DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TED L. BIDDY, P.E. 1 P.L.S. BEFORE THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE CITIZENS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA DOCKET NO. 950495-WS Revised 5/3/96 1 Q. WHAT IS YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS? 2 A. My name is Ted L. Biddy. My business address is Baskerville-Donovan, Inc. (BDI), 2878 Remington Green Circle, Tallahassee, Florida 32308. 3 4 Q. BY WHOM ARE YOU EMPLOYED AND WHAT IS YOUR POSITION? 5 A. I am Vice-president of Baskerville-Donovan, Inc. and Regional Manager of the 6 7 Q. WHAT IS YOUR EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND AND WORK EXPERIENCE? 8 9 . Tallahassee Office. A. I graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a B.S. degree in Civil 10 Engineering in 1963, I am a registered professional engineer and land surveyor in 11 Florida, Georgia and Mississippi and several other states. Before joining BDI in 12 1991, I had operated my own civil engineering firm for 21 years. My areas of 13 expertise include civil engineering, structural engineering, sanitary engineering, 14 soils and foundation engineering and precise surveying. During my career, I have I5 designed and supervised the master planning, design and construction of thousands 16 of residential, commercial and industrial properties. My work has included: water 17 and wastewater design; roadway design; parking lot design; stormwater facilities 18 design; structural design; land surveys; and environmental permitting. 19 I have served as principal and chief designer for numerous utility projects. 20 Among my major water and wastewater facilities designs have been a 2,000 acre 21 development in Lake County, FL; a 1,200 acre development in Ocean Springs, MS; 22 a 4 mile water distribution system for Talquin Electric Cooperative, Inc. and a 320 1 lot subdivision in Leon County, FL. 1 2 Q. WHAT ARE YOUR PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS? 3 A. I am a member of the Florida Engineering Society, National Society of Professional Engineers, and Florida Society of hofessional Land Surveyors. 4 5 Q. SERVICE COMMISSION (FPSC)? 6 7 A. Q. HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY TESTIFIED BEFORE A STATE OR FEDERAL COURT AS AN ENGINEERING EXPERT WITNESS? 10 11 Yes. I have testified in the St. George Island Utilities, Ltd. case in Docket No. 940109-WU. 8 9 HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY TESTIFIED BEFORE THE FLORIDA PUBLIC A. Yes, I have had numerous court appearances as an expert witness for cases 12 involving roadways, utilities, drainage, stormwater, water and wastewater facilities 13 designs. 14 Q. HAVE YOU REVIEWED ANY RATE FILMG DOCUMENTS FILED WITH 15 THE FLORIDA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION REGARDING USED 16 AND USEFUL ANALYSIS AND OTHER ENGINEERING ISSUES? 17 A. Yes, I have reviewed the FPSC staff final recommendations on engineering issues 18 for Docket No. 920733-WS and No. 900718-WU. Docket No. 920733-WS was 19 filed by the General Development Utilities, Inc. for its Silver Springs Shores 20 Division which has lime softening treatment facilities. Dofket No. 900718-W 21 was filedby Gulf Utility Company for its reverse osmosis plant expansion. 22 Q. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF YOUR TESTIMONY? 2 1 A. The purpose of my testimony is to provide comments on methods of used and 2 useful analysis used by Southern States Utilities, Inc. (SSU) for this rate increase 3 filing. 4 Q- WERE THE MATERIALS YOU ARE SPONSORING PREPARED BY YOU 5 OR BY PERSONS UNDER YOUR DIRECT SUPERVISION AND 6 CONTROL? 7 A. Yes, they were. 8 Q. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE MARGIN RESERVE PROPOSED BY SSU FOR USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS? 9 10 A. No, I do not think margin reserve used by SSU in this rate filing is appropriate. 11 Besides the testimony provided by Witness Mr. Larkin, 1have some comments to 12 add especially on 3 years and 5 years of margin reserve for water and wastewater 13 treatment facilities, respectively. Chapter 62-600.405,Florida Adminisfmtive Code 14 (F.A.C.) requires all wastewater utilities to submit capacity analysis reports (CAR) 15 to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) at different 16 conditions. The five year time frame mentioned in the rules is mainly used as the 17 interval for submitting a CAR. We should not translate that five year time frame 18 as the actual time required for new plant expansions. The rule is simply trying to 19 mandate wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) owners to prepare plans for possible 20 future expansion. The five year submittal will be reduced to annual upaate when 21 the permitted capacity will be equaled or exceeded within the next 10 years. The 22 utilities may have to expand Wwrp quickly, it depends on how soon the flow is 3 1 anticipated to reach the permitted capacity. If the wastewater flow is not 2 anticipated to reach the permitted capacity within 10 years, on the other hand, the 3 utilities are only required to submit a CAR every 5 years and nothing else. 4 FDEP has no similar rules on water treatment facilities. The need for plant 5 expansion again is dependent upon when the future flow will reach existing 6 capacities. Sometimes it does not take a long time to increase capacity for water 7 treatment, such as adding a new well and filters. Therefore, the 3-year and 5-year 8 margin reserves requested by SSU are not justified or mandated by regulation. 9 In addition, a well planned phased development and plant expansion can . .. 10 reduce and eventually eliminate the need of margin reserve. This is feasible and 11 can be done. The construction permit DC432-219274 of Marion Oaks WWTP is 12 a good example in this filing. In that permit, the 0.2 MGD Type I extended aeration 13 sewage treatment plant was permitted to expand in four phases to a 1.O MGD plant. 14 Actually, the utility should have new customers or developers to pay for new plant 15 expansion through contribution or prepaid CIAC (:contribution in aid of 16 construction) and other ways. Collection of these prepaid fees from future 17 customers should render a margin reserve allowance, paid by c m n t customers, to 18 be unnecessary. 19 Under Florida conditions of tightening environmental regdation, increasing 20 water costs and water conservation concern, it is reasonable to believethat the 21 water consumption and wastewater generation of existing customers will not 22 increase. Therefore, the margin .reserve requested by SSU is solely for new 4 .. 1 customers. If the PSC allows margin reserve in the used and useful calculations, 2 then it will penalize existing customers by burdening them to pay extra cost for new 3 customers. Allowing margin reserve will M e r increase water and wastewater 4 rates to existing customers. High utility rates reduce the financial ability for 5 customers and will hinder future development. Therefore, the PSC should 6 eliminate margin reserve allowance in used and useful analysis. The utility should 7 recover the costs of plant addition ffom new customers or developers through other 8 measures. 9 Q. DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON THE FIRE FLOW 10 REQUIREMENT SOUTHERN STATES UTILITIES, INC, (SSU) APPLIED 11 IN USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS? 12 A. Fire flow capacity should be included in used and useful calculation only if fire 13 flow provision was proven by sufficient fire flow test records. SSU did not provide 14 this information in the original filing, therefore, no fire flow was applied in my used 15 and useful calculation. However, OPC has request SSU to provide the fire flow test 16 information. Revised used and useful calculation will be submitted if SSU does 17 provide adequate information. 18 19 mnse to OPC Document Reauest No. 298. SSU Drovided fire flow ec ' t ' e w w c w 20 included in the revised Exhibit TLB-3 of used and useful calculations. Exh ibit 21 ILB-3.1 summarizes fire flow records and adiustrnents of fire flow allowance. 22 Many components of a water distribution system dictate the delivery of fire 5 REVISED 5/3/96 1 flow. They include high service pumps, distribution storage tanks (elevated or 2 ground) and water mains. Because of economic concerns, for many systems fire 3 flows are provided partially by high service pumps and partially by storage. See 4 Exhibit TLB-I excerpted from AWWA M31 Manual for examples. 5 No fire flow should be applied to high service pumps, finished water storage 6 or water supply wells without confirming the fire fighting capability of each I system. Installing a fire hydrant in the distribution system does not guarantee the 8 required fire flow. As mentioned above SSU was asked to prove the fire flow 9 capability by providing fire flow test records. However, that information was not IO available at the time of preparing this testimony. Therefore, no fire flow 11 requirement requested by SSU was included in my used and useful calculations in 12 Exhibit TLB-3. When fire flow test documentation becomes available, the used 13 and useful schedules may be revised and provided to the Commission. 14 If a system is not designed or proved to provide required fire flow, it is 15 dangerous and unfair to assume the fire flow requirement in used and usefid 16 analysis. Residents and business owners are paying higher property insurance 17 premiums because of inadequate fire fighting provision. It is not cost effective to 18 use source of supply to meet instantaneous demands, such as peak hourly flows and 19 fire flows. Normally a small water system without storage tanks does not have the 20 capability for fire fighting. 21 In addition, AWWA Manual M3 1 Page 33 states "Generally, water system 22 components are out of service for short periods of time, so the probability of a 6 1 component being out of service when a fue occurs is low. ....Fortunately, fues that 2 severely stress a distribution system occur only a few times a year in large systems 3 and only once every few years in small systems. Therefore, the probability of a 4 major fire occurring while more than one water system component is out of service 5 is so low that the utility should not be expected to meet required fire flow at such 6 times.” 7 Q- SSU . REQUESTED A 12.5% 8 UNACCOUNTED FOR WATER 9 REQUEST? 10 A. COMPANY-WIDE LEVEL OF DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS No. A company-wide unaccounted for water percentage can not represent actual 11 unaccounted for water level of each system. Some systems with high levels of 12 unaccounted for water, like Oak Forest, St. Johns Highlands, and Stone Mountain, 13 are averaged out by large numbers of low unaccounted for water systems. 14 Therefore, the company-wide approach provides a shelter to high unaccounted for 15 water systems and does not encourage operation improvement. PSC should 16 evaluate the level of unaccounted for water on an individual basis. To achieve low 17 levels of unaccounted for water, PSC should allow no more than 10% for each 18 water system. Proper adjustments have been made in Exhibit TLB-3water system 19 used and useful calculations, to account for excess unaccounted for water. 20 Q. 21 22 DO YOU RECOMMEND THAT A SINGLE MAXlMUM DAY.FLOW SHOULD BE USED IN USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS? A. NO, the single maximum day flows should not be used in used and useful 7 1 calculations in this filing. The single maximum day flows may include undetected 2 or unrecorded leaks, flushing and unusual usage, in addition to the PSC allowed 3 unaccounted for water. Normally, a water main leaks for days before detection and 4 that amount of water loss is hard to keep track of. Main breaks and line flushing 5 have similar situations because good records are hard to keep. 6 When engineers review historic flow data and evaluate for maximum daily 7 demands, any unusual and excessive uses of water should be excluded as provided 8 by AWWA M3 1, Distribution System Requirementfor Fire Protection, on Page 16. 9 In this filing, SSU did not exclude any unusual and excessive water use for the 10 single maximum day flows. Therefore, an average of the five highest maximum 11 daily flows in the maximum month is justified and should be used for all used and 12 useful and engineering issues. This has been the policy historically used by the 13 Commission. 14 Q. IS IT JUSTIFIED TO USE THE PERMITTED CAPACITIES IN 15 OPERATION PERMITS INSTEAD OF CONSTRUCTION PERMITS FOR 16 USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS? 17 A. Normally the operation permit has the same capacity as construction permit for 18 each treatment facility. However, sometimes the same treatment facility has less 19 pemit capacity in its operation permit than construction permit. For example, a 20 one MGD contact stabilization type sewage treatment plant could be a t i d at 0.5 21 MGD for operating in extended aeration treatment. The Beacon Hills WWTp 22 provides an actual example. According to FDEP permit number D016-213087, 8 1 that facility is permitted as a 0.836 MGD extended aeration WWTP, which can also 2 be operated as a 1.78 MGD contact stabilization WWTP. I have adjusted the used 3 and useful calculation for the Beacon Hill wastewater treatment plant to reflect its 4 1.78 MGD capacity in Exhibit TLB-4. Adjustments would be appropriate for the 5 other systems if their plant capacities are similarly understated. 6 Therefore, construction permit capacities should be used unless the 7 operation permit has permanently changed the original permit capacities. This 8 question will not be an issue when SSU applies for permit renewals in the future. 9 According to the FPDES Demit deleeation from EPA, FDEP will combine the construction and operation permits into one permit application. 10 11 Q. IS IT REASONABLE TO USE "FIRM RELIABLE CAPACITIES!' TO 12 CALCULATE USED AND USEFUL PERCENTAGES FOR SUPPLY 13 WELLS, HIGH SERVICE PUMPS AND WATER TREATMENT 14 FACILITIES? 15 A. No, it is not justified to use firm reliable capacity on more than one component. 16 The firm reliable capacity is the total capacity of supply wells, high service pumps, 17 filters, or other treatment plant facilities without the largest unit in operation. That 18 largest unit is assumed to be out of service for routine maintenance or emergency 19 repair. 20 Most of the time, facilities are scheduled in advance to be out of &vice for 21 maintenance or repair. It is very unlikely that two facility components will be 22 scheduled for service at the same time. The chance of having two facility 9 REVISED 5/3/96 breakdowns, simultaneously, is slim. Therefore, it is not economically justified to 1 calculate used and useful percentages for supply wells, water treatment facilities and high service pumps all with "firm reliable capacity.'' Adjustments have been made in my used and useful calculations in Exhibit TLB-3,based on the above discussion. 5 6 Q. AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS PROPOSED BY SSU? 7 8 DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON WATER SUPPLY WELL USED A. SSU used so called "firm reliable capacity'' in calculating used and useful 9 percentage for water supply wells. The firm reliable capacity excludes the largest 10 well capacity by assuming it to be out of service. When there are more than ten 11 wells, the largest two wells are assumed to be out of service. The combined 12 capacity of remaining supply wells is the "firm reliable capacity.'' If a system has 13 only supply wells and no storage facilities or high service pumps, then the well 14 pumps also serve as high service pumping facilities. For this type water system, the 15 "firm reliable capacity" proposed by SSU is acceptable. 1 16 However, when storage or high service pumping facilities are available, the 17 "firm reliable capacity" method is not applicable. According to Section 3.2.1,l 18 Source capacity of Recommended Standards For Wafer Work: 19 "The total developed groundwater source capacity shall equal or exceed the 20 design maximum day demand and equal or exceed the design average day'demand 21 with the largest producing well out of service." 22 This design criteria should be used to calculate used and useful percentage 10 1 for supply wells. For the above reason, the "firmreliable capacity" method should 2 not be applied to supply wells where the water system is also equipped with storage 3 and high service pumping facilities. Adjustments have been made according to the 4 above principles in Exhibit TLB-3. 5 Q. CALCULATIONS OF THE FINISHED WATER STORAGE? 6 7 DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS REGARDING USED AND USEFUL A. The peak hour domestic demands calculations proposed by SSU is unjustified 8 without document support and clear explanation. SSU .assumed the peak hour 9 demand is two times of the maximum day demand and the peak hour demand is 10 four hours long. AWWA M32, Distribution Network Analysis for Water Utilities, 11 suggests a peak factor range of 1.3 to 2.0 for peak-hour demand to maximum-day 12 demand. I believe 1.3 should be used because it is the minimum requirement. 13 In MFRs Volume VI Book 1 of 2 Pages 14 and 15, "maximum day gallons 14 pumped was used instead of "maximum day gallons pumped24 hours.'' The time 15 unit was omitted and an abnormal large storage for domestic peak hour demand will 16 be erroneously calculated. Though SSU did not make mistakes in this calculation, 17 it is better to clarify that the "maximum day gallons pumped means "maximum 18 day gallons pumped within 24 hours" in the record. Normally to compute the 19 required peak hour storage, a mass diagram or hydrograph indicating the hourly rate 20 of consumption is required. 21 SSU requested an 8-hour emergency storage for large water systems, 22 including: Amelia Island, Burnt Store, Citrus Springs, Deltona Lakes, Lehigh, 11 Marco Shores, Marco Island, and Sugar Mill Country Club. Emergency storage is not a design criteria in the Recommended Standardr for Water Works. Just as AWWA M32 stated, the amount of emergency storage is an owner option to be included within a particular water system. It depends on an assessment of risk and 5 the desired degree of system dependability. Emergency storage is seldom included 6 in designs because of costs. SSU was unable to confirm the emergency storage in 7 the original plant design. Therefore, no emergency storage was applied in my used 8 and useful calculations. 9 SSU also requested ten percent of the total finished water storage to be 10 "dead storage" because of floor suction and vortexing effect. These concerns are 11 not true for all storage facilities, especially for elevated tanks. For ground storage 12 facilities, as-built drawings should be able to reveal the minimum operating level. 13 It is not justified to assume 10% of the storage capacity is dead storage for every 14 single storage tank. In addition, SSU has used more than 10% dead storage in the 15 used and useful calculations for most of the systems. Further, SSU provides no 16 supporting explanation to justify dead storage allowance for each storage tank. 17 When designing storage tanks and high service pumps, engineers have to 18 check the available net positive suction head (NPSH)and ensure that it is greater 19 than the net required positive suction head to avoid cavitation problems. Therefore, 20 the vortex situation is rare because high service pumps are always placedat a low 21 grade to obtain the maximum NPSH. Full storage tank capacity was applied in my 22 used and useful calculations, per Exhibit TLB-2 and Exhibit TLB-3. 12 1 Q. 2 3 DO YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS TO ADD ABOUT THE PROPOSED HIGH SERVICE PUMPS USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS? A. High service pumps are normally designed to handle maximum daily flows. Any demands beyond maximum daily flows should be met by distribution storage tanks (AWWA M32 P.41). Distribution storage means elevated storage tank or a ground storage tank with booster pumps in the distribution system. Distribution storage is a part of the finished water storage. Finished water storage usually means ground . 8 storage tanks that store finished water to be supplied to high service pumps which 9 push the finished water to the distribution system. However, many water systems IO have elevated storage tanks in addition to the ground storage tanks to meet the 11 system demands. According to SSU witness Mr. Bliss, Keystone Heights and 12 Lehigh are the only two water systems in this rate filing that have elevated storage 13 tanks. It is not cost effective to use high service pumps to handle peak hourly flows 14 and fire flows. If fire flows are provided by distribution storage, no fire flow 15 should be included in high service pump used and useful calculations. However, 16 SSU was unable to confirm whether fire flow is provided by elevated storage tanks 17 in Keystone Heights and Lehigh. For that reason fire flow demands will be applied 18 to high service pumps only when fire flow provision is properly proven. 19 A water system with no elevated distribution storage facilities is less cost 20 effective because both high service pumps and on site finished water stdrage need 21 to meet extra peak hourly demands above maximum daily flows or fire flows. 22 Without the capability of replenishing elevated storage, high service pumps need 13 1 to operate in a higher and wider range of pumping head Therefore, the capital 2 costs are higher and less cost effective to operate, compared to water systems with 3 elevated storage tanks. During the peak demands, the elevated tank will first 4 provide water to the system and high service pumps will provide the remaining 5 excess water demands. For that reason a smaller high service pump can be used. 6 Examples in Exhibit TLB-1 clearly address these situations. 7 When distribution storage is not available, but the system is designed to 8 provide fire flows, engineers will size up high service pumps for fire flow 9 provision. However, the design flows used should be maximum day demands 10 (average 5 maximum days of maximum month) plus fire flows or peak hourly 11 demands, which ever is greater. This design criteria is used in AWWA M31 12 because the chance of having a fire outbreak during peak hourly demands is very 13 slim. Therefore, designing high service pumps to meet fire flows, plus peak hourly 14 flows, is not economicallyjustified. Adjustments have been made in my used and 15 useful calculations in Exhibit TLB-3. See Exhibit TLB-2 for calculation key 16 SUmmary. 17 Q. FACILITY LANDS, HYDRO TANKS, AND AUXILtARY POWER? 18 19 DO YOU AGREE WITH THE 100% USED AND USEFUL REQUEST ON A. No, PSC should not grant 100% used and useful on facility lands, auxiliary power 20 and hydro tanks without individual analysis. Every system has differeht sizes of 21 facility lands, auxiliary power, and hydro tanks. The current demands and 22 available capacities are also unique between systems. These factors all dictate the 14 . 1 facility usage. Therefore, a used and useful calculation is really required for every 2 facility land, auxiliary power, and hydro tank. Adjustments should be made to the 3 used and useful percentages because all facility land, auxiliary power, and hydro 4 tank are part of the system, and they are designed to serve the whole system. The 5 higher the existing demand, the higher the used and useful percentage. 6 From the response to OPC Interrogatory No. 341, SSU stated that 50 water 1 and 11 wastewater systems have auxiliary power equipment. Unfortunately SSU 8 cannot specify what facilities are supported by each auxiliary power equipment. 9 Therefore, OPC has to assume that auxiliary power has the same used and useful 10 percentage as supply wells or wastewater treatment plants. Adjustments to 11 auxiliary power have been made in Exhibit TLB-3 and Exhibit TLB-4. See Exhibit 12 TLB-2 for calculation key and rationale summary. Marco Shores water system has 13 no supply wells, and the used and useful percentage of high service pumps was 14 used for auxiliary power equipment. 15 Q. IS IT APPROPRIATE TO USE HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS IN 16 CALCULATING THE USED AND USEFUL PERCENTAGES OF WATER 17 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS? 18 A. No, it is not appropriate to use hydraulic analysis modeling to calculate the used 19 and useful percentage for water transmission and distribution system. The 20 hydraulic analysis method indeed is a reliable design tool for desigliing water 21 transmission and distribution systems. However, it does not follow that hydraulic 22 analysis is also appropriate and applicable for the used and useful analysis in 15 1 economic regulations. 2 The used and useful analysis for a water transmission and distribution 3 system is not a flow measurement or flow projection technique. Used and useful 4 analysis is about allocating construction costs fairly to both existing and future 5 customers. Hydraulic analysis modeling proposed by SSU unfairly shifts the 6 majority of the cost burden to existing customers, especially in new or sparsely 7 developed areas. For example, in the same subdivision customers in densely 8 developed areas will have to pay for water mains which are less used in newly or 9 sparsely developed areas. The reason is that the distribution system will supply 10 water to high demands from densely developed areas through looped water mains 11 in sparsely developed areas. 7'he fire flow provision also makes the water mains 12 in sparsely developed areas highly used and useful. It is the responsibility of 13 developers and utility owners to prevent scattered development. Utility owners 14 should bear the risk and costs of acquiring systems serving sparse developments. 15 Sunny Hills is a good example of the above conditions. The example belo'w 16 illustrates the unfair used and useful determination because the flow measurement 17 technique utilized in a hydraulic analysis tends to inflate used and useful percentage 18 for sparsely developed systems. . . 19 Assume a water distribution system is designed to serve 1,000 single family 20 homes with a 750 gpm fire flow provision, and assume that the systenl currently 21 serves only 100 homes with 350 gallons per home average daily consumption. 22 Using peaking factors of 2 for max@un daily flows from average daily flows and 16 . 1 1.3 for peak hourly flows &om maximum daily flows, the existing 100 homes will 2 be required to pay for 58.84% of the total water mains laid for 1,000 homes. See 3 the following calculation. 4 5 Used and useful % = K100 x 350 x 2 x 1.3/1440) + 7501 = 58.84% [(IO00 x 350 x 2 x 1.3/1440) + 7501 6 This example clearly demonstrates that the hydraulic analysis .method 7 unfairly allocates cost sharing between existing customers and future customers. 8 In the filing, SSU has requested a 28.09% used and useful on the Sunny Hills Well 9 5 transmission and distribution system. In that subdivision, only four customers are 10 connected to the system with a 491 lot capacity. Due to the inclusion of fire flow, 11 those customers who represent less than one percent of the system, are responsible 12 for 28.09% of the water mains cost. An economic regulatory agency like PSC 13 should not accept such a disparity created by hydraulic analysis methods. If PSC 14 accepts hydraulic analysis for used and useful calculations, future development will 15 be intimidated by highly inflated rates. 16 Hydraulic analysis modeling is too complicated and time consuming to 17 apply to water transmission and distribution used and useful analysis. Any change 18 in high service pumps, distribution storage, customer demands and water main size 19 will increase or decrease water flows in water pipes. For example, by using a larger 20 size high service pump for build out conditions, more water will pass thtough the 21 same water main. Therefore, a change in the system operating parameters will 22 create a different hydraulic analysis result. The build out flows presented by SSU 17 1 in the MFRs are not the ultimate capacities of the water mains, and they are subject 2 to change. For examples, a lot of "dry" water mains in the original "Deltona" 3 systems are not connected to existing distribution systems. Once the "dry" mains 4 are connected, the build out flow of each main will be changed. If PSC accepts the 5 use of hydraulic analysis, there will be numerous sets of used and useful 6 percentages, and it can unduly complicate the used and useful analysis. 7 Consequently customers will be paying more than their fair share on the water 8 transmission and distribution system. 9 In addition, to validate the hydraulic analysis computer model for an 10 existing distribution system, detailed calibrations are required, which includes 11 comparing system pressures with computer output and checking roughness 12 coefficient of water mains. A slight change on the roughness coefficient can affect 13 the results significantly. Calibrating a hydraulic model basically is a trial and error 14 process until the model prediction is close to field measurements. Trying to adopt 15 hydraulic modeling for used and useful analysis is not appropriate because of 16 complexity and time consumption. It is economically unfeasible for most utilities 17 to perform hydraulic modeling for rate increase filings. Due to numerous variables, 18 the enormous staff time required to verify hydraulic computer models is an 19 unnecessary burden for PSC. 20 On the other hand, the "lot count" method allocates the water main costs 21 evenly to all customers, after engineers have properly designed the whole system. 22 The lot count method assigns a fair share of the total construction cost to every 18 1 customer. The lot count method does not fail to recognize water main cost to 2 accommodate fire flow and looped lines, because it allocates the total cost through 3 used and useful percentages. Existing customers do not get a free ride because the 4 construction costs of fire flow accommodation and looped lines are included in the 5 total cost. 6 Water transmission and distribution systems are designed for all existing 7 and future customers. The hydraulic analysis method clearly tilts the burden to 8 existing customers. The lot count method tends to give an equal cost share to all 9 customers. Therefore, the lot count method will not discourage future development, 10 as opposed to the way hydraulic modeling will probably discourage future 11 development. For some instances, however, the lot count method still favors future 12 customers. For example, without future development, engineers would design a 13 smaller size system for existing customers. However, most of the time water 14 transmission and distribution mains are oversized for existing customers to 15 accommodate future phases of development. Lot count method does not reduce the 16 used and useful percentage for existing customers for the over sized mains. 17 Therefore, existing customers are carrying extra costs for laying larger sizes of 18 water mains that will be connected for future development. The burden on future 19 customers are therefore less than existing customers. 20 "Fill-in-lots" should not be a problem in the lot count method: 'When a 21 system is reaching built out, fill-in lots probably will be sold at appreciated values 22 and increase the used and useful percentages. A mass development without proper 19 1 phasing creates sparse development and scatters customers. Low used and useful 2 percentages of the water transmission and distribution are apparent and 3 unavoidable. Developers and utility owners should bear the risk for not preventing 4 sparse development from happening. Existing customers should not pay for the 5 consequence of low used and useful percentage on a water distribution system. 6 SSU should recover the cost of unused water mains by collecting contributions 7 from new customers. Adjustments have been made to appropriate systems in the 8 Exhibit TLB-3. 9 Q. SHOULD RATE BASE INCLUDE WATER MAINS LAID IN THE 10 GROUND BUT NOT CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING DISTRIBUTION 11 SYSTEM? 12 A. Any water mains constructed in place but which do not connect to the existing 13 system should be considered non-used and useful. Apparently those "dry" mains 14 are reserved for future customers. Any investment in these "dry" water mains 15 should be removed from rate base. When SSU provides the dollar investments in 16 these "dry" water mains, these amounts should be removed from rate base. 17 Accordine to the Late Filed DeDosition Exhibit No. 8 of Mr. Bliss. the 18 followincr dollar amounts should be removed from the rate base of each svstem: 19 $9 13.386 .25 from Citrus SDrine: $204.309.60 from Marion Oaks:$45.144.00 from 20 Pine Ridge: and $686.71 1.20 from Sunnv Hills. 21 22 Q. SHOULD EXCESS INFLOW AND INFILTRATION BE INCLUDED IN ENGINEERING SCHEDULE .F-2(S) GALLONS OF WASTEWATER 20 REVISED 5/3/96 TREATED? 1 2 A. No. The amount of wastewater treated should not include any excessive inflow and 3 infiltration. Engineering Schedules F-2(S) filed by SSU did not show the inflow 4 and infiltration amount. The inflow/iiltration information should be presented to 5 show the condition of collection system. Many guideline criteria are available and 6 can be used for infiltration allowance on gravity sewers. In the Recommended 7 Stundurdsfor Wastewater Facilities, 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile 8 per day is the recommended guideline and that criteria is generally used by the 9 FDEP staff. 10 Any excessive inflow and infiltration should be excluded from the amount 11 of wastewater treated. The used and useful analysis should be adjusted accordingly. 12 From the response to OPC Document Request No. 279, SSU indicated that eight 13 out of the forty WWTP have excess inflow and infiltration, as shown by Appendix 14 DR 279-A. The excess amounts were excluded from the used and useful 15 calculations in Exhibit TLB-4. 16 Q. DO YOU AGREE THAT THE NEW RAW WATER SUPPLY SITE OF 17 MARC0 18 EVALUATION? 19 A. ISLAND IS 100% USED AND USEFUL WITHOUT No. An evaluation of total water supply capacity should be conducted before 20 claiming 100% used and useful on the raw water supply site. Currently, It does not 21 seem feasible that this facility will be put into service for the projected test year 22 1996 because no facilities have been constructed on the site. In addition, witness 21 .. .. 1 Mr. Terrero mentioned that SSU does not yet have the easement and right of way 2 to connect the new water supply site and Marco Island. Therefore, the cost of 160 3 acres new water supply site should be eliminated from the rate base in this filing. 4 Q- ALL EFFLUENT REUSE FACILITIES WITHOUT EVALUATION? 5 6 DO YOU AGREE WITH THE 100% USED AND USEFUL REQUEST FOR A. No. Though effluent reuse is encouraged by environmental regulatory agencies 7 and the utilities are allowed to recover the costs through rate shuctures, it does not 8 automatically mean all effluent reuse facilities are 100% used and useful. Existing 9 customers should not pay for extra reuse capacity, just as existing customers should .: 10 not pay for excess capacities of wastewater treatment plants and percolation ponds. 11 In addition, the effluent reuse customers also are paying costs for using the treated 12 effluent. SSU should perform used and useful calculations on all systems that have 13 reuse facilities: Amelia Island, Deltona Lakes, Florida Central Commerce Park, 14 Lehigh, Marco Island, Point OWoods, and University Shores. It is unjustified to 15 ask existing customers to pay for future customers. Currently no specific used and 16 useful calculations have been made due to lack of effluent reuse flow data. Under 17 this circumstance, the used and useful percentage of reuse facilities was assumed 18 the same percentage as used for percolation ponds. :. 19 Some systems have W o or more effluent disposal measures other than 20 reuse. For example, Marco Island wastewater system has golf course imgation, 21 percolation ponds, and deep injection well for its effluent disposal. Used and useful 22 calculations may be revised when relevant information is provided by SSU. 22 1 Q. 2 3 DO YOU AGREE THAT AN ADJUSTMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO THE DEEP INJECTION WELL ON MARC0 ISLAND? A. Yes. The used and useful percentage of the deep injection well on Marco Island 4 depends on the flow data that will be provided by SSU in the near future. Proper 5 adjustment may be made and filed to the Commission when necessary information 6 is provided. 7 According to the Late Filed Deposition Exhibits No. 4. 5. and 6 of Mr. 8 Tererro and Resuonse to OPC Document Request No. 289. the deeD iniection well 9 on Marco Island is 37.24% used and useful. See Exhibit TLB-4 for the revised 10 'bit TLB-4.1 for effluent disoosal calculation psed and useful wrcentapes. and Exh~ 11 SUmmarV. 12 Q. 13 14 DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC COMMENTS CONCERNING THE BURNT STORE WATER SYSTEM? A. Yes. I believe the capacity of the Burnt Store reverse osmosis water plant should 15 be 380 gallons per minute (gpm) instead of 333 gpm. The SSU response to Staff 16 Interrogatory No. 91 indicated that there are two membrane skids in service. Each 17 skid is rated for 167 gpm. However, this pure product water (1 67 gpm) is blended 18 with ten percent (10%) of the 223 gpm feed water. Therefore, the whole plant 19 output capacity should be as follows: 20 Total Capacity = 2 x [167 gpm + (1 0% x 223 gprn)] = 378.6gp1-h 21 However, at his deposition SSU witness Mr. Terrero confirmed that he considered 22 each skid to have a capacity of 190 gpm, resulting in a total capacity of 380 gpm 23 REVISED 5/3/96 1 for Burnt Store's xverse osmosis water plant. Proper adjustment has been made in 2 my used and useful calculation in Exhibit TLB-3. 3 Q. TESTIMONY? 4 5 DID YOU PREPARE ANY USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS IN THIS A. Yes, I have recalculated the used and useful percentages for all water and 6 wastewater systems, according to my positions on the above issues. However, 7 some information was not provided by SSU,and I had to make many assumptions 8 in the calculations. For example, fire flow provision was not included because no 9 confirnation is available. Auxiliary power is normally designed to operate supply 10 wells in water systems. In wastewater systems, auxiliary power is usually designed 11 to operate the wastewater treatment plant. 12 All numbers filed by SSU were used, and assumed to be genuine and 13 correct. The calculated used and useful percentages of water and wastewater 14 systems are presented in Exhibit TLB-3 and Exhibit TLB-4, respectively. A 15 summary of calculation key and rationale is also included in Exhibit TLB-2. 16 However, these used and useful numbers are subject to change pending further 17 responses to discovery. 18 Q. DOES THIS CONCLUDE YOUR PREFILED TESTIMONY? 19 A Yes, that concludes my testimony filed on February 12, 1996. 24 EXHIBIT TLB-1 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS EXAMPLE . 26 FIRE PROTECTION EXHIBIT TLB-1 PAGE 1 of 6 PUMPING FOR DISTRIBUTION STORAGE The two types of distribution storage-ground and elevated-have, in turn. two types of pumping systems. One is a direct pumping system, in which the instantaneous system demand is met by pumping with no elevated storage provided. The second type is an indirect system in which the pumping station lifts water to a reservoir or elevated storage tank, which floats on the system and provides system pressure by gravity. Direct Pumping The direct pumping system is Quiterare todav.but some systems still exist. Variablespeed pumping units operated off of direct system pressure are also in use in some communities. B d r o p n e u m a t i c tanks a t the pumping station provide some storage. These tanks permit the pumping-station pumps to s t a r t and stop, based on a variable system pressure preset by controls operating off of the tank. Indirect Pumping In an indirect system, the pumping station is not associated with the demands of the major load center. I t is operated from the water level difference in the reservoir or elevated storage tank, enabling the prescribed the tank to be maintained. The majority of systems have a n elevated storage tank or a reservoir on high ground floating on the system. This arrangement permits the Dumuine station to operate a t a uniform rate, with the storage either making up or absorbing the difference between station discharge and system demand. ANALYSIS OF STORAGE Two variations of distribution storage design affect the operation and reliability of a system's fire suppression capabilities. These two variations involve placement of the storage between the supply point and the major load center or beyond the major load center. An analysis of the following storage designs will be made in the remainder of this chapter: * system A-pumping siation to major center of demand (load) with no elevated storage tank; * system B-pumping station to major center of demand with a n elevated storage tank between the supply and demand; and system C-pumping station to major center of demand with an elevated storage tank beyond the demand. ' - Model System The model system used in the analysis has the following characteristics: Population = 27,000 Water demand rates Average day-27,000 x 150 gpcd = 4.0 mgd M a x i m u m d a y 4 . 0 x 1.5 = 6.0 mgd Maximum hour-6.0 x 1.5 = 9.0 mgd = 7.2 mgd Fire flow = 5000 gpm Maximum 10-h rate Maximum day and fire flow-6.0 + 7.2 = 13.2 mgd Minimum pressure at major load center = 50 psi EXHIBIT TL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STORAGE dAGE System pipelines are all expressed a s equivalent lengths of 24-in. pipe with a C factor of 120. Hydraulic gradient is the slope of the line joining the elevations to which water would rise in pipes freely vented and under atmospheric pressure. System A-No Storage If no storage is provided in system A (Figure 3-11 a t a given demand rate, the pumping station hydraulic gradient must be sufficient to overcome system losses a t a demand rate and maintain a minimum of 115 ft a t the major load center. Thus, the pumping heads required to maintain 115 ft plus the head loss in 40,000 ft of equivalent pipe for the various conditions are a s follows: Demand Rates Average day, 4.0 mgd--115 + (0.67 x 40) Maximum day, 6.0 mgd--115 + (1.42 x 40) Maximum hour, 9.0 mgd--115 + (3.0 x 40) Maximum day and fire, 13.2 mgd-115 + (6.1 x 4 0 ) Figure 3-1 System A-hydraulic Sradient with no storage. Pumping H e a d R e q u i r e d = 142 R = 172ft = 235 ft = 359 ft Of 28 EXHIBIT TLB-1 PAGE 3 of 6 FIRE PROTECTION System &Storage Ahead of Load Center If, a s shown in Figure 3-2, a 1.75-mil gal storage tank is located 145 ft above the datum plane and a t a distance of 35,000 ft from the pump station (5000 ft ahead of the major load center), the pumping head of a given pumping rate must be sufficient to pump against a head a t the storage tank and overcome system losses a t the pumping rate. Average day. A t the average-day demand, the required pumping rate (no water taken from storage) is 4 mgd. The pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient a t the tank plus the head loss in 35,000 ft of equivalent pipe a t 4 mgd, or 145 + (0.67 x 35) = 169 ft. The hydraulic gradient a t the load center is the hydraulic gradient a t the tank minus the head loss in 5000 f t of equivalent pipe, or 145 - (0.67 x 5) = 142 It. M a x i m u m day. At the maximum-day demand, the required p u m p n g rate is 6 mgd (no water taken from storage). The pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient a t the tank plus the head loss in 35,000 ft of equivalent pipe a t 6 mgd, or 145 + (1.42 x 35) = 195 it. The hydraulic gradient a t the load center is the hydraulic gradient a t the tank minus the head loss in 5000 R of equivalent pipe a t 6 mgd, or 145 - (1.42 x 5) = 138 ft. M a x i m V . h o u r . At the maximum-hour demand, the flow in the 5000 ft of pipe between the tank and the load center must be 9 mgd. The hydraulic gradient a t the load center is the hydraulic gradient a t the tank minus the losses in 5000 R of equivalent pipe a t 9 mgd, or 145 - (3 x 5) = 130 ft. The pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient a t the tank plus the head loss in 35,000 f t of equivalent pipe a t the chosen pumping rate. If 3 mgd is to be supplied from the tank. center Figure 3-2 System &hydraulic grad: .Its with storage between pump station and load center. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STORAGE 2gpAGE EXPIBIT of TLi storage and the remaining 6 mgd is to~.besupplied from pumping, t h e pumping head required is 145 + (1.42 x 35) = 195.ft (Figure 3-2). M a x i m u m d a y plus f i r e flow. At the maximum-day demand plus the fire demand, the flow in the 5000 ft of pipe between the tank and the load center must be 13.2 mgd. The hydraulic gradient a t the load center is the hydraulic gradient a t the tank minus the head loss of 5000 ft of equivalent pipe a t 13.2 mgd, or 145 - (6.1 X 5) = 115 ft. If it is decided to supply 4.2 mgd from storage and pump the remaining 9 mgd, the pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient at the t a n k plus the head loss in 35,000 ft of equivalent pipe a t 9 mgd, or 145 + (3 x 35) = 250 ft. D e m a n d Rates Average day, 4.0 mgd-no water from storage Maximum day, 6.0mgd-no water from storage Maximum hour, 9.0 mgd-6.0 mgd from pumps + 3.0 mgd from storage Maximum day plus fire flow, 13.2 mgd-9.0 mgd from pumps + 4.2 mgd tank System C-Storage Pumping Head R e q u i r e d = 169 ft = 195 R = 195 R = 250 ft Beyond Load Center In the arrangement shown in Figure 3-3, 1.75 mi1,gal of storage is provided 5000 f t beyond the load center (45,000 ft from the pump station) a t a n elevation of 119 ft above the datum plane. When no water is being taken from storage a t a f$ven demand rate, the pumping head must be sufficient to pump against the head a t the tank and overcome losses between the pump station and the load center a t that demand rate. When part of the demand is being supplied from storage, however, the pumping head need only be sufficient to pump against the head a t the load center and overcome losses in the pipeline between the pump station and t h e load center. Average day. At the average-day demand, the required pumping rate is 4 mgd (no water taken from storage). The pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient a t the tank plus the head loss in 40,000 f t of equivalent pipe, or 119 + (0.67 x 40) = 146 ft. The hydraulic gradient a t the load center is thus identical to t h a t a t t h e tank (119 ft). Maximum day. At the maximum-day demand, the required pumping rate is 6 mgd (no water taken from storage). The pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient a t the tank plus the head loss in 40,000 ft of equivalent pipe a t 6 mgd, or 119 + (1.42 x 40) = 176 R. The hydraulic gradient a t the load center is identical to that a t the tank (119 ft). M a x i m u m hour. If, a t the maximum-hour demand (9 mgd), it is decided to supply 3 mgd from storage and the remaining 6 mgd from pumping, the hydraulic gradient a t the load center is the hydraulic gradient a t the tank minus the head loss in the 5000 f t of pipe between the tank and load center a t the storage discharge rate of 3 mgd, or 119 - (0.4 x 5) = 117 ft. The pumping head required is equnl to the hydraulic gradient a t the load center plus the head loss in 40,000 It of equivalent pipe a t 6 mgd. 117 + (1.42 x 40) = 174 ft. M a x i m u m d a y plus fire flow. In order to maintain a head of 115 the load center, the flow in t h e 5000 ft of pipe between the load center a n d the tank cannot exceed that at which t h e head loss is 4 R, which is 4.2 mgd. Thus the remainder of the demand (9 mgd) must be supplied from pumping. The pumping head required is equal to the hydraulic gradient a t the load center (115 ft) plus the head loss in 40,000 R of equivalent pipe, or 115 + (3 x 40) = 235 R. ~ DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM STORAGE EXHIBIT TL. 31 PAGE 6 O f Comparison of System B With System C In comparing storage located between the source and the load center with storage located beyond the load center, t h e examples illustrate that a n increase in height is necessary if the storage is between the source and the load center. TO secure approximately equivalent pressure results, the flow line of storage in the first instance must be 26 R (145 ft - 119 ft) higher than if the storage feeds back to the load center from a point beyond. Pumping heads are substantially lower under all rates of flow and pressure is more uniformly regulated, if t h e storage is located beyond the load center. The area served is substantially greater and the pressures a r e better regulated by storage located beyond the load center than by storage located between the pumping station and the load center. The additional height of 26 R for the storage tank and the additional pumping head under all rates of flow make system B more costly- when considering initial capital cost and substantially higher operating costs for electricar power. Recommended Design . System C, using a-1.75-mil gal elevated storage tank beyond the major load center, is the recommended design, because it provides the necessary water demand flows a t reasonable pressures. This system is also the most cost-effective design for capital costs and operating costs. The design chosen is based on replenishing, within the 24 h during which a major fire occurs, all water taken from storage for fire fighting. The maximum .required pumping head would be reduced from 235 R to 182 R if all water used for fire fighting (7.2 mgd) was provided by storage, and the pumps would only have to operate a t 6 mgd. If the system was so designed, however, the tank would have to be raised 6 R in order to maintain 115 ft of head at the load center, and the fire storage would have to be increased to 3 mil gal. Fire.storagewould then amount to 50 percent of the maximum day and 75 percent of the average day, and that much storage might not be economically justified. On the other hand, if the storage is not provided, a n additional 3 mgd of pumping capacity is required and the production nnd supply works must also be capable of increased output, unless finished-water storage is provided ahead of the pump station. Therefore, an economic and engineering study should generally be made to determine the most eflicient way to provide the required capacity. References 1. Wafer Disfribufion Operator Training Handbook. AWWA. Denver, Colo. (!976). 2. COTE. A.E. & LINVILLE. J.L., eds. Fire Protection Handbook. National Fire Protection Association. Quincy, Mans. (16th ed.. 1986). 3. F m , G.M. ET AL. Wafer and Wasrewofer Engineering. John Wiley nnd Sons. Inc.. New York (1966). 4. STEEL. E.W. & MCCIIEE.T.G.' Wnrur Supply arid Scwera#e. McCmw-Hill Book Co.. New York (1979). EXHIBIT TLB-2 KEY AND RATIONALE FOR OPC USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS EXHIBIT TLB-2, Page 1 of 6 KEY AND RATIONALE FOR OPC USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS 1. - s A. Small System (without high service pumps): Used & Useful % = PHFlReliable Capacity (w/o f r e flow provision) = (MDF + FF)/Reliable Capacity (w/ fire flow provision) Rationale ---- Well pumps function as high service pumps. Therefore, according to "10 States Standards", at least two pumping units shall be provided. With any pump out of service, the remaining pump or pumps shall be capable of providing the maximum daily pumping demand of the system. It is not economically justified to use PHF+FF as design flow. A peaking factor of 1.3 is applied to MDF where PHF is used in the calculations. B. Large System (with high service pumps and storage): Used & Useful Yo = MDF/Total Capacity or ADFlReliable Capacity, Whichever is greater. Rationale ---- ADF/Reliable Capacity is used because the percentage is generally greater than MDFnotal Capacity. Reliable capacity should be applied once to high service pumps, not to other facilities also. The chance of having a well and a high service pump breakdown or to be out of service simultaneously is very slim. "10 States Standards" states that "the total developed groundwater source capacity shall equal or exceed the design maximum day demand and equal or exceed the design'average day demand with the largest producing well out of service." Notes: 1. PHF = Peak Hourly Flow; MDF = Avg. 5 Max Day Flows in Max Month; ADF =Annual Avg. Day Flow; FF = Fire Flow. However, REVISED 5/3/96 EXHIBIT TLB-2, Page 2 of 6 flow Drovisions were allowed onlv for those svstems that had verified fire flows. 2. Water flow was adjusted for excess unaccounted for water. 3. No margin reserve was included in OPC's calculations. 11. HIGH SERVICE PUMP Used & Useful % = (MDF + FF)/Reliable Capacity or PHF/Reliable Capacity (no fire protection) Rationale ---- It is not economically justified to use PHF + FF as design flow, per AWWA M31 (p.16). Reliable capacity should be used per "10 States . . . Standards." No fire flow was applied at this time. It may be included pending future discovery response. For systems with elevated storage tanks like Keystone Heights and Lehigh, the peak hour demands are provided by elevated tanks. 111. WATER TREATMENT PLANT Used & Useful % = MDFRotal Capacity Rationale ---- The chance is very small to have a high service pump and a part qf treatment facilities to be out of service at the same time. VI. m I S H E D WATER STORAGE Used & Useful YO= (1R ADF + FF)Rotal Capacity (with fire flow provision) or ADFRotal Capacity (without fire flow protection) Rationale ---- AWWA M32 suggests that equalization storage is about 20 to 25 percent of the average day demand. Fire storage shall be included if fire flow is provided. Emergency storage is an owner option. ---- "10 States Standard requires fire flow storage where fire protection REVISED 5/3/96 EXHIBIT TLB-2, Page 3 of 6 is provided. The minimum storage capacity for systems not providing fire protection shall be equal to the average daily consumption (ADF). This requirement may be reduced when the source and treatment facilities have sufficient capacity with stand by power to supplement peak demands of the system. Emergency ____ storage is not mentioned in this reference. SSU uses a peaking factor of 2 and 4 hours of peak durition to calculate peak hour storage or equalization storage. This is a pure empirical method. SSU also requests 8 hours of ADF as emergency storage for some water systems, but no detail explanation was ____ provided. OPC believes fire storage should be included where fire protection is provided. Fire flow storage was not included because SSU has not confirmed the provision of fire protection Fire flow is assumed stored in ground storage tanks and delivered through high service Pumps. When the system is furnishing fire flow, a half day ADF storage is used. That is more than adequate for peak hour demand storage compared with 20 to 25% ADF mentioned in the AWWA M32. The volume of a half day ADF is also close to SSU's empirical method calculated. The excess storage can be considered as a provision for emergency storage. The one day ADF storage criteria used in "10 States Standards" was reduced to one half day because MDF design flow is used for supply wells, treatment plant and high service pumps. Fire storage will be included if it is confimied. No emergency storage was included because it is not yet confirmed by the original design or other supporting documents. Total capacity is used because SSU used more than 10% for dead storage without confirmation. Dead storage is not applicable to .. EXHIBIT TLB-2, Page 4 of 6 elevated storage tanks. K V. Used & Useful % = 1 1 ) Hydro Tank Capacity Rationale ---- Hydropneumatic tanks are usually used in very small water systems with groundwater supply wells as " 10 States Standards" stated. When serving more than 150 units, ground or elevated storage should be provided. The sizing criteria is ten times the capacity of the largest well pump. The information filed is not clear on some supply wells especially for large systems because two wells were assumed out of service. However, the largest well capacity is still assumed to be the difference between total capacity and reliable capacity of supply wells. VI. A. AUXILIARY P O WR Water System: Used & Useful % = (In MDF)/(lR Total Capacity) = MDF I Total Capacity Rationale ---- This a FDEP requirement per Chapter 62-555.320, F.A.C. SSU cannot provide proper capacity information of auxiliary power, therefore, the used and useful percentage of supply wells was used because the cost of auxiliary power is booked under the Source of Supply as Power Generation Equipment. B. Wastewater System: Used & Useful YO= ADF of Max. Monthflotal Capacity Rationale ---- FDEP has no specific requirement. Since SSU cannot provide proper EXHIBIT TLB-2, Page 5 of 6 capacity information to specific equipments, the same used and useful percentage of WWTP was used for auxiliary power. VII. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Used & Useful % = ADF of Max. MonthiTotal Capacity Rationale ---- Though the capacity permitted is annual ADF, OPC agrees to use" ADF of the maximum month because that is the PSC policy. Note: VIII. Wastewater flow was adiusted for excess infiltration. EFFLUENT DISPOSAL AND EFFLUENT REUSE FACILITY Used & Useful YO= ADF of Max. MonthiTotal Capacity Rationale ---- Same as WWTP. Note: Since no effluent reuse data was yet provided, the same used and useful percentage also was used for effluent reuse facilities for the following systems: Amelia Island, Deltona Lakes, Florida Central Commerce Park, Lehigh, Marco Island, Point OWoods, and University Shores. IX. WATER DISTFUBUTION SYSTEM AND WASTEWATF.R COLLECTION SYSTEM Used & Useful % = Lots ConnectedITotal Lots Available Rationale ---- See direct testimony. X. FLOWS AN D LOTS PROJECTIONS OF 1996 A. Water System: MDF of 1996 = (ERCs of 1996ERCs of 1994) x Avg. 5 Max. Day of 1994 REVISED 5/3/96 EXHIBIT TLB-2, Page 6 of 6 B. Wastewater System: ADF of Max. Month in 1996 = (ERCs of 1996ERCs of 1994) x ADF of Max. Month in 1994 C. Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Systems Connected Lots of 1996 = (ERCs of 1996ERCs of 1994) x Connected Lots of 1994 . EXHIBIT TLB-3 OPC USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS OF WATER SYSTEMS 2,110,842 1.933.972 1.727.071 1.2%.n7 , T I 2f.N lo.m 41 ~ S U P P L V A N WYU D NG: 12 &lupphw*h: L S L S L S L S 1 5.w 2.945 WA NIA 2 . a WA 5.675 WA WA 4.000 WA WA 2.4W 1.xx) sm WA 1.95O 1.450 NIA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA NIA WA NIA WA WA NIA NIA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA lm.m 1W.aW WA NIA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA WA NIA WA WA NIA 150.000 1.m.000 280,953 2O.W 70.00% NIA WA WA WA 12.500 Loox m WA WA WA WA 15.m 40.00% 81 1m.m 1mom jm m wu wu WA WA WA 3.m s1.m WA 25.000 WA imam WA 8 . M 1m 1m.m WA imam 135000 mnn 75 mu 1mWUr. 15.000 ll.UU m im mu lWMU U USED AND USEFUL CALCULATONS w.r E B C m m 1.m 1.1.924 72 73 74 1995 1995 5 3- 181 160 916 941 %1 mu wl E B C E B C 63 64 % 2.n~ 2.660 vmr m ss M w sm 1% i.mi m 2.799 3.0711 1% 153 1.m 3.401 3.536 3.642 103 2.m 69 70 71 2.449 1% 3.749 110 2.027 2 . 1 ~ 2.315 161 157 1.m I.043 n 92 94 107 mu wu E E m 5a3 581 597 651 724 767 793 1120 e7 % 109 118 126 137 142 147 mu m &?5 €53 569 679 692 707 714 721 REVISE0 yy96 EXHIBIT nu P** 2611 1 ,934MAX DAV FOR YEAR .GPO1 2 1AVG U U 6 Om IN MAX YONT* (GPDI 3 1WAVGMAX5OAYSINMAXUOM*lGPDl NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 4520 O m 0 21.7oY NIA 1 W m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NJA N NIA WA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA m.m NIA NIA NIA NIA 23W 212W 1517% ~ urn tmm 1 W m 3 7 m <WW% 7.m.m NIA NIA NIA mmu NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 8.m NIA WA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA i w m 1m.m NIA 25.W 1OO.mX 55.00% 1.1192 1.764 76 y6 1.840 324 11,667 100.00% 1U2Y 2 1 m 74 91 83.62% 1m.m 1m.m ~ 7 1 % 1m.m tm.m 1m.m 1m.m i w m A NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 2yi NIA NIA NIA NIA WA 0 1WDoy iwmu i W m MIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA 17.m Y).m 3.m UJ7% 7o.m i w m ~ w . m 1m.m 23.327 U.M lLuX 05 73.73% 1m.m n 3.w .).MU @.M t m m i m m NIA 7.m *67% 247 247 247 27.672 1- imm 5s 59 59 23.W 124 124 124 n 5.m 1m.m i m m *m.m% i w m NIA M opCc*orw.aUMLUUhlIYI 61 U 6 U P r O m r W 62 SSURN+mludUiU(Xl i w m I WA NIA 54 NMbwdLIx. m 250 NIA 1MO.Lu5 64.12% up 2 4 m 250 1m.m twmx Nm 3.m W.wX 4 . m 57.66% iwm i w m %MU i w m in 174 175 21d 8270% 1 w . m 1m.m Q ma E 333 u6 19% 19% 5 trn 68wef K E K 1.719 1.810 228 1.064 340 1.W 348 1,- 348 up 3u 2.021 2.w 2078 mM E 65 K W" E K 136 65 133 ea 130 70 72 74 75 76 130 . 131 131 13, 131 E wu K E K 23.~4 n.651 n n n 24.301 24.8% 25.614 25.w 3,279 75 75 75 75 75 n.1~0 Val# Val# E K ll3 331 uo xu 331 331 331 331 w*r E t K 1M 170 170 173 175 178 in 178 mtr E K 1110 180 181 1M 162 182 182 183 wma a c 119 121 123 125 124 127 128 128 REVISED YYOB .... .. OK USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS ma-T Plmt. fd Cm L.* No 950.95WS c m w y soumm S B I IJmD.. -*NO Jst*hlbV.rErdM Rqc(.dPI FPSC U 1% iM1R6 n h [XI, FPSC W n l t o r m [XI 1 199. MAX OAV FOR Y€AR (GPO) AVG MAX 5 DAIS IN MAX M W W (GPD) 3 199. AVG UU5 DAYS IN MAX MONTH (GPO) 58.703 41.680 41.680 26.751 26.751 2 1- 4 1~ANNUUAVGD*KYFLOWlGPDl 0 BS.1M 50.427 37.1120 14.603 10.952 0 a 7.5% 1.55 lorn 4.363 wyd 4.363 I n n m t s 0 0 17.65 9.3% ram 9.35 7.w 6.525 5.m 2.271 2.019 0 0 9.6% 9.8% 99.500 134.731 93.m 30.119 34.1193 0 0 1 0 0 . ~ 100.00% 1W.m S S S 5a Mo L12% lm.m NIA NIA WA WA NIA im.w% NIA NIA NIA 1007% imwn lyyl 853 500 NIA WA NIA l.m 8.65% 1WW% 1WwY NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA im.m NIA WA a 1m.m 3.m 378398% NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA m.OOO NIA NIA 0 tm.m% i m . m immu 1m.m ~ m . m 1 m . m WA NIA WA WA NIA NIA WA NJA NIA NIA NIA 0 1W.op1 WA WA WA L iw.wn 1m.m 240 120 37.16% 6360% 95855 WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA WA NIA NI& NIA WA NIA NJA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA 0 98% NIA WA WA NIA WA NIA WA NIA 20.043 0 ,lo 0 S 140 iwm 40.403 49,403 XU3 S Joq 0 L La 50.m 9115 m 1222.h 0 4 . 3 ~ L 1m.m 23.078 23.078 4.3% Mo 0 5.903 %.%a %.%a 0 7.6% 7.6% S 1m.m NIA NIA NIA 50.m NIA NIA WA 23.033 m . 7 ~ U.5R NIA NIA 18,003 U.1W 1Mm* %MU NIA NIA 1 W W NIA WA WA NIA im.m imm NIA NIA 13.m 18.92% lm.m 4.W 3.m NIA NIA NIL. immn NIA 1m.m imam imm ?mmn mr WLr mu mr NIA 10.033 lo.m 15.m imm 1m.m 1m.m w.u warn EEc EEc . 2 6 1% 1% 18 24 33 37 1% 40 1% 0 12.903 olrm*r 9,lW Purch.wd 9.lW Fmm im lm.m 133 0 0 136% 3.1% 3.15 133 133 133 69.m 62.297 57W7 Y1a5-5 28.280 45000 im.m% tm.wu 1mm tmm wd" w a r NIA mu NIA NIA WA NIA sm 83.13% NIA NIA 6,m tW.ooU 5.m t0.m tmm% immx 3.000 YI7X ~0.m 7590% E E c E f s E E c E f s E B c E f g F d 173 x 112 90 91 96 98 1m. 105 107 21 20 21 21 m XI m 20 118 116 6 6 117 II 119 119 119 II II 9 120 im 9 9 38 66 % 108 62 62 110 139 61 61 146 158 61 62 61 tn 172 173 1 76 176 176 176 .. .. .. 136.190 116.250 110,590 61.537 1o1.m 54.626 40.101 0 1t8U 21 7% 0 0 22.3% low tom (0.0% 0 76.380 mm 656.W m1.r n 9 . 1 ~ ~~wmu.(( 6 PM F m e, ~ %,laLumrrmw *.UL . 4 F-~ Bnrmf c-ol 0 1.3% 1.3% 24 5% 10.0% 5 2% 5~2% 11.8% lo.m S S S L S c S 325 150 a5.14% 43.20% NIA NIA WA NIA NIA 325 75 yo 160 13.35% 5630% 5630% NIA NIA WA NIA NIA 1.230 680 WA. NIA NIA NIA NIA 41.91% 1m.m tm m imm 33.93% im MU Im m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 3.m NIA NIA 61.33% 87.93% mmn NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NiA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NJA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA WA 60.42% NIA NIA im.m% imwu 5.m 10,003 18.00% NIA WA nmu Nm 55.00% 7I30X NIA 1WMU m 113 113 113 287 85.197, 61.- 135 u.7a 1W.m 991 979 w4 1.613 59.12% Sa.- iw.m -a%. r m m 3.m lW.00% 60.00% im.m% i m . m imm 1mm imMu 2u xl 241 243 249 257 241 ne 3.W 73.3% NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 33.93% 4710% 7091% UMWllDI* UN".ItSM 1m.W-h 52 53 USED AND USEFUL CUCULAllONS W*.,T""unUa LOhbibda s 34 &h.duh F - 7 m 3 7 5 m NIP. 30.m 27.450 NIA NI& NIA 55.m ~ m m NIA 44.m UA NIA im.wy NIA im.m% NIA NIA NIA NIA lMMU NIA NIA 1O.m NIA NIA m 95 e5 95 125 78.00% 1m.m rm.m 113 112 52 52 113 52 53 u.07~ sS.11~ 1 W m 70.m 1m.m 7o.m 166 1m.m 1 M . m 1m.m n.9m U.m 4 mt.r rmr www E G E G E G E G r e c rmw 91 111 n 116 91 116 112 95 % 114 96 96 115 115 % 115 51 52 51 51 5 2 52 52 52 2% 241 242 243 243 . 245 245 24s 252 2m 2 s 239 247 ns 2n 162 265 267 9 ~ 61 61 61 ' 68 89.71% 1WWU rm" wmr fBc rmr umr 235 240 2 u (12 113 113 112 113 113 113 *13 1.148 1.140 1.152 1.167 61 1.173 1.l79 61 EG 242 243 217 218 219 EG <.in3 1.187 rec 60 59 60 61 61 6, REVISED YMB -Y"rE- 1u11196 Rq.d.d1. FPSC Unlmrm [XI, FPSC NDFUnlfDm 1x1 1 1% MAX DAY FOR YEAR IGPD) 2 19N AVO MAX 5 DAVS IN MAX MWTH (GPO) 3 3 9 9 4 AVG W 5 DAYS IN W MONTH (GPO) 4 3 9 N ANNUALAVG DULVFLoWIc(PDI 1c5.010 131.(80 91.514 49.350 36.01 4,.m w.1w 31.603 PUOU.M 31.603 F m 17.940 Orurn0 i7.w~tii.canrn. 12.m 7.8220 7,620 2.251 2.251 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3a1.m 255.124 252.54 142.564 i 4 t . i ~ 479.966 rm.173 1.058.m 972.926 5 0 . m 403.171 S%.m 01.295 24.503 .135.W 1u.064 553.753 24.011 6 6 . m Idwc.2 116.639 115,603 73.370 72.592 51.229 0 0 0 0 9.1% 9.1% 5.7% 5.7% 5.7% 5.7% 5.1% 5.1% 0.6% 06% s 8% 14 7 u 9.8% 100% L 2w L S NIA L S 25 S 470 L 603 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 4w 27M 1W.0OY NIA NIA 1S.S5% 1,503 18.67% 1w 320 1M 0 57.07% 1w.m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 15.m i3.m 111 82 PB 1m iwmu US% lmmu NIA NIA 101 112 120 7.7% iix 2 9% 2 6% L L NIA 1 Y a m . 12m . . 1W.w* 70.88% NIA WA 1CQOOU 1WCG?4 1WWX 1WMX NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA IUA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA r5.m m.m 1.m,m 50.m NIA NIA WA 13.m 567.123 9a),W 4 S . m 12 12 12 23 1WWU 1WWU 3s5 252 247 518 518 518 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 25.000 n.m 61 84 67 67 73 s17fx 1WWU 1mW 84 84 282 279 2w 65 67 67 67 67 4.3% 4.3% rwcm 1W.WU €6 0 0 1 W W NIA 65 0 0 NIA NIA 54 14 0 0 0 NM II.m 3n 89 0 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 4m m.m 357.260 357.260 232.151 232.1~ 89 u 3 l y 9707- 84 65 65 8 4 84 84 84 sa.= 302 1WWU 1W0OY 273 275 27n . 2 0 281 282 253 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 391 393 413 SLUU 1WmY XQWU % 2 a 390 391 393 391 195 3n5 YY a.18n 75mX 75WU 242 243 243 2 u 247 248 249 m %.WU am% 1WW.Y YY 7070% lWW% 410 405 an 432 432 U2 432 NIA NIA NIA NIA 27W 2491 2901 12x2 639 nom 639 639 1167 7 3 m 3440% 65Ioy .uII% 2.316 2.412 2.52s 2644 2,757 28-4 2.871 652M( 734 730 730 1% 734 734 734 REVISED 53% OPC USED AND USEFUL U L C U U I n O N S -1W u h F d0 mtn T-t -996 I1994WDAYFORVEARiGPD) 2 1 S U AVG YAX 5 QAYS IN UAX YONTH (GPO1 3 199.AVGU5DAYSINUMONTHlGPDl 4 1998 ANNUAL AVG DULY FLOWIGPDI 5 1994ANNUALAVGD*ILY FLOWiGPDl 1yl.m 17.54 17.54 11.245 11.246 0 i i ~ . w 7~wbuse0 11l.Ka F m 46.m Bmvd 45,658 Coum, 0 0 0 6.0% 7wFaOWPluMsumm 8 uNccumlml0lml.r L m ( 1x1 9 UnrsanUa l0lW N b # d i%l n.ox 10 11 W C E DF SUPPLY AND PUYPlNG, 12 Ylpplywl.' 14 15 16 17 ~nrim-~iopmi R.4D*C8MaYlPpml O P C ~ W W 6 U . * u l ( % ) U6UPurlUcxr SSU R-W U 6 U Wl 69.1194 18.415 17.025 71.773 11.654 4.433 4&WJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42% 9.8% 9.8% 12.4% 100% I2.W 2.4% 2.4% 10.0% 4 2% 4.453 100% 83.1W 61,324 78.4~ 39.071 37.676 0 0 174% lO0% 793,WO 820.~99 67o.m 426.95 348,803 0 0 3?% 37% S L S 5 S s eca 180 130 275 1150 0 0 100.mX lW.W% 100.00% 26805 100 C7.uX 1W.m 100.001 6680% 1m 0 IW.00% 7W.m NIA 120 lm.m 4.m U.U% 1mm lm.m ~~~ U.53% 1w.m 1mm 0 100.00% NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA lo.m NIA NIA NIA u.00% 4.20% 1m.m NIA NIA NIA w 19.78% NIP. w m NIA 1WWU NIA WA NIA NIA 15.m ~~ NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NtA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA Nm 18.c.m 16.Xx) 49.92% n.M% 1W.m 5,WO 5a.w~ m.m MOO% 30W% tm.m% 1m.m 558 135 213 743 3.628 21.3~~ 103 137 1.181 M U EEG 140 140 143 145 191 195 1% 147 20' 203 46 46 149 im xy 46 151 206 1.213 lWWU YJW 6.30% 40.w nax w.s% n.ux urn 67.M 1m.m 6000% 1mmX swam 1m.q 4 19 ea 34 . 18.c.m i7.m ate u) U 5.033 132 in3 €E8 WA NIA NIA NIA 137 31. 287 m u r NIA WA NIA NIA 51 80 87 73 m.z% i m m M 96 96 103 105 106 NIA 59 59 59 37 1.161 I M . ~ NIA lMW% 1 . m 1mm 1.m u.6m NIA NIA NIA l a w % 96 y1.70% 51.211~ NIA NIA NIA NIA SOU io6 NIA NIA NIA imm 8OOmY Y tm.m 1m.m NIA NIA WA ~ m . m tmm 49 141 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 101 191 1oo.w~ NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 206 42 85.71~ NIA NIA NIA NIA H* 3.m 5a.m lWW% NIA NIA NIA NIA 5M NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 145 141 H 36 ~~~ NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 36 1995 12.990 10.574 10.574 1 5 ~ 2 151.m s NIA NIA NIA NIA 19955 1998 1IU.BW lz.wm 41.7w 35.218 32.560 1996 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 73 74 146.m 174.771 19% s NIA 72 wma %.l% 0 .5 46 1996 ea im 100.00% 1mm .5 .5 1996 S NIA 61 U h U P . r O l b l % I 15% 425 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 59 Nunt.r.rD(LO1. €4 OPC Cakuhma U M 6 W 1%) 1996 15% m.m 6FmzsxwuoEAccwLolGu-~ 13 1996 1,193 1,195 1.202 1.20. 1.20. 60 59 UI 59 59 1 a 130 123 135 136 1.205 1.206 59 59 139 140 w.m 1m.m eyI l.lW 1.252 1.415 1.574 1.653 1.732 REVISED yys6 .. . 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 99.W 132.oW 129.365 12O.Xa U.M 77.22 y l . ~ 52.699 71.w 0 25.816 1996 1996 1996 1996 P4.a- I4 FPSC U r n [XI.FPSC NohLlndmn 1x1 1 199. MAX DAY FOR YEAR (GPO1 2 1AYG MAX 5 DAYS IN MAX MONTH IGPDI 3 199. AVG MAX 5 DAYS IN YUMONTH (GPO) 4 im ANNUAL AYG DULY FLOW icw) 5 l ~ * N N U U A V G o U L Y F L o W l G P O I ,,. 6REESmRIOE*tCEP70D[)' 7!%7€RowpR-cGml. .~. 6u.rran(.dum.1~~~1~) ~ s UM I- *ma ~ - 4 1%) 124,ooO 112.067 103.914 g0.7M 51.873 49.314 101,593 0 0 0 0 ~ 11.6n 10.W 0.6% 9 . 6 ~ L M,W B1.W 62.74C 1o.m 27.m 111.m 74.a 9.799 1u.m 112.W 45.728 2 2 . m 5 0 . m 31.224 U.372 0 1ro.m u.m4 0.076 5.225 23.715 23,715 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.4% io.^ 10.W 10.0% 2 4n 0 16.2% 114.W 116.8SB 57.w Y.321 0 0 62% 8 zn S S L L S 4ca e3 135 215 065 S L 2 4n 147,003 m 5277% imm 1mm 0 t00.m 1m.m immx n 0 65 100.00% a5.56.h 100.00% 1m.m 25.70% 61.55% lm.m 1M.m tm.m unmhbb 5277% tm mu rm CGn W 2x1 28.UY 200 0 NIA NIA im.m tm.m im 00% lm.m lWW% NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 1m.m NIA NIA NIA NIA lo.m 5 m a.m 1200% a5.m 41 mu NIA NIA 1 ~ 7 ~ 4 32 24% u 91x NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA mom imwn immn im m 170 167 169 215 257 172 166 169 535 J2(Wh 32.m 32.72% 181 155 150 X 345 114 Inmu 341 39 415 86.43% 7%78% w% 7 9 . u ~ goan we- ma a163c E F & a 171 c 319 171 173 1 s 1 s 1s 167 212 213 218 223 167 169 169 341 170 257 171 174 342 Y2 39 sz . 1M 182 405 187 1M 117n U.7W 47.75~ m e 3 EK 1.1 *46 1a 151 155 150 160 161 NIA WA 13.W n.o~u 4" 92.m 1m.m NIA 3.m 75.00% war 160 4 5 . m 4266% m M7 m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 3M 15.m 1m.m 217 169 NIA NIA NIA +am mm EK WA NIA NIA 7.m wH.r NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA (00.00% 1m.m NIA NIA 25.m 22.m 7 c m 1m.m NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA 67 y)yI immy 15 22 104 101 33s 150 10. 11s us 129 7% 1% 131 124 ntix nasn anin naw 15.00% 1mm 4400% W . m 89923% 1m.m 411u V u n n u r w u m r E E E K E K E g 0 6 15 16 15 10. 10. 10. U9 343 113 1xl 123 347 124 Iy) 22 1M 10. 101 124 129 24 10. 26 101 357 359 355 tY) 131 .. 1 lsDIM*XDAYFORYWR(GPOl 2 1AVO YAX 5 DAYS IN YAX YONTH IGPDl 3 1 0 0 1 A V G U * X 5 M Y S 1NWHONTHIGPOI 4 1 m ANNUAL AVG DULY FLOW (GPO1 5 1pSrANNWAVGoULYFLWIGPDl 0FRE8xIRIoEIccEpTmo 7 F W F L O W F U W W W @ Q W .. 8 ulyDrmM(o1vmnLnaw sulyDrmMIo1wumini 202.m ,95.1(~ 193.m 93.150 92.014 0.900 4.047 4.047 2,412 2.412 0 -. 0 0 0 3.6n 3.6~ 2 in 2.1~. NIA WA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA WA NIA NIA 15.m 0 7.3~ 7.3% 47.81% WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA l.m 15.m uxx i w mu imm U.M 0 5 m 1m.m 1m.m 115 2 2 2 1.205 1.222 1.m 3 1.540 114 114 160 7~13% 70 my mwn 72 73 74 19% 1905 5 1ns 07.7W m . 7 ~ 59.200 24.~6 23.460 0 0 42.m 24.- Xx).m ~ . i f i %.go7 13.974 13.481 M.020 158.m 0.241 7.211 111.409 1C64S 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.1% ??.in own sa 8 n 4 . 1 ~ 10.0% l0.W 100% 140 NIA 1M 70 8.86% NIA 31 15% WA WA 60 27.93% 1WOm l W m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 58.87% 0 3.460 2,745 imwx NA I NIA NIA NIA NIA U.33% 1.857.2W 15.700 1 . 6 0 9 . ~ ~ 8.727 0.727 1.796.7M 5.m 878.3~ 5.m LIu.156 0 D WA NIA n.70~ 50m room% M.W% 1m.m 26 26 26 U 49.m~ UIODU 5 0 m NIA &A NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 1 w m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA t4,m 1wm 2.2% 1.203 9.51% rmwx NIA 403554 mom uom 11.16~ 1m.m 73 3ML 1 W W 15.m lWO0Y 117 05 B 8 ,w 7 7 619 n n.n% 25 7l4U NIA NIA NIA WA 1m.m now NIA i w w 3s 1m.m 04 118 YI ann 2.m 1o.m 3yI im.wn 122 S5.a 1m.m l w . m 3,- 3181% 48.1wh 48 10% 8.oo.1 rm MU 116 6.0% 6 on ' mwx 1.m 1m.wy 1WOm 11. 0 0 7.7~ 71% 3.m n.oo.1 r9.m 5.m 1m.m i w . m 1.OU.134 m.m 16.m 12.m 5.m 1.m Io.oo.1 WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA 2.06MJ 2.7~69 2.479.ux1 1,107,7€a 1a.m WA iwmu MOM 10.m 67 owi 1 w m 601 2,032 2.333 2.m 0,252 S7.S7% 06 gox 6351% nrOx 33 3% 856 31.89% ma W!" m,r WW rmn WU w r mUf M U Em Em E& Em E& E& Em Em 154 150 161 156 162 162 163 164 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1.w 27 E& 1m 26 6 6 7 7 1 7 0 0 591 624 635 856 642 3.929 1.503 1.502 1.472 1.w 1.561 1,574 1.586 19 79 81 03 02 84 84 05 25 24 26 26 26 26 111 113 113 114 116 117 111 4.254 4% 4,ea 666 4.928 5.297 5,421 672 5.59 em R M S E D yy96 'I O K USED AND USEFUL U L C U U l K m S -scmdulo F I P M mn1-1Rnt i I996 1996 19% 1s.m 8.m 8.m 3.m 3.m 311.m 26s.m 289400 . ~~ 159.5% 159.592 0 01 01 0 4m 4m 4m 4 on L S 1M.m 157.m 118.740 98.981 74,839 270.11101 2m1 54n 5.n , I I W.U 19% 1996 1,m.m 65.6M s.m 1.775.m 45.7% 40.102 -P 1.%9.L)60 u.m 38.940 1.071.474 17.395 I Syl.149 26.111 24.824 16.891 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133n 3 6n 2.9% 1996 1996 187.700 1U.257 151.911) %..I2 %.a (om S L 3 6n 0 6.9% 69% 19% 19% wm- urn %ma F- 35 420 C-h 16 249 15 968 0 m 12.m 0 2m 10 m 2oU S L S S 310 296 .NIA 180 , L im 110 NIA 0 4 w n 10.M NIA; U M 29.80% immn Immu NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA wn 100 UN".IUD* 4 1 . 1 ~ ~ 1m m 82XU 1m mu immu NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA . 4 4 us 5.377 LOC* am 491 DIIU NIA n.0.y NIA 619 604 so7 4 614 .. 4 6m 4 6m 602 4 4 M2 4 NIA im NIA NIA NIA 18.57% NIA 55 8 7 n NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA . NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 137 129 107 1Y 106 106 NIA NIA NIA WA 14 523 3.m (a 4% 11 13 40 5s 3.336 5s 3.574 135 139 223 130 132 E,% 671 n.un man man EK 544 w NIA NIA IUA NIA NIA 5.1m TL51n imoon w.ln 2ERG .m 2.951 =74 . 545 3.233 3.54 3,748 n9 78 549 550 4.013 4,160 82 ya NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA immu 39 42 % 67 tmmn NIA NIA w 4 m r w r w u w E R G = 7.m 3.m 30.99% 7 2 m WA NIA NIA 43s 43s 11.m NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 3.400 NIA 2603 NIAl1(.12.*1 NIA immn NIA 9969% ya mu 544 ns 4.267 u . 61.10~ s.1335 w.v E& 123 129 133 1% 135 139 141 142 NIA 249 WA NIA NIA 105 167 ~5 3 . ~ 4 U w n im.m -mu NIA rmpa 1W.wn 1m.m lmmu w e t WYI m ERG E& E& 117 rm 121 127 129 129 105 105 106 1 s 1% 107 136 137 1- 129 129 130 132 1% 06 137 1% 1M I . I . OPC USED AND USEFUL CALCUUnONS w-1-1 Nnt .Sd!duh F d FM I I 2 !-I Woo(.nr 19% 1.479.m 1.4e3.718 1.398.OXl 19% 8.120 8.1155 7.792 91,187 0.Ka 3.114 9,982 W.25e 0 2,740 0 9.m5 0 0 ?a6% S.94 S.94 0 5.m 15% 19% l--q 5.m 19% 1M.W 2.7U.m 2.769.W 2.610.4%l 1.~115.265 1,711,032 121.m (IIyI.133 100% 19% 19% 13 5% 100% 1996 229.W 98.603 132.115% so.yo 126.W 39,711 37.219 39.163 37.162 0 0 0 0 172% 100% 126% 100% s S L S S s S 25 0 im 4.700 2.200 NIA 2W 1m.m 1m.m 55.m 8 3 . m NIA NIA NIA NIA -50 375 31.15% NIA mu 1 W W 1m.m 9214% NIA NIA 3.100 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 74m 44m U0W.I NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA L 3.m 1.m 44.04% 4830% 100 som 2.m 3 G m . 1mmu 1mmu NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 4 5 5 m 409.m m..Iy 1mmu immu lo.m lOo.m* NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NU NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 3.m W . W NIA 1M.m 3.311 2 s 218 225 219 WA 60 1% 1WOU m NIA NIA 25 22 1.172 1.1- 24 U.Qy NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA 1.1% NIA NIA NIA 1.m.m 1.085.4m U.3WyI NIA .. NIA NIA NIA , NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA 17.10% NiA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA WA 7.515 7.085 7.287 6.725 mom NIA 1m.m 51.25% 2.940 3.168 7.171 U.ll% NIA 4&lpx U.U% NIA m mr E,% E,% E,% 1.m 17 18 2.m15 3.087 o 3.3%5 3,450 8 34790 3,746 2 38321 2025 216 5 m 24 24 25 tun 1,470 e.m d&B8% NIA 1W.W NIA m7 m m 1.427 NIA NIA uim €E 21 NIA WA 159 151 19 250 wor ,a NIA NIA >:. 52 1.w 1 NIA NIA NIA E,% 1.244 1.277 NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 5.3 93% NIA NIA NIA 1m.m I NIA 1Wmu NIA NIA NIA im w.ux 83 2% NIA NIA NIA .. NIA NIA imw WA NIA NIA 1.m7 tm.m I NIA 75 mu 1.m mu 9 8 . m NIA WA NIA NIA WA WA NIA NIA imm 1mm 0 n 517 ~ __ 7.075 0 7.27~13 7.3958 7.5475 9 39180 mo n5 2263 1m 5 241.3 107 5 2% 3 112 0 1153 117. 1195 269 6 276 4 2832 wor €E 1390 141 0 1 u5 tu 5 1600 153 3 166 0 160 7 R M S E D yM6 y4.W 1 , 7 1 1 , m 11.671.mO NWMN 317.003 1.727.€45 10.439.240 R.buul m . 6 0 0 1.€61.m9,024,600 Fmm oB.945 1.371.878 6.uM.319 nm0M.l 91.378 T.319.M 8.lBB.U9 WNn ~ ~ 1 1sOIHUOAVFOR~lGPOl 2 tm AVG Y U 5 VAYS IN Y U YONTH (GPO1 3 tsOIAMjHU5OAISINU*XYOUTUlGPOl 4 1ANNUAL AVG DULV fLOW (GPO) 5 1FYANNU/U AVG M l L Y FLOWIGPOI ~. 8 ~ 7 FREFLowPRoyLpDN(ERI) ,.. 8 -u tw w m L& (xi O U r U m a n M f W W ~ I U l ."aQ!mGwFHI im.on tosn 1o.oz lo.m 4.m 8.6% 4.0% 8.8% S L L ~7.780 06,041 5.0%224,7w 52.534 210.m 49.~0 21e.m 37.453 24,453 %.M 23.053 0 0 133.344 lU.Y 0 0 15.5~ 1o.m 19.8% tom 0 0 ~ 497n lo.m I" 11 PPLV AN0 PuMPING: 12 .upphlw 1 . : 13 14 15 16 17 ToUlCaFadYlrnl R.lbbCg.unIrn1 OPC l3wht.d U M 6 UulUlIYI U6UPvOldUIU) SSU RwUI1.d U 6 U 1%) S L S S NIA WA 40 160 1.1w 0 n.oon WA ~0o.w. WA WA NIA 90 Y.YU NIA 1wm 1wm 1wm Mo NIA NIA 220 28.65% NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA 1.736 1.736 WA NIA 66.m 6.944 6.944 100.00% 7824% 7624% loOOm lWm* NIA 15.m 1O.m 45.- NIA 1mm lWmU 9) 5.m 5.577 . 87 90 252 Y.NIA 37.73~ 1w.m 5.M1 7.70 74.un NIA n.17n WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA NIA NI4 WA WA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA WA ,mom 1mDm 6.m 5.71~ 5.- 216 m1 a, 65 70 87 x4 210 ~mwu WA 1m.m NIA NIA WA NIA NIA l.m 5.m w.op* 1w.w* NIA WA 14.014 43.41% NIA NIA twm NIA WA NIA WA u.eP* 350 sznn WA im.m 1% 122 126 la, 7zo.n WA 7 4 . 0 ~ NIA lm.m 323 m m yo n.00% WA %.m n m N w l u m w a h m 9 r m r m t r E K E B C m m e70 0 6 909 02.3 0.128.0 8 . a5 8,471 5 8.6680 8.891.5 9.C636 9.1587 9.2536 12.915.5 13.795.0 14.195 14.1360 13.9830 14.4736 14me 14,708.1 1%.3 xY.3 211 5 2196 .me rY.0 m.6 2424 EBC 24.5 28.0 m m 1220 1257 1275 lrl.4 3230 US 485 658 71.1 76 3 81.5 3230 3230 323.0 W EXHIBIT TLB-3.1 SUMMARY OF AVAILABLE FIRE FLOW TESTS RECORDS OF SSU WATER SYSTEMS AND OPC FIRE FLOW ALLOWANCE I 180,wO no.1w 1l0,wo no.wo *Po0 2.158 2,168 1.m 2.w0 1.123 18O.W l.m 3 16 17 GPMalllcw . 18 19 Ylnlmum: HWmlNumkr 20 21 D a s M F W u rMeoroay 23 24 25 26 21 SutrPreuuce RnidWlR.uura PRnPICwn GPM~W 1.062 1.788 . -an Elvd. lRM5 M 32 10 Ma 531 moo0 1.189 lM.W 2.m 2 1.m 2 1.w 3.805 1.135 1.8M yloyl Cypre 6 Her 11m2 21:OS 52 20 10 uo nla Nil 50 14 Ma 630 458 uo 571 1.123 2.168 1.189 2.150 270.000 2.m 2 25 141.~~4 1,182 1,182 z40.m mm 21o.m 2.m 2 2.m 2 4Mo 4 44-46 2.374 4.032 2,wO 1.972 38 M 52 .m 1.135 1.730 1.210 1 2.2w Camrll FYI. MYg5 izims ,va Na 50 56 40 32 w* 950 670 2.1w 263 16 635 3.524 n1.m 1,214 3214 1Caom 3 0 Tgemil Cl. 1 1 ~ ~ 1 77 n i m 12:W 13.25 55 74 9 54 8 44-46 475 1.102 420 2.397 28 .~ 2¶ *".rap.: 30 31 2,150 1.182 1.972 3.214 . . .. . . :. 1 . , . - ._. . . . . _ . - EXHIBIT TLB-4 OPC USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS OF WASTEWATER SYSTEMS '. Opc USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS W u S r Plan1 Sch.dub f4 (SI Docxet No.05o(sWs w y : SMkan sut, w*. 1°C. 16% S b l e d u k Y a r E M l d : 12~31196 19% 1996 19% 16% 19% 16% 1996 19% T M W w e d 1x1 L”c FPSC U n m [XI 6 Nohunlmm [i 1 bY AltDmrnte NO. 1 PERMITED PLANT CAPACITY (GPO1 1 7 . m sphpr 1.780.m 844464 17.m 12.m NIA NIA 1.780.wO 7W.323 811.480 12.003 NIA 848.550 9 5 O m . 9M.m 2 EFFLUENT OISPOSM CAPACITI (GPO1 3 1994 AVG DAILY FLOW OF UAX MONTH (GPO1 4 1996 AVO DAILY FLOW Of yu( MONTH (GPO) 5 R-r m 0% Dos. Rewert NO. 279 8 EXCESS ImlvwlMnmOn (%I. by EPA 0ua.lirer 7 EXCESS INFLOWIINFILTRATION(GPO1 307,392 0 64.37% 94.30% 70.59% 6980% 70.59% 10.59% 89.80% WA 94.W 1W.00% 70.59% NIA 38.4% 15.m 15.m 8.194 6.072 25O.wO 2 E 4 m . 135.w 1S3.394 1w.m lw.m 64.m 2w.m 61.m 2w.m 42.226 43.186 a.323 49.055 134,033 135.366 0 0 76.65% 71.00% 1 W . a 71.00% 1W.W% 51.60% 89.51% U.W% 71.00% 7l.W% 76.85% 1W.W lW.W% 67.68% 51.80% 69.51% 135 134 132 155 135 6n4 680 677 9.63% 87.10% e . 2 ~ 87.UX 25.9% 0 2.122 0 0 W& 47.67% 40.48% 01.38% U.19% NIA WA 62.- 39.60% 48.WH lW.00% 5462% 85.97% 47.67% 89.80% lW.W% 40.48% 61.35% 39.BOX 48.00% Y.82% 85.97% 8 9P T D E W SA L 10 T n R m m t Plant: 11 OPC C a b b l e d Used 6 U x t v l (%I 12 U 6 U P u D r & r ( % l 13 SSU RqUeSlM U 6 U 1%) 14 Ernwntois-l: 15 OPC m h M l Used 6 UIChrl(%l 16 17 lWW% 64.37% U6UPuDda(%l SSU R q e M U 6 U (%I NIA 87.68% 16 ,. .. 19 OPC W P I M Used 6 Uretul 1%) m ssu R 21 ~ U ~ u M6 u (%I - ~ 2 2 Auxlllay P o l r UMMhMD 47.07% 100.00% CIpUtl (GPO). M( PmndM OPC Caku!Med Used 6 Useful (%I SSU R W e d U 6 U 1%) 23 24 25 26 27 USEDANDUSEFULCALCULATIONS wu-le, cC4Wtlon sy.1.m 28 SCMdUI. f d ( S ) 29 3 0 W AT N D S YSTEM PUMPING P UN T 31 COnlycW LOO In 1996 WO Y.R. 1.150 111 163 3,085 45 418 32 Cwmcled L o u il 1994 w/ M.R. 1.363 111 163 2.917 45 385 33 C m n W L o u ill994 w b M.R. 1.273 2.467 111 195 163 168 2.w 45 62 371 4.347 Sn.7ln M.OZ% 86.70% 9 3 . 7 ~ 9 3 . 7 ~ iw.00~ 17.09% e1.m 34 ~ w n w d ~ o u 35 Used 6 Useful (%I 35 u ~ I J P r D d a l % l 37 SSU R q U M e d U 6 U (%I w o n 1w.m 3.178 1w.m 72.S% n.mum 10.10~ 07.00~ 134 1s 155 1.m iw.m 63.09% 2n.m m . 3 ~ s.rra 0z.m 38 39 ERC CALCULATIONS (W SSUI C o r n M n d 5slnd”k Of f- 8 L 10 (SI sm sm sm smr ERG ERG EBC EaC ERG 45.0 45.0 45.0 342.0 127.0 687.0 379 0 3SSO 1%.0 ‘251.0 247.0 248.0 896.0 45.0 -0 697.0 3.229.0 3.307.0 45.0 5y.O zsLI.0 2540 45.0 575.0 3.103.0 45.0 6000 3.4W.O 45.0 825 0 sm sm sm ypsr EBC EBC EBC 1990 1.382.0 1.571.0 1.707.0 1,783.0 1.9350 2.071.0 2.137.0 2.203.0 116.0 113.0 113.0 112.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0 175.0 2.450.0 175.0 2.524.0 1n.o 175.0 z.m.0 2.nm.o 180.0 1991 1992 1993 tau4 19% 1ooS.S 199s 1m.o 1M.O rbo.0 5.*cr 131.0 131.0 132.0 134.0 134.0 135.0 693.0 2650 7W.O m7.0 m.0 m.0 268 0 711.0 REVISED y)196 . ' ._ - Ope USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS W..uwaPr Tnmn."l SsMdul. F d (SI Hollday Pk"1 H.Y." m e t NO. 9 5 0 . 9 ~ ~ 6 Compmr souman sums Vtllillw.. IX. 19% sawumYurEnded: i m m 6 1.2W.W 1.W.W 1,132,710 . 1.207.742 JRFATMENT P U N T A N R E P 1%) OPC C . W W U S 4 6 U w h r l I W l SSU Reqwned U 6 U 1x1 21 22. Audllary P-r: 23 24 -(GPO). not PVM OPC C . * u W Used 6 UMUI 1%) 25 26 SSU R q ~ s t o . 5U 6 U 1%) 25.W 25.W 17,467 17.467 25.W 95.WCWRy 95.W Wllin 56.267 10 T-1 71.514 25.W 18.700 18.7W. 0 19% 19% 19% 25.W 25.W 1M.h lM.W M.W M.W 16.613 16.755 172,964 145.848 18,129 -18,523 0 16.1% 27.847 0 0 0 1oo.wx 69.87% 75.28% NIA 74.10% 95.00% 80.W% 80.w% U.W% WA 47.00% 1W.W% WA 74.80% 69.87% LIO.W% 8OMW 75.28% NIA 74.60% 4403% 1W.m-h WA U!A 47.W% lW.W% 86.27% 95.00% 16 U 6 U P W O I d t r O % l 17 SSU Requesled U 6 U 1%) 18 hmhdllo..:" 19 19% 0 €' 12 UhUPwOIda(%) 13 SSU Rquesled U 6 U 1%) 14 Ernu.ntms-i: OPC C . r U W Uxd 6 UVhrl(%l 15 H) 19% I R-~xw m OPC Dos.R o q M No. 279 EXCESS lfiantW&MiOn ($41. by EPApuddheS EXCESS INFLDWIINFILTRATIONIGPD) 10 Tnabmnl Plane 11 OPC CaWbted Used 6 UreM 19% wrth MaM 4 1996 AVG DAILY FLOW OF MAX MONTH IGPDI 5 6 7 6 9 19% Itamnn. Prnieao.5 [XI Lns FPSC Unllorm [XI 6 NonYniTm lx I NO. 1 PERMIHED PLANT CAPAClTV (GPO) 2 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL CAPACITY (GPDI 3 19% AVG DAILY FLDW OF MAX MONTH (GPO) lW.W% 65.70% 37.05% 67.0'2% 65.00% 68.61% 01.23% 37.05% lW.W% 1oO.W% 65.70% 6570% 6570% 75.28% 1W.W% n.2rh lW.W% --i 74.EW 6 7 . 0 ~ . 97.23% 65.W% l W . W % W.61% 1W.WU Unavribble 1Oo.wx u m v a iIaaK 97.23% lW.W% 1W.wx 27 USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS w u u I . u r COlkUO" sy.1.m 28 Sshdul. F-7lSl 29 - 0 3 P I 31 Conn.cW Lorn In 1Wo M.R. 32 C m d LOU k 1991 wl M.R. 33 Cmnnected L a s k 19% ulo M.R. Y NmLwdLot. 35 C.kaWed Used 6 UsehA 1%) 36 U 6 U P W ~ ( % l 37 SSU Rq-o.5 U 6 U 1%) 4.659 4.619 141 141 56 4.595 141 t u U 5.000 03.18% 97.9'2% 78.18% 1W.W% lW.W% lW.W% U.W% 84.26% lW.W% 71 235 233 230 97 io0 97.25% lWW% 94 94 94 118 117 117 166 54.61% 61.40% 135 67.41% 1W.OoH 1W.WU 61.4oK 413 96.6IX 1 W . M lW.W% l W . W % smw3 .f s.rra smr smr EK ERG EK E R G . ERG 62.0 W.0 92.0 95.0 95.0 97.0 97.0 114.0 395.0' 353.0 221.0 227.0 115.0 lry.0 395.0 397.0 229.0 229 0 230.0 590.0 398.0 399.0 zU.0 106 102 51 399 398 397 3 5 61.04% 61.- 61.62% 3 39 ERC CALCULATIONS IbY 5501 CanUNd Sch.duh 01 F. 6 i10 IS1 IlL! ERG s.rra EK s.rm EK 1990 1991 4.860.0 4.852.0 142.0 142.0 1yl.o 1992 4.895.0 1m.o 1460 1993 4,W.O 13.0 150.0 lS94 5.025.0 141.0 155.0 97.0 94.0 96.0 1995 1995.5 5.051.0 181.0 189.0 102.0 96.0 117.0 117.0 5.0730 141.0 141.0 lYS6 5.095.0 141.0 197.0 104.0 106.0 96.0 96.0 118.0 118.0 smr a6.0 115.0 116.0 smr Ty.0 235.0 0% USE0 AN0 USEFUL CALCULATIONS wasmvmw Tnnrm.m P i m i - Sshdul. F d (9) D0d.lNa 95019E-Ws compury: sovhan sutes Inmie.. M.dUUY.uEndej: 1 m 1 m 1°C. 19% 19% 1986 1x1 1996 1996 1996 15.m 5B.m 15.m 13,194 5 B . m 20.226 23.622 1% 1996 rnnn me We FPSC Unikm [I]6 Non-Undorm [x 1 NO 19% I"-". Cny ol 1 PERMITED PLANT CAPACITY (GPO) 1lO.wO 2 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL CAPACITY IGPD) 3 199*AVGOAlLYFLOWOFUAXMONTH(GPDt 4 1W6 AVO DAILY FLOW OF YU YONTH (GPD) 5 Response 10 OPC Dos. R q ~ s No. l 275 6 EXCESS Infiar(l(U).8 y EPA ~ u k i e ~ h e i 62.m 2W.wO AWmontc 2w.m Spflnp..nd 2O.WO 20.m 170.729 SmlandC 8.710 5o.m 130,WO 50.m 1 3 0 . m 25.233 147.142 8.710 27.5M 148.175 15.1% 0 0 0 0 1W.WX 6z.m lW.0046 lOO.W% 40.73% 28.00% lWW% 28.60% 64.M9 172.210 WlWS 7 EXCESS INFLOWIINFILTRATION(GPD) 0 0 58.5~. 81.WX 90.36% NIA WA WA U.55X 55.10% 66.00% 94.24% nw% 4 5 m 77.W4 63.83% 58.52% 66.80% M.lO% 81.W% NIA NJA 43.55% u.w~i w . w % 1 w . w ~ n.w% 45:wx 1W.W% 90.36% NJA n.Mm 63.83% 85.m Y.000 29.129 29.129 0 0 8 9 I E E A I W NT P U N T AND EFFLUENT DISPOSAL: 10"t PI."t: OPC Calsubted U M 6 Useful 12 U 6 U P a O l d o r ( % l 13 SSU Rquesled U 6 U (Ut 14 D1sposa.l: 15 OPC C.*uu1M Uud 6 Useful 11 16 17 (%I (%I U6UPerOrder(%) SSU Rqmaled U 6 U ~ l U l 18 R.UUF.slutlr: ... . ,. . 19 OPC C.lsuu1.d U M 6 Useful 1%) 20 SSU R q u e s l e d U 6 U 1%) 24 25 26 OPC C.Wu1ed U M 6 U&l SSU R q ~ s l e u d 6 U (%) 51.534 2427% 49.w% 49.W% 40.73% a6.67~ 0s.m 2 8 . w ~ 28.60% i w . w % 1 w . m iw.w% 51.53% i w w s .. 40.73% 1w 00% (XI 27 USED AND USEfULCALCUUTlONS w ~ l p ~ . ucoli.suon r system 28 Ssh.duI. f-I(S) 29 30-NANOS YSTEM PUMPING PLANT. 31 C o n n w LoD In 1996 *lo Y.R. 32 C m m a e d LOU h 1994 wl M R 33 CmneaedLOUm1994wloMR 34 NumOerdLUs 35 C a l s u M U u d 6 v.atUll%) 24 U L U P n * ( U ) 37 SSU R q u g t . d U 6 U (%I nux a3.00~ 50.2Ox L15.82K 85.WU 85.WU 29 28 28 Y u.7ax 1 W . m lW.0046 411 100 3% w 1.336 1.323 1.320 1.810 26 M M 46 75.00% 107 103 1.026 1.024 98 137 1.023 1.189 35 33 30 35 78.10~ 8 s . m n.38w 160 152 110 110 137 191 110 185 u.nx w.4on 06.WU w.4096 1 w . m 5946% 1W.W% IW.W% 1 w . m lw.m 1W.WU 87.OOU 1W.MK 85- 38 39 ERC CALCUUTIONS (by SSU) Cab1n.d S s h d u k d f- 8.10 IS) sna seuw %wr seuw snra sna snnr Snrsr m EG EG ERG ERG ERG ERG ERG ERG. 1- 274.0 MI.0 2M.O 33.0 33.0 &.O 1991 46.0 89.0 2M.O 2940 Y.0 Y.0 45.0 95.0 1,019.0 1,013.0 1.015.0 28.0 300 1992 1.335.0 1.m.o 1.yo.o 45.0 46.0 90.0 B.0 1.023.0 1,023.0 1.024.0 1.025.0 1.028.0 1993 1994 1% 1995 5 1- 314.0 317.0 1,361.0 1390.0 322.0 1.3930 1.4M.O 326.0 1.407.0 3.0 Y.0 460 lM.O 350 46.0 105.0 U.0 46.0 107.0 330 330 340 im o 121 0 1% 0 137 0 1370 37 0 152 0 MO 156 0 1600 39 0 5m EG 153 0 151 0 149 0 146 0 151 0 151 0 151 0 151 0 REVISE0 5386 . * . . , . . . . . . . .. . . ._ . . r ,.. ~ '. OPC USED AND USEFUL uLcuunoNs W"W*I Tmannrnl PI."I OChdYI. F.6 (9) Dos*eI NO.350(S5W capnv:sarthm st*rr umie,. 1°C. sc(ndubY.uEnd.d: 1231196 19% 1996 1996 19% 1996 1996 1998 1.145.mO 1.145.000 1.m.226 36.m 56.m 3531 1.130.a4 56.808 0 0 98.71% 1W.WX 1% Rqafsd1x1 L k . FPSC U l m 1x1 6 Norrunm [x 1 NO. 1 PERMITTED PUNT CAPACTTY (GPDI 2 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL CAPACllV (GPD) 3 1AVG DAILY FLOW OF MAX MONTH (GPO1 4 1mAVGMlLYfL~oF~uWoNTH(GPO) 5 Rem OPC Doc. R-SI NO. 279 6 EXCESS I d b w f l n n m (%I. by €PA guld*Ms 7 EXCESS INFLOWflNFILTRATIDN (GPDI 8 9-puNTAN 10 TnmnmtPbnt: 11 OPC c.kuhba 6 Useful (%) 12 U 6 U P e r O l d e r ( % l 13 SSU R q u M U 6 U (%I 14 E f l l u n l W - I : 15 16 DPC W s U w U u d 6 Uaeful (%I U6UPerOmer(%I R4w.W . 17 SSU U P U (%)~. _"_ 18, ., ~. . .. 19 OPC C & J W Used 6 U v l u l ( % ) R.uu~=unwA 20 12.m 12.m 7.290 7.290 5 0 . m 5 0 . m 33.806 13.5w 270,033 270.m 1w,m 167.886 4w.m 50.m 250.m uyI.m 261.194 50.m 29,419 m.MS 29.Ed3 15o.000 W.9U 3.710 63.4% W.5% 1u3.890 0 22.701 0 0 0 80.75% 13.00% M.75% 27.02% 62.18% 73.41% 5D.17% 74.m 79.68% 78.00% 78.W% y1.2W 90.46% 51.00% M.02% 1.48% 51.00% 56.76% 60.15% 13.00% 27.02% 74.m 62.18% 78.m 58.71% 3&20* 59.17% 51.00% 6375% 79.66% 78.W% 72.36% w.o2.* 9310% e6w% 100oou 1WM)% 2.47% 51.00% BO.73% lW.OO% 9310% 94.63% rwww WW% lWW% 98.73% 1W.C.W SSU R m u M U 6 U (%I U-obMe Uwaihbm 73.41% 59.17% lw.m 26 26 35 a u 34 52 M.38% 4S.W% 50.m 9 4 . m 5 0 . m 9 4 . m 33 lw.m 642 650 2.551 177 11 2.u2 10 812 €61 2.289 176 176 50. 36 S7.08% W . ~ W 99.m 9 3.332 3.m RI 87 107 84.11% 81.m 8.252 30.91% 35.12% 18.82% 3.125 4.275 82.81% 2 1 . 1 ~ %?.MU 36.m 36.m 1 m . m 1 W . m 72.87.12% 69 W.M% smr E R G . Eec smr smr smr smr smr ERG ERG ERG ERG Smr ERG 17.0 55.0 576.0 3.W.O 176.0 56.0 2.5450 600 27.0 M.0 BO.0 m.0 1n.0 5.0 2.71u.O 83 0 619.0 1711.0 67.0 623.0 177.0 78.0 179.0 179.0 n.0 2.9p6.0 3.199.0 3.371.0 3,Ml.O MO S.0 65.0 W.0 4.422.0 4.719.0 4.m.o 5.116.0 67.0 By.0 6600 5.241.0 179.0 5.3660 1w.0 M.0 89.0 25.0 24.0 26.0 26.0 a.0 26.0 67.0 629.0 W.0 ERG W.0 3.m.0 850 87 0 89 0 09 0 3.610.0 900 R M S E D 53% EXHIBIT TLW ~we5rne DPCUSEDANDUSEfULCALCUUTK)NS 19% 5 m . m 5oo.m 466.226 482.889 I 0 ! =.1% . o 0 0 1.557.136 n.58sx 19 71% n14 NIA e 9 m NIA WA 8800% lWW% 2447% lW.W% 1W.W% 119 71% NIA lWW% l W m 78W% W.% lW.W% 1 w . m 19 71% NIA NIA NIA e 9 m 89 71% NIA NIA NIA 7800% llW%-[ 8103% NIA lWW% 1WWX Exn m 22 A~xllbyP-l: CaW(GPD).rWWed 23 24 OPC c.blhl.d uud 6 Useful (%I SSU R e w U l d U 6 U (U) 25 . 1 UnwahM IJwmihM unW.ihM 89.71% 88.00% 22.9+% 1w.m lm.m 1wm 26 27 USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS w"-Pr Col*ctM" 28 OskduH F.7(S) - . sI.trm 29 3 31 Con- Lob In tm Wo Y.R 32 ConnmdLmh1934rrl U R 33 CaQedLurn1994woMR 34 NvmbnOfLOU 35 c a r u M uud 6 Useful ( W ) 26 U 6 U P r D d a p * l 37 SSU R q u W U 6 Up*) 1.155 1.125 7.437 7.220 1.115 7.010 1.189 *7.1sx 1W.W% 1m.m 6.725 lW.W NIA 1W.W% 3,414 3.251 2.w 7.285 46.87% WA 49.10% 166 152 126 228 4.436 1.976 4,342 1.970 4,257 1.W 5.270 1,224 M.17% 72.WA NIA 1W.W% WA mol% 88.31% 1W.m 36 39 ERC CALCULATIONS (by SSU) m b l n d S c M d ol f- 1 10 (SI SenN smr snnr xu EBC E6.C ERG 1 m 2.825.8 w.0 1991 1)06.0 1.210.0 3.1n.s 129.5 1992 13p.o 3.4445 1993 18U 19% 19955 1.279.0 3.571.0 132.0 135.5 6.uo5 6.6u.O 8.7770 6.rn.8 3,611.8 137.3 7.W.3 5.109.0 1,356.0 7.010.0 7.M.3 3.915.6 1652 7234.5 5.125.3 1.3n.o 7.327.8 4.014.1 1726 7.312.4 5.1331 1 m 1,391.0 7.w.9 4,112.3 180.4 7.390.4 5.141.6 l.w.o s m S e n N s . r a EEG. EEG 5.ou.5 SM.3 5.356.3 5.237.3 REUSED Yygg . - . . 2 ... . . EXHIBIT ne-4 Plpe6Ol6 OPC USEOANDUSEFUL CALCULATKHIS was-, rma+m.m P1.m Scbduk F-S (SI Dam M.syyocws c r m p n y : zovmrn st.fn m. 1°C. sctnQU*Y.uEndedd: 1 m 1 m 19% 1998 19% m.m m.m 5 0 . m 99.m uI.m 87.200 92.489 35.033 43.616 99.m 78.452 78.452 0 0 R o w el Lke FPSC Unilmn 1x1 6 NOhUni(0rm lx I M. 1 P E R M W D P U N T CAPACITY (GPO) 2 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL CAPACITY (GPD) 3 19W AVO DAILY FLOW OF MAX MONTH (GPO1 4 1803 AVG DAILY FLOW OF MAX YONTH (GW1 5 Respoose m OPC Dos. R.qrmt No.279 6 EXCESS m ~ n f l b . PI. ti EPA pumms av 7 EXCESS INFLOWnNFlLTRITlDN (GPDI 0 8 T DISWSU; 9 10 m.+m.nt Pl.nt 11 OPC c&ll!aed .. uud 6 U.hl (K) 12 U6UPerOld.r(%1 13 SSU R q Y e . 1 W U 6 U 1%) 14 .zmwmWpsal: 15 OPC C a b ! 4 e d U M 6 Wl ( W ) 16 1W.OOX NIA 17.23% NIA 79.24% NIA lW.W% 1W.WH 79.24% iw.oox NIA U 6 U P a W ( % ) 8r.23~ NIA 7924% NIA lW.W% lW.W% 79.24% 130 274 250 323 323 323 3s U 6 U p n O l d a P l 126 122 130 72.WX NIA NIA NIA 37 7 4 . m ~ m.21w 05.oOu 17 SSU R q M M lJ6 U 1%) ~. 18.R.uUf.cl_=.. ---i--r -, 19 DPC W S U W U M 6 USdulIW) 20 ._ SSU R q u m U 6 U (X) 21, ! Y2 Auxlllary po*..r: 23 24 C.ouny(GP0). W l W OPC cllprmed uud 6 Useful (%I 25 26 SSU R-ated U 6 U (%I n USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS W..mntW co(w.stlon 28 Schdul. F-T(S) sw*m 29 30 C D L L E C T l O N U S Y S T E M P l N G P 31 C o n m o d Lop In 1eH *lo M.R. 32 Connested L a h l 9 W W U.R. u conn.ctcd Lms h 1 9 M vi0 M.R. 34 NumQWdLOU 35 WSUUW U u d 6 Useful (K) SSURawnldULUIW) W ZM 334 82.07% yo a5.oOx 3a 39 ERC ULcuunOWj (4 SUI CablndSc~u~olf-36lO(Sl sm Ilr ERG sm ERG 1990 126.5 1991 1y.0 1992 1W.5 207.5 1993 19% 122.0 M.0 323.0 1995 125.7 249.0 1995.5 127.5 261.9 323.0 m.0 1996 129.4 273.9 323.0 REVISED yM6 , . I - i ; -' EXHIBITTLE4.1 Page 1 of 1 ......__...._..__. --.--- OPC USED AND USEFUL CALCULATIONS ....,. " Marco Island Wastewater Treatment Plant ' Effluent Disposal Measures Docket No. 950495-WS Company: Southern States Utilities, Inc. Schedule Year Ended: 12/31/96 Projected [XI Line FPSC Uniform [ ] & Non-Uniform [x ] No. 1 PERMITTED PLANT CAPACITY (GPD) 2 EFFLUENT DISPOSAL CAPAClTY (GPD) 3 1994/HISTORICAVG DAILY FLOW OF MAX MONTH (GPD) 4 1996 AVG DAILY FLOW OF MAX MONTH (GPD) 5 6 7 EFFLUFNT DISPOSAL 8 Information Source: 9 Late-Filed Deposition Exhibit Nos. 4,5 & 6 of Mr. Terrero: 10 FDEP Permit: UCll-179323. (DR 289-D) 11 Deposition of Mr. Terrero 12 13 14 Effluent Disposal: 15 OPC Calculated Used & Useful (Oh) 16 U & U Per Order ("A) 17 SSU Requested U .,, 18 .. Reuse Facilities<: . .... . . .- .... 19 OPC Calculated Used & Useful (%) 20 SSU Requested U & U (%) 21 22 ERC CALCULATIONS (by SSU) 23 Combined Schedule of F- 8 EL 10 (S) 24 Yea 25 26 1990 27 1991 28 1992 29 1993 30 1994 31 1995 32 1995.5 33 1996 34 1996.5 35 1997 36 1997.5 37 1998 38 1999 39 2000 I 1 . _ 1 _ 1 . . . . . ....... ...... Mar-94 May-93 May-94 3,500,000 9,900,000 3,663,065 3,686,438 3,500,000 3,500,000 801,968 801,968 '3,500,000 1,000,006 632,258 636,292 37.24% NIA 100.00% 22.91% N/A 100.00% . ~ .% Project No. 31401.01 63.63% 100.00% Sewer E& 5.044.5 5,228.3 5,356.3 5.287.3 5.109.0 5.125.3 5,133.4 5.141.6 5,149.7 5,157.9 5,166.1 5,174.3 5,190.8 5,207.3 Sewer '. Sewer E E x 5.044.5 5,228.3 5.356.3 5.287.3 5.109.0 5,125.3 5.133.4 5,141.6 5,149.7 5,157.9 5,166.1 5.174.3 5,190.8 5,207.3 5.044.5 5.228.3 5.356.3 5.287.3 5,109.0 5.125.3 5333.4 5,141.6 5,149.7 5,157.9 5.166.1 5,174.3 5.190.8 5,207.3 5/3/96