the Danish Embassy.
Sold with details of R.A.F. service etc.. Recipient was a solicitor in civil life.
1170.Group of Four
1939-45 and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals. Attributed to Fg. Off. A.D. Bull R.A.F.
Recipient was K.I.A. when his aircraft failed to return from a raid on the railway between Fano and Ancone
on the night of 18-1-1944. He was a Navigator on 104 Sqn and was aged 33 at the time of his death. He is
buried in Bari War Cemetery. Sold with Air Council forwarding slip and medal box addressed to his mother,
Mrs. F.G. Bull. Also included are copies of the paged from 104 Sqn. Ops Record Book covering the raid. (EF)
1171.Group of Five
1939-45 and France and Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. Pte. C.G. Shipman. Intelligence Corps. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1172.Group of Six
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar S.E. Asia 1945-48. Capt. R. Hadwick R.A. Official correction to part of surname. Mounted as worn.
1173.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals.
Air Efficiency Award. Geo. V1. 2nd type. Act/Sgt A.F. Taylor R. Aux. A.F.
Mounted as worn.
1174.Group of Four
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Mrs. J.G. Chandler (mounted as worn) - Together with G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Miss I.V. Chandler. Order of St. John. (Daughter of above)
1175.Group of Five
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Capt. B.P. Penney Q.A.R.A.N.C
Sold with army list details. Born 25-1-1913. Captain 13-3-1948. Major 13-3-1957. Retired 23-10-1965.
Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1176.Group of Five
1939-45, Atlantic, and Africa (North Africa 1942-43) Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
R.F.R. LSGC Geo. V1. 1st type. W. Riddell. Sto. 1. R.F.R.
Recipient was K.I.A. when H.M.S. Ibis was sunk whilst taking part in the landing operations at Algiers on
10-11-1942. “Disasters at Sea” reports that she fell victim to the bombs of French aircraft and sank. He is
commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial.
Sold with forwarding slip and box addressed to Mrs. M. Riddell, Hampstead.
1177.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
A.G.S. 1 Bar Kenya. Capt. R.P. Hughes. R.A.P.C.
Promoted Major 4-7-1955
1178.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Sub. M.C. Sandilands. A.T.S.
1179.Group of Seven
1939-45, Africa, Italy, and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Gnr. M. Brook R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1180.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Sgt. A.M. Hooper. A.T.S.
1181.Group of Six
1939-45, Atlantic, and Burma (Bar - Pacific) Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
Queens Korea. J.E. Cole. A.B. R.N.
U.N. Korea.
1182.Group of Six
1939-45, Atlantic, Africa, and Pacific (Burma) Stars.
War Medal 1939-45
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. Tpr. J. McGill. Lothians.
Mounted as worn.
1183.Group of Eight
1939-45 and France and Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Queens Korea. Cpl. D.G. Hemming R. Signals.
U.N. Korea.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Near East. Sgt. D.G. Hemmings. R. Signals.
U.N. Medal for Cyprus.
1184.Group of Five
Defence and War Medals.
Queens Korea. Major W.B. Hatcher.
U.N. Korea.
Coronation Medal 1953.
Born 24-6-1918. Commissioned 25-1-1941. Major 13-6-1953. Retired 28-3-1959. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1185.Group of Eight
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars. Defence and War Medals.
Queens Korea. Sgt. J.S. Young. Black Watch.
U.N. Korea.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Sgt. J.G. Young R.A.P.C.
Second initial differs, but service number is the same.
1186.Group of Two
War Medal 1939-45
G.S.M. Geo. V1. 2 Bars Malaya/Cyprus. Bdr. R.L. Doyle R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1187.Group of Four
Defence and War Medals.
N.G.S. 1 Bar Near East. El-Lieut. R.H. Lander. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V1 1st type. R.H. Lander. P.O. Tel. HMS President. 11.
Mounted as worn.
1188.Group of Four
1939-45 and Pacific Stars. War Medal. Australia Service Medal 1939-45. VX 109544 J.D. Moseley.
Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1189.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 2nd type. Cpl. T. Forrester A.T.S.
Mounted as worn.
1190.Group of Six
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Sgt. G.R. Goodwin. R.A.P.C.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type “Regular Army” S/Sgt. G.R. Goodwin R.A.P.C.
Mounted as worn.
1191.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Cpl. B.M. Hodge A.T.S.
Mounted as worn.
1192.Group of Seven
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. Eliz. 11 1 Bar Malaya. S/Sgt. C.E. Campbell R.E.M.E.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type. “Regular Army” S/Sgt. C.E. Campbell R.E.M.E.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Bmbr. C. Campbell R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1193.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 3 Bars Palestine 1945-48/Near East/Cyprus. Dvr. D.S. Martin. R. Signals. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1194.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Gnr. R.C. Wallis R.A.
Sold with forwarding box for W.W.2. Medals.
1195.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa (1st Army) and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Militia”. Geo. V1 2nd type. Pte. J.R. Gatfield. R.M.P.
Mounted as worn.
1196.Group of Four
1939-45, and Africa (8th Army) Stars. War Medal. Africa Service Medal. All named “28274 L.B. Gerber.”
Sold with copy papers which show recipient as serving in the R.L.I. And later transferring to the South
African Pay Corps.
Mounted for display.
1197.Group of Four
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Major S.J. Singer. R.A.O.C.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. “Regular Army” W.O. Cl. 2. S.J. Singer. R.A.
Mounted for display.
1198.Group of Two
Defence Medal. Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11 2nd type. Sgt. Fred Smith.
Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1199.Group of Six
1939-45 Atlantic (France & Germany), and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
N.G.S. - 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. 1st type. S.E. Coe. A.B. R.N.
Mounted as worn.
1200.Group of Four
1939-45 and Africa Stars.
War Medal 1939-4
C.S.M. 2 Bars South Arabia/Radfan. Dvr. K. Law. R.A.S.C. (second bar possibly a copy)
1201.Group of Five
1939-45, and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 1st type “Regular Army”. Bdr. E. George. R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1202.Group of Seven
1939-45, Africa, Italy, and France and Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. J. Parnell R.E.M.E.
Recipient served with 3rd Infantry workshop unit, 6th Airborne Division in Palestine 1946-47. Sold with
photograph album covering service, and two large Airborne Forces Golden Jubilee Medallions 1940-1990, - one
gilt and one heavy white metal. Medals mounted for display together with bakelite R.E.M.E. badge. Also
included in an Airborne Forces tie-pin.
1203.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa (8th Army), and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Sigmn. J. Buchanan. R. Signals.
Mounted as worn (wrong order) (NEF)
1204.Group of Six
1939-45 and Italy Star.
Defence and War Medals.
Queens Korea. Sgt. S.E. Oxley. R. Tanks.
Mounted as worn.
1205.Group of Five
1939-45 Star.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. W.O. Cl. 2. F.J.J. McManus R.A.O.C.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 2nd type. Cpl. F.J.J. McManus R.A.O.C. Mounted as worn. (GVF)
1206.Group of Seven
1939-45 and Africa Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Cpl. H. Green R.A.O.C.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Eliz. 11 2nd type. W.O. Cl. 1. H. Green R.A.O.C.
L.S.G.C. “Regular Army” Eliz. 11 2nd type. W.O. Cl. 1. H. Green R.A.O.C.
Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1207.Group of Five
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars.
War Medal 1939-45
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Gnr. J. Bellamy R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1208.Group of Five
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medal
R.F.R. LSGC Geo. V1 1st type. H. Bloomer. Sto. 1. R.F.R.
Mounted as worn.
1209.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal. “Territorial”. Geo. V1 2nd type. Cpl. T. Forrester A.T.S.
Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1210.Group of Five
Italy and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency “Territorial” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Lieut. M.G. Fry. R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1211.Group of Three
Defence Medal.
Fire Service Exemplary Service Medal. Eliz. 11. Stn. Offr. Joseph Calderwood.
British Fire Services Assocn. Bronze (10 yrs) J. Calderwood.
Recipient was badly injured and burned by an explosion whilst attending a fire in a paint store at Bellshill,
Lanarkshire, on 7-1-1963, and died of his injuries a week later.
Sold with copies of newspaper reports covering the incident, in which a second fire officer was killed. Also
included is a photocopy of part of a page from the Motherwell Times of 25-1-1963 reporting Mr. Calderwood’s
funeral with a picture of the cortege.
A scarce Fire Service Fatal Casualty Group. Last two medals in boxes of issue.
1212.Group of Eight
1939-45, Atlantic, Africa, Burma (Pacific), and Italy Stars.
War Medal 1939-45
N.G.S. 1 Bar Near East. S.H. Rodgers. C.P.O. Ck. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V1. 1st type. S.H. Rodgers. P.O. Ck. (S) HMS Victory. Mounted as worn.
1213.Group of Five
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Arabian Peninsular. Flt. Lt. J. Yates R.A.F.
Mounted as worn.
1214.Group of Five
1939-45, Atlantic, and Pacific Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
N.G.S. 1 Bar S.E. Asia 1945-46. Lieut. R.J.E. Tate. R.N.V.R.
1215.Group of Eight
1939-45, Africa (8th Army), Italy and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals. U.N. Korea Medal.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type. “Regular Army” Sgt. G.G. Battersby. R.A.
Mounted as worn.
1216.Group of Four
1939-45 Star. Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. - 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. K. Frost. A.A.C. (Army Air Corps) Mounted as worn
1217.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa (N. Africa 1942-43) and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Sigmn. A. Stouph. R. Signals. Mounted for display.
1218.Group of Five
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 2nd type. Cfn. C.W.S. Sparks. R.E.M.E.
Recipient died as a result of a motor accident in Germany on 9-2-1946, aged 25. He is buried in Munster
Heath War Cemetery. Sold with letters of sympathy, newspaper cutting, medal entitlement slip, covering letter
forwarding Efficiency Medal, and photographs of his grave (wooden cross).
1219.Group of Three
1939-45 Star.
War Medal 1939-45 (M.I.D.)
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. S/Sgt. R. Knight. R.A.P.C.
M.I.D. - L/G 20-12-1940 - Sold with original M.I.D. certificate.
1220.Group of Five
1939-45 and Atlantic (France and Germany) Stars.
Canadian Volunteer Service - with maple leaf clasp.
War Medal 1939-45 - silver - with M.I.D. emblem.
R.N.V.R. LSGC Geo. V1 1st type. P.O. M.J.T. Fortune R.C.N.V.R.
M.I.D. L/G 4-7-1944 “For courage, resolution and skill aboard H.M. Canadian ship “Waskesiu” in successful
operations against u-boats in the Atlantic. Scarce Canadian W.W.1 Naval Group. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1221.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals
Air Efficiency Award. Geo. V1 1st type. Cpl. K.A. Paulsen A.A.F.
Sold with 604 Sqn gilt and enamel lapel badge.
Mounted as worn.
1222.Group of Four
Defence and War Medals
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Flt. Lt. J.V. McCormack R.A.F.
R.A.F. LSGC Geo. V1 1st type. Flt. Lt. J.V. McCormack R.A.F.
Born 1906. Commissioned 5-8-1941. Flt. Lt. 1-9-1945. Retired 21-12-1953. Secretarial Branch.
Mounted (incorrectly) as worn.
1223.Group of Five
1939-45, Africa, and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Sold with illuminated certificate
“Recording the gratitude of the citizens of Malvern to F.C. Bowers who, nobly serving King and Country in the
War of 1939-45, helped keep secure their precious heritage”. Sold with photo of recipient. Mounted as worn. (NEF) £78
1224.Group of Six
1939-45 and Atlantic Stars. Defence and War Medals.
N.G.S. 1 Bar Near East. P. Foley L.M. (E R.N.
R.N. LSGC Geo. V. 2nd type. P. Foley. L.S. HMS Victory.
Contact marks and edge knocks on the last two medals.
1225.Group of Six
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals
Efficiency Decoration. G. V1. R. dated 1950 - with bar dated 1950. Complete with top “Territorial” pin bar.
Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Geo. V. Crowned Head. Alfred H. Hood. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1226.Group of Six
1939-45, Burma, and Italy Stars.
Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11 2nd type. Sgt. David Wilson.
Mounted as worn.
1227.Group of Seven
1939-45, Italy and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. W.O. Cl. 1. W.J.L. Leaker. R.A.S.C.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V1 2nd type. “Regular Army”. W.O. Cl. I. W.J.M. Leaker R.A.S.C. Appointed Warrant Officer
Cl.I. on 9-1-1943.
First five mounted as worn.
1228.Group of Five
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo V1 2nd type. Cfn. A. Gilbert R.E.M.E. Efficiency Medal in box of issue. (NEF) £105
1229.Group of Five
1939-45 and Burma Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. S. Sgt. B.E. Foster. R.A.O.C. Sold with Efficiency Medal
box of issue.
1230.Group of Two
War Medal 1939-45
G.S.M. 1 Bar S.E. Asia 1945-46/ L/Cpl. C.R. O’Neill. R. Signals. Mounted as worn.
1231.Group of Five
War Medal 1939-45.
Queens Korea. J.A. Stokes. C(S) R.N. This medal is a copy, with engraved naming.
U.N. Korea - Later issue.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Malay Peninsular. J.A. Stokes. Ldg. Ck. (S) R.N.
R.N. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type. J.A. Stokes. Ldg. Ck (S) HMS Triumph.
Mounted as worn.
1232.Group of Seven
1939-45 and Africa (8th Army) Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
G.S.M. Eliz. 11 1 Bar Malaya. Major J.S. Southworth. R.A.S.C.
Coronation Medal 1953
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 2nd type. Capt. J.S. Southworth R.A.S.C. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1233.Group of Six
1939-45, Italy, and France & Germany Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V - with extra Service Bar. W.O. Cl. 11 J.W. Whittle R.E.
Mounted as worn
1234.Group of Five
1939-45 and Italy Stars.
Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. Gnr. J. Balfour R.A.
1235.Group of Five
1939-45, Africa (8th Army), and France and Germany Stars.
War Medal 1939-45
Efficiency Medal - “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Cpl. T. Thomson. R. Signals.
1236.Group of Four
1939-45 and Africa Stars.
War Medal 1939-45.
Efficiency Medal - “Kenya” Geo. V1. 2nd type. Capt. C.D. Allan.
Commissioned 2/Lieut 11-4-1942 - R.A.S.C. - African Colonial Forces Section.
1237.Group of Five
1939-45, Atlantic, and Burma Stars.
War Medal 1939-45
N.G.S. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Cd. Gnr. (T) J.H.S. Barrett. R.N.
Recipient originally enlisted in the R.N. as P/JX 132317 in the Gunnery Branch (Torpedo), and was
commissioned towards the end of the war. He later became a commissioned Electrical Officer (L), and promoted
Lieut. W.E.F. 1.4.1956. He retired as Elect. Lt. Cdr. on 22-12-1961.
1238.Group of Four
Defence and War Medals
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V1 2nd type. W.O. Cl.1. E.T. Moore R.A.S.C.
L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type W.O. Cl. 11 E.T. Moore R.A.S.C.
Sold with 3 original warrant parchments - W.O. Class 11. - W.E.F. 1-12-1925. - W.O. Class 1 - W.E.F. 25-5-1931
and W.O. W.E.F. 8-7-1939 (re-call for W.W.2.) Also included are three original studio photographs of recipient
in uniform, life membership card of the R.A.C. Regimental Assocn, and other related letters etc.
1239.Group of Four
1939-45 Star.
Defence and War Medals.
Imperial Service Medal. Eliz. 11 2nd type. Charles Stanley Watkins.
Sold with an ornate heavy silver and enamel R.A.O.B. medal - The reverse engraved “Presented to Bro. C.S.
Watkins as a mark of esteem upon being raised to the 2nd Degree. July 24th 1922”
1240.Group of Five
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars. Defence Medal. G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Cpl. A.W. Huggins R. Signals.
Also entitled to War Medal 1939-45. Mounted as worn (in wrong order!)
1241.Group of Three
1939-45 and Africa Stars. War Medal 1939-45. Sold with condolence slip named to A.C.I. N.G. Thompson.
(R.A.F.V.R.) Recipient was K.I.A. in North Africa, on 31-5-1941 & is commemorated on the Alamein
1242.Group of Five
1939-45, Africa, and Italy Stars. War Medal 1939-45.
Efficiency Medal. “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. Dvr. D. Kirk. R.A.S.C.
1243.Group of Six
1939-45, Africa and Italy Stars. Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Lieut. E.A. Everett. R.A.O.C. (NEF)
1244.Group of Four
1939-45 Star. Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. Spr. J. Caldwell. R.E.
1245.Group of Five
1939-45 and France & Germany Stars. Defence and War Medals.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Pte. R.G. Young. R.P.C. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1246.Group of Three
Defence and War Medals. Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type Gnr. H. Aircy. R.A.
1247.Group of Three
Defence & War Medals. Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type.. Cfn. S.J.H. Hoskins R.E.M.E. (GVF) £70
1248.British Red Cross Society, 3 years service medal - number 3689. Lieutenant 31-10-1944, Captain 1-1-1951. (NEF)£150
1249.Group of Five
1939-45 and Africa Stars. Defence and War Medal.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1 1st type. W.O. Cl. 1 A.C. Willmott R.E.M.E. Scarce rank. (NEF)
1250.Group of Two
Defence Medal. Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11 2nd type. Const. Leonard Parker. Mounted as worn. (EF)
1251.Group of Two
Defence Medal. Police Exemplary Service. Eliz. 11 2nd type. Const. John M. Pate. (EF)
1252.Group of Three
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48 F/S R.D. Rennolds. R.A.F.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. W/O R.D. Rennolds R.A.F.
R.A.F. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type F/S R.D. Rennolds R.A.F.
The rims of all 3 medals are impressed “R” (for replacement). Recipient was appointed Warrant Officer on
1253.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. F. Kemp. D.W.R.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Pte. F. Kemp. D.W.R.
1254.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Lieut. S. Critchlow. R.E.M.E.
A.G.S. 1 Bar Kenya. Capt. S. Critchlow. R.E.M.E.
Lieut. - 12-10-1947. Captain - 4-4-1951.
Mounted as worn.
1255.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. 2/Lieut. R.A. Caukwell R.A.S.C.
A.G.S. 1 Bar Kenya. Lieut. R.A. Caukwell. Kenya Regt.
Both medals in original boxes of issue and sold with forwarding letter covering the G.S.M. Official
correction to initial ‘R’ on the A.G.S.
1256.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Canal Zone Capt. C.A. Priestley. R.A.S.C.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Major C.A. Priestley. R.A.S.C.
1257.Group of Three
G.S.M. 1 Bar Canal Zone. Gnr. E.M. McKay. R.A.
National Service Medal. Gnr. McKay E.M. 1953-1955. 41st Fld. Regt. R.A. (Unofficial)
Suez Canal Zone Medal. Gnr. McKay E.M. 1953-1955. 41st Fld. Regt. R.A. (Unofficial) Mounted as worn. (EF)
1258.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Palestine 1945-48. Pte. D. Gleeson. R. Scots.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. D. Gleeson. Cpl. R.M.
1259.Group of Three
N.G.S. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. D.H.F. Collier. Sto. Mech. R.N.
Queens Korea. D. Collier. S.M. R.N.
U.N. Korea.
Mounted as worn.
1260.Group of Three
N.G.S. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. J. Higgins A.B. R.N.
Queens Korea 1st type. J. Higgins. A.B. R.N.
U.N. Korea.
Mounted as worn.
1261.Group of Two
N.G.S. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. B.A. Harriman. A.B. R.N. Queens Korea. B.A. Harriman. A.B. R.N.
1262.Group of Two
Queens Korea - D. Thornton A.B. R.N.
U.N. Korea
1263.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Fus. C. Scarfe. R. Fusiliers. U.N. Korea.
Mounted as worn.
1264.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Pte. A. Lodge R. Leicesters.
U.N. Korea.
1265.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Pte. R. Goodbrand. R.A.O.C.
U.N. Korea.
1266.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Pte. R.H. Crosland. Black Watch.
U.N. Korea.
1267.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Fus. W. Lyons R.N.F.
U.N. Korea.
U.N. Medal in box of issue.
1268.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Pte. T. D’Arcy. R.S. (Royal Scots)
U.N. Korea
The naming is slightly rubbed but is original.
1269.Group of Two
Queens Korea. H. Spence A.B. R.N.
U.N. Korea (1953-54 obverse) Mounted as worn.
1270.Group of Two
Queens Korea - Canadian issue. T.D. Hartigan.
U.N. Korea. T.D. Hartigan.
1271.Group of Two
Queens Korea Fus. D.J. Callender Rl. Fusiliers. U.N. Korea. Mounted as worn (in wrong order!) (NEF)
1272.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Fus. A. Wood. R.N.F.
1273.Group of Two
Queens Korea. 1st type. Fus. E. Watson. R. Northd. Fus.
U.N. Korea.
Recipient was wounded on 20-1-1951.
1274.Group of Two
Queens Korea - Canadian issue. J.A.F. Arsenault.
U.N. Korea - Coree. J.A.F. Arsenault.
1275.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Tpr. B. Cromack. 5th Dgn. Gds.
U.N. Korea.
Mounted as worn.
1276.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Pte. W.B.P. Rolfe. Middlesex R.
U.N. Korea.
1277.Group of Two
Queens Korea. Ty. S. Lieut. (S.P.) R.A. Smart. R.N.V.R.
U.N. Korea.
1278.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. S.A.C. J. Marrs. R.A.F.
R.A.F. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type. S.A.C. J. Marrs R.A.F.
1279.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Pte. D. Rodrigues. A.C.C.
L.S.G.C. “Regular Army” Eliz. 11. W.O. Cl. 2. D.J. Rodrigues. A.C.C.
Mounted as worn.
1280.Group of Two
G.S.M. Geo. V1. 2 Bars Malaya/Brunei. Pte. C. Hagan. Seaforth. (Second Bar loose)
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Sgt. C. Hagan. Q.O. Highrs.
1281.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya - Eliz. 11. Sig. R.M. Balment. R. Sigs.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. L/Cpl. R.M. Balment. R. Sigs.
1282.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Geo. V1. Rfn. Manbahadur Limbu. 7 Gurkha R.
C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Peninsular. Rfn. Manbahadur Limbu 1/7 G.R. Copy papers. Mounted as worn. (NEF) £175
1283.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Spr. Balandhoj Limbu. Gurkha Engrs.
C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Pen. Spr. Balandhoj Limbu. Gurkha Engrs. Copy papers. Mounted as worn. (NEF) £175
1284.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Rfn. Dambaabahadur Limbu. 7 Gurkha R.
C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Pen. Cpl. Dambarbahadur Limbu 1/7 G.R. Copy papers. Mounted as worn. (NEF) £175
1285.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Malaya. Eliz. 11. Sigmn. Bhimraj Sahi. Gurkha Sigs.
C.S.M. 2 Bars Borneo/Malay Pen. Cpl. Bhimraj Sahi. Gurkha Signals. Copy papers. Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1286.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Brunei. Rfn. A. Palmer. 1-Green Jackets.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Rfn. A. Palmer 1-Green Jackets.
Mounted as worn.
1287.Group of Two
G.S.M. 1 Bar Brunei. Dvr. P.D. Hoath. R.A.S.C.
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Dvr. P.D. Hoath. R.A.S.C.
1288.Group of Two
G.S.M. Eliz. 11. 1 Bar Malaya. Cpl. N. Cooper. R.A.F.
R.A.F. LSGC. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Sgt. N. Cooper. R.A.F. (NEF)
1289.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar South Arabia. Sgt. S.L. Hounsell R.A.F.
R.A.F. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type. Sgt. S.L. Hounsell R.A.F. Mounted as worn.
1290.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar Borneo. Spr. A.M. Snowball. R.E.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11. 2nd type “Regular Army” L/Cpl. A.M. Snowball R.E.
Mounted as worn.
1291.Group of Three
C.S.M. 1 Bar Malay Peninsular. T.R. Windsor. Ldg. Std. R.N.
R.N. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type. T.R. Windsor. P.O. Std. HMS Dolphin.
Oman - Peace Medal.
Mounted as worn.
1292.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar Malay Peninsular. Sgt. J. Mason R.A.O.C.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type. “Regular Army” S. Sgt. J. Mason R.A.O.C.
1293.Group of Four
C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. T.S. Phillips. R.A.M.C.
Gulf Medal. Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb. 1991. Cpl. T.S. Phillips. R.A.M.C.
Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait.
Kuwait Liberation Medal.
Together with miniatures of the first two medals. British medals mounted as worn.
1294.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar Malay Peninsular. Cpl. W.J. Cheesman. R. Signals.
U.N. Medal for Cyprus.
Mounted as worn.
1295.Group of Two
NATO Service Medal - Kosovo.
Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Sgt. N. McAuslane. Royal Marines.
1296.Group of Four
C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A. Horn. A.G.C. (SPS) - Officially renamed.
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) L/Cpl. A. Horn. A.G.C. (SPS)
Accumulated Service Medal - 2nd type (2011) L/Cpl. A. Horn A.G.S. (SPS)
Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012.
All medals in their original boxes/cases of issue.
1297.Group of Four
C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. Pte. A. Hammant A.C.C.
Gulf Medal - Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb. 1991. L/Cpl. A.S. Hammant A.C.C.
Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait.
Kuwait Liberation Medal, Fourth Grade.
First two medals mounted as worn.
1298.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar Air Operations Iraq. Cpl. S.T. Dixon R.A.F.
R.A.F. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type. Cpl. S.T. Dixon. R.A.F.
1299.Group of Two
Gulf Medal. No Bar. Gnr. D.L. Robertson. R.A.
U.N. Medal for Cyprus.
1300.Group of Three
Gulf Medal - Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb. 1991. Pte. K.J.E. Hall. Q.A.R.A.N.C.
Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait - In fitted case of issue.
Kuwait Liberation Medal, Fourth Grade - In fitted case of issue.
1301.Group of Three
Gulf Medal - Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991. Stwd. N.W.M. Reynolds R.F.A.
Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait.
Kuwait Liberation Medal, Fourth Grade. Sold with forwarding letter for Gulf Medal. Medals in boxes of issue. (EF) £300
1302.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland Spr. C.J. Ward. R.E.
L.S.G.C. “Regular Army” Eliz. 2nd type. Cpl. C.J. Ward R.E.
1303.Group of Two
C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. L/Cpl. A.C. Burrows. Welsh Gds.
South Atlantic - with rosette. Gdsm. A.C. Burrows W.G.
Recipient states that he was on the “Sir Galahad” and was injured by an explosion on board. Sold with the
original photograph of recipient in uniform and armed, and a photostat copy of the “photograph and details”
page of his passport.
Mounted as worn.
1304.Group of Two
Gulf Medal. No Bar. Mr. K.B. Quinn B.A.E.
R.A.F. LSGC Eliz. 11 2nd type. S.A.C. K.B. Quinn R.A.F.
1305.Group of Two
Operational Service Medal. Afghanistan ribbon (Op Telic) O.M. (W).1. M.K. King R.N.
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) - Bar 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003. O.M.(W).1. M.K. King.
Both medals in boxes of issue.
1306.Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Sig. C.J. Gisborne. R. Signals.
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) No Bar. Sig. C.J. Gisborne. R. Signals.
Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012. - Female recipient.
Sold with certificate of service, and testimonial giving service details, and three photographs. First two
medals mounted as worn, third in box of issue.
1307.Group of Two
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) No Bar. S.A.C. A.B. Falle R.A.F.
Operational Service Medal - Bar Afghanistan. S.A.C. A.B. Falle R.A.F.
1308.Group of Two
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) Pte. T.O. Morley. R.L.C. (No Bar)
Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Pte. T.O. Morley. R.L.C. Both medals in boxes of issue. (EF)
1309.Group of Two
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) No Bar. Pte. R. Cabelawa. Scots.
NATO Service - Bar Isaf.
Both medals in boxes of issue.
1310.Group of Five
N.A.T.O. Service - Former Yugoslavia.
N.A.T.O. Service - Kosovo
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) 1 Bar 19 Mar to 28 Apr 2003. L/Cpl. M.S. Milne R.L.C
Golden Jubilee Medal 2002.
L.S.G.C. Eliz. 11 2nd type “Regular Army” L/Cpl. M.S. Milne R.L.C.
Mounted as worn.
1311.Group of Two
Iraq Medal (Op Telic). No Bar. Sig. A.J. McKeown. R. Signals.
Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan, and rosette. Sig. A.J. McKeown. Mounted for display.
1312.Group of Two
Iraq Medal (Op Telic) - Bar 19 Mar to 28 April 2003. Cfn. S. McCafferty. R.E.M.E.
N.A.T.O. Service - Non Article 5.
Mounted as worn.
1313.Group of Five
Iraq (Op Telic) 1 Bar 16 Jan to 28 Feb 1991. Spr. N.D. Stokes R.E.
C.S.M. 1 Bar N. Ireland. L/Cpl. N.D. Stokes. R.L.C.
N.A.T.O. Medal. 1 Bar non article 5. Un-named as issued
Operational Service Medal. 1 Bar Afghanistan. Sgt. N.D. Stokes. R.L.C.
Golden Jubilee Medal 2012.
Mounted as worn.
1314.Group of Two
M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type Q.M. Sgt. J. Hicks R.A.
L.S.G.C. Victoria. Sgt. J. Hicks. R.A.
Sold with small bronze Temperance Medal (CE.T.S.)
1315.Group of Two
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) - Victoria. Sergt. 1. of Musketry T. Finucane. 107th Foot.
L.S.G.C. - Victoria. Sergt. 1. of Musketry T. Finucane. 107th Foot.
1316.Group of Two
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Victoria. Col. Sgt. J. Parsons. 3/Rifle Bde.
L.S.G.C. - Victoria. Col. Sgt. J. Parsons. 3rd Battn. Rifle Bde.
1317.Group of Two
L.S.G.C. - Victoria. Coy. Q.M. Sgt. C.E. Snewin R.G.A.
Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M.) Geo. V1. 1st type. Q.M. Sgt. C.E. Snewin R.A.
1318.Group of Two
Colonial Police M.S.M. Eliz. 11. Asst. Insp. Gideon Saint. Nyasaland Police.
Coronation Medal 1953
1319.Group of Three
Volunteer Officer’s Decoration - Victoria. Complete with top pin bar.
Volunteer Force Long Service - Victoria - Un-named as issued.
Volunteer Force Long Service - Edw. V11. Colonel S.W. Doyle. 1/Lancs. R.E.V.
Mounted for display (NEF)
1320.Group of Two
Imperial Service Medal. Eliz. 11. 2nd type. Francis William McAllister.
Efficiency Medal “Territorial” Geo. V1. 1st type. Sgt. W. McAllister. R. Signals.
1321.Group of Two
Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. Sgt. M.C. Barnett. R. Warwickshire R.
M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type swivel suspender. C.Q.M. Sgt. M.C. Barnett. 3/R. War. R.
M.S.M. - L/G 22-2-1919. Medals mounted as worn, so probably no entitlement to W.W.1. Medals. (GVF)
1322.Group of Two
M.S.M. Geo. V. 1st type. Q.M.Sgt. W. Rasdill. 6/Dgn. Gds.
L.S.G.C. Victoria. Qr. Mr. Sgt. W. Rasdill. 6th Dn. Gds.
1323.Group of Two
Army L.S.G.C. Geo. V. 1st type. S.Q.M. Sgt. W. Clark A.P.C.
Meritorious Service Medal. (M.S.M.) Geo. V. 1st type. S.S. Mjr. W. Clark A.P.C. (L/G 12-6-1919)
Mounted as worn.
1324.Group of Two
Volunteer Force Long Service - Victoria. Sgt. A. Lemmon. Mussorie Vol. Rifles.
Silver Medal - “The Provincial Medal awarded to the best shot among the volunteers in the Province”. Reverse
engraved “1885-86. Won by Sergeant A. Lemmon 1st Punjab Volunteer Rifle Corps. 68 Points.”
An attractive medal with a ring and suspension bar embossed “Punjab”
Mounted for wear.
1325.Group of Two
Special Constabulary Faithful Service. Geo. V. 1st type. Henry Hunter.
City of Coventry Special Constabulary. Silver Medal for Long Service 1914. H. Hunter.
1326.Group of Two
Coronation 1887 - with Bar ‘1897’ - Metropolitan Police. P.C. H. Little. P. Divn. (Camberwell)
Coronation 1902 - Metropolitan Police. P.C. H. Little. P. Divn. Joined 1880. Pension 1905.
1327.Group of Three
Jubilee 1897
- Metropolitan Police. P.C. G. Hillier. C. Divn.
Coronation 1902 - Metropolitan Police. P.C. G. Hillier. C. Divn.
Coronation 1911 - Metropolitan Police. P.C. G. Hillier.
1328.Group of Three
Jubilee 1897
- Metropolitan Police. P.C. A. Masters. L. Divn.
Coronation 1902 - Metropolitan Police. P.C. A. Masters. L. Divn.
Coronation 1911 - Metropolitan Police. P.C. A. Masters.
1329.Group of Two
Visit to Scotland Medal 1903. P.C. A. McKenzie.
Coronation Medal 1911 - Scottish Police. P.C. A. McKenzie.
Mounted for wear.
1330.Group of Two
Coronation 1911
Territorial Force Efficiency Medal. Edw. V11. C/Sgt. T. Bailey. 5/L.N. Lanc. Regt.
Recipient was K.I.A. on 14-10-1915.
Mounted as worn.
1331.Group of Two
Ceylon Police L.S.G.C. 1950 issue. Eliz. 11. Const. P.V.R. Ondiris. Ceylon Police.
Ceylon Police Independence Medal 1948. Un-named as issued. (No ribbon)
1332.Group of Two
Silver Jubilee 1935 (Verified)
Efficiency Medal “India” Geo. V1. Sgt. S.N. Mason. 2-M. & So. Mah Rly. Rifles. A.F.I. (2nd Madras and S.
Mahratta Rly.)
Mounted as worn.
1333.Group of Two
B.W.M. & Victory. 2/Lieut. A.E. Davies. K.I.A. aged 32, with the 12/13th Bn. Northumberland Fus.
Commemorated on the Soissons Memorial, Aisne, France. (NEF)
1334.Group of Two
B.W.M and Victory. Capt. A.D. Hamer.
Memorial Plaque Arthur Derrick Hamer.
Recipient was K.I.A. on 6-11-1918 serving with the Northern Cyclist Bn., and is buried in Hargnies Communal
Cemetery, France. Sold with damaged medal boxes of issue.
1335.Group of Three
1914-15 Star Trio. Gnr. C.E. Williams. R.A. (Gnr. R.F.A. on Star) Memorial Plaque. Charles Edward Williams
C.W.G. lists recipient as serving with 76th Bty., 104th Bde., R.F.A. and dying on 28-4-1916 and remembered
with Honour Kut War Cemetery. “Soldiers Died” lists him as died Turkey on the same date. In all probability he
died as a P.O.W. on the march from Kut after its surrender.
1336.Group of Two
Capt. A.D. Hamer (N. Cyclist Bn)
Memorial Plaque Arthur Derrick Hamer.
Recipient was K.I.A. on 6-11-1918 and is buried in Hargnies Communal Cemetery.
1337.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Art. Eng. T. Cole R.N. Recipient was K.I.A. on 31-5-1916 (Battle of Jutland), serving on HMS
“Black Prince”, and is commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial.
1338.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Lieut. D. Cushny. Dorset Regt.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 22, with the 2nd Bn on 14-4-1915, and is buried in Basra War Cemetery.
Sold with copy papers.
1339.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J.F. Wise. Gloucester R.
Recipient was K.I.A. with the 10th Bn on 2-9-1916 and is buried in Flatiron Copse Cemetery, Mametz. (NEF)
1340.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Cpl. D. Watts. Shrops. L.I.
Recipient was K.I.A. with the 7th Bn during the Battle of Bezentine Ridge on 14-7-1916, and is commemorated
on the Thiepval Memorial. He resided in Cwmdu Maesteg.
Sold with details of the action, roll of the casualties,
map, etc..
1341.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. T. Burling. Middlesex R.
Recipient was K.I.A., F. & F. on 20-8-1918.
1342.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Gnr. J.D. Bold R.A. Memorial Plaque James Christopher Bold.
Recipient D.O.W. serving with the R.H.A. & R.F.A., on 26-4-1918. He was born and enlisted in Wigan. (NEF) £185
1343.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Dvr. R.J. Wellard R.F.A.
Recipient D.O.W. serving with 150th Bde R.F.A. on 22-3-1918 and is buried in Roye New British Cemetery,
1344.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. T. Cullen. R. Scots Fus.
Recipient was K.I.A., F. & F. on 26-9-1917, serving with the 1st Bn
1345.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. S. Hocking. Welsh Regt.
Recipient was K.I.A. with the 2nd Bn on 25-9-1915 - 1st Day of Loos - and is commemorated on the Loos
1346.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Crabbe. York & Lanc. Regt.
Recipient D.O.W. aged 25, with the 7th Bn., on 11-3-1916 and is buried in Voormezeele Enclosure. (NEF)
1347.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. D. Harper. Gordon Highrs. Memorial Plaque Duncan Harper.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 21, whilst attached to M.G.C. (Infy) 103 Coy on 1-7-16. (First Day of the Somme)
& commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial. Sold with M.I.C. confirming service. Resided in Auchinblae. (NEF)
1348.Group of Six - Two Brothers - Killed in action within 14 days of each other.
1. 1914-15 Trio. Pte. W. Harper. A. & S. Highrs. Memorial Plque. William Harper.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 26, with the 10th Bn on 14-7-1916, and is commemorated on the Thiepval
2. 1914-15 Trio. Pte. D. Harper. Gordons. Memorial Plaque Duncan Harper.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 21, attached to 103 Coy Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) on 1-7-1916 - The First
Day of the Somme, and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial. - M.I.C. confirms change of unit.
Both soldiers were the sons of Robert and Helen Harper, of Oakbank, Auchenblae, Kincardineshire. (NEF) £1450
1349.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. W. Wyllie. Gordons.
Memorial Plaque/ William Wyllie.
Recipient was K.I.A., with the 5th Bn between 21-3-1918 and 2-4-1918, and is commemorated on the Pozigres
Memorial. Sold with ‘Dog Tag’ and original letter from the War Office detailing moneys due to next of kin. (NEF) £185
1350.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. A. Gilchrist A. & S. H.
Memorial Plaque Andrew Gilchrist.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 41, with the 4th Bn Gordon Highrs., on 25-3-1918, and is commemorated on the
Arras Memorial. - M.I.C. confirms change of unit. The lot is sold with the following forms, letters etc. - Certificate
copy of attestation, certificate of registration, notice of recall from Army Reserve, works reference, and
correspondence to next of kin regarding recipient’s death.
1351.Group of Two
1914 Star and Bar. Victory Medal (B.W.M. missing) Pte. H.T. Ash. 2/R. Sussex R.
Recipient D.O.W. with the 2nd Bn., on 30-10-1914, and is buried in Ypres Reservoir Cemetery. Sold with
R. Sussex Cap Badge.
1352.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. A/Cpl. T.G. Clifforth. R.E. Memorial Plaque Thomas George Clifforth. Memorial Scroll (damaged)
recipient died in Salonika on 3-11-1918, aged 29, whilst serving with the 8th Field Survey Coy, Attd. G.H.Q.
and is buried in Mikra British Cemetery, Kalamaria.
Sold with full details of the formation of the Survey Coy
R.E. (Salonika), which was responsible for the drawing up and production of maps covering the area.
1353.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Dvr. T. Patchett R.A.
Memorial Plaque Thomas Patchett
Recipient died on 21-2-1919 whilst serving with 158th Bde Ammunition Col., and is buried in Etaples Military
Cemetery. Plaque in original cardboard case.
1354.Group of Three
1914 Star. Pte. H. Bristol. 1/13 London R.
B.W.M. and Victory. Capt. H.J. Bristol.
Recipient D.O.W. with 4/S. Staffs Attd to 10/Cheshires on 4-5-1918 and is buried in Arneke British Cemetery
1355.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. R. Kirkwood. Scottish Rifles.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 18, with the 9th Bn on 25-4-1918 and is buried in La Laiterie Military Cemetery.
Sold with record office forwarding letter for the medals.
1356.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. C. Williamson. 46 Canadian Infy.
Recipient died of influenza on 14-11-1918 and is buried in Les Baraques Military Cemetery, Sangatte. (NEF)
1357.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. T. Naismith. Gordon Highrs.
Recipient D.O.W., serving with the 2nd Bn on 19-6-1916, and is buried in Brown’s Road Military Cemetery,
1358.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. F.H.H. Williams. 2nd S.A.I. (Bi-Lingual Victory Medal) Recipient was K.I.A., aged
20, at Delville Wood on 18-7-1916, and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial.
1359.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. C. Larkins. Rifle Bde. Memorial Plaque. Charles Larkins.
Recipient was K.I.A. with 9-Bn on 5.5.1917 and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial. He resided in
Shoreditch, London.
1360.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. G. Oliver. S. Staffs. R.
Recipient D.O.W. with the 7th Bn on 30-9-1916, and is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial. (NEF)
1361.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. T.C. Smithers. The Queen’s Regt.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 38, serving with the 2nd Bn., on 25-9-1915, and is commemorated on the Loos
Memorial. “First Day of Loos” casualty.
1362.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. W. Carter. Coldstream Gds.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 24 with the 1st Bn on 25.1.1915 & is commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial (GVF)£235
1363.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. C.C. Smith. Midddlesex R. Memorial Plaque. Cecil Charles Smith.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 18, with the 2nd Bn on 27.5.1918 and is buried in Jonchery-Sur-Vesle, British
Cemetery. Resided in Cottered, Buntingford, Herts.
1364.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. S. Smith. R. Lanc R.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 20, with 7th Bn on 29.7.1916, and is buried in Abbeville Communal Cemetery.
Resided in Altrincham, Cheshire.
1365.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. W. Hughes. Seaforth Highrs.
Recipient was K.I.A. with 7th Bn on 25.9.1915 (Battle of Loos), & is commemorated on the Loos Memorial. (NEF) £215
1366.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Gnr. H.J.E. Coleman R.F.A.
Recipient died on 11-3-1915 serving with 39th Bty R.F.A., aged 19, and is buried in Wimereux Communal
Cemetery. Resided in Merton, Surrey.
1367.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. T. Rising. 1/R. Berkshire R.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 26, with the 1st Bn., on 27-7-1916, and is commemorated on the Thiepval
Memorial. He was born and resided in Bow, London.
1368.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. C. Larkins. Rifle Bde. Memorial Plaque. Charles Larkins.
Recipient was K.I.A. on 5.5.1917 serving with the 9th Bn., and is commemorated on the Arras Memorial.
He was born and resided in Shoreditch.
1369.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. G. Mills. 1st S.A.I. (Bi-Lingual Victory Medal). Memorial Plaque. George Mills.
Recipient was K.I.A. on 10-4-1918 whilst serving with 1st South African Infantry and is commemorated on
the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial. (Missing in action at Messines Ridge)
1370.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. E.R. Rolls. Dorset R. Memorial Plaque. Ernest Ralph Rolls.
Recipient D.O.W. in Gallipoli on 8-12-1915 with the 5th Bn., and is commemorated on the Helles Memorial.
Sold with M.I.C. Plaque has small hole drilled in the top.
1371.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. H. Peden. A.B. R.N.V.R. K.I.A. Galllipoli, on 17-8-1915, serving with Howe Bn., R.N. Divn.,
and is buried in Lancashire Landing Cemetery, Helles.
Medals in boxes of issue.
1372.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. A. Hayden. Scots Guards.
Memorial Plaque. Alexander Hayden.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 12-6-1915, serving with the 1st Bn., and is buried in Vielle-Chapelle new Military
Cemetery, Lacouture. Sold with copy M.I.C.
1373.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Lieut. G.A.M. Anthony. The Queen’s R.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 24-1-1916, serving with 9th Bn. Attached to Nigeria Regt., W.A.F.F., and is
commemorated on the Ibadan Memorial, West Africa. Sold with copy M.I.C.
1374.Group of Two
1914 Star. B.W.M. Pte. H.B. Marshallsea. 2/R. Berkshire R.
Recipient was K.I.A.., aged 26 on 28-9-1915 during the Battle of Loos and is commemorated on the Loos
Memorial. He resided in Camberley.
1375.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. W.H. Brain. 1/N. Staffs.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 27-4-1916 and is buried in Dranoutre Military Cemetery.
Sold with copy M.I.C., which lists entitlement to Aug-Nov clasp.
1376.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Lieut. R.A.R. Bayard. E. Kent R. (2/Lieut on Star) Memorial Plaque Reginald Aubrey Richard Bayard.
Recipient was K.I.A., with 1st Bn., on 17-5-1916 and is buried in Essex Farm Cemetery, Belgium. He was
the son of Brigadier General R. Bayard D.S.O. Sold with copy of M.I.C. which shows entitlement to Aug-Nov
clasp, and war office medal forwarding letter.
1377.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. H.J. Hayes. Gloucester R. Memorial Plaque. Hubert John Hayes.
Recipient was K.I.A., with 14th Bn (Bantam Bn), aged 21 on 22-10-1917 and is commemorated on the
Tyne Cot Memorial. Not entitled to Star.
1378.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. G.R.E. Sutton. Gloucester Yeomanry. Memorial Plaque. George Richard Ernest Sutton.
Recipient died, aged 21 serving with 1/1 Royal Gloucester Hussars in Egypt, on 15-1-1917, and is buried in
Alexandria (Hadra)War Memorial Cemetery. Resided Bristol. Not entitle to Star.
1379.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. J.E. Moore. 18-Canadian Infy. Memorial Plaque. James Edward Moore.
Recipient was K.I.A. with the 124th Bn on 23-5-1917, and is buried in Nine Elms Military Cemetery, Thelus,
1380.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. A. McIlwham. 24-Canadian Infy. Recipient was K.I.A., aged 26, on 16-9-1916 and
is commemorated on the Vimy Ridge Memorial.
1381.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. E. Ratcliffe. R. Lanc. R. Memorial Plaque. Ernest Ratcliffe.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 32, with the 9th Bn., on 19-9-1918 and is commemorated on the Doiran Memorial.
Sold with original memorial scroll.
1382.Group of Three
1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. A. Hinson. 3/Worcester R.
Recipient D.O.W. with 3rd Bn., on 24-9-1914 and is buried in Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille. (NEF)
1383.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Surgeon-Lieut. D.S. MacKnight. R.N.
Recipient died, aged 43, whilst serving aboard HMS Britannia, on 9-11-1918 and is buried in Gibraltar
(North Front) Cemetery. Sold with one box of issue.
1384.Group of Three
1914 Star and Bar Trio (copy bar) Pte. H. Goff. 2/K.R.R.C.
Memorial Plaque. Henry Goff.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 25, with the 2nd Bn on 9-9-1914, and is commemorated on the La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre
Memorial. Born and enlisted Northampton.
1385.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. E.S. Claxton. Essex R.
Recipient died of influenza with 3rd Bn on 27-10-1918 and is buried in Wymondham Cemetery. Sold with
forwarding letters and boxes of issue (damaged)
1386.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Sgt. R. Priest. Middlesex R.
Recipient D.O.W. on 17-8-1917 whilst attached to the 20th London R.
1387.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. L. Melville. Fife and Forfar Yeo.
Recipient K.I.A. with 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeo.) Bn. R. Highlanders, on 2-9-1918, and is buried in Peronne
Communal Cemetery Extension.
1388.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Grieve. R. Scots Fus. Memorial Plaque. James Grieve
Recipient D.O.W., aged 23 with the 6/7 Bn., on 9-11-1916 and is buried in Etables Military Cemetery. He
resided in Edinburgh.
1389.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. J.W. Mills R.E.
Recipient died, aged 29, with 2nd W.R. Field Coy., on 26-4-1915, and is buried in Merville Communal
Cemetery. He resided in Sheffield.
1390.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. T. Bartlett R.E. (L/Cpl on Star)
Recipient D.O.W., aged 27, with 1st (Wessex) Field Coy on 29-6-1915 and is buried in Erquinghem-Lys
Churchyard Extension.
1391.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Capt. J.H. Meers. (Lieut. R.A.M.C. on Star)
Recipient D.O.W. whilst attached to the Loyal N. Lancashire Regt., on 9-10-1915 and is buried in
Noeux-Les-Mines Communal Cemetery, France.
1392.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. P.H.H. Davis. (Manchester R) Memorial Plaque Philip Henry Halton Davis.
Recipient D.O.W. with 3rd Bn., on 9-11-1918 and is buried in Busigny Communal Cemetery Extension,
1393.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. A. Rowe. Gloucester Yeomanry.
Memorial Plaque Arthur Rowe.
Recipient D.O.W at sea on 25-8-1915 whilst being evacuated from Gallipoli. Born and resided Bristol.
Sold with medal forwarding boxes (damaged).
1394.Group of Three
1914 Star. L/Cpl. F. Abel. 1/Norfolk R.
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. F. Abel.
Recipient drowned whilst serving with 3rd Bn. Norfolk Regt., and is buried in Ghatry War Memorial
Cemetery, Egypt. (Alexandria)
1395.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. G.F. Debank. Middlesex R.
K.I.A. with 11th Bn., on 20-11-1917, and commemorated on the Cambrai Memorial, Louverval. Resided
in Kentish Town.
1396.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. J.W. Fielding. 1/Manchester R.
K.I.A. with 1st Bn., on 21-12-1914 and commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial. B. & E. Manchester. (NEF)
1397.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. D. Clark 1/Dragoons (surname spelt Clarke on Star) Memorial Plaque - David Clark.
D.O.W. on 16-5-1915 and buried in Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery.
1398.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. R. Michael. Seaforth Highrs (¼ Sea Highrs on Star)
D.O.W., aged 27, serving with 154 Coy M.G.C. (Infantry) on 9-4-1917 and buried in Aubigny Communal
Cemetery Extension.
1399.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. C.P. Skinner. R.M.L.I.
K.I.A. with 2/R.M. Bn. R.N. Div., on 26-10-1917 and commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial. (NEF)
1400.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. L.J. Dunning. Somerset Lt. Inf. Memorial Plaque. Leonard James Dunning.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 23 with the 1st Bn during the second Battle of Arras on 3-8-1918, and is buried
in Eterpigny British Cemetery. Resided in Chard. Sold with photograph of headstone and details from Bn.
War Diary.
1401.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Lieut. W.H. Pollard (Sgt. W.H. Pollard 7/Canadian Infy on Star) Recipient D.O.W., aged 39,
with the 7th Bn., and is buried in Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, France.
1402.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. G.F. Bishop.
Recipient was K.I.A. aged 34, serving with 13th Bn., Royal Fusiliers, on 4-4-1918 and is commemorated on
the Arras Memorial.
1403.Group of Three
1914-15 Star L/Cpl. O.N. Tugwell R. Fusiliers.
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. O.N. Tugwell.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 28, serving with 4th Bn - Attd. 1st Bn - West Yorkshire R., on 22-4-1917, and buried
in Bethume Town Cemetery. He was the son of the Rev. and Mrs. L.S. Tugwell of Hampstead Heath. (NEF)
1404.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. H.W. Fox. Northumberland Fus.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 31 serving with 10th Bn. Yorkshire Regt on 25-11-1916, and is buried in Vermelles
British Cemetery. He resided in Barford, Norfolk, and was formerly in the Norfolk Regt. M.I.C. shows no
entitlement to Star. Mounted in fitted glass-fronted frame.
1405.Two Brothers.
1. 1914-15 Trio. Spr. F. Malpass. R.E. Memorial Plaque. Frederick Malpass.
K.I.A., aged 27, with 126 Field Coy R.E. on 22-3-1918, and commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial.
2. B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. A. Malpass. Notts & Derby R. Memorial Plaque. Arthur Malpass.
K.I.A., aged 25, with 2nd Bn., on 19-9-1918, and commemorated on the Vis-En-Artois Memorial, France.
The son’s of Charles and Ann Malpass of Rose Cottage, Woodsceaves, Stafford. Sold with the
relevant Memorial Registers (Nos 16 and 27). Plaque somewhat polished.
1406.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Lieut. G.W. Bolton (2. Lieut. E. Yorks R on Star)
Recipient was K.I.A. on 24-4-1918 and is commemorated on the Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium. He resided
in Sutton, Surrey.
1407.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. J. Garson. Northumberland Yeomanry.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 28, with “B” Sqn. North’d Hussars on 21-11-1914 and is buried in Boulogne
Eastern Cemetery, France.
1408.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. H. Teague. Monmouth R.
Recipient was K.I.A., with the 1st Bn., on 8-5-1915, and is commemorated on the Menin Gate, Ypres Memorial.
He was born in Shamokin, U.S.A., and enlisted in Blaina, Mon.
1409.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. S.H. James. E. Surrey R.
Recipient D.O.W., on 15-11-1918 whilst serving with 3rd Bn R. Fusiliers and is buried in St. Sever Cemetery
Extension, Rouen. Resided in Dulwich.
1410.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Dvr. G.R. Huntley R.A. (R.F.A. on Star)
Recipient D.O.W. on 12-4-1918 whilst serving with 47th Bty., 41st Bde., R.F.A. and is buried in Etaples
Military Cemetery.
1411.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Spr. H. Bower R.E. Memorial Plaque. Harold Bower.
Recipient was K.I.A. in Gallipoli aged 19, with 1st W.R. Field Coy, on 28-4-1915 - an early Gallipoli
casualty. He was born and enlisted in Sheffield and resided in Crookes.
1412.Group of Three
B.W.M. and Victory, and Territorial Force War Medal. Pte. D. Duncan R. Warwick R.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 27 serving with 2nd /7th Bn., on 8-7-1916 and is buried in Pont-Du-Hem Military
Cemetery, La Gorgue, France. He resided in Forfar and previously served with the Highland Cyclist Bn. (NEF)
1413.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. S.R. Billingsley. 2/K.R. Rif.C.
Recipient was K.I.A., aged 19, on 9-5-1915, and is commemorated on the Le Touret Memorial. He was born and
resided in Nechells, Birmingham. He landed in France on 22-8-1914 and would be entitled to the Aug/Nov clasp.
Sold with three bronze-gilt commemorative medals - Birmingham Corporation Commemoration 1902,
commemorating opening of Birmingham University 1909, and Birmingham Peace Medal 1914-1919.
1414.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. A.S. Izatt K.R. Rif. C.
Recipient D.O.W., aged 22 with 1st Bn on 22-3-1915, and is buried in Boulogne Eastern Cemetery. He was
born and resided in Leytonstone, Essex.
1415.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. T. McEwan C.P.O. R.N.V.R.
Drowned, aged 28 whilst serving with Drake Bn. R.N.D. on 2-9-1916 and buried in Divion Communal
Cemetery, France.
1416.Group of Three
1914-15 Star. 2/Lieut. H.A. Churchward. 2/Co. of London Yeomanry.
B.W.M. & Victory. Lieut. H.A. Churchward. Memorial Plaque Hubert Alan Churchward.
Recipient landed with his regiment in Gallipoli on 16-10-1915 and later served in Egypt before transferring
to the R.F.C. and training as a pilot. He joined No. 9 Sqn., R.F.C. in France. On 12-8-1917 his aircraft, an R.E.8
was driven down by an enemy action whilst on photographic reconnaissance duties near Boesinghe and badly damaged,
and his observer wounded. Five days later, on 17-8-1917 he was reported missing when his aircraft failed to return
from another mission over France. He was presumed dead and is commemorated on the Arras Flying Services
Lieut. Was aged 25, was educated privately and at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and was the son of the
Rev. and Mrs. M.W. Churchward of Clapham Common, London. He joined No. 9 Sqn on 21-7-1917 and was killed
four weeks later. Sold with original commissioning parchment appointing H.A. Churchward to be an Officer in the
Territorial Force from 21st May 1915 - 2nd County of London (Westminster Dragoons) Yeomanry. (EF)
1417.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Cpl. C. Hughes. R.W. Fus.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 25-9-1915 - First day of Loos - with the 1st Bn and is commemorated on the Loos
Memorial. Sold with forwarding slip for 1914-15 Star.
1418.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. 2/Lieut. R.G. Austin. Recipient enlisted into the Royal Sussex Regt. on 11-10-1915 and
transferred to the Machine Gun Corps on 1-1-1916. He was commissioned on 25-5-1917 and was K.I.A., aged 22,
on 26-10-1918, with 257 Coy M.G.C. He is commemorated on the Basra Memorial. Sold with copy papers. (EF) £265
1419.Group of Two
1914-15 Star and Victory Medal. Jemadar Gul Akhmad 53/Sikhs. F.F. (B.W.M. missing)
K.I.A. on 14-1-1916 during the Relief of Kut, and is commemorated on the Basra Memorial.
1420.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. F.J. Bermingham. K.R. Rifle C.
Recipient was K.I.A. with the 2nd Bn., on 31-3-1918 and is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial. He was
born, enlisted and resided, in Poplar, London/ M.I.C. shows no entitlement to Star.
1421.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. 2/Lieut. A. Dunkley. Worcester R. Memorial Plaque Alexander Dunkley.
Recipient K.I.A. with 12th Attd. 9th Bn Worcester Regt., on 9-4-1916, and commemorated on the Basra Memorial,
1422.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. E. Arnett. 21-London R. D.O.W. on 12-7-1916 and buried in Barlin Communal
Cemetery Extension. Sold with M.I.C. which shows no entitlement to Stars.
1423.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. J. Borrie. Rifle Bde. K.I.A., aged 27, with 1st Bn on 9-4-1917 and buried in Brown’s
Copse Cemetery, Roeux, Pas De Calais. Enlisted and resided in Fulham.
1424.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Dvr. J. Finn. R.A. (R.F.A. on Star)
Recipient died on 2-11-1915 whilst serving with “D” Bty, 55th Bde, R.F.A. and is buried in Alexandria (Chatby)
Military and War Memorial Cemetery. He was born and enlisted in Aberdare.
1425.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Greatorex. Rifle Brigade.
K.I.A. with 7th Bn., on 22-6-1916 and buried in Faubourg D’Amiens Cemetery, Arras. Born and resided in
Hackney. Sold with covering letter forwarding effects to parents.
1426.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. J.R.S. Mead. A.B. R.N.V.R. Recipient was K.I.A. in Gallipoli on 27-12-1915 whilst serving
with Hawke Bn. R.N. Div. and is commemorated on the Helles Memorial, Gallipoli.
1427.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Dvr. A. Hawkins. R.E.
D.O.W. on 4-11-1914 whilst serving with 7th Field Coy R.E. Born and enlisted in Bristol. Buried in Bailleul
Communal Cemetery (Nord).
1428.Group of Three
1914 Star Trio. Pte. J. Brown A.S.C. (Dvr. on Star)
K.I.A. on 11-9-1918 whilst serving with 13th Bn., R. Fusiliers.
1429.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. 2/Lieut. H.E. Mallandaine. 1/97 Infy.
Recipient was K.I.A., on 9-3-1916 and is commemorated on the Basra War Memorial, Iraq.
1430.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Lieut. C.R. Prendergast. 28/Punjabis. Memorial Plaque Charles Randolph Prendergast.
Recipient was K..I.A., aged 28 in Mesopotamia on 21-1-1916 and is commemorated on the Basra Memorial.
He was born in 1888, the son of Major General and Mrs. C.L. Prendergast, late Bengal Infy. He was educated
at Cheltenham College from 1900 to 1907, then R.M.C. Sandhurst, and was commissioned into the Royal Munster
Fusiliers in 1910, transferring to the Indian Army in 1914. His school obituary lists him as being mentioned in
despatches, but we have not researched this.
1431.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. F. Lawrence. Yorks Lt. Infy.
Recipient died on 1-7-1918 whilst attached to 485th Home Service Employment Coy., Labour Corps and is
buried in Scunthorpe Cemetery. Sold with forwarding slips for medals and medal boxes.
1432.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. Pte. F. Parkinson. R. Lanc. R.
Recipient D.O.W. in F. & F. on 27-3-1918. Born and enlisted in Lancaster.
1433.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pte. C. Fuller. 3 - London R.
Died during the Great Storm at Gallipoli on 28th November 1915, & commemorated on the Helles Memorial. (NEF)
1434.Group of Five - 2 Brothers.
1914 Star Trio - Pte. W. Holwell. 1/Lincoln R.
Recipient was injured during a bayonet charge at La Bassee in December 1914 and was shipped home. He was
operated on but contracted pneumonia & died on 31-1-1915, aged 33. He is buried in Newark on Trent Cemetery.
1914-15 Star and Victory Medal - Pte. J. Holwell. Notts and Derby R.
K.I.A., on 23-4-1917, aged 25, and commemorated on the Arras Memorial.
Both brothers were born and
enlisted in Newark. Sold with a photo copy of a picture, and the report of the death of Pte. W. Hollwell and a
photograph of his headstone, and copies of the war diary of the 1/Lincolns from 1-11-1914 to 31-12-1914. (NEF)
1435.Group of Two
B.W.M. and Victory. R.R. Rolling. O.Tel. R.N. Died on 13-2-1921 whilst serving on HMS Pembroke and
buried in Sutton and Cheam (Sutton Cemetery)
1436.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Gnr. H. Brown R.A. (R.F.A., on Star) Died on 18-12-1920 whilst attached to 19th Lines of
Communication Supply Coy, and buried in Kantara War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt. Sold with M.I.C. which
confirms service in both R.F.A. and R.A.S.C.
1437.Family Group - Father and Three Sons.
Father Jubilee 1887 - Metropolitan Police. P.C. G. Thomas. S. Divn.
B.W.M. & Victory. 2/Lieut. W.E. Thomas. Memorial Plaque Walter Edward Thomas K.I.A. on 21-9-1918
with the 16th Bn. R. Sussex R. and is buried in Unicorn Cemetery, Vend’Huile.
1914-15 Star and B.W.M. Pte. F.C. Thomas. Northumberland Fus. Memorial Plaque Frederick Charles
Thomas. K.I.A. with the 12th Bn., on 27-9-1915, and commemorated on the Loos Memorial
1914-15 Trio. Pte. S.H. Thomas. 4-Dragoon Gds. Defence Medal.
1438.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. Pnr. J. Hay. R.E. Memorial Plaque. John Hay.
Recipient died in Gallipoli on 9-8-1915 whilst serving in 67th Fd. Coy. R.E. & commemorated on the Helles
1439.Group of Three
1914-15 Trio. E.W. Clark A.B. R.N. Accidentally killed in a collision between the tug “Tenedos” & a
picket boat belonging to HMS “Implacable” on 15th May 1917, & is buried in Mikra British Cemetery, Salonika.
He was 29 years old.
1440.Memorial Plaque. Cecil Howard Perkins. Lieut. C.H. Perkins was K.I.A. on 22-7-1918 serving with 2/Yorks
Regt., attached to Trench Mortar Battery. Sold with head and shoulders photograph of recipient in uniform. (NEF)
1441.Memorial Plaque. Ralph Walker.
1442.Memorial Plaque. David Coull.
1443.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. A. MacDonald. A.S.C.
1444.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. E. Howard. N. Staffs. (Bandsman. L/N. Staff R. on Star) Copy Bar.
1445.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. J.E. Watts. 2/Wiltshire R. Sold with copies of M.I.C. and Medal Roll. (GVF)
1446.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. S. Burston. 1/Devon R. (Copy bar)
1447.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. E.H. Hulse. A.S.C. (Copy bar)
1448.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. G.W. Jones. A. Cyl. Corps. (Pte 2/Lincolns on Star) Mounted for display. (NEF)
1449.1914 Star and Bar Trio. H. Thomas. A.B. R.N.V.R. (Ord. Sea. R.N.V.R. Hood Bttn. R.N.D. on Star) (NEF)
1450.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. L. Berney. R. Irish Rif. Entered France 7-10-1914. Entitled to S.W.B. (NEF)
1451.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. J. Colton. 1/E. Lancs Regt. Mounted as worn.
1452.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. G. McGough. 1/Liverpool Regt. Mounted as worn.
1453.1914 Star and Bar Trio. Pte. R. Morris. Scots Guards. (Drummer on Star)
1454.1914 Star Trio. Cpl. F. Gill. E. York R. (Pte. 1/E. York R on Star)
1455.1914 Star Trio. Pte. H.A. Abbott. 1/Middlesex Regt.
1456.1914 Star Trio. Pte. F. Williams. 1/Middlesex Regt.
1457.1914 Star Trio. J. Vooght. P.O.M. R.N.A.S. (Star renamed)
1458.1914 Star Trio. Pte. W.G. Scott. 4/R. Fusiliers. Sold with M.I.C.
1459.1914 Star Trio. Pte. R. Heaney. 2/R. Scots Fus.
1460.1914 Star Trio. Pte. L.S. Huggard. Coldstream Gds.
1461.1914 Star Trio. 2/Lieut. J.D.R. Bryant. E. Surrey R.
1462.1914 Star Trio. M. Tweddle A.B. R.N.V.R. (Drake Bn. R.N.D. on Star)
1463.1914 Star Trio. Pte. H.F. Chatfield. 18-Hussars.
1464.1914 Star Trio. Pte. O.R. Harris. 1/Rifle Bde.
1465.1914 Star Trio. Pte. L.S. Hoggard. Coldstream Gds.
1466.1914 Star Trio. Pte. R. Davis. 2/York & Lanc. R.
1467.1914 Star Trio. Pte. S. Fuller. Rifle Bde. Sold with M.I.C. which shows landing in France on 10-9-1914. (GVF)
1468.1914 Star Trio. Pte. T.W. Hudson. Leicester Yeomanry. Entitled to S.W.B. (Discharged 19-2-1915 - sickness)
1469.1914 Star Trio. Cpl. J. Chown. 2/Middlesex R. (Pte. On Star) Sold with M.I.C.
1470.1914 Star Trio. Pte. J.H. Burden 1/Gordon Highrs. Reverse of Star slightly rubbed - otherwise (NEF)
1471.1914 Star Trio. Pte, H.A. Abbott. 1/Middlesex R. (NEF)
1472.1914 Star Trio. A/Cpl. J.W. Compton. Rifle Bde. (Ptd. 3/Rif. Brig. on Star. Sold with Cap Badge, “D.S. & S”
enamel Lapel Badge, and Bedfordshire A.A.A. County Championship enamelled medal. (un-named)
1473.1914 Star Trio. Pte. W. Sweeney. 2/Highland Lt. Infy.
1474.1914 Star Trio. Pte. H. Batchelor. Somerset L.I. (1/Som. L.I. on Star)
1475.1914 Star Trio. Gnr. H. Pearce R.A. (R.F.A. on Star) Mounted as worn.
1476.1914 Star Trio. Pte. J. Allen. A.S.C. Together with W.W.1. Brass Cap Badge.
1477.1914 Star Trio. Dvr. J. Harris A.S.C. Sold with copy M.I.C. and medal rolls.
1478.1914 Star Trio. Sgt. A. Seaman 3/Rifle Bde. Entitled to Bar. Mounted for display.
1479.1914 Star Trio. Pte. A.J. Cole 1/R. Fusiliers. Entitled to Bar.
1480.1914 Star Trio. Pte. T.R. Cawkell Coldstream Gds.
1481.1914 Star Trio. Lieut. W. Mc.Cliff 3/Hussars. Wounded.
1482.1914-15 Trio. Gnr. C.H. Welch. C.F.A. - Dvr. 2/Can. Div. A.C. on Star. (Canadian Divisional Ammunition
1483.1914-15 Trio. Lieut. W.J. Harbord. R.N.R. Sold with copy papers. Lieut. Cdr. Rtd 2-8-1923
1484.1914-15 Trio. Lieut. A.E. Woolsey. (Lieut. A.G. Woolsey 24/Canadian Infy on Star)
1485.1914-15 Trio. Capt. L.J. Torrie. 26/Punjabis. Sold with forwarding box (damaged) Mounted for wear. (EF)
1486.1914-15 Trio. Lieut. J.G. Robertson. E.A. Pioneer Coy.
1487.1914-15 Trio. Pte. G.J. Carter. R. Fusiliers. Sold with M.I.C. Mounted as worn.
1488.1914-15 Trio. Pte. J. Fluck. R. Welsh Fus.
1489.1914-15 Trio. Cpl. C.J. Michael. R. Welsh Fus. (GVF)
1490.1914-15 Trio. Pte. J.S. Baker. Essex R.
Mounted as worn.
1491.1914-15 Trio.
Capt. A.W.J. Barclay (Lieut. E. African S.C. on Star)
1492.1914-15 Trio.
Dvr. L. Parkinson R.F.A.
1493.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. J. Hockley. A.S.C.
1494.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. E.E. Parsons. A.O.C. (L/Cpl on Star)
1495.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. J.H. Smith. Bedford Regt.
Mounted as worn.
1496.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. D.S. Grieve. 2-Scottish Horse.
1497.1914-15 Trio.
Cpl. G. McKee. R. Scots. - Sold with M.I.C. which shows transferring to Tank Corps. (NEF) £180
1498.1914-15 Trio.
Havildar Sultan Mahomed. R.F.A. Official correction to part of rank on B.W.M. (GVF)
1499.1914-15 Trio.
Spr. W. Fleming R.E. (Spr. R.M. on Star)
1500.1914-15 Trio. A/Sgt. J. Fraser 10-Hussars (shoeing smith on Star) Sold with M.I.C. (Overseas 6-10-1914) (NEF) £225
1501.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. B. Watson. Scottish Horse.
1502.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. D. Livingston. 3-Scottish Horse.
1503.1914-15 Trio.
Dvr. E. Crocker. R.F.A. - R.A.
1504.1914-15 Trio.
Lieut. J. Mason. R.N.R.
1505.1914-15 Trio.
Eng. Sub/Lieut. D.S. Birrell. R.N.R. (3. Eng. on Star)
1506.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. J. Thornton. Durham L.I. Sold with two original “Dog Tags”
1507.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. G. Lowerson. R.M. Sold with damaged boxes of issue and copy papers which record
recipient as wounded on 29-12-1915.
1508.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. J. Watts A.S.C. Entitled to S.W.B. No. T4/123331. - Discharged 29-4-1916. Sold
with M.I.C. etc..
1509.1914-15 Trio.
Lieut. T.M. Hunter R.N.V.R. (S/Lt on Star)
1510.1914-15 Trio.
Payr. Lieut. C.C. Waddington. R.N.R. (Asst. Payr. on Star)
1511.1914-15 Trio.
Cpl. T. Shields R.A. (R.F.A. on Star) Sold with M.I.C. which shows recipient transferring from
the R.F.A. to the A.P.C.
1512.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. W. Martin. 3-Co. of London Yeomanry.
1513.1914-15 Trio.
Lieut. W.J. Harboard R.N.R. Copy papers.
1514.1914-15 Trio
Sub-Lieut. H.S. Read. R.N.V.R. (A.B. M.F.A. on Star) Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1515.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. W.S. Griggs. R.M.A.
1516.1914-15 Trio.
D.T. McKenzie A.B. R.N.V.R. (D.F. McKenzie on Star - number tallies) (NEF)
1517.1914-15 Trio.
Pte. H.A. Gearing. A.V.C.
1518.B.W.M. & Victory.
2/Lieut. S.E. Mahon. (Border Regt)
1519.B.W.M. & Victory.
13. A-Fwn. A. Woodward. Q.M.A.A.C. Very early service number.
1520.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. J. Hulse. Coldstream Gds. Recipient transferred to Guards Machine Gun Regt.
Entitled to S.W.B.
1521.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. H. Blackett. Northumberland Yeo. Sold with M.I.C.
1522.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. G. Dowding. 2-Co. of London Yeo. Sold with M.I.C.
1523.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. J.H. Hollingworth. S. Wales Bord. Mounted as worn.
1524.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. S. Carlyon. N.Z.E.F.
1525.B.W.M. & Victory.
2/Lieut. F.H. Shaw. RAF In damaged box of issue.
1526.B.W.M. & Victory.
Lieut. J.R. Black RAF Sold with copy papers which show recipient, a pilot, as being
wounded on 15-8-1918, whilst serving with 45 Sqn. Mounted as worn.
1527.B.W.M. & Victory. Wkr. P.E.M. Bristol. Q.M.A.A.C.
1528.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. H.A. Church. Middlesex R.
1529.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. E.S. Rossiter. N.Z.E.F. (C. Coy 12th Reinforcements. Canterbury Infy. Bn)
Reported wounded 30.9.1916.
1530.B.W.M. & Victory.
S.M.P. M.J. Mason. Q.A.I.M.N.S. In damaged boxes of issue and forwarding
registered envelope.
1531.B.W.M. & Victory.
1532.B.W.M. & Victory.
1533.B.W.M. & Victory.
1534.B.W.M. & Victory.
1535.B.W.M. & Victory.
1536.B.W.M. & Victory.
1537.B.W.M. & Victory.
1538.B.W.M. & Victory.
1539.B.W.M. & Victory.
1540.B.W.M. & Victory.
1541.B.W.M. & Victory.
1542.B.W.M. & Victory.
1543.B.W.M. & Victory.
1544.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. J. Halliwell. The Queens R.
Wkr. H.D. Prosser. Q.M.A.A.C.
Pte. F.J. Jarvis. Middlesex R.
2/Lieut. N. Benton. Mounted for display.
Pte. F. Clevely. Worcester R.
Pte. G.W. Judd. The Queens R.
Pte. B.J. Taylor. Middlesex R.
Pte. W.F. Garth. Middlesex R.
Pte. G. Mortlock. Rifle Brigade. Mounted for display.
Pte. F. Major. Northumberland Fus.
A/Sgt. J.H. Bulcock. Manchester R. - The B.W.M. has been renamed.
2/Lieut. D.W. Jones
Jnr. Eng. R.E. Harvey.
Rev. A.S. Dunlop (M.I.D. emblem on ribbon) - L/G 3-6-1919 T/C to F 4th class.
Mounted as worn. (NEF)
1545.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. J.W. Wallace. Rifle Bde.
1546.B.W.M. & Victory.
2 A.M. H.W. Selwyn. R.F.C.
Mounted for display.
1547.B.W.M. & Victory.
(Bi-Lingual reverse) Pte. W.J. Mathee 2nd Infantry.
1548.B.W.M. & Victory.
(Bi-Lingual reverse) Pte. E.M. Blount. 1st C.C.
1549.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. A. Halliday. Army Cyclist Cps.
1550.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. 2. W. McGrorey. R.A.F.
1551.B.W.M. & Victory.
Rev. A.S. Dunlop - with M.I.D.
1552.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. S. Bradley. Middlesex R.
1553.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. E. Shanklin. Middlesex R.
1554.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. T.H. Pearce. Lancashire Fus.
1555.B.W.M. & Victory.
Pte. F. Tyler. Lancashire Fus.
1556.B.W.M. & Victory.
Cpl. J.G. Bagnell. A.P.C. (Army Pay Cps) (GVF)
1557.B.W.M. & Victory.
2/Llieut. A.L. Crozier (R.F.A.) Also entitled to 1914-15 Star (Bmbr R.F.A.) and Military
Cross (M.C.) - L/G 8-3-1919 - 2/Lt. A.L. Crozier R.F.A. (S.R.), Attd. 23rd A. Bde. - “For conspicuous gallantry
and power of command at a critical moment. On 5th Oct. 1918 at La Baraque, a complete team was blown up by shell
fire on the road. He took immediate command of the situation, bound up the wounded, cleared the road, and led the
remainder of the Battery through the hostile fire without further casualties”. Sold with M.I.C.
1558.B.W.M. & Victory.
S. Simpson A.B. R.N.V.R.
1559.B.W.M. & Victory. Sub-Lieut. R.T. Lewis R.N.V.R.
1560.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. T. Lupton. Monmouth R. Sold with M.I.C. which shows no entitlement to Star. (NEF) £88
1561.B.W.M. & Victory.
Lieut. C.A. Barrell. Royal Marines.
1562.B.W.M. & Victory. Eng. S. Lieut. G.W. Gilbert. R.N.R.
1563.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. T.R. Scully. Rifle Bde.
1564.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. F.G. Leach. R.M.L.I.
1565.B.W.M. & Victory. 2/Lieut. W.W. Marsters. Sold with copy papers which show enlisting in the A.S.C. on
6-9-1915 and being commissioned into that corps on 15-4-1918.
1566.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. J.T. Austin. R.W. Fus.
1567.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. R. Cheshire. Welsh R.
1568.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. 2. J. Arthur. R.A.F.
1569.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. W. Eckersall. Welsh R.
1570.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. A.G. Evans. Welsh R. Mounted as worn. (GVF)
1571.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. J./L. Kennedy. Monmouth R.
1572.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte.1. S.I. White. R.A.F.
1573.B.W.M. & Victory. Payr. S/Lieut. A. Thomas. R.N.R.
1574.B.W.M. & Victory. Paymaster S. Lieut. J.H. Hunt. R.N.R. Confirmed no entitlement to Star. (NEF)
1575.B.W.M. & Victory. Pte. 2. H. Marles. R.A.F.
1576.S.E. Asia 1945-46 - Clasp only. (NEF)
1577.South Africa 1853. Details erased.
Contact marks.
1578.China 1857-60 2 Bars Taku Forts 1860/Pekin 1860. Details erased.
1579.New Zealand 1863 to 1865. Details erased.
1580.I.G.S. 1908 1 Bar NWF 1908/ T. Major E.A.F. Johnston. Att. 1st Royal Dragoons - Renamed.
1581.Carpathia and Titanic Medal. Good bronze copy. Double ring suspender.
1582.Cape of Good Hope G.S.M. No Bar. Very good contemporary copy. Un-named.
1583.Air Crew Europe Star - Very good copy.
1584.I.G.S. 1854. 1 Bar Sikkim 1888. Pte. H. Brown. 2nd Bn Derby Regt. Renamed.
1585.I.G.S. 1854. 1 Bar Burma 1885-7. Pte. A. McKay. 2. R. Scots Fus. - Renamed - Sold with copy papers. (NEF)
1586.Q.S.A. 4 Bars Talana/Def. Of L’Smith/OFS/SA’02. Pte. J. Carley. K.R.R.C. - Renamed. Sold with copy
papers which show entitlement to Def. Of L’Smith and O.F.S. Bars, and confirm service in W.W.1. (VF)
1587.Egypt 1882. No Bar. Pte. John Gillanders. 32nd Coy R.M.L.I. - renamed. Sold with Khedives Star 1882 named
as above. Egypt Medal pitted - (NVF) Star (GVF)
1588.I.G.S. 1854. 1 Bar Northwest Frontier. Details neatly erased.
1589.Distinguished Conduct Medal (D.C.M.) Geo. V. Tailors copy. Silver
1590.Colonial Prison Service Long Service. Eliz. 11. Ch. Warder Mohd Lancy Bin Kaman. Fed. Of Malaya Officially renamed.
1591.Warwickshire Masonic Peace Memorial 1914-1918. Silver Medal marking the Festival. Birmingham July 7th 1927.
(2 3/8” diameter) Named W. Bro. J. Hughes. Attractive piece. Ring suspender.
1592.Berlin Airlift 1948-1949. Gilt Medallion commemorating the Airlift. In Royal Mint fitted case of issue. (EF)
1593.Rhodesian Independence Nov 11th 1965. Medallion in Silver - in official case.
1594.Rhodesian Independence Nov 11th 1965. Medallion in Bronze - in official case.
1595.University of St. Andrews Tullis Medal 1882-83. Silver oval shaped Medal 45 mm x 55 mm. Reverse engraved
“Awarded to Alexander Cleland. 2nd class of mathematics. P.R. Scott Lang M.A. Professor.
1596.Metropolitan Borough of Wandsworth Bronze Medallion. 2” diameter. Obverse - Coat of Arms. Reverse “Presented to W. Chipperfield for services rendered during air raids in the Borough 1915-1918”.
1597.25th Middlesex V.R. Corps Bank of England. Bronze Medallion 1½” diameter commemorating the 1902 Coronation.
Obverse - Bust of the King and Queen. Reverse - Britannia and Legend. In fitted John Pinches case of issue. (EF) £90
1598.City of Carlisle Bronze Medallion 1¼” diameter - To commemorate the Coronation of King Edward V11.
In fitted case.
1599.British Red Cross Society Silver Medallion. 1½” diameter. Stanley Shield. Reverse engraved “Presented to
L. Scothern by H.R.H. Princess Royal. Stanley Shield Final. London April 1937” In fitted John Pinches case. (NEF) £40
1600.Children’s Hospital Birmingham Douglas Stanley Medal - Bronze. Reverse engraved “Nurse Kathleen Annette
Barfield 1940”
1601.B.R.C.S. 3 years service Medal. No. 55901. Gilt and enamel.
1602.Evening Chronicle Medal of Honour. Gilt and enamel - similar to a small O.B.E. 1st type. Reverse - “Gloops Club
Member of Honour” Un-named. Fitted with top pin bar “For Achievement”.
1603.Portsmouth United Service Rifle Meeting. Bronze Medal with bar on ribbon “Portsmouth Times”. (GVF)
1604.British Army on the Rhine - B.A.R. Bronze Medallion 1¾” diameter. Obverse - Figure of Victory, with
attacking troops in the background. Reverse engraved “B.A.R. L.G. & H.G. Match. “A” Group. Offrs., W.O.s &
Sergts. 3rd Prize. S.A. Meeting 1925”.
1605.The Incorporated Law Society of Great Britain. Heavy Bronze Medallion (2” diameter) Presented to Solicitors
and Articled Clerks who served in the South African Campaign 1899-1902, and who were entertained by the
Society, at a banquet in its hall on December 18th 1902.
1606.Cameronians. Silver Medal for service to the Cameronians Scottish Rifles 1689-1968. Edge impressed “In Memory
of 2nd Lieut. M.G. Fraser. Died 1-7-16. Lt. Fraser was K.I.A., aged 20, with the 2nd Bn., and is commemorate
on the Thiepval Memorial. (1st Day of the Somme casualty)
1607.Army Temperance Assn. - India. Silver 1 year Medal (S.T.A. 1.)
1608.The Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom. A heavy bronze medallion 2” diameter. Boer War
Tribute. Obverse - Coat of Arms surrounded by title. Reverse - “Presented by the President of the Society and the
Vice President to solicitors and articled clerks who served in the South African Campaign 1899-1902, and who
were entertained by the Society at a banquet, in its hall on December 18th 1902”.
1609.Earl Mountbatten Memorial Medallion. 1¾” diameter. “Silver”. Obverse - Bust, surrounded by “The Earl
Mountbatten of Burma 1900-1979”. Reverse - Coat of Arms with “M. of B.” in centre.
1610.Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Medallion. 1½” bronze. Obverse - Bust surrounded by “Dag Hammarskjold
1905-1961” Reverse - Doves of Peace, and “Danmarks U-Landshjaelp 1962”
1611.Robert Gordons Technical College, Aberdeen. Obverse - Coat of Arms surrounded by Legend. Reverse - “In
Memory Of Those Students Who Gave Their Lives. 1914-1918”. 1¾” Bronze. (NEF)
1612.Subhashchandra Bose Bronze gilt Medallion 2½” diameter, marking 100th Anniversary of his birth. Obverse Head and shoulders bust of Bose in uniform, surrounded by “Subhashchandra Bose 1897-1945” and “Tum Muje
Khoon Do, Main Tumhe Azadi Doonga”. Reverse, Gandhi, Bose, The Indian National Army, and map of India
surrounded by ”On the Occasion of 100th Birth Anniversary Year of Subhashchandra Bose 1897-1997. Prior to
W.W.2., Bose fought for Independence of India and was arrested several times. In 1941 he fled to Germany and
made regular broadcasts from radio Berlin, and in 1943 arrived in Singapore where he raised the Indian National
Army, comprised mainly of Indian P.O.Ws. He was reported killed in an air crash in August 1945. Sold with
biographical details.
1613.John Dickinson & Company Ltd. Bronze Medallion 1½” diameter, celebrating Peace. Obverse - Dove of Peace
and Olive Branch. “Peace July 19th 1919”. Reverse - embossed Company’s name and “For Work Well Done 19141918”. Presented to employees etc., who served in the War. In fitted leatherette case.
1614.France. - Peace Medallion 1919. Bronze. 1¾” diameter. Obverse trophy of allied flags with Statue of Liberty
at the back, surrounded by the names of the allied nations. Reverse - troops marching under the Arc De Triumph,
surrounded by a palm and oak leaves. Named “Comdr. Noel Martin. R.A.F.
1615.A.R.P. Medallion. Sterling Silver. 2 inches diameter. Obverse - sprays of laurel, the centre of which is engraved
“Air Raid Warden Alfred Lawton”. Reverse engraved “Presented by Post 5, A.R.P. Social Club, Great Barr on
his 80th Birthday. 1st March 1944”. In fitted leatherette case.
1616.Royal British Legion. Nickel silver Medallion. 1¾” diameter. Obverse - Royal British Legion Crest. Reverse “Diamond Jubilee 1921-1981”., crossed flags, motto, and laurels. In fitted “Tower Mint” case.
1617.County Borough of Great Yarmouth Education Committee - 2 Medals for perfect attendance & good conduct white metal 1st year and bronze 2nd year.
1618.Royal Medico-Psychological Association Medal for proficiency in mental nursing - bronze - A.E. Leath (NEF)
1619.U.D.C. of Beeston and Stapleford. Gilt Medal commemorating the 1937 Coronation.
1620.The Commonwealth Shooting Federation European Division Championship. Silver plated medal 2¼” diameter
with ring suspension for neckwear. Legend and crown on obverse. Laurel wreath on reverse. Un-named.
1621.Empire Day Challenge Cup. Handsome bronze medallion 48 mm diameter. Obverse - Trophy cup surrounded by
“The Empire Day Challenge Cup”, with “Presented by Lt. Col. R.W. Shumacher, Witwatersrand Rifles” below.
Reverse - A Bowman and a Rifleman and the dates “1300-1500” and “1860”, on either side, and the legend “Sit
Perpetuum” in the exergue. Named around the rim “4187 Sergt. J. Trollope”. Contained in a leatherette case
fitted by Elkington & Co. Ltd., with the initials “J.T.” in gold on the lid
1622.The Forces Help Society & Lord Roberts Workshops. Heavy gilt medallion 2½” diameter. Obverse - Britannia,
surrounded by the legend “Fortieth Anniversary. End of World War 11. 1945-1985” Reverse - Dove of Peace and
the legend “40 Years of Peace in Europe. 1945-8th May-1985. Named around the rim “F.G. Brown. D/MX 66775
leading S.A. Royal Navy”. Contained in a fitted Royal Mint case with the title in gold on the lid. (EF)
1623.Tyne Garrison 1914-1918 Silver medallion 41mm diameter - “In Memory of the Great War and For Services
Rendered to Tyne Garrison. Christmas 1918”
1624.The General Strike 1926. Bronze medallion 2” diameter, by E. Gillick - “For service in National Emergency
May 1926”.
1625.West Midlands Police. Queen’s Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal 1952-2002. Gilt 1½” diameter. In
fitted Royal Mint case of issue.
1626.City of Lincoln Tribute Medallion 1914-1919 - Bronze - 1½” diameter.
1627.City of Birmingham Festival Centenary 1889-1989 Gilt medallion 1½” dia. in Birmingham Mint fitted case (EF) £12
1628.Worsley - Medal commemorating the visit of the King and Queen to present Colours to the East Lancs Territorial
Force in Worsley Park July 6th 1909. White metal. 1½” diameter.
1629.South Africa - Johannesburg. Peace Commemoration Medal. 28th June 1919. (NEF)
1630.Pakistan Air Force. "Silver" Medal. 1 3/4" Diameter. Obverse - The Air Force Crest Obverse engraved
"Swimming 1978". (NEF)
1631.Orillia Tribute Medal. Bronze. “Orillia’s Recognition of War Service 1914-1919.” (Canada) Un-named. (EF)
1632.R.A.F. A.E. Flying Brevet. (EF)
1633.Societe Hauraise De Tir - Silver medal 1” diameter - reverse engraved “First visit of the English Volunteers
to France. May 1874”.
1634.East Rand Volunteer Rifle Assocn. “Farrar Cup 26-4-08. Won by Wit Rifles. R.S.M. R. McArthur” (EF)
1635.Sutton Coldfield Peace Medal 1919 in White Metal.
1636.County Borough of Smethwick Peace Celebrations 1919. White enamel.
1637.Medal to Commemorate the Union of South Africa. 31st May 1910. 1¼” diameter, white metal.
All contemporary unless otherwise stated
1638.Four. 1914-15 Trio. Shanghai Municipal Council Emergency Medal. Mounted as worn.
1639.Saudi Arabian Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait.
Mounted for wear.
1640.Two. G.S.M. 1 Bar Iraq. L.S.G.C. Geo. V. “Regular Army”. Contemporary. Mounted as worn.
1641.Territorial Force War Medal
1642.Coronation Medal 1911. Silver.
1643.Two. Order of St. .John - Serving Brother.
Voluntary Medical Services Medal.
Mounted as worn.
1644.Diamond Jubilee Medal 2012
1645.Jubilee Medal 2012
1646.UNITAS Medal (South Africa) - Awarded to members of British Military Advisory Team in South Africa 1994 (Medal Year Book No SA40) (EF)
1647.Order of St. John. Officer (Sister) Enamelled badge.
1648.U.S.A. - Defence M.S.M.
1649.U.S.A. - Air Medal
1650.U.S.A. - National Defence Service Medal. (NEF)
Approx. 200 foreign items on our web site, including German Medals and Badges.
1651.Order of the Dragon - Knight. Enamel damage to the red circle of medallion.
1652.Medal for Bravery. Carolus 1917-1918. Small bronze by Kautsch.
Bahawalpur (Indian Princely State)
1653.Union with Pakistan Medal 3-10-1947.
1654.Commemoration Medal 1940-1945
1655.Centenary Medal 1830-1930
1656. Order of the Crown - Gold palm.
1657. Resistance Medal 1940-1945.
1658.Order of Cambodia - Commander. Centre blue enamel missing, otherwise good quality & condition with full original neck ribbon.
1659.Order of Bernardo O’Higgins - Silver.
1660.Ordre National Du Merite (National Order of Merit) - Commander 1965 Neck Badge, gilt and enamel, with full neck ribbon. (EF)
1661.Medaille Militaire. Trophy of Arms suspender.
1662.Morocco Medal 1909 - Sold with only a small piece of ribbon.
1663.Victory Medal 1914-1918.
1664.St. Helena Medal.
1665.Commemorative Medal of the Great War (1914-1918)
1666.Medal of Honour - Ministry of the Interior. Silver. M. Rossi 1950.
1667. Medal of Honour - Ministry of Works and Social Security - Silver gilt with rosette and gilt wreath on ribbon. R. Poesson 1960. (EF)
1668. Societe Industrielle De Rouen. Silver Medal by Chabaud.
1669.Iron Cross. 1st class 1914.
1670.Furstlick Hohenzollern House Medal - 1st January 1842 - Silver.
1671.U.N. Korea - Greek issue.
1672.War Medal 1940-41
1673.Combatants War Commemorative Medal 1914-1918.
1674.Emergency Service Medal 1939-46. “Ranna Cead-Cabrac Croise Deirge Na H-Eireann”. First Aid (Red Cross. With two years extra
service bar. Complete with top pin bar and forwarding card.
1675.General Service Medal 1917-21 (‘Black and Tan’) Ring suspender - No clasp. Un-named as issued. Complete with Top Pin Bar. (NEF)
1676.“Survivors” Medal 1921-1971. Complete with Top Pin Bar.
1677. Order of the Sacred Treasure - 6th class. Silver and enamel.
1678. Order of the Rising Sun - 7th class. Silver and enamel.
1679.Order of Independence - Knight. Silver, gilt and enamel.
1680. Order of the Oak Crown - Knight.
1681.Two. Medal for overseas service.
U.N. Medal - Mission in Haiti. (U.N.M.I.H.) Mounted as worn.
1682.Distinguished Service Medal - Bronze.
1683.Republic Medal 1963-1973 - 1st Decade, Federal Republic of Nigeria.
1684.National Service Medal. 1966-1970.
1686.Independence Medal 1948. Spr. Piran Ditta R.P.E.
1687.Independence Medal 1948. Chughate Khan. H.C. (GVF)
1688.Republic Commemorative Medal 1956.
1689. Order of Military Virtue (Order Virtuti Militari) Star, Badge and Sash “Crowned Eagle” variety. Modern manufacture.
1690. 40th Anniversary of Socialist State 1944-1984.
1691.Order of St. Vladimir. Second class neck badge - plain reverse.
1692.Sarawak Government Service Long Service Medal. Post “Rajah Brooke” era. Silver.
1693. Armed Forces Good Service Medal. In case of issue.
1694. Armed Forces Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. In case of issue.
1695. Armed Forces Long Service and Good Conduct Medal - with “Thirty Years” clasp. In case of issue.
South Africa
1696.Two South African Police Medal for Combating Terrorism. Adj. Off. J.J. V/D Merwe
South African Police Medal for Faithful Service. Sergant J.J. Van Der Merwe 10-5-64. Sold with career details. Mounted as worn. (GVF)
South Korea
1697.War Service Medal 1950-53 (Crossed Bullets)
1698.Soldiers Medal.
1699.Silver Star.
1700.Bronze Star.
1701.Purple Heart.
1702.Women’s Army Corps Service Medal.
1703.American Campaign Medal. W.W.2.
1704.Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal. W.W.2.
1705.Vietnam Campaign Medal.
1706.Persian Gulf Campaign Medal (Iraq)
1707.South West Asia Service Medal (Gulf War)
1708.China Service - Navy.
1709.European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign 1941-1945
1710. Armed Forces Victory Medal 1941-1945.
1711.Legion of Merit - Officer - Gilt and enamel. Modern striking.
1712. Army National Guard Achievement Medal.
1713. U.S.S.R.
1714. Order of the Patriotic War. 2nd class.
1715. Armed Forces 50 year Anniversary 1968.
1716. Armed Forces 60 year Anniversary 1978.
1717. Armed Forces 70 year Anniversary 1988.
1718.20th Anniversary of W.W.2.
1719.30th Anniversary of W.W.2.
1720.Lenin Centenary 1870-1970.
Unless otherwise stated, all items are offered in good faith as genuine, and are sent on 7 Days approval against payment.
Complete refund will be made if you are not completely satisfied with the item , and it is returned.
Please allow up to 7 days for clearance of cheques sent in payment. Extended terms for payment and a layaway
scheme can be arranged for the more expensive items on this list. Details on request.
All orders under £30, add £2 towards postage
£30 to £600, add £6 towards postage
All orders over £600 sent post free (Within the U.K.)
Overseas Registered Airmail postage. £9 for 1st medal £1 for each subsequent medal
Memorial Plaques £1.50 extra (overseas, price on request)
Please let us know your interests and requirements
We are always interested in purchasing and part-exchanging medals.
Phillip Burman,
Blackborough End,
Middleton, King’s Lynn, Norfolk
PE32 1SE,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01553 840350
Calling from abroad:
(U.K. +44) 1553 840350