“Every one is aware of the exquisite delicacy, and acknowledges the admirable construction of the Eye; its excellence has been at all times proverbial; there are but few, however, who understand the real grounds upon which this excellence depends, and an attempt to elucidate these is perhaps deserving of notice.” -JOHN WALKER taken from “The Philosophy of the Eye” Cambridge press,1837 i Intrinsic Mechanisms Governing Retinal Progenitor Cell Biology: Retinal Homeobox Transcriptional Regulation and the Function of Forkhead Transcription Factors During Eye Development DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Holly E. Moose, B.A. Integrated Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program ***** The Ohio State University 2009 Dissertation Committee: Professor Heithem El-Hodiri, Advisor Professor Christine Beattie Professor Andy Fischer Professor John Oberdick i Copyright by Holly E. Moose 2009 i ABSTRACT Understanding the development and maintenance of Retinal Progenitor Cells (RPCs) is critical to understanding normal and disease processes within the neural retina. To understand RPC biology, it is important to understand the transcriptional regulation of known intrinsic regulators, and continue to identify new RPC expressed genes to demonstrate their function during eye development. The studies presented in this work address the transcriptional regulation of the Xenopus laevis Rx gene product, Rx2A, and function of two newly recognized RPC genes, FoxO3 and FoxM1. To further the understanding of transcriptional regulation in RPCs, we characterized the Rx2A promoter in transgenic embryos. Both the distal portion and the proximal portion of the Rx2A promoter are sufficient for expression of a GFP transgene in the developing eyes. We identify a highly conserved element in the distal region of the Rx2A promoter (UCE). Within UCE, an OTX, SOX and POU site act as cis-elements to coordinately specify proper gene expression in the developing eye. We show that the activity of the proximal promoter is dependant on a forkhead-binding element (FBE). In addition, we have shown that the distal region containing the UCE can cooperate with the FBE to maintain robust Rx expression throughout all stages of eye development. The work associated with the transcriptional regulation of Rx furthers our understanding of how this primary retinal transcription factor is regulated. This is applicable to the ii understanding of RPC development since Rx is one of the first eye field transcription factors expressed in the anterior neural plate as RPCs are specified. The identification of the FBE within the Rx2A promoter led to further investigation of the involvement of the forkhead family of transcription factors in vertebrate eye development. We present a discussion of current data regarding the expression and function of this family of transcription factors during eye development, and we present the expression pattern of 5 forkhead transcription factors (FoxG1, FoxN2, FoxN4, FoxM1 and FoxP1) in the maturing X. laevis retina. These forkhead gene products have not been previously described in the maturing retina of X. laevis. We chose to pursue studies of FoxO3 and FoxM1 in the developing neural retina to further the understanding of RPC regulation by transcription factors of the forkhead family. These two factors were chosen for co-current studies for the following reasons: (1) neither gene product had been ascribed a role in developing RPCs, (2) their known functions suggested they act in opposing ways with regards to the cell cycle, and (3) due to their expression patterns both FoxO3 and FoxM1 serve as candidate factors to regulate the Rx2A promoter through the FBE. To define the role of FoxO3 during vertebrate eye development, we overexpressed FoxO3 RNA in the anterior neural plate of X. leavis embryos. FoxO3 overexpression results in embryos with small eyes. The small eye phenotype is a result of decreased proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and changes in RPCs gene expression. The phenotype can be exacerbated by introducing a threonine to alanine mutation at a conserved PI3K phosphorylation site, which produces a constitutively nuclear form of FoxO3. The changes in gene expression suggest that FoxO3 can function to delay the iii differentiation of RPCs, although they are properly specified. The data supports our original hypothesis regarding FoxO3 as cell cycle antagonist with the ability to alter the differentiation capacity of RPCs. To investigate the function of FoxM1 in developing RPCs, we performed loss-offunction studies using morpholino oligonucleotides (MO). FoxM1 knockdown in the anterior neural region of X. laevis results in embryos with slightly smaller eyes and clear defects in retinal lamination. Our data reveals that FoxM1 is not necessary for the specification of RPCs, and suggests that differentiation into the Muller glia, and rod photoreceptor lineages is possible with reduced levels of FoxM1. The studies presented concern the transcriptional regulation of the Rx gene product, Rx2A, and a role of FoxO3 and FoxM1 during RPC development. Collectively, they represent an advancement in the knowledge regarding two important intrinsic mechanisms governing RPC development: transcriptional regulation and transcription factor function. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To the members of my graduate studies committee, thank you for your thoughtful insight and critical analysis regarding my thesis project. Your expertise has improved the science in my thesis and my thinking as a scientist. I am very grateful. To Heithem, thank you for teaching me the science as a graduate student, mentoring me as a future colleague, and providing me with opportunities to think independently. Thank you for fostering my ability to ask questions, and for sometimes literally challenging me to do so. Thanks for the countless ways you have furthered my career, most of which I imagine I won’t completely appreciate until long after I leave the bench in Wexner 452. Thanks to the girls of W452, past and present. Lisa, thank you for all your expertise regarding specific protocols, and knowledge of the ways of the lab. It is impossible to avoid being influenced by your dedication to basic science. Yi, thanks for your honest opinions and helpful attitude. Thanks for your willingness to lend a hand, or run a PCR when my confidence was shaken. Reyna, what a ride it has been! We’ve been to Providence and Florida and back- all in the name of RPCs. You have had more effect on my motivation to become a better bench scientist than you probably know. It has been both truly enjoyable and productive to be your labmate! Thanks for the constant inspiration, frequent laughter, and occasional commiseration. To my family, Johnson and Moose, I am so appreciative of your constant support. Thanks for both the motivation for and the distraction from my studies. Whether it was laughing about the kids or eating a homemade meal, your thoughtfulness has made quite an impact on my success. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for your unwavering interest in my graduate school life. Asking about experiments, calling about presentations or allowing me stay a bit longer in the lab have all contributed to achieving this goal. Thank you Dan, for your perpetual support and confidence in me. For allowing me to reach for lofty goals, and expecting me to achieve them. I am constantly aware of how lucky I am to have you walking beside me. You expect me to reach high, yet keep me grounded. Love you lots. And Zachary, for the hugs and kisses as I go out the door, the smiling faces when I get home, and all the talks we’ve had about how “Mommy plays with frogs”. I love you v DEDICATION To my father, who taught me the benefits of education and instilled an appreciation of scientific endeavors. To my husband, who strengthens my conviction to pursue my goals by relentlessly believing in my abilities. To my son, who will someday realize the impact of his youthful candor on my current successes. vi VITA November 3, 1980..........................................................................................................Born Rochester, Michigan 2003..........................................................................................B.A. Biology and Chemistry Capital University Bexley, Ohio 2003-2009 ...............................................................................Graduate Research Associate Integrated Biomedical Graduate Sciences Program The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS 1. Moose HE, Kelly LE, Nekkalapudi S, El-Hodiri HM. “Ocular forkhead transcription factors: seeing eye to eye.” Int J Dev Biol. 2009;53(1):29-36. 2. Ignatius MS, Moose HE, El-Hodiri HM, Henion PD. “colgate/hdac1 Repression of foxd3 expression is required to permit mitfa-dependent melanogenesis.” Dev Biol. 2008 Jan 15;313(2):568-83. Epub 2007 Nov 9. 3. Moose HE, and El-Hodiri, HM. “FoxO3 Perturbs Vertebrate Eye Development by Affecting Differentiation and Proliferation in Retinal Progenitor Cells.” In preparation. 4. Moose HE, and El-Hodiri, HM. “FoxM1 is Necessary for Normal Development and Proper Lamination of the Neural Retina by Retinal Progenitor Cells.” In preparation. 5. Stanke JJ, Moose HE, El-Hodiri HM, Fischer AJ. “A comparitive study of Pax2 expression in glial cells in the mature retinas of brids and mammals.” In preparation. FIELD OF STUDY Integrated Biomedical Science vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ............................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgments................................................................................................................v Dedication .......................................................................................................................... vi Vita.................................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables .................................................................................................................... xii List of Figures .................................................................................................................. xiii List of Abbreviations .........................................................................................................xv Chapter 1: Development and Regulation of Retinal Progenitor Cells by Known Intrinsic Mechanisms.........................................................................................................1 1.1 Overview........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Eye development in vertebrates and specification of Retinal Progenitor Cells.............2 1.3 From RPC to retinal cell types: Molecular regulation of retinal cell types by intrinsic factors .........................................................................................5 1.4 RPC decision making: The balance between proliferation and differentiation .............8 1.5 Xenopus Laevis as a model system to study RPC development ..................................11 1.6 The impact of this work relative to the field of retinal development...........................12 Chapter 2: Regulation of Retinal Homeobox Transcription by Cooperative Activity Among Cis-elements ........................................................................................................19 2.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................19 2.2 Materials and Methods.................................................................................................22 2.3 Results..........................................................................................................................26 2.3.1 Identification and conservation of the Rx2A regulatory sequence...............26 2.3.2 The Rx2A regulatory sequence directs gene expression in regions of endogenous Rx expression...................................................................28 2.3.3 Spatial and temporal specificity of Rx expression are determined by regions within the Rx2A regulatory sequence ............................................29 viii Analysis of 5’ end promoter deletions ...........................................29 Analysis of internal deletions ......................................................................30 Analysis of Hsp constructs ............................................................................32 2.3.4 The SOX and OTX sites within UCE act cooperatively to provide spatial specificity to Rx expression........................................................................33 2.3.5 Rx2A promoter activity in the mature retina ....................................................34 2.3.6 Cognate factors that bind the Rx2A cis‐elements ............................................35 2.4 Discussion ....................................................................................................................37 2.4.1 Rx genes in X. leavis are similarly regulated................................................37 2.4.2 Expansion of the knowledge of Rx cis-regulatory elements ........................37 2.4.3 The central region of the Rx2A promoter contains a repressor element ......38 2.4.4 The UCE and FBE cooperate to activate Rx2A promoter activity...............39 2.4.5 Putative trans-acting factors of the Rx2A promoter .....................................41 POU factors..........................................................................................41 Otx family member ..............................................................................42 Sox family members ............................................................................45 Forkhead family members ...................................................................47 2.4.6 Coordinated regulatory activity of gene families implicated in Rx2A promoter activity...........................................................................................47 2.4.7 Future directions ...........................................................................................50 Chapter 3: Seeing Eye to Eye: Forkhead Transcription Factors During Eye Development .....................................................................................................................68 3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................68 3.2 Methods........................................................................................................................69 3.3 Results and Discussion ................................................................................................69 3.3.1 Forkhead transcription factors in anterior eye structures.............................69 3.3.2 Forkhead transcription factors in the developing neural retina ...................71 3.3.3 Forkhead transcription factors in differentiated retinal cell types ...............73 3.3.4 Forkhead transcription factors in retinal progenitor cells ............................74 3.3.5 Retinal forkhead function in eye development ............................................77 ix 3.3.6 Retinal forkhead transcription factors hold enormous promise to advance our knowledge of retinal progenitor cell biology ........................................82 Chapter 4: FoxO3 Perturbs Vertebrate Eye Development by Affecting Differentiation and Proliferation in Retinal Progenitor Cells .....................................86 4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................86 4.2 Materials and Methods.................................................................................................88 4.3 Results..........................................................................................................................92 4.3.1 X. laevis FoxO3 protein is highly conserved and expressed in developing eye tissue ...........................................................92 4.3.2 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in a small eye phenotype....................95 4.3.3 Differentiated cell types are produced in FoxO3‐injected embryos........97 4.3.4 Retinal Progenitor Cells are specified but exhibit altered differentiation in FoxO3 injected embryos........................................................................................97 4.3.5 FoxO3 overexpression results in altered cell cycle in RPCs ........................98 4.3.6 FoxO3 overexpression results in increased apoptosis ..................................99 4.4 Discussion ..................................................................................................................100 4.4.1 A model for FoxO3 function in RPCs ........................................................100 4.4.2 Production of differentiated cell types in the presence of exogenous levels of FoxO3 .............................................................................................................100 4.4.3 Cell Cycle alterations in FoxO3-injected embryos...................................101 4.4.4 FoxO proteins as regulators of diverse progenitor cell populations .........103 4.4.5 Is RPCs regulation a conserved function for FoxO3 in vertebrates?........104 Chapter 5: FoxM1 is Necessary for Normal Development and Proper Lamination of the Neural Retina by Retinal Progenitor Cells............................................................118 5.1 Introduction................................................................................................................118 5.2 Materials and Methods...............................................................................................123 5.3 Results........................................................................................................................125 5.3.1 Identification of a FoxM1 Isoform in X. laevis...........................................125 x 5.3.2 A xlFoxM1 homologue is expressed in RPCs during eye development ....126 5.3.3 FoxM1 knockdown in X. laevis results in embryos with small eyes......127 5.3.4 xlFoxM1 is necessary of proper retinal lamination .....................................129 5.3.5 Differentiated cell types are associated with areas of normal retina lamination and regions of aberrant stratification........................................130 5.4 Discussion and Future Directions ..............................................................................131 Chapter 6: The significance of exploring Rx regulation and Forkhead transcription factor function in RPCs .................................................................................................146 6.1 Summary of significant findings................................................................................146 6.2. Exploring the relationship between Rx2A, FoxO3, FoxM1 in RPCs.......................147 6.3 Regulation of RPC development by Homeobox and Forkhead transcription factors .................................................................................148 6.4 Closing remarks .........................................................................................................149 Appendix A......................................................................................................................150 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................154 xi LIST OF TABLES Figure Page Number 2.1 Expression domains of Rx2A promoter deletion construct ...................................... 53 2.2 PCR primers used to isolate the Rx2A regulatory region......................................... 64 2.3 Generation of Rx2A deletion constructs................................................................... 65 2.4 Primers used in the generation of Rx2A deletion constructs.................................... 66 2.5 Primers used to test cognate factor binding to cis-elements in the Rx2A promoter. 67 3.1 Production of anti-sense probes for gene expression analysis in X. laevis............... 69 3.2 Forkhead gene products expressed in eye structures ................................................ 83 3.3 Retinal forkhead expression...................................................................................... 84 4.1 Production of anti-sense probes for gene expression analysis in FoxO3-injected embryos....................................................................................... 90 5.1 Production of anti-sense probes for gene expression analysis in FoxM1 MO-injected embryos ............................................................................ 125 xii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Number 1.1 Eye development in vertebrates ..................................................................................14 1.2 Retinal lamination and cell types in Xenopus Laevis...................................................15 1.3 Birthdating in the retina and the competence model of retinal development ..............16 1.4 Molecular regulation of RPC development .................................................................17 1.5 The eukaryotic cell cycle and RPCs ............................................................................18 2.1 Conservation and in silico analysis of the Rx2A regulatory region ............................52 2.2 Rx2A2.8 directs gene expression in the eye fields, hypothalamus and pineal gland ....53 2.3 Deletion constructs produced to investigate transcriptional activity of the Rx2A regulatory region ............................................................................... 54-55 2.4 The Rx2A promoter contains cis-elements required for proper spatial and temporal gene expression of the GFP transgene .........................................................................57 2.5 Internal deletions of the Rx2A promoter reveal additional regulatory region that ensure specificity to the developing eyes.....................................................................58 2.6 Cooperative activity of UCE and the proximal FBE directs gene expression 56 throughout developmental stages.................................................................................59 2.7 POU, Sox and Otx sites within UCE cooperatively regulate Rx expression in the developing eyes of Xenopus leavis embryos ......................................................60 2.8 Rx2A promoter activity in the mature Xenopus laevis retina ......................................61 2.9 Oct-6, FoxO3 and FoxN4 bind the Rx2A promoter cis-elements in vitro...................62 2.9 Model of Rx2A transcriptional regulation derived from deletion analysis .................63 3.1 Expression of retinal forkhead genes in the CMZ of the maturing neural retina in Xenopus laevis ..............................................................................................................85 4.1 Xenopus laevis FoxO3 protein is highly conserved and is expressed throughout eye development.....................................................................................................................105 4.2 xlFoxO3 RNA is targeted to the developing eye fields of X. laevis embryos ...........106 xiii 4.3 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in small eye phenotype .....................................107 4.4 T30A mutation in xlFoxO3 increased the frequency of eye phenotypes...................108 4.5 T30A mutation in xlFoxO3 increased the severity of the small eye phenotype........109 4.6 Retinal lamination is intact in the presence of exogenous xlFoxO3..........................110 4.7 Normal differentiated cell types are present in xlFoxO3-injected embryos ..............111 4.8 RPCs are specified in the presence of xlFoxO3 overexpression ...............................112 4.9 Differentiation is altered by xlFoxO3 overexpression...............................................113 4.10 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in changes in cell cycle gene expression ........114 4.11 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in decreased rate of cell cycle in RPCs...........115 4.12 xlFoxO3 overexpression results in increased levels of apoptosis............................116 4.13 Proposed model of FoxO3 function in RPCs...........................................................117 5.1 Xl184i11 encodes a FoxM1 protein...........................................................................136 5.2 xlFoxM1 is homologous to hFoxM1 isoform C ........................................................137 5.3 FoxM1 is expressed in the developing eye fields and in proliferative zones of the maturing Xenopus laevis retina..................................................................................138 5.4 FoxM1 morpholino is properly targeted to developing eye fields in Xenopus embryos......................................................................................................................139 5.5 FoxM1 morpholino specifically knocks down FoxM1 target............................ 140-141 5.6 FoxM1 knockdown causes small eye phenotype in X. laevis....................................142 5.7 FoxM1 morphants with eye phenotype......................................................................143 5.8 FoxM1 knockdown results in small eye with lamination defects..............................144 5.9 Differentiated cell types and abnormal retinal patterning are present in FoxM1 morphant retinas.........................................................................................................145 A.1 Cyclin D1 is robustly expressed in the developing X. laevis retina .........................151 A.2 N‐myc is dynamically expressed in the developing X. laevis eyes and retina ..............................................................................................................152 A.3 p27 is dynamically expressed in the maturing X. laevis retina .................................153 xiv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS RPC retinal progenitor cells MO morpholino oligonucleotide pg picogram mM micromolar µg microgram RPE retinal pigmented epithelium CMZ ciliary marginal zone GCL ganglion cell layer IPL inner plexiform layer INL inner nuclear layer OPL outer plexiform layer ONL outer nuclear layer EFTFs eye field transctipsion factors bHLH basic helix loop helix HD homeodomain CDK cyclin dependant kinase CDKI cyclin dependant kinase inhibitors FKD forkhead RGC retinal ganglion cells EST expressed sequence tag xv CHAPTER 1 : Development and Regulation of Retinal Progenitor Cells by Known Intrinsic Mechanisms 1.1 Introduction Charles Darwin, when writing his book, “The Origin of Species”, included his description of the eye in the chapter entitled: “Organs of extreme perfection and complication.” To this day, scientists are continuing to pursue an understanding of this fascinatingly complex and intricate organ. The study of the eye, and more specifically retinal development, has been enhanced by the age of molecular biology and advanced by techniques of genetic manipulation. Our understanding is still remarkably limited, however, as new molecules involved in eye development are still being uncovered, and the mechanisms that underlie their function continue to be elucidated. Progenitor cells are by definition multipotent, and the neurons and glia of the retina are derived from a cell population termed retinal progenitor cells (RPCs). RPC development and function is known to be molecularly regulated, and this regulation occurs on many levels. Initially, expression of RPC specific genes must be regulated so that they are correctly expressed as cell fate determinants. As well, translational and post- 1 translational mechanisms exist in order to dictate that proper levels of functional protein exist within developing RPCs. Mis-regulation of gene expression could result in inappropriate loss or gain of expression of these genes, while altering protein structure or the post-translational modifications could alter the levels of functional protein, resulting in aberrant development or disease. It is therefore of high interest to both (1) study the molecular mechanism of gene transcription of known intrinsic factors and (2) identify and investigate the function of proteins novel to the development and maintenance of RPCs. 1.2 Eye development in vertebrates and the specification of Retinal Progenitor Cells (RPCs) The presumptive eyes are specified during neurula stages, and are comprised of tissue that evaginates from the anterior neural tube (Figure 1.1). This tissue, called the optic vesicle, grows into the surrounding mesoderm towards the surface ectoderm. When the optic vesicle makes contact with the surface ectoderm, reciprocal inductive signals between the optic vesicle and the surface ectoderm, as well as the optic vesicle and mesoderm, occur. As a result, the surface ectoderm thickens and develops into the lens placode, while the neuroepithelium of the optic vesicle becomes patterned into three distinct territories: the dorsal region is the presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), the ventral region is the presumptive optic stalk, and the lateral region is determined as the presumptive neural retina. The optic vesicle and the lens placode undergo simultaneous invagination and give rise to the optic cup and the lens vesicle, respectively. Over time, the lens vesicle completely segments from the surface ectoderm, forming the lens proper. The RPE completely surrounds and becomes abutted to the 2 thickening neural retina. The surface ectoderm adjacent to the lens gives rise to the sclera laterally and the corneal epithelium medially. The cells comprising the presumptive neural retina are specified as retinal progenitor cells (RPCs). This population of cells rapidly proliferates and subsequently differentiates to form the neural and non-neuronal cell types of the retina. RPCs are therefore multipotent and constitute a population of cells that can further our understanding of the nature of multipotency, and the relationship between cell division and differentiation. In the mature vertebrate retina, the cell types produced by the RPCs are highly organized in a laminar tissue (Figure 1.2). The cell bodies of the retinal neurons and glia are positioned in three distinct nuclear layers: the ganglion cell layer (GCL) adjacent to the lens, the inner nuclear layer (INL) and the outer nuclear layer (ONL) nearest the apposing RPE (Figure 1.2, A). The neuronal processes extended by the cells within these layers make connections within two plexiform layers: the inner plexiform layer (IPL) and outer plexiform layer (OPL). The inner plexiform layer is positioned between the GCL and INL, and the outer plexiform layer between the INL and ONL. In addition, a specialized region of progenitor cells persists in adults of some vertebrate species, including X. laevis (Figure 1.2, A, brackets). Termed the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ), the RPCs of this zone continue to give rise to differentiated retinal cells during the life of the adult animal. The CMZ is located peripherally, adjacent to the lens on both its dorsal and ventral side. Six neuronal and 1 glial cell type are observed in the mature vertebrate retina (Figure 1.2, B). The major phototransducing cells of the retina, the rod and 3 cone photoreceptors, possess their cell bodies in the ONL. The specialized compartments for phototransduction, the photoreceptor inner and outer segments, are juxtaposed to the overlying RPE. The photoreceptor cells of the ONL extend processes laterally into the OPL synapsing with the three interneuron cells types: the amacrine, bipolar and horizontal cells. Each of these cell types possesses cell bodies that reside in the INL, and extend outgoing processes into the IPL. The IPL is the layer that houses connections between the interneuron and the ganglion cell dendrites. The long axons of the ganglion cells extend into the optic nerve and eventually make connections in the visual processing center of the brain, the optic tectum. The cell bodies of the major glial cell type in vertebrates, Muller glia, are positioned in the INL. They extend processes to the inner segments of photoreceptor cells, creating the outer limiting membrane, and likewise, end feet of Muller glia create the inner limiting membrane just past the ganglion cell layer. Classic birthdating studies have demonstrated that retinohistogensis by RPCs occurs in a generally conserved order across species, always first with the generation of ganglion cells, with rod photoreceptors, bipolar and Muller glia the last cell types being produced (Carter-Dawson and LaVail, 1979; Cepko et al., 1996; Stiemke and Hollyfield, 1995; Wong and Rapaport, 2009; Young, 1985) (Figure 1.3, A). It was initially speculated that the generation of these cell types in such a stereotypical order was dictated by environmental cues (Turner and Cepko, 1987) (Holt et al., 1988). However, the demonstration that stage specific RPCs predictably produce certain cell types regardless of environmental influences lead to the competence model of retinal 4 development (Figure 1.3, B) (Cepko et al., 1996) The competence model proposes that after specification, RPCs progress through distinct stages. In each stage, RPCs are capable of producing specific subsets of retinal cell types (Cepko et al., 1996; Livesey and Cepko, 2001). This model assumes that (1) competence states of RPCs are intrinsically defined and (2) the capacity to produce cell types are intrinsically regulated by the production of competence states. RPCs of a given competence state are then governed by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors to generate specific retinal cell types (Cepko et al., 1996). 1.3 From RPCs to retinal cell types: molecular regulation of retinal cell types by intrinsic factors But how are the production of these cell types regulated on the molecular level? What governs the specification, differentiation and eventual functionality of developing retinal progenitor cells? According to the competence model, both extrinsic and intrinsic signals govern the development of retinal progenitor cells into differentiated cell types through certain competence states. Certainly, extrinsic factors such as extracellular signaling molecules, mitogens, and neurotransmitters have been shown to be involved in both the specification and differentiation of the neural retina (reviewed in Martins et al., 2007). However, for the purpose of introduction for these studies, it is important to emphasize the intrinsic factors that have been shown to regulate eye development, both in specification of RPCs and during the differentiation of RPCs into terminally differentiated neurons. The group of proteins involved in proper specification of RPCs in vertebrates are termed eye field transcription factors (EFTFs) (Zuber et al., 2003). The EFTF gene 5 products include: retinal homeobox (Rx), paired type homeobox 6 (Pax6), lim-domain containing homeobox 2 (Lhx2), sine oculis homologs 3 and 6 (Six3/6), orthodenticle related homeobox 2 (Otx2), the t-box transcription factor, ET, and the orphan nuclear receptor, (Tlx).The majority of these proteins belong to the homeodomain family of transcription factors (the exceptions being Tlx and ET). Their importance during eye development is underscored by the high level of conservation of these factors from flies to humans (Zuber et al., 2003); in each vertebrate system investigated, these transcription factors are highly expressed in RPCs during retinal specification and neurogenesis (Figure 1.4, A). Gene expression and genetic manipulation experiments investigating these factors have determined that each of the EFTFs is necessary for eye development (Bailey et al., 2004; Bovolenta et al., 1997; Chow and Lang, 2001; Esteve and Bovolenta, 2006; Nishida et al., 2003; Porter et al., 1997; Tetreault et al., 2009; Viczian et al., 2006; Wilson and Houart, 2004; Zuber et al., 2003). Many EFTFs are required, and often capable, for the initiation of gene expression of other genes within the group. For example, Rx null mice, do not express Pax6, suggesting that Pax6 is downstream of Rx (Mathers et al., 1997). The overexpression of Rx in contrast induces Pax6 and Six3, reduces Otx2 (Andreazzoli et al., 1999). As well, Pax6 overexpression results in ectopic eyes with induction of Rx, Otx2, an Six3 (Chow et al., 1999). And Six3 itself is also capable of induction of Rx (Loosli et al., 1999) and Pax6 (Loosli et al., 1999) (Bailey et al., 2004; Bovolenta et al., 1997; Chow and Lang, 2001; Esteve and Bovolenta, 2006; Nishida et al., 2003; Porter et al., 1997; Tetreault et al., 2009; Viczian et al., 2006; Wilson and Houart, 2004; Zuber et al., 2003). Tlx overexpression induces the expression of Pax6, Six3 and Lhx2, and conversely, Pax6 6 and Six3 overexpression upregulates Tlx (Bailey et al., 2004; Bovolenta et al., 1997; Chow and Lang, 2001; Esteve and Bovolenta, 2006; Nishida et al., 2003; Porter et al., 1997; Tetreault et al., 2009; Viczian et al., 2006; Wilson and Houart, 2004; Zuber et al., 2003). It is apparent from these studies that the EFTFs form a self-regulating network of factors necessary for the specification of the RPCs in the anterior neural plate. After specification, a combinatorial code of transcription factors dictates the cell types that differentiate from RPCs of a given competence state (Wang and Harris, 2005; Harada et al., 2007)). Two major families of transcription factors are involved: basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) (Vetter and Brown, 2001), and homeodomain (HD) proteins (Lupo et al., 2000). In general, at least one bHLH and HD are co-expressed in progenitors as the produce a certain cell type (Figure 1.4)(Harada et al., 2007). For example, Ath5 and Pax6 specify the production of ganglion cells (Brown et al., 2001; Marquardt et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2001), or Ath3 and Pax6/Six6 specify the production of horizontal cells (Marquardt et al., 2001)(Tomita et al., 2000). It is well established that perturbing these combinations can alter the distribution of cell types within the retina. Collectively, the data concerning the coordination of these protein families suggests that homeodomain factors regulate layer specificity while bHLH proteins dictate cell fate within the homeodomain factor-specified layers (Harada et al., 2007). A significant amount of work has been done to understand the molecular regulation of eye development. The work presented in this dissertation expands the knowledge of known RPC regulators by (1) furthering the understanding of the molecular regulation of Rx genes, (2) definitively recognizing a third family of transcription factors, the forkhead family, as regulators of RPC development and function, and (3) 7 characterizing a role for two forkhead proteins, FoxO3 and FoxM1, neither of which have been previously attributed a role during vertebrate eye development. 1.4 RPC Decision-making: The balance between proliferation and differentiation The RPCs of the neuroepithelium in the optic cup undergo several rounds of rapid proliferation to produce the cellular diversity of the laminated neural retina. It is during these rounds of cell division that the retinal cell types are specified and differentiate. Therefore, it is not surprising that the differentiation of RPCs is tightly linked to proliferation. Several lines of evidence support this notion: (1) loss of function experiments concerning the EFTFs demonstrate reduced proliferation rates, (2) EFTFs can act as direct or indirect modulators of cell cycle machinery and (3) aberrations in cell cycle genes result in changes in cell type specification in the developing eye. In mice, targeted mutagenesis of Otx1, Otx2, Lhx2, and Tlx results in reduced proliferation rates in the developing eye region (Martinez-Morales et al., 2001; Miyawaki et al., 2004; Porter et al., 1997). The use of morpholino knockdown in Xenopus and zebrafish has demonstrated reduced proliferation in the absence of Lhx2 and Six3, and Rx, respectively (Ando et al., 2005) (Nelson et al., 2009). These studies clearly demonstrate that the EFTFs are responsible for the necessary proliferation of RPCs after specification in the neuroepithelium. Progenitor cells, including RPCs, make the decision to terminally differentiate or continue to proliferate during the G1 phase of the cell cycle (Figure 1.5, A). If a neuron decides to differentiate and enter G0, it is thought to be restricted from re-entering the cell cycle. An exception is represented by the Muller glial cells of the retina, which proceed to G0, but retain the capacity for entering the cell cycle. Several groups of 8 molecules are active in progenitor cells during early G0 acting as intrinsic regulators of differentiation decisions. First, specific cyclin/cyclin dependent kinase (CDK) enzyme complexes are active during early G1 to dictate the decision between G0 or continued proliferation: Cyclin D with CDK4 or CDK6, and Cyclin E with CDK 1 or 2 (Welcker and Clurman, 2005). Secondly, Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors exert an additional layer of regulation; these molecules directly alter the activity of cyclin/CDK enzymes complexes. There are two major families of cyclin-dependant kinase inhibitors: the INK family (p15, p16, p18, p19) and the Cip/Kip family (p21, p27, p57). In Xenopus, only Cip/Kip family member has been identified, which shares sequence and functional characteristics of all three Cip/Kip proteins (Su et al., 1995). Cyclins, CDKs and CDK inhibitors are expressed in dynamic tissue-specific manners. The balance of activity among them determines the phosphorylation state of members of the Rb family, that ultimately dictate an RPCs choice between cell division and cell cycle exit. The expanding amount of literature supporting the link between EFTFs and the cell cycle machinery is presented. Studies of EFTF function have shown changes in cell cycle gene expression as well as confirming cell cycle genes as direct targets of EFTFs. In Xenopus, Rx controls cell proliferation by inhibition of the cell cycle inhibitor p27Xic1 (Andreazzoli et al., 2003). Moreover, embryos injected with Xrx1 mRNA demonstrate significantly increased levels of Cyclin D1, the major D-type cyclin expressed in RPCs (Casarosa et al., 2003). Pax6 null mutant mice have decreased expression of a number of cell cycle inhibitors, p27(kip1), p57(kip2), and p21(cip1) (Duparc et al., 2007). Six6, binds to the promoter of the p27Kip1 in retinal cells, suggesting that Six6 may be a direct repressor of 9 p27Kip1 transcription in RPCs. p27Kip1 mRNA and protein is also upregulated in the Six6-null retina (Li et al., 2002). The related EFTF protein, Six3, has been shown to be upstream of both cyclin D1 and p27 (Gestri et al., 2005). Collectively, these data suggest that several of the EFTFs have the ability to alter the cell cycle during RPC development. It has been shown that altering cell cycle components within the retina directly results in changes in neuronal diversity. Cyclin D1 null mice have hypocellular retinas, attributed to decreased proliferation (Sicinski et al., 1995), and it has recently been shown that early born cell types (ganglion and photoreceptor cells) are increased (Das et al., 2009). Interestingly, replacing cyclin D1 with Cyclin E1 is sufficient to restore normal retina structure and cell type specification, suggesting that there is some functional redundancy between active cyclins in the retina (Das et al., 2009). On data regarding CKIs, overexpression of the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Xic1) results in the increased numbers of ganglion cells (Ohnuma et al., 1999), while overexpression of p27 is sufficient to maintain RPCs in the cell cycle and produce later born cell types (Ohnuma et al., 1999). Additionally, targeted mutagenesis of p57 in mice alters cell fate specification by increasing the proportion of amacrine cell sub-populations (Dyer and Cepko, 2000; Dyer and Cepko, 2001). Together, these studies demonstrate the relationship between proliferation and differentiation in the RPC population. As neuroepithelial cells of the developing retina proceed through the cell cycle, the nuclei migrate between the apical and basal surfaces in phase with the cell cycle, a process termed interkinetic nuclear migration (Figure 1.5, B) (Baye, 2007). M-phase nuclei are located at the apical surface, adjacent to the RPE. As the cells proceed to G1phase, the nuclei migrate toward the basal surface, and progress into S-phase at their most 10 basal position. During G2, nuclei advance back towards the apical surface to re-enter M phase. Heterogeneity of interkinetic nuclei migration, i.e. difference in migration distance from apical surface, results in a difference in time spent in G1 or G2 between two daughter cells. Importantly, the difference in distance traveled results in exposure to different localized extrinsic cues that influences the decision to continue proliferation or become neurogenic. Neurogenic cells undergo asymmetric mitotic cell division at the apical surface, producing one post-mitotic daughter cell and one cell with continued proliferative capacity. The post-mitotic cell nuclei progresses to its final position in the retinal architecture by a process called nuclear translocation, actively remodeling basal and apical processes until they reach final targets. It continues to be a major endeavor in the field of retinal development to understand how cell fate determinants coordinate with the molecular mechanisms driving cell cycle. It is a major emphasis of this dissertation to further the knowledge regarding RPC regulators that have the capacity to affect cell cycle machinery. By studying the mechanism of known cell cycle regulators FoxO3 and FoxM1 in RPC development, this work strengthens the connection between proliferation and differentiation in the vertebrate retina. 1.5 Xenopus Laevis as a model system to study RPC development Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed frog, has been a model system used in the study of embryology and molecular biology for over 50 years. Pioneered as a model system for the study of developmental biology by the German biologist, Firschberg, the model system is now a prominent organism used to answer fundamental questions regarding development (Gurdon and Hopwood, 2000). 11 The rapid, external embryonic development of X. laevis, and its capacity to produce large numbers of synchronously developing embryos makes it a suitable system for developmental biology applications (Gurdon and Hopwood, 2000). In addition, the stages of development post-fertilization are well documented and easily recognizable (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994). A key advantage for the use of X. laevis is the ability to manipulate the large embryos using advanced genetic techniques. RNA overexpression studies were first described using Xenopus oocytes (Gurdon et al., 1971). With the addition of molecular cloning techniques, the ability to overexpress RNA of desired genes is commonplace and easily achieved. As well, the production of transgenic embryos in X. laevis was described over ten years ago (Kroll and Amaya, 1996). This technique has several advantages over other systems including the rapid production of first generation transgenics for analysis. This system is well positioned to study genomic elements in vivo using transgene reporter constructs specifically in the retina (Hutcheson and Vetter, 2002). Xenopus laevis provides an excellent model system for the studies presented in this dissertation. 1.6 The impact of this work relative to the field of retinal development The work presented in this dissertation is focused on three genes expressed in developing RPCs. Rx, one of the first genes to be expressed in the presumptive eyes, and two forkhead proteins, FoxO3 and FoxM1, which have not been previously ascribed a role during vertebrate eye development. The work presented regarding Rx (Chapter 2) advances the knowledge of the mechanism of Rx transcription, thereby furthering the understanding of RPC development and maintenance as multipotent cells. As an 12 extension of primary data elucidated in Chapter 2, data regarding the role of forkhead proteins in eye development is presented in Chapter 3. This includes both a literature review of forkhead proteins with known function in the eye and the expression pattern of 6 forkhead proteins in Xenopus laevis retinas that have not been characterized for their role in eye development. Two of these proteins, FoxO3 and FoxM1, both have extensive bodies of literature to support their involvement in cell cycle control and differentiation. FoxO3 has significant literature supporting its role in cell cycle arrest and inhibition of differentiation (reviewed in Ho et al., 2008), while FoxM1 has been demonstrated to promote cell cycle progression (reviewed in Weirstra and Alves, 2007). The apparent opposing functions of FoxO3 and FoxM1 with regards to cell cycle progression and differentiation partially motivated the studies presented in Chapter 4, and Chapter 5 respectively. Collectively, the studies presented in this work furthers the understanding of the molecular mechanism of gene transcription in the developing eye, provides evidence from the literature that distinguishes forkhead proteins as RPC regulators, identifies two forkhead transcription factors as novel regulators of RPC development, and advances the knowledge of cell cycle regulators during differentiation of RPCs. 13 Figure 1.1 Eye development in Vertbrates (A) The eye develops as an extension of the anterior neural plate called the optic vesilcle (OV). The OV evaginates away from the midline through the mesoderm (MS) towards the surface ectoderm (SE). (B) The OV comes into contact with the SE, forming the lens placode (LP). The neuroepithelium can be divided into three distinct region: the dorsal region is the presumptive retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE), the ventral region is the presumptive optic stalk (OS), and the lateral region is the presumptive neural retina (NR). (C) Inductive signalling events stimulate both the presumptive NR and the overlying LP to invaginate, forming the optic cup and lens vesicle (LV). (D) The LV eventually seperates from the SE. The NR thickens, and the RPE completely surrounds the NR. E. In the mature eye, sclera (S) and cornea (C) are derived from the SE the dorsal and ventral region of the OS become the optic nerve (ON), and the RPE completely surrounds the NR. (Adapted from Adler and Canto-Soler, 2008). 14 Figure 1.2 Retinal Lamination and Cell Types in Xenopus laevis (A) Mature retina is Xenopus Laevis, hematoxylin and eosin stained. Laminar structure is composed of three nuclear layers: ganglion cell layer (GCL), inner nuclear layer (INL), and outer nuclear layer (ONL, arrowhead); and two inner layers: inner plexiform layer (IPL) and outer plexiform layer (OPL). Apical to the ONL the outer segments (OS) are positioned, adjacent to the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE). Brackets indicate ciliary marginal zone that continues to give rise to retinal cell types throughout the life of the animal. Functionally, light enters through the lens, traverses all the retinal layers where it is phototransduced by the photoreceptors. The photoreceptors relay the information via electrical impulses through the neurons of the internuclear layers, back through the ganglion cells layers and out through the optic nerve to the brain. on stage 41 paraffinembedded section. (B) The cell types of the nueral retina are depicted in the layers in which they reside: ganglion cell (GC), amacrine cells (AC), bipolar cels (BP), horizontal cells (HC), rod and come photoreceptor (RP) and (CP), and muller glial cell (MC). 15 Figure 1.3 Birthdating in the Retina and the Competence model of RPC development (A) RPCs of vertbrates produce cell types in a specific order in X. laevis. The timing of the generation of cell types in the retina overlaps, and the order of production is generally conserved in vertebrates. (B) Progenitors pass through distinct states (colored areas under curve) over time. See text for details. (modified from Harada et al., 2007 (A), and Livesay and Cepko, 2001 (B)) 16 Figure 1.4 Molecular regulation RPC devlopment (A) The EFTFs specific the eye fields by a their dynamic expression in the anterior neural plate. A schematic of neurala stage (stage 15) embryo in X. laevis. (B) Generation of cell type in the retina by homeobox and basic helix-loop-helix proteins. In general, the production of each cell type in the vertebrate retina is dicated by the expression of a homeobox protein(s) and a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein(s). (adapted from Harada et al., 2007) 17 Figure 1.5 The eukaryotic cell cycle and RPCs (A) RPCs make the decision to continue to proliferate or terminally differentiate. An exception is the commitment to glial cell fate, which maintain the ability to proliferate. Molecular regulation of this decision is achieved by differential expression of cyclin/CDK complexes and CKIs that regulate the phosphorylation of Rb proteins at the G1/S checkpoint (red x). (B) Nuclei of RPCs in the developing retina migrate from the basal to apical surface as they progress through the cell cycle. (adapted from Livesay and Cepko, 2001 and Bale and Link, 2007). 18 CHAPTER 2: Regulation of Retinal Homeobox Transcription by Cooperative Activity Among Cis-elements* 2.1 INTRODUCTION The vertebrate eye field transcription factors (EFTFs) Rx1, Pax-6, Six-3, and Lhx2 form a self-regulating feedback network that specifies the vertebrate eye field (Zuber et al., 2003). In each vertebrate system investigated, these transcription factors remain expressed in RPCs during retinal neurogenesis. In this chapter, we focus our attention on the retinal homeobox gene (Rx), a transcription factor that is critical for the proper development of vertebrate eyes (Andreazzoli et al., 1999; Chuang et al., 1999; Mathers et al., 1997). First discovered in X. laevis, Rx homologues have been identified in flies, fish, mouse, chicken and human (Casarosa et al., 1997; Chuang et al., 1999; Deschet et al., 1999; Eggert et al., 1998; Furukawa et al., 1997; Mathers et al., 1997; Ohuchi et al., 1999; Strickler et al., 2002). The number of Rx genes varies by organism. For example, zebrafish have three (Rx1, Rx2, Rx3), X. laevis have two (Rx1A, Rx2A), while mice and humans (termed RAX in these organisms) have only one (Casarosa et al., 1997; Chuang et al., 1999; Deschet et al., 1999; Furukawa et al., 1997; Mathers et al., 1997). Normal expression of the Rx gene *Equal contributions to the data and writing of this chapter were contributed by H. Moose and R.I.Martinez-De-Luna. 19 product begins in the anterior neural plate at a time before eyes are morphologically distinct (Casarosa et al., 1997; Chuang et al., 1999; Furukawa et al., 1997; Mathers et al., 1997). Rx continues to be expressed in the mature neural retina in a subset of photoreceptors, although it is generally downregulated in differentiated cells (Mathers et al., 1997; Perron et al., 1998; Furukawa et al., 1997; Nelson et al., 2009). Notably, the expression of Rx is maintained in the region of the neural retina that contains RPCs. A number of studies have demonstrated the importance of Rx in proper eye development. Complete loss of Rx function results in the lack of eye formation in both medaka and mice (Loosli et al., 2001; Mathers et al., 1997). Targeted mutagenesis of the mouse Rax gene results in animals with no visible eye structures, demonstrating that Rx is important in the initial events in eye specification (Mathers et al., 1997). The temperature sensitive medaka mutant eyeless is anophthalamic (Winkler et al., 2000), and the chokh mutant in zebrafish, having a mutation in the zebrafish Rx3 gene, also fails to develop neural retina (Loosli et al., 2003). Conversely, overexpression of Rx produces extra retinal tissue (Andreazzoli et al., 1999; Chuang and Raymond, 2001; Mathers et al., 1997). Ectopic tissue forms with the same complex laminar structure as normal retinal tissue (Mathers et al., 1997). This suggests that Rx plays a role in the early decisions of anterior neural tissue to become retinal tissue, which consists of RPCs competent to produce the neural retina. Zebrafish Rx genes, Rx1 and Rx2, induce the formation of ectopic retinal tissue at the expense of forebrain cells, suggesting a role for Rx in the early specification of optic primordia (Chuang and Raymond, 2001). The overexpression of Rx also induces the upregulation of other eye field genes, including Pax6 and Six3, while decreasing expression of Otx2 20 (Andreazzoli et al., 1999). This reiterates that Rx acts early in eye specification by affecting downstream genes in RPCs that have themselves been shown to be necessary for eye development. Consistent with this data, Rx was shown to be essential for the formation of RPCs in mice, in contrast to Pax6 (Zhang et al., 2000). Together these expression studies clearly demonstrate the importance of Rx in early eye specification and development. Even with these studies demonstrating the critical importance of Rx function in eye field specification, the molecular and genetic events leading to Rx transcription initiation, throughout stages of RPC development, have not been clearly established. Two Rx genes have been identified in X. laevis (Mathers et al., 1997). The presence of the two genes, Rx1A and Rx2A, is most likely a result of the partial genome duplication that occurred within the species (Bailey et al., 2004). The expression patterns of these two genes are indistinguishable and the coding region sequences exhibit considerable identity. For the purpose of this document, Rx expression refers to the combined expression patterns of Rx1A and Rx2A. Previous work from our lab has shown that the Rx1A regulatory sequence is organized into two distinct regions (Zhang et al., 2003). The distal portion of a 3.4KB DNA sequence is capable of transcriptional activation in the anterior neural plate, while the proximal region of the promoter activates transcription in later stages of eye development (Zhang et al., 2003). The proximal region is not only necessary for the late activity of the promoter, but is also sufficient (Zhang et al., 2003). The Rx1A regulatory sequence also exhibits some redundancy in that the distal region is sufficient for directing transcription in the photoreceptor cells late in development (Zhang et al., 2003). The findings in this study demonstrate the overall organization of the Rx1A 21 regulatory sequence. It failed to elucidate specific cis-acting regions that are necessary for Rx expression, therefore still leaving a gap in our knowledge of mechanisms determining appropriate Rx transcription. Chapter 2 addresses the investigation of sequence specific Rx cis-acting regions using the Rx2A regulatory sequence. 2.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Female and male X. laevis were purchased from NASCO. Egg laying was induced by sub-dermal injection of 150cc of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (Chorulon; Intervet). Embryos were dejellied in 2.25% cysteine pH 7.9. The developmental stage of embryos was determined according to Nieuwkoop and Faber (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994). Isolation of the Rx2A regulatory sequence We isolated a 2.8KB genomic fragment of the Rx2A regulatory sequence by three rounds of linker-mediated PCR (LM-PCR) according to manufacturer’s protocol (Universal Genome Walker Kit, Clontech) (Moritz et al., 2002; Siebert et al., 1995). Initial primers were designed to be specific the Rx2A coding region (AF001049). The primers used for LM-PCR are listed in Table 1. Generation of transgenesis constructs The full length Rx2A-GFP transgene was generated by ligating the Rx2A regulatory sequence into the BamHI and EcoRV sites of pBS-GFP (Zhang et al., 2003). A detailed list of the transgenes used in this study is provided in Figure 3. Constructs 1316, 18, 19, 21-25, 27-32, 33, and 34-36 were generated by PCR using Platinum Pfx DNA 22 polymerase (Invitrogen). All primers sets and templates used for PCR for each of these constructs are detailed in Tables 3 and 4. PCR conditions were as follows: 94°C for 2 min, 94°C for 15 sec, 55°C for 30 sec, 68°C for 1 min or 2 min depending on the length of the fragment for 20 or 30 cycles. All PCR products were TA cloned into pCR2.1 (Invitrogen) and sequenced to confirm that point mutations were not introduced during PCR. Subsequently the amplified fragments were subcloned into pBS-GFP or Hsp-GFP (Zhang et al, 2003). Constructs 20, 27 and 29 were made using restriction enzyme sites already present in the Rx2A promoter. The restriction enzymes used are listed in Table 3. The corresponding fragments were then subcloned into pBS-GFP or Hsp-GFP (Zhang et al, 2003). Quick Change XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene) was used to generate constructs 2-7. A detailed description of the primers and templates used for mutagenesis is listed in Table 3 and 4. PCR conditions for mutagenesis were as follows: 95°C for 30 sec, 95°C for 30 sec, 55°C for 1 min, 68°C for 11 min, repeat 18 cycles. Success of mutagenesis reactions was confirmed by sequencing or restriction enzyme digestion using a restriction site introduced during PCR. Transgenesis Transgenic X. laevis embryos were generated by the intracytosolic sperm injection (ICSI) method (Sparrow et al., 2000). Sperm nuclei were isolated as previously described (Kroll and Amaya, 1996) using digitonin (10mg/ml) instead of lysolecithin. DNA transgenes were released from their vector by restriction enzyme digestion (detailed in Table 2), and purified from agarose gel using the Gene Clean kit (QBiogene). ICSI was performed as previously described (Sparrow et al., 2000), using snap frozen sperm 23 nuclei. For the transgenesis reaction 400,000 sperm nuclei were incubated with 250 ng of transgene DNA and 2 µl of sperm dilution buffer (SDB) for 15 min at room temperature. The reaction was then diluted in 22.5 µl and 2.5 µl of this mixture was further diluted in 230 µl of SDB for injection. Cysteine-dejellied eggs were injected with 10nl of transgenesis reaction in 0.4 X MMR (Marc’s Modified Ringer’s) + 6% Ficoll. Properly dividing embryos were transferred to 0.1 X MMR + 6% Ficoll and changed to 0.1 X MMR after 24 hrs. Embryos were raised in 0.1 X MMR until the appropriate stage. Section in situ hybridization In situ hybridization was performed on 8µm retinal sections as previously described (Shimamura et al., 1994; Viczian et al., 2003). In situ hybridization analysis was performed using an antisense riboprobe against GFP to detect expression of the transgene. The GFP antisense riboprobe was labeled using digoxygenin (Ambion) as previously described. To make the antisense riboprobe for GFP, pBS-GFP (Zhang et al., 2003) was linearized with EcoRI and the probe transcribed with T7 RNA polymerase (Ambion). Immunohistochemistry Stage 41 transgenic embryos were fixed in MEMPFA for 1 hour (Sive et al., 2000), dehydrated in methanol for 1 hour, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 8 µm as previously described (Pan et al., 2006). Immunohistochemistry was performed as described previously (El-Hodiri et al., 1997). Mouse anti-Myc (Sigma) was used as primary antibody at a 1:1,000 dilution in blocking solution. Electrophorectic mobility shift assays 24 In vitro translation of FoxO3, FoxN4 and Oct-3 was performed using the TnT Quick Couple Transcription Translation kits (PROMEGA) according to manufacturer’s instructions. Oligonucleotides were designed using specific Rx2A promoter sequences containing the POU site of the FBE element. Complimentary oligonucleotides were (45ug each) were added to annealing buffer containing 0.1M Tris-HCL, 0.5M NaCl, and 0.05M EDTA, incubated for 10 minutes as 65°C and let to cool to room temperature slowly. Annealed oligos were diluted 1:10 from the previous reaction and radio-labeled with [α-32p] dUTP (Amersham) by incubating at for 30 minutes at 37°C in buffer containing the following: [α-32p] dUTP; 5µM dATP, dTTP and dGTP (Invitrogen); 2.5 U Klenow (New England BioLabs); 1/20 total volume of React #2 buffer (GIBCO). After labeling, unincorporated [α-32p] dUTP was removed using Qiaquick Nucleotide Removal Kit (Qiagen). Binding reactions were carried out by incubating 20ng in vitro-translated FoxO3, FoxN4 or Oct-6 with the following for 1 hour on ice: 1x104 cpm/µl labeled oligo, 1x EMSA buffer, 1 mg/ml BSA, 1mg dIdC. 5x EMSA buffer contains: 50mM HEPES (pH 7.9), 375 KCL, 12.5mM MgCl2, 0.5mM EDTA, 5mM DTT, 15 Ficoll. All reactions were run on a 5% pre-cast TBE gel (100V for 1hour in 0.5x TBE at in 4°C) (Bio-Rad) for approximately 3.5 hours at 60V at 4°C. Gels were dried at 80°C for 50 minutes, and imaged with phosphoimager. For competive binding: Specific probes were comprised of unlabeled Rx2A UCE POU or Rx2A FBE probe. A radio-labeled mutated Rx2A UCE POU site probe was used to test specificity of OCT-6 binding, and radio-labeled OCTA probe was in testing FoxO3 or FoxN4 binding the FBE. See table 5 for detailed sequences of all EMSA oligonucleotides. 25 Microscopy A fluorescent dissecting microscope (Leica) was used to detect GFP expression in transgenic embryos at the appropriate stages. 2.3 RESULTS 2.3.1 Identification and Conservation of the Rx2A Regulatory Sequence Rx genes can be found in zebrafish to human genomes, and the function of their gene products is essential for the formation of eyes in vertebrates (See Review: Bailey et al., 2004). Thus, the regulatory mechanisms that govern the transcription of Rx genes are important for the understanding of eye specification and determination. We have previously characterized the regulatory sequence of the X. laevis Rx1A gene (Zhang et al., 2003), one of two Rx genes present in this species. In order to more fully understand the transcriptional regulation of Rx genes, we isolated a 2.8 KB genomic region upstream of the Rx2A coding sequence by linker mediated PCR. To reveal regions of identity and divergence between the 2.8 KB Rx2A region we used MultiPipMaker and the previously published 3.2 KB regulatory region of Rx1A. Alignment analysis using MultiPipmaker (http://pipmaker.bx.psu.edu/pipmaker) plots the percent identity of DNA segments between two or more designated sequences. The percent identity plot (PIP) between Rx2A and Rx1A reveals stretches of high conservation separated by regions with more divergent sequence (Figure 1A). A distal 326 bp region (Rx2A: -2360 to -2035) shares 92% identity between the two sequences, followed more proximally by a shorter 123 bp segment sharing 93% identity (Rx2A: 1897 to -1775) and a 272 bp region sharing 95% identity (Rx2A: -456 to 84) (Figure 1A). 26 The distal conserved region is highly conserved in vertebrata, and is referred to as the Ultra Conserved Element (UCE) for the remainder of this document. The sequence corresponding to UCE has recently been published to function as an enhancer of the human Rx gene product, RAX (Danno et al., 2008). In the Rx2A regulatory sequence, the UCE and two proximal regions comprise the three longest, most highly conserved stretches of sequence shared between the two regulatory regions of DNA. It is also apparent that regions of divergence exist between the two sequences: a 172 bp region (Rx2A: -2559 to 2387) is present in the Rx2A regulatory region that is not present in the Rx1A sequence. Interestingly, this region is present in a region of X. tropicalis upstream of the Rx coding region (data not shown). Lastly, PIP analysis predicts an inversion event in the region corresponding to Rx2A -1252 to -1347 compared to Rx1A. This region also contains a predicted JH12 repetitive DNA element (Rx2A:-1024 to -1329) (http://www.repeatmasker.org). We continued our analysis of the Rx2A regulatory region using bioinformatics to predict cis-regulatory elements within the 2.8Kb Rx2A sequence using the Transcription Element Search Software (TESS) (http://www.cbil.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/tess/tess). Binding motifs for several families of transcription factors are present in the 2.8Kb region upstream of Rx2A including Forkhead motifs (Kaufmann et al., 1995), Otx binding motifs (Gan et al., 1995), Sox binding motifs (Kamachi et al., 2000), and POU-domain binding motifs (Phillips and Luisi, 2000). Phylogenetic analysis of these motifs reveals varying levels of conservation between Rx regulatory sequences of X. laevis or in combination with higher vertebrates (Figure 1C). A predicted SOX motif, POU-domain binding motif and an Otx binding motif are clustered together in the distal conserved 27 region, and are highly conserved even with human sequences (Figure 1C, and Danno et al., 2008). An additional Otx site is predicted at Rx2A: -1703, and a forkhead binding element (FBE) at Rx2A: -847 is conserved among Rx regulatory regions in X. laevis (Figure 1C). 2.3.2 The Rx2A regulatory sequence directs gene expression in regions of endogenous Rx expression We tested the ability of the 2.8Kb region upstream of Rx2A to direct gene expression by cloning this fragment upstream of Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)(Rx2A2.8/GFP) and analyzing GFP expression in X. laevis transgenic embryos (Figure 2, A-F). GFP expression was detected in the anterior neural plate of developing embryos, and later in the eyes, ventral forebrain and pineal gland of tailbud stage embryos. Rx2A2.8/GFP transgene is active in all the areas in which endogenous X. laevis Rx is expressed (Zhang et al., 2003, Mathers et al., 1997). 2.3.3 Spatial and temporal specificity of Rx expression are determined by regions within the Rx2A regulatory sequence We performed deletion analysis of the Rx2A2.8 promoter to gain insight into the regulatory mechanisms governing Rx transcription. We generated 5’, 3’ and internal deletions of the Rx2A regulatory sequence, and fused these promoter fragments upstream of GFP. We tested the ability of these constructs to drive expression of GFP in transgenic X. laevis embryos. Analysis of 5’ end promoter deletions. Expression analysis of 5’ deletions (Figure 3, 817) reveals regions of the Rx2A promoter that provide spatial and temporal specificity to the Rx2A promoter sequence. The -2359 fragment results in GFP expression 28 indistinguishable from the full-length construct (Figure 4, A-C). Deleting to -2160 bps results in the loss of GFP expression in the anterior neural plate (ANP) compared to the full-length construct; GFP expression is observed beginning in the optic cups (stage 24) (Figure 3, construct 9; Figure 4, D-F). In addition to the loss of expression in the ANP, ectopic expression is seen in the Rx2A 2160 construct (construct 9 and Figure 4, D-F). Ectopic expression is evident in the dorsal hindbrain of these embryos beginning at stage 24 and persists throughout all stages examined (until stage 41) (Figure 4, D-F, red arrowheads). Both the loss of ANP expression and the ectopic expression in the dorsal hindbrain is evident in constructs containing successive 5’ deletion from -1954 to -944 of the Rx2A promoter (Figure 3, 9-16). Expression, both ectopic and in regions of endogenous Rx expression, becomes progressively weaker in these constructs (Figure 3 constructs 10-16, Figure 4, G-J). Collectively, this data suggests that a cis-acting element that provides spatial and temporal specificity to the Rx2A promoter is located between 2160 and -2359. As well it suggests that additional cis-elements that regulate the strength of expression are present between -2160 and -944 of the Rx2A promoter. As previously mentioned, deleting to -944bps results in ectopic hindbrain expression, very weak forebrain expression and retinal expression from stage 24 onward (Figure 3, construct 16; Figure 4, L). In contrast, deleting to -818bps does not result in visible GFP transgene expression. Sequence analysis reveals the presence of 2 putative FBEs between -818 and -944 (FBE, -847; FBE II, -858). To test whether either of these sites functionally acts as cis-regulatory elements, we added the FBEs individually upstream of the -818 fragment of the Rx2A promoter (Figure 3; constructs 18-19). Only the FBE at -847 (Figure 3; construct 18) was capable 29 of restoring the eye expression in developing embryos (Figure 4, M). We also tested the sufficiency of the two FBEs to direct gene expression in developing eye by creating GFP transgenes containing either FBE upstream of the heat shock promoter (hsp) (Figure 3; constructs 35-36). Neither FBE was sufficient to drive expression of a GFP transgene in this context (data not shown). We conclude that the FBE at -847 represents a functional FBE, and confers expression in the eye in cooperation with the -818 minimal fragment of the Rx2A promoter. Analysis of internal deletions. We further characterized the Rx2A regulatory region by generating a series of internal deletions (Figure 3; constructs 20-22, 24, and 25). The internal deletions include the -818 to 0 bp minimal fragment determined by 5’ deletion analysis. The internal deletion constructs then have serially deleted portions toward the 5’ end (Figure 2; constructs 20-22, 24, and 25). All internal deletions lack the critical region between -944 and -818 bp that contains the functional FBE regulatory element (Figure 2; constructs 20-22, 24 and 25). GFP expression of -818 to -1208 bp (Figure 3; construct 20), the shortest internal deletion, is similar to the expression of the full-length construct (Figure 5A and B). It is expressed in the eye field at the ANP stage and in the presumptive eye at stage 24 (Figure 5A and B). In contrast, we found that internal deletions spanning from -1703 to -2400 bp (Figure 3; constructs 21, 22, 24 and 25) resulted in ectopic GFP expression in a domain ventral to the cement gland at the ANP stage (Figure 5C, F and I). Ectopic expression of GFP ventral to the cement gland was first observed at ANP stages and persisted throughout development (Figure 5D, E, G). At tadpole stages, the ventral domain of ectopic GFP expression seemed to be located in the heart (Figure 5G). Immunolabeling 30 with anti-Myc antibody confirmed expression of the transgene in the heart of embryos transgenic for construct 25 (Figure 5H; red arrowheads). Taken together, these results suggest that additional elements between -818 and -2400 also impart spatial and temporal specificity to the Rx2A promoter. Using the Transcription Element Search Software (TESS) we found two predicted Otx sites located at -1706 and -2183. In X. laevis, Otx2 is expressed at the anterior neural plate and its expression domain forms a ring that surrounds Rx expression in the eyefield (Andreazzoli et al., 1999). This mutually exclusive expression pattern suggests that Otx and Rx negatively regulate their expression at early neurula stages (Andreazzoli et al, 1999). Internally deleting up to -1703 eliminates half of the Otx site located at -1706 (Figure 3; construct 22), possibly rendering it non-functional. To test whether elimination of the -1706 Otx site resulted in ectopic expression of GFP ventral to the cement gland, we added back the Otx site to construct 22 by specifically adding back the Otx sequence (construct 21) or a 126bp region that contains the Otx site (construct 23). We found that addition of the Otx site did not restore expression specificity. 45.8% (n=24) of embryos transgenic for construct 22 had ectopic GFP expression ventral to the cement gland at the ANP stage (Figure 5I). These results suggest that elimination of the Otx site does not lead to ectopic expression of GFP ventrally and that other regulatory elements present within this region are responsible to maintain specificity of promoter activity. Since this region functionally acts as a repressor of ventral expression, we term this region the Central Repressive Element (CRE). 31 Analysis of Hsp constructs. To ask which portions of the Rx2A regulatory region are sufficient for GFP expression, we produced a series of constructs in which the Rx2A minimal fragment (-818 to 0 bp) was replaced with the minimal heat shock protein (hsp) promoter (Figure 3, constructs 27-30, 32). Adding the 1703, 1823 or 2136 distal fragments to the hsp minimal promoter results in transgenic embryos that transiently express GFP in the optic cups (Figure 6A-C). Expression of GFP for these constructs only occurs from stage 24 to stage 28 (Figure 6A-C). In contrast, Rx2A 2400-hsp (Figure 3, construct 34), does not result in GFP expression in embryos (data not shown). These data suggest that the distal portion of the promoter is sufficient to confer transgene expression in Rx expression domains, but that more proximal regions are necessary to sustain the expression during later stages of development. We had determined that the -847 FBE could restore GFP expression during late stages. For this reason, we tested whether the same FBE element could sustain late expression of the hsp transgenes that showed transient expression. Adding the FBE to 2136-hsp (Figure 3; construct 31) resulted in sustained expression of GFP from neurula stages until stage 41 (Figure 6D and E). However, addition of the same FBE to 2400-hsp (Figure 3; construct 33) did not result in detectable expression of GFP (Data not shown). This result suggests a cooperative activity of the FBE with regulatory elements present in the distal 2136 promoter fragment (which contains UCE) to sustain promoter activity until late developmental stages. 32 2.3.4 The SOX and OTX sites within UCE act cooperatively to provide spatial specificity to Rx expression The distal region of the Rx2A promoter contains a highly conserved region identified by bioinformatic analysis. We termed this highly conserved region UCE and tested the ability of specific TF sites within this region to regulate the expression of a GFP transgene. We mutated the SOX site (-2170) and OTX (-2183) site and deleted the POU site (-2201) within UCE (Figure 3, Constructs 2-4) in the context of the full-length Rx2A promoter. We also analyzed whether the more proximal OTX site (-1703) could functionally compensate for the OTX within UCE by mutating OTX (-1703) alone or in combination with the OTX (-2183). Deleting the POU site within UCE results in ectopic GFP expression in developing neural tissue. The ectopic expression appears to be pan-neural in nature as opposed to the focal expression in the dorsal hindbrain observed in other constructs. The ectopic expression as a result of POU mutation begins in early tailbud stage embryos and persists through all stages examined. This data suggests that the POU site contributes specificity to the Rx2A promoter, and appears to provide regional specificity to Rx expression within the developing brain. Mutating both of the OTX sites in the context of the full-length promoter produces ectopic expression in the forebrain of transgenic embryos (Figure 3, construct 7; Figure 4, C-E, red arrows). Ectopic forebrain expression is apparent beginning at stage 24, and persists through stage 41. Mutation of either of the OTX sites alone does not result in aberrant expression in the hindbrain when compared to the full-length construct (data not shown). This suggests that either OTX is capable of compensating for the 33 absence of the other. Mutating the SOX site alone is sufficient to produce ectopic expression of the transgene in the hindbrain region, albeit in a small percentage of embryos (15%, n=12, Figure 5, G-H). Expression in the eyes appears indistinguishable from the full-length construct. However, mutating both the SOX and OTX sites of UCE (Construct 5) in the same construct increases the frequency of ectopic expression to that observed in Rx2A 2160 transgenics (100%, n=12 construct 5 vs. 100%, n=24, construct 9) (Figure 4, D-F). This data suggests that the SOX and OTX sites within UCE are required for spatial specificity within the forebrain, resulting in eye-specific expression. The OTX and SOX sites act cooperatively as the construct harboring mutations in both TF sites results in a higher frequency of embryos with ectopic hindbrain expression than either single mutation alone. It also suggests that the proximal OTX site can compensate for the loss of the distal OTX in the presence of an intact SOX site. 2.3.5 Rx2A promoter activity in the mature retina To investigate whether the full-length Rx2A promoter was capable of directing expression to endogenous regions of the mature retina, we examined expression of Rx2A 2823 by in situ hybridization on retinal sections. Rx2A 2823 is active in the PRL, INL, and partially in the CMZ at stage 41 (Figure 8A). The retinal progenitor cells at the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) can be subdivided the CMZ into four zones based on the maturity of the cells (Perron et al, 1998). In this model of CMZ organization, the most peripheral cells adjacent to the lens are considered retinal stem cells (Zone 1), followed by proliferating retinoblasts (Zone 2), differentiating retinal cells (Zone 3) and postmitotic retinal cells (Zone 4). Due to the absence of GFP expression in the very distal tip 34 of the CMZ, it appears that the full-length Rx2A promoter construct is expressed in zones 2-4 of the CMZ (Figure 8A, brackets). To investigate whether cis-acting elements of the Rx2A promoter differentially regulate gene expression in the INL, PR or CMZ, we examined expression of Rx2A deleting constructs in the mature retina by in situ hybridization on retinal sections (Figure 8). The expression pattern for Rx2A2160/GFP and Rx2A1764/GFP is very similar to the expression of the full-length promoter construct (Figure 8B and C). Both transgenes are expressed in the PRL, INL and zones 2-4 of the CMZ. On the other hand, expression of the GFP transgene is not observable in the INL or CMZ with Rx2A944 /GFP construct (Figure 8D). We also analyzed the expression of transgenes in which the putative Otx and Sox cis-regulatory elements were mutated in the context of the full-length promoter. Mutation of the -2183 Otx site contained within the UCE results in an expression pattern similar to Rx2A-GFP (Figure 8E). Interestingly, mutating both the -2183 and -1703 Otx sites also results in expression in PRL and CMZ, but not INL expression (Figure 8F). Doubly mutating the Sox and Otx cis-regulatory elements within the UCE abolished expression of the transgene in the INL and CMZ (Figure 8G). Lastly, we determined the expression GFP for the internal deletions Rx2A 8181208 and Rx2A 818-2136. Both Rx2A 818-1208 and Rx2A 818-2136 are expressed in the CMZ and PRL, but do not seem to have robust expression in the INL (Figure 8H,I). 2.3.6 Cognate factors that bind the Rx2A cis-elements The UCE contains a functional POU site that acts to maintain expression of Rx expression to the forebrain. It has recently been shown that the Class III POU domain 35 transcription factor, Oct-3 (Brn-2) binds another homeobox-containing transcription factor expressed in RPCs, Chx10 (Rowan et al., 2005). This data along with the overlapping expression pattern between Rx and Oct-6 led to investigate whether Oct-6 acts as a cognate factor the POU site within UCE. By performing electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs) using in vitro- translated Oct-6 and radio-labeled POU site probe, we show that Oct-6 specifically binds the POU site within UCE of the Rx2A promoter. We have shown that the -847 FBE functions as a weak activator of Rx transcription beginning at the optic vesicle stage. We have recently reviewed the expression and function of the forkhead family of transcription factors during eye development (Moose et al., 2008). From this analysis, several forkhead proteins provide substantial candidates as trans-acting factors to bind the FBE, including FoxO3 and FoxN4. Each of these forkhead gene products are expressed from neural plate to late tailbud stages in regions overlapping with endogenous Rx expression. We tested the ability of in vitro- translated FoxO3 and FoxN4 protein to bind the FBE sequence of the Rx2A promoter using a radio-labeled FBE probe using EMSAs (Figure 2.9). Both FoxO3 and FoxN4 are able to bind the FBE in this context. The binding of FoxO3 or FoxN4 to the FBE sequence is specific evidenced by introduction of 10x unlabeled FBE probe. 36 2.4 DISCUSSION 2.4.1 Rx genes in X. laevis are similarly regulated The regulatory region of Rx1A had been previously published (Zhang et al., 2003). Several lines of evidence suggest that Rx1A and Rx2A are similarly regulated: (1) the regulatory sequence directly upstream of the Rx1A gene is sufficient to direct expression of a GFP transgene in regions of endogenous Rx expression, (2) 5’ deletion analysis of the Rx1A promoter sequence indicates that the distal region of the Rx1A promoter is necessary for Rx expression in the ANP, (3) and a cis-element in the proximal region works in concert with a minimal promoter to specify expression at late stages of retinal development. In contrast to the Rx2A promoter, the Rx1A promoter was not sufficient to drive gene expression in the CMZ in the mature retina (Zhang et al., 2003). However, endogenous Rx1A and Rx2A are both expressed in this region. This discrepancy could be due to differences in gene regulatory mechanisms between the two genes. 2.4.2 Expansion of the knowledge of Rx cis-regulatory elements The deletion analysis of Rx2A has furthered the knowledge of Rx gene regulation. We have demonstrated that Rx2A possesses a repressive cis-element in the central region we termed the CRE. The CRE provides expression specificity to the Rx2A gene product, ensuring Rx is not expressed ventral to the cement gland. In addition, we have shown, using Rx2A internal deletions, that a distal fragment (corresponding to the region necessary for ANP expression of Rx1A) is expressed only transiently during early neural stages. A newly identified FBE in the proximal region of Rx2A is responsible for the late expression in the eye from tailbud stage, and our data indicate a synergistic action 37 between the distal UCE and the proximal FBE. Fragments of the Rx2A promoter that have either the UCE or the FBE are sufficient to direct gene expression from early neurula onward. However, constructs containing both the UCE and FBE, lead to robust gene expression in the ANP and onward. Although no data from the studies of the Rx1A promoter contradict the possibility of this synergism, the authors did not directly test it. We have expanded the knowledge of Rx regulation by identifying new cis-regulatory elements and demonstrating cooperativity between these elements. 2.4.3 The central region of the Rx2A promoter possibly contains a repressor element From our analysis of internal deletions of the Rx2A promoter, we defined the region from -1553 to -1703 as containing a functional repressive element for tissue ventral to the cement gland, the CRE. We ruled out that a conserved Otx site was responsible for the ventral ectopic expression within the CRE. We cannot currently ascribe the ventral ectopic expression to the loss of a specific cis-regulatory element. Contrary to the findings of our internal deletion analysis of the Rx2A promoter, we never observed ectopic expression of GFP ventral to the cement gland with 5’ end deletions that lack the CRE. If the CRE acts alone, similar ectopic expression of GFP should have been observed with the 5’ end deletions that lack the central region of the promoter. This discrepancy is suggestive of a transcriptional “ON” and “OFF” regulatory switch that regulates Rx transcription ventral to the cement gland: (1) a region of the Rx2A regulatory sequence turns “ON” Rx expression ventral to the cement gland, (2) while the CRE acts as the “OFF” switch, thus ensuring eye specific expression. Based on our observations, it is likely that a cis-regulatory element for an activator (the “ON” switch) is present at the 5’ end of the promoter distal to the UCE. In 38 agreement with this, internal deletions likely have the activating cis-regulatory element, but lack the CRE. Consequently, Rx transcription is activated and not turned off appropriately, thus resulting in ectopic expression of GFP. We can rule out that UCE acts as the “ON” switch since an internal construct lacking UCE still exhibits ectopic ventral expression. With this same construct we determined that the “ON” activator is present in the promoter region distal to UCE (-2400 to -2823) and for this reason we termed this putative regulatory element the distal activator element (DAE). Moreover, 5’ end deletions that lack the activator, or lack both the activator and CRE, do not exhibit ventral ectopic expression. Further dissection of the promoter is needed to identify specific cis-regulatory elements responsible for regulating Rx transcription within the CRE and DAE. 2.4.4 The UCE and FBE cooperate to activate Rx2A promoter activity In our analysis of the internal deletion constructs, we found that most of the central region of the promoter is not required for its activity in the developing eyes. All of the internal deletion constructs are expressed from ANP stage to late tailbud stage. Interestingly, all of these internal deletions include the UCE, but lack the FBE, with the exception of Rx2A 818-2400. This suggests that in the absence of the FBE, a region containing UCE is sufficient to activate the promoter in the ANP. Currently, we cannot discount the fact that the DAE is not able to functionally replace UCE in Rx2A 818-2400. We also tested whether the 5’ fragment of each internal deletion was sufficient for promoter activity. To do this, we placed the 5’ fragments upstream of the heat shock protein (hsp) minimal promoter. We found that the 1208-hsp construct recapitulated expression of the full-length promoter. In sharp contrast to these results, only transient 39 promoter activity was observed using constructs with shorter 5’ fragments. Transient expression of GFP commenced at stage 24 and was extinguished by stage 28. Lastly, we found that the shortest hsp construct containing the 2400 distal fragment was not sufficient to activate promoter activity at any developmental stage. These results suggest that the UCE is necessary for activation in the ANP, but additional elements are required to maintain expression. In the 5’ end deletion analysis, elimination of the -847 FBE resulted in abolishment of promoter activity. The 1208-hsp promoter construct lacks the FBE but it is still expressed at all stages analyzed. A possible explanation is that the 1208 fragment contains an FBE-like element that compensates for the loss of the -847 FBE. This FBElike element within the 1208 fragment could be sufficient to functionally replace the -847 FBE, thus enabling promoter activity both early and late. The transient expression of the 1556, 1703, and 2136-hsp constructs could be due to loss of the FBE-like element that promotes expression of the 1208-hsp construct. It is likely that in these hsp constructs the UCE is sufficient to initiate promoter activity at stage 24, but that an FBE is required to sustain this activity. However, we cannot explain the expression of GFP at all stages analyzed with the UCE-hsp construct. We hypothesize based on the internal deletion constructs, that the region distal to the UCE contains a DAE for ventral expression. All internal constructs were made using the 818 minimal fragment. However, constructs containing the DAE upstream of the hsp minimal promoter do not exhibit ventral ectopic expression. It appears that the 818 fragment of the Rx2A promoter and the hsp minimal promoter have different capacities for transcriptional activation. This notion is further supported when comparing the 40 construct that contains the FBE and the minimal fragment (Rx2A818+FBE) to one that contains the FBE upstream of the hsp minimal promoter (Rx2A FBE+HSP). Rx2A818+FBE is active, albeit weakly, while Rx2A FBE-HSP is not. This is also consistent with findings concerning Rx1A promoter constructs (Zhang et al., 2003). The majority of the hsp construct data suggests that without additional input, the presence of a UCE does not result in sustained expression past stage 28. However, addition of the -847 FBE to the 2136-hsp construct was sufficient to initiate and maintain robust expression of GFP throughout development. Addition of the same -847 FBE to 2400-hsp, which lacks UCE, did not result in promoter activity at any stage. Collectively, this is consistent with cooperation of the FBE and UCE to initiate and sustain promoter activity. Taken together, the results of the 5’ deletion, internal deletion and hsp construct analysis strongly suggest that the UCE and the FBE are able to independently initiate Rx transcription, and that the cooperation between UCE and FBE maintains strong expression of Rx throughout eye development. 2.4.5 Putative trans-acting factors of the Rx2A promoter We have demonstrated that the POU, Otx and Sox sites within UCE and a proximal FBE are all functional cis-elements within the Rx2A promoter. Several members of each of these transcriptions factor families have the potential to regulate the Rx2A promoter by their known expression in the developing eye. POU factors The deletion of the POU site within UCE results in ectopic expression of a GFP transgene throughout the neural tube from the ANP stages, demonstrating this cisregulatory element acts with repressive function. We have shown that Oct-6 is able to 41 bind the UCE POU site in vitro. We recognize that additional family members may represent cognate factors to the POU sites. In particular, Oct-1 is a POU domain transcription factor that is expressed throughout the neural plate where expression of Rx is initiated. In addition, the expression of Oct-1 at early tailbud stages is strikingly similar to the ectopic expression of the GFP transgene construct containing a mutated POU site (Kiyota et al., 2008). Functionally, Oct-1 acts as a repressor until the recruitment of additional co-factors allow conformational changes in the protein and transcriptional activation results (Ryan and Rosenfeld, 1997). For these reasons, Oct-1 is a POU domain transcription that serves as a candidate trans-acting factor for the Rx2A promoter. Future work will be needed to determine if Oct-1 binds the Rx2A promoter in vitro, and whether Oct-6 or Oct-1 are located at the Rx2A locus in vivo. Otx family members We have determined that the Otx sites within the Rx2A promoter act with repressive function, since Rx2A 5’ deletion constructs without the Otx site(s) and Otx mutated constructs exhibit ectopic expression in the dorsal hindbrain. The ectopic expression is observed in known regions of expression of three members of the Otx family: Otx1, Otx2, Otx3. Each of these Otx family members have both expression patterns and functional roles in CNS development that make them potential trans-acting factors to act on the Rx2A promoter. Also discussed is the potential regulation of Rx transcription by Otx family members, such as Otx2 and Otx5b, in the mature retina. Otx1 is first expressed throughout the presumptive forebrain and midbrain neuroepithelium, and strikingly in precursor cells of sensory organs, including the RPCs of the optic vesicles and anterior region of the developed mouse eye (Simeone et al., 42 1993). Otx1 expression is present in the CMZ of X. laevis (HME, unpublished observations), and this expression in the anterior regions seems to be conserved in humans, as Otx1 is expressed in the anterior region of the human fetal retina (Larsen et al., 2009). It is important to note that Otx1 is the only Otx family member not expressed in differentiated cell types in the retina, and rather only in regions that contain proliferative multi-potent cells. Since Rx is also expressed in both the ANP and in the CMZ that contains multi-potent cells in X. laevis, Otx1 is a strong candidate to regulate the Rx promoter in these regions. Otx2 is also a strong candidate to regulate Rx transcription via UCE in the ANP. Otx2 is expressed in the ANP of X. laevis and functional data also suggests an essential role for Otx2 in eye formation (Andreazzoli et al., 1999, Chuang et al., 1999, Zuber et al., 2003). In X. laevis, Otx2 is expressed throughout the region of the ANP that gives rise to the retina (Pannese et al., 1995), slightly earlier than the onset of expression for Otx1. The domain of Rx expression is within that of Otx2 in the ANP (Zuber et al., 2003; Andreazzoli et al., 1999). It has been suggested that reciprocal repression between Otx2 and Rx specifies the eye field (Zuber et al., 2003). Indeed, Rx (Mathers et al., 1997) is involved in repressing Otx2 expression in the anterior neural plate (Andreazzoli et al., 1999) (Zuber et al., 2003). Otx2 regulation of the Rx2A promoter would provide direct evidence for the remaining reciprocal repression. Otx2 has been independently shown to bind the human enhancer of RAX at the same site we identify in these studies (Danno et al., 2008). Also, Otx2 is expressed and functions to regulate cell fate specification of the pineal gland, another region of endogenous Rx expression (Danno et al., 2008; Furukawa 43 et al., 1999; Nishida et al., 2003). This collectively demonstrates that Otx2 provides an excellent candidate to regulate Rx transcription through the Rx2A promoter. It has been proposed that the expression of Otx2 confers competence to produce eyes in the region of the ANP where it is expressed. Misexpressing eye field genes to produce ectopic eyes is possible only in the Otx2-positive region in zebrafish (Chuang et al., 1999). In addition, in X. laevis, a cocktail of EFTF mRNAs is sufficient to induce ectopic eyes outside the CNS, but only when Otx2 is included (Zuber et al., 2003). These studies are concordant with Otx2 being upstream of Rx, since Rx is also necessary for eye formation (Mathers et al., 1997). One caveat to these studies is that in mice, Otx1 and Otx2 appear to be functionally redundant (Reviewed in Simeone et al., 2001). So, it cannot be ruled out that Otx1 provides this function during normal development, but that Otx2 is sufficient to produce the same effect under certain experimental circumstances. In either case, both Otx1 and Otx2 provide solid candidates to regulate the Rx promoter. Otx3 appears to also be more caudally expressed throughout the hindbrain than either Otx1 or Otx2 (Zhang et al., 2002), and Otx3 is also expressed in the developing optic cups, although it is not clear whether the eye expression is maintained in differentiated cell types or whether Otx3 is expressed in the anterior region of the eye in mammals or CMZ of X. laevis. Nonetheless, Otx3 has an expression pattern consistent with potential to regulate gene expression. Lastly, Otx5b is expressed in the developing and mature photoreceptor cells of the neural retina, as well as in the pineal gland (Furukawa et al., 1999; Vignali et al., 2000). Loss of Otx5b function results in photoreceptor degeneration in mice (Furukawa et al., 1999), a phenotype that is also observed when Rx translation is knocked down in X. 44 laevis tadpoles (Pan et al; manuscript submitted). In addition, Rx and Otx5b cooperate to activate the rhodopsin promoter (Pan et al; manuscript submitted). An attractive hypothesis is that Otx5b positively regulates Rx expression to promote photoreceptor identity. Therefore, Otx5b represents another Otx family member with the potential to regulate Rx gene expression, at least in photoreceptor cells. In summary, since no Otx family member has an expression pattern that completely recapitulates the expression of Rx, it is likely that the Otx cis-element (s) are responsive to different Otx family members depending on developmental stage or cell type. For example Otx1, Otx2, and Otx3 are each robustly expressed in the developing forebrain during development (Zhang et al., 2002), and are present to act on the Rx2A promoter in cells of the ANP. In the mature eye, Otx1 appears to be the only Otx gene product expressed in the proliferative cells of the retinal margin in mice, and may be the only Otx member with the potential to regulate Rx gene expression in the CMZ. Otx2 and Otx5b are both expressed in cells of the INL, and in photoreceptors, making them likely candidates to act alone in or in concert to regulate Rx transcription in these cell types. As previously mentioned, Otx2 was shown to bind the human RAX enhancer in vivo (Danno et al., 2008). However, the authors did not explore the ability of additional Otx family members to bind, nor did they investigate the specificity of binding in different cell types or developmental stages. Sox family members Our site-directed mutations within UCE of the Rx2A promoter suggest an involvement of Sox family of transcription factors in regulating the Rx2A promoter. Sox factors from three classes of Sox genes are expressed in early CNS structures (Sasai, 45 2001), and could act as trans-acting factors to the functional Sox site in the Rx2A promoter: the Sox B1 subclass (Sox 1, 2, 3), SoxB2 subclass (Sox 14 and sox21) and the group G Sox protein, SoxD (Reviewed in Sasai, 2001). Sox1 is expressed in the ANP of X. laevis embryos, and becomes restricted to regions of the brain as well as optic vesicle by tailbud stages (Nitta et al., 2006). Sox3 is robustly expressed throughout the closing neural tube, but is not maintained in the eye, restricting the possibility for Sox3 to regulate the Rx2A promoter to early time points (Penzel et al., 1997). Sox 14 and Sox 21 have multiple regions of expression within the developing brain (Cunningham et al., 2008; Penzel et al., 1997). However, the only region that represents their potential to regulate Rx transcription is their expression within the mid-hind-brain boundary (Cunningham et al., 2008). All these Sox family members have the potential to regulate Rx transcription on the basis of their expression in the ANP. Despite multiple Sox factors being expressed in regions of Rx expression, Sox2 provides the most convincing candidate for the regulation of the Rx promoter. Sox2 has been heavily implicated in eye development. Sox2 maintains the pluripotency of neural progenitor populations, including RPCs (Graham et al., 2003; Van Raay et al., 2005). Sox2 heterozygous mutations result in 10-20% of all anophthalamic and microphthalmic cases in humans (Ragge et al., 2005). In animal models, genetic alteration of the Sox2 locus also results in defects in eye formation (Taranova, 2005), and the authors demonstrate that Sox2 contributes to progenitor cell competence in the neural retina (Taranova, 2005). Lastly, and most strikingly, Sox2 has been shown to bind upstream of the RAX promoter in vivo at the ANP stage (Danno et al., 2008). However, these 46 experiments did not rule out the involvement of other Sox proteins at different time points. All known Sox transcription factors bind very similar DNA sequences (Kamachi et al., 1999). Nevertheless, individual Sox proteins have been shown to have distinct targets (Kamachi et al., 1999; Kamachi et al., 2000). Therefore, it has been proposed that Sox factors form complexes with other proteins to affect transcription, and that accessory co-factors provide transcriptional specificity (Donner et al., 2007). Forkhead transcription factors The FBE is a functional cis-element in the Rx2A promoter that is capable of weakly driving expression at optic vesicle stage and onward. We show that FoxO3 and FoxN4 can both bind the FBE in vitro. Even in light of these results, further characterization of the sequence defined by the FBE reveals that it is most like a FoxM family site as compared to binding sites from other forkhead subfamilies (data not shown). Additionally, we know that the FBE acts as a weak activator for Rx transcription during stages of rapid proliferation of RPCs. FoxM1 provides an excellent additional candidate because of its known role in the cell cycle progression and function as a transcriptional activator (Wierstra and Alves, 2007). Future studies will address whether these candidates act as the trans-acting factors that activate Rx transcription through the FBE. 2.4.6 Coordinated regulatory activity of gene families implicated in Rx2A promoter regulation It is evident from the deletion analysis that the presence of intact POU, Otx and Sox sites are essential for both the proper induction and specificity in the ANP region of 47 transgenic embryos. The following section discusses the known cooperativity between members of these transcription factor families. We also provide a working model to explain Rx2A transcription regulation by cis-elements based on our deletion analysis. Firstly, it has been previously shown that Otx2 and Sox2 can physically interact, and these two proteins are localized at the RAX promoter in vivo (Danno et al., 2008). Using luciferase constructs containing multimerized Otx and Sox sites based on the RAX sequence, the authors found that only the introduction of Otx2, not Sox2, is sufficient to activate a reporter construct in vitro (Danno et al., 2008). Mutating the Sox or Otx sites abolishes the transactivation seen with Otx2. The authors of this study do not discuss the presence or importance of the upstream POU site within the RAX regulatory region. In contrast, our studies suggest additional regulation through the conserved POU site within UCE. The interaction of POU domain proteins and Sox proteins is well documented (Reviewed in Dailey 2001). Several POU/Sox complexes have been identified that function as transcriptional regulatory complexes, including several containing Sox2. Sox2 is capable of cooperating with Oct-1, Oct-3/4, and Oct-6 (Ambrosetti et al., 1997; Ambrosetti et al., 2000; Nishimoto et al., 1999; Tanaka et al., 2004). Interestingly, the ability to transactivate gene targets is confined to discrete partnerships. For example, the Sox2/Oct-3/4 complex can transcriptionally activate the FGF-4 promoter; transcriptional activation is only possible in the presence of POU/Sox protein-protein interaction and is DNA binding dependent (Ambrosetti, 1997). In contrast, a Sox2/Oct-1 complex is not (Ambrosetti, 1997). These data suggest that (1) complex formation is essential for transactivation and (2) there is functional specificity between Sox and POU partners. In addition, it has been shown that the activation or 48 continued repression of gene targets by POU/Sox complexes is dependent on the recruitment of co-factors (reviewed in Dailey et al., 2001). It is interesting to speculate about whether the POU/Sox site in the Rx2A promoter coordinate transcription in this manner, and what might provide the additional co-activator/co-repressor function. One scenario would be the recruitment of Otx family members to a POU/Sox repressor complex within UCE. This mechanism would allow specificity to gene expression by the employment of different Otx family members in a tissue/temporal specific manner. A second intriguing scenario is that the co-activator recruited by a UCE POU/Sox complex is bound at the functional FBE in the proximal promoter. A third possibility is that the binding of stage/tissue-specific Otx proteins to POU/Sox complex at UCE enables an interaction with an activating trans-factor bound at the FBE. Either model involving Otx recruitment explains the difference in ectopic expression that is seen between the site-directed mutation of the POU site (pan-neural ectopic expression), and the loss of ANP expression using 5’ deletion constructs. In the case of the site-directed POU mutation, only the repressive function of POU is lost, and ectopic expression is gained. Intriguingly, the POU domain protein, OCT-1, possesses an expression pattern strikingly similar to the ectopic expression seen in the site-directed POU mutation transgenic embryos. In the case of 5’ deletions that lose expression in the neural plate, the POU site is lost along with the adjacent Sox and Otx sites. We speculate that the POU/Sox proteins form a transcriptional repressor complex at UCE (as is the case for many POU/Sox partnerships), until the recruitment of an Otx creates the potential to transactivate. If this is the case, then the loss of the POU/Sox/Otx sites 49 together would result in a loss of gene expression, as is the case regarding 5’ deletion constructs in the ANP. Moreover, this model can account for both the loss of expression in the anterior neural plate, and the gain of expression in the dorsal midbrain of 5’ deletion constructs. We consider that different Otx members might regulate the Rx2A promoter in different cell types, and Otx proteins can act as co-activators or co-repressors. This allows the possibility to recruit a co-repressor in the dorsal hindbrain (possibly Otx2), and a coactivator in the developing RPCs (possibly Otx1) or photoreceptor cells (possibly Otx5b). Interestingly, a combinatorial code between POU/Otx family members has recently been proposed for the production of bipolar cell gene expression (Kim, 2008). 2.4.7 Future directions Rx2A deletion analysis has lead us to propose the presence of a DAE and CRE that work together to retain Rx transcription in the developing eyes. We have not, however, defined specific TF sites that are responsible for their action. In the future, finer deletion examination of the DAE combined with continued bioinformatic analysis may reveal specific TF sites. We have identified four major TF sites that function in the regulation of Rx transcription. Therefore, the majority of the future work related to these studies should be focused on defining the trans-acting factors that function as biologically relevant Rx transcriptional regulators. Continued analysis using EMSAs will be used to confirm whether candidate trans-acting factors bind the identified cis-regulatory elements in vitro. To answer whether each putative Rx regulator is pertinent in vivo, we will perform chromatin immunoprecipitation using antibodies specific to candidate factors and primers 50 specific to the Rx2A regulatory region. Lastly, we will analyze the nature of regulation by performing gene transcription assays using luciferase constructs containing full-length or deletion Rx2A fragments in X. laevis embryos. This method will also enable investigation of the co-regulatory capacity of trans-acting factors. 51 FIGURE 2.1 Conservation and in silico analysis of the Rx2A Regulatory Region (A) Xenopus Laevis Rx2A genomic sequence isolated by linker mediated PCR aligned with Rx1A regulatory sequence (Zhang et al., 2004). Segments of DNA with percent identity above 50% are shown. (B) Schematic Representation of the Rx2A regulatory region. Scale indicates transcription start to the right. Longest regions of highest identity revealed by Pip analysis (red boxes) and predicted cis-regulatory elements predicted by MatInspector are shown. Yellow: POU Domain Motif. Light Green: OTX Motif. Blue: SOX Motif. Dark Green: Forkhead Motif. Regions of greatest divergence are shown in teal (see text for details). (C) Alignments showing conservation of predicted TFBS within the Rx2A regulatory region. ClustalW alignments are shown (MacVector Software). Completely conserved residues are shown in gray. Colored boxes indicate core binding motifs transcription factors. Numbers indicate relative position from proximal end of isolated Rx2A regulatory region. 52 Figure 2.2 Rx2A2.8 Directs Gene Expression in the Eye Fields, Hypothalamus and Pineal Gland. Fluorescent images taken of Rx2A2.8/GFP transgene. Stages are indicated in each panel. Views: (A) anterior; (D) dorsal; (B-C, E-F) lateral. Expression of GFP is first evident in the anterior neural plate (A), and is present in the developing eye during neurula and tailbud stages (B-F). (D) Dorsal view that demonstrates eye specific expression. Expression is also evident in other known regions of Rx expression: the hypothalamus (arrows E, F) and pineal gland (arrowheads, E, F) 53 Figure 2.3 Deletion Constructs Produced to Investigate Transcriptional Activity of the Rx2A Regulatory Region Deletion name and schematic representation of transgene constructs are shown: black bar, Rx2A sequence; green bar, GFP; gray bar, HSP promoter. The entire regulatory sequence isolated is shown in schematic form above and below the transgene constructs: red, regions of high conservation with Rx1A sequence, light blue, regions of divergence with Rx1A sequence; blue, predicted inversion event. Vertical dashed line indicates where distal conserved region aligns in deletion constructs. 54 Figure 2.3 55 56 Figure 2.4 The Rx2A promoter contains cis-elements required for proper spatial and temporal gene expression of the GFP transgene White arrows, regions of endogenous expression. Red arrows, ectopic expression. Transgenes represented are detailed on the right. (A-C) Rx2A 2394, (D-F) Rx2A 2160; (G-H) Rx2A 1823; (I-J) Rx2A 1208; (K) RX2A 1090; (L) RX2A 944; (M) RX2A 818+FBE. 57 Figure 2.5 Internal deletions of the Rx2A promoter demonstrate additional regulatory regions that provide spatial specificity Transgenes represented are detailed on the right. (A-B) Rx2A 818-1208; (C-E) Rx2A 818-1236; (F-H) Rx2A 818-2400; (I) Rx2A 818-1703+Otx. 58 Figure 2.6 Cooperative activity of UCE and the proximal FBE directs gene expression throughout developmental stages Transgenes represented are detailed on the right. (A) Rx2A 1703‐hsp; (B) Rx2A 1823‐hsp; (C) Rx2A 2136‐hsp; (D­E) Rx2A 2136 + FBE‐hsp. 59 Figure 2.7 POU, Sox and Otx sites within UCE cooperatively regulate Rx expression in the developing eyes of Xenopus laevis embryos White arrows, regions of endogenous expression. Red arrows, ectopic expression. Transgenes represented are detailed on the right. (A-B) Rx2A UCE delPOU; (C-E) Rx2A mutOtx (-2179/-1703); (FH) Rx2A UCE mutSOX; (I-K) Rx2AUCE mutOtx/mutSox. 60 Figure 2.8 Expression of Rx2A-GFP transgenes in the mature retina. In situ hybridization on retinal sections of stage 41 transgenic tadpoles showing the expression of each transgene. (A) Rx2A 2823; (B) Rx2A 2160; (C) Rx2A 1764; (D) Rx2A 944; (E) Rx2A UCE mutOTX; (F) Rx2A mutOtx (-2179/-1703); (G) Rx2A UCE mutOtx/mutSox; (H) Rx2A 818-1208; (I) Rx2A 818-2136. 61 62 Figure 2.9 Oct-6, FoxO3 and FoxN4 bind Rx2A promoter cis-elements in vitro EMSA using Oct-6 in vitro-translated protein and radio-labeled POU site probe (A). S, specific competitor, unlabeled R2A UCE POU probe. M-mutated Rx2A UCE POU site probe. EMSA using FoxN4 (B) or FoxO3 (C) in vitro-translated protein. Radio-labeled Rx2A FBE was used as probe. Sspecific competitor, unlabeled Rx2A FBE probe. NS-radio-labeled OCTA probe. Figure 2.10 Model of Rx2A transcriptional regulation derived from deletion analysis Schematic representation of the Rx2A locus is shown as a black bar, coding region indicated by gray bar. Functional sites as defined by deletion analysis. Candidate factors for each functional site are those discussed in the text. Bold represents factors with significant data supporting action as a cis-regulatory molecule. +, suggested cooperative activity between OTX and SOX site due to increased ectopic expression in construct containing double mutation compared to construct containing either a OTX or a SOX mutation alone. Abbreviations: ANP, anterior neural plate; CRE, central repressive element; DAE, distal activating element; DH, Dorsal hindbrain; PN, pan-neural; UCE, ultra conserved element; VCG, ventral to cement gland. 63 64 65 66 67 Chapter 3: Seeing Eye to Eye: Forkhead Transcription factors during eye development 3.1 INTRODUCTION Recently, accumulating evidence has been demonstrated for a third major family of transcription factors to be involved in eye development- the forkhead family of transcription factors. Forkhead transcription factors are an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins whose functions are diverse in developmental processes. The evergrowing family of forkhead proteins are divided into subclasses A to S according to the conservation within their signature winged helix DNA binding domain (Kaestner et al., 2000). They function as transcription factors, modulators of cell cycle machinery function, cell fate determinants, as well as cell survival factors. Recently it has become apparent that several subfamilies of forkheads transcription factors are expressed in developing eye tissue. Here, the accumulating data regarding eye expression of forkhead gene products to iterate the importance of this family in control of retinal precursors during development. We highlight several forkhead proteins that regulate the activity of retinal progenitor cells within the vertebrate eye. We describe the expression patterns of known retinal forkhead genes across vertebrate species. We also discuss the available functional data regarding forkhead proteins in the retina as transcription factors and cell fate determinants. In this review, we will use species-specific conventions for writing 68 forkhead gene and gene product names: the forkhead box abbreviation (fox), followed by the family designation, followed by the intra-familial individual gene designation with species-specific capitalization. For example, the forkhead box gene A1 will be designated as FOXA1 (human), FoxA1 (frog), Foxa1 (mammals), or foxa1 (zebrafish). 3.2 METHODS In situ hybridization was performed on 8µm retinal sections as previously described (Pan et al., 2006b; Shimamura et al., 1994; Viczian et al., 2003). Probes were used at a concentration of 2.5µg/µl diluted in hybridization buffer. The following table describes the production of antisense probes used in this study. 3.3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.3.1 Forkhead transcription factors in anterior eye structures The retina in vertebrates is derived from competent neural ectoderm during development. A region of the anterior neural plate is specified during neurulation as prospective eye tissue. Multiple inductive events between this region and the overlying presumptive lens ectoderm properly determine the eye fields. The differentiation of the neural retinal precursors in this region occurs in a conserved stereotypical manner to produce proper 69 retinal layering and cell differentiation of the seven neural retinal cell types (6 neuronal and one glial). Several forkhead transcription factors are expressed in the developing eye and differentiated retina. Here we discuss the accumulating expression data for retinal forkhead gene products with a focus on comparison of expression patterns across vertebrate species. Forkhead transcription factors are known to play critical roles in the development of the anterior eye. Although they are not the focus of the current review, they deserve mention due to the nature of reciprocal interaction of developing neural retina with developing lens and anterior tissue during eye development in vertebrates. The forkhead genes thus far that contribute to anterior segment phenotypes belong to the C, E and P subclasses. FoxC1 mutations have been linked to Axenfeld-Reiger anomaly (ARA) as wells as Type I Iridogoniodysgenesis (OMIM:601090). Recently, Tamini et al, demonstrated that the FoxC1 also directs lens development during zebrafish development (Tamimi et al., 2006). Mice heterozygous for either Foxc1 or Foxc2 exhibit anterior segment phenotypes (Smith et al., 2000) and a linkage mapping study showed mutations in bovine Foxc2 segregated with ocular dysgenesis phenotypes (Abbasi et al., 2006). To date, however, no human mutation in FoxC2 has been linked to ocular disease to date despite screening of 32 patients with ARA (Smith et al., 2000). Allelic variants of human FOXE3 have been linked to congenital eye malformation syndromes in humans reviewed in (Medina-Martinez et al., 2005; MedinaMartinez and Jamrich, 2007). A homozygous null mutation causes congenital aphakia in humans (Valleix et al., 2006), and a single nucleotide insertion resulting in a frameshift 70 mutation in the single coding exon of FOXE3 causes anterior segment mesenchymal dysgenesis (Semina et al., 2001). The mouse dysgenetic lens (Dyl) phenotype was shown to be caused by two mutations in the DNA binding domain of Foxe3, thus confirming its role in proper lens development (Blixt et al., 2000; Brownell et al., 2000). The ability of FoxE family members to contribute to proper lens development is a highly conserved mechanism. Morpholino knockdown of the Danio rerio foxe3 orthologue results in morphants with multilayered lens epithelial cells as well as a significant lens fiber cell dysmorphogenic phenotype (Shi et al., 2006). To date, no ocular phenotype has been identified in association with mutations in genes of the FoxP subclass, but a recent report describes the expression of two X. laevis FoxP orthologues in developing lens tissue. FoxP1 shows lens specific expression in addition to faint expression in the neural retina (see below) (Pohl et al., 2005). 3.3.2 Forkhead transcription factors in the developing neural retina Expression of FoxD1 in X. laevis eye fields begins during early tailbud stages and continues in the temporal region of the retina in subsequent stages (Mariani and Harland, 1998). The foxd1 orthologue in zebrafish exhibits a comparable expression pattern (Odenthal and Nusslein-Volhard, 1998). In mammals, Foxd1 is also expressed in the temporal region of the optic cup and retina (Hatini et al., 1994). Mammalian Foxd1 and Foxg1 are expressed in retinal precursor cells in a distinct, complementary pattern at the optic vesicle stage of development (Hatini et al., 1994). Mammalian Foxg1 is expressed in the anterior neural plate and the nasal retina as development proceeds (Huh et al., 1999). Expression is also evident in the lens and optic nerve (Pratt et al., 2004). It has been suggested that the reciprocal nature of the Foxd1 71 and Foxg1 expression patterns is related to their function in determining retinal cell fate (see below). The expression of the FoxG1 homologue in X. laevis is observed in the telencephalic region of the developing forebrain (Bourguignon et al., 1998). However, retinal expression of FoxG1 is not apparent in Xenopus embryos (Bourguignon et al., 1998; HEM and HME, unpublished data). Three members of the FoxP subclass in Xenopus laevis exhibit eye expression. FoxP1, FoxP2 and FoxP4 are expressed in X. laevis beginning at mid-gastrula stage. FoxP2 appears restricted to the dorsal-most cells within the retinal anlage at this stage; it persists in the eye throughout tailbud stages, and becomes highly specific to the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) after differentiation of the neural retina (Schon et al., 2006b). FoxP4 is expressed in the retinal anlage at neural tube stages and persists in the neural retina through tailbud and tadpole stages (Schon et al., 2006). Danio rerio foxp2 resides in the inner plexiform layer after differentiation of neural retinal subtypes (Bonkowsky and Chien, 2005), demonstrating that FoxP2 expression patterns are not conserved among vertebrate species. Foxp1 and Foxp2 in mice have been described in developing CNS structures (Ferland et al., 2003; Lu et al., 2002; Shu et al., 2001; Takahashi et al., 2003; Tamura et al., 2003), gut (Pohl et al., 2005; Shu et al., 2001), and lung tissues (Lu et al., 2002; Shu et al., 2001) but neither has been specifically investigated in retinal tissue of mammals. Noteworthy, however, is the high conservation of the FoxP family members across species (86% identical between mouse and human orthologues), and their common expression patterns in other reported tissues such as the cerebellum. 72 A single citation regarding X. laevis FoxK1, describes its expression in the eye primordia, where its expression is seen in a dorsal to ventral gradient (Pohl and Knochel, 2004). Whether FoxK1 is maintained in the CMZ after differentiation was not reported. In zebrafish, foxl1 is expressed in the neural retina (Nakada et al., 2006) after neurulation (33hpf), albeit weakly. Expression patterns of the Foxl1 homologue in mammals does not reveal any similarities (Fukuda et al., 2003; Kaestner et al., 1997). In the case of FoxL proteins, there is little conservation beyond the forkhead domain, requiring more investigation into whether Danio rerio foxl1 and mouse Foxl1 are functionally equivalent (Nakada et al., 2006). Even so, the knockdown phenotype (discussed below) reveals a certain involvement for foxl1 in zebrafish eye development. A recent paper by Pohl et al. describes the initiation of FoxO3 expression in the Xenopus eye at stage 26, a time in development before retinogenesis occurs (Pohl et al., 2004). FoxO3 expression is specific to the neural retina in X. laevis, as the lens is devoid of FoxO3 expression (Pohl et al., 2004). Expression of the mouse homologue of Foxo3 has not been described in retinal tissue. However, four FoxO family members exist in mammals (Foxo1,3,4 and 6), and Foxo1 is expressed in the photoreceptor layer of P0 mice (Gray et al., 2004). Whether X. laevis FoxO3 and mouse Foxo1 proteins serve homologous functions in the eye still remains to be investigated. 3.3.3 Forkhead transcription factors in differentiated retinal cell types Only two forkhead gene products are known to be expressed in the fully mature neural retina but not during developmental stages. A single citation for Foxs1 describes its expression in the outer nuclear layer of the adult mammalian retina, as well as in a subset of ganglion cells at P14 by analysis of a β-galactosidase reporter gene knock-in 73 mouse at the Foxs1 locus (Heglind et al., 2005). However, eye expression has not been described for either endogenous mouse Foxs1 (Kaestner et al., 1993) or the X. laevis orthologue, FoxD2 (Pohl and Knochel, 2002). The Foxf1 β-galactosidase reporter mouse also demonstrates staining in a subset of the cells within the outer nuclear layer of the retina (Kalinichenko et al., 2003). The X. laevis homologue of the predominantly mesodermally expressed Foxf1 has not been detected in the eye, although two reports describe complete expression patterns (Koster et al., 1999; Tseng et al., 2004). A single EST described as moderately similar to Foxf1 was isolated from a Danio rerio retinal library (Dr.91954), although the expression pattern has not been reported. Species-specific differences may account for the discrepancies between these reports. 3.3.4 Forkhead transcription factors in retinal progenitors Many vertebrate species have a pool of retinal progenitor cells that remain active as slowly dividing precursor cells for all retinal cell types, even after complete differentiation of the retinal cell layers. In zebrafish and X. laevis, these cells reside in a compartment that is termed the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) (Johns, 1977; Straznicky and Gaze, 1971). A spatial gradient along the peripheral to central axis of the CMZ further defines the level of stem cell potential: peripheral cells remain undifferentiated and are slowly dividing, followed by a zone of proliferating neuroblast cells, a region of actively differentiating precursors, and, finally, differentiated, post-mitotic neurons. In addition, cells residing in the inner nuclear layer of fish retina normally contribute to the rod photoreceptor lineage (Johns, 1982; Julian et al., 1998). In retinal injury models, these cells have clearly been shown to exhibit multipotency, defining them as a second 74 population of stem cells within the teleost retina (Del Rio-Tsonis and Tsonis, 2003; Hitchcock and Raymond, 1992; Otteson et al., 2001; Otteson and Hitchcock, 2003). In rodents, potential retinal stem cells reside within the pigmented ciliary epithelium (Ahmad et al., 2000; Perron and Harris, 2000; Reh and Fischer, 2001; Tribioli et al., 2002; Tropepe et al., 2000). The presence of a given factor in the retinal stem cell population underscores its importance in the developmental processes of cell-cycle control and differentiation. The gene expression profiles of the subdivisions of the CMZ in Xenopus correspond to sequential expression of transcription factors during retinoblast development during embryogenesis (Dorsky et al., 1995; Perron et al., 1998). Thus, knowledge of the spatial expression patterns in lower vertebrates contributes to the understanding of embryonic retinoblast differentiation in mammals. For this reason, we highlight forkhead transcription factors that are expressed in the retinal progenitor population. The FoxN subclass demonstrates distinct patterns of eye specificity. Mouse Foxn2 is first detected at E10.5 in the optic cup (Tribioli et al., 2002). Expression is less robust in the eye field at 11.5, and is restricted to the nasal ventral region within the eye. FoxN2 is first detected in the early eye field of X. laevis embryos and persists through tailbud stages in the differentiating retina (Kelly et al., 2007; Schuff et al., 2006). In the mature retina, FoxN2 is expressed throughout the CMZ (Figure 1). FoxN3 is robustly expressed in the prospective eye fields at the time of neurulation in X. laevis embryos. Expression becomes limited to cells of the inner nuclear layer of the central retina at stage 38. Later, minimal expression can be seen in a subset of cells of both the ganglion cell layer and the inner nuclear layer. (Figure 1). 75 Expression is also visible in the lens at stages 38 and 41, appearing in the region of proliferating lens cells. A mouse ortholog of Foxn3 in mouse has been identified(Schorpp et al., 1997), although its expression pattern has yet to be published. Foxn4 expression is predominantly eye-specific in mammals (Gouge et al., 2001). Homologues in both X. laevis and Danio rerio also exhibit this highly specific pattern of expression. (Danilova et al., 2004; Kelly et al., 2007; Schuff et al., 2006). In each species, the expression of FoxN4 begins in the eye field before the time an eye is morphologically evident. Expression is maintained in the neural retina during development, but is downregulated as differentiation occurs. In the mouse, this is evident as Foxn4 is expressed in cells of the ventricular zone, encompassing the entire central retina at E12.5. By P2, Foxn4 is downregulated in both differentiated ganglion and photoreceptor cells layers, but maintained in the ventricular zone. The expression of FoxN4 is similar in zebrafish and X. laevis: high expression in the primordial eye fields and downregulated in differentiated retina, although maintained in the CMZ of the respective species (Danilova et al., 2004; Pohl et al., 2005; Schuff et al., 2006). We have determined that FoxN4 is expressed in all but the most peripheral of the CMZ compartments (Figure 1). FoxM1 is expressed in eye fields of X. laevis embryos from neurulation through tailbud stage, and also evident in CMZ (Pohl et al., 2005). Additionally, FoxM1 is not expressed in the most peripheral region of the CMZ adjacent to the lens (Figure 1), suggesting it may not be critical to maintain these cells in a true stem cell state. This is consistent with reports from mammals where Foxm1 was initially published as a factor present in all proliferating mammalian cells, although downregulated in terminally 76 differentiated cell (Korver et al., 1997a; Korver et al., 1997b; Yao et al., 1997; Ye et al., 1997). There has been no report to date of the Foxm1 specifically within the developing retina within mammals. A zebrafish entry for foxm1-like clone exists (BC054560), however no expression pattern or functional data has been published. 3.3.5 Retinal forkhead function in eye development The forkhead family of proteins is defined by the conserved forkhead DNA binding domain. These factors function to regulate expression of target genes through their ability to activate or repress transcription in a sequence-specific manner. The following section summarizes the published data regarding transcriptional regulation by retinal forkheads. Discussion of targets is limited to those deemed pertinent to eye development, and does not represent a comprehensive view of known forkhead targets. FoxD1 was shown to be a transcriptional repressor during neurulation events (Mariani and Harland, 1998). Fusion proteins comprising FoxD1 and the engrailed transcriptional repression domain exhibit the same biological activity as the wild type protein, suggesting that FoxD1 normally functions as a transcriptional repressor. Foxd1 activity is not required for the proper specification of neural retinal precursors, since Foxd1 deficient mice develop grossly normal eyes (Hatini et al., 1994; Herrara et al., 2004). However, inactivation of the Foxd1 gene results in an abnormality in optic chiasm formation, as well as anomalies in kidney, forebrain and adrenal gland development (Hatini et al., 1994; Herrera et al., 2004). Mouse Foxd1 is expressed in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) of the temporal retina, and this expression is required for maintaining the proper number of RGCs as well as for normal RGC axon projections into the optic tract. Although this phenotype allows the retinae of Foxd1 deficient embryos to appear grossly 77 normal, the Foxd1 phenotype has a profound impact on the development of binocular vision by affecting the development of the optic chiasm. In these animals, the Foxg1 expression domain is expanded ventral-temporally. Foxg1 and Foxd1 have been proposed to regulate downstream targets within the optic cup to determine regional specificity of axon projections (Yuasa et al., 1996). FoxG1 had been hypothesized to have both activating and repressive functions (Ahlgren et al., 2003; Bourguignon et al., 1998; Li et al., 1996; Yao et al., 2001). Overexpression of fusion constructs of FoxG1 containing a strong activation domain or a strong repressor domains fail to recapitulate the full phenotype of wild type FoxG1 (Bourguignon et al., 1998). The dual role in transcriptional activity is supported by sequence data. FoxG1 in a conserved portion of the N-terminus of FoxG1 is highly similar to the transactivation domain of FoxA2 (Pani et al., 1992) and the C-terminal region was specifically shown to have repressive function in the chick homologue, qin (Li et al., 1995). It remains unclear what allows FoxG1 to change between the activating and repressing function. Several data suggest retinal expressed targets of FoxG1. FoxG1 induces the expression of Ephrin A family members (Takahashi et al., 2003). When FoxG1 is misexpressed in the temporal retina, it represses EphA3, a tyrosine kinase receptor expressed in the retina, as well as FoxD1. In X. laevis, p27XIC1, the homologue of the cdk inhibitor p27Kip1, has been shown to be a direct downstream target of FoxG1 (Ahlgren et al., 2003; Hardcastle and Papalopulu, 2000). The activation of Ephrin family members may indirectly result from regulation of p27XIC1 by FoxG1. The repression of p27Kip1 removes a growth-inhibitory signal, allowing activation of Ephrin A family 78 members (Ahlgren et al., 2003; Pohl and Knochel, 2005). The repressive functions of FoxG1 is mediated by interaction with Groucho and Hes transcriptional co-repressors in the telencephalic progenitors (Marcal et al., 2005; Yao et al., 2001). It will be interesting to test the possibility that this mechanism is conserved in retinal progenitors with retinal expressed groucho family members, such as Grg4 or Grg5 (Zhu et al., 2002). The previous data demonstrate that FoxG1 contributes to the control of neuroectoderm proliferation in the developing retina. FoxG1 loss of function studies demonstrate the importance of FoxG1 in proper eye development. Foxg1 mutant mice never develop an optic stalk, the most ventral of structures to be derived from the optic vesicle during eye development (Huh et al., 1999; Xuan et al., 1995). Instead, optic stalk tissue is replaced by neural retina. In these mutants, Pax6 and Pax2 expression, normally distributed along a dorsal -ventral gradient, is perturbed, suggesting that Foxg1 acts to control a dorsal-ventral gene expression program within the neuroepithelium during eye development. A specific loss of sonic hedgehog (shh) expression in the ventral telencephalic region of neuroepithelium precedes the phenotypic changes in the eye in the Foxg1-/- mice. This raises the possibility that Foxg1 acts upstream of shh and that the Foxg1 phenotype is caused by this local loss of shh signaling (Huh et al., 1999; Xuan et al., 1995). In addition to the morphological phenotypes seen in Foxg1-/- eyes, retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axon navigation is perturbed. RGC axons extend along the optic nerve to the ventral surface of the hypothalamus. Most RGCs subsequently cross the midline at the optic chiasm and join the contralateral optic tract, while those that do not reside in the ipsilateral optic tract. In Foxg1-/- eyes, the proportion of RGCs that contribute to the ipsilateral optic 79 tract is significantly increased compared to wild type RGCs (Pratt et al., 2004). The authors contend that loss of Foxg1 affects the ability of RGCs to respond to attractive or repulsive cues at the optic chiasm to correctly navigate along optic tracts. These data suggest a dual role for Foxg1 in eye development: initially, in the control of eye morphogenesis by control of gene expression in the retinal epithelium and subsequently in axon guidance of RGCs. Recently, Xenopus knockdown of FoxN3 has demonstrated its critical role for proper eye formation (Schuff et al., 2007). Embryos injected with antisense morpholino oligonucleotides exhibited small eyes with normally laminated retinae. The mechanism of FoxN3 action during eye development appears to be linked to apoptosis, and not cell cycle progression, since injected embryos have higher rates of apoptosis while cell proliferation rates are not affected. FoxN3 interacts with Sin3 and RPD3, components of the histone deacetylase complex in Xenopus (Schuff et al., 2007). Sin3 is thought to act as a co-repressor of histone deacetylases (HDACs) (Laduron et al., 2004). Thus, FoxN3 may act as a transcriptional repressor by recruiting HDACs to target DNA during eye development. Inhibition of HDACs has been linked to an increase in apoptosis (Peart et al., 2003; Sonnemann et al., 2006), revealing why knockdown of FoxN3 increases apoptosis. The interactions of FoxN3 homologues with components of the HDAC is conserved across species; it will be interesting to investigate whether the role of FoxN3 in eye development is also conserved. A second FoxN family member, Foxn4, is involved in retinal cell fate specification. Knocking out the Foxn4 gene in mouse results in animals with a reduced 80 number of amacrine and horizontal cells in the differentiated retina (Li et al., 2004). This data suggest that Foxn4 is necessary to enable RPCs to produce amacrine and horizontal cells during retinogenesis, but is not critical for the production/specification of progenitor cells. This is surprising in light of the robust expression of Foxn4 in early retinal progenitors of all species in which Foxn4 has been identified. In this same report, Li et al. show that overexpression of Foxn4 results in an abundance of amacrine cells with no alteration in the horizontal cell subtype. These data indicate that Foxn4 is sufficient for the commitment to the amacrine cell fate, but not for the production of horizontal cells. Ocular retardation (or) mutant mice have retinal progenitors that divide at a slower rate than that of wt mice. In or mice, Foxn4 expression is limited to a few cells of the central retina at a time point when Foxn4 is normally expressed throughout the proliferating ventricular zone (Gouge et al., 2001). This is intriguing data that suggests that Chx10, the gene mutated in or mice, is upstream of FoxN4. Other downstream targets of Foxn4 include Math3, NeuroD, and Prox1 (Li et al., 2004), although these have not been demonstrated to be direct targets. Collectively, the data suggest that Foxn4 is expressed in proliferating progenitor cells, and plays a role in the comittance to amacrine and horizontal cell fates. Expression of a zebrafish foxl1 fusion with the engrailed repression domain gives a similar phenotype to that induced by overexpression of foxl1, suggesting that foxl1 may normally function as a transcriptional repressor (Nakada et al., 2006). Foxl1 involvement in eye development is demonstrated by the phenotype of foxl1 morphants which have small eyes, as well as degenerated brains (Nakada et al., 2006). In addition to aberrations in eye size, injected eyes do not display proper retinal layer formation. An increase in the 81 number of apoptotic cells was observed in the morpholino-injected embryos, contributing to the microphthalmic phenotype. The layering defect suggests that foxl1 may play a role in proper migration of differentiating retinal progenitor cells. Interestingly, overexpression of the same gene results in a similar, yet more severe, phenotype; very small or no eyes are observed in injected embryos (Nakada et al., 2006). Additionally expression of pax6a is absent in tissue where foxl1 is overexpressed, placing foxl1 upstream of the zebrafish pax6 gene. The zebrafish pax6a gene is a downstream effector of shh signaling. Using both in vivo and in vitro techniques, the authors showed that foxl1 was able to repress transcription through the shh promoter. This implicates foxl1 as a negative regulator of the shh pathway in zebrafish. 3.3.6 Retinal forkhead Retinal forkhead transcription factors hold enormous promise to advance our knowledge of retinal progenitor cell biology In summary, accumulating data demonstrates that a number of forkhead transcription factors are present in developing retinal tissue in vertebrates. The expression pattern data reveal forkhead transcription factors from multiple subfamilies are present in different subtypes of retinal cells. In addition, the animal model phenotypes exhibit various roles for forkhead proteins during eye development. They collectively demonstrate that several forkheads are important determinants of retinal cell fate. The data and results presented here, certainly only the tip of the forkhead iceberg, underscores the enormous potential forkhead transcription factors holds for our understanding of the development and biology of retinal progenitor cells. 82 Table 3.1 Forkhead gene products expressed in eye structures Retinal Forkheads divided into subcategories on account of expression data: Retinal Progenitor Forkheads (red box) and Neural Retinal Forkheads (blue box). Alternate names from published literature are given as well as Accession number for four vertebrate species. NA, Not applicable (accession not available in GenBank). Underline indicates UniProt accession numbers. 83 Table 3.2 Retinal Forkhead Expression Retinal Forkheads divided into subcategories on account of expression data: Retinal Progenitor Forkheads (red box) and Neural Retinal Forkheads (blue box). Expression during eye development are indicated (+). Expression is listed for prospective eye tissue (PE), zones of the CMZ, and layers of the differentiated Neural Retina. Anterior Structure (AS) expression in the lens is also noted. GCL, ganglion cell layer. IPL, inner plexiform layer. INL, inner nuclear layer. OPL, outer plexiform layer. ONL, outer nuclear layer. PL, photoreceptor layer. 84 Figure 3.1 Expression of retinal forkhead genes in the ciliary marginal zone of the maturing neural retina In situ hybridization on sections of paraffin-embedded X. laevis embryos at stages 38, 41, and 45. 85 Chapter 4: FoxO3 Perturbs Vertebrate Eye Development by Affecting Differentiation and Proliferation in Retinal Progenitor Cells 4.1 INTRODUCTION Members of the forkhead family of transcription factors are emerging as potential regulators of RPC development within the EFTF network due to their presence and function in vertebrate eyes (reviewed in (Moose et al., 2009). Recent reports have demonstrated that FoxM1, FoxN2, FoxN3, FoxN4, FoxO3, FoxP1 and FoxP2 are expressed in RPCs in vertebrates (Pohl et al., 2005; Pohl et al., 2004; Schon et al., 2006a; Schuff et al., 2006). FoxO family members have been described in developing retinal precursors and specific layers of the differentiated retina (Pohl et al., 2004). In Xenopus, FoxO3 is expressed in the developing eye fields of embryos at stages of both specification and in the differentiated retina (Pohl and Knochel, 2004). A single study in Drosophila showed that FoxO overexpression results in the ablation of ommatidia (Junger et al., 2003). To date, however, there have not been functional studies of FoxO3 in vertebrate retinal development or RPC maintenance. In systems other than the retina, FoxO3 functions as a potent inhibitor of the cell cycle and pro-apoptotic gene product (reviewed in Calnan and Brunet, 2008). FoxO3 has 86 been shown to directly regulate p27Kip1(Chandramohan et al., 2004; Stahl et al., 2002) a cdk inhibitor that has a well-established role in controlling cell-cycle exit of retinal progenitors (Cunningham et al., 2002; Dyer and Cepko, 2001; Levine et al., 2000). Coupled with the expression data, this places FoxO family members as potential regulators of cell cycle progression in developing retinal precursors. It is well documented that the PI3K-Akt pathway negatively regulates the function of FoxO3 (Biggs et al., 1999; Brunet et al., 1999; Kops and Burgering, 1999; Kops et al., 1999). The overexpression phenotype in Drosophila is exacerbated by a genetic background with reduced PI3K activity (Junger et al., 2003). This indicates that the AKT regulation of FoxO3 is an active mechanism controlling FoxO3 function in eye precursor cells. As the function of FoxO3 has not been demonstrated in the vertebrate eye, we sought to investigate the role of FoxO3 during RPC development in Xenopus laevis. Defining the role that FoxO3 plays during vertebrate retinal progenitor cell development will further our understanding of basic RPC biology and be applicable to the understanding of diseased states in the retina. In this report, we establish that FoxO3 functions in the normal differentiation of the RPC population of X. laevis. We show that overexpression of FoxO3 results in an small eye phenotype caused by altered differentiation of retinal precursors, decreased proliferation, and increased levels of apoptosis. This data is the first to define a role for FoxO3 in vertebrate eye development. 87 4.2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Male and Female frogs were purchased from NASCO (Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin). Testes were isolated as previously described (Kroll and Amaya, 1996) and stored at 16°C degrees in 1xMMR until fertilization. Plasmids An expressed sequence tag (EST) encoding FoxO3 was identified using a BLAST search of Xenopus ESTs (Altschul et al., 1990). We obtained the FoxO3 EST (pCMVSport6/Xl048f24) from The National Institute of Basic Biology, Japan (http://Xenopus.nibb.ac.jp). pBS/FoxO3 was produced by digesting pCMVSport6/Xl048f24 with XhoI/EcoRI, and inserting into the same sites of pBS (Stratagene). To produce pCS2/xlFoxO3, the coding region of FoxO3 from pCMV-Sport6/Xl048f24 was digested using NotI, filled using Klenow, digested with XhoI and subcloned into the pCS2 (REFERENCE) expression vector digested using Stu/XhoI. Mutation of the T30 residue in FoxO3 was performed using the Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Invitrogen) using the following oligonucleotide primers: forward, GACCTCGGTCTTGCGCGTGGCCCCTGCAGAGACTAGACTC and reverse,GAGTCTACTCTCTGCAGGGGCCACGCGCAAGACCGAGGTC using pCS2/FoxO3 as a template. Nucleotides that result in amino acid change from threonine to alanine at position 30 in xlFoxO3 are underlined. RNA preparation Capped RNAs for microinjection were prepared using mMessage mMachine kits (Ambion, Austin, TX). RNAs were purified by gel filtration chromatography (RNA Mini 88 Columns; Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) to remove unincorporated nucleotides and cap analogue. FoxO3 and FoxO3T30A RNAs were prepared by linearizing plasmids pCS2/FoxO3 or pCS2/FoxO3 T30A, with NotI and transcribing with Sp6 enzyme (Ambion). LacZ RNA was produced by linearizing pING14/beta-galactosidase plasmid (a gift from J. Yang) (Sharpe and Goldstone, 1997) and transcribed using Sp6 enzyme (Ambion). Injection of RNA and Acquisition of Xenopus Laevis embryos Embryos used for injection experiments were obtained by in vitro fertilization (Kroll and Amaya, 1996). FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A was injected at 250 pg, 500 pg or 1 ng levels. For phenotype analysis and gene expression analysis RNA encoding GFP (50 pg) as a lineage tracer during early tailbud stages (20-24). Embryos with GFP expression in one eye field at stage 26 were isolated for further analysis. Embryos were cultured in 0.1x MBS at 16°C until desired developmental stage (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994). Embryos were fixed in 4% MEMPFA for 1 hour at room temperature, dehydrated in 100% MeOH for at least one hour, and paraffin embedded. For TUNEL assays, RNA encoding betagalactosidase (50pg) was co-injected as a lineage tracer. Embryos were cultured in 0.1xMBS at 16°C until desired developmental stage (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994). Embryos were fixed in MEPFA containing 4% PFA for one half hour, washed 3 times 5 minutes in staining buffer: 1x PBS containing 0.01% sodium dexycholate, 0.02% NP-40, and 2mM MgCl2. Embryos were LacZ stained in staining buffer containing 5mM potassium ferricyanide, 5mM potassium ferrocynide and 1mg/ml X-gal until desired staining intensity was present. Embryos with LacZ staining covering the developing eyefield were selected for further analysis. 89 Immunohistochemistry Consecutive transverse sections were taken of paraffin-embedded embryos at 8µm. The staining procedure for sections has been described previously using R.T.U Vector staining kit (Vector Labs) (Pan et al., 2006b). Antibody concentrations used in this study were as follows: mouse anti-rhodposin, 1:50 (RetP1; Biomeda, Foster City, CA); mouse anti-islet1, 1:50 (39.4D5; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank [DSHB], University of Iowa); rabbit anti-caspase-3, 1:250 (Sigma); rabbit anti-CRALBP (a gift of Dr. J. Saari, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington), pHH3, 1:200, (Upstate). In situ hybridization Whole mount in situ hybridization was performed as follows: In situ hybridization was performed on 8 µm retinal sections as previously described (Pan et al., 2006b; Shimamura et al., 1994; Viczian et al., 2003). Probes were used at a concentration of 2.5 µg/µl diluted in hybridization buffer. The following table describes the production of antisense probes used in this study. 90 Eye size quantification 10 embyros (stage 38) were collected in each of the following experimental groups: uninjected control, 500 pg FoxO3/50 GFP, 500 pg FoxO3 T30A/50 GFP, 1 ng FoxO3/50 pg GFP, and 1 ng FoxO3 T30A/GFP. The anterior to posterior length of both eyes in each embryos were measured in triplicate using dorsal views obtained using Leica dissecting microscope. Ratios of injected eyes size to uninjected eye size were obtained by comparing the mean eye length of the injected eye to the mean length of the uninjected eye for all embryos. The mean ratios of eye size from each group were compared using Mann-Whitney t-tests in GraphPad Prism (GraphPad Software, Inc). Quantification of RPC proliferation Total PHH3+ cells were counted per eye and total retinal area was measured in both eyes of each embryo. Ratio of the number of PHH3+ cells in the injected eye per total area to the number PHH3+ cells in the uninjected eye per total area of the same embryo determined the mitotic index. TUNEL assays Embryos with positive lacZ staining in one eyefield were selected and fixed for an additional one half hour, and washed in the following EtOH washes for 5 minutes each: 100%, 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%. The following washes followed: 100% MethOH (10 min), 1x PBS (2x5 min), 1x PBS containing 0.2% Tween-20 (15 min), 1x PBS containing 0.5% Tween-20 (30 min), 1x PBS (2x10 min). Embryos were incubated in 0.5x TdT buffer (Invitrogen) diluted in 1x PBS for 1 hour. Tdt reaction was carried out at room temperature overnight using 150 U/ml Tdt (Invitrogen), 0.5 µM Dig-UTP (Roche) in 0.5x Tdt (Invitrogen) diluted in 1xPBS, followed by washes: 1xPBS containing 1mM EDTA 91 at 65° (2x30), at room temperature:1x PBS (4x15 min), 1x PBS containing 0.1% TritonX and 0.2% BSA (15 min). Blocking was performed using 1x PBS containing 0.1% Triton-X and 0.2% BSA and 20% Lamb Serum (60 min). Addition of anti-DIG antibody (Roche) at 1:2000 dilution in blocking serum was performed overnight at 4°C. Embryos were washed in 1x PBS containing 0.1% Triton-X and 0.2% BSA (4x 30 min), followed by 2x5 min in AP substrate buffer: 1M Tris-Hcl (pH 9.5), 1M MgCl2, 5M NaCl, 10% Tween-20, 125 mM Levamisole (Vector). The color reaction was performed using 3.5 µl/ml BCIP, and 4.5 µl/ml NBT, stopped with a brief (<5 min) wash in 1x PBS with 100mM EDTA, and embryos were fixed over two night in Bouin’s fixative (70 ml water, 25 ml 37% formaldehyde and 5ml glacial acetic acid). Whole-mount pictures were obtained using a dissecting microscope (Leica). 4.3 RESULTS 4.3.1 X. laevis FoxO3 protein is highly conserved and expressed in developing eye tissue We obtained an EST (XL048f24,GenBank accession:BJ039089), and confirmed that the sequence aligns with the previously described FoxO3 homologue (Pohl et al., 2004) using BLAST analysis (Altschul et al., 1990). Sequence analysis also demonstrated that the XL048f24 EST contained the complete FoxO3 coding region. ClustalW alignment was performed using MacVector software suite using the following protein sequences from GenBank: X. laevis FoxO3, X. tropicalis , mouse, rat, and human. xlFoxO3 and hFoxO3a are conserved at the level of amino acid with 70 % identity. 92 The characteristic functional domains of FoxO family members are present in xlFoxO3 including the forkhead domain, a nuclear localization sequence and nuclear export sequence (Figure 4.1, A). These domains are highly conserved between xlFoxO3 and hFoxO3a (Figure 4.1, A). The forkhead domain which comprises a 102 amino acid (aa:138-240) domain near the N terminus of the protein and is 96% identical to human sequence. This domain mediates direct DNA binding and is required for the ability of FoxO gene products to transactivate gene targets (Hannenhalli and Kaestner, 2009). The xlFoxO3 nuclear localization sequence partially overlaps the forkhead domain in the Nterminal portion of the protein. This nuclear localization sequence, present in all FoxO family members, consists of three arginine residues and three lysine residues that are separated by 19 amino acids (reviewed in (Huang and Tindall, 2007). This stretch of xlFoxO3 sequence (aa: 232-256) is 100% conserved between X. laevis and human sequences. Lastly, a nuclear export sequence is contained in the C-terminal region of xlFoxO3 (aa: 351-363); this sequence is slightly less well conserved with human sequence (77% identity). In addition, post-translational modification sites that are involved in determining subcellular localization of FoxO family members are conserved within xlFoxO3. xlFoxO3 contains three highly conserved AKT recognition sequences (consensus sequence RXRXXS/T where X is any residue. These sequences are located near the Nterminus, C-terminus and within the forkhead domain (Fig 1A, red bars). Sequence alignment demonstrates that the N-terminal AKT site is perfectly conserved among vertebrates (Figure 4.1,B). The phosphorylation state of these sites modulates the subcellular localization of FoxO proteins, and are responsive to insulin signaling (Calnan 93 and Brunet, 2008). Phosphorylation of the N-terminal and forkhead domain AKT sites are required for nuclear to cytoplasmic shuttling of FoxO proteins (Brownawell et al., 2001). Phosphorylation at the threonine residue in the N-terminal PKB site: 1) affects the NLS located in the forkhead domain when phosphorylated with the forkhead domain AKT site (Brownawell et al., 2001), and 2) affects the interaction of the FoxO3 with 143-3 proteins that facilitate nuclear export (Brunet et al., 1999). Although mutations at the other AKT sites affect DNA binding directly, mutations of the N-terminal AKT site has not been shown to affect DNA binding. Mutation of the serine within the N-terminal AKT site has been shown to inhibit nuclear export of FoxO3 by disrupting 14-3-3 binding (Brunet et al., 1999). We have mutated the conserved N-terminal PKB site of xlFoxO3 at the threonine residue (T30) to alanine (Figure 4.1, A). We demonstrate that xlFoxO3 T30A alters the sub-cellular localization of xlFoxO3, resulting in a more nuclear localization compared to wt xlFoxO3 (Figure 4.1, C-D). To examine the expression of xlFoxO3 in developing eye tissue during development, we performed in situ hybridization on whole-mounted embryos and retinal sections (Figure 4.1, E-H). xlFoxO3 expression is seen as early as stage 16 in the anterior neural plate before the eye fields separate completely. Expression is apparent in the developing eyes during early retinogenesis, and continues to be expressed in the developing retina during tailbud stages (Figure 4.1, E-G, (Pohl et al., 2004)). In retinal sections at stage 38, FoxO3 is expressed in the central region of the retina, and is excluded from the photoreceptor layer and retinal margins (Figure 4.1, H). xlFoxO3 is (Brunet et al., 1999) expressed in the eyes throughout neural and tailbud stages, making it 94 present in a spatial and temporal pattern to function during retinal progenitor cell development. 4.3.2 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in a small eye phenotype We utilized a gain-of-function approach to analyze the function of xlFoxO3 in developing retinal progenitor cells. RNA encoding a wild type xlFoxO3 or xlFoxO3 T30A of was injected in one dorsal blastomere at thee four-cell stage; co-injection of GFP as a lineage tracer allows sorting of embryos for properly targeted expression of RNA (Figure 4.2). Overexpression of FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A in the anterior neural region of X. laevis embryos results in embryos with a visibly smaller eye, and delayed retinal pigmentation (Figure 4.3 and 4.6, brackets in B-D). An otherwise normal body morphology was observed in injected embryos. The small eye phenotype becomes apparent at the earliest stages of retinal pigmentation (stage 30). Normal retinal pigmentation occurs in a dorsal to ventral pattern in the eye field. Pigmentation of the retina in injected embryos appears to be delayed in reaching the ventral side of the eye field. Even in the cases when pigmentation in the affected eye is present in the correct pattern, pigmentation is reduced in the control eye of the same embryo. FoxO3 overexpression results in a small eye phenotype, with delayed retinal pigmentation that is evident at early tailbud stage in Xenopus laevis. The small eye phenotype was noticeably more severe in embryos injected with FoxO3 T30A compared to FoxO3 injected embryos (compare Figure 4.3, H and Figure 4.3, F). We quantified the increase in severity of the eye phenotype by analyzing eye size ratio in embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A. We compared the ratio of eye size in 10 FoxO3 T30A injected embryos to 10 FoxO3 injected embryos at both 500pg and 95 1ng levels of RNA (Figure 4.5, A-C). The ratio of eye size ratio is defined as the mean of three measurements along the rostral to caudal axis of the injected eye over to the same measurement of the uninjected eye at stage 41 (Figure 4.5, D). We found that the reduction in eye size in FoxO3 T30A injected embryos compared to the reduction in FoxO3 injected embryos was statistically significant at both 500pg and 1ng RNA levels (Figure 4.5, D) (two tailed Mann-Whitney test; 500pg FoxO3 vs. 500pg FoxO3 T30A, p=0.0004; 1ng FoxO3 vs. 1ng FoxO3 T30A, p=0.0004). Injection of FoxO3T30A RNA also results in a higher frequency of embryos with small eyes compared to embryos injected with wtFoxO3. 72% of embryos injected with 250pg wtFoxO3 exhibited a small eye phenotype while 81% of embryos injected with 250pg of FoxO3 (Figure 4.4). Similar increases in frequency were observed at 500pg and 1ng concentrations of injected RNA. There is a significant increase in the proportion of embryos affected in the presence of FoxO3 T30A compared to FoxO3 (Fisher’s exact test; 250 pg, p=0.0126; 500 pg, p=0.0004; 1 ng, p=<0.0001.). Embryos injected with 50pg GFP do not exhibit small eye phenotype (n=28) (data not shown). We have shown that FoxO3 T30A RNA affects both the severity and the frequency of the small eye phenotype in X. laevis. We next investigated whether introduction of FoxO3 disturbs the laminar structure of the retina. Histological analysis of retinae from FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A injected embryos during late retinohistogenesis (stage 32), and in the mature eye (stage 38) demonstrated the presence of intact retinal layering, although the overall eye is smaller (Figure 4.6). At stage 28, the major phenotype evidence is the lack of pigmentation in the RPE of retinas of injected embryos (Figure 4.6, B and D, brackets). 96 The optic nerves of the injected retinas (both wt and T30A) were frequently displaced to the ventral side of the retina compared to the optic nerve of the uninjected retina of the same embryo. Concordant with this, the retinal tissue ventral to the optic nerve was often reduced or absent in retinae of embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A. This data collectively demonstrates that FoxO3 can perturb normal development of the retina in vertebrates without significantly affecting lamination. 4.3.3 Differentiated cell types are produced in FoxO3 injected embryos By stage 41, all major retinal cell types, 6 neuronal and 1 glial, are present in the Xenopus retina. To investigate whether differentiated cell types are present in FoxO3 injected embryos, we performed immunohistochemistry using an antibody to rhodopsin (RetP1) (Figure 4.7, A-D), a marker of rod photoreceptor cells, and Islet1 (Figure 4.7, EH), a marker of amacrine, ganglion and horizontal cells (Pan et al., 2006b). At stage 38, photoreceptors, amacrine, ganglion and horizontal cells are present in FoxO3 and FoxO3 T30A injected embryos. RPCs of FoxO3 injected embryos produce differentiated rod photoreceptor, amacrine, ganglion and horizontal cells. 4.3.4 Retinal Progenitor Cells are specified but exhibit altered differentiation in FoxO3 injected embryos The retina develops as an extension of the anterior neural tube in vertebrates. RPCs arise from neural cells that express genes such as Sox2, and Otx2, and N-Myc (Adler and Canto-Soler, 2007). We analyzed the effects of FoxO3 on neural specification in the eye fields by performing whole mount in situ hybridization for Sox2, Otx2 and N-Myc. The expression levels of Sox2 and Otx2 appear similar in embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A RNA. However, the regions of expression appear 97 smaller on the injected side of the embryo (Figure 4.8, G-J,brackets). N-Myc expression levels appear both decreased and in a smaller field (data not shown). These data indicate neural precursors are specified, albeit in a smaller region, in FoxO3 injected embryos. To investigate whether there is proper specification of RPCs in FoxO3 injected retinae, we performed whole mount in situ hybridization using the RPC markers: Pax6 and Rx. There is a decrease in the region of Pax6 (Figure 4.8, A-D) and Rx (Figure 4.8, E-F) expression in retinae of embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A. This data suggests that RPCs are properly specified in the presence of exogenous FoxO3. Since RPCs were properly specified as indicated by Rx and Pax6 expression, we asked whether the differentiation profile of RPCs is altered by FoxO3 overexpression. We performed in situ hybridization on stage 26 embryos using the markers to indicate various stages of RPC differentiation. Notch was used as a marker of proliferative retinoblast cells (Figure 4.9, A-D), NeuroD as a marker of post-mitotic differentiating retinal cells (Figure 4.9, E-H) and Otx5b as an early marker of photoreceptor cells (Figure 4.9, I-L). In embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A, there is a marked decrease in expression of the differentiation markers Notch, NeuroD and Otx5b, indicating that differentiation of RPCs is aberrant in the presence of FoxO3. 4.3.5 FoxO3 overexpression results in altered cell cycle in RPCs Since the regions of expression for both neural precursor and retinal progenitor markers were decreased, we hypothesized that FoxO3 was affecting proliferation in RPCs. To investigate this possibility, we analyzed the expression of the cell cycle genes, cyclin D1 and p27, both downstream targets of FoxO3 (Ho et al., 2008; Medema et al., 2000). In embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A, cyclin D1 expression is 98 decreased (Figure 4.10, E-F). Fewer percent embryos exhibited a decreased in cyclin D1 expression when injected with FoxOT30A as compared to injection of FoxO3 (FoxO3 T30A 20%, n=10, FoxO3 80%, n=10 vs.). p27 expression was increased in the majority of embryos injected with FoxO3 (60%, n=6) (Figure 4.10, A-B). In contrast, embryos injected with FoxO3 T30A resulted in a decrease in p27 expression (89%, n=9) (Figure 4.10, C-D). FoxO3 affects the expression of known cell cycle target genes normally expressed by developing RPCs. We next examined if FoxO3 reduces the amount of proliferating cells in the eye fields by immunostaining embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A with the mitotic marker Phosphohistone H3 (PHH3). A decreased number of PHH3+ cells were observed in the retinae of injected embryos when compared to control retinae (Figure 4.11, A-D). The proliferation rate of FoxO3 T30A-injected embryos is decreased compared to proliferation rate in FoxO3-injected embryos (Figure 4.11, E). FoxO3 functions to reduce the rate of proliferation in RPCs, and control the expression of retinal cell cycle genes during vertebrate eye development. 4.3.6 FoxO3 overexpression results in increased apoptosis To test whether exogenous levels of FoxO3 results in changes in cell survival, we investigated the levels of apoptotic cell death. We analyzed apoptosis in FoxO3 injected embryos using TUNEL assays and immunohistochemistry using a caspase-3 antibody (Figure 4.13). TUNEL assays were performed on stage 28 whole mounted embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A. FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A results in an increase in TUNEL staining on the injected side of the embryo compared to the uninjected side (Figure 4.12, A-C). Apoptosis is not attributed to injection of RNA as no visible 99 apoptosis is apparent in embryos injected with lineage tracer alone (data not shown). In addition, the number of caspase-3 positive cells are increased in the presence of FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A (data not shown). FoxO3 is sufficient to cause an increase in apoptotic cell death in developing RPCs in Xenopus laevis. 4.4 DISCUSSION 4.4.1 A Model for FoxO3 function during RPC development We have established that overexpression of FoxO3 in Xenopus laevis results in a small eye phenotype that is both more severe and more frequent when a nonphosphorylatable FoxO3 is introduced. The phenotype is a result of aberrant differentiation of RPCs as evidenced by decreased expression levels of differentiation markers. The cell cycle is altered in the presence of exogenous levels of FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A RNA, including both expression of cell cycle genes and numbers of proliferating cells. In addition, FoxO3 overexpression caused increased apoptotic cell death in developing RPCs. Collectively, these alterations during RPC development results in reduced eye size in the presence of exogenous FoxO3. A model describing the changes in FoxO3 injected embryos is presented (Figure 4.13). 4.4.2 Production of differentiated cell types in the presence of exogenous levels of FoxO3 The eventual production of differentiated cell types in the presence of FoxO3 is remarkable in light of the marked changes in expression of differentiation genes in RPCs. The loss-of-function phenotypes of Notch and NeuroD result in cell fate changes of RPCs. Loss of Notch in mice results in a gain of ganglion and cone photoreceptors at the 100 expense of rod photoreceptors and bipolar cells (Ahmad/Dooley 1991, and Austin/Feldman, 1995). Targeted mutation of NeuroD results in and increase in later born cell types, Muller glia and bipolar cells (Yan and Wang, 1998). We have not detected a cell fate change in our model. WOULDN”T IT BE NICE IF WE HAD??? However, our system represents only a partial loss-of-function of Notch, NeuroD; and this knockdown is transient as it is dependent upon the presence of overexpressed FoxO3. The partial expression that is maintained in the presence of FoxO3 (Wt or T30A) must be sufficient to produce differentiated amacrine, horizontal, ganglion and rod photoreceptors cell types. In addition, gradual RNA degradation of FoxO3 RNA over time may release the RPCs from inhibition of differentiation, allowing them to eventually produce the observed differentiated cell types. A third possibility exists that may explain the surprising presence of regular lamination and differentiated cell types in FoxO3-injected embryos. We have demonstrated an increase in the levels of cell death in the presence of FoxO3. Apoptosis resulting from FoxO3 overexpression reduces the number of retinal cells affected by FoxO3 injected over time. Therefore it is plausible that these differentiated cells are derived from wt cells, and contribute to the regular laminar structure seen in FoxO3 injected embryos. 4.4.3 Cell Cycle alterations in FoxO3-injected embryos FoxO3 has been shown to be upstream of the cell cycle inhibitor, p27, and demonstrated that FoxO3 directly transactivates the p27 promoter (Chandramohan et al., 2004; Stahl et al., 2002). We demonstrate that in the presence of exogenous FoxO3 there is a increase in expression of p27 in the eyes of X. laevis; this data is consistent 101 with previous reports that FoxO3 function as a direct activator of p27 transcription (Lees et al., 2008). Interestingly, FoxO3 T30A results in a decrease in p27 in our system. The phosphorylation state of specific FoxO3 residues has been shown to affect DNA binding and resulting transcriptional control (Reviewed in Ho et al., 2008). Although this has not been shown for AKT phosphorylation status specifically, it is possible that the threonine to alanine mutation in FoxO3 affects the ability of FoxO3 to transactivate its target gene p27. Alternatively, the decrease in p27 expression in FoxO3 T30A-injected embryos could be a secondary effect of other demonstrated gene expression changes such as Notch or NeuroD. In addition, p27 in X. laevis appears to have roles distinct from the cell cycle inhibition roles of its mammalian homologue (Dyer, 2001). P27 loss of function in Xenopus retina results in cell fate changes to earlier born cell types at the expense of late born cell types such as Muller glia (Dyer et al., 2003). It is possible that the change in p27 expression in embryos injected with FoxO3 T30A is due to its’ role in differentiation rather than cell cycle inhibition. It is interesting that expression levels of the both the cell cycle inhibitor, p27, and the cell cycle checkpoint protein, cyclin D1 are decreased in our overexpression model. One possible explanation is that one or both of these genes are direct targets for FoxO3 in RPCs. We analyzed the expression levels of these genes of RNA by whole mount in situ hybridization. Although, levels of p27 protein do not fluctuate as cells progress through mitosis, levels of cyclin D1 protein vary depending on the phase of the cell cycle. Our current methods of detection have not analyzed p27 or cyclin D1 protein, and therefore do not account for changes in protein levels. Lastly, the developing eye tissue is a heterogeneous cell population containing cells at differing stages of both cell cycle and 102 differentiation. This has been confirmed by the differential expression of cell cycle genes, such as p27 and p57 in the mouse (From Dyer et al., 2001), leaving the possibility that the observed changes in gene expression are specific to a subset of these progenitors. It is possible that the cells normally expressing cyclin D1 and p27 are discrete subpopulations and gene expression in each of these sub-populations is altered, resulting in the changes seen in both cyclin D1 and p27. 4.4.4 FoxO proteins as regulators of diverse progenitor cell populations FoxO family members have defined roles in other precursor cell populations such as muscle progenitor cells, endothelial precursors and hematopoietic precursor cells (Bakker et al., 2004; Kitamura et al., 2007; Mogi et al., 2008; Tothova and Gilliland, 2007). The current study provides the first evidence that FoxO3 is involved in the normal differentiation of retinal progenitor cells. We find that FoxO3 negatively regulates the expression of the retinogenesis genes, Notch, NeuroD and Otx5b. In endothelial precursors, overexpressed Foxo3a restricts differentiation (Mogi et al., 2008) consistent with our data. Kitamura et al showed that mouse Foxo1 works in the Notch signaling pathway to regulate myoblast differentiation (Kitamura et al., 2007). The authors also demonstrated an increase in Notch activation in FoxO3 loss-of-function experiments. It would be interesting to investigate whether Notch function would be increased in the RPCs in the presence of FoxO3 knockdown in X. laevis. The present study adds to the literature that demonstrates that Foxo3 functions in multiple precursor populations to regulate differentiation capacity. 103 4.4.5 Is regulation of RPCs a conserved function for FoxO3 in vertebrates? We suggest a model in which FoxO3 functions to inhibit differentiation. FoxO3 overexpression does not completely eliminate the ability of RPCs to differentiate, as neuronal sub-types are observed in the mature retina. Fully differentiated amacrine, horizontal, ganglion and photoreceptors cell types are present in retinae of FoxO3injected embryos. However, the differentiation program is altered, evidenced by the reduction in expression of the RPC differentiation markers, Notch, NeuroD, and Otx5b. Coupled with the changes in proliferation and increased apoptosis, FoxO3 overexpression results in retinae with less tissue. The data presented here represent the first to indicate FoxO3 functions in vertebrates during normal eye development. Overexpression in the prospective anterior neural ectoderm in X. laevis results in embryos with small eyes. Previous work has shown that the FoxO3 orthologue in drosophila functions in the development of the specialized cells of the compound eye (Junger et al., 2003). They showed that driving expression in the developing eye resulted in complete ommatidia ablation. These analogous results in Drosophila suggest that this may be a conserved function for FoxO family members. It will be interesting to investigate this possibility in other vertebrate animals. 104 Figure 4.1. Xenopus laevis FoxO3 protein is highly conserved and is expressed throughout eye development (A) FoxO3 Protein Schematic. Conserved domains are shown with percent identity between X. laevis and human amino acid sequences: forkhead domain; NLS, nuclear localization signal, NES, nuclear export signal. AKT phosphorylation sites are shown as striped bars. (B) Sequence alignment of N-terminal AKT site among vertebrate species. Red bar indicates AKT site residues. Asterisk indicates threonine (T30) residue specifically phosphorylated by AKT, and same residue mutated to alanine in FoxO3 T30A. (C-D) Immunoflourescence showing FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A (green) localization in transfected HER10 cells. (E-H) Whole mount in situ hybridization using antisense xlFoxO3 probe (E-H); Stage indicated in the bottom right of each panel. E, anterior view, dorsal up. F-G, lateral view. In situ hybridization on sectioned retinal material , stage 38 (H). Transverse section shown. L-lens, G-ganglion cell layer, P-photoreceptor layer 105 Figure 4.2 xlFoxO3 is targeted to the developing eye fields of X. laevis embryos Anterior views of stage 26 embryos injected with 250 pg FoxO3 (A,C,E) or FoxO3 T30A (B,D,F). 106 Figure 4.3 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in small eye phenotype Embryos at stage 41 injected with 250 pg FoxO3 (A-B, E-F) or FoxO3 T30A (C-D, G-H). 107 Figure 4.4 T30A mutation in FoxO3 increases the frequency eye phenotype Frequency of small eye phenotype is increased in T30A xlFoxO3-injected embryos. Proportion affected embryos with small eye phenotype at each concentration are shown (from 5 experiments). There is a significant increase in the proportion of embryos affected in the presence of FoxO3 T30A compared to FoxO3 (Fisher’s exact test; 250 pg, p=0.0126; 500 pg, p=0.0004; 1 ng, p=<0.0001.). Embryos injected with 50pg GFP do not exhibit small eye phenotype (n=28) (data not shown). 500 pg, p=0.0004, 1ng, p=0.0004.). 108 Figure 4.5 T30A mutation in FoxO3 increases the severity of the small eye phenotype (A-E) Eye phenotype is more severe in FoxO3 T30A injected embryos. (A) Eye size is represented as an average of three measurements of the eye along the rostralcaudal axis using dorsal views of stage 38 embryos. (B-D) Representative embryos from eye size analysis using 500 pg RNA. Uninjected embryos were used as a control group, and compared to embryos injected with FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A. Analysis was performed with 500 pg or 1 ng RNA. There is a significant difference between FoxO3 and FoxO3 T30A xlFoxO3-injected embryos at both 500 pg and 1 ng concentration (Mann-Whitney test; 500 pg, p=0.0004, 1 ng, p=0.0004.). 109 Figure 4.6 Retinal lamination intact in the presence of xlFoxO3 Transverse retinal sections of embryos injected with 250 pg FoxO3 (A-B, E-F) or FoxO3 T30A (C-D, G-H) stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Stage 32, A-D; Stage 38, E-H. Abbreviations: L, lens; G, ganglion cell layer; I, inner nuclear layer; P, photoreceptor layer. Brackets indicate areas with decreased levels of pigmentation. 110 Figure 4.7 Normal differentiated cell types are present in xlFoxO3 injected embryos Immunohistochemistry for Islet1 (A-D) or Rhodopsin (E-H) in embryos injected with 250 pg FoxO3 (A-B, E-F) or FoxO3 T30A (C-D, G-H). Transverse sections on stage 38 embryos. 111 Figure 4.8 RPCs are specified in the presence of xlFoxO3 overexpression Whole mount in situ hybridization for Sox2 (A-B), Otx2 (C-D), N-Myc (E-H), Pax6 (I-L) and Rx (M-O) in embryos injected with 250pg FoxO3 (A,C,E-F,I-J, and M) or FoxO3 T30A (B,D,G-H,K-L, and O). Stages: Sox2, 24; Otx2, 24; N-Myc, 28; Pax6, 28; Rx, 24. Brackets indicate eye field. Lateral views of the head are shown. 112 Figure 4.9 Differentiation is altered by xlFoxO3 overexpression Whole mount in situ hybridization using antisense probes for Notch (A-D), NeuroD (E-H), and Otx5b (I-L) on embryos injected with 250 pg FoxO3 (A-B, E-F, I-J) or FoxO3 T30A (C-D, G-H, KL). Lateral views of the head of stage 26 are shown. 113 Figure 4.10 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in changes in cell cycle gene expression Whole mount in situ hybridization using antisense probes for p27 (A-D), Cyclin D1 (E-H), on embryos injected with 250 pg FoxO3 (A-B, E-F) or FoxO3 T30A (C-D, G-H). Lateral views of the head of stage 28 are shown. 114 Figure 4.11 Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in decreased rate of cell cycle Phosphohistone H3 (PHH3) immunostaining (red) on paraffin-embedded retinal sections from embryos injected with 250 pg FoxO3 or FoxO3 T30A RNA (A-D). Arrowheads, PHH3+ cells. (E) Quantification of proliferation rates in FoxO3-injected embryos. Total PHH3+ cells were counted per eye in both eyes of each embryo. Ratio of the number of PHH3+ cells in the injected eye to the number PHH3+ cells in the uninjected eye of the same embryo determined the mitotic index (paired t-test; p=.0087). 115 Figure 4.12 xlFoxO3 overexpression results in increased levels of apoptosis Stage 24 embryos stained with LacZ as a lineage tracer (turquoise), and TUNEL to detect apoptosis (dark purple) (A-B). LacZ alone does not result in TUNEL positive cells (data not shown). 116 Figure 4.13 Proposed model of FoxO3 function in retinal progenitor cells Exogenous FoxO3 results in increased amount of FoxO3 available to regulate transcriptional targets (Panel A), although some FoxO3 protein is exported from the nucleus due to Akt phosphorylation. In the presence of T30A FoxO3, Akt is unable to phosphorylate FoxO3 T30A, and exogenous protein remains in the nucleus (Panel B). Overexpression of xlFoxO3 results in a small eye phenotype in X. laevis. FoxO3 affects expression of cell cycle and differentiation genes, thereby regulating the development of RPCs. The alterations in gene expression affects the capacity of the RPC population to differentiate and proliferate, and increases the amount of cell death in RPCs. Combined these effects reduce the RPCs available to contribute to the neural retina, thus resulting in a reduced retinal size (Panel C). 117 Chapter 5: FoxM1 is Necessary for Normal Development and Proper Lamination of the Neural Retina by Retinal Progenitor Cells 5.1 INTRODUCTION The study of RPC regulation by cell cycle gene products is strengthening the connection between proliferative signals and normal retinal development. Alterations in cell cycle components has detrimental effects on several aspect of neural retinal development, including proliferation, cell fate decisions and proper lamination (reviewed in Dyer et al., 2004 and Baye et al., 2007). In this chapter, work is presented that demonstrates a novel role in RPC development for the proliferation-associated forkhead transcription factor, FoxM1. FoxM1 was originally isolated in a screen for M-phase phosphorylated proteins (Westendorf et al., 1994). FoxM1 was subsequently isolated by several groups, each of which identified it as a forkhead-domain containing transcription factor: HFH-11 (Ye et al., 1997), MPP2 (Luscher-Firzlaff et al., 1999; Westendorf et al., 1994), Trident (Korver et al., 1997a; Korver et al., 1997b), and WIN (Yao et al., 1997). FoxM1 proteins have been described in human, mouse and rat (Korver et al., 1997a; Korver et al., 1997b; Yao et al., 1997; Ye et al., 1997), and recently in frog (Pohl et al., 2005). In each organism, FoxM1 is expressed exclusively in proliferating cells. 118 The fact that FoxM1 is ubiquitously expressed in proliferating cells makes it unique within the forkhead family, since most forkhead genes are tissue-specific or cell type-specific. FoxM1 levels are down regulated in terminally differentiated or quiescent cells (Yao et al., 1997). FoxM1 protein levels increase during S-phase and persist until the end of mitosis (Korver et al., 1998). FoxM1 is a proliferation-associated transcription factor (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a). FoxM1-null mice die during embryogenesis, and have cardiac, hepatocyte and lung phenotypes (Kim et al., 2005; Korver et al., 1998; Krupczak-Hollis et al., 2004). Embryonic Foxm1-/- hearts, livers, and lungs have significantly reduced numbers of cells. Normal cell orientation of hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes was also affected in FoxM1-/- embryos (Korver et al., 1998). Even with the alterations that are seen in the FoxM1-/- hearts, lungs and livers, these organs initially develop normally suggesting that FoxM1 is dispensable for early stage initiation and development of these organs (Korver et al., 1998; Krupczak-Hollis et al., 2004; Laoukili et al., 2007; Ramakrishna et al., 2007). FoxM1 loss-of-function results in cellular polyploidy, and failure to progress through M-phase (Korver et al., 1998). In the hepatocytes and cardiomyoctyes of FoxM1 null mice, enlarged nuclei with up to 50-fold more DNA content are present (Korver et al., 1998). The polyploid defects are specific to tissues that are prone to polyploidy in adult mice. It is thought that the majority of tissues do not display a phenotype associated with loss-of-function (Wonsey and Follettie, 2005), since terminally differentiated, nonproliferating cells express very low levels of FoxM1 (Yao et al., 1997). Liver-specific knockout (Wang et al., 2002), endothelial-specific knockout and hepatocyte-specific 119 knockout (Krupczak-Hollis et al., 2004) mice also exhibit defects in M-phase progression (Wang et al., 2002). Collectively, the loss-of-function studies demonstrate that FoxM1 play an essential role in the G2/M transition. FoxM1 depleted cells display multiple mitotic defects. These defects include defective spindle fiber checkpoint, defects in mitotic spindle formation, chromosomal misalignment during metaphase, mis-segregation of chromosomes during mitosis, and aberrant cytokinesis (Laoukili et al., 2005; Wang et al., 2005; Wierstra and Alves, 2007a) (Wonsey and Follettie, 2005). As well, shRNA knockdown in a breast cancer cell line results in mitotic catastrophe (Wonsey and Follettie, 2005). Therefore, in addition to its role in M-phase stimulation, FoxM1 also plays a critical role in the execution of mitosis. Overexpression studies have confirmed the role of FoxM1 in cell cycle progression. FoxM1 overexpression in regenerating hepatocytes results in acceleration of DNA replication and mitosis (Ye et al., 1999). As well, FoxM1 is one of the most highly up-regulated genes in human solid tumors (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a). Interestingly, FoxM1 overexpression in non-regenerating livers was not sufficient to produce hepatocyte proliferation, due to the retention of the overexpressed FoxM1 in the cytoplasm (Ye et al., 1999). The authors showed that additional mitogenic signals induced by hepatectamy are required for the nuclear translocation and subsequent early progression into S-phase (Ye et al., 1999). Nonetheless, these studies still suggest that in cells stimulated to proliferate, FoxM1 is essential for the execution of mitosis. The FoxM1 proteins that have been reported in vertebrates represent three splice variants of FoxM1 (A-C) (Wierstra and Alves, 2006). FoxM1b and FoxM1c act as transactivators (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a) and several groups have shown that both 120 FoxM1b and FoxM1c bind to a consensus DNA sequence with the same affinity (Korver et al., 1997a; Wierstra and Alves, 2006; Ye et al., 1997). In contrast, FoxM1a binds to DNA, but does not have transactivation activity (Ye et al., 1997). This difference is due to an inclusion of an additional exon (A2) that eliminates the transcriptional activation ability (Ye et al., 1997). The studies of transcriptional targets of FoxM1 have come from studies using FoxM1b and FoxM1c (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a). Over 50 FoxM1 genes targets have been described, including 22 direct targets (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a).The majority of these genes, whether direct or indirect targets, are specifically involved in G1/S transition, S-phase, G2/M transition, and mitosis. These targets comprise several cyclins (A2, B1, B2, D1, D2, E, and F), cdk1, and the cell cycle inhibitors, p21 and p27 (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a). FoxM1 expression down-regulates p21 and p27 via direct activation of the c-myc gene (Wierstra and Alves, 2007b). The downstream targets of FoxM1 clearly illustrate that FoxM1 functions in cell cycle progression. Surprisingly, very little is known about the function of FoxM1 in lower vertebrates. A chicken FoxM1 gene (NP_001012973), and a zebrafish foxM1-like gene (NP_957391) are annotated, but neither expression nor functional data have been described. In Xenopus, the expression pattern of FoxM1 has been described (Pohl et al., 2005), and functional analysis in the early embryo suggests FoxM1 links proliferation and differentiation in neuronal precursors (Ueno et al., 2008). Expression is consistent with other homologues of FoxM1; it is present in tissues undergoing active proliferation, including the developing eye fields (Pohl et al., 2005). Functionally, xlFoxM1 is not required for the specification of the anterior neural plate, but is essential for the 121 proliferation and subsequent differentiation of neural precursors in that region (Ueno et al., 2008). We are just beginning to understand the role of FoxM1 in the developing CNS. In concert with the data regarding the neural plate precursors in Xenopus, Schuller and colleagues investigated the function of FoxM1 during the development of cerebellar granule neuron precursors (CGNPs)(Schuller et al., 2007). By studying loss-of-function mutations of FoxM1, they were the first to define a CNS precursor population that expressed FoxM1, the cerebellar anlagen. They also demonstrated that in CGNPs FoxM1 is upstream of G2/M genes, cyclin B1 and Cdc25b, and that FoxM1-deficient CGNPs show spindle fiber defects and centrosome amplification. Their data established that in CGNPs of the CNS, FoxM1 functions at the G2/M transition as well as in the execution of mitosis, consistent with data from other organ systems (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a). Due to the limited knowledge about FoxM1 function in both lower vertebrates and in the developing CNS, we initiated studies to understand the effects of FoxM1 knockdown in the developing eye in Xenopus laevis. Based on the current literature, we hypothesized that FoxM1 loss-of-function would result in reduced eye size and defects in cell cycle progression in RPCs. We have identified a FoxM1c isoform in Xenopus laevis, and tested this hypothesis by using translation-blocking morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) to knockdown the expression of FoxM1 in the anterior neural region of Xenopus embryos. We have shown that FoxM1 knockdown in the anterior neural region of X. laevis results in embryos with small eyes that exhibit lamination defects. These studies represent the first characterization of FoxM1 loss-of-function in lower vertebrates, and the first indication that FoxM1 function is essential for proper retinal development. 122 5.2 MATERIAL AND METHODS Animals Male and female Xenopus laevis frogs were purchased from NASCO (where). Sub-dermal injections of 150cc human chorionic gonadotropin were used to induce egglaying from female frogs. Testes were isolated as previously described (Kroll and Amaya, 1996), and stored at 4°C in 1xMBS until use for in vitro fertilization. Plasmids An expressed sequence tag (EST) encoding FoxM1 was identified using a BLAST search of Xenopus ESTs (Altschul et al., 1990). We obtained the FoxM1 EST (pCMV-Sport6/XL184i11) from The National Institute of Basic Biology, Japan (http://Xenopus.nibb.ac.jp). pBS/FoxM1 was produced by digesting pCMVSport6/XL184i11 with XhoI/EcoRI, and inserting into the same sites of pBS. Sequence analysis All sequence analysis and phylogenic analysis was performed using MacVector Software (MacVector Software Inc.). Morpholino design and injection in Xenopus laevis embryos Translation blocking morpholino oligonucleotides were designed by GeneTools (www.Gene-Tools.com). The control MO sequence was designed against the same upstream region of FoxM1, but with 6 mis-matches compared to the target sequence. Both the control and antisense FoxM1 MOs were lissamine labeled to allow visualization of MO containing tissues in the living embryo. Morpholino injection and acquisition of embryos 123 MOs (control or antisense) were injected into one dorsal blastomere of four-cell stage fertilized X. laevis embryos; 0.1mM or 0.2mM concentrations were used. Embryos with correctly targeted expression in the anterior neural region and developing eyes were selected using fluorescent microscopy with a txRed filter (Leica) to detect the lissamine label. Injected embryos were sorted at early neural stages (20-24), and cultured to stage 41 at 16°C in 0.1x MBS until the appropriate stage (Nieuwkoop and Faber, 1994). MEMPFA containing 4% PFA was used to fix embryos for 1 hour at room temperature, dehydrated in 100% MeOH for at least one hour, and paraffin embedded. Hematoxlin/Eosin staining H/E was performed on 8µm consecutive transverse sections taken with a Leica RM 2255 microtome as previously described (Pan et al., 2006). Immunohistochemistry 8µm consecutive transverse sections of paraffin-embedded embryos were prepared. The staining procedure for sections has been described previously (Pan et al., 2006b). Antibody concentrations used in this study were as follows: mouse antirhodopsin (RetP1; Biomeda, Foster City, CA), 1:50; mouse anti-islet1, 1:50 (39.4D5; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank [DSHB], University of Iowa), Cralbp, 1:1000 (a gift from Dr. Jack Saari, University of Washington, Department of Ophthalmology); antiPhosphohistone H3, 1:200 (Upstate). In situ hybridization In situ hybridization was performed on whole embryo using anti-sense riboprobes labeled with digoxigenin as previously described (Pan et al., 2006b). Section in situ hybridization was performed using 8µm consecutive transverse sections taken with Leica 124 RM 2255 microtome. The protocol has been previously described (Shimamura et al., 1994; Viczian et al., 2006) (Pan et al., 2006b). Probes were used at 2.5 µg/µl concentration. The following table describes the production of antisense probes used in this study. Statistical analysis All statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism (GraphPad Software, Inc). 5.3 RESULTS 5.3.1 Identification of a FoxM1 Isoform in X. laevis We identified an EST clone (Xl184i11) that aligned with mouse FoxM1 using BLAST analysis (Altschul et al., 1990). The clone contains a full-length X. laevis FoxM1 homologue (subsequently referred to as xlFoxM1) (data not shown). Phylogenetic analysis (MacVector Software) revealed that the protein encoded by xlFoxM1 aligned with FoxM1 homologues from zebrafish, chicken, rat, mouse, and human (Figure 5.1). 125 At the level of protein sequence, xlFoxM1 exhibits 41% identity with hFoxM1c, a rather low overall percentage. The presence of two stretches of inserted sequence (AA 31‐43; and AA 66‐91) in the xlFoxM1 protein contributes to the disparity in identity. Notably, sequence comparison between xlFoxM1 and hFoxM1 within three major functional domains reveal much higher identity: the N‐terminal repression domain (88%), the forkhead domain (87%), and the c‐terminal transactivation domain (66%) (Figure 5.3, A). The presence and high conservation within these domains suggests they are functionally important in the X. laevis homologue. To determine which of the three FoxM1 isoforms is represented by xlFoxM1, I performed ClustalW multiple sequence alignment using translated sequence from xlFoxM1, and protein sequence from the three human FoxM1 isoforms: Isoform A (NM_021953), Isoform B (NM_202002), and Isoform C (NM_202003)) (Figure 5.2, B). Class A FoxM1 isoforms are characterized by the presence of an additional exon (A2) at the C-terminal end of the forkhead domain (Yet et al., 1997); xlFoxM1 does not contain sequence to encode exon A2. Additionally, xlFoxM1 contains a partial exon A1, which is absent in class B transcripts (Ye et a., 1997). Thus, xlFoxM1 represents a class C transcript. 5.3.2 A xlFoxM1 homologue is expressed in RPCs during eye development Although the published expression pattern suggests that FoxM1 is expressed in the developing eye (Pohl et al., 2005), the expression pattern in RPCs has not been rigorously described. We analyzed the expression of FoxM1 in the developing eye fields and maturing retinas by whole mount in situ hybridization and in situ hybridization on 126 paraffin-embedded sections (Figure 5.3). FoxM1 is first expressed in the eye fields and the neural tube of early neural stage embryos (Figure 5.3, A). FoxM1 is strongly expressed in the developing eyes and neural tube during early tailbud stages (Figure 5.3, C). As development proceeds, the expression of FoxM1 begins to be down‐ regulated in many regions of the developing CNS (Figure 5.3, D), but remains expressed in the midbrain, hindbrain and the developing ear. In situ hybridization on paraffin‐embedded sections reveals a more detailed expression pattern of FoxM1 within the developing retina. FoxM1 is originally expressed throughout the entire neuroepithelium (Figure 5.3, E). The expression of FoxM1 is first down‐regulated in the central retina, and is progressively limited to the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) of the X. laevis retina. At this time‐point, the CMZ can be divided into zones on the basis of maturity of RPCs. The most stem cell‐like RPCs are present in Zone 1, which is adjacent to the lens. Zone 1 RPCs are a very slowly dividing population of cells. RPCs of Zone 2 and 3 are actively proliferating and becoming specified to particular retinal cell fates. In zone 4, RPCs are exiting the cell cycle as they differentiate into specified cell types. In the mature retina, FoxM1 appears limited to zones 2 and 3 of the CMZ (Figure 5.3, H‐I). The expression pattern in developing X. laevis embryos and retina is consistent with regions of known FoxM1 expression in actively proliferating cells (Wierstra and Alves, 2007a). 5.3.3 FoxM1 knockdown in X. laevis results in embryos with small eyes To examine the functional requirement during retinal development, I performed loss‐of‐function studies of FoxM1 in X. laevis embryos. I acquired a 127 translation blocking morpholino oligonucleotide against FoxM1 (GeneTools). The MO was designed against a region directly upstream of the translation start of FoxM1 (Figure 5.4, A). The control MO (COMO) was designed against the same sequence, but containing 6 mis‐match nucleotides. Injection of FoxM1 MO and FoxM1 COMO into one dorsal blastomere of fertilized embryos at the four‐cell stage. Injecting in this manner results in morpholino targeted to the anterior neural region from which the eye structures are derived; the FoxM1 COMO and MO were synthesized with a lissamine tag to facilitate sorting of embryos with properly targeted expression (Figure 5.4, C‐H). To test that FoxM1 MO acts specifically through the FoxM1 target sequence, we performed the following in vivo control: We cloned the FoxM1 5’ UTR containing the FoxM1 MO target upstream of a GFP expression cassette (Figure 5.5 A‐B). We co‐injected the FoxM1 MO control construct DNA with FoxM1 MO or COMO (Figure 5.5, C‐D and G‐H). We also co‐injected FoxM1 MO or COMO with an untargeted DNA construct containing the GFP expression cassette (Figure 5.5, A‐B and E‐F). FoxM1 MO injected reduced the expression of GFP when injected with the targeted construct; GFP was visible in embryos injected with untargeted DNA construct. In addition, GFP expression was visible in embryos co‐injected with FoxM1 COMO and either the targeted or untargeted DNA construct. This demonstrates that FoxM1 MO acts specifically through the target sequence, and that FoxM1 COMO is does not act to knockdown translation through this sequence. 128 Injection of 0.1mM FoxM1 MO results in reduced eye size in X. laevis (Figure 5.5, upper panel). The FoxM1 MO phenotype is highly specific, as control MO‐ injected embryos do not exhibit an eye phenotype. 90.4% (n=186) of embryos injected with 0.1mM FoxM1 MO demonstrated a small eye phenotype compared to 3% (n=46) in FoxM1 COMO‐injected embryos(Figure 5.6, A). The severity of the phenotype is concentration dependent; increasing the concentration of FoxM1 MO to 0.2mM results in obliteration of eye tissue by tailbud stage (Figure 5.5, bottom panel). At 0.2mM concentration, 96.7% (n=30) of embryos display a small eye phenotype compared to control MO‐injected embryos (0%, N=16) (Figure 5.6, B). Embryos with residual eye tissue typically demonstrate a colobomatous phenotype (Figure 5.5, bottom panel ASMO injected). These data demonstrate that FoxM1 is necessary for normal eye development in X. laevis. 5.3.4 xlFoxM1 is necessary of proper retinal lamination I next sought to determine if FoxM1 knockdown results in changes in the laminar structure of the retina. Histological analysis reveals that FoxM1 knockdown results in defects in the normal retinal patterning in X. laevis embryos (Figure 5.7). I examined H/E stained embryos at a stage 28, a time‐point during retinal histogenesis, and in mature retinas of stage 41 FoxM1 MO‐injected embryos. In the neural epithelium at stage 28, cells are typically oriented radially away from the lens. In the FoxM1 MO‐injected (0.1mM) embryos, nuclei appear oriented in multiple directions (Figure 5.7, D‐ D’). These changes in orientation are present in 129 the central retina, and several distinct regions of laminar disruption are often discernable. In mature retinas, FoxM1 MO results in variable lamination defects. The integrity of the nuclear layers is often disrupted by misplaced photoreceptors identifiable by the morphology of outer segments. These aberrantly placed photoreceptors are typically juxtaposed to additional layers that resemble outer plexiform and inner nuclear layers (Figure 5.7 H‐H’). These areas of irregular lamination are most commonly found in, but not limited to, the central retina. They are observed as deviations perpendicularly spanning the normal layers or as circular rosettes. In addition, some retinas displayed complete loss of patterning in regions of the retina (Figure 5.7, J‐J’). In embryos injected with 0.2mM FoxM1 MO, retinas demonstrate complete loss of normal lamination, although stratified cell types are occasionally apparent (Figure 5.7, N‐N’). It is clear that loss of FoxM1 in the RPCs results in abnormal eye development, and deviations from ordinary retinal patterning. 5.3.5 Differentiated cell types are associated with areas of normal retina lamination and regions of aberrant stratification I ruled out that aberrant differentiation was responsible for the defects in retinal lamination by performing whole mount in situ hybridization at stage 28. I tested whether there was a change in gene expression for the markers of retinal progenitor cells, Rx and Pax6, and markers of RPC differentiation by in situ 130 hybridization (Figure 5.7). FoxM1 knockdown does not result in a change in expression of these markers at stage 28. To confirm that differentiated cells types are generated in FoxM1 MO‐ injected embryos, and to examine which cell types are present in the lamination defects, I performed immunohistochemistry on paraffin‐embedded sections. Rod photoreceptors are present in retinas of FoxM1 MO‐injected embryos, as evidenced by RetP1 staining. Rod photoreceptors are also associated with the areas of irregular lamination (Figure 5.9, D‐D’). In addition, the Muller glia cell marker, CRALBP, reveals that Muller glia are evident in areas with normal retinal patterning, and are also present in areas of irregular layering. Muller glia endfeet are ordinarily positioned beyond the ganglion cell layer and at the apical surface of the neural retina adjacent of the RPE, spanning the entire retinal layers. It appears that the Muller glia associated with regions of aberrant layering also span multiple layers. Both photoreceptors and Muller glia are produced in FoxM1 MO‐injected embryos. In addition, both these cell types are observed within the areas of defective lamination. 5.4 DISCUSSION AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS Discussion I have described the initial characterization of a FoxM1c homologue in X. laevis. FoxM1 represents as additional factor with the potential to regulate the proliferation of RPCs during development. I demonstrated that the phenotype associated with FoxM1 knockdown in the anterior neural plate of X. laevis is a slight reduction in eye size with 131 associated lamination defects. We have also shown FoxM1 is not essential for the specification of RPCs or the generation of differentiated cell types. From the current studies, I conclude that FoxM1 is necessary for the normal development of the neural retina, affecting the ability of RPCs to properly laminate. As mentioned, FoxM1 demonstrates a clear retinal phenotype in X. laevis which results in embryos with smaller eyes and lamination defects. To date, no retinal phenotype in mice has been elucidated, although cardiac, hepatic and lung phenotypes have all been described in FoxM1-/- mice (Korver et al., 1998). In light of the current studies, it is surprising that no overt eye phenotype in mice is noticeable with complete loss of function. It is possible that the FoxM1 ‐/‐ retinas have lamination defects that have not been detected. It would be interesting to directly ask this question in FoxM1‐/‐ mice. Alternatively, species differences in function could result in the increased severity of FoxM1 knockdown in X. laevis compared to FoxM1 loss of function in mice. It is interesting to note that one of the main characteristics of FoxM1‐/‐ loss of function in cardiac and hepatic tissue is disrupted cell orientation (Korver et al., 1998). Perhaps the disrupted lamination in FoxM1 morphant embryos is analogous to the disrupted orientation of cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes in mice. In retinas of FoxM1 knockdown embryos, differentiated cell type are present in regions of normal and abnormal lamination. Since differentiated cell types are present in areas of disorganized cells, this suggests that the lamination defects are not a result of loss of retinal cell identity. This notion is corroborated by evidence 132 that retinal stem cell and early retinal neural differentiation markers are not affected in embryos injected with FoxM1 MO. Consistent with this, Ueno and colleagues recently showed that FoxM1 is not necessary for the specification of neural precursors (Ueno et al., 2008). Future Directions Although I have demonstrated a role for FoxM1 in eye development, the current studies warrant further investigation into the mechanism of FoxM1 action in developing RPCs. Future experiments should be focused on detailing the changes in cell cycle and understanding the lamination defects. An attractive hypothesis regarding the lamination defects observed is that they are a result of inappropriate interkinetic nuclear migration and/or inappropriate nuclear translocation. The nuclei of RPCs migrate from the basal surface near the lens tissue to the apical surface nearest the RPE in phase with the cell cycle. S-phase occurs at the basal surface and M-phase at the apical surface (see Figure 1.5). Additionally, neurogenic cells leave the cell cycle and their nuclei migrate basally to take their position in the laminar architecture of the retina (nuclear translocation). These post-mitotic cells actively modify their apical and basal processes as they reach their targets and commence synaptogenesis (Baye and Link, 2007). If RPCs do not properly progress through Mphase, their nuclei may not migrate away from the apical surface, causing defects in lamination. Indeed, several studies demonstrate that alterations in cell cycle genes in neuroepithelia result in slowed interkinetic nuclear migration, and lamination defects in the eye and brain (reviewed in Baye and Link, 2007). This represents a possible scenario of FoxM1 morphant RPCs. 133 Furthermore, it has been shown that FoxM1 is directly upstream of at least 6 genes involved in cell adhesion properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) (Wierstra and Alves, 2007). These include pro-collagen, E-cadherin, and laminins 2 and 4 (reviewed in Wierstra and Alves, 2007). It is also known that affecting the function of ECM genes can negatively affect lamination in the retina. For example, disruption of laminin 1 in the basement membranes of retina cells results in disorganized ganglion cell layering (Halfter et al. 2001; Semina et al., 2006). Aberrations in the ECM have been shown to effect the normal migratory properties of RPCs, and FoxM1 downstream targets include several ECM proteins. Therefore, it is possible that the lamination defects in FoxM1 knockdown embryos might be a result of deregulation of FoxM1 ECM target genes. In the future, it will be interesting to investigate whether the ECM in the retina is altered by FoxM1 knockdown. Recently, it has been shown that BMP signaling induces the expression of FoxM1 in neural precursors, as well as FoxM1 targets, cdc25b and cyclin B3 (Ueno et al., 2008). The authors defined that FoxM1 induction is necessary for proliferation and differentiation, but not specification of neural precursors in early embryos (Ueno et al., 2008), and that MO knockdown of cdc25b had strikingly similar effects. The authors went on to show that cdc25b RNA was sufficient to rescue the FoxM1 phenotypes during early neurogenesis. It would be valuable to test whether cdc25b RNA is sufficient to rescue the FoxM1 knockdown phenotype in RPCs. Lastly, FoxM1 gain-of-function studies in X. laevis should be pursued to further understand the role of FoxM1 in RPCs. By injecting RNA encoding a FoxM1 in one dorsal blastomere at the four‐cell stage, targeted overexpression could further 134 investigate the role of FoxM1 in X. laevis. A repertoire of histological and immunochemical techniques similar to those to investigate the result of FoxM1 knockdown would be necessary. Based on the literature, we hypothesize that FoxM1 gain‐of‐function would result in the a mis‐regulation of cell cycle in RPCs, possibly leading to a tumorogenic phenotype (Wang et al., 2008; Gemenetzidis et al., 2009; Brezillon et al., 2007) Together the delineated and proposed studies would demonstrate FoxM1 as an additional forkhead transcription factor that has an essential role in normal eye development. Importantly, FoxM1 represents a factor that may play a critical role in the proliferation of RPCs. Understanding the factors that govern proliferation in RPCs is essential for understanding the link between proliferation and cell fate decisions in the retina. 135 Figure 5.1 Xl184i11 encodes a FoxM1 protein. Multiple sequence alignment of FoxM1 proteins from various species Mouse Foxi2 was used as an out-group. Accession numbers are as follows: Human FoxM1, NM_202002; Mouse FoxM1, AAH06788; Rat FoxM1, NP_113821; zebrafish FoxM1, NP_957391; Chicken FoxM1, NP_001012973; mouse Foxi2, AAY79175. 136 Figure 5.2 xlFoxM1 (Xl184i11) is homologous to hFoxM1 isoform C (A) Shematif representation of FoxM1 protein with characteristic conserved domains. NRD, Nterminal repression domain; TAD, transactivation domain. (B) Multiple sequence alignment of xlFoxM1 (Xl184i11) with three human splice variants of FoxM1: Isoform A (NM_021953), Isoform B (NM_202002), and Isoform C (NM_202003). Domains and alternative exons are shaded as indicated. Since xlFoxM1 does not contain Exon A2 (a transcript-specific), and possesses a partial Exon A1 (excluded in class B transcripts), it is homologous to the hFoxM1 c isoform. 137 Figure 5.3 FoxM1 is expressed in the developing eye fields and in proliferative zones of the maturing Xenopus laevis retina (A-D) Whole mount in situ hybridization using an antisense probe against xlFoxM1. (A-B) anterior view. (C-D) lateral view of head. (E-I) In situ hybridization on paraffin-embedded, transversesectioned material using antisense probe against xlFoxM1. Embryonic stages are indicated in bottom left of the panels. Brackets in A, eye fields; brackets in G-I, CMZ. L, lens; NR, neural retina; G, ganglion cell layer; I, inner nuclear layer; P, photoreceptor layer. 138 Figure 5.4 FoxM1 morpholino can be properly targeted to anterior neural region of Xenopus embryos (A) Design and sequence of FoxM1 morpholino oligonucleotides. (B-I) FoxM1 COMO and MO are properly targeted to the anterior neural region containing the developing eye. Anterior view of stage 26 embryos are shown. 139 Figure 5.5 FoxM1 morpholino specifically knocks down FoxM1 target. (A-B) Untargeted construct (A) and construct containing FoxM1 MO target upstream of GFP CDS used to test FoxM1 MO and FoxM1 COMO specificity. Red thick line, FoxM1 MO target. Thin black line, FoxM1 5’UTR. (C-J) FoxM1 MO specifically knocks down expression of a GFP construct containing the MO target, but FoxM1 COMO does not. (C-F) Lissamine fluorescence of FoxM1 COMO injected embryos (C-D) or FoxM1 MO injected embryos (E-F). (G-J) GFP fluorescence of FoxM1 COMO (G, I) or FoxM1 MO injected embryos (H-J) in the presence of untargeted (G-H) or targeted FoxM1 MO control (I-J) construct. 140 Figure 5.5 141 Figure 5.6 FoxM1 knockdown causes small eye phenotype in X. laevis Embryos were injected with 0.1mM control or antisense morpholino (top panel) or 0.2mM control or antisense morpholino (bottom panel) into one dorsal blastomere of fertilized embryos. Injected embryos were sorted using fluorescence microscopy at early tailbud stages for embryos with correctly targeted morpholino. Lateral views of uninjected or injected side of the embryo are shown, as well as a dorsal view of the same embryo. 142 143 Figure 5.6 FoxM1 morphants with eye phenotype (A) 0.1mM FoxM1 MO. (B) 0.2mM FoxM1 MO. P-values from Fisher’s Exact test (0.1mM; <0.0001; 0.2mM,<0.0001). Figure 5.8 FoxM1 knockdown results in small eyes with lamination defects Transverse retinal sections of embryos injected with 0.1mM FoxM1 (A-J) or 0.2mM FoxM1 (K-N) stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Stage 32, A-D; Stage 41, E-N. 144 Figure 5.9 Differentiated cell types and abnormal retinal patterning are present in FoxM1 morphants Transverse retinal sections of embryos injected with 0.1mM FoxM1 COMO or MO. Immunohistochemistry for Islet1 (A-D) or Rhodopsin (E-H). Stage 38 retinas are shown. - 145 Chapter 6: The significance of exploring Rx regulation and Forkhead transcription factors function in RPCs 6.1 Summary of significant findings Presented in this dissertation work (Chapter 2) is the characterization of transcriptional regulation of the prominent transcription factor, Rx. We identify several functional regions of the Rx promoter (UCE, FBE, CRE and DAE). Our data indicate that these regions functionally interact to maintain proper Rx expression in the developing and mature eye. Furthermore, we have identified specific TF sites that function in this process: OTX, SOX and POU sites within UCE, and the FBE in the proximal promoter. Since Rx is one of the first EFTFs to be expressed in the anterior neural plate as RPCs are specified, this work gives insight into the understanding of the EFTF regulatory network, and to the understanding of eye field specification. Due to the elucidation of the FBE within the Rx2A promoter, the remainder of the work is focused on the function of forkhead transcription factors during eye development. In chapter 3, a discussion of the present literature regarding the expression and function of forkhead proteins in the developing eye is presented. Chapter 4 and 5 include studies identifying novel roles for FoxO3 and FoxM1 vertebrate eye development. 146 FoxO3 and FoxM1 have opposing roles on the cell cycle; FoxO3 antagonizes cell cycle progression while FoxM1 promotes it. Therefore we have taken opposite approaches to studying their function in RPCs. Overexpression of FoxO3 results in embryos with small eyes resultant from decreased proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and RPC gene expression changes. The changes in gene expression suggest that FoxO3 does not inhibit the specification of RPCs, but functions to delay the differentiation of RPCs. The data supports our original hypothesis regarding FoxO3 as cell cycle antagonist, with the ability to alter the differentiation capacity of RPCs. In contrast, knockdown of a known cell cycle progression gene, FoxM1, also results in decreased eye size in X. laevis embryos. However, the small eyes associated with FoxM1 loss-offunction have lamination defects. Our data suggest that FoxM1 is not necessary for the specification of RPCs, but required for their ability to produce normal retinal architecture. 6.1 Exploring the relationship between Rx2A, FoxO3, FoxM1 in RPCs In each chapter, I have discussed future directions regarding the individual projects. Here, I would like to discuss a few experiments that would address the relationship between Rx gene products, and the forkhead transcription factors, FoxO3 and FoxM1 in RPCs. There is a growing body of literature that suggests a cooperative activity between FoxO3 and FoxM1 in various tissues (Delpuech et al., 2007; Madureira et al., 2006; McGovern et al., 2009; Zou et al., 2008). First, FoxO3 may act directly upstream of FoxM1 to modulate proliferation rates, and FoxO3 induced apoptosis can be recovered in the presence of exogenous FoxM1 (McGovern et al., 2009). These studies suggest a antagonistic regulation of proliferation and apoptosis by FoxO3 and FoxM1. It would be 147 interesting to see if this mechanism is relevant to RPC biology. This could be tested in the models of FoxO3 overexpression presented in this work. To investigate whether FoxO3 acts upstream of FoxM1 in the regulation of RPC proliferation, we could analyze gene expression of FoxM1 in FoxO3-injected retinas. In addition, we could test whether addition of FoxM1 RNA is sufficient to rescue the apoptosis observed in FoxO3-injected embryos. Secondly, it has been shown that FoxO3 and FoxM1 cooperate to regulate the estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) promoter (Madureira et al., 2006). This cooperative activity occurs through two closely juxtaposed FBE elements within the proximal ERalpha promoter. Since both FoxO3 and FoxM1 represent cognate factors to regulate Rx transcription through the FBE, they could act cooperatively to regulate Rx transcription. Due to their known roles in the cell cycle, FoxO3 and FoxM1 may act in opposition, repressing and activating Rx transcription, respectively. If this activity is confirmed, this mechanism of transcriptional regulation would directly link two cell cycle genes to the RPC gene, Rx. 6.3 Regulation of RPC development by Homeobox and Forkhead transcription factors The regulatory network responsible for specification of RPC in vertebrates is composed of several members of the homeobox gene family (Zuber et al., 2003). These genes coordinate cell fate in the retina in cooperation with transcription factors of the bHLH family (Vetter et al., 2001; Lupo et al., 2000). The data described in this work implicate the forkhead family of transcription factors as a major additional family that functions during RPC development. Specifically, FoxO3 and FoxM1 are two cell cycle regulatory genes whose normal function must be maintained to ensure proper RPC 148 development. In addition, we have demonstrated the importance of a forkhead binding element in the regulation of Rx transcription. Admittedly, it remains to be tested if Rx regulation by forkhead transcription factors is biologically relevant. However, it is interesting to speculate whether the role of forkhead transcription factors could be to act as cell cycle agonist/antagonists upstream of homeobox and bHLH factors. This model would provide a method for integrating proliferation cues and cell fate cues in developing RPCs. 6.4 Closing remarks In this dissertation, we present data to expand the knowledge of transcription regulation in the RPCs, recognize the forkhead family of transcription factors as RPC regulators and demonstrate novel roles for two cell cycle regulators in the development of the neural retina. Thus, this work advances the knowledge of the intrinsic mechanisms governing RPC development in vertebrates. As we expand the body of knowledge regarding RPC regulation, it quickly becomes apparent that the mechanisms governing this process are each integral to the normal development of the neural retina. Alterations of these mechanisms are detrimental to the structure and function of the retina, and this notion perpetually motivates the pursuit of a complete understanding of RPC development. As well, we can appreciate the complexities of eye development, which has led to the continued fascination with this organ over centuries. 149 Appendix A 150 Figure A.1. Cyclin D1 is robustly expressed in the developing X. laevis retina (A-H) whole mount in situ hybridization using an antisense probe against cyclin D1. (AB) and (E), anterior view. (C), lateral view. (F-G), lateral view of head. (H-J) in situ hybridization on paraffin-embedded, transverse-sectioned material using antisense probe against xlFoxM1. Embryonic stages are indicated in bottom right of the panels. L, lens. 151 Figure A.2. 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