Cordus Conjecture Quis es tu et quo vadis, photon? Third edition Pons i Cordus Conjecture The Cordus Conjecture is a conceptual model that integrates the particle and wave behaviour of light into a single model. Quis es tu et quo vadis, photon? Quantum behaviour of individual photons is weird, in the way they defy rationality. Sometimes they behave like waves, and sometimes like particles, depending on how they are observed. They are capricious and apparently have an element of wilfulness in their behaviour: they seem to know when a path is blocked, without even going down it. Also, they seem to adapt their behaviour in response to whether the Observer is there or not (e.g. Schrodinger’s Cat, Zeno effect). If this is quantum mechanics, then it is no wonder that people consider it beyond weird. Even physicists struggle to explain it. The usual explanations put forward have their share of eeriness too: virtual ghost particles that cannot ever be observed, spooky intelligence in the photon, philosophical dilemmas about the power of the Observer to affect the rest of the physical world and its future merely by looking at it, and parallel universes beyond the cosmos which are forever unreachable to us. There are good theories for pieces of the problem, but only parts. For example, wave theory is good for predicting the behaviour of beams of light, and quantum mechanics for the particle effects. However there is no integrative theory, so the present situation in physics is an incongruous amalgam of theories, with weird implications. Is there a way to explain quantum effects of the photon rationally, without resorting to bizarre nonphysical causality? Is there a way to integrate wave and particle views in a way that makes sense? Is it possible to conceive of a new physics? The cordus concept is surprisingly simple, yet powerful and able to explain many phenomena and paradoxes in physics: double-slit experiment; Heisenberg's uncertainty principle; Zeno effect; fringes; diffraction; Mach-Zehnder interferometer; transparency; reflection; refraction; absorbance; tunnelling; entanglement; emission; matter waves; superposition; coherence; Schrodinger's Cat; entropy, irreversibility; strong force; force unification; antimatter; annihilation; asymmetrical genesis; time ii CORDUS CONJECTURE Edition 3 2012 Pons D.J., Pons A.D. Pons A.M., Pons A.J. Published in New Zealand This book is a compilation and adaption of several papers by the Pons research, conceptual design, and authoring team: Dr Dirk Pons (Principal Researcher and Lead author), Arion Pons, Ariel Pons, and Aiden Pons. Please address any correspondence to the Lead author at Copyright Dirk Pons 2011-2012. This edition of the work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. Individual papers available at under the same copyright release, but may be older versions. See also for subsequent developments and commentary. Revision history Edition 3.0 of 11 February 2012: Additional papers on antimatter and neutrinos included. Edition 2.3 of 20 August 2011: Addition of summary papers on Wave-particle duality, and QM scaling problem. Minor changes to existing material regarding conceptual clarification, correction of typos. Edition 1.2 of 9 April 2011: Minor format edits. Edits to parts 4: changed position on directionality of gravitation, added summary for force. More specifically identified potentially testable differentiating effects throughout. Edition 1.0 of 6 April 2011: First public release to and Permissions The image ‘Figure 1: Cordus model of the photon’ of ‘Cordus conjecture: Overview’ has been released into the Wikimedia commons and may be freely reused. iii Contents Part 0: Overview ..................................................................................................11 Wave-particle duality: A proposed resolution.......................................................12 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 6 Integration problems in fundamental physics.................................................................. 14 Approach taken ............................................................................................................... 16 Cordus conjecture............................................................................................................ 17 Cordus mechanics ............................................................................................................ 20 Cordus frequency............................................................................................................. 21 Reflection ........................................................................................................................ 22 Refraction ........................................................................................................................ 24 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 26 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 29 Why does quantum mechanics not scale up? .......................................................34 1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 34 2 Cordus conjecture............................................................................................................ 36 3 Conceptual evaluation of QM .......................................................................................... 37 3.1 The fallacy that particles are points ................................................................................ 37 3.2 The fallacy of Bell’s theorem and locality........................................................................ 38 3.3 The fallacy of superposition being the reality ................................................................. 39 3.4 The fallacy of causal variability ...................................................................................... 40 3.5 The fallacy of easy coherence ......................................................................................... 41 3.6 The fallacy of scale invariance......................................................................................... 43 3.7 The fallacy that fields and particles are independent...................................................... 45 5 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 46 6 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 52 References................................................................................................................................... 54 Cordus Conjecture: Overview ...............................................................................56 1 2 3 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 Introduction to cordus ..................................................................................................... 56 Integration problems in conventional physics.................................................................. 57 Approach taken ............................................................................................................... 59 Cordus mechanics ............................................................................................................ 62 Cordus Conjecture ........................................................................................................... 62 Cordus optics ................................................................................................................... 64 Cordus matter.................................................................................................................. 65 Cordus in extremis ........................................................................................................... 68 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 71 Part 1: Cordus first principles ...............................................................................76 Cordus Conjecture - Quis es tu photon?................................................................78 1 Introduction: Wave-particle duality ................................................................................. 78 2 Method............................................................................................................................ 79 3 Cordus conjecture............................................................................................................ 80 3.1 Cordus model of the photon ............................................................................................ 81 Causa 1 Cordus underlying mechanisms............................................................................. 81 iv 3.2 4 Application to quantum measurement effects................................................................. 85 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 85 Photon path dilemmas: Quo vadis, photon?.........................................................87 1 Introduction: Photon Path dilemmas ............................................................................... 87 2 Existing approaches ......................................................................................................... 87 3 Particle behaviour in the Double-slit experiment............................................................. 88 4 Mach–Zehnder interferometer ........................................................................................ 92 Lemma L.7 Beam-splitter ........................................................................................................ 94 5 Conclusions...................................................................................................................... 99 Explanation of fringes ........................................................................................101 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 101 2 Wave theory explanation of interference ...................................................................... 102 3 Cordus solution.............................................................................................................. 103 Lemma L.4 Internal and external variables of the photon ..................................................... 103 Lemma L.5 Span length ......................................................................................................... 104 4 Wave behaviour in single gaps: diffraction .................................................................... 105 Lemma L.6 Cordus hyff for the photon.................................................................................. 106 5 Fringes in the Double-slit device .................................................................................... 111 6 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 116 7 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 117 Part 2: Cordus optics ..........................................................................................121 Cordus Frequency ..............................................................................................123 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 123 2 Cordus Transparency and Opacity.................................................................................. 125 Lemma O.1 Electron interaction determines Transparency and Opacity................................ 126 3 Cordus Frequency .......................................................................................................... 127 Lemma O.2 Cordus Frequency ............................................................................................... 127 Causa 2 Working model for frequency ............................................................................. 129 4 Tunnelling ...................................................................................................................... 131 5 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 132 Cordus Reflection...............................................................................................135 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 135 2 Cordus effects at surface interfaces ............................................................................... 137 Lemma O.3 Surface interaction.............................................................................................. 137 3 Cordus model for Reflection .......................................................................................... 138 3.1 Reflection in general ...................................................................................................... 138 3.2 Critical angle for total internal reflection ....................................................................... 142 4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 144 Cordus Refraction ..............................................................................................147 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 147 2 Cordus refraction ........................................................................................................... 148 Lemma O.4 Refraction ........................................................................................................... 148 2.1 Derivation of Snell’s Law................................................................................................ 149 2.2 Brewster's angle ............................................................................................................ 151 2.3 Mixed reflection and refraction ..................................................................................... 154 v 3 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 156 Part 3: Cordus matter.........................................................................................160 Wider Locality....................................................................................................162 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 162 2 Entanglement ................................................................................................................ 164 Lemma M.1 Photon-photon interaction ............................................................................ 164 3 Complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) ............................................... 165 4 Locality and Bell's theorem ............................................................................................ 166 5 Principle of Wider Locality ............................................................................................. 168 6 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 168 Matter particuloids ............................................................................................172 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 172 2 Cordus model of the Electron......................................................................................... 172 Lemma M.2 Electron ......................................................................................................... 173 2.1 Wave-particle duality of the electron ............................................................................ 173 2.2 Aharonov-Bohm effect................................................................................................... 174 2.3 Electron configuration, Orbitals, Spin ............................................................................ 175 Lemma M.2 continued............................................................................................................... 176 2.4 Atomic bonding ............................................................................................................. 178 3 Application to matter generally ..................................................................................... 180 Lemma M.4 Matter ........................................................................................................... 180 4 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 183 Energy cycles within matter ...............................................................................186 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction................................................................................................................... 186 Cordus model for photon absorption............................................................................. 187 Recycling the energy: reversibility, elasticity, entropy ................................................... 189 Photon Emission ............................................................................................................ 191 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 192 Special states of matter .....................................................................................194 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction................................................................................................................... 194 Superposition ................................................................................................................ 195 Coherence...................................................................................................................... 196 Superfluidity ................................................................................................................. 199 Superconductivity .......................................................................................................... 201 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 204 Schrödinger’s Cat reconceptualised....................................................................208 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction................................................................................................................... 208 Contrasting interpretations: Quantum and Cordus mechanics....................................... 209 Heisenberg uncertainty principle ................................................................................... 210 Schrödinger’s Cat ........................................................................................................... 211 Contrast: String Theory .................................................................................................. 214 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 214 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 215 vi Part 4: Fields, forces, and fabric..........................................................................218 Electromagnetism..............................................................................................220 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 Introduction................................................................................................................... 220 Field forces .................................................................................................................... 222 Quantum mechanics interpretation of fields ................................................................. 222 Cordus electrostatics...................................................................................................... 223 Electric field ................................................................................................................... 224 Cordus magnetism ......................................................................................................... 228 Magnetic interaction ..................................................................................................... 232 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 236 Fabric of the universe.........................................................................................240 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 240 2 Temporal capacitance.................................................................................................... 241 3 Cordus Fabric-of-the-universe conjecture ...................................................................... 242 E.3 Fabric hyff Lemma................................................................................................................ 242 4 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 246 Gravitation, Mass and Time ...............................................................................249 1 2 E.4 2.1 2.2 3 E.4 4 E.5 5 E.6 6 Introduction................................................................................................................... 249 Cordus Gravitation......................................................................................................... 250 Gravitation and mass Lemma......................................................................................... 251 Mechanism for gravitational interaction force............................................................... 251 Features of cordus gravitation ....................................................................................... 254 Mass .............................................................................................................................. 255 Additional lemmas continued ........................................................................................ 255 Cordus Time................................................................................................................... 259 Time Lemma .................................................................................................................. 259 Force and the Principle of Geometrically Constrained re-energisation........................... 263 Force Lemma ................................................................................................................. 263 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 263 Cordus Quarks ...................................................................................................266 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Introduction................................................................................................................... 266 Existing interpretations for the strong interaction ........................................................ 267 Cordus quark mechanics ................................................................................................ 267 Quark structures ............................................................................................................ 269 Level of assembly........................................................................................................... 272 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 276 Closing summary............................................................................................................ 277 Part 5: Matter and antimatter ............................................................................283 Mirror images: Matter and Antimatter...............................................................284 1 2 3 4 4.1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 284 The conventional perspective of antimatter .................................................................. 285 Background: Cordus conjecture ..................................................................................... 286 Cordus model for matter and antimatter....................................................................... 288 Consolidating existing principles.................................................................................... 288 vii 4.2 Cordus hand: ma............................................................................................................ 289 4.3 Cordus matter and antimatter ....................................................................................... 290 4.4 Lemma........................................................................................................................... 293 5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 294 5.1 Outcomes: what has been achieved?............................................................................. 294 5.2 What are the implications?............................................................................................ 295 5.3 What are the limitations and implications for further research? ................................... 297 6 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 298 References................................................................................................................................. 298 Contrasting internal structures: Photon and electron .........................................300 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 Introduction................................................................................................................... 300 Structural differences between photon and electron..................................................... 301 Photon as a fibrillating hyff-pump ................................................................................. 302 Electron as a pulsating hyff-pump.................................................................................. 303 Explanation of various effects........................................................................................ 303 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 305 Annihilation mechanisms: Intermediate processes in the conversion of electron and antielectron into photons............................................................................309 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 309 2 Cordus Background........................................................................................................ 312 3 Cordus mechanics for annihilation................................................................................. 313 3.1 Complementarity of ma hand is the underlying principle.............................................. 313 3.2 Annihilation of matter and antimatter.......................................................................... 314 3.3 Lemma........................................................................................................................... 322 4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 323 4.1 What has been achieved? .............................................................................................. 323 4.2 What are the implications?............................................................................................ 324 4.3 What are the limitations and implications for further research? ................................... 326 5 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 327 References................................................................................................................................. 327 Cordus process diagrams: Symbolic representation of annihilation mechanics....330 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 330 2 Approach ....................................................................................................................... 332 2.1 Process diagram............................................................................................................. 332 2.2 HED notation ................................................................................................................. 334 3 Positronium annihilation .............................................................................................. 336 3.1 Parapositronium ............................................................................................................ 337 3.2 Orthopositronium.......................................................................................................... 339 3.3 Comparison: parapositronium vs. orthopositronium ..................................................... 340 3.4 Scattering....................................................................................................................... 341 3.5 Lemma........................................................................................................................... 341 4 Conclusion ..................................................................................................................... 342 References................................................................................................................................. 342 Part 6: Neutrino mediated effects ......................................................................346 Structure of the neutrino and antineutrino ........................................................347 1 2 Introduction................................................................................................................... 347 What we know about neutrinos .................................................................................... 348 viii 3 Method.......................................................................................................................... 350 4 Neutrino structure ......................................................................................................... 352 4.1 Neutron structure .......................................................................................................... 352 4.2 Beta- decay and the antineutrino (v) HED structure....................................................... 353 4.3 Beta+ decay and the neutrino (v) structure.................................................................... 356 4.4 Electron capture ............................................................................................................ 358 4.5 Alpha decay ................................................................................................................... 358 5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 359 5.1 What has been achieved? .............................................................................................. 359 5.2 Implications ................................................................................................................... 360 6 HED lemmas.................................................................................................................. 368 7 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 372 References................................................................................................................................. 372 Weak interaction: Reassembly of particules .......................................................374 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 374 2 Background.................................................................................................................... 374 3 W and Z bosons reconceptualised.................................................................................. 376 3.1 W- boson ....................................................................................................................... 376 2.2 W+ boson....................................................................................................................... 377 3.3 Z boson .......................................................................................................................... 378 3.4 The cordus interpretation of the W and Z bosons .......................................................... 378 3.5 Neutrino-antineutrino annihilation................................................................................ 379 4 Boson lemmas ............................................................................................................... 380 5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 381 6 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 382 References................................................................................................................................. 382 Stability and decay: Mechanisms for stability and initiators of decay in the neutron ..........................................................................................................................383 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 383 2 Background.................................................................................................................... 384 2 Neutron beta- decay ...................................................................................................... 385 2.1 Stable in, unstable out ................................................................................................... 386 2.2 Decay initiators.............................................................................................................. 387 2.3 Implications of the two decay routes............................................................................. 388 3 Stability and disassembly lemmas ................................................................................. 392 4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 393 5 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 395 A Appendix: Other beta decays ........................................................................................ 396 A.1 Beta minus decay n => p + e + v ..................................................................................... 396 A.2 Beta plus decay p => n + e + v ........................................................................................ 397 A.3 Electron capture p + e => n + v ....................................................................................... 397 References................................................................................................................................. 398 The preponderance of matter: Asymmetrical genesis via the antineutrino route 400 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Introduction................................................................................................................... 400 Method.......................................................................................................................... 404 Genesis via discarded neutrinos..................................................................................... 405 Production of an electron-antielectron pair................................................................... 405 Remanufacture of the antielectron................................................................................ 409 Dominance of the matter-production stream ................................................................ 410 Other implications ......................................................................................................... 412 ix 4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 412 4.1 What has been achieved? .............................................................................................. 412 4.2 What are the implications?............................................................................................ 413 5 Genesis lemmas ............................................................................................................. 415 6 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 416 References................................................................................................................................. 416 Part 7: Philosophy and physics ...........................................................................419 Limits of coherence: Where and why is the transition to discoherence?..............420 1 2 3 Introduction................................................................................................................... 420 Reconceptualising coherence......................................................................................... 422 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 428 Time: Frequency, irreversibility, and connectedness of matter ...........................432 1 Introduction................................................................................................................... 432 2 Background.................................................................................................................... 433 3 Time at the assembly level............................................................................................. 437 3.1 Time at the particule level: frequency (level 1) .............................................................. 437 3.2 Time at the level of molecular assembly (level 2) .......................................................... 437 3.3 Time at the level of organic life: chemistry (level 3) ....................................................... 439 3.4 Time at the cognitive level: phenomenal (level 4).......................................................... 439 3.5 The connectedness of time ............................................................................................ 440 4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 441 4.1 Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 441 4.2 Arrow of time ................................................................................................................ 442 4.3 Implications: Addressing common questions about time............................................... 443 5 Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 446 References................................................................................................................................. 448 Possibly testable predictions of cordus mechanics .................................................................... 451 Index.......................................................................................................................................... 453 x Cordus Conjecture Part 0: Overview Summary of the main features of the cordus conjecture 11 Wave-particle duality: A proposed resolution Pons, D.J. 1 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract There are several integration problems of fundamental physics that still lack coherent solutions, the case in point being wave-particle duality. While empiricism and mathematical modelling have served physics well, they have not yet been able to achieve integrated causal models. Conventional theories and approaches have only provided partial solutions, and it is possible that a more radical reconceptualisation of fundamental physics may be required. This work comes at the issue from a totally different approach: it applies engineering design thinking to the problem. The result is the cordus conjecture, which proposes that the photon, and indeed all matter ‘particles’, has an internal structure comprising a 'cordus': two reactive ends that each behave like a particle, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are proposed to be a small finite distance apart, and energised [typically in turn] at a frequency. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril [hyff], and this makes up the field. This concept is used to explain the path dilemmas of the single photon in the double-slit device, and the wave behaviour of light including the formation of fringes by single photons and beams of light. In addition it provides a tangible explanation for frequency. It also yields new quantitative derivations for several basic optical effects: critical angle, Snell’s law, and elsewhere Brewster’s angle. Thus the proposed cordus structure resolves wave-particle duality at a conceptual level. The cordus conjecture does away with the current weirdness of wave-particle duality: there is no need for virtual particles, superposition, observer dilemmas, pilot waves, intelligent photons, or parallel universes. A simple deterministic, unintelligent photon with dual modes of existence is all that is required. Cordus suggests there is a deeper mechanics that subsumes both quantum mechanics and wave theory. From this cordus perspective, wave and particle behaviours are simply the different output behaviours that the internal system of the photon shows depending on how it is measured. The duality and the apparent incongruity of quantum mechanics and wave theory is an artefact of the limited formulations of those theories, and the conflict does not exist at the deeper level of mechanics. While the present paper only addresses wave-particle duality, the wider work provides an integrative conceptual solution for several other enigmatic effects. Cordus is simpler and more logically consistent across a wider range of phenomena than quantum mechanics or wave theory. Even more surprising, and unexpectedly contrary to the prevailing probabilistic paradigm of quantum mechanics, cordus suggests that the next deeper level of reality is deterministic. 1 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Email Copyright Dirk Pons. 12 Il existe plusieurs problèmes d’intégration de la physique fondamentale qui requièrent, encore à ce jour, une solution cohérente. Le problème en question ici est celui de la dualité onde-particule. Alors que l’empirisme et la modélisation mathématiques ont bien servit la physique, ils n’ont pas, à ce jour, permis l’élaboration de modèles causaux intégrés. Les théories et approches conventionnelles n’ont fournit que des solutions partielles, et il est possible qu’une reconceptualisation plus radicale de la physique fondamentale soit nécessaire. Ce travail traite ce problème avec une toute autre approche en appliquant des processus de pensée relatifs au génie de conception. Le résultat est la « conjecture de cordus « qui propose que le photon et en fait toute particule matérielle a une structure interne comprenant un « cordus « : deux extrémités réactives se comportant comme des particules connectées par une « fibrille «. Il est proposé que ces deux extrémités réactives, séparées par une petite distance finie, sont énergisées [typiquement tour à tour] à une certaine fréquence. Lorsqu’elles sont énergisées, elles émettent une force impulsive transitoire le long d’une ligne appelée fibrille hyperfine créant ainsi un champ de force. Ce concept est utilisé pour expliquer les dilemmes de la trajectoire d’un photon dans l’expérience de la double fente et le comportement ondulatoire de la lumière incluant la formation de frange par un photon unique et de rayon lumineux. De plus, cela donne une explication tangible pour la fréquence. Cela induit également de nouveaux raisonnements quantitatifs pour plusieurs effets d’optique : l’angle critique, la loi de Snell, et ailleurs l’angle de Brewster. Donc, la structure en cordus proposée résout le problème de la dualité particule-onde au niveau conceptuel. La conjecture cordus élimine l’étrangeté de la dualité particule-onde : il n’y a pas besoin de particules virtuelles, de superposition, de dilemme d’observateur, d’ondes pilotes, de photons intelligents, ou d’univers parallèle. Un simple photon déterministe, non-intelligent avec un mode d’existence dual est tout ce qui est requis. Cordus suggère qu’il existe un mécanisme plus profond qui subsume la mécanique quantique et la théorie des ondes. Vu de cette « perspective cordus », les comportements ondulatoires et particulaires sont simplement les comportements que le système interne du photon démontre en fonction de la façon dont il est mesuré. La dualité et l’apparente incongruité de la mécanique quantique et de la théorie des ondes ne sont que des artefacts de la limite de la formulation de ces théories, et ce conflit n’apparait pas au niveau plus profond de la mécanique. Alors que cet article n’adresse que le problème de la dualité onde-particule, ces travaux fournissent une solution conceptuelle intégrative à plusieurs autres effets énigmatiques. Cordus est plus simple et plus consistant du point de vue de la logique pour un grand nombre de phénomènes tant quantiques qu’ondulatoire. Encore plus surprenant et inattendu, en contraste avec le paradigme stochastique de la mécanique quantique, cordus suggère que le prochain niveau plus profond de la réalité est déterministe. Keywords: wave-particle duality, photon, light, double-slit, double slot Document: Pons_Cordus_0.1_WaveParticleDuality_2011_E2.3.26.doc Edition 2.3: Included French translation of abstract, Acknowledgements, References added: Leggett, de Broglie. Replaced Fig1, Fixed 1D point error. 13 1 Integration problems in fundamental physics The dominant existing frameworks for fundamental theoretical physics are quantum mechanics [QM] for particles, electromagnetic wave theory [WT] for light, electrostatics and magnetism, and general relativity [GR] for gravitation. While those conventional theories are generally accepted as valid in their particular areas, there is the unfortunate problem that they do not integrate well, see Figure 1. Furthermore, they sometimes give weird explanations to simple phenomena, this being particularly the case with QM. Also, there are many areas that they simply do not explain at all, or give conflicting interpretations. A case in point is wave-particle duality. For example in the double-slit experiment, light apparently sometimes behaves like a wave, and sometimes like a particle, depending on how it is observed. As Loius de Broglie stated, 'Now a purely corpuscular theory does not contain any element permitting the definition of a frequency'. It was precisely for that reason that he formulated the initial idea of duality: 'This reason alone renders it necessary in the case of light to introduce simultaneously the corpuscle concept and the concept of periodicity' [1]. Nonetheless, the descriptions of WT for the fringe behaviour and QM for the particle behaviour, do not overlap. Thus there is no single integrated or coherent explanation for wave-particle duality. Furthermore, while QM has exquisite mathematical models for the particle behaviour, the physical interpretation of those models results in really strange predictions of reality e.g. superposition, and some explanations that are beyond physics, e.g. virtual particles and parallel universes. That would not be a problem except that we do not actually see reality behaving the way QM predicts, especially not at the macroscopic scale. The null explanation is then to simply accept the paradoxes and consider the matter intractable. That seems to be the current state of physics. Thus comparatively little progress has been made at the big-picture level: many of the issues identified in the figure above have been known for nearly a century, and are still unresolved. The issue preventing resolution is not obviously resources, since many people have been engaged in the pursuit and vast financial resources have been put into large capital works. Instead, it may be that we have simply painted ourselves into a conceptual corner, one where there is no solution. The deficiencies in QM are conceptual rather than mathematical [2-3]. Therefore, there may be value in coming at the issues from a totally different approach, i.e. use a different cognitive way of thinking. Is the duality even worth solving? It is acknowledged that in many ways wave-particle duality is no longer relevant to current discourses in physics. Generations of physicists have been trained to accept the duality as the reality, and it has become an accepted and seldom-questioned premise. Moreover, it is indeed a workable premise. This is because the tools of QM and WT, though lacking integration, are still sufficient for most of what physicists want to do, and 14 the popular many-worlds theory provides a convenient belief-system to bridge the residual ambiguities. A vast, and very successful, intellectual edifice in the form of quantum mechanics has been constructed for physics, despite wave-particle duality. That it has been possible to achieve so much, without directly solving the duality, seems to be evidence supporting those who claim that the duality is irrelevant: that it is only a curiosity and need not be solved at all. Nonetheless, the underlying cognitive dissonance is still there, even if papered over with intellectual coping mechanisms. Thus there are two reasons why we should nonetheless persist with exploring wave-particle duality. First is the reason of curiosity: because it is still an unanswered problem, regardless of its perceived relevance. Second is the epistemological reason: because it is just possible that the weirdness of wave-particle duality is not so much because reality is weird [a common interpretation], but rather a symptom that the conceptual foundations of our existing theories are fundamentally wrong. An example of this latter position is that of Canals-Frau who, regarding wave-particle duality, felt that the real issue was that the objects in question were neither waves nor particles but rather a new type of object, one for which we do not yet have words or concepts [3]. As he perceived it, there is a need to develop the necessary new semantic concepts for these objects. The integration problems in physics therefore suggest that there might be a deeper physics, a better theoretical foundation that provides a more coherent explanation across the many phenomena [4]. Thus we take the perspective of discontent - that cognitive dissonance and lack of integration between theories are symptoms of a deeper conceptual lack. We see value in exploring new conceptual solutions to wave-particle duality, and that is the purpose of this paper and the wider work to which it refers. However, if there is a deeper theory, e.g. one that subsumes both wave and particle perspectives, it is not obvious what that might be. Also, there is reason to believe, per Bell's theorem, that no theory of internal [or hidden] variables is possible for the photon and particles generally. Thus the problem of wave-particle duality may be fundamentally unsolvable. 15 Figure 1: Areas where there are integration problems in conventional physics. The first shown here is the problem of wave-particle duality, where light behaves as either a wave or particle depending on how it is observed. Another is gravitation, particularly the integration of general relativity and quantum mechanics. Unification of forces is another area of difficulty, the biggest obstacle being the unification of gravitation with the others. There is also the more tacit problem of the internal structure of matter: particles seem to be 1 dimensional points and some theories predict that they have no further internal structure [e.g. for the photon], yet other particles like the proton are known to be composed of still smaller particles though the structure itself is unknown. Finally, there is the problem of the various anomalous effects: observed phenomena that are difficult to explain. The wider integration is also missing: an ideal theory would explain ALL of the above. 2 Approach taken While empiricism and mathematical modelling have served physics well, they have not yet been able to achieve integrated causal models. But epistemic uncertainty is not unique to fundamental physics: other disciplines have their own conundrums, and have developed their own methods for complex problem-solving. Perhaps applying a problem-solving method from outside of physics might give insights? The Cordus conjecture is the result of an application of engineering design thinking to the problem. 16 Methodology This paper applies the cognition of engineering design. The conventional scientific method involves collecting empirical data, checking hypotheses, and formulating theories [fitting relationships to data]. Variables are usually quantitative and the objective is to find precise objective causal relationships [usually mathematical algorithms] describing how the input variables determine the observed behaviour. The cognitive skill required is analysis, and the logic is deductive. In contrast, design cognition seeks to find a satisfactory rather than a perfect solution. The cognitive skill required is creativity and intuition. Design involves multiple sub-optimisations using quantitative and qualitative variables, being processed by objective algorithms as well as subjective heuristics, along solution paths that are only partly evident at the outset. It forms a mechanism for innovation generally and new product development specifically. It looks like a messy process from the outside, but has its own logic of synthesis. Applying design cognition to fundamental physics would not seem a natural choice of methodology. Nor is it likely to generate the objective relationships of causality [mathematical expressions] that are so particularly prized in physics. Nevertheless it is a valid approach elsewhere, and has potential to provide surprises. Process The starting point was that simple yet subtle experiment: wave-particle duality of the photon in the double-slit device. The process was to apply design intuition, creativity and simple logic, and come up with a starting concept. This core concept is called the Cordus Conjecture [5]. As the name indicates, it is conjectural. This idea is novel in that it does not build on existing concepts. It is an unorthodox conceptual departure from existing frameworks and does not need them, and therefore does not reference them. Thereafter we considered other areas of dis-integration in physics, and sought to reverse-engineer the known phenomena, adding conjectures and intuitive material, and noting the necessary assumptions along the way. Thus the central strand in the Cordus conjecture is a set of lemmas, and these we do not attempt to prove, nor are they provided in this summary paper. The resulting Cordus model is primarily conceptual and descriptive, rather than mathematical, at least at this point in time. It is a system model created with the logic of synthesis. The results are likewise descriptive concepts, rather than mathematical expressions. The Cordus conjecture is given below, followed by an elaboration of its mechanics, where relevant to the topic of wave-particle duality. 3 Cordus conjecture The Cordus conjecture is that all 'particles', e.g. photons of light, electrons, and the protons in the nucleus of the atom, have a specific internal structure. This structure is a 'cordus': two reactive ends that each behave 17 like a particle, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite distance apart, and energised [typically in turn] at a frequency. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril [hyff], and this makes up the field, see Figure 2 for application to the photon [6]. Figure 2: Cordus model of the photon. It is proposed that the photon probably only has a single radial hyff at each reactive end, whereas the electron has three, but the fundamental structural concept is similar. Image is in the common domain The core concept in the cordus conjecture is thus a particular bipolar internal structure for the photon and indeed all ‘particles’. We term this a cordus, and emphasise that it is the internal structure of what is otherwise called a ‘particle’, and is not the same as a ‘dipole’ [separation of negative and positive charges] which is an external structure. Nor is it appropriate to call this a ‘particle’, because it is not a zero-dimensional [0D] point. The idea of a cordus allows many puzzling phenomena to be explained at a conceptual level, starting with wave-particle duality [7-8]. Double slit device Light seems to behave either as a wave or a particle in the double slit experiment, and cordus explains this wave-particle duality. Thus the single photon, made up of a cordus, does pass through both slits: one reactive end through each slit. The reactive ends therefore take different paths 18 [loci]. The natural variability of the span of the cordus means that the effect is only approximately dependent on the spacing of the slits. Particle behaviour Once through the slits, the whole photon collapses to, and therefore appears, at the first place where a reactive end is arrested, see Figure 3. This explains the observed phenomenon that blocking one slit, [or placing a detector only at one slit] causes the whole photon to appear there. Figure 3: Photon behaviour in the double-slit experiment 19 The properties are of the particuloid are at a high frequency and therefore effectively indeterminate until intrusively measured. Wave behaviour and fringes This basic idea can also explain how the fringes arise in single gaps and double-slits. Each of the two reactive ends also interacts, through the hyff [electric field] with the opaque material bounding the slits. The hyff become engaged with the surface plane of the material and exert a quantised force that retards the reactive ends and bends its trajectory by set angular amounts, causing fringes at set intervals. The double-slit device best shows the fringe behaviour because the shortspan cordi are barred entry by the medulla. Thus the device imposes an upper and lower filter on the range of spans admitted. Hence narrower slits produce more pronounced fringes. The two locations of the fringe are the modes of the reactive ends, and it is somewhat random as to which will ground first. Note that this explanation accommodates the fringe behaviour of both single photons and beams of coherent light. Thus a solitary photon will be deflected into discrete angular steps, and will appear at one of the fringe locations. A whole beam of coherent light will likewise form fringes because all the photons have the same discrete angular deflection, providing that they are of the same energy. In the cordus model higher energy particuloids [i.e. also higher frequency] have shorter spans. This also explains why both photons and electrons form fringes: in both cases the fringes arise because of the interaction of the electric field, which is in discrete pulses, with the frontal surface plane of the matter bounding the slit. Wave-particle duality The significance of this is that one mechanism, the cordus, is able to explain all three phenomena in the double slit: the blocked-slit behaviour of an individual photon, the fringes formed by multiple photons taken singly, and the fringes produced by of a beam of light. The same mechanisms also explains photon path dilemmas in interferometers. 4 Cordus mechanics The basic cordus concept is now expanded and grounded in known phenomena to extract the broader mechanics for optical reflection and refraction. 20 4.1 Cordus frequency Conventional particle and wave theories struggle to explain the frequency of photons and matter in a coherent manner using natural physics. By comparison, the cordus readily provides a physical interpretation. Thus it is proposed that there really is a part of the photon cordus that moves with a frequency [9]. The current working model is for a reciprocal motion: the energy alternates between the two reactive ends across the span of the cordus, and the hyff represent the observable electric field, see Figure 4. Figure 4: Working model for frequency behaviour of reactive ends. This cordus model for frequency readily explains polarisation too: this is the orientation of the cordus relative to the line of motion. It also explains tunnelling. This effect involves a photon occasionally going through a barrier [e.g. the space between two glass prisms] instead of being reflected. The effect requires a small gap, and is known to be dependent on frequency. Tunnelling, from the cordus perspective, is when a reactive end energises too late for its hyff to respond to the change of media, so the RE goes right on through into the next medium before it has time to re-energise. 21 4.2 Reflection Optical effects such as reflection and refraction are conventionally best described by electromagnetic wave theory, at least when they involve beams of light. Wave theory takes the perspective that a beam of light is not so much a stream of photons, as a continuously existing electromagnetic wave, comprising an electric field and a magnetic field. From the perspective of wave theory, reflection is caused by the mirror surface absorbing and re-emitting its own EM waves. Depending on the perspective taken, these interfere with each other or with the incident wave to produce the reflected wave. The mathematics of wave theory accurately quantifies the phenomenon, though its qualitative explanations are not intuitive. Nor does that theory does not explain why single photons should also show such behaviour. Explaining basic optical effects is not possible with classical particle mechanics, and even with quantum mechanics it is not straight forward and the descriptive explanations not particularly intuitive. Optical effects can be explained from a cordus particuloid perspective [10]. Importantly, this explanation is applicable for single photons and beams of light. The Cordus explanation is that both reactive-ends of the cordus separately reflect off the surface as their hyff interact elastically [lossless] with the substrate. The precise locus taken by a reactive end depends on its frequency state at the time it approaches the surface, and the nature of the surface. Thus the reflection is not a sharp instant change in direction occurring at the surface, but rather a curved transition. Depending on the situation, that curve might occur above the surface [cisdermis] or beneath it [transdermis]. Consequently the centreline of the reflected cordus may be laterally offset from the nominal: the photon is displaced sideways from where it should be by simple optics. This effect is known for p-polarised light at total internal reflection, and is termed the Goos–Hänchen effect. The Cordus explanation is that the actual reflection occurs in the transdermis in this situation, and Figure 5 provides a graphical explanation of how the offset arises. Phase changes at reflection are also explainable [10]. 22 P Co ho o to sy rdin n’s st at em e t a2 r Reflection occurs before the surface is reached Centreline of cordus is coincident with nominal reflection line a a1 n1 cisdermis n2 transdermis Nominal reflection centreline (denser) (denser) Nominal reflection centreline a2 a1 n1 n2 Centre of cordus is offset from nominal reflection line (a) Reflection off a denser material (n2>n1) (b) Internal reflection off a less dense material (n2<n1) cisdermis transdermis Reflection occurs beyond the surface as the denser material pulls the reactiveend back Figure 5: Reflection occurs as a curved transition some distance off the surface (a), not an abrupt change at the precise surface. In the case of internal reflection (b), the transition may occur in the second medium and result in the centre of the cordus being offset from the nominal. Cordus derivation of critical angle Critical angle for internal reflection is also explainable [10]. Internal reflection is when light passes from a region of high refractive index n1 to lower n2, e.g. glass to air. The critical angle is where total internal reflection occurs, i.e. no transmission, and is known to be: Sin(θc) = n2/n1 = λ1/ λ2 where λ are the wavelengths. The Cordus explanation is that at the critical angle θc the reactive end a1 is inserted into in the faster material n2 at t=0, and therefore moves forward a distance λ2/2, see Figure 6. This motion is parallel to the surface because this is the angle of refraction. By comparison at the same time reactive end a2 continues to travel distance λ1 in the slower medium, before it later also enters the faster medium, at t=1/2 of a frequency cycle. RE a1 is thus accelerated by the sudden freedom of being in the faster medium. The angle θc is steep enough to push the RE out of the slower medium, but only steep enough to place it at the boundary. A moment later the second RE is likewise positioned at the boundary. 23 Figure 6: Geometry of the cordus at the critical angle θc for total internal reflection. The important points are: Over the period from t=0 to t=1/2 cycles, a1 moves λ2/2 whereas a2 moves λ1/2, because they are in different media. The angle θc is such that there is only a half-cycle of frequency involved. The angle at which the above two conditions is met is apparent from inspection of the geometry in the figure, Sin(θc) = λ1/ λ2, and this is the same as the critical angle derived from optics. For more details see reference [5]. 4.3 Refraction The bending of light as it enters an inclined boundary is usually explained in optical wave theory as a change in the speed [phase velocity], such that the wavelength changes but not the frequency. The angle of refraction θ2 in the second medium 2 is given by Snell's law: sinθ2 = v2/v1 .sinθ1 = n1/n2.sinθ1 = λ2/λ1.sinθ1 where the angles are measured from the normal to the surface, and v are the velocities in the two media. Explanations vary for how the change in speed occurs. The wave interpretation is that the delay occurs because the electric field interacts with the electrons to radiate a delayed wave, thereby forming the new but slower wave. Hence the Huygens–Fresnel principle that each point on the wave propagates new waves and these interfere. The Cordus explanation for refraction [11] is that the inclined incoming cordus strikes the surface and one reactive-end and then the next penetrates into the second medium n2. Assuming the case where n2 is more dense, e.g. from air to glass, then the cordus slows down. The case is shown in Figure 7. 24 Figure 7: Refraction involves a dormant reactive-end penetrating into the second medium, and being angularly deflected with reduction in speed. Cordus derivation of Snell’s Law The separation of the reactive ends along the interface, in Figure 7, is given by d = λ2/(2.sinθ2) = λ1/(2.sinθ1), which simplifies to Snell’s law. The frequency and other forms arise by noting that v1=f. λ1 and v2=f. λ2 and n = c/v where c is velocity of light in vacuum. Birefringence is also explained by cordus, and Brewster’s relationship derived. The cordus mechanics for optical phenomena are the same for single photons and beams of light, which is an advantage compared to wave theory. The same cordus mechanics are logically consistent with those for the double-slit device. Therefore cordus can explain particle behaviour, fringes, and optical effects, using a single coherent mechanics. The cordus explanation does not need the conventional concept of ‘interference’. In fact cordus refutes interference as a physical mechanism. Instead cordus asserts that interference is only a mathematical model of the en-masse behaviour of the hyff from multiple cordi. 25 5 Discussion Outcomes What has been shown here is a conceptual resolution of several problems in fundamental physics: 1. The proposed two-ended cordus structure2 of the photon readily explains the path dilemmas of the photon in the double-slit device: one reactive end goes through each slit, and the photon collapses and becomes detected at the obstacle which first stops one of the reactive ends. The same principle is also explains the path dilemmas in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Thus the ‘particle’ behaviour of the photon can be explained. 2. The cordus structure can also explain the wave behaviour of light, particularly the formation of fringes in gaps, apertures, and the double-slit device. The suggestion is that these fringes form, not from classical destructive/constructive interference, but by the interaction of the electric field, which is discrete, with the frontal surface plane of the matter bounding the slit. 3. Cordus also provides a tangible explanation for frequency of the photon, electron and matter generally. By comparison the ‘frequency’ of a particle is an abstract indefinite concept in quantum mechanics. 4. Cordus also provides a novel explanation for the standard optical effects of reflection and refraction. The cordus conjecture as a whole is primarily conceptual, being a thought-experiment, but this is one area where it goes further: it provides a quantitative derivation of critical angle, Snell’s law, and Brewster’s angle. This is novel in that the derivations are from a cordus particuloid perspective, which has a very different set of starting assumptions to wave theory or quantum mechanics. Wave-particle duality Thus the proposed cordus structure resolves wave-particle duality, at least at a conceptual level. The Cordus conjecture does away with the current weirdness of waveparticle duality: there is no need for virtual particles, superposition, observer dilemmas, pilot waves, intelligent photons, or parallel universes. A simple deterministic, unintelligent photon with dual modes of existence is all that is required. 2 The cordus conjecture introduces new concepts and these require new words, some of them invented, e.g. ‘hyff’. This might seem excessive, but as Canals-Frau noted, ‘it is necessary to start by creating a new concept with the help of a phenomenological description and by assigning a name to this concept’ 3. Canals-Frau, D., Comments on some problems of modern physics. Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 2003. 28(2): p. 215-223.. 26 From this cordus perspective, wave and particle behaviours are simply the different output behaviours that the internal system of the photon shows depending on how it is measured. The duality and the apparent incongruity of quantum mechanics and wave theory are artefacts of the limited formulations of those theories - the conflict does not exist at the deeper level of mechanics. Some may argue from a phenomenological position that no solution of hidden internal variables, such as cordus proposes, is permissible, as per Bell’s Theorem. However cordus refutes that theorem and shows it to be an artefact created by circular reasoning based on the flawed premise that particles must be 0D point particles [12-13]. Thus Bell’s Theorem is irrelevant and is not an impediment to hidden-variable solutions. Leggett inequalities Bell's theorem constrains against Local hidden variable solutions, and prohibits them altogether if locality and the 0D point premise are to be preserved. In contrast, the cordus geometry simultaneously refutes both locality and the point premise, and thus surpasses Bell's theorem. It is important to note that cordus does not disagree with the empirical results regarding entanglement, nor with the predictions of quantum mechanics, but it does disagree about the conceptual foundation of QM and the interpretations thereof. While theories using local hidden variables are in conflict with the experimental results, cordus does not have this difficulty. Thus cordus is a non-local hidden variable (NLHV) solution. It proposes that strict 0D point locality does not apply, though a principle of wider locality does. One sub-type of NLHV theories are the 'crypto-nonlocal' (CN) theories [14], which have not been ruled out, though they have been constrained by the Leggett inequalities. However, Leggett's conceptualisation of crypto-nonlocal theories was limited to a certain case, namely independent photons.3 In contrast, cordus includes an entanglement mechanism to create dependency between photons, plus a mechanisms for contextual measurement, and is therefore a more complex case than that used to draw up the CN inequalities. Thus we suggest that cordus transcends the CN theories and their limitations. As Pepper remarked, 'Any remaining NLHV theory must be fairly nonintuitive', and indeed cordus is in a different class of solutions. All these inequalities, Bell's and Leggett's, and the general disinclination towards hidden variable solutions, are founded on the 0D point paradigm, which is the fundamental fallacy of quantum mechanics [13]. 3 Leggett's consideration of 'crypto-nonlocal' theories was limited to pairs of photons, where each was independent to the other. Or as he put it, 'the ensemble of pairs of photons ... each of which ... behaves (statistically) exactly as if it had been emitted in a single-photon process' (p1470). He found that 'all CN theories are constrained by inequalities which are violated by the quantum-mechanical predictions' (p1469). 27 Implications This paper explains only some of the features of the cordus conjecture. While it has not solved all the integration issues raised in the introduction, the wider work progresses this further. The concept has also been applied conceptually to matter more generally, thus explaining: entanglement, locality, electron spin & orbitals, Pauli exclusion principle, Zeno effect, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Aharonov-Bohm effect, Atomic bonding, Entropy, Superfluidity including quantum vortices and heat conduction, Superconductivity including Meissner effect, Josephson effect, Coherence, Casimir effect, Electrostatic field and granulation [quantisation] thereof, Magnetism, Gravitation and mass, Spacetime, Lorentz, Relativistic nature of the vacuum, Finite speed of light in vacuum, Colour and Charge of quarks, Mass excess/deficit. Thus one simple cordus idea provides a unified conceptual framework that gives a logically consistent interpretation across the many physical phenomena. In almost every case listed above the cordus explanations are substantially different to those of the conventional theories of quantum mechanics, wave theory, and general relativity. Comparison with electromagnetic wave theory The biggest difference between wave theory and the cordus explanation is their interpretation of the mechanism for fringes. Wave theory explains fringes as ‘interference’: two separate waves of light differing by full [or half] fractions of wavelengths and thus constructively [or destructively] interfering. From the cordus perspective photons do not actually physically interfere or add together, and 'interference' is only a convenient mathematical analogy, not a real physical phenomenon for light. Nonetheless, the quantitative mathematics of Wave theory is useful as a computational representation. The Cordus explanation is that fringes are caused instead by interaction of the hyff with opaque planes. How do quantum mechanics and wave theory fit in? From the cordus perspective both conventional theories, quantum mechanics and wave theory, are mathematical simplifications of a deeper mechanics. Those theories represent the average and en-masse [respectively] output behaviour of the particuloid, not the behaviour of the inner system. The weirdness of conventional wave-particle duality is not because the photon is fundamentally weird, but because the existing conceptual frameworks of quantum mechanics and wave theory are inadequate: their mathematics are sufficient for forward propagation of effect [prediction], but give unreliable results when used for backward inference of causality [explanation]. Epistemological implications Cordus is a thought-experiment. The treatment is primarily conceptual and descriptive, and the cordus mechanics only lightly sketched out. It is a conceptual model, not so much a full theory with all the details worked out. Thus the validity is uncertain, and the concept requires further critical evaluation. However, if cordus should be correct, then the implications are 28 profound, as it provides a radical and wide-reaching reconceptualisation of fundamental physics. The cordus conjecture conceptualises a new candidate solution for the problem of wave-particle duality. Through the lens of the cordus conjecture [which we acknowledge may be incomplete or even plain wrong], a whole new deeper level of fundamental physics becomes visible. That deeper level seems to subsume the mathematics of quantum mechanics, wave theory, and general relativity, while simultaneously invalidating the physical interpretation of superposition and the wavefunction. So cordus may turn out to be a profound epistemic discontinuity, an earthquake of disruption to the edifices built on conventional theories of physics, and an entry portal to the next deeper level of mechanics. As the cordus conjecture shows, the double-slit device and the problem of wave-particle duality are cognitive springboards: solve them and many of the other integration problems [see Figure 1] suddenly come within reach, at least in principle. Thus this is exciting work, and even if the cordus idea itself ultimately proves not to be the solution, there would seem to be value in persisting with this design-type of approach, even if it is unorthodox to mainstream physics. 6 Conclusions The purpose of this paper was to explore new conceptual solutions to wave-particle duality, by applying a cognitive style used in engineering design. The results are radically unorthodox, and surprising. The implications are that the conceptual foundations of our existing theories are fundamentally wrong. Change the conceptual foundations and suddenly the potential exists for solving wave-particle duality, and several other integration problems. It is proposed that the photon does have internal structure, and the cordus conjecture sets out that proposed structure. Thus the photon, and indeed all so-called matter ‘particles’, has a two-ended cordus structure. This one idea is conceptually able to explain both particle and wave behaviours. It explains the path dilemmas in the double-slit device, as well as the fringes made by single photons or a beam of light. It also derives the quantitative relationships for several optical reflection and refraction effects. Cordus makes sense of the concept of frequency, which is otherwise a problematic concept in physics. While the present paper only addresses wave-particle duality, the wider work provides an integrative solution that covers a wide range of enigmatic effects in physics. Cordus suggests there is a deeper mechanics that subsumes both quantum mechanics and wave theory. Perhaps surprisingly, Cordus is also simpler and more coherent across a wider range of phenomena than quantum mechanics or wave theory on their own. 29 Even more surprising, and unexpectedly contrary to the prevailing probabilistic paradigm of quantum mechanics, cordus suggests that the next deeper level of reality is deterministic. Acknowledgements We acknowledge with gratitude the assistance of Dr Mathieu Sellier for translating the abstract. References 1. de Broglie, L., The wave nature of the electron, in Nobel Lecture. 1929, Nobel Prize in Physics. Available from: 2. Nikolic, H., Quantum Mechanics: Myths and Facts. Foundations of Physics, 2007. 37(11): p. 1563-611. Available from: 3. Canals-Frau, D., Comments on some problems of modern physics. Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 2003. 28(2): p. 215-223. 4. Einstein, A., B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 1935. 47(10): p. 777. 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M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 Quarks. 2011. 33 Why does quantum mechanics not scale up? Pons, D.J. 4 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. ABSTRACT The conceptual foundations of conventional fundamental physics are evaluated for logical consistency. The point of comparison is the cordus conjecture, that predicts specific internal geometries to ‘particles’, and thus delivers a coherent set of hidden variables. It is proposed that this deeper cordus mechanics can explain the quantum mechanics notion of superposition. Usefully, it also explains coherence. It identifies the underlying mechanisms whereby coherence arises and predicts the boundary conditions for this special state. This is then used to explain why quantum mechanics does not scale up to macroscopic bodies. This also allows a natural explanation of the Schrödinger’s Cat paradox. The comparison suggests that QM has seven conceptual fallacies, starting with the premise that particles are points. Core principles of QM are refuted, including Bell’s theorem, locality, and superposition, at least as QM constructs the ideas. Cordus also explains why the mathematical machinery of QM nonetheless works. Quantum mechanics emerges as only an approximation of a deeper and more logically consistent cordus mechanics. Keywords: quantum scale invariance, myth, fallacy, paradox, realism Edition 2 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_0.2_QuantumScaling_E2.10.42.doc Changes: 2.10 typos fixed 1 Introduction Quantum mechanics (QM) is the dominant theory for fundamental physics. Nonetheless it lacks a coherent conceptual foundation, even if its quantitative algorithms seem functional. Its descriptive explanations (‘interpretations’) all have elements of incongruity when compared to reality [4]. Even the deterministic theories, such as the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory [1, 15-16] that the wave-function guides moving particles down trajectories with position and momentum being hidden variables, is an interpretation of quantum mechanics ('causal interpretation') rather than a conceptually independent theory. QM conceptually dominates sub-atomic physics. Yet none of its many interpretations is able to fully explain the macroscopic world [17], nor do its explanations always make sense, even to its expert practitioners: ‘I am convinced that quantum mechanics is not a final theory. I believe this because I have never encountered an interpretation of the present formulation of quantum mechanics that makes sense to me’. Smolin [18] 4 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 34 Others have taken the position that the paradoxes about quantum theory are because it is being applied outside its bounds of validity [3], so that the paradoxes don't really exist, or that our cognition is inadequate [19]. However that still implies that QM is not a universal theory. But why those bounds should exist, where they be, and what theory is valid outside them, are still unanswered questions [20]. In addition to that sense of unease, many of the conceptual premises underpinning quantum mechanics are questionable. These include fundamental randomness, virtual particles, and the belief that there is no reality beyond what is measured [2]. Other theoretical formulations, e.g. hidden-variable solutions, are actually not prohibited in QM [2]. Feynman stated that ‘We absolutely must leave room for doubt', and though he did not necessarily mean that of quantum mechanics in particular, there have been ongoing concerns about the lack of conceptual coherence and questions about the veracity of the explanations derived from QM. Many of the original paradoxes of quantum mechanics that were there at the outset, such as wave-particle duality and the scaling problem [4, 21], have never been resolved. Thus while theoretical physics has advanced in its mathematical modelling, it has not yet revealed a coherent picture for physics. It has left behind unfinished conceptual business, and it is those voids that interest us. The purpose of this paper is to examine the conceptual premises of QM, using a contrast. Approach Since the deficiencies in QM are conceptual rather than mathematical [23], there is value in focussing on the former. Working in this area necessitates a conceptual design methodology, which is necessarily creative. This type of cognition is not countenanced as much in physics as in engineering, from whence the design methodology used here is borrowed. Conceptual design is a risky venture, both in terms of the subjectivity of the process and the uncertainty of success, but also has the potential for surprising insights. The purpose here is to appraise the premises beneath QM and see why it has the conceptual issues that it does, such as its inability to scale up to the macroscopic level. To do this requires a point of reference of some sort, preferably outside of QM. While there are several interpretations of QM, there are not many viable alternative theories that are external to it, so we first had to create one. We used concept-design [22] to create a novel alternative conceptual framework. This is ab initio: from first principles in a conceptual sense. This involved synthesising a satisfactory solution with the desired properties to give an adequate fit to observed quantum reality of the double-slit device, and then purposefully extending the design to describe other phenomena. This subjective design-cognition is very different to the mathematical modelling used conventionally in physics, and we acknowledge it may seem foreign. Nonetheless it created a concept which is entirely independent of QM conceptually, yet explains the same basic fundamentals, and is therefore a suitable mechanism for a 35 contrast. The synthesised design is called the cordus conjecture and its detailed assumptions are described elsewhere [23-24]. Its validity is unknown, but it does have a high degree of logical consistency, and it provides opportunity for evaluating QM in ways not previously possible, because new ideas suggest new comparisons. 2 Cordus conjecture The cordus conjecture [25] is that all 'particles', e.g. photons and electrons, have a specific internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), and this makes up the field. See Figure 1 for application to the photon. Figure 1: Cordus model of the photon. It is proposed that the photon probably only has a single radial hyff at each reactive end, whereas the electron has three, but the fundamental structural concept is similar. How does the cordus idea help? The cordus particuloid oscillates its appearance between its two reactive ends, so it looks like a single ‘particle’ when it collapses to one of its two modes. This explains why particles seem to be in two places as once: these are the two modes of the cordus reactive ends. However it should be noted that in this variant of the cordus conjecture only one reactive end is energised at any one time, not both simultaneously. The probabilities of a particle being in one particular location, rather than the other, arise simply as the cutting points on the frequency. Stop the experiment with the photon in a different part of its frequency cycle and it may appear in the other position. Cordus particuloids look like point particles at a large scale. A cordus is not the same as a ‘dipole’, which is a separation of negative and positive charges. Thus in this conceptual model the cordus is the deeper structure: the ‘particle’ nature appears in turn at the two reactive ends, as does the 36 ‘wave’ nature in the hyff. The cordus is neither a wave nor a particle but behaves as either depending on the measuring method. If the experiment is arranged to detect a particle, then the cordus simply collapses to one of its two modes, and a particle will be detected. It never collapses anywhere but one of its two modes. Likewise wave-detecting apparatus will not collapse the cordus but instead detect the hyff and a wave will be detected. The measurement method unavoidably changes how the cordus behaves, so wave and particle duality are only measuring artefacts, not the reality in this model. The cordus idea is a conjecture and unproven, but offers a logically consistent conceptual explanation across many phenomena: it explains wave-particle duality in the double-slit device [23], and derives the basic optical laws for reflection and refraction from scratch, among other outcomes [24]. The fact that it is possible to present a coherent counterpoint to QM, provides an opportunity to re-evaluate QM in ways not previously possible. 3 Conceptual evaluation of QM Quantum mechanics and the cordus conjecture both describe phenomena at the particle level, but from such radically different conceptual perspectives that the comparison provides a high degree of contrast. The comparative analysis identifies the following conceptually erroneous beliefs [‘fallacies’] in QM. 3.1 The fallacy that particles are points The QM concept of 'particle' is generally of zero-dimensional points, of no physical size at all, and no internal structure. QM accepts that the atom is not really indivisible, and assumes that particles may comprise still smaller particles, but does not explain how those particles are held in assembly. From the contrasting perspective the particle, e.g. photon or electron, is neither a point nor a sphere in the first place, but rather a cordus with two reactive ends and emitting hyff, the zone of influence of which extend beyond its geometric modes. The particuloid only appears to behave as a point particle when viewed from a coarser level. From this perspective the QM wave-function is an approximate descriptor of the average behaviour of the particuloid. The probabilistic nature of QM thus arises because there are deeper degrees of freedom in the structure of the photon (internal variables) that are not under experimental control nor represented in the wavefunction. Thus from the contrasting perspective it is a fallacy to assume that particles have to be points. The cordus conjecture demonstrates a coherent solution without using points, so points have to be considered an optional concept, if not rejected outright. Thus all physical interpretations, including superposition, that are based on the point 37 paradigm are questionable. This means that cordus also challenges the entrenched paradigm that conceives of a particle as a sedate, stable, solid, in-one-place, well-defined sphere (of mass or charge), as if it were a planet. It is not even remotely meaningful, from the cordus perspective, to perceive the atom as hard little balls orbiting around a nucleus made of compacted other balls, as shown in the popular symbol for the atom. 5 3.2 The fallacy of Bell’s theorem and locality The principle of locality is that the behaviour of an object is only affected by its immediate surroundings, not by distant objects or events elsewhere. Thus a 'particle' is only affected by the values of the fields (electromagnetic, gravitational, etc.) at the infinitesimally small location of the point. Hence also local realism: that the properties of an object preexist before the object is observed. Entanglement appears to require the principle of locality to be violated: twin particles may be linked, such that changing the state of one instantly changes the other, even if they are separated by macroscopic distances. The mechanisms are incompletely understood in conventional physics, but the effect seems real. Bell’s theorem sets these against each other by implying that only one perspective can be correct: either superluminal effects or local realism does not exist. The many actual experimental results are generally interpreted as supporting non-locality behaviour in quantum mechanics. A common interpretation is to accept Bell's theorem and conclude that no viable hidden-variable solution of any kind can exist. The cordus perspective is that a principle of Wider locality [26] applies: a cordus particuloid is affected by the cumulative effect of the fields in its local surroundings, these being the space to which its hyff have access. Further, hyff have access to spaces that the reactive ends do not. Thus cordus also explains the Aharonov-Bohm effect [27]. The cordus explanation for entanglement is that the fibrils of two cordi become synchronised through mutual hyff interactions, called complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) such that changes to the one affect the other even when the span of the fibril is stretched. The fibrils still retain their ability to communicate practically instantly [26]. Changing one 5 What is the diameter of a particle? The conventional premise is that a particle is a stable aggregate of one or more semi-permanently existing sub-particles, hence that it is meaningful to ask questions like ‘what is the diameter of the particle, e.g. proton?’ From a cordus perspective this is an invalid question: it is not meaningful to talk about the diameter of say a proton, as if it had a hard surface. Existing methods of attempting to measure the ‘diameter’ of the proton involve measuring its interaction with electrons, either in bonding situations or impact-scattering. From a cordus perspective these experiments are measuring the average interaction geometry of the electron and proton, not a physical diameter. It is natural to call this the ‘diameter’ of the proton, but that really is only an interpretation based on the premise, which cordus refutes, that a particle should be a sphere of charge. Cordus further suggests that the measurement is dependent on the probing particle, since its span is inversely related to its energy and mass. This is consistent with the observation that the diameter of the proton is measured to be smaller when the muon is used as the probing particle. Thus cordus predicts that a proton has no solid diameter but instead will have many ‘diameters’ depending on the nature of the probe. 38 reactive end at one site therefore changes the other, and that change can be immediately observed at the other site.6 The cordus model demonstrates that there is no problem with having all of superluminal effects, hidden variables, and some degree of wider locality. From this perspective Bell’s theorem is a fallacy that uses circular reasoning: it makes the implicit prior premise that particles are points, applies locality to the phenomenon of entanglement, concludes that particles are points, and hence infers that there are no internal structures (hidden variables) to particles. Bell’s theorem is a self-sustaining beliefsystem, not a logical necessity. It is only an obstacle to hidden-variable solutions, if one has the prior belief that the solution must be limited to only zero-dimensional particle designs [2]. 3.3 The fallacy of superposition being the reality Superposition from the QM perspective is that a particle occupies all possible quantum states simultaneously, and only collapses to one when the variable is measured. According to most interpretations of QM it is only probability that drives this, there is no underlying variable. From the cordus perspective, superposition and the wavefunction are simply approximations to the deeper mechanics of the cordus particuloid physically oscillating between its two mode positions. The cordus particuloid (e.g. photon cordus) collapses to one of these ends when it is grounded. The probabilistic nature only emerges because the observer inserts indeterminacy by selecting, even inadvertently, the moment to make the measurement, and therefore the frequency state of the cordus and ultimately the reactive end at which it will be found. Thus it is possible to refute the Copenhagen interpretation that the probability is the reality: from the cordus perspective superposition is not a physical state but simply a misinterpretation of the mathematics, and the measured probability is only an artefact of the observation process. It is not God that 6 Cordus Complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) and coherence This principle from the cordus conjecture explains is important in several explanations and briefly elaborated below. Since a photon has two reactive ends, and these are not energised all the time, it is possible for a second photon to occupy the same space, or to co-exist nearby. This requires that the frequency states be complementary, i.e. the reactive-end a1 of photon a is in the opposite state to b1 of photon b, and physically near each other, mutually affecting each other through the hyff to provide synchronisation. Likewise a2 and b2 at the opposite end. With entanglement the photon spans are stretched so that the reactive ends are far apart. It only looks like there is a whole photon at each location, when actually there are two photons sharing the space such that only one is visible at the location at any particular time. The bonds between any cordus particles are hyff and carry forces that synchronise the cordus frequency and phase of particuloids. 39 plays dice – the observer does, by selecting the method and moment at which to make the observation. 7 3.4 The fallacy of causal variability From the contrasting perspective, superposition confounds two different effects: positional and causal variability. Positional variability is ambiguity about where the particle (cordus particuloid) actually ‘is’ at any one moment. For QM this corresponds to the un-collapsed wavefunction, and the interpretation is that the particle is simultaneously in two places at once. For the cordus interpretation the positional variability instead corresponds to the statistical modes of the two reactive ends. Only one end is actually reactive and in the place at any one time, it is just that if the measurement frequency is not high enough then it appears that the particuloid is simultaneously in both positions. Causal variability is multiple consequences in time, i.e. divergent system states. Consider a subatomic event that has two possible outcome, e.g. a photon that could take path A or B. Once either of these states occurs, then there are say two more outcomes: A1 or A2 for the A path of the tree, and B1 or B2 for the B branch. Thus after time the system state has diverged into various temporal outcomes, hence ‘causal variability’. Quantum mechanics routinely assumes that causal variability necessarily occurs with positional variability.8 7 Superposition: To put it another way, the root cause of the problem with superposition is deficiency in its statistical formulation. Quantum mechanics was originally built with a statistical methodology that approached the problem as a cross-sectional statistical design (single point in time). Therefore the mathematical representations that QM developed are only applicable to average particle behaviour, at one point in time, because that is all that a cross-sectional design is valid for. Quantum mechanics is outside its base of validity for its statistical methodology when it tries to provide physical interpretations for longitudinal effects (multiple consecutive points in time). An average is fundamentally an unreliable predictor of longitudinal future outcomes when the population is bimodal. This criticism stands regardless of the validity of the cordus conjecture. 8 In what ways does quantum theory misuse Causal variability? The QM thinking goes something like this: ‘the particle is in two places at once, but the choice of which has not yet been made. There are subsequent events <notice the insertion of a time and causality premise here> the outcome of which will depend on which location the particle chooses. Therefore those subsequent events are also in superposition, i.e. exist simultaneously’. An example of this QM logic is: ‘The quantum world … is 'both/and': a magnetic atom, say, has no trouble at all pointing both directions at once. The same is true for other properties such as energy, location or speed; generally speaking, they can take on a range of values simultaneously, so that all you can say is that this value has that probability. When that is the case, physicists say that a quantum object is in a 'superposition' of states.’28. Ball, P., Physics: Quantum all the way. Nature News, 2008. 453(30 April 2008): p. 22-25. QM commonly extrapolates this further to whole bodies: ‘Therefore the object or person <notice the insertion of a premise of body-coherence here> in question will simultaneously be in several states, i.e. in different futures.’ From there it is a very short logical step to the idea of a separate universe, one for every causal outcome of every superposition states, hence the ‘many worlds’ theory. The 40 QM fails to differentiate these phenomena: it assumes that causal variability necessarily occurs with positional variability. This fallacy is an integral part of all interpretations of QM, which are thereby also refuted. Thus the contrasting perspective deflates the many-worlds/multiverse theories, and shows that the weirdness in quantum mechanics arises not from inadequate human comprehension, but from deep conceptual flaws in QM itself. Thus from the cordus perspective, a particuloid that oscillates between two reactive ends (modes) does not have dual futures: it only has one even if it is unclear at the time, and the driving mechanisms are fundamentally deterministic even if at too high a frequency to detect. The confounding of these two types of variability drives the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat, as will be shown. 3.5 The fallacy of easy coherence From the QM perspective coherence is the ability for particles to interfere. This includes constructive and destructive interference of photons or waves (hence fringes), and dependencies (‘correlation’) between two different particles. The dependency may exist to a greater or lesser extent, i.e. involving more variables between the particles. There is also the matter of how strongly the dependency is preserved over time. The concept of coherence also includes the idea that only one wave or particle is involved: that its properties at one instant of time can be linked those at a different location or time (‘self-coherence’). Examples of QM coherence at the large-scale include the laser, electrical superconductivity, and superfluidity. Nonetheless, even within QM there are differences of opinion about the interpretation of coherent states [29]. The QM expectation is that all objects, subatomic as well as macroscopic, should follow quantum theory and exhibit superposition, but the reality is that only particles and some microscopic objects show the behaviour. The latter are inanimate objects that have been cooled to close to absolute zero temperature (referred to as their ‘ground state’) [30-31]. There is much hope that superposition and quantum behaviour will be attainable in larger and warmer objects [32], as QM suggests should happen. It is not clear where the boundary is between the quantum world of particles and the macroscopic world that we perceive, and quantum mechanics itself cannot identify why there should be a boundary, nor where it would be. The contrasting cordus interpretation is different. Coherence is when all the cordus particuloids, which may be photons, electrons, protons, atoms, etc., have synchronised frequencies and phases thereof (see CoFS above). combinatorial branching on that tree of universes must be enormous if every superposition of every quark for all time, is to be accommodated. It is currently one of the favourite contenders for a qualitative description of how QM works, but from a logical perspective it creates more problems, and is hardly parsimonious or even physically measureable. 41 This particular state, where all the particuloids in the body of matter are synchronised, is termed ‘body coherence’. For photons in light beams, where the bonds are weak if they exist at all, the coherence may be mainly temporal and coincidental. In superfluidity and superconductivity the coherence is substantial [33]. However these are special states of purity and temperature, and macroscopic objects at our level of existence generally do not show this degree of coherence. The cordus conjecture can also predict what extent of coherence should be visible, and why. The critical factors for body-coherence are predicted to be temperature, homogeneity of composition, internal thermodynamic processes, internal mechanics, and gross size. It comes down to a sufficiently stiff structure: one where the bonds between atoms are consistent, firm enough to sustain the synchronicity, and there are minimal phonons. Coherence becomes difficult to sustain when one part of the body goes in a different direction, e.g. internal motion, or living physiology. Single cordus particuloids, such as electrons, are self-coherent under any conditions. Entangled particuloids, such as electrons sharing orbits, are also coherent. Entanglement is thus a simple form of coherence between two particuloids, see the CoFS principle above. Cordus predicts that sufficiently small bodies, typically atoms and molecules, should be able to diffract, form fringes through gaps, and pass through the double-slit experiment with the usual outcomes, providing they are in bodycoherence – though that will be increasingly difficult to achieve as the bodies become larger and warmer. Indeed, largish molecules have shown some of these behaviours [34]. Microscopic sized bodies, including viruses but excluding cells functioning at the time, should be capable of body coherence at low temperature, and thus exhibit bimodal positional variability (i.e. what QM would interpret as superposition). Indeed, resonance has been observed for small engineered objects [30-31]. It has also been proposed for viruses [35], and cordus also suggests that is feasible. Large macroscopic bodies of homogeneous composition, e.g. liquid helium, cooled to near zero should be able to be placed into coherence as a type of supersolid, and should be able to diffract and form fringes through sufficiently large gaps or at edges, though the effects will be miniscule. Large macroscopic bodies are predicted to be unable to form fringes through the double-slit device, because the whole object needs to be able to go through a slit at each of its positional extremes, and this will effectively delete the medulla and convert the experiment to a gap. However, getting a large macroscopic body of inhomogeneous composition and ambient temperature into body-coherence is likely to be next to practically impossible, especially for something like a motor car with moving parts. Or a cat. Cordus predicts that practically every object at ambient temperature and visible with the naked eye is not going to form 42 matter waves or fringes, nor display superposition (neither positional nor causal) [33]. If cordus is correct, then coherence is a special state, and QM is in error by assuming that it readily applies. Coherence is therefore not practical for realistic every-day bodies, living creatures, or the universe at large: there is too much temperature (phonons), diversity of atomic composition, and internal mechanics/thermodynamics to create the CoFS state. QM assumes that decoherence arises because the body interacts with the external environment in some unspecified way. Cordus identifies the factors and qualitatively describes their interaction. Thus it explains why small objects are more easily coherent, even at high temperatures, whereas large objects are not. The dominant disruptive mechanism is thus the response of the body to phonons. Identifying this fallacy, and understanding why it arises, is important in the following explanation of why quantum mechanics does not scale up.9 3.6 The fallacy of scale invariance We now come to the central puzzle of QM: why the effects it predicts are only visible at sub-microscopic scale. Why does QM not scale up properly? If it is valid at subatomic scale, what is preventing it from working at macroscopic scales? This is not something that QM has itself been able to explain. For example, particles seem to be able to appear in more than one place, and the act of observing them does seem to influence their location. Yet macroscopic bodies show no such tendency. This is a particularly serious issue for theories of cosmology, which have to take a position on this. 10 The general premise in physics is that quantum mechanics is the reality, and the classical world that we perceive emerges from that [28], but how this happens is unknown. It is generally believed that the macroscopic body loses coherence (hence decoherence) in some way because of some 9 Why has QM persisted in the false belief of easy coherence for macroscopic bodies, despite all the empirical evidence to the contrary? Is it because it needs to be true for the integrity of the QM paradigm? QM consists of a set of interlocked premises (wavefunction, superposition, coherence, interference) that make up its conceptual model. If QM is to be a theory of everything, then it needs to scale up to macroscopic bodies, and all the above premises are needed for that. Of those four, coherence is the weakest and most in need of being true if the belief system as a whole is to be sustained. Quantum mechanics is an adequate descriptor of much of subatomic reality, but clearly is not the complete reality because it does not explain all things in physics. To believe that QM is the reality necessarily requires personal belief to bridge the residual ambiguities and sustain the cognitive congruence of the mental-model. 10 The various forms of conventional cosmology accept the QM perspective, but are then faced with the implication that the universe as a whole is constantly in a state of superposition ('multiverse'), and thus leads to philosophical dilemmas about how and who the observer might be that collapses the wavefunction to give the world that we see. If these collapses do occur, they are not physically apparent to us, not for objects that we can hold with our hands, nor for the universe at large. 43 interaction with the rest of the environment, or the process of observation, e.g. [17], but the detailed mechanisms are still uncertain. Not only are the mechanisms unknown, but so too is where the transition lies. The contrasting cordus interpretation has already explained why coherence does not readily occur, and in turn this explains why quantum mechanics does not scale up. It is because macroscopic bodies are impractical to place into body coherence. Internal entropy prevents formation of the CoFS state. Thus the next deeper question is why entropy arises at all, given that atomic interactions are reversible. This is not easily answerable with QM, but again cordus offers an explanation. An atom that has surplus energy, say from an incoming photon, can dispense it in five main forms: electron orbital change (including bonding), electron ejection, photon ejection, electron flow (displacement of free electrons or plasmons), and phonon propagation (vibrational strain between the electrons making up the interatomic bonds, hence conduction). These mechanisms, especially phonons, distribute the energy to further atoms in the bulk, diluting it in the process. Through any of these mechanisms a remote atom might receive energy and then in turn emit a photon. Even if that photon was sent straight back to the original atom, there would still be less energy in the feedback loop because of the phonon dilution in the intervening bulk, the time required for the photon flight, and the expansion of space in the intervening period. The geometric and micro-structural complexity of the matter accessible to the photons and phonons introduces so many dilution paths that it is extremely unlikely that the energy fragments will spontaneously recombine using the thermionic effect to recreate the original photon. Thus the individual mechanisms are all reversible (elastic), but the system as a whole is not, hence entropy and thermodynamic irreversibility. The scaling problem of QM is thus explained as entropy causing an inability to sustain body-coherence. So the particuloids in the body are unable to move in synchrony but instead have different frequencies and phases, and thus have to find locations for their reactive ends by negotiating with their neighbouring particuloids, through the hyff. The fallacy in QM is the assumption that its principles and mathematical formulations are universally true and therefore invariant with scale. It fails to adequately conceptualise entropy and the different mechanics that operates. Thus quantum mechanics becomes irrelevant at macroscopic scales. It is only useful for the narrow range of scales where (1) things look like particles (i.e. not too small), and (2) where body-coherence is attainable (i.e. small, cold, inanimate, not too large). Thus the cordus conjecture is able to offer an explanation as to why quantum mechanics does not scale up to the macroscopic objects at ambient conditions, nor the universe in general. Cordus explains how the decoherence arises. It also answers the question as to where the boundary lies between the quantum and classical worlds, and predicts what should, and should not, be achievable in quantum behaviour. 44 3.7 The fallacy that fields and particles are independent Quantum mechanics includes concepts of both fields and particles, but has no coherent unified model of causality for these. There is ongoing debate as to which is the more fundamental [2]. The case has been made that even quantum field theory, which nominally is about fields, is actually a theory of particles [2], and therefore that particles are the more fundamental entity. Indeed, as that author points out, it is only particles that are observed in the collisions of high-energy physics. Yet quantum mechanics has the internal inconsistency of elsewhere taking the wave interpretation: that particles 'always behave as waves' [2]. In contrast the cordus model shows it is possible to conceive of a tight dependence between fields and particles. The energy shuttles between the internal structures (fibril, reactive ends, hyff) and what happens to one affects the other [36]. Thus the process of measurement, whether of field or particle, fundamentally changes the internal energy mechanisms of the cordus and thereby influences the outcome that will be observed. There is a measurement interlock: whatever happens to the field affects the particle, and the inverse. Hence the measured reality is contextual: it depends on the intrusiveness of the observation itself. Different observation processes applied to the same underlying reality will therefore yield different measurements. Specifically, if we apply an intrusive observation like putting a screen in the path of a photon, then we force the cordus to collapse to one of its reactive ends, and therefore the measurement shows a ‘particle’. Alternatively, if we put an antenna near a passing photon, then we interact dynamically with its hyff, perhaps delaying or speeding up the hyff emission process, and therefore our measurement shows a ‘wave’ has passed by. Thus from the cordus perspective QM makes the additional error of carelessly confounding different types of measurement. Cordus identifies the mechanisms whereby taking a measurement of a particuloid can collapse it altogether, or pump energy into/out of the cordus, or steer the reactive ends to appear in certain locations (this is also the cordus mechanism for force), or do nothing at all to the cordus. The current word ‘measure’ is unreliable (‘deceptive’ [3]) because different types of measurement impose different behaviour on the particuloid.11 Therefore the debate as to which is more fundamental, fields or particles, is sterile, as both are equally important. They can communicate with each 11 The measurement interlock also has something to say about the philosophical debate of the role of the Observer, and of free-will. Although the underlying cordus mechanics is deterministic, this does not mean that free-will is abolished. At our level of existence the determinism is inaccessible. Furthermore, cordus states there are different ways in which we can Observe, as discussed above, and the way the philosophical debate uses the term 'Observer' confounds these. There is a need to tighten up the terminology. Cordus would generally agree with 't Hooft's idea that 'an observer has the free will to modify the setting of a measuring device, but has no control over the phase of its wave function' (2007), except would replace 'wave function' with 'frequency'. 45 other through the internal structures. This fundamental concept, which QM does not grasp, is essential in understanding why the cordus particuloid is able to shape-shift in response to the type of external measurement, and thereby show wave or particle behaviour. Thus also the concept of ‘noninvasive measureability’ [17] is also refuted by cordus: it is not possible to measure a quantum system without affecting the inner variables. In the cordus perspective wave and particle behaviours are simply artefacts of the observation process, and partial representations of the deeper cordus mechanics. That ‘wave-particle duality’ is even a paradox is therefore a consequence of the QM fallacy that fields and particles are independent. Embrace the deeper interaction and the duality dissolves [23]. Cordus also refutes the QM premise that there is no reality beyond that which is measured. Instead cordus suggests that the measured outcome is an artefact of the chosen observation process, and the way that dynamically interacts with the internal structures of the cordus. 5 Discussion Using a radical contrasting conceptual model we have shown that it is possible in principle to refute the core premises of QM. Thus: (1) it is unnecessarily limiting for physics to conceive of particles as points; (2) Bell's theorem is refuted; (3) QM fundamentally mis-conceptualises superposition; (4) QM confounds positional and causal (temporal) variability; (5) QM is in error in thinking that coherence is easy to achieve; (6) QM is wrong in expecting its principles to be scale invariant; and (7) it is a mistake to consider fields and particles as causally independent phenomena. These statements will be controversial, since they call so much of QM into question and challenge the orthodoxy. However they are only true to the extent to which the cordus conjecture is valid, and since that is unproven, the whole exercise should be considered only a thoughtexperiment at this stage. Even so, we can apply it to answer some of the other interesting cases where quantum mechanics is at a loss: wave-particle duality [23], unification of electro-magneto-gravitional force [EMG] [37], and the strong force [38]. Next we show how it solves two other enigmas of QM: Schrödinger’s Cat, and objective reality. Unlocking Schrödinger’s Cat Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought-experiment in superposition: the basic idea is that a cat is placed in a box with a radioactive sample rigged up so that decay emits a particle which breaks a vial of poison that kills the cat [21]. If the box is closed and no-one can see inside, in what state is the poison and the cat? This is an extension of the idea in quantum theory that a physical system can be in multiple configurations (dead vs. alive), and therefore from the quantum perspective is simultaneously in all those configurations 46 until the act of observation forces it to one particular configuration, i.e. collapses the waveform. Alternatively that each of the other non-selected configurations does continue, but in another parallel universe. Yet there is nothing in our usual experience that suggest that reality behaves this way. Unlooked-at cats do not really seem to be in an indeterminate state of life and death. Why not? Is quantum mechanics wrong? Or are our cognitive constructs of reality wrong? With cordus the paradox becomes easy to unlock, by noting that it invokes superposition, causal variability, easy coherence, and scale invariance: all of which have been refuted. Thus from the cordus perspective there need be no dilemma about the state of the cat before opening the box, in the sense that it is not simultaneously alive and dead but instead simply still alive or already dead. A simple act of passive observation does not change the system’s state.12 Thus cordus asserts that the presence of the passive Observer does nothing, and this voids the existential Observer dilemmas, and the many-worlds theory. Something as large and internally dynamic (nerve impulses, flowing blood, etc.) as a cat cannot have that CoFS bodycoherence in the first place: initially imposing the coherence would deprive it of life. Only small, cold, inanimate things of relatively homogeneous composition can be put into body coherence. But if Schrödinger’s Cat dilemma collapses because of lack of coherence of the cat, then what about replacing the cat with an electron: something that can generally be thought of as in ‘quantum superposition’? Will the dilemma still be sustained then? Is the electron simultaneously blasted and not-blasted by the radioactive decay? QM states that the electron occupies all possible quantum states simultaneously, so the electron should be in normal and high energy states simultaneously, and only collapse to one when measured. The answer, according to the cordus conjecture, is no: those are the fallacies of superposition and causal variability at work. Not-observing the electron makes no difference either. The fact that no-one has yet implemented the experiment is interpreted as circumstantial evidence that superposition is merely a mathematical approximation for handling positional uncertainty, not a real physical effect, nor a temporal one, and macroscopic physical bodies cannot be assumed to be in body coherence. Schrödinger‘s Cat is not physically realisable, nor does it prove quantum mechanics is correct. That it is even considered a paradox shows how difficult it is for the limitations of quantum theory to be comprehended from within the QM paradigm. 12 Passive observation is inconsequential, whereas passing observation (interrogation of the hyff) can have consequences, the Zeno effect being an example. The most intrusive form of measurement is ‘intrusive’ as the term suggests, and this forces the cordus to collapse at one of its reactive ends. 47 Is there an objective reality? Quantum mechanics has difficulties with both realism and with locality, not made any easier by QM confounding (‘blending’ [17]) the terms.13 Realism is that the properties of an object pre-exist before, and whether or not, the object is observed. It has been a major philosophical ambiguity for QM [2, 17, 21, 39]. It is difficult to assign physical meaning to its mathematics. Cordus has already indentified that one of the causes is that QM confounds several types of Observation. The principle of locality is that the behaviour of an object is only affected by its immediate surroundings, not by distant objects or events elsewhere. Physics generally feels that that the principle of locality should apply, but the empirical evidence for entanglement suggests it is unrealistic. But what the mechanisms might be for non-locality, other than superposition, is uncertain. In contrast, cordus suggests that locality is not preserved, though a principle of wider locality applies. The difficulty for quantum mechanics, which tends to deny realism and locality, is to explain why both of those do seem to apply at the macroscopic level of classical mechanics [17]. The even deeper unanswered question is: What is the fundamental reality of matter, light, forces, and time? By contrast the cordus conjecture does provide an objective reality. It describes internal sub-structures (fibril, reactive ends, hyff) for the photon and matter particuloid, and it provides a basic set of causal relationships for their interaction: a type of descriptive mechanics. The cordus conjecture also shows how these internal structures manifest as external variables, including the flexibility to appear as wave or particle depending on how the Observer makes the intervention, i.e. contextual observation. Cordus also suggests that the concept of realism needs careful treatment: that the various current definitions may be confounding subtlety different effects. For example, here we adopted the perspective: ‘Realism is that the properties of an object pre-exist before, and whether or not, the object is observed’. However this is not same as ‘Each photon … possesses a complete set of properties in its own right’ [17]. The issue is with ‘complete’ and the implication of a fixed prior set of hidden variables. This is a common tacit premise of hidden-variable solutions. Cordus refutes this as too simplistic, and an example of the fallacious independence of fields and particles. Instead the internal properties are dynamic and their expression depends on the method of observation (due to the deeper interaction mechanisms between hyff and reactive-end). Therefore it is 13 As Leggett (2008) observed, ‘Perhaps the lesson is that while the concept of ‘local realism’ is clearcut, to try to analyze it in terms of its two prima facie components may not in the end be a particularly meaningful exercise. Certainly, in QM itself the two concepts, or rather their absence, in some sense appear blended, in that once one has the (nonrealistic) concept of a quantum superposition then the idea of applying it to the coupled state of two spatially remote objects is an entirely natural development.’ 48 important to be careful in the meaning assigned to ‘realism’, and physics is generally careless in this regard.14 Concerning the bigger picture, whether microscopic objects and macroscopic bodies have properties that exist independently of observation, the cordus answer is yes, but with qualifications. Yes, the properties exist, for both small and large objects. No, the expression of the properties is not independent of observation, at least for microscopic coherent particuloids. No, macroscopic discoherent bodies do not have usefully measureable quantum properties, and instead classical properties are more useful. Yes, at a deeper level the system of properties exists independently, for all matter in whatever state. Thus realism also depends on what meaning one infers in ‘properties’. Nonetheless from the simple pragmatic every-day perspective (non-physicists and non-philosophers), the answer is yes, realism as we know it does apply. Thus quantum mechanics is profoundly and very fundamentally wrong about reality, if cordus is correct. In summary, the constructs of quantum mechanics are fundamentally inadequate to explain reality, realism, and locality. Cordus offers a radically different conceptualisation which not only explains those, but also goes beyond QM to provide a foundation for interpretations, albeit speculative, for the things that are really interesting: What is matter made of? What is light? How does force operate on matter? What is time? [37] Limitations The cordus conjecture was used for the de-biasing conceptual perspective. We are not saying that cordus is necessarily valid, only that it can conceptually explain many effects from a single logically-consistent foundation, and is a useful contrast. Even then it is not necessarily the only solution. The unknown validity is not a limitation for the present study. Falsification of the cordus conjecture might invalidate the specific criticism of superposition (#3 above), but the point about particles (#1) probably still stands, as does the criticism of Bell’s theorem (#2) and the confounded variability (#4). Even if the precise explanation of the difficulty of obtaining coherence in macroscopic objects (#5) should fail, there is every reason to believe that QM still has a problem in this regard. Likewise, until QM itself can give a coherent physical (as opposed to metaphysical) explanation of why it does not appear to scale up (#6), then that criticism also stands. Even if cordus is incorrect about the tight dependence between field and particle (#7), QM will still need to solve this problem sometime. It is inescapable that there are serious failings in the fundamental constructs of quantum mechanics. 14 To address Leggett’s three postulates, cordus (1) refutes locality, (2) partly accepts temporal causality (induction), though not the idea that properties are only determined at the source (cordus adds a contextual measurement mechanism), and (3) supports realism (at least some definitions thereof). 49 Cordus interpretation of where quantum mechanics goes wrong From the cordus perspective, the classical world does not emerge from the quantum world, nor is quantum mechanics the reality. Rather there is a deeper mechanics from which both emerge. Quantum mechanics only approximates some of the deeper behaviour, and even then only for a limited range of geometric scales. Classical physics emerges directly from the deeper mechanics when many pieces of matter are aggregated and the inter-particuloid behaviour (e.g. phonons, entropy) dominates over the intra-particuloid behaviour (e.g. coherence and CoFS).15 In this sense QM may be a conceptual dead-end. Its conceptual foundations are adequate on which to build a pretty-good set of quantitative algorithms, but the mathematics does not describe the reality, only the approximation of the reality. Thus all the attempts to derive a physical interpretation from the mathematics of QM are fraught, hence their weirdness. What quantum mechanics has done is take some flawed conceptual foundations, derive some beautiful and dazzling mathematics, ignore the foundations, and then in a recursive way attempt to infer physical interpretations for the foundations from the mathematics. Those interpretations of QM have generally been incongruous with reality, but physics has tended to insist that QM has universal validity [17], and reality must really be weird, or our human perception inadequate [19].16 The obvious alternative conclusion has been ignored: there has been a failure to logically trace the chain of reasoning back to the conceptual foundations to check whether they are sound. Current quantum theory has become an interlocked belief system, with a reliance on mathematical modelling, and sustained by confirmation bias. It no-longer needs, and therefore is disconnected from, its conceptual foundation. Hence there is little orthodox interest in retooling the basic concepts. Furthermore, theoretical physics is disinterested in conceptual methodologies in general. Its methodology is mathematical [40], which dominates all other ways of thinking. The mathematical method of physics has been successful for incremental advancement of the field, but it has not produced a coherent explanation consistent with macroscopic reality despite a hundred years of trying by thousands of physicists. Schrodinger's Cat is just as much an enigma today as it was then. Nor has it produced innovative concepts, only reinforcement of existing thinking. Quantum mechanics and mathematical physics have an epistemic co-dependency, 15 To put this another way, the presence of the hyff from other matter messes up the overall hyff environment, and makes the complementary frequency synchronised (CoFS) states more complex and eventually unattainable, thereby causing decoherence. 16 QM offers a solution, of sorts, for wave-particle duality: first by positing that particles are wavepackets, second by assuming that particles can be in multiple places at once (through superposition or virtual twins), third by assuming that the state of a particle can only be known as a probability, and fourth that the actual position of the particle is only determined when it is observed, hence collapsing the wave-function. Thus from the QM perspective the strangeness of wave-particle duality is only an artefact of our inadequate human cognition: ‘the <paradox> is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality <ought to be>‘ (Feynman). 50 that limits what constructs are admitted to the discourse. Given this dependency, and the unreliable premises of its conceptual foundation, it is not too severe a criticism to say that QM is an interlocked belief system. Like any other belief system, QM has major gaps and cognitive dissonances, the bridging of which requires faith. Quantum mechanics is generally considered valid. But the fact that many of its predictions are consistent with experiment is only evidence of correlation, and it is unreliable to interpret that as universal validity [17] until we can be quite sure that there is no other alternative solution. Hence the interest in QM for placing bounds on what those other solutions might be, viz. Bell’s theorem. We suggest that not only is quantum mechanics built on deeply flawed conceptual foundations, but the search for alternative constructs has been too limited to the vicinity of QM. Quantum mechanics cannot provide a coherent description of current physics, has deep conceptual flaws that it is unable to address, and there is no guarantee that its current interpretations or its mathematical methodology are capable of finding the next deeper level of physics. This is a serious criticism, and we look forward to a spirited explanation from orthodox physics as to why the above fallacies should not apply to QM. If the criticism holds and the fallacies cannot be refuted, then it means that quantum mechanics may be conceptually deficient at its most fundamental level and an unsuitable foundation for an all-inclusive theory of physics. Implications The contrast used here has refuted much of the conceptual foundation of quantum mechanics. If so, why does QM work at all? The answer is that the mathematical machinery of QM is a sufficiently good approximation for small particles within a certain scale-range where components of matter approximate point particles, and coherence can be obtained. Thus we suggest that the QM machine works adequately for many things that practical physicists need to compute, while being profoundly and very fundamentally wrong in the conceptual sense. This is why it does not show good agreement with reality regarding very small objects (e.g. waveparticle duality) or macroscopic bodies (scaling problems), and its qualitative descriptions are incongruent (inconsistent with reality). Future work One may or may not agree that cordus is correct in identifying all these fallacies in QM, but cordus has arguably got further than QM in explaining the paradoxes of particle behaviour even if QM is more advanced in its mathematical modelling. However mathematical algorithms can readily be added to cordus: much of the quantum machinery can probably be repurposed as a starting point, since cordus has no issues with the mathematics of QM being an adequate representation of the average behaviour of a cordus. However we do not attempt that detailed design here, as our interest is in first developing the concept. The cordus conjecture is a class of solutions, and even if the particular design variant 51 (‘working model’) used here is invalidated, cordus has other variants to offer. The cordus conjecture, incomplete though it be, has the potential to be what Kuhn termed 'revolutionary science' [41], since it rivals the existing QM framework. Cordus is not simply an extension of QM, but a different concept altogether ['incommensurable'], with a different method of thinking and new words for new concepts [3]. It redefines what might be possible to achieve in theoretical sub-atomic physics. It resolves deep outstanding problems in physics, in ways that cannot be comprehended from within the QM framework, but it does so in such a way that leaves much of the existing QM machinery intact [Kuhn's 'concrete problem solving activity'], which is consistent with how Kuhn predicted such developments might occur. 6 Conclusions The purpose of this paper was to critically appraise the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics, using a contrasting perspective. If one wishes to objectively and creatively critique so established a theory as QM, one must seek a conceptual position well outside it. Unfortunately there is a dearth of viable alternative theories, but the new cordus conjecture provides such a vantage. Therefore, while we acknowledge the subjectivity of the analysis, we do not apologise for it, because there really seems to be no other way to appraise quantum mechanics without being dominated by its way of thinking. If the cordus conjecture is correct then the comparison suggests that quantum mechanics is conceptually fallacious in several areas. (1) Particles need not be zero-dimensional points after all, and this immediately erodes several other premises of QM. (2) Bell’s theorem is refuted as being not universally applicable, and the principle of locality also fails. (3) The wavefunction is a mathematical approximation of a deeper reality, and superposition is not a physical state but simply a misinterpretation of the mathematics and an artefact of the observation process. Only one end of the cordus is actually reactive and in the place at any one time, it is just that if the measurement frequency is not high enough then it appears that the particuloid is simultaneously in both positions. (4) QM’s superposition is identified as a confounded concept that mixes positional and causal (temporal) variability, and this is found to be the cause of much of the weirdness of the QM interpretations of reality. (5) QM is mistaken in assuming that coherence of a physical object is automatic and easy to obtain, and cordus identifies the factors that cause decoherence and qualitatively describes their interaction. (6) Cordus explains why quantum mechanics does not scale up to macroscopic objects, and why it does not represent finer structures either. (7) It is fallacious to consider fields and particles as independent phenomena. Instead they are closely and dynamically coupled in the cordus, and this explains the measurement context. 52 These assertions refute many of the core principles of QM, and so the implications are that the foundations of quantum mechanics lack conceptual integrity. This is likely to apply to all interpretations and derivatives of quantum mechanics, because they all use the same premises. The mathematical machinery of quantum mechanics is a reasonable approximation to reality, even if the concepts are not, and the comparison with cordus shows why. Thus the mathematics works, at least within a certain scale-range where: (1) things look like particles and the proposed cordus structure is not evident (i.e. not too small) and (2) where bodycoherence is attainable (i.e. not too large). Outside of that range quantum mechanics seems neither conceptually nor mathematically relevant. The same analysis predicts QM is unlikely to scale down to the next deeper level of physics. The implications are that QM itself is profoundly deficient in its conceptual foundations, and is only an approximation of a deeper and more logically consistent mechanics. Extended Abstract Quantum mechanics (QM) has the problem of lacking a coherent conceptual foundation, even if its quantitative algorithms are functionally adequate. The conceptual logic beneath quantum mechanics is evaluated using as the point of reference a novel alternative conceptual framework called the cordus conjecture. The comparison suggests that quantum mechanics is conceptually fallacious in several areas: (1) Particles need not be zero-dimensional points after all. (2) Bell’s theorem is refuted as being not universally applicable, and the principle of locality also fails. (3) The wavefunction is a mathematical approximation of a deeper reality, and superposition is not a physical state. (4) Superposition confounds positional and causal (temporal) variability, and this causes the weirdness of the QM interpretations. (5) Cordus identifies the factors that cause decoherence and (6) explains why quantum mechanics does not scale up to macroscopic objects. (7) It is fallacious to consider fields and particles as independent phenomena. Instead they are closely coupled in the cordus, and this explains the measurement context. Several core principles of QM are thereby refuted. The paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat is explained as an artefact of these flawed premises. The paper also explains why the mathematical machinery of quantum mechanics is a reasonable approximation to reality, even if the concepts are not. The mathematics works, at least within a certain scale-range where: (a) things look like particles and the proposed cordus structure is not evident (i.e. not too small) and (b) where body-coherence is attainable (i.e. not too large). Outside of that range quantum mechanics seems neither conceptually nor mathematically relevant. The same analysis predicts QM is unlikely to scale down to the next deeper level of physics. The implications are that QM is profoundly deficient in its conceptual foundations, and is only an approximation of a deeper and more logically consistent mechanics. 53 Brief: Quantum mechanics compared to cordus conjecture > core premises of QM found fallacious > locality and realism reconceptualised > Schrödinger’s Cat explained and put aside > explains why QM does not scale up to macroscopic objects > References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Einstein, A., B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Physical Review, 1935. 47(10): p. 777. de Broglie, L., Recherches sur la théorie des quanta (Researches on the quantum theory). 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Abstract The Cordus conjecture suggests there is a deeper, simpler, deterministic, and more elegant reality beneath quantum mechanics and wave theory. Revision 2.1 E2.1.05 Fixed 0D point image 2 Document: Pons_Cordus_0Summary_E2.1.05.doc 1 Introduction to cordus What is the Cordus conjecture? The Cordus conjecture is that all 'particles', e.g. photons of light, electrons, and the protons in the nucleus of the atom, have a specific internal structure. This structure is a 'cordus': two reactive ends that each behave like a particle, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are energised at a frequency, and emit a force line called a hyff that makes up the field, see Figure 1 for application to the photon. Hyper-fine fibrils (hyff) emitted from reactive end Reactive end (RE) energised at frequency of particuloid Motion of photon Fibril, does not react to matter, maintains frequency reenergisation. Spacing is the span Other reactive end, in a complementary frequency state Figure 1: Cordus model of the photon The idea of a cordus allows many puzzling phenomena to be explained at a conceptual level. For example, light seems to behave either as a wave or a particle in the double slit experiment, and cordus explains this waveparticle duality. Curiously, the same cordus concept flows across as an explanation for many other baffling effects in fundamental physics. It therefore provides an explanation that is logically consistent across a wide range of effects. Why is it called a 'conjecture'? Is it valid? 17 For commentary, discussion and feedback, please see Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 56 As the term ‘conjecture’ shows, it is a guess based on intuition. It is a conceptual and descriptive model. There is no guarantee that the cordus conjecture is correct. It is a thought-experiment rather than a fully worked-out or validated theory. Some or all of it may be entirely wrong. Is cordus accepted by the broader scientific community? Cordus is an unusual idea, and it produces a radical re-conceptualisation of fundamental physics. It is unorthodox, and cuts across conventional physics and challenges the premises on which those theories have been built. However it is simply a process of taking a creative idea and running it through to its logical conclusions. It is in those conclusions that, if cordus is correct, there are causalities for existing principles of conventional physics. For example, cordus invalidates the ‘particle’ premise of quantum mechanics, refutes superposition, redefines the principle of locality, denies the existence of ‘virtual particles’, refutes the concept of interference of light, asserts that Bell’s theorem is wrong, re-introduces a modified concept of the aether, and reconceptualises the fundamental forces. Cordus explains why Quantum mechanics, which seems to apply at the level of individual particles, does not scale up to macroscopic bodies: something that QM itself has been unable to explain. Furthermore, cordus proposes a set of new principles for the next deeper level of physics. How is it beautiful? Cordus is a wild idea, in that it is totally different to conventional physics, and is based on conjecture and intuition with all the attached subjectivity. It is not an incremental extension of existing theories, but a disruptive new idea and a drastically different way of thinking. That does not necessarily make it valid, but it is beautiful albeit in a different way to the usual standard of beauty in physics or mathematics. Cordus has a beauty in its coherence: it provides logically consistent explanations across a broad range of physical effects. It does so without the weirdness that is so typical of the conventional explanations. It is also beautiful in the way it unexpectedly shows that the next deeper layer of reality is deterministic, not probabilistic as usually thought. There are many surprises in the cordus conjecture. What are the implications if the theory was to be true? There is, as we have taken care to point out, no certainty that this thought-experiment is really valid. Nonetheless, if it were to be true, then the implications are that there is a deeper mechanics beneath the conventional theories of quantum mechanics (QM) and electromagnetic wave theory (WT). Both QM and WT emerge as outward, and in the case of QM only approximate, mathematical representations of a deeper behaviour within particuloids. The extreme predictions of cordus also encompass general relativity (GR). 2 Integration problems in conventional physics The dominant existing frameworks for fundamental theoretical physics are Quantum mechanics (QM) for particles, Electromagnetic wave theory (WT) for light, electrostatics and magnetism, and General relativity (GR) for 57 gravitation. While those conventional theories are generally accepted as valid in their particular areas, there is the unfortunate problem that they do not integrate well, see Figure 2. Furthermore, they sometimes give weird explanations to simple phenomena, this being particularly the case with QM. Also, there are many areas that they simply do not explain at all, or give conflicting interpretations. A case in point is wave-particle duality. For example in the double-slit experiment, light apparently sometimes behaves like a wave, and sometimes like a particle, depending on how it is observed. WT and QM adequately describe the fringe and particle behaviours respectively, but their explanations do not overlap. Thus there is no single integrated explanation for wave-particle duality. Furthermore, while QM has exquisite mathematical models for the particle behaviour, the physical interpretation of those models results in really strange predictions of reality e.g. superposition, and some explanations that are beyond physics, e.g. virtual particles and parallel universes. That in itself would not be a problem except that we do not actually see reality behaving the way QM predicts, especially not at the macroscopic scale. All these issues suggest that there might be a deeper physics, a better theoretical foundation that provides a coherent explanation across the many phenomena. However, if there is a deeper theory, one that subsumes both wave and particle perspectives, it is not obvious what that might be. Also, there is reason to believe, per Bell's theorem, that no theory of internal (or hidden) variables is possible for the photon and particles generally. Thus the problem of wave-particle duality may be fundamentally unsolvable. The null explanation is then to simply accept the paradoxes and consider the matter intractable. 58 Figure 2: Areas where there are integration problems in conventional physics. Cordus addresses all of these with a radically new conceptual framework that provides a logically consistent description across all the effects. 3 Approach taken The Cordus conjecture started as an attempt to create a more rational explanation for wave-particle duality of the photon in the double-slit device. The method did not follow the conventional method of physics, which relies on derivation of beautiful mathematics and subsequent extrapolation to explanation, but rather used the logic of creating a system model by reverse-engineering known phenomena, adding conjectures and intuitive material, and noting the necessary assumptions along the way. Thus the central strand in the Cordus conjecture is a set of lemmas, and these we do not attempt to prove. The resulting Cordus model is primarily conceptual and descriptive, rather than mathematical, at least at this point in time. It is likely that much of the mathematics of conventional physics can be adapted and re-contextualised for a Cordus Mechanics, because the issues are not with the mathematics but the explanations of conventional physics. 59 Quis es tu, cordus? Cordus asserts there is no such thing as a ‘particle’. Instead the basic structure for a photon, electron, proton etc., is a cordus with two reactive ends, with a physical gap between them, held together with a fibril. The reactive ends may be energised to various degrees, and in turn consist of hyff force lines. The energy shuttles between the ends, and this also means that the particuloid does not exist continuously at one location, but at two, and oscillates between them at a frequency. Consequently, cordus suggests that all the principles of physics that are built on a ‘particle’ premise are of dubious validity, especially at the finer scales. Outcomes The idea of a ‘cordus’ was first created to explain photon path dilemmas in the double-slit, and then extended to explain fringes too. This provided a conceptual resolution of wave-particle duality. The principle was then extended to optical effects of reflection and refraction. The next step was application to matter effects, particularly the electron and special states of matter. It is here that the contrast between Cordus and Quantum mechanics is most evident. Thereafter the cordus principle was pushed to the extremities, out of curiosity. This last set of papers is therefore the most radical – and the least likely to be correct but the most disruptive to conventional theories of physics if true. It provides a new perspective on fields, unifies gravitation with electromagnetism, and infers the structure of quarks. A major benefit of the Cordus conjecture is that it provides a conceptual framework that is coherent across many physical phenomena. The effects explained include: Internal structure of the photon Path dilemmas of the photon in the double-slit device and Mach-Zehnder interferometer Wave-particle duality of the photon, electron, and matter waves Fringes in gaps, apertures, and double slit, diffraction of single photons and beams Near field Beam divergence Frequency of photon, electron and matter generally Zeno effect Heisenberg uncertainty principle Entanglement Aharonov-Bohm effect Electron orbital shape Spin angular momentum Pauli exclusion principle Atomic bonding Entropy Superfluidity including quantum vortices and heat conduction Superconductivity including Meissner effect Josephson effect Coherence Quantum mechanic’s scaling problem: why does QM not apply at macroscopic levels? Casimir effect 60 Tunnelling Reflection including derivation of critical angle from a particuloid perspective Refraction and Snell’s law derived Brewster’s angle derived Polarisation Electrostatic field and granulation [quantisation] thereof Magnetism Gravitation and mass th Spacetime, but not time as 4 dimension Lorentz Relativistic nature of the vacuum Finite speed of light in vacuum Colour of quarks Charge of quarks in 1/3 units Mass excess in the atom Parity violation The implications of cordus are that several existing principles of conventional physics may need to be revised or abandoned: Particle: invalidated, does not exist as QM assumes, replaced with ‘cordus particuloid’ Virtual particle: invalidated, unnecessary and confounded concept, replaced with ‘hyff’ Many-worlds interpretation: irrelevant Interference of light: refuted, does not occur as Wave Theory describes. Useful mathematical concept, worth keeping if limitations respected. Locality: invalidated, replaced with new ‘Principle of Wider locality’ Power of Observer choice to change outcomes: invalidated, instead the way the Observer sets up the experiment determines the behaviour the photon will evidence Heisenberg uncertainty principle: minor adjustment Bell’s Theorem: refuted Beam splitter: reconceptualised Superposition: refuted as a physical effect, but useful as a rough statistical approximation Coherence: reconceptualised, limitations applied Schrodinger’s Cat: irrelevant as based on flawed premises Quantum mechanics: only applicable on average over many ‘particles’, and only at a level where things look like points Copenhagen interpretation: a mathematical simplification of deeper effects, is not the reality Wave theory: validity limited primarily to light en-masse Fundamental forces limited to electrostatic, magnetism, and gravitation. Common unified underlying mechanism provided. Abandon strong and weak interactions – nothing specially fundamental about them. Invariance of the speed of light in the vacuum: not supported, instead is variable depending on fabric. Aether re-introduced in modified form, but not a matter or particle based one. The cordus conjecture also introduces some new concepts that do not exist in conventional physics: Cordus structure and mechanics 61 Complementary frequency state synchronisation (COFS) as the underlying mechanism for electron orbitals, Pauli exclusion principle, entanglement, internal structure of proton, atomic structure, atomic bonding, strong force Principle of wider locality Internal structure of the photon structure of quarks Internal structure of the proton and neutron Electric field and granulation thereof Electric field cannot be shielded Magnetism: new concept Gravitation: new concept, integrated with electromagnetism, granulation Fabric of the Universe Mass: new concept of underlying mechanism, granulation and transient nature Time: new concept, and how atomic time aggregates to personal sense of time Vacuum: new concept of what it contains, fabric hyff, differentiation from ‘void’ Strong force (interaction): not a fundamental force but a COFS effect Weak interaction: not a fundamental force or interaction but same class of interactions as photon emission Level of assembly: new concept for understanding why smaller particuloids are heavier (explains mass excess) Conservation of mass: reformulated Synchronous hyff emission direction (SHED) as mechanism for strong interaction holding quarks together As the method explains, the treatment of these matters is by logical inference, and the results are primarily conceptual. The validity of the results is uncertain and it is to be expected that some or all of the model may be wrong or require revision. Nonetheless, the ideas build a novel conceptual framework for fundamental physics. This framework is coherent in its ability to explain a wide range of phenomena in a physically descriptive way. 4 Cordus mechanics The following is a summary of the cordus conjecture and its mechanics. Each of the parts is a paper on its own. 4.1 Cordus Conjecture Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 Quis es tu photon? This paper introduces the core idea: a new conceptual model is proposed for the internal structure of the photon, and the mechanics thereof. This internal structure is called a cordus. The cordus consists of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The fibril connecting the two reactive ends does not interact with other matter. Each of the two reactive ends behaves like a whole photon in its ability to interact with other matter, including reflection, transmission, and the ability to take two paths, though it collapses to only one location. The reactive ends emit 62 hyperfine fibrils (hyff) which are force lines. The cordus structure is neither a particle nor a wave, though can appear as either in certain circumstances. [42] Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.2 Quo vadis, photon? Photon path dilemmas are a difficult area for conventional physics. Typical situations are the double-slit device and interferometers. The problem manifests as an apparent ability of the photon to simultaneously take all paths through the device, but eventually only appear at one. Neither Electromagnetic wave theory nor Quantum mechanics provides a fully coherent explanation for the behaviour of light in the double-slit device, and the integration of ‘wave-particle duality’ is poor. It is shown that a cordus structure is conceptually able to resolve the path dilemmas in wave-particle duality. Explanations are given for the double-slit device and interferometers. The Cordus conjecture implies there is a deeper, simpler, deterministic, and more elegant reality beneath quantum mechanics and wave theory. [43] Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.3 Explanation of fringes The cordus concept is shown to be able to explain wave behaviour in gaps, and fringes in the double slit device. This is useful because one of the enigmas of the double-slit device is that single photons form fringe patterns. Cordus explains fringes in terms of force lines called hyperfine fibrils (hyff) and their interaction with the edges of the light path. This also explains beam divergence and near-field effects. The significance of this is that it shows it is conceptually possible to create a solution for fringes based on a particuloid interpretation of light, without using the concept of interference. This means that the Cordus solution has coherence over a wider range than simply the path-ambiguity problems. [44] The biggest difference between Wave theory and the cordus explanation is their interpretation of the mechanism for fringes. Wave theory explains fringes as ‘interference’: two separate waves of light differing by full (half) fractions of wavelengths and thus constructively (destructively) interfering. From the Cordus perspective photons do not actually interfere or add together, and 'interference' is only a convenient analogy. The Cordus explanation is that fringes are caused instead by interaction of the photon hyff with opaque edges. Comments on the bracket of ‘Cordus Conjecture’ papers as a whole Wave theory and quantum mechanics are functionally adequate theories on their own, and powerful in their ability to predict how beams of light and individual photons, respectively, will behave in a given situation. However, despite their mathematical sophistication, they are incongruous explanations of reality when wave and particle behaviours occur in the same situation, e.g. the double-slit device. In these situations their explanations are weird, which suggests that the models of causality are incomplete. The problem has been that wave theory and quantum mechanics are just so good, that it has been difficult to see what the 63 deeper mechanics could be, especially as Bell's theorem seems to prohibit solutions with hidden variables. How do Quantum mechanics and Wave theory fit in? From the cordus perspective both conventional theories, quantum mechanics and wave theory, are mathematical simplifications of a deeper mechanics. Those theories represent the output behaviour of the inner system. The weirdness of conventional wave-particle duality is not because the photon is fundamentally weird, but because the existing conceptual frameworks are inadequate: their mathematics are sufficient for forward propagation of effect (prediction), but give unreliable results when used for backward inference of causality (explanation). Resolution of wave-particle duality The Cordus conjecture does away with much of the weirdness of waveparticle duality: there is no need for virtual particles, superposition, observer dilemmas, pilot waves, intelligent photons, or parallel universes. A simple deterministic, unintelligent photon with a dual existence is all that is required. From this perspective wave and particle behaviours are simply the different output behaviours that the internal system shows depending on how it is measured. The duality and the apparent incongruity of Quantum mechanics and Wave theory is resolved: the conflict no longer exists at the deeper level. Thus Cordus offers a deeper mechanics that subsumes both quantum mechanics and wave theory. This bracket shows how it resolves waveparticle duality, and other papers extend it to other enigmatic effects, as well as the mundane. Perhaps surprisingly, Cordus is also simpler and more coherent across a wider range of phenomena than quantum mechanics or wave theory on their own. Even more surprising, and unexpectedly contrary to the prevailing probabilistic paradigm of Quantum mechanics, Cordus suggests that the next deeper level of reality is deterministic. 4.2 Cordus optics Cordus optics: Part 2.1 Frequency Conventional particle and wave theories struggle to explain the frequency of photons and matter in a coherent manner using natural physics. This paper applies the cordus conjecture to develop a model for frequency of the photon. The interpretation is that there really is a part of the photon cordus that moves with a frequency. The working model is for a reciprocal motion: the energy alternates between the two reactive ends across the span of the cordus, and the hyff represent the observable electric field. This cordus model for frequency readily explains polarisation and tunnelling, and the concept is fundamental to other developments of the cordus mechanics including the reflection and refraction of particuloids. The implications are that frequency is not just an intrinsic 64 variable, but a physical effect within the photon. The cordus frequency is a fundamental conceptual building-block in creating an integrated solution that unifies wave and particle behaviour. It is a powerful concept that is coherent across many other phenomena too, including matter particuloids and it contributes subsequently to the cordus model for granular fields. [45] Cordus optics: Part 2.2 Reflection Optical effects such as reflection and refraction are conventionally best described by Electromagnetic Wave theory, at least when they involve beams of light. However that theory does not explain why single photons should also show such behaviour. This paper shows that optical effects can also be explained from a cordus particuloid perspective. Several principles are proposed for the interaction of a cordus photon with an optical surface, and these are used to explain reflection and subsequently refraction. The formula for critical angle is derived from a particuloid basis. The cordus and wave theory perspectives are compared and contrasted. The significance of this work is that the cordus mechanics explains the reflection and refraction behaviour of both single photons as well as beams of light, so it is a more universal explanation. [46] Cordus optics: Part 2.3 Refraction Explaining basic optical effects is not possible with classical particle mechanics, and even with quantum mechanics it is not straight forward and not particularly intuitive. The problem is much simpler when solved in the cordus domain. This paper provides cordus explanations for Snell’s Law and Brewster’s Angle, and quantitative derivations too. This is significant because the cordus mechanics were derived for single photons, and immediately generalise also to beams of light. Therefore cordus can explain particle behaviour, fringes, and optical effects, using a single coherent mechanics. The cordus explanation does not need the conventional concept of ‘interference’. [47] 4.3 Cordus matter Matter is conventionally thought to consist of particles, and quantum mechanics (QM) is the dominant, and apparently mostly sufficient, theory for this area. The application of cordus concepts to the particle world of quantum mechanics consequently has some surprises. Cordus matter: Part 3.1 Wider Locality Quantum mechanics does a good job of providing mathematical descriptions of particle effects, and the fact that it can do so is usually taken as circumstantial evidence that QM must be correct. Unlike other areas, such as wave-particle duality, there is no major competing interpretation to QM in the area of sub-atomic particles. All the same, QM is not particularly effective at providing a qualitative description of the effects, and this makes it complex and difficult to understand at an intuitive level, and consequently people generally, though perhaps not physicists specifically, perceive QM as strange. Maybe the effects really are 65 intrinsically complex, and the mathematical formulations are the reality: the simplest possible way to express the underlying mechanisms of causality. [48] Einstein called entanglement ‘spooky action at a distance’ and it continues to sit uneasily within physics since a qualitative explanation is lacking even though the reality is accepted. It is contrary to relativity, and to the principle of locality. Nor can entanglement satisfactorily be explained with existing hidden-variable theories. However it is consistent with quantum mechanics. The principle of locality is that an object is only affected by its immediate surrounding. Entanglement appears to require the principle to be violated: twin particles may be linked, such that changing the state of one instantly changes the other, even if they are separated by macroscopic distances. The mechanisms are incompletely understood in conventional physics. [48] This particular paper shows how entanglement is readily explained as a natural consequence of the cordus. This obviates the need for the usual spooky and metaphysical interpretations. The paper also introduces the principle of complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). This is an important concept in that later papers show how it underpins the Pauli exclusion principle, coherence, and the strong interaction. More radically, Cordus suggests that Bell’s Theorem is only applicable to point particles, and is thus generally irrelevant. It is an artefact of the flawed particle premise of conventional physics, and is not an obstacle to models of hidden variables. Another radical suggestion from Cordus is that the principle of locality is not viable in its present form and needs to be widened. These are unorthodox predictions. The implications are that the ‘particle’ conceptual foundation of Quantum mechanics is invalid. QM only applies at the level at which small pieces of matter look like point particles, and is invalid at smaller scales. Cordus matter: Part 3.2 Matter particuloids While matter forms the tangible substance of our world, our understanding of it at the atomic level is far from complete. Some of the most enigmatic effects in the physics of electrons are its wave-particle duality and the Aharonov-Bohm and Casimir effects. Even relatively core concepts of atomic physics, like spin and the Pauli exclusion principle, lack satisfactory descriptive explanations. This paper shows that application of the cordus principle can explain these effects in a coherent manner. [49] Cordus matter: Part 3.3 Energy cycles within matter The interaction of light with electrons is one of the fundamental perceptual realities of what we see. Yet that interaction is only partly understood. Cordus concepts are applied to develop a descriptive model of the mechanisms whereby photons are absorbed into electrons and emitted. From the Cordus perspective, the temperature of a body is primarily a measure of its phonons (lattice-vibrations). Cordus shows why 66 entropy occurs, despite the individual mechanisms being reversible. An understanding of the mechanisms for entropy is relevant to the understanding of coherence, superfluidity and superconductivity. Cordus suggests that a failure to adequately conceptualise entropy leads to misapplication of coherence and ultimately to unreliability in the premise of superposition. [50] The cordus re-conceptualisation of entropy might seem basic and almost self-evident in hindsight, but it is a core concept in understanding why QM does not scale up to the macroscopic world. Entropy is the Achilles heel of Quantum mechanics. Cordus matter: Part 3.4 Special states of matter The Cordus principle of complementary frequency states (CoFS) is used to develop a novel descriptive model for the mechanisms underlying superfluidity and superconductivity. In both cases Cordus explains the effects as synchronisation of forces between electrons and atoms. Several associated effects are likewise explained, including quantum vortices, heat conduction in superfluids, and the Meissner effect in superconductors. Cordus also asserts that superposition does not exist, at least not the way QM conceptualises it. In particular, that the mathematics of superposition and the wavefunction are not the reality, only mathematical approximations of deeper effects, and are unreliable qualitative descriptors of those underlying mechanisms. [51] Cordus makes the unorthodox assertion that superposition does not exist, at least not the way QM conceives of a whole particle or body being fully in two places at once. Cordus provides for positional variability: the two reactive ends of a cordus are in different places, and extends that to larger assemblies of matter only if such objects can be placed in full bodycoherence (which is rare). However Cordus rejects the QM superposition concept of causal variability: the idea that the whole particle or body is simultaneously in both and neither positions and therefore has two futures before it, which can diverge. Cordus asserts that QM is only approximately accurate at the sub-atomic scale because of the problem with superposition, and not at all at the large scale. Briefly, the reason is that large bodies have too much internal entropy (disorder) to have the necessary coherence to appear in more than one location. Even if they did have body-coherence the results would be minuscule (small span) and not as dramatic as popularly imagined. The mathematics of QM are premised on coherence, and thus the explanations of QM are unreliable where body-coherence fails. In most roomtemperature applications this is the atomic level. Quantum mechanics therefore does not practically apply to large bodies, living creatures, or the universe as a whole. Cordus re-conceptualises, or at least conceptually clarifies the concept of ‘coherence’, and describes why that state cannot be readily achieved. Thus Cordus predicts what size bodies should and realistically cannot be made into matter-waves. Thus the concept of large macroscopic objects, such as 67 motor-cars, being able to go through a double slit, is proposed to be a fallacy. This also allows Cordus to explain why Quantum mechanics, which seems to apply at the level of individual particles, does not scale up to macroscopic bodies: something that QM itself has been unable to explain. Cordus matter: Part 3.5 Schrodinger’s Cat reconceptualised Quantum mechanics is the dominant conceptual foundation for fundamental physics. Nonetheless there are effects that it does not explain, or explains only by reference to metaphysical effects. While many have wondered whether there could be a more-complete explanation, the solution has been elusive. Cordus suggests that the necessary deeper mechanics is only accessible by abandoning the premise of ‘particle’, and shows how to achieve this. The resulting Cordus mechanics provides a new way of thinking and a radically different conceptual foundation. This paper primarily contrasts Quantum and Cordus mechanics. In the process, Cordus re-conceptualises Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. It also provides an explanation for the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat, and shows it to be based on unrealistic and unattainable premises. [52] Cordus does not support the idea of virtual particles, nor the interference thereof, nor the collapse of the wavefunction. For Cordus the particuloid is neither a wave nor a particle but behaves as either depending on the measuring method. The measurement method unavoidably changes how the particle behaves, and this is particularly pronounced with the photon. The Experimenter's choice of method therefore limits the type of results that will be observed. Wave and particle duality are only measuring artefacts, not the reality. 4.4 Cordus in extremis The Cordus concept as a whole is conjectural, and the previous papers have taken care to ground the concepts by comparing them against wellknown physical phenomena. The present bracket of papers is less cautious. The purpose here is to audaciously push the cordus concept to see if it has novel suggestions about deeper mechanisms, particularly the propagation of light and fields in general. As always, we are not saying that the results are necessarily valid, only that they are logical and curious. In extremis therefore refers both to the subject of fields and the cosmos, and the conceptual extrapolation of doubtful validity. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.1 Electromagnetism The Cordus conjecture is extended to create a conceptual model for electromagnetic fields. The resulting model shows how a cordus particuloid generates small transient units of force at the sub-atomic level, thereby creating the apparently smooth and continuous electric field that we more commonly perceive. The starting premise is that all fields are hyff, of one sort or another. Hyff are directional force lines that extend out into space from their basal particuloid, and where the force appears in pulses that travel outwards along the line (hyffons). Thus fields consist of a rapid sequence of discrete impulses of transient force, radiating out from a 68 cordus at the centre. However we do not see this granularity at our level of perception. Instead we perceive fields to be smooth, continuous, and uniform in all directions. This is because of the en-masse effect of many particuloids being involved. Cordus also reconceptualises how magnetism is generated at the subatomic level, and likewise explains how the granularity arises. From the Cordus perspective, a static charge only generates an electrostatic force, without magnetism, because the hyff are straight outwards. However a moving charge causes bending of the e-hyff, and this is what we perceive as magnetism. Any moving mass generates curvature of the hyff, and these generate the magnetic field, except that neutral-charge mass has no observable magnetic field because it emits positive and negative hyff. Thus electrostatic forces are a position effect, while magnetism is a velocity effect. However the same basic structure, the hyff, is responsible for both. Cordus electromagnetism is applied to explain the electric field surrounding a wire carrying current, the locus of moving test charges in a magnetic field, and the mechanism for how force arises in permanent magnets. The contribution made by this paper is a description of electromagnetism that goes to the next deeper level: it explains the underlying mechanisms for how the forces arise. Also, it provides a mechanism for fields to be granular and directional at the small scale, but smooth and continuous at larger scale. [53] The cordus explanation for electromagnetism is unorthodox in several areas. First, it dispenses with the need for additional particles, and conventional references to ‘virtual particles’ of any kind are thus reinterpreted as a hyff effect. Second, conventional theories tend to portray electric fields and magnetic fields with equal standing: they are interchangeable concepts. By contrast, Cordus suggests that the electric field is the fundamental effect, and the magnetic field is a derivative. Thus electrostatics is a reactive end position effect, magnetism a RE-movement phenomenon, and (yet to be shown) gravitation a RE-acceleration effect. Third, Cordus is unconventional in asserting that the electric field cannot be shielded, and that what looks like shielding is only localised neutralisation. The results show that the Cordus conjecture can be extended to electromagnetic fields. Doing so permits novel re-conceptualisation of some fundamental paradigms of conventional physics, and lays the foundation for the next ideas. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 Fabric of the universe The concept of the vacuum is problematic for conventional physics. Electromagnetic wave theory models it as consisting of nothing at all, but yet paradoxically having finite electric and magnetic constants. Quantum mechanics models it as consisting of temporary particles, but no average substance. General Relativity theory includes a spacetime medium, without describing the composition. In all cases the underlying physical mechanisms are obscure. Furthermore, these existing perspectives conflict 69 in their expectations, so the integration is poor. The treatment is not always logical either: conventional theories find the idea of the matterbased aether thoroughly unacceptable, yet ironically all include something that looks conceptually much like a medium. The Cordus conjecture provides a conceptual solution for the composition of the vacuum: it provides a fabric that is granular (similar to quantised) at the smallest scale, scales up to a continuum, provides a medium for propagation of disturbances and waves, provides a medium for electromagnetism and gravitation, is relativistic, is not a matter aether, and includes a time signal. In the cordus solution the vacuum is made of tangled hyff (force lines) from all the surrounding matter particuloids. This cordus fabric concept also provides a descriptive explanation as to why the speed of light is a finite value. The fine structure constant is given a physical interpretation, as a measure of the transmission efficacy of the fabric. Cordus also distinguishes between the fabric that makes up the vacuum of space, as opposed to the void which has neither fabric nor time as we perceive it. This model is radically unorthodox in suggesting that the speed of light is relativistic but not invariant; that it depends fundamentally on the fabric density and hence the accessible mass density of the universe at that locality. [54] Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 Gravitation, Mass and Time Gravitation is conceptually problematic to General Relativity and Quantum mechanics in that the fundamental mechanisms are unknown to both, and the theories have different requirements that are difficult to reconcile into a single model. Cordus gravitation offers a solution to the problem. It provides a mechanism whereby gravitation is not continuous but in discrete force (or displacement) increments similar to quanta (but not uniform increments). Also, the closing force between two masses is transient. In this idea, gravitation, and therefore also mass, is a discontinuous property: i.e. a particuloid emits gravity (has mass) at some moments but not others. Thus gravitation is an effect that a mass does to the whole universe, not to targeted other bodies, and in this regard Cordus is consistent with General relativity. Both QM and Cordus agree that gravitation is quantised. Cordus conceptually integrates the different effects of mass: Gravitation is a particuloid contributing hyff to the fabric; Newtonian mass is resistance of the reactive ends to unexpected displacement; Relativistic mass is decreasing efficacy of hyff engagement with the fabric as velocity of the reactive end increases; Momentum is a frequency mechanism that ensures the reactive end re-energises on-time and in-place; particuloids like nucleons have mass to the extent that they have frequency. Furthermore, Cordus offers an explanation of how time arises at a sub-atomic level by the cordus frequency, and how this aggregates to the sense of time that we perceive biologically. Thus Cordus offers a radically new way of thinking about the problem of gravitation, mass and time that is quite unlike conventional physics, yet includes concepts that might be recognisable to those other physics. [55] Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 Quarks A conceptual model is created for the composition of quarks and the internal structure of the proton and neutron. In this model the charge of a 70 quark indicates the number of hyff (force lines) it emits. Cordus also explains the colour and provides a mechanism for the strong interaction (both the attraction and repulsive components). The model also explains why parity violation occurs. A new concept of the ‘level of assembly’ is introduced and used to explain mass excess and why smaller particuloids have greater mass. Cordus also predicts non-conservation of mass. [56] Fundamental forces In this extrapolation of the Cordus conjecture, gravitation is caused by acceleration of the basal cordus particuloid, magnetism by velocity of the reactive ends, and electrostatic force by position thereof. These are the only three fundamental forces: the strong and the weak ‘forces’ are aptly named ‘interactions’ and in the same categories as orbitals and photon emission respectively, i.e. not fundamental forces. The important concept here is that one mechanism, the emission of hyff, provides the underlying mechanism for electrostatics, magnetism, and gravitation. These forces are intrinsically unified. In contrast, QM perceives these forces, together with the strong and weak nuclear interactions, as mediated by virtual particles and tries to unify them on that basis. Cordus suggests the so called virtual particles are simply different measurement artefacts of the hyff, not the real interactions. 5 Conclusions The cordus concept was originally created to explain wave-particle duality of the photon. It turns out to be much more adaptable and powerful, in a descriptive way, than simply a solution for the photon. Cordus is a conceptual solution that shows it is possible to conceive of fundamental physics in a radically different way. Cordus challenges the conventional idea of zero dimensional points, and the whole conceptual edifice of quantum mechanics built thereon. The concept that emerges here is that ‘particles’ are not actually points, neither are they waves. Instead ‘waves’ and ‘particles’ are simply the external manifestations of hidden internal structures. Thus Cordus offers a deeper mechanics that subsumes both quantum mechanics and wave theory, and thereby resolves wave-particle duality and several other enigmas. Perhaps surprisingly, Cordus is also simpler and more coherent across a wider range of phenomena than quantum mechanics or wave theory on their own. Radically and contrary to the prevailing probabilistic paradigm of quantum mechanics, Cordus suggests that the next deeper level of reality is deterministic. Cordus is a thought-experiment. The treatment is primarily conceptual and descriptive, and the cordus mechanics only lightly sketched out. It is a conceptual model, not so much a full theory with all the details worked out. While it has been thought-tested against many physical phenomena, it has not been checked against all. Furthermore, it is based on intuition and conjecture, and makes many assumptions (lemmas) that have yet to 71 be tested. Thus the validity is uncertain. Nevertheless, Cordus is a purposely audacious idea: it explores new ways of thinking, and therefore deliberately puts forward tentative explanations. We don’t believe the particular design variant developed in this set of papers is necessarily the only or the final solution, and we are open to the possibility that it could be totally wrong. Thus the cordus concept and the specific working models presented here are simply concepts to be critically evaluated. The conceptual contribution of this work is the demonstration that it is indeed possible to create hidden-variable models, and that Bell's theorem is not a limitation. It shows that the application of logic and semantic inference to existing experimental observations can give interesting new insights. The beauty of the Cordus Conjecture is that it provides an explanation that is coherent across wave and particle effects, photons and matter, ‘particles’ and macroscopic bodies. Thus the primary contribution of the Cordus work as a whole is that it provides a new conceptual framework for thinking about fundamental physics. Cordus may or may not be a robust solution, but it does show that there are other ways of thinking about the issues. Therefore we do not need to be discouraged by the staleness of the debates about waveparticle duality, nor stuck in the fixed paradigms of existing theories, nor perplexed by their weirdness. Even if Cordus is not the deeper mechanics, there can now be no doubt that a deeper mechanics does exist. Perhaps the biggest contribution is simply the intellectual stimulus to think creatively and more deeply intuitively about topics that we thought we already understood. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. de Broglie, L., The wave nature of the electron, in Nobel Lecture. 1929, Nobel Prize in Physics. Nikolic, H., Quantum Mechanics: Myths and Facts. Foundations of Physics, 2007. 37(11): p. 1563-611. Canals-Frau, D., Comments on some problems of modern physics. Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie, 2003. 28(2): p. 215-223. Einstein, A., B. Podolsky, and N. 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Cordus Conjecture Part 1.1 Pons, D.J.,18 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract A new conceptual model is proposed for the internal structure of the photon, and the mechanics thereof. This internal structure is called a cordus. The cordus consists of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The fibril connecting the two reactive ends does not interact with other matter. Each of the two reactive ends behaves like a whole photon in its ability to interact with other matter, including reflection, transmission, and the ability to take two paths, though it collapses to only one location. The reactive ends emit hyperfine fibrils (hyff) which are force lines. The cordus structure is neither a particle nor a wave, though can appear as either in certain circumstances. Keywords: wave-particle duality; wave theory; quantum mechanics; double slit; Edition 2.11 Fixed typos, Clarified measurement interlock > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_1.1Conjecture_E2.11.80.doc 1 Introduction: Wave-particle duality Wave-particle duality is a mostly-sufficient explanation of the behaviour of light, but fundamentally incomplete because of its lack of an integrated theoretical foundation or a coherent explanation that is consistent with reality. It gives rise to sometimes weird explanations, for example in the double-slit experiment, light apparently sometimes behaves like a wave, and sometimes like a particle, depending on how it is observed. The Wave theory (WT) part of the duality perceives light as electromagnetic (EM) waves, and uses this to explain various optical effects. From this perspective light is a temporally continuous beam. Thus the light going into an object, e.g. a mirror or a double-slit device, exists at the same time as it exits and can therefore interfere with itself. Interference is therefore a core concept throughout the WT perspective. WT is an effective predictor of large scale optical effects and fringes. However WT is incapable of dealing with individual photons, and therefore with certain classes of effects, such as single photons into the double-slit device with a blocked slit. The other part of the duality is Quantum mechanics (QM). It takes the particle perspective and treats light as a series of photons. It can thus explain effects involving single photons, e.g. the photo-electric effect, that WT cannot. QM states that the photon’s particle properties are described 18 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 78 Quis es tu? by a probabilistic wave-function, and that superposition applies, so that its location is indeterminate while it is flight: the wave-function supposedly collapses only when it is observed. QM is an excellent predictor of how particles will behave, though WT is better for beams of light. However QM is a mathematical and statistical solution that suffers from poor physically meaningfulness: ‘mechanics’ is not particularly apt. It is good at providing a quantitative prediction of what can happen, but weak at giving a qualitative description of how the causal mechanisms operate. Wave theory and Quantum mathematics accurately predict physical outcomes, but neither is completely sufficient as an explanation of reality, and they do not integrate well. However, if there is a deeper theory, one that subsumes both wave and particle perspectives, it is not obvious what that might be. Also, there is reason to believe, per Bell's theorem, that no theory of internal (or hidden) variables is possible for the photon. Thus the problem of wave-particle duality may be fundamentally unsolvable. The null explanation is then to simply accept the paradoxes and consider the matter intractable. Is there a way to integrate wave and particle views? Is there a deeper mechanics, one wherein the paradoxes dissolve? Yes, we think so. This paper introduces a novel concept, the Cordus conjecture, and shows how it can resolve elements of wave-particle duality. This primary paper conceptually sketches out the underlying mechanics, and anticipates the internal structure of the photon. Companion papers extend the concept to explain the optics of light beams, matter, and fields. Taken together, the papers sketch out a conceptual foundation for a proposed cordus mechanics: a candidate for a deeper mechanics beneath both quantum mechanics and wave theory. This paper is part 1 in a bracket of three. The first part describes the fundamental cordus concepts. i.e. the proposed internal structure of the photon. The second part solves the apparent path-dilemmas in the double-slit device, and also interferometers. The third develops a novel mechanism for the formation of fringes. Other brackets of papers apply the Cordus concept to optical effects (ref. ‘Cordus Optics’), matter (ref. ‘Cordus matter’), and fields (ref. ‘Cordus in extremis’), and each of those have several parts. 2 Method The objective was to identify, at a conceptual level, whether there could be internal structures and properties to the photon that could explain its observed behaviour. The approach taken was a logical rather than mathematical one: by knowing the behaviour of the photon in various experimental situations, infer the possible internal variables that could give rise to this behaviour. This is a typical system-thinking approach to reverse-engineering a product or process. It is a process of working out what the black box might contain 79 Quis es tu? by observing its outputs in different situations. The process is necessarily conjectural, and is more a thought-experiment with demonstrations than a conclusive proof. Existing photon effects are accepted as veritas, including the wave and particle outcomes in the double-slit experiment: an interference pattern is created even from single photons (eventually, given enough photons). A new structure for the photon was then conjectured. This is a conceptual model of what the mechanisms might be within the photon that could give rise to those observable effects. The concept was then tested against various other optical and quantum phenomena. It was deliberately tested in areas of theoretical incongruence and discontinuous output behaviours, because these are potentially where the system variables are most exposed. Also, such cases are opportunities to think of radically new concepts, less cognitively encumbered by existing theories. Then additional lemmas (premises, assumptions) were added to the basic cordus concept to explain these other situations. This process further defined, constrained, and developed the concept in a process of synthesis to match the veritas. New variables were added parsimoniously where necessary for requisite variability. Cordus is intended to be a thought-experiment rather than a proof, and therefore seeks to create coherent conceptual links between topics. Consequently it offers explanations rather than mathematical proofs. Tentative explanations are put forward, and even speculative extrapolations. The latter are labelled 'in extremis' to show they are secondary explanations and not core requirements. The cordus concept is a class of solutions that permits several design variants. Where necessary we selected a particular variant, referred to as the working model. The result is a type of 'hidden-variable' solution, that identifies internal variables within the photon and shows how they cause the external behaviour. 3 Cordus conjecture The cordus conjecture proposes a radically different structure for the photon. It is a structure that is neither a particle nor a wave, though can appear as either in certain circumstances. Instead it is proposed that the photon consists of a cordus: two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The fibril connecting the two reactive ends does not interact with other matter. Each of the two reactive ends behaves like a whole photon in its ability to interact with other matter, including reflection, transmission, and the ability to take two paths, though it collapses to only one location. Applying some assumptions about the basic sub-structure of this cord, permits the concept to be expanded and used to explain a variety of effects. 80 Quis es tu? 3.1 Cordus model of the photon The starting cordus concept is that the photon does pass through both slots in the double slit experiment, and therefore has two ends that are in communication. This is called a ‘cordus’: two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril, see Figure 1. Figure 1: The cordus consists of two reactive ends, functionally connected by a fibril. The effective mean centre of the photon is at the midpoint, but the statistical modes are at the REs, i.e. the photon is only every found at the ends. Reactive End Fibril Motion of photon This is a functional concept. Exactly what geometry or physical sub-structure creates this cordus functionality is not prescribed at this point. It is necessary to add further assumptions (lemmas) to construct a workable model, Hence the following additional. The first focuses on the path-ambiguity behaviour, and others follow to address fringes. Lemma L.1 Behaviour of the cordus L.1.1 Each of the two REs behaves like a whole photon in its ability to interact with other matter, including reflection, transmission, and absorption. L.1.2 The fibril connecting the two reactive ends does not interact with other matter. L.1.3 The REs may take different paths to each other: spatially distinct; angularly distinct; reflect off different surfaces. See Causa 1 for a working model of the possible underlying explanations. Causa 1 Cordus underlying mechanisms Several possible underlying mechanisms may be anticipated. Note that these are simply a selection of design variants to consider. The cordus (see Figure 2) may consist of: C.1.1 Two particle-like reactive ends with a fibril connecting them (‘bolafibril’) C.1.2 Fibril with reactive ends (‘open-fibril’) C.1.3 Fibril that vibrates, where the vibrations create the functionality of reflect/transmit/collapse, only appears when the energy is in the condensed state at the reactive ends. C.1.5 Fibril where the energy reciprocates and there is a field effect at reactive ends, i.e. it is the vibration that interacts (‘reactive’) with other structures (‘thick-fibril’) C.1.4 Fibril where the energy reciprocates from one side to the other. The reactive end appears momentarily as a ‘particle’ when the energy is in its arrested or condensed state before deconstructing and changing direction again (‘teleport fibril’). Several sub-versions 81 Quis es tu? C.1.6 might include a single ‘particle’ that traverses the entire span, i.e. the cordus has two ends but only one is active at a time (‘full-span shuttle’); two ‘particles’ each reciprocating between the centre and an end (‘twin half-span shuttle’); two particles of which one is a different type and reciprocating over the full or half span (‘antiparticle shuttle’). In all cases the energy is non-reactive to other matter while in transit, and the particle nature, e.g. the ability to the ends (hyff model, see later). The energy appears at one end while the other is dormant, and then withdraws and changes to the other end. At any one moment only one end is active. In this variant the energy retracts at one end (C+) and extends at the other (C-), before reversing. There is only an instant when a reactive end is neither C+ nor C-, unlike the C.1.5 model where one end is dormant for a full half cycle. Figure 2: Several different design variants for the cordus structure, by way of illustration of the concept. No specific variant is preferred or necessary at this stage. The dashed lines represent the frequency component. The preferred design variant is C.1.6, though this only emerges subsequently as the bigger picture is built up. The concept now is that the photon does actually pass through both slits in double-slit experiment, i.e. that the observed behaviour is the reality. However additional lemmas are required to explain the selective appearance of the photon. Lemma L.2 Collapse of the cordus L.2 Collapse of the cordus L.2.1 When one reactive end touches a material that absorbs photons (i.e. an opaque material) then that RE is ‘grounded’. L.2.2 Once one RE grounds, the cordus collapses. 82 Quis es tu? One design variant is that the fibril withdraws the other reactive end and collapses the cordus to the location of the grounded RE. However the preferred explanation using C.1.6 is as follows: L.2.2.1 Only an energised reactive end can ground. L.2.2.2 At the time of grounding, the other (free) reactive end ceases to exist at the next frequency cycle. L.2.3 Once grounded, the photon appears as a stationary point, and an injection of energy into the lattice of the material. L.2.4 The first RE to be grounded collapses the cordus. This corresponds to the shorter of the two temporal optical paths. L.2.5 The (statistical) mode of the collapse location is not the mean photon location. Mode is determined by the location of the two reactive ends, and this is where grounding occurs, whereas Mean is optical centre line and the geometric centre of the fibril. The mode of the collapse-location for a cordus is not precisely on the optical centreline of the photon, but will instead be at one of the reactive ends. The non-grounded reactive end simply ceases to exist at the next frequency reversal. Therefore the reactive end does not need to be dragged through the material, so the optical properties of the intervening material is of no consequence at collapse. With Lemma 2 it is now possible to explain the quantum behaviour of the double-slit experiment, as will be shown. However to resolve the observer paradoxes requires another related lemma on detection. Lemma L.3 Detection and Observers L.3 Detection and Observers L.3.1 Detecting the position of a photon requires arresting the cordus entirely. Detecting the photon’s position is intrusive observation as it collapses the cordus. Intrusive observation may be used to detect the position of a single photon or beam of photons. L.3.2 The cordus is not collapsed, nor the position of the photon detected, by transparent media or reflective surfaces. L.3.3 Passive observation is simply looking at the experiment and not interfering with the cordus. Passive observation is inconsequential for the photon. L.3.4 Passing observation is detecting that a photon has passed a point, e.g. by detecting its effect on other material or fields, without collapsing the cordus. L.3.5 The internal variables of the photon are bi-directionally linked (coupled) to the external electromagnetic (EM) fields that it generates, see also C.6 hyff lemmas. L.3.5.1 Passing observation can add or subtract energy from the photon, via the coupling. L.3.5.2 Passing detection alters the state of the photon. L.3.5.3 Passing observation cannot determine location of the photon. Thus Cordus differentiates between types of Observers: passive, passing, and intrusive. Lemma 3 states that detecting a photon’s position 83 Quis es tu? corresponds to intrusively collapsing the cordus entirely, whereas reflection and transmission through a transparent material do not. Whether the reactive end strikes an opaque material, absorbing detector, or the eye of an Observer is all the same: the cordus collapses. It is analogous to measuring the speed of a small moving motor-car by placing a loaded shipping container in front of it: the car is arrested and smashed in the process and its previous functional capability is destroyed. Observation of a photon’s position collapses the cordus and destroys its functionally expanded state. However passing observation is unreliable for measuring properties of a single photon, since the process of measurement changes other properties of the photon. However it can be more reliably applied to beams of multiple photons, where the sacrifice of a few is immaterial. Depending on the measurement, it may unduly preserve the configuration of the photon, or attract/push it into a different state, transferring energy. Quantum mechanics views fields and particles as different and independent structures, and has no coherent unified model of causality for these. The cordus perspective is very different, in that it suggests that fields and particles are tightly dependent, even interlocked. A simple concept, with profound implications. The cordus model is that a particuloid like a photon or electron has internal sub-structures [fibril, reactive ends, hyff]. Thus it has internal variables, corresponding to parameters of those sub-structures, that exist even when they are not measured. As the work on frequency shows [1], the hyff [‘field’ component] and the reactive ends [which represent what QM terms the ‘particle’] are closely coupled: the energy shuttles between them. Therefore what happens to one affects the other. We call this the measurement interlock between fibril, reactive ends, and hyff. Or, to put it in the language of quantum mechanics, what happens to the field affects the particle, and the inverse. Thus the process of measurement, whether of field or particle, fundamentally changes the internal energy distribution of the cordus. Therefore the process of measurement, and the nature of that measurement, influence the outcome that will be observed. Thus the measured reality is contextual: it depends on the type of observation itself. 19 There are different types of observation, with different degrees of intrusiveness: passive, passing, and intrusive. The different types of observation have implications for the detection of position and velocity, as the next section shows. 19 By implication the quantum mechanics premise is invalid that claims that there is no reality beyond that which is measured. Instead cordus suggests that the measurement is an artefact of the chosen measurement process applied to reality; that different measurement processes applied to the same underlying reality will therefore yield different measurements. 84 Quis es tu? 3.2 Application to quantum measurement effects Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states that it is impossible to simultaneously know the position and momentum of a photon. Further, that the effect arises because it is fundamentally unknowable, not from limited precision of measurement. The Cordus Conjecture is consistent with this Principle, and suggests that the explanation is that the momentum and position are measurements of different states of the photon: in flight vs. arrested. Measure it in flight and only the presence of the photon can be inferred, using passing observation (L.3.4). The dynamic and twin-headed nature of the photon in flight means that it fundamentally has no physically measurable centroid, even if it has modes. Measuring its location can be done but requires intrusive detection, which collapses the cordus and destroys the kinetic state. Thus the choice of measurement constrains the behaviour of the photon and thus the measured outcome. The flight and static states of the photon are physically mutually exclusive: so too are the measurements thereof. Zeno effect The Zeno effect is that observation of a quantum state can preserve the configuration or hasten its change, depending on how the measurement is made. The cordus explanation is that these measurements are of the passing type, and therefore add or subtract energy from the photon (Lemma 3.4), thus constraining the photon’s configuration. 4 Conclusions Wave-particle duality, which has been enigmatic to conventional physics, is shown to be conceptually solvable by a new way of thinking about the photon. A particular internal structure, called a cordus, is proposed for the photon, and the underlying mechanics sketched out. In subsequent papers it is shown that a cordus structure is conceptually able to resolve waveparticle duality, i.e. explain both wave and particle effects. 1. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus optics: Part 2.1 Frequency. 2011. 85 Quis es tu? 86 Photon path dilemmas: Quo vadis, photon? Cordus Conjecture Part 1.2 Pons, D.J. , 20 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Photon path dilemmas are a difficult area for conventional physics. Typical situations are the double-slit device and interferometers. The problem manifests as an apparent ability of the photon to simultaneously take all paths through the device, but eventually only appear at one. It is shown that a cordus structure is conceptually able to resolve the path dilemmas in wave-particle duality. Explanations are given for the double-slit device and interferometers. The Cordus conjecture implies there is a deeper, simpler, deterministic, and more elegant reality beneath quantum mechanics and wave theory. Keywords: wave-particle duality; double slit; interferometer Edition 2.10 Fixed typos, Clarified measurement interlock > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_1.2PathDilemmas_E2.10.79.doc 1 Introduction: Photon Path dilemmas There are various path problems and paradoxes in wave-particle duality, and are a difficult area for conventional physics. Typical situations are the double-slit device and interferometers. The problem manifests as an apparent ability of the photon to simultaneously take all paths through the device, but eventually only appear at one. Existing theories of physics only partially explain the phenomena. This paper applies the cordus concept to conceptually resolve path dilemmas. 2 Existing approaches Wave theory (WT) apparently adequately explains the situation as interference. However, that only applies to beams of light, whereas the behaviour also exists for individual photons. Quantum mechanics (QM) offers a solution for the particle case, using the concepts of superposition and wavefunction. However the explanations are strange and inconsistent with experience in the everyday world. The ideas of ‘wavefunction’ and probabilistic ‘superpositon’ are intrinsically mathematical, and attempts to translate these into physical mechanisms have not fared well. For example, the explanation that relies on virtual (or ghost) particles only adds more problems, because of the supposed undetectability of these particles. 20 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 87 Quo vadis? There are two easy-to-understand explanations for the path dilemma in wave-particle duality, intelligent photons and parallel universes, but both have difficulties. The first is to assume some intelligence in the photon: that photons know when a path is blocked, without even going down it (e.g. Mach-Zehnder interferometer), and adapt their behaviour in response to the presence of an Observer (e.g. Schrodinger’s Cat, Zeno effect). This also raises philosophical problems with choice and the power of the Observer to affect the physical world and its future merely by looking at it. Thus the action of observation supposedly affects the locus taken by a photon, and thus the outcome. This concept is sometimes generalised to the universe as a whole. The second, and related solution is the metaphysical idea of parallel universes or many worlds, i.e. that each statistical outcome that does not occur in this universe does in another. This is currently a popular explanation. However it is fundamentally problematic in that these other universes are beyond contact and therefore the theory cannot be verified. Nor is it clear who/what keeps track of the information content of the vast number of universes that such a system would generate. There is no empirical evidence for the Parallel universes solution, so it requires faith to trust that as the solution. Both these explanations are cognitively convenient ways of comprehending the practicalities of wave-particle duality, but they sidestep the real issues. The cordus concept provides an elegant solution for the path conundrum. In particular, an explanation is given here for the quantum particle behaviour of the photon in the double-slit experiment. Cordus provides a simple physical explanation for the particle-choice problem. Internal variables of the photon are inferred, and a physical interpretation is given of frequency. The concept of hyff is introduced. The path dilemmas in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer are explained, and in doing so a novel explanation arises for what a beam-splitter really does. This paper is part 2 in a bracket of three. The first part describes the fundamental cordus concepts. i.e. the proposed internal structure of the photon. The present part solves the apparent path-dilemmas in the double-slit device, and also interferometers. The third develops a novel mechanism for the formation of fringes. 3 Particle behaviour in the Double-slit experiment The Cordus concept offers an explanation of the quantum behaviour of the double-slit experiment: The photon is a cordus, and one reactive end passes cleanly through each slit. The fibril passes through the material between the two slits, but does not interact with it. The cordus explanation is that the photon does pass through both slots, not as ‘real’ and ‘ghost’ particles, but instead as a twin-ended particuloid. The variable nature of the cordus span (Lemma 5) permits the photon to go through gaps of different width, providing the gaps are small and arranged symmetrically along the path. 88 Quo vadis? Default behaviour in double-slit If a detector is placed proximal behind each slit in the double-slit device, then whichever reactive end first hits the plate will be grounded (L.2.1) and the cordus will collapse to a single energy impulse at that detector, see Figure 1. One of the detectors will thus register a photon arrival. However there is random variability in the position of the reactive ends so the next photon may ground on the other detector. Over time the two absorbent detectors will each obtain their share of impacts, providing that they are equally spaced from the slit. Quantum behaviour in the blocked double-slit If one of the slits is blocked by a detector, and the other is open, then the observed reality is that the photon always appears at the watched slit and never appears on the backplane. The Cordus Conjecture explains this quantum behaviour as follows, see Figure 2. Reactive ends pass through both slots as usual. Whereas the RE at the open slot is free to continue, that at the blocked slot is obstructed by the detector. This causes the cordus to be always grounded at the detector (as per L.2.4). The whole photon collapses at the detector, every time, even though the cordus did pass through both slots. Since the whole photon is grounded at the detector, there is no photon left to continue further, so no fringes appear even if a screen is placed behind the detector. The Cordus Conjecture thus explains the observed behaviour. There is no choice in the photon, no free-will. However, there is still the matter of how if at all the Observer’s watching of the quantum experiment predestines the outcome. 89 Quo vadis? Figure 1: Photon behaviour in the double-slit experiment 90 Quo vadis? Figure 2: Photon behaviour in the double-slit experiment with only one detector. Observer’s powers Whether or not an Observer is looking at the double-slit experiment is irrelevant: it is whether the observation is passive or intrusive that is 91 Quo vadis? important (Lemma 3). Simply passively watching from outside the lines of action (optical paths) does not influence the outcome, according to the present concept. The only thing that is really important is intrusive observation: when the Observer’s eye (or her proxies in the form of photon detectors or screens) are in such a position as to intercept the photon and suitably constructed (opaque) to arrest it. If the observer uses passing observation at one slot, then it slows that reactive end and thereby affects fringe patterns, but more of that later. The Lemmas 1-3 are sufficient to explain path effects, but not fringes, so the further explanation of the double-slit is delayed until additional lemmas are constructed. 4 Mach–Zehnder interferometer Quantum dilemmas also arise in the Mach–Zehnder interferometer. This device has two output paths, hence two detectors, see Figure 3. The light source strikes partial mirror PM1, where the beam is ‘split’ into path 7 and L, the two beams ‘recombine’ at partial mirror PM2, and then proceed to detectors DA and DB. However there are some anomalous results, especially for single photons. MZ Default mode In the default mode the photon, and indeed the whole beam, will selectively appear at one of the detectors. This can easily be explained using conventional optical wave theory. The paths are not identical regarding the reflection and refraction encountered, and the usual explanation is based on the delays, i.e. phase shift in wavelength, for the different reflection and refraction on the two paths. 92 Quo vadis? Figure 3: Mach–Zehnder interferometer in default mode. The photon appears at DB. From the wave theory perspective the explanation is that the light beam experiences a phase shift of half a wavelength where it reflects off a medium with higher refractive index (otherwise none), and a constant phase shift k where it refracts through a denser medium. The beam on path 7 to Detector DB experiences k + ½ + ½ phase-shift (at a, c, and e), see Figure 3, whereas to reach Detector DA requires an additional k (at y). Similarly, the beam on path L to Detector DB experiences ½ + ½ + k (at p, r, and t). As these are the same, the classical model concludes that the two beams on 7 and L result in constructive interference at DB, so the whole output appears there, providing that the optical path lengths around both sides of the interferometer are equal. 93 Quo vadis? The L beam into Detector DA experiences ½ + ½ + k + k phase-shift (at p, r, t, and v) whereas the 7 beam into DA experiences k + ½ + k phase-shift (at a, c, v). As these differ by half a wavelength, the usual explanation is that the two beams interfere destructively and no light is detected at DA. This is a satisfactory explanation for light beams. Quantum problems The quantum weirdness arises because this behaviour still occurs for a single photon, which is supposed to go down only one path. Thus selfinterference seems to be required, or virtual particles. Worse, if one of the paths is blocked by a mirror that deflects the beam away, then the beam still appears at DB, regardless of which path was blocked. The photon seems to ‘know’ which path was blocked, without actually taking it, and then take the other. Various explanations have been put forward for how this might happen, but they tend to be weird rather than physical. The obvious Cordus explanation is that each reactive end takes a different path, and the phase difference (which is accepted by the Cordus Conjecture) through the glass at y means that the reactive end is delayed at Detector DA, so does not appear there. The existing Cordus lemmas could be applied, assuming that each reactive end has a 50% chance of being reflected at a partial mirror, and the phase delay through the glass at y means that the reactive end gets to detector DB before DA. However this is unsatisfactory because a decision tree of the Cordus path options suggests that ¼ of photons should still appear at DA even if DA is precisely located relative to DB. Something is missing from the Cordus explanation, and the solution was to add assumptions about the reflection process, which are shown in Lemma 7. (For precursor lemmas 4-6 see part 1.3). Lemma L.7 Beam-splitter This lemma describes a set of assumptions for how a beam-splitter operates. It identifies the variables that determine which path the exit light takes. Lemma L.7 Beam-splitter L.7.1 In a usual full-reflection, i.e. off a mirror, both reactive ends of the cordus, which are separated by the span, separately reflect off the mirror. L.7.2 Reflection does not collapse the cordus: it is of the passing rather than intrusive type. L.7.3 When encountering a partially reflective surface, e.g. a beamsplitter or partially silvered mirror, the outcome depends on the state (energised vs. dormant) of the reactive end at the time of contact. L.7.3.1 A RE will reflect off a mirror only if it is in one state, here assumed to be the energised state, when it encounters the reflective layer. 94 Quo vadis? L.7.3.2 A dormant RE passes some way into a reflective layer without reacting. Only if it reacts within the layer will it be reflected. L.7.3.3 If the reflective layer is thin enough, a dormant RE might only reenergise once it is through the layer, in which case it is not reflected. Hence tunnelling. L.7.3.4 The thickness of the layer is therefore important, as is the frequency. L.7.4 The orientation of the cordus (polarisation) as it strikes the beamsplitter is important in the outcome. L.7.4.1 If the reactive ends strike at suitable timing such that each in turn is energised (dormant) as they engage with surface, then the whole cordus may be reflected (transmitted). L.7.4.2 It is possible that only one RE is reflected and the other transmitted straight through. See Figure 4. Figure 4: A beam-splitter reflects only the energised reactive end. The dormant RE passes through. The diagram shows a p-polarised cordus, but the principles generalise to other forms of polarisation. The key determinant of path is the state (energised/dormant) of the pair of reactive ends at contact with the mirror. The relevant points from that lemma are that a reactive end will only reflect if it is a suitably energised state at the point of contact. Otherwise it goes deeper into the material. If by going deeper it passes through the reflective layer of the beam-splitter, then it continues without being reflected, see Figure 4. Thus cordus-photons striking the beam splitter will have two obvious outcomes: both ends reflect, or neither reflect (both 95 Quo vadis? transmit through). These outcomes depend on the orientation (polarisation) of the cordus, the precise phase location of the energised reactive end when it makes contact, and the frequency relative to the thickness of the mirror. The lemmas also admit the possibility that the beam-splitter may send one reactive end each way, if the two reactive ends differ in their state when they impact. If this is the case then it raises the possibility that the ‘beam-splitter’ is sometimes a ‘photon-splitter’, i.e. changes the span. This lemma also explains the variable output of the beam-splitter: with one input beam, generally two beams will be observed emerging from a beam-splitter, because of the variable orientations of the input photons ensure that a mixture of whole and split cordi will go down each path. However if the polarisation of the input beam is changed then the beam splitter will favour one output. Cordus explanation: default MZ mode With Lemma 7 the Cordus explanation of the MZ device may now be continued. We consider a single photon, but the principles generalise to a beam of many. The photon reaches Partial Mirror PM1, see Figure 5; the energised reactive ends reflect off the mirror, the dormant ends go through. Depending on the orientation of the cordi, some whole cordi go down path 7, some down L, and some may be split to go down both. The polarisation of the photon is therefore important in the outcome. Reactive End is delayed in the glass Partial Mirror PM1 PATH 7 a a1 b a2 a2 p Light source a1 PATH L Figure 5: First partial mirror of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The whole photons pose no particular problem, but a split cordus needs explanation: a1 reflects off the surface and continues on path L (pqrst). The dormant a2 reactive end passes through the mirror surface, reenergises too late within the transparent backing, does not reflect, and continues on path 7 (abcd). Note that the order is unimportant: it is not necessary that the energised RE reaches the surface before the dormant RE. Nonetheless, regardless of the order, the RE that was energised at the mirror (a1 in this case), is always reflected (takes path L). This is important 96 Quo vadis? in the following explanation. Assuming equal optical path length along 7 and L, which is the case, then both reactive ends come together again at Partial Mirror PM2, having undergone several frequency reversals. The explanation assumes that the path length is such that the reactive ends are all in the opposite state to PM1, i.e. the path lengths are not only equal, but a whole even multiple of half-wavelengths. The cordi that have travelled whole down path 7 or L now divert to Detector DB. For the split cordi the explanation follows: when reactive end a1 reaches the mirror surface of PM2 it is now in the dormant state, and therefore passes through to Detector DB. By contrast reactive end a2, which was dormant at PM1 is now energised at PM2, and reflects, taking it also to Detector DB. See Figure 6. Figure 6: Second partial mirror of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Therefore the photon always appears at Detector DB, regardless of which path it took. The partial mirrors achieve this by sorting and if necessary splitting the photons, and the arrangement between the mirrors ensures that the second mirror reverses the operation of the first. The effect holds for single photons as well as beams thereof. From this perspective the MZ interferometer is an unexpectedly finely-tuned photon-sorting device that auto-corrects for randomness in the frequency phase. Cordus explanation: open-path MZ mode Conventionally the wave-particle dilemma occurs when one of the paths is blocked, since it suggests the weird solution that photon ‘knew’ which path was blocked without actually taking it. For example a mirror is inserted at S, but the photon still appears at Detector DB. Likewise a mirror at D still causes the photon to appear at Detector DB, see Figure 7, despite the apparent mutual exclusivity of these two experiments. 97 Quo vadis? Figure 7: Inclusion of an extra mirror at D still results in photons arriving at Detector DB. The Cordus explanation is that the reactive ends are constrained by the partial mirrors to converge at DB. Regardless of which path, 7 or L, is opencircuited, the remaining whole cordi and the split cordi (providing they are not grounded first at g) will always appear at DB. Cordus explanation: sample mode The MZ device is used to measure the refractivity ks of a transparent sample placed in one of the legs, say S. The observed reality when using a beam of photons is that a proportion of the beam now appears at detector DA. The wave theory adequately explains this based on phase shift and constructive (destructive) interference. By comparison the Cordus explanation is that the sample introduces a small time delay to the (say) a1 reactive end of the split cordus, which means that it arrives slightly late at partial mirror PM2. If sufficiently late then a2 reaches the mirror in an energised state (it usually would be dormant at this point), and therefore reflects and passes to detector DA. If a2 is only partially energised when it reaches the mirror, then its destination is less certain: a single photon will go to one or the other detector depending on its precise state at the time. The proportioning occurs when a beam of photons is involved, as the random variabilities will place them each in slightly different states, and hence increase the probability of heading to one particular detector. If the 7 or L path in the MZ device is totally blocked by an opaque barrier (unlike the mirror mode), then the whole cordi in that leg ground there, as 98 Quo vadis? do the split cordi. However the whole cordi in the remaining leg continue to DB as before. 5 Conclusions Quo vadis, photon? Where is the photon going? One of the central quantum dilemmas of the double-slit device is the ambiguity of where the photon is going, and which path it will take. Existing approaches either reconfigure the photon as a wave, or treat the problem as simply probabilistic. The solution proposed here is simply that where the photon appears will depend on which of its two reactive ends are first obstructed. In turn that depends on how the obstruction is made, and at which instant the Observer does it. God does not play dice - the Observer does, by selecting the method of how intrusively or passively to make the observation, and the timing of when in the cordus frequency cycle to make the intervention. However the Observer may have little control over the latter, hence the observed probabilities of QM emerge as a measuring artefact. Thus Cordus offers a way to reconceptualise the photon and resolve path dilemmas in a natural way that does not require invisible particles, parallel worlds, pilot waves, intelligent photons, or the mere presence of an Observer. We no longer need the weirdness of conventional explanations. A companion paper (ref. ‘Cordus matter’) shows why Bell’s Theorem is not a constraint against hidden-variable solutions. Cordus also implies that the existing paradigm of quantum mechanics is not the reality, only a mathematical approximation. In particular, Cordus suggests that superposition, the ability of a particle to be in two places at once, is only a high-level simplification of the underlying behaviour of internal variables. While superposition is a useful rough statistical concept for average particles, it is unreliable as a physical explanation for individual cases. The implications of the Cordus conjecture are that there is a deeper, simpler, deterministic, and more elegant reality beneath quantum mechanics and wave theory. 99 Quo vadis? 100 Explanation of fringes Cordus Conjecture Part 1.3 Pons, D.J. , 21 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract The cordus concept is shown to be able to explain wave behaviour in gaps, and fringes in the double slit device. This is useful because one of the enigmas of the double-slit device is that single photons form fringe patterns. Cordus explains fringes in terms of force lines called hyperfine fibrils (hyff) and their interaction with the edges of the light path. This also explains beam divergence and near-field effects. The results show that it is conceptually possible to create a solution for fringes based on a particuloid interpretation of light, without using the concept of interference. The biggest difference between Wave theory and the cordus explanation is their interpretation of the mechanism for fringes. Wave theory explains fringes as ‘interference’: two separate waves of light differing by full (half) fractions of wavelengths and thus constructively (destructively) interfering. From the Cordus perspective photons do not actually interfere or add together, and 'interference' is only a convenient analogy. The Cordus explanation is that fringes are caused instead by interaction of the photon hyff with opaque edges. This bracket of papers therefore offers a resolution of wave-particle duality by anticipating the internal cordus structure of the photon and the associated cordus mechanics. From this perspective wave and particle behaviours are simply the different output behaviours that the internal system shows depending on how it is measured. Thus Cordus offers a deeper mechanics that subsumes both quantum mechanics and wave theory. Surprisingly, Cordus suggests that the next deeper level of reality is deterministic. Keywords: wave-particle duality; wave theory; quantum mechanics; double slit; fringe; interference Revision 2.10 Added reference to dynamically changing span length, and explanation of single slit. Minor edits Document: Pons_Cordus_1_2PathDilemmas_E2.10.79.doc L.1.2 The fibril connecting the two reactive ends does not interact with other matter. 1 Introduction One of the enigmas of the double-slit device is that single photons form fringe patterns, given enough of them. That light waves should do so is expected, but the puzzling part is what makes individual photons do so given that the usual mechanism of interference is unavailable. 21 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 101 Fringes In this paper the cordus concept is expanded to explain wave behaviour in gaps, and fringes in the double slit device. This paper is part 3 in a bracket of three. The first part describes the fundamental cordus concepts. i.e. the proposed internal structure of the photon. The second part solves the apparent path-dilemmas in the double-slit device, and also interferometers. 2 Wave theory explanation of interference The Wave theory explanation is that the fringes, e.g. in a gap, form due to interference based on phase difference along different optical paths: each point on the surviving wave-front after the obstacle becomes a point source and radiates its own secondary wave these points are separated in space the distances from central and edge points to the screen is therefore different this difference will be a full (half) wavelength at some locations on the screen and therefore cause constructive (destructive) interference there Consequently the secondary waves interfere to produce lighter and darker regions. The explanation rests on frequency and phase shifts arising from geometric path differences. Limitations in Wave Theory Optical Wave theory sufficiently explains the behaviour of beams of light. However it does not explain why multiple separate single photons should also form fringes. Also, the concept of ‘destructive interference’ is difficult to reconcile from an energy perspective. How do two photons destroy each other and leave no residue? With water waves, the peak of one wave A can be higher where that of B is lower. Peak A is above the mean water level and therefore has positive potential energy, whereas peak B has negative. When they meet, the energy excess in A exactly balances the deficit in B and a flat piece of water results. No energy is lost: the mean water height is the same. Destructive interference in light is usually explained similarly, by the electric fields cancelling. That of course does not explain the observed interference of individual photons that were never in the same place at the same time. Furthermore, the wave explanation suggests that the effect should be seen more often, but the reality is that photons do not observably interfere with each other, despite their vast quantity in the world. Existing attempts at reconciling wave and particle behaviour have tended to preserve Wave theory and make the particle behave like a wave by ‘interfering’ with itself through a 'virtual' particle. The virtual particle is not detectable and therefore metaphysical, and this is where weirdness arises. 102 Fringes What is frequency? Frequency is a core mechanism in the Wave theory description of fringes. It is strange that wave theory is so highly dependent on the concept of frequency, yet cannot explain how frequency arises. In other wave phenomena such as water waves, the frequency corresponds to a physical motion of water molecules. What is the comparable phenomenon in light? The standard wave theory answer is that it is the frequency of oscillation of the electric and magnetic fields. However this is not entirely satisfactory as it still does not answer the question, nor explain why the fields reverse polarity. Another paradox with wave theory is that many phenomena in optics are dependent on the wavelength λ, but the dimensions of the experiment are in the transverse direction. For example, the presence and strength of fringes depend on the diameter of the aperture or width of the gap. This is curious, because wavelength is an axial dimension, whereas gap width is transverse geometry, i.e. the two measurements are perpendicular. If anything one would expect amplitude to be involved since it is a transverse measurement. Strangely, amplitude does not feature in the wave theory descriptors of optical effects, but wavelength does. Nor can the particle view explain frequency: it hardly even needs the concept, other than as a measure of energy. Thus neither wave nor particle perspectives explain the mystery of Frequency. Consequently, a model that bridges the wave-particle duality and invokes internal variables will inevitably have to reconceptualise 'frequency'. 3 Cordus solution The Cordus approach developed up to here can make sense of the photon path dilemmas, but not of the fringes. The next lemmas show how it can be extended to solve this, by proposing internal variables for the photon. A companion paper (ref. ‘Cordus matter’) shows why Bell’s theorem is not a constraint. Lemma L.4 Internal and external variables of the photon This lemma asserts that the cordus has internal physical variables, that manifest as variables that can be measured (external variables). L.4 Internal and external variables of the photon L.4.1 The orientation of the cordus is variable. L.4.1.1 The cordus may be inclined in pitch, roll, and yaw around the optical centre line of the photon path. L.4.1.2 The cordus may rotate around the optical centre line. L.4.1.3 The above internal variables manifest externally as polarisation states (V.1.2). For example Circular polarisation is a transverse cordus with roll angular velocity, and is therefore handed. L.4.2 The cordus vibrates, or oscillates. 103 Fringes L.4.2.1 This corresponds to the frequency of the photon and its energy (V.1.1). The nature of the vibration is left temporarily unspecified: oscillation or rotation motion; vibration of the fibril in radial or axial displacement; reciprocation of parts. Refer C.1, in part 1.1 where the dashed lines in Figure 2 represent the frequency component. See also lemma 9. This vibration generates electromagnetic fields (V.1.3), though the mechanism is left unspecified at this point. L.4.2.2 L.4.2.3 This provides a physical mechanism for frequency among other external variables of the photon. Though vague, it is nonetheless sufficient to proceed, and is further developed later. The explanation of fringes also needs a mechanism to explain the width of the cordus, and how it is affected by frequency, hence the next lemma. Lemma L.5 Span length The distance between the reactive ends (Span) may vary. L.5 L.5.1 L.5.2 L.5.3 L.5.4 L.5.4.1 L.5.4.2 L.5.4.3 L.5.4.4 L.5.5 L.5.6 L.5.7 Span length The Span is plastic. It may be stretched or shrunk. (Nothing yet suggests it has elastic recoil). The Span may be changed by the external optical environment, e.g. by sending the reactive ends along different paths. When thus forced by the environment, the Span may be large: at least of the order of metres. In other situations the Span may be small. For newly created and unconstrained photons the natural tendency is for the Span to be small and inversely related to the frequency. The greater the frequency the shorter the Span. Thus shorter wavelengths have shorter spans. The Span varies randomly by quantum amounts. For convenience it is assumed that the Span can take one of only three changed states: increase, stay the same, or decrease. The size of the quantum increment/decrement (delta) is related to the frequency of the photon. Delta span is inversely proportional to frequency: high frequency photons (short wavelength) have smaller spans (L.5.3) and smaller delta span. The changes in Span length do not affect the polarisation or energy of the photon. The mechanism for span fluctuation is not specified. The present working model tentatively assumes it is the resistance to growth of the hyff (see later). The change in Span occurs at the same time as the frequency oscillations i.e. synchronised. Span changes apply symmetrically. (We subsequently identify that mechanisms instantly communicate changes at one reactive end to the other). The span changes dynamically during the frequency cycle. 104 Fringes From the Cordus perspective span and frequency are the main variables for optical fringe effects. Wavelength is thus a proxy variable for frequency and velocity. Lemma L.5.7 has been added here, because in later developments we show that there is a coupling between the energy in the fibril and that in the field (hyff). We call this the 'Principle of mass-field coupling', and record it as lemma E.7.8 [1]. The energy dynamically shuttles between the two. We anticipate that the interplay also moves the reactive ends radially, i.e. the span changes dynamically during the frequency cycle. The mean span is inversely related to the frequency, mass and energy of the cordus. Why some photons will get through even one slit So, when presented with two slits, some photons will be in a suitable span to pass through both gaps, regardless of the spacing of the gaps (though fewer photons will be in very large span states). If one gap is covered over, then some photons will still get through, because some photons will be in the small-span states at the time. This providing the photons have low concentricity with each other, so there are some photons with a centrepoint sufficiently aligned with the open slit. In most experimental cases this is not a problem as the beam width of the photons is very much more than the slit width. 4 Wave behaviour in single gaps: diffraction Diffraction can mean several things, but here refers to the spreading of a light wave (i.e. breaking into pieces) through a single optical path, (e.g. a single slit, aperture, or round the edge of an object), with subsequent fringes. A single slit will cause diffraction; which appears as a central region of high intensity, with fringes to each side. The observed reality is that narrower gaps produce fewer but more pronounced fringes. The distance from the gap to the screen (far field) needs to be many wavelengths, which implies that the angular effect is small and in need of magnification. In searching for a candidate theory for quantum frequency, we noted that the fringe pattern is independent of the thickness of the opaque barrier: thin and thick layers are equally effective. This suggests that the diffraction effect is governed not by the depth or composition of the material but simply by the existence of an opaque 2D frontal-plane. If so, this means that the angular deflection of the photon (diffraction) occurs at the 2D surface, not in the bulk of the barrier. However there are two problems: First, the individual photon does not have an obvious mechanism to create its own angular deflection: common sense has it that it either passes cleanly through the gap, or slams into the barrier and is no more. If it does not touch the barrier, how can it be affected by it? Secondly, there is no obvious mechanism to break the angular deflection into angular quanta 105 Fringes and hence fringes. This is where the electromagnetic field is recruited as a ranged-variable, consistent with the passing observation. Lemma L.6 Cordus hyff for the photon This lemma accepts the L.1 conjecture that reciprocal motion of some type occurs, corresponding to frequency, and then couples the frequency to the electromagnetic field, as follows: L.6.1 The energy in the cordus oscillates from one reactive end to the other, at a rate given by the frequency. L.6.2 The oscillation causes structural transience: the reactive ends deconstruct and reconstruct. The energy is shuttled between them by the fibril. That central fibril is a permanent feature of the cordus in flight, unlike the transient hyff (see below). L.6.3 The reactive end has a dynamic electromagnetic (EM) field around it. For simplicity consider primarily the electric field here. The field is transient and linked to the frequency. L.6.4 The field is made of hyperfine fibrils (hyff) that extend like hairy fluff from the reactive end, and these carry the EM field and force. The hyperfine fibrils collapse and grow as the reactive ends deconstruct and reconstruct (C.1.5 and C.1.6 hyff photon model).22 Thus the electric field is emitted and then retracted. L.6.5 A hyff is attached at one end to a reactive end, and extends outwards from that base. It can make a temporary bond to other matter, in which case it exerts a tensile or repulsive force, or pumps energy into/out of the photon. L.6.6 A hyff exerts a transient force linked to the frequency. The oscillation of energy along the cordus results in the extension of hyff followed by their withdrawal, and the collapse of any force. This also accommodates the reversal in the observed field. L.6.7 A hyperfine fibril that engages with matter can exert force on the photon without necessarily terminating the photon. L.6.8 The trajectory and dynamic properties of the photon can be influenced by interaction with matter at a distance, the hyff being the coupling mechanism. This corresponds to passing observation, i.e. such observation affects the dynamic properties of the photon through the coupling. L.6.9 The photon hyff have a range which is potentially infinite but practically not, as they have decreasing chance of being in the outer range, see also L.6.16. The range of the hyff is not the frequency. Instead frequency is the refresh-rate of the fibril and hyff. L.6.10 The hyff have stepped (quantum) force increments. The mechanism for this is not certain. One candidate is that the hyff extend stepwise outwards, and another is that the hyff force itself is quantised. Another is that it is simply the number of hyff renewal pulses (hyffons, see ‘Cordus in extremis’) that manage to get an engagement with the edge in passing. This is an open question. Nonetheless the assumption is that the frequency state 22 The number of hyff per photon does not need to be specified here. A companion paper (Cordus Optics) suggests that the photon probably has only one hyff at each reactive end, in the radial direction. 106 Fringes L.6.11 L.6.12 L.6.13 L.6.14 L.6.15 L.6.16 L.6.17 of the hyff at the RE at the time of engagement with the gap determines the force. Higher frequency gives finer force increments. The force exerted by a hyff is greater at shorter ranges. The timing of the frequency events for the two reactive ends is not prescribed here. It could be alternate (the current working model), simultaneous, or the general case of disjoint (variable phase difference between ends). Taking these assumptions together, the force exerted by an anchored hyff comes in quanta that are stronger at shorter range. The force corresponds to the angular deflection of the reactive end, or retardation (phase delay). The force may be attractive or repulsive. The communication across the fibril is practically instantaneous. The growth of the electromagnetic hyff (e-hyff) is at the speed of light in the medium. (This may also imply that higher frequency photons have shorter-range hyff). The reactive ends fade in and out of existence at the ends of the span. The ‘particle’ nature is in the reactive ends, and in turn these exist as hyff. It may be convenient to think of photon hyff as equivalent to fields, e.g. the evanescent field, or oscillating electric dipoles. The hyff also replace the concept of virtual particles in QM. At the same time it provides a simple means to explain frequency, which is otherwise a problematic concept for both wave and particle perspectives. In a companion paper the hyff concept is used to explain fields more generally, e.g. how a charged particle exerts a force at a distance. Explanation of gap fringes The Cordus explanation for diffraction in gaps is that the photon cordus is diffracted (bent) by set angular amounts, by its interaction with the opaque material surrounding the gap. The hyff become engaged with the (thin) surface opaque material and thus exert a quantised force that retards the one reactive end and bends its trajectory, causing fringes at set intervals. The other reactive end is not affected as much (unless it is close to its own wall) as the span is plastic. However that is not the whole story: if only one reactive end of a cordus goes on a bent trajectory, then the other straight-ahead reactive end will always ground on the back-plane first, because it is the shorter path, see point D’ in Figure 1. 107 Fringes e, Cordus eccentric to gap a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 C D' Figure 1: Path of eccentric cordus through a gap. The grazing reactive end is delayed and angularly deflected more than the medial RE which is further from its edge. For fringes in gaps it is important that the cordus is delayed equally at both reactive ends. This requires that the incident photon be concentric with the gap, so that its reactive ends are equidistant from the gap edges, and both are delayed the same. This stretches the span to form symmetrical fringes, see E and E’ in Figure 2. The figure shows a simultaneous frequency model (L.6.13), though it is presumed that the effect would also operate for the more general case of disjoint frequency providing that the frequency was sufficiently high that both reactive ends had an opportunity to sense the edge. Ironically, non-concentric photons ground closer to the centreline of the gap than concentric photons. So any deviations cause central rather than peripheral loading. This is consistent with the observation that the central fringe is wider and brighter than those further out. Those cordi with span such that a reactive end closely grazes the edge will have greater hyff force, and therefore be bent more. Cordi that are far from the edge of the gap will be bent only a little. Thus multiple photons sent through the gap will bend differently depending on their location relative to the wall, blurring the fringes. 108 Fringes Cordus concentric with gap a1 a2 a1 a2 a1 a2 E E' Figure 2: A concentric cordus is equally affected at both reactive ends, and thus the angular deflections are equal. One of the paths will ground first, and the fringe will start to be built up there. Are lateral forces realistic? Thus cordus proposes that fringes are formed by lateral forces between the particuloid and the material making up the slit geometry. There is no place in this explanation for the ‘interference’ mechanism of classical and quantum mechanics. Thus cordus refutes interference as a physical principle and considers it a flawed concept. Interference is merely an expedient mathematical representation. It might seem extravagantly unconventional to suggest, as cordus does, that fringes are created by lateral forces between the particuloid and the slit material. We acknowledge it is not an intuitive concept, and that we have not worked out all the details. Nonetheless, it is the concept that emerged naturally from cordus and we include it in the current working model. Being an unusual concept, even to us, we subsequently searched the literature to see whether anything similar had been detected. Surprisingly, this is the case: these lateral forces have been empirically detected between large molecules and the slits of diffraction gratings [2]. 23 We interpret this result as confirmation that lateral-force through hyff is a plausible mechanism for fringes. We acknowledge that cordus goes further in suggesting these forces are granular, without fully providing details. Yet later work in the cordus conjecture provides a mechanism for the 23 Similarly: ‘we have clearly detected the effect of the weak van der Waals force between the molecules and the gratings although the particles typically pass several hundred nanometers from any surface.’ 109 Fringes discretisation of the electromagnetic force, and we suggest that this in involved in fringe formation. Gap width The observed reality is that narrow gaps produce fewer but more pronounced fringes whereas wide gaps produce many fine fringes. The Cordus explanation is that narrower gaps admit smaller-span cordi, which means fewer quantum states for span width (L.5.4) hence fewer quantum angular deflection outcomes. The eccentricity is predicted not to be the major effect, instead it simply degrades fringe quality. In all cases the incident photons need to have the same frequency and polarisation. Distinct fringes do not appear in decoherent light, e.g. sunlight, because the different cordi diffract differently and smudge the fringes. Apertures and Airy pattern Circular apertures form circular fringes or Airy patterns. For example fringes appear at the output of a Sagnac24 or Mach-Zehnder interferometer when the output beam is focussed by a lens. The lens is necessary: without it the fringes do not appear. The Cordus explanation is the same for the gaps considered above: an edge interaction effect for axially-concentric photons, that causes quantised angular deflection, which appear as fringes. Thus fringes are an artefact of the lens, and more specifically an effect caused by the edges of the aperture. Beam divergence A laser beam will spread, the divergence from the central axis being θ=λ/(π.w) where w is the beam waist (approximated by the aperture). Thus larger aperture beams spread less, as do shorter wavelength. This is typically explained as a diffraction effect, though the mechanism is incompletely understood. Cordus provides several candidate explanations. First a possible mechanism for spread in a vacuum: the span fluctuates randomly (L.5), but cannot go negative, and therefore over time some extreme cases tend to move to larger spans. The span, and span increment, are inversely related to the frequency (L.5), so high frequency (tight λ) photons grow their span from a smaller base and therefore more slowly. 24 The Sagnac interferometer is arranged in a ring, with one path clockwise and the other anti. A circular interference fringe may be visible at the output detector. The optical explanation is that the light beam splits into the two separate paths, and these subsequently interfere at the output. The (say) clockwise path encounters 2+2k phase shift, whereas the anticlockwise 1.5 +2k phase shift. Therefore there is a half wavelength difference between the two exit beams, and this creates the interference. Rotation of the device causes a further change in timing, and this is evident in the fringes. The Cordus explanation is that some photons are split down both paths, and delayed differently. The fringes are formed by the aperture effect. When the device is rotated the delay is changed, and this changes the timing of REs past the aperture edges, hence changing the fringes. 110 Fringes In air or a transparent medium, the mechanism for gaps may be involved, i.e. diffraction, and refraction, with one RE being delayed by an interaction with matter but not the other, hence bending the overall cordus trajectory. For the aperture effect, the starting span cannot be larger than the aperture w. Whether or not the cordi are symmetrical and span the entire beam aperture is a second matter. Assuming that they do not, then the above spread mechanisms can also move a RE towards the centreline, so the average spread is less. According to this explanation it is not the aperture per se that is important, but the degree of concentricity of the photons with the centreline: it is predicted that greater concentricity will show greater divergence, and the tendency to fringes. 5 Fringes in the Double-slit device The explanation of conventional optical wave theory is that the incoming light is a wave that passes through both slits, and the residual waves interfere with each other constructively (light regions) and destructively (dark lines). The interference is explained as due to the phase shift in wave-length, a difference of half a wavelength (λ/2) causing destruction of the wave. The explanation is adequate for most situations where there is a beam of many particles. However it does not explain the behaviour of a single particle, which also ends up in a fringe location even if there is only one particle in the device at the time. The quantum mechanics (QM) explanation is that the particle is a wavepacket and thus can pass through both slots, interfere with itself on the other side, and collapse in one of the fringe locations. Alternatively, that the particle has a twin ‘virtual’ particle that takes the other slit and then interferes with the real particle. The Cordus explanation is a straightforward application of the single gap model with two additions. Each of the two reactive ends also interacts, through the hyff [electric field] with the opaque material bounding the slits. The hyff become engaged with the surface plane of the material and exert a quantised force that retards the reactive ends and bends its trajectory by set angular amounts, causing fringes at set intervals. The first addition is that the short span cordi are barred entry by the medulla. Thus the device imposes an upper and lower filter on the range of spans admitted. Hence narrower slits produce more pronounced fringes. The second is that diffraction occurs at both lateral and medial edges of the gaps. Lateral diffraction is identical to gaps, and shown in Figure 3. Symmetrical lateral fringes form. Medial diffraction also occurs, in which the reactive ends are both angularly deflected inwards, forming fringes as shown in Figure 4. The two locations of the fringe are the modes of the reactive ends, and it is somewhat random as to which will ground first. Note that this 111 Fringes explanation accommodates the fringe behaviour of both single photons and beams of coherent light. Thus a solitary photon will be deflected into discrete angular steps, and will appear at one of two fringe locations available for each step. A whole beam of light will likewise form fringes because all the photons have the same discrete angular deflections, providing that they are of the same energy. In the cordus model higher energy particuloids [i.e. also higher frequency] have shorter spans. This also explains why both photons and electrons form fringes: in both cases the fringes arise because of the interaction of the electric field, which is in discrete pulses [3], with the frontal surface plane of the matter bounding the slit. Figure 3: An Outer grazing cordus is deflected away from the midline by an angular quantum. 112 Fringes Figure 4: An Inner grazing cordus is deflected towards the midline by an angular quantum. For a concentric photon, the deflection paths are symmetrical. For a beam of many such photons, each will be deflected differently according to its span. However the deflections are arranged in angular quanta dependent on the frequency. A single photon will therefore collapse to one of the fringe locations. A whole beam of them will do likewise, but to a variety of fringes, the visible fringes being the sum of the collapse of many individual cordi. Non-concentric photons will diffract differently on each side, and not form fringes but instead tend to collapse medially. Photon path cross-over The paths for the smallest span cordi will take them medially, and cause cross-over. The cross-over of the path itself is not perceived as a problem in the Cordus interpretation, but it will confuse the fringe picture. This is consistent with the experimental results, and corresponds to the nearfield. A screen too close to the slits, as in Figure 5, will therefore intercept a number of cross-over cordi, so the fringes will be indistinct. 113 Fringes Figure 5: Concentric photon cordi of various span will take different paths a1-a2, b1-b2, etc., and form fringes. Some of the cross-over cordi (shaded area)will mix with other fringes, at least in the near-field. The problem dissipates in the far-field, because for small slit pitch w and large screen distance q, the cordus paths are parallel for similar bunches (same angular deflection φc1 = φe2), thus pce = slit pitch w. This is shown in Figure 6 with the c1/e2 bunch. Thus the bunch will consolidate to one fringe that will be at least w wide. For the fringes to be distinct from each other it is necessary that w be less than the fringe pitch q.tan(Δφf) where Δφf is the angular quantum, and this requires a sufficiently large screen distance q. 114 Fringes Figure 6: Geometry for far-field. A tolerance frame is included to emphasise the necessity for the span to be closely symmetrical with the slots. The Cordus conjecture thus provides a very different explanation to the optical wave theory and QM. Cordus does not require destructive interference of photons, nor wave packets or virtual particles. Why then should wave theory be such a good explanation for the doubleslit, at least for beams of light? From the Cordus perspective this is because the hyff, being the EM field, are wave-like and the same mathematics apply. Curiously, Cordus offers an explanation for another effect that is not readily explained by either wave theory or QM: the reason why fringes do not always appear. It is known empirically that the concentricity of the incident beam on the slits is important, and indeed such an effect is required by Cordus. Neither wave theory nor QM explain why the symmetry requirement should exist for the double-slit device: with both those theories waves/particles take all available paths, and symmetry issues should not arise as they do. Experiments on concentricity might test the cordus principle. 115 Fringes Thus the Cordus model explains both single photon and beam behaviour. Together with the earlier work on the path dilemma, this concludes the conceptual explanation of the double-slit device. 6 Discussion This paper has expanded the cordus concept to explain wave behaviour in gaps, and fringes in the double slit device. This is useful because one of the enigmas of the double-slit device is that single photons form fringe patterns. Cordus explains fringes in terms of force lines called hyperfine fibrils (hyff) and their interaction with the edges of the light path. This also explains beam divergence and near-field effects. The significance of this is that it shows it is conceptually possible to create a solution for fringes based on a particuloid interpretation of light, without using the concept of interference. This means that the Cordus solution has coherence over a wider range than simply the path-ambiguity problems. Comparison with Wave theory The biggest difference between Wave theory and the cordus explanation is their interpretation of the mechanism for fringes. Wave theory explains fringes as ‘interference’: two separate waves of light differing by full (half) fractions of wavelengths and thus constructively (destructively) interfering. From the Cordus perspective photons do not actually interfere or add together, and 'interference' is only a convenient analogy. The Cordus explanation is that fringes are caused instead by interaction of the photon hyff with opaque edges. This suggests a test. If Wave theory is correct, coherence is not essential and it should be possible to construct an interference pattern from two independent light sources, e.g. one into each slit of the double-slit experiment. The light sources need not be synchronised nor even exactly the same frequency: according to WT, interference fringes should nonetheless form, though not necessarily static. Cordus predicts that the outcome will be two independent gap-fringes (which is not the same as interference fringes). If interference fringes cannot be achieved then it suggests that light is not fundamentally a wave, but only shows wave-like behaviour. Any truly integrative solution should be capable of explaining conventional optics too, and companion papers shows how cordus is applicable to optical effects (ref. ‘Cordus optics’). Limitations Cordus is a thought-experiment that challenges fixed ways of thinking. It asks the awkward questions, 'Is there really no better way of thinking about photons other than zero-dimensional points, mathematical wavefunctions, or electromagnetic waves? Is there really no deeper integration?' Cordus is a purposely audacious idea: it explores new ways of thinking, and therefore deliberately puts forward tentative explanations to 116 Fringes stimulate new thinking. We don’t believe the particular design variant developed in this set of papers is necessarily the only or the final solution, and we are open to the possibility that it could be wrong in places. Thus the working model presented here is simply a conceptual model to be critically evaluated. The treatment of these topics is primarily conceptual and descriptive, and the cordus mechanics only lightly sketched out. It is a conceptual model, not so much a full theory with all the details worked out. Effectively we are proposing internal variables for the photon: a 'hidden-variable' solution. Therein lies a potential problem: the general interpretation within physics is that such solutions are expressly prohibited by Bell's theorem. However that is not an issue as a companion paper refutes Bell's theorem (Ref. ‘Cordus Matter’). Not all quantum and optical effects have been considered here, nor are the quantitative cordus mechanics worked out. However, sufficient of the idea has been sketched out to allow the concept to be evaluated. Open questions are the mechanics of the fibril (how is the invisible connection maintained between the REs?) and the mechanism for quantum hyff forces. 7 Conclusions Outcomes: what has been achieved? The Cordus explanation for the double-slit is that the photon cordus really does pass through both slits. It can subsequently collapse at one of the detectors and thereby appear to have taken only that path. This concept explains the dilemma of single-photon behaviour. It also explains fringe formation from single photons in gaps and slits. Path dilemmas in interferometers are also solvable from the cordus perspective. That concludes the original purpose, which was to explore whether there could be a deeper mechanics that explains wave-particle duality. The Cordus conjecture does away with much of the weirdness of wave-particle duality: there is no need for virtual particles, superposition, observer dilemmas, pilot waves, intelligent photons, or parallel universes. A simple deterministic, unintelligent photon with a dual existence is all that is required. Quis es tu, photon? What is the photon? The answer to that question, from the Cordus perspective, is that the photon is a cordus with two reactive ends, with a physical gap between them, held together with a fibril. The reactive ends may be energised to various degrees, and in turn consist of hyff force lines. The energy shuttles between the ends, and this also means that the particuloid does not exist continuously at one location, but at two, and oscillates between them at a frequency, see Figure 7. 117 Fringes Hyper-fine fibrils (hyff) emitted from reactive end Reactive end (RE) energised at frequency of particuloid Motion of photon Fibril, does not react to matter, maintains frequency reenergisation. Spacing is the span Other reactive end, in a complementary frequency state Figure 7: Cordus model of the photon How do Quantum mechanics and Wave theory fit in? From the cordus perspective both conventional theories, quantum mechanics and wave theory, are mathematical simplifications of a deeper mechanics. Those theories represent the output behaviour of the inner system. The weirdness of conventional wave-particle duality is not because the photon is fundamentally weird, but because the existing conceptual frameworks are inadequate: their mathematics are sufficient for forward propagation of effect (prediction), but give unreliable results when used for backward inference of causality (explanation). Comments on the bracket of ‘Cordus Conjecture’ papers as a whole Wave theory and quantum mechanics are functionally adequate theories on their own, and powerful in their ability to predict how beams of light and individual photons, respectively, will behave in a given situation. However, despite their mathematical sophistication, they are incongruous explanations of reality when wave and particle behaviours occur in the same situation, e.g. the double-slit device. In these situations their explanations are weird, which suggests that the models of causality are incomplete. The problem has been that wave theory and quantum mechanics are just so good, that it has been difficult to see what the deeper mechanics could be, especially as Bell's theorem seems to prohibit solutions with hidden variables. Resolution of wave-particle duality This bracket of papers offers a resolution of wave-particle duality by anticipating the internal cordus structure of the photon and the associated cordus mechanics. From this perspective wave and particle behaviours are simply the different output behaviours that the internal system shows depending on how it is measured. The duality and the apparent incongruity of Quantum mechanics and Wave theory are resolved: the conflict no longer exists at the deeper level. Thus Cordus offers a deeper mechanics that subsumes both quantum mechanics and wave theory. This bracket shows how it resolves waveparticle duality, and other papers extend it to other enigmatic effects, as 118 Fringes well as the mundane. Perhaps surprisingly, Cordus is also simpler and more coherent across a wider range of phenomena than quantum mechanics or wave theory on their own. Even more surprising, and unexpectedly contrary to the prevailing probabilistic paradigm of Quantum mechanics, Cordus suggests that the next deeper level of reality is deterministic. References 1. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 Quarks. vixra 1104.0030. (2011) Available from: 2. Brezger, B., L. Hackermueller, S. Uttenthaler, J. Petschinka, M. Arndt and A. Zeilinger: Matter-Wave Interferometer for Large Molecules. Physical Review Letters, 88(10): p. 100404. (2002) 3. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.1 Electromagnetism. vixra 1104.0027. (2011) Available from: 119 120 Cordus Conjecture Part 2: Cordus optics Application of the cordus particule principle to optics > physical interpretation for frequency provided > Snell’s law of reflection derived > Brewster’s law derived > shows that the particule idea has good fitness for optics 121 122 Cordus Frequency Cordus optics: Part 2.1 Pons, D.J. , 25 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Conventional particle and wave theories struggle to explain the frequency of photons and matter in a coherent manner using natural physics. This paper applies the cordus conjecture to develop a model for frequency of the photon. The interpretation is that there really is a part of the photon cordus that moves with a frequency. The working model is for a reciprocal motion: the energy alternates between the two reactive ends across the span of the cordus, and the hyff represent the observable electric field. This cordus model for frequency readily explains polarisation and tunnelling, and the concept is fundamental to other developments of the cordus mechanics including the reflection and refraction of particuloids. The implications are that frequency is not just an intrinsic variable, but a physical effect within the photon. The cordus frequency is a fundamental conceptual building-block in creating an integrated solution that unifies wave and particle behaviour. It is a powerful concept that is coherent across many other phenomena too, including matter particuloids and it contributes subsequently to the cordus model for granular fields. Keywords: particle; wave; frequency; internal variable; electric field; tunnel; hyff; transmissivity; opacity; electron Revision 2.10 Minor Edits, added references Document: Pons_Cordus_2.1Frequency_E2.10.75.doc 1 Introduction Frequency is an important concept in wave theory, optics, and quantum mechanics. However those theories struggle to explain frequency in physical terms. From the wave theory (WT) perspective, the frequency of light is the oscillation of the electric and magnetic fields. However this is not entirely satisfactory as it still does not explain the origins of those fields, nor explain why the fields reverse polarity. The conventional answer is that light is nothing more than a self-propagating field disturbance, but that is arguably only a trite answer. There is a circular reasoning at work that suppresses the question of ‘what really is frequency?’ Quantum mechanics (QM) does not help either. It perceives the world ambivalently, either as point particles or spread out in probabilistic wave25 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 123 Frequency functions. Properties like frequency, spin, and momentum are all acknowledged, but are simply demoted to being intrinsic variables, i.e. assumed not to correspond to any real geometry or internal functionality. Usually Bell’s Theorem is interpreted as meaning there cannot be any internal variables anyway. So QM does not get us any closer in understanding what frequency might be, because it uses a denial reasoning of its own to simply avoid the question. As Loius de Broglie stated, 'a purely corpuscular theory does not contain any element permitting the definition of a frequency'. Consequently his insight was that 'a periodicity had also to be assigned to them [electrons]'[1]. This approach fixed the problem in that it provided a mechanism to mathematically link quantum mechanics and wave theory, and that proved to be very successful for the advancement of the field. Nonetheless frequency was merely 'assigned' to the particle. There was no description, and there still is not, as to what that frequency corresponded. Thus there is an important fundamental question to answer, 'What constitutes frequency of a particle?' In general physics has given up on this problem, and instead pushed it aside by dismissing frequency as an 'intrinsic', but non-physical, variable. The machinery of quantum mechanics has moved on, and no longer needs to know how frequency arises, because the mathematics works just fine without that understanding. Nonetheless, the question remains, however obscure it may have become. Surprisingly, and against all imaginable expectations, the answering of the frequency question leads to the resolution of waveparticle duality and to a proposed deeper mechanics that underlies both Wave theory and Quantum mechanics, as this paper shows. This paper develops a novel model of the underlying mechanism for frequency of the photon, based on the cordus conjecture [2]. Frequency is conjectured to be linked to the dynamic internal states of the photon, and the physical internal structure of the photon, and by implication all particles, is proposed. Photon tunnelling is also explained along the way. Companion papers show how the Cordus concept [2] with this frequency model, also explains conventional optical effects of reflection [3] and refraction [4]. This is worth doing since particle solutions have otherwise fared poorly at explaining wave behaviour in a coherent manner using natural physics. The outcome of this work is a set of basic underlying principles of the proposed cordus mechanics. Ultimately this results in a cordus model that resolves wave-particle duality [5]: the present paper provides the ground-work for this. Cordus Background The concept of a cordus is that a photon consists not of a point but of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The Res emit hyff (hyperfine fibrils), which are lines of electrostatic force. The companion paper 'Cordus conjecture' [2], describes the background to this idea, 124 Frequency applies it to path dilemmas in the double-slit device and Mach-Zehnder interferometer [6], and uses it to explain fringes [7]. It is shown that the Cordus conjecture is conceptually able to resolve wave-particle duality. Method The approach taken is a continuation of that described in the companion paper ‘Cordus conjecture’, and not detailed here. Briefly, it involves reverse-engineering the system: it uses logic, conjecture and intuition to build on the existing cordus model, thereby postulating a set of mechanisms that can plausibly explain the known system-behaviour. Specifically, to postulate internal variables for the photon sufficient to explain optic effects. It is like trying to work out the contents of a black box by observing its outputs in different situations, and synthesising a working-model that is sufficient to explain as many of the situations as possible. Results This is a design way of thinking, being very different to the conventional mathematical analytic approaches, and the outcome is likewise more qualitative than quantitative. Thus we term the results a conceptual solution. Being conceptual means that the broad principles are described, within which a whole class of solutions are possible. Where possible we single out the most promising of these specific solutions and term it the working model. Along the way we note the underlying assumptions as a series of lemmas. These we do not attempt to prove: they are simply to make the premises explicit so that they can be evaluated later. The lemmas make up the central strand through the three papers. The results follow, starting with some basic preliminary premises on transparency and opacity, then moving on to develop a model of how frequency arises within the photon, followed by application to the basic optical phenomena of reflection and refraction. 2 Cordus Transparency and Opacity In our daily experience we take for granted that light goes through some matter, but not others. Why is glass transparent while metals are not? More importantly, why is diamond transparent while graphite is not? As the latter question shows, even materials with the same chemical composition can have different optical properties. Why should light even be able to pass through solid matter at all? The explanation up to here is that the photon-cordus is energised at a frequency (ref. ‘Cordus conjecture’ [2]), and only interacts with material when energised. However the mechanism for frequency has not been elaborated until now. Those concepts are now further developed and extended to provide an explanation for transmissivity. We developed some new ideas about frequency, and document them as a set of lemmas. 125 Frequency Lemma O.1 Opacity Electron interaction determines Transparency and This lemma puts forward a set of assumptions for how the photon can transmit through matter. O.1.1 Electron arrangements, including bonds, determine optical properties of a material more than nuclear configuration. O.1.2 Cordus hyff interact with electrons in the substrate material. O.1.2.1 The difference between transparency and opacity is whether the interaction is reversible. O.1.2.2 We differentiate between stiff and compliant electron structures, corresponding to reversible and irreversible behaviour respectively, or elastic and inelastic interactions resp., and ultimately absorbance for the latter. O.1.3 Stiff and compliant electron structures engage with the hyff force lines. O.1.3.1 A reversible interaction occurs when the force is elastically recoiled (the energy is returned), and this corresponds to a stiff electron structure. In such cases the electron engages with the hyff energy but returns it, hence Transparency. This corresponds to passing observation: the cordus is not collapsed. O.1.3.2 If the electrons are able to change energy level or plastically displace (incl. vibration, phonons, and plasmons), then this is a compliant electron structure. Such electrons absorb the energy (absorption is described later) and collapse the cordus, hence an Opaque material. This corresponds to intrusive observation. O.1.4 In transmission through a transparent material, the reactive ends of the Cordus take time to interact with the material, and this causes a delay in the respective reactive end. Note that the two REs may be in different materials and therefore have different delays. The delay appears as slower speed. O.1.5 Material variables: Material properties, particularly electron arrangements, determine reactivity of the material to the photon. These electron arrangements have their own natural frequencies and therefore the material properties vary with the frequency of the photon.26 Transparency With Lemma 8, transparency exists when the hyff interaction is elastic. The hyff of the reactive end interact with electrons in the material, but are not 26 Later in the series, (ref. ‘Cordus in extremis’) a mechanism is given whereby electrons have different frequencies depending on the bonds they are in, see the Cordus Time and the Level-of-Assembly lemmas.8. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Gravitation, Mass and Time. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 viXra 1104.0029, 1-14 DOI: 126 Frequency absorbed, though they are delayed in the process. Why should such a delay even exist? Why not instant? We suggest it is because of the electron’s mass, and any movement of mass requires velocity and acceleration, and hence time. Thus surface plasmons are electrons that move in response to input photons. To put it another way, the change in momentum p=mv of the electron requires a force operating for a period of time. Cordus also accommodates the frequency dependence: a material may be transparent to photons of one frequency, but opaque at another. The Cordus explanation is that the interaction between cordus and electron requires a degree of compatibility of frequency. High-energy photons cannot easily be absorbed by electrons, and so pass through. Conversely, low-energy photons may be dormant at the time of contact and therefore tunnel through the material (see below). The Cordus perspective is that atomic structure, particularly and almost exclusively electrons and their bonds, determines opacity and transmissivity. A specific mechanism for absorption is proposed elsewhere (ref. ‘Cordus matter’). 3 Cordus Frequency The observed external behaviour is that light appears to be a electric field that varies sinusoidally in strength. From the Cordus perspective, the reactive ends (REs) are the proposed internal structure that creates this effect, and at this point we need to create a working-model of how the mechanism might operate. This is necessary in preparation for explaining reflection and refraction phenomena. Lemma O.2 Cordus Frequency The reactive ends of the cordus change with the frequency. Up to here we have only defined two states: energised and dormant. With this lemma we set out a set of further assumptions to create a working model about the frequency behaviour of reactive ends. See also Figure 1. O.2.1 The electric field of light is the external manifestation of the hyff. This implies certain features of the cordus frequency mechanism: O.2.1.1 The electric field does not represent the state of the photon, nor even the free-body diagram for the reactiveend. Instead it shows the direction and strength of force on a small test-charge placed near the photon’s locus. The electric field therefore indicates how the RE is interacting with charged matter. O.2.1.2 The direction of the electric field is the same whichever side of the locus the test-charge is placed. O.2.1.3 In turn this implies that the forces on the two reactive ends, a1 and a2, of the photon must be in a consistent 127 Frequency direction: the direction of hyff force must be preserved across the span. O.2.1.4 In turn this implies that the REs must be in opposite frequency states. See also O.2.3. O.2.2 The hyff are transient, and manifest externally as the electric field. O.2.2.1 The hyff are dynamic and grow outwards and then retreat, at the frequency of the photon. O.2.2.2 The outward growth of the hyff correspond to say negative electric field, and retreating to positive field. O.2.3 We identify four frequency states of the hyff for any one reactive end: C- (outward growth of hyff), C^ (maximum extent), C+ (hyff retraction), Co (dormant). There is a smooth change between these: they are not discrete states. O.2.4 The hyff exert forces between the reactive-end and the material in the medium. O.2.4.1 The strength of the hyff varies between frequency states. Whether or not the variation is linear or sinusoidal is not determined here. O.2.4.2 Hyff forces are strongest at closer range. Thus range and strength of hyff are inversely related. O.2.5 The behaviour of the reactive end depends on its frequency state at the time it encounters a medium or the surface of a second medium. The current working model follows. O.2.6 Assume: C- results in the RE being repulsed by the bulk (tends to move medially towards the cordus centre-line in many cases), with the force being determined by the strength (inverse of range) of the C- hyff and material properties (e.g. refractive index). O.2.7 C+ results in the reactive end being attracted into the bulk (tends to move laterally away from the cordus centre-line in many cases). O.2.8 The net force on a RE is the cumulative exposure over the preceding period. Thus the behaviour in the other states is influenced by the timing of the C- and C+ states alongside and this introduces an element of variability to the outcome. O.2.9 A dormant reactive-end tunnels (embeds) into the material, or across the interface, when it is in the Co state. O.2.9.1 This means that it continues in a straight line, and its future locus is determined by the next frequency state. O.2.9.2 Tunnelling occurs regardless of the material properties (stiff or compliant) and without the photon reacting to the material. 128 Frequency O.2.9.3 O.2.9.4 O.2.10 O.2.10.1. O.2.10.2 The reactive end can only tunnel through one dermis (defined below). Thereafter it becomes reactive with the next frequency cycle, and its fate is determined by its new frequency state and the material properties. If a reflective layer is thin enough, a dormant RE might only re-energise once it is through the layer, in which case it is not reflected. The thickness of the layer is therefore important, as is the frequency of the photon (wavelength). Hyff are entirely in the (rt) plane (current working model), see Figure 1. It does not make sense to have hyff in the axial direction (a), given that both the hyff and the cordus would both be moving at speed c. Whether the hyff are a flat disk or only a single filament is unspecified. The current workingmodel is illustrated with only a single hyff in the rplane. This is consistent with the observed polarisation of the electric field. If desired for ease of understanding, assign approximate physical significance to the frequency states: C- is somewhat like an electron, C+ a positron. They are transient electric fields, but not necessarily a full unit charge.27 Depending on the frequency model, this gives two or four change-overs (strokes) per cycle, see Causa 2. The current working-model is for four strokes. Causa 2 Working model for frequency Many variants are possible for how the hyff, electric field, and frequency operate. The main variables are the number of events (‘strokes’) inside the photon that are ascribed to one frequency cycle, the relative states of the reactive-ends (including whether one or both reactive ends are active at the same time), and the behaviour (including force & extent) of the hyff. Any model of frequency has to fit the observed electric field of the photon. Thus we have reverse-engineered a proposed model for frequency, based on the above lemmas. This working model is shown in Figure1. The main features of the model are that the C- hyff are outwardpropagating (simply a sign convention), and their interaction with the surrounding medium is one of repulsion (O.2.6). To the extent to which the material is able to offer recoil, i.e. higher refractive index, the C- hyff bends the locus of that reactive end away from the material with higher refractive index. The C+ hyff have the opposite effect (O.2.7). 27 Later work on quarks and the internal structure of the proton implies that the photon with its single hyff might have a single +- 1/3 electric charge (ref. ‘Cordus in extremis’). However the exact charge is not relevant at this point. 129 Frequency Figure 1: Working model for frequency behaviour of reactive ends. Journey through matter The two effects constantly counter each other, partially or completely undoing the course-corrections made by the previous state. When the cordus is embedded in a homogeneous material then the reactive ends move in a sinusoidal lateral wriggle, according to this model. The model predicts the hyff forces on the cordus will put the reactive-ends into parallel sinusoidal loci. There is a constant interaction between the momentum of the reactive-end along its current locus, and the hyff forces deflecting it into a new path. Thus the photon does not travel in a straight line but weaves from side to side as it interacts with the medium. Hence the lateral wriggle causes the speed of propagation of light in a material to be slower than in a vacuum. This also explains why greater density of the medium causes slower speed of light.28 The locus of the a1 and a2 reactive-ends is shown in Figure 1. The amount of deviation depends on how forcefully the medium interacts with the hyff, i.e. the refractive index. This provides a qualitative explanation for why the speed of light is slower in denser media: it has to travel a longer path. 28 However this does not explain why the speed of light in a vacuum is finite. That explanation is given by the Fabric-of-the-Universe concept in ‘Cordus in extremis’ 9. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Fabric of the universe. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 viXra 1104.0028, 1-8 DOI: 130 Frequency When the cordus encounters two different materials then the size of the effect depends on location relative to the two media, and this means that the corrective forces do not cancel each other, so consequently the photon takes a bent path. Thus the behaviour of the C- and C+ hyff is important in the explanation of reflection and refraction effects, as shown in part 2.2. The other main feature of the current working model is that the hyff at the opposite reactive-end act in the same direction, and this makes them the complementary frequency state: e.g. when a1 is in C- state, a2 will be C+. Consequently the dormant phase is only momentary, unlike in some of the other C.2 models. This concept is important later in the introduction of a fundamental interaction called complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS), which in turn is proposed as the explanation of photon entanglement, the Pauli exclusion principle, and strong force, among other effects (ref. ‘Cordus matter’, ‘Cordus in extremis’ [10]). The current working model is for reactive ends that energise in turn at the end of a cordus, i.e. a reciprocating frequency model. At this point it is an open question how the fibril sustains this reciprocation of energy.29 4 Tunnelling This effect involves a photon occasionally going through a barrier (e.g. the space between two glass prisms) instead of being reflected. The effect requires a small gap, and is known to be dependent on frequency. It is usually explained as a probability from the wave-equation, or the particle’s evanescent wave leaking through an energy barrier (hence ‘evanescent wave coupling’). In the special case where there is a thin later n2, sandwiched between two other media n1 and n3, then it is known that some photons will pass through n2 apparently without being affected by it. Specifically, some photons are not refracted in n2 but continue from n1 to n3 as if n2 did not exist. This effect is known as tunnelling, and the term is applied to a variety of situations where a particle appears not to noticing an intervening barrier, e.g. tunnelling electron microscope. Tunnelling, from the cordus perspective, is when a reactive end energises too late for its hyff to respond to the change of media, so the RE goes right on through into the next medium before it has time to re-energise. Or to 29 Spin is more easily conceptualised as roll rotation that indexes the fibril o in 180 increments. If the Cordus conjecture holds up and there arises a need to explore deeper mechanisms in the fibril, then there may be value in remembering that reciprocation is the outward functional behaviour of frequency, not necessarily the internal mechanism. 131 Frequency put it another way, the RE has a dormant phase during which it does not react to matter but nonetheless moves forward. The Cordus explanation is that the gap geometry (width and angle), frequency, and polarisation are such that (a) the REs both pass through the reflective layer without reacting (both dormant in turn, from L.7.3.2), and (b) there is no imbalance in the number of frequency cycles encountered by the REs in the media, and therefore no pitching moment and hence no refraction. High-energy photons, e.g. X-rays, do not reflect easily but tend to pass through material. The Cordus explanation is that their frequency is too high for the electrons to engage with, rather than a tunnelling effect. On the other hand, low energy photons, e.g. radio-waves, can have appreciable dormant periods in which they don't react to the change in medium, so they too can tunnel. 5 Conclusions The concept of ‘frequency’ is a core theoretical construct within wave theory, optics, and quantum mechanics. Yet strangely none of these theories are able to explain frequency in physical terms. ‘Frequency’ is only a disembodied intrinsic property of the wave or photon. In contrast Cordus offers a physically coherent interpretation for frequency. This interpretation is that there really is a part of the photon cordus that moves with a frequency, The working model is for a reciprocal motion: the energy alternates between the reactive ends across the span. In this way it is proposed that the photon has internal variables that create the output that we observe as frequency. This is a type of ‘hidden-variable’ solution, and while the conventional interpretation of QM is that such solutions are expressly prohibited by Bell’s Theorem, that theorem is refuted in a companion paper (ref. ‘Cordus matter’) [11]. The implications are that frequency is not just an intrinsic variable, but a physical effect within the photon. This cordus model readily explains several other optical variables: polarisation is alignment of the cordus; and tunnelling is travelling through material when unenergised. The cordus frequency is important in subsequent explanations of reflection [3] and refraction [4]. As such, it is a fundamental concept in creating the integrated solution that unifies wave and particle behaviour [5]. It is a powerful concept as it is coherent across many other phenomena too. For example the cordus frequency model developed here in an optical context is also applicable to frequency in the context of particuloids of matter (ref. ‘Cordus matter’) and permits a re-conceptualisation of de 132 Frequency Broglie frequency, electron orbitals, atomic structure, proton structure, and fields. References 1. de Broglie, L.: The wave nature of the electron, in Nobel Lecture. Nobel Prize in Physics. e-lecture.pdf (1929) 2. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 Quis es tu photon? . (2011) 3. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus optics: Part 2.2 Reflection. (2011) 4. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus optics: Part 2.3 Refraction. (2011) 5. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: WaveParticle Duality: a Proposed Resolution. (2011) 6. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.2 Quo vadis, photon? (2011) 7. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.3 Explanation of fringes. (2011) 8. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 Gravitation, Mass and Time. (2011) 9. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 Fabric of the universe. (2011) 10. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus matter: Part 3.2 Matter particuloids. (2011) 11. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus matter: Part 3.1 Wider Locality. (2011) 133 13 4 Cordus Reflection Cordus optics: Part 2.2 Pons, D.J. , 30 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Optical effects such as reflection and refraction are conventionally best described by Electromagnetic Wave theory, at least when they involve beams of light. However that theory does not explain why single photons should also show such behaviour. This paper shows that optical effects can also be explained from a cordus particuloid perspective. Several principles are proposed for the interaction of a cordus photon with an optical surface, and these are used to explain reflection and subsequently refraction. The formula for critical angle is derived from a particuloid basis. The cordus and wave theory perspectives are compared and contrasted. The significance of this work is that the cordus mechanics explains the reflection and refraction behaviour of both single photons as well as beams of light, so it is a more universal explanation. Keywords: electromagnetic wave theory; reflection; refraction; Revision 2.10 Minor Edits Document: Pons_Cordus_2.2Reflection_E2.11.75.doc 1 Introduction While Electromagnetic Wave theory (WT) adequately describes optical effects involving beams of light, the explanation of single-photon behaviour is fundamentally problematic. This paper shows that optical effects can also be explained as the interaction of a single cordus photon with the optical surface. Thus Wave theory is not the only way of conceptualising effects like reflection and refraction. Background Wave theory takes the perspective that a beam of light is not so much a stream of photons, as a continuously existing electromagnetic wave, comprising an electric field and a magnetic field. This is a powerful method, and well-suited to the analysis of optical effects, at least of whole light-beams. Many of the effects in optical devices can be described as interference between the electromagnetic fields of the incoming and exit beams. Notice however that the underlying premise of WT is that both incoming and exit beams exist at the same time, i.e. the fields are temporally enduring. This becomes a problematic assumption when considering how an individual photon traverses the device, because a point particle cannot be in two places at once. 30 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 135 Reflection The problem may be partly solvable in Quantum mechanics (QM) by assuming superposition and that the particle is nothing more than a probability wave-function. Though this solves the mathematical part, it does little to add explanatory value because of its abstraction and lack of identifiable natural mechanics. Wave-particle duality assumes that both WT and QM are needed to model the behaviour of light: neither is sufficient on its own. However, even while the combination of theories does cover most of the applications, the explanatory power is discontinuous. Some explanations rely on QM and others on WT, and there is no overall integration. It is apparent that neither WT nor QM fully describe reality, and this raises the question of whether there might be a deeper or more-integrative mechanics that does. What is needed is a mechanics that accommodates both single particles and beams of light, rather than the separate mechanics at present. The more problematic area is with the single photons, so the problem may be reformulated thus: is there a mechanics that shows how a single photon reflects and refracts, and uses natural mechanics in a coherent manner? The Cordus conjecture has already shown (ref. ‘Cordus conjecture’) that a particular internal structure for the photon, namely a cordus, is conceptually able to explain the photon path-dilemmas in the double slit device, as well as the fringes that build up from multiple single photons. In that sense the cordus solution already resolves one important part of wave-particle duality. However the Cordus conjecture cannot claim to offer a coherent solution until it is also able to explain conventional effects, like optical reflection and refraction. This present bracket of papers shows how the Cordus concept meets that test and is applicable to explaining conventional optical effects from a particuloid perspective. Cordus Background The concept of a cordus is that a photon consists not of a point but of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The REs emit hyff (hyperfine fibrils), which are lines of electrostatic force. The companion paper 'Cordus conjecture', describes the background to this idea, applies it to path dilemmas in the double-slit device and Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and uses it to explain fringes. The first part develops a novel model of the dynamic internal variables that cause the behaviour we see as ‘frequency’. The second, which is this paper, uses this to explain the interaction of light with surfaces: reflection. Mechanisms are provided for reflection, and the critical angle for total internal reflection is derived. In the third part refraction is explained and Snell's Law derived. 13 Reflection The method is described in the previous papers, and the lemmas included here are a continuation of the previous numbering. The results follow, starting with some general premises on how the frequency interacts with the optical surface, and then extending to determine the specific mechanics of reflection and refraction. 2 Cordus effects at surface interfaces Reflection and refraction are effects that occur when the photon encounters the interface between two media. The following assumptions are made about the behaviour of hyff in these situations. These form a set of basic principles that are subsequently applied to more specific reflection and refraction cases. Lemma O.3 O.3.1 O.3.2 O.3.3 O.3.5 O.3.5.1 O.3.5.2 O.3.5.3 O.3.5.4 O.3.5.5 O.3.5.6 O.3.9 O.3.9.1 O.3.9.2 O.3.10 Surface interaction The path taken by a reactive-end depends on (1) the frequency state (see O.2) of the reactive end at the time it contacts the material, and (2) the material properties. A reactive-end can therefore take one of many loci as it approaches a surface, depending on its frequency state (primarily the strength of C+, C-). The extreme loci for the reactive-end are termed the C+ and Cextremes. All other loci are within the envelope of those two. Assume that the analysis of the encounter of a reactive-end with a surface is sufficiently characterised by the C+ and C- extremes. The path of the reactive-end at the surface is not a straight line but rather a bent locus under the influence of the hyff forces. For reflection the particle does not necessarily touch the surface. The hyff may repel before or after nominal contact is made. For analysis purposes the effective locus may be considered a series of straight lines. Hyff detect the change in medium before the reactive-end physically reaches that point. The detection range of hyff is limited. There is effectively a dermis (skin layer), one on each side of the surface. We term these the cisdermis (near-side skin) and transdermis (far-side skin). Bending of the locus occurs in both derma. The reactive-end has momentum. Consequently its current trajectory is determined by its past locus and the current C+ or C- hyff forces. If the reactive-end penetrates beyond the transdermis, then it cannot be recovered back to the first medium. Net force over the hyff determines the resulting force on the RE. 13 Reflection O.3.10.1 The hyff may span different materials. Hyff that partly straddle a boundary surface will have net forces dependent on the electron-interaction properties of the various materials. O.3.10.2 The REs of a cordus may be in different materials. O.3.10.3 A RE that re-energises within the bulk of a material and beyond the dermis has equal hyff forces around it and hence no net force to bend its path. However it still has momentum and will wriggle about the mean. O.3.11 Forces on a RE, or displacement, cause angular deflections of the path of that RE only. O.3.12 Forces collapse when the hyff collapse. The RE is then free to continue on its path, unless the whole cordus has collapsed. O.3.13 Geometric variables: The actual hyff frequency state and strength at the time of meeting the material, and the orientation of the interface plane of the material, determine the outcome. It is the behaviour of the electrons in the plane, in response to the hyff in their (rt) plane, that is important. O.3.14 Optical activities of materials, namely reflection, transmission, and absorption, (RTA), depend on the frequency state when the reactive end strikes the material. Given that multiple cordi strike the material, each in different frequency states, one material may do multiple optical activities. O.3.14.1 RTo: A transparent material (e.g. light on glass) reflects on one frequency state and not on another. O.3.14.2 Roo: An opaque reflective material (e.g. light on chrome) reflects on all frequency states. O.3.14.3 ooA: An opaque non-reflective material (e.g. light on black paint) absorbs all states. O.3.14.4 It is assumed that the different optical properties of materials arise from the different mobility of the electrons (plasmons). O.3.15 The electron has a span much less than that of an optical wavelength photon, and higher frequency, and therefore greater mobility other than the hindrance of its mass. Note the implication of O.3.15 is that electrons are much ‘smaller’ than a photon, and can move around in response to the relatively large and slower-frequency photon. 3 Cordus model for Reflection 3.1 Reflection in general From the perspective of Wave theory, reflection is caused by the mirror surface absorbing and re-emitting its own EM waves. Depending on the 13 Reflection perspective taken, these interfere with each other or with the incident wave to produce the reflected wave. The mathematics of wave theory accurately quantifies the phenomenon, though its qualitative explanations are not intuitive. Cordus model for reflection The Cordus explanation is that both reactive-ends of the cordus separately reflect off the surface as their hyff interact elastically (lossless) with the substrate. The frequency model within Cordus states that the reactive ends change their state. Thus in some ways the hyff are the reactive ends. Given the dynamic nature of the hyff, the state of the reactive end at the time it contacts the surface will determine the path taken by that reactive end. Assuming passage into a denser material, as the RE approaches a reflective surface, its hyff already detect the surface plane some distance before nominal contact, while in the cisdermis. What happens next depends on the frequency state: If the hyff are in the C- frequency state, then they repel the RE from the electrical plane at the surface. This bends the locus back into the first medium. Hyff that are in the C+ state draw the RE towards the second medium. The frequency state may change again before the RE has completed the traverse, in which case the locus may be bent one way and then the other before the outcome is determined. Transitional locus at reflection The Cordus models of reflection suggest that the photon does not reflect at a single point, but rather at its two reactive-ends. Furthermore, the precise locus taken by a reactive end depends on its frequency state at the time it approaches the surface, and the nature of the surface. Thus the reflection is not a sharp instant change in direction occurring at the surface, but rather a curved transition. Depending on the situation, that curve might occur above the surface (cisdermis) or beneath it (transdermis). Consequently the centreline of the reflected cordus may be laterally offset from the nominal: the photon is displaced sideways from where it should be by simple optics. This effect is known for p-polarised light at total internal reflection, and is termed the Goos–Hänchen effect. The Cordus explanation is that the actual reflection occurs in the transdermis in this situation, and Figure 1 provides a graphical explanation of how the offset arises. 13 Reflection P Co ho o to sy rdin n’s st at em e t a2 r Reflection occurs before the surface is reached Centreline of cordus is coincident with nominal reflection line a a1 n1 cisdermis n2 Nominal reflection centreline (denser) (denser) Nominal reflection centreline a2 a1 n1 n2 (a) Reflection off a denser material (n2>n1) transdermis (b) Internal reflection off a less dense material (n2<n1) Centre of cordus is offset from nominal reflection line cisdermis transdermis Reflection occurs beyond the surface as the denser material pulls the reactiveend back Figure 1: Reflection occurs as a curved transition some distance off the surface (a), not an abrupt change at the precise surface. In the case of internal reflection (b), the transition may occur in the second medium and result in the centre of the cordus being offset from the nominal. This figure only shows the mean loci for the reactive-ends: not shown are the sinusoidal wriggles that are superimposed. These wriggles add further braided variability of path (within limits defined by the C+ and Cextremes). This is a simple representation, nonetheless it introduces the concept that refection is not a simple point bouncing off a surface, but rather a complex ranged interaction (see also the later Principle of Wider Locality, in ‘Cordus Matter’). 14 Reflection Steep incidence If the cordus strikes the surface nearly perpendicularly (low q1) then the hyff plane RT is parallel to the frontal plane of the material. The alignment of the planes maximises the potential for hyff-electron interaction. For RTo material e.g. chrome, the electrons are able to move about to counter all the frequency states of the photon, so the reactive ends are reflected. The dormant phases tunnel through and are absorbed, hence the imperfect reflection. Shallow incidence At shallow grazing incidence (high angle of incidence) the reactive ends of the cordus have many opportunities to engage with the plane of electrons that make up the surface, and even materials with low mobility of surface electrons can support reflection. Ridged mirrors If the reflecting surface is very small, then the plane for the hyff to engage with is small, and normal specular reflection and refraction will be disrupted. Thus ridged mirrors are used to enhance the reflection of incident atoms. The tentative cordus explanation is that the valleys between the ridges provide a second opportunity for reflection for those REs that tunnelled through the plateau on the ridge. Phase changes at reflection The phase of reflected light may be the same or opposite to the incident light, depending on the ratio of refractive indices. For light reflecting off a denser material (higher refractive index), e.g. air to glass, then the polarity is inverted. For reflection off a less dense material, e.g. internal reflection glass to air, then the polarity stays the same. Why? The external electric field represents the hyff strength, in cordus. So reversal of the electric field at reflection corresponds to inversion of hyff but this only occurs for passage to a denser medium (higher n2). Phase is not simply a planar effect, or a mirroring about the interface, since the side from which the light comes determines the phase-change. The cordus explanation follows. We note in passing that phase changes are an interesting effect because cordus interprets them as showing the working of deeper mechanisms, which are useful in understanding other effects. Reflection involves an interaction between the cordus and the material through the hyff or EM field, and this delays the renewal of the reactive end, but only when the denser material is in the transdermis, e.g. air to glass. This delay corresponds to the λ/2 phase delay in the Wave Theory. There is no delay in the glass to air case, because the cisdermis is the denser material and the delay has already occurred (in the form of the refractive index). 14 Reflection Postscript: Many concepts and papers later, we find another lemma that identifies a phase effect, namely annihilation between matter and antimatter [12]: Ma.2.2 In this model we define a suitable complementary phase for the annihilation of electron and antielectron as opposite, i.e. when the reactive end of the one particuloid is active while that of the other particuloid is dormant, i.e. 180 degree phase offset. It may take frequency cycles to accomplish this, hence time. The implications for the reflection case are that the incoming photon takes time to interact with the electrons. There is a possibility that the photon could be absorbed by the mobile electron and then spat out again. If so, this would be expected to also introduce, on top of the phase inversion, a brief delay of half a frequency cycle of the electron. 3.2 Critical angle for total internal reflection Internal reflection is when light passes from a region of high refractive index n1 to lower n2, e.g. glass to air. Usually some of the light is transmitted and other reflected back to material 1. The critical angle is where total internal reflection occurs, i.e. no transmission, and is known to be: Sin(θc) = n2/n1. Noting that n = c/v and v = f λ where f is conserved but v and λ change, then: Sin(θc) = λ1/ λ2 The angle is measured off the normal to the surface. At steeper angles (θ1 less than θc) some light reflects and some transmits through. As θ1 increases the refracted ray bends closer to the interface and eventually at θc the ray is on the boundary. As θ1 increases further refraction ceases and all light is internally reflected. The usual explanation is that no refracted ray is possible since it would violate the refraction law. However that does not explain how the law works. Also, there is something strange happening from a system perspective. When total internal reflection occurs, why should properties n2 (or λ2) be required? Since the light stays on the surface and does not go into the bulk of medium 2, why should the property n2 affect the phenomenon? The Cordus explanation is that at the critical angle θc the reactive end a1 is inserted into in the faster material n2 at t=0, and therefore moves forward a distance λ2/2, see Figure 2. This motion is parallel to the surface because this is the angle of refraction. By comparison at the same time reactive end a2 continues to travel distance λ1 in the slower medium, before it later also enters the faster medium, at t=1/2 of a frequency cycle. RE a1 is thus accelerated by the sudden freedom of being in the faster medium. The angle θc is steep enough to push the RE out of the slower medium, but only steep enough to place it at the boundary. A moment later the second RE is likewise positioned at the boundary. 14 Reflection Figure 2: Geometry of the cordus at the critical angle θc The important points are: Over the period from t=0 to t=1/2 cycles, a1 moves λ2/2 whereas a2 moves λ1/2, because they are in different media. The angle θc is such that there is only a half-cycle of frequency involved. The angle at which the above two conditions is met is apparent from inspection of the geometry in the figure, Sin(θc) = λ1/ λ2, and this is the same as the critical angle derived from optics. The figure illustrates the neat case where a1 is energised precisely at the boundary. In reality the timing is not always so neat, nonetheless the process is believed to work with all incoming frequency states and polarisations because the process itself is gradual, and providing that the range of the hyff is large enough. The result is a cordus that exits in n2 along the boundary of the two media. The fact that this occurs at all, regardless of the incident polarisation, suggests that the hyff are all in n2, otherwise there would be path deflection. This in turn suggests that the hyff are not spherical. 14 Reflection Total internal reflection Why does total internal reflection occur at all? Why should it be that ALL the photons are reflected? Why is the effect so absolute? The cordus interpretation is that for shallow grazing incidence, i.e. θ1 > θc then there is more than one hyff cycle that engages with the interface (at critical angle θc there is only one hyff cycle), and therefore certainty that the RE will detect the interface and reflect off it. But why does the RE always reflect, regardless of the frequency state? Why does it not consistently refract? The explanation is that the attraction to the cis and transdermis sides is not symmetrical, but favours an interaction with the denser material, see O.4.4 part 2.3. For steeper incidence, i.e. θ1 < θc, whether the hyff detect the interface depends on their frequency state (phase) at the time of approach. So some reflect and others go through (and onwards to refract). External reflection Why is total reflection possible off internal surfaces, but not off external? Why is the effect not symmetrical? This is addressed in O.4.7 (part 2.3). Why is some reflection possible, off almost any surface, with a sufficiently shallow incidence (large θ1)? The cordus explanation is that this situation gives the photon cordus plenty of opportunity to be in an energised state but with a slow normal closing velocity on the surface (normal momentum). Therefore the surface is able to repel the occasional cordus that is at peak energised state at closest proximity, even if the surface is otherwise not a good reflector. 4 Discussion While the usual explanation for optical effects such as reflection is wave theory, this paper shows that it is possible to explain the effects using cordus particuloids, and simple mechanics. Reflection emerges, in the cordus perspective, as an effect that occurs at interface surfaces, due to the interaction of cordus hyff with the electrons, particularly the surface plasmons. In this model, the surface plasmons are able to dynamically adjust to the hyff of the approaching photon, and therefore do not provide resistance in the plane of the interface (horizontal direction in the diagrams here). However the situation is very different in the normal direction, since the electrons have limited to no mobility. Consequently the material does interact with the photon in the vertical direction, and this results in reflection. Or refraction, depending on the frequency state at the time. This model is significant because it shows that the cordus structure of the photon is conceptually valid over a larger set of effects than simply waveparticle duality in the double-slit and interferometers. 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. de Broglie, L., The wave nature of the electron, in Nobel Lecture. 1929, Nobel Prize in Physics. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Quis es tu photon? Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 viXra 1104.0016, 1-8 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Reflection. Cordus optics: Part 2.2 viXra 1104.0020, 1-10 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Refraction. Cordus optics: Part 2.3 viXra 1104.0021, 1-11 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) WaveParticle Duality: a Proposed Resolution. viXra 1106.0027, 1-18 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Quo vadis, photon? Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.2 viXra 1104.0017, 1-22 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Explanation of fringes. Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.3 viXra 1104.0018, 1-18 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Gravitation, Mass and Time. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 viXra 1104.0029, 1-14 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Fabric of the universe. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 viXra 1104.0028, 1-8 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Matter particuloids. Cordus matter: Part 3.2 viXra 1104.0023, 1-12 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Wider Locality. Cordus matter: Part 3.1 viXra 1104.0022, 1-7 DOI: Pons, D.J. (2011) Annihilation mechanisms: Intermediate processes in the conversion of electron and antielectron into photons viXra 1109.0047, 121 DOI: 145 Reflection 146 Cordus Refraction Cordus optics: Part 2.3 Pons, D.J. , 31 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Explaining basic optical effects is not possible with classical particle mechanics, and even with quantum mechanics it is not straight forward and not particularly intuitive. The problem is much simpler when solved in the cordus domain. This paper provides cordus explanations for Snell’s Law and Brewster’s Angle, and quantitative derivations too. This is significant because the cordus mechanics were derived for single photons, and immediately generalise also to beams of light. Therefore cordus can explain particle behaviour, fringes, and optical effects, using a single coherent mechanics. The cordus explanation does not need the conventional concept of ‘interference’. Keywords: electromagnetic wave theory; refraction; Snell’s Law; Brewster’s angle; Revision 2.10 Minor Edits Document: Pons_Cordus_2.3Refraction_E2.10.74.doc 1 Introduction Refraction in general The bending of light as it enters an inclined boundary is usually explained in optical wave theory as a change in the speed (phase velocity), such that the wavelength changes but not the frequency. The angle of refraction θ2 in the second medium 2 is given by Snell's law: sinθ2 = v2/v1 .sinθ1 = n1/n2.sinθ1 = λ2/λ1.sinθ1 where the angles are measured from the normal to the surface, and v are the velocities in the two media. Thus the net angular deflection [θδ = 90o -(θ1+θ2)] is not constant but depends on the angle of incidence. The refracted ray may be partly polarised. At the same time, some of the light may be reflected. The refractive index n measures the speed relative to that of light in a vacuum. Refractive index is usually linear, but may be non-linear for highintensity light. Refractive index increases approximately linearly with density for glasses of similar chemical composition. Explanations vary for how the change in speed occurs. The wave interpretation is that the delay occurs because the electric field interacts with the electrons to radiate a delayed wave, thereby forming the new but slower wave. Hence the Huygens–Fresnel principle that each point on the wave propagates 31 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 147 Refraction new waves and these interfere. Surface waves of water also refract, and provide a visual confirmation of the effect. This paper explains refraction from the cordus perspective. The concept of a cordus is that a photon consists not of a point but of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The REs emit hyff (hyperfine fibrils), which are lines of electrostatic force. The method is described in the previous papers, and the lemmas included here are a continuation of the previous numbering. 2 Cordus refraction The cordus model for refraction uses the frequency lemma from the earlier paper in the series, and elements of the reflection lemma. It also requires additional assumptions as follow: Lemma O.4 Refraction O.4.1 From the cordus perspective, reflection results from the interaction of the incoming photon with the electrons in the surface plane, i.e. surface plasmons. In contrast, refraction is an interaction with the bulk of the material. Furthermore, that interaction starts to occur before the photon reaches the bulk material , and it is that preliminary interaction that bends the locus. O.4.2 On approaching the interface (e.g. air to glass) the hyff probe through both the cis- and trans-dermis. The RE therefore responds to the upcoming medium before it physically reaches it (Principle of Wider Locality, see ‘Cordus Matter’). That response varies depending on the frequency state, and may be attractive or repulsive. O.4.2.1 In fact it will be both attractive and repulsive in turn, due to the frequency effect. O.4.2.2 See the dermis concept in O.3.5.5, part 2.2 O.4.3 The strength of the response is not constant but becomes stronger with proximity to the interface. O.4.4 The material with higher refractive index exerts the stronger force. O.4.5 The cumulative effect over several frequency cycles determines the outcome. O.4.5.1 Thus the precise frequency state of the RE as it approaches the surface will the starting point of the summation and therefore determine the overall outcome attractive or repulsive result. O.4.5.2 The immediately previous locus also affects the outcome, i.e. momentum is involved, see O.3.9, part 2.2 O.4.5.3 The next photon has a different frequency state and instantaneous direction of momentum may therefore experience a different reflection or refraction result. 148 Refraction O.4.6 The geometric positioning of the dynamic hyff with respect to the two materials, i.e. the angle of incidence, determines the outcome. O.4.7 Note that the effect is not symmetrical for layout. Thus for passage to a material with higher refractive index, e.g. air to glass, the denser material at n2 causes refraction to dominate. In contrast, at glass to air, the denser material is at n1 and reflection dominates. O.4.8 Photons displace electrons (plasmons) in the medium through which the light travels. O.4.8.1 Note that the electrons have the higher mobility as per O.3.15. O.4.8.2 An ineffective plasmon transport mechanism means that the material exerts forces on the reactive end. 2.1 Derivation of Snell’s Law The Cordus explanation for refraction is that the inclined incoming cordus strikes the surface and one reactive-end and then the next penetrates into the second medium n2. Assuming the case where n2 is more dense, e.g. from air to glass, then the cordus slows down. The case is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Refraction involves a dormant reactive-end penetrating into the second medium, and being angularly deflected with reduction in speed. 149 Refraction Cordus derivation of Snell’s Law The refraction geometry is shown in Figure 2, this being the two triangles comprising the incident cordus and the surface, and the refracted cordus and the same surface. Since dimension d is common to both triangles, and the cordus is perpendicular to the loci, it follows by trigonometry that d = λ2/(2.sinθ2) = λ1/(2.sinθ1). This becomes λ2/sinθ2 = λ1/sinθ1 which is Snell’s law. The frequency and other forms arise by noting that v1=f. λ1 and v2=f. λ2 and n = c/v where c is velocity of light in vacuum. 1 2 01 d 2 2 02 Figure R: Refraction geometry The explanation above has been given for the neat case where the second reactive end neatly strikes the surface in turn, i.e. t=1/2 gives a precise λ1/2 displacement for RE a2. It may be shown that the explanation also works for the messy case where a2 strikes not a half wavelength later but a fraction k. The above derivation is for a p-polarised photon. The situation for spolarisation is believed to be similar in that the denser material pulls the reactive end in, thereby deflecting it. However this is yet to be validated. Birefringence Some materials show birefringence. These materials have different refractive indices in two (or three) directions and therefore light experiences different refraction depending on its polarisation. Thus the refractive index varies depending on the orientation (polarisation) of the incident light. The effect is generally believed to depend on anisotropic material structure. This may arise from the arrangement of the molecules, mechanical strain, strain from cooling of plastics from the melt, or application of an electric or magnetic field. The Cordus explanation for birefringence is that the atomic spacing affects the electron compliance. The different geometric spacing in the different directions creates, through the bonds, corresponding different tension on the electrons, and this affects their preferred orientation and thus availability to engage with incoming hyff. For an anisotropic material those 150 Refraction bonds differ with direction. Any strains deform the bonds and thereby affects the ability of electrons to interact with the hyff, hence changing refraction. The orientation, i.e. polarisation, of the incoming cordus determines which bonds it will interact with. The speed of the cordus in the material depends on the amount of handshaking it has to do with electrons, and therefore electrons that are less compliant in one direction than another will affect the passage of the cordus differently. Incidentally, this is further evidence in support of the idea that the hyff are not spherical. 2.2 Brewster's angle Brewster’s angle θB is an optical refraction and reflection effect that is dependent on polarisation. For p-polarised light (electric field oscillates in the plane of the incident ray and the normal to the surface), and for given refractive indices n1 and n2, there exists an angle of incidence Brewster's angle θ1 = θB, such that there is no reflection, and all the light is refracted, this angle being tan(θB) = λ1/λ2 = n2/n1 where λ is the wavelength in the incident (1) and substrate (2) materials. It is approximately 56o for light from air to glass. The effect may be derived theoretically using the Fresnel equations of Wave theory. The challenge is to show how the effect occurs with a single photon. The Cordus interpretation is that the reactive-end is doomed to refract, whatever its frequency state C+ or C-. There is an equifinality about the outcome, and the RE cannot reflect. This arises because in these special circumstances of incident angle and refractive indices all loci for reactiveends are positioned right through the transdermis. Therefore they are too deep to reflect: no subsequent frequency state can recall them back to the first medium. However, that is not to say all loci are co-linear, as will be shown. Any one reactive-end has numerous loci across an interface, depending on its frequency state at the time. For purposes of illustration we consider the extreme cases of a single RE in either the C+ or C- state, see Figure 3. We define the two extreme loci as defgh and qrstuv. Note that these are for a single reactive-end, nominally termed a1. The a2 reactive-end is not shown here, but the same explanation applies even if it is a different phase at contact. 151 Refraction y t Locus horizontal at transition (for Brewster’s conditions) Locus bent away in C- phase r a Locus bent towards n2 in C+ phase d Reflected 3 Incident 1 q 1p e f Cycle completes with locus ready to refract g 1 2 1 01 n1 n2 2 h r s j Locus bent towards n2 in C+ phase t 02 Locus vertical at transition (for Brewster’s conditions) 2 For equifinality of points h and v, these lines must be perpendicular u 2 v Cycle completes with locus on refraction path Refracted 2 Oscillations continue around the refracted path Figure 3: Locus diagram for refraction of a p-polarised photon under Brewster's conditions. The two extreme loci defgh and qrstuv are shown for a single reactive-end, for one frequency cycle. The frequency states C(blue) and C+ (red) are shown. Also included in this diagram is the simplified path diagram (dark lines), from which Brewster's formula may be derived. Points f and t are on the perpendicular to incident ray 1. Extreme path defgh: For a reactive-end initially in the C- state the hyff detects the heavier transdermis n2 before the RE actually encounters it, and moves the RE away, at least initially. By the end of that state the RE is positioned parallel to the interface (f). Thereafter it changes to the C+ state which pulls it in towards the denser material. This puts it onto the refracted path θ2 at h. Extreme path qrstuv: For a reactive-end initially in the C+ state the hyff detect the approaching transdermis n2 and draw the RE into taking a shortcut into material 2. By the end of that state it is positioned in the material 152 Etc. x Refraction n2 and heading normal to the surface. Thereafter it changes to a C- state which attempts to undo the changes. However the C- phase cannot bend the path sufficiently to pull it out of the material and back into a reflection path, and instead the RE refracts. The RE refracts regardless of the frequency state or the locus taken. This is a consequence of the combination of the momentum (direction determined by the incident angle) and strength of the subsequent forces (from the refractive indices). These prevent the RE from completing a reflection manoeuvre. The situation only exists for p-polarisation because any deviation from this orientation would result in forces that were out-ofplane. Derivation of Brewster’s relationship The above is a qualitative description of the refraction and lack-ofreflection effect at Brewster’s angle θB. The cordus explanation also provides a way to quantify the relationship, as shown in the Figure. The curved loci are simplified by assuming a small n2 close to n1, which makes straight lines of the loci and moves points f and t in to the nominal optical contact point. The result are the lines djh and qjv, shown in dark in Figure 3. On path qjv the a1 reactive-end travels λ2/2 into material 2, along the normal to the surface. In the same time interval the djh path moves the RE a distance of λ1/2 parallel to the surface and still in material 1. Subsequently each path is bent to conform to θ2. The derivation of Brewster's relationship is given in terms of the wavelength λ and the geometry: Since the djh and qjv paths have equifinality regarding time, line hv must be perpendicular to the exit trajectory θ2. This allows the angle JHV to be identified as θ2. Thus from triangle JHV it emerges that tan(θ2) = λ2/λ1 = sin(θ2)/cos(θ2) (Eqn 1) Snell's Law identifies angle JVH as θ1. The derivation is: Snell's Law: Sin(θ1) = λ1/λ2.sinθ2 (Eqn 2) Substitute Eqn 1: Sin(θ1) = cos(θ2)/sin(θ2).sinθ2 = cos(θ2) Thus θ2 = 90o - θ1 Thus tan(θ1) = λ1/λ2 = n2/n1 which is the relationship for Brewster's angle Note that different REs may take different loci across the surface (O.3.2). Consequently this model predicts a braiding of the loci through material 2. The loci will all be parallel to θ2 but laterally displaced to various extents within the boundary made by the extreme paths. In addition they have a superimposed sinusoidal lateral wriggle.32 32 Brewster's angle is interesting for its corollary: At Brewster's angle θ1 = θB all light except p-polarised is reflected, AND emerges s-polarised regardless of 153 Refraction Thus Cordus is able to provide qualitative and quantitative explanations of Brewster's angle, for an individual photon. This demonstrates that optical phenomena may be explained by particuloid mechanisms too. However it is not yet a full proof, because it has only been shown for the extreme loci (as per O.3.4) and by simplifying the paths to segments of straight lines. We leave a more complete validation as a future task. 2.3 Mixed reflection and refraction For transparent surfaces some light is reflected and some refracted (transmitted). The Fresnel equations describe the proportion of light transmitted (2) or reflected (3). The equations are for either p- or spolarisation. Those for p-polarisation follow. These are more commonly given in terms of refractive index n, whereas here the wavelength λ form is also given. The Fresnel equations give the proportions: these depend on the angles of incidence and refraction, and the refractive indices, also the polarisation of the incident light. The basic principle underpinning the Fresnel equations is that the electric field components in the plane of the interface are continuous, which means the planar-components (hence the Cosθ terms) of the incident (1) plus reflected (3) electric field amplitude equals that of the transmitted (2). Likewise for the magnetic field, which is at right-angles to the electric field. For p- and s-polarisation the electric and magnetic fields hit the interface differently, hence the polarisation effect. However, this explanation does not explain how the path of an individual photon is determined. its initial polarisation. The tentative Cordus interpretation for the s-polarised reflected light is that the same Brewster's conditions (θ1, n2/n1) that provide the p-polarised RE with only sufficient momentum to stall against n2, also means that other polarisations have insufficient momentum to penetrate n2, and only sufficient momentum to get to the minimal reflected state of flat s-polarisation. 154 Refraction Being based on Wave theory, the premise underlying the Fresnel equations is that the incident and exit beams of light exist at the same time. Thus that particular explanation cannot be applied to a single photon, which is supposed to exist as a zero-dimensional point. The QM solution to that problem is to instead model the photon as a wave function in superposition. That has problems of its own, because it is uncertain whether that mathematical solution is really representative of reality. An alternative qualitative description is that the incident light causes surface plasmons (moving electrons) that later recombine to form the exit photon. The cordus explanation is that this depends on the state of the reactive end at the time of impact: those RE in or close to an energised state are reflected, while those that are dormant are refracted (O.4.5). Phase change revisited It is useful to consider the mechanism for phase change (see part 2.2) and elaborate. Consider the interaction of the horizontal and vertical components of the hyff force, as it approaches the optical interface. Consider also the mobility of the electrons in that medium, and their response to the photon. There are two cases to consider Case A: On entry to a denser material, e.g. air to glass, the surface plasmons (electrons) can easily move aside and back again (see O.3.15) in response to the dynamic horizontal component of the hyff electric field. Therefore there is no net horizontal force applied to the RE (though there are dynamic forces) and hence the horizontal component of momentum of the photon is unhindered. However the vertical mobility of electrons in the transdermis bulk is limited because doing so would build up electrostatic force resisting further electron transport. Therefore the normal component of the hyff electric field is either resisted by the n2 transdermis and the RE reflects back into n1, or is attracted into n2 the case of refraction. The outcome depends on the frequency state at the time (O.4.5) i.e. a net dominance of the C- state gives reflection and C+ results in refraction. In addition, the angle of incidence provides the direction of initial momentum, so low angle θ1 (steep incidence) tends to predispose towards the photon continuing straight ahead, which is refraction. With steep incidence, a large amount of vertical force impulse is required to turn the reactive end around and reflect it. This does not happen often, not because the n2 substrate is unable to provide the reaction, but because it is sensitive to the timing of the frequency: if the reactive end changes back to C+ before completing the reflection manoeuvre then refraction will take over. Case B: For a photon approaching a less dense medium, e.g. glass to air, internal reflection is the favoured outcome and occurs becomes the 155 Refraction exclusive outcome when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle, θ1 > θc. Consider a photon in denser n1 and approaching an interface. While the photon has been deep in n1 the plasmon (electron) transport mechanisms are fully mobile in both the horizontal and normal directions (actually the radial and axial). However, as the photon approaches the air interface, the horizontal transport mechanisms are still fine, but the normal transport becomes increasingly ineffective. An ineffective plasmon transport mechanism means that the material exerts forces on the reactive end (O.4.8.2). Therefore the horizontal momentum of the photon is not impeded, but the normal is. The denser material is at n1 which thus provides the greater force on balance, so the RE tends to be pulled back into n1 and reflection. At shallower incidences than the critical angle, the momentum is sufficient to ensure reflection regardless of the frequency state. We acknowledge that this is only a descriptive explanation, not a quantitative one, of mixed reflection and refraction. The full derivation of the Fresnel equations from a cordus basis is an open question. In addition polarisation in reflection and refraction looks to be an area of further investigation and potentially deeper insights. 3 Discussion Explaining basic optical effects is not possible with classical particle mechanics, and even with quantum mechanics it is not straight forward and not particularly intuitive. The problem is much simpler when solved in the cordus domain, as this paper shows for several cases of refraction. Both Snell’s Law and Brewster’s Angle are explained and quantitative derivations provided. This is significant because the cordus mechanics were derived for single photons, and immediately generalise also to beams of light. Therefore a single mechanism can explain both particle and wave behaviour, which is otherwise difficult to achieve. This becomes even more significant when considering that the same cordus concept can also explain the path dilemmas and fringes of individual photons in the double slit device. Cordus is therefore one of only a few concepts that can explain the double slit device as well as conventional optics. We do not dispute that quantum mechanics can do much of this, but that cordus does it without resorting to metaphysical effects is unique. Note also that the cordus explanation does not need the conventional concept of ‘interference’. All the same, we do emphasise that cordus is a conceptual solution, and while it has been thought-tested against several physical phenomena, it has not been checked against all. Furthermore, it is based on intuition and conjecture, and makes many assumptions (lemmas) that have yet to be tested. There are many open questions still, the Fresnel equations being one. 156 Refraction Contrast: Cordus and EM Wave theory EM wave theory is the dominant way of thinking for explaining optical effects, including interference patterns. It has tacit lemmas of its own: e.g. that light is a disturbance in the electromagnetic field. It relies heavily on the concept of frequency, particularly that a half wave-length (λ/2) shift will cause destructive interference. As a theory it is enormously successful. Even single photons show interference patterns and by implication 'must be' a wave, hence the wave-function concept in quantum mechanics. However wave theory has some limitations: the origins of frequency are mysterious; it does not explain the quantum effects of single photons; and destructive interference implies destruction of energy. If the Cordus Conjecture is correct, wave theory is a convenient mathematical representation of the external behaviour of light en masse, but not of the internal variables. Light itself is not simply an EM wave: that is only the physical manifestation of the passage of hyff. The internal dynamics of the cordus give rise to the externally visible EM fields: the fields are not the entire existence. Another areas where the perspectives differ is the interpretation of amplitude (brightness): Wave theory perceives amplitude to be the strength of the EM field. The Cordus Conjecture perceives amplitude to be only the cumulative effect of multiple cordi that are in a similar location at about the same time: an en masse effect. The Cordus Conjecture suggests that wave theory is an appropriate method for modelling photons, with two caveats: it applies to light in transit; and to light en masse (not single photons). Conclusion This paper shows that optical effects can also be explained as the interaction of cordus photon with the optical surface and the substrate. Thus Wave theory is not the only way of conceptualising effects like reflection and refraction. The conceptual contribution of this bracket of papers is first the creation of a novel theoretical model for the internal structure of the photon and the origins of frequency. This model is useful in later work, where it is generalised to matter particuloids and provides foundational material for a description of the strong force and the internal structure of the proton. The second is the evidence, at least at a conceptual level, that the cordus conceptual framework is able to explain conventional optical effects. This is significant, because the same framework has separately provided a resolution of wave-particle duality in the double-slit device (ref. ‘Cordus conjecture’), and can explain various matter effects that are normally the preserve of Quantum mechanics (ref. ‘Cordus matter’). Thus cordus offers a novel mechanics with a high degree of logical consistency across these various effects. 157 Refraction 158 Refraction 15 Cordus Conjecture Part 3: Cordus matter Cordus particule interpretation of matter > de Broglie frequency explained > entanglement between particules > locality rethought > energy and entropy explained > special super-states of matter explained > why quantum mechanics does not scale up > Schrodinger’s cat demystified 160 161 Wider Locality Cordus matter: Part 3.1 Pons, D.J. , 33 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract The dominant paradigm in conventional physics is that of a ‘particle’, which this paper suggests is a badly flawed premise. The cordus particuloid is a more coherent concept in that it offers explanations of phenomena that are otherwise puzzling, and does so with one conceptual consistent framework across a wide variety of phenomena. This paper shows how entanglement is readily explained as a natural consequence of the cordus. It also introduces the principle of complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) as the deeper principle beneath the Pauli exclusion principle, and coherence. It is suggested that Bell’s Theorem is only applicable to point particles, and is thus generally irrelevant. Specifically, Bell’s Theorem is not an obstacle to models of hidden variables. Furthermore, it is suggested that the principle of locality is not viable in its present form, and a principle of wider locality is proposed. Keywords: particle; entanglement; Bell’s theorem; locality; fundamental physics Revision 2.10 Added EPR paradox, clarified locality, minor edits Document: Pons_Cordus_3.1Locality_E2.10.86.doc 1 Introduction Classical mechanics, with its equations for force and motion, are adequate for the macroscopic bodies in the environment around our human existence. However, at sub-microscopic scale the behaviour of sub-atomic particles of matter can be unexpected: entanglement, superfluidity, and superconductivity, are some examples. Explanations of these effects have had to rely on adaptations of quantum mechanics (QM) as classical theories are at a loss. QM does a good job of providing mathematical descriptions of the effects, and the fact that it can do so is usually taken as circumstantial evidence that QM must be correct. Unlike other areas, such as wave-particle duality, there is no major competing interpretation to QM in the area of subatomic particles. All the same, QM is not particularly effective at providing a qualitative description of the effects, and this makes it complex and difficult to understand at an intuitive level, and consequently people generally, though perhaps not physicists specifically, perceive QM as strange. Maybe the effects really are intrinsically complex, and the mathematical formulations are the reality: the simplest possible way to express the underlying mechanisms of causality. 33 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011 162 Wider locality However, there is always the possibility that there might be another way, different to QM and perhaps even simpler, of understanding the effects. The purpose of this paper is to explore that possibility, and it does so by extending the cordus concept [1]. Background: photon cordus The concept of a cordus is that a photon consists not of a point but of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The REs emit directional force lines called hyff, which are detectable externally as a polarised electrostatic field. The companion paper [1], describes the background to this idea, applies it to path dilemmas in the double-slit device and Mach-Zehnder interferometer [2], and uses it to explain fringes [3]. It is shown that the Cordus conjecture is conceptually able to resolve wave-particle duality for the photon [4]. Another set of papers show that the idea describes frequency and the dynamic internal states of the photon [5] and is applicable to conventional optical effects of reflection [6] and refraction [7]. We recommend that at least the first bracket of papers [1-2] be read before this one, as the fundamental concept and cognitive point of difference are developed there. Also, the frequency model [5] from the cordus optics set is necessary foundational material. The present bracket of papers conjecturally builds on those ideas, and applies them to entanglement, the electron, and matter generally. This paper is the first in the bracket and addresses entanglement and locality. Companion papers describe matter more generally including a cordus model for the electron and its orbitals [8], entropy and coherence [9], special states of matter – superposition, coherence, superfluidity, and superconductivity –are re-interpreted in a cordus context, with surprising results [10]. The closing paper in this bracket contrasts Cordus with QM, and reconceptualises the issues with Schrodinger’s Cat [11]. Method The approach taken is a continuation of that described in the companion paper ‘Cordus conjecture’ [1], and not detailed here. Briefly, it involves reverse-engineering the system: it uses logic, conjecture and intuition to build on the existing cordus model, thereby postulating a set of mechanisms that can plausibly explain the known system-behaviour. Specifically, the objective is to postulate electron structure and behaviour sufficient to explain several matter effects. It is like trying to work out the contents of a black box by observing its outputs in different situations, and synthesising a working-model that is sufficient to explain as many of the situations as possible. Results This is a design way of thinking, being very different to the conventional mathematical analytical approaches, and the outcome is likewise more qualitative than quantitative. Thus we term the results a conceptual solution. Being conceptual means that the broad principles are described, within which a whole class of solutions are possible. Where possible we single out the most promising of these specific solutions and term it the 163 Wider locality working model. Along the way we note the underlying assumptions as a series of lemmas. These we do not attempt to prove: they are simply to make the premises explicit so that they can be evaluated later. The lemmas make up the central strand through the papers. Where relevant for continuity, references are made to lemmas in the other papers. The results follow, starting with some basic preliminary premises on the particle behaviour of photons, then moving on to electrons, followed by application to matter more generally. 2 Entanglement Einstein called entanglement ‘spooky action at a distance’ and it continues to sit uneasily within physics since a qualitative explanation is lacking even though the reality is accepted. It is contrary to relativity, and to the principle of locality. Nor can entanglement satisfactorily be explained with existing hidden-variable theories. However it is consistent with quantum mechanics. The principle of locality is that an object is only affected by its immediate surroundings. Entanglement appears to require the principle to be violated: twin particles may be linked, such that changing the state of one instantly changes the other, even if they are separated by macroscopic distances. The mechanisms are incompletely understood in conventional physics. The effect can be addressed by the Cordus Conjecture with the addition of a further set of assumptions. Lemma M.1 Photon-photon interaction This lemma sets out the assumptions for the interaction of the photon with other photons. M.1.1 Photons in flight apparently do not interact much with each other. There is no known evidence of them merging with each other in flight. However nothing in the Cordus logic requires them to be incapable of merging. If they don’t merge, the constraint could simply be that they cannot generally get sufficiently close to each other, and aligned, and synchronised for long enough to achieve the union. Nonetheless it is proposed that some interaction is possible of the passing type. M.1.2 Photons do not generally interfere with other photons in the sense of destructively (constructively) creating fringes. M.1.3 Photons can be initially created identical in certain key regards (e.g. frequency). M.1.4 Cordi from different photons may lock onto each other and become synchronised through the hyff. The hyff provide the means for coupling into/out of the fibril (hence also passing observation, see ‘Cordus Conjecture’). M.1.5 continued below 164 Wider locality There are two candidate Cordus interpretations for entanglement. The first is that some entanglement devices might not be doing much more than splitting the photon (Cordus Conjecture L.1.1): that what appear to be two particles are only two reactive ends of the same cordus. The second, and the current working model, is that the fibrils of two cordi become synchronised through mutual hyff interactions, called complementary frequency state synchronisation (see below), such that changes to the one affect the other. 3 Complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) Since a photon has two reactive ends, and these are not energised all the time, it is possible for a second photon to occupy the same space, or to coexist nearby. This requires that the frequency states be complementary, i.e. the reactive-end a1 of photon a is in the opposite state to b1 of photon b, and physically near each other. Similarly for a2 and b2. By complementary frequency states we mean that the hyff of one photon are phased to feed into that of the other that is co-located. This concept originates in the frequency model (ref. ‘Cordus optics’). Applying this to entanglement, means that it only looks like there is a whole photon at each location, when actually there are two photons sharing the space such that only one is visible at either location at any particular time. The photons are subsequently stretched (Cordus Conjecture L.1.3) so that the reactive ends are far apart. What looks like one complete photon at each site is, according to this version of events, two half photons. The fibrils of each are stretched to much greater distances than usual, but still retain their ability to communicate practically instantly (Cordus Conjecture L.6.15). Changing one reactive end at one site therefore changes the other, and that change can be immediately observed at the other site. From the Cordus perspective the entanglement would be somewhat delicate, since the cordi could be broken by external disturbances to the hyff. This macroscopic form of entanglement of photons is apparently an uncommon event that requires deliberate construction by the Experimenter. This CoFS principle is not limited to the photon, but applies to particuloids generally. As will be described later, all ‘particles’ are cordi, and therefore the CoFS effect is accessible to other particles too. Thus CoFS is suggested as the underlying principle for the pairing of electron orbitals, coherence, and condensed states. From the cordus perspective a CoFS means that both RE modes of the particuloid (e.g. electron) are fully occupied at any one time, but not by the same electron. It is an important principle with wider applicability. It is subsequently used to explain superfluidity and superconductivity (see part 3.3), where it forms the basis for a new concept of ‘network of orbitals’. The QM use of the term ‘coherence’ emerges as one application of CoFS, and the Pauli exclusion principle is 165 Wider locality another. It is also important in understanding why quantum effects do not scale up to the macroscopic world. A derivative of the concept, called synchronous hyff emission direction states (SHEDS), explains the strong nuclear interaction (ref. ‘Cordus in extremis’) and is used to predict the internal structure of the proton. Resolving the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen [EPR] paradox The principle of complementary frequency states also allows an explanation of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen [EPR] paradox. In this thought-experiment the variable of one particle, e.g. the spin of an electron, is measured and then that of a second particle, e.g. the spin of the other electron in the orbital, is always found to be in the opposite state. This is considered a paradox because it is unclear how the two particles interacted to communicate their states to each other to contrive such a result. Alternatively, it suggests that the uncertainty principle has been violated. Alternatively, it suggests that the QM wavefunction does not give the complete description of reality. That the last interpretation might possibly be the case is beyond credence for orthodox quantum mechanics, but is exactly what cordus implies. The CoFS principle readily provides a mechanism whereby two particuloids in different locations can interact. By sharing space they are forced to negotiate a mutually satisfactory arrangement of their hyff, and synchronise them. That necessitates slipping into complementary geometric configurations. The fact that the electrons are sharing the orbital means that they have pre-arranged to be in CoFS even before the Observer started the interrogation, so to the Observer the outcome of the experiment naturally looks like an act of wilful contrivance by the ‘particles’. The EPR effect is thus explained as a CoFS effect, and the paradox dissolved. 4 Locality and Bell's theorem The principle of locality is that the behaviour of an object is only affected by its immediate surroundings, not by distant objects or events elsewhere. Hence also local realism: that the properties of an object pre-exist before the object is observed. Bell’s theorem sets these against each other by implying that only one perspective can be correct: either superluminal effects or local realism does not exist. The many actual experimental results are generally interpreted as supporting non-locality behaviour in quantum mechanics. The general interpretation is to accept Bell's Theorem and therefore conclude that no viable hidden-variable solution of any kind can exist. Conventional physics has an ambivalent relationship with locality. One position is that the principle of locality should apply, because it seems natural. But it is an assumption nonetheless. This confidence is used in the argument against hidden-variable solutions. The other position questions whether locality is even valid, given the empirical evidence for 166 Wider locality entanglement. But what the mechanisms might be for non-locality is uncertain. Cordus delivers a hidden-variable solution that accommodates entanglement and abandons strict zero-dimensional point locality in favour of a principle of wider locality [below]. In other words, cordus suggests that there is a shade of grey between the simplistic options offered by orthodox physics: full locality at a zero-dimensional point, or no locality at all. It is no wonder that physics finds it hard to chose between such limited options, nor is it necessary to limit the thinking to such stark choices, as cordus shows. The cordus model demonstrates that there is no problem with having all of superluminal effects, hidden variables, and some degree of locality. The cordus entanglement mechanism provides superluminal effects through the instantaneous communication through the fibril (ref. ‘Cordus conjecture’). But doesn’t Bell’s theorem preclude this? From the Cordus perspective Bell’s theorem is wrong. It is not applicable to the situation because it was built on the implicit but limiting premise that a particle is necessarily a single zero-dimensional point. This is a natural assumption given the prevailing 'particle' perspective in QM physics, but the theorem can only be valid to the extent that particles actually are points. As Cordus shows, there is reason to believe that the issue can be considered very differently: that the ‘particle’ view is only an approximation of a deeper ‘particuloid’ existence. Therefore Bell’s theorem is only an obstacle to hidden-variable solutions, if one assumes beforehand that the solution must be limited to only zero-dimensional particle designs. Cordus is not a zero-dimensional particle design and therefore Bell's theorem is irrelevant. What about the assumption of ‘practically instant’ communication between the two sites? It implies an effect faster than the speed of light (superluminal): How is that explained? We acknowledge that is an incompletely resolved matter and offer some responses. The first is that the communication is not totally instantaneous because time is initially required to create the photons and separate the reactive ends. Second, the data can still only be transmitted at one or at most a few bits per frequency cycle. The latter arises because, according to the Cordus view, the hyff effect occurs at the speed of light (L.6.16), and is clocked at the natural frequency of the photon. So even if the data are transmitted instantly, they can still only can be pumped in and out as fast as the speed of light, and only as many bits per frequency cycle as cordus variables are being changed (which will be few). Third, there is also the matter of passing vs. intrusive detection (L.3) to consider: if the photon is consumed in the process, or the entanglement lost, then a new entangled pair will need to be produced, and will require finite time to move into position. Thus intrusive detection will never be superluminal overall. Passing detection could allow the entanglement to be reused for another bit of information, though point two above still applies. Furthermore, the process of interrogating a photon consumes 167 Wider locality time, even if the photon is not destroyed (ref. ‘Cordus in extremis’, [8] E.5.2). An alternative perspective is that the cosmic speed limit does not apply to the fibril, even if it does to the hyff, and this is the current working model. After all, if a long wire were inside a sheath, i.e. a Bowden cable, then pushing one end instantly causes the other to protrude. The cordus is perhaps similar, and it is debatable whether or not any mass is being moved (or where in the frequency cycle the mass, if any, is being moved). That matter of speed aside, we have shown that a hidden-variable theory is indeed possible, and can explain entanglement, Bell’s theorem notwithstanding. However whether or not locality is violated is a more complex case, and discussed next. 5 Principle of Wider Locality Cordus suggests that the principle of locality is not viable in its current form. The current principle of locality assumes that a 'particle' is only affected by the values of the fields (electromagnetic, gravitational, etc.) at the infinitesimally small location of the zero-dimensional point. Cordus asserts that particles are not zero-dimensional, but are actually particuloids (appear to be particles). They have a span, and the reactiveends have hyff zones around them. Therefore Cordus suggests that a principle of Wider locality applies: a cordus particuloid is affected by the cumulative effect of the fields in its local surroundings, these being the space to which its hyff have access. Further, that hyff has access to spaces that the physical particuloid with its reactive ends does not. Lemma M.1 continued To sum up, the additional lemmas are: M.1.5 Cordi may be in complementary frequency states, sharing modes for their reactive ends. M.1.6 Communication across the fibril is instantaneous, whatever the span of the cordus. However the propagation speed of the hyff is limited to c, the speed of light in a vacuum M.1.7 A principle of Wider locality applies: a cordus particuloid is affected by the cumulative effect of the fields in its local surroundings, these being the space to which its hyff have access. Further, that hyff has access to spaces that the physical particuloid with its reactive ends does not. 6 Conclusions What has been achieved? This part has presented a novel conceptual solution to the otherwise paradoxical problem of entanglement. The dominant paradigm in conventional physics is that of a ‘particle’. Cordus suggests that conceptual framework is flawed, and the cause of the weird predictions from QM. The cordus particuloid is a more coherent concept in that it offers explanations 168 Wider locality of phenomena that are otherwise puzzling, and does so with one conceptual consistent framework across a wide variety of phenomena. This particular paper shows how entanglement is readily explained as a natural consequence of the cordus. This obviates the need for the usual spooky and metaphysical interpretations. The paper also introduces the principle of complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). This is an important concept in that later papers show how it underpins the Pauli exclusion principle, coherence, and the strong interaction. It even allows the internal structure of the proton to be estimated. Cordus suggests that Bell’s Theorem is only applicable to point particles, and is thus generally irrelevant. It is an artefact of the flawed particle premise of conventional physics, and is not an obstacle to models of hidden variables. Cordus predicts that the principle of locality is not viable in its present form and needs to be widened to include hyff interactions. The problems with the current principle of locality, as evident in entanglement, are also an artefact of the prevailing zero-dimensional-particle framework of QM. Cordus proposes a simple principle of wider locality to solve this problem. These are unorthodox predictions. The implications are that the ‘particle’ conceptual foundation of Quantum mechanics is invalid. The conventional disinterest in ‘hidden variable’ solutions is a consequence of over-reliance on a false-negative from Bell’s theorem. QM only applies at the level at which small pieces of matter look like point particles, and is invalid at smaller scales. Thus QM is not applicable to the double-slit device. Nonetheless its statistical mathematics are useful as measures of average outcomes, though not as specific predictions. Likewise the QM descriptive explanations are untrustworthy. QM only describes the average outcome. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 Quis es tu photon? . 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.2 Quo vadis, photon? 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.3 Explanation of fringes. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., WaveParticle Duality: a Proposed Resolution. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus optics: Part 2.1 Frequency. 2011. 169 Wider locality 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus optics: Part 2.2 Reflection. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus optics: Part 2.3 Refraction. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus matter: Part 3.2 Matter particuloids. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus matter: Part 3.3 Energy cycles within matter. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus matter: Part 3.4 Special states of matter. 2011. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J., Cordus matter: Part 3.5 Schrodinger’s Cat reconceptualised. 2011. 170 171 Matter particuloids Cordus matter Part 3.2 Pons, D.J. , 34 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Some of the most enigmatic effects in the physics of electrons are its waveparticle duality and the Aharonov-Bohm and Casimir effects. Even relatively core concepts of atomic physics, like spin and the Pauli exclusion principle, lack satisfactory descriptive explanations. This paper shows that application of the cordus principle can explain these effects in a coherent manner. Keywords: electron; wave-particle duality; Broglie frequency; matter wave spin; atomic bonding; de Edition 3 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_3.2Matter_E3.0.88.doc 1 Introduction While matter forms the tangible substance of our world, our understanding of it at the atomic level is far from complete. Conventional physics is based on the assumption that the constituent particles of matter are just that: zero-dimensional particles. Thus Quantum mechanics (QM) asserts that the properties of a particle, e.g. spin, are simply intrinsic, and that the fundamental reality for particles is probabilistic and described by a wavefunction. This is adequate for explaining many classes of effects. For example, the electron is known to pass through the double-slit device and QM has an adequate mathematical explanation for this. However in the same situation electrons are also observed behaving as waves, and this wave-particle duality is poorly explained by QM. The present paper extends the Cordus concept [1] to the electron and then to matter generally. It is shown that this yields an explanation for several electron effects, including wave-particle duality, Aharonov-Bohm effect, spin, a descriptive explanation of the Pauli exclusion principle, atomic bonding, and the Casimir effect. 2 Cordus model of the Electron Previous Cordus papers have explained how the photon could be a cordus rather than a single zero-dimensional point [1-3]. Electrons also make fringes, and therefore it is logical to extend the cordus concept to the 34 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 172 electron. This permits the apparent wave-particle duality of the electron to be explained. It also handily explains several other features of the electron, including the Pauli exclusion principle for orbitals. The following lemma extends cordus concepts to the electron. Lemma M.2 Electron M.2 Electron: The conjecture is that the electron itself consists of a type of cordus. M.2.1 The electron is another type of cordus (e-cordus) and has an efibril and e-hyff (electrical field). M.2.1.2 The fibril of an electron exerts a restoring force on the span. M.2.1.3 The electron's fibril is of similar functionality to that of the photon. M.2.1.4 The electron oscillates and appears at the end of its fibril (energised Electron End) at a frequency (approximately the de Broglie frequency). M.2.2 The e-cordus gives the electron two RE statistical mode locations where it can appear, and when the electron is bound to an atom, these appear as an orbital or energy shell around the nucleus. M.2.2.1 In this context a mode is an available location for a reactive end. While the cordus only has two REs, it may have more than two modes available to it, due to the space around it. M.2.2.2 If a cordus has multiple modes available to it, then the next one it uses will be determined by the hyff of other cordi in the environment. Thus cordi influence the location of each other. M.2.5 The energy shells are in quantum increments because they need to include whole frequency-cycles (wavelengths). M.2.5.1 At a deeper level, not that we need the explanation for present purposes, this is determined by the need for multiple standard gauges of assembly in the atom, see ‘Cordus in extremis’, competing with the need to maintain a CoFS state throughout the atom. M.2.6 Higher energy electrons have higher frequency. M.2.7 Higher energy electrons have shorter cordus span. M.2.8 The RE modes of an electron within an atom are shaped (not necessarily symmetrically) by the hyff of other electrons in the atom. M.2.9 continued below This lemma may be used to provide a Cordus explanation of several effects. Later it will be shown that other sub-atomic particles may also be represented as cordi. 2.1 Wave-particle duality of the electron The Cordus explanation is as for the photon [1]: the free unbound electron oscillates its appearance between its two reactive ends. Thus it is able to pass through two slits that are suitably spaced apart. The fibril passes 173 cleanly through the medulla between the slits, without interacting. Fringes arise similarly: the reactive ends have electromagnetic hyff, and thus engage with the edges of the slits in passing, generating forces, thereby incrementally deflecting the electron, and creating fringes. [3] 2.2 Aharonov-Bohm effect In the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect an enclosed magnet, one from which magnetic field cannot escape, changes the motion of an electron even though the particle passes through a magnetic-free region. The experiment involves a coherent source35 of electrons: one beam passes through the centre of a toroidal magnet and the other bypasses it; the electrons thereafter interfere to produce fringes at a biprism (wire with a positive charge);36 the fringes differ depending on whether or not the magnetic flux is confined to the magnet (as opposed to leaking into the hole). The conventional explanation involves use of vector electromagnetic potentials (in place of electromagnetic fields). Alternative explanations exist [12]. The significance of this effect is that the electron is affected by a condition (magnetic field) that is some distance away from it, and to which it does not have access. Thus the principle of locality seems to be compromised, as in the case of entanglement. The results are usually interpreted as evidence that QM's mathematical representations of electromagnetic potentials are not simply mathematical, but are real effects. The Cordus explanation of the Aharonov-Bohm effect is: one reactive-end of the electron cordus goes through the toroidal magnet, and the other goes past it; the reactive-end itself does not get into the toroid but its hyff do; the hyff penetrate the (thin) outer layer of the solenoid, and therefore are able to probe that space despite the electromagnetic barriers preventing the electron as a whole from entering; the hyff interact with the magnetic field and this causes a displacement force on the reactiveend; the wire of the biprism provides the edge-effect for the formation of fringes.37 Thus the AB effect, from the Cordus perspective, is another application of the Principle of Wider Locality [13]. 35 The quantum mechanics concept of a ‘coherent’ source of light or electrons is not accepted by Cordus, at least not as QM describes it. Instead Cordus explains this type of light source as reactive ends that have been split to go down two paths. 36 The fact that fringes in this case are associated with electromagnetic effects at the edges of objects, is consistent with the explanation for photon fringes (‘Cordus conjecture’), which are also edge effects. 37 The present working model is focussed on the reactive-end perspective, and it is possible that an alternative way of looking at it is that the fibril passes through and is disturbed by the magnetised region. 174 2.3 Electron configuration, Orbitals, Spin Electrons that are bound to atoms have specific configurations of shell, sub-shell, orbital, and spin. The standard perspective is that the energy levels for the electron are in quanta, i.e. discrete steps. These are explained as arising from the need for the levels to be spaced at whole numbers of the particle's wavelength, and Cordus is similar in this regard (M.2.5). Synchrotron radiation One of the difficulties with the classical model of the atom is that if an electron orbits round the nucleus, then it should emit a photon (synchrotron radiation) and collapse into the nucleus. Quantum mechanics partly solves this by providing orbitals in which there is only a probability of the electron appearing. However this is an incomplete solution as it does not explain how the electron gets from one location to another, and why it should not emit a photon while doing so. The Cordus interpretation is that the electron is not continuously in existence but appears and disappears at each of the ends of its fibril. When it is not in existence (dormant) then it does not have to emit synchrotron radiation. Furthermore, the position of those reactive-ends changes depending on the rest of the local environment of the atom and neighbouring atoms, because of the influence of the hyff of other electrons. The positions of the cordus correspond to the orbitals, i.e. the RE modes. Existing models of the orbitals suggest they are generally spherical or contain multiples of two modes (most likely locations). The two-ended nature of the cordus readily lends itself to this type of outcome. There is no actual ‘orbit’ in the continuous sense, and hence no radiation of a photon. This does not mean that the electron is stationary: only that it steps around its orbital, and moves invisibly between steps. When it has multiple modes accessible to it, then the choice is influenced by the hyff of surrounding electrons. (See also superconductivity below). However, when the electron is free of the atom and flowing en masse in a circular path then there is a small net rotation and translation of the whole e-cordus at each frequency cycle, and synchrotron radiation occurs there. Electron orbital shape Both QM and Cordus suggest that electrons are not orbiting balls. QM predicts that the shape of electron orbitals is not a circular orbit, but rather a shaped region of probable location. For example, the s orbital is spherical and has zero angular momentum, whereas the p orbital has polar modes. The higher orbitals are not necessarily symmetric. However all the orbitals have a bipolar shape, even if distorted. This is consistent with the cordus concept of an electron with two RE modes (M.2.2), where the modes are shaped (not necessarily symmetrically) by the other electrons in the atom (M.2.8) and molecule (M.3.5). 175 Note that higher energy electrons in an atom, will according to cordus, have shorter spans (and higher frequencies). They will therefore need to either be closer in to the nucleus, or arrayed around the outside. This is counterintuitive in that conventional models suggest higher energy electrons are further away from the nucleus. Spin angular momentum Particles, including the photon, are known to carry spin angular momentum. In classical mechanics angular momentum is rotation of a body around an axis. From the QM perspective, spin refers to a property of the particle, and it is quantised. QM believes it to be an intrinsic property, i.e. there is no internal structure nor any actual spinning about an axis. The spin for fermions (e.g. electrons, quarks) is in ½ units of spin. For bosons (e.g. photon) it is integer units. It is also known that the spin of a particle is functionally identical to angular momentum, as shown in the empirical Einstein–de Haas effect (electric current in a coil causes a magnet to rotate), and the complementary Barnett effect (an object becomes magnetised when spun). Trying to reconcile those is not easy, so spin is conventionally left as a disjoint concept: Classical mechanics can’t explain quantum spin, and Quantum mechanics can’t explain angular momentum of a particle. . Spin From the Cordus perspective there is significance in the magnitude of spin: it comes in discrete quanta of ±1/2 multiples of the reduced Planck's constant ħ = h/(2π), which is termed the spin quantum number. Why ½? Why not 1/3 or some other fraction? Cordus suggests that the ½ spin arises from a cordus with two rather than any other number of reactive ends. Each time the cordus re-energises, the next reactive end is 180o offset from the previous one, not 120o as would be for three REs. The implication is that the re-energisation of the cordus is functionally equivalent to a single reactive end that rotates in 180o increments. Cordus suggests that the conventional concept of spin confounds two similar but different effects: the frequency oscillation whereby the two reactive ends take turns at being energised, vs. the hyff (force field) that those REs emit. Thus the following clarifying lemmas. Lemma M.2 continued M.2.9 Spin is a compound concept and more usefully partitioned into different types, based on the underlying mechanics. M.2.9.1 Cordus-spin: Half-spin fermions (matter particles: electron & leptons, quarks, & composite particles) are cordus structures with two reactive ends. M. The re-energisation of the cordus is functionally equivalent to a single reactive end that rotates in 176 M. M.2.9.2 M.2.9.3 M. M. M.2.9.4 180o increments. This creates angular momentum. The whole photon cordus can rotate in roll about its flight a axis. Thus a photon may have either leftor right-handed circular-polarisation: neither more nor less states than two. Reactive-end spin: Half-spin fermions can share locations of their REs providing they are in complementary frequency states. Specifically, two electrons can be in the same location, including an orbital, providing they have opposite spin. Hyff-spin: Integer-spin (±1) bosons have two variants. The elementary type are what Cordus calls hyff, and contribute to the Cordus theory of fields. These are what QM calls virtual particles. Multiple hyff force fields can share the same space. Atoms with full orbitals, e.g. helium-4, have integer spin overall. This only means that they have zero net angular momentum. The photon (but not the virtual photon, which is covered by M.2.9.3)38 is an exception in that it has elements of multiple spin behaviours. This is an artefact of the way compound-spin is defined. Thus plain ‘spin’ is an overloaded concept that should not be used without clarification. It primarily refers to the number of reactive ends in the cordus, and secondly to the ability of cordi and hyff to share space. Thus spin refers to the frequency model of the particuloid. Pauli exclusion principle The Pauli exclusion principle is that electrons (and protons, neutrons, and fermions in general) must have opposite spin if they are to occupy the same space. In contrast the photon (and bosons in general) have integer spin and can co-locate. From the Cordus perspective, this is covered by M.2.9.2: the exclusion principle represents the fact that each orbital in the atom can be filled with only two electrons (no more), and these electrons must have opposite spin. The cordus explanation for the Pauli exclusion principle is straightforward: the electron cordus has two ends, only one of which is fully energised at any one time, and two such cordi can co-habit, providing they are in different phases. They achieve this by making complementary frequency state synchronisations (CoFS), mediated through their hyff.39 Cordus 38 The photon and the ‘virtual photon’ are very different structures according to Cordus: the photon is a cordus, whereas the virtual photon is just the hyff component of the cordus. Cordus questions the validity of the term ‘virtual photon’ since it implies a particle. 39 This is a stable configuration for the electron because it means that when it is dormant or out of its second mode then another electron is looking 177 further suggests that these pairs of electrons are entangled, i.e. they are actively influencing each other. The hyff are never completely off, except momentarily, so the two electrons can affect each other’s location and frequency states. 2.4 Atomic bonding The cordus idea extends to explain how bonds operate between atoms. Each orbital around an atom has two modes (locations) and requires two full-time-equivalent electrons to fill. However a electron does not have to be dedicated to the atom: it may be part-time, with only one cordus-end in the atom under consideration, and the other in a neighbouring atom. Doing this creates a bond between the atoms. As every electron has two cordus reactive-ends, it therefore has two possible RE mode locations. Cordus suggests that the ability of the electron cordus to have one end associated with one atom and the other end with a different atom is the underlying mechanism for all bonding between atoms. See M.3.1 below. Multiple electrons can therefore bind (M.3.2) a series of atoms together into larger molecules, providing the atoms are sufficiently close that a geometrically suitable orbital can be offered to the valence electron (M.3.3). Cordus does not specify whether or not, within one atom, all the electron cordus-states are synchronised to just two complementary states, for all orbitals: i.e. whether the atom as a whole is in a CoFS state. Presumably it is, at least to some extent, since the relationships between the inner electrons and the nucleus would seem likely to impose constraints on the outer electrons (M.2.8). Regardless, the bonds between atoms will presumably propagate synchronisation across at least the orbitals involved (M.3.4), and this means into other atoms in the molecule. Thus to some extent the molecule as a whole will be in an entangled state. Thus cordus predicts rapid transmission of information within a molecule. These concepts are summarised in the following lemma. Lemma M.3 Electron-mediated covalent bonds M.3 Covalent bonds M.3.1 Electron covalent bonds are created when one end of the electron cordus is in a different atom. M.3.1.1 A covalent bond is effectively a shaped orbital, but between two atoms rather than only inside one. M.3.2 The electron cordus is elastic and can exert force that keeps the ends from separating, i.e. generates a force that bonds the atoms together. (The photon may not have this capability). after the mode. The two electrons guard each other’s modes, and this strengthens their ability to resist disruption by hyff from other electrons within the atom and externally, hence the stability, and lower chemical reactivity. 178 M.3.3 Suitable geometric arrangement of the atoms is necessary for bonding to occur: the valence electron needs to have access to an orbital that is sufficiently within the constraints imposed by its span, and therefore by its energy. Electron energy, span, available orbitals, and geometric spacing are therefore bonding factors. M.3.4 Electrons that are shared between atoms are in CoFS states with both atoms. M.3.5 Covalent bonds within the molecule distort the shapes of the electron orbitals. Electron bonds have some strength. This is presumed due to the restoring force of the fibril. When the span is increased, i.e. two reactive-ends of the electron are separated, then the fibril (or the hyff) exert a force that brings them closer together (M.2.1.2). However the restoring force does not close the span completely, but only keeps it within some range of defaultspan. Free electrons have a default span inversely proportional to their frequency (see M.2.7) [5].40 Ionic bonds are electrostatic attraction effects, caused by the metal having less affinity for its electron than the non-metal. Van der Waals force may be caused by the hyff of electrons protruding beyond their orbitals, especially when existing covalent bonds within the molecule distort the electron orbitals (M.3.5) and thus cause polarisation effects. Casimir effect The Casimir effect is a closing force between two conductive plates that are close together. The effect also occurs in a vacuum, i.e. when there is no intervening matter. The conventional explanation is that electromagnetic quantum fluctuations occur around the plates, but those in a narrow gap are weaker than outside, so a force arises pushing the plates together, i.e. a type of pressure effect. The Cordus explanation for the Casimir effect is that the plates are so close that some electrons have a reactive end in each plate, and thus their fibrils exert a closing force, just as in any other electron bonding situation. The Casimir effect requires that the plates be conductive, and Cordus interprets this as necessary for the provision of mobile electrons. According to Cordus it is the way the electron hyff are free-ranging that causes the effect, which in turn depends on the material properties (which can be manipulated). The cordus explanation is similar for the Jospehson effect, where electrons can cross a thin insulating barrier. 40 However the span in a bonded situation is different: any span-deviance is accommodated by loaned energy from the other electron, via a small phase difference in the complementary synchronisation. See also the Level of Assembly concept in ‘Cordus in extremis’. 179 3 Application to matter generally de Broglie equations The de Broglie equations [14-15] describe the wavelength of matter: (a) Wavelength λ = h/p, i.e. is inversely proportional to momentum p, and (b) frequency f =E/h with kinetic energy E, and Planck's constant h. This wavelength is for moving particles. Such a particle appears to behave as a wave in its ability to diffract into fringes at gaps or double-slits. For example, electrons form fringes in the double-slit experiment. From a classical perspective this is unexpected behaviour for a 'particle', and the usual explanations are that the particle behaved as a wave with the de Broglie frequency. Quantum superposition of states and probability theory is another explanation. The de Broglie equations imply that a particle at rest does not have a wavelength or frequency. Curiously, the direction of the frequency is ambiguous. The same problem was encountered with frequency in the case of light waves and photons (ref. Cordus Conjecture). The quantum perspective is a wave-packet interpretation: that the particle is a travelling packet of waves. This conveniently also provides an explanation of a sort for Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. However the wave packet idea introduces issues of its own, namely the need for not one but many frequencies to make up the packet. What does the de Broglie frequency correspond to in a wave packet? What does ‘frequency’ correspond to in a particle, and to what do all the wavefuntion frequencies physically correspond? To those existential questions quantum mechanics has no answer other than the mantra that there is nothing deeper, not any internal variables, but that the mathematics is the reality. Cordus frequency for a particuloid The Cordus perspective is that all fermion matter ‘particles’ are cordi (M.2.9.1), and oscillate their appearance at the ends of their span. This readily accommodates the idea that matter has a frequency. Cordus goes further than de Broglie to state that matter has a frequency even at rest. The Cordus and de Broglie concepts of frequency are very different, and should not be confused. 41 The cordus frequency concept is further developed in the following lemma. Lemma M.4 Matter This lemma extends cordus concepts to matter generally. M.4 Cordus matter 41 The cordus frequency is not the same as the de Broglie frequency. Cordus frequency applies to all particuloids, whether or not they are moving, whereas de Broglie only applies to moving particles. Cordus does not have a specific frequency for moving particles, but instead includes a motion effect on frequency in ‘Cordus in extremis’. 180 M.4.1 All particles including the electron, proton, neutron, and quarks, may be represented as cordi. Thus they have a fibril, reactive ends, and hyff of some type. M.4.2 The cordi oscillate with a frequency. This means that matter does not exist as single-point particles that are continuously in existence. Instead matter oscillates its appearance at either end of the cordus span. The cordus frequency is tentatively assumed to be the de Broglie frequency. M.4.3 The direction of frequency oscillation represents a polarisation variable. It is assumed to generally be transverse to the direction of particle velocity, but not exclusively so. M.4.3 The cordus frequency exists even when the particle is not moving. M.4.4 The larger the mass the higher the frequency. M.4.5 The higher the frequency the shorter the span. M.4.6 Bonds, e.g. those between protons and neutrons, and also those between atoms, carry forces that can synchronise the phase of particles with compatible frequencies, hence coherence.42 M.4.7 Increased kinetic energy of the particle causes increased frequency.43 M.4.8 Temperature does not apply to a single particle, but to aggregates of matter, being the vibrational energy stored in the bonds between atoms (phonons), in turn caused by electrons in stretched orbital modes. M.4.9 Assemblies of particles, e.g. molecules and bodies, generally do not have an observable overall body cordus frequency, unless they are brought into a state of coherence. Matter waves The 'matter wave' phenomenon is explained as a cordus particuloid with velocity. The oscillation is transverse to the velocity. Heavier cordus particles have higher frequency and shorter span. Hence a microscope using electrons has greater resolution than one using photons. The moving cordus particle has hyff and these engage with the edges of gaps and cause quantum angular deflection of that reactive end, hence fringes. See also ‘Wave particle duality of the electron’ above, and 'Large-body matterwaves' below. From the Cordus perspective the phenomenon is not really a 'matter wave' but only looks like a 'wave' because the fringes happen to also follow wave mathematics. What is the diameter of a particle? Physics has several interpretations for what a particle consists of. Mathematically it is treated as a zero-dimensional point source, without internal structure. At other times it is considered to be a sphere. And at 42 When the internal coherency fails, the atom decays. 43 This lemma is included for consistency with de Broglie's equation. However it is not immediately needed, and the mechanism is unclear. An in extremis speculation is that the motion of a particuloid may cause the span to realign normal to the direction of motion, and that the effect is dependent on mass (hence momentum). 181 yet other times it is considered to be made up of further zero-dimensional points. For example, the proton has three quarks (UUD) held together by gluons. The general premise is that a particle is a stable aggregate of one or more semi-permanently existing sub-particles, hence that it is meaningful to ask questions like ‘what is the diameter of the particle, e.g. proton?’ From a cordus perspective this is an invalid question: it is not meaningful to talk about the diameter of say a proton, as if it had a hard surface. From the Cordus perspective the elementary particle, e.g. photon or electron, is not a sphere in the first place, but rather a three dimensional rod-like structure (or multiple rods), with fuzzy ends too. Nor does it permanently exist in one location, but instead oscillates its existence at its reactive ends. Cordus suggests that the zone of influence of the particle extends well beyond its geometric modes. The proton is likely to have hyff that create a zone of influence: this may be somewhat diffuse, perhaps shaped, and the outer zone may be considerably larger (though weaker) than commonly perceived. Existing methods of attempting to measure the ‘diameter’ of the proton involving measuring its interaction with electrons, either in bonding situations or impact-scattering. From a Cordus perspective these experiments are measuring the average interaction geometry of the electron and proton, not a physical diameter. It is natural to call this the ‘diameter’ of the proton, but that really is only an interpretation based on the a priori assumption that a particle should be a sphere of charge. Cordus further suggests that the measurement is dependent on the probing particle. This is consistent with the observation that the diameter of the proton is measured to be smaller when the muon is used as the probing particle.44 Any cordus particuloid, the proton in this case, adjusts its span depending on the other particuloid it needs to interact (bond) with. Thus the effective interaction geometry depends on the participants in the interaction, and presumably their energies too. There is no solid physical diameter for a particuloid. Cordus predicts that a proton will have many ‘diameters’ depending on what interaction is being measured, and the nature of the probe. So it does not make sense to think of a particle as a sedate, stable, solid, in-one-place, well-defined sphere (of mass or charge), as if it were a planet. It is more like a moving cracking whip. Cordus suggests that composite ‘particles’, e.g. the nucleus as a whole and the individual proton, have complex interactions within, as the multiple internal cordi all seek their place to exist. Furthermore, as the photon cordus relates in some way to that of the electron, so it seems possible that other sub- 44 The proton would be expected to be slightly heavier in this case, see ‘Cordus in extremis’. 182 atomic cordi-particuloids could also be comprised of yet smaller cordi interacting in various ways. It is not meaningful, from the Cordus perspective, to perceive the atom as hard little balls orbiting around a nucleus made of compacted other balls, as shown in the popular symbol for the atom. 4 Conclusions Some of the most enigmatic effects in physics have been wave-particle duality generally, and in the case of the electron specifically, the Aharonov-Bohm effect, and the Casimir effect. Even relatively core concepts of atomic physics, like spin and the Pauli exclusion principle, have not previous had satisfactory descriptive explanations. The conceptual contribution of Cordus is that it provides explanations for these effects. Moreover, these explanations are consistent with its explanations in other areas, as the companion papers show, so the emergent model has a high degree of coherence. This paper has provided a re-conceptualisation of the electron. It is implied that the same principles apply to matter generally. The better understanding of the electron that emerges from this paper is useful in developing a model of other electron functions, particularly its interaction with the photon, the energy cycles and entropy within matter, explanations of superfluidity and superconductivity, and ultimately an understanding of why quantum mechanics does not scale up to macroscopic objects. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Quis es tu photon? Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 viXra 1104.0016, 1-8 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Quo vadis, photon? Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.2 viXra 1104.0017, 1-22 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Explanation of fringes. Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.3 viXra 1104.0018, 1-18 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) WaveParticle Duality: a Proposed Resolution. viXra 1106.0027, 1-18 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Frequency. Cordus optics: Part 2.1 viXra 1104.0019, 1-10 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Reflection. Cordus optics: Part 2.2 viXra 1104.0020, 1-10 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Refraction. Cordus optics: Part 2.3 viXra 1104.0021, 1-11 DOI: 183 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Matter particuloids. Cordus matter: Part 3.2 viXra 1104.0023, 1-12 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Energy cycles within matter. Cordus matter: Part 3.3 viXra 1104.0024, 1-7 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Special states of matter. Cordus matter: Part 3.4 viXra 1104.0025, 1-12 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Schrodinger’s Cat reconceptualised. Cordus matter: Part 3.5 viXra 1104.0026, 1-10 DOI: Yamada, M., Unriddling the Aharonov-Bohm effect. Il Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996), 1987. 98(2): p. 205-210. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Wider Locality. Cordus matter: Part 3.1 viXra 1104.0022, 1-7 DOI: de Broglie, L., Recherches sur la théorie des quanta (Researches on the quantum theory). Annales de Physique., 1925. 3(10). de Broglie, L., The wave nature of the electron, in Nobel Lecture. 1929, Nobel Prize in Physics. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Quarks. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 viXra 1104.0030, 1-15 DOI: 184 Matter particuloids 185 Energy cycles within matter Cordus matter: Part 3.3 Pons, D.J. , 45 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract The interaction of light with electrons is one of the fundamental perceptual realities of what we see. Yet that interaction is only partly understood. Cordus concepts are applied to develop a descriptive model of the mechanisms whereby photons are absorbed into electrons and emitted. From the Cordus perspective, the temperature of a body is primarily a measure of its phonons (lattice-vibrations). Cordus shows why entropy occurs, despite the individual mechanisms being reversible. An understanding of the mechanisms for entropy is relevant to the understanding of coherence, superfluidity and superconductivity. Cordus suggests that a failure to adequately conceptualise entropy leads to misapplication of coherence and ultimately to unreliability in the premise of superposition. Keywords: absorbance; emission; photon; electron; entropy Changed matter waves to include level of assembly predictions. Revision 2.10 Document: Pons_Cordus_3.1Locality_E2.10.85.doc 1 Introduction The starting focus of this set of papers was the behaviour of the photon, and the loci it takes. However the photon is only the specialist flight-mode of a larger energy cycle, which we term the life-cycle of the photon. The electron is the primary device for capturing and emitting these photons. Photons generally start as energy within matter, are ejected, fly free for a while, and are then reabsorbed into other matter. Photons are therefore a way for matter to transfer energy to other matter. Thus light is a distribution and energy-rebalancing mechanism for matter. Photons do not exist as identifiable entities within matter: their energy is spread into it. There is therefore a life-cycle for the photon. Understanding this could help better understand the photon. This paper, which is part 3 in a series on matter, explores emission and absorbance of light from the perspective of the Cordus conjecture. Also, there is the problem of entropy to deal with. Where does the inelasticity occur in the life-cycle of the photon? What is the relationship between photon and heat? Such questions on the interaction of light and matter are addressed by quantum electrodynamics (QED). Even so, quantum mechanics struggles to explain how entropy arises: it interprets 45 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 186 Energy cycles quantum phenomena as superposition and therefore that the matter is in coherence, and expects that all macroscopic bodies should also show coherence and superposition. Which they do not, much to the chagrin of quantum mechanics. Thus, from the QM perspective ‘there is no conclusive evidence about how the classical world appears’.46 Extension of the Cordus conjecture suggests other novel ways of looking at the problem. 2 Cordus model for photon absorption The mechanism for absorption of a photon into matter is uncertain. The general interpretation of physics is that photons are absorbed into electrons. Absorption is not an instant event - it requires some depth to the material and mass density is one of the factors though known to be non-linear (Beer-Lambert law). It is known that the process may be saturated, i.e. dependent on the light intensity - explained as atoms being excited into upper energy states quicker than they can decay. Also, the fine-structure constant is (among other things) a constant for the interaction between electrons and photons. High energy photons (Compton scattering) It is possible for the electron to absorb only part of the energy of the photon, and send the photon on its way with lower energy (hence frequency), as Compton scattering shows. In this effect a high energy photon, e.g. X-ray, collides with an electron, and bounces off. The photon exits with lower energy (lower frequency) on a deflected path, the change in frequency being related to the angular deflection of the exiting photon.47 The electron is physically displaced and may be ejected from the atom. The effect, or at least the equations thereof, are based on the conservation of energy and momentum, and the assumption that the photon has momentum. The Compton effect is generally accepted as evidence for the particle nature of photons, and hence also quantum theory. In principle the process may be at least partially reversible, since the inverse also occurs, where low energy photons may be energised to higher frequencies by interaction with energetic electrons. The Compton effect only occurs for high-energy photons such as X-rays. There are two output variables in the Compton effect: the angle of deflection and the frequency of the leaving photon. Though related by an equation, neither variable can be directly controlled. So what is the independent variable and how does the effect work? Cordus suggests that the photon cordus comes close to that of the electron; the frequencies are too asynchronous to readily permit their joining (absorption), however their hyff affect each other; the hyff exert forces between the cordi even if they are near misses; at comparable frequencies the second reactive end 46 1. Anastopoulos, C., Frequently asked questions about decoherence. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, (2002). 41(8): p. 1573-1590. 47 However it may be that the photon is not partly absorbed, but rather totally absorbed and a new photon emitted. 187 Energy cycles will experience a similar force to the first. Consequently both ends of the photon are deflected, rather than one just being delayed. The angular deflection occurs depending on the positional and angular alignment, and the phase differences between photon and electron cordi. If the electron is not quick enough to move, then it gives the energy back to the photon, which continues on a deflected path with no change in frequency. Mid energy interactions Mid energy photons also interact with electrons, in the photoelectric effect. In this case the photon is absorbed completely, and the electron is moved to a higher orbital band, or emitted from the atom. The effect is dependent on the frequency (not the light intensity), and for a given substrate requires a minimum threshold frequency of the incident photons. Electrons appear to require a minimum quantum of energy to be released: any excess is converted to kinetic energy. Light intensity determines the number of electrons emitted (current), not their energy (voltage). The Cordus explanation of absorption is as follows: the incoming photon comes close to the electron orbital; the hyff of the photon connect to those of the electron; the two fibrils join; the energy of the photon is added to that of the electron. If there is sufficient energy in the photon to make up the requirement for the next energy quantum shell, then the electron will appear at that higher position at its next frequency cycle. Now that the electron has more energy it will have faster frequency too, and shorter span, and can therefore dance around the slower moving electrons. However, with sufficient energy, the electron-to-nucleus bond is overloaded and the electron escapes entirely from the atom (photoelectric effect). If there is not enough to bridge the gap in the first place, or leftover energy, then it goes into heat, i.e. vibration of the lattice, or phonons. Having absorbed a photon, the electron can also emit a new one, which does not have to be the same frequency. This gives rise to the effect we perceive as colour of an object. The absorption effect is dependent on frequency of the photon. If the incident light is 'white', i.e. made up of many frequencies, then photons of some frequencies may be absorbed and others left to transmit through. Thus a body may be opaque to some frequencies and transparent to others. If it is light, then the exit light has a particular colour corresponding to the frequencies not absorbed. We conclude that the energy of a photon can be partly changed, i.e. the quantum is not strictly fixed.48 The hyff pump energy into and out of the cordus (photon or electron), as per the concept of passing observation (ref. ‘Cordus Conjecture’). 48 The term ‘quantum’ is a good one for the energy levels of the electron orbitals in an atom (see M.2.5) because these are set quantitative increments, albeit non-uniform. However the ‘quantum’ word has been indiscriminately, even if enthusiastically, applied to just about everything, and now confounds several effects. We use ‘quantum’ in the original sense of set intervals, and otherwise use the word ‘granular’ for fine-scaled discontinuous phenomena. 188 Energy cycles 3 Recycling the energy: reversibility, elasticity, entropy Energy from incoming photons is distributed into the receiving electron system in several ways: boosts the energy level of the electron (quantum shell-increment); ejection of the electron with kinetic energy; displacement of free electrons (plasmons); and vibrational strain between the electrons making up the inter-atomic bonds (phonons). The latter energy fragment is distributed to the bulk by vibration, hence conduction or phonons. That vibration is diluted as it is spread to further atoms. While it is theoretically possible to reassemble the heat fragments and recreate the photon, e.g. the thermionic effect, this is impractical as a spontaneous event as the heat is spread too far away into the bulk of the matter. Phonons, heat, and temperature In thermodynamics, heat is the energy transferred from one body to another. The nature of that energy is generally left unspecified, so ‘heat’ has many meanings. The cordus perspective suggests that ‘heat’ can be differentiated into radiation heat, for which the mechanism is photon transfer, and conductive heat, which uses phonons. Thus what we perceive as conductive heat is the movement of phonon vibrations between atoms in a bulk, and Temperature is the measure of the severity of the phonons. This is why there is an absolute zero temperature: it is simply when all phonon motions cease. It is also why light does not have a ‘temperature’: light is different to phonons. The concept of phonons is readily understandable as vibrations in the lattice of solids. However liquids, and especially gases, do not have crystalline structures, but they do have conductive heat, so how do phonons apply there? The cordus perspective is that the e-hyff are able to communicate force and thus move neighbouring atoms, even if they are not formally bonded together. This also results in the Brownian motion of gases. In a gas with many atoms (or molecules), the position of each atom is determined by the hyff (in different phases) from many other atoms, and this results in disorderly systems. This is not to say that the systems are inherently disorderly or probabilistic. Instead the underlying mechanics is deterministic, but the complexity rises so quickly with the number of participating atoms, that the system behaviour is practically disorderly because it is too difficult to predict. From a Cordus perspective, temperature is phonons, i.e. the relative motion between atoms, transmitted through the electron bonds. However the frequency of the electron cordus is intrinsic energy, and is not the same as temperature. The two are different forms of energy. Hence in the photovoltaic effect, the energy of the released electron is determined by 189 Energy cycles the frequency of the incident photon, not the temperature of the substrate. Thus higher temperature increases the number and magnitude of phonons, and thereby adds to the disorderly regime within the material. Phonons and electron-modes affect each other. Effectively a phonon is a temporary displacement of one RE mode of the electron from its preferred position. Energy can be transferred between phonons and electrons, and again between electrons and photons. Thus electrons are the mediator for both conductive heat (phonons) and radiation energy (photons), and can transfer energy between the two forms of energy, albeit with some dilution losses on the way. In summary temperature is a matter property determined by phonons. This also implies that the conventional term ‘heat’ is unhelpful as it fails to distinguish between multiple phenomena. Entropy Taken together, the implication is that an atom that has surplus energy can dispense it in five main forms: electron orbital change (including bonding), electron ejection, photon ejection, electron flow (plasmons), and phonon propagation. If phonons, then another atom some distance away receive some of the energy and will likewise use what it can and dispense with the rest. That remote atom might emit a photon for example. Even if that photon was sent straight back to the original atom (which is not generally the case), there would still be less energy in the feedback loop because of the phonon dilution in the bulk, and the time required for the photon flight. Thus the individual mechanisms are all reversible (elastic), but the system as a whole is not, and we suggest this is what creates entropy. Both photons and phonons tend to be dispersed out into the surrounding space or material (respectively), and this dilution of the original energy is the primary mechanism for thermodynamic irreversibility and entropy. The geometric and micro-structural complexity of the matter accessible to the photons and phonons introduces so many dilution paths that it is extremely unlikely that the energy fragments will spontaneously recombine. Geometric separation is another contributory factor: when the matter separates or radiates photons across space, then the dilution is further increased and the number of paths reduced by which the energy can come back together. The enormous radiative loss of photons from stars contributes to entropy, because that energy cannot realistically all be recovered after it has travelled billions of years and stopped in our eye, and even if it were reflected back it would be more billions of years to travel back.49 In the meantime space expands, which adds to the delay. The expansion of space in the universe contributes to entropy. 49 As the next bracket of papers, ‘Cordus in extremis’ shows, that smoothing out of energy means that the fabric of the vacuum is relatively smooth, and the fabric determines time at the local sub-atomic level. Thus in a way entropy is linked to the consistency of the universe and the mechanisms whereby space and time operate. 190 Energy cycles Separation causes the photon to arrive late, the more so if it involves transmission through denser material. Thus the energy is not delivered at the time it might have been, but is instead postponed into the future, i.e. an arrow of time. If that postponement is indefinite, it takes energy out of the system. This is another barrier to recombining the original energy, and thus another contribution to entropy. 4 Photon Emission From the Cordus perspective, photon emission is a reversal of the absorption process. It starts with the electron being in an energised state due to other energy input. If there is an unfilled lower energy vacancy then the e-fibril is drawn to that space by the lack of hyff emanating from that location. At the next frequency cycle the RE switches its mode to terminate at that inner vacancy, and the electron now appears there. This releases a photon containing the surplus energy. The size of the energy fragment corresponds to the separation of the energy shells, and this is also associated with the frequency. Hence the frequency (wavelength) of the emitted light depends on the change in orbitals. Assuming that multiple atoms in a material generally do not synchronise their electron frequencies, so each atom will emit a photon when it is appropriate for it to do so, and the resulting photons will not be in phase with each other, though they could be the same frequency. Special case: stimulated emission In stimulated emission, the incoming photon triggers an electron to drop energy level and emit another photon. The original photon survives: it engages with the electron only in passing. The new photon has the same kinetic properties: frequency, phase, polarisation, and also direction of travel. If there are other atoms in a similar state of readiness then they too may be triggered to release photons, and the cumulative effect is the laser. The Cordus explanation is that the interactions are of the passing type: that the hyff attract (repel) the roving electron to align with the photon cordus, and then precipitate emission of the second photon. The alignment causes the second photon to have the same phase, polarisation, and direction of travel as the first. It is a dynamic, on-the-spot form of CoFS. It is presumed that for the passing interaction to have no consequence on the flight of the first photon, that the electron must require negligible energy to change states. In turn this means that the electron’s surplus energy available to put into the second photon must closely match that of the incoming photon. Thus the composition of the medium determine its electron properties and thus frequency of emitted light. From a Cordus perspective, the second photon is not necessarily emitted from the same space as the incoming one: it may be offset laterally or axially. 191 Energy cycles 5 Conclusions The interaction of light with electrons is one of the fundamental perceptual realities of what we see. Yet that interaction is only partly understood. Applying the Cordus concept allows a better description of the mechanisms whereby photons are absorbed into electrons and emitted. The model also provides an explanation of how the irreversibility occurs in physical systems, because conventional physics tends to provide elastic interactions between atoms. From the Cordus perspective, the temperature of a body is primarily a measure of its phonons (latticevibrations). Cordus shows why entropy occurs, despite the individual mechanisms being reversible. An understanding of the mechanisms for entropy is important in the next paper (part 4) which deals with special states of matter. It is shown that the conditions for superfluidity and superconductivity are effectively lowentropy states, where the phonon transmission is suppressed. This is also relevant to the understanding of coherence. Cordus suggests that a failure to adequately conceptualise entropy leads to misapplication of coherence and ultimately to unreliability in the fundamental premise of superposition that underpins quantum mechanics. The cordus re-conceptualisation of entropy might seem basic and almost self-evident in hindsight, but it is a core concept in understanding why QM does not scale up to the macroscopic world. It is the Achilles heel of Quantum mechanics. 192 Energy cycles 193 Special states of matter Cordus matter: Part 3.4 Pons, D.J. , 50 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract The Cordus principle of complementary frequency states (CoFS) is used to develop a novel descriptive model for the mechanisms underlying superfluidity and superconductivity. In both cases Cordus explains the effects as synchronisation of forces between electrons and atoms. Several associated effects are likewise explained, including quantum vortices, heat conduction in superfluids, and the Meissner effect in superconductors. Cordus also asserts that superposition does not exist, at least not the way QM conceptualises it. In particular, that the mathematics of superposition and the wavefunction are not the reality, only mathematical approximations of deeper effects, and are unreliable qualitative descriptors of those underlying mechanisms. The concept of ‘coherence’ is reconceptualised and the reasons why that state cannot be readily achieved are discussed. Cordus also explains why Quantum mechanics, which seems to apply at the level of individual particles, does not scale up to macroscopic bodies. Keywords: superfluid; superconductivity; Meissner; superposition; coherence; hyff; Josephson; quantum vortex; entropy; scale Revision 2.10 Document: Pons_Cordus_3.4SpecialMatter_E2.10.85.doc 1 Introduction The cordus concept was originally created as a test solution for photon path dilemmas, but has been shown to provide insights about a much wider range of effects. This paper provides a cordus interpretation of several special states of matter: superposition, coherence, superfluidity, and superconductivity. The treatment of these topics is conceptual and descriptive, as opposed to the mathematical approach more conventionally used. This particular paper is fourth in a series that apply the Cordus conjecture to matter. The first part explained entanglement, debunked Bell’s theorem, and proposed a new principle of locality. The second showed how the electron, and indeed matter generally, could have a cordus structure. The third re-conceptualised entropy and showed why interactions that were individually elastic at the atomic level nonetheless created entropy at the level of the body as a whole. Those concepts are all foundational to the present paper, particularly the models for the electron and entropy. 50 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 194 2 Superposition Superposition from the perspective of Quantum mechanics (QM) is that a particle occupies all possible quantum states simultaneously, and only collapses to one when the variable is measured. According to QM it is only probability that drives this, there is no underlying variable. From the Cordus perspective, superposition is simply that the cordus particuloid is actually physically oscillating between two positions. These positions are the reactive ends at the end of the span. The cordus particle (e.g. photon cordus) collapses to one of these ends when it is grounded (L.2.2). The QM and Cordus perspectives predict a similar overall effect, but their explanations are very different. Cordus is particular about the type of observation (L.3.5) and identifies this as an important variable. Cordus does not support the concept of superposition in terms of statistical indeterminacy as QM perceives it, but instead states that the location of the particuloid alternates according to underlying deterministic physical mechanics, and the probabilistic nature only emerges because the observer inserts indeterminacy by selecting, even inadvertently, the moment to make the measurement, and therefore the frequency state of the cordus and ultimately the position at which it will be found. Thus from the Cordus perspective, the perception of probability is only an artefact caused by measurement-timing and epistemic uncertainty about the underlying mechanisms. The underlying mechanisms are effectively deterministic, and only look probabilistic because QM's mathematics only go as far as averages. The probability is therefore not the reality, and superposition is not a state in itself but simply a consequence of the mathematics being unable to determine the state. Furthermore, Cordus suggests that Superposition confounds two different effects: positional and causal variability. Positional variability corresponds to the cordus modes of the two reactive ends: there is positional ambiguity in where the particuloid actually ‘is’ at any one moment. However only one end is actually reactive, it is just that if the measurement frequency is not high enough then it appears that the particuloid is simultaneously in both positions. QM’s concept of superposition strictly only applies to this positional variability, and even then is only approximate as it’s statistical methods can only work with average position. Causal variability is multiple consequences in time, i.e. divergent system states. Consider an event that has two possible outcomes, A or B. Once either of these states occurs, then there are say two more outcomes: A1 or A2 for the A path of the tree, and B1 or B2 for the B branch. Thus after time the system state has diverged into various outcomes, hence ‘causal 195 variability’. Quantum mechanics routinely assumes that causal variability necessarily occurs with positional variability. Thus the QM thinking goes something like this: ‘the particle is in two places at once, but the choice of which has not yet been made. There are subsequent events <notice the insertion of a time and causality premise here> the outcome of which will depend on which location the particle chooses. Therefore those subsequent events are also in superposition, i.e. exist simultaneously’. Therefore the object or person <notice the insertion of a premise of coherence here> in question will simultaneously be in several states, i.e. in different futures.’ From there it is a very short logical step to the idea of a separate universe, one for every causal outcome of every superposition states, hence the ‘many worlds’ theory. The combinatorial branching on that tree of universes must be enormous if every superposition of every quark for all of time, is to be accommodated. It is currently one of the favourite contenders for a qualitative description of how QM works, but from a logical perspective it creates more problems than it solves, and is hardly parsimonious or even physical. Cordus cuts this whole idea off at the root. It asserts that that causal variability does not occur in the situation. According to cordus thinking, quantum mechanics makes the mistake of assuming that causal variability occurs with positional variability. Thus from the cordus perspective, a particuloid that oscillates between two reactive ends (modes) does not have dual futures. The confounding of these two types of variability drives the paradox of Schrodinger’s Cat, as will be shown. Thus superposition is an adequate mathematical representation of the uncertain in average position of the reactive ends, but an unreliable qualitative description of what is actually happening, and altogether not applicable to causal variability. Consequently, cordus rejects the way superposition is conceptualised in QM, and asserts that it does not occur for macroscopic physical bodies, including cats. The next section explains the fallacy of ‘easy coherence’, which is another unreliable premise in QM, and commonly associated with the superposition problem. 3 Coherence From the QM perspective coherence is the ability for particles to interfere. It is a fundamental requirement for many quantum effects, because it is the premise that underpins superposition. If light or matter becomes decoherent then interference is absent. However QM struggles to explain why macroscopic objects are not coherent, and where classical behaviour originates. Hence the scaling problem below. The Cordus interpretation is different. First, Cordus rejects the conventional concept of interference as a physical effect, though still 196 accepting it as a generally-adequate mathematical analogy. Cordus suggests that separate particles, including photons, do not interfere or cancel each other, and nor is interference is the mechanism for effects such as fringes. Body coherence Coherence, from the Cordus perspective, is when all the cordus particuloids, which may be photons, electrons, protons, and possibly atoms & molecules, etc., have synchronised frequencies and phases thereof, i.e. a form of complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). The bonds between any cordus particles are hyff and carry forces that synchronise the cordus frequency and phase of particuloids, providing the frequencies are compatible. We term this ‘body coherence’. For photons in light beams, where the bonds are weak if they exist at all, the coherence may be mainly temporal and coincidental. Cordus predicts that body coherence requires a sufficiently stiff structure: one where the bonds between particles and atoms are firm and able to sustain the synchronicity. From this perspective coherence becomes difficult to sustain when one part of the body goes in a different direction, e.g. internal motion or flows. Internal inhomogeneity increases entropy. Apparently it is not impossible to achieve synchronicity, as superfluidity shows. However that effect occurs under constraints of homogeneity of material and low temperature. Coherence is therefore not practical for realistic every-day bodies: there is too much temperature (phonons) and diversity of atomic composition. Cordus predicts it will be impractical to achieve coherence for macroscopic bodies at ambient conditions. It is particularly incompatible with living creatures. These bodies cannot practically be put into coherence, nor for that matter into superposition. Single cordus particles, such as electrons, are self-coherent under any conditions. Assemblies such as atoms and molecules are not necessarily self-coherent, but may be brought into coherence (M.4.6). Large-body matter-waves A popular idea in conventional physics is that even large bodies, such as motor cars, have a de Broglie frequency and should therefore be able to diffract through a double-slit and form fringes. This arises from an extrapolation of the QM wave-function idea. It is also a weird idea, i.e. difficult to reconcile the prediction with the reality of every-day experience. Cordus offers an explanation of what should be possible, and not: Small bodies: From the cordus perspective, sufficiently small bodies, typically atoms and molecules, should be able to diffract, form fringes through gaps, and pass through the double-slit experiment with the usual outcomes, providing they are in bodycoherence. The Cordus explanation is that all the atoms in the molecule translate in CoFS lock-step at the same time. So the whole assembly effectively appears at one end of its span, and 197 then reappears at the other, generating hyff in each location, and hence fringes. However smaller particuloids [higher mass] will need closer spaced double-slits, and that will be a practical limitation. Large bodies: Macroscopic bodies cooled to near zero should be able to be placed into coherent states of internal oscillation (coherence), as a type of supersolid. Such bodies should be able to diffract and form fringes through sufficiently large gaps (or at edges), though the effects may be miniscule. Quite which mass determines the span and frequency of an assembly in body coherence is uncertain: the heaviest constituent particle, or the body mass, or something else? Cordus suggests the last, and makes two predictions. First, that for objects in body coherence it is the Level of Assembly at which the coherence holds (see reference [16] for elaboration of this concept) hence probably the atomic mass. Second, large discoherent bodies like those that exist at our level of reality will have no single frequency but instead a spread of frequencies. Instead such bodies will have multiple frequencies, analogous to white light. Discoherent bodies are therefore predicted to diffract weakly if at all: any fringe effects will be small and will be smudged. Even for a large coherent body the diffraction effects are predicted to be small. Furthermore, getting a large body into body-coherence is likely to be next to practically impossible, especially for something like a motor car with moving parts and fluid flows. The above applies to single gaps. This may be a testable area for the cordus principle. Cordus predicts that the double-slit experiment is infeasible for macroscopic bodies, even if they are in body-coherence. This is because the slit spacing (pitch to centrelines) will need to be similar to the span and therefore very small. In contrast the slit widths will need to be large to accommodate the macroscopic body, and will therefore delete the medulla. The experiment will simply turn into a single large gap. Double slit experiments are predicted to be feasible only where the outer limit of size for the composite body (maximum material condition) is equal to or smaller than the cordus span. Cordus predicts that practically every object at ambient temperature and visible with the naked eye is not going to form matter waves. Quantum mechanics’ scaling problem One of the puzzling features about QM has been why the effects it predicts are only visible at sub-microscopic scale. For example, particles seem to be able to appear in more than one place, and the act of observing them influences their location. Yet macroscopic bodies show no such tendency. Why does QM not scale up properly? If it is valid at subatomic scale, what is preventing it from working at macroscopic scales? Cordus shows why. 198 Cordus asserts that QM is only approximately accurate at the sub-atomic scale (Cordus refutes the principle of superposition), and not at all at the large scale. Briefly, the reason is that large bodies have too much internal entropy (disorder) to have the necessary coherence to appear in more than one location. Even if they did have body-coherence the results would be miniscule (small span) and not as dramatic as popularly imagined. The mathematics of QM are premised on coherence, and thus the explanations of QM are unreliable where body-coherence fails. In most roomtemperature applications this is the atomic level. Quantum mechanics therefore does not practically apply to large bodies, living creatures, or the universe as a whole. 4 Superfluidity Superfluidity occurs at low temperatures in materials such as helium, and is characterised by unusual flow and thermal properties: the fluid can selfsiphon out of an open container; it has no viscosity (hence behaves differently when rotated); and it has infinite heat capacity. It is known that the superfluid properties of helium-4 and -3 are different, and quantum mechanics offers specific theories for each: Bose–Einstein statistics, and Cooper pairs respectively. Helium-4 has two protons and two neutrons, and integer spin, and is therefore considered a boson. In contrast helium-3 has only one neutron, ½ spin, and is therefore a fermion. Fermionic condensed states require lower temperature. First two electrons with opposite spin pair-up (Cooper pairs), and this creates an integer spin assembly. From the cordus perspective superfluidity is an application of synchronisation (coherence), but between atoms not photons. The current working model is that the interaction occurs through either the electrons, or the vibrations (phonons) between the atoms (mediated by electrons too). Synchronisation of atomic forces The explanation uses electron-to-electron complementary synchronisation. This might be more relevant to fermionic condensed states with ½ spin. The cordus explanation is that each electron is a cordus and oscillates its appearance at its reactive ends. Thus two electrons from different atoms may alternate their existences and thereby share the same space. They achieve this by making complementary frequency state synchronisations (CoFS), mediated through their hyff. The low temperature is necessary to reduce vibrations of the electrons and atoms (phonons). Once the two electrons are entangled, they move together. So where electron A goes, so does B, and the reciprocal. These correspond to the conventional concept of Cooper pairs. The electrons themselves are bonded into atoms, and those atoms also have other electrons. Those electrons also become synchronised with other electrons in still other atoms, either through entanglement, or phonons (see below). The result is 199 a connected network. The connecting force is from electron to electron, through the nucleus and onwards through other electrons. For helium-4, which is a boson with spin 1, the two electrons in the orbital are already in a CoFS together, and this state is extended to neighbouring atoms by the electron hyff. Spin in this case refers to the CoFS ability of the atom as a whole, since both forms of helium have two electrons. The hyff bump the neighbouring atoms, and push them into synchronous frequency states. The low temperature is necessary to reduce the background phonon noise. With bosons, many particuloids (e.g. atoms in this case) may be in the same frequency state simultaneously, i.e. ‘complementary’ does not necessarily mean opposite in this case. One can equally view the mechanism as synchronisation of phonons, because phonons represent the dynamic nature of the electron bonds between atoms. Cordus suggests superfluidity will become compromised at relativistic speeds. (See ‘Cordus in extremis’). Fluid mechanics effects Either way, mechanical movement of one atom takes others with it. Hence the observed effect that a surface tension pulls a whole film along with it. The whole body of liquid has complementary synchronised frequency states. The body has some plasticity, presumably arising from both the electron entanglement and in the orbital position of the electrons around the nucleus. This plasticity means that individual atoms can move slightly relative to their neighbours. The plasticity allows a film of fluid to be flexible, and able to wet complex shapes, hence the observed Rollin film and the self-siphoning behaviour. A bowl of superfluid is known to rotate as a solid body at low speeds, otherwise not at all at higher speeds. The Cordus explanation is that rotation of the whole solid body occurs when the speed is sufficiently low that imposed external shear forces (circumferential forces between bowl and fluid due to surface tension) are lower than the capability of the hyffhyff forces at that location. The hyff forces can handle that level of shear force, and therefore rigidly join the fluid to the container, and maintain rigidity of the rest of the body of fluid. At faster rotation the container rotates but the fluid stays still. The cordus explanation is that the shear force between the container and the fluid is too great for the hyff forces to cope with, so the fluid abandons that bond with the container and instead preserves its own internal CoFS. This is a natural consequence of the geometry: the radius of the bowl's surface changes across the section, so if the fluid were to try and partially follow it, then different velocities would be required at different radii, hence internal turbulence, and this is incompatible with the CoFS coherence condition. There are three choices available to the fluid: (1) match the peripheral velocities of the bowl and thereby generate internal vortices; (2) rotate as 200 a solid block with the bowl; or (3) decouple from the bowl by staying stationary while the bowl rotates. Option (1) is the default for conventional fluids, but for superfluids is prevented by the CoFS state. Hence also the observed lack of viscosity of a superfluid. Only (2) and (3) are available to a superfluid, and the choice depends on the relative strength of the shear force at the wall compared to the hyff strength. Cordus also explains phase effects in superfluids. The phase of the superfluid refers to the CoFS state, i.e. the polarisation state of the electrons. The phase may change slightly over distance, due to the flexibility (above). But in a connected region it must, via any closed path through the fluid, meet up at the same phase as before. This means that if there is a hole in the fluid or a loop of fluid that reconnects, then the same phase must be reached at the end of the loop, whichever path is taken. However, it does not have to be exactly the same phase: a whole number of phases different is also sufficient (but the total Berry phase effect must be zero). Hence the known effect that the phase of a superfluid is quantised. Hence also quantum vortices, these being loops where there is an integer whole phase difference. The cordus explanation for the rapid heat conduction of a superfluid is that the state synchronisations and physical co-location of electrons mean that the structure is stiff regarding phonon transmission. Phonons are the mechanism of conductive heat transfer and the measurement of temperature. Thus excess energy is rapidly dispersed through the fluid, by phonons. This stiff direct coupling provides a wave-like propagation of the energy, more similar to propagation of sound (hence 'second sound'). The speed is presumed finite due to the compliance in the electron orbitals, and the ultimate limit is probably the cordus frequency of the electron. 5 Superconductivity Superconductivity is zero resistance to electrical current, and occurs in some but not all materials, and below a critical temperature. The temperature is dependent on the material properties. Denser isotopes need lower temperatures to superconduct. The existing explanation (BCS theory) is that electrons cause phonon interactions that link electrons into pairs (Cooper pairs). The initial attraction between electrons, which otherwise should repel, is held to be caused by the interaction of the electron with the positive charges in the lattice. These pairs then flow unimpeded by the material, whereas usually the residual impurities would cause resistance. CoFS network of orbitals The Cordus explanation is that conventional resistive current flow involves whole electrons hopping from one atom to the next, and having to get past impurities, grain boundaries, and lattice imperfections on the way, hence resistance. In the usual warm state the positions of each electron 201 (there are two, one at each end of the electron-cordus), are determined by the medium, particularly the location of other hyff generators. Under usual conditions the overall external hyff environment perceived by any one electron is disorderly and over-prescribed. Therefore the electron is forced to rapidly change its position. That electron also generates hyff and contributes further to the disorderly regime. Note that the hyff range of an electron is considerably larger than simply the immediate atom, so one hyff affects multiple atoms, and this causes the over-prescription (see the Principle of Wider locality). Individual electrons are forced to keep changing their modes to accommodate the disorderly regime. These modes are necessarily higher-energy states, i.e. with some tension along the span, because the lower-energy resting states are non-accessible solutions.51 Brownian motion results. This is what causes resistance in a conventional conductor. The energy is partly dissipated in phonons during these impacts. Superconductivity arises from the electrons forming a network of complementary frequency states (CoFS) across the entire body, i.e. any one electron oscillates its modes of existence between two separate atoms, and shares those positions with other electrons. When the temperature is lowered, the phonons are reduced, and the number of degrees of freedom within the material is thus reduced. The displacement forces on the electron become calmer. Eventually, at the critical temperature, the bulk hyff generators become synchronised so that the electrons can start to appear in regular positions. The material properties are such that those positions are also convenient for the electron. The electron thus obtains regular modes. Moreover, these modes are synchronised in a complementary manner across the entire bulk of the material. This is a phase transition to a lower-energy phase. From the perspective of an individual electron, the external hyff in the bulk have moved into a complementary client state. Brownian motion then ceases. As the electrons are in complementary states, and their modes are at convenient and similar spans, the bulk becomes like a network of orbitals. Individual electrons can readily move to a different part of the network in response to flow of electrons (applied voltage). Applying a voltage, which is the same as withdrawing electrons from one side and injecting fresh ones at the other, then causes the existing electrons in the bulk to index along in an orderly fashion (reminiscent of the Jacob’s ladder falling-tile toy, except that the electrons do actually move along). For an electron to adjust the next appearance of one of its reactive-ends is effortless, so there is no resistance to that ‘movement’. The reactive-end of one electron is guided to its next place of existence by the surrounding hyff, which are in complementary states. The nature of the current flow is then radically different. In usual conduction the whole electron has to move through the bulk: and move its reactive-ends (modes) while they are energised, which generates velocity 51 It is comparable to a rough sea, where the tops of the whipped-up waves are higher than the average sea-level. 202 forces (i.e. magnetic fields).52 In superconduction the ‘movement’ takes place while the electron-cordus is in the dormant state: the reactive-end disappears as usual from one mode, and but when it reappears it is at a different position, one in the CoFS network conveniently vacated by some other electron. Thus the electron moves in stealth-mode (tunnelling). The reactive-ends do not need to physically move while they are energised, so they generate no magnetic field. From the perspective of an individual electron, it finds that one of its modes is already taken by an interloper electron, so it simply swaps into one of the other equivalent modes available to it. This displaces the next electron in the network, and the result is current-flow. If this explanation is correct, the current should be quantised at the frequency of the electron. This may be a testable cordus principle. Thus cordus suggests that there is a form of environmentally induced coherence that takes hold when the temperature [i.e. phonon effect] is sufficiently low. The idea of a CoFS network accommodates loops of material with whole phase differences around ‘holes’ within the network, hence vortices and fluxons (see superfluidity for similar effects). Meissner effect The Meissner effect is that a weak externally-applied magnetic field is expelled from the interior of the superconductor, the usual explanation being that surface currents cancel the internal magnetic field, except in the skin layer (hence London penetration depth). The Cordus explanation is somewhat similar, but approaches it from a different direction. In a normal conductor, an externally applied magnetic field displaces the moving reactive-ends sideways, whereupon that moved electron contributes further to interfering with other electrons and adds to the disorder. In a superconductor the CoFS network provides lateral stiffness: the hyff from neighbouring electrons lock the modes of the entire network in place. Therefore an external magnetic field cannot displace the modes: its effect is resisted, and the flux lines are denied passage so they go round the wire instead. Surface currents arise as compensatory consequences of the load on the CoFS network. If the external magnetic field is too strong, then its forces on the modes overwhelm the CoFS force, and the network degenerates: the superconductivity is lost. Thus an external magnetic field can destroy superconductivity by breaking the network of orbitals Temperature In the superconducting state the material can still accommodate some phonons, as seen in the fact that the critical temperature is not absolute zero but rather a higher value. The Cordus explanation is that temperature refers to the rate density of phonon production, and that superconductors are able to accommodate a certain amount of phonons (hence temperature) by small adjustments to orbitals and phase. However if the 52 The Cordus field theory states that magnetism arises from movement of a reactive end while it is energised, i.e. curvature of the hyff (ref. ‘Cordus fields’). 203 rate density of phonons exceeds this basic carrying capacity, then phasedissonance arises and the superconductivity is lost. Note in passing that the electron hyff extend some distance. This explains why there is an ordering effect that takes hold at the critical temperature. Cordus predicts that multiple domains of alignment may form at the critical temperature for superconductivity, followed by a subsequent coalescence into one single domain, i.e. the process of initiation of superconduction may be marked by some interesting transitional states. Related effects Note also that the hyff may even extend through intervening material, even an insulator. Thus electrons on the other side of a thin insulator may also be recruited to the client state. More radically, Cordus states that an individual electron may have one reactive-end in the one material, and the second end in the other, with its fibril spanning the conductor, since the fibril is non-reactive. Hence also the Josephson effect: current may cross a thin insulating layer. See also the Casimir effect, which is a similar spanning effect, according to Cordus. 6 Conclusions The special states of matter are particularly interesting from a modelling perspective because they show where the system variables are most exposed. Superfluidity and superconductivity are two such situations. Both are enigmatic to classical mechanics, and partly explained by quantum mechanics. However the QM explanations cannot be said to be intuitive, nor easy to comprehend: i.e. the descriptive power of QM is inferior to its mathematical ability in these areas. On the other hand, Cordus readily provides a description of the effects. The principle of complementary frequency states (CoFS), which was established earlier in the series, explains why and how superfluidity occurs, and likewise for superconductivity. These are radically different explanations to those provided by conventional physics, but are not necessarily in disagreement about the mathematics. The primary difference is that Cordus suggests different underlying mechanisms than are usually assumed to operate. This situation arises because conventional physics has a paradigm that is limited by its premises of zero-dimensional particles, whereas Cordus has a two dimensional model for particuloids. Critical analysis of superposition Cordus makes the unorthodox assertion that superposition does not exist, at least not the way QM conceives of a whole particle or body being fully in two places at once. Cordus provides for positional variability: the two reactive ends of a cordus are in different places, and extends that to larger assemblies of matter only if such objects can be placed in full bodycoherence (which is rare). However Cordus rejects the QM superposition concept of causal variability: the idea that the whole particle or body is 204 simultaneously in both and neither positions and therefore has two futures before it, which can diverge. Cordus asserts this is a fallacy and a potential flaw within quantum mechanics. In the Cordus analysis the root cause is deficiency in the formulation of superposition: a statistical average is fundamentally an unreliable predictor of longitudinal future outcomes when the population is bimodal. Quantum mechanics is built with a methodology that elected, at its founding, to approach the problem as a cross-sectional statistical design (single point in time). Therefore the mathematical representations that QM developed are only applicable to average particle behaviour, because that is all that a cross-sectional design is valid for. Quantum mechanics is outside its base of validity when it tries to provide physical interpretations for longitudinal effects (multiple consecutive points in time). Quantum mechanic’s interpretations of what is happening in the double-slit device are therefore irrelevant artefacts of its statistical methodology. The weirdness of QM’s explanations is not because reality is weird, but because QM is fundamentally wrong. Nonetheless QM’s mathematical machinery is useful for small particles: it is not applicable for large objects, nor for very small pieces of matter either. The second error overlaid on that methodological root cause was QM’s assumption that a whole macroscopic body should likewise be in superposition. This is the fallacy of easy coherence, which is described below. Cordus asserts it is generally impractical to create the level of coherence required by QM, and therefore that QM does not apply to objects in general. The third flaw is the assumption that whole bodies therefore exist in two places at once. In some interpretations of quantum mechanics this led to a logical fourth assumption that any event in the whole universe had two possible outcomes in time, i.e. the many-worlds interpretation. Cordus rejects all those assumptions and asserts they are the consequence of the flawed concept of superposition at the root of quantum mechanics. Outcomes Cordus re-conceptualises, or at least conceptually clarifies the concept of ‘coherence’, and describes why that state cannot be readily achieved. Thus Cordus predicts what size bodies should and realistically cannot be made into matter-waves. Thus the concept of large macroscopic objects, such as motor-cars, being able to go through a double slit, is proposed to be a fallacy. This also allows Cordus to explain why Quantum mechanics, which seems to apply at the level of individual particles, does not scale up to macroscopic bodies: something that QM itself has been unable to explain. One of the major benefits of the Cordus approach is that its explanations are coherent across a broad swath of physical phenomena. Thus the same mechanisms that are used to explain the Meissner effect also explain entropy, wave-particle duality, and indeed many other effects. 205 206 Special matter 207 Schrödinger’s Cat reconceptualised Cordus matter: Part 3.5 Pons, D.J. , 53 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Quantum mechanics is the dominant conceptual foundation for fundamental physics. Nonetheless there are effects that it does not explain, or explains only by reference to metaphysical effects. While many have wondered whether there could be a more-complete explanation, the solution has been elusive. Cordus suggests that the necessary deeper mechanics is only accessible by abandoning the premise of ‘particle’, and shows how to achieve this. The resulting Cordus mechanics provides a new way of thinking and a radically different conceptual foundation. This paper primarily contrasts Quantum and Cordus mechanics. In the process, Cordus re-conceptualises Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. It also provides an explanation for the paradox of Schrödinger’s Cat, and shows it to be based on unrealistic and unattainable premises. Keywords: quantum mechanics; superposition; coherence; Schrödinger’s cat; Heisenberg uncertainty principle; cordus; string theory Revision 2.10 Minor edits of clarification Document: Pons_Cordus_3.4SpecialMatter_E2.10.85.doc 1 Introduction This is the last in a series of papers on the application of the Cordus conjecture to matter. The first part created a novel explanation for entanglement and proposed a new principle of locality. Part 2 described a cordus model for the electron, its orbitals, and matter more generally. Entropy was re-conceptualised in part 3, and this was used in part 4 to give new explanations of superfluidity and superconductivity. That part also came to surprising conclusions about some core concepts of quantum mechanics (QM): that QM’s concept of superposition was flawed, and that coherence is a special state that cannot be assumed to be applied to any object. Thus it is appropriate that this final paper contrasts Cordus with QM. In doing so it re-conceptualises the issues with Schrodinger’s Cat. 53 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 208 2 Contrasting mechanics interpretations: Quantum and Cordus Quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics originated with the idea that electrons can only take up certain steps in energy, hence quanta. However with time QM has come to mean more: that reality for particles is fundamentally probabilistic; and that the wavefunction is the complete reality (Copenhagen interpretation). QM is now a set of mathematics and beliefs about reality, that include probabilistic origins, wave-particle duality, wavefunction mathematics, and the uncertainty principle. QM views all matter as discrete particles that may be made of still smaller particles. The concept of 'particle' is generally one of zero-dimensional points, and this becomes the implicit premise for many applications of QM including photons. Bell's theorem is typically taken as sufficient evidence that there is no underlying set of hidden variables, thus further confirming the belief that the wavefunction is the complete reality. At the same time the particles are understood to behave like waves. QM offers a solution, first by positing that particles are wave-packets, second by assuming that particles can be in multiple places at once (through superposition or virtual twins), third by assuming that the state of a particle can only be known as a probability, and fourth that the actual position of the particle is only determined when it is observed, hence collapsing the wave-function. Thus the QM mechanism for diffraction into fringes is wave self-interference between the wavefunctions of the particle and its virtual ghost particle. As a mathematical method QM has impressive predictive power and ability to quantify the outcomes. Unfortunately the qualitative explanations rely on metaphysics, and this incongruence creates a perception of weirdness. There are other problems too: the idea of probabilities, e.g. path choice in interferometers, almost implies external look-up tables, or someone assigning a probability to the outcome before it takes place. This leads to observer paradoxes and causality conundrums, or to the many worlds interpretation with its own metaphysical problems. From QM perspective the weirdness is just a perception caused by our inadequate human cognition. Cordus The Cordus interpretation is very different. First, Cordus proposes the photon-cordus as a particuloid in place of the idea of a single small point particle. It does not support the QM ‘particle’ view of light and matter, but instead that the cordus can look like a particle (hence ‘particuloid’) from further away. Cordus debunks Bell's theorem as being constructed on the unnecessarily limiting premise of zero-dimensional particles, and therefore cannot be used to rule out hidden-variable solutions. Second, Cordus proposes that photons, and indeed all 'particles' are cordi that oscillate into and out of existence across a finite span separation, and that consequently the particuloid is effectively in two places at once. It does not support the idea of the wavefunction (hence the Copenhagen 209 interpretation), nor of superposition (hence the many-worlds interpretation), nor the probability-is-the-reality interpretation. From the Cordus perspective these are all usefully convenient mathematical analogies that are sufficient for predictive purposes, but are invalid descriptors of reality. 54 Third, From the Cordus perspective the probabilities of a particle being in a particular location arise simply and naturally as the cutting points on the frequency. Stop the experiment with the photon in a different part of its frequency cycle and the outcome may be different. The paradoxes disappear, and there need be no violations of causality, providing one is careful and does not confound the various types of observation. Cordus proposes there are three different types of observation, with very different outcomes for the photon. 3 Heisenberg uncertainty principle Another area of difference is towards the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, particularly the explanation thereof. For QM the explanation is in the wave-packet, which represents the probability of finding the particle in that place. The position of the particle is indeterminate as it could be anywhere along the wave packet, and compressing the wave packet to reduce that problem will change the wavelength and therefore the momentum, and thus make the momentum indeterminate, and the converse. The Uncertainty principle is typically expressed in terms of the standard deviations of position and momentum, and the product thereof. The Cordus perspective supports the principle, but not necessarily that particular formulation. Heisenberg's statement was built on the standard QM probabilistic premise: that variables are statistically distributed e.g. with a normal distribution. In contrast, Cordus does not specifically require that assumption, nor the product operation. The Cordus explanation is that the free-flying cordus particuloid has no sharply measureable position, because it is not a single point particle in the first place. Position can be measured (reasonably precisely but not absolutely) by arresting it, but then it is not a free-flying cordus particle any longer, and the momentum is indeterminate. For a photon, the flight and arrested states cannot occur at the same time, because they are different stages in the life-cycle of the photon, and therefore cannot be precisely measured at the same time. 54 For example, Cordus would disagree with just about everything in the following statement: 'When a photon's state is non-deterministically altered, such as interacting with a half-silvered mirror where it non-deterministically passes through or is reflected, the photon undergoes quantum superposition, whereby it takes on all possible states and can interact with itself. This phenomenon continues until an observer interacts with it, causing the wave function to collapse and returning the photon to a deterministic state.' (Wikipedia, accessed 3 March 2011). 210 last In the QM formulation there is a smooth trade-off between position and momentum. However Cordus implies that the relationship is more granular, and consists of two mutually exclusive sub-conditions: that passing observation can measure momentum and mean position, and intrusive measurement constrains position and measures force or energy. Complementarity principle QMs use a complementarity principle: that photons have multiple properties that are contradictory. QM assumes that wave and particle duality means that both are simultaneously in existence, that the photon is truly a both a wave and a particle at any instant in time. For Cordus the particuloid is neither a wave nor a particle but behaves as either depending on the measuring method. The measurement method unavoidably changes how the particle behaves, and this is particularly pronounced with the photon. The Experimenter's choice of method therefore limits the type of results that will be observed. Wave and particle duality are only measuring artefacts, not the reality. 4 Schrödinger’s Cat The thought-experiment Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought-experiment in superposition: the basic idea is that a cat is placed in a box with a radioactive sample rigged up so that decay emits a particle which breaks a vial of poison that kills the cat. If the box is closed and no-one can see inside, what state is the cat in? This is an extension of an idea in quantum theory that a physical system can be in multiple configurations (dead vs. alive), and therefore from the quantum perspective is simultaneously in all those configurations until the act of observation forces it to one particular configuration, i.e. collapses the waveform. An extrapolation of the idea is that each of the other nonselected configurations does continue, but in another parallel universe, hence the ‘many worlds’ theory. While it might initially have been intended as a thought-experiment, Schrödinger’s Cat has taken on a more mythical status, and is almost considered fact. It has become the visible poster-child representative of QM, particularly of superposition. The cordus explanation is that Schrödinger’s Cat is only a conundrum because of fallacious premises. First, note that there are several effects: whether or not the radioactive material decays and emits a photon; the dilemma about the state of the Cat before opening the box (alive/dead/simultaneously alive and dead); and the Observer dilemma about the effect of opening the box and looking. 211 Type of observation is critical The Cordus Conjecture distinguishes between types of observation: passive, passing and intrusive. Passive does nothing (L.3.1), passing can change photons, but only intrusive detection collapses photons. Therefore opening the lid on Schrödinger’s Cat and passively observing makes no difference: it does not affect whether or not the radioactive material will emit a photon. The photon will be emitted when it is emitted. However there are some additional observer effects that could change the emission, the first being that letting more light (external photons) into the poison system could trigger radioactive decay. Second, if the Observer changes to an intrusive mode, then the emission outcome can be affected and even controlled. For example, intrusively detecting whether a photon has been emitted will prevent it ever reaching the poison. Or, interrogation of the radioactive material could force it to emit a photon or prevent it from doing so: the Zeno effect. Passing measurement of already flying photons will change their properties. Then there is the matter of what the inside surface of the box was made from. If mirrors, then there are multiple paths by which an emitted photon’s reactive end could get to the poison vial. Opening the box and thereby removing mirrors will deprive the photon of some path opportunities: it could escape the box altogether. However these are all complications, and simple passive observation, which is all the original dilemma proposed, is inconsequential. Simply looking passively does not change the cat’s fate. No superposition of undead states A simple act of passive observation does not affect the emission of a photon nor the transmission thereof. Nor does it cause the Cat to suddenly collapse to the dead or alive state. The Cat need not exist in any superposition of undead states before the box was opened: it is simply either alive or already dead, nothing else. In an inverted way, the cat thought-experiment is often misunderstood as evidence that quantum coherence applies to macroscopic objects. From the Cordus perspective this is misplaced. The matter lemma states that superposition of states only occurs for bodies that are internally coherent. Something as large and internally dynamic (nerve impulses, flowing blood, etc.) as a Cat cannot have that CoFS coherence in the first place: initially imposing the coherence would deprive it of life. Only small, cold, inanimate things of relatively homogeneous composition can be put into body coherence. Nor does the presence of the passive Observer do anything. Hence existential Observer dilemmas are void. Simply passively looking at the universe does not cause it to change, nor necessitate creation of another world. Try Superposition of something smaller? If Schrödinger’s Cat dilemma collapses because of lack of coherence of the Cat, then what about replacing the Cat with an electron: something that can generally be thought of as in ‘quantum superposition’? Will the 212 dilemma still be sustained then? Is the electron simultaneously blasted and not-blasted by the radioactive decay? QM states that the electron occupies all possible quantum states simultaneously, so the electron should be in normal and high energy states simultaneously, and only collapses to one when measured. The answer, according to the Cordus Conjecture, is no. While an electron does have two position modes, it does not occupy them simultaneously, nor are these different energy levels. Consequently simple passive observation does nothing to force the electron into one particular energy level. Not-observing the electron makes no difference either. As the previous discussion noted, superposition is merely a mathematical representation of the uncertain in average position of the two reactive ends, and cannot be applied to two different temporal causal outcomes such as dead vs. alive. That’s an important point that tends to get overlooked when QM is being interpreted, and is the fallacy at the core of the many-worlds theory. Hidden premises in the Box To sum up, Schrödinger’s Cat thought-experiment is flawed in several crucial areas. First, it confounds passive and intrusive observation to suggest that the act of non-observation causes indeterminacy. A second erroneous premise is that of superposition: that the cat's states are simultaneously life and death. We do not see this in reality either, and Cordus asserts this premise is invalid in any situation: QM’s superposition is only a mathematical simplification of a deeper and different effect. The third fallacious premise is that that the entire contents of the box, including the cat, are in macroscopic quantum coherence (this being necessary to support the superposition premise). This is not a particularly practical premise, as we never see coherence at this level, only at atomic and molecular scales, and Cordus explains why. Cordus also asserts that coherence of a whole living cat will be next to impossible to achieve. The Cordus conjecture implies that all three premises are wrong. The Cat is either dead or alive, and opening the box (at least in the way originally proposed) is inconsequential. Nor need there be other worlds in which the Cat is in a different state. So for any one of these reasons on its own the Cat experiment is not physically realisable. The lesson it teaches is that superposition is strictly only a mathematical approximation for handling positional uncertainty, not a real physical effect, and macroscopic physical bodies cannot be assumed to be in body coherence just because some atomic structures can be in the state. Where the weirdness arises Coming back to the starting point, which was the weirdness of existing explanations of wave-particle duality, we can now identify why QM’s descriptive explanations are weird. QM assumes that particles are points (hence over-reliance on a single limited paradigm); QM assumes that coherence effects at a particle level always generalise to whole bodies (hence the conundrum of Schrodinger's Cat); QM extrapolates 213 mathematical solutions for the problem of indeterminacy, namely superposition and wavefunction, to the physical reality. Cordus suggests those premises are all unreliable. More than anything else, the premise of zero-dimensional point particles pervades QM, and in a self-reinforcing way Bell’s theorem has been influential in sustaining the belief that there are no hidden-variable solutions, i.e. that the particle really is zerodimensional. Cordus cuts across that way of thinking: it unexpectedly delivers a hidden-variable solution, debunks the zero-dimensional premise, and expands the debate beyond the constraints of Bell’s theorem. 5 Contrast: String Theory The Cordus Conjecture relies on fibrils, and the obvious question is whether there is an implication for string theory. The similarity, at least for some versions of the Cordus conjecture, is in the idea that matter and energy are made of oscillating lines (strings). Also, String Theory suggests that the photon is an open string, as opposed to a closed loop. Most of the cordus variants here are similar to a string, but include additional concepts that are not necessarily string-like. String theory is a mathematical rather than empirical approach. It requires the universe to have multiple dimensions, most of which are presumed hidden or too small to detect. It posits that variation in the properties of the string give rise to different particles, e.g. photons and electrons, but is not specific about what these situational variables might be or the causality. It has many flavours and mathematical variations, and it is not always easy to determine which describes our universe except by relying on the anthropic principle. It is a theory of the structure of the universe, rather than a predictor of sub-atomic structure. The Cordus conjecture does not explicitly require String Theory, though it does not preclude it either. The two approaches start from entirely different premises, and use completely different methods. Despite some apparent similarity in results -the prediction of string-like sub-structures – there is considerable space between the two models and it would be premature to consider them conceptually linked. 6 Discussion Quid est atomos? What is the atom made of? This work proposes that sub-atomic particles have a cordus structure: two reactive ends joined by a fibril, with the structure being energised at a high frequency and emitting one or more hyff lines of force. They are not really particles at all. Implications The cordus concept was originally created to explain wave-particle duality of the photon. It turns out to be much more adaptable and powerful, in a 214 descriptive way, than simply a solution for the photon. Cordus is a conceptual solution that shows it is possible to conceive of internal structures for the photon and other sub-atomic particles, without the usual weird metaphysical explanations. The conceptual contribution of this work is the demonstration that it is indeed possible to create hidden-variable models, and that Bell's theorem is not a limitation. It shows that the application of logic and semantic inference to existing experimental observations can give interesting new insights. The beauty of the Cordus Conjecture is that it provides an explanation that is coherent across wave and particle effects, photons and matter, ‘particles’ and macroscopic bodies. Perhaps the biggest contribution is simply the intellectual stimulus to think differently about topics that we think we already understand. Cordus challenges the conventional idea of zero-dimensional points, and the whole conceptual edifice built thereon. The concept that emerges here is that ‘particles’ are not actually zero-dimensional points, neither are they waves. Instead ‘waves’ and ‘particles’ are simply the external manifestations of hidden internal structures. In this regard, Cordus suggests that Quantum Mechanics and Wave theory are subsets of a deeper and simpler reality. Cordus also shows that reality to be deterministic. It is not clear that ‘quantum’ is the best term to describe such mechanics, and in some ways Cordus is more about ‘mechanics’ than QM ever was. From this perspective Quantum Mechanics is of dubious validity as a descriptor of reality even if its mathematics is sufficient for quantitative purposes. Now we finally understand why quantum mechanics, which seems sufficiently accurate for individual ‘particles’, does not scale up to macroscopic bodies, something which QM itself has been unable to explain. At this stage Cordus is simply a conceptual model and some starting mechanics that have been calibrated against several physical phenomena. Cordus started from an intuitive conjecture, and through a set of lemmas developed into a descriptive conceptual framework. What is needed next is scrutiny: does this concept stack up to the reality of other observed quantum and optical effects? Exploring this question may well require further adjustments to the concept or show it to be an unworkable conjecture. Thus the validity of the concept is an open question which is put to the wider community of scholars. 7 Conclusions The Cordus conjecture provides a radically new perspective on fundamental particles. The conventional theories of electromagnetic wave theory and quantum mechanics, are shown to be external simplifications of the deeper set of hidden variables described by a cordus. Cordus is an integrative theory: it provides a single coherent conceptual framework for 215 a wide range of physical effects both wave and particle. It provides natural explanations of otherwise weird quantum phenomena. Cordus does not follow the conventional method of physics, which is derivation of beautiful mathematics and subsequent extrapolation to explanation, but it is a logical theory nonetheless: that of creating a system model by reverse-engineering known phenomena, adding conjectures and intuitive material, and noting the necessary assumptions along the way. There are many of these lemmas, and thus many potential flaws in the cordus mechanics. Notwithstanding, if the cordus conjecture is even partly correct, the consequences for conventional theories of matter are profound. Cordus suggests there is a more fundamental and coherent theory of reality than Quantum mechanics can provide. Perhaps surprisingly, this deeper theory is deterministic. Sub-atomic particles of matter exhibit strange behaviours such as entanglement, superfluidity, and superconductivity. These effects are usually explained by quantum mechanics (QM): at least the mathematics are. This paper proposes an alternative explanation, based on the cordus conjecture. In this concept, the basic structure to any ‘particle’ is a cordus: a fibril connecting two reactive ends, with hyff force lines protruding from the ends. This structure is used to explain matter waves and the waveparticle duality thereof, entanglement and interaction at a distance, electron orbitals, coherence, superfluidity, and superconductivity. It is shown that that a hidden-variable theory is indeed possible for the photon and ‘particles’ in general. The limitations of conventional concepts of ‘particle’ are identified, and a counter argument is developed to Bell’s theorem. A revised principle of wider locality is proposed. Mechanisms are proposed for the absorption of the photon into matter, and the origins of entropy on a sub-atomic scale. Cordus questions the validity of quantum superposition, reinterprets coherence, and predicts what should be achievable (or not) for macroscopic bodies. Schrodinger's Cat is explained and shown to be based on unrealisable premises. Cordus also explains why quantum mechanics, which seems applicable at the sub-atomic scale, fails to scale up to macroscopic scales. Cordus offers a new conceptual framework for a deeper internal mechanics for atoms and sub-atomic particles. It provides an explanation that is coherent across multiple physical effects. Perhaps unexpectedly, cordus suggests that the internal mechanics for ‘particles’ is deterministic after all, and the probabilistic nature as recognised by QM is only an artefact of the measurement process. 216 21 7 Cordus Conjecture Part 4: Fields, forces, and fabric Discrete fields (hyffons) > electrostatic forces > magnetism > gravitation > unification of EMG > fabric composition of the vacuum > interpretation for alpha > strong force explained > quark structure > explanation for time 21 219 Electromagnetism Cordus in extremis: Part 4.1 Pons, D.J. , 55 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract The Cordus conjecture is extended to create a conceptual model for electromagnetic fields. The resulting model shows how a cordus particuloid generates small transient units of force at the sub-atomic level, thereby creating the apparently smooth and continuous electric field that we more commonly perceive. Cordus also reconceptualises how magnetism is generated at the sub-atomic level, and likewise explains how the granularity arises. It is shown that the electric field cannot be shielded, only neutralised. Cordus electromagnetism is applied to explain the electric field surrounding a wire carrying current, the locus of moving test charges in a magnetic field, and the mechanism for how force arises in permanent magnets. The contribution made by this paper is a description of electromagnetism that goes to the next deeper level: it explains the underlying mechanisms for how the forces arise. Also, it provides a mechanism for fields to be granular and directional at the small scale, but smooth and continuous at larger scale. Keywords: cordus; electric; field; electrostatic; electromagnetism; quantum field; hyff; particle magnetism; Revision 2.10 Minor edits Document: Cordus_4Fields_E2.96.doc 1 Introduction The Cordus conjecture provides a radically different interpretation of the photon, and by extension, sub-atomic particles in general. Companion papers have applied the Cordus concept to show that it provides a conceptual resolution of wave-particle duality for the photon (ref: ‘Cordus Conjecture’), explains optical effects (ref: ‘Cordus optics’), and explains ‘particle’ effects (ref: ‘Cordus matter’). This paper extends the concepts to fields in general, and in doing so provides a reconceptualisation of electromagnetism, gravitation, vacuum, mass, and quarks. The Cordus conjecture offers some suggestions for thinking about these subjects, though the treatment should be considered in extremis, i.e. a thoughtfulexperiment rather than a necessary core concept. This paper is the fourth in the Cordus series, and itself consists of four parts. It is recommended that these parts be read in the numbered series, since the concepts are cumulative. 55 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 220 Background: Cordus The Cordus concept is that the photon and all massy ‘particles’ are not zero-dimensional points as conventionally assumed, but consist of two reactive ends (RE) connected together with a fibril. The reactive ends emit hyper-fine fibrils (hyff), which are threads of transient force, see Figure 1. The periodic renewal of the reactive ends corresponds to the frequency of the photon or ‘particle’. In the case of the photon the hyff are extended and withdrawn during each complete frequency cycle. The Cordus concept has also been shown to be applicable to other so-called particles, e.g. the electron (see ‘Cordus matter’). From the Cordus perspective there are no such things as point particles, only small-span cordi that only appear to be particles. Thus matter is made up of cordus particuloids. For matter cordi like the electron, the electrostatic hyff (e-hyff) are not withdrawn at each frequency cycle, but continue to propagate outwards. Each frequency cycle sends a renewal-pulse down the hyff, so the force is transient and quantised. This force makes up the electric field. A companion paper (Cordus conjecture), describes the background to this idea, applies it to path dilemmas in the double-slit device and MachZehnder interferometer, and uses it to explain fringes. It is shown that the Cordus conjecture is conceptually able to resolve wave-particle duality for the photon. Another paper (Cordus optics) shows that the idea is applicable to conventional optical effects, such as refraction. That paper also further develops the concept of frequency and the dynamic internal states of the photon. A third paper (Cordus matter) applies those ideas to matter generally and the electron specifically. It explains matter waves and the wave-particle duality thereof, entanglement, locality (a revised principle is proposed), electron orbitals, entropy, coherence, superfluidity, and superconductivity. It also shows why quantum effects do not scale up to the macroscopic world. We recommend that ‘Cordus conjecture’ and ‘Cordus matter’ be read first, as the present paper extends on concepts described there. One of the positive features of the Cordus idea is that it is coherent across many physical effects, as shown in the companion papers. The implications are that both electromagnetic Wave theory (WT) and Quantum mechanics (QM) are only external manifestations and measurements (respectively) of a deeper mechanics. Neither of them, singularly or jointly, is the reality. Purpose The Cordus concept as a whole is conjectural, although the previous papers have grounded the concepts by comparing them against wellknown physical phenomena. The present bracket of papers is less cautious. The purpose here is to audaciously push the concept to see if it has novel suggestions about deeper mechanisms, particularly the propagation of light and fields in general. Method The approach taken is a continuation of that described in ‘Cordus conjecture’, and not detailed here. The purpose is to synthesising a 221 working-model that is sufficient to explain as much of the observed reality as possible. The outcome is qualitative rather than mathematical, and is termed a conceptual solution. Along the way the underlying assumptions are notes as a series of lemmas. These we do not attempt to prove: they are simply to make the premises explicit so that they can be evaluated later. In the other papers the causality is relatively linear, but here the concepts were found to depend on each other, and the process of generating the conceptual solution was more iterative. The way the model is presented is therefore for convenience of explanation rather than necessarily descriptive of the method. Unavoidably, concepts are sometimes mentioned at the start but only defined later. The lemmas make up the central strand through the papers. L lemmas are in ‘Cordus conjecture’, O in ‘Cordus Optics’, M in ‘Cordus matter’, and E in ‘Cordus in extremis’. The results follow, starting in part 1 with some basic preliminary constructs for the electric field, then magnetism. Part 2 introduces a concept for what the vacuum consists of, and why the speed of light is finite. Gravitation, mass, and time are explored in Part 3 and new models developed for each. Part 4 introduces a conceptual model for quarks and the internal structure of the proton and neutron. 2 Field forces The fundamental forces are electromagnetism (EM), strong and weak nuclear forces, and gravity. Electromagnetism and gravitation are the only forces with infinite range. 2.1 Quantum mechanics interpretation of fields The QM explanation is that the forces arise between matter by the exchange of gauge bosons. These bosons are the force-carriers, and the photon is held to be the gauge boson for the electromagnetic force. The other forces are carried by W & Z bosons (weak) and gluons (strong). The force effects are described using bosons as virtual particles, which can only be detected as forces not individual particles. Thus electromagnetism is proposed to be carried by virtual photons, the strong interaction between quarks by the gluon, and the weak interaction (e.g. quark flavour-changing between left-handed fermions) by W and Z bosons. Thus the standard explanation is that electromagnetic forces arise between matter when they exchange virtual photons. These forces can cancel each other if the bodies have both protons and electrons in equal numbers. Gravity is the odd one out. All the others can be explained by QM. Gravitons may be the force-carrier for gravity, though this is more controversial and the particle has not been observed and detection is generally expected to be difficult though perhaps feasible. The other approach to gravity is general relativity, where gravity arises from the warping of space time, i.e. the effect is a geometric one. However this 222 does not integrate very well with QM. The Cordus interpretation of fields and bosons is very different, and is progressively developed in several sections following. 2.2 Cordus electrostatics The starting premise is that all fields are hyff, of one sort or another. The following lemma sets out the assumptions more explicitly. \ Hyffon lemma E.1 Hyffon lemma E.1.1 All field forces are carried by hyff. E.1.1.1 The hyff are persistent structures and each particuloid of matter has a finite number of them. E.1.2 Some hyff continue to propagate outwards (gravity, electromagnetism) and hence have long range, whereas others are withdrawn (photon hyff). E.1.3 A hyff is a persistent structure even when not energised. Hyff are in pairs: one part at each reactive end (RE) of the cordus. E.1.4 A hyff line is directional but may be bent, e.g. by movement of the basal generator. E.1.5 The hyff carries a transient quantum of force (‘hyffon’) directed back down the hyff towards its origin. Each re-energisation of the reactive end sends another renewal-pulse of force down the hyff. We term that pulse a hyffon since it is reminiscent of phonons and plasmons in their distortion of the medium. The hyffon corresponds approximately to ‘gauge bosons’. E.1.6 Each hyffon renewal-pulse of hyff force has the ability to interact with other ‘particles’ of matter that it meets. The force is transient and is relinquished as the pulse decays, at least for the electrostatic hyff (e-hyff). E.1.7 The hyff propagate forward and the force is not consumed but reapplied to the next most distal particuloid of matter. E.1.8 Hyff penetrate everything. No field can be shielded. E.1.9 Hyffon are force increments that propagate distally, and have a sign. How that sign is interpreted depends on the recipient reactive end. If the recipient is generating the same sign hyffons, then there is competition for hyff emission directions (HEDs, see later) and repulsion. Complementary HEDs results in attraction. So for like charges, e.g. two electrons e.a and e.b, the first electron e.a emits hyffons with an outward sign, and when these reach the second electron e.b they disrupt the hyffon production of e.b, so that its reactive ends are forced to re-energise a little further away, i.e. repulsion. We nominally represent negative charge as a hyffon directed outwards, and positive charge directed proximally, but this is only for convenience. We show the hyffons by arrows but this does not indicate the direction of the force but rather the sign. It is more convenient to think of the negative 223 charge as being hyffons that are propagated outwards, and positive charge as those being drawn inwards. Electrostatic attraction arises Therefore hyff are directional force lines that extend out into space from their basal particuloid, and where the force appears in pulses that travel outwards along the line (hyffons), see Figure 1. The hyff themselves are not being continuously created, but they are being energised by pulses (hyffons) that travel down the line. 2.3 Electric field Applying the lemma to the electric field, the Cordus interpretation is that the charged cordus particuloid at the base emits an electric hyff (e-hyff) at the moment of its creation, and that hyff continues to propagate outwards with each pulse of renewal. This implies that charged particles created at the birth of the universe will tend to have their hyff moored at the edge of the expanding universe. Each electron is not necessarily bound to a single proton somewhere else in the universe, so electric charges may be monopoles, at least at the level that we perceive. 224 Figure 1: Cordus structure showing hyff and their periodic re-energisation via hyffons emitted consecutively from the reactive ends. A fibril joins the two reactive ends and perpetuates the frequency and the reciprocating energisation of the reactive ends. Only one pair of hyff is shown. Later works suggests that the proton and probably also the electron have three, in orthogonal directions. Photons are thought to have only one pair of hyff, but they are not persistent as shown here. Thus fields consist of a rapid sequence of discrete impulses of transient force, radiating out from a cordus at the centre. However we do not see this granularity at our level of perception. Instead we perceive fields to be smooth, continuous, and uniform in all directions. This is because of the en-masse effect of many particuloids being involved, so the hyff lines are numerous and in different directions, and the frequency is too high to detect the individual pulses. 225 For a test charge in an electric field, the overall effect is a steady rain of hyffons that are individually small transient units of force. The overall effect is a smooth force. If the remote body has depth, then the incoming hyffons apply force to the fore-most parts of the body, and then pass through and apply force to the deeper layers. Cordus predicts that the field will be granular at the frequency of the basal charge, and not uniform quantum increments. Also, that the frequency should depend on the level-of-assembly – for example a free electron will have the same magnitude of field as one involved in a bond, but different frequency. This may be a testable prediction. Hyff lines for permanent charges like the electron are persistent, though renewed periodically by hyffons. By comparison, the photon is odd, in that it emits an electric field and then promptly withdraws it: the next pulse is in the opposite direction. Electrostatic Shielding It is commonly known that an electric field can be shielded, whereas gravitation cannot. For example, a Faraday cage is a container made of conductive mesh, and is conventionally understood to block external electrostatic fields from entering: no electric field is experienced inside. However Cordus suggests that something different is happening, and proposes a different principle. Cordus predicts that hyff penetrate everything, and no field can be shielded. In a Faraday cage the electric field only appears to be shielded. That in turn is because electrons in the cage material, which has to be conductive, have sufficient mobility to move rapidly to the other side of the cage in response to the external field. There they set up own field countering response fields, i.e. an induced voltage across the cage. The external hyff (and field) still exist inside the cage, but the net force on a test charge is zero because it is balanced by the induced voltage field across the cage. The fineness of the cage-mesh determines the roughness of that field, so better results are had from finer or continuous materials. Electrons in the cage need to make this balancing at the frequency of the externally applied field. For static electric fields this is straightforward, as the electrons need to move into position only once, hence the requirement that the cage be conductive. When the frequency of the electric field is too high then the electrons cannot respond fast enough: in which case the balancing fails and shielding is lost. Note that it is the hyff that cannot be shielded. The electron or photon or particuloid itself can be denied passage: shielded or reflected. Thus when considering shielding or reflecting, it is important to note that the effects are different for hyff and reactive-ends. Also, the effect is different for photons because the do not have persistent hyff but rather extend and then withdraw them. Photon hyff do not pass through everything, or at 226 least do not go far. Therefore the photon can be shielded against: it can be absorbed. So light can have a shadow but not the electric field. Applying this to reflection of radio-frequency photons, as the frequency increases so the span of the photons decreases (see ‘Cordus conjecture’), and the available current loops in the shield need to be correspondingly smaller if the photon is to have a chance of meeting them: hence the mesh-size of the reflector needs to be finer. As the frequency rises still further, the required loops are of the order of atomic spacing, i.e. the shield must be of a continuous material. For even greater frequencies the electrons cannot counter the hyff so the photon passes straight through. According to cordus the level of apparent electromagnetic shielding achieved should be dependent on frequency of the field, the mobility of the charge carriers in the shield material, and the geometry of the shield. Further that shielding may be achievable for one species of charged matter within a space, but not for much smaller charge species. The hyff always go through everything, but the cordus particuloid itself, represented by its REs, can be blocked, reflected, or collapsed. Once the RE has been displaced, then the next hyffon is emitted from the new location. So the inside of the Faraday cage appears to be free of electric fields, whereas Cordus suggests the fields are not shielded but merely balanced. The implication is that hyff penetrate everything, and no field may be shielded, though some may be balanced (E.1.8). This is may seem a trivial distinction, but is important in what follows regarding gravitation. Virtual particles The conventional perspective is that the virtual photon is the gauge boson (force carrier) for the electromagnetic force. As shown above, the Cordus interpretation is different: the electrostatic hyff carry the force and there is no invisible additional particle per se. From the Cordus perspective conventional references to ‘virtual particles’ of any kind can generally be re-interpreted as a hyff effect (E.1.1). The hyff have a renewal frequency, and travel as a hyffon pulse in the fabric of space (see part 4.2) A hyffon only looks like ‘virtual particle’ because it involves transient disturbance of the medium, and is not an identifiable real particle. Cordus suggests that the term ‘virtual particle’ is misleading and confounds two very different effects: the REs of the cordus particuloid, and the quantum hyff force fields. If this is true, then it means that seeking to find gravitons as the forcecarrier for gravity, can be re-interpreted as a search for hyffons. These can be expected to be small disturbances in the fabric hyff (see Part 2), not particles as such. Cordus predicts that ‘virtual’ particles are fundamentally different to normal ‘particles’, and should be massless. This includes any bosons for gravitation. 227 Cordus suggests that hyff are permanent for matter. Assuming nominal units of charge q- and q+, which are not necessarily those of the electron and proton, then the q-hyff are outward propagating, whereas the q+hyff are inward (a nominal sign convention). As the universe expands, so the hyff get stretched out. Note that the hyff are not straight lines, but are distorted into curves by the velocity and acceleration of their basal particuloid. 2.4 Cordus magnetism There are different perspectives on magnetism. The classical electrostatic description is that static charged particles create only an electrostatic field, whereas moving charged particles create a magnetic field too. The two components are primarily related by change: when an electric field changes or is moved it generates a magnetic field (and a changing magnetic field creates an electric field). Thus a charged particle placed in the fields will move accordingly under the Lorentz force, F = q(E + VxB) where F is force, q is electric charge, E is electric field, V is velocity, B is magnetic field, and x is the cross product using the right-hand-rule.56 From the perspective of special relativity, electric- and magnetic-fields are part of the deeper phenomenon of electromagnetism. The two are interchangeable depending on the frame of reference: what looks like a magnetic field from one frame could be electrostatic in another. The quantum perspective is that electromagnetism occurs by the transfer of (virtual) photons. From the wave theory perspective, light is an electromagnetic wave, with the electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other. Cordus provides a different explanation. Magnetic fields, from the Cordus perspective, just represent the motion of the charge (basal generator) that is emitting the e-hyff. This is based on the following assumptions. Magnetism Lemma E.2 Magnetism Lemma E.2.1 Movement (velocity) of a charged reactive end causes magnetic field. The mechanism is presumed to be bending of the hyff at the basal emitter. E.2.2 Curvature of e-hyff is magnetism. The hyff are bent when the base charge moves, and this curvature is propagated out on the hyff by the hyffon pulses. E.2.3 The direction of magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane in which the curvature occurs. E.2.4 The electric field is the fundamental effect, and the magnetic field is a derivative. E.2.5 A remote particuloid responds to the hyffon pulses and the curvature embedded therein. 56 Right-hand-rule: V along thumb, B on index, and then the force is in the direction of the middle finger, for a positive charge 228 E.2.7 The mechanism for magnetic interaction is a yaw moment on the remote moving particuloid. (Expanded below). From the Cordus perspective, a static charge only generates an electrostatic force, without magnetism, because the hyff are straight outwards. However a moving charge causes bending of the e-hyff, and this is what we perceive as magnetism, see Figure 2. The sharper the radius of curvature the greater the magnetic field. Thus electrostatic forces are a position effect, while magnetism is a velocity effect. However the same basic structure, the hyff, is responsible for both. Fields are granular directional effects Cordus suggests that both the electrostatic and magnetic effects should be directional for a single moving charge (the ‘base charge’), i.e. the force should be orientated in a particular direction, and granular, at sufficiently small scales. This is a consequence of the assumption that a single charge has a limited number of hyff, and the effects travel out on the hyff. It is easiest to understand as a single radial hyff, but that is a simplification for convenience of explanation. The emission direction of the hyff at the reactive end (proximal) can be changed, but if the charge has existed for a long time, which will generally be the case, then the far (distal) end of the hyff will be in another point in space, and at a different orientation. For a stationary base charge, the hyff lines are straight outwards. Thus any small stationary test charge placed at some remote location along the hyff will feel only the electrostatic force from the base charge. A granular electrostatic force occurs when a hyffon reaches a remote test charge. The force, which is momentary, is directed tangent to the hyff at that remote location. The electrostatic effect is directional, so Cordus predicts that a test charge should only feel the force if it happens to be sufficiently close to the hyff line, and otherwise not. So the electric field is both granular and directional, at small scales. However in most practical settings the number of charges involved is large, they all point in different directions, and the cordus frequency is high. These cause a smoothing effect, and consequently the resulting field is continuous and uniform. So the overall effect is not directional. The same smoothing applies to the magnetic field. Generation of magnetism from a single moving charge When the basal charge moves, then the hyff line is bent or displaced at the proximal origin, see Figure 2. The resulting piece of curvature moves outward with the hyffon pulses, reforming the mature line ('combing') as it moves out to the distal end. Thus a remote test charge placed somewhere on the hyff receives updates about where the basal charge is now located, which means that the electrostatic force is more accurately aimed back at the base. The test charge will also feel the magnetic force, depending on its own velocity. The hyff process of propagating this information occurs at light speed. 229 Figure 2: Magnetism is curvature of the hyff in the Cordus model. This curvature creates a fragment of magnetic force, which moves outwards with the hyffon. In this particular working model,57 the magnetism effect is an impulse of force that can act on a remote moving charge that gets in its way. The directional hand58 of magnetism VxB ensures that the magnetic impulse is in the opposite direction at the other reactive end. However it is not sensible to speak of a magnetic field in this simple case of a single charge. 57 In a different model the magnetism corresponds to positive and negative curvature of the hyff, in which case there is a looplet around each hyff. This is not the currently preferred model, but at this relatively high level of conceptual abstraction there is often not a lot to differentiate the models, so we have to be open to the possibility that the model might need changing. 58 Why is the effect right-handed? What are the deeper variables that cause this hand? E.6.11 suggests it is the way the quarks assemble into matter, i.e. the way the hyff are orientated in the assembly of matter particuloids. 230 The overall field is generated by aggregation of the many small discrete fragments of magnetism. Each moving charge creates part of a magnetic looplet, not necessarily continuous, and the effect of multiple charges moving together is to aggregate those into a what we perceive as a continuous field. Any moving mass generates curvature of the hyff, and these generate the magnetic field, except that neutral-charge mass has no observable magnetic field because it emits positive and negative hyff. Cordus suggests that at a sufficient small scale neutral mass should show magnetism, because the positive and negative basal generators are separated slightly. This is a type of lack of parity. Cordus predicts that the electric and magnetic forces apply simultaneously, and with gravitation too. The curved path of the hyffon is a discrete impulse of both electrostatism and magnetism. These forces travel together, and as they move outward they are diluted across the surface of an enlarging sphere, and thus the field effects becomes weaker. This advancing front is an area effect (A = 4πr2), not a volume effect, which is consistent with the observation that the electrostatic, magnetic and gravity forces all reduce with radius squared (r2) rather than any other power. The faster the base charge moves, the greater the distortion of the hyff, and the greater the magnetic impulse (so the force is not a fixed quantum). Having more charges q moving in the same direction does not increase the curvature but simply means that there are more hyffons reaching the remote test charge, i.e. the effect is simply additive. When the base charge stops moving, then the curvature of the hyff is quickly (again at light speed) swept straight by the hyffons. The end-result is a straight hyff line. So magnetism subsides and only the electrostatic effect remains. Magnetism is thus only evident when the base charge has velocity. Thus one mechanism, the hyff, simultaneously transmits the electric and magnetic forces. Thus Cordus accounts for all the terms in the Lorentz force, F = q(E + VxB). The strengths of the two forces are not equal, being determined by the electric constant (or vacuum permittivity) and the magnetic constant (or vacuum permeability). Cordus explains this as different efficacy of the two sub-mechanisms of the hyff. Generation of magnetism in a wire An electric current in a wire generates a magnetic field that wraps around the wire (right-hand thumb rule). Cordus explains this as follows. When electrons flow en-masse in a wire, they each emit a few hyff, and these aggregate to create a smooth magnetic field. The component of any hyff emitted axially forward or backward will neutralise with those of other electrons, so the net result is hyff emitted radially. Thus the looplets (see Figure 2) join to form the observed cylindrical field structure. 231 Reaction of a remote moving charge to magnetic impulse How does a curved hyffon create the magnetic force on the remote test charge? If the remote test charge is stationary, then any curvature of the incoming hyff (i.e. external magnetic field) only re-orients the direction of the electrostatic force. However, if the test charge is also moving, and encounters a magnetic field, then the magnetic force arises. The basic principle is that the force tries to realign the moving test charge to the same direction of motion as the basal charge. For example, if the magnetic field is large and uniform, then the transecting moving test charge is forced into a circular path: which is the same as the large basal current required to make that magnetic field. The principle applies also when the two moving charges are the same, except that they mutually influence each other to try to become co-linear. Thus magnetism is one moving charge attempting to force another to conform to the same direction of motion: it is a type of synchronisation effect. 2.5 Magnetic interaction The classical interpretation is that a test charge moving in a magnetic field experiences a sideways Lorentz force that is perpendicular to its direction of travel and the external magnetic field (i.e. excludes the magnetic field of the test charge itself): F = qVxB. However the mechanism for how this forces arises is obscure. The following is a speculative model for the mechanism underlying cordus magnetism. This is an explanation for Lemma E.2.7 which states ‘The mechanism for magnetic interaction is a yaw moment on the remote moving particuloid.’ Progressive model The magnetism effect starts as an angular deflection of the emergent hyffon at the basal charge (E.2.1), and this propagates outwards on the hyff as a pulse of curvature (E.2.2), eventually reaching the remote moving test charge (E.2.5). But how does the hyffon interact with the remote charge in E.2.7? The following working model is suggested, though it is speculative. The basic principle is that the pulse of magnetism interferes with the re-energisation of the reactive ends of the remote test charge, thereby encouraging that remote charge into a different position than its momentum would usually have provided, and this is what is experienced as the magnetic force. Magnetic interaction lemma The mechanism for magnetic interaction is a yaw moment on the remote moving particuloid: E.2.7 Magnetic interaction lemma 232 E.2.7.1 Velocity of any massy particuloid delays the re-energisation of its reactive ends and thus the emergence of its hyffons. E.2.7.2 Delay corresponds to energisation of the reactive end in a geometrically retarded position on its locus, i.e. the fibril is momentarily not perpendicular to the direction of motion. The hyffon is emitted slightly rearwards, which corresponds to a transient kink in the hyff. E.2.7.3 All charged particuloids are assumed to have mass. The momentum of the moving particuloid subsequently carries the reactive end forward to where it should be in the locus. Thus the retardation does not accumulate. E.2.7.4 At the remote moving charge the process is complementary. E.2.7.5 Particuloids always line up their span to be perpendicular to their direction of motion, and will adjust their spin to achieve this. (However the roll angle is variable). Cordus explanation A somewhat fuller explanation follows. Within the basal moving charge, the a1 reactive end is delayed slightly by the velocity (E.2.7.1), and the need to emit the hyffon onto the fabric of space (see part 4.2). The a1 reactive end therefore energises in a geometrically retarded position on its locus (E.2.7.2). Thus the fibril is rotated in yaw, momentarily, and the hyff is temporarily bent as it is emitted. The momentum of the moving particuloid resets the system by subsequently carrying the reactive end forward to where it should be in the locus. Cordus predicts a retardation of the frequency for the remote charge during the operation of magnetism. When the hyffon curvature pulse reaches the remote moving test charge, it likewise interferes with the geometric location for the emergent reactive end b1 of the moving test charge. Whether it delays or advances that reactive ends depends on the sign of the magnetic field, i.e. the relative direction of the velocity of the test charge. The pulse may prevent the b1 reactive end advancing forward as far as it usually might during a frequency cycle, or it might push it forward. Recall that momentum determines the nominal location on the locus where the reactive end is expected to re-energise. Remember also that a reactive end will preferentially re-energise in a location prepared for it by the external environment. So the basal charge remotely interferes with the location of re-energisation of other particuloids. This sets up a yaw moment across the fibril, thereby adjusting the direction in which the remote charge is moving. The curvature pulse is not consumed but passes on outward to the other RE b2. We assume that the effect is additive rather than being negated, since the hand is reversed when it reaches that other reactive end. 233 Particular cases If the test charge is not moving, then the curvature pulse only interferes with the spin of the test charge: it rotates it on the spot. This may be testable. If the test charge is moving in the same general direction as the base charge, then the pulse yaws the cordus of the test charge towards the direction of the basal charge. Of course the moving test charge is not simply a passive participant, but also radiates its own hyff with electric and magnetic effects. If the basal charge is of similar size, it will be affected in turn by the magnetism of the test charge, and the two charges will progressively synchronise their positions towards each other, i.e. the loci converge, or the magnetic force is attractive. The magnetism effect depends not simply on the speed of the charges, but also their relative directions. This is economically explained in cordus by adding lemma E.2.7.5: that particuloids always line up their span to be perpendicular to their direction of motion. (However the roll angle is variable). Thus magnetism only works in remote particuloids that already have some degree of alignment with the velocity of the basal charge. If the remote test charge is moving in some other deviant direction, then the hyff it emits are orientated differently to that of the base charge. The field of the base charge partly forces the remote test charge to comply. This means that it will be forced to partly synchronise its hyff emission with the base charge, (a weak form of CoFS in action) and in turn this means that its reactive ends will have to energise in a different position and orientation than their own momentum had originally intended. Thus the general result of magnetism on two similarly sized moving charges, is to redirect their trajectories towards each other. Cordus predicts a tendency to mutual synchronisation of frequency for identical moving charges. The common case shown in physics texts is of a moving charge being forced into a circular trajectory in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. In this case the magnetic field dominates the interaction, and the moving test charge tends to move into a circular or helical trajectory. However the uniform field is not a particularly useful way of representing magnetism because it obscures the important fact that creation of that uniform field requires charges to be moving in a circular path too. Uniform magnetic fields are a very special case and thus an artificial way to approach magnetism, and it is the dance of two moving particuloids where the more interesting mechanics becomes visible. The implication of the E.2.7.5 lemma is profound, because it means that any motion of a massy object results in all the internal particuloids adjusting their spin. This sounds radical, and it may or not be valid. Nonetheless there are several situations where we do see something similar albeit with magnetism, namely permanent magnets, and magnetic resonance imaging. In both these cases the spins of all the electrons in the 234 whole body are aligned, and in the latter case it is the human body which is affected, to no obvious detriment. Cordus suggests that particuloid orientation is affected by magnetism and motion. This may be testable, but falsification would not be a serious impediment to the cordus concept since this an extreme prediction. To sum up the magnetism mechanism, the incoming hyffon interferes with the intended re-energisation of the reactive ends, and changes the preferred location. Thus there is a transient displacement effect that we interpret as the magnetic force. Magnetism thus interferes with momentum processes.59 Note that the force and displacement perspectives for magnetism are equivalent. Thus the classical interpretation of the Lorentz force F = qVxB and the cordus displacement mechanism are different aspects of magnetism considered at different scales. Permanent magnets A permanent ferro-magnet has a magnetic field, but no apparent electric field. The usual explanation is that that the electron and nucleon spins are aligned across a domain (region of atoms). The Cordus interpretation extends this by saying that that the alignment of the cordus (spin) of electrons and nucleons result in the hyff pointing in the same direction. More accurately, that the hyff are orderly aligned along the axis of the magnetic poles, but randomly orientated in the transverse directions and there neutralised laterally. The electrostatic force on an external test charge is balanced, because of the equal contribution of positive and negative charges. So the magnet does not appear to be charged or to emit an electric field. Nonetheless it emits hyff. From the Cordus perspective, the magnetic domains are formed in the first instance because electron hyff extend to neighbouring atoms and encourage alignment: a complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). This is an important concept throughout the cordus mechanics, and ‘Cordus matter’ describes the concept more fully. Within the magnetic material the electrons themselves move, either through their unfilled orbitals, or current flow within the sub-lattices of the material, and this generates curvature of the hyff and thus magnetic fields. These curved pieces of hyff propagate outwards to reach a remote magnetic material, e.g. a piece of iron. At this point they induce the remote electrons and atoms to align with the hyff and move with the direction of curvature, if the atomic structure permits (paramagnetism). While the electrostatic forces are balanced, the magnetic components are not, and the residual component of force is attractive (or repulsive if the atomic response is diamagnetic). 59 It should therefore not come as a surprise that cordus predicts a coherent system behaviour across electricity, magnetism, momentum, mass, and gravitation, as the following papers show. 235 How does the force itself arise? The piece of iron is attracted to the magnet, and the hand must exert force to prevent it closing the gap. How does this work? The explanation for this working model, is that the force is a perception: the real effect is displacement at the sub-atomic cordus level. The hyffons of the magnetic field put pressure on the electron cordus in the iron test piece, and this encourages the reactive ends of the electron to re-energise in a slightly closer position than they would otherwise. These are lower-energy positions in the environment external to the cordus, so the reactive ends naturally prefer to re-energise in these locations. The REs can be prevented from doing so, but this requires a force. For an electron deep inside the iron test piece, that force is carried by the neighbouring electrons, and the stability of those bonds. The force is therefore carried from electron to electron through the bulk of the iron until it reaches the outside surfaces, where the pressure of the hand provides (again through electron interactions between iron and tissue) the force to resist the movement of the iron piece. So, to answer the question, when holding two magnets apart, the force is required to prevent the sub-atomic cordi (e.g. electrons) from inching closer to the other body. If that force is not there, then the two bodies accelerate towards each other. Acceleration of a body in a field If the hand is not there, or the biomechanics not strong enough, then the REs of the electrons in the iron creep closer to the magnet, by a small increment each frequency cycle. Once they start moving, the test piece of iron obtains a body speed, and this with its mass creates momentum. In turn the momentum predisposes the reactive end to re-energise ahead on its locus, i.e. the velocity is maintained. The steady rain of magnetic hyffons keep pulling the REs in the test piece even further ahead, and this creates acceleration. The mechanism is similar for a body accelerating in any field: electrostatic, magnetic, or gravitational. Thus from the cordus perspective all three fundamental forces are caused, at the sub-atomic level, by displacement effects of the reactive ends. The fabric provides the medium that interlinks all these effects, see part 4.2. Thus what we perceive as force is more fundamentally a constraineddisplacement effect. This is also why the speed of light is a common limiting constraint on all the field effects. The three fundamental forces electrostatic, magnetic, and gravitational, all use the same hyff, but just different information channels thereon, see part 4.3. 3 Conclusions A conceptual model has been shown for cordus electromagnetism. The starting premise is that all fields are hyff, of one sort or another. Hyff are directional force lines that extend out into space from their basal particuloid, and where the force appears in pulses that travel outwards along the line (hyffons). Thus fields consist of a rapid sequence of discrete impulses of transient force, radiating out from a cordus at the centre. 236 However we do not see this granularity at our level of perception. Instead we perceive fields to be smooth, continuous, and uniform in all directions. This is because of the en-masse effect of many particuloids being involved. For a test charge in an electric field, the overall effect is a steady rain of hyffons that are individually small transient units of force. The overall effect is a smooth force. From the Cordus perspective, a static charge only generates an electrostatic force, without magnetism, because the hyff are straight outwards. However a moving charge causes bending of the e-hyff, and this is what we perceive as magnetism. Any moving mass generates curvature of the hyff, and these generate the magnetic field, except that neutral-charge mass has no observable magnetic field because it emits positive and negative hyff. Thus electrostatic forces are a position effect, while magnetism is a velocity effect. However the same basic structure, the hyff, is responsible for both. Cordus electromagnetism is applied to explain the electric field surrounding a wire carrying current, the locus of moving test charges in a magnetic field, and the mechanism for how force arises in permanent magnets. The contribution made by this paper is a description of electromagnetism that goes to the next deeper level: it can explain the underlying mechanisms for how the forces arise, where conventional theories do not go. Also, it provides a mechanism for fields to be granular and directional at the small scale, but smooth and continuous at larger scale. What is particularly valuable is that the overall coherency of the cordus concept, in that the same mechanics that resolve wave-particle duality can also be used to explain fields, i.e. the creation of a consistent conceptual framework. The cordus explanation for electromagnetism is unorthodox in several areas. First, it dispenses with the need for additional particles, and conventional references to ‘virtual particles’ of any kind are thus reinterpreted as a hyff effect. Second, conventional theories tend to portray electric fields and magnetic fields with equal standing: they are interchangeable concepts. By contrast, Cordus suggests that the electric field is the fundamental effect, and the magnetic field is a derivative. Thus electrostatics is a reactive end position effect, magnetism a RE-movement phenomenon, and (yet to be shown) gravitation a RE-acceleration effect. Third, Cordus is unconventional in asserting that the electric field cannot be shielded, and that what looks like shielding is only localised neutralisation. The results show that the Cordus conjecture can be extended to electromagnetic fields. Doing so permits novel re-conceptualisation of some fundamental paradigms of conventional physics. In particular, Cordus shows that it is conceptually easy to explain how granularity of the electromagnetic field arises at a sub-atomic level, and also how the macroscopic perception arises of fields being smooth. Furthermore, the cordus concepts of fields are important in what follows, when the 237 composition of the vacuum is considered and gravitation is added to the model. 238 239 Fabric of the universe Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 Pons, D.J. , 60 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract The concept of the vacuum is problematic for conventional physics. Electromagnetic wave theory models it as consisting of nothing at all, but yet paradoxically having finite electric and magnetic constants. Quantum mechanics models it as consisting of temporary particles, but no average substance. General Relativity theory includes a spacetime medium, without describing the composition. In all cases the underlying physical mechanisms are obscure. Furthermore, these existing perspectives conflict in their expectations, so the integration is poor. The treatment is not always logical either: conventional theories find the idea of the matterbased aether thoroughly unacceptable, yet ironically all include something that looks conceptually much like a medium. The Cordus conjecture provides a conceptual solution for the composition of the vacuum: it provides a fabric that is granular (similar to quantised) at the smallest scale, scales up to a continuum, provides a medium for propagation of disturbances and waves, provides a medium for electromagnetism and gravitation, is relativistic, is not a matter aether, and includes a time signal. In the cordus solution the vacuum is made of tangled hyff (force lines) from all the surrounding matter particuloids. This cordus fabric concept also provides a descriptive explanation as to why the speed of light is a finite value. The fine structure constant is given a physical interpretation, as a measure of the transmission efficacy of the fabric. Cordus also distinguishes between the fabric that makes up the vacuum of space, as opposed to the void which has neither fabric nor time as we perceive it. This model is radically unorthodox in suggesting that the speed of light is relativistic but not invariant; that it depends fundamentally on the fabric density and hence the accessible mass density of the universe at that locality. Keywords: cordus; vacuum; void; quantum fluctuations; magnetic constant; aether; relativity; spacetime; speed of light; fine structure constant Revision 2.10 Minor edits Document: Pons_Cordus_4.1Fabric_E2.10.98.doc 1 Introduction There is a finite limit to the speed of light in a vacuum, but it is not known what determines the value. Wave theory defines light as a selfpropagating field disturbance. From that perspective the speed of light is determined by the electric constant and magnetic constant. This of course 60 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 240 begs the question of what determines those constants. Why should a region of space, with nothing in it, have a resistance to the growth of electric and magnetic fields? Answers to these questions are not needed to explain the double-slit and other quantum effects. Nonetheless the Cordus conjecture offers some suggestions for thinking about the questions, though these should be considered in extremis, i.e. a thought-experiment rather than a necessary core concept. This paper is the second in a set of four. The first extended the Cordus conjecture to create a conceptual model for electromagnetic fields. The resulting model showed how a cordus particuloid could generate small transient units of force at the sub-atomic level, thereby creating the apparently smooth and continuous electric field that we more commonly perceive. That paper also reconceptualised how magnetism is generated at the sub-atomic level, and likewise explained how the granularity arises. It showed that the electric field is not shielded, only neutralised. The present paper builds the concept further by creating a working model for how the vacuum operates. This is termed the ‘fabric’. The concept is used to explain why light has a finite speed in the vacuum. This has interesting implications for distinguishing between the ‘vacuum’ of space and what we call the ‘void’ beyond the vacuum, and it also suggests a physical interpretation for the fine structure constant. The concept of fabric is important in the parts that follow, in that the fabric is proposed to be a core element in the unification of gravitation with electromagnetism, and it provides an explanation for time. 2 Temporal capacitance The photon is unusual in that it emits and then withdraws its hyff, unlike the electron and proton (E.1.2). Therefore it is more self-contained than other particuloids. Light slows down in denser media because the cordus, through its hyff, exerts forces on nearby charged particles (particularly electrons). This takes time because the electrons have to move, hence plasmons, and their mass resists that. The photon has to delay while this happens - it cannot race ahead – because the hyff of the photon and electron are momentarily joined. This is the same as saying that the reactive-ends have to increase their lateral deviation zig-zag through the material and thus take a longer path. Note that the whole process is elastic and there are no losses: even though the photon slows down, it does not lose energy. (This counter-intuitive fact is useful in what follows.) For example, when it leaves a glass medium and goes back into air, it speeds up again. The glass does not provide resistance per se, instead it simply wastes the photon’s time, and we call this temporal capacitance. That explanation is fine for light passing through matter, but what about a vacuum, where there is no matter or charged particles? What provides the temporal capacitance? Saying it is the electric and magnetic constant is 241 simply circular reasoning. The logical explanation is that there is some kind of invisible medium, perhaps matter-based, that provides temporal capacitance and keeps the photon’s speed down. What could that substance be made of? One candidate might be quantum vacuum fluctuations: particles and antiparticles that pop into existence and almost immediately interact and then disappear. If so, this suggests that the speed of light would be determined by the rate density at which electron quantum fluctuations occur. For that to be a workable solution would require a uniform distribution of electron energies, so that the speed was the same for all energies of photons. Nor is that the only limitation. Why should the vacuum need to fluctuate in the first place? The conventional explanation is that it is an outcome of the probabilistic nature of the wave-function. However Cordus does not accept the wave-function as the reality (see ‘Cordus matter’), so cannot accept that explanation either. What about the concept of aether: that there is a fluid of otherwise undetectable particles through which light travels? That is an ancient concept, first disproved by the Michelson-Morley experiment, and now thoroughly discredited by modern physics. Yet the Michelson-Morley experiment merely disproved the concept of a static or moving-matter aether through which the Earth was moving – the wind. Is it possible to conceive of a different type of aether that is invariant to velocity, a relativistic aether? After all, c is invariant to Observer speed. This leads us to the fabric conjecture. 3 Cordus Fabric-of-the-universe conjecture The fabric conjecture is based on the following assumptions. E.3 Fabric hyff Lemma E.3.1 E.3.2 E.3.3 E.3.4 E.3.5 E.3.6 The fabric of the universe is made of the hyff of all the other massy particuloids in the universe. All ‘virtual particles’ are actually hyffons. There is only one type of hyff, which is electrical, and is created by charged particuloids, but the frequency varies. The low frequency hyff generated by electrons are termed e-hyff, whereas high frequency hyff from quarks are termed q hyff, but they are otherwise all the same. The frequency of the basal generator determines the spacing of the hyffons. Therefore the frequency of the hyff varies for different types of cordus particuloids. There is a spectrum. The density of the hyff in the vacuum determines the temporal capacitance and therefore the propagation speed through the vacuum. We term this the saturated speed of the fabric. This is the speed of light in the vacuum. Propagation of light through matter, e.g. glass, involves additional hyff generated by the matter of the medium. This increases the hyff density and lowers the speed of light. 242 While we use the term ‘fabric’, this should not be taken to mean a 2D structure, nor a regular lattice like cloth. Instead the fabric weave a complex and disorderly mesh of 3D force lines, more like a bowl of spaghetti. Speed of light explanation Cordus suggests that light has a finite speed in a vacuum because the cordus has to interact with the fabric of the vacuum. Origins of the fabric hyff All the positive and negative charged particuloids in the universe, even those in neutral matter, contribute to the fabric hyff. The relatively low frequency hyff (e-hyff) from unit charges (electrons and protons) create electric fields which travel through everything. These low frequency hyff exert the electrostatic force on other charged particuloids of comparable frequency, i.e. on other protons and electrons. The e-hyff are also compatible with some energies of photons, and therefore electron mobility is important in many optical phenomena: it is no coincidence that polished metal reflects light. These e-hyff can apparently be shielded, by electrons in a Faraday cage setting up a counter field that balances the electrostatic force. However the original hyff are still there. Deeper particuloids, e.g. quarks, also emit hyff. These particuloids have short span and high frequency, and their hyff have corresponding high frequency (q hyff). These hyff penetrate everything, but do not react with nominally charged particuloids like the electron and proton. These q hyff correspond to the gluons in QM. It is important to note that these q hyff are the same effect as the electrostatic hyff: just different frequency. The hyff are weak at vast distances, but still finite. And they never expire, unlike those of the photon. All the positive and negative charges in the universe contribute to the hyff fabric. The electromagnetic force may seem to be zero at any one point, but this is merely because the hyff fields balance: the underlying hyff still exist. At sufficiently small scale there should still be electric fields even if there is no field at macroscopic level. These fabric hyff are themselves propagating outwards. These fabric hyff interact weakly with each other in passing, providing temporal capacitance. The interactions mean that the whole fabric operates at a certain saturated speed, c, and this also applies to the temporary hyff of any photons trying to move through. Since the whole hyff fabric operates at c, this provides the invariance to the observer’s speed. It is not an ‘aether’ because it is not made up of particles, 61 but it is relativistic. So everything that travels in the fabric of the universe is limited to a finite saturated speed, which is the speed of light in the vacuum. 61 However if one wished to use the nomenclature of QM, one could say that the fabric was composed of virtual bosons. 243 In this model, the fabric itself provides the temporal capacitance: it uses up the time of photons and other particuloids that travel through it. The mechanism for using up time becomes apparent later in the gravitation and time paper (part 4.3), as interference by the fabric with the reenergisation of reactive ends. Thus the vacuum is not empty, but contains a tangle of moving hyff lines, each propagating hyffon pulses down its length at high refresh frequencies, so that the overall effect is a busy congested and dynamic network. The photon has to fight its way, albeit elastically, through this fabric, and this slows it down to the speed that we know as the speed of light in the vacuum. Thus the fabric itself contributes to entropy in that it delays the redistribution of radiant energy by photons. Cordus also suggests that, by contrast, there is something emptier than the vacuum: something where the tangle of hyff has never been, and time perhaps has not yet existed. We term this the void. Conventional theories, including wave theory and quantum mechanics, do not have this concept. Instead they perceive of the vacuum as containing either nothing at all, or a sea of transitory particles (which is effectively also nothing on average). The electric and magnetic constants of the vacuum become much easier to comprehend when the concept of the fabric is included. As a lemma in the previous paper noted (E.2.4), the electric field is the fundamental effect, and the magnetic field is a derivative. The fabric model derived here is consistent, in that it proposes that the fabric is fundamentally constructed of plain electric hyff. That does not need to stop it also transmitting magnetism, and as we shall see, gravitation too, but the fabric itself is electric. This is also consistent with the known fact that the vacuum has an ‘impedance of free space’, which is in units of electrical resistance (approx. 376Ω). Those units are unfortunate, because from the cordus perspective it is better to think about the fabric in terms of 3E-09 sec time lost per metre travelled, because that emphasises that the impedance is not loss of energy in drag or resistance, but rather the loss of time in transit.62 The fabric as a whole is charge-neutral, because it consists of hyff from positive and negative charges. Thus the electromagnetic force on a stationary test charge seems to be zero at any one point, and it does not get moved by the fabric. This is merely because the hyff fabric-forces balance: the underlying fabric hyff still exist. In addition, the electromagnetic force only looks like a photon-effect, hence QM’s ‘virtual photon’, because the hyffons create transient disturbances in the fabric hyff and these have a similar signature to a photon. Quantum vacuum fluctuations The fabric is granular at sufficiently small scales. It will also appear as noise, since there are q+ and q- hyffons to the fabric. Thus it can look like short-lived particles of electrons and positrons suddenly appearing and then disappearing. 62 Both electrical capacitance and inductance are time effects, and lossless regarding energy. 244 Cordus suggests that what QM perceives as quantum vacuum fluctuations are the passage, past the Observer, of disorderly hyffons, not real particuloids of matter. Thus cordus predicts that 'virtual particles' should be massless. Gravitational bending of light If the above conjecture were true, then it has some other implications. The first concerns nearby masses. What happens when light goes close to a big lump of matter – won’t that change the strength of the fabric hyff? Yes, and that is what we interpret as gravitational bending of light. In this idea, it's not so much the mass that the photon is responding to, but the charges within that mass. The bending of the locus would be caused by more fabric-hyff leading towards the mass. Note that hyff are force lines, and while the general background fabric-hyff apply a balanced force on any particuloid, the hyff from the local mass are strongly directional. Therefore the fabric in the vicinity of a mass will have a preferred direction, i.e. it is a vector field not a scalar field. Fine structure constant One implication of the hyff fabric concept is that the density of the universe affects the speed of light. The fine structure constant α appears in several places in physics, and thus can be explained in various ways. From the Cordus perspective α is a measure of the transmission efficacy of the hyff-fabric, i.e. it determines the relationship between the electric constant of the vacuum fabric, and the speed of propagation c through the fabric. To explain this another way, the fabric is made of electrical hyff, and the saturation thereof crates the temporal capacitance, which in turn results in the electric constant and limits the speed of light to a certain finite value. Thus Cordus suggests that the dependent variable in the equation is the velocity of light c. Thus: e 2e 2 cc == (4π hα )ε o (4π hα )ε o where e is electric charge; ħ is reduced Planck’s constant; α fine structure constant; εo electrical constant of the vacuum. Assuming all of these are constant bar the last, then the speed of light depends on εo, the electrical constant of the vacuum. Cordus suggests that εo represents the density of the fabric hyff, and thus depends on the mass density of the universe. Thus the speed of light in the vacuum depends on the mass of the universe and the local density of the fabric hyff. Thus the Cordus perspective is that the fine structure constant α refers to the relationship between electrical hyff and the speed of propagation of hyffons. Thus it is to be expected that α will appear wherever electrical hyff and propagation of fields occur, and this includes the cases covered by CoFS such as electron bonding. 245 If this is correct then the speed of light in the vacuum should be locally but not temporally invariant, even if it is always relativistic. Perhaps this is testable? Light may have been faster in the very first moments of the universe when there was not much matter about, hence driving inflation, then slower when matter formed and the universe was much denser than now. Finally it could be increasingly faster as the universe expanded and the mass density dropped. The speed of light may not even be directionally invariant. These are unorthodox predictions of cordus in extremis, and there may be other factors to consider. But if true then the structural implications would be large: it would imply that many of the supposedly fundamental physical constants may not be as exact as thought. On the bright side, the differences are likely to be negligibly small, at least for engineers who need to make things work in this present epoch and local region of space. Vacuum vs. void In conventional electromagnetic wave theory there is no aether and EM waves can propagate through nothingness. However Cordus in extremis differentiates between the vacuum of space and the void. The vacuum is that region of space in which the hyff-fabric has become established, but where there is not-yet any matter. As later extensions of the idea show, the fabric is also where time, as we perceive it, exists. By contrast the void is beyond the universe and has neither fabric nor time as we perceive it. The fabric expands into the void and colonises it. The fabric concept is that the hyff expand space into the void, and that gravitational attraction is carried by the fabric. The expansion might not occur at the outer edge of a spherical universe, but throughout the space of the universe, in which case space is also expanded, and matter accelerates outwards (the expanding universe). It is also possible that the fabric simultaneously carries the hyffon pulses that create specific gravitational attraction between bodies, while the fabric itself exerts a repulsive force on space (‘dark energy’). If matter continues to accelerate outwards, and were to approach relativistic speeds, then parts of the fabric might become disconnected from each other and the hyff Lorentz-compromised (see part 4.3) in the radial direction. In this speculative model, the eventual physical fate of the universe should be a 2D shell, or rather a set of disconnected shells like an onion, where the only possible interaction was laterally. 4 Conclusions Conventional theories of physics model the vacuum in one of two ways. Electromagnetic wave theory models it as consisting of nothing at all but yet paradoxically having finite electric and magnetic constants. Quantum mechanics models it as consisting of particles that randomly pop in and out of existence, though the underlying physical mechanisms are obscure. General Relativity theory also has a fabric, in this case of spacetime, but 246 likewise is not specific as to what that contains, though by implication it is smooth rather than granular. Even more problematic, the existing perspectives do not integrate together, and thus are part of the wider discontinuity that is ‘wave-particle duality’. Gravitation has been particularly difficult to integrate into the particle paradigm of conventional quantum mechanics. This is because relativity has a smooth spacetime, whereas QM expects gravitation to be quantised to particles. Existing theories implicitly require that there is something in the vacuum: something that is a medium for the propagation of waves, or provides the random fluctuations required by QM, or carries the spacetime curvature for relativity. While conventional theories find the idea of the matterbased aether thoroughly unacceptable, they ironically all include something that looks conceptually much like a medium, though none are specific about its composition. Cordus provides a solution that does provide an integrated solution for the composition of the vacuum: it provides a fabric that is granular63 at the smallest scale, scales up to a continuum, provides a medium for propagation of disturbances and waves, provides a medium for electromagnetism and gravitation, is relativistic, is not a matter aether, and includes a time signal. Cordus is a radically different theory to the conventional physics of wave theory, quantum mechanics, and general relativity, and was not derived from any of them. Yet the fabric that it predicts still includes features that are recognisable, even if subtly different, to those other theories. In the cordus solution the vacuum is made of tangled hyff (force lines) from all the surrounding matter particuloids. This cordus fabric concept also provides a descriptive explanation as to why the speed of light is a finite value. The fine structure constant is given a physical interpretation, as a measure of the transmission efficacy of the fabric. Cordus also distinguishes between the fabric that makes up the vacuum of space, as opposed to the void which has neither fabric nor time as we perceive it. This model is radically unorthodox in suggesting that the speed of light is relativistic but not invariant; that it depends fundamentally on the fabric density and hence the accessible mass density of the universe at that locality. The Cordus fabric concept is a useful component in the next level of exploration, which is the creation of a model for mass and gravitation, and for time, see Part 4.3. 63 Granular, not quantised, as the fabric is not composed of uniform increments as the term ‘quantum’ suggests. 247 248 Gravitation, Mass and Time Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 Pons, D.J. , 64 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract Gravitation is conceptually problematic to General Relativity and Quantum mechanics in that the fundamental mechanisms are unknown to both, and the theories have different requirements that are difficult to reconcile into a single model. Cordus gravitation offers a solution to the problem. It provides a mechanism whereby gravitation is not continuous but in discrete force (or displacement) increments similar to quanta (but not uniform increments). Also, the closing force between two masses is transient. In this idea, gravitation, and therefore also mass, is a discontinuous property: i.e. a particuloid emits gravity (has mass) at some moments but not others. Thus gravitation is an effect that a mass does to the whole universe, not to targeted other bodies, and in this regard Cordus is consistent with General relativity. Both QM and Cordus agree that gravitation is quantised. Cordus conceptually integrates the different effects of mass: Gravitation is a particuloid contributing hyff to the fabric; Newtonian mass is resistance of the reactive ends to unexpected displacement; Relativistic mass is decreasing efficacy of hyff engagement with the fabric as velocity of the reactive end increases; Momentum is a frequency mechanism that ensures the reactive end re-energises on-time and in-place; particuloids like nucleons have mass to the extent that they have frequency. Furthermore, Cordus offers an explanation of how time arises at a sub-atomic level by the cordus frequency, and how this aggregates to the sense of time that we perceive biologically. Thus Cordus offers a radically new way of thinking about the problem of gravitation, mass and time that is quite unlike conventional physics, yet includes concepts that might be recognisable to those other physics. Keywords: cordus; hyff; gravitation; mass,; time; spacetime; sense of time; fundamental physics; Lorentz; fabric; time dilation Revision 2.10 Minor edits Document: Pons_Cordus_4.3GravMassTime_E2.10.98xxx.doc 1 Introduction Existing approaches to gravitation are primarily space-time of general relativity, and gravitons of quantum mechanics. However neither explain how the underlying mechanisms work. This paper extends the Cordus principles to gravitation and mass as an in-extremis development, i.e. as a conceptual exploration. 64 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 249 Mass is strange because it is the coupling for effects that otherwise might be independent: Gravitation: two masses attract each other. The gravitation force (or interaction) has an unusual set of properties compared to the other forces: (1) it only acts on matter with mass; (2) it always attracts, never repels; (3) it has infinite range; and (4) it cannot be redirected or shielded. Mass is the fundamental strength variable for gravitation. Resistance to acceleration (Newtonian mass): the greater the acceleration a or mass m of a body, the greater the force required to change its speed v, F=m.a or more generally F = d(m.v)/dt Relativistic mass: as the speed v of a body of rest mass mo approaches that of light, so the effective mass tends to infinity, or at least the resistance to acceleration does, m = mo (1-v2/C2) 0.5. This effect applies even if there is no acceleration. From the perspective of relativity, momentum is a separate property to mass and the full energy-momentum formula is E = [ (p.c)2 + (mo.c2)2 ]0.5 In that case, what physical structure carries the momentum, and what carries the mass? Mass originates with particles, e.g. protons and neutrons (among others), hence atomic number. This paper is the third in a set of four that extrapolate cordus ideas to the extremes. The first paper covers the electric and magnetic fields and shows conceptually how they are formed by hyff from cordus particuloids. The second creates a working model for the composition of the vacuum, and shows how this fabric is made of the hyff of all the other particuloids in the universe. It also shows how this fabric limits the speed of light to a finite value that is relativistic but not necessarily invariant. This third paper applies the Cordus concepts in extremis to create a conceptual model for gravitation. This model uses the hyff and fabric concepts from the previous papers, and offers an integration between electromagnetism and gravitation. It also provides a working model for mass. Finally, it creates a Cordus model for time, and shows how that integrates with gravitation and the fabric. 2 Cordus Gravitation We suggest that gravity is a hyff effect, and simply an extension of electromagnetism. There are several variants of this idea. In the first variant, which is not the preferred working model, each massy particle sends out a specialised gravity hyff in addition to any electrostatic hyff. The difficulty with this idea is that it requires extra hyff (is not parsimonious) and it is not immediately apparent why a different mechanism should also be subject to c.65 65 Also, it suggests by analogy with the electrostatic case that there should be another force for movement of the basal generator, like magnetism is for electrostatic. But there is no obvious missing force. 250 Why is c involved in mass? Variable c is the flight speed of the photon, not an atomic variable. From the Cordus perspective c is the propagation speed of hyff in general. This leads to the second and preferred model: that there is only one type of hyff (E.3.3), and gravitation is therefore carried by the hyff of the fabric. The following lemma sets out the assumptions. E.4 Gravitation and mass Lemma E.4.1 All sub-atomic particles, including quarks, are cordi. E.4.2 All massy cordus particuloids emit hyff. E.4.2.1 All hyff are the electric field type hyff, but smaller particuloids emit higher frequency hyff (q hyff). E.4.2.2 The hyff of quarks are much higher frequency than the electric field of the electron, because the cordus frequency is higher for a quark, in turn due to shorter span. E.4.3 Gravitation is carried by the hyff. E.4.3.1 The current working model is that the hyffon carries a torsional twist down the fibril. E.4.3.2 The transmission of gravitation is therefore at the saturated speed of the fabric, c. E.4.4 Gravitation is attractive. E.4.4.1 The current working model is that remote particuloids respond in the same way to the hyffon twist, regardless of the particuloid charge and other properties. E.4.5 Higher cordus frequencies result in more frequent hyffons, and hence greater mass and gravitation effects. E.4.6 continued below Cordus proposes that the hyff of particuloids, including quarks and any free sub-quark cordi, carry gravitation. More specifically, even when the quark is stationary, it still oscillates at the cordus frequency. The frequency also relates to ‘spin’. In the Cordus gravitation working model hyff do not create gravitation by a direct pull, because that is the electrostatic force itself. Instead the force of gravitation on the remote matter particuloid is caused by the interaction of that particuloid with the hyffon spin: the re-energising reactive end of the particuloid is pulled closer, which is equivalent to saying it is constrained to re-energise in a closer position. This is similar to the magnetism mechanism. The mechanism is elaborated below. 2.1 Mechanism for gravitational interaction force It is an open question as to how the oscillation of the quark emits the gravitation effect at the basal mass, how that effect is carried on the emitted hyff, and how it interacts with the remote test mass to create gravitational attraction. 251 It is tempting to say that whatever mechanism is behind the known strongforce phenomenon of quarks always attracting each other, is also that for gravitation. However that will not do, as the later work on quarks identifies the mechanism for the strong force and it is not obviously also a mechanism for gravitation. Thus gravitation does not correspond to what QM might call a gluon field. The preferred candidate is the hyff twist idea. This model has the hyffon carrying a torsional twist down the fibril. According to this model, all massy matter comprises charged particuloids, and thus there is electromagnetism to consider. Consider a basal mass of a single particuloid, and the a1 reactive end thereof. Assume a single radial hyff in the <r> direction. As a1 re-energises, it emits a hyffon that carries the electrostatic direct-force fragment, as well as magnetism curvature, and gravitational twist. The process of re-energisation of a reactive end, i.e. the hyffon emission, involves a 3D interaction, driven by the underlying righthand rule (E.6.11, see part 4.4): the emission of the electrostatic component causes the reactive end to displace radially δr in the <r> direction as per E.7.8 (see part 4.4), there is a linked displacement δa in the <a> direction due to magnetism,66 and a coupled displacement δt in the orthogonal <t> direction. The combined effect is that the RE describes a localised spiral motion at the moment of re-energisation, and the corresponding hyffon that propagates outwards on the hyff is likewise a spiral pulse.67 The reasons for the chirality of matter are not evident at this level. Assuming such a spiral hyffon, this twist is transmitted out along the hyff, and gravitation is the response of other particles to that twist. Remote particuloids should be able to affect each other’s spin through gravitational interaction, though it would only be evident when both bodies were in (separate) full body-coherence. The usual massy bodies of the universe do not have such a degree of coherence, (see ‘Cordus matter’). Emission of the hyff occurs as part of the frequency cycle for the particuloid. Outward propagation of the hyffon occurs at velocity c, and does not consume energy. The above explanation was for a single hyff. There is reason to think that massy particuloids have three pairs of hyff: one in each of the three orthogonal directions (E.6.2 in part 4.4). Therefore there is always a component of the hyff that is oriented in such a way to interact with another particuloid, regardless of the orientation of that particuloid, at least at macroscopic level if not for individual particuloids. When this torsional pulse reaches a remote test mass comprising cordus b, with reactive end b1, the handedness of matter ensures similar reactive forces along the hyff of b1. These forces correspond to lengthening the 66 The magnetic curvature effect, which exists even for a nominally stationary particuloid because it still has spin angular momentum, causes and is caused by a displacement δa in the <a> direction (which is tangential to the spin). 67 The chirality of matter could be an interesting area for further research. 252 span of the b cordus. Since there three pairs of hyff, the net effect is a motion of the b1 reactive end directly towards that of a1. Note also that the emission process at a1 also moved that reactive end outward. So the overall effect is that the two reactive ends move closer together, if these are the only two masses operating. We term this effect geometrically constrained re-energisation, and suggest it is the deeper mechanism for force (see E.6). The hyffon twist-pulse moves on further outwards and encounters the second reactive end b2. However the hand is conserved across the span (E.6.7, part 4.4) and the hyffon is approaching from the opposite direction so the force also moves this reactive end closer. The net result is that the whole of cordus b shuffles one increment closer to that of a. Thus gravitation is attractive.68 In the meantime, cordus b also exerts a similar gravitational effect on cordus a. At small scales gravitation should be dependent on the directional alignment of the particuloids, similar to magnetism. We also speculate that the work that can be extracted from gravitational interaction arises from the changed spans of the cordi involved. Recall that the gravitational twist hyffon first encountered reactive end b1, and moved it outwards, i.e. increased the span. The pulse then moved outward and moved reactive end b2 towards a1, i.e. shortened the span again. However in the intervening distance the overall gravitational field, which is made up of many such hyffons, is diluted because it propagates across the surface of an expanding sphere. Thus on average reactive end b2 will not be moved quite as much as b1, i.e. the span will be increased. This corresponds to lower frequency and lower energy stored in the fibril. Thus there is more energy in the hyff field component. As two bodies move closer together under gravitational attraction, so they release energy for other purposes, and their frequency and mass should decrease slightly, according to this model. The concepts of force and displacement are complementary in this model. This is similar to the magnetism model. Thus force is the high-level effect, whereas the effect at the deeper level is constrained displacement of reactive ends. We acknowledge that the mechanics of all this at the next level deeper are indistinct, so the mechanism should be considered simply a speculative working model. 68 If this explanation is correct then the handedness of matter is responsible for gravitation being only attractive. Therefore the logical implication is that if one particuloid was left handed then gravitation would be repulsive. 253 2.2 Features of cordus gravitation Why can gravity not be shielded? The above lemmas explain why gravity cannot be shielded: the hyff penetrate everything, and there is no mobile particuloid that can set up a counter field, as the electron does in the Faraday cage for the electric field. Quarks are locked into atoms and are consequently not mobile enough to create such a cage, and even a quark plasma would be insufficient (unless quarks can repel). Only the electric field can be apparently shielded (more accurately neutralised), because the electron is the smallest particuloid that is freely mobile: anything smaller is only available in higher levels of assembly (see part 4.4). Operation of Cordus gravitation Cordus suggests that gravitation is not continuous but in discrete force (or displacement) increments (similar to quanta but not uniform). Also, the closing force between two masses is transient. The hyff is not consumed in the process, but momentarily exerts the closing force, then relinquishes it as the particuloid phases back into the de-energised state, and the hyffon moves on outwards. It passes through like a wave to react with other particuloids and even bodies beyond the first. A following renewal pulse along the hyff renews the force. What is perceived as gravitational attraction is the sum of many repeated interactions from different hyff. Thus gravity propagates outwards in a granular manner from sub-atomic particles. The gravitational field of a particuloid therefore consists of a series of discrete forces. The hyff have infinite range, and are not retracted as in the case of the hyff of the photon. They maintain a connection thread to their base particuloid even at large range. As the particuloid moves, even spins on-the-spot, the subsequent hyff of the next frequency cycle may be released in a different direction. This frequency is very high, and there is an en-masse effect of multiple asynchronised particles, so the overall effect is what we perceive as a smooth field.69 In this idea, gravitation, and therefore also mass, is a discontinuous property: i.e. a particuloid emits gravity (has mass) at some moments but not others. Comparison The Cordus perspective of gravitation emerges as being similar but also different to General relativity (GR). In that other perspective gravitation arises from the curvature of spacetime, and is not so much a force as a geometric interaction of the moving body with that curvature. GR does not explain what makes up spacetime. By comparison Cordus also includes a concept that there is something in the vacuum (fabric), and is more specific about what is in there (tangled hyff). Cordus uses a quantised 69 To even measure the hyffons will require having an ‘instrument’ particuloid with smaller span (higher frequency) than the particuloid that generates them. A free quark could be a good start, though not without practical difficulties. 254 force (hyffons) as the mechanism rather than geometric curvature. Both perspectives agree that gravitation is an effect that a mass does to the whole universe, not to targeted other bodies. Plain Quantum mechanics does not have much of an explanation for gravitation, but Loop quantum gravity does: it proposes the mathematical concept that the fabric consists of spin networks. A region of Cordus fabric contains multiple hyff, and conceptually these momentarily define small dynamic domains: perhaps these correspond to spin networks? However from the Cordus perspective the underlying mechanism is force lines and force pulses, and loops in the fabric are likely to be only transient, and artefacts rather than the mechanism itself. Both QM and Cordus agree that gravitation is quantised. 3 Mass The Cordus explanation for gravitation involves hyff: the same hyff as transmit electrostaticism and magnetism. This gravitation force only acts on matter with mass, always attracts, has infinite range, and cannot be shielded. We now need to show how mass arises, and why it is affected by motion. The difficulty is integrating mass and gravitation. If an object is just stationary in space, then it is impossible to determine its mass, other than through measuring its gravity. What we perceive as mass only becomes apparent when we try to move the body. So mass is resistance to acceleration, or force required to accelerate the body. Yet the same body just sitting there, also creates gravity, and mass is the common variable. Another complication is that mass increases as velocity approaches the speed of light. How can we integrate all these disjoint concepts? Cordus model for mass Additional lemmas are required to integrate mass and gravitation: E.4 Additional lemmas continued E.4.6 The mass effect is created at the level of the cordus particuloid by acceleration of energised reactive ends. E.4.6.1 The reactive ends do not energise and de-energise instantly, so ‘energised’ above includes partially energised states. E.4.7 Momentum provides the cordus with the ability to accommodate translational velocity in the position at which the reactive ends reenergise, i.e. there is an interaction between momentum and the frequency process. Why is mass a motion effect? From an in-extremis perspective, the reason velocity and acceleration are linked to mass, is because what we perceive as ‘mass’ is the resistance to acceleration of the basal reactive end while it is energised (E.4.6). The hyff are force threads into the external environment, all attached to the reactive end. They maintain that force 255 connection even when they are extended far, and they never expire: they just keep propagating outwards, and the force quanta are periodically renewed by new hyffons travelling down the hyff. Velocity can be accommodated The hyff are able to accommodate velocity of the basal mass (E.4.7). Velocity generates curvature of the hyff, and thus magnetic fields. At constant velocity the hyffons propagate the new curvature out towards the extremities, i.e. a combing effect. Thus for a stationary particuloid the curvature will eventually be combed out: there will be no magnetic field, and the hyff lines will simply travel radially outwards. The magnetism process does not consume energy per se. So once a velocity is established for the mass or charge, then it can continue moving indefinitely if there is no external resistance: the velocity does not expire. This property is momentum. Thus the reactive ends resist a change in velocity. The greater the acceleration a or mass m of a body, the greater the force F required to constrain the reactive ends of its particuloids into positions they would not naturally take. Thus F = d(m.v)/dt or F = m.a. Thus a Cordus model offers explanations for the resistance to acceleration (Newtonian mass). Relativistic mass and the Lorentz It is known that as the speed v of a body of rest mass mo approaches that of light c, so the effective mass tends to infinity, or at least the resistance to acceleration does, m = mo (1-v2/c2) 0.5. Thus the mass of a body appears heavier when it travels at higher velocity. This effect does not slow the velocity, so the body can continue at this speed indefinitely, but it does mean that disproportionately more force will be required to further accelerate it. The Cordus explanation is that process of the hyff engaging with the fabric becomes progressively less effective as the velocity of the mass also approaches c. Thus from the Cordus perspective the concept of ‘relativistic mass’ is incorrect: the mass does not increase as the velocity approaches the speed of light, nor does the mass grow more hyff. Instead the mechanism of communicating with the distal regions of the hyff becomes compromised. Another perspective is that the fabric cannot be informed as easily of the changes, so the moving mass clashes more with the fabric. But the fabric is immense, being backed by the rest of the universe, and resists. To an observer it looks like the mass is increasing. A partial quantitative explanation is also available, see Figure 1. In one unit of time, as the mass moves forward at v, so the hyff length has to maintain range c. The range contracts to B whereas usually it would be A. Then γ = c/b is the ratio of contraction of the hyff in the direction perpendicular to the motion, and is the degree to which the hyff are compromised in their interaction with the fabric. By simple trigonometry b = (c2-v2)1/2 and hence after rearrangement γ = (1 – v2/c2)0.5, which is the Lorentz. 256 Figure 1: Degree to which hyff engagement with fabric is compromised as velocity of particuloid increases. Thus greater force is required to accelerate a mass that is already at higher velocity, than slower. As the velocity approaches c, so the efficacy of the hyff compensatory mechanism tends to zero, and therefore the inertial resistance to further acceleration becomes infinite. From the Cordus perspective, mass is invariant (well, approximately): it is the number of hyff a body emits and the frequency thereof. From this perspective the mass only appears to increase at relativistic speeds because another force is acting that happens to look like mass.70 Momentum mechanism Everyday experience, and classical mechanics, suggests that a body needs to have mass to have momentum, and therefore if the photon has momentum it should have mass. However, relativity states that mass and momentum are separate properties, related to energy through the energymomentum formula: E = [ (p.c)2 + (mo.c2)2 ]0.5 In that case, what physical structure carries the momentum, and what carries the mass? Cordus suggests that a frequency effect at the fibril level drives both mass and momentum. The working model is that a moving cordus has a persistent gait for its reactive ends: at constant velocity the 70 On the other hand, we are open to the possibility that at higher speeds the interaction with the fabric makes the reactive ends re-energise sooner than they would have. Thus the frequency of the particuloid may increase with speed, and hence the mass too. So perhaps the two views are complementary after all. If we could measure the frequency of a particuloid at speed, we might know. 257 momentum gives the cordus frequency mechanism the required position of the RE that will energise next (E.4.7). Change in velocity interferes with the location, determined by momentum, where the reactive end was due to re-energise. Thus the reactive end re-energises later or sooner than it should have, which affects the frequency of the whole cordus including the hyffons. The engagement of hyff with the fabric becomes less effective. We cannot answer the question of momentum as clearly as we would like, and it looks to be an interestingly open question for future research. The place to start looking for a better understanding is probably the photon. Relativity has no issue with a particle having momentum but no mass, and the photon is usually considered such an example. The photon is conventionally thought to be massless at rest, and in flight to be massless but with momentum. Several effects are known: its trajectory is affected by gravity, as is the frequency. Compton scattering, whereby an incident photon is deflected by an electron and changes energy, is explainable assuming conservation of energy and momentum, with the photon having momentum p=hf/c. Cordus suggests the issue may need reconsideration, for several reasons. The first is that it is not sensible to speak of a stationary photon (see Cordus conjecture), so what it appears to be at rest is totally irrelevant to flight, since they are different forms. Furthermore, Cordus suggests that mass is a transient phenomenon, not the enduringly stable property conventionally assumed. Specifically, the Cordus construct is that mass is created by acceleration of energised reactive ends (E.4.7). Since the photon meets that criterion, and there is no other lemma preventing it, we have to logically assume that there is a possibility that the photon has dynamically transient mass during flight. If this were to be true, then the conventional partition of mass and momentum might need to be reconsidered too. Integration of gravitation and mass Cordus conceptually integrates the different effects of mass: Gravitation is a particuloid contributing hyff to the fabric; Newtonian mass is resistance of the reactive ends to unexpected displacement; Relativistic mass is decreasing efficacy of hyff engagement with the fabric as velocity of the reactive end increases; Momentum is a frequency mechanism (as yet incompletely described) that ensures the reactive end re-energises ontime and in-place; particuloids have mass to the extent that they have frequency; mass arises from particuloids like the proton and neutron. Thus a stationary object floating in space contains particuloids that are oscillating cordi, and these engage with the fabric. They contribute to the fabric and thus gravitation, and are constrained by the fabric hence the mass effects. The Cordus mass model is therefore consistent with that for gravitation, and both depend on the concept of cordus frequency. What the model has not yet explained is gravitational time dilation. That comes at the end of the next section on time. 258 4 Cordus Time The following is a Cordus model for time. Cordus offers an explanation whereby time is determined at a sub-atomic level by the cordus frequency, and this aggregates to the sense of time that we perceive biologically. E.5 Time Lemma E.5.1 The cordus frequency for a particuloid determines its time unit (tick). Time is determined at the sub-atomic level by the reenergisation of the reactive ends at the cordus frequency. The cordus frequency is therefore the minimum time unit for that particuloid. Each particuloid has its own tick, which is determined by its span (E.5.6). Anything that delays or interferes with re-energisation of a reactive end, changes time for that cordus particuloid. This is the Principle of delayed re-energisation. The fabric, to which every matter particuloid contributes, transmits information about the phase of other particuloids, and provides an opportunity for a degree of disorderly synchronisation between particuloids and atoms. (Not necessarily full body coherence). Interactions between atoms are not temporally continuous but occur when the particuloids are energised. Biological sense of time is a neurological perception overlaid on the molecular time units. The smaller the span of the cordus particuloid the higher the frequency. The higher the cordus frequency the greater the contribution to the fabric, and the greater the mass of the particuloid. Assembly of particuloids into structures may cause the spans of some to change to accommodate the others. This changes the frequency of the particuloid and also its mass. E.5.2 E.5.3 E.5.4 E.5.5 E.5.6 E.5.7 E.5.8 Tick of time for the particuloid The Cordus perspective is that time, or at least the tick (time unit) thereof if not the flow, is determined at the sub-atomic level by the reenergisation of the reactive ends at the cordus frequency (E.5.1). Each half cycle of frequency is the tick of that particular particuloid. It eventually becomes the time unit for the rest of the local environment: that particuloid interacts with the rest of the atom, and in turn is influenced by the other particuloids in the atom. That atom is linked to others to form molecules (E.5.3).The maximum speed that an effect can occur within that molecule, e.g. the making or breaking of a bond, is one tick of the involved particuloids. Therefore the frequency of the cordus becomes time for the particuloid: if for any reason the cordus was prevented or delayed in its re-energisation of a reactive end, then time for that cordus is likewise stopped or delayed (E.5.2). We term this the Principle of delayed re-energisation. 259 The degree of synchronisation of re-energisation (CoFS) is very strong within one electron orbital (see ‘Cordus matter’), and between the quarks. It can be strong between atoms, as superfluidity shows, but is not always dominant like that. In everyday materials the CoFS is not strong, but we assume that some degree of loose co-ordination exists between the matter particuloids (E.5.3). We conceptualise it as radiating out from each particuloid in the form of the hyffons in the fabric, that encourage but not prescribe other particuloids to synchronisation. So the fabric provides a relativistic, dynamic and flexible partly-synchronised fuzzy-tick for the universe. Irreversibility of time Thus ‘spacetime’ is an apt descriptive term for the fabric: it encapsulates space, and it includes a universal (if disorderly) time synchronisation signal. The fabric guides reactive ends to reform in accessible locations, by interacting with the hyff emerging from the RE as it phases into existence. The fabric is a mechanism for all matter in the universe to influence all other matter. The one-way irreversibility arrow of time is then the internal continuity of the cordus that ensures that the opposite reactive end will re-energise, but where it does is influenced by the fabric hyff (E.5.3). Given the fine and disorderly nature of the fabric, and that every particuloid (including the one under consideration) contributes to that fabric, no cordus will necessarily re-energise in exactly the same place as previously. So there is an irreversibility of geometric position, and that contributes to the irreversibility of time too. The actual mechanism for controlling the frequency is then time itself, from this perspective, the cordus provides the tick or quantisation of time, and the fabric of the universe provides the irreversibility. It is important to note that the span of the cordus particuloid is a fundamental driver of the irreversibility. If matter was a zero-dimensional point particle, then there would be no irreversibility in time, because the second reactive event would be exactly where the first was located. The fact that the REs are in different places provides a small increment of time in which the universe can partially re-arrange itself in response to what the first RE did in the previous time unit. Larger particuloids like the proton are buffeted by the higher-frequency of the fabric hyff. Thus the fabric, with its higher frequency, has plenty of time to respond to the first RE. Thus the irreversibility of time becomes stronger as the level of assembly of the system becomes higher, i.e. tending towards larger bodies. There is also entropy in those bodies (see 'Cordus Matter'). The corollary is that the observed CP violation is also due to cordus span. As Cordus Matter concluded, the zero-dimensional point paradigm of conventional physics is an unreliable premise and the cause of many unnecessary problems. Sense of time Our biological perception of time is apparently smooth and continuous. We think, and move our hand; our fingers touch the paper; we feel the sensation of touch; we pull the book towards us; the book does actually move; we see the letters on the page; we comprehend. The whole of the physical reality is apparently consistent. We do not perceive the 260 underlying individual atomic interactions, the agitation of the electrons throughout both bodies, the chemical bonds being changed. But they are there, happening faster than our senses can detect. Our perception of time is at that higher level of squishy biology. We see physical cause and effect around us, and we can participate in moving objects and interacting with the rest of the world – and enjoy the world interacting with ourself, like the touch of another or the simple pleasure of the fresh air on our face. Each quark has a unique personal time determined by the fabric of the universe in its location. But that frequency is so high that it really does not matter at our level of perception, since the effects are averaged out. The brain constructs a personal sense of time out of the neurological events, which in turn are based on physiology, which in turn is based on chemistry, which in turn is based on atomic physics, which in turn is based on the frequency of cordi. That biological sense of time is subjective and sufficient rather than necessarily accurate. When we look at atomic clocks then we see closer to the sub-atomic level of time. The electrons in that clock change energy levels at a higher frequency than we can perceive biologically. That clock frequency in turn depends on the cordus frequency for the electron (E.5.4). The atoms in our own body likewise react at a cordus frequency to create bodily functions, so our sense of time is a neurological phenomenon overlaid on a physical foundation. Matter, fabric, and time The above interpretation of time is at the level of particuloid physics, and thus closer to the quantum mechanics perspective. Conventionally the QM and general relativity perspectives of time do not integrate well. With Cordus the integration is conceptually straightforward: cordus frequency determines local time for matter particuloids, and simultaneously all the matter particuloids in the universe contribute hyffons to the fabric and thereby affect local time everywhere: a causal arrow. So all of the universe, including the vacuum, has a time signature. At any one point in space these hyffons might conflict with each other, so the signature might not be clear, but it exists nonetheless and it is relativistic. Thus spacetime does have a time signature, though Cordus does not conceptualise time as a fourth dimension. If this is correct, then the fabric itself carries the time signature for the whole universe. If we accept that the unit of time exists at the sub-atomic level, and that sub-atomic mechanisms create the irreversibility, then philosophically the next deeper question to ask is, ‘Why does the cordus fibril have a frequency?’ Even so, if we accept that time is fundamentally an effect whereby cordi interact with the fabric, then it suggests that time only exists where the fabric exists.71 71 Thus the void is timeless. A universe of fabric and time expands into the void. The universe is granular and therefore the void is also within the universe. A time-full universe is overlaid on a time-less void. 261 The Cordus concept of time therefore explains time at the ‘particle’ level, biological level, and for general relativity. Spacetime metric The spacetime metric is the mathematical formalism conventionally used to describe the relationship between the three dimensions of space and that of time (x,y,z,t). Cordus does not support that specific formalism because it does not support the concept of time as another continuous dimension. Instead the causal relationships between geometry (x,y,z) and time (t) are more complex, and time is assembled from the local interactions of the participating matter. Thus the nature of the assembly of matter determines time, which is to say the bonding relationships and interaction between particuloids. So cordus would suggest a totally different causal structure, i.e. that the spacetime metric needs separate partitions for the Euclidian (x,y,z) and Temporal components (t). To put it another way, cordus suggests that the assumption of connectedness, which underlies most formalisations of spacetime, only applies to the Euclidian component (x,y,z), and the sense of temporal connectedness arises through a more complex causality. Granted, there is a sense of connectedness about time, i.e. that you and I both share the same universe and can experience the same things at the same time but from different perspectives. However cordus suggests this is fabricated by the contribution of all matter (via the hyff) to the fabric, and the fabric thereby providing a degree of temporal connectedness between remote patches of matter. For most of the matter in the universe, the bonding and interconnectedness between matter is disorderly, and the interactions are accomplished by relatively many frequency cycles of the participating particuloids. Time -in the sense of the rate of events- runs slowly in these cases. However in some cases the interaction between particuloids is faster, and events can be accomplished quickly or instantly. This occurs when the particuloids are in body coherence. In turn this either occurs for very simple assemblies, e.g. two entangled electrons, or for very cold assemblies, e.g. superfluids, superconductors. This is another explanation as to why entanglement, which is a special state of assembly, is superluminal in its effects. Time dilation Time dilation (slowing of clocks) is known to occur for bodies that are accelerating or in higher gravity. Cordus explains this as the reactive ends of the particuloids in the body encounter the fabric at a greater rate or density (respectively). This compromises the hyff emission process (see the Lorentz above) and the re-energisation of the reactive ends, which then slows the frequency of the cordus. This applies also to a body travelling at relativistic velocity. 262 5 Force and the Principle of Geometrically Constrained reenergisation The above conceptual exploration has identified the action of forces in several contexts. The concepts of force and displacement are complementary: force is the high-level effect, whereas the deeper mechanism is constrained displacement of reactive ends. For convenience these scattered ideas are collected together and summarised in the following force lemma. E.6 Force Lemma E.6.1 The three fundamental forces are electrostatic, magnetism, and gravitation. These forces are all transient pulses. In this working model they are carried by hyffons. These forces are all directional at sufficiently small scales. They aggregate to apparently smooth and continuous fields at macroscopic scales and when many particuloids are involved. None of these fundamental forces may be shielded. The deeper mechanism for force is prescribed geometric location: that the reactive end of the affected particuloid is geometrically constrained to re-energise closer (or further) to the body doing the forcing. E.6.1 E.6.2 E.6.3 E.6.4 Thus we identify a Principle of Geometrically constrained re-energisation, underpinning force. Note that time also operates on the re-energisation frequency. Anything that delays the re-energisation changes time for that particuloid; the Principle of Delayed re-energisation. Thus there is a relationship between force and time at the deeper level, through the common concept of frequency. If cordus is the fourth mechanics, after classical mechanics, electromagnetic wave theory, and quantum mechanics, then the fifth mechanics would seem to be the mechanisms that drive frequency. Cordus predicts that knowing the mechanisms for particuloid frequency should significantly enhance our understanding of momentum, time, and force. 6 Conclusions Gravitation is conceptually problematic to conventional theories of physics in that the fundamental mechanisms are unknown, and the theories have different requirements that are difficult to reconcile. Cordus gravitation offers a solution to the problem. It provides a mechanism whereby gravitation is not continuous but in discrete force (or displacement) increments (quanta). Also, the closing force between two masses is transient. In this idea, gravitation, and therefore also mass, is a discontinuous property: i.e. a particuloid emits gravity (has mass) at some 263 moments but not others. Thus gravitation is an effect that a mass does to the whole universe, not to targeted other bodies, and in this regard Cordus is consistent with General relativity. Both QM and Cordus agree that gravitation is quantised, though Cordus diverges in suggesting that the effect is granulation rather than uniform indivisible increments. From the Cordus perspective ‘mass’ is the resistance to acceleration of the basal reactive end while it is energised. Cordus conceptually integrates the different effects of mass: Gravitation is a particuloid contributing hyff to the fabric; Newtonian mass is resistance of the reactive ends to unexpected displacement; Relativistic mass is decreasing efficacy of hyff engagement with the fabric as velocity of the reactive end increases; Momentum is a frequency mechanism (as yet incompletely described) that ensures the reactive end re-energises on-time and in-place; particuloids have mass to the extent that they have frequency. Furthermore, Cordus offers an explanation of how time arises. It is proposed that time is determined at a sub-atomic level by the cordus frequency, and this aggregates to the sense of time that we perceive biologically. The fabric therefore carries an elemental time signature, though it is not a fixed quantised system. The concept of time is conceptually consistent with General relativity’s spacetime, and with the QM expectation that time is quantised. Thus Cordus offers a solution to reconcile those competing perspectives into a new way of thinking. 264 265 Cordus Quarks Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 Pons, D.J. , 72 Pons, A.D., Pons, A.M., Pons, A.J. Abstract A conceptual model is created for the composition of quarks and the internal structure of the proton and neutron. In this model the charge of a quark indicates the number of hyff (force lines) it emits. Cordus also explains the colour and provides a mechanism for the strong interaction (both the attraction and repulsive components). The model also explains why parity violation occurs. A new concept of the ‘level of assembly’ is introduced and used to explain mass excess and why smaller particuloids have greater mass. Cordus also predicts non-conservation of mass. Keywords: cordus; quark; colour; spin; proton; neutron; parity violation; strong interaction; weak interaction; fundamental forces; unification; Revision 2.10 Minor edits Document: Pons_Cordus_4.4Quarks_E2.10.99.doc 1 Introduction It may seem strange to addresses the structure of quarks when describing fields and cosmological effects of the wider universe, but the two are linked. The connecting effect is the fabric (see part 4.2), because this determines the macroscopic features of the universe, as well as the locations at which the quarks can exist, and therefore the stability of matter. And in the reciprocal direction the existence of the quarks creates the fabric hyff. So the systems are co-determined. This paper, which is fourth in a set that applies the Cordus concept to the extremes. The first paper covers the electric and magnetic fields and shows conceptually how they are formed by hyff from cordus particuloids. The cordus concept itself is described in a companion set of papers (ref. ‘Cordus Conjecture’, ‘Cordus matter’). The second part creates a working model for the composition of the vacuum, and shows how this fabric is made of the hyff of all the other particuloids in the universe. It also shows how this fabric limits the speed of light to a finite value that is relativistic. The third paper creates a conceptual model for gravitation that is integrated with electromagnetism, and a model for time. The present paper applies elements of those previous concepts to predict the basic structure of the quarks within protons and neutrons, and creates a model for the strong interaction, thereby reconciling another of the fundamental interactions. 72 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 266 2 Existing interpretations for the strong interaction The nuclear force, or strong interaction, holds neutrons and protons together in the nucleus, overpowering the electrical repulsion. The nuclear force, by extending a short distance beyond the nucleus, is also understood to give rise to van der Waals forces. The same effect holds the quarks together within the proton and neutron. The Quantum mechanics (QM) interpretation is that the force is transmitted by the exchange of particles called gluons between quarks. It is generally accepted that quarks attract each other (strong force): this creates the force binding quarks together inside the proton and neutron, and holds the protons in the nucleus despite their same electric charge. Quarks have six types (flavours): down, strange and bottom; up, charm, and top, with the first three having -1/3 charge and the latter +2/3 charge. Of these, up (U) and down (D) are lightest and most stable, hence abundant. Quarks also have spin (+- ½) and colour charge (RBG). Quarks can transform into other types. Protons consist of UUD, and neutrons of UDD. It is believed that the strong interaction is repulsive at small separations, and that this maintains the spacing of protons and neutrons. QM does not provide physical explanations for these parameters: it portrays them as intrinsic variables devoid of physical meaning. 3 Cordus quark mechanics The Cordus interpretation is that quarks are also cordi, not particles. It is then relatively easy to assign physical interpretations to the various properties. The spin refers to the frequency state: there are two reactive ends for each quark, only one is active at any one time, and two quarks may share space if their frequency states are opposite (+- ½), as per lemmas provided previously (ref. ‘Cordus Matter’). Several additional assumptions, as follow, are required to build a working model for the quark. Lemma E.6 E.6.1 Quark lemma Quarks are cordi and alternately energise their reactive ends at the cordus frequency E.6.2 The magnitude of the charge of a quark refers to the number of hyff emitted at a reactive end, out of three possible directions, i.e. the arrangement is 3D geometric. E.6.2.1 We term these hyff emission directions (HEDs). E.6.2.2 Particuloids with unit charge have one hyff in each of three orthogonal directions. E.6.3 The colour (red, blue, green) refers to the arrangement of the hyff in the orthogonal 3 axes of the HEDs. 267 E.6.3.1 E.6.3.2 E.6.3.3 E.6.4 E.6.5 E.6.6 E.6.7 E.6.7.1 E.6.7.2 E.6.8 E.6.9 E.6.10 E.6.11 The axes are named (r) radial outwards co-linear with the span, (a) and (t) perpendicular to the span and to each other. A single hyff (e.g. D -1/3) may be arranged in one of three ways: (a), (r), or (t). A double hyff (e.g. U +2/3) may be arranged in one of three ways: (a, r), (a, t), (r, t) The operative principle governing the sharing of hyff spaces is Complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). A maximum of all three directions (a, r, t) may be filled with hyff, i.e. a synchronous hyff emission direction structure (SHEDS) is created. Opposed charge hyff may be considered to cancel each other’s use of the hyff emission directions. However they do not cancel the contribution to the fabric. A hyff can change to a different HED. This corresponds to a colour change. Hyff come in pairs, one at each end of the span, and the emission directions at the two reactive ends are complementary (parallel but opposite directions). The hand of the hyff at one RE is consistent with that at the other RE, i.e. colour is conserved across the span. The span of the particuloid provides a small offset between the two hyff of any pair, i.e. the hyff are not colinear. At higher frequencies the span decreases and this lack of parity also decreases. Charge is reversed for antiquarks: hyff go in the opposite direction.73 Later work clarifies that the hyffon propagate outwards, but the direction of their force may be inwards (positive charge) or outwards (negative charge). The SHED alignment force locks hyff into synchronisation, and is also repulsive to intrusion. A particuloid becomes unstable and decays to a photon or alternative structure when there is no place for its reactive end to form, i.e. the external constraints of the fabric and the hyff of the immediate environment dominate and preclude the emergence of the particuloids’s hyff. The nature of the SHED process within a nucleon creates the handedness (chirality) of matter, e.g. the right-hand rule of the Lorentz magnetic force. Note that the Pauli exclusion principle does not apply here. That principle applies only where the hyff emission directions are already all fully occupied, which happens in the electron. In the more general case of the quark there are three HEDS which may be filled in three ways. The more universal principle, that subsumes the Pauli principle and covers several other effects (see Cordus matter) is the complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). 73 This is a simplification. See later work for further development. 268 4 Quark structures What is the structure of a quark? Thus Cordus proposes that quarks like D have a single hyff giving a -1/3 charge and three hyff emission directions available for that single hyff, hence three colours. Quarks like U have two hyff, energised in turn at each of two reactive ends. There are three ways of arranging these hyff across three HEDs. The conceptual layout for an isolated U quark is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Hyff arrangement for a U quark, with +2/3 charge. The reactive ends are Ua1 and Ua2, and the former is energised in this diagram. The arrow shows that the hand is consistent across the span (E.6.7). The hyff emission directions are presumed to be orthogonal. The implication of this lemma is that while the current working model for the photon has only one hyff at each reactive-end, in the (r) axis, this is not a universal limitation. Thus the quark lemma provides for the proton, and by implication probably also the electron, to have three pairs of hyff, one in each HED. The corollary is that that the fundamental electric charge of 1 for the electron is actually not the base unit of charge: instead that is a single hyff of -1/3 (except that separate quarks do not exist naturally). Note that whereas the photon emits and recalls its hyff, the quarks have permanent hyff. Cordus predicts that the proton and probably the electron have three pairs of hyff, in orthogonal directions, but the pairs are offset across a small span. Internal structure of the proton A proton and neutron each have three quarks: UUD and UDD respectively. This gives +1 charge to the proton and nil charge to the neutron. It is now straightforward to propose a model for the internal quark structure of the proton for example. Each subatomic baryon particuloid is known to have three quarks. Cordus requires that these must be arranged without their hyff being superimposed so that slots in all axes are filled: the E.6.4 CoFS 269 exclusion principle, with the E.6.5 concession. This means that the local axes of some the quarks will have to rotate relative to the others (change colour), thereby accessing the slots in 3D. Three colours (RBG) for three rotations. The previous figure showed what a single free quark might look like. However, when the quarks condense into the proton, their hyff mutually influence each other to rotate, synchronise, and snap into the available emission directions, i.e. SHEDS. Once they are in, they are locked in by the high degree of CoFS.74 Thus the arrangement of the quarks inside the proton is proposed as per Figure 2. Figure 2: Proposed components of the proton. Two up quarks (U) and a down (D) quark align themselves to fill all three orthogonal hyff emission directions. They also synchronise their three frequencies, polarisations of their spans, and phases of their frequencies. This high degree of complementary frequency state synchronisation gives the assembly high stability against perturbations in the fabric. All the above comments apply also to the neutron, and the structure of that particuloid is a simple adaptation of the proton but with a UDD structure such that all the hyff are cancelled out, so there is no net electric charge. However, that does not mean that there are no hyff emitted, only that they are balanced (E.6.5). Cordus predicts that the quarks should be arranged in a co-linear manner. 74 One could say that there is a high degree of ‘coherence’ across the structure. However we avoid that term, because it is so mixed up with multiple other meanings in QM, that it is a cognitively ambiguous concept and therefore semantically unreliable. We deliberately use ‘CoFS’ because it does not come with prior connotations. 270 Stability through SHEDS An individual quark is known to be unstable. Cordus suggests the reason is the fabric locally disrupts the hyff differently at the two reactive ends, so that the hand or colour cannot be conserved across the span (E.6.7), hence instability of the RE. The quark may be intrinsically stable, but no quark exists in a void of its own. The combination of three quarks creates a structure that also has external stability. The hyff of the three quarks guide each other to persistently stable locations (hence emission directions). This is consistent with the QM perspective that quarks of different colour are ‘attracted’ to each other. The whole structure is in a CoFs state. The hyff support each other, and this reduces their vulnerability to the fabric variability, and hence increases stability. Cordus suggests that if the localised gradients in the fabric were too high, then the proton structure could disintegrate. Decay model We anticipate a general mechanism for decay in E.6.10. Cordus suggests that a particuloid becomes unstable and decays when there is no place for its reactive end to form, i.e. the external constraints of the fabric and the hyff of the immediate environment dominate and preclude the emergence of the particuloids’s hyff. This prevents reenergisation of the RE. We further speculate that the particuloid escapes this untenable situation by converting to a photon and transmitting away, and/or changing its internal structure and level of assembly. This decay model may be a testable cordus principle. This principle may also underpin the absorption of photons into matter. Parity violation The reason parity is not conserved by quark interactions is a geometric consequence of E.6.7: that the arrangement of the hyff is conserved across the span, but the span is a finite length of separation. Therefore the particuloid has an orientation of its span, and is not a simple zerodimensional point. Thus a mirror image of quark Ub in the above figure is not identical to Ub itself, about every mirror plane. If quarks were points, which is the conventional QM paradigm, then they would be. At a high enough level of abstraction the cordi can effectively be considered particles, hence parity violation only occurs at small scales. Comparison with QM What then of QM’s gluons? Cordus suggests there are no such zerodimensional particles, but that instead the interaction is mediated by the CoFS interlocking of hyff. The nearest match to a ‘gluon’ is therefore a single hyff, or perhaps the hyff renewal pulses (hyffons), but this is not a particularly apt or useful concept. Cordus suggests it is better to abandon the ‘particle’ view altogether, and not try to translate the concepts back into Quantum mechanics. The glue is in the SHEDS, not the particles. 271 What is the strong interaction (force)? Cordus suggests that the strong interaction is simply an application of the CoFS principle to three axes. Thus the force that bonds quarks together is the positional convenience of their interlocked hyff, i.e. SHEDS. The hyff themselves are the same as those that create the electrostatic force, but it is not electrostatic attraction that does the bonding in this case. Thus the ‘strong’ force is not a fundamental force, but rather an interaction. It is the same class of effect as electron orbitals and bonds between atoms. What is the weak interaction (force)? The ‘weak’ interaction is the activity whereby quarks can change flavour and emit/absorb electrons. It apparently involves short-lived particles, the W and Z bosons, that carry away charge, spin, or momentum etc., and thereby change the properties of quarks, before decaying into a conventional particle and a photon. Cordus suggests the weak interaction is not a fundamental force or interaction, but rather an effect: a transitory form in the decay of matter. It is the same class of effect as electrons emitting/absorbing photons to change energy shells. From a Cordus perspective it is likely that there are still deeper internal variables driving those behaviours, but it is not a different category of force. Fundamental forces Thus, from the Cordus perspective, there are only three fundamental forces: electrostatics, magnetism, and gravitation. There are also several different ways that hyff interact, including electron orbitals and a predicted synchronous hyff emission for the quark. 5 Level of assembly The concept of mass developed above (part 4.3) is not what it seems at the everyday level of our existence. Mass is not a permanent property of matter, but a dynamic consequence of the frequency of the cordus, and the interaction thereof with the fabric (part 2). If true, this has some interesting implications regarding the absoluteness of mass. The atom is known to have a ‘mass excess’, whereby the assembled nucleus is lighter [‘mass deficit’] than the individual masses of the protons and neutrons. From the Cordus perspective the reason for mass excess is that smaller-span cordi have greater frequency. This means, in a counterintuitive way, that smaller-span particuloids have more mass. By implication any particuloids that exist within the quarks will have shorter span and hence greater mass: at least for particuloids that are isolated. However the distinction between assembled and isolated particuloids is an important one. The process of aggregating particuloids into a higher assembly results in less mass than the separate particuloids. This means that mass is not conserved at assembly/disassembly. The Cordus explanation is the spans of the assembled particuloids are longer than 272 their free spans, and therefore their frequencies are higher and their mass lighter. When particuloids are assembled into CoFS states, e.g. the SHEDS of the quarks in the proton and neutron, then their spans are stretched to accommodate the standard gauge of the assembly. Thus the span of the assembly determines the mass of the assembled particuloid, not the masses of the individual parts. This applies within the nucleons, within the nucleus, within atoms, and within molecules. Conservation of mass – or not Why then is there a conservation of mass in physics and mechanics? Cordus suggests that the conservation exists in our everyday living, because the interactions of matter generally do not deconstruct the body very much. However, when the interaction has sufficient energy to break the protons apart, then the fragments have the potential to have greater mass than the assembly. The conventional interpretation is that the energy is converted into mass, i.e. E = mc2 mass–energy equivalence. Cordus does not disagree with that, but merely shows there is another way to look at it: that mass depends on the ‘level of assembly’. Thus changing the level of assembly exposes or incorporates more mass. It involves energy to change the assembly level. So mass is the dependent variable: m = E/c2. The level of assembly concept suggests that at smaller scales the relationship between mass and energy is not smooth but should become granular as whole assemblies are changed. This applies also to electron bonding, and the effects are visible even at room temperature, e.g. the specific heat capacity of matter and latent heat. According to Cordus Matter does not have an invariant mass: it depends on the level of assembly. Conservation of mass therefore only applies when the masses do not change assembly level. Even then the conservation is only approximate, because even changes to electron bonds change the mass of the assembly, albeit small. Another implication concerns the binding energy required to disassemble a molecule or atom. Cordus interprets a positive binding energy as meaning that the span of the assembly should be greater than the parts. This is somewhat counter intuitive as we tend to think of molecular assemblies as bonds that pull the atoms closer. Mass, span and Level of Assembly are related Thus the mass of a particuloid depends on the span that the external environment requires it to adopt. For a quark in a proton, that constraint on span is determined by the other quarks in the assembly in a negotiation process of exchanged constraints, and we term this the ‘Assembly gauge’. For an electron in a bond, the constraint on span is determined by the 273 joint structures of the two atoms. For a free electron in space, the spanconstraint arises from the fabric. The assembly gauge concept suggests that a coherent body will have only one frequency, not many. Coupling between mass and field That suggests another interesting conceptual development. We call this the Principle of mass-field coupling, and note it with lemma E.7.8. The Cordus mechanics already provides that the hyff and the fibril are coupled. So if a free cordus particuloid, say a free electron, is forced by the fabric to take a different span, say shorter, and therefore increase its frequency, then there is a consequence for the hyff (read ‘field’ in conventional physics). The increase in frequency causes the mass of the electron to increase too. In conventional physics this would be called the mass of the ‘shell’, but of course Cordus does not hold with that notion of spherical particles. If the situation is adiabatic, i.e. the electron has not been given additional energy or absorbed a photon, and assuming conservation of energy, then by implication the electron has to withdraw energy from the hyff system to support the increase in its mass. It is to be expected that the hyff system will resist this. Consequently there will be an element of stability for the cordus system as a whole (fibril, span, frequency generator, reactive-ends, hyff, hyffons). Thus the cordus particuloid can adjust its frequency and span in response to sufficiently strong external demand, but it has internal stability mechanisms that moderate the changes. It may be that this is what the photon is doing. In other words, this might explain why the photon emits and withdraws its hyff, a feature of Cordus that has been commented on above. It also means that the span is not constant, though it has a mean. The reactive end moves inwards and outwards as it energises and re-energises. So the precise span of a cordus particuloid at any one instant changes. It may be for the photon that in a sense, the reactive end dilutes itself and becomes the hyffon at the extreme of the span, so that the outer extreme of the span is very great, but also very rare. So some photons will pass through both slits of the double-slit device, regardless of the spacing. We have noted this as Lemma L.5.7 [1]. Singularities One of the problems in conventional physics including quantum field theory is the singularities that arise when diameters of ‘particles’ are condensed to zero. The resulting infinities have to be treated with ‘renormalisation’ processes which seem to work even if of dubious fundamental validity. Cordus offers a totally different way to view the problem: matter is not points in the first place, and the smallest size of a particuloid is not zero but the span of its cordus. The inertia of an electron is not infinite, because 274 it never is a point. Nor do interactions become infinitely strong at shorter distances: the particuloid is not always energised to be able to react. There are no actual singularities: those only appear in physics as artefacts of the zero-dimensional point premise. Thus the appearance of a singularity in physics implies that the mechanics and its mathematics are deficient and unable to be applied to the next level down: they only apply on-average to the next higher level of assembly. That is why quantum mechanics is only applicable, and only on-average, to larger aggregates of particuloids, and starts to break down at the level of the double-slit device where individual particuloids become involved. Cordus thus asserts that we cannot complacently accept ‘renormalisation’ as a self-consistent process, but instead need to recognise it as a warning sign that the limits of validity for that theory have been reached and that a fundamental reconceptualisation may be required in that area, with a switch to a deeper mechanics with a different mathematics, if the next deeper level of reality is to be accessed. Nucleon masses The interconnectedness of mass, span and Level of Assembly also allows an explanation of the mass difference between the proton and neutron. The neutron is known to be heavier. The Cordus explanation is that the natural span of the D quark is smaller than that of U, for reasons uncertain.75 Thus a proton of UUD causes the D to be stretched, hence lowering its mass, because the UU dominate the outcome. The neutron of UDD causes the U span to be compressed, increasing its mass. True, the DD will be stretched slightly, decreasing their mass, but there are two of them so the effect is disproportionally smaller. The overall effect is that the neutron is slightly heavier. Thus considerations of cordus span and frequency could be useful in understanding the mass differences in other sub-atomic assemblies. Cordus suggests that mass is determined by the frequency of the assembly. This may be testable. We summarise the above with the following lemma. Level-of-assembly lemma E.7 Level-of-assembly lemma E.7.1 Higher frequency (smaller) particuloids have more mass. E.7.2 Mass is not conserved at assembly/disassembly. E.7.3 Particuloids that have their span stretched at assembly into atomic structures reduce mass, and the converse. E.7.4 The span of the assembly as a whole (assembly gauge) determines the mass of the assembled particuloid, not the masses of the individual parts. E.7.5 Matter does not have an invariant mass: it depends on the level of assembly. 75 Probably the U quark is an assembly of smaller cordi, and the assembly gauge is thus stretched (E.7.3). 275 E.7.6 E.7.8 Span (assembly gauge) tends to increase at higher levels of assembly. Hence higher levels of assembly are lighter. Principle of mass-field coupling: In adiabatic conditions a conservation of energy applies between the fibril energy and the hyff energy of a cordus matter particuloid. Thus the emission of a hyffon momentarily extracts energy from the fibril, which causes the span to increase (reactive end to move radially outward). Atoms in SHEDS Previously, in ‘Cordus Matter’, it was suggested that the electron in a shell was influenced by the hyff arrangements of the inner shells, and those inner shells in turn by the outer shells. Presumably something similar applies to the nucleus. The hyff that protrude from the three quarks inside the proton will interact with those from other protons and neutrons. The whole nucleus is therefore an extended SHED structure. The protons and neutrons have to fit their hyff around each other. The electrons also: they cannot simply go anywhere, but have to fit around the hyff from the nucleus and the other electrons, hence the orbitals. The addition of more electrons neutralises some of the proton hyff, and thus allows more protons to be added to the assembly. The whole atom is therefore very much more than simply an electrostatic interaction between electrons and protons. Thus we have provided a model for the inside of a proton, and conceptually identified the possible structural principle for the larger nucleus and the atom itself, but the details remain an open question. This might be a good place for a mathematically based optimisation method to make a contribution, because intuitive the structure of a large atom is going to be complex and beyond the power of the simple logically descriptive method used here. According to cordus, the mass of any particuloid should depend on the level of assembly. 6 Conclusions By pushing Cordus to the extremes, a conceptual model has been created for quarks and the internal structure of the proton and neutron. In this model the charge of a quark indicates the number of hyff (force lines) it emits. Cordus also explains the colour and provides a mechanism for the strong interaction (both the attraction and repulsive components). The model also explains why parity violation occurs. A new concept of the ‘level of assembly’ is introduced and used to explain mass excess and why smaller particuloids have greater mass. Cordus also makes some more radical predictions, such as non-conservation of mass. Fundamental forces In this extrapolation of the Cordus conjecture, gravitation is caused by acceleration of the basal cordus particuloid, magnetism by velocity of the 276 reactive ends, and electrostatic force by position thereof. These are the only three fundamental forces: the strong and the weak ‘forces’ are aptly named ‘interactions’ and in the same categories as orbitals and photon emission respectively, i.e. not fundamental forces. The important concept here is that one mechanism, the emission of hyff, provides the underlying mechanism for electrostatics, magnetism, and gravitation. These forces are intrinsically unified. In contrast, QM perceives these forces, together with the strong and weak nuclear interactions, as mediated by virtual particles and tries to unify them on that basis. Cordus suggests the so called virtual particles are simply different measurement artefacts of the hyff, not the real interactions. Comment The macroscopic world is very beautiful. Despite the large gaps at the subatomic level, and the dynamic turmoil within even the simplest atom, the overall effect at our level of being is of a reliable, smooth, persistent world. The paint on the aircraft is durable and behaves the same, day after day, despite what is happening in its sub-atomic structure. The macroscopic stability of matter is all the more surprising. It is also beautiful because it creates the world in which our bodies can exist. 7 Closing summary This series of papers is an extrapolation of the basic Cordus concept to the extremes. We are not saying that the resulting concepts are necessarily true, only that they are challenging ideas that are worth considering. What has been achieved here? Cordus in extremis offers novel concepts for several effects, starting with fields. It proposes a mechanism for granular field-forces that aggregate to the apparently smooth field at our level of everyday perception. The hyff carries a transient quantum of force (‘hyffon’) directed back down the hyff towards its origin. Each re-energisation of the reactive end sends another renewal-pulse of force down the hyff. Therefore hyff are directional force lines that extend out into space from their basal particuloid, and where the force appears in pulses that travel outwards along the line (hyffons). For a test charge in an electric field, the overall effect is a steady rain of hyffons that are individually small transient units of force. The overall effect is a smooth force. Cordus proposes that the electric field cannot actually be shielded, only locally neutralised, and it provides a new way to conceive of the connection between electrostatics and magnetism. Cordus does not consider electromagnetism as equivalent concepts, but suggests they are quite different physical effects and that electrostatics is the more fundamental and magnetism the derivative. Unconventionally, Cordus predicts a fabric to the universe: a type of massless relativistic aether, but made of tangled hyff force lines not 277 particles. The fabric is made of the hyff of all the other massy particuloids in the accessible universe. This fabric limits the speed of light to a finite value. An even more drastic proposal is that the speed of light is not invariant, even if it is relativistic. Another radical outcome is that Cordus proposes an integration with gravitation through the same hyff mechanism underlying electrostatics and magnetism. The important concept here is that one mechanism, the emission of hyff, provides the underlying mechanism for electrostatics, magnetism, and gravitation. It is proposed that these are the only fundamental forces and are intrinsically unified. The hyff provide a mechanism whereby gravitation is not continuous but in discrete force (or displacement) increments, and the closing force between two masses is transient. In this idea, gravitation, and therefore also mass, is a discontinuous property: i.e. a particuloid emits gravity (has mass) at some moments but not others. Thus gravitation is an effect that a mass does to the whole universe, not to targeted other bodies. Cordus conceptually integrates the different effects of mass: Gravitation is a particuloid contributing hyff to the fabric; Newtonian mass is resistance of the reactive ends to unexpected displacement; Relativistic mass is decreasing efficacy of hyff engagement with the fabric as velocity of the reactive end increases; Momentum is a frequency mechanism (as yet incompletely described) that ensures the reactive end re-energises on-time and inplace; particuloids have mass to the extent that they have frequency. Less radical, but nonetheless a useful integration, Cordus offers an explanation of how time arises at a sub-atomic level by the cordus frequency, and how this aggregates to the sense of time that we perceive biologically. Thus time is carried in the fabric, and this is a similar concept to spacetime in General relativity, though Cordus does not see time as a fourth dimension. The fabric itself is proposed to be made from the hyff of sub-atomic particles, including the quarks. Cordus goes on to suggest a composition for quarks, and the structure of the proton and neutron. The fractional charge of the quark is explained in terms of hyff, and the colour by the combinations of hyff emission directions. The strong interaction then emerges as a hyff interaction effect, not a fundamental force as such. Cordus suggests the weak interaction is not a fundamental force either, but rather an effect: a transitory form in the decay of matter. Thus Cordus proposes that there are only three fundamental forces: electrostatics, magnetism, and gravitation, and they are all carried by the same hyff. Those same hyff also contribute to the fabric and to time, so the concepts are interlinked. As a by-product, an explanation emerges for why parity is violated by quark interactions: this is explained as a geometric consequence the cordus having a finite span. Cordus is unconventional in suggesting that mass is not generally. Instead it is proposed that matter does not have an invariant mass. Mass depends on the level of assembly of the particuloid into sub-atomic, atomic and molecular structures. It predicts that mass is determined by frequency, 278 which in turn is related to cordus span, hence size of particuloid and the way it is bonded into other assemblies. Thus Cordus in extremis provides a coherent explanation across a wide variety of phenomena that otherwise are only partially explained by conventional theories of physics, see Figure 3. Compared to the conventional theories, Cordus offers greater explanatory power, greater coherence with less reliance on metaphysical explanations, and greater integration across a broader range of phenomena. This is particularly evident when considering the effects also described in the companion papers, which resolve many of the paradoxes of wave-particle duality and provide explanations where conventional theories are limited to abstract mathematical interpretations or reliant on metaphysical effects. 279 Figure 3: The core idea of the cordus conjecture is that all ‘particles’ have a two-ended cordus structure. This basic idea may be extended to create a conceptual framework that provides a logically consistent description across a variety of effects. The result is a high-level descriptive integration across fundamental physics, and the emergence of a deeper mechanics. The purpose of this paper was to push the Cordus mechanics into extreme predictions, out of curiosity for any new concepts that it might suggest. The original Cordus concept was created to explain wave-particle duality of the photon in the double-slit device. When applied to the extremes, the concept has yielded unexpected new insights, novel re-thinking of things we thought we already knew, explanations for things that were paradoxes, and some unconventional contrary predictions. Cordus provides a radical re-conceptualisation of several areas of fundamental physics. Cordus is fundamentally different to conventional thinking. It departs radically from both quantum mechanics and general relativity in its suggestions of the underlying mechanisms. Yet in many cases it offers concepts that will be recognisable to those other areas. 280 The primary contribution of the Cordus work as a whole is that it provides a new conceptual framework for thinking about fundamental physics. Cordus may or may not be a robust solution, but it does show that there are other ways of thinking about the issues, and we do not need to be discouraged by the staleness of the debates about wave-particle duality, nor stuck in the fixed paradigms of existing theories, nor perplexed by the weirdness of quantum mechanics. Even if Cordus is not the deeper mechanics, there can now be no doubt that a deeper mechanics does exist. References 1. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Explanation of fringes. Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.3 viXra 1104.0018, 1-18 DOI: 281 282 Cordus Conjecture Part 5: Matter and antimatter Concept of handedness (ma) of fields > matter and antimatter differentiated by mirrored hand of hyffons > structure of antimatter proposed > annihilation process explained > different behaviour of the two positroniums explained > new process diagrams and HED notation introduced 283 Mirror images: Matter and Antimatter Pons, D.J. 76 Abstract Existing theories of physics struggle to explain the difference between matter and antimatter in ways that make physical sense. This paper offers a reconceptualisation based on the cordus conjecture. We create a new concept of handedness, called ma, and an operational definition based on the energisation sequence of the cordus reactive-ends. Each reactive end for a stable matter particuloid, e.g. the electron, has three orthogonal hyff. The hand of these is held to be the same for all matter particuloids, whether positive or negative charge. For all antimatter particuloids the hand is inverted. The inversion also changes the direction of the hyff, and thus reverses the charge, but this is a secondary effect. This cordus concept permits models to be created differentiating between the electron, proton, and antielectron (positron). This explains why the antielectron is very different to the proton despite the same charge, and why the photon does not have an antiparticle. It also allows the wider integration of bonding and annihilation as manifestations of a single deeper mechanics. Keywords: antimatter, hand, chirality, fundamental physics Edition 1.1 Minor edits > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_5.1_MirrorImages_MatterAntiMatter_E1.1.16.doc 1 Introduction Reality is concrete enough, at least at our level of experience, but what exactly is all that matter made of? What is antimatter (aM) and how does it differ from matter? Why and how do the two annihilate? Why does the universe contain so little antimatter compared to matter? Those questions are difficult to answer with current fundamental physics. Part of the problem is that conventional physics does not really know what matter is. We think that matter is made of particles, and we think they are only points with no internal structure (other than assemblies of more points), but we don't know what makes up the point. We also think that particles are waves, but other than being able to describe their mathematical behaviour as a wave, we really do not know what that wave comprises either. We think that particles are in two positions at once, i.e. superposition and can represent that with the wavefunction – indeed we 76 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 284 see confirming empirical evidence at the microscopic scale: but not at the macroscopic, which is perplexing. We don't really know what matter is. Naturally that also means we don't know antimatter to the level that we would like. The dominant explanation for antimatter is quantum mechanics. However QM cannot explain the structure of antimatter, and has practically nothing to say about the process of annihilation. This paper shows how antimatter can be conceptualised from the cordus conjecture [1]. Doing this provides a better explanation of the difference between matter and antimatter in ways that make physical sense. 2 The conventional perspective of antimatter Antimatter: content and formation The most abundant type of antimatter is antielectrons (e, positrons), but antiprotons (p) and antineutrons (n) have also been synthesised. Note that we use the underscore to denote antimatter.77 The E=mc2 relation superficially suggests that energy can be converted into matter (or the inverse). However that is only half the story, because antimatter is always created when matter is created: the formation of only matter particles has not been observed. Energy always transforms into a particle and its antiparticle. Antimatter particles are regularly produced by natural phenomena, e.g. cosmic rays striking the atmosphere, and radioactive decay. They are also produced artificially, e.g. in colliders. Whole antimatter atoms have also been produced, currently limited in size to the smaller assemblies: antihydrogen, antideuterium, antihelium (-3 & -4). Existing theories of antimatter The common idea is that antimatter is simply opposite charge. On its own that cannot be correct as it suggests that the electron and proton should also annihilate, which doesn’t happen.78 Also, it is not immediately clear why neutral particles, e.g. neutrons, have antiparticles too. From the perspective of quantum mechanics, antimatter is opposite charge and opposite quantum numbers. This concept of antimatter as opposite chirality is a more thoughtful approach, but chirality is an 77 Conventionally the antielectron is given a special name, the positron, since it was first discovered, whereas other antiparticles do not have special names. Here we simply stay with ‘antielectron’, because it is a better cognitive reminder about the special complementary features of antimatter in the cordus model. Our notation also departs regarding the abbreviated representations, which conventionally have a signed superscript + (positron: e , antiproton: p ) or an overprinted bar (antiparticle: ā). We avoid the former because our model shows that the antimatter effect is not simply a matter of opposite charge. Instead we use an underscore, as in antiparticle a, to signal the cognitive break with conventional ideas of antimatter, but yet the retention of some of the conventional constructs. 78 That is usually popularly explained away as the electron orbiting too fast around the nucleus, though that too is a superficial explanation as orbitals are not orbits. 285 incompletely defined physical concept in physics: it is variably related to helicity and spin. It is mostly a mathematical abstraction rather than a physical effect, though that is a feature of many of the other intrinsic variables of QM. Thus there is no clear explanation from conventional physics as to what chirality corresponds to in a ‘particle’, and how it contributes to annihilation. The concept of quantum numbers is also helpful, but there is no universal set of quantum numbers. Instead the number of these variables depends on the particle situation under examination. At a deeper level one has to question the QM premise that antimatter is opposite quantum numbers, because realistically the main quantum numbers for fermions are charge and spin, but these are common throughout any one generation. This does not explain why particles from dissimilar generations do not directly annihilate. Instead annihilation is primarily a process between a particle and its exact opposite antiparticle, not a different type of antiparticle. The logical conclusion is that there may be additional quantum numbers, or more accurately additional variables or qualitative factors that govern the annihilation behaviour. What are those? Whatever they are, they do seem to be hidden to QM. So we have to be open to the possibility that there might be additional hidden variables involved in the matter-antimatter definition. There are other theories of physics, the most complete of, and almost at the state of mainstream acceptance, is string theory and the related Mtheory [2]. However the focus there is on cosmology,79 and while it does not conceptually preclude antimatter, nor is the idea particularly advanced either. So all the mainstream theories have an incomplete explanation of antimatter. 3 Background: Cordus conjecture The cordus conjecture is a novel alternative theory of fundamental physics, and has been shown to provide radically different interpretations of many physical effects. It is a different way of thinking, both about the subject of ‘particles’, and also in the cognitive approach. It is primarily a qualitative conceptual method as opposed to the quantitative mathematical method of conventional physics. It is a type of hidden variable solution that circumvents the limitations of Bell’s theorem [3]. 79 In String theory all particles are one-dimensional oscillating lines, and this requires that the universe have additional dimensions that we cannot see. There are several variants of the theory, with different prescriptions for the required dimensions. It is believed that the variants are all subsets of M-theory, with its 11 dimensions. There is hope that string theory may unify gravitation with electromagnetism, and describe the fundamental reality of nature, but it is not yet capable of that. It is a mathematical approach, but even so has not made quantitative predictions that can be verified one way or the other. Also, it has many formulations, and it is difficult to know which applies to the real world, i.e. it is still abstract rather than concrete. It is a class of theories, and a work in progress rather than a complete solution. 286 The conjecture states that all 'particles', e.g. photons of light, electrons, and the protons in the nucleus of the atom, are not one-dimensional points, but have a specific internal structure called a 'cordus'. The cordus consists of two ‘reactive ends’, which are a small finite distance apart (‘span’), and each behave like a particle in their interaction with the external environment. A ‘fibril’ joins the reactive ends, and is a persistent and dynamic structure but does not interact with matter [4]. The reactive ends are energised (typically in turn) at a frequency [5]. The reactive ends emit one or more force lines called ‘hyperfine fibrils’ (hyff) into space, and when the reactive end is energised it sends a transient force pulse (‘hyffon’) outwards along the hyff curve [6]. This makes up the field, which is thus also discretised. Various features of the hyff and hyffon carry the electrostatic field, magnetism, and gravitation simultaneously. In this model the photon has a single radial hyff which it periodically extends and withdraws, see Figure 1 [4]. By comparison all massy particuloids, including neutral particuloids like the neutron, have permanent hyff [6]. Electric charge is carried at 1/3 charge per hyff, so stable particuloids like the electron are surmised to have three hyff, and these are presumed to be arranged orthogonally [7]. The hyff around massy particuloids compete for emission directions and may synchronise their emissions to access those spaces -the cordus concept of synchronous hyff emission directions (SHED) [7]. Thus there is an element of mutual negotiation, based on shared geometric timing constraints[7]. Figure 1: Cordus model of the photon. It is proposed that the photon probably only has a single radial hyff at each reactive end, whereas the electron has three, but the fundamental structural concept is similar. Image is in the common domain The core concept in the cordus conjecture is thus a particular bipolar internal structure for the photon and indeed all ‘particles’. We term this a cordus, and emphasise that it is the internal structure of what is otherwise called a ‘particle’, and is not the same as a ‘dipole’ (separation of negative 287 and positive charges) which is an external structure of multiple charges. Nor is it appropriate to call this a ‘particle’, because it is not a zerodimensional point. The idea of a cordus allows many puzzling phenomena to be explained at a conceptual level, such as wave-particle duality [8], why quantum mechanics does not scale up to macroscopic objects [9], among other lesser conundrums of fundamental physics like Casimir effect superfluidity, local realism, entanglement, strong force, etc. We now apply the cordus concept to differentiate matter and antimatter. This novel explanation is an important part in eventually explaining the annihilation process itself. 4 Cordus model for matter and antimatter The cordus model for antimatter builds on some of the previous work on quarks, and is briefly summarised below. 4.1 Consolidating existing principles The basic HEDs The core idea, which also differentiates the cordus M-aM model from conventional perspectives, is that of hyff emission directions (HED) [7]. Each reactive end of a massy particuloid emits three hyff: one in each of three orthogonal directions, here named [r,a,t], hence hyff emission directions. Each HED carries a 1/3 charge, so the overall charge of the particuloid depends on how many HED are active. These concepts were already anticipated and encapsulated in the Quark lemmas (E.6) [7]: E.6.2 E.6.2.1 E.6.2.2 E.6.3 E.6.3.1 E.6.3.2 E.6.3.3 E.6.4 E.6.5 The magnitude of the charge of a quark refers to the number of hyff emitted at a reactive end, out of three possible directions, i.e. the arrangement is 3D geometric. We term these hyff emission directions (HEDs). Particuloids with unit charge have one hyff in each of three orthogonal directions. The colour (red, blue, green) refers to the arrangement of the hyff in the orthogonal 3 axes of the HEDs. The axes are named [r] radial outwards co-linear with the span, [a] and [t] perpendicular to the span and to each other. A single hyff (e.g. D -1/3) may be arranged in one of three ways: [a], [r], or [t]. A double hyff (e.g. U +2/3) may be arranged in one of three ways: [a, r], [a, t], [r, t] The operative principle governing the sharing of hyff spaces is Complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS). A maximum of all three directions [a, r, t] may be filled with hyff, i.e. a synchronous hyff emission direction structure (SHEDS) is created. Opposed charge hyff may be considered to cancel each other’s use of the hyff emission directions. However they do not cancel the contribution to the fabric. 288 Structure of the electron We consolidate these concepts by providing a cordus model of the electron, see Figure 2. [r] [t] Three hyff, (-1/3) each, one in each of three HED a1 reactive end a2 reactive end currently dormant Note hand (colour) preserved across span [a] Co-ordinate system for a1 reactive end Energisation sequence, e.g. [r,a,t] contributes to hand [r] [t] [a] e electron structure e simplified structure [a] [t] [r] Note that coordinate system is not absolute but relative to reactive end Figure 2: Cordus model of the electron. It is proposed that the particuloid has three orthogonal hyff, energised in turn at each reactive end. At this point we are not too concerned about the further divisibility or not of the electron.80 However for the present we can treat the three hyff as a unit, albeit one that energises in some sequence such as [r, a, t]. Nor are we concerned about the mechanisms that sustain the reactive ends, hyff, hyffons, or fibril: we acknowledge those as the next deeper level in the mechanics. 4.2 Cordus hand: ma Handedness of matter In the cordus model, we have already encountered a handedness effect, in Lemma E6 [7], as follows. E.6.11 The nature of the SHED process within a nucleon creates the handedness (chirality) of matter, e.g. the right-hand rule of the Lorentz magnetic force. Now we extend this idea to build the concept of hand (‘ma’) and thence to an operational definition of matter and antimatter. The cordus concept is very different to the quantum mechanics concepts of ‘hand’ and ‘chirality’, so it is important to differentiate the terminology and introduce new concepts. 80 We anticipate that the hyff might be separable at higher energies into endogenous elements, like the quarks make up the baryons. 289 The cordus interpretation is that all matter and antimatter particuloids have three orthogonal hyff emission directions (HEDs) at their reactive ends, as per the above model for the electron. The arrangement of the three hyff around the reactive end has a hand, which we call ma. We use this different term to differentiate the constructs from QM.81 Handedness in QM refers to the direction of spin of the particle relative to its linear motion [10]. When the spin is in the same direction as the momentum, then it is termed right-handed. The particles of QM may have either right or left spin-hand, and this spin-hand inverts for antiparticles. From the cordus perspective this is a spin effect, which for convenience we refer to as ‘spin-hand’. It is not the same as the ma hand. However the concepts are possibly related at a deeper level of mechanics. For convenience and consistency with our previous nomenclature for the photon, we name the three orthogonal HEDs the radial [r], axial [a], and tangential [t] hyff. We acknowledge that the directions may be ambiguous as they imply motion. It is assumed that all particuloids have at least a momentary motion-on-the-spot of their reactive ends, even if the particle as a whole is stationary. (We note this as a lemma at the end). We have two candidates for the origin of the handedness. One is that it is built into the structure of the fabric, and is thus a deeper level of mechanics than the cordus structure. The other, and the current working model, is that the handedness arises because of the sequence of activation of the hyff, e.g. [r], then [a], then [t] at the first reactive end, followed by ra-t at the other, as the particuloid oscillates at its frequency. The ma mechanism ensures that the three hyff, [r, a, t] are consistently arranged in the same way relative to each other. Further, it is assumed that this handedness is set at the point in time when the particuloid is created and cannot be subsequently changed while the assembly remains. The ma requirement might seem artificial, but is not unreasonable because something similar already exists in all the other models of physics: classical physics already has the right-hand-rule for electromagnetism, and quantum theory has chirality. And even the basic QM concept of spin suggests that there is some directionality to a zero-dimensional stationary particle. None of these are well explained: Why does the right-hand-rule exist? How can a 0D point (or a wave) have spin and directionality? Cordus provides a more substantial concept for handedness than any of these other models. Having created a concept for ma hand, we now apply it to differentiate matter from antimatter. 4.3 Cordus matter and antimatter 81 The concept of chirality is known in QM, but in a different theoretical formulation, e.g. chiral perturbation theory in quantum chromodynamics. Here we reconceptualise it, and therefore use a different term, ma, to distinguish the cordus concept. 290 From the cordus perspective all stable matter particles, including the electron and the proton, have three orthogonal hyff at each reactive end, and these are all of the same hand, for convenience called forma (right hand). Note that the hand is the same for all matter particuloid, whatever their charge. The difference made by charge is simply that the negative hyff (e.g. for the electron) are all propagating outwards (a cordus sign convention), whereas those for positive charges are inwards-directed. Inversion of hand The cordus interpretation for antimatter is that antiparticuloids have opposite hand, i.e. the sequence of energisation of the hyff is spatially inverted (mirrored). The inversion is about the long axis of the fibril, so the [r] axis is preserved – though it changes sign, see Figure 3. We term the inverted hand hyarma (left-hand - since this hand was left-behind at the genesis of the universe). Importantly, note that inversion of the hand also changes the sign of the charge.82 Cordus thus conceptualises the inversion of hand in terms of the functional geometry of the cordus structure. Thus it provides a physically natural (‘ordinary’) interpretation for antimatter. Note that the inversion is about the fibril axis. Thus the [r] axis is conserved in both hands, though the sign changes. There is a subtle, but important distinction between this cordus definition and that of quantum mechanics. First, cordus creates an operational definition out of handedness, which QM with its premise of zerodimensional points (alternatively waves) does not, and cannot. Second, cordus states that that the difference between matter and antimatter is primarily in the hand, and the changed sign of the charge is a secondary effect and dependent on the first. By comparison QM conceptualises antimatter in terms of opposite charge and opposite spin, as independent variables, and does not define the relationship between the two. (Obviously there must be a relationship between the two, since there are not four species of matter). Thus it is hand AND charge that is important in cordus. Incidentally, this definition also makes it easier to understand why a neutral particuloid like the neutron does have an antineutron. In the cordus model the neutron has internal charges but these neutralise so that there is no net external charge: but nonetheless hyffons are propagated on the forma hand, hence gravitation and mass [7]. An antineutron is easily explained as having inverted hand and therefore charge, i.e. is still charge-neutral externally, but has the hyarma hand. By comparison, it is not intuitive in quantum mechanics why neutral particles should have antiparticles. By comparison cordus readily accommodates a neutral particuloid having an antiparticuloid: the hands are different, even if the changed sign of the charges is still neutral. 82 It is not so much that the charge reverses, but its direction relative to the reactive end is inverted, and thus the sign changes. Note that in cordus the sign of the charge is simply the direction of action of the hyffon relative to the reactive end. 291 Note that the cordus model states that all matter (and antimatter) comprises charged particuloids, it is just that sometimes the positive and negative are balanced. Thus neutral matter particuloids, e.g. neutron, still have internal charges, and hence there is no conceptual difficulty with these charges changing sign (i.e. hyff changing directions) for antimatter. Comparison of electron, proton, and antielectron One of the paradoxes of conventional theories of antimatter is that it is not immediately clear what the difference is between the proton and the positron. After all, they both have charge +1. Why then does the electron not annihilate with the proton, but does with the positron? Why do the proton and positron have such difference masses, given that their charge is the same? With the cordus concept of ma hand, the explanation is easy. The structures for these three particuloids, as proposed by cordus, are shown in Figure 3. Note that we deliberately prefer the term ‘antielectron’ and avoid ‘positron’: this is because antielectron is a much truer representation of the structure. The word ‘anti-‘ refers in cordus to inverted hand, and this feature is much more important in understanding what is happening than the charge perspective. Thus the electron is a structure with forma hand and outgoing hyffons, the proton is forma with incoming hyffons, and the antielectron is hyarma (anti-forma) with incoming hyffons. 292 Figure 3: Models for the electron, proton, and antielectron. Note that the electron and proton have the same hand (forma) but the hyff are reversed, hence the reversion of charge. The proton is also a different type of assembly, being a composite of quarks at this level, whereas the electron is a unified structure at this same level. The difference between the electron and antielectron is inversion of hand: the electron is forma, and the antielectron hyarma. The inversion is about the fibril axis [r] and this also inverts all the hyff, hence reversing of charge. We will stop this development here, having established the basic principle of ma hand, and leave its further development, such as the process of annihilation itself, to companions papers. But before we go, we consolidate the current assumptions into the following lemma. 4.4 Lemma The following lemma summarises the assumptions in this antimatter model, and the principles involved. Ma.1 Matter and antimatter lemma Ma.1.1 All matter and antimatter particuloids have three orthogonal hyff emission directions (HEDs) at their reactive ends: [r,a,t]. Ma.1.2 It is assumed that all particuloids have at least a momentary motion-on-the-spot of their reactive ends, even if the particle as a whole is stationary, which gives a direction to the [r,a,t] axes. Ma.1.3 The arrangement of the three hyff around the reactive end has a hand, which we call ma. Ma.1.4 Mechanism for ma hand: The current working model is that the handedness arises because of the sequence of activation of the 293 hyff, e.g. [r], then [a], then [t] at the first reactive end, followed by the same at the other, as the particuloid oscillates at its frequency. Ma.1.5 This handedness is set at the point in time when the particuloid is created. Ma.1.6 Cordus assumes that all particuloids (except the photon) have a hand. Ma.1.6 The hand differentiates matter from antimatter. Ma.1.6.1 All matter particuloids, e.g. electron and proton, are of the same hand, forma, regardless of charge. (Charge refers instead to the direction of propagation of the hyffons: outwards for negative charge, inwards for positive. A sign convention). Ma.1.6.2 All antimatter has the inverted ma hand, termed hyarma. The inversion is about the long axis of the fibril. 5 Discussion Cordus has a radically different conceptual foundation to other theories of fundamental physics. It also differs in being a qualitative approach as opposed to the mathematical modelling that otherwise dominates theoretical developments in physics. These large differences mean that cordus is able to provide a fresh perspective on an old subject. 5.1 Outcomes: what has been achieved? An operational model of handedness and matter-antimatter Using the cordus conjecture, a model has been created for the ma handedness of matter, and this becomes the primary differentiating factor between matter and antimatter. This has been used to create models of the electron, proton, and positron, as representative of the two species. It is proposed that the quarks and other leptons follow the same pattern, though in the case of the quarks not all the hyff emission directions [r,a,t] are filled (hence their fractional charge). Note that in this model the antielectron is very different to the proton. They are dissimilar regarding mass, span, frequency, and ma. The only thing that is common is that they both show positive-charge behaviour.83 83 This dissimilarity is why we prefer not to use the word ‘positron’. The term is too conceptually limiting as it implies a similarity with the proton. Also, it reinforces the impression that antimatter is merely about reversed charge, which cordus refutes. The orthodox theories of antimatter are charge-centric. Cordus suggests instead that the main factor is ma (hand), and the reversion of charge is a secondary effect. Thus the annihilation energy is due to the hand, not the charge. This should not be surprising, because the electron and proton do not annihilate despite their opposite charges (cordus can also explain why this should be – the hands are the same). So evidently opposite charge is not the main factor for annihilation, and therefore cannot be the main factor that differentiates matter and antimatter either. 294 From the cordus perspective it is a fallacy to think of antimatter as being primarily characterised by opposite charge. A different method Another unusual feature about this cordus model is the methodology. It has been noted that strategies based on mathematical hypotheses have generally not delivered interpretations that make physical sense [11]. Cordus takes a different path, one of engineering design synthesis towards a solution. It is a qualitative approach, and while it does not (yet) have the mathematics embedded, of its very nature it provides explanations that make physical sense. We have managed to create a novel model of antimatter, using concepts and without needing mathematical analogies or fomalism. That on its own makes cordus stand out as a radically different methodology. With the addition of this latest explanation for the two species of matter, cordus can now offer a coherent explanation for effects ranging from wave-particle duality through to the antimatter problems considered here. That of itself does not constitute validity, but it is a reassuring feature since it is what would be expected of a deeper mechanics. 5.2 What are the implications? The cordus model also explains why the photon does not have an antiparticle: it does not have a hand. The photon is a single hyff, and a fibrillating one too. The differentiation by ma hand is very important in what follows because we subsequently show that both electron-proton bonding and electronantielectron annihilation have the same underlying mechanism: complementary frequency synchronisation (CoFS) [12]. Thus CoFS is the deeper mechanism for holding the nucleus together (strong force), the electron orbitals, the filling of orbitals (Pauli exclusion principle), bonding between atoms, superfluidity, superconductivity, entanglement. What is positive charge in the hyffon model? The cordus model for the electron has the reactive end producing a new set of hyffons (EMG force pulses, see below) at each re-energisation, and the outward propagation of these distally down the hyff, at the speed of light. The positive charge is shown as hyffons moving proximally: being drawn inwards. What is the physical interpretation? We offer some suggestions. The first is that the positive hyffons are indeed extracted from the remote hinterland. A second and related idea is that all positive hyff connect up the corresponding negative hyff from their lepto/baryogenesis twin, or network thereof, like magnetic poles. Another, and the currently preferred working model is that the positive hyffon are force increments directed 295 proximally, but they themselves propagate distally. In other words that the action is directed medially. We acknowledge that we have not satisfactorily explained exactly what a hyffon is, or how its underlying mechanisms operate regarding its propagation and exertion of force – we leave such matters to the next deeper level of conceptualisation. Later we change the working model for hyffons to state that they are extracted from or generated into the fabric. What about gravitation? The cordus model for the unity of electro-magneto-gravito (EMG) force uses a speculative mechanism whereby the gravitation component is the torsion in the hyffon, and this is identical to the hand [13]. An analogy for our working model for EMG force is that the hyffon is like a nut spinning off a screw, and then engaging with another remote screw, pulling it closer. The hand of the hyffon is thus a similar concept to the hand of a thread. If this analogy is correct, then there exists the possibility that matter and antimatter may not interact gravitationally (which of course is not the same as repulsion), though they will electrostatically and magnetically. However this is highly speculative and uncertain.84 The cordus model for gravitation is that the hyffon have a hand – which is minted by the emitting reactive end, and that engages with the reactive end of the remote particuloid, thereby forcing it to re-energise a little closer to the calling particuloid. Force in the cordus model is therefore a positional constraint on re-energisation, i.e. a fundamentally a displacement effect. Comparison with quantum mechanics Quantum mechanics explains antimatter in terms of quantum numbers. It has no physical meaning for these, and instead considers them to be ‘intrinsic’: properties that are disembodied from any physical structure. At the same time, the conventional interpretations of QM generally take Bell’s theorem to mean that particles like the photon and electron cannot 84 The interesting issue with this idea is that it could have the side-effect of decoupling mass (velocity, acceleration effects) and gravitation across the M-aM divide. This is because cordus provides different mechanisms for the generation of the different forms of mass. Thus in the cordus model, mass-as-resistance-to-acceleration arises from the embedment of the particuloids hyff in the surrounding moving-fabric. In contrast, mass-as-gravitation arises from the handedness of the emitted hyffons. Thus cordus suggests that there is one underlying mechanism – the emission of hyffon along the hyff, that unites the two aspects of mass. But mass as we experience it is an output behaviour, not the fundamental effect. Thus it is conceivable that the acceleration and gravitational components of mass might not always be evidenced together, and antimatter might show this. Antimatter is known to have mass, since it appears in the pions and kaons (matter-antimatter chimera particuloids). Note also that these structures have greater mass than the individual quarks: the mass-excess problem has in general already been explained by cordus. However the observed mass is most likely acceleration-mass, since it is measured as momentum, i.e. resistance to change in direction. It is possible that the gravitational response could be different, even absent. For example, the pions and kaons might have different responses to acceleration and gravitation. 296 have any internal structure, i.e. no ‘hidden variables’. The logical inconsistency of this approach is worth remarking on: to believe in internal variables yet deny their physical existence. What really is the difference between an intrinsic variable (which QM accepts) and a hidden one (which QM denies)? QM deals with this dissonance by its choice of methodology: mathematical modelling. Doing so neatly obviates the need to ground the results in physical interpretations. QM has thereby inured itself from the dissonance. But the consequences of this expediency is that the methodology of QM is disconnected from the fundamental premise of science: that observed physical effects have rational and physical underlying causes. In contrast, cordus takes the perspective that any output functionality of a system, i.e. observed behaviour, MUST arise from some physical internal substructure, and that internal mechanisms MUST exist (relationships of causality) that generate the observed external behaviour. That is our premise in constructing the cordus conjecture, and it is very radically different to that of quantum mechanics. QM is undoubtedly the dominant paradigm for fundamental physics, but we would argue that our method is truer to the scientific method. Our criticism is not so much of the machinery of QM but of the conceptual complacency of the method, particularly the lack of coherence in the conceptual foundations, and the compromised logic of intrinsic/hidden variables. By taking a different approach using intuitive creative thinking from the engineering methods, we have synthesised an alternative model for matter and antimatter. This immediately opens up new possibilities, both for the interpretation of the structure of matter, and further conceptual advance. We are not saying that these concepts are necessarily valid, but rather that the generation of alternative concepts is a worthwhile activity in its own right.85 5.3 What are the limitations and implications for further research? Uncertain validity We acknowledge that the validity of the cordus conjecture is untested. It therefore needs to be treated as a conjecture and its mechanics as speculative. The explanation uses the idea of ma hand, and the underlying mechanism for this is only tentatively identified as energisation sequence of the HEDs, linked to the also tentative idea of the three [r,a,t] HEDS having a motion-induced sense of orientation. So this is a specific area of potential weakness in the current model. 85 In conceptual design there are no bad concepts, only more or less useful concepts. Innovation is a cognitive process of creating intuitive associations between existing ideas to create a successful solution. The more ideas, the more novel, and the more diverse, the better: we accept that some may not be workable. 297 Cordus is a very radically different way of conceptualising fundamental physics and conflicts with QM – to the point of asserting that most of the conceptual premises of QM are fallacious [9]. However in this particular area its explanations of antimatter are broadly consistent with quantum mechanics, though it takes the handedness concept further. If the cordus model for antimatter is valid, then there would be significant implications for further research, because of the deeper mechanics that cordus starts to expose, including the potential to explain the process of annihilation itself. 6 Conclusions The main difference between matter and antimatter (M-aM), according to cordus, is that the ma hand is inverted. Each reactive end for a stable matter particuloid, e.g. the electron, has three orthogonal hyff, in the axes [r,a,t]. The hand of these is held to be the same for all matter particuloids, whether positive or negative charge, and nominated as forma. The hand is presumably created by the sequence of energisation of the hyff. For all antimatter particuloids the hand is inverted, and is termed hyarma. The inversion of the hand changes the direction of the hyff, and thus reverses the charge, but this is a secondary effect. Thus from the cordus perspective positive and negative charges (of like ma hand) do not destroy each other but instead bond through complementary frequency synchronisation (CoFS). This cordus concept permits models to be created differentiating between the electron, proton, and antielectron (positron). References 1. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Overview. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0015. Available from: 2. Witten, E.: String theory dynamics in various dimensions. Nuclear Physics B, 1995, 443: p. 85-126. 3. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus matter: Part 3.1 Wider Locality. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0022. Available from: 4. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 Quis es tu photon? . vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0016. Available from: 5. 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D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus matter: Part 3.4 Special states of matter. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0025. Available from: 13. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 Gravitation, Mass and Time. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0029. Available from: 299 Contrasting internal structures: Photon and electron Pons, D.J. 86 Abstract We develop a conceptual model for the internal structures of the photon and electron, based on the cordus model. The main differentiating feature between the photon and electron is identified as the way it deals with its field structures or hyff. The photon has a fibrillating relationship with its field, whereas the electron is a pulsating field-pump. The resulting model permits an explanation of the discrete (approximately quantised) electrostatic force, the propulsion mechanism for the speed of light, and the gravitational bending of light. These are side-effects and the larger advantage of this model is the potential to explain photon-electron interactions generally. Keywords: photon, electron, field, hidden variable solution Edition 1.1 > Clarified superluminal fibril > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_5.2_ElectronPhoton_E1.1.12.doc 1 Introduction The root assumption of orthodox physics is the premise that particles are merely zero-dimensional points. Consequently the conventional physics, including quantum mechanics (QM), sees no internal structure to the photon and electron. These fundamental particles are held to be simple points, and Bell's theorem is typically taken as confirming this interpretation. However, 'simple' might not be an apt term, since QM nonetheless and paradoxically believes the particles have certain properties, such as frequency, spin, and polarisation. QM calls these 'intrinsic' variables and denies that there is any internal structure that carries these variables. Hence QM denies the legitimacy of what are called hidden variable solutions. Purpose Thus the purpose of the present paper, which is to describe the internal structure of the photon and electron, is totally irrelevant to orthodox physics. We take the position of physical realism: that externally manifest physical properties logically require some sort of internal physical substructure to carry the mechanisms. Our aim is to identify what that internal structure might look like, and put forward some conceptual models. Ultimately we wish to get closer to answering the deeper questions of physics: how does annihilation actually work?; how is a photon emitted? To do this requires a model of the internal structures, 86 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 300 because asking how an electron emits a photon is a meaningless question from the point perspective. So we need a different way of thinking if we are going to make any progress towards these fundamental questions. Quantum mechanics simply is not up to the task of giving us physical interpretations of processes between substructures that it denies even exist. So the new paradigm will have to be radically different to QM [14]. However it is undeniable that QM is massively successful as a mathematical model, and thus we can reasonably expect that a new paradigm will also need to be consistent with QM's mathematical models. There is reason to believe that there may be a better theory than QM. In particular, a case may be made that Bell’s theorem is fundamentally wrong, being only an artefact of circular logic [3, 9]. If Bell's theorem is put aside, then QM's point construct also fails. Thus it is possible to conceive of internal structures for particles, as the cordus conjecture shows [4]. Previously we have predicted some of the internal structures for the photon [4-5], quarks [7], and electron [15]. Now we consolidate these ideas into more specific models, focussing on the photon and electron. We are particularly interested in these two 'particules', as a better understanding of their internal mechanics has the potential to unlock other effects such as annihilation. Background: Cordus conjecture The cordus model [4] is used as the starting point. This perspective refutes the premise of the point particle, and instead replaces it with the idea of the 'cordus particule', consisting of two ‘reactive ends’ a small distance apart (‘span’) and joined by a ‘fibril’. The reactive ends are energised at a frequency [5], during which time they emit one or more transient force pulses (‘hyffons’) into space along lines called ‘hyperfine fibrils’ (hyff) [6]. This makes up the electrostatic, magnetic, and gravitation (EMG) fields, which are thus also discretised. 2 Structural differences between photon and electron We need to have a clear model of the difference between the photon and electron particules, because we expect those differences will support the process, which in turn give rise to emission, absorption, annihilation, etc. We have separately created a model that differentiates between matter and antimatter (M-aM) [15]. This novel explanation is made in terms of the arrangement of hyff, and these considerations are again important here. Thus we distinguish the photon and electron by the way their hyff behave, particularly the handedness thereof, which we call ma. 301 2.1 Photon as a fibrillating hyff-pump The cordus model identifies that the field structures (hyff) of the photon have some peculiar characteristics. Specifically, the photon is a fibrillating hyff-pump, whereas the electron and indeed all other matter and antimatter is a pulsating pump. The photon reactive end pumps out a hyffon, and then promptly withdraws it, and reverses the direction, see Figure 1. The photon never releases its hyffon. The outward hyffon motion corresponds to negative charge, and inward to positive (a cordus convention). Thus the photon changes sign, hence the observed reality that the electric field of the photon reverses sign. The frequency model for the photon is set out in a companion paper [5] and describes the internal structures and how their mechanics delivers the externally observed effects. Figure 1: Models for the photon and electron, showing the different characteristics of their pumps. The photon has a fibrillating pump that only shuttles energy outwards and then immediately afterwards brings it back inwards, whereas the electron consistently pushes hyffon force fragments outwards in a pulsating manner. Both cordi therefore have a frequency, but the difference is what they do with it. All other matter and antimatter behaves like the electron, though the direction of pumping is reverse for positive charge. The fibrillating nature of the photon arises because of a close coupling between the field and the fibril: the energy bounces between the two. 302 2.2 Electron as a pulsating hyff-pump The electron, and all M-aM, pushes a hyffon outwards along a persistent hyff – or pulls inwards in the case of positive charge).87 The hyff is enduring, and the direction of propagation of the hyffons is consistently outwards (or inwards as the case may be), see Figure 1. Hence we call this a pulsating pump, as opposed to the fibrillating pump of the photon. The electron releases its hyffon into the wild, and then manufactures a new one. The fibril is an instantaneous (superluminal) communication device. The hyffon is emitted at one reactive end, with its strength perhaps varying like one half of a sine curve. When it is finished, the other reactive end immediately starts to spool out its hyffon: there is no delay. When viewed at a coarser scale, such that the span is not evident and it looks like a point, the field system looks smooth. The same feature of the fibril provides for the superluminal effects of entanglement. 2.3 Explanation of various effects The main differentiating features between the photon and the electron are shown in Table 1. Photon Electron one pair three pairs Fibrillating (retains Pulsating (releases hyffon) new hyffon) Sign of charge Alternating: +- 1/3 Constant: 3x(-1/3) Table 1: Main differentiating features between the photon and the electron Number of hyff Nature of the pump This permits us to explain various effects. Range of the electric fields The photon has only a short range for its electromagnetic (EM) fields: their strength drops off very quickly with distance.88 The electron has a much greater range for its EM fields – potentially infinite – and though they do drop off with radius it is not as quickly as the photon’s. This is explained by the Nature of the pump: the photon does not release its hyffons and therefore has a short range, whereas the electron can reach infinite range 87 What is the hyff made of, and what are its mechanisms? We acknowledge that the deeper mechanics of this have not been addressed. However we suggest that perhaps the hyffons themselves are daisy-chained together to form the hyff, or that the hyffon is simply a disturbance on the linear structure of the hyff. 88 Cordus suggests, as a rough rule, whenever one sees an EM field drop off as an exponential function, then suspect a fibrillating hyff effect. For example, cordus interprets the evanescent wave as such a hyff effect. 303 with time because it relinquishes its hyffons (though its hyffons are diluted by the volume of space). Correction to positive charge model One of the implications of the present work is how the hyff interact. In the immediate previous paper [15] we suggested several physical interpretations for the positive and negative hyffons. The preferred model at that time was that ‘the positive hyffon are force increments directed proximally, but they themselves propagate distally. In other words that the action is directed medially.’ We now have cause to reject that, because it cannot explain electrostatic attraction and repulsion without adding more phenomena (which we are reluctant to do unless they are also required elsewhere). Instead we adopt one of the other suggestions. So now we explain negative charge as hyffons that move outwards from the reactive end (a sign convention) and positive charge as hyffons that move inwards. We suggest that the positive hyffons are indeed extracted from the remote hinterland, which we now specifically identify as the fabric [7], i.e. the mesh of all the other hyffons from all the other particules in the universe. Electrostatic attraction therefore arises because dissimilar signed hyffons can share hyff emission directions (HEDs), and this causes the discrete force of the hyffon to draw the bodies together. Electrostatic repulsion is thus conflict within similar signed hyff systems, such that there is oversubscription of the HEDs. This causes the particules to seek to re-energise further away from each other if they can, i.e. a repulsive force for like charges. This means that the electrostatic force is the same basic mechanisms as the strong force, albeit at a larger range. Force, as we have elsewhere stated, is nothing more than a geometric constraint on the position of re-energisation of a reactive end. Genesis and charge It is generally accepted by physics that leptogenesis and baryogenesis converted photons into matter, though the precise mechanisms are still unknown. The cordus interpretation is that the creation of matter also created the hyffon system, of which the electron system shown here is representative. So the working model here is that the mesh of hyffons between matter particules did create, and continues to replenish, the fabric. The matter particules continue to supply and withdraw hyffons from that fabric. So in a sense all positive hyff connect up to negative hyff, but not necessarily to a specific other particule formed at genesis but rather to the network of hyffons that makes up the fabric. The photon however, does not contribute to the fabric, because it does not release its hyffon. The presence of matter particules therefore withdraws and contributes to the immediate fabric, and thus shapes and warps the fabric. This concept is therefore similar to the idea of space-time being warped by large 304 masses. Though there is a basic compatibility between the cordus concept of fabric and the space-time of general relativity, the proposed underlying mechanisms are very different. In addition, this implies that electric charge is somewhat like magnetic poles: there are no monopoles, at least not on average across the universe. Speed of light: the propulsion mechanism This change to the hyffon working model also permits the further development of the cordus concept for the photon [4]. The photon only has a single pair of radial hyff (one from each reactive end). By contrast the fabric of the universe has forma hand [15]. Thus the photon has one hyff emission direction (HED) [7] whereas its surrounding has three. We suspect that this mismatch is what causes the photon to travel at the speed of light. Since it does not have hyff in the other directions, it has to move at the speed of the hyffons making up the fabric, i.e. speed is a compensatory mechanism. (We acknowledge we have not fully defined this mechanism.) Thus the photon is propelled through space by the fabric, and takes its speed from the fabric. Thus the speed of light is a secondary variable: the deeper variable is the density of the hyff in the fabric. This model is consistent with our earlier model [16] for light, but explains the propagation slightly better. Gravitational bending of light This also offers an explanation for the gravitational effect on light. Light is known to be deflected slightly by gravity, but whether light itself has mass is uncertain to conventional physics. It is known to have momentum though, at least when arrested. The cordus explanation is that light probably does not have mass, because it only emits a single [r] hyff. Mass is otherwise the interaction of the torsion [r,a,t] hyffon [13] with the fabric: a torsion hyffon requires a hand at emission, which the photon does not have. The gravitational bending of light is instead explained by cordus as due to the gradient in the fabric density near a large mass. On the side of the photon nearest the mass, the fabric is slightly denser so a frequency cycle of the photon on that side accomplishes a slightly lesser displacement, i.e. the speed of light is slightly slower, thus bending the trajectory. If this explanation is really correct, then we would expect to see the gravitational bending of light being dependent on its polarisation, and possibly this is testable. 3 Discussion What has been achieved? We propose a model wherein the fundamental differentiating factor between the photon and electron is the behaviour of their internal structures, particularly the hyff. This is a novel accomplishment in itself –if 305 it is valid- as even the internal structures of these particles are unknown to orthodox physics, let alone their behaviours. We have inferred these internal structures from basic logic and design synthesis applied to the prior cordus models. Most of the precursor ideas already exist elsewhere in the cordus work, but the contribution here is putting them together so that the two structures can be directly compared and contrasted. This is a key development as it permits further advances. With models of the photon and electron in hand, we now have the capability to infer their interaction processes. There are several processes of interest, including annihilation, photon absorption, photon emission, and leptogenesis. The photon’s purpose in the universe There is significance, from the cordus perspective, in the peculiar fibrillating field of the photon: it makes the photon a universal energy carrier. The photon is not out to create an electro-magnetic-gravitational (EMG) empire for itself, like the matter and antimatter particuloids. Instead it is the unit of energy currency between assemblies of matter. The photon transfers spare energy around the place. It is an escapement mechanism whereby particuloids that are over-prescribed (in terms of positional constraints on re-energisation) can get rid of that energy [17]. The photon is not quantised, but flexible in its ability to contain whatever energy it is given: like an expandable container. Yet it is sufficiently like a matter particuloid to be able to interact with matter. Further, it has no ma hand and is therefore able to freely interact with, and transfer energy between, both matter and antimatter – it appears to be the only mechanism for this. It is the slim bridge between the world of matter particuloids, and the antiworld. The photon is therefore a key component in the formation of matter, hence annihilation and leptogenesis. Lemma on hyff pumps We summarise the above assumptions in these lemmas: Ma.2 Hyff pumps Ma.2.1 The photon is a fibrillating hyff-pump: the reactive end pumps out a hyffon, and then promptly withdraws it, and reverses the direction. The photon never releases its hyffon. Ma.2.2 Matter and antimatter particules, e.g. electron, have a pulsating pump that for negative charge pushes a hyffon outwards along a persistent hyff – or pulls inwards in the case of positive charge. The hyff is enduring, and the direction of propagation of the hyffons is consistent. Ma.2.3 The outward hyffon motion corresponds to negative charge, and inward to positive (a cordus convention). As a working model we suggest that the positive hyffons are extracted from the remote hinterland, which we specifically identify as the fabric, i.e. the 306 mesh of all the other hyffons from all the other particules in the universe. Ma.2.4 Electrostatic force arises because dissimilar directioned hyffons can share hyff emission directions (HEDs), and this causes the discrete force of the hyffon to draw the bodies together. Similarly similar charges compete for HEDs and thus repel eath other. Ma.2.5 The fabric of the universe is created by the matter particules of the universe. Ma.2.6 The propulsion mechanism for the speed of light is the imbalance between the single hyffon pair of the photon, and the three HEDS of the fabric. Ma.2.7 The photon moves at the local speed of the fabric, which in turn depends on the mass distribution. The photon trajectory may be bent by gradients in the fabric density. Conclusions Returning to the original purpose of this paper, we now have a hidden variable solution: a description of the internal structures of the photon and electron. This is a radical break from orthodox physics, and a potentially significant development in fundamental physics. We have got past the limitations of the point-premise, which arguably has stifled progress in physics, and have shown that it is indeed possible to create a working model of the internal structure of light and matter. We do not claim that this model is necessary valid, because that has not yet been tested. There is no fundamental incompatibility between our cordus model and the mathematical models of quantum mechanics, but we acknowledge that the conceptual differences are large, and that the orthodoxy might have issues. We have broken Bell's theorem to get here, so we encourage critical evaluation of how we did that [3]. If one wishes to take the prior position that photon and electron must be points, then the present paper may seem irrelevant. However we can see potential to expand this model to annihilation and other photon-electron interactions. There is now a reasonable chance that we might indeed be able get closer to answering the deeper questions of physics, like 'how does annihilation actually work?' References 1. Kuhn, T.S.: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 1996, 3 ed., Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus matter: Part 3.1 Wider Locality. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0022. Available from: 3. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Why does quantum mechanics not scale up? vixra, 2011, v. 1107.0019. Available from: 4. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.1 Quis es tu photon? . vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0016. Available from: 307 5. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus optics: Part 2.1 Frequency. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0019. Available from: 6. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 Quarks. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0030. Available from: 7. Pons, D.J.: Mirror images: Cordus reconceptualisation of Matter and Antimatter. Vixra, 2011, v. 1109.0009. Available from: 8. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.1 Electromagnetism. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0027. Available from: 9. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 Fabric of the universe. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0028. Available from: 10. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 Gravitation, Mass and Time. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0029. Available from: 11. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus matter: Part 3.3 Energy cycles within matter. vixra, 2011, v. 1104.0024. Available from: 308 Annihilation mechanisms: Intermediate processes in the conversion of electron and antielectron into photons Pons, D.J. 89 Abstract The outcomes of annihilation are known, including some of the intermediary products, and the process can be represented by Feynman diagrams and modelled mathematically. However the mechanisms of annihilation at a deeper fundamental level are unknown. How exactly does matter and antimatter convert into photons? How does mass change into energy? This paper develops an answer by providing a theory for the annihilation process based on mechanics derived from the cordus conjecture. The particular area under examination is the annihilation of an electron and antielectron (positron) to gamma photons. In this model matter and antimatter annihilate by transforming their field structures called hyff - into those of the photon. The process is more one of remanufacture than destruction. The model proposes the stages of annihilation and identifies the mechanisms for each. The reverse of the process gives a physical description of pair-creation: the creation of separate electron and antielectron particules out of two initial photons. It also explains why the proton and electron do not annihilate. We show that a deeper common mechanism exists for annihilation, pair-creation, and bonding. Keywords: annihilation, fundamental physics, positronium, QCD, paircreation Edition 1 > Initial release > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_5.3_Annihilation_E1.0.28.doc 1 Introduction How do matter (M) and antimatter (aM) annihilate? Why does it happen at all? Unfortunately these questions are at the edge of, or even beyond, our conventional theories of physics. We do not know the mechanisms of annihilation, though the outcomes and some of the intermediary products are known. 89 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 309 Existing models of annihilation The dominant explanation for antimatter is quantum mechanics (QM). However QM cannot explain the structure of antimatter to the extent that we would like, and has practically nothing to say about the process of annihilation. That annihilation occurs is not a problem to QM, and the process can even be represented, by Feynman diagrams, albeit at a high level of abstraction, see Figure 1. However the details are not understood nor the deeper question of why it should occur at all. Figure 1: Feynman diagram for electron-antielectron annihilation to two gamma photons. The inputs are on the left and comprise an electron e and an antielectron e (with reversed arrow). These two interact, in ways uncertain, to produce two output photons y. Feynman diagrams do not represent the underlying mechanisms at the deeper level, nor all the intermediate structures. In this way at least, the diagrams are consistent with empirical observed tracks where certain intermediates are not detected until a transformation to another particle occurs, i.e. there are gaps in the tracks. The diagrams encapsulate the idea that these unobservable structures are ‘virtual’ particles. Thus we have various virtual bosons identified as part of the deconstruction process, and even the photon is repurposed as a virtual photon for the electromagnetic effect. Existing approaches to understand annihilation are primarily the refinement of mathematical models such as quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to accommodate the diversity of observed results. Most of the focus is on the combinations of outcomes and the conditions under which they arise [18], or the characteristics thereof [19], hence ‘production channels’ [20]. A common approach is the fitting of mathematical models to empirical observations, e.g. size of jet width [21], or the environmental conditions [22], or energies involved [23], or the output characteristics [24-25]. Mathematical models have been constructed to account for production rates under various types of annihilation, e.g. for e+e- into photons [9-11], 310 leptons or muons [26-27]. There is also work on hadrons [28-30], positronium output states [31], or hydrogen-antihydrogen annihilation [32]. These approaches are sometimes called ‘descriptions’ of the process, but they are better understood as mathematical models seeking to find factors and coefficients [18, 19] or statistical fit [33-34] to empirical data. In general these require adjustment factors to fit to empirical observations. Overall, the resulting aggregation of mathematical methods has empowered the QCD model with good fit to the data. The ultimate hope with this particular modelling line of enquiry is that it ‘may provide insight into the hadron production mechanism’ [28](p45). Indeed the models may be applied in the inverse direction, back to other observations, e.g. astronomical emission, to infer the environmental conditions at the source [35]. However the production mechanisms themselves remain obscure, even if the outputs can be predicted and modelled accurately. The practical measurement of annihilation data often involves smashing particles together in colliders, and this introduces additional complexity into the process. For a start, the input particles are not always pure electrons and antielectrons. Instead they may be proton vs. proton. Secondly, the input particles have considerable kinetic energy. Thus experiments in high energy physics may produce complex showers of various short-lived particles and antiparticles that further decay into other outputs [36]. While the term ‘process’ is often applied to models of annihilation, this is a misnomer, at least from an engineering perspective, because the mechanisms that give rise to the outputs are still unknown. The output results are known for various inputs of particle type and energy, but the mechanisms that transform the inputs into the outputs are hidden in a black box. Thus an important piece of knowledge of the production process is missing. It is like watching the assembly of a motor car from a distance, so that the overall phases can be discerned, but not the tools, parts, and operating procedures. To sum up the existing body of knowledge, QCD provides a mathematical theory and there are good mathematical models to fit the annihilation data, but the descriptive understanding of the underlying mechanism is lacking. It is this gap that the present paper targets, by providing a conceptual model. Approach In this paper we focus on that most basic of annihilation events, that of an electron and antielectron. Several basic principles become evident in this simpler process, and we believe that the mechanisms are applicable to more complex particle combinations too. The approach we take is totally different to the conventional mathematical modelling described above. We argue that the prevailing mathematical 311 methodology shows good quantitative outcomes, but has been unable to create a coherent descriptive narrative of the process of annihilation. We seek a descriptive explanation that is grounded in the physical realm, not merely an abstract mathematical model. We take the premise of physical realism: that the study of Physics is the description of the physical realm, and that the mathematical representation on its own is inadequate. Thus there should be a physical explanation of the internal process of annihilation, if the right concept can be found. Therefore we take a different approach, one that is totally independent of quantum mechanics. Instead it is based on conceptual design principles adapted from engineering. We apply this method to the cordus conjecture [1] and thereby develop a theory for the annihilation process. Specifically, we join the concepts from the existing model for antimatter [15], and that for the photon [37], to create a new model for the details of the annihilation process. 2 Cordus Background The cordus conjecture [1] provides a novel reconceptualisation of fundamental physics. It is radically different to quantum mechanics, and a brief explanation is therefore necessary. We acknowledge that it is a conjectural and untested concept. Even so, it has shown ability to provide a coherent explanation for many of the enigmatic phenomena of fundamental physics [1], that QM itself cannot explain. Thus it is worth exploring antimatter from this alternative fringe perspective.90 The cordus conjecture is that all 'particles', e.g. photons and electrons, have a specific internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), and this makes up the field. We avoid the use of the term ‘particle’ as it is too cognitively laden with the zero-dimensional point construct of orthodox physics, which we argues is a fundamental flaw in QM [9]. Instead we use the noun ‘cordus’ or ‘particule’ to describe this entity, or sometimes ‘particuloid’ where we seek to emphasise that it looks like a particle at certain levels. The main difference between matter and antimatter (M-aM), according to cordus [15], is that the hand is inverted. However ‘hand’ has a particular meaning in the cordus context, and is called ma [15], described as follows. Each reactive end for a stable matter particule, e.g. the electron, has three orthogonal hyff, in the axes [r,a,t]. The hand of these is held to be the same for all matter particules, whether positive or negative charge, and nominated as forma, see Figure 2. The hand is presumably created by the sequence of energisation of the hyff. For all antimatter particules the hand 90 The title 'fringe' is peculiar to modern physics. Unlike engineering design, music, arts, architecture, and even accounting, physics has an uneasy relationship with conceptual innovation. 312 is inverted, and is termed hyarma. The inversion of the hand also changes the direction of the hyff, and thus reverses the charge, but this is a secondary effect. Thus from the cordus perspective annihilation is not a charge effect: positive and negative charges (of like ma hand) do not destroy each other. Annihilation is instead a hand effect. Having established the cordus position that ma is the distinguishing feature of matter and antimatter, we now develop a more detailed cordus mechanics for the process of annihilation. The particular area under examination is the annihilation of an electron (e) and antielectron (e, positron). Note that the cordus notation uses an underscore for the antiparticle, to show that it is conceptually different to the conventional idea of antimatter. Figure 2: The hand of the hyff is the differentiating factor in the cordus model for matter and antimatter. 3 Cordus mechanics for annihilation 3.1 principle Complementarity of ma hand is the underlying An implication of the cordus hand lemma is that matter particules (which have the same forma hand) cannot annihilate each other: they can only 313 balance their charges at assembly, i.e. neutralise net electrostatic force. (But even that does not neutralise all the hyff effects, according to the cordus gravitation model [6, 13]). Thus an electron and a proton cannot annihilate each other, but only dance around each other’s hyff. Via the hyff they exert forces on each other (more accurately position reenergisation constraints). This encourages them to negotiate complementary hyff emission directions and synchronised frequency thereof, which are the cordus SHED [7] and CoFS [5] principles. The result is that the electron and proton are bonded together. Thus cordus explains why the proton and electron do not annihilate: they are the same hand, and therefore can only share space. Merging and then collapsing their hyff is not available. We propose the following criterion for annihilation: It occurs when all the hyff of both particules are co-linear and in the same direction. This requires that the hyff at the reactive end are pumping in the same absolute direction but from opposite sides of the reactive end. In effect this requires opposite charge and opposite hand. Thus a forma electron and a hyarma antielectron (positron), when placed close together, can simply merger their hyff and transform back into photon energy from which they were made. It is the details of that process to which we now turn. 3.2 Annihilation of matter and antimatter The antielectron e has hyff that are in opposite in hand and direction relative to the reactive end, compared to the electron. In cordus notation this is shown as hyff being in the same absolute direction but on opposite sides of the reactive end. The collapse sequence is surmised as follows, with reference to Figure 3. (1) Initial engagement. When the e and e come within proximity, their hyff start to engage - well before the reactive ends themselves are close. This engagement aligns the two cordi parallel and draws the reactive ends into geometric coincidence, see Figure 3.1. The mechanisms for this part of the process are electrostatic and magnetic forces [6] mediated through the hyff. 314 Figure 3.1 Initial engagement of electron and antielectron is a process of mutual alignment. (2) Synchronisation process. It is one thing for the participating particules to be near each other, and sufficiently aligned, but the next necessary step in the process, according to this cordus model, is synchronisation. The phases of the hyff of the two particules needs to be suitable, see Figure 3.2. In this model we define a suitable phase as opposite, i.e. when the reactive end of the one particule is active while that of the other particule is dormant, i.e. 180 degree phase offset. We emphasise this is only the current working model, and we have selected this construct as it seems to work better than a 0o phase offset. A suitable phase also requires that the frequency of the two particules be sufficiently similar: the hyff need to be in complementary states for the annihilation process to proceed. The cordus model specifically includes the mechanisms to accomplish this: (a) the hyff and the span (hence frequency) are interconnected within one particuloid, and (b) hyff of neighbouring particuloids negotiate their existence (the cordus SHED principle) and thereby transfer energy between them.91 Thus the two particuloids can balance their energies and hence their frequencies and spans, and get them into the correct phase. In this condition they are in a bound state, albeit temporary. We identify this as the bonding mechanism for positronium. 91 It is precisely because of this rapid sharing of external loads that bound particules are stability. According to cordus, stability, including the resistance to decay, arises because external forces (more accurately positional constraints on the location of re-energisation of reactive ends) cannot peel off one particule from the assembly. This applies also to the internal sub assemblies within particules. Hence the neutron is stable when bonded with a proton, but decays when isolated on its own. 315 So the initial engagement is a process of geometric alignment, whereas the synchronisation is of frequency and its phase. We anticipate that the two processes occur concurrently, so our differentiation of them into distinct processes is for descriptive clarity rather than temporal accuracy. Another simplification is that the diagrams show one set of hyff as active (solid lines) and the other as inactive (dashed lines). However this should not be interpreted as implying a step on-off change between the two sides of the cordus. Instead it is more likely that there is a progressive transition. For one moment there will be all the hyff at the one reactive end and none at the other, but for the rest of the half-cycle there will be an overlap. Figure 3.2 In parallel with geometric alignment, the electron and antielectron also synchronise their frequencies: both the magnitude and phase thereof. Photon emission may occur if necessary for synchronisation. There is also an important other effect that we believe occurs at this synchronisation stage, and that is the occasional emission of a photon. We propose, as already stated, that the hyff of the two particules need to be in complementary states. Sometimes this does not occur, and instead the SHED principle drives the assembly into a metastable state whereby the two reactive ends are energised at the same time: 0o phase offset. We anticipate reasons for this situation: • A natural outcome of the SHED negotiation process, i.e. the result of the process is either 180o or 0o phase offset, nothing in between. The two particules rotate to access whichever of these states is geometrically closest. • The particules do not have sufficient degrees of freedom to rotate. Loss of freedom is in turn expected to occur for situations such as (a) a particule being fixed by its existing bonding agreements with 316 an atom, or (b) a particule having too much momentum to be able to make the necessary adjustment manoeuvre in the time available. In passing, we note that all of these reasons are ultimately geometric in origin, and indeed the cordus conjecture suggests that 3D geometric effects are the root causes of many fundamental effects. Photon-emission phase-offset Next we make the assumption, which we mark with a lemma, that emission of a photon causes a cordus to delay the re-energisation of its reactive end by half a frequency cycle, i.e. to change its phase by 180o. Thus a particule-pair that is caught in the metastable 0o phase, may escape that state by emitting a photon. In a sense the emission is a type of decay process. A separate part of the cordus conjecture elaborates on the emission of photons. We anticipate that either the electron or antielectron may emit the photon, and that it will probably be whichever is more geometrically constrained or higher energised. Emission is an energydiscard mechanism. It also discards energy from the joint system, and may require further energy balancing subsequently. The particules operate at the hyffon level, and so each round of force and energy balancing requires another hyffon emission round, i.e. another frequency cycle. Frequency cycles are time -the two are indistinguishable [13]- and therefore the process of forging compatibility takes time. This cordus model predicts that particules with greater disparity in energy or less degrees of freedom, will take longer to annihilate. Also, for cases where both particles have the same energy, higher-frequency is expected to result in faster reactions. Possibly both of these may be testable. We acknowledge that our proposed photon-emission phase-offset is a convenient supposition of synthesis, i.e. we sought mechanisms to match the observed behaviour that annihilation can cause emission of two or sometimes three photons, and this seemed to be the most obvious and conceptually parsimonious solution. If it seems a contrived solution, or an artefact of the subjective synthesis method, then that is true. Nonetheless, and to our surprise, we note that perhaps the effect has already been observed: the somewhat obscure Sokolov–Ternov effect is that electrons or antielectrons can invert their spin by synchrotron radiation. More work would need to be done to confirm the convergence of these concepts, but it would seem that cordus may explain the mechanisms underpinning the Sokolov–Ternov effect. This also means that the cordus principle of photon-emission phase-offset is not as preposterous as it might first seem. (3) Docking process Once the reactive ends are within range of each other, geometrically aligned, at complementary frequencies, and in phase, then the docking process is complete, see Figure 3.3. We surmise that the necessary geometric spacing is the length of the hyffon (which in turn is the pulse that travels on the hyff). 317 As docking progresses, so the reactive ends continue to approximate (come closer) and the increasingly overlap of the hyffons causes a confused CoFS state. This starts to take on some of the features of a fibril. Thus there is a growing connection between the e1 and e1 reactive ends, i.e. an inter-action at the expense of the intra-action. The identities of the original participating cordi become weaker, and a temporary square structure arises. This readies the system for the next transition. Figure 3.3 Docking process involves the geometric alignment of the reactive ends and a growing interaction between the e1 and e1 reactive ends at the expense of the intra-connections. (4) Cross-over fibril process We assume that a fibril is formed between reactive ends when their hyff are sufficiently co-incident, co-linear, at the same frequency, and suitable phase. We note this as lemma Ma.3.4. In this specific case under consideration, the e1 and e1 reactive ends thereby form a new fibril, see Figure 3.4. The original fibrils fade out. These had been of the pulsatile type: discrete hyffon pulses moving in one direction. Also, the two reactive ends were out-of-phase (180o phase offset), so that one reactive end was energised while the complementary one was not. 318 In contrast the new fibril is the fibrillating type: two hyffon pulses moving in the same direction, then reversing. Both the new reactive ends are active at once (in-phase or 0o offset). This is shown in the figure for the hyff in the [a] axis and is presumed to simultaneously incorporate the other axes. See also lemma Ma.3.5. Figure 3.4 Cross-over involves the formation of transverse fibrils. We assume that the condensation of the original [r,a,t] and [r,a,t] hyff can result in transitional structures, particularly for more energy rich input particuloids like protons and antiprotons. (5) Conversion to photons The in-phase fibrillating structure is that of the photon. Thus the outcome of this process is a photon from each pair of reactive ends, shown as y.b and y.c in Figure 3.5. Note that in the cordus conjecture the hyff arrangements define the particule. Thus function defines form, see Ma.3.7. The conservation of hyff required that two photons be produced (Ma.3.8). The final stage of the process involves clearing up the transitional structures: the original fibrils dry up as the hyff are withdrawn and repurposed into the new structures. Note that according to this model of events, the reactive ends are the most enduring structures: the pegs around which the rest of the changing tapestry is woven. 319 Figure 3.5 Reactive ends strengthen the transverse fibril links and the original fibrils decay, resulting in two output photons. The two photons y.b and y.c emerge simultaneously, not sequentially, in this particular cordus model.92 These two photons are predicted to be of opposite polarity but identical energy. The polarity arises because the original participating particules were of the oscillating frequency type (180o phase). The identical energy arises because (a) the initial synchronisation process balances the energy between the electron and antielectron, and (b) the fibrils distribute and balance the energy between the reactive ends. So there is a balancing of energy across all four reactive ends involved, and this carries forward to the photons. If there is sufficient energy then additional photons or other transitional particules may be produced at this stage by the production of complementary hyff pairs (Ma.3.8) and their allocation to particules (Ma.3.7). Details of the conversion to photons The proposed details of the conversion are shown in Figure 4. 92 If we had taken an in-phase model at synchronisation (#2) then the photons would be sequential, and the original fibrils would need to persist for one half-frequency cycle longer, re-energising the other pair of reactive ends, collapsing their hyff, and creating a second photon out of the hyff. However this is not the preferred model here, though we mention it as it the evidence for its exclusion is not overwhelming. 320 Figure 4 Conversion details for photons. This diagram shows only one reactive end, and the other follows a complementary process to also produce a photon. The very last stage, reversal from one direction to the other, is held to be a consequence of the dynamic the coupling between hyff field and fibril nature of the particule. The energy shuttles from one to the other. The photon cannot release its hyffon into the wild, unlike the electron, because it is an integrated source-sink. Consequentially the propagation of the hyffon, i.e. the discrete field, is pushed one way (towards the right in the figure), elastically recoils from the fabric, and reverses direction (leftwards). The fibril allows the two hyff to be instantly coordinated, so that what happens at one reactive end also happens at the other, (or at least the complementary action occurs, because the hyff are in different directions relative to the reactive end).93 93 Time does not exist within the fibril, because time is only generated at the next level up, which is the frequency oscillations of the cordus as a whole. 321 3.3 Lemma The following lemmas summarise the assumptions in this annihilation model, and the principles of the basic mechanics. Ma.3 Annihilation lemma Ma.3.1 Cordus principle of Convergent hyff emission: Annihilation occurs when the hyff of two separate particules are, at their adjacent reactive ends, pumping in the same absolute direction but from opposite sides of the reactive end. Ma.3.2 In this model we define a suitable complementary phase for the annihilation of electron and antielectron as opposite, i.e. when the reactive end of the one particule is active while that of the other particule is dormant, i.e. 180 degree phase offset. It may take frequency cycles to accomplish this, hence time. See also O.3.13 [38]. Ma.3.3 Cordus Principle of photon-emission phase-offset: emission of a photon from a particule will delay the reenergisation of its reactive end by half a frequency cycle, i.e. change its phase by 180o. Ma.3.3.1 This is equivalent to flipping the QM 'spin'. Ma.3.3.2 The concepts of spin, hand, chirality, and ma are not identical, and should not be confused. However they are expected to be related at a deeper level. Ma.3.4 A fibril is formed between reactive ends when their hyff are sufficiently co-incident, co-linear, at the same frequency, and suitable phase. Ma.3.5 When hyff form such a fibril, they can change from the pulsatile type (discrete pulses moving in one direction) and 180o offset (out-of-phase), to the fibrillating type (both move in the same direction, energised at once, and then reverse) and 0o offset (in-phase). Ma.3.6 Cordus principle of Complementarity of bonding and annihilation. Bonding and annihilation are complementary processes for sameand contrary-handedness respectively. Ma.3.6.1 Same-hand ma structures can interact to form bonds, by sharing hyff emission directions. Ma. When the charges are the same (++ or - -) then the particules can co-exist, but only providing they also take opposite phase in their frequency cycles. Hence the Pauli exclusion principle for electrons. If they are in phase then electrostatic repulsion results. Ma. For opposite charges (+ -) the particules form attractive interactions (bonds) when the reactive ends are in phase with each other (electrostatic attraction). 322 Ma. Ma.3.6.2 Ma. Ma. Ma.3.7 Ma.3.8 Ma.3.9 Annihilation is not available for same-hand ma particules. Hyff from contrary ma handed particules can interact. Particles can annihilate by merging hyff emission directions. However they have to align and get into complementary 180o phase, and this make take frequency cycles and hence time. The particles may need to have the same form, e.g. electron and antielectron. The principles for annihilation of different form particles are uncertain. Particles can form bonded structures, at least temporarily, when they are in phase with each other. Hence positronium, kaons, and other exotic mesons. Cordus principle that Hyff Function defines Particule Form. The hyff functional variables are identified as: the quantity of hyff (charge), their direction (sign of charge), colour or direction in the [r,a,t] axes (hyff emission directions, HEDs), phase offset across the two reactive ends (pulsatile vs. fibrillating), and ma hand (energisation sequence). These factors determine what the particule will be, thus its form. Hyff are conserved in annihilation and bonding, though complementary hyff may collapse each other. If a new hyff is created then a complementary hyff is also created. The annihilation process itself is fast (125E-12 s for parapositronium), whereas the geometric pre-positioning is relatively slower. 4 Discussion 4.1 What has been achieved? We have developed a candidate model for the annihilation process between an electron and antielectron (positron). This explains the process in terms of the ma handedness of matter and antimatter, the interaction of the two particules as they approach, the collapse of their hyff structures and their reformation into photon hyff. This is a deeper level of explanation than provided by conventional physics, and thus goes into new territory. Compared to QCD, the present work offers a conceptual theory for annihilation as compared to the mathematical modelling of QCD. It is possible that the two might be complementary. Overall, cordus now provides a more logically consistent descriptive explanation across a wider range of phenomena than any other theory, 323 QM included. Cordus has already been used to explain wave-particle duality, optical reflection and refraction, entanglement effects, superfluidity & superconductivity, and a variety of other effects. This work on antimatter and annihilation extends its coherence further. That does not necessarily make it valid of course, but it does make it more interesting. 4.2 What are the implications? We can use the cordus annihilation model to explain some of the other empirical evidence regarding annihilation of electrons and positrons. Various output photon scenarios The annihilation of an electron and antielectron is known to produce two photons (or less often 4, 6..) or three (less often 5). It is known to depend on the relative spins: antiparallel or parallel spins respectively. Note that spin refers to the quantised angular momentum of the particules, and is not the same as chirality nor even the ma hand. Output of a single photon is possible, but only if there is other matter nearby to absorb some of the energy. Applying the cordus model allows these various outcomes to be explained. The final outcome of the annihilation of the electron and antielectron is one of these cases: • One photon. Single photon, nominally y.b, is emitted. Its companion y.c is emitted and immediately absorbed by nearby matter (e.g. other electrons) before detection.94 This effect may also remove photons from any of the following cases. • Two photons, y.b. and y.c are produced from each pair of reactive ends. This occurs if the original e and e were in a suitable phase at the outset: the cordus working model suggests this is opposite energisation (180o phase offset). • Three photons. The first photon, y.a is produced as an initial adjustment to get the e and e into in a suitable initial phase. The y.b and y.c photons are subsequent outcomes when the reactive ends rearrange their hyff. If this is true then we would expect the y.a photon to have a different energy to the y.b and y.c (which should be identical in energy). • Four or six photons. This is an extension of the two-photon model, where transitional structures (e.g. more electron-antielectron pairs) form at stage #4 cross-over. • Five photons. This is an extension of the three-photon model, with additional pair production at stage #4 cross-over. The criteria are uncertain for transition into the multiple photon production process at stage #4. We presume this route is determined by 94 Another possibility is that the hyff are absorbed by another particuloid, even as they are created. Thus absorption before photon v.c is created. However this is not the preferred current model. 324 the energy content of the original electron and antielectron, i.e. the energy in the e1 and e1 coalescence, and perhaps the degree of external constraint/freedom (see the cordus fabric concept [16]). The conventional explanation for the production of two photons, rather than one, is that this is necessary for conservation of energy and momentum. The cordus explanation is consistent with this, and suggests a mechanism: at initial engagement (#1) the interaction of the hyff repositions the reactive ends of the electron and antielecton, and this repositioning is set into the motion of the resulting photons at #5. Positronium It will be evident that the cordus model also explains the different annihilation outcomes of parapositronium and orthopositronium, but space does not permit elaboration here, and we leave this to a companion paper. Genesis There is nothing stopping the annihilation process running in reverse: if two photons come close together (stage 5) they can entangle each other’s reactive ends to form cross-over fibrils (stage 4), and then undock those form separate electron and antielectron particules (stage 3) which can then be pulled out of engagement by the surrounding fabric (stage 1). Thus we have also given a physical description of pair-creation. Complementarity of bonding and annihilation The cordus conjecture suggests that bonding and annihilation are similar effects, both involving mutual coordination of hyff, and the primary differentiating factor is the ma hand. Same-hand structures can bond together, by sharing hyff emission directions. This providing their cordus frequencies are sufficiently similar. This is so for electrons, especially as they are flexible about the energies, hence frequency, they adopt. This makes the electron an ideal bonding medium. If the frequencies are dissimilar then the high-frequency partner has spare off-duty cycles in which to do things, including forming liaisons elsewhere, hence instability. Thus we interpret the instability in the non-nucleon hadrons as an example of this cordus principle, and the relationship between the electron and the nucleus as another example. Thus cordus proposes that same-hand particules can bond, whereas contrary handed particules can annihilate. In a sense bonding and annihilation are complementary processes for ipsilateral and contralateral handedness respectively. The common deeper mechanism is the way the hyff behave at the reactive end. What happens to the information at annihilation? Before the particuloids annihilate they are sending out electromagentogravitational (EMG) hyffons into the surrounding space, advertising their existence [13]. The hyffons propagate distally on the hyff 325 at the speed of light. Thus a remote mass may become aware of one of the particuloids, and an EMG force, say of gravitational attraction starts to act. (Force is more accurately a prescribed constraint on re-energisation position of the reactive end, i.e. an incremental displacement effect.) The hyffons for matter particuloids are discrete structures, and their production is pulsatile, alternating between the two reactive as they reenergise. Note that the reactive ends are separated by a span, and this plus the conservation of hand, means that the two reactive ends are not identical in their field behaviour. Thus a mirror image of any particule is not identical to itself, about every mirror plane. Hence parity violation only occurs at small scales where the span becomes evident [7]. However, what happens when the particules annihilate? According to this cordus model, the production of new hyffons (EMG force pulses) ceases when the reactive ends change over to the fibrillating production method for photons. What then happens to the particule’s responsibility to the remote mass? The answer, according to this view of events, is that the existing hyffons that are in-transit continue to propagate outwards, and the remote mass continues to respond to the force while those hyffons continue to be supplied. When the flow ceases then the force also ceases. So the remote mass continues to feel the force after the particules have annihilated. One could say that the information about the cessation in production also travels outward at the speed of light. All knowledge of the existence of the two annihilated particuloids is thus progressively wiped from the universe. In quantum mechanics the information contained in matter, such as its quantum numbers, cannot vanish. By comparison the cordus model suggests that the information about the electron and antielectron does vanish, being replaced by photons with some of the information (but not necessarily all). However this is not really a problem because the initial process of genesis, which manufactured photons into electrons and antielectrons introduced variables that were only temporary anyway: those two particuloids had lives with greater degrees of freedom, which the annihilation subsequently collapsed. It does not matter that the annihilating particuloids were not the same as those original created. 4.3 What are the limitations and implications for further research? We acknowledge that the validity of this cordus annihilation model is untested. Furthermore, the model is built on prior cordus models, and we acknowledge those might have flaws too. The lemmas introduced here are logically consistent with the whole codex of prior lemmas, thus providing coherence across the wider work, but this does not make it valid. What we have presented here is a conceptual contribution. For validation it will be necessary to check the model against the known empirical evidence for other annihilation events, i.e. go beyond electronantielectron interactions. It would also be necessary to enumerate the 326 cordus mathematics, which would be a large and interesting project of its own. At this time we cannot make a direct comparison between cordus and QCD, since their mechanics are formulated differently. However we expect there to be a basic compatibility. This particular model purports to describe the process of annihilation itself. This is way beyond the reach of all other theories of fundamental physics, most of which are still working on how to produce a working concept for the discretisation of the electromagnetic field. If cordus was found to be a valid, then the consequences would be significant, as it would open up new lines of enquiry into fundamental physics. 5 Conclusions To what extent has the original purpose been met? The original purpose was to tease out the mechanics of annihilation. We have now achieved that, with the process decomposed into stages and the proposed mechanisms identified for each. Yes, we can now explain how matter and antimatter annihilate: they transform their field structures called hyff - into those of the photon. We can also attempt an answer to the deeper philosophical question of why annihilation happens at all: because matter and antimatter are segregated forms of energy - segregated by ma hand that is - and annihilation is simply the reversal of that process. We tend to anthropomorphise 'annihilation', and the conventional construct and terminology, suggests a destructive loss. Yet cordus suggests that at a deeper level there is a conservation at work, one of hyff and reactive ends and energy, so that the process is better thought of as 'remanufacture'. We also show that a deeper common mechanism exists for annihilation, pair-creation, and bonding. References 1. 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Keywords: annihilation, fundamental physics, orthopositronium, parapositronium, alternative representation, notation, IDEF0, Feynman diagram Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_5.4_SymbolicMechanics_E1.0.26.doc 1 Introduction This paper describes a method for representing the interaction process between particules, and applies it to electron-antielectron (positronium) annihilation. We have separately established a cordus model [1] for matter (M) and antimatter (aM), that distinguishes the two species primarily by their ma hand. We have also described the annihilation process itself at the level of the internal structures of the two cordus particules, and set out the lemmas for the mechanics [39]. Feynman diagrams The best current representation of particle interaction is Feynman diagrams. These represent the inputs and outputs of particle interactions, especially the transformation to different particles, such as annihilation, weak processes, impact, and decay. They represent the main phases (or stages) in the process. For an example, see Figure 1. 95 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011: this work is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. 330 Figure 1: Feynman diagram for electron-antielectron annihilation to two gamma photons. The inputs are on the left and comprise an electron e and an antielectron e (with reversed arrow). These two interact to produce two output photons y. Conventional physics does not explain how that interaction occurs, but cordus does. As a graphical representation, Feynman diagrams have the disadvantage of variable notation, particularly the meaning assigned to the direction of arrows. Specifically, some of the notations encourage the idea that antiparticles travel back in time, which adds mystery more than meaning. Feynman diagrams do not represent the underlying mechanisms at the deeper level, nor all the intermediate structures. This is not a criticism of the diagrams, but simply a statement of the inability of conventional physics to provide a physical explanation for the mathematical models. The diagrams are consistent with empirical observed tracks where certain intermediates are not detected until a transformation to another particle occurs, i.e. there are gaps in the tracks. The diagrams encapsulate the idea that these unobservable structures are ‘virtual’ particles. Thus we have various virtual bosons identified as part of the deconstruction process, and even the photon is repurposed as a virtual photon for the electromagnetic effect. The physics way of thinking (Kuhn’s ‘paradigm’ [14]) is to preferentially interpret subatomic entities as ‘particles’. These particles have no internal structure, except sometimes other more fundamental particles, and are thus zero dimensional regarding structure. However, they have other directional attributes of spin and momentum, and indeed several other properties or ‘intrinsic variables’ and thus we refer to this as a onedimensional construct. This is evident in the Feynman diagrams, which show 0-D points with direction. The paradigm is also seen in the prevalence to interpret anything whatsoever that happens in a high energy physics impact, observed or theorised, as a particle, hence the W and Z bosons, gluons, Higgs, etc. From the cordus perspective this is a very limiting paradigm, and cordus specifically refutes the point particle construct that underpins much of it [9]. 331 The cordus conjecture offers a solution where the subatomic entities have internal structure. A specific structure, called a cordus, is proposed [8].96 This is used to produce a coherent set of explanations for a wide variety of enigmatic effects in fundamental physics, including wave-particle duality. Cordus identifies internal structures, and the states thereof, as being important in the annihilation process [39]. For example, the different outcomes for para- and ortho-positronium are shown to depend on the relative phase difference of the input particules. Thus it is important to have a representation, like Feynman diagrams but better, that can represent how the internal structures affect the outcomes. Needed, a finer-scaled representation There is nothing fundamentally wrong with Feynman diagrams, other than disputable treatment of antiparticles, but they just don’t have the necessary power to represent the new processes suggested by the cordus mechanics. At the other extreme are the cordus diagrams showing the detail of the interaction, but these are too cumbersome for general use. We seek something in between: a notation that represents the detail of the cordus annihilation mechanics but retains at least some of the simplicity of the Feynman diagrams. 2 Approach Process diagrams are common in production engineering, because the nature of that discipline is to manage processes. We thus apply production engineering thinking to create a diagrammatic representation and a shorthand notation. 2.1 Process diagram The first thing we do is simplify the Feynman diagram, for example that for electron-antielectron annihilation, to produce Figure 2. 96 The cordus conjecture is that all 'particles', e.g. photons and electrons, have a specific internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), and this makes up the field. We call this a cordus ‘particule’, and stress it is very different to the zero-dimensional point assumed by conventional physics. 332 Figure 2: Cordus process diagram for electron-antielectron annihilation to two gamma photons. The inputs are on the left and comprise an electron e and an antielectron e (no reversal of arrow) as we do not accept the Feynman concept that an antielectron travels backwards in time. The activity of interaction is represented by the rectangle. At this point we retain the circles (nodes) of the Feynman diagram and the interlinking bar, but this is simply for explanatory continuity and later we omit these. The output is two photons y. Next, we need to diagrammatically represent the perspective that these are not 0-D points, but rather cordus particules. First, we define some convenient symbols, wherein the frequency state is represented, see Figure 3. Figure 3: Symbolic representation of charged particules. These symbols capture the variables of phase, charge, and ma hand (matter vs. antimatter). At the same time we adopt a process formalism, i.e. a diagrammatic notation. Since the choice of notation always limits what can be represented, and perhaps even conceived, with any diagram, we need to 333 adopt a relatively powerful system modelling approach to this problem. We elect to use what we term ‘dynamic process analysis’ as it is designed to capture changeable effects (or multiple pathways of activity) under high epistemic uncertainty. In turn, it is expressed graphically as a flowchart using the integration definition zero (IDEF0) notation [40-41], see legend in Figure 4. Legend Initiators that start the Activity Constraints that limit the outputs Feedback, controls on the outputs boon, unexpected advantage value (benefit), intended or perceived Inputs and consumed resources Description of Activity (number:additional sheet) outputs ommissions (nonoutputs) latent or patent mechanisms supporting the activity detriments (side effects, unwanted or unanticipated outputs) Figure 4: Notation for IDEF0. The object types are inputs, controls, outputs, and mechanisms (ICOM), and are distinguished by placement relative to the box, with inputs always entering on the left, controls above, outputs on the right, and mechanisms below. The box itself describes a function (or activity), and the arc (line arrow) describes an object. IDEF0 is more powerful than we currently need, but we are only dealing with the relatively simple case of electron-antielectron annihilation here, whereas there are more complex interactions to be considered for the future. We also need an abbreviated notation to complement the diagrams, as simple expressions like e + e -> 2y are inadequate when representing internal structures. Hence the following complementary notation. 2.2 HED notation In the cordus concept, a particule consists of two reactive ends geometrically separated from each other, and connected instantaneously by a fibril [8]. A core concept is that the reactive ends, at least of massy particules, emit field structures (hyffons) in three orthogonal directions. These are called hyff emission directions (HEDs), and implicated in the strong interaction and indeed all bonding [7]. 334 The three HEDs are named radial [r], axial [a], and tangential [t], and their orientation is relative to the fibril and the motion or spin of the particule. Two hands are possible for this co-ordinate system, and these are termed forma and hyarma, and proposed as the structural difference between matter and antimatter respectively [15]. Electric charge is identified as the direction of propagation of the hyffon (field pulses) along the hyff emission directions. Negative charge is nominally an outward propagating hyffon, and positive is inward (this is merely a sign convention). Each hyffon corresponds to a fundamental charge of 1/3. So an electron has one of these in each of three HEDs, hence an overall charge of -1. Charges of quarks (+2/3 and -1/3) are readily accommodated as partially filled HEDs. The previous work on the internal processes of annihilation [39] shows that it is the field structures, collectively the hyff, hyffons, & HEDs, that are remanufactured when an electron meets an antielectron. Therefore we need a diagrammatic short-hand way to represent the state of these HEDs. We use a simple notation, which we call HED notation. Basically, for each particule it shows the three HEDS, and how they are filled with hyffons, see Figure 5. Figure 5: HED Notation, showing usage of the various components. The example is for an electron, and shows the arrangement of its field components. The HED notations for several common particules are given below. Electron e(r1 .a1 .t1) Antielectron e(r1 .a1 .t1) 335 Photon y(r! .a .t) See note 1. U Quark u(r1 .a1 .t) D Quark d(r1 .a .t) Proton p(r1.1 .a11 .t1) See note 2. Antiproton p(r1.1 .a11 .t1) See note 2. Neutron n(r11 .a11 .t) See note 2, 3. Antineutron n(r11 .a11 .t) See note 2, 3. [Note 1] The photon is a fibrillating hyff pump in that it does not release its hyffons, but instead immediately recalls them [37]. By contrast all other massy particules release their hyffons, then switch over to the opposite reactive end and release a hyffon from there. [Note 2] The cordus models for the proton and neutron internalstructures & quarks have been previously identified [7]. These are assembly structures. The examples given here show the current working model for the allocation of hyffons to the HEDs and we acknowledge that several other combinations are possible. These internal arrangements are believed to correspond to quark colour. [Note 3] The difference between the neutron and antineutron is the ma hand: the charges themselves are neutral in both cases, though the process of obtaining that neutrality is different. The HED notation shows this difference in hand. We now have three representations for the interaction of particules: (1) the detailed cordus models of the 3D structures, though these are too cumbersome for general use, (2) the process diagrams, and (3) the HED notation. We refer to the latter two as cordus process diagrams. We can now use these to represent the annihilation processes. 3 Positronium annihilation Regarding annihilation, the main difference between matter and antimatter (M-aM), according to cordus [15], is that the ma hand of the hyff is inverted. Separately we have developed a candidate model for the annihilation process between an electron and antielectron (positron) [39]. This explains the process in terms of the ma handedness of matter and 336 antimatter, the interaction of the two particules as they approach, the collapse of their hyff structures and their reformation into photon hyff. We now represent the mechanics with cordus process diagrams. The specific focus area is positronium: the temporary bound states of electronantielectron. Two states are known: parapositronium (life of about 125E12 s), and orthopositronium (life 142E-9 s). Positronium has been relatively well studied e.g. [42] and production channels modelled mathematically [31, 43-44]. Positronium has the known behaviour of producing two photons when the electron and positron have antiparallel spins (parapositronium), and three photons for parallel spins (orthopositronium). However, spin is ill-defined in quantum theory, because QM denies that there is any internal structure. Instead QM considers spin to be merely an intrinsic variable. Only with a hiddenvariable theory, like cordus, can a physical interpretation be gives for the many intrinsic ‘quantum numbers’ that QM relies on but cannot explain. In this particular case, cordus explains ‘spin’ as the frequency phase of the particules. Once this concept is adopted, then it becomes possible to explain the different behaviours of positronium in a natural way. 3.1 Parapositronium It is known that in parapositronium the two particles have antiparallel spins. The life before annihilation is the shorter of the two forms. Annihilation is known to produce two photons, or less often 4 or 6 etc. The cordus explanation for the annihilation process itself, including the production of two photons, is described in the companion paper [39]. Here we focus on representing it diagrammatically, see Figure 6. Figure 6: Cordus process diagram for annihilation of electron and antielectron, where they are initially out of phase with each other. This is the parapositronium state. 337 The numbers in the figure correspond to the stages in the detailed model [39]. According to the cordus interpretation, parapositronium already has the electron and antielectron in the correct ‘complementary’ phase of 180o phase difference (hence opposite ‘spin’), so the synchronisation (stage #2) is pre-arranged. The process therefore proceeds directly to docking, cross-over fibrils, and conversion to photons (stages 3-5). The diagram itself is an elaboration of the simple cordus process diagram of Figure 2. Note the inclusion of additional activity boxes. Each of these can be further decomposed, which is achieved in the detailed model [39]. Note the diagram also includes the symbolic cordus particule that represents the ma hand state and the relative phase. These are two variables that are important in the process, and therefore need to be represented at this level. The output photons also have a cordus particule structure, which is shown in the output activity (stage #6). While we retain the wave symbol for ease of comprehension and compatibility with Feynman diagrams, the photon is not fundamentally either a wave nor a particle, but instead another cordus particule. In some ways the complementary phase of parapositronium state looks like bonding or entanglement, and cordus states that those effect do indeed all use the same underlying mechanism of CoFS [5]. Note that in the process diagram the horizontal axis is time. More specifically, cordus identifies that time at the deeper level corresponds to the re-energisation frequency cycles of the particules [13]. Thus particules need cycles to accomplish the process activities. The short-hand representation of this in the HED notation is: e(r1 .a1 .t1)|0 deg + e(r1 .a1 .t1)|180 deg => o(r11 .a11 .t11) => y.b(r! .a .t)|0 deg + y.c(r! .a .t)|180 deg => y.b + y.c where ‘o’ represents a transitional state. In this particular case, this can be identified as parapositronium. We note that the structure o(r11 .a11 .t11) is capable of reforming to two photons, having previously demonstrated the mechanics [39], and therefore note this as a core annihilation process in lemma Ma.4.2. In the reduced format without the HED details: e + e => 2y which is what the Feynman diagram states. Thus an electron and antielectron in parapositronium annihilate to two photons. Obviously these models do not represent the full details of the remanufacture of the hyff into photons. For that see the detailed model [39]. Instead all we seek to achieve here is a representation of the overall 338 process, so that we can compare different processes. The next case, orthopositronium, starts to show the power of the method to differentiate similar cases. 3.2 Orthopositronium Orthopositronium is the other temporary association of an electron and antielectron, and has the longer life before annihilation, though still short. It is known that the two particles have parallel spins. Annihilation is known to produce three photons, less often five. The cordus explanation for the annihilation process, including the production of three photons, has been described [39]. The process diagram is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Cordus process diagram for annihilation of electron and antielectron, where they are initially in phase with each other. This is the orthopositronium state. This diagram is more complex than the previous one. This is because orthopositronium has additional activities required before the main annihilation process can get underway. Thus the particules are in-phase (0o offset between re-energisation) (stage 2.1), and one of them needs to emit photon y.a to change phase (stage 2.2). We also know the mechanism for this, or at least can identify part of it as lemma Ma.3.3. Note that the mechanism is shown under the activity block, this being the IDEF0 notation. The diagram identifies that photon y.a is emitted at stage 2.2. 339 Thereafter the assembly is effectively parapositronium, and proceeds to conversion to an additional two photons y.b and y.c (stages 3-6). The short-hand representation of this in the HED notation is: e(r1 .a1 .t1)|0 deg + e(r1 .a1 .t1)| 0 deg => y.a(r! .a .t) + e(r1 .a1 .t1)|0 deg + e(r1 .a1 .t1)|180 deg => y.a + o(r11 .a11 .t11) => y.a + y.b(r! .a .t)|0 deg + y.c(r! .a .t)|180 deg => y.a + y.b + y.c Or in the reduced format: e + e => 3y Thus an electron and antielectron in orthopositronium annihilate to three photons. 3.3 Comparison: parapositronium vs. orthopositronium Cordus predicts that the two- and three-photon production processes for para- and ortho-positronium are very different: the third photon is not merely one of three, but has a different causality and comes out at a different part of the process. Both forms of positronium use the same core annihilation process (stages 3-6) for the production of the paired photons. The reason orthopositronium cannot emit only two photons is conventionally explained as a consequence of charge conjugation invariance.97 From the cordus perspective the reason is instead that one photon is required to change the state into the antiparallel state (as per Ma.3.3) and the conservation of hyff required that two photons be produced (Ma.3.8). Cordus offers a qualitative explanation of why the lifetime for parapositronium is so much less than orthopositronium: the latter has further processes to undergo, and these take time. Parapositronium is a preassembly that is already in the docked state (stage 3), and therefore proceeds directly to stages 4-5 and hence to photons. By comparison orthopositronium is in stage 2 and first has to emit a photon before it can continue. If this interpretation is correct, then we can make another inference: that the time taken to get the particules into the correct geometric position (Ma.3.2) is much the greater contributor to the decay time than the annihilation process to photons. We noted this as lemma Ma.3.9 [39]. 97 Charge conjugation invariance is the expectation that process, such as the emission of photons, are the same -hence invariant- if all the particles are replaced with antiparticles. Cordus rejects the implication that antiparticles are simply opposite charge. 340 The cordus explanations for the production of two and three photons is thus consistent with known behaviour of positronium. Cordus also independently derives the spin requirement, and the direction thereof. Cordus also goes further in making the ‘spin’ tangible, which is otherwise only an intrinsic variable to quantum mechanics. In the orthopositronium case one of the photons may be of a different energy [45], and cordus accommodates this too. 3.4 Scattering The impact of moving particles does not necessarily cause deconstruction. Particles are known to recoil elastically from the impact, and this is termed scattering. The cordus interpretation is that the particuloids interact through their hyff as they approach each other. The hyff have to negotiate mutual emission directions (HEDs) and thus exert force on each other’s particuloid before the reactive ends actually coincide. So the effect happens at a small distance away from the reactive: see also the cordus Principle of Wider Locality [3]. According to the cordus mechanics, the scattering outcome ultimately depends on the frequency & phase. Thus it depends on which reactive ends are energised at the time, what their relative frequency states are, and which way their hyff are directed. The latter depends on the velocities of the particuloids, since cordus identifies that the orientation of the hyff is aligned to the direction of motion. Furthermore the orientation of the hyff is determined by the species: matter and antimatter differing by the ma hand of their hyff. One form of scattering is particularly associated with electron-antielectron interaction, and is discussed next. Bhabha scattering The system model of Figure 7 also includes Bhabha scattering. In this effect an electron and antielectron recoil from impact. This is anomalous given that matter and antimatter more generally annihilate. Cordus explains the scattering as caused by two factors: the two particules have phases that are too close, and therefore the SHEDs principle [7] causes repulsion, and the momentum is such that the particules do not have enough frequency cycles (‘time’) to get into a complementary phase state. The latter is covered in lemma Ma.3.2 [39]. 3.5 Lemma The following lemmas summarise the additional assumptions made here. Ma.4 HED principles Ma.4.1 Principle of conservation of hyff. The total number of active hyff, i.e. hyffons, owned by input particules is conserved across the output particules, unless annihilation occurs. See also Ma.3.8. Ma.4.2 A core annihilation process: A fully HED-complementary structure, i.e. o(r11 .a11 .t11), collapses to two photons 2y(r!.a.t). 341 4 Conclusion What we have achieved is a new system-modelling representation for the interaction of particules. The notation is able to represent the different stages in the interaction processes. The advantage of the HED notation is that it permits the intermediate structures to be worked out. Thus it is able to represent different states of particules, including their key internal structures. This is an advance on Feynman diagrams. 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Physical Review D, 2004. 69(5): p. 053003:1-11. 344 345 Cordus Conjecture Part 6: Neutrino mediated effects The field structure of the neutrino is predicted and used to explain several phenomena > weak interaction > field structure of W and Z bosons > decay process for neutrons > asymmetrical genesis of matter over antimatter by the neutrino emission route 346 Structure of the neutrino and antineutrino Pons, D.J. 98 Abstract The neutrino is involved in many of the unsolved areas of fundamental physics and cosmology, and therefore a better understanding of the causes of its behaviour is useful. This paper develops a conceptual theory for the internal structure of the neutrino, particularly the arrangement of its discrete field structures. The model is created using the concept of the cordus hyff emission directions (HEDs). Using the known quark composition of the neutron and proton, and the existing cordus models for their discrete field structures, and using the beta decay processes, we determine the discrete field structure of the neutrino by a reverseengineering process. The structure of the neutrino in HED notation is found to be v(r1 1 .a .t11) or variants thereof, and the antineutrino to be v(r11 .a .t11) etc. The results are consistent whether using beta - decay, beta +, or electron capture. The results suggest that the neutrino is not its own antiparticle. Consequently neutrinoless double beta decay is predicted to be infeasible. The model predicts the neutrino has zero nominal mass, though a dynamic noise-mass is expected. The reasons why the neutrino moves at the speed of light are explained, and involve the engagement of its field structures, which are incomplete, with the fabric (spacetime). The gravitational bending of its trajectory is explained, even for a massless neutrino. This explanation requires the abandonment of both locality and the invariance of the vacuum-speed of light. The model also explains why neutrinos are always found with left-spin-hand, and antineutrinos with right, and suggests that the opposite structures are fundamentally unavailable. By moving away from the 0D point assumption of orthodox physics, cordus is able to generate a novel and radical model of the neutrino, and ground its behaviour in physically realistic interpretations. Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_cordus_5.6_Neutrinos_E1.0.28.doc 1 Introduction Neutrinos are the most enigmatic of particles. They are very light, or even massless, and do not interact much with matter, so they might be considered inconsequential. Yet they are useful in ways both practical and theoretical: 98 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 347 • • • • • • They are probes for the interior of stellar objects, since they are not appreciably blocked by the outer layers of stars, nor interstellar dust. A more fundamental use is probing the theoretical validity of the standard model of particle physics. The properties of neutrinos, particularly mass and handedness, might point to a different physics at work. If the behaviour of neutrinos and antineutrinos is different, then it could help explain why CP violation occurs, and explain why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe. Neutrinos are an integral part of the weak interaction, and understanding neutrinos could help better understand that effect. They are also important in theories of cosmology, for example some string theories propose superluminal sterile neutrinos, which if detected could help confirm that theory. Neutrinos may be involved in the dark matter problem. So the neutrino is implicated as being involved in many of the unsolved areas of fundamental physics and cosmology, and therefore a better understanding of its behaviour would be useful. Unfortunately, the theory of neutrinos is incomplete, and empirical measurement is challenging because their low interaction with matter makes them difficult to detect. This paper develops a qualitative conceptual theory for the internal structure of the neutrino. It is worthwhile attempting this for the potential to extract the mechanisms of causality, i.e. how internal structures cause the observed external behaviour. The idea is based on an extension of the cordus conjecture, which proposes a particular internal structure for particles. By comparison, conventional physics takes the premise that fundamental particles are zero-dimensional points. Thus the cordus approach is unorthodox, and results in a solution that cannot be contemplated from the conventional paradigm of quantum mechanics (QM) and the standard model. 2 What we know about neutrinos In the standard model the neutrino is a neutral particle (zero charge). There are three generations in total: electron neutrino ve, muon neutrino vu, and tau neutrino vt. For each there is known to be an antimatter version: the relevant antineutrino. These three generations are suggested by the lifetimes of the Z boson, and while it is satisfying to have three generations as also seen in quarks, it is uncertain whether this is a fundamental limit. The neutrino does not interact much with other matter, thus does not appear to respond to the strong force, though it does to the weak: indeed it practically defines the weak interaction. It does appear to respond to gravity. Whether it reacts electromagnetically is uncertain. 348 Neutrino hand Empirical results suggest that neutrinos always have left-handed helicity (spin relative to velocity), and antineutrinos have right-handed helicity. Hence also chirality, which is related to helicity by the frame of reference of the observer. Whether right-spin-handed neutrinos even exist is uncertain. Some theories predict they do. (Note that spin-hand/helicity is not the same as the cordus ma hand concept [1].) Neutrino mass Whether or not neutrinos have mass is uncertain. In the standard model of quantum mechanics it was initially believed that neutrinos would be massless, because they are all left-spin-handed. No right-spin-handed neutrinos have been detected. This absence plus the requirement for conservation of angular momentum at formation, requires the lefthanded neutrino to travel at the speed of light, and for the neutrino to be massless. Thus they should not respond to gravitation, i.e. not interact with the hypothesised Higgs boson. However there is now evidence for a small mass, see oscillation below, and this is something of a challenge for the standard model, e.g. [2]. How the mass might arise is uncertain. Since neutrinos are always lefthanded, there does not seem to be an easy way for the Higgs boson to provide mass, unless right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed antineutrinos) are added to the Standard Model. However, these sterile neutrino particles have not been observed. Another conjecture is that the neutrino is its own antiparticle and thereby obtains mass through the Majorana effect. However the magnitude of this is doubtful. So the question of neutrino mass, and the mechanisms thereof, is still an open question. Neutrino oscillation The neutrino may change generation (’flavour’ or state) while in transit, and this is termed oscillation. The conventional explanation is that the three states, which have different masses, are in coherent superposition within any one neutrino.99 The phases of the various states are believed to be slightly different, so that the neutrino periodically advances through a harmonic mixture of all these states. Neutrinos are difficult to detect, and the various generations are detectable differently. Thus oscillation explains why neutrinos are often missing when measurement is attempted. In turn, oscillation is generally interpreted as requiring different mass, more specifically superposition between three different mass states, and therefore neutrinos should not be massless. 99 This is an odd theory, for several reasons. First, quantum superposition usually refers to two states, not three of appreciably different mass. Second, the periodicity in the neutrino model is in contrast to the randomness that quantum mechanics otherwise associates with superposition. 349 Neutrino creation and detection Neutrinos are created in the decay of subatomic particles, e.g. in the sun, nuclear reactors, and particle accelerators. They are also regularly created by impact of cosmic rays (typically fast protons) into the atmosphere, and travel some distance into the earth because of their low interaction with matter. Neutrinos interact little with matter, so detection is more difficult than other particles. Methods include watching for secondary photons (Cherenkov radiation) in a tank of water or volume of plastic (neutral current interaction), or for radioactive breakdown products in substances like chlorine or gallium. 3 Method We start by adopting the cordus conjecture [3]. This provides a set of general principles governing the internal structure of subatomic entities. Cordus proposes that the particle is not a zero-dimensional point (as orthodox physics asserts) but rather a two-ended internal structure. We call this a cordus ‘particule’.100 This idea has been used to create a novel model of the internal structure of the photon. It is a radical idea that goes to the roots of fundamental physics, and is unorthodox in that it bypasses the conceptualisation of quantum mechanics (but accepts much of its mathematical machinery). Cordus has already been used to resolve waveparticle duality [4], explain entanglement, redefine locality [5], quantise the field forces, and explain a unified electricity-magnetism-gravitation [6]. Cordus has also described the internal structure of quarks and nucleons [7], electrons [8], and differentiated between matter and antimatter [1]. It has also been used to describe a detailed internal mechanics for the process of electron-antielectron annihilation [9], and is therefore able to show how the mass structures of those particules transform into the energy structures of the photon. The key to understanding annihilation proved to be a better model of the discrete field structures for particules: both their physical structure and their basic mechanics. The concepts here were hyffon pulses, hyff threads, reactive ends, and fibrils. Also crucial was a better understanding of the fundamental difference between matter and antimatter, which was identified as a special handedness characteristic called ma. This also explained why parity violation occurs at sufficiently small scales (but is not evident at larger). 100 The cordus conjecture is that all particles, e.g. photons and electrons, have a specific internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), and this makes up the field. We call this a cordus ‘particule’, and stress it is very different to the zero-dimensional point assumed by conventional physics. 350 A subsequent development was to create a new system modelling method to represent the annihilation process [10]. Specifically, Feynman diagrams are incapable of representing the crucial internal variables, because naturally those diagrams are also premised on the zero dimensional point assumption. A new representation was therefore developed, one more suitable for capturing the critical process variables. This is called HED notation [10]. The name arises since it models the three hyff emission directions (HEDs) that are presumed to exist at each of the two reactive ends of a particule, and how those HEDs are filled with hyffons (discrete field elements). The HEDs are geometric axes: [r], [a], and [t] and aligned with the movement/spin of the particule. A summary of the HED notation is shown in Figure 1 by application to the electron and antielectron (positron). Figure 1: The cordus structure comprises two reactive ends, connected by a fibril, with hyffons (discrete field components) in three orthogonal directions. The diagram shows the physical structures, and underneath is the shorthand HED notation. Both the electron and antielectron are shown, the difference being identified as primarily the hand of the HED (forma for matter, and hyarma for antimatter), and secondarily the direction of the hyffons relative to their base, hence charge. Thus the HED notation differentiates charge and hand. 351 Note that we use underscore to represent antimatter. For details about the photon hyff structure, its fibrillating nature, and how it differs from all the matter and antimatter particules, see [8]. Our method is then to apply the HED notation to known interactions involving neutrinos, and thereby reverse-engineer the HED structure for the neutrino (and antineutrino). In the process we need to make some assumptions, which we mark as lemmas e.g. Ma.6, and we collect these at the end. 4 Neutrino structure Our approach is to start with the known quark composition of the neutron and proton, convert those into HED notation and substitute into the beta decay process, assuming equifinality. We have some initial assumptions to guide us in this task, and we make several additional assumptions that we mark as lemmas. 4.1 Neutron structure We know that the neutron comprises quarks: udd. We also know the charges of those quarks are -2/3 u and +1/3 d. We have previously identified the cause of fractional charge of quarks as selective activation of the three orthogonal HEDs [7]. We express those quarks in HED notation as: u Quark u(r1 and 1 d Quark d(r .a1 .t) .a .t) Colour The allocation of the hyffons to specific HEDs [r,a,t] is nominal at this stage. We simply allocate them in the order of the HEDS. They can subsequently change to another vacant HED, and we believe that this corresponds to the known phenomenon of colour-change, see Ma.6.3. In this cordus interpretation, colour refers to the pattern of energisation of HEDs, i.e. directional charge. The three HEDs provide three combinations, hence the three colours. This cordus concept also explains why there are only three colour charges, no more or less: because there are only three geometric directions. It also explains why colour is only seen in fractional charge situations: because there are no free HEDs in unit-charge particules. Confinement We are not saying that the neutron necessarily consists of uud quarks at the fundamental level. Those are only the convenient transient (unstable) breakdown shapes taken: the accessible HED structures that the energy 352 can take. Just because quarks appear at the breakdown of the neutron does not mean that the neutron originally comprised three intact quarks glued together. Anyway, and contrary to how they are popularly represented, quarks do not appear as discrete observable particles. They have not been observed on their own. Instead they are only inferred as the internal components of hadrons, and this is termed 'confinement'. In this interpretation of the cordus principles, the neutron consists of an assembly of hyffons, and those assembly relationships are the reality. A high energy impact can deform those relationships so the hyffons dynamically regroup into quark structures. At the same time, the number of same-hand hyffons evident in the output quarks is understood to represent the number of hyffons in the original neutron (which is assumed to likewise consist of one hand), see Ma.6.6. Therefore we assume that the neutron comprises the same numbers of hyffons as evident in its production of quarks, even if it does not actually consist of discrete quarks. Thus the internal structure of the neutron is surmised to be: n(r .a11 .t11) A similar logic provides the HED structure of the proton as: p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) As noted above, the allocation of hyffons to particular HEDs is nominal. Though in this case the specific n and p structures proposed above are complementary in an assembly, in the sense of adding to where the other is weaker. 4.2 Beta- decay and the antineutrino (v) HED structure In β- decay, or electron emission, the free-neutron decays, after a relatively long life, into a proton, electron, and an electron antineutrino: n => p + e + ve This process is known, and we assume there is no other missing component. Β- decay occurs spontaneously in nuclei that have too many neutrons relative to protons, i.e. the process is a consequence of a need to enhance nuclear stability. We now represent this with HED notation. All the HED structures are now known, so the only unknown in the beta decay process is the antineutrino. We start with the derived neutron HED structure: n(r .a11 .t11) 353 Assume that the proton is the nearest accessible structure, and we know its HED structure: p(r1.11 .a1 .t1). A free neutron is not obliged to arrange its hyffons in a complementary way to the proton to which it was formerly associated, so it can rearrange its hyffons (by colour change |% Ma.6.3) to be more consistent with the proton-outcome of its upcoming metamorphosis state: n => n(r .a11 .t11)|% => n(r1.11 .a.. .t.1) Add to the neutron the charge-neutral incipient hyffon-antihyffon twinpairs (↑ = x11 and ↓ = x11), see Ma.6.7. These are as required to form the proton structure. In this case we place the unused other pairs outside the brackets until we decide where to assign them. Then expand the internal pairs to create a transitional assembly ‘O’ (Ma.6.8): n => O(r1.11 .a↓.. .t.1↓)↑↑ => O(r1.11 .a11 .t11.1) ↑↑ Next, partition off the proton HEDs and place the remaining hyffons into a secondary structure O1 (see Ma.6.6.5): n => p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1) + O1(r.. .a.1 .t.1.1) ↑↑ Consider fragment O1 and bring the other hyffon-antihyffon pairs into the brackets to form the next heaviest structure, which is the electron. The target is e(r1 .a1 .t1), so simply place a ↑ wherever a hyffon is missing. Note that in the process we also consume the previous pairs. Then expand: n => p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1) + O1(r.↑. .a. ↑1 .t.1.1) n => p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1) + O1(r11 .a11.1 .t.1.1) Then partition off the electron HEDs, and place the remaining hyffons into another secondary composite structure, O2: n => p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) + O2(r1 .a11 .t.1) The remaining O2 structure appears to have a basic stability because it is all the same hand. We already have the proton and electron from the expression, so we identify the O2 as the antineutrino: n => p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) + v(r1 .a11 .t.1) Dynamic neutrino structures The allocation of hyffons to specific HEDs is not known with certainty. If we assume a different layout of the neutron e.g. n(r11 .a11 .t), and proton e.g. p(r1. 1 .a11 .t1), then the predicted layout of the antineutrino also changes. However this is not a problem, because the structure is assumed to be dynamic anyway, i.e. the hyffons can relocate to other HEDs (colour change, Ma.6.3). The main variants are of the following types: v = v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) = v(r1 .a1 .t11) = v(r .a11 .t11) = v(r! .a11 .t11) 354 Since the antineutrino is a free particule, it can (and must) rearrange its hyffons to suit its needs (constraints). The stability lemmas [work in progress] suggest its closest stability is to concentrate its hyffons on the [r] and [t] HEDs, and then move on the fabric. Therefore the HED structure of the antineutrino is inferred to be: Antineutrino: v = v(r11 .a .t11) This is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: The cordus structure for the antineutrino, specifically the v(r11 .a .t11) variant. The diagram shows the HED notation and the proposed physical field structures. Other variants are possible. By the matter-antimatter cordus lemmas [1], the neutrino is the corresponding mirrored HED structure: Neutrino v = v(r1 1 .a .t11) This is shown in Figure 3. 355 Figure 3: The cordus structure for the neutrino, specifically the v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) and v(r1 1 .a .t11) variants. The diagram shows the HED notation and the proposed physical field structures. Thus we have inferred the discrete field structures of the neutrino and antineutrino. Next we check the neutrino structure by analysing the β+ process. 4.3 Beta+ decay and the neutrino (v) structure Derivation of neutrino structure β+ decay, also called positron emission, occurs in proton rich nuclei and involves the conversion of an energetic proton into a neutron, antielectron (positron) and neutrino: p + energy => n + e + ve We represent this in HED notation to derive the structure of the neutrino. First, we note that the addition of energy, in the form of a photon, does not change the HED structure but simply puts more energy into the system, hence higher frequency: p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1) + y(r!.a.t) => p(r1. 11 .a1 .t1)|+ where |+ denotes an energetic state and y is a photon. Then we add incipient hyffon pairs to accommodate the known requirements for the neutron. We are unsure at this stage whether to add a full set of hyff, or a single twin, hence the optional designation (↑↑or↓) (Ma.6.7.6). We also include a colour change |%: p(r1.11 .a1 .t1)|+% => O(r1.1..a11.t1↑)(↑↑or↓) => O(r1.1..a11.t1.11) (↑↑or↓) 356 Extract the neutron: P => n(r .a11 .t11) + O1(r1.1 .a. .t.1.)(↑↑or↓) Add incipient hyffon pairs in preparation for the antielectron. Note that we have added a full set of pairs now, i.e. we decided to use (↑↑ rather than ↓: p => n + O1(r1.1↑ .a↑ .t.1.) => n + O1(r1.1.11 .a11 .t.1.) Extract the antielectron, and place the remaining hyffons into a secondary composite structure, O2: p => n(r .a11 .t11) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) + O2(r1.11 .a1 .t) Identify the O2 as the neutrino: p => n(r .a11 .t11) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) + v(r1.11 .a1 .t) Rearrange the hyffons for the free neutrino: Neutrino v = v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) This is consistent with the outcome from the β- analysis. Explanation for the input energy An interesting feature of this model is that it gives another explanation of why the β+ process involves extra energy at the outset. If we aggregate all the incipient hyffon pairs into a superstructure then we obtain: p|y% => O(r1.1↑..a1↑1.t1↑) => n + e + v The interesting part is the substructure with the hyffon pairs: O3(r↑..a↑.t↑) => O3(r11.a11.t11) We recognise this O3(r11.a11.t11) structure from the annihilation model for positronium: it is equivalent to two photons, see Ma.4.2 [10]. It has vertical separation of the hyffons by hand, and thus the potential to create an independent electron and antielectron, which can exist enduringly (hence require energy). This confirms that input energy is required for the β+ process. Thus we can explain why additional energy is required. Moreover, we now have an explanation for exactly how that energy feeds into the process: it creates new hyffon field structures. Comparison with β- decay By comparison the β- process has an aggregated superstructure of: n => O(r1.1↑1 .a↓↑. .t1↓) => p + e + v The substructure with only the hyffon pairs is: O3(r↑ .a↓↑ .t↓) => O3(r11.a1.11.1.t11) 357 This does not correspond to photons, but is instead a set of balanced pairs of hyffons. There is no vertical separation of the hyffons by hand, so the structure cannot form stable particules, and consequently it needs no permanent energy allocation. 4.4 Electron capture In electron capture a proton absorbs an electron and converts to a neutron, emitting a neutrino. This occurs in nuclei that have more protons than required for a stable state. Representing this in HED notation: p + e => n + v p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) => O(r1.11.1.a11.t11) => n(r .a11 .t11) + O1(r1.11.1.a...t..) => n(r .a11 .t11) + v(r1.11.1.a...t..) So the neutrino emerges as before. The method correctly identifies that it is the neutrino rather than antineutrino that is involved. Electron capture may involve one of the atom's own inner electrons, in which case there may be a cascade of consequences as the other electrons adjust, and this may result in a photon being emitted or an electron (Auger electron). Electron capture is known to occur when there is insufficient energy for decay via positron emission. We have already explained why β+ decay requires more energy - it needs a net increase in field structures to form the antielectron. The bigger open question is then: Why does the decay not always prefer the electron capture route? The answer may be that the electron capture conserves the total mass of the atom, whereas β+ decay is a way of achieving all those some outcomes and also getting rid of unwanted energy in the process. We have encountered a similar idea elsewhere in the cordus conjecture: that a structure that cannot contain the energy it is given is in trouble if it cannot find a way to get rid of it, hence also photon emission. 4.5 Alpha decay Alpha decay involves a cluster of two protons and two neutrons (i.e. helium nucleus) being ejected from a larger nucleus. It does not involve neutrinos, and it is easy to see why: it does not involve any internal reassembly of the protons or neutrons. It is primarily a decay caused by instability of the bonds within the nucleus. In terms of the cordus explanation both the strong interaction (or residual strong force) that binds the nucleons, and the weak interaction (W and Z bosons) are different manifestations of the a single HED mechanics. 358 5 Discussion 5.1 What has been achieved? We have used the beta decay outcomes to determine the HED field structure of the antineutrino: Antineutrino: v = v(r11 .a .t11) etc And the neutrino: Neutrino v = v(r1 1 .a .t11) etc We propose the structure is dynamic, and that several variants may exist. All of these variants have the same number of hyffons: two negative and two positive, of 1/3 charge each. The cordus structure of the neutrino is therefore neutral regarding charge. We can now use this information to explain other behaviours of the neutrino. HED notation for common particles The HED notations for several common particules are given below. Matter (forma) Electron e(r1 .a1 .t1) Antimatter (hyarma) Antielectron e(r1 .a1 .t1) Proton p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) Antiproton p(r1.1 .a11 .t1) Neutron n(r .a11 .t11) Antineutron n(r .a11 .t11) U Quark u(r1 .a1 .t) Charge +2/3 D Quark d(r1 .a .t) Charge -1/3 Neutrino v(r1 1 .a .t11) AntiU Quark u(r1 .a1 .t) Charge -2/3 AntiD Quark d(r1 .a .t) Charge +1/3 Antineutrino v(r11 .a .t11) Photon y(r! .a .t) or y(¦r¦ .a .t) The photon has no hand We provide, in the HED concept, a physical and geometric interpretation for the QCD concept of ‘colour’. Existing quantum theory depends on the 0D point-construct and denies the existence of internal structures to particles. Hence it cannot conceive of a physical interpretation to an internal variable such as ‘colour’, so it remains only an abstract mathematical concept. Cordus manages to ground the concept back into the physical domain. 359 5.2 Implications Neutrino not its own antiparticle The first implication is the neutrino is not its own antiparticle. The reason is that it cannot be converted to an antineutrino solely by the addition of ↑or ↓ hyffon-antihyffon pairs. Thus the neutrino is not a Majorana fermion. By implication neutrinoless double-beta decay will not occur by annihilation. The idea behind neutrinoless double-beta decay is that two neutrons decay simultaneously, producing two antineutrinos. If one antineutrino was able to spontaneously convert into a neutrino, then perhaps the two might annihilate, hence neutrinoless decay. This is currently an area of active research for physics, partly because it may allow the mass of the neutrino to be determined. Cordus suggests that the mutual annihilation pathway is verboten, though this does not preclude other ways of disposing of the antineutrinos. Neutrino speed We can anticipate why the neutrino travels at the speed of light. A neutrino structure of v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) or v(r1 1 .a .t11) does not have hyff in all HEDs, and therefore does not meet all the stability criteria. Its only option is to move on the fabric [11]. This is the same basic model for how the photon moves [8]. We suggest that the neutrino fills its [a] axis by interacting with the hyffons of the fabrics, thereby obtaining a dynamic stability. A comparison of the photon and neutrino HED structures is shown in Figure 4. 360 Figure 4: The cordus HED structures for the photon and neutrino. In both cases there are unfulfilled HEDs, and it is proposed that this feature drives the movement of these particules, though we acknowledge that the specific mechanisms are still sketchy. This also implies that the speed of the neutrino will be dependent on the density of the fabric. In particular, it should slow down in locations where gravitation is stronger or matter is denser. Hence the neutrino appears to show refraction-like behaviour in matter. The Mikheyev–Smirnov– Wolfenstein effect, whereby the oscillation of neutrinos between generations is different in matter and the vacuum [12], may have a related causality. Spin-hand The neutrino is only left-spin-handed. This is strange, because it is the only fermion with this property. All neutrinos are left-spin-handed, and all antineutrinos are right-spin-handed, or at least that is what empirical results suggest. In a QM context left-hand means that the spin of the particle (by the right-hand grip rule) is in the opposite direction to the motion. We use the term ‘left-spin-hand’ to show that the concept is related to spin, not the ma-hand [1]. Plain ‘spin’ is an overloaded concept that should not be used without clarification. To explain the neutrino spin-hand, we first need to reconceptualise 'spin'. In this particular case we interpret the neutrino 'spin' as angular momentum, SPIN-M. This suggests that the neutrino always and only has angular momentum in one direction, and the antineutrino in the other. With the cordus model we can start to see why. Quantum mechanics recognises that particles have intrinsic angular momentum, even when stationary. Cordus provides a physical interpretation of the particule spinning on the spot. Furthermore, that spinning is driven by the energisation sequence, which in turn is linked to the ma-hand. Unlike the photon which has no ma-hand, the neutrino has a ma-hand, i.e. it has an energisation sequence for its hyff. Nominally the sequence is [r], [a], [t], and these axes are arranged in the forma hand, with the antineutrino taking the hyarma hand. The peculiar spin arrangements of the neutrino and antineutrino arise because of the combination of three factors: the need for the particule to spin, its need to move in the [a] direction, and the handedness of the energisation sequence of the HEDs, see Figure 5. 361 Figure 5: The cordus spin model for the neutrino and antineutrino. In both cases the particule needs to move (for stability) and therefore its spin is limited to the [r,t] plane. The ma-hand, which distinguishes between matter and antimatter, controls the energisation sequence of the HEDs, and hence the direction of spin. Thus, unlike other particules that are stable when stationary, the neutrino species have their spin direction determined by their ma-hand. Thus it is proposed that the spin of the neutrino works like this: the energisation of the HEDs creates a spin (SPIN-M). However the stability requirement forces the neutrino to move: we nominally reserve the axial [a] axis for that. Therefore the spin is constrained to the [r,t] plane. The forma hand constrains that spin to be clockwise (i.e. left-spin hand). The antineutrino spins in the opposite direction, anticlockwise or rightspin-hand for the same reasons. It is the change in hand, from forma to hyarma, that creates this difference. Cordus predicts that we would see a similar spin effect in other particules, except that none move at the speed of light and therefore are not constrained to arrange their spin relative to their motion, or keep the [a] axis free for motion. The only other particule that moves at c is the photon, and it does not have any hand and therefore the effect does not arise there at all. The explanation and the diagram were given in terms of the v(r1 1 .a .t11) HED variant. What happens with other variants such as v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t)? We cannot be entirely sure, but there does not seem to be any reason why the explanation would not still hold. We acknowledge that we have not detailed the yet deeper mechanisms for how spin arises, but it is clear enough that spin does arise. 362 This cordus model therefore predicts that neutrinos are all left-spinhanded, and that there are no right-spin-handed neutrinos or left-spinhanded antineutrinos. If this is true, then it would have serious consequences for those theories that depend on such particles. Neutrino mass The cordus model for gravitation is that the sequential energisation of the HEDs creates a torsional pulse that is transmitted outwards, and this creates gravitational attraction [6]. Activation of the three HEDs seems necessary for an enduring mass or gravitational effect. The neutrino does not have the necessary complete HEDs to offer its own gravitation: a similar situation to that of the photon. Therefore the gravitation part of the cordus model predicts that the neutrino has no nominal mass, based on its lack of the necessary structures. The stability part of the cordus model also predicts a massless neutrino, based on its speed being that of light. However, ‘mass’ may not be everything that it seems to us. In particular, both the photon and neutrino make up for their incompletely energised HEDs by moving in the fabric. Thus they temporarily do have full HEDs, albeit only instantaneously. Therefore it is possible that they also do have an instantaneous mass and gravitation. While it may register as mass, it would however not be an enduring mass. We conceptualise it rather as noise-mass, i.e. an artefact of the propagation process. So it is possible to conceive of the neutrino having zero nominal mass, though a small dynamic localised noise-mass. This may sound weird, but the MSW effect [12] predicts something similar: it models the situation as the neutrino obtaining an ‘effective mass’ (by a ‘forward scattering’ process) when propagating through matter. Cordus is more radical still, in suggesting that 'mass', 'gravitation' and 'gravitational trajectory-bending' could be subtly independent effects [8]. Specifically, with the cordus conjecture it is possible to envisage gravitational bending of the neutrino locus occurring without the particule needing to have mass of any kind. The gravitational bending might instead be explained as the gradient in the fabric density near a large mass, the same explanation as previously given for the photon [8]. The fabric is slightly denser on the side of the neutrino nearest the mass, so a frequency cycle on that side accomplishes a slightly lesser displacement, i.e. the speed of light is slightly slower, thus bending the trajectory. Furthermore, neutrinos are thought to exhibit refraction-like behaviour in their passage through matter. This cordus model readily accommodates this refraction, i.e. neutrinos should slow down in denser materials.101 101 Superluminal neutrinos are not naturally predicted by cordus, but it could nonetheless accommodate them. One possible cordus explanation is tunnelling at generation change (i.e. skipping interactions when there is no activity in the particule). Another might be an initial transient non-orthogonality between the [r][t] plane and the direction of propagation. These might be transients caused by the creation mechanism, i.e. the 363 Trajectory-bending reconceptualised as a non-mass effect Thus mass may not be required for trajectory-bending effects. Indeed, optical refraction is a trajectory-bending effect that does not require the photon particule to have mass, though it is dependent on the density (including gravitational field) of the fabric medium. Reconceptualising the trajectory-bending of neutrinos as a fabric effect rather than gravitation is unconventional. This has the profoundly radical implication that the vacuum-speed of light is variable, i.e. that the speed of light is not only dependent on the amount of matter that it passes through, the absence of which is conventionally the 'vacuum', but on the gravitational fields from neighbouring areas. Thus cordus also upsets the orthodox idea of 'locality' [5]. By comparison, physics currently conceptualises the speed of light as only determined by the local density of matter, and hence invariant in the vacuum. Cordus suggests the vacuum-speed of light is not invariant, but dependent on the density of the fabric. The fabric is the irregular mesh of background hyffons of (potentially) all the other particules in the universe [11]. This also gives a better model for time, and is consistent with the observation that time runs slower (dilation) for bodies that are accelerating or in higher gravity.102 Why are neutrinos so unreactive? The cordus explanation for why neutrinos react little with matter is that their frequency is too low. That plus their motion. Reactivity between particules requires that their reactive ends be in the same place and phase at a moment in time. The fast motion of the neutrino, and the presumed relatively large span of its cordus (span is inversely related to frequency or mass [13]) makes co-location difficult. In a similar way longwavelength radio waves have greater penetration (less engagement with matter) than visible light. What happens in neutrino detectors? The neutrino detectors are, according to the cordus interpretation, operating by an occasional impact of a neutrino (or antineutrino) into a proton or neutron. The injection of its hyffons into the target creates a temporary assembly structure which subsequently decays. It is those decay products that are detected. neutrino settles down later. Or it may simply be that the neutrinos are released late in the process. There could be other explanations, since moving away from the 0D point premise opens up a lot of other alternatives. However it is too early to be definitive as the empirical evidence is limited. 102 Cordus explains this as the reactive ends of the particules in the body encounter the fabric at a greater rate (acceleration) or density (higher gravity). For a moving particule like the neutrino in a gravitational field, this means that it progresses a smaller displacement along its trajectory at each frequency cycle. For a stationary particule in higher gravitation, the increased fabric density compromises the hyff emission process and slows the reenergisation of the reactive ends, which then slows the frequency of the cordus. 364 Differentiation between neutrino and neutron The neutrino and neutron have nominally similar HED structures: Neutrino v(r1 1 .a .t11) Neutron n(r .a11 .t11) Both have two hyffons of each charge. Furthermore, we have already anticipated that hyffons may change to free HEDs. So what is the fundamental difference between these two particules? One difference is obviously the mass. Our current working model is that the neutron is a complex assembly that includes hidden internal hyff that we do not see overtly externalised, but which nonetheless contribute to the propagation of external EMG hyffons (Ma.6.9). This explains why the neutron has a higher frequency and mass than the neutrino despite the same nominal HED structure. The neutrino is, by comparison, a minimalist particule: it has the cordus structure and a functional ma-hand system, but not a lot of energy. It is possible, though not our currently preferred working model, that adding energy to the neutrino might convert it into a neutron. Instead we suspect that the neutrino is making a complete disclosure of all its hyffons, and no amount of additional energy would make it into a neutron. From the cordus perspective, a fundamental particule is one that overtly displays all its hyffons. Examples would then be the photon, electron, and neutrino, for the matter (forma) hand. Assembly particules can cloak their balanced hyffons and thus appear to have greater frequency and mass than their external HED structure suggests. Examples would be the quarks, proton, neutron, and all higher assemblies thereof. So in the cordus interpretation the quark is probably not a fundamental particule, but can be expected to have a deeper sub-structure. Do neutrinos decay? Neutrinos do not decay in the standard model, but they are predicted to do so in the extended model: the hypothetical right-handed neutrinos decay to electrons. This provides an asymmetric leptogenesis model, and then another hypothetical particle called the ‘sphaleron’ converts the leptons to bayons, and hence the asymmetry predominance of matter over antimatter. However these mechanisms are highly speculative. Nonetheless the interest in neutrinos is high because of the potential to answer the bigger questions about the asymmetry of baryogenesis. We do not support the concept of neutrino decay in the current cordus working model, though we acknowledge that it is not precluded either. In particular, the present cordus model explains the speed of the neutrino as a consequence of its incomplete stability: it is a compromise for an incomplete deck of HEDs. By implication, an arrested neutrino would no longer have that compromise mechanism available, and would decay. However 'decay' is perhaps not the right word, because the process of fully arresting the neutrino (as opposed to merely slowing it down in a 365 strong field) would require that it be captured by another particule. In which case the neutrino would inject its hyff into that new assembly, and new daughter products would form. Hence the detection methods. However we doubt that the free neutrino would ever decay (unlike the neutron). Neutrino oscillation Our current working model for neutrino oscillation is that it is a phasechange in the way the discrete field structures are energised, and the frequency (hence mass) required to sustain the HEDs. If so, the structures of the generations are: ve(r1 1 .a .t11); vμ(r1.1 1.1 .a .t); vτ(r1.1 .a .t1.1) Similarly for antineutrino. Note that the [a] axis is reserved for propagation, so it is only the [r] and [t] axes that have hyffons. Across these two axes there are indeed only three possible arrangements. The oscillation could conceivable be due to dynamic transient effects at formation of particule, or subsequent interaction with energetic fabric medium. Implications for fundamental physics It has long been thought, even in the orthodox paradigm of physics, that better understanding of the neutrino might test the theoretical validity of the standard model of particle physics, and perhaps even lead to a different physics. Indeed, if the cordus conjecture is correct, the implications are that neutrinos do indeed point to a deeper physics, but it appears not to be an extension of quantum mechanics or of the standard model, but rather a turn in an unexpected direction. With this cordus model we can now suggest answers to some of the neutrino riddles raised at the beginning of this paper. Why do neutrinos exist? They remove excess field structures from assemblies of particules so that they can convert into other types of particules, e.g. the beta decays convert between neutrons and protons. Do neutrinos have mass? They do not have the necessary structures to create a gravitational field, and hence do not have mass either. However they may have a small dynamic mass (noise-mass). Why are neutrino trajectories bent by gravity? The bending occurs due to the gradient in the density of the fabric, not the mass of the particule. Controversially, this explanation requires that the speed of light in the vacuum is not constant, but determined by the fabric-density. Why are neutrinos so difficult to measure? 366 Their frequency is so low, and their speed so high, that they seldom have opportunities to meet other matter particules. (Macroscopic objects are not continuously solid). Interaction requires that the HED field structures of the two particules be in the same space and time, and of compatible frequencies. The neutrino is more likely to use any HEDs it encounters for its propulsion rather than stop and interact. Why do neutrinos travel at the speed of light? They have incomplete field structures and have to compensate by moving on the fabric of spacetime, the relativistic speed of which is c. Why are neutrinos left handed? They have to both move and spin, and this leaves only one direction in which they can spin. This spin direction is fixed by the matter-antimatter chirality called ma-hand. Could right-handed neutrinos exist? Probably not. It is not obvious how these could exist in the cordus model. Is the neutrino its own antiparticle? No, this is verboten in the cordus model. What is behind CP violation? It is a consequence of every particule having a span, and its two reactive ends being energised in turn. Therefore what happens at one reactive end is not a mirror image of the other. However this only becomes apparent at small scales: at the coarser scale of quantum mechanics the particules do look like points. Future work The cordus concept of hyff emission directions (HEDs) also provides a discrete field theory,103 which is coherent across small-scale effects like annihilation and wider effects including gravitation. By comparison, quantum field theory and quantum chromodynamics are more advanced in their mathematical formalisms, but lacking in physically realistic interpretations, and more narrowly focussed. The quantum theory undoubtedly works, whereas the cordus solution is simply conjectural. If cordus really does point to a deeper mechanics and a new physics, then it would be expected to subsume much of the quantitative machinery of quantum mechanics, and checking this could be a line of future work. Further work that we have already undertaken is to identify the internal structures of the W and Z bosons, and hence better understand the weak interaction [work in progress]. 103 We use the term ‘discrete’, and avoid ‘quantum’, because the hyffons are not required to be in quantum increments. 367 There is further work to be done in exploring the mechanisms at the next deeper level of physics, e.g. spin, and the reactive ends. Furthermore we have not fully explained the difference between the neutron and neutrino, but only given a general suggestion that the neutron has cloaked field structures that we are not seeing. Clearly this requires more work. 6 HED lemmas We made several assumptions for how the hyffons behave in the HEDs, and these are summarised below as a set of lemmas. Ma.6 HED (hyff emission direction) dynamics Ma.6.1 Ma.6.1.1 Ma.6.1.2 Ma.6.1.3 Ma.6.1.4 Ma.6.2 Ma.6.2.1 Ma.6.2.2 Ma.6.2.3 Ma.6.2.4 Ma.6.3 Ma.6.3.1 A particule’s HED structure determines its functionality. For example the electron is uniquely different to the antiproton in HED notation. The HED structure refers to the (a) hand of the hyff emission directions, (b) the number of active hyffon pulses in each HED, and (c) the direction (charge) of those hyffons. The cordus particule concept applies to what are conventionally considered ‘fundamental particles’ as well as assemblies thereof, providing the latter are in coherence i.e. have synchronised frequencies. The proton is considered such an assembly. Particules may have oppositely charged hyff that neutralise each other internally, and therefore are not expressed externally as charge. These are nonetheless expected to contribute to mass. See also Ma.6.7. The quantum chromodynamic (QCD) concept of ‘colour’ corresponds to the selective energisation of the [r], [a], and [t] HEDs, where the HEDs are not all full. Any HED may have multiple hyffons, at least temporarily. These multiple hyffons may be opposite charge. These multiple hyffons may even have opposite ma-hand. A hyffon and an antihyffon (opposite hand and opposite charge) in the same HED, e.g. r11, do not generally reduce to zero. An exception is that O(r11. a11. t11) reduces to two photons, or an electron and antielectron, see also Ma.4.2.) See also Ma.6.7.3 for another exception. Hyffons may move: Colour migration A hyffon (active field structure) can migrate to another vacant HED, e.g. o(r1 .a1 .t) => o(r1 .a .t1). 368 Ma.6.3.2 Ma.6.3.3 Ma.6.3.4 Ma.6.4 Ma.6.4.1 Ma.6.4.2 Ma.6.4.3 Ma.6.5 Ma.6.5.1 Ma.6.5.2 Ma.6.5.3 Ma.6.5.4 Ma.6.5.5 Ma.6.5.6 Ma.6.6 Ma.6.6.1 It can do this dynamically. This corresponds to colour change. Pairs of hyffons may likewise move. Principle of HED negotiation: reactive ends, whether single or when bonded between particules, negotiate hyff emission directions dynamically. ‘Negotiation’ means that change to a HED at one reactive end or particule requires a complementary change in the other HEDs in that space. We suggest the mechanisms is first-come-firstserved, i.e. the HED that energises first tends to get the choice, and in turn that choice is influenced by the spaces left by the HEDs that are de-energising. The QCD equivalent idea is the gluons, being the mediators of colour change among quarks. However we do not accept the point-particle interpretation that QCD gives to gluons. Bonding as a shared HED effect The HEDs and hyffons of one particule can feed into those of another particule, and this is bonding. The shared interlocking of HEDs is what creates the force that holds the assembly together. This force is strong. However this force is also short-ranged, since there are many other hyffons that will be attracted into the union if the original participating particules are pulled apart. This force is better described as a constraint on the positional re-energisation of the reactive ends. They are forced to re-energise, i.e. emit HEDs, in a location that is consistent with the generally negotiated HED environment. This mechanism underpins the strong interaction (force), Pauli exclusion principle, and bonding generally. The particules may negotiate common frequencies (the same frequency or a harmonic), to create coherence. Alternatively they may dynamically form fluid bonds with a changing dance of other particules. Principle of conservation of hyff in assembly and disassembly. Two particules may assemble into one, by merging their HED structures. Disassembly occurs as the 369 Ma.6.6.2 Ma.6.6.3 Ma.6.7 Ma.6.7.1 Ma.6.7.2 Ma.6.7.3 Ma.6.7.4 Ma.6.7.5 Ma.6.7.6 Ma.6.7.7 reverse process. Assembly and disassembly are therefore primarily HED processes. The total number of active hyff, i.e. hyffons, owned by input particules is conserved across the output particules, unless annihilation occurs. See also Ma.3.8 [10]. Charge is preserved in assembly and disassembly. In HED notation, this means that the hyffon sums above and below the line must also be preserved. (Conservation of charge is a common assumption in physics). Charge-neutral and hand-neutral twin-pairs of hyffons may be added to, or removed from HED assemblies. A hyffon-antihyffon twin-pair, x↑↓ = x11 + x11 = x1.11.1 may be created in any single HED position, [r], [a], or [t], or split across multiple. These pairs are charge neutral, and do not change the net number of hyffons (hence not violating the conservation principle), though do change the gross number and thus permit access to other output states. They are a type of fibrillating pump like the photon [8], but offset across the span of the cordus. They are also hand-neutral. The twin-pair x1.11.1 may be removed from an assembly. The twin-pairs are created or destroyed at the same time. However for convenience we sometimes show them as being applied at slightly different times during an assembly process. The difference in orientation (x↑ = x11 or x↓ = x11) is interpreted as corresponding to one form of spin: SPIN-H, the orientation of hyffon pairs within a particular HED. The neutral-hand requirement thus infers that SPIN-H must be zero for the added hyffons, i.e. ↑ must numerically balance ↓. A notable exception is that a whole increment of three pairs all in the same direction, i.e. r↑ a↑ t↑ corresponds to two photons, or an electron and antielectron. Thus these HED structures may be created or destroyed. These ↑ or ↓ pairs are spontaneously formed during the HED negotiation processes. The addition of hyffon-antihyffon pairs is presumed to be initiated either by the difference in energy between the assembled and dissembled states (i.e. the native tendency to decay), or the fabric pressure (this latter effect may have some similarity with vacuum fluctuations). 104 104 This is consistent with conventional physics. For example: 'After a high energy collision, a quark or gluon starts to move away from the rest of the formerly color-neutral object that contained it. A region 370 Ma.6.8 Ma.6.8.1 Ma.6.8.2 Ma.6.8.3 Ma.6.8.4 Ma.6.8.5 Ma.6.9 Ma.6.9.1 Ma.6.9.2 Ma.6.9.3 Ma.6.9.4 Ma.6.10 Ma.6.10.1 Ma.6.10.2 Assemblies, which we denote as O particules, may be created by the merging of particules, the breakdown or subdivision of parent particules, or the addition of hyffonantihyffon twin-pairs. These assemblies may be transitional intermediate structures as part of a process of assembly/disassembly, or stable structures. An Intermediate (O) structure may be overloaded with hyffons. Also, it can accept hyffons of both hands, though this tends to make it unstable. These transitional assemblies may subsequently separate to different hyffon arrangements, hence different particules. These transitional assemblies have the ability to create further hyffon-antihyffon twin-pairs and partition off another structures. Cloaking and disclosure of hyffons. Assemblies of particules may include hidden internal hyff that we do not see overtly externalised in the HED notation. These nonetheless contribute to the propagation of external EMG hyffons, and therefore to higher frequency and mass. Examples are the quarks, proton, neutron, and all higher assemblies thereof. A fundamental particule is one that overtly displays all its hyffons. Examples are the photon, electron, and neutrino, for the matter (forma) hand. Assembly particules can cloak their balanced hyffons and thus appear to have greater frequency and mass than their external HED structure suggests. All discrete field structures of a particle, whether a fundamental particule or an assembly, and whether those are externalised or internally cloaked hyffons, contribute to the fabric. These hyffons all need servicing and hence a frequency requirement arises, hence mass. Neutrino HED structure Neutrino v(r1 1 .a .t11) Antineutrino v(r11 .a .t11) of color force-field is produced between the two parts. The energy density in this color force fields is sufficient to produce additional quarks and antiquarks. The forces between the color-charged particles quickly cause the collection of quarks and antiquarks to be rearranged into color-neutral combinations. What emerges, far enough from the collision point to be detected, is always a collection or jet of colorneutral hadrons, never the initial high-energy quark or gluon alone.' 371 Ma.6.10.3 Ma.6.10.4 Ma.6.10.5 Ma.6.10.6 7 The [a] axis is reserved for propagation, so it is only the [r] and [t] axes that have hyffons. The neutrino has zero nominal mass, but a small dynamic localised noise-mass through its engagement with the fabric. Generational change (neutrino oscillation) is a phase-change in the way the discrete field structures are energised. Some layouts require a higher frequency (hence mass) to sustain the more complex HEDs. If so, the structures of the generations are: The generations of the neutrino are assumed to be: ve(r1 1 .a .t11); vμ(r1.1 1.1 .a .t); vτ(r1.1 .a .t1.1), and similarly for the antineutrino. Note that the [a] axis is reserved for propagation, so it is only the [r] and [t] axes that have hyffons. Across these two axes there are indeed only three possible arrangements. Conclusions The cordus mechanics, particularly the HED notation, have been used to infer the discrete field structures of the neutrino and antineutrino. The structure of the neutrino in HED notation is found to be v(r1 1 .a .t11) or variants thereof, and the antineutrino to be v(r11 .a .t11) etc. The results are consistent whether using beta - decay, beta +, or electron capture. A tentative explanation is given for the three generations of neutrinos. The neutrino structure is nominally identical to that of the neutron. A partial explanation is given for where the deeper differences may lie. The results suggest that the neutrino is not its own antiparticle, and has zero nominal mass, though a dynamic noise-mass is possible. The reasons why the neutrino moves at the speed of light are explained in terms of how its field structures, which are incomplete, engage with the fabric (spacetime). The gravitational bending of its trajectory is explained, even for a massless neutrino, by abandoning both locality and the invariance of the vacuum speed of light. The model also explains why neutrinos are always found with left-spin-hand, and antineutrinos with right, and suggests that the opposite structures are fundamentally unavailable. References 1. Pons, D.J.: Mirror images: Cordus reconceptualisation of Matter and Antimatter. viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0009, 1-15 DOI: Available from: 2. Murayama, H.: Origin of Neutrino mass. Physics World, 2002, May: p. 3539. 372 3. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Overview. viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0015, 1-17 DOI: Available from: 4. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: WaveParticle Duality: a Proposed Resolution. viXra, 2011, v. 1106.0027, 1-18 DOI: Available from: 5. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Wider Locality. Cordus matter: Part 3.1 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0022, 1-7 DOI: Available from: 6. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Gravitation, Mass and Time. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0029, 114 DOI: Available from: 7. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Quarks. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.4 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0030, 1-15 DOI: Available from: 8. Pons, D.J.: Contrasting internal structures: Photon and electron. viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0045, 1-9 DOI: Available from: 9. Pons, D.J.: Annihilation mechanisms: Intermediate processes in the conversion of electron and antielectron into photons viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0047, 1-21 DOI: Available from: 10. Pons, D.J.: Cordus process diagrams: Symbolic representation of annihilation mechanics. viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0068, 1-14 DOI: Available from: 11. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Fabric of the universe. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.2 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0028, 1-8 DOI: Available from: 12. Wolfenstein, L.: Neutrino oscillations in matter. Physical Review D, 1978, 17(9): p. 2369-2374. 13. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Matter particuloids. Cordus matter: Part 3.2 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0023, 1-12 DOI: Available from: 373 Weak interaction: Reassembly of particules Pons, D.J. 105 Abstract The Standard Model interprets the weak interaction, e.g. neutron beta decay, to be a short-range field carried by the W and Z bosons. In that interpretation the short range arises because of the heavy mass of the W and Z bosons. This paper reconceptualises the weak interaction and the bosons. The cordus HED notation was used to work out the field structures of the bosons, giving W-(r.1.1 .a.11.1 .t11) and W+( r1.1. .a1 .t). The theory suggests that there is no single Z boson, but several varieties. Cordus suggests that the W and Z bosons do not exist in the form of 0D point particles with static characteristics, but instead are complex structures undergoing dynamic assembly and disassembly processes. The conventional concept that the bosons change the flavour of the quark is questioned. Instead the model shows that the bosons not the cause or the mechanism for the change, but merely the by-products and waste process stream from the conversion process. The neutrino-antineutrino annihilation process is modelled and predicted to result in either an electron-positron pair and two photons, or four photons. Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_cordus_5.7_WeakInteraction_E1.0.20.doc 1 Introduction A companion paper has identified the structure of the neutrino and antineutrino [14], particularly the discrete field structures. This was achieved by analysing the beta decay processes. This paper extends the concepts to the broader set of reactions in which the neutrinos are involved. The structure of the W and Z bosons is identified, and a conceptual model started for decay processes in general. These explanations are given in terms of the cordus conjecture [13]. 2 Background Weak interaction The weak interaction is fundamentally one of neutrinos involved in the process of decay of particles. The Standard Model proposes that the weak interaction is carried by W and Z bosons: W+, W− and Z (neutral). The emission or absorption of a W+ or W− boson changes the electric charge and spin, and changes the quark flavour type. The Z boson does not change the charge, hence ‘neutral current interaction’, but can change 105 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 374 spin. The bosons, which have been inferred from experimental observation, are heavy: they have mass much greater than the proton. The Z boson decays into various different particle-antiparticle pairs, such as the neutrino and the complementary antineutrino. Higher energy Z bosons may decay into higher generation neutrino-antineutrinos, and have shorter lives. Cordus model for the neutrino The cordus conjecture [3] proposes that the particle is not a zerodimensional point as orthodox physics assumes, but rather a two-ended internal structure, which we call a ‘particule’.106 A particule has a field structure at each of its two reactive ends. This consists of three hyff threads, one in each of three orthogonal axes [r], [a], [t]. These threads extend out into space from the reactive end. When energised, a hyffon pulse is transmitted along the thread, and hence the field is discrete. Positive and negative charge correspond to the direction of propagation of these pulses. The reactive ends are energised in turn at the frequency of the particule. Extensions of this idea accommodate the electric field, magnetism, and gravitation [6]. The hyff emission directions (HED) have a hand, called ma to differentiate it from other hand-like concepts in quantum mechanics, and this determines the matter and antimatter species [1]. A new modelling method, called HED notation, was created to represent these discrete field structures [10]. This was used to work out the structures of the neutrino and antineutrino [14]: Antineutrino: v = v(r11 .a .t11) etc Neutrino v = v(r1 1 .a .t11) etc In this notation x1 represents a -1/3 charge in the x axis in the matter hand, x1 is +1/3 charge in matter hand, x1 is -1/3 charge in antimatter hand, and x1 is +1/3 charge in antimatter. See Figure 1 for the equivalent physical representation. 106 The cordus conjecture is that all particles, e.g. photons and electrons, have a specific internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), and this makes up the field. We call this a cordus ‘particule’, and stress it is very different to the zero-dimensional point assumed by conventional physics. 375 Figure 1: The cordus structure for the neutrino and antineutrino. The diagrams show the spatial arrangement of the discrete field structures (hyffons) in the three hyff emission directions (HEDS). The v(r1 1 .a .t11) variants are shown, and other arrangements are considered possible via colour-change. The diagram also shows how the unique spin directions arise for these two particules. Note that the primary difference between matter and antimatter is the ma-hand, which is the energisation sequence of the HEDs. We now extend the work to determine the field structures for the W and Z bosons. 3 W and Z bosons reconceptualised The standard model of QM explains all the beta decay effects as the emission of a particle of one sort or another: the W-, W+, and Z bosons. Bosons are also produced in proton-proton collisions. In these cases the disassembly process has additional kinetic energy to consume, so higher generation outputs become possible, and hence more complex output combinations (channels). Now that we have a structure for the neutrino, we can also model the boson behaviour. 3.1 W- boson In the conventional description, β- decay causes a d quark in the neutron to emit a W- boson and thereby convert into a u quark, to make a proton. The W- boson then decays into an electron and an antineutrino. Thus d=>u+W- followed by W- => e + v. We can readily model this in HED notation [14] to work out the structure of the W- boson. First, express the d quark in HED notation, and then by inspection add charge-neutral incipient hyffon-antihyffon twin-pairs (x↑ = x11 and x↓ = x11), see [14]. These pairs may be created in any HED position, [r], [a], or [t]. They are applied where required to form the u quark structure. Then expand these pairs to create a transitional assembly O: d(r1 .a .t) => O(r↓1 .a↓↑ .t↑) => O(r11.1 .a1.11.1 .t11) 376 Next, partition out the hyffons for the known output, which is the u quark, and relegate the residual hyffons into a secondary structure O1: => u(r1 .a1 .t) + O1(r.1.1 .a.11.1 .t11) Then partition off the hyffons for the next most energetic output, which is the electron. The residual hyffons are placed into another secondary structure O2, which we recognise as the antineutrino: => u + e(r1 .a1 .t1) + O2(r.1 .a.11 .t1) => u + e + v(r.1 .a.11 .t1) This model gives the W- boson as the O1 structure, i.e.: W- = W-(r.1.1 .a.11.1 .t11) This structure does indeed have a unit negative charge overall, but it achieves that with a mix of hyffons of different hand (1 and 1), i.e. matter and antimatter components. This amalgam structure would be highly unstable, and this qualitatively describes why it decays so fast. In the above model for the W- boson, we applied all the incipient hyffon twin-pairs at the outset. However another possibility is that they are applied in stages as required. In that case, there would not be a single structure for the boson but rather an evolving structure. Either way we do not favour the concept of a W- boson as a particle, but rather see it as a dynamic process of hyffon re-arrangement. 2.2 W+ boson A similar rationale gives the W+ boson as follows: p => n + e + v The equivalent quark structure is: uud => udd + e + v Now, consider only the one quark that changes: + u => d + W Then add the charge-neutral incipient hyffon-antihyffon twin-pairs (↑ and ↓) required to form the d quark structure. Then expand these pairs to create a transitional assembly ‘O’: u(r1 .a1 .t) => O(r1↑. .a1 .t↓) => O(r1.11 .a1 .t11) Extract the d quark and place the remaining hyffons in a secondary structure O1: => d(r1 .a .t) + O1(r1.1. .a1 .t11) This model gives the W- boson as the O1 structure, i.e.: W+ = W+( r1.1. .a1 .t11) This also has unit positive charge, but is also made of contrary handed hyff. Similar comments apply as for the W- boson regarding poor stability. 377 3.3 Z boson The Z boson is known to decay into various outcomes: electron-positron, neutrino-antineutrino, or quark-antiquark. In HED notation these are as follow. Electron-positron e(r1 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) => Z1(r11 .a11 .t11) => 2y So that process is simply the positronium annihilation [9-10], and the Z boson is identified as Z1(r11 .a11 .t11). This is indeed neutral. Neutrino-antineutrino The neutrino-antineutrino pair has the following structure: v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) + v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) => Z2(r1.1 1.11.1 1.1 .a.t) In this case the Z boson is identified as Z2(r1.1 1.11.1 1.1 .a.t). This is neutral regarding charge, but is not the same as the Z1 boson. U Quark-antiquark The boson is determined as Z3: u(r1 .a1 .t) + u(r1 .a1 .t) => Z3(r11 .a11 .t) In this case the Z boson is identified as Z3(r11 .a11 .t), which is not the same as the other Z bosons. D Quark-antiquark The boson is determined as Z4: d(r1 .a .t) + d(r1 .a .t) => Z4(r11 .a.t) Once again the Z boson, Z4(r11 .a.t), is not the same as the other Z bosons. However, we expect that the quark is cloaking some balanced hyffons internally [14]. From this we infer that there is not a single Z boson, but many specific varieties. 3.4 The cordus interpretation of the W and Z bosons Note that the W and Z bosons have not been directly observed: they are only hypothetical particles. All that is observed is the debris trail, from which the boson is inferred as the origin. But that inference requires a theory, which is the standard model of quantum mechanics, and therefore the bosons are primarily theoretical constructs. This is important to note, because the W and Z bosons are commonly misrepresented as actually existing. They only exist within the theoretical framework of the standard model: they are artefacts of the theory, rather than observed particles. From the cordus perspective the bosons are simply overloaded or mismatched-hand dynamic structures. Either way, they are unstable. They still have a cordus structure, so the standard model's interpretation of them as 'particles' is legitimate, even if somewhat limiting. They are not so 378 much particles with distinct static identity that cause change in quarks, as dynamically changing waste streams. Why are the bosons so heavy? From the cordus perspective the reason they have high mass is that their fibrils need a very high frequency to service the overloaded hyffons. That implied extra energy is perhaps momentarily extracted from the fabric. Either that or the presence of so many hyffons creates a greater gravitational effect for the same fundamental energy, i.e. energy and mass are decoupled. We tentatively prefer the first explanation as a working model, but acknowledge that it is an open question. Higher energy bosons are known to decay faster. Cordus explains this as higher energy particules having higher frequency, hence faster refresh rates of their reactive-ends. In turn, the decay process needs cycles of activity, not time per se. Thus higher energy particules can accomplish the necessary disassembly process steps in less time. In short, time is fundamentally the local frequency oscillations of particules, not an absolute variable [6]. 3.5 Neutrino-antineutrino annihilation The neutrino-antineutrino pair is sometimes apparent in the Z boson interactions. The previous section identified its structure: v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) + v(r1.1 1.1 .a .t) => Z2(r1.1 1.11.1 1.1 .a.t) We are interested in what this might subsequently decay to. We add hyffon-antihyffon twin-pairs: v + v => O2(r1.1 1.1 .a↓11.t↑11) => O2(r1.1 1.1 .a1.11.1.t1.11.1) => O2a(r1 1 .a11.t11) + O2b(r1 1 .a11 .t11) The O2a structure is recognised as the positronium annihilation assembly [9-10], which can go to an electron-antielectron, or two photons. Thus: v + v => [(e + e) or 2y] + O2b(r1 1 .a11 .t11) However there is a problem with reducing the O2b(r1 1 .a11 .t11) structure, which we term notPositronium. No addition of hyffon-antihyffon pairs (↑ or ↓) will transform it. Superficially it might seem appropriate to partition it into structures O(r1 .a1 .t1) and O(r1 .a1 .t1). But the problem is these structures are not physically seen: they correspond to what we call the antinotElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1) and the notElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1). Apparently these structures are forbidden in the matter (forma) universe that we inhabit, presumably a consequence of the asymmetry at genesis. Either that, or the notPositronium is an artefact of the cordus HED method. However, there does not appear to be any constraint on the O2b(r1 1 .a11 .t11) structure converting to two photons through annihilation. Thus: 379 v + v => [(e + e) or 2y] + 2y => [(e + e) + 2y] or [4y] Thus annihilation of energetic neutrino and antineutrino annihilation is predicted to result in either an electron-positron pair and two photons, or four photons, but not two electron-positron pairs. Less energetic particules may not annihilate at all, but instead revert to a neutrino and antineutrino. So this cordus model predicts an unusual and non-intuitive set of process streams (decay channels) and this may be testable. We make the assumption that the neutrino can absorb photons and thereby attain an energetic state. This is contrary to the prevailing ideas about neutrinos, which is that they do not respond electromagnetically. However we see nothing in the HED model for the neutrino to suggest it is incapable of interacting with photons, either by absorption or emission. 4 Boson lemmas We made several assumptions above, and these are summarised below as a set of lemmas. Ma.7 Boson behaviour Ma.7.1 Boson HED structures W- = W-(r.1.1 .a.11.1 .t11) W+ = W+( r1.1. .a1 .t) Z: no single Z boson, but several varieties. Ma.7.2 W boson mass. Possible mechanisms include one or both of the following Their fibrils need a very high frequency to service the overloaded hyffons (preferred model). The presence of so many hyffons creates a greater gravitational effect for the same fundamental energy, i.e. energy and mass are decoupled. Ma.7.2.1 Ma.7.2.2 Ma.7.3 Ma.7.3.1 Ma.7.3.2 Ma.7.3.3 Ma.7.3.4 NotPositronium The structure of NotPositronium is O(r1 1 .a11 .t11). It is predicted in the neutrino-antineutrino analysis, but is believed either to be verboten in a matter dominated universe, or an erroneous artefact of the HED method. Its components are an antinotElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1) and notElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1), both of which are likewise verboten. NotPositronium can annihilate, even as it forms, to two photons through annihilation. 380 Ma.7.4 5 The neutrino can absorb photons and thereby attain an energetic state. Discussion What has been achieved? We have used the beta decay outcomes to determine the HED field structure of the W bosons: W- = W-(r.1.1 .a.11.1 .t11) W+ = W+( r1.1. .a1 .t) We infer that there is not a single Z boson, but many specific varieties. We have also modelled the neutrino-antineutrino annihilation process. The results suggest that an annihilation of an energetic neutrino and antineutrino annihilation produces either an electron-positron pair and two photons, or four photons, but not two electron-positron pairs. Less energetic particules may not annihilate at all, but instead revert to a neutrino and antineutrino. Answers to common questions The cordus model permits answers to be fielded to some puzzles about the weak interaction. Why is the weak interaction the only known process for changing the flavour of quarks between u and d? This is because the flavour-change absolutely requires a neutrino or antineutrino, and these particules are an integral part of the weak interaction. Why do the W and Z bosons have such large mass? A high frequency is required to service the large number of hyffons in these temporary structures. Implications Conventional physics interprets the weak interaction to be a short-range field, mediated by the bosons. In that interpretation the short range arises because of the heavy mass of the W and Z bosons. The cordus explanation is radically different, and refutes this interpretation. First, cordus suggests that the W and Z bosons do not exist in the form of 0D point particles with static characteristics, but instead are cordi undergoing dynamic assembly and disassembly processes. 'Particle' is entirely the wrong concept to be using. Second, there is no single Z boson. Third, the conventional concept that the bosons change the flavour of the quark is inappropriate, according to the cordus model. The bosons are not the cause or the mechanism for the change, but merely the by-products and waste process stream from the conversion process. 381 Fourth, the weak interaction is a different category of fundamental force to electrostatic, magnetic, and gravitational forces. The weak interaction is a negotiation of the particule's right to emit HED active field structures in specific direction. These rights are complemented by other particules, hence a bonding force that keeps the particules together. 6 Conclusions The cordus principle and its HED notation have been used to infer the discrete field structures of the W bosons as follow: W- = W-(r.1.1 .a.11.1 .t11) W+ = W+( r1.1. .a1 .t) Also, there appears not to be a single Z boson, but rather several varieties. References 1. Pons, D.J.: Structure of the neutrino and antineutrino. viXra, 2011, v. in submission. Available from: 2. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Matter particuloids. Cordus matter: Part 3.2 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0023, 1-12 DOI: Available from: 3. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Cordus Conjecture: Overview. viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0015, 1-17 DOI: Available from: 4. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J.: Gravitation, Mass and Time. Cordus in extremis: Part 4.3 viXra, 2011, v. 1104.0029, 114 DOI: Available from: 5. Pons, D.J.: Mirror images: Cordus reconceptualisation of Matter and Antimatter. viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0009, 1-15 DOI: Available from: 6. Pons, D.J.: Cordus process diagrams: Symbolic representation of annihilation mechanics. viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0068, 1-14 DOI: Available from: 7. Pons, D.J.: Annihilation mechanisms: Intermediate processes in the conversion of electron and antielectron into photons viXra, 2011, v. 1109.0047, 1-21 DOI: Available from: 382 Stability and decay: Mechanisms for stability and initiators of decay in the neutron Pons, D.J. 107 Abstract Why is the neutron stable in the nucleus? Why is the free neutron unstable outside the atom? This paper applies the cordus conjecture to address these questions. The proposed explanation is that in the nucleus the discrete field structures (cordus HED) of the proton and neutron fulfil each other, thereby providing a joint stability. When the neutron is removed from the nucleus, its stability becomes compromised. By comparison the single proton on its own does not need the neutron, so it remains stable. The free neutron is able to maintain a dynamic stability by moving its field structures around. It can do this indefinitely. However it is in a compromised state, and vulnerable to perturbation by external fields. Two initiators are anticipated for decay. One is randomly occurring field fluctuations from the external fabric, and these are proposed for the conventional decay route. The second is impact by another particule. In both cases it is the external fields that cause the decay, by constraining the neutron so that it cannot dynamically adjust. Hence it is trapped in a state that leads to decay at its next frequency cycle. The second path could involve any particule with sufficient energy to disturb the neutron. Also, the impact of a neutrino is specifically identified as a potential initiator of decay. The implications if this is correct, are that the neutron has two separate decay paths, which are mixed together in what we perceive as the beta minus process. The first is determined by the local density of the (spacetime) fabric, and the second by the number of energetic particules and neutrinos encountered. The significance of the two decay paths is that neutron decay rates are predicted to be variable rather than constant. A general set of assumptions are extracted for stability and decay of particules in general. Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_cordus_5.8_NeutronDecay_E1.0.26.doc 1 Introduction The standard concept in physics is that fundamental particles (electron, photon, etc.) are zero dimensional (0D) points without internal structure. In contrast the cordus conjecture [13] suggests that it is more helpful, in terms of explanatory power, to conceive of a two-ended internal structure. This cordus particule model has been used to create a conceptual model of the discrete field structures of the neutrino and antineutrino [14]. An 107 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Copyright D Pons 2011. 383 extension of the concept identified internal structures for the W bosons in the weak interaction [15]. This paper extends the conceptual model further, by exploring the criteria of stability for a particle, and the initiators of decay, with specific application to the neutron. 2 Background Cordus particules The cordus conjecture [3] proposes that the particle is not a zerodimensional point as orthodox physics assumes, but rather a two-ended internal structure, called a cordus ‘particule’. Specifically, this model proposes an internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. Hence superposition of geometric location is also explained. When energised a reactive end emits a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), which makes up the field. This consists of three hyff threads, one in each of three orthogonal axes [r], [a], [t]. These threads extend out into space from the reactive end. When energised, a hyffon pulse is transmitted along the thread, and hence the field is discrete. Positive and negative charge correspond to the direction of propagation of these pulses. The reactive ends are energised in turn at the frequency of the particule. Extensions of this idea accommodate the electric field, magnetism, and gravitation [6]. All the particules in the universe emit hyff, and these make up the fabric of the vacuum [11]. The hyff emission directions (HED) have a hand, called ma to differentiate it from other hand-like concepts in quantum mechanics, and this determines the matter and antimatter species [1]. A modelling method, called HED notation, is used to represent these discrete field structures [10]. Cordus model for the neutrino The structures of the neutrino and antineutrino in HED notation [14] are: Antineutrino: v = v(r11 .a .t11) Neutrino v = v(r1 1 .a .t11) In this notation x1 represents a -1/3 charge in the x axis in the matter hand, x1 is +1/3 charge in matter hand, x1 is -1/3 charge in antimatter hand, and x1 is +1/3 charge in antimatter. See Figure 1 for the equivalent physical representation. 384 Figure 1: The cordus structure for the neutrino and antineutrino. The diagrams show the spatial arrangement of the discrete field structures (hyffons) in the three hyff emission directions (HEDS). The v(r1 1 .a .t11) variants are shown, and other arrangements are considered possible via colour-change. The diagram also shows how the unique spin directions arise for these two particules. Note that the primary difference between matter and antimatter is the ma-hand, which is the energisation sequence of the HEDs. Purpose of this paper We now extend the work to determine why the neutron is unstable when isolated from the nucleus. Previously we have looked at what outcomes are produced in decay, and how those arise. Here we explore why instability arises in the first place, with a focus on the neutron. We develop candidate principles for stability and decay. 3 Neutron beta- decay In β- decay, or electron emission, the free-neutron decays, after a relatively long life, into a proton, electron, and an electron antineutrino: n => p + e + ve We take beta decay for granted, but why does the neutron need to decay in the first place? Given that it is stable in the nucleus of the atom, why does it decay outside? The conventional answer is in terms of energy. The deuteron (one proton and a neutron) has a total mass slightly less than that of its individual constituents of a proton and the decay products of the neutron. Specifically, the binding energy of the np deuteron is 2.2 MeV, whereas the energy yield in decay of the neutron is the lesser amount of 0.78 MeV, hence decay is not preferred. We do not disagree with that energy interpretation, and cordus explains qualitatively why the masses of assemblies are different to those of the 385 constituents [7]. However the energy explanation on its own is obviously not the entire story, as conventional physics is unable to explain how the energy effect works. Indeed, it is difficult to see how there could be any explanation if one stays with the conventional 0-D point paradigm. The cordus HED concept provides another way to answer the why question, and the results complement the energy perspective. 3.1 Stable in, unstable out Why is the deuteron stable? First, we can use cordus to explain why the neutron is stable in the atom: because it forms a complementary frequency synchronisation (CoFS) state [16] with the proton. They effective bond together: n(r .a11 .t11) + p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) => O(r1.11 .a1.11 .t1.11) So the O assembly is the deuteron and from this we can derive some implied requirements for stability (see Lemma Ma.8 below). Specifically, it has full HED structures and therefore unitary charge structures. Also, the structures are all the same hand (forma). This stability is temporally enduring (hence ‘strong’) because it does not have to dynamically share this relationship with other partners. Why is the neutron unstable? With cordus we can see why the neutron on its own is going to have problems. We note that the HED structure of the neutron n(r .a11 .t11) is unbalanced, in that there is no hyffon in the [r] axis. Thus it fails the stability criterion for completeness (Ma.8.1.3). To fix this it may be able to shift some of the hyffons to different HEDS, e.g. n(r1 .a1 .t11), and we assume it can do this dynamically too, at the next frequency cycle of energisation. However that action then means that some of the HEDs carry only a single hyffon, which is inappropriate for an uncharged particule. Thus this evasive behaviour unbalances the charge neutralisation (Ma.8.1.6), making the neutron unstable in this configuration too. Dynamically changing between these various HED layouts n(r .a11 .t11) <=> n(r1 .a1 .t11) prevents instability. So in this cordus model, the neutron is vulnerable to two different forms of instability, depending on its structure, and it can stave off demise by rapidly changing between these structures before the decay processes can start. 386 3.2 Decay initiators Perturbation/constraint mechanism of decay However, this dynamic stability only exists while the external environment permits (Ma.8.2). Sooner or later something occurs to compromise that dynamic adjustment. We anticipate that might be: (a) An external perturbation, i.e. injection of hyffons into the HEDs, e.g. from particule impact (Ma.8.2.1). (b) Externally imposed constraints on the hyffons of the neutron. These external fields pin hyffons in certain HED directions and prevent their dynamic movement to other HEDs. These constraints may arise in bonding situations, from external fields, or the fabric (Ma.8.2.2). We call this the perturbation/constraint mechanism of decay. The two methods are corollaries of each other, and both involve hyff constraints from outside the particule. Applying this to the neutron, either way the neutron lingers one frequency cycle too long in the state of n(r .a11 .t11) or n(r1 .a1 .t11), and the degradation process (beta decay) initiates. However it is relevant to note that the neutron itself is not unstable: it does not have any internal mechanism favouring decay. It has no internal timer counting backwards to zero. Quite the opposite, it has a perfectly adequate coping mechanism, of dynamically adjusting its structure to stay stable. However it is a compensated system, and is not a strong stability. Sometimes the external environment overwhelms it. When the neutron is locked into a bond with the proton, its vacant HEDs are filled with those of the proton, and therefore the instability does not generally arise. The frequency of the neutron is very high, so it must survive very many frequency cycles for the life to be as high as it is. This and the nature of the proposed decay mechanisms means that cordus predicts that the degradation process is a random variable. The initiator is a chance external encounter with external hyffons. Being of external origin, these encounters are totally independent to the internal workings of the neutron. There is no reason to think that the rate of perturbations generated by the external environment is anything but an unstructured random variable. Therefore a logical consequence of the cordus model is that the decay initiators will be a uniform random variable with time, at least for natural decay (excludes high energy physics). At first this might seem at odds with the known exponential decay distribution of the free neutron, but this is not so, as explained below. Why the Exponential distribution? Hazard rate perspective Talking about the life of the neutron as an exponential density distribution with mean of 15 min (or half-life 10 min), which is how it is commonly represented, implies a determinism and central tendency that does not exist. We need to disentangle our concepts of the 'mean'. It is true that for a normal distribution the mean represents a 'true' estimate of the central 387 tendency, with noise superimposed.108 However, that is not a helpful concept to apply to the exponential distribution. The mean and its variance can be computed, but should not be considered as a 'true' value with noise. From a reliability-engineering perspective, the exponential distribution has the unusual and unique property that the hazard rate is constant. This is the probability that the system will fail in the next time interval, given that it has survived up to the beginning of that time interval. Applying this to the neutron: its exponential decay rate means that there is equal chance of failure at any time: whether a free-neutron has been in service for a long or a short time it still has the same chance of failing. Thus inspection of the empirically-derived exponential distribution shows that the mechanism, whatever it is, that drives the failure of the neutron cannot be time-dependent. For any one neutron the chance of failure is a uniform distribution over time. Thus the individual neutron is not trying to decay in the mean lifetime: instead it will decay with equal probability anywhere between zero and infinite time. The 'mean' value only becomes apparent when the outcomes of many individual neutrons are aggregated. There is no mechanism in the exponential distribution for central tendency towards a mean. Thus instead of talking about the mean lifetime of the neutron, we should be asking the more fundamental question: why is it that the neutron sometimes decays almost instantly, and at other times takes a relatively vast amount of time (cycles)? More importantly, why is time not a variable? The cordus perturbation/constraint mechanism of decay fits this model: it is not time-based. The cordus mechanism provides for an equal chance of failure at any time which is consistent with the unique features of the observed lifetime characteristics of the free-neutron. What determines the decay rate? If time is not a variable, what determines the decay rate of the free neutron? We anticipate that the natural decay rate is dependent on the density of the fabric at that locality. 3.3 Implications of the two decay routes Fabric induced decay The fabric is the irregular mesh of background hyffons of (potentially) all the other particules in the universe [11]. All discrete field structures of a 108 By comparison the underlying reason for the normal distribution is easy to understand: take a large number of variables, allow them each to vary randomly according to different density distributions, and the sum of those variables will tend towards a normal distribution, regardless of the density distributions of the individual variables. 388 particle, whether a fundamental particule or an assembly, and whether those are externalised or internally cloaked hyffons [14], contribute to the fabric. These hyffons all need servicing by their originating particules and hence a frequency requirement arises, hence mass. Every particule contributes to the creation and replenishment of the fabric, and is actively embedded in it. Therefore particules have to engage with the fabric. This also means that the fabric can affect the particule. A free particule, such as the neutron outside the nucleus, no longer has its HED vulnerabilities shielded by its assembly bonds with the proton, and is therefore more exposed to external constraints on its HEDs from the fabric hyffons (Ma.8.2.2). The implications are that decay should proceed quicker in situations of higher gravitation or acceleration, relative to other locations. This is because the actual or apparent fabric density increases in such situations, so the neutron encounters more fabric, and hence more opportunity to be constrained. This may be testable. Alternatively such an effect could also be explained as conventional time-dilation, so there may not be a big point of difference. The fabric density would also have been greater in the early universe, but this is not expected to change decay rates as time also flowed faster in the cordus interpretation [6] and there is no other contemporary location from which to observe. Perturbative decay We anticipate that the other mechanism for neutron decay is active perturbation, i.e. the injection of hyffons into the HEDs, e.g. from particule impact (Ma.8.2.1). Obviously one candidate for this is high-energy-physics (HEP), where nucleon particules are smashed into each other at high speed. From the cordus perspective, these situations are expected to also accelerate the decay process, though this might be difficult to distinguish from all the other decay activities going on. Neutrino induced decay of neutron Cordus also suggests that certain types of impacts could be more likely to accelerate β decay. This suggestion arises from inspection of the field structures. In particular the cordus HED notation suggests that the impact of a neutrino into a neutron could cause decay as follows: n + v = n(r .a11 .t11) + v(r11 .a .t11) => O(r11 .a11 .t1.11.1) => |% => O(r1.11.1 .a11 .t11) => p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) + O1(r1 .a1 .t1) => p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) => p + e Thus adding the neutrino at the outset provides some economy, and it may be that this encourages the decay reaction. So in principle cordus predicts that a neutron plus a neutrino could decay to a proton and an electron. Substituting an antineutrino does not have the same effect. Likewise it may be shown that neither β+ decay of the proton¸ nor electron 389 capture (EC), have any economy from having the neutrino or antineutrino pre-supplied, see Appendix A. It is specifically β- that appears to be amenable to this effect. This is an unexpected result, but may be testable. Conventional physics assumes that decay rates are strictly constant. The above work suggests the otherwise. Thus cordus predicts that beta decay rates could vary depending on the fabric density (not easy to change experimentally), acceleration, gravitation, HEP impacts, and neutrino loading. Most of these are probably not easy to experiment with, but the neutrino loading idea should be testable. Indeed, it might already have been observed, as the next section explores. Odd neutrino effects There has been ongoing discussion in the community about the possible interaction of neutrinos with the decay process. Controversially, it has been suggested that neutrinos may initiate 'transmutation' in a cold-fusion reaction [17]. Also controversial is the idea that solar neutrinos may affect decay rates. A meta-analysis of decay rates led to a suggestion that the variability in decay rates (36Cl and 32Si via β-) is correlated with the seasonal variability in distance to the Sun [18]. The decay rates reduced when the distance to the sun increased. The Sun is thought to produce neutrinos rather than antineutrinos. A correlation with the rotation rate of the sun's core has also been suggested. A correlation has also been found between reduced decay by electron capture in 54Mn during a solar flare [18]. Those authors proposed that one explanation could be that solar neutrinos exchange energy with the decaying nucleus. However other studies would seem to refute the idea. No significant deviations in decay rates were observed for Earth–Sun distance on the Cassini spacecraft [19]. That experiment used 238Pu, which decays by alpha emission (not β-, which is significant in the present context). Likewise [20] found 'no evidence for correlations between the rates for the decays of 22 Na [β+ and electron capture EC], 44Ti [EC], 108Ag [EC], 121Sn [β-], 133Ba [EC], and 241Am [α] and the Earth–Sun distance.' However they were only checking for correlation between the data and one other hypothesis: the Jenkins seasonal curve. Therefore there remains the possibility that some other curve might fit the data. Indeed, there was noticeable periodic variability in the data, especially for electron capture, though the significance of that was not tested against alternative hypotheses. Detection of neutrinos and antineutrinos There is some evidence to suggest that muon neutrinos and muon antineutrinos are detected or disappear (oscillate) differently [21-22]. Those MINOS results were reported in terms of different disappearance rates for the two particles. The work inferred that the oscillation rates (rate of change between the generations) were different. Possible explanations provided, other than experimental error, were violation of CPT symmetry, or that the interactions with matter could be different for neutrinos and antineutrinos [21]. 390 If a cordus explanation is sought, it would tend to be the latter: that the interaction of neutrinos and antineutrinos with matter is asymmetrical. The MINOS data were collected by measuring the muon and antimuon byproducts of collision with matter (steel). The raw results show lower production of antimuons than muons [21][Fig 2]. Such an empirical method and results are consistent with the cordus concept of perturbative decay which suggests that neutrinos and antineutrinos have different reactivity with neutrons, and hence with matter generally. That there were some antimuons produced at all, may be a consequence of the energy of the antineutrinos rather than antineutrinos per se. Many of these effects mentioned: cold-fusion, non-constant decay rates, and the MINOS results, are tentative and lack universal acceptance. It is difficult at this time to know whether they are real effects or spurious artefacts. If real, then new explanations will be required, since the effects are well outside of the standard models. Confirming or refuting one of these effects would neither validate nor falsify the cordus conjecture. However until these effects are convincingly refuted, there is value in keeping alive a discussion of alternative conceptual explanations. Regarding decay rates in particular, cordus suggests that we might expect to see decay rates for β- increase with neutrino loading, but not for β+. The empirical evidence in support of this is slim at worst and mixed at best, and we leave it as an open question. But the main point is that it seems prudent to take a more thoughtfully open-minded position of scepticism about the possibility that neutrinos might interfere selectively with decay rates, rather than automatically assume it is impossible simply because it is not accommodated in the standard model of QM. Twin decay paths for neutron The implications are that the neutron has two separate decay paths, which are mixed together in what we perceive as the β- process. The first is determined by the local density of the fabric, and the second by the number of neutrinos encountered. 1: Fabric constraint induced neutron decay: n => p + e + ve This is the β- process, as conventionally represented. 2: Perturbative neutron decay, with neutrinos as the perturbers: n + v => p + e We propose this also contributes to the β- process. Taken together, if these are true, then we expect to see the neutron decay faster in high gravitation or high acceleration situations, or under higher neutrino loading. 391 4 Stability and disassembly lemmas We made several assumptions for how stability is gained and lost, and these are summarised below as a set of lemmas. Ma.8 Stability and disassembly of particules Ma.8.1 Ma.8.1.1 Ma.8.1.2 Ma.8.1.3 Ma.8.1.4 Ma.8.1.5 Ma.8.1.6 Ma.8.1.7 Ma.8.1.8 Ma.8.1.9 Ma.8.2 Ma.8.2.1 Ma.8.2.2 The criteria for stability of a cordus particule or assembly structure are assumed to be: The hyffons must all be of the same hand (1 or 1 but not a mixture. The structure must have an overall unit charge of zero or +3/3 or -3/3. This means at least three hyffons of the same hand in either the negative or positive directions. Countering hyffons are possible. For positional stability, the structure must have a hyffon in each of the HEDs, e.g. (r1 a1 t1). It may make this allocation dynamically, while the external environment permits. If the structure does not have a hyffon in each of the HEDs, then it may be stable if it can move on the fabric. For stability the particule must have its opposite charged hyffons (if any exist) located on the same HED. For example (r11 a t) not (r1 a1 t). (It needs a balanced firing order to maintain charge neutralisation. This lemma is tentative) Energy is related to frequency of the cordus, i.e. the refresh-rate for the reactive ends. Lowerfrequency configurations tend to be more stable, all else being equal. For any one particule there may be multiple alternative assemblies or configurations, i.e. combinations of hyffon arrangements. These may not all be dynamically stable. The relative energy attractiveness of these configurations corresponds to the generations (tentative). In which case the number of generations is determined by the number of configurations available. Perturbation/constraint mechanism of decay. Dynamic stability only exists while the external environment permits (Ma.6.7.3). Events that compromise that dynamic adjustment include: An external perturbation, i.e. injection of hyffons into the HEDs, from particule impact. Externally imposed constraints on the hyffons of the neutron. These external fields pin hyffons in certain HED directions and prevent their dynamic 392 movement to other HEDs. These constraints may arise in bonding situations, from external fields, or the fabric. Ma.8.3 Ma.8.3.1 Ma.8.3.2 Ma.8.3.3 Ma.8.3.4 Ma.8.4 Ma.8.4.1 Ma.8.4.2 5 If a structure does not meet the stability criteria, then it decays to the nearest accessible structure. This is one that is (a) permitted as per Ma.8.1, and (b) one for which sufficient energy exists. The nearest accessible structure is a HED stable structure, and the HED negotiation process thus naturally selects this structure. One could figuratively say that the composite intermediate structure is pulled into the accessible structure. It may manifest as injection of ↑ and ↓ hyffon pairs into the HEDs. The left-over energy and hyffons are pushed into a residual composite structure, O. That has the ability to create further hyffon-antihyffon pairs and partition off another accessible structure. There needs to be enough energy (related to cordus frequency) in the first place. Thus decay to higher energy (higher frequency) daughter products cannot commence until the input particule has sufficient energy. This energy may be native to the particule, i.e. embedded in its frequency, or added via photons or field transfer. When a particule breaks down or decays, the apparent output products do not necessarily represent the actual original internal structures. Nonetheless the conservation of hyff applies. Decay is more accurately a disassembly process, due to the conservation of hyff, except where annihilation occurs. The O(r1 1 .a11 .t11) structure comprises the assembly of the notelectron !e(r1.a1.t1) and antinotelectron !e(r1.a1.t1) both of which are forbidden structures in a forma cosmos. However the assembly may convert to two photons through annihilation (tentative). Discussion What has been achieved? The main conceptual contributions of this work are: • An explanation is given for the stability of the neutron inside the atom, and its instability outside, using the cordus concept. This is in terms of its field structures. • The criteria for stability of a particule are identified, in terms of the HED field structures. 393 • • • The initiators of decay for the neutron are identified as disturbances in the external environment, which could be the vacuum fabric, or the local bonding arrangements, or the HED fields of an impacting particule. An explanation is provided for the constant hazard-rate decay of the free neutron, i.e. why the decay lifetime has an exponential density distribution rather than any other shape. It is predicted that the neutrino and antineutrino may interact preferentially with different types of matter, and thus influence decay rates. Answers to common questions The cordus model permits answers to be fielded to some puzzles about the weak interaction. Why is the neutron stable in the nucleus? The neutron’s stability is due to its field structures being a good match to those of the proton. This results in a strong bond, and thereby resistance to the forces of decay. Why is the free neutron instable outside the atom? Once free of the atom, the neutron has the problem that the arrangement of its field structures is statically unstable. It can avoid the instability by dynamically changing those structures. However that dynamic stability can be interfered with by external fields, resulting in decay of the neutron. What causes the decay? There is no clock that counts down to decay. There is nothing in the neutron that has a finite life. The free neutron is stable, providing it is left alone. The forces that interfere with it and precipitate decay are field forces that arise in the external environment. Those include the natural variability in the fabric of spacetime, and the effect of incoming particules. These forces, represented as cordus hyffons, upset the dynamic stability of the neutron, and thereafter its own energies remanufacture it into more stable components, as in beta minus decay. Why does the beta minus weak interaction decay follow the exponential distribution? This is because the decay process for the neutron is fundamentally not dependent on time. Statistically, it is a constant hazard-rate system. This automatically produces the exponential distribution. Could the decay rates be variable? Yes, in principle. In this model the decay rate is not dependent on time. Instead the underlying initiators of decay are the disturbances in the external fabric, and the effect of the fields of impacting particules. 394 Implications Conventional physics interprets the decay processes to be independent of the external environment. In other words, the half-lives are assumed to be constant. The cordus conjecture suggests that picture is too simple, and the constancy is only approximate. This is quite a large departure from orthodox theory, and will require further research to confirm or deny. It is probably going to be difficult at present to falsify the cordus explanation for the stability/instability of the neutron inside/outside the atom, for lack of competing explanations. However it should be possible to test the proposed perturbation/constraint mechanisms of decay. It may also be possible to test the idea that neutrinos interfere with some decay rates but not others. Clearly, and as the name cordus conjecture implies, this work is conceptual and conjectural in nature. There is no guarantee that the above ideas are valid, and instead they should be considered part of an extended thought experiment, hence conceptual model. Much further work would be required for validation, the more so as the model is unorthodox and contrary to QM. Several lines of empirical research are suggested as being potentially interesting, particularly the possibility of neutrinos selectively affecting decay rates. 6 Conclusions This is the third paper of a bracket on the beta decay processes. In the first we used beta minus decay to work out a cordus structure for the neutrino and antineutrino. In the second we determined structures of the W and Z bosons. The purpose of this third paper was to explain why the neutron is unstable at all. The related question is why the neutron is stable in the deuteron nucleus. The answer to those questions, from the cordus perspective, is that in the nucleus the HED discrete field structures of the proton and neutron fulfil each other, thereby providing a joint stability. When the neutron is removed from the nucleus, its stability becomes compromised. By comparison the single proton on its own does not need the neutron, so it remains stable. The neutron is able to maintain a dynamic stability by moving its HED structures around. It can do this indefinitely. However it is in a compromised state, and vulnerable to perturbation by external HED fields. Two initiators are anticipated for how that perturbation may arise and cause decay. One is randomly occurring field fluctuations from the external fabric, and these are proposed for the conventional decay route. The second is impact by another particule. In both cases it is the external HED fields that cause the decay, by constraining the neutron so that it cannot dynamically adjust its own HED fields. Hence it is trapped in a state that leads to decay at its next frequency cycle. The second path could involve any particule with sufficient energy to disturb the neutron. We also specifically identify the neutrino as a possible initiator of decay. The 395 significance of the two decay paths is that neutron decay rates are predicted to be variable rather than constant. If this is true, then the implication is that neutrino loading becomes a variable in empirical tests of decay, and will need to be controlled for. Although most of the work specifically addresses the neutron, we also extract a set of assumptions for stability. Since these are of a general nature and do not require the specific structure of the neutron, we expect that these will apply to decay in particules in general. A Appendix: Other beta decays The possible effect of neutrinos and antineutrinos on several forms of decay are documented below. These are detailed for completeness, though most of the interactions do not show usefully different outcomes. This is not an exhaustive analysis and it is still possible that other effects may exist: neutrinos may have other catalytic roles not represented by HED notation; additional impacts with secondary particules could create different outcomes from these processes. The analysis is done with HED notation, and relies on several lemmas, so the results are only as strong as that logical structure might be valid. A.1 Beta minus decay n => p + e + v Beta minus decay is assisted by an input neutrino The body of the document derives the HED process for the proposed neutrino-induced decay of the neutron: n + v => p + e Beta minus decay may be diverted by an input antineutrino n + v = n(r .a11 .t11) + v(r11 .a .t11) => O(r11 .a11 .t1.11.1) => +↑↓ => O1(r11↑ .a11↓.t1.11.1) => O1(r1111 .a1111 .t1.11.1) => |% => O1(r1111 .a111 1.t1.11.1) => e(r1 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1.t1) + O2(r11 .a11 .t11) => e + e + O2(r↓ .a↓ .t↓) => e + e + 2y This nominally produces an electron-antielectron pair, and the O2 structure which is tentatively thought to collapse to two photons (Ma.8.4.2). A further assumption is that the HED structures of the neutron and neutrino are indeed the same, which is still uncertain. The result is a type of annihilation, not any of the known α, β or γ decay processes, so it appears that the antineutrino does not affect the β- decay process, other than possibly reducing it by re-direction. 396 A.2 Beta plus decay p => n + e + v Beta plus decay is not assisted by an input neutrino p + v = p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) + v(r11 .a .t11) +(↑↑↑) => O(r 1.11 11↑.a1↑ .t111↑) => O(r 1.11 1111.a111 .t11111) => e(r1 .a1.t1) + O1(r 1.11 111.a11 .t1111) => e + n(r .a11 .t11) + O2(r 1.11 111.a .t11) => e + n + 2v This outcome does not appear to have any advantage: the input neutrino simply comes out at the end again. If it precipitates the decay, we cannot tell with HED notation. Beta plus decay is not assisted by an input antineutrino p + v = p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) + v(r11 .a .t11) +(↑↑↑) => O(r 1.11 11↑.a1↑ .t111↑) => O(r 1.11 1111.a111 .t11111) => e(r1 .a1.t1) + O1(r 1.11 11.1.a11 .t1.11.1) => e + n(r .a11 .t11) + O2(r 1.11 11.1.a .t11) => |% => e + n + v(r11 .a .t11) + O3(r 11.a .t11) => e + n + v + v This outcome does not appear to have any advantage: the input antineutrino simply comes out at the end again. A.3 Electron capture p + e => n + v Electron capture is not assisted by an input neutrino p+e+v => p(r1.11 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) + v(r11 .a .t11) => O(r1.11111 .a11 .t1111) => n(r .a11 .t11) + O1(r1.11111 .a .t11) => |% => n + v(r11 .a .t11) + v(r11 .a .t11) => n + 2v This outcome does not appear to have any advantage: the input neutrino simply comes out at the end again. 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A detailed model is produced for the production of an electron-antielectron pair from photons. The novel contribution is showing how the discrete field structures of the photon dynamically transform into those of the two massy particules. A new production process is detailed whereby an energetic antielectron is remanufactured into a proton and two antineutrinos. The production process could equally have converted electrons to antiprotons, and a tentative explanation is given for why this might not have happened. Therefore it is suggested that the apparent asymmetry of baryogenesis is because the antimatter is hiding in plain sight, having been remanufactured into the matter baryons themselves. In this model four photons are transformed into an electron and proton, i.e. a hydrogen atom, and two antineutrinos. The antimatter field structure of the antielectron is carried away by the antineutrinos as a waste stream. This paper therefore provides an alternative conceptual solution to the baryogenesis asymmetry in the universe, and it also explains the leptogenesis asymmetry. As a corollary, the conditions are identified under which the proton may decay. Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_5.9_AsymmetricalGenesis_E1.0.08.doc 1 Introduction The conversion of energy, i.e. a photon, into a matter-antimatter pair is well known. Indeed, while energy and matter are interchangeable as per E = mc2, the transaction always involves both matter and antimatter. We never see energy transfer directly to only matter. Current technology is able to replicate these processes. However there is a deeper question when it comes to applying these principles to the formation of the 109 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8020, New Zealand, Email: Copyright D Pons 2011. 400 universe, and this is the asymmetrical abundance of matter and antimatter. Asymmetry of baryogenesis The universe, at least our part of it, is made of matter. The energy at genesis should have created equal amounts of antimatter, which should have subsequently annihilated. It is an enigma as to why a matter-based universe should even exist. Given that photons can convert to matter and antimatter, what happened in the baryogenesis process at the formation of the universe to cause matter to predominate? While it is not impossible that there might be parts of the universe that consist of antimatter, and thereby balance the matter, neither is there any evidence that this is the case [23]. Therefore it is generally accepted that the observed matter universe is probably a result of an asymmetrical production of matter in the first place. What biased the genesis process to form matter? Some unknown process caused baryogenesis, the asymmetrical production of baryons, i.e. the heavy particles like quarks, protons and neutrons. Another process, also unknown, is required for asymmetrical leptogenesis, i.e. production of matter electrons. This is a requirement of charge conservation, which applies everywhere else in physics and is generally thought to apply to the universe as a whole. Thus we need two processes: one to create a predominance of protons over antiprotons, and another to make electrons rather than positrons (antielectrons). Existing theories include: The initial conditions imposed on the universe favoured matter. In other words the constraint came from outside the universe. This explanation is generally dismissed as unnatural [23]. The Sakharov criteria for the imbalance of matter-antimatter require, inter alia, that charge-parity (CP symmetry) violation must occur [24]. However the mechanism for CP violation is unknown. Leptogenesis via gravity waves have been suggested [25]. Electroweak baryogenesis in the Standard Model [26-27]. Modifications to the Standard Model. One pathway is that righthanded neutrinos might decay into leptons, and those in turn converted by sphalerons into bosons. The sphalerons are assumed to have existed at the high temperatures at the formation of the universe, and not thereafter. However right-handed neutrinos are controversial as they have not yet been observed, and even the existence of mass for standard neutrinos is uncertain. Leptogenesis using a hypothesised singlet neutrino that subsequently decays preferentially into antineutrinos, which are in turn converted to matter. Alternatively, that neutrinos and antineutrinos have slightly different native properties [28]. Sterile neutrinos are also a contender [29]. A variety of supersymmetry theories including grand unification theories (GUT), the Affleck–Dine mechanism [30], and heavy 401 Majorana neutrinos [31]. However the evidence for supersymmetry is not compelling, and the simpler versions are not evident in the LHC data from CERN [32] as might be expected. This is not a complete list, but rather indicative of the theoretical approaches. There are many hybrids between these approaches, and some also address dark matter, e.g. [33]. The predominant method is mathematical analysis and modelling, almost without fail, and within the bounds of such a method there is evidence of much creativity and innovation. However there is no obvious way to judge the validity of the many solutions, except by building large colliders to check the existence of the new particles they predict. At present neither the Standard Model of quantum mechanics (QM), nor current extensions thereof, nor supersymmetry, can explain baryogenesis [34]. More complex models of those theories may yet be successful, or it may be that a different physics is required. The purpose of this paper is to apply the cordus conjecture [3], which reconceptualises the internal structure of particules, to explore the asymmetrical genesis of matter-antimatter. Cordus proposes that the particle is not a zero-dimensional point, but has two reactive ends and discrete field structures, see Figure 1 for some examples of the structure.110 The idea has been used to explain several effects including wave-particle duality [4], entanglement [5], electricity-magnetismgravitation [6], matter and antimatter [1], annihilation [9], neutrino structure [14], and the weak interaction [15]. Our previous cordus work on the field structure of the neutrino [14], suggested that the neutrino was not a Majorana particle, and also precluded the existence of the right-handed neutrino. If true, this would invalidate many of the above theories, so it is clear from the outset that the cordus approach is not going to be orthodox. 110 The cordus conjecture is that all particles, e.g. photons and electrons, have a specific internal structure of a cordus, comprising two reactive ends, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are a small finite span apart, and energised (typically in turn) at a frequency, at which time they behave like a particle. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril (hyff), and this makes up the field. We call this a cordus ‘particule’, and stress it is very different to the zero-dimensional point assumed by conventional physics. 402 Figure 1: Cordus models for the electron, antielectron, and photon. The basic cordus structure is shown, including reactive ends, fibril and hyff. Also shows are the different characteristics of their hyff pumps: oscillating and fibrillating. Underneath is the shorthand representation of the field structures using cordus HED notation. For HED notation see [10]. Fundamentally what we need to do is show how photons could be converted to massy particles including electrons and protons, with a lesser number of antiparticles. Pair production and Two-photon physics Where two photons are involved, conventional physics assumes that photons do not couple directly with each other, but instead one of the photons fluctuates into a particle-antiparticle pair, and the other photon is absorbed into (couples to) one of those particles, hence two-photon physics. The particle-antiparticle pair is thought to comprise leptons or quarks, and their antiparticle, e.g. pion or kaon pairs. The fluctuation is held to be a random event driven by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. 403 Unfortunately the mechanism for converting a photon into a matterantimatter pair is unknown. This is an obstacle to the understanding of baryogenesis: if we do not understand the first stage of conversion into particle-antiparticle pairs, then it is going to be difficult to find where the asymmetry creeps in. So we probably have to understand the pair production process first. Cordus has already shown why the problem is difficult: the nature and number of field structure (hyff) for the photon (one at each reactive end, fibrillating) is very different to those of the massy particules like the electron (one or more, pulsating) [8]. So the conceptual leap from the one to the other is large: they are not simply similar states that can randomly jump from one to the other in some Markov-like process. Instead there are substantial structural changes that are required to convert a photon into a quark or electron. Fortunately cordus also suggests some solution paths that could be explored, and some to be avoided. There is no value in approaching it from the uncertainty principle, for two reasons. First, that principle is devoid of deeper mechanisms: it is merely a statistical summary. Second, cordus refutes the conventional uncertainty principle as it is usually formulated, though supports a modified form [5]. Instead a more useful approach would seem to be via the discrete field structures of particules. QM does not have a robust theory in this area, but cordus does and has already used it to explain the annihilation process [9-10], infer the structure of the neutrino [14] and the W bosons [15]. So the idea is to draw on this theory to work out how photons are converted to electron-antielectron pairs, and then examine how the antielectron can be remanufactured. 2 Method Our previous work on neutrino structure [14] provided an interesting clue for the genesis question, since it suggested that the purpose of the neutrino was to remove unwanted HEDs, including those of the unwanted hand, from assemblies. ‘Unwanted hand’ is exactly the genesis asymmetry problem. This is because the difference between matter and antimatter is ma-hand, at least in the cordus explanation [1]. So the germ of the concept is this: Is it possible that the neutrino (or antineutrino) might have removed the unwanted hand from antimatter? Starting from photons, is it possible to conceptualise a genesis process where the antimatter is consumed within the process, so that the asymmetry never arises? We now explore that idea by working out the field structures for a genesis scenario. The method used is HED notation [10] and the HED mechanics for the manipulation of these field structures in re-assembly situations [14]. HED notation models the three hyff emission directions (HEDs) at each of the two reactive ends of a particule, and how those HEDs are filled with hyffons (discrete field elements). 404 3 Genesis via discarded neutrinos There are three stages in this genesis model, and they are all important. We first provide a cordus model for the production of an electronantielectron pair from photons. We then show how the involvement of the antineutrino can remanufacture the antielectron into a proton. Thereafter we explain why the process consumed antielectrons rather than electrons. 3.1 Production of an electron-antielectron pair Cordus model for annihilation We have already shown how the process of electron-antielectron annihilation occurs [9]. We produced a 3D model of how the discrete field structures (hyffons) of those two particules reassemble and form photons. We can also represent the process symbolically in the HED notation [10]: e(r1 .a1 .t1)|0 deg + e(r1 .a1 .t1)|180 deg => O(r11 .a11 .t11) => yb(r! .a .t)|0 deg + yc(r! .a .t)|180 deg => yb + yc => 2y Thus an electron-antielectron pair annihilates to two photons. The inverse process is known to occur, whereby a photon transforms into an electron and antielectron, hence pair production. It is commonly represented as involving a single input photon. Cordus production of an electron-antielectron pair The cordus model for production of an electron-antielectron pair is simply a reverse of the annihilation process: 2y => yb(r! .a .t)|0 deg + yc(r! .a .t)|180 deg => O(r11 .a11 .t11) => e(r1 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) However we need to check that process further, and work out the details. Note that cordus suggests that two photons are required (not one) for the production of an electron-antielectron pair, and that they need to be in complementary (opposite) phases. So there is a small discrepancy between cordus and conventional physics regarding the number of photons involved, and the way they couple. Possibly this may be testable. Of course, if a single photon is able to split into two sub-photons of opposite phase – which cordus does not forbid – then there may be no discrepancy at all. Either way, we do not think it is a big obstacle, as the 405 larger point is that production of an electron-antielectron pair is possible: both cordus and quantum mechanics agree on that. The 3D field-model for cordus electron-antielectron pair production is shown in Figure 2. The Reader is referred to the diagram for a detailed explanation. In essence, the incoming photons are unable to negotiate shared use of the field emission directions (HEDS) (1.3), nor evade each other, so are forced to convert to the oscillating type of reactive end instead (2.1). This type has one reactive end active and the other dormant, thereby satisfying the constraints. The process also creates a new fibril to coordinate the new pairs of reactive ends (2.2). This type also requires three hyff, so a 3D field structure is set up (3.1) according to the ma hand system (4.1). 406 Figure 2: The cordus production process for converting two photons into an electron-antielectron pair. 407 Curious features and future work We acknowledge that we have not explained all the deeper mechanics of how the reactive ends transform, nor even identified the composition of the fibrils and hyffons. At this point we simply propose their existence as part of the cordus lemmas, and leave their elucidation for future work. However there are two effects that are curious and need commenting. The first is that we need to assume that the outward hyffons take the forma hand, not hyarma (4.2). We do this to avoid the formation of the positive notElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1) and negative antinotElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1) at step 5.2. We came across these structures previously in the model for the neutrino-antineutrino annihilation process [15](lemma Ma.7.3). We do not see these structures in our universe. As we identified there, we are uncertain whether these structures are an artefact of the cordus HED method, or really are forbidden. If the latter, we suspect that the verboten-constraint arises with the ma hand: the primary charge in the forma hand is negative, as indeed the definition of the hand shows. In other words, there are only two hands in a 3D world, and for these to be unique regardless of rotation, the direction of the arrows (direction of propagation of hyffons) must also be built into the hand.111 To put it another way, a notElectron cannot form alone, but would be accompanied by an antinotElectron. There is a precursor assembly structure, and it has no incentive to go down this particular path. Also, where notPositronuim assemblies might occur, they can reverse back out into photons instead [15]. The second issue is that the output electron and antielectron particules could bond to form parapositronium and then annihilate back to photons (5.3), see [9-10]. To avoid this, they must be parted before they form such bonds. We have not worked out the parting mechanism in detail. Our current concept is that an elastic recoil and separation of the two particules occurs, due to the way the span varies dynamically with frequency cycle (5.4). Therefore, these other matters outstanding, we have provided a conceptual model for how the field structures of the photons are reassembled into an electron and antielectron. The next concept shows how to get rid of the antielectron. 111 So there are two basic configurations of the twin-hand-system, and therefore the deeper question is why the pre-universe physics chose forma to be negative charge not positive (and hyarma positive not negative). However we can dismiss this, on the grounds that the universe had to go with one configuration or the other, and the outcome would have been the same to any observer inside the universe. 408 3.2 Remanufacture of the antielectron We now show how the antielectron (positron) may have its hand changed to convert it into matter.112 In summary, the waste antimatter hand is discarded in the antineutrino. We illustrate this process with the HED notation. HED model of leptogenesis and baryogeneis Given the electron-antielectron pair production: 2y => e(r1 .a1 .t1) + e(r1 .a1 .t1) Now add the energy equivalent of an additional two photons in the form of a triple bolus (↓↓↓ = r11 .a.11 .t11), and a twin-pair (↑↓ = x1111). These arrows represent balanced pairs of hyffon-antihyffon, and their mechanics were identified in the work on neutrinos [14]. Essentially, these structures are balanced regarding both charge and hand (matterantimatter). Thus a single hyffon pair, ↑ or ↓ may not be added, only a twin set or a triple bolus. The hyffon pairs are added by inspection, with a particular target in mind. In this case the target is a proton, the HED structure of which has also been previously inferred [14]. Thus the production process is: 2y + 2y => e + e(r1.a1 .t1)( ↓↓↓)(↑↓) Now bring all the hyffon-antihyffon pairs (arrows) into the antielectron113 and expand them to create a transitional structure O: => e + e(r1↑↓↓ .a1↓ .t1 ↓) => e + O(r1.111111 .a1.11 .t1 .11) Intermediate structures like this are unstable since they have hyffons of mixed hand (matter-antimatter) and they are overloaded with hyffons. Other examples of these assemblies are the W and Z bosons [15]. They have a tendency to reorganise into simpler and more stable structures. Extract a proton p(r111.a1.t1) and put the remaining hyffons into another transitional structure O1: => e + p(r111.a1.t1) + O1(r1.11.1 .a11 .t1 1) Extract an antineutrino v(r11 .a .t11 ) and put the remaining hyffons into a transitional structure O2: => e + p + v(r11 .a .t11 ) + O2(r1 1 .a11 .t) Move the hyffons about in O2 (colour change) and identify it as another antineutrino: 112 We generally use the term ‘reassembly’ for the movement (colour change) of hyffons in the processes of particule transformation. However we use ‘remanufacture’ in this particular transformation since it is the change in hand (L: manus) that is the focus. 113 Note the assumption that it is the antielectron that transforms, not the electron. We explain why later. 409 => e + p + v+ v (r1 1 .a .t1 1) Therefore the reaction as a whole is 2y + 2y => e + p + 2v To sum up, the cordus model for genesis shows that four photons are remanufactured into an electron, a proton, and two antineutrinos. This prediction may be testable and falsifiable. 3.3 Dominance of the matter-production stream Why did the forma matter hand prevail? This model starts with the production of an electron-antielectron pair, after which the antielectron is remanufactured. By why the antielectron? Why were electrons not remanufactured to antiprotons? Why not 2y + 2y => e + p + 2v instead? In other words, while we may have solved the problem of where the antimatter has gone to, there is a deeper asymmetry. What switched the production process to the matter route? Our current conceptual answer is that there may have been a species war in the beginning, where both production processes were at work. We imagine an initial extraordinarily energetic photon-pair colliding114 and producing an electron and antielectron. With both streams of the remanufacturing process active, electrons and protons would have been created, alongside antielectrons and antiprotons. Any mixing across the species would have further annihilated back to photons. Those photons in turn would have been available to feed back into the production processes again, providing they were energetic enough. At this point we invoke the cordus field model for electrostaticmagnetism-gravitation and the fabric [6, 11, 35]. Once some matter and antimatter particules had formed they would produce handed hyff and propagate those out, producing a proto-fabric (spacetime). That fabric would carry a matter forma hand, or an antimatter hyarma hand [1]. In turn that fabric would predispose the production processes it encountered to switch into the same hand. The massy particules would have extraordinary energy, hence high frequency. In turn that frequency would create an enormously high mass and strong fields. Domains of matter and antimatter may have formed, being multiple separate volumes of space where one of the hands dominated. Generally we would expect that these domains would be geometrically symmetrical with respect to each other. 114 Readers who prefer a faith interpretation could call this the ‘Handclap of God’. 410 There could have been a stage of domain warfare as the domains aggregated, broke up, and forcibly converted opposing domains. We assume that somewhere in there the geometric symmetry broke down, so that the matter and antimatter domains were not the exact mirror images of each other. We can see several possibilities for how the geometric asymmetry might first have arisen: external perturbation from outside the universe; a random event in an increasingly large and disorderly system, i.e. a consequence of growing complexity; a natural oscillating dominance between the two species that was frozen in as the system expanded and cooled, i.e. the proto-universe was flipping between matter and antimatter dominated states when suddenly the fuel was cut off and the state at the time dominated. This last idea is our currently preferred model. Cosmological start-up process Whatever the cause of the switch, the forma fabric obtained the edge in dominance, and grew that to dominate the cosmos. This forma fabric then controlled which branch the remanufacturing process took, and thus antielectrons were converted to protons, rather than electrons to antiprotons. With time115 the proto-universe became dominated by matter. The production process would have caused the particules to move outwards (Ma.9.1.5). Also, the initially high-energy protons and electron would blow off their extra energy as photons. This and the cascade of formation-annihilation would have produced a cloud of photons, the energy of which would have decreased as the process consolidated energy into massy particules and the products expanded. Also, the photons themselves would move and escape, and therefore become unavailable for reuse. Eventually the genesis photon cloud would be too cool and lacking in density, and the formation of matter would abruptly cease. Why do we not see this process today? The photon density and energy in the current universe are insufficient for the remanufacture process to convert antielectrons into protons. Also, the fabric density in the current epoch is too low to predispose the remanufacture process exclusively into the matter branch. So antielectrons are allowed to exist at this stage, whereas they would have been mangled to protons in the early universe. To sum up, the remanufacture process initially had two balanced workstreams, converting antielectrons into protons, and electrons into antiprotons. However the process was biased into the former. The tentative explanation is that the two process streams oscillated in their dominance and this was frozen-in as the system cooled. 115 Time in the cordus context refers to the frequency cycles of the particules involved, rather than any absolute time. So time would have passed in the early universe, but since the particules had high energy and therefore high frequency, time would have flowed very fast. 411 3.4 Other implications Looking at the equation 2y + 2y => e + p + 2v and noting that in general all these equations can be reversed, suggests that that the proton may not be absolutely stable. Hitting it with two antineutrinos should remanufacture as follows: p + 2v => p(r111.a1.t1) + v1(r 11.a.t1 1) + v2(r11.a.t1 1) => O(r1111.11.1.a1.t1. 1111) => |% + O(r1111.11.1.a1.11.t1.11) => e(r1.a1 .t1) + O1(r11111.1.a11.t11) => e + O2(r11.a11.t11) + |% + O3(r1111.a.t) => e + O2( ↓↓↓) + O3(r1111.a.t) => e + 2y + O3(r↑↓.a.t) => e + 2y Where: (r11.a11.t11) = (↓↓↓) = 2y r1111 = ↑↓ = nil |% = movement of hyffon to different HED (colour change) This conceptually confirms the reverse direction. What this means is that the proton could unravel back into a positron and two photons, with the right kind of forcing by antineutrinos. However, given the low reactivity of antineutrinos, and their high speed, this would be a rare event. 4 Discussion 4.1 What has been achieved? The main conceptual contributions of this work are: • A detailed model has been produced for the production of an electron-antielectron pair from photons. The novel contribution is showing how the discrete field structures of the photon dynamically transform into those of the two massy particules. This model is conceptual in nature. • A production process has been envisaged whereby an energetic antielectron is remanufactured into a proton and two antineutrinos. This idea appears not to have been considered before, and therefore may be novel in itself. In addition, the possible production process itself is detailed, and the inputs and outputs are predicted. • The production process could equally have converted electrons to antiprotons, and a tentative explanation is given for why this might not have happened. 412 • The conditions are identified under which the proton may decay. Qualitative description of genesis This genesis process is therefore conceptually very simple: two initial photons get converted into an electron, and an antielectron. The antielectron receives another two photons, the field structures of which are used to form a larger structure that re-assembles into a proton and two antineutrinos. The original electron and proton combine to form a simple hydrogen atom. Fortunately for us in this universe, the antineutrinos have almost no reactivity with matter, so they simply escape the scene. The antineutrinos produced at the original genesis of the universe will now mostly be at the outer edge of the universe, having got into motion before the massy particules. Purpose of the neutrino Effectively the antielectron (positron) is reassembled, with some input energy, into a proton. The antimatter hand of the antielectron is carried away by the antineutrinos as a waste stream. Thus the purpose of the neutrino and antineutrino in the grand scheme of the particules is to remove unwanted HEDs, and in doing so it has the ability to also remove unwanted hand. Dissolving the asymmetry The significance is that we do not need to worry about the asymmetry of baryogenesis. Where has all the antimatter gone? The antimatter is hiding in plain sight, having been remanufactured into the matter baryons themselves. Well, almost all, since a small amount of the original antimatter energy has been discarded into the waste stream of antineutrinos. Curiously, this cordus explanation suggests that it could be true, in a way, to say that the antimatter has been pushed to another part of the universe. However it is not antimatter in the form of antiatoms, antisuns, and antigalaxies, but a plain desert of relatively inert antineutrinos spread through the matter universe and at its edge. 4.2 What are the implications? Parity violation It may not be explicit, but the cordus genesis solution also implies a new concept for parity. Quantum mechanics struggles with parity. Historically there was an expectation that a particle and its oppositely-changed antiparticle should behave with the same physics (C-symmetry). This has been observed to be the case for effects like electromagnetism. However, it does not hold for quark-level interactions, so the next step was to add parity-symmetry, which is mirroring the co-ordinate system. Thus parity refers to symmetry of behaviour between a particle and its mirror structure (spatial inversion). Combining this with charge symmetry results in CP-symmetry, in which it is expected that behaviour should be the same 413 for a particle and its spatially inverted antiparticle, i.e. that charge and parity were always inverted together so that the combination was still preserved. However that too has been observed to be violated in kaons (particles comprising two quarks). QM cannot explain why parity is violated, nor use the information in its baryogenesis models. This is a consequence of the QM insistence that particles are 0D points. A point has insufficient dimensions to support many variables, so it is reasonably obvious that particles cannot really be points at all, if we wish to have physical realism. Cordus provides an internal structure for particules, and therefore many more variables to explain effects like polarisation, spin and parity. The reason for CP violation becomes clear with cordus: the particule has a finite span, being the geometric distance between the two reactive ends. Nor are the two reactive ends energised simultaneously (except for the photon). Thus a particule is not symmetrical: a mirror image of the handed HED field structures of one reactive end is not identical to the other end. Furthermore, the mirror image of one whole particule is not identical to itself, and this is a key feature in the cordus model for antimatter [1]. Parity/handedness proved to be one of the keys in the cordus method for unlocking the problem of asymmetrical genesis. (That and the neutrino structure). The concepts of parity and handedness are core components in the cordus explanations of matter-antimatter, annihilation, and pair production. In turn those ideas were all used in the cordus genesis model. It is difficult to see how any genesis model could be created without some prior concepts for parity/handedness. The problem with quantum mechanics is that it assumes that matter is a zero-dimensional point [36] and therefore cannot construct a handed co-ordinate system. Limitations Cordus is a conjecture and there is no certainty that its mechanics are valid. It is based on a large set of assumptions or lemmas, any number of which could be wrong. We prefer to consider it a thought-experiment, or candidate solution, and a contribution to the ongoing epistemic journey of fundamental physics. The cordus conjecture does not have to be totally correct to achieve that. If the cordus conjecture were to be substantively true, then the implications for fundamental physics would be profound, because it refutes the 0D point construct of orthodox physics, and the edifice built on that conceptual foundation. The whole of the cordus conjecture could readily be falsified by showing empirically that there is no possible way that data support an interpretation of a particle having two ends. Implications for future work There are several streams of potential future work. First, that the cordus conjecture needs testing for validity. Second, and if it passes that test, it will be necessary to quantify it, i.e. build a mathematical model around the concepts. If cordus is correct, then we would still expect it to be able 414 to accommodate much of the QM machinery [37], which obviously works for most things. 5 Genesis lemmas We made several assumptions in the genesis model, and these are summarised below as a set of lemmas. Each of these papers in the cordus series has identified its assumptions in this way, and together they form a qualitative statement of the cordus mechanics. Ma.9 Asymmetrical genesis Ma.9.1 Production of an electron-antielectron pair from photons. Ma.9.1.1 Two photons are required (not one) for the production of an electron-antielectron pair. Ma.9.1.2 These need to be in reinforcing phases, incident on each other, and the same frequency. Ma.9.1.3 Where hyffons from fibrillating reactive ends (photons) are unable to negotiate shared use of the field emission directions (HEDS), nor evade each other, the issuing reactive ends may be forced to convert to the oscillating type of reactive end instead. The process also creates a new fibril to coordinate the new pairs of reactive ends, and requires the setup of a 3D field structure according to the ma hand system. Ma.9.1.4 Outward hyffons must take the forma hand, not hyarma. Hence the formation of the positive notElectron !e(r1 .a1 .t1) is verboten. This is because the primary charge in the forma hand is negative. Ma.9.1.5 An elastic recoil and separation of the resulting electron and antielectron occurs, rather than immediate annihilation, due to the way the span varies dynamically with frequency cycle. Ma.9.2 Ma.9.2.1 Ma.9.2.2 Ma.9.2.3 Ma.9.2.4 Cordus model for genesis Four photons are remanufactured into an electron, a proton, and two antineutrinos: 2y + 2y => e + p + 2v The antimatter hand of the antielectron is carried away by the antineutrinos as a waste stream. The predominance of the forma (matter) hand at the start-up of the cosmos was due to warfare between the matter and antimatter domains. The currently preferred model, though there are other candidates, is that a natural oscillating dominance between the two species was frozen in as the system expanded and cooled. The apparent asymmetry of baryogenesis is because the antimatter is hiding in plain sight, 415 having been remanufactured into the matter baryons themselves. Ma.9.3 Ma.9.3.1 6 Proton stability The proton could unravel back into a positron and two photons, when struck by two antineutrinos. Conclusions What has been achieved here is a novel alternative conceptual model for the asymmetry of matter over antimatter in the universe. We started with the basic cordus idea that particles are not 0D points but have a distinct internal structure with two ends, and accept previous conceptual models for matter and antimatter and the annihilation process. We then created a descriptive model for electron-antielectron pairproduction, showing how the structures of the photon are reassembled into an electron and antielectron. That is a novel accomplishment in itself, though of course its validity depends on that of the underlying cordus conjecture itself. Thereafter we showed that it was conceptually feasible that the antielectron could be eliminated using antineutrinos. In this cordus model for genesis it is proposed that four photons are remanufactured into an electron, a proton, and two antineutrinos. The original electron and proton combine to form a simple hydrogen atom. The antineutrinos have little reactivity, so they escape. The antimatter field structure of the antielectron is carried away by the antineutrinos as a waste stream. We also gave some explanations for why the matter hand prevailed, not antimatter, during the cosmological start-up process. Therefore the apparent asymmetry of baryogenesis is because the antimatter is hiding in plain sight, having been remanufactured into the matter baryons themselves. To answer the question identified at the outset: Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe? The initial process converted energy into equal quantities of matter and antimatter, in the form of electrons and antielectrons (positrons). We propose that a second process converted the antielectrons into a matter form, namely the protons, and the waste antimatter component was carried off by antineutrinos. References 1. Pons, D.J. (2011) Mirror images: Cordus reconceptualisation of Matter and Antimatter. viXra 1109.0009, 1-15 DOI: 416 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Murayama, H., Origin of Neutrino mass. Physics World, 2002. May: p. 3539. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Cordus Conjecture: Overview. viXra 1104.0015, 1-17 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) WaveParticle Duality: a Proposed Resolution. viXra 1106.0027, 1-18 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. 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Alternatively coherence can be perceived as a special state of assembly where the particules provide for mutual preservation of the de-energised locations of each other. Cordus anticipates three mechanisms for discoherence. First, a coherent material cannot accept internal shear velocity. Second, higher temperatures lead to decoherence because phonons (internal thermal vibrations) disturb the stability. Third, more complex assemblies of matter are harder to put into coherence, and the complicating factors are expected to be the number of components in the assembly, and the variety of species (simplicity and purity). Accordingly, the upper limit for coherence could be a simple crystal, or perhaps even a virus, with a limited number of species (different molecules or elements), at low temperature. However this is thought to be an optimistic prediction. This model predicts that coherence is already unachievable at the assembly level of the smallest metal grains, mineral crystals, and cell organelles, at ambient temperature. Thus warm macroscopic objects and living creatures cannot be put into coherence or superposition. However there is no problem with having coherent domains within a discoherent body, e.g. molecules that are internally coherent. Single particules, such as electrons, are selfcoherent under any conditions. Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_6.0_CoherenceLimits_E1.0.9.doc 1 Introduction Surprisingly, quantum mechanics (QM) does not apply to reality at our macroscopic level of existence, nor to the universe at large. To be sure, there are some contrary perspectives: e.g. the many-worlds theory, or observer-dilemmas (such as a literal interpretation of the Schrodinger’s cat thought-experiment). Nonetheless the physical evidence is that QM does not apply macroscopically. The strangeness it that does apply so well to the particle level. 116 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8020, New Zealand, Email: Copyright D Pons 2012. 420 Quantum behaviour, specifically superposition of location, is only evident in particles and some microscopic objects cooled to close to absolute zero temperature [1-2]. QM suggests should it should be attainable in larger and warmer objects [3], but this has proved difficult to achieve. Clearly there is a discontinuity in the physics between the small and large scales of nature. It is not clear where the boundary is between the quantum world of particles and the macroscopic world, and quantum mechanics itself cannot identify why there should be a boundary, nor where it would be. Purpose of this paper The purpose of this paper is to apply the cordus conjecture [4] to determine where in the scale of things the transition occurs between coherence and discoherence, and why the limits are where they are. The point of comparison is the cordus conjecture, with its predicted internal geometry for particules. This paper builds on earlier work which explains why quantum mechanics does not scale up [5]. What is the cordus conjecture? The cordus conjecture is a novel alternative theory of fundamental physics, constructed on a different concept for ‘particles’. It is currently primarily a qualitative conceptual method [4]. The conjecture states that all 'particles', e.g. photons of light, electrons, and the protons in the nucleus of the atom, are not zero-dimensional points, but have a specific internal structure called a 'cordus'. The term ‘particule’ is used to differentiate this important conceptual difference from the QM construct. The cordus consists of two ‘reactive ends’, which are a small finite distance apart (‘span’), and each behave like a particle in their interaction with the external environment. A ‘fibril’ joins the reactive ends, and is a persistent and dynamic structure, but does not interact with matter [6]. The reactive ends are energised (typically in turn) at a frequency [7]. The reactive ends emit one or more force lines called ‘hyperfine fibrils’ (hyff) into space, and when the reactive end is energised it sends a transient force pulse (‘hyffon’) outwards along the hyff curve [8]. This makes up the field, which is thus also discretised in 3D space. Various features of the hyff and hyffon carry the electrostatic field, magnetism, and gravitation simultaneously. Thus a unification of these forces is provided [9]. In this model the photon has a single radial hyff which it periodically extends and withdraws [6]. By comparison all massy particules have permanent hyff (including neutral particules like the neutron)[8], see Figure 1. Electric charge is carried at 1/3 charge per hyff, so stable particules like the electron are surmised to have three hyff, arranged orthogonally [10]. The hyff from multiple massy particules compete for the three hyff emission directions (HEDs), and may synchronise their emissions to access those spaces. Thus there is an element of mutual negotiation, 421 based on shared 3D geometric timing constraints, and this explains the strong force [10]. Figure 1: Models for the photon and electron, showing the different characteristics of their discrete field structures. The photon has a fibrillating pump that only shuttles energy outwards and then immediately afterwards brings it back inwards, whereas the electron consistently pushes hyffon (force fragments) outwards in a pulsating manner. Both cordi therefore have a frequency, but the difference is what they do with it. All other matter and antimatter behaves like the electron, though the hand of the hyff is inverted for antimatter, and the direction of pumping is reversed for positive charge. In terms of its conceptual design, cordus has high fitness because it is able to explain many effects within one logically consistent framework [4]. However, cordus is a conjecture and the validity thereof is uncertain. Therefore derivatives of the idea, as here, should be considered speculative. They are also exploratory and subject to possible future revision. 2 Reconceptualising coherence Reinterpreting coherence We need to clarify what we mean by coherence, because doing so helps understand where it breaks down and why. As usual, the cordus concept that emerges is radically different to the orthodox interpretation, and these two should not be confused. Cordus refutes the QM concepts of particle and causal (temporal) superposition, though accepts positional variability [5]. The following explanation is summarised from [11] and [5]. From the QM perspective coherence is the ability for particles to interfere. This includes constructive and destructive interference of photons or 422 waves (hence fringes), and dependencies (‘correlation’) between two different particles. The dependency may exist to a greater or lesser extent, i.e. involving more variables between the particles. There is also the matter of how strongly the dependency is preserved over time. The concept of coherence also includes the idea that only one wave or particle is involved: that its properties at one instant of time can be linked those at a different location or time (‘self-coherence’). Examples of QM coherence at the large-scale include the laser, electrical superconductivity, and superfluidity. Nonetheless, even within QM there are differences of opinion about the interpretation of coherent states [12]. Quantum mechanics does not obviously apply to large bodies, living creatures, or the universe as a whole. From the cordus perspective, superposition is simply that the cordus particule is actually physically oscillating between two positions: the locations of the reactive ends at the end of their span. The cordus particle (e.g. photon cordus) collapses to one of these ends when it is grounded [11]. Mechanisms for coherence Coherence, from the cordus perspective, is when all the particules, which may be photons, electrons, protons, and possibly atoms & molecules, etc., have synchronised frequencies and phases thereof, i.e. a form of complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) [11]. The bonds between any cordus particles are hyff and carry forces that synchronise the cordus frequency and phase of particules, providing the frequencies are compatible. We term this ‘body coherence’. For photons in light beams, where the bonds are weak if they exist at all, the coherence may be mainly temporal and coincidental. Coherence is a special state of assembly where the particules provide for mutual preservation of the twin locations of each other: when any one particule is energised at its one reactive end, the position of its other dormant reactive end is filled by the active end of another particule. Coherence is, according to cordus, best understood as an ordered complementary relationship (COFS) between two or more particules [11]. Thus in a coherent body, e.g. Bose-Einstein condensate or superfluid, the positions of all the reactive ends are locked together in a complementary sharing relationship. The positions of the reactive ends would otherwise change in response to external fields, perturbations from the fabric, and the impositions of impinging particules [13]. Particules in coherence with each other develop a negotiated state of sharing the 3D hyff emission directions (HEDs). (Much like planes shuttling between two nearby airports and sharing landing slots). External fields, which are also hyff whether from the fabric or nearby matter of the fields created by remote particules, can upset that negotiation. The coherent state has some protection from the close timing of the participating hyff (providing the material is pure): we see the same mechanism at work in the strong force. However with larger assemblies the HEDs are negotiated 423 at longer ranges, and are therefore weaker, hence more vulnerable to disruption by external hyffons. Implicit in this cordus explanation is an idea that the external environment, even of the vacuum, consists of a fabric of hyffons [14]. Mechanisms for discoherence All macroscopic objects in our world are discoherent as a whole. They cannot be coherent, and cordus gives three reasons why. First, in the specific case of living creatures, there is a requirement for internal flows of matter, which is incompatible with the lock-step nature of a coherent material. To put this requirement another way, a coherent material cannot accept internal shear velocity (dynamic relative motion of the particules), though it can tolerate some shear strain (static relative deformation). This behaviour is also evident in superfluidity. Second, hot bodies tend towards discoherence, because the resulting phonons (internal thermal vibrations) disturb the coherence. Quantum coherence is known to be a delicate state that is easily disturbed, as evident in the limited success with high-temperature super-states. Cordus is not a quantitative model and so cannot predict the temperatures involved.117 Third, more complex assemblies of matter are harder to put into coherence, and cordus suggests that the factors are simplicity and purity. For a simple and pure assembly, consider two electrons sharing an orbital: a simple structure (only two particules) between pure components (homogeneous states of frequency, energy, etc.). (See Figure 2, level 3). This pair of electrons are coherent, hence the Pauli Exclusion principle. So the electron-pairs in a living creature are coherent even if the creature itself is not. Atoms are more complex assemblies of particules with different masses, hence frequencies [7]. Cordus suggests that stability of these assemblies requires consonance of the frequencies of the individual components (hence the energy quanta of electron orbitals). Atoms manage this and are therefore internally coherent. (See Figure 2, level 4). Probably molecules too (level 5). As with any coherent structure, the effect of an externally imposed change is communicated to neighbouring internal components at the next frequency cycle. For assemblies with high purity, this may be fast indeed, hence second sound in superfluids, and rapid electron transmission across 117 Cordus suggests that materials with stronger internal bonds should be capable of coherence at higher temperatures. This is because coherence is effectively the strong force writ large, i.e. a synchronised HED effect > it is already known that the strength of the strong force drops steeply with range > so the geometric nature of the assembly should determine the range of the required bonds, and thus the bonding strength within the assembly > some assemblies will have long-range hence weak bonds, and therefore be fragile to disruption by thermal phonons > the relationship between temperature and severity of phonon will need to be established. 424 biological molecules.118 Hence also the successes in putting molecules into geometric superposition. Thus communication within atoms and molecules is rapid, being able to take advantage of the internal frequency network. Many atoms of a pure material may be brought into coherence, though it apparently needs a low temperature (level 6) to reduce the phonons to a level that the bonds can withstand. Hence superfluids, and the success with the likes of pure iron objects showing geometric superposition at cryogenic temperatures. However, as temperature rises, or the variety of components increases (purity decreases), or more particules are assembled, so coherence becomes difficult. Thus, according to this model, coherence is already unachievable at the assembly level of the smallest metal grains, mineral crystals, and cell organelles. However, note that the atoms within those are always internally coherent.119 Macroscopic diamond crystals appear to have shown entanglement [1516], however the implications are debateable. That experiment sent a coherent photon into each of two diamonds at room temperature, using an interferometer, and observed that the resulting phonons were correlated for a short time (~7ps). Sending another photon pulse into the diamonds caused a coherent photon to be emitted. They interpreted that as entanglement of the phonons, i.e. that there arose ‘a single phonon excitation distributed across the two crystals’ (p1254). The cordus interpretation is the correlation between the phonons was simply a temporary artefact caused by a photon with two reactive ends.120 From the cordus perspective, the reason the phonons were correlated at all was because (a) the beam splitter separated the reactive ends of the photon into two paths, and (b) the purity of the diamond material and its consistency between the two samples, so that the two phonons were initially sufficiently similar. Thus the subsequent measurement-photon, which followed soon after, was affected in the reverse way, and picked up the energy in the phonons. In this interpretation the phonons are merely a precarious short-term vibratory storage device for entanglement, rather than themselves being entangled. If the diamonds were replaced with 118 For a descriptive overview of quantum biology, and applications to odour reception, electron transfer in ATP, & photosynthesis, see Brooks, M., The weirdness inside us. New Scientist, 2011. 2832(1 October 2011): p. 34-37. 119 Atoms have to be internally coherent, at least while they exist as atoms. This is because the interactions of the hyff emission directions create both the strong force holding the atom together, and the coherent behaviour. 120 The competing explanation provided by the cordus conjecture: photons have two reactive ends separated by a fibril > the beam splitter of an interferometer sends the reactive ends down different legs > in this case for the input photon, one reactive end went into each diamond > each reactive end created a phonon in its diamond > those phonons naturally had inverse-symmetry, due to the communicative effect of the fibril joining the reactive ends > those phonons therefore initially showed correlation between each other, but this decays with time > a subsequent probe photon likewise sent one reactive end into each diamond > the reactive ends of the probe photon picked up the energy of the local phonon and assimilated it into the photon> the probe photon emerged with higher energy and was picked up at the detector. 425 variable and less pure materials, we would still expect to see phonons produced, but for their correlation to be lost sooner. It does not appear that they were able (in the absence of any mediating photon) to change one phonon and see the other likewise change. For this reason alone the claim is doubtful. This particular experiment is therefore evidence of geometric correlation of phonons, as induced by a photon that went down two paths after a beam splitter. It does not prove that the two diamonds were coherent, nor does it prove superposition of a single roomtemperature diamond (not that those authors claimed the latter). The cordus conjecture does not disagree with the QM idea that a photon or particule can be in two geometric places, but only accepts this one type of superposition, and argues that QM’s concept of superposition inappropriately confounds two different effects: positional and causal variability [5]. As the variety of components increases, i.e. the purity decreases, and the assembly becomes more complex, then it becomes harder to find ways to arrange the cordus hyff, and thus coherence becomes harder to form/easier to lose, or simply inaccessible. Cordus suggests this boundary could be quite early in the overall scheme of assembly complexity, perhaps as early as the interaction of two dissimilar molecules (note interaction not joining). Once coherence is unavailable, the components within the assembly are unable to interact at their intrinsic frequency, but must instead act in response en-masse to the fields that each generates. This is a much slower form of interaction, and thus chemical reactions are slower. Assembly level model The three factors are therefore proposed as shear velocity, temperature phonons, and complexity of assembly. We summarise the assembly constraints in Figure 2. 426 Figure 2: Assembly level diagram ranging from simple structures (level 1) through to complex (level 13). The different types of coherence are shown. The diagram summarises the previous discussion, and introduces classes of coherence. • Class A1 is for intrinsic internal coherence for individual particules ranging from the most fundamental through to molecules. This class should display superposition of location, though see [5] for fringe limitations. 427 • Class B is coherence that has been created by special situations, e.g. artificially, and is not stable at our ambient conditions. The low temperature superfluids are in this category. • Coherence is a special type of stability, or bond, one based on the sharing of HEDs in the strong force. The discoherent state arises when either the coherent state becomes unstable, or cannot form in the first place. Therefore we include Class A2 with some examples of internal instability such as the W bosons and positronium. Cordus predicts that these materials will not support lasting coherence. • Finally, we provide Class C for the complex matter assemblies. These are naturally discoherent for the reasons given above. Where is the upper assembly boundary for coherence? According to this cordus model, the upper limit for coherence could be as high as Level 7: External interaction of dissimilar particules (limited number of species) at low temperature. For example a simple crystal or perhaps even a virus, at low temperature. This is the optimistic prediction. To our knowledge it has not yet been achieved: only pure materials have shown the behaviour so far. Therefore a pessimistic prediction is that the limit has already been reached, at Level 6: External interaction of pure particules at low temperature. We expect that discoherence is unavoidable at Level 9, where a body consists of numerous species of matter, at ambient temperature. We also predict that a many-species body (level 8) will be discoherent even at the lowest temperatures. So we can, using cordus, estimate that the transition occurs at the end of level 7 (limited number of dissimilar species, cold), though we acknowledge there is some uncertainty. Coherence in biological systems There is no doubt in this model about the discoherence of macroscopic objects and living creatures: Cordus predicts it will be impossible to achieve coherence for macroscopic objects at ambient conditions (level 11), or put them into superposition. This does not preclude coherence effects, e.g. rapid electron transport, from occurring in the molecules within biological systems. However it does exclude superposition (of either kind), double-slit behaviour, and fringes. 3 Discussion From the cordus perspective, coherence is interpreted as all particules in an assembly having synchronised frequencies and phases thereof. In the cordus explanation this is a form of complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) [11]. This also involves the sharing of hyff emission directions (HEDs). 428 Thus there is a common mechanism for the strong nuclear force, Pauli Exclusion principle, bonding within molecules, and coherence. Consequently coherence can be perceived as a type of bonding and stability arrangement. Alternatively it is a special state of assembly where the particules provide for mutual preservation of the de-energised locations of each other. Thus positions of all the reactive ends are locked together in a complementary sharing relationship. Cordus anticipates three mechanisms for discoherence. First, a coherent material cannot accept internal shear velocity. Second, higher temperatures lead to decoherence because phonons (internal thermal vibrations) disturb the stability. Third, more complex assemblies of matter are harder to put into coherence, and the complicating factors are the number of components in the assembly, and the variety of species (simplicity and purity). We represented this as an ‘Assembly level model’. Comparison to the QM explanations The conventional QM explanation is that decoherence arises because the object has many particles, hence too many degrees of freedom (DoF). This DoF idea finds support in this cordus model. QM also proposes that the atoms are strongly coupled to the external environment. However QM is unclear about how that coupling mechanism works, or why it should be so much stronger than the atomic bonds, or the bonds for coherence. In the cordus interpretation the way the coupling with the external environment operates is through disturbance of the negotiated HEDs. Both cordus and QM recognise that temperature and the resulting atomic vibrations (phonons) can destroy coherence. However QM is does not explain how that happens (how is a 0-D point affected by phonons?). In contrast, cordus readily explains it as phonons causing displacement of the reactive ends, and thus interrupting the existing HED arrangements with other particules. Upper limit for coherence According to this cordus model, the upper limit for coherence could be a simple crystal, or perhaps even a virus, with a limited number of species (different molecules or elements), at low temperature. However this is thought to be an optimistic prediction. Thus, according to this model, coherence will be unachievable at the assembly level of the smallest metal grains, mineral crystals, and cell organelles, at ambient temperature. Macroscopic objects and living creatures are therefore well beyond being put into coherence or superposition. However there is no problem with having coherent domains within a discoherent body, e.g. molecules that are internally 429 coherent. Single particules, such as electrons, are self-coherent under any conditions. The interaction of biological organisms or discoherent macroscopic bodies with other bodies or particules, whether or not coherent, is always discoherent. This implies that Observers of a quantum experiment are not themselves in a quantum state of superposition. The theory of QM has created an expectation that coherence is the norm and therefore should be found in macroscopic bodies. Cordus suggests that we should instead view discoherence as the normal state, and coherence as a special state of extended application of the strong force into bonding. There has also been much philosophical speculation about the role of measurement, including human observation, on the future of behaviour of particles and coherent bodies. Cordus likewise refutes those ideas, and instead suggests that in those rare cases where coherence of macroscopic objects is attainable, this does not mean that the object has two futures, only that it can have two locations. Conclusions This paper has applied the cordus conjecture to determine where in the scale of things the transition occurs between coherence and discoherence, and why the limits are where they are. The reasons for discoherence are proposed to be internal shear velocity of the body, temperature phonons, and complexity of assembly (particularly purity of composition). The upper limit for coherence is expected to be at currently achieved levels of material complexity, or slightly beyond. However cordus rules out coherence for warm macroscopic objects and living creatures. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 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Cordus Conjecture: Part 1.2 viXra 1104.0017, 1-22 DOI: Available from: 431 Time: Frequency, irreversibility, connectedness of matter and Pons D.J.121 Abstract A novel conceptual model is described for time, one that is independent of existing theories. The cordus conjecture suggests that time consists of frequency oscillations of matter. The arrow is applied to time where irreversibility arises. The interconnectedness of matter, via its fields, creates a patchwork of temporal cause-and-effect. At its most basic level time originates with the frequency cycles of the particules of matter and photons. The rate of time is thus determined by the mass of the particule, in turn how it is assembled, from what subcomponents, and the external environment (hence also time-dilation). Thus time is locally generated, and cordus rejects the idea of an absolute clock. The forward arrow is only applied to the ticks of time when irreversibility arises. The paper explains how the irreversibility arises, in terms of the interaction between two volumes of matter and the statistically impossibility of returning all particules in the system to their original positions and states. Thus decoherence, irreversibility, entropy, cause-and-effect, and the arrow of time all arise at the same discontinuity in physics. There is a connectedness between volumes of matter that are at different geometric locations. A phenomena that occurs in one volume is communicated via photons, or massy particules, or fields, to other matter around it. This communication applies cause positional constraints on the recipient. The combination of connectedness, frequency, and irreversibility, results in temporal cause-and-effect. Thus human perceptions of time are a construct, with all the potential for illusion that implies, founded on a real physical principle of temporal causality. Time is a series of delayed irreversible interactions (temporal ratchets) between matter, not a dimension that can be traversed in both directions. Cordus provides a more basic concept of time from which quantum mechanics and general relativity emerge as different approximations. The resulting conceptual model provides a novel integration of quantum mechanics, general relativity, and the human-perception models of time. Edition 1 > Date: Saturday, 11 February 2012 > Document: Pons_Cordus_6.2_Time_E1.0.07 1 Introduction Though intuitively familiar, time is a mystery. Time is a variable throughout physics: classical mechanics, quantum mechanics (QM), and 121 Please address correspondence to Dr Dirk Pons, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8020, New Zealand, Email: Copyright D Pons 2012. This work is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 license. 43 2 general relativity (GR) all include it. Yet the constructs in each are very different. Nor are those constructs always coherent with humans’ personal cognitive perception of time. For example, the idea that time runs differently depending on location, or that time may have had a beginning, is deeply puzzling to the mental model of most people. It is natural that various philosophical questions also arise. All these approaches, physics, psychology, philosophy, have developed models for time. Yet they are poorly integrated, indeed sometimes in conflict (e.g. QM and GR). Time is still a mystery, and there is no basic model that is acceptable to all the disciplines. The existing theories of time are well-developed, having enjoyed much attention. Yet no universal-theory of time has emerged from any of the extant approaches, despite the effort. It suggests the possibility that existing theories may be conceptually inadequate. Thus there are two lines of enquiry: to continue to refine existing theories of time, or seek a conceptual breakthrough. The latter approach involves striking out in a totally new direction: coming up with a new foundational concept. This is the approach we take here. The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of time through the lens of the cordus conjecture. The foundational idea is a reconceptualisation of the structure of the ‘particle’. This is a radical concept without precursors, and therefore detached from the orthodox literature. The cordus conjecture is a novel alternative theory of fundamental physics, constructed on a different concept for ‘particles’. It is currently primarily a qualitative conceptual method [4]. Cordus was originally conceived as a conceptual solution for the problem of wave-particle duality [17]. It turns out to be useful, as a reconceptualising tool, for other problematic areas of fundamental physics. It should be considered a conceptual solution or extended thought-experiment rather than a validated theory, hence ‘conjecture’. It is intended to be thoughtprovoking, and this means it is sometimes unorthodox. In this specific area it provides, as will be shown, a novel concept for time, and offers solutions to the problem of what time is and how its arrow arises. 2 Background It turns out with cordus that the key to understanding time is to reconceptualise matter, especially ‘particle’. Doing so accesses new concepts for entropy [18], coherence [19], special condensed and superstates of matter [11], and offers an explanation of why quantum mechanics does not scale up to macroscopic scales [5]. All of those concepts have some connection to the explanation for time, developed below. 433 What is the cordus conjecture? The conjecture states that all 'particles', e.g. photons of light, electrons, and the protons in the nucleus of the atom, are not zero-dimensional points, but have a specific internal structure called a 'cordus'. The term ‘particule’ is used to differentiate this important conceptual difference from the QM construct. The cordus consists of two ‘reactive ends’, which are a small finite distance apart (‘span’), and each behave like a particle in their interaction with the external environment. A ‘fibril’ joins the reactive ends, and is a persistent and dynamic structure, but does not interact with matter [6]. The reactive ends are energised (typically in turn) at a frequency [7]. The reactive ends emit one or more force lines called ‘hyperfine fibrils’ (hyff) into space, and when the reactive end is energised it sends a transient force pulse (‘hyffon’) outwards along the hyff curve [8]. This makes up the field, which is thus also discretised in 3D space. Various features of the hyff and hyffon carry the electrostatic field, magnetism, and gravitation simultaneously. Thus a unification of these forces is provided [9]. In this model the photon has a single radial hyff which it periodically extends and withdraws [6]. By comparison all massy particules have permanent hyff (including neutral particules like the neutron)[8], see Figure 1. Electric charge is carried at 1/3 charge per hyff, so stable particules like the electron are surmised to have three hyff, arranged orthogonally [10]. The hyff from multiple massy particules compete for the three hyff emission directions (HEDs), and may synchronise their emissions to access those spaces. Thus there is an element of mutual negotiation, based on shared 3D geometric timing constraints, and this explains the strong force [10]. Figure 1: Models for the photon and electron, showing the different characteristics of their discrete field structures. The photon has a fibrillating pump that only shuttles energy outwards and then immediately afterwards brings it back inwards, whereas the electron consistently 434 pushes hyffon (force fragments) outwards in a pulsating manner. Both cordi therefore have a frequency, but the difference is what they do with it. All other matter and antimatter behaves like the electron, though the hand of the hyff is inverted for antimatter, and the direction of pumping is reversed for positive charge. In terms of its conceptual design, cordus has high fitness122 because it is able to explain many effects within one logically consistent framework [4]. However, cordus is a conjecture and the validity thereof is uncertain. Therefore derivatives of the idea, as here, should be considered speculative. What is coherence? Cordus permits a more specific definition of coherence and superposition than is possible from within the 0D point construct of QM [17]. From the cordus perspective, superposition is simply that the cordus particule is actually physically oscillating between two positions: the locations of the reactive ends at the end of their span. The cordus particle (e.g. photon cordus) collapses to one of these ends when it is grounded [11]. Likewise coherence, from the cordus perspective, is when all the particules, which may be photons, electrons, protons, and possibly atoms & molecules, etc., have synchronised frequencies and phases thereof. This also involves the sharing of hyff emission directions (HEDs). Thus coherence is a special state of assembly where the particules provide for mutual preservation of the twin locations of each others’ reactive end: when any one particule is energised at its one reactive end, the position of its other dormant reactive end is filled by the active end of another particule. Coherence is, according to cordus, best understood as an ordered complementary frequency state synchronisation (CoFS) between two or more particules [11]. For materials with a coherent structure, the effect of an externally imposed change is communicated to neighbouring internal components at the next frequency cycle. For assemblies with high purity, this may be fast indeed, hence second sound in superfluids, and rapid electron transmission across biological molecules.123 Hence also the successes in putting molecules into geometric superposition. Thus communication within atoms and molecules is rapid, being able to take advantage of the internal frequency network. 122 Fitness in conceptual-design sense of providing explanations that are consistent with numerous empirically observed phenomena. 123 For a descriptive overview of quantum biology, and applications to odour reception, electron transfer in ATP, & photosynthesis, see Brooks, M., The weirdness inside us. New Scientist, 2011. 2832(1 October 2011): p. 34-37. 435 Cordus anticipates three mechanisms for discoherence [19]. First, a coherent material cannot accept internal shear velocity. Second, higher temperatures lead to decoherence because phonons (internal thermal vibrations) disturb the stability. Third, more complex assemblies of matter are harder to put into coherence, and the complicating factors are the number of components in the assembly, and the variety of species (simplicity and purity). What is entropy? Cordus explains entropy as a spatial and temporal dilution of energy [18]. Thus an atom that has surplus energy can dispense it in five main forms: electron orbital change (including bonding), electron ejection, photon ejection, electron flow (plasmons), and phonon propagation. If phonons, then another atom some distance away receive some of the energy and will likewise use what it can and dispense with the rest. That remote atom might emit a photon for example. Even if that photon was sent straight back to the original atom (which is not generally the case), there would still be less energy in the feedback loop because of the phonon dilution in the bulk, and the time required for the photon flight. Thus the individual mechanisms are all reversible (elastic), but the system as a whole is not, and we suggest this is what creates entropy. Both photons and phonons tend to be dispersed out into the surrounding space or material (respectively), and this dilution of the original energy is the primary mechanism for thermodynamic irreversibility and entropy. The geometric and micro-structural complexity of the matter accessible to the photons and phonons introduces so many dilution paths that it is extremely unlikely that the energy fragments will spontaneously recombine. Geometric separation is another contributory factor: when the matter separates or radiates photons across space, then the dilution is further increased and the number of paths reduced by which the energy can come back together. The enormous radiative loss of photons from stars contributes to entropy, because that energy cannot realistically all be recovered after it has travelled billions of years and stopped in our eye, and even if it were reflected back it would be more billions of years to travel back. In the meantime space expands, which adds to the delay. Thus the expansion of space in the universe further contributes to entropy. Geometric separation of matter causes the photon travelling between them to arrive late, the more so if it involves transmission through denser material. Thus the energy is not delivered at the time it might have been, but is instead postponed into the future. If that postponement is indefinite, it takes energy out of the system. This is another barrier to recombining the original energy, and thus another contribution to entropy. Not only is the energy delayed, but so too is any information carried by the photon. Furthermore, the cordus model for transmission of discrete field force-elements (hyffons) [8-9, 14] suggests that these too travel at the speed of light. Thus information about the strength and direction of the fields of the remote particule only arrives at the basal particule after some 436 time. The basal particule cannot respond to external fields until it receives them. This contributes a delay to the exchange of information between decoherent objects. 3 Time at the assembly level Cordus offers a construct of time that depends on the number of particules and the nature of their relationship, i.e. the ‘level of assembly’ of matter [19]. This is an unusual approach, since time is conventionally associated with a dimension of the cosmos. Nonetheless it has the potential to better-explain certain features of time, as will become apparent. 3.1 Time at the particule level: frequency (level 1) Time, at the level of the individual particule (e.g. electron), refers to the frequency of the re-energisation cycles of its two reactive ends. This is because the particule is only available to interact with other particules when it is energised. Particules with greater masses have higher frequencies, and therefore tick faster. Cordus provides a specific internal structure for particules, hence a physical explanation for frequency [7]. When a reactive end is energised it issues a discrete field force (hyffon). These are propagated outwards at local fabric speed c, the speed of light. The hyffon carries the electro-magnetic-gravitational field, which therefore is also discrete. These fields inform neighbouring particules, even remote ones, about the state of the basal particule. In turn, the basal particule responds to hyffons from the external environment when its reactive ends energise. Thus the periodic re-energisation of the reactive ends is a mechanism whereby the particule communicates with other particules and responds to their forces. ‘Force’ is not quite the right word to use, since the cordus concept suggests that the mechanism is prescribed positional relocation of reactive ends, i.e. displacement. Thus the external hyffons force the reactive end to energise in a slightly different position to that which it might have preferred. The mechanism is held to negotiation between the particules for momentary rights to the three-dimensional hyff emission directions (HEDs). Separately we have shown that HEDs explains the strong force [10], annihilation [20], and coherence [19]. 3.2 Time at the level of molecular assembly (level 2) The above applied to a single particule, e.g. a lone electron or proton. Such a particule can keep its own time. However it is more common for matter to be assembled together, i.e. bonded. That assembly may be coherent, discoherent, or a mix of the two. We take the simpler case of coherent matter first. 437 Time at the level of coherent matter (level 2.1) Each coherent domain of matter has its own time: the common frequency cycle of its re-energisation. The whole of the coherent body has the same frequency, this being necessary for coherence according to the cordus definition thereof. The phase of the particules must also be complementary. Thus there is a ‘global’ time, but only within the assembly of matter that makes up the coherent body. Time at the level of discoherent matter (level 2.2) Macroscopic objects at our level are discoherent as a whole, since they lack the homogeneity of composition and are too warm to be coherent [19]. There is an assembly tree to any macroscopic object, where the subcomponents may be a mixture of individually coherent and discoherent domains. Indeed at suitably small scales all matter becomes individually coherent, and cordus predicts this boundary is at or below the molecular level [19]. Thus electrons, protons, and atoms are always internally coherent, that being a necessity for their stability.124 However as the assembly grows in size and diversity of composition, so a synchronous HED arrangement becomes impossible to negotiate by the protagonist particules, and thus discoherence arises. Thus at some intermediate level of assembly an object consists of coherent and discoherent domains. For example, even if individual molecules are indeed coherent (this is presumed but uncertain) then an aggregation of different molecules will be discoherent as a whole. Single particules are automatically coherent. These, and any coherent domains (assemblies of multiple particules) manifest their properties at their own internal frequency. These properties are their fields (of which there are three (electrical, magnetism, and gravitation[8-9]), the orientation thereof, and the position of the reactive ends (of which there are two). The fields themselves are discrete pulses (hyffons), and the frequency of production is very high. However other neighbouring domains of matter of different composition, even if independently coherent, do not perceive the individual hyffons of the first domain in their discrete form.125 Instead they perceive each other (experience each other’s forces) as a continuous rain of field forces. Hence classical mechanics and discoherence arise at the same point in the assembly tree of matter. The perception of time arises at the same point. As does entropy. 124 Bonding stability, strong-force, and coherence are simply different manifestations of the deeper synchronous HED mechanism, according to the cordus perspective. 125 The two domains would need to have the same frequency (hence mass characteristics) for the individual hyffons to be apparent, in which case they could move into a bonded state of assembly, i.e. become one coherent body. Thus there is no problem with independent coherent domains merging to form larger domains, but it requires homogeneity of composition (to satisfy the mass and frequency requirements). 438 The arrow is applied to time where irreversibility arises Decoherence causes a time delay to be inserted into the functional interaction of two or more domains – whether or not those domains are individually coherent. This because the frequencies differ, so the faster oscillating domain will have to mark more ticks before the slower responds. If there is geometric separation then the finite speed of field propagation (c, speed of light) further adds a time delay. Consequently the one domain generally has done something different before the second has fully responded. Therefore getting domains back into their initial positions becomes unlikely and statistically impossible as the number of participating domains increases. Note that even in the simplest situation of two interacting domains, there is still the perturbation of the fabric that they both feel, i.e. the rest of the particules in all the accessible universe affect the two domains. So what happens stays happened, and does not naturally self-repair. 3.3 Time at the level of organic life: chemistry (level 3) Within our own physical bodies, which are decoherent at any level which our unaided senses can perceive, the different coherent domains run at their own times. These volumes of matter are smaller than a cell, and smaller even than organelles. We anticipate that the only coherent domains with physical bodies are at the molecular level and smaller. Time, at the level of an individual cell, consists of the fuzzy aggregation of the frequencies of the many individual coherent particules (electrons, atoms, molecules) and decoherent sub-components (clumps of molecules, organelles). ‘Fuzzy’ because the discrete field hyffons are not individually distinct. Chemical transport within the cell occurs as and when the subcomponents are able to interact. Thus the cell takes much longer to achieve anything (more frequency ticks) than a simple sum of the times required by the coherent subcomponents. The actions of the cell are not superluminal, as is possible within a coherent domain, i.e. entanglement is only possible within coherent systems. The process of human thought takes time. The photosensitive chemicals in the retina need frequency cycles to react to incoming photons, frequency cycles of the electrons to transit down the nerve fibre into the cortex, more frequency cycles of the neurotransmitter molecules to interact with cells, and thus time for the brain to assign a meaning to what is seen. Thus at the level of organic life, time is based in chemistry. 3.4 Time at the cognitive level: phenomenal (level 4) Our human perception of time is the next level up, and is a construct of the cognition. The brain does not have a global atomic/molecular clock, but instead has a subjective counter of events and infers ‘time’ from 439 that.126 Our cognitive quantification of time is very rough, and varies with the situation. Nonetheless we perceive time as flowing. This is because it does indeed take chemical time for us to accomplish anything, even thought, and especially motion. But the perception of time for us is a cognitive construct that we overlay on chemical time, and that in turn on the frequency of matter. We might perceive our thoughts to be effortless and instantaneous, and the resulting movement of our body to be immediate. We can perceive, and respond within, tenths of a second. But the deeper clocks of the particules of matter beat so fast as to be beyond our sensation. We also perceive that time flows in one direction: forward. There is an obvious arrow of time, whereby cause precedes effect. This too arises from the non-linearity of the transition from particle time to chemical time. We also perceive that time is universal: that what happens to me is also how you see things happening. So when we meet and I extend my hand and voice a greeting, I believe that you too hear those words, and the touch of the hands is real. Clearly this is the case, because when meeting we do indeed see the smile and confirmatory signs that we expect. 3.5 The connectedness of time There is a connectedness of phenomena that are at different geometric locations. It seems that spacetime is continuous, because it seems that it is possible to coordinate the two phenomena in time. But that does not mean there is a master clock. The two phenomena are linked, because they share the same fabric. Any communication between the two objects is a result of photons, or massy particules, or fields, and these cause positional constraints on the other, i.e. the geometric location of the reactive end is affected by the communication. Thus all force is ultimately prescribed displacement of position of the target particule. A phenomena that occurs in one volume of matter, be that combustion, noise, motion, etc, thereby communicates that to other matter around it. Consider one volume to be my body: my speaking communicates forces to the volume of air immediately around me, which in turn propagates the dynamic displacement throughout its volume, so that the membrane in your ear is displaced, and you hear the sound. 126 Exactly what ‘events’ the brain counts to infer passage of time is a wider mystery, and cordus does not specifically address this cognitive question. Nor does it explain what the biological mechanism might be for accumulating the sense of elapsed time. If ‘events’ include external stimuli and internal markers (perhaps physiological depletion) then there is no particular difficulty explaining why perception of time is so flexible. However, a cognitive model is beyond the present scope. 440 In general the phenomenon is that one volume of matter causes an effect in the second. The interactions at the most basic level all require frequency cycles, so this causes temporal causality. This is a physical reality, and is also the basis for cognitive perceptions of time. It is not a master clock that accomplishes this, nor does it require continuity of spacetime. The piece-wise communication between volumes of matter (whether coherent or not) achieves the effect of time. 4 Discussion 4.1 Outcomes What we have achieved here is a description of how time arises, within the cordus framework. As we noted at the outset, that conceptual model is conjectural and the results here are likewise speculative. According to the cordus model, entropy, classical mechanics, and our perception of time all arise at the boundary between coherence and discoherence. Thus time starts out as a frequency property of particules, and by extension of the strong force (explained via synchronous HEDs) to coherent domains too. At this level, time is the re-energisation sequence – the oscillating firing of the reactive ends. Thus it is appropriate to measure time in terms of the frequency-dependent activities of individual atoms (e.g. atomic clocks). The frequencies of the various types of particules do differ, based on their mass, but the relative difference is constant. So the ticks of one particule may be used to count those of a different type. Time-dilation The existence of time as a frequency effect also explains why time-dilation occurs. Acceleration, or the presence of higher gravitational fields (hyffons) slows time. Cordus explains this as the particule’s hyffons having to interact with the fabric of the vacuum, which in these cases has increased pressure density. The interaction changes the re-energisation behaviour and slows the frequency of the particule. This fabric comprises all the hyffons of all the other particules in the accessible universe, and the overall effect is somewhat like a relativistic aether [14]. For the particule, local time is the ticks of its frequency, so time really does change when the frequency does. Therefore all the process of interaction that depend on frequency, e.g. chemical reaction with a second particule, or transport of a messenger electron/atom/molecule, or emission of a photon, or nuclear decay, will be happen faster/slower relative to an external observing particule. 441 So there is absolute time at the particule level (or coherent domain) but it only applies locally. There is no universal time. The cosmos is filled not with one time, but a patchwork of many times. Cause-and-effect Thus there is both a cause-and-effect in the interaction of two or more volumes of matter, and a small time delay at each interaction. It is the sum of these delays that we perceive as time. Not only perceived in a cognitive sense, but also measured in an objective sense by atomic clocks and other instruments. 4.2 Arrow of time That there is an arrow of time is a consequence of the irreversibility of most interactions between volumes of matter. It maybe helpful to think of these volumes as molecules, though the precise boundary between coherent and discoherent bodies is not known with complete confidence. Entropy, decoherence, and time emerge together at the boundary. However we anticipate that there are several levels of arrow. One is at the subatomic level, where the arrow can perhaps be reversed. This might be possible in simple systems of only a few coherent subatomic entities, in prescribed states, and a stable external environment. If the particules can only be in a few states, then their behaviour is effectively reversible. There is still interaction at frequency cycles, i.e. time, but it no longer has an arrow pointing away from past states. So time, and the arrow-of-time are not synonymous at all levels. The self-stability of the proton may be an example. However it is impossible to fully control the external environment of the fabric and its perturbations. The decay of the free neutron is held to be an example of a stable case slipping into decoherence [13]. While reversibility seems feasible at simple levels, we never see this for macroscopic bodies. This is because such bodies are discoherent. Therefore they interact inelastically with their environment: they do not return to precisely their initial states. Inability for one body to return thereby means that all the other bodies in the accessible universe cannot either, because the fabric of background field hyffons has been changed. The cordus concept of the fabric is therefore important in explaining how irreversibility arises. At this second level the irreversibility of cause-and-effect creates a physical arrow of time. This is not merely a cognitive perception, but a real physical flow. In some ways there is a third level at which the one-wayness of time becomes apparent, and this is the cognitive meaning that the brain constructs for it. Proprioception, and the underlying neural systems that support it, creates a personal arrow of time. We think, then our limbs 442 move, then our peripheral nerves confirm the new position, likewise the eyes confirm and calibrate the proprioception. To the cognitive system, the arrow of time is the immediate and predictable sequence of causeand-effect in the neuro-muscular-skeletal system and the immediate surrounding environment. Cognitively we struggle to interpret events when the sensory signals conflict, like sea-sickness, echoes in a large room, or time-delay in a longdistance call. The fact that the cognition struggles in such cases is circumstantial evidence of a cognitive model for the arrow of time. Worse, if one person was existing at a faster (or slower) pace of time, as in time-dilation, then the cognitive model fails and we perceive the situation as bizarre. That our feet age slightly differently to our head is only strange because we expect, cognitively, that time be continuous and universal. 4.3 Implications: Addressing common questions about time What about time travel? Can bodies travel faster than the speed of light and could this result in time flowing backward? Could spacetime be folded back on itself in a loop? Probably no to the first. The speed of light is the local speed at which hyffons (discrete force field elements) are propagated. It is not certain that a body would be able to withstand the self-inflicted onslaught of the fabric pressure were it to travel faster than c, but even if this were possible its interactions with other matter would still require frequency cycles, hence time, for both participants. Even when the interactions are reversible (which is expected to only apply to the simplest levels and even then conditionally, see above), all this means is that there is no arrow of time. In every macroscopic situation there is irreversibility, hence a forward arrow of time. Regarding the second, the folding of spacetime is not possible, according to the cordus perspective. This is because there is no spacetime: Time, in the cordus model is not a dimension at all, but a patchwork of temporal ratchets at the most fundamental level of matter. Time is a series of delayed interactions between matter, not a linear scale that can be traversed in both directions. It is not sensible, in this model, to talk of folding time back on itself. We acknowledge that superfluids do show quantum vortices, which cordus explains as a coherent material folded back on itself [11], but in that case it is possible to have a void in the middle of the vortex, whereas the patchwork of time is perfused with the fabric which cannot be voided. It is not possible to connect two regions where time flows differently, because the fabric flows through both. The fabric cannot be bent, nor can time. This means that cordus also refutes the QM idea that tiny wormholes make shortcuts through spacetime. Entanglement and the superluminal transport of information is not time travel, and is readily explainable with cordus [21]. Nor is there any need in the cordus model for chronology protection (the old paradox of a timetraveller killing his grandfather), because time only flows in one direction. 443 Is time a real fundamental property of the universe? Yes, it is a physical effect at the particule level, the mechanism being the frequency of the particule. Yes it is fundamental in that the existence of matter, specifically the energisation of the reactive ends, is linked to time. No, there is no master clock or universal parameter. No, in that time does not exist on its own. It is not a dimension linked to space but rather to matter. Is time the framework in which events take place? No, not at least in the sense of a continuous spacetime. Yes, in that individual particules negotiate their timing (frequency, energisation) with other neighbouring particules and the fabric at large. The assembly of matter, specifically its fields, and the patchwork of negotiated interaction is the framework of time. All events occur in that framework, because all events involve interactions between particules. Can time pass at different rates for observers in different situations? Yes, time is locally determined. But the different locations are linked together by negotiated HEDs at their boundaries. Realistically those domains are very small, and large coherent volumes, e.g. vats of superfluid, are uncommon. (Where these exist the whole volume reacts as one.) Is time an illusion? Yes, at least in that our cognitive construct of it emerges from deeper effects, and is fuzzy, being stitched together in the mind as an apparently smooth and continuous dimension. No, in the sense that time corresponds to the frequency oscillations of matter, and these exist while matter exists. Are there alternative realities? If there are many worlds or parallel universes, there is every reason to expect that –by definition- they will be inaccessible to the present one, and therefore unknowable. Those are metaphysical ideas, like religion in being beyond physics, and cordus cannot confirm or disprove them. Yet cordus can say that there is no need for alternative realities. Cordus refutes the QM concept of many futures (temporal superposition) and provides a model for time in which there need be only one reality in which everything that happens simply stays happened. Is time the passage from low to high entropy? Not quite: entropy is a related but different effect to time. The arrow of time arises at the level where discoherence results in irreversibility in the interaction between particules. While time is the frequency ticks of particules, the irreversibility of interactions contributes to the arrow of time. The same irreversibility creates entropy. But time and entropy are not the same effect, even if they have a common root. Irreversibility is quantified by entropy, and also drives the local ratchets for the arrow of time. 444 Why do the laws of physics treat the past and future the same? This is because quantum mechanics does not include entropy, in turn because it erroneously assumes that matter is always coherent (hence reversible interactions). QM is unable to predict its own limits of applicability, and therefore is erroneously assumed to apply to all matter [5, 19]. Cordus explains why and where coherence breaks down. Likewise classical mechanics is also symmetrical regarding time, if losses are ignored. The arrow is only applied to time when irreversibility arises. Why does the human brain not ‘remember’ the future? Time is a one-way effect. There is no future that is simultaneous with the present and the past. Cordus specifically refutes the idea that an object can simultaneously be in multiple futures, i.e. temporal superposition. Which perspective of time is correct: the absolute clock of quantum mechanics or the spacetime of general relativity? Neither, but in some ways both are adequate for their purposes. According to cordus, time at the fundamental level is created by the local frequency of oscillation of the particule, and the arrow is driven by irreversibility. Thus time is locally generated, and cordus suggests the QM idea of an absolute clock is incorrect.127 Also, cordus suggests that time is a patchwork at the cosmos scale, not a continuous spacetime, thereby not accepting this feature of GR either. However both QM and GR are approximately correct, at least at the level of detail that concerns them. Cordus provides a more primitive mechanics for time that accommodates the thoroughly different models of QM and GR. Where did time come from? To the level to which cordus can penetrate, time is a consequence of the frequency oscillations of particules. Its rate is thus determined by the mass of the particule, in turn how it is assembled and from what subcomponents. In that sense even massless particules (photon, neutrino) have frequency and therefore time. However the forward arrow of time arises where coherence lets off and decoherence starts. This discontinuity in the physics of time occurs at different levels of assembly depending on temperature and homogeneity [19]. Time therefore comes from the frequency oscillation of matter, which in turn comes from the primal photon(s) at genesis [22]. Thus time started when the universe started. At a still deeper level we have to ask what the mechanism might be for frequency in the particule. Cordus currently explains it as dynamic energy oscillation between the field structures at the two reactive ends, but undoubtedly there is more to it than this. Will time end, and when? Time is part of matter, and shares the same origins and fate. 127 If the wave-functions of QM were rewritten in terms of the de Broglie frequency for the particule, rather than probability in absolute time, then QM and cordus might be closer. A secondary effect is that cordus also suggests that the simple presence of an observer does not collapse the wave-function or influence the outcome of an experiment, unless that observer was bonded in a coherent way to the experiment – which cordus suggests is practically impossible to achieve. 445 Is time a dimension? No, it is not a dimension: it is neither smooth nor infinitely sub-divisible. It is not a ratio variable. It only looks that way when viewed from a sufficiently high level of assembly, hence the approximations of the classical mechanics. The concept of spacetime is also an approximation. In the cordus view, time is more like a patchwork of cause-and-effect ratchets between sub-microscopic domains. 5 Conclusions Applying the cordus conjecture yields a novel alternative conceptualisation of time. According to this conceptual model, time originates at several levels. At its most basic level time originates with the frequency cycles of the particules of matter and photons. Specifically, the ticks of time are the frequency oscillations of particules. Cordus provides a specific internal structure for particules, hence a physical explanation for frequency. The rate of time is thus determined by the mass of the particule, in turn how it is assembled and from what subcomponents. The local conditions and external environment, specifically relativistic velocity, acceleration, and high gravitation, affect the energisation process of the reactive ends. This effects the frequency of the particule, and thus the local time, hence timedilation. Thus time is locally generated, and cordus rejects the idea of an absolute clock, or a universal one. Time therefore comes from the frequency oscillation of matter, which in turn comes from the primal photon(s) at genesis. Thus time started when the universe started, and will end with it too. However the ticks of time are not the same as the arrow of time. The forward arrow is only applied to time when irreversibility arises. This is where coherence lets off and decoherence starts. This discontinuity in the physics of time occurs at different levels of assembly depending on temperature and homogeneity, but is well before the macroscopic or even cellular level. Cordus explains how the irreversibility arises in the time-delay that is introduced (frequency ticks required) when two volumes of matter interact. This explanation applies whether those volumes are decoherent or even independently coherent. Irreversibility arises because it is statistically impossible to return all particules in the system to their original positions and states. The fabric, which comprises the discrete field forces (hyffons) of all the other particules in the accessible universe, adds complexity to the interaction of even the simplest assembly of particules. Therefore entropy, irreversibility, discoherence, cause-and-effect, and the arrow of time all arise at the same point. 446 There is a connectedness of phenomena that are at different geometric locations, and this applies between macroscopic objects and at the small scale. A phenomena that occurs in one volume is communicated via photons, or massy particules, or fields, to other matter around it. This communication applies cause positional constraints on the recipient. The combination of connectedness, frequency, and irreversibility, results in temporal cause-and-effect. It is not a master clock that accomplishes this, nor does it require continuity of spacetime. The piece-wise communication between volumes of matter (whether coherent or not) achieves the effect of time. Cordus does not accept the temporal superposition of QM, hence also refuting the alternative-realities idea of QM. It also refutes the GR idea of spacetime, instead suggesting that time is a patchwork of temporal ratchets, not a continuous dimension. Hence cordus also rejects the idea of time-travel via folded spacetime, or the wormhole idea of QM. Cordus offers an answer to the question of whether the absolute clock of quantum mechanics or the spacetime of general relativity is correct. Neither is, but both are adequate approximations for their purposes. Cordus provides a more basic concept of time from which QM and GR emerge as different approximations. At the level of organic life, time is based in chemistry, specifically the delay introduced by the irreversible interaction of molecules. It takes chemical time for us to accomplish anything, even thought. Human perceptions of time are a construct founded on a real physical principle of temporal causality. The cordus model also offers explanations for various troublesome questions about time: is time-travel possible via folding of spacetime (no), is time real (yes), is time an illusion (partly), are there alternative realities (obsolete), is time the passage of entropy (not really), why are the laws of physics symmetrical, where did time come from, will it end (yes), is it a dimension (no)? The validity of the cordus model is uncertain, and the work is conjectural. Nonetheless it has high fitness in that it offers a logically consistent set of explanations for a very wide variety of physical phenomena. To sum up, the cordus model suggests that time consists of frequency oscillations of matter. The arrow is applied to time where irreversibility arises. The interconnectedness of matter, via its fields, creates a patchwork of time and cause-and-effect. Time is a series of delayed irreversible interactions between matter, not a dimension that can be traversed in both directions. Cordus proves a novel concept for time that is independent to existing models but nonetheless conceptually integrates QM, GR, and the human perception models of time. 447 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Teufel, J.D., et al., Sideband cooling of micromechanical motion to the quantum ground state. Nature, 2011. online publication 61.html. Connell, A.D., et al., Quantum ground state and single-phonon control of a mechanical resonator. Nature, 2009. 464(7289): p. 697-703. Commissariat, T. Drumming to a cooler quantum beat 2011 7 July 2011]; Available from: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Cordus Conjecture: Overview. viXra 1104.0015, 1-17 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Why does quantum mechanics not scale up? viXra 1107.0019, 1-18 DOI: Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Quis es tu photon? 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(2011) Annihilation mechanisms: Intermediate processes in the conversion of electron and antielectron into photons viXra 1109.0047, 121 DOI: 448 21. 22. Pons, D.J., Pons, Arion. D., Pons, Ariel. M., & Pons, Aiden. J. (2011) Wider Locality. Cordus matter: Part 3.1 viXra 1104.0022, 1-7 DOI: Pons, D.J. (2011) The preponderance of matter: Asymmetrical genesis via the antineutrino route. vixra 1111.0035, 1-19. 449 450 Possibly testable predictions of cordus mechanics Neither wave theory nor QM explain why the symmetry requirement should exist for the doubleslit device: with both those theories waves/particles take all available paths, and symmetry issues should not arise as they do. Experiments on concentricity might test the cordus principle.......................................................................................................................................115 If Wave theory is correct, coherence is not essential and it should be possible to construct an interference pattern from two independent light sources, e.g. one into each slit of the doubleslit experiment. The light sources need not be synchronised nor even exactly the same frequency: according to WT, interference fringes should nonetheless form, though not necessarily static. Cordus predicts that the outcome will be two independent gap-fringes (which is not the same as interference fringes). If interference fringes cannot be achieved then it suggests that light is not fundamentally a wave, but only shows wave-like behaviour. ......116 Note the implication of O.3.15 is that electrons are much ‘smaller’ than a photon, and can move around in response to the relatively large and slower-frequency photon. ..............................138 The Cordus models of reflection suggest that the photon does not reflect at a single point, but rather at its two reactive-ends. Furthermore, the precise locus taken by a reactive end depends on its frequency state at the time it approaches the surface, and the nature of the surface. Thus the reflection is not a sharp instant change in direction occurring at the surface, but rather a curved transition. Depending on the situation, that curve might occur above the surface (cisdermis) or beneath it (transdermis).........................................................................139 Cordus suggests that Bell’s Theorem is only applicable to point particles, and is thus generally irrelevant. ....................................................................................................................................169 Cordus predicts that the principle of locality is not viable in its present form and needs to be widened to include hyff interactions. ........................................................................................169 Cordus goes further than de Broglie to state that matter has a frequency even at rest. .................180 Cordus suggests that the zone of influence of the particle extends well beyond its geometric modes. The proton is likely to have hyff that create a zone of influence: this may be somewhat diffuse, perhaps shaped, and the outer zone may be considerably larger (though weaker) than commonly perceived...................................................................................................................182 Cordus predicts that a proton will have many ‘diameters’ depending on what interaction is being measured, and the nature of the probe.....................................................................................182 Cordus predicts it will be impractical to achieve coherence for macroscopic bodies at ambient conditions. It is particularly incompatible with living creatures. .............................................197 Small bodies: From the cordus perspective, sufficiently small bodies, typically atoms and molecules, should be able to diffract, form fringes through gaps, and pass through the doubleslit experiment with the usual outcomes, providing they are in body-coherence. ..................197 Large bodies: Macroscopic bodies cooled to near zero should be able to be placed into coherent states of internal oscillation (coherence), as a type of supersolid. Such bodies should be able to diffract and form fringes through sufficiently large gaps (or at edges), though the effects may be miniscule. ...........................................................................................................198 Cordus predicts that the double-slit experiment is infeasible for macroscopic bodies, even if they are in body-coherence. ...............................................................................................................198 Cordus predicts that practically every object at ambient temperature and visible with the naked eye is not going to form matter waves. .....................................................................................198 Cordus suggests superfluidity will become compromised at relativistic speeds...............................200 Cordus predicts that the field will be granular at the frequency of the basal charge, and not uniform quantum increments. Also, that the frequency should depend on the level-of-assembly – for example a free electron will have the same magnitude of field as one involved in a bond, but different frequency. ....................................................................................................................226 Cordus predicts that hyff penetrate everything, and no field can be shielded. ................................226 According to cordus the level of apparent electromagnetic shielding achieved should be dependent on frequency of the field, the mobility of the charge carriers in the shield material, and the geometry of the shield. Further that shielding may be achievable for one species of charged matter within a space, but not for much smaller charge species..............................................227 Cordus predicts that ‘virtual’ particles are fundamentally different to normal ‘particles’, and should be massless. This includes any bosons for gravitation. .............................................................227 451 Cordus suggests that both the electrostatic and magnetic effects should be directional for a single moving charge (the ‘base charge’), i.e. the force should be orientated in a particular direction, and granular, at sufficiently small scales. ..................................................................................229 Cordus suggests that at a sufficient small scale neutral mass should show magnetism, because the positive and negative basal generators are separated slightly. ................................................231 Cordus predicts that the electric and magnetic forces apply simultaneously, and with gravitation too. ..............................................................................................................................................231 Cordus predicts a retardation of the frequency for the remote charge during the operation of magnetism...................................................................................................................................233 Cordus predicts a tendency to mutual synchronisation of frequency for identical moving charges. .....................................................................................................................................................234 Cordus suggests that particuloid orientation is affected by magnetism and motion. ......................235 Cordus suggests that what QM perceives as quantum vacuum fluctuations are the passage, past the Observer, of disorderly hyffons, not real particuloids of matter. .............................................245 Remote particuloids should be able to affect each other’s spin through gravitational interaction, though it would only be evident when both bodies were in (separate) full body-coherence. 252 At small scales gravitation should be dependent on the directional alignment of the particuloids, similar to magnetism. .................................................................................................................253 As two bodies move closer together under gravitational attraction, so they release energy for other purposes, and their frequency and mass should decrease slightly, according to this model. .253 Cordus predicts that knowing the mechanisms for particuloid frequency should significantly enhance our understanding of momentum, time, and force. ...................................................263 Cordus predicts that the proton and probably the electron have three pairs of hyff, in orthogonal directions, but the pairs are offset across a small span.............................................................269 Cordus predicts that the quarks should be arranged in a co-linear manner. ....................................270 Cordus suggests that if the localised gradients in the fabric were too high, then the proton structure could disintegrate. ......................................................................................................................271 Cordus suggests that a particuloid becomes unstable and decays when there is no place for its reactive end to form, i.e. the external constraints of the fabric and the hyff of the immediate environment dominate and preclude the emergence of the particuloids’s hyff......................271 Cordus suggests that the strong interaction is simply an application of the CoFS principle to three axes. Thus the force that bonds quarks together is the positional convenience of their interlocked hyff, i.e. SHEDS. .......................................................................................................272 Cordus suggests the weak interaction is not a fundamental force or interaction, but rather an effect: a transitory form in the decay of matter....................................................................................272 The level of assembly concept suggests that at smaller scales the relationship between mass and energy is not smooth but should become granular as whole assemblies are changed. ..........273 Cordus interprets a positive binding energy as meaning that the span of the assembly should be greater than the parts. This is somewhat counter intuitive as we tend to think of molecular assemblies as bonds that pull the atoms closer.........................................................................273 The assembly gauge concept suggests that a coherent body will have only one frequency, not many. .....................................................................................................................................................274 According to cordus, the mass of any particuloid should depend on the level of assembly. ...........276 This cordus model predicts that particules with greater disparity in energy or less degrees of freedom, will take longer to annihilate. Also, for cases where both particles have the same energy, higher-frequency is expected to result in faster reactions. Possibly both of these may be testable...................................................................................................................................317 452 Index ↑ or ↓ .................................................371 absorption ............................127, 187, 272 acceleration ..................................236, 256 aether ...........................................242, 244 Aharonov-Bohm ...................................174 Airy pattern ..........................................110 alpha decay...........................................359 annihilation...........................286, 311, 338 antielectron ..................................286, 314 antihydrogen ........................................286 antimatter.............................................285 antineutrino..........................................412 antineutron...........................................292 antiparallel............................................316 antiphoton [not]...................................296 aperture................................................111 arrow of time................................441, 444 assembly gauge ............................275, 277 assembly level model of discoherence.428 asymmetry............................................403 Auger electron......................................359 baryogenesis.................................366, 403 BCS theory ............................................201 Beer-Lambert law .................................187 belief system of QM ...............................51 Bell's theorem...........................58, 79, 167 Berry phase...........................................201 beta - decay ..........................354, 387, 393 beta + decay .........................................357 Bhabha scattering.................................342 binding energy......................................274 biprism..................................................174 birefringence ........................................150 blocked path.....................................89, 94 body coherence......................................42 bonding.........................................326, 370 bonds ....................................................178 Bose-Einstein condensate ....................425 boson....................................177, 199, 222 boson mass...........................................381 Brewster’s angle ...................................151 Brownian motion..........................189, 202 Canals-Frau .............................................15 Casimir effect........................................179 causal variability .............................40, 428 charge conjugation invariance .............341 charge conservation .............................371 chirality ................................ 269, 287, 290 circular-polarisation............................. 177 cisdermis.............................................. 137 cloak..................................................... 366 cloaked hyffons............................ 366, 372 CoFS131, 165, 191, 246, 261, 269, 271, 274, 296, 315 cognitive dissonance.............................. 15 coherence42, 181, 196, 212, 253, 275, 423, 437 body ................................................. 197 coherence, assembly level model........ 428 coherence, biological systems............. 430 coherence, limits of ............................. 430 coherence, mechanisms for................. 425 coherent conceptual framework ......... 281 collapse .................................................. 83 collider .......................................