TV Daily Herald BOMBERS NEAR EAST COAST? WEATHER JUMHGAvsvW winds, saow a 001 (1 WnvO Big Spring Jtarrle. i Have You Bought Your Defense Stamp Today? t Eight Pages Today BIG SPItINd, TEXAS, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1941 VOL. 14; NO. 156 Jap Planes ReportedOnWestCoast Kobe Tokyo, Formosa Bombings Are Rumored Reds Drive Nazis Back From Moscow By The Associated Frees When disaster strikes, the Red WASHINGTON. Dec. ft. OP) By The Associated Press Senator Gillette said to Russian troops have regained Cross hurries to the scene. be had received Information ground in below-zer- o fighting beNow that war baa struck the day fore Moscow; Russians announced United States, the Red Cross Is from a source found to be reliable In the past that Hitler had prom. today, and estimated total casual-Ue- s particular- Ised Japan he could obtain control of Adolf Hitler's troops at rushing aid to needy 8,000,000 men in the 'first five ly wounded and homeless civilians of the French fleet by next month months of the Herman-Russia- n on American toll. Money is need- and would be able to give the Japanese active military aid by Feb war. ed for this cause. ruary. Temperatures as- - low as If decause assessed Quota for this Gillette said this Information grees below zero were recorded Howard-Glasscoc-k chapter Is came to him, from persons who had and Russians commented: "Walt the reported on October 28 that Japan J5.400. this is nothing." Collns planned to launch an attack on the A drive directed by J.-A German military spokesman acknowledged yestenlay that bit to raise this amount Is expected United States either In December, 1941, or in February, 1043. ter winter conditions had forced to besln Friday. inMost legislators thought that the a halt in major operaUons Red Cross official! pointed out cluding the offensive against that this campaign la for WAR extent of any military aid Hitler Moscow until spring. RELIEF, sod has no connection might give to Japan in furtherance Pravda, communist party organ, with the regular Keo woss mem- of the axis pact would depend largely whether the Russian ar said the Germans had been press- bership roll call now ending. mies were able to continue their ed back with heavy losses in the resistance to the nazls. Tula area, 100 miles south of the capital, and reports to London Chairman Walsh said said the main forces or tne uer- the senate naval affairs committee mov man retreat from Rostov had had obtained the following comed even beyond Mariupol, the Sea parative figures' on the American exwere they of Azov port where UP Dec. WASHINGTON, and Japanese fleets: pected to make a firm stand. President Roosevelt placed JapaVS. Japan howreport of the retreat The nese, Italians and Germans in this 10 ever, was modified by an acknow- country in the category of "enemy Battleships in service ..17 8 ledgement that strong German aliens" today and prescrinea oy Battleships building ....16 8 6 forces were still at Taganrog. Iso- proclamations the conduct they Aircraft carriers 3 12 Carriers building lated but a potential menace to must follow. 37 46 Cruisers Japanese warplanes rcconnoitering over headquarters at Tokyo, asserted there had the San Francisco Bay area and reports that been no air attack on Japanese territory up other forces were off the Aleutian Islands, to this morning., .. In the. narrow Bering Straits between Alaska A Tokyo broadcast said Guam and Wake' and Siberia, stirred ne walarms today in the .islands, American-owne- d stepping, stones d across the Pacific from Honolulu to Manila, battle of the Pacific. Unverified reports of the bombing of were now under the Japanese flag. Tokyo, Kobe and the Japanese island of In Tokyo, the Japanese navy's official Formosa were broadcast by CBS from spokesman asserted, triumphantly that "the Manila the first such reports of aerial great initial success scored by the Japanese counter-blow- s against Japan since the war air and naval arms" had upset the balance of began; United States and Japanese power in the PaHowever, latest word from imperial cific , three-day-ol- Nazi Entry Thought Near Intimations that Germany was about to declare wares the United States Increased as' the list of nations who have rallied to the .United States side and declared war on Japan mounted to 15 England, Holland. Dutch East Indies, Costa Rica, Canada. Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Free France, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Australia, New Zealand and Panama, In addition, Mexico and Colombia have broken off dlplomatlo relations with Tokyo. A predlcUon that Germany would declare, war against the United States within a few hours was broadcast by NBC's Stockholm corespondent, who relayed reports that the American embassy staff In Berlin already had been removed, from the relch capital. A Japanese government spokesman was quoted as saying "we naturally expected Germany to declare war upon the United States." d Striking, over areas, Japanese troops were reported to have landed in the. northern part of Borneo, where ,the British said they had been beaten off, and started an Invasion of the Hongkong, Britain's second chief has; Uon of defense-ithe Orient. Colncldentally, Japanese land wide-sprea- forces wqre said to have opened an attack on "the area of Singapore, Britain's great "Gibraltar of and it appeared the Far East" that one Of the first Japanese alms was to. tynock out that powerful navai strongnoia.' battle-shl- p Britain's new 35,00-to- n Prince of Wales was recently reported to have arrived at Singapore at the head of a strong squadron of British warships. Berlin radio quoted a Japanese communique as saying that Japanese troops also were advancing In northern Thailand toward the Burma road, now guarded by United States planes. San Francisco Black's v Out blacked out An the; entire San" Ffanclaco.bay-- area' at 2:39 a. m. (4:39. a. m, CST) and simultaneously as army spokesman declared: "The planes are heading, toward shore, and so far as we know, they arc still coming." The was sounded at 3:87 al m., however, ending the third alarm of the all-cle- ar night At least two squadrons of enemy planes, numbering 15 to a squadron, had previously crossed the coastline west of San Jose during the night and 'scouted' the enUre bay area and other sections of California, it was stated. No bombs were reported dropped. The army said that In all probability an enemy aircraft carrier .was lurking off the coast, perhaps 600 or 600' miles out In Victoria. B. C Mayor Andrew McGavla "announced tersely; ?S! The Japanese are off the Aleu tian Islands; we expect them here any time. The sltuaUon Is very serious." His warning was supplemented by Air Commander A. F. Godfrey with the declaration that "there Is every reason to believe there will be an attack in the Pacific northwest" The daring series of night .blunUy putting the thrusts on notice that "it can happen led to immediate conjechere" ture that Japan was attempting to panic the United States into with drawing Its main batUe fleet to home waters, "DlanljMtta var 0iAmA ttintltf the entire Pacific Coast, from San na-U- RELIEF FUND SOUGHT HERE Russian communications. Battered forces of Gen. Erwln Rommel were reported to be re grouping in uoya alter wiwaraw- tng westward to & line extending south from Tobruk through El Adem and Blr El Gobi. British mechanized forces and infantry worked on pockets of axis resistance along the Libyan UP) A NEW YORK. Dec Panamanian radio broadcast heard In New York by NBC said Japa nese aircraft were reported flying over the Panama coast this morning bombwsra dropped. Tbe NEW YORK, Deo. 8 UP Berlin radio declared today that "America now, faces a twp-frewar, a shooUnBj'war. in: thsTAUaaUo Pacific, Italian, troops were and a u and America la unprepared." The broadcast' was beard by NBC. 4,000 two .days, earlier had' believed such was virtually impossible. Two squadrons of about" IB planes 'each', were reported, by mil itary .men in Ban mrancisco to Amarillo Man have roared across the coast west War Casualty to the southern of San Jose, 54 Cruisers building 171 Destroyers Destroyers building .,..198 112 Submarines Submarines building ... 74 at rapld-flre'w- In-th- ar a thing 13 SHOPPING DAYS to Christmas flown Up of San Francisco Bay and then split up on separata missions. "I don t think there s any doubt they came from a carrier," said Lieut Gen. John I Dewltt, com mander of the Fourth Army, "but the carrier would have moved af ter they launched and they would rendezvous in another spot" Some U. S. planes were reported 'See WEST COAST, Page 8, CoL 8 NEW YORK HAS RAID ALARMS AMARHXO, Dec. 0 (AT Also GIVE First U&DefenseSa&ngs Texan known to have been killed in the war with Japan was Jay Edward Pletzch a Panhandle athlete. Pletzch was a navigator In the army air force. "He was the' son of Otto Pletzch of AmarlUo, who last night received official notification of the casualty from the war department BONDS and ' STAMPS at STORKS BANKS rosTomcxs - NEW YORK, Dec. 0 (AP) Major General Herbert A. Dargue, commander of tho first air force, said today in a statement that "I do not think" a series of air raid alarms in the eastern section bf the United States was a rehearsal NEW YORK, Dec. 9. (AP) The great metropol-ila- n area of New York CJity was put on an air raid alert twice within an hour shortly after noon today amid varying and unconfirmed reports of an imminent at tack by hostile planes. 10 123 The first alarm sounded at 1:25 pvm. (EST) and the all clear followed 20 minutes later. But at 2x05 p m. the wailing of police and fire sirens sounded another warning. The second all clear sounded at 2:40 p. m. It later developed that tho second alarm was the result of a small-firwhich broke, out at Mitchell Field and in the confusion of a fire alarm, a second alert had been sounded. The vast stretch of Long Island from the city to Montauk Point also braced itself for the reported possible attack. A million school children in New York and thousands on Long Island were sent home. The New York Information, center on defense said that as far as they knew, there was absolutely no reasoa for the second alarm and said that the metropolitan' area had been all clear since the previous "all clear" signal was sounded. Boston, which had been on an air raid alert signal lor more than an hour, finally sounded an "all clear" at 2:19 p. m. (EST). Ail available nre ngnung equip-- 1 ment was placed at vantage points port and that "acuon u betas 71' at LaGuardla Field. Every plan taken" officials declined to ex was cleared from the runways. 7 pand on what the acUon might be. Major Elmer Haslett said all raFamilies' of filers stationed at dio beams war shut down w order MltcheU Field were ordered to of the clvUlan aeronauUetj admin- evacuate from their homes bordering tbe airport aad they preIstraUon. , Nassau counWidxmg Island .po pared., te do. ao at eaee, lice ordered Immediate evacuation "Emergency refueling depots of publlo schools and requested an were set up In the vicinity of tha persons off the streets in the coun- field to be used In the event that the main refueling plant ty. The air raid alarms sounded See AD RAIDS, Page 8, Onliimn f while officers of civilian defense for New York. New Jersey and. The busiest places in Big Spring Delaware were meeUng In emer Monday and Tuesday were the gency session to discuss precau- US. Army and U.S. Navy recruit Uons. ing offices In tbe basement of the Navy press officers said they postoffice building.' had not received a report oa any .Monday the Navy had she applihostile planes. 'They rushed .tho cants,' three of whom were accept- news to the office of Admiral p Llned-uas the office Adolpbo Andrews, commandant ed. outside opened Tuesday morning were .five to the third naval district and youths, picked up by a of the North AtlanUo navy recruiting "cruiser." Three commander fronUer which extends were from Odessa and two from coastal WASHINGTON, Dec ft. OB from nattars to Halifax. Colorado City. Two of these were told tha available for Rep. Dlngell was not Andrews two rejected, of three accepted, house today he proposed to demand the latter only temporarily, report- immediate comment, that court martial proceedings So In Washington, the Whit House, Instituted against four ed 8. 7. Cooke and H. P. Jones, of war and navy aeparunenu ficers in charge. army officers and the com- -, Sgt Troy Gibson had five appli- thav knew nothing- about tne re mander of tha Pacific fleet for cants Monday, three of whom were ported presence of plants off the "what happened in Hawaii." rejected. Tuesday "morning he had east coast Dlngell named ''specifically- Vt, had two applicants. Cant r.vnn Famol. nubile rela Gen. Walter C Short, commandInto both Army and Navy of- tions, officer at Mltchel Field, said ing the Hawaiian department; Ma fices streamed men making tha field wu on the alert and that Gen. H. H. Arnold, deputy caler about enlistment The army everv necessary precauUon had jor staff for aid; Maj. Gen. Geo. H. ran into several that had bad dis- bean taken. Ha said tne reponea of Brett, chief of the army air corps. origicharges which prevented not did presence of planes Husband Klmmel, Tbe navy ran Into some nate with tbe air corps, but that and Admiral of the Pactflo fleet with police records that blocked the air corps was acUng on tbe commander .) Then, Rep. Bulwlnkle the way. theory that the reports might be immediately arose to say "It be-Enlistment opportunlUes in the substantiated. hooves members to keep their feet army, said Sgt Gibson, were: Field A few minute after Mltchel artillery in Hawaii, Infantry in the Field's original announcement on the ground" and not act without full facts. d Philippines, regular army that aa "official warning from knowing the Uka this," he declared, at Panama canal cone, Washington" Indicated tha Im"In tlfflw it is the patrioUo duty of every Puerto Rico and Fort Bliss, air minence of enemy planes, Seccorps at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., retary of State IIuU la Washing- American, especially every conand Blloxl, Miss. ton warned the' nation to be oa gressman, to be guarded la hi The navy reported no limits on the alert for a surprise attack. words in order not to give aid and classifications for qualified navy The state department comfort to the enemy." men; all ratings from 2nd class Burst of applause greeted hi however, that Secretary Hull's petty officer down in the reserve. warning had 410 connecUoa with remarks, aa well as a statement by including classifications lor ma- tbe reports that hosUle planes Rep, Van Zandt .) that h chinists, blacksmiths, all grades of were approaching the eastern sea resented criticism of Klmmel. Vam metal workers, clerks stenograph- board. Hull had no knowledge of Zandt said that the house memers, bookkeepers, general seamen, these reports at the time he Issued bers did not appreciate the adand engineering branches. vancement of aircraft and whea the warning. Former navy men may Simultaneously. In Boston, U. S, all report were la there would be at their last ratings provided they navy sources reported they had re no erlUclsm of any of tha admiral' have not been out more than eight ceived "official wora- - or tn' re toff, or personnel. years. Otherwise they may enlist SO age. years of under raUngs up to 11 Army, Navy . Recruiting Office Busy Criticism Of Isle Defense Work Heard out-of-to- - Jan Valtin Says You Of Experiences With Gestapo By JOB PICTCLE HiUer la behind the Japanese tack on the United States. Such" la of at- Jan n high-ranki- - Hitler Behind Japanese Attack On America Writer Valtin Tells I NEW YORK, Dec. 9 (AP) Public Safety officials revealed today that a series of air raid alerts and alarms which electrified the eastern seaboard this afternoon were- merely a .dress rehearsal and that reports of approaching enemy ' planes were false, BULLETINS IfSSKUdell ? German Aid To Japanese Promised? WAR a) oiuuiuia viueoi tuua uruig tlmated vflngrwaT to 'the doorstep, of ;m!llions trapped. oriiBu. $5,400 i Hear President, Valtin Both return to the stage to Hearing tonight's lecture at the city auditorium by Jan' Valtin does not mean that one must miss President' Roosevelt's war broadcast Valtin's lecture will berin at 8 p. m. At his talk Valtin will hold an open forum discussion. A radio for this use has been donated by Whlte Auto Stores. A public address system has been arranged to carry the executive words plainly to all parts of the audi- Valtin, author of the best seller,. 0 p. m. he will pause and a radio set in the "Out of the Night," and who, Is to city auditorium will be tuned to the presi deliver a lecture at 8 p. m. today dent's address. After the president completes torium. In the municipal auditorium, expert-eac-e his out of Valtin speaks as a former agent for the "for the party and communist nail gestapo. The strategy In the Japanese of:BflnksssHsVlssssSssssssssssssssssssBisssssssssssssH fensive, believes ValUn, U to divert jjBSBsisaw .'lssr sssss2srsssssssssssnssssssssssssssssssssssilssslssssssssssss1 " , assssTTsssl f .H', ..sslssssssssssssssSk.: fleets BriUsh and the United States awwa.. srsystsstsstsstsstssssaisssstaii .'j .lsBsF' 7?' . ..tsstsstsstsstsBstsrTsstsst-s5SSastst--j-- i from' the AtlanUo to the Pacific, 1 sssssULsUBsJLiWb destroy i to free SjjrIissssssssbssBIsjssssssssssHssssK IsssssssssssssssssssssssH thus leaving HlUer R, England "at leisure" by. cutUng the 'sssssHsssssHHssssk $ VssssssBsssssssH and Far to India vital supply lines sstfsBktsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmssssssssssssssss Eastern possessions at the Sue sllllllllllAVLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHiiiilllllllllllllllHeBssilm .! canal and to the United States. sent from la destroyer If one ? nssisssssssssssssu " the AUanUo to the,. Pacific, Hitler SSSSSSSKSsSBSSSBSSSSSSSSSSBk sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaBssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssB is accomplishing his purpose, in :7n ValUn. the opinion-- of ' "Japan would, never have dared " BT to attack so powerful a nation as States on her own," he the United declares- .- Hence, he believes that Japan is a side Issue compared, to kW'-- s ' the threat of Hitler, accomplishing his, ends. A campaign against Japan, aci cflrdlnir to ValUn. might proceed with cool calculation and delibera. tion toward Xlni cutting supply lines between Japan and the army, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB fleet, Japanese by liquidating the "attacking the bottled Japanese army In China and finally by rasaHMs-MLaLaLaing the industries of the island empire; By destroying Industries. , ValUn feels that the nation would then be forced on an economy simitar to that of China namely that Vsdfta, of an agricultural country. la Beg SfHng tessght, Is stews here as he forOOa JNeWS KM bee granted a fBH pardon by &, uTs, But he believed that there was Gov. Calbefi I Otses of CnHforala fer as eU feteay.Thk yards Unresist: fata hopes of aveMug Sea ValHa, Page 8, Cebuaa S sertattoaaa a nrimlnsl sJteiu mfgkm!; v 04 sLsrsfliK Jff Vlf sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss A R.9i3 sPPBss2.s8ssl VHPssssssssH 'yW JHIH KH sasasasasasalsBsasasasasaTsaBasassssVv' P9eimjislaBBBBBlBaiaHailHk:'' l LaiaiaiaiaiaiaHlaiaiaiaW ialalaHialalalalalalalalalalalH'V li'M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaLaliLaLaLaH saLaLaH&aLaLaLaLaLaLaLanfLaLssaLaHB saLaMLLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLvflar flaHHt BBBBBBBBBVoBBssBSVii'iasF iteaaing who-speak- s nmuthitM 1 - H German Is Sort Of Man Everybody Likes By MABY WDALEY Meeting Jan ValUn is a pleasant experience. I'hls man about whom reams have been written, more said, the man whose life is wanted in two countries, Russia and Ger many, is the sort of feUow you uko ngnt oil. He is tall, has dark wavy hair and brown eyes and a courteous manner. When he talks about the war, about Germany and Russia and world events he is poslUve and tense in his statements. His very manner convinces you that he knows what he is talking about and is a man it would do well for Americans to hear and believe. But when talking of ordinary things, he bas a most engaging smile and sense of humor. About his name it seems Americans from coast to coast have stumbled on the pronounctaUon. "It is really very simple," ValUn laughed, "that Is if the simplest pronounctaUon U given It It Is Jan ValUn." (Uke the Jan In January and the Val In valenUne and the Un in tin foil). Dressed in a dark business suit. ValUn, In a deep voice that ben be beard easily at a distance, spoke of the future when he hopes to return to his farm In Connecticut It la to be a salt water farm, he said, so he can be a sailor as weU as farmer; Then he wants to 'write another book. The lecturer speaks with a slight Germanlo accent that Is easy to understand 'and in coaverttaUon with him hi knowleoge of current and past historic ivenU is amazing. Ha gives you tbe Impression of having read much, studied much and Uve4 a lot! nnas-Slgne- (R-Pa- Weather Forecast WEST TEXAS: Cold wave ac by strong northerly companied winds and Intermittent snow wUl reach extreme northwest Panhan dle Wedaeaday morning and during Wednesday afternoon will extend southward over the Panhandle and South Plains secUoa. Temperature Wedaesday wUl range from IS to 15 degree la tho Panhandle. SO to K decrees la the South Plata. Otherwise fair this afternoon, tonight and Wedaesday with UtUe change la temieratr'. EAST TBXASt Considerable cloudiness tonight and Wedaeaday, warmer ..cept la extreme north west portion tonight, rata and cold- -. er la. norti perUea Wedaesday aad la southwest porUoa Wedaesday afternoon or night Ught to .moderate northerly to easterly winds on the coast becoming fresh southerly by Wedaesday. WAR NEEDS MONEY! It wffl cost money to defeat Japaa. Yor govera-me- at caHs oh YO U to fcslp N O.W. Bay Defease Boads or Stamps today. .Bay them every dayr If yoa caa. Bay bay them ea a legator basis. Boads cost as HtUe as $18.75, stamps come as low as 10 cents. Defease Boads aad stamps eaa be caa bought at all baak aad post offices, aad stamps be purchased at retail stores aad frem year aews-Dap-er carrier boy. The DAILY HERALD uif ? all Americans to support your government with' your dollars, "J"pWJw 7T t. ocie IU First Presbyterian Auxiliary Holds lis Circle Meetings' Milterial Iteay m the tople "We Save te Worship Him" vru hsM by etretes of ths First Fresbytartan Auxiliary when mwilxn net Mon- Devotional For Coahoma WSCS g Bride-Elt- ct Given Shower In Moor Spiritual ' A ct A special Chriitmas program was held at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Mrs. H. T. Hale was leader and Glenn T. Guthrie was in charge of the songs. Miss Mary MIddleton gave the devotions!. A special musical number was rendered by Jane Read. 'Others on the program were Betty Lou Lovelace, 'Mrs. A. K. Tur ner, Jr., Mrs; Frank Lovelace, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Guthrie. An offering was taken for aged ministers and their' families. Mrs. Millie Van, Horn and Mrs. McBoren of Odessa were visitors In the hon)e of Mrs C C Currle last week. jaenser ana Mr. ana Mrs.-!- , Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith and in the' family of Torch, home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Men- aer, Leon Menser and Mr. and Mrs. Reld several days last Week. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Graham en j. Mo.,-visite- tertained their children Sunday with a turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Forteri Palmer Evans, Ida Mae, Blllie and Dorcas Circle program was conducted by Mr. Bobbie of Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Harwell when the Jack Graham of Lubbock, Mr and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fuller, Mr. Doras circle met ia the home of Mrs. G. L. Graham, Jane and Janet and Mrs, O. V. Fuller vitUdMr, Mrs. X & McDowell. Mrs. U E. were present. and Mrs. McDonald at Odessa Parmley gave the devotional and , Sunday evening. , . a season of prayer was held. Open Held House Refreshments were served and Mr. and' Mrs. E. IX Hul Rev. then present were Mrs. R. X New Currie and Mrs. Joe Hull and daughter Carpenter, Mrs. I D. Talley, and Coahoma Gertrude and Mies Frances Phil Xyrna Jean, Mrsi Pat Sullivan, Home K. lips were Sunday 'dinner guests of Mrs. (Julia Beacham, Mrs. COAHOMA, Dec. 9 (Spl) Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Robinson of Flint, Mr. M. B. Bell, Mrs. O. D. and Mrs. C C. Currle were hosts the Midwaycommunlty. Lee, Mrs. Sam I Baker. Saturday evening from six o'clock to nine o'clock in their new rock R. L. Fields and Milton Brough-to- n Coahoma Study Club home. left Saturday night for Mason lace laid over red county on a deer hunt The table was Big Meets mums 'gold In satin, centered with Miss Twila Frances Phillips of COABQMA, Dec. 0 (Spl) The silver bowl. Red tapers in silver wera at either end. Red the Knott community spent SaturCoahoma 1941 study club met at holders rose pink: furnished the buds day night and Sunday with her the Settles hotel In Big Spring and Friday evening at 7 p. m. Mrs. decoration in the other rooms. Mr. grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Phillips' receiving included The line of Big Spring. Norman Read. Mrs. Leslie Adams, and Mrs. Mrs. Phil Smith and Mrs. Tom and Mrs. C C. Currie West-broowife of brother and Curries Dec. School will dlsmUs Friday Barber were hostesses for a turkey Ntx. 19th 'for Mr.- and Mrs; Christmas --holidays. dinner. Christmas favors were Yard-le- y Gay Nell and Reld Karlln P.-sponsor a Chrletr A. will The used and games were under the greeted guests at "the door with mas tree for the student body on direction of Mrs. Phil Smith. Introducing Mrs. Beckham Fred that day.. Those present were Mrs. L H. Beverence. Elroor Garrett, Mr. and the guests. 1'rs. D. S. Phillip and received the Brown Mrs. Burr Students of the local school Mrs. Norman Read, Mr. and Mrs. and Mia Margaret Lasslster were Jubilant over their winnings Leslie' Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Phil gifts service. in the Story Book Parade. Those Smith, Mr. and Mr. Tom Barber, was at the silverweretea Mrs. Leroy who were' winners. were: Group Rogers, .Mr. Others assisting Mr. and Mrs. W. Bartlett. All division "Three second place and Mrs. Glenn T. Guthrie, and Echols and Mrs. T. A. party wore Bears'' represented by BHly.Ham- members of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Read, Jr. formal "with carnation corsages. mock, Charlene Matthews and IA Vada Bell Dunn was In charge Nell .Engle. Individual divisions Game Dinner"" Wild of the register. The' register Was first place Bunny Rabbit" by a wooden back book with the word Elbert Long. Second place "Moth Honor Tom Farris "Visitors" engraved on it new- er Hubbard" by Eula Faye -COAHOMA, pea 0 (Spl) Tom ton, and third place Keep em Farrls was honored on his birth- Mr. end Mrs. Harry Hall Flying" by Donaia erry img; day with a wild game dinner, confourth place, "Little Red Riding f, veni-serClub Entertain Stanton sisting of birds, squirrel, and Hood" by Joan 'Fuller. in the home of his son G. R. (Spl) Mr. 9 STANTON. Dec Farris and family. The table was centered with a and Mrs. Harry Hall were host and Urge birthday cake. Those present hostess for the Thursday night the 4th at were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph White "42" club on December Mrs. and J. L. aad. Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. the home of Mr. business session Towasend and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hall. In a short of meetings was changed T. 'vW Farrls, Buster Farrls of the date to Friday evenings Sweetwater, Zelma Farrls and from Thursday and on the evening of December Blanche McCarley of Big Spring. 18th, a Christmas party at which The honoree received many gifts. the members will exchange gifts with the one whose name they drew, will be at the home of Mrs. MIDDLE-AG-E Nobye Hamilton. The receiving rooms were unlisten to millions of experienced usually attractive with banked mothers and relieve miseries with the pine cones and pyraeantha. Guests IMPROVED Vfcks treatment that takes HEED THIS ADVICEII were: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kaderll, only 3 minutes and makes good old 3f yonn crou TMtleAis borrow Bobble Halsllp, Mrs. Floyd Smith Vfcks VspoRub give BtTTHt TOM muMri and Mrs. J. L. Hall; club members K3SU1I IT ACTS 3 WAYS toy SMs period la a woman's We were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sale. Mr. AT ONCE to bring reUef. and Mrs. Guy Elland, Mrs. B. F. MM (with added Iron). inula taTSMrenca Smith. Mrs. Nobye Hamilton, Mrs. nur neipea. m Mrs. Harry Evelyn Woodard, trytaal lew label direction. to upper At .4 were served to Refreshments Mrs. Maurice Chapman. Mrs. W. T, Jackson, Mrs, Troy Ppsey, Mrs. w. a. Kenaon, sirs. li. T. Xing. Mrs. J.jH. Burchett, Airs. Sari Parrish, Mrs. R. L. McCullpugh, Mrs. R. D. Hale, Miss Caryloa Lawdermilk, Miss 'Ariena Kennon, Mrs. J. N. Brunson, Mrs. Bill Jackson, Mrs. Bud Rica, Miss' Delols Posey. Mrs. A. M. Rises. Mrs. J. IE. Underwood, Mrs. Lois Thames, Mrs. G. C Xeoth. Those sending gifts were Mrs. Delbert Frankllng, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. C O. Murphy, Mrs. J. L. Fields, Mrs. lona Thurman, Dennis Brunson, Marice Thames, Dewey Ray Thames, Mrs. J. -- J. McCl&nahan,, Thomas. Edward 17s; derwood, Miss Lena Brunson, Miss Robbie Jackson, Mrs. J. D. Jack son, Mrs. Hubert Clawson, Mrs. Curley Cook, Miss Lois Tields, Mrs. D. W. 'Anderson,' Miss Leva Lemons, Mrs. George Lemons, Miss Mariorla Posey, Miss Katherlne Marrison,' Miss Ara Lee Anderson, Leon Gaithur, Mrs. Gabra Hammock, Mrs. Elmer White and Mrs.' . Ted McMurry. a Plays Antidote For War News Tuesday, December 0, 1941 COAHOMA, Ded. 9. (Spl) The Woman's Society of Christian Service met at the Methodist church were given on day. Devotional Monday afternoon at three o'clock "Halnietelng the with Miss Susie Brown, president, Growth. bringing the devotional. The sec MOORE, Dec 9 (Spl)-?mis King Daughters lesson of the "Christian Fam cellaneous shower was given re ond Xrs. & C Boatler was program was taught by Mrs. J. W. cently in the home of Mrs. J. 8. leader tor the King Daughter ily Wood. Underwood and Lois Thames for circle when members mot In the At the business hour plans were tA 1mhb of Mrs. V. A. Koons. A made for the "Brotherhood Sup Willie May Hanson.' bride-eleJlmmle Brunson, marriage round table discussion was held oa per which is to be Wednesday is to tajce place whose Mrs. BUI night Those present were Mrs. 8. Jackson. presided soon. the tople. at the guest W. Mrs. Haglsr, Mrs. Wood, R. J. X degar book. E. were Berrick the Favors cookies with Mr. Busls Brown, ana Mrs. John W. WllUe Mae and Jlmmle- iced en votional and refreshnie 'U "Were Price. top. present a To 0 The Big Spring Daily Herald Cess were Mr. served, Others T. & Currle, Mr. Carl Strom and Mr. R. V. MIddleton, a guest Suta Orel Mr. J. O. Tamsltt wa program leader far the Ruth Circle member meeting In the home of Mrs. W. a. Wilson, Jr., Mrs. W. C. Bar aett bad the devotional and wa assisted by Mrs. F. H. Talbot. A program on ministerial relief table was carried out. The lace-lai- d was centered with a snow scene ? aad miniature cradle. ;Whlt candles la. crystal holders and a Bethlehem star were surrounded with sliver tree branches and white chrysanthemums. After the program members placed offerings for ministerial relief In the miniature cradle. Refreshments were served and ethers present were Mrs. H. X Masorv a guest, and Mrs. W. 8. Gentake, Mrs. L. T. Terrell, Mrs. Barnett, Jerry Wall, Mrs. W. Mrs. T. H. Talbott, Mrs. J. C. Lane, Mrs. Fred Fowler, Mrs. A. A. ChildrwHif rJ Miss Brown Brings Relief Program Given By Group u PAGE TWO Baptist Women War and its horrors Is making its Impression on young minds as well as old nowadays, And that Is One advantage that members ef the Amereaa "Association oi University of Women are pointing out la the sale of tlekets for the Clare Tree Major pkors for a. eUl-dre- Sew Monday. For Red Cross The plays will begin here en. December, 90th with the presentation of "Toby Tyler." Two othr plays in the series, "Mrs, Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch? "Poor LitPlanning to meet next Monday tle Rich Girl" will beand presented In to saw for the Red Cross members February and March. of the First Baptist Woman's MisThe plays designed to entertain sionary Society met Monday at the as well as Instruct children have been presented over the country church for Bible study. for several years and have won Vxui Chester O'Brien was In acclaim from young and old alike. charge and Mrs. W, J. Alexander According to Mrs. Majors, the v bad the prayer. Guests were Stella Schubert, Alma tRueckart and Mrs. B. Rueckart Others present wera Mrs. W.iR. Cheiehton. Mrs. R. C Hatch, Mrs. R. W. Ulrey. Mrs. K. S. Beckett, Mrs. R. V. Hart, Mrs. L. L Steward, Mrs. Ines Lewis, Mrs. Roy Odom, Mrs. W. R children are first entertained with the plays and second receive invaluable lessons In living. The three plays are being pre- sented under auspices of the association and season tlckets'for the three plays are 88 cents Including tax. Members of the association urge Douglass, Mrs. George Melear, that Barents who are abla huv Mrs. Theo Andrews. tickets for underprivileged chilOllie Harding, Mrs. R. V. Jones, dren In order that they will be Mrs. C. T. McDonald, Mrs. W. E. abe to Join their classmates in atHarlan; tending the plays. Charlene Estes Honored With, Tea And Miscellaneous Shower In The BrighamHome From 2 To 5 o'Clock Flva hostesses entertained Monday afternoon In the J. K. Brigbam B wlth. 5.!"1 lceneoua shower bride-sleof Charles LeosKee of Odessa. married Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock at the JDirst Jfepust church. Hostesses were Mrs. V. B. k, Legion Auxiliary Mrs. T. A. Roberts, Mrs. J. Douglass, Mrs. Horaee Reagan, and Mrs. Brigham. With '42' Oyer 300 guest were Included In the guest list The tea table was STANTON, Dec 9 (Spl) The centered with a miniature bride women of the Stanton American and bridegroom under an arch of Legion auxiliary entertained their babies breath and fern, Peruvian husbands and guests with a "42" llllles and chiffon daisies. Red tapers In crystal candelabra party at the home of Mr, and Mrs. were on either aide of the centerJ. A. Wilson on Thursday evening piece. Mrs. Harold Homan, Mrs. December the 4th. Plans were George Tlllinghast and Mrs. Joe made for a Christmas party to be ADDITIONAL SOCIETY held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. NEWS ON PAGE A John Holder on December the 11th. Clere presided at the tea table. After several interesting games. Mrs. Steve Nobles was at the of "42", Refreshments of coffee bride's book. The home was decorated with and doughnuts were served to: guests Mr. and Mrs. Brick Eld-so- red berries, cedar, and llgnted wlta red tapers. Snow scenes with rein-deMrs. B. Eidaon, Miss Vestal were on the buffet and piano. McClaln and Lynn White; memOthers in' the houseparty includbersMr. and Mrs. Dan Renfro,' ed Mrs. M. E. Anderson, Mrs. A. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton. Mr. O. Vanderford, Mrs. John Coffee, and Mrs. O. O- SouthalV Mrs. Mar Mrs. R. E. Lee, Dorothy Hayward tin oioson, Mrs. Bill Etherldge, and Polly Roberts. Mrs. John Holder, and Mr. and Hiss Estes was entertained SunMrs. Wilson. day night with a dinner party in fe2Iti2 Betes, Miss Estes Is to be et At Stanton Entertains ts Bla-loe- a Pull the Party n, er - Lazy Bowels, with Ease for Stomach, '5' WW 'Wl y No - -- T. u&:k& i. tfti'i'-1l7fi . i Hrf S.!' ' i.. V'T-- iV.5 K . C.P55l. ,rau'i'r i ; ft- tvt. iftfj When constipation brines on add bt- dlieetlon. stomach upset, bloatinc. ctey ipells, gas, coated tongue, sour esnd oaa Dream, Your stomach Is txobafelv 'errtiur thi bliua because vour hmrtii don t move. It calls for Laxatlve-SeBto pull the trigger on those law bowels. combined wit'. easetojrouri x many .Doctors have given pepsin prepa ration in their prescriptions to make medicine more agreeable w a touchy stoes. sen. so oe sure your laxauve contaMe syrup rq i Laxative sin. See Senna wakes up lazy nerves and muscles in your intestines to onng welcome reuef from constipation. And the good old Syrup Pepsin makes this laxative so comfortable and easy on your stomach. Even, finicky children love the taste of this pleasant family laxative Buy Dr. Caldwell's Laxative Senna at your druggist today. Try one laxative combined with Syrup Pepsin for ease to yourstomach, too. i s"SlfeJ Jfl Like the Present ... PnMnt Like a Fine Famous TimeDiece from Your Jatyrite Jewelers! And No 5?3J V Tim 8VS.1 &T4 SHAW'S i juV iM Dlni A k, -BUI T. JaJyl BENRUS 17-jw- xl a Other Models from $19.75 to $100 -- If Your Child Catches Cold Listen- - And .... A t50 Mot tZzAX & svtf Qoihami Pticedfttom $12.15 to $050 lacLjiZZbicutuutd ism HAMILTON W.50 K Week WOMEN CSS) m ;' And IT. 175 Afo Barnaul mSmMi BBBBBBBBWsf ' , Other Models from M ft tot RB91 In - li Trioer m Spring In ;i the home of Miss Nell Hatch.' Rehearsal dinner will be held tonight home. in the bride-elec- $4250 to $500 Ptiot&biom WjZZoZM $24.75 to $295 1 Halsllp. l'M '& ATfS4sLsW b I ! A Christmas party for the children will be held Wednesday at 4 o'clock at the Settles hotel by the Lions club 'auxiliary. The party will be given 'in Room No. One. Members who have no children to case couefj. relieve muscular soreness or tirfitness, and are urged to adopt a child for the day and bring him to the party. A Santa Claus, gifts and a Christmas tree wffl be part of the entertain 1 ment. li l tsBssV rrr GIVE SLACKS FOR CHRISTMAS" X Ottt to lounge In, be erfirtW is,, sad MARCO'S rkMM then spread twek laver on chest aad cover with wanned doth. Try kt ' wMssh jyr.iW ' i72 Ha are sure to be just whs you waatHghr; delicious a&4 of fine texture Wf IpKIW DtwfcleTesHe rsswVs Tv9Ut ;' 1 sm Zcxas"(tcatest Jewelers Big Spring, Texas UUrub Use ealy one level teaspoooful to a cap of sifted flour for most recipe. bhhhs jaiji.1 tisaaflJfeB . . Attd i32 Mate QifClfti Watcttu Pticsdfam, (i $511 4 4 , ' $21 o . & Togct tbfa improved trntBESBt1;.. Juet massage VapoRnb fcr 3 minutes ONBACKsaweklM throat' and chest. FsfBtHvlssssJIS -- ceve-mUt- - s: . brtogreeJ,heeK-to-goc&eecomfor- t. a i I BMM RsMRSSBISI ill' III Til' '! " with soothing me dicinal vapors. iTMturEsehesta&d dsqic sunaoee lice a warming poultice. Lions Auxiliary To Entertain Children With Yule Party .L w .A . 4l4M JlJ tj. ay Ym flaw It U Tkt HsraJi ' M Big flprinf BeraM, Big Spring, Tarns, Monday, Dcoambar 600 BIG SPRING MEN SERVE IN ARMY, NAVY Approximately 660 men from Big Spring and surrounding area are new la the armed forces of the nation, a survey showed here Meaday. ' Btece the U. 8. Army recruiting eftlee was opened faese lee than yean twe ago, a total of 867 have been recorded through the post, Bgt. Troy Gib-een, recruiting officer, reported. In addition there have been 41 applications for enlistment as avla-tle- n eadets, and Bgt. Gibson could Bet say how many were accepted. The IT. B. navy recruiting office, located In the basement of the postofflce building as Is the army office, has been open only a short time but has cleared more than 30 enlistments. Monday noon S. I .Cooke, In charge of the navy unit, aid that (here had been aeven tentative appHeatlon during the morning. The army had several ' Inquiries. Cooke announced that the navy office, would stay open later than usual to make engagements with employed men after working hours. "We will make appointments to give Interviews at night Just as long as anyone requests them," 'said the recruiting officer. With the army and navy recruiting total pushing around 400, It was remembered that the selective service Headquarters have sent out 125 men frdm here. In addition, between 60 and 80 young men Joined a national guard unit formed here a year ago. Added to this Is possibly CO other men who were reserve officers and who have reported for service. Some local men were known to he serving la the Faettta he the army had been assigned to .Hawaii and the Philippine. Lt John Qulnn, son of Mrs. Mabel Qulnn, is in command of a ship and may be in the Pacific. The navy did not announce his seml-prlva- to Cunningham & Philips spring's oldest Drug firm with the youngest Ideas) Petroleum BIdg. A X17 Mala (Big BIG SPHING STEAM LAUNDRY 41 Call 17 PRINTING T. E. JORDAN & GO. JUST PHONE 486 EAT AT THE Club Cafe , "Wo Never Close" O. O. DUNITAM, Prop. mwM i' jrr-f- - ., W Ifcerai tr cnt .tide mm for days." Automatic rscor&ctaRgtrf JftfsTWKjppWraneeJfel' beauty! Sensational performance! And now J.. an amazing price cut that calls for quick action! Because you can trade-i- your old radio and save extra dollars you want for Christmas! Inside the' on the graceful traditional cabinet you'll find such remarkable) features as automatic tuning Full Tone Control . . .1 spread-bandial . low pressure tone arm . . . and manyj more! And you can hear Europe direct! Save powl Eye-fillin-g TRADE-I- N n YOUR OLD radio-phon- o RADIO! BUY NOW ON ... MONTHLY PAYMENTS! d Buy a Christmas radio at sensational reductions! And save even more on many console and models by trading in your old setl Remember too you can buy any Ward radio on our convenient Monthly Payment Plan i Get YOURS today! radio-pho- "Furthermore, extra precautions are taken to prevent exploitation of the detainees by visitors or guards. If they want to sell any part of their belongings to raise a little cash, they must notify the service and the deal Is supervised to con form with substantially commer cial rates. "Detainees, during my visit went about assigned chores In good spir its and without complaint There was much singing and cardplaylng during leisure hours and the group had organized Its own band. "A chat with the 'commandant' revealed he was extremely anxious to maintain both the morale of the detainees and the good relations of the service. He bad only the highest praise for the treatment of his men, emphasizing more than once Its fairness and Justice." irrytog chatS ntfoniiay. o. .- -. no SAVE &l Complete Assortments! Immediate Delivery Now! '10! RECORD-MAKE- R! Make your own records at home! Wow . . . price cut $10 on Wards recording unit! It plugs right Into s or console radios! Complete with microphone! Save! radio-phono- ?J 39 88 Term t. y- - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI' 9BBBBBBBBSBSnSBePI!!??aSBBBBBBy'f' BBBBBBBstl3rBBBBpffffUjBBBBBBs9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl-- Trains Fstthonad Depart Arrive 11:10 p. m. 11:30 p. m No. Trains WestbOHnd No. 11 9:00 p. m. 0:10 p. m . a. m No. 7 7:28 a. m. BUSES EASTBOUND Arrive 12:13 a. m. 8:68 a. m. 9:48 a. 1:18 p. 8:18 p. 6:34 p. w ..., 7 Stis up m. m. m. m. 7 9:41 Depart S:02 a. ja 0:57 a. m, 8:47 a. .so n a. a. p. p. Train Train Plana a. m. 0 .......8:40 p.pjB. en. 707 WHsWWsT"WeW asBBBBBBBBse v sbbbbbbbbVbt 1 L9BBBBBBBBBBHnB9H3kSBB1SBBBBBlKsST iBBBBBBBBBBBUHBiESellSBBBBBVBBBra OUR FINEST PORTABLE! "sea .t,w. tt sfsSBBBT " 5" jaouv"- - 8 rrJrt " . vsiosa -ca- rrytos Buy now and tave dollar I Amazing . -- . p new portable playon325-hourbat-ter- y pack 'or plugs In anywhere I Pets Europe direct! Has dynamic speaker.loopaeriallCOMPLETEl 33 BE 88 MIRACLE VALUE! Amtilng priee ent fer 4 days oalyt Cnelee ef brown or Irory ttslsB cabteetl lias loop aerial, dyaaaalo speakrl er, tfsbted diall teetedee 9VX MOW1 188 ree-tefte- m. m. m. m. , Nerfta&svael 8.40 p. m. Tram 7:36 a. m. True JvWBbi IBbbbbbbbbh SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVslHaBfSBBBBSBBBBHdBl 6:18 p. m. Train ...... 7:00 Truck ..... .10:40 6:04 Plane Train ......11:00 4;D1L MOW! 8:2B p. m 11:00 p.m. 7:49 p. m. MAIL CLOWNQS v rBsTS'BBBBBBBBBBESKSMMSBBBBBBPSBl WBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMs! 9:48 aja. 8:30 p. m. 6:40 a. m. 7:10 a. m. 10:10 a. m. m. m. m. m. ' 7:41'p. m. S4 Terms 1 , Ifcera. - Northbeaad flsne Westhennd .PIG STAND Terms 1988 le 9:08 1:23 p. m. 8:18 p. m. 6:09 p. m. 6:10 p. ra. MILLERS 10 MORE? NOW . . . st a sentatlooal price cutl table model in bandtome wood cabinet. Built-i- n loop aerial and dynamic speakerl Rectifier Save now at Wardil 2588 Depart ,...... 4:80 p. m. 10:30 p. m. ,OOT BEER WHY PAY a. m. km.... .....12:18 m. rm 4:08 a. ew m. a. m. 8:10 p. 8:00 p. 2:30 a. 9:20 a. TUBES! GETS EUROPE! Sale priced for 4 dayi only . . . so don't delay! Look at the features you get automatic tuning, tone loop aerial, dycontrol, built-inamic speakerl Rectifier Indudedt 1 1:67 p.(rn. 8:11 p. m. 10:17 p. m. WESTBOUND Buses- In AS Hear Service (16 Bast Srd i Wfttr, Illustrating the exemplary behavior of the detainees, the observer told of the arrival of the first group of approximately 125 officers and men of the Blancan-am- 2.62 a. m, 0:47 a. m. 8:37 a. m. 1:47 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 10:12 p. m. BUSES . LB6TEB FISHER BUJQ. SUITE FHONB 661 . I rsjs break-out- " Arrive COFFEE and COFFEE Courts , 4 DAYS ONLY! QUANTITIES IMTED! ............. Geaeral Practice SAT YOU SAW IT IN THE HERALD 1929 0VR GREATEST SALE! "It Is regarded by officers as more of a psychological than a physical barrier," he said. "It could not resist a mass attempt at a "When they arrived at Fort Missoula the fence posts had been raised, but no wire bad yet been strung on them. Station authori ties carefully explained -- to the aliens that they were on their honor not to pass the line of poles at any point except at the gate, as yet not erected. "The order was so readily ac cepted that' when :me" of the -- men Inadvertently strayed a few feet beyond the poles, he was severely reprimanded by his own officers and was even ostracized by his A SCHEDULES CHRISTMAS PHOTO ORDER Attorneys-At-La- Harbor for five months Is when he was In the eerrtee. irM,Tilllll-Z- riiri t i mn tmM pBsBBBBBBBrBrflBBBBBKSsBklBl $& It's Time To Place That KELSEY'S HawaH for the past few years. Doubtless there are many ethers there who are either from "We Spring or who have relatives sta tioned In the Pacific A. Smith, Big Spring, was stationed at Pearl e. Visitors are'' allowed, although only at specified hours. The men may send and receive mall, pro vided all correspondence passes through the hands, of the officer-- ' Mrs. M. W. Burleeen, left San station last month fat making at Pearl Leo WalHnff, son et Mr. and Fratteteeo test week aboard a supknown, he had been yremetut IA. Qulnn, a graduate of Annapelts. Mrs. 8. F. Walling, has been serv- ply ship to become a defense workhas been In the navy for more ing as a hospital technician at er on a speelal project at Pearl than 15 years. Robert Haltey, eon Schofleld Barrack at Honolulu Harbor. Dr. P. W. Matene has a brothof Mr, and Mrs. George Hailey, al- and was planning to spend Christer, Joe H. Malone, who has been graduate,' has mas with his parents here. so an Annapolis' Wayne Burleson, eon of Mr. and aboard the Helm In the navy at been stationed on the Indianapolis - first group they were asked to se lect a 'commandant' to direct their activities' and' to. act as intermedi ary between the detainees and the service. The purser of the S. S. Conte Blanacamon was elected despite the presence of higher ranking officers. "This system, has operated smoothly to date. The men per form all labor within the detention area: cooking, dishwashing, furnace-stoking, policing of buildings, etc. They make up their own menus, bake their own bread and carry on their Internal life under the orders of their elected offic ers." The reservation, about one and a half miles square, la divided Into two sections and the "fenced-i- n detention area" is surrounded by a high wire f lnce topped with barbed-wir- colleagues Tears In Laundry Service I.. O. Holdsclaw, Prop. FIRST CLASS WORK PAOI TBRSC Harbor,- - XawaH. PRICES Detention Camps Teach Aliens To like U. S. Deportable WASHINGTON. aliens held in detention, camps in the United States because return to their native countries Is prevented by the war are receiving a. good lesson in democracy and 11k- Ing It, according to Justice department officials. The Immigration and naturalist1-tloservice's detention station at i Fort Missoula, Mont, where about 900 Italian seamen are being held, Is typical of those already In use and others under construction, they said. The "detainees" the service uses this word in preference to era" or "Internees," since they are established their not criminals own discipline and system of punishment and are free to roam the enclosed reservation as they please. "Every available comfort is at who their disposal,'' said an recently inspected the camp. "The barracks are clean and well ventilated; crewmen sleep In double- . decker bunks, while officers have quarters. Individual They have 'recreation rooms, showers, and plenty of open area to indulge In their favorite pastimes-soc-cer and boccl." The "chow" Isn't fancy, he said, but It appeared uniformly excellent In all messes, for officers and crew, alike, and of a decided Latin character . "And although a balanced diet Is sustained and a wide choice permitted, the detalneees consume no less than two tons of spaghetti monthly, "Shortly after the arrival of the i, 194l Bet Jf CskBJBflBpPBPV 221 W. 79 Jt, " I ftMtjj 8rd esslskrBBV BesBBBBBsHHiBeee PkMM t8 15 JitJti BX. MSO, Bee. mm ef these feetbaH (JV-Tea- Texans Exhibit War Fervor Li Many Ways As United States Enters Conflict With Japan Bob Feller Prepares To JoinArmy . Tulsa Pitted Against Tech In Sun Bowl . m Sixteen Steer rtian Footballers Biz she explained, 'but we Win Awards 5 this interest others." ff- - "We feel that ea amount ef gaaa, tanks aad warships caa take the ptoee ef the spirit ef the people." Se aald George R. Jordan of Dallas, president of Lions International, la a eomsBttaleatloa to Presf-deRoosevelt yesterday. Fall sup-pe- rt to the Lisas organisation to the American war effort was ourselves," feel Hke Will She said the class will buy a $50 bead immediately, and Invest in many eommuaHtes, and ta'ataay wBWVHv vTewVs lav sWfltVK QHsW tQ CK ssOfsvoi JL ' Sixteen Big Spring htghseaeet mere beads later. footballers havs won varsHyJ let "We are iroing to do without ters, Coach Pat Murphy hasiTan- seheeta, baa brought heme time at any normal major leagae 'T some luxuries to do this," she said. nm'innsfl to tea eif lie first I VaassLai Isiaasa gathering finding Mate te die pus sremsjo wvuiisi "We hope be It will that Of number the Paul Xaseh,: eeatpetlf mtN grldlrea One DeQ Asbtea, faeutty spea-ser- ,. trades, have beea se wrapped, sp beads the list la number,1 ef drove 23 miles te Abilene to In the Paelfle develepaaeaU the pledged. Mrs. W. K. Merrltt ef Houston, years of varsity recognition with press tea the about Lubbock it TIm Bed Raiders 6 president ef she women's aux- four seasons of competition to Ms ttaask iila taS V Wlfttalfb W f TaUk lsst two days that they aaveat "Not that we want publicity for iliary a'ttf JaeW anvUaTV jrVOpm credit Frank Barton, fttllbeek. ef the Iateraatleaal have assented aa tavltatlea to been able te prodaee any note TJalea, demanded the and Horace Bostick, quarterbaek,Mm Border conference la worthy moves. reatgaeWea ef Bep. Jeanette were next In line with thla seaseas she Sam Bewl at Bl Fmo ea Mew Bankln, Montana republican who award making their second letter. But aot so Mr. Robert FeBer ef aalverTbIm against Tea1 Day east the sole eeagresslonal vote the Cleveland Indians, who prob Bkeeter Davidson and Donald against the Catted States Pattoo, Steer manager aad . bis FOOLED YOU ably has more reason to be con naaltkma at the rert Kbx, Ky, tare Indoor' target nag e. the aert of XI caliber ballet that seairrel declaration ef war. . cerned about the war than any ef assistant were also lettered. The hnllattoa, wWeb. mm to bunters e abov.ea Into a bole la a dummy 31 sane, shell, aad the ' the executives. He's draft ma "Patriotism and the honor of Remainder of the varsity Teek item. the Saa Bowl commit. Junior ballet la fired. Here's hew the dammy afeeU la loaded. terial, but rather than aabeatt to American womanhood demand It" hearties were lettered 'for the first anlversity toa after Arisen the formal machinery, "Bobby Is Mrs. Merrltt said shs telegraphed time. They included Peppy Btoaat, gave recegaUtea to Coach enlisting, and he's made vp his at the legislator. Bob Boykln, Calvin Boykln, Btily im Hwiu. former Han sealer mind when, where aad hew. Junior Moore, Billy The administrative council of Womack, Anemia aad Blee, la Us first year Just to provide eae elesaaet ef the Texas A. and M. faculty tender- Sbaw, Glen Brown, Felix Camp- -' ac A4ionnri suspense at the baseball meeting ed to the federal government "all bell, Wofford Hardy, Lowell. MatMerge took ever frost ret ha said he'd .announce bis deotelea the research, extension andJ In- lock, Billy Suggs, James TtdweH Cewthea, the tempermeatal eeeea .'."" tonight by which ttaas any ef tha structional facilities at this college and Charles Buckner. Vrfce for yean baa made Teek a Tuesday, December, 1941 and We hereby, individually and .One more part of the spoils ef IS major .league, club owners, man- PAGEFOUR yewer la the southwest. The move agers or other official hireling collectively, pledge our utmost sup- the grid wars will come .the freely laserprewa aa may be ready to confer with aome port to the policies of the federal Steers' way in ."'nuary when they the Rajaerr rnairoa . Mass.,-Decreputed Crow, Holy (AP) 9 WORCESTER, other kind of press release. are zeiea oy mo uons ciuo ai.aa government In 'this emergency." to be blessed with its finest freshman football material in One move that won't be anThe A. and M. statement pointed' annual banquet As yet no data out that "the college is the largest has been set for the affair but many years, today had emulated Ohio State by selecting a nounced, however; Is the reaffllia-tlo-n of Leo (Gabby) Hartnett with producer of reserve officers In the members say the affair will go ea head coach from the schoolboy ranks, Anthony H. (Ank) the New ' York CHanta, who releas nation with thousands of Its gradu- as before. Joserjh's Prerjaratory hna hfepn otruldlntr Rronlan.I vahn -. - ed the former Cub catcher and ra St. " ates' andja..caaslderabla number of School teams in jrnuaoeipnia manager last fall and thea beeeme Its faculty already on active miliAdvisory. !U. tary duty, with other thousands of Shippers Scanlan, said by Holy Cress involved la rumors whlea said they Dee. Batting king UFt SUNSET, 9 Texas, la' leagae alNational the ef Gabby might invite back. engaged him graduates rejected sevin technical Board To Convene l. its authorities to have ready has a plaee for next sumactivities essential, to' the successeral previous college bids, will suc mer; story That a the ef Debs Garme. bis appointment aa manager ful waging of a total war and r DALLAS, Dec 9 UP) Chairman Bat he'a ealte nhllesoDblcal about 1L Has3-WayTi- e ceed Joe Skeeketskl, tha Notre of the Indianapolis club of tha 812 of its students enrolled in the J, C. Murray of the Southwest ake'riHsbargh by to Seat Sacramento the Pirates, of Faclflo Coast Dame product whose three-yeMC String's Btsers have been reserve officers training corps pre- Shippers Advisory Board today American association was announo- -. learae, uarms aaa mucu xo say liHiwi hat tber are due for a bit paring themselves that they may called a special meeting for Dec contract expires on Dee. 31 Skee- ed yesterday. Ma comment waa oa being none bat ef actually the league leading hitter In render mors effective military 12 here because of "developments at a. watt before they can V,0 UIH4 BIMtl. , Very recently ketskl Informed the " I don't especially care," he de- ma" dlaatay their vanity award. in the past few days." service to their country." Rev. Fr. Joseph R. N. Maxwell. &t If nrshv. head coach, aald the farm Maximum freight car utilisaclared today at bis 276-atStudent President Fred Nle-.35B when hs won clouted Garms most of Cosden'a Refiner stood, at the the Holy Cress president, that be near here. Tve had my day and the batting crown. Last season be maa of the University of Texas tion for Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok ereerb were off' but, since were houses I know it Baseball is one game Claealo bowling league's placed fortunes of Holy Cross the sporting clothing contracts, announced faculty and regents lahoma, New Mexico and Texas, fell off to .262. It top in the you can't stay in until 99. In the expected would be to grant degrees and enaarnfl la defease Monday above all else, "even my own close of the at records exactly why the I had to seniorsasked Macbt be aome time before "Last year waa my worst but X "I don't know withdrawing from formulation of a national translocal at tha competition night' earyear, slump other than school to enlist la the nation's portation policy will be objective last on such a wetter are received. At the bad a pretty good, plnch-hlttln-g In a chat by long' distance, and thought maybe Old Man Time had Just caught armed forces. ltaat. they say ha in- soon axier kegllng lanes. But, the real comof tha meeting, Murray said. up "Time and me," he said. with Frisch (Frankl Frisch, manager Cartatmiiif. petition had(developed in the num- Scanlan' aald ha had beea engag "Hundreds of students are go man no at least ing to be leaving school to do their of the Pirates) might keep me for tide wait for three club, Lee ed by Thomas J. MeCabs, Hqjy ber two spot s not a ball player. But I feel like I part in this war," Nleman said. The Steer Uttermen maybe feel- - Hanson's, RAR Showmen, Big Cross athleUo director, several By BTJGK FULLEBTON, JR. that Football Headquarters years of more five or days ago but would sot sign a for- (Wide World Sports Columnist)' . "Bat It Isn't any great surprise have four" the fint of a change the first time, state high For g locked a were la gqod left" way patrol rookies are learning Score Every Quarter mal contract .until he visits Wor that may occur during the Spring Motormen NSW YORK. Dec. 9 (Wide considering the bad slump after close order rifle drill, a national Um ahead. Although sports batUe with 1 wins, and IS losses cester' for the first time oa Deo. World)-rSpor- ts leaders have begun durla! Scanlan refused to reveal the figuring bow the nation's athletic wlH net become defense preparation. The present TEXAS CLUB terms or the length of the agree- program will be affected by war class of 70 recruits is la training at in tha taimsey, aome activities each. from were far Refiners The ment be will alga oa that date but aad tha first conclusions are that Camp Mabry. Austin and Is sched aji4 geeos may ds KHBai u Ton AH Know Lea" I pressed by the pack with 19 vic- be- did state that It weald set In- It wQl be curtailed considerably uled to go Into active service Jan. tailed. Bnglin-- baa continued lta lta 1, bringing the patrol's strength up tories and 9 defeats thus far In the clude any war clause. mrti arogTam, regardless of aot wiped out v . . They point to 300 men. 1 know little about the football but terrible trial. nd thla year the boxing out they're still and that situation at Holy- Cross," Scanlan playing soccer and .rugby la EngRestrictions were tightened at Veftetfrne, Australia, race clicked persons interopen to UP) all will Cosbe One Dec.-bun night's roundelays, DALLAS. last In explained, "and X have no aet military establishments. At Camp la a record crowd. good thing It consider land and a and Sunday Mo fifty officials two the over counts be held will took dred ested and aad den my ideas. I always have' rigged up Browawood ,for example, What ether ceuatrlea have done Pro football seems coaches are expected here Satur- morning. St Clair member of. the. Bowie, Hanson's took a brace of system according to my material. for morale troops were to get Intensified At McDonald's ;' the United State must, can, and tormen. so depends to It becaue suffer Interrules Sunday dropping a games while Schlitz and for day my from anything about training; they were required to I can not say WW do, National Basketball Rules Com one, and Clays won the best two plans or even' think about the, heavily on boys Just out of .college pretation meeting and clinic sponwear their uniforms at a3 times: Automotive Servks . . Hank Greenberg Is likely to be sored by the Southwest basketball mittee, will conduct assistants I wlQ want until Z see .called, been out of three over R&R. aad they faced possible cancellaKa mora changes havaSprlng-Srersarmy and Joe officials' 'association. Abb Curtis of Fort Worth, presi to 'the back kegler, took Hall, Schllts Cross.4 Ward Holy leaves aad furloughs. '37 Chevrolet Coape made eeneernlng- the JBlg of the association, will direct tion of were probably will find it- wont Secretary-Treasur222. Sec J. W. St dentdiscussion curing nis scnooiooy coacnwg Louis increased at camp eage match the Joust. U high game honors wtlb a was or officiating and Guards '38 Ford Coupe his when much difference make garpicplace night for motion tha said ond .seaman career, aeyeiopea teams 26th birthday anniversary roll Clair of Dallas date, ettt jlnoBd on lta second-tim- e will be an examination on gates aad stricter regulations there Plymouth Coupe '39 by games virtue of by LeBleu outstanding Luke Philadelphia Catholic nered tures of the that won six jrriday, Dee. 12. rules and mechanics of were to be enforced regarding SedaB card. LeBleu added to his league championships and two city around next spring . . . On thing the 1941 national collegiate tourna basketball Hudson '38 entrance civilians. ef Originally, It was Intended for of a 219 officiating. certain Is that Utah's footballers ment would be shown ana discusswith a S59 for highseries. parts titles. slate, the all SedaB of In Plymouth '40 niter-noo- n, session, Sunday atop the Big Springers ,to trek Forsan-wer- d work 'worrying about tha lack The final can Scores: ed for the purpose of furthering officers were rushed to take eeme tonight but the Steer will be a meeting of the '37 Studebaker transportation to Hawaii, where Improvement of "Ward-45- 0, LeBleu-65officiatIn, basketball Cosden basketball coaches of the South- the applications, that poured In thea received notice that xthey they bad a couple of games sched- ing. OgdeB-40President Sedaa Smith-- Gridsters Stranded Zachariah-eS- , - r r ' west conference and the basket- fallowing the nation's declaration xalcM epea their seeson'at.the end during holidays. uled the A. Motor-Spring Hawaii Enter '40 In B'K Studebaker Coupe meeting appears against Japan. war of . interpretation now. purpose, Right it rules of The week. the ball for officials the Today's Gaest Star ef ForM29, CardwelMU, Island Police Unit out on recruiting officers at Naval Dal underbetter (W. bringing about a Plnckney, that' Big Spring wlU atart Rochester Paal Talty-38B. Merrlck-33See These Cars At standings and striving toward a las reported 120. applicants, eight what It hope to be a greaUy ImStegner- - SAN JOSE. Calif; Dee. 9. CSV- - Y.) Democrat and ChroaWe: rate, yesdally times normal the service, Ter-'on- to efficient and more proved year thla Friday. , unified signs "Burleigh aa Grimes Barber-450MCDONALD'S Eas-- Members- of two mainland college 468. McNallen-41signed up terday., Twenty-seve-n manage. WeO, now they caa St Clair said. Schlilr Wheeler-46by war In change the name Automotive teams Service marines, three times with stranded the football the to Silkworm can be Imported Into of the Leafs Leater-46Compton-42usual number; aad the army bad Hawaii have been assigned to po Beefs." nnlv vrith the approval of HaU-03215 603 3rd Phoae E. Die Anicompared of 100, applications oa file, lice duty la Honolulu. f the National Department Coats-47Howso-41- 5 Clay's T. .ten. Department s or to a normal of Sports-Pa- ge are those Baa Jose epidemic may As mal ProducUon. tha Collide Peters-372- . StaDle-- l. Pete Howze- - State college and Willamette uni -- Buddy Baer reached tcrjn today The ef Oesimeree report. over. be not Hodge- 489: R&R Van Ixion-iSINSURANCE-FINANCIN'881601, Or., both of to begin training for hi go with POTTSTOWN,'Pa, Dec 9. UP) Another canine death was re Lacy- - versity at Blchards-48- e, 464, Wiley-46Which had December dates with Joa Louis. Buddy claimed hs was ported today by an Edwards Four trainmen were killed early to 453. the University' of Hawaii as well too light for Louis last time, when Heights resident who preferred to day In a rear-en-d collision of two W. L. Pet as New and Used Cars Financed . . with each other. . he scaled only 237, and hell weigh remain anonymous heavily loaded Pennsylvania freight Cosden n...TT..i.l9 8 .701 musterhad, .. . they, been 213 . 9 January Latest on dog that Word INSTJRB about the reported party that two Lock, about Frick's J519 This trains at ,14 13 Lee Hanson's Furniture Loans .police work was received report on Jimmy Foxx Is that he walked stiffly Monday night and miles east of here. WITH aad .519 ed into ...U 13 TJS R&R heading from Potts-vllltrains, Both .519 by Mrs. Ben Wlnkelman of San may stick on the Red Sox payrolly that this morning It was found . . . Appliance Big Spring Motor ..14 13 Loans xaw-kehus cablegram, year. her from Tom a Owner Jose In. another tne pel owned Philadelphia who Into the child .407 Pa, dead. The ..,11. 18 Schlltz . ..doesn't want to cut him loose was . The dog never area, were derailed, ripping up .333 band, coach of the San Jose eleven. 9 18 Clay's . . TAYMENT PEOTECTION INSURANCE. He said the players, might aot re until Jimmy has a manager's Job wandered far from horns, It was track for more than a mile. The .. lined up . . . Fellow named Ed reported. turn for some time. loaded with coal, waa second train finance sales or purchases for Individuals, BTTxTNO We 'AErpKNEyS-AT-LANew There are 24$ la the California Brickhouse has been elected presi Meantime, the rewara runa post- following a mixed freight on a sinor SELLING . . . squad, one a resident of Hawaii. dent of the Norfolk (Va) Duke ed for any person catching and gle' track. Zealand Vote Willamette took 28 players to the alumni. Wonder If he'a the one the bringing to Justice, or giving InState Natfl Bask BWg. The caboose of the first train, 113 W. Srd 20 fans. Ph. 121 Duke lines are bunt like? . . . Buck formation that would lead to this struck by the engine of the second, MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec. 9 islands, and about Weaver of the Louisville Times being done, had grown to $33.60. CARL STROM- Fhose S93 I caught fire. Iff) Both Australia and New Zeafigures Sun again won't .run at land declared war on Japan today. East Texas Edges trainSanta Anita although he Is' The Australian cabinet Imme- Oklaliomans, 38-3- 6 ing there with Warren Wright's diately after the formal declarastring Mike Jacobs offered tion' decided to mobilize more manCOMMERCE, Deo. 9. UP) East Lem Franklin two dates for a fight power' for the army but kept se Central Oklahoma, winners over with Mello Bettlna but Jack Hur cret the number. East Texas State last n'ght In ley, Lema manager, turned down Sixteen hundred women are to basketball game,-- 3S to M, will try Melio for any date at all . . . COO be called up 'for the army and to mike It two la a row tonight Minneapolis scribes expect Van for the air force to be assigned to Mungo to do all right with the auxiliary services along the lines Millers because Mike KeQey has a Baylor Overcomes established in Great Britain. way of Inspiring gays who leave 40-39 San Marcos, and the big show In the I Garden Variety Thief them. wtlh take the r8 UP) Baylor 9. Dec. The WACO, PASADENA, CaL Police are Get A Goodyear Battery looking for a, thief who, apparent- Bears had to overcome a, HeadHae HeadHaers yen for gardening. He balftlme lead to defeat tha SouthWhen tha Green Bay Packers TROYGEFFORD lystolehada alawn In night west last Texas Bobcats. walloped "mower, grass catchthe Washington RedThose 563 er, spade, new 2UW.Srd 40 gams, basketball overtime rake pruning an skins, Sports Ed Dick Davis of the 39. pento Appleton (Wis) Shears and sprinkler. ned this 11ns: "Hutson, IsbeU take ' a Baugh." ' ?.-4 ' ' ' fafTssH 'jS' JBfcTeaTaaaaaWrKTOaJliiV A i V?WL2U' SssssssssssssssssssssHHtssssssssssssWaW The- - Norfolk.' Ledger Dispatch asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssOLsssssssssWsP '" fsasssssH i "" J iHB ? bowling Vei Item: put this one on a rSArfsav aaaaaaaaaaaaaLHK '' .'.BaaaaaaaSaaVaV MaSI bLLI marfattening "Luncheon lassies gin." 3k W J;,iWlaaasaaBMf' atafflaaB 'f 5aV- Vfeofc, CmCAQO, Wg Dee. ff. Un-T- he men of baseball, who have a tovgh d-- at mh Wn BUatt Jxxgn HRpivf TBWtt w9 HTNs BWVsa Jw aVO 29s Bswl pHUtBVtt VO Sotrefs OBTTMStWr aaCHTlllS fn WHI9BAA rep-rese- at Typo-grapMe- al - Ob oris !Te H 1-- A , Holy Cross Hires Coach From Schoolboy Ranks " M M U 1 r Big Spring Daily Herajd '40 Bitting King, Deb Girms Philophizies About Chihgc L.ookin em ." Over iJ The From Nit'l League To Minors Bowling Loop ar For 2nd Place re SpdRTS Roundup I ball-playin- Cage Mentors To Hold Rules Parley. In Dallas non-existe-nt - BARGAINS ... aa - - er 9, v ) 8. ' Mer-rlck-4- V, 9. Hanson'a--Douglasa-48- 4, - 6, on-44- 0; Another Dog Poison Victim 2, Brlm-berryl9- 5, 0, 5, 3. Tbe-team- Oae-Mlaat- o. A Four Trainmen Trains G 3. BROOKS ... e. LITTLE heart-broken- Australia And War W ... IK?.. 71 IT'S NOT JUST LUCK! dog-hou- se dog-hou- se aaHaaBWWHaffiiHaKalaaayH KKmSBMJ&.y aaaaWaH aaaaHllllKPZ3istailaflOSU? lr 'W; lHHI J "iValaaaBHll H BBMmtKKMI M VaaaBaWtWi?.fMlaiWk' Post-Cresce- nt 0ttzy ruMBT iWMurjggmor amtt'SlS mm-- w K m T I eROTHZR,fmmoim-r- fI k ' M, for ami; smooth smokes Trwr PUFP COOL, MHB YT OCT ONTO PRINCe AlBERT. THERMS HO OTHER TD6ACCO UKfi IT fOR nOUM? MA9 AHD rUCH-TAaTTM- L LSsBaBsBHaaaaLsiH K2P9LBsssi MhHssssssssssR W 'w' WKKKKr i'-' 1D' Maiassflasssssssi JaBaaaaassssH y;lL(QiHaML9aaaaaH ria3ffiaffH1BBBIiBIB,IIIB,lii,lliBB Htt-THt-SP- OT ppt, sliaMBagafalssss MlsPTPWMBPiBK MMaassP WASHINGTON, Dec 9. UP) Attorney General Mann ef X and bis aides yesterday began ar-Kumeat before the supreme court In aa effort to compel tha Tex supreme court to uphold an order fixing at 83 cents per J,ogo euwe feet the rate at which tha Lone Star Gas company can' sell gas for consumption In 270 Texas dues aad towns. aaaaHaaaaBsllBlHHHK fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl II BBw SsBBSa TSbH fU f IlsvW saaPeawlwy tMtes) Mmi JWwrt 8$ slaiiMiits swnjbsasstlaefrriaesWbert lHPHHHtf-'7faaaaa nhm4 DEGREES COOLER tasa the average ef the M eebsr ef aba lEaKawftBadMaUr aWaSasfal enaeew ftauftataf 9WHveSvswvep awiw aaa eeeleet at iff I) vm MwtpM Bay er j "" ' -- HW T saaaaaaBk . .. ' , H "t':''ff4 ' '' LL, SHBBHayV ' Ma&laaaaaaBBBBBBr aaaaBBBBMl'' BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsnfeyeBBBBBBMBaaaaem. M ? ' ' , ''HbhSv :XHa3iaBBaBslH bBH , igMlBBBBBBBVaaalBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBsBBBBl . 0:i&8HHaeWBBBBBT ' HiaalBBantaaBBBBBBBBBl u.lLBBaBBSBVIiBsVlBBBBBBBBBBBBBa ' T- adttHBKgJflHHRV w KKKKKKKhBKBm g BgBJFgrmwmrk imm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWsHHMPlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBBal BBS m aHaMsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaaBLf.1 The Texas Assise earns off second best la their opening oesxetBaJt came of the aeasea last night, los ing to Saaa Houston State's Bear-kats, M te BO. frfuA Htoek Me wmwm u rktom were thaa lack pat kl skmtlatajrbeHpfaete fern! It took a perfeet asmUaatloB of akia, ttraarieaat, a4 Usalaff. what it te&M te saake Hiram Aa4 tkafs Waster's DeLaxa a priaed bearboa. Its set jaat tbe fear leas years of aging-R- et SBBVICB IH "'W$$' ii Sam HousloH Trims Aggie Five, 50-3-3 AKBCLAKCK CaH - M& aaaaVaaHssllslllHHBBBBP .KJ sHHHaaaRH' TnrMJiWnaWF PJsVffilHBaaKia ' fIW1iWilBBBWPl aaaaaWa aaaHIRS BBBBBBBBBBBBMlii COLLEQB STATION. Dee. S. UP) a.i.swiiima.Ofc.1 A Waaise jess1 sua s' v Gas Bate Suit Is Heard By Court . . JHt at NALLEY FUNERAL MOWS u t J4t the Hwuth-waterl- ag aroma-B- ot flavor-b- at perfect of all these things that gives Hiram Walker's DeLuxe Its "prke" boarbea taste. Try Hiram Walker's DeLase today I glorious, X full-bodi- ed com-blaaU- oa years oH. Hkem TraBssr A Sens Ine Ptorim, IH : Baft!l2"u',MBBBBBBl joat the I Rich To Drinfc' BBEM A" p u tTSr-ur.Trtw Wm & T. Tkm Ariftuil Christmas Party Given InHome 4T F WMltyWomtn For Bell Operators & ,Fiiirti 4a hmmI Christmas yarty im On Powell Ranch beM' Monday night la the qeerge STANTON, Dee. 0 (gel) The KaH kM for telephone operators eC Southwestern Sea1 Telephone Saturday Laaeheea Club was ea-tertalaed December 6th. by Mrs. Sen Powell at the "M" ruck tn BMtMHi were Mr. Murlaa Glasscock county. The lovely new SeaMaCaarleae Erie. Mr. J. A. ranch home Just recently eomplet- Weeds aad Mm Pauline Pierce. ea was emDeuia&ea with Christmas "The heme decorated with decorations. Christmas deeeraUeaa and lighted Luncheon was served at one with red taper. o'clock on the long lace laid Jig-sapussies and bingo were me la the dining room, which'taIs entertainaaent during the evening. famished la Feudal Oak. Center Refreshments were eerred to Mr. ing mi table was a lane green Hwmb Touajr, Mr. Joe Clare, salad plate which nicked nn the Mr. Johnny Braddy, Mr. Mar colors of the paper and rue. garet Johnson, Elizabeth McCrary, this plate were cups containingrails fruit Aaale Mae Culwell. Grace Wilkes, sawa ana garnished with avocado. Hsiel Jeha, Sera 'Boswelt potato Baked ham, salves, string Mr. aad Mr. Wltiard Hendrlx, beans, peach pickles, hot rolls, and Mrs. Leonard Sklle and Qoldle Ice box-pie- , both chocolate and Beth, Abbe Drue Hurley, Mr. and coconut, was the menu. Mr. Z W. Smith, Happy Kee of After lunch two tables of bridge Odessa, Mr. and Mr. Bath Lacey, were la play with a floating prise Mrs. Dick Le Fever, Mrs. Dee Da- to contend for. Mrs. Clabe Long vie, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hamil- became the possessor Iq the final ton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Penning, game, two foatorta pieces. Leola Vines, Ellen Dempsey, Mr. The 'guest list: Mrs. Jim Tom, and Mrs. Hollls Webb, Mrs. George Mrs. Hubert Martin, Mrs. Gordon Hall. Stone, Mrs. Glabe Long, Mrs. J. E. Kelly, Mrs. Earl Powell, and Mrs. Berry Duff of Garden City. Mrs. u Xassiter Is New Member Of. Kill Kare Klub oy ijasalter, a new mem ber, was present at the KIU Kare Klub when Mrs. Watson Hammond entertained In her home Tuesday night. Mrs. R. H. Miller was Included as a guest. Mrs. Elvis McCrary won high score and Mrs. H. E. DIcksrson blngoed. Favors were Christmas corsages and Christmas colors were used In the refreshments and decorations. Mrs. Robert Satterwhlte Is to be hext hostess for the Christmas party on December 22nd. Other nreaent wera Mr. Rob ert Satterwhlte, Mrs. Olli Ander? son, Mrs. J. R. Dillard, Mrs. Roy Tidwell. , East 4th St. Women Study Bible For Monday Meeting The .Bast Fourth Baptist church WMU engaged In Bible study of the 81th and 35th chapters of Jeremiah Monday, with Mrs. It. Elmer Dunham leading the discussion. Those attending were Mrs. Lee Knuckles, Mrs. J. R. Barton, Mrs. Herbert Reaves, Mr. S. P.Thompson, Mrs. J. O. Hardin, Mrs. Berl Martin, Mrs. R. E. Bennett, Mrs. W. W. Bennett, Mrs. Claud Bird, Mrs. R. A. Humble, Mrs. W W. Nowlln, Mrs. Reuben Hill, Mrs. Jack. Dearing- - and Mrs. Dunham. "'Attending the Sunbeam division were Mrs. Vernon Johnson, leader. Bobble Johnson, Jlmmie Dealing. Tommle' Dunham and Patsy Ann Reaves. PERTAINING TO PEOPLE la Schools a The program en the power of Christian Women around the World was given With Mrst Eng lish as leader. Mrs. W. C Witt read the scripture and mediation. Others on the program were Mrs. Whetstone, Mrs. H. D. Drake, Mrs. T, Jx Lovelace, Mrs. W. D. Lovelace, Mrs. J. X. Low and Mrs- - Nabor. Others present were Mrs. J. L. Miller. Mrs. Manning, Mrs, J. B. Kin. Mrs. J. E. Nix. Mrs. W. W. Coleman, Mrs. Mary Edwards, Mrs. H. J. Whlttlngton, Mrs. J. T. ' Morgan. Here 'n There Scheduled Wednesday will be Bangle Day In Big Spring and Howard county schools. Mrs. Ira Thurman, chairman of the Christmas seal sale campaign, said that supplies bad 1een fur nishad and that each child would be asked to buy a bangle, paying a minimum of one cent and as much as they were able. Home guidance teachers have a supply of the bangles, and Miss Anne Martin, county superintend ent, has assumed the responsibility or distributing bangle supplies to rural schools. On the whole front, the campaign was moving along nicely with new responses daily. Total amount con tributed to date was pushlns; to ward 3400, but still substantially unaer ine minimum goal oi saw. Both Mrs. Thurman and Mrs. J, C. Douglass, treasurer, urged that those who have received seals call at the Douglass hotel for them, and that those who have received them send in remittances as soon as possible. Crude Production Shows increase TULSA, OMa, Dec 9. UPi Dally crude oil production in the United States Increased 18415 barrels to 4,103,715 for the week ended Dec S, the Oil and Gas Journal said to day. California production gained 2, 250 to 613,750; eastern fields, 100 to 113,350; Illinois, 000 to 399,500; Louisiana, 11,310 to 359,735; Rocky Mountain States, 910 to 110,960, and Texas, 19,500 to 1.192,15a Kansas production was down to a Mrs. J. E. Nix, 700 E. 17th Bt is to be next hostess.- - Btrngle Day Mrs. TTTsMUIAT Heetlea of effleers was heM by the Wesley Memorial Xethedlet Woman's Society ef Christian Service la the home at Mrs. V. Whetstone Monday. Mrs. Cadi Habere was elected president and Mrs. J. PHtard, vice president Mrs. T. L. LeveUee Is secretary and 'Mrs. J. T. Morgan, treasurer. Mrs. W. C. Witt will be superintendent of literature and publications and Mrs. Luther Coleman of supplies. Mrs. W. D. Lovelace will have charge of children, girls and young women's work. Mrs. J. A. English Is spiritual )lfe chairman and Mrs. J. D. Btembrldge, study, superintendent Mrs. O. V. Whetstone Is la" chexge et Christian Social Cecil 00 They tell us of two Pullman car loads of sailors rolling In here ear ly Sunday enroute ntfme for Christmas furloughs. But then" came word of attack on Hawaii. The cars were propmtly switched to a westbound train and rolled back to duty to the accompaniment of a verbal barrage as only sailors can deliver when calling down woe on their luck. r Tingle, son of Mr. Pvt Jack R. and Mrs. Clyde Tingle, who has been assigned to the 351st school squadron at the air corps gunnery school at Las 'Vegas, Nov is to take the airplane and engine me chanics course for enlisted men at Calif. Inglewood, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Ripps received word from the Baldwin Locomotive works Monday of the sud den death of William A. Winter- rowd, vice president of the company. They had known Wlnterrowd since 1921 and had seen him frequently at firemen's conventions at Brawn-May- r, Pa. Public Records a West Side Bap&tsTo Obterre Anriiyersarjr Of Buildfing's Start Orphan's West SWe Beattst ehsrch Fourth street Wedeaaeay. are te 'he brought to the observe the second anniversary ef ine nev. jejs. Mass, paster, ae bunding the present Its ef rock Bounced that there weald he s party Thursday eve- building TJUV CI in the 1360 block oa West song, prayer aad fellowship ning at 7:39 e'eieek at the First home Baptist church, members were ad- vised Tuesday. A box will he packed Meaday, December 15th for the home and toys, books, vases, pictures, dresser scarfs, good wed or new ctethlag is needed. THURSDAY tag. University Women To Meet Thursday To Discuss Plays First dirt was mere a St ie woric on the bunding December 1L iws. wow uie church m half way mark la its' plan of construction. Sandwiches, cake aad eetfee wat be served. Coffee has been asaeted By Finis Bugg. A "pant pocket" wiH be located conveniently to receive gifts to the bunding. American Association of UniverMember can bring articles te sity Women will meet at 4 o'clock the church office any day from now until the IBth when the box Thursday with Mrs. J, B. Mull, 407 Washington Bird, tor a called will be sent off. meeting te discuss the Clara Tree Major- - players te begin here DeSt, Merf Unit Sen cember aoth with the presentation To reHeve of. Toby Tyler. For Red Crois Misery of PAST MATRONS CLUB will meat at 7 e'eieek la the heme at Mrs. W. , B. Cararike. t Aylford. X. Tt Z. CLUB will meet at 7 o'clock at the Settles for dinner "and Hugh Duncan Mrs. party and Mrs. with Charles Christmas GIrdner TEL Class will meet at 7:30 o'clock at the First Baptist ehurch for a Christmas party with husbands as guests. A. will meet at 8 e'eieek at the school. COLLEGE HEIGHTS P-ROYAL NEIGHBORS wlH meet at 3 o'eleek at the W. W. hell. WBST WARD P--f A. will meet at 8:18 o'clock at the school. AA.U.W. wlH have a called meeting at e o'clock in the home of Mrs. J. B. Mull, 407 Washington Blvd. FRIDAY MUSIC STUDY CLUB win meet at 8 o'clock at the Settles hotel for a heck review bv Elsie Willi and KUest alffht LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION wlU meet at 1 o'clock at the Country club for luncheon. COUPLES' CLASS will meet at 8 o'clock at the First Mathodlat church. B & P W CLUB will meet at 7:30 o'clock at the Settles hotel for a Christmas party. SATURDAY 1980 HYPERION CLUB will meet at 1 o'clock at the Settles hotel for luncheon with Clara Becrest as hostess. at S o'clock with Mrs. J. H. Greene, 427 HYPERION CLUB will meet Dallas. JUNIOR MUSIC STUDY CLUB will meat at 10 o'clock with Marilyn Keaton, 416 Dallas. T. rAOBjnvB T.E.L. (Haas To Bring" Gifts For Buckner Home G4Ha far Buckner RSMKAX LODOS 3M wttt meet at 7:M e'eieek at the X. O. T. fcM. JAN VALTTN lecture wM be held at 8 e'eieek at the etty auditorium. wHh Mrs. Joe FteUe, ouiiD cultukb U.VB w meet at e e'eieeat . j 14M 11th Place. B e'eieek BETA SIGMA PHI wtt met at at the Settles hetat CHILD STUDY CLUB wH meet at 3;M e'eieek wRh Mrs. H, E. Clay 11M E.lSth. LADT OF WISDOM CLUB will meat at 7:15 o'clock with Leola Fay GOLF CLUB wiH meat at I o'clock at the nraalclBal rar4L LIONS CLUB AUXILIARY: wUl meet at 4 e'eieek for a Christmas party , at the settles. Mary's' unit of the EslscoBal The census reports that property church met Monday at the Red taxes la 1919 constituted over 43 Cross room to saw for the day. At- per cant of the total state tax coltending were Mrs. Charles Koberg. lection, bat la 199 only 0 per cent Mrs. T. C Thomas. Mrs. Seine of the total tax yield was from this Philips, Mrs. Horace Wooien. ' source. COLDS 666 try LKrCTB 3ABUCTS i 8ALVB NOSE DROPS COUGH TtHAPSl -J- MHHSy-TUHV Liniment ' Christian Women In World Topic For Methodists The power of Christian woman around the world was discussed by the First Methodist Woman's Society of Christian Service at the church Monday. Mrs. H. G. Keaton leader with circles five six and seven in charge. The program was the annual Christmas World Outlook program and carols were sung. Mrs. J. B. Pickle had the devotional. A life membership was presented by the auxiliary to Mrs. C. E. Talbot 'with Mrs. Pickle making the presentation. A gift was given to Mrs. T. A. Fharr as outeolnjt president Others registering were Mrs. Stanley Mate, Mrs. H. B. Matthews, Mrs. M. A. Cook, Mrs, C E. Shlve, Mrs. M. L. Musgrove, Mrs. H. F. Taylor, Mrs, V. H. Flewellen. Mrs. Pat Harrison, Mrs. J. B. Pickle, Mrs. G. S. True. Mrs. W. H. Ward, Mrs. Sylvan Dalmont Mnk D. A. Watklns, Mrs. R. F. McCarty, Mrs. Elton Smith, Mrs. Edmund Flnck, Mrs. H. N. Robinson, Mrs. Jack Roden, Mrs. H. G Smith, Mrs. W. A. Laswell, Mrs. 8. H. Newberg, Mrs. R. E. Satterwhlte, Mrs. B. R. Nobles. Martha Patricia Hubbard, Coa homa senior, is now receiving her practice teaching training at East Mrs. G. W. Chowns, Mrs. C. W. Texas State Teachers college where Guthrie Mrs. Stormy Thompson, she is student assistant in the Eng- Mrs. Lamun, Mrs. H.rM. lish department of Commerce high Rowe, Bernard Mrs. W. D. McDonald, Mrs. school. Arthur Davis, Mrs. Tom. Slaugh There Is a new stripe on the arm ter, Mrs. J. B. Hodges, Mrs. W. A. of Woodrow W. Roger, a Stanton Miller, Mrs. J. L. Hudson. Mrs. boy now in service at the air corps Jake Bishop, Mrs. C E. Talbot gunnery school at Las Vegas, Nov. Mrs. T. J. Walker. Until recently a .corporal Jn the 81th' material squadron, he has been made a sergeant and is guard on the airplane servicing line. He Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Rogers, Stanton. Michigan, 3,810 to Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Amos are in 53,120; Oklahoma, 7.000 to 118,250, Filed la District Court Waco where her sister is undergo- and East Texas, 200 to 369,300. Leonard Robertson vs. Lerona ing an operation. Amos will return Robertson .suit for divorce. Myrtle Frost vs. Irving Frost, hare and Mrs. Amos 'will stay on for a few days. suit for divorce. P. K. Williams of Joplla, Mo., Ruth Powell vs. W. T. (Buster) spent the weekend with his daughPowell, suit for divorce. KANSAS CITY, Dee. 9. UP) ter. Mary Manraret Williams. Vlda Mae wood vs. Joe F. wood, . J. L. RllUnrs left Tuesday for When customers refused to enter suit for divorce: Amarillo' to receive treatment at the elevators at a downtown de Marriage Licenses partment store yesterday, the Frank Blaylock and Olga Mv the Veterans hospital. , Satterwhlte and manager Investigated. Mrs.- - Robert Jora. Soon everything returned to nor Billy Bob returned Sunday from Florentine Anclra and Jans a .visit la Wichita Falls with Mr, mal. Magics, Smiling elevator operators who and Mrs. Theron Hicks, former Jlmmie Newton Branson and Big Spring residents. They visited had bean mistaken for Japanese Willie Mae Burchett iHanson. wore tiny American flags and New Motor Vehicles a week in Wichita, cards which read: I'm a loyal Q. L. Williams, Chrysler Mttoa. Filipino." Warranty Deeds 210,700; Diewnliir S, 1M1 Ditty Cdbncfar Of WmJc's IvMifs Hold Election Of Officers Saturday Luncheon, uud iuntertained Fee Grlrap Here Stat, Ttiisday, Mg Sprfaf, Bsrald, Btf " .BaBaBaBaA Downtown Stroller ' saBBBBBBBBBBBBB. aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBB What with one thing and another, mostly another, the Business and Professional Women have called off their bosses dinner for Friday night Instead the group will have a Christmas party at 7:30 o'clock at the Settles hotel. They are going' to have a Christmas tree' 'n everything.. Dont forget the lecture tonight with JAN VALTTN at 8 o'clock at the city auditorium. That ought to be plenty terriflo' and we can hardly wait to hear it... There Is nothing like these armchair battles to get the international situation figured out Just had such a session with Mr. HOE McGANN and CLARA SECREST over breakfast coffee. About this home nursing course that some of ypu ladles have been asking about It's too late to Join now, but when this course Is over there probably will be another one taught and you can get in on that one If you wish.. . . EUGENE PETERS, son of Mr. and Mrs. OTTO PETERS, enlisted Monday In Lubbock with the United States Coast 'artillery and is to be stationed in Puerto Rico. He Is on his way now for one of the trouble spots of the country.... There are enough parties planned ahead from now till Christmas to make your head swim, that is it you went to all of them. Maybe folks think this U the last chance they'll have to be gay at ChrisV mas, so they are really pouring B on. They might be right at that... SPECIAL NOTICE! . sasal Basal YOtrsi the kind of car buyer wha Ifwants mor than good looks . . . if yoa like to "lift the hood" and look for Inbuilt quality . . . then yoa are a charter member of the "Hood Lifters' dub," aad you are invited to visit club headquarters the nearest Hudson showroom. There you'll find a car that" big tad good looking yet surprisingly low a price. One that's easy on gat and oil and always ready to go. Best of all, oae with the deep-dowfineness and sturdlness yon insist on. While important defease work limits the qutntUj of 1942 Hudtoa ... n can, their qmtllty maintains a 32-yc- ar standard. We'd like to prove this to yoa. Every smart buyer finds it pays to be a 'Hood Ufas," So why not stop In at headquarters today? You'll be welcome. NBW IS43 HUDSON BaSt te Serve Better Last Longer e Cost Less te Ram TOP DOLLAR tor your car IN DECEMBER .eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaPlaBWaaaaiirl'a Baal Baa! eaB mmKPt)9tfW'1. fc tsVvtM ii ii BSaVLBLTRlBaaaaaaaaaLaaswlk ss are states fill is the tasa (e trad! Get a swtS deal ea yew car . ..aad eeaveaicBi parsMat ttran only 11 down aad ep to U itinufhi l pay. Tea aetd as cash if yeas prmut ear coven the sewn jWTBMBi. Coma the new Bndwn 81 (priced among lttn lowest) now Super. W . , . aad bow CemsMders She aad Sisat. ... SMUT AMHUCA'S CLARK 210 CAR PONTIAC COMPANY East Third Big Spriag, Tsxaa Mr. Valtin has consented to interrupt his lecture at 9 o'clock tonight for ' the address of President Roosevelt A radio will he installed at the auditorium, and the president's message transmitted to the crowd through the public address system. HEAR BOTH THE PRESIDENT And VALTTN AT THE AUDITORIUM! Identification Tags Aid To Filipinos Fox Strlplin et ux for $100 to Robert' Strlplin', lot 9. block 3, Mornlngside addition, and lots i, 9, 7, block IS Cedar Crest addition. Seaman Smith et ux for 1268648 BAIRD. Dee. 9. The 49 to B. A. Davis lots 6 and L Sunset members of the senior class at addition. Balrd high school had planned to use tnatr wijbo zor picnic per haps, or a class memorial. ! But news, of war with Japan yes terday changed their mind. "We are buying a Me defease bond immediately," said Ona Dell Ashton, faculty spons6r, who drove 23 miles to Abilene with the news because "we feel like this will in terest others.1 , Years Of Misery School Class Buys Ended By Hoyt's Defense Bond Says Tex. Lady "JB ' Indigestion, Gas, Bloating, Constipation Are Gone; I TSa't Well, Says Mrs. Mar- - tlHe. Credits uoyrs Bfae Compound. For nine years suffered I bloating." with says Indigestion, gas and Mrs. Nora Martinez, 715 South Irving Street, San Angelo, Tex. "After '- Japanese Troops Occupy Bangkok BBBbBbbBbbBbbBbbBbbBsEL BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsm Domel. DNB also carried a Japanese-l- m perlal headquarters announcement that Midway Island, American possession in the Pacific, was shelled fiercely by Japanese warships yes terday afternoon. . MRS. NORA MARTINEZ Airplane "hangars and fuel depots meals I had untold misery from were set afire, it said. this trouble. I could not eat fried feed ef any kind wlthoutl after An electric furnace which gen distress. X was badly constipated, erates heat up to 8,6)3 degrees and had nervous spells. Nothing I Fahrenheit Is employed by the Naines reaevea me. "New that I am using Hoyt's tional Brueau of Standards, De Compound, I eaa eat anything put partment of Commerce, before me without suffering. ueyt'a has bean a perfect laxative, and my bowels are regular as can Flowers for all occasions be, The fainting spells have end- ad. aad I haven't had a trace of LEON'S FLOWERS nervousness. X gladly recommend Hiyt'er Day Phone 1877, Might 1871-Keyt's Compound is recommendat Sherrod hardware by ed aad M the Collins Bros. 814-1-8 Runnels Drag Siere aad by all leading tees eattre aceawadv. la f Tdut Has To Sag About The - wnmmn BERLIN, Dec. 8. Japanese troops occupied Bangkok, capital of Thailand, shortly after i p. m. last night DNB said today in a dispatch from Tokyo credited to Hear What VALT IN won hall Xh btttt saahut you cold dteeomtortt U can opca tboM .tuny nootrlls and breath tfcroucn your nose without raaoUierr Teellnc. 2f toot ncatrlla are eloeted up. lnaort Hontholatum. Mot bow eDectlTelr U mm toot breathing and reUaTsa Uu sneeatns, wiimint, ornea. welunc. ana rodneu. With all thee uunmuM cheetod. you can so about your ao UT1UMU1 eomfort. Jars or tubes, see. tat WAR t a: EPmM&m, ii Hear A Discussion of America's Newest Crisis by the Man Who Has An Inside Knowledge of the Working of the Dictatorships ... t Hot Lunches Short Orders Turkey Dinners Ob Sudsy Bankhead Cafe Harold Cheate, Frea, WB KCVHK CLOaV; Tonight 8 O'clock Municipal Auditorium All Seats Only " IlM.TaX BtiHOfRedCro4W -- , 0Kr NEW YORK WASHINGTON MEHTORIAU BOLLYWOOD -Rich Man's Club Hebs Deflation Does Us Qood New Deal In War Time Wathmtten Dayhtek Editorial an Impudent and arrogant band of No, the truth Is that Japan has been planning this and completely with the advice and assistance of other Axis powers for weeks. We have been attacked by one of the strongest naval powers on (the face of the globe. We have Been, attacked by there might be perfect flying a nation, fronting for a nefarious weather over the rest of the combine, which has geographical sacrifice. advantages. We have been attack"We Americans have developed nation. We venture that one of our pri- ed by a nation that must be first the philosophy that because we were Americans, nothing In the mary troubles In entering the war of all dislodged from Its advanworld could stand In our. way once will be the presence of too many tages gained In hitting the" first blows. We must overcome this we were prodded Into action. This amateur strategists. These people will look at the first of all before we can hope to fa well and good, for It Is a fine thing to have confidence. But there hmap, decide that It is simple to successfully assume the Initiative. Indeed, our position Is comparbomb the tiny speck that Is the fa such a danger as and the 'sooner we elimi enemy's homeland, and conclude able to that of a prlxe fighter. No n threat, the bet that it will be only a matter of a matter how strong or how good, a nate this tighter Is going to be hit, and he Is ter it Will be for the welfare of all few days until It Is all over. Nothing could be further from going to be hurt and he might be of us. An airline president once said the truth. We are In a World floored but the real fighter exthat that trouble with --his business War, and we are not fighting Japan pects that. He takes It on "the was that there were too "damn alone, no matter how much we chin. He wades In again. He many weather prophets in the would like to look at It that way, fights with his heart as well as his country." H4 of course, spoke of We have not been attacked by I mind. And he wins! those who looked out of a window, decided that It would rain, that planes could not fly and that( there would, be no use to try to get reservations to fly that day. It never dawned on these Innocent souls that It might be clear as a bell a few miles away and that Perhaps It la a blessing In that ws ara meeting 'with a degree of adversity at the'yery outlet of our war effort. Out of adversity we may learn eee of the most Important leuons ef war thit the Idea of American invincibility U a myth unless It is Bought wtlh a price of supreme dU-gut- oe fooli blow-method-ically self-bor- kiiiM'JimiMmttitwmzwM by Phoebe Atwood Taylor Chapter i If he can't find out who bought enough light," 24 By JACK STINNETT WASHINGTON When the Ills- tory of the new deal la written, there will, of course, bo a long chapter devoted to the many re publicans who were, called Into service ii the, democratic administration, but alongside It will have to be another chapter, often over looked. That will be one on the great number of representatives of the nation's first families In wealth and' social standing who have 'been attracted to the new deal and hold key poslM6ns In the government set-uX. Nelson Rockefeller, old son of the Rockefeller clan, Is a good deal more than a figure-hea-d as the chief executive in developing our Good Neighbor policy. His title is coordinator of cul tural and commercial relations be tween the American republics and young Rockefeller's hours In his office are about aa long aa his title. When he waa handed the Job, the snorts that went un among the could be heard old all over the place. Imagine, they secsaid, bringing the ond grandson of old John D., Sr, In to do a good will Job on Latin America where the mere mention ot U 8. oil Interests will generally get you a dirty look, If not fisti cuffs. In a little more than a year, Nel son Rockefeller has changed more critical minds than any other young man on the scene. And If this son of the nation's richest "conservative" .family has hadan Idea yet that the new deal hasn't ap proved of, no bne has heard about p. tOMMX MWRIAl TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1941 . 1 Hoilyhmed Sight mnd Stmndt j- - Here's Dope On That Hungry Kid William Christian Bullitt re volted against the conservatism of the Philadelphia society Into which he was born before the new deal waa ever heard of and waa an enthusiast for the U. S. S.-before the blood of the revolutlop had been mopped upT But that didn't keep him from being a bon vtvant who loved the gay life of Paris even more, than that In thaWnited States. He waa. our first ambassador to the V. S. S. R.,' ambassador to France when Paris fell, and sow Is off aa the presldent'a eves and ears in the Near, East His territory Is from Singapore to Cairo, and hla office the cabin ot a plane. 4 and (5). There are also the Blddle boys from Philadelphia. Francis, who Is now attorney general, likes to say that he comes from the poor aide of the family but Anthony J, Drexel Blddle Jr., who la minister and ambassador to so many countries in exile that It would take a good long para graph Just to list his titles, doesn't They both came from the Blddle clan that can trace Its beginnings all tne way back to a buddy ot William Penn. 8. And there 'la Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, who "could easily have spent a life of cultured ease without disturbing, the tradi- By BOBBIN COONS HOLLYWOOD Let's add a foot. note to the immortal words of the man who first said, "There ain't ao Justice." Consider the outward form of Laird Cregar, the biggest thing la pictures, tne colossus who nearly starved to a colossal shadow before Hollywood decided his face was worth feeding. Laird Cregar, the gargantuan who spent many a night using the seat of a friend's car for hla bed be cause that waa the only bed ha had. i Then consider Ray McDonald. The hungry kid who waa a sym bol for all hungry, starving kids the world aver la "Life Reglna for Andy Hardy." Yot remember? He wanted to dance, but the Bfg Town dldn't care. Andy Hardy sneaked him Into his own room. and shared hla last two-biwith htm. He was the hungry, the home less, me orpnaneo, tne lost He haunted you. He made you look up hla name on the cast Hit after the show, and It waa a name you'd never heard before. ."Fve never been, hungry really hungry a day of my life," said ts Ray McDonald across the luncheon table from, me. He was tackling an enormous assortment of ham hocks and cabbage at the time. He didn't look hungry, either. He looked like a healthy, lean, wiry youngster of 20, with healthy bright eyes full of modesty 'and boyish shyness and twinkle. Flye feet 11 Inches, 15 pounds, brown wavy hair, blue eyes that's the official studio description. He's now on hla fourth picture since last March, which is aa indication of what thinks of hla future. This one Is called "Born to Sing" or wasat the moment They've probably changed the title by now. Inasmuch aa Virginia Weldler doesn't sing much, and Ray-WeI can't sing at alt I Just talk 'em, and 'fake the high notes I meant I can't sing at all." Ray's specialty Is dancing. He Idolizes Fred Astalre. He was 14, his sister Grace 15, when they started out In their act "Songs, dances, Jokes. Those Jokes! A crit-l- o in Boston said, the boy didn't look as If he knew what the Jokes were about He didn't I caught on to one the other day. On the back lot there waa a horse, switching- ll, files with hla tall. I burst out laughing. One of our jokes had Just hit me. What fa It that hat four legs and files? I'd sever seea the point before." Maybe they aren't in Boston, where Ray waa born, or in New York, where he grew up, son of a movie publicaAnytions man. Or way, Ray and Grace got going. They had CO weeks together la "Babes In Arms" on Broadway. Hay's 'second, third and fourth shows were flops. But in one of them the movies found him. Mickey Rooney christened him "Plnocchlo" aa soon as he saw, Ray's long, pointed nose. Name and nose both fit You've heard about Ray's big death scene, for "Life Begins?" Ray took dying seriously. In preparation he saw Judy Garland death scene three times. He studied, how Bette Davis dies, how Paul Muni, Edward O. Robinson. Garbo die. He died for all he was worth. "And then," he said, "I saw the picture. My death scene , showed Mickey's reaction to finding me dead. AH there was of me my feet" horse-con-sclo- a' Man About Manhattan Recording Engineers Read Juke Records the gun what's the matter with "It doesn't," Cummlngs said. guests ewere scattered over four ride, but It left him exhausted tions or wealth ot conservative By GEORGE TUCKER "Not to expect her back when? her?" "But there ara several things I New York City forebears. In our NEW YORK Did yoU know a miles of track, trying to find it and ready to take up hla new Tonight!" Asey demanded. "Who He pointed to Mrs. Clutterfleld, wanted to find out 111 let you state department ha Is second recording engineer can pick up a Finally, the party was held and chores In the films. He's off 'to tha took the callT Whit did he say, who waa still squealing at inter- know If anything comes up I think only to Cordell Hull, who can phonograph record and read its the train pulled out But there coast now to make Til Take exactly? would Interest you. Oood-byvals. count a lot more hillbillies than grooves aa easily aa a blind man was to be no relaxation. Outside Manila" for MOM. Asey made hla way to the college graduates among his "I answered," Freddy told him. "Ooooht" of Buffalo Tommy broke his specSuzanne Sllvercruya always puts -- said, reads braille? He can. "What's the matter with you?" smoking room, where Rankin waa 'Whale Inn,' and, a man's 1 tacles. Consequently, when Barry hands on her portrait busts "bereading a Sears Roebuck cata X go brusquely. The could support you on. said list you Hanson slip In of this, offer a Wood pointed out Tommy to sta- cause hands reveal more of a per- -' If voice said, la this where Miss Into' the shorter limbs of family little scene that took place be- tion platform fans, they took one son's character than "'Ooooht X didn't know a goat logue. OU've Beadle lives T I said, Tes,' his face." Her trees lmportantl" waa tween so lower and the Judith Anderson and the look and said nix. Barry quickly newest portrait Is of Dr. Lewis W. brackets of and he said, 'Well, don't expect "Hello," Rankin looked up. "Why it new talking about!" deal officials, engineer go she recording could "What's the ft at Victor on obtained a pair of specs and thrust Douglas, of McGIll do you look at me that wav? berl' Then he hung up before I Hanson appealed to Asey for a long time. But that should studios in Manhattan last Thanks- them on Dorseys nose, and .the University, now president of New had a chance to ask, who be was, Have I aged?" 2. W. Averell Harriman. multi be Asey "Ifa said, think," giving enough don't day. to start "I chapter any the fans came running. York Mutual Life Insurance Co. or how he knew about her, or "Nope," Asey said. T lust never millionaire son of H. K. Harriman, It. Tell In Cleveland he spent one aft- The prexy Is shown in his acedem-i- c Miss Anderson's Thanksgiving where. she was, or anything else! worth the time to go Into had a good look at you before to- the railroad and banking tycoon, way. what just Clutterfleld, Mrs. me, was a busy one. with Maurice ernoon conducting a high school X called Hanson and robes with his hands clasping told him, night what with our either beta was the most successful banker of was you lookln' in windows for, outside Evans, the Shakespearean star, band at a football game. There his lapels. He also wears a square right away,, and ha tried to trace anyway?" or in a car or In a halt I the' depression. He was a famous Johnson ut calL-istwo high School brass bands mortarboard hat Why? "Well," re' he couldn't find out and a cast ot tour, supporting were the ' rowing1 coach, an Internationally said. thought yoii waa older." players, she spent the day record- at the game, and Shep Fields con- plied Miss Sllvercruya, "sometimes anything about It except that It "Oooob!" Mrs. Clutterfleld "It'a the beard." Rankin said. known polo player, a breeder and movpolicemen these saw all operT ducted the other. waa made In town here. The ing an 'album of scenes from their It resulted cranluma are peculiarly . shaped; wise uncle of mine pointed out trainer of fine dogs, a patron ot Alfred waa afraid. "A In some furious blasting, with hon- why draw attention to them?" LEXINGTON, Ky Dec. tf UP) current success "Macbeth." ator said there'd been a flurry of ing around! X years ago that successful geoloshipbuilder, modem a French art might trouble. be He said there ors even. The about trial of Robert" H. Anderson, After one of the readings Miss calls right about them, and she waa going onl gists wore beards. People some- lop man in two of the nation's big first of three defendants to be Anderson squinted at the huge "wax e didn't notice who called the Inn. wanted to see what Then, In Detroit where how connect beards with ances- railroads, a great entertainer and fine, matter a of If Really, It's on wasn't tried charge a murder In con dtso that Imprisoned her words. dance tickets were available to Trial Of Miley All she knew was that it tors. I'm forty-eigaa a matter popular host at his big estate near X can" sure I'm nection with call." or the fatal shooting of . . . "la that me?" she asked, point- school kids if they could get there Suspects Begins a toll a long distance fact Mayo, I gather lt'a Ann Bear Mountain, New York. "I'm sure you can, too," Asey of Golf Star Marlon Mlley by 0:30 p. m, two little girls wait"What d"you make of that?" section of the grooves. who'a been killed, and not Miss WASHINGTON. Dec 0 up But for all that he has been mother, began yesterday. and tier ingTheto aengineer Cummlngs Inquired. "That make said. "Tomorrow mornln', Mrs. Olive, and I also gather from bent over the ed so long to obtain the Dorsey Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, close to Roosevelt from the earliest Clutterfleld, I'll tell you the fine, Cummlng'a mutterlngs Penney, Tom one defendof the any sense to you, Asey?" disc, studied it a moment and autograph that it appeared they a or the naval reserve, that he days of the new deal, waa active In "Course," be an' you will. Right now, you go thinks I killed her. X was called as a witness and shook his bead. "That's Mr. Ev- would miss the dance. It was al- lastmember Asey shrugged. night In a letter to Secretary didn't X waa the old NRA and today haa the vi- ants, 1" stay there an' your room up to possible repeated consubstantially perfectly you slowly,' 0 his ans," over ready "it's aid he said. That's o'clock ,and the dance was of the Navy Frank Knox, last very fond of Ann. But aa I told tal Job ot lease-len- d coordinator in .Mrs. Clutterfleld scurried up the Cummlngs, as reported by police, nam- here." 7 miles out of town. he Just happened to do eomethln' night asked to be assigned immeIf It'll make the au- England and Russia. When he re fession ' ing his accomplice. Anderson as out of the ordinary tonight, an' stairs. When Tommy understood what diately to active duty with tha thorities happier, go upstairs and turned recently from Russia, he Now For RanUIn Penney was Fort In arrested was Tommy Dorsey me happening, wanted Mrs. Doane to know she tells the he said, "We can't fleet go through by things. Prod Into spoke enthusiastically of Josef Sta"What did you pack her off waa all right, but'd be lata. On Dance Caravan put on by the have anything like that going on, Johnson, In the recent Texas senthat strikes your fancy. lin and it he bad his tongue in hla Worth after the shooting. like that for?" Cummlngs wanted anything company Interesting . . was come . an RCA on." the other hand" he atorial campaign, said that If tha You'll find a forty-fiv-e Colt In my cheek, you couldn't detect It It'a Amenacn wines are now mar- experience. It was to, begin with crowded them intoWhereupon "On the other hand; aha doesn't to know, the front seat time came when he felt it necesto bureau drawer, and license a her concentrate with nothing to Harriman dollars thirty-eigthat 1 can't In keted coun foreign special of train party bis drove car their do things' out of the ordinary!" aboard and to them a n the sary to vote for a war declaration, wallet haa bad some of his old Wall "Beside, carry It in my tries, the Department of Commerce at Grand Central, but the train dance himself. Freddy interrupted. "I wish I squealln' so," Aesy said. he would leave his senate seat and tell me, why doea Dr. Cum Street got a thing to And years. gasping associates for reports. sum, got Joy go with the fighting men. In In yards, caravan the and waa the the could make you understand that!" I'm sure" she ain't lost a - mlngs dislike me so?" Freddy broke off aa Hanson en- do wlur this. Her problem U run"Wa-el,- " Asey said, "I think lt'a goat" tered the living room. He looked nln over awas you owe him." an that about a mostly the bill "What distracted too.j. "The bill X owa him? But X "Where the hell have you been, fine?" Cummlngs persisted. X money left with Freddy to Asey grinned. "That's just a on't) Asey? X wish you wouldn't go money with Freddy to left don'tl I a Where Doc problem, nhlrig off! Peterson wanted to charitable went hornet If she forgot vrhy talk with you before ha left. Look, Rankin?" didn't he send me a bill? My Godl" we your in friend find "You'll Inhe says there's everything to "He said that he did, but" room," Cummlngs drew dicate Celt rifling on the bullet smokingovercoat "He never did! I never got any! up his picked and hla on the doe found, and the markings How utterly ridiculous, to suspect tolof bag. "A blend black on the bullet show no slippage as little of killing Ann because X didn't amusement and refined Irri- me it took the rifling, so It's probably erant pay a bill he never sent me! Was waiting only for was Ha tation. a from a' Colt automatic and sot the reason he had me seized a street car X mean, be. was only that revolver." by that trooper? X waa brought always else. someone chasing I "Huh!" Asey said. "In other In here and told to wait for you. words, she probably waa killed by enjoy that Nobody explained why." fun angle. Have twenty-two that a bulletjfrom the "Didn't they bring up the mat I'm going to Join waa there In the booth with her. with him. ter of somebody lurkin' around Carey." waa aure, pretty Peterson was peerln' into windows?" Asey ask"You're goin" to ao more worn he?" ed. surprise. In Asey asked tonight?" the always SHe said there's "I brought up that matter, myworkln' up chance It wasn't, but, I think he's "Thought you hated You self!" Rankin said. "Look, you always night. at later, there us back phone ewe. Hell remember my cigarette lighter? and he's going to look up and see claimed the place didn't have You threw it at Hanson, and la -all that rush after FJlssa, X forgot . to retrieve It rm fond of that n lighter, so I went out to see if X Moment could find It And when I turned I " the corner of the house, I saw "" someone dart away from the r" bushes and waited to see If the hnjwmuvma vEafA.-vnx.sw- jw I Ul he Nfcvisa ) I fellow might come back. In my 0.VKVASVL V&S&sa WL WiWDOttSVWBESWOL I TTOwloua E V own way, X was trying to be helpV sou cktxuvk . 1 4a5f? oomva'w V ful. I ttiought that under the circumstances, someone darting around bushes In a surreptitious fashion was someone to grab and Investigate. And while X waa lurking there in the bushes, waiting, this trooper grabbed me. rm sure," Rankin concluded, "that be meant welL So did L" Bright QUI "I see," Asey said. "Now, tell me , about this girl Ann Joyce, will HI 1 BWII I I..-Of IW,wNifcA,l.wyiltml g. Y you?" 1 1 I "She was an awfully bright and ' talented girl," Rankin said . m promptly, "and I waa very fond . i? gramobbn'a I lr Kif-"giomsw zeaojT9 gooosovzeroi my IG''i'P&3& me aa She L worked for H of her. hash slaaaaaaKV- L4is vdur . Here ArMgouvg5 PtcTPrre-rc6ooi5JK- fL' j foh-5lW!- l1' AW.ouvEJ?coutD5fE Sou secretary the winter before last rnseAftrn SScDlaSS KrvV It was admittedly a stopgap Job. i She wanted to go on the stage. and had rMraA x NET MsbbbW 40ZZ OIPEBIA She was one of the loveliest voices I ever heard, and I thought She had ability. So I told people about her, and helped her get a Job here In the South Fochet Barn Theatre last aummer. And X don't mind telling you that whatever success the Theatre enjoyed waa due wholly to Ann. last winter she got some understudy Jobs, and this summer, she came back to gtt jraSTlroV9tk w aasBasala&i!iBS BjHL?3BiBtBaBSBBBBBBBBBBH7 ass the Barn Theatre to get mora exaaT"' Varor f fcva perience." "Then," Asey said thoughtfully, AROUMD "TOcT CORNS "you couldn't hardly, in all honm esty, .ICTIfte tRO& STTORB tHt?rcI refer to her aa a star, could you?" AfJ HAH&3 OOT- " ' "No. That's why," Rankin said "-- M I LOOKS LIKE pi OCR UP,1 AU.R1CMT, CHttS-- 'al tg In a troubled voice, "I can't begin axfSJ0kaii. Continued On Page 7 MOKE MYSTERY i ft case-harden- ." H left-win- Requests Naval Assignment ... cut-rat- Jt ht Jl ht pig-ski- H If i : life's Darkest soaaaaaaaoar-- aaaiaiaiaaaaaa-saa- 1 v 111 m mm UM P. B I. r 1HLV6TO mm tm &&. IBBM-JEH- wWM i WzMfc Pi r: WMA WMM: "WF? iSvS oust mm aSPi ?JBws J $J$ fc2E39HH L5r V0H 'rtUKfCCKtBF'K aasasMtfer SBSfaBaBaoaBsataf &fy fi 68$$$ Tht tin Spring Herald ancneoes oseaft flatstfay by ma wham HHULD. ess. PoMstae at Ms sjntox. Tuuu. undu act er Uarea a. Iff. uaatBaB o th aaaociATED pRxea eispsUBa ctmsm to ot act eauo Press ) sielmrtili Minna to tea m tm npubUcatloo ot an m Mm seaots4 sJae Iks Moat sows yeliHitios tenia. All rUfet tat ttsueuetuoo of ipwlil anpateats Is sue SMMl ttaU aa 5k isT aa4 w assay Bttur at ta un poo -j- .' S aot - mliiSMU tet f oop witlMtnn. - typostaptitwil error thai stay oatm fenfetr tfeea to ear. no BauKban no rlafet Is raaatroS to lejeot of tu Oininlil lo Ikob da Uu a and la uujako SBiinsi, " tsoa w auras o Man tot aatual ooaoa coronas tfee arte, aa ' acv w,. va ovevyiaa iMaw sswHiaan asoosassts oy. m K -- i n- steaoM or raotitauoa of say oortaataa osoo oaias arousst KBPRBSrrATiva twwalAtasLaaceo, Dallas, 4 A V P' j -- J J "v good-lookin- g, a BESTl U ;- -. J., parson, u Texas firm or oaoooratloa o( ue auaatwa , afalaVBSBBBBBBBBBBBa' aa. mmmmf 7&W'f''WU!IRJP' H J ;1 I ( tf (5 Say Yw Saw It hi The Herald JMff Test, Tudy, Mpriag, Hwdd, Biff Spring, DaestoW EMPLOYMENT Directory Treeter TRUCKS . . 1988 CHEV. Overee d axles, atr ooadiMoa With bow meters, beary gateS. Meal for use wit Mg trailers. track, la perfect shape. Hoary duty IMS duel tires. FORD Track with oil field bed complete: big wlaeh, boost ITair brake. SoW sew for 38868, priced to seB. at a. bargala. sfcerlwfceel-Bjw- o aeo 50c AlemKe eertl tied lubrication, uiga preeeure equipment Phone us, wa deliver. , u Flash Berne oiauon n A Johnson. Phono 1936 Ford Pickup 1940 Ford Coupe 101 Ford Sedaaet Several Cheaper Can Reeder Loan Company 304 Scurry Phone 881 Phom & Improved performance mesas conomy In operation! If the Shroyer Motor Co. Flyaontb lcperwerA1 tad Letters 10 poUt fees at doable rate. Household Goods For MARVIN HULL ' MOTOR CO. ' Pbobs Let es lead It to yon . . . MAKE A PERSONAL LOAN at The Security . . . HOOPER RADIO CLINIC rates; XUJICK SERlow VICE, EASY TO PAY. M HtKM Beat MFbone Yean Cast Experteaee" In SECURITY FINANCE CALLUS CO. payment plan. fey " Bk Iltt ll mmmmmm. I I 123 SprlBc Lbr. Co. Oregg Phone US6 East Sad St. Phono 801 pd 'u I 4m H Kou aoiW.U WflgwM Ci " ' 3n-- flKI t4f3?-TBvt- ' ' i I - I Y sssT '" S " ' m 7 ml ' 1 I! W z i wvwt mI ,,' M 1" ' v bbbW It 1 UJ-Cv- sssssss esss ! BBBBBW SBbT ' .aaamSaw . 8 ! aec ea l SbSF BBBBBBB.rK3MB M 1 RMygaffpgTnJT-- a K SSyiSlZK 1 IRmB' " -- PLANBT, -KBNT. 8?5 JSi X VOU aaV HOBCI9U A bbbbbI sal .earn 17 bbbbbbV ' BT"B fBV tT9 ' lUWTRBWaXrMfiaiX B 6fiTW I ALOA- Yi- l M DflEgOf- - . ft II -- II K! v at BSa 74V JIV eV bb 1n A x I , i . , n . - H C V r i bbbbbbbbbbbbbVFTI bbbbbbbbbP fiO'CXJOfr--Wseoc,- V -- Vlfti JZL BBbHL bbbbbbBI'' i HI K bbbbbbbbBB' IBBB3Baay ' fSL.4rS21iS' I qffl7 rP J" T.jr 4 aiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB X IVJ M i ii -- """-i 3aBaaBBBBBBaBBBBBBmBBBfli 7Y """". &, - m - Bi T -mjl,ta sbbbbbbbbbbVV .elaaaaaBbattri 'Pl CTO sIsbbbbbbbbVCsbbbBV BBBBBBBBfJEW V- - - baeaBaammaeeBlBBBBBBBI9aai9BBBBBJ BBC?S"BamBBBBBBBB7Br!akv1n yjg::y BC . ajaBBaSasSs BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBlSBBBBBBBBBBBBB9BaBBBBBS2e BSZTsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm BBBBBBBkSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm - --v nw .i in H V IVK'V Bal'MI said. "You can't think of anyone you might call aa enemy ef hersT" Asey asked. rAnyone that might wmm Ok'A.M r BBBBBBBBBBBmcSBB.BsauaBBBBBBBBBBBfl PBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBay(7gBBBaH SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPTayaBaBBBBBBBBBi Hb9MBBBBBbI . wmi sp i i Mafam bbbbbbbXIsSsbBbbbbI 'I' W' ''I ll "" bbbbb1bbPII 'I BejeW1 r H ' I I J .ggil... Wi HBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB C?BBBBaBBi" lBBBBBBiiVVVVV.;V-0is!CSB- aVBaMBBjaaa3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl r- 1 1 F - Brl'leXAn afafafjafafjayjajpBim (Sa!SS2 Bg3Ea lafca BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM M thing. The point I'm makln' Is that while her problem mattered to her, they wasn't Important an far reachln' enough to make someone want to klU her." T doa't see why anyone would want to kill bar anyway!" Rankin aaVlRi.. msslBl'WV jK.fflfl . IQtA BbKI' 4sOAkvfiafJal ,, H . m ll mi in T h. r . i -- --- 74s V" BBBBBBBBaS&SseMBUBm V iiiiii i ai j3 !Ltf - SS. "Uh-huBut there wasat Hol lywood agent fightln' over her," Asey said, "or admirers chal lenging each other to duels, or people she'd stepped oa yearnm- to pick out her eye teeth. Nobody. stood to loee millions beeauM. be did this thing Instead of that .. BOtm RbHH HH ZBB rw . bbbbbbHbeWbAT V b laBBBstaBBf asBBBBtlaal i -- i ... imm& ZJMiml BBBBBBBBBa33JBBBBBBM S n IsaaSLJ" aaaaBBBasaaaaBBBaaBaBBBl BaBBBBMaBaBBBBasaT 'J6?y!BSfe t A tfjRfiBBE.?fBi)S)S)S)S)S)SMHB lsBBBBK8BaBBBBBalI&eV:: K -?J- aBBaaVelKTT- I MIL C- else!" -- . a re? ni4I U? IXIbbbbbbV LY mtv s-- V BBBBBBBB1 BRRj S and prob-lema- BnBJBaBaJBmBmT Wll . . B! OlpVByaBBBSBBBaBBala v 1 !' """Si, nfjajTie ILu rX. vuueov" w' I. n m . urn octavsMS vnDMjyf- Oofaom, w itf JM OWW new wv . W8 etMKSO'.AffnUmt'tmmHAFnvn,- - vr W NaV ""u'?" 'Xru,Kmi srtifl aaHsfyI Asup5TicKfiweoy.iiBn HsaBsssar wirTm .aaasBBBBBBBBBafll C UrmIvVV ' TK'a bV I V IsBbbKl , L MY CAREER uiC rn I V IDPA bbbbbbbBV ivx nAR mr 9ADr , aBBBBBBBBBBBBsaV w w t tsmth IsTst ISZ lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlaBBBi iF M -- Richbourg sheT" "She had problems,'' Rankin re turned. "Who doesn't have bbsbW VBWN, rWlTtO&,Wb Y HE CWTlCTSKiroiOlDNTHtrHtTUHNW WuVlO.MWerHr MeJTOTrl'B6&ESr M r Bojii.'-swoo- s aafnia bbbbbU9bWX saBTaV'1 U Ji sBBBBBBBBBBSTyIV IbbW bbbsI I aBBBBBsaS-- 3A 1 Strictly Confidential Payment To Fit Your Parse PEOPLES The problem of getting three meal a day is no less acute In the theatre than It Is anywhere TT7Tr7T lTt "7 V.V" tN-- -- BUtVEflONsTfl.'UVHAT mmmrt.wv ft ' i esaA Br . K U m aama3aamuaaaaaaaW8safBa mtwni wiw BBBBBM.y I BaVsB TKSSSWurffi yn X.'if V noiy V -Lfiumoimneo yf esee WWmmX UBBBVTmaTa pjef Am bbT9 bbbbbbV INSURANCE Petroleum Building Phone 1230 Continued From Pago 8 to understand this business of her being shotl Ann wasn't important, In the sense of her being any colossal, glamorous success In the theatre I She wasn't She was just a talented, ambitious youngster to work her way up." starting -An' beln' at the foot of the ladder," Asey said, "she wasn't far enough advanced on her career to have what you'd call awful complleaUn' problems, was 7-- 4lJ &Bis-jB- EmAjL n ABOUT YOUR rUTUrlBJ OSS flUlMllJ' YOUR "2i bbbbbbV w UO r.l7aBs8BmKaBWBBBBrainrTi IRmVl, VkM 7'fy'. HI bbbbI ILV IBBJ l 8CT1 V U V TaF BWV.JeWP9SA ySr ;7HS &L T 1 a sar--' ITTTB,,t-"M7sBLBBBBBBBTBBBBBBB- BBBrfetBfsW raWVk L6AUIM6 ttJXSS! "jounttw tor? vx -rJ rOFk K I. ijJllSaBMBaBBBff",'i" T "a"T sA eBBsT No Endorsers, No SeearHa Story I Si fStBVUJl YOU TATE & BRISTOW trademark ranches. and OBDBAL.AND HAVBhrT VOOMPLETHLV GOT CVEa BXPBeiBNCS. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaWS2LU iB bbbbbbbbbbbbbVTTTtEt IK ?mmmmmmmmmmm'mmmmml'l tfaaBBBBBBBBB -a- jBBBBBBBBBBf 81800). Daniels. 106 W. 3rd. Phone 1405. 540 Acre farm and stock farm, 313.50 acre. Several Improved farms, all kind city nroDerty. C X Read, Phone 449. IVE THKO " 'X I (Nen Custemen Only) Oar Prompt, Courteous Serriea Is AvalNMe To Umlte only 1217, residence 8013-ONE half section good farm land near Knott; 275 acres In cultivation; 6 -- room modern stucco house, good water; 335 acre: 34000 In federal loan; balance cash. Several other good farms BJB jm SUiTB-- iTZL lr ' at aV W .BbbbbbW er more (Real Estate loan wltfebs etty minimum loaa en- Lots & Acreages FOR SALE Lots 21 and 22, Block 15, Washington Place. Make me an offer. See Major Owens, Unck's No. 2. Farms &. Ranches 671 Acres of good land well locat-- 1 nuuaca, a aorua vouaijr, wells, near school, dally mall, 550 acres cultivation, price 827.00 acre cash, federal loan can be assumed, possession If bought soon. Some good houses la Big Spring for sale at bargain prices oa terms. A few acreage propositions. J. B. Pickle, office phone yJsu----ftw- U No Payment Reqalred Til February '1842 8 AM 0 86860 se "" " V eBytTw In . " LATKaUtN STUAiaTS Y- -. 6 8 pW8eo6vO 86000-3600- DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY Berlin Are J Wi I UsbbbbbbbbbT 31880-8886- Fee EcosMSBkal CASH $5.00 Year Loans 6-- 16 CUTEST little four room furnished house la town, available Dee. i. 800 11th Place. Bee J. U Wood, liWJJitkMatLJrmM imSMsEMfaTZSM BBBBSBBBBBSkw l " BssssaV-- -: -- i LOANS Houses ANOTHBg RssbbbI n-"- Is See Ue For These Low Rate 1009 Main. 'ttrjijMk M!w.-ijrr- . ; I Pasteurized Milk LOWER RATB8 Dt WBS1 TEXAS Auto Seal Estate J. CwwiXJMJmH, SETIT1 TytMBIUBUgSSfl I GU8SS " " CARL STXOSf INSURANCE uil JW iWtztt c. Lost 1 ' II . a' U cow I m 125. VtVWAND6BaNSlI OBCmfmJKiW!T7!i aoouno anooot aeocTOTHsi but--i contj ryou,i HCW DID sou err "-? 17 ' l Fbone m FINANCED 5 per $10 pei year Vied Can Fbaaaeed er trance; convenient to bath. 1309 aregg, roone FRONT bedroom; adjoining bath; la home with481--couple. 1008 Runnels. Phone BEPOmgC 1 JBaaamssssssssB EXCUSB MV - tit? -, VWHOAJLBOWOBKSFOraJNeKVOUSNESSw.. ?5UDaJCB,Bsssssaaaassssssi f;PvVxefvBrW 2.2 rmrT JUST ijr0. aaaBaBaaVSsPHWkV SEE. fBBBTeBBWaaBaaaBBBV t Dy MaaKaBMSaasBsl i trM, eONB 5! A emBRIv- Ha aaaaaaaVsPVlavVsaS R clilBiTi?- -' TlX7 TO IfflfJfcfcB 1 gtS - V dXZJi JVfapsCaalaaeJifJ si Ml-Rf 'ajsw "1 MssBstkj RvC jSMMtsWaaaasBX KwH- (V vf fl VllfeTvTsBt A aaaafeisWs 11 ,H Td$A$n S M.WE9 T HBb3P all V7 a aWWf &" MMTPVaU lel JTrZLULrj smaaaaWUT 02AkJ IBfJRl'S ZWimVl T3 VW 'Li FWB Y M m JbBBbWO M I' r ' 33tNL Z aBBBssliyMlMwSfJli Kirak ffllM&lrtKm WmwfHSIK algpppA " Jm P i 33-5- 32-6- vnw WmsZmMfr T JsaaaS31S rATHtii Beau-t- Shop. 200 Owens, Phone 668. HOLIDAY SPECIALS 36 oil permanent $4 or 2 for 35.50. permanent 33 perma35 Also 32 permanent. nent Vanity Beauty Shop, 116 E. 2nd, i.9niJJyeBE7 B BKKtK2MMmKKwmLjmttKKKmA-SXzmxJiJ. " ' W fyouru. sail whes 'JHiaVI mVfftfUxi M'veilsv4JJ5J saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeVlaVeaaaaBKaaBBBBl ssmT -- , iBBBBBBBBselrB?aMI 1 ', i permanent. Brownfleld S fflRJRMRjRMRMRlRM P 32 Ben M. Davis A Company Auditors Accountants 817 Mima Bid, Abilene. Texas CREATH furniture and mattress store will trade or pay cash for used furniture. Priced right Rear 710 E. 3rd. Phone 803. Pa, Phone 359-J- . FINANCE CO. FIVE room unfurnished bouse, 703 Opera Houses 806 Petroleum Mdg. Passe 731 E. 3rd. Call at next house west Closed Phone 467. WELL furnished five room 'house: desirable location. References BERLIN, Deo. 0. (A0 Berlin was furnished and desired. Inquire agog today with rumon that the few occasions as Retcafuehcr Hit407 E. Park Street relchstag would assemble tomor- ler calls the members, torther for pronouncement ef policy, or aotf WANTED TO RENT row to make "known Germany's of a fleauon ef aetlea American-Japaneon ficial stand the taken. Houses 'conflict FURNISHED house, WANTED unconflrm-abl- e The output of petroleum promust have two bedrooms; bave Contributingwasto these rumon the postponement ductsgasoline, kerosene, and ells three In family, all grown. Call G. BLAIN LUSE from American refineries la a of opera performances scheduled room 409 Douglass Hotel. 1601 Lancaster Phone 16 for this aoon and tomorrow night year would equal la quantity a Service all makes of cleanen ESTATE REAL In the Kroll opera. week's flow of the Potemae river, In 10 towns for patrons of TexThe Kroll opera Is the place past the City of Washington, acas Electrio Service Co. Why Houses for Sale where the relchstag meets oa such cording to the census. not yoursT Cash paid for old 8IX-roohome, bath. Two story cleaners. apartbusiness building, ment double garage, all rents MODEST MAIDENS for 3100. See O. C. Potts, Owner, Registered U. Pateat OSSee nt For an estimate oa Asbestos Siding er Asphalt, Brick Type Siding and Roofing . . . month it NEW ACTOMOBILBS Bedrooms ELROD'S t j Company HB B. 3rd Johnson. oa CHRISTMAS BUDGET TERMS CLARK Peattae ONE, 3 er rurntoned apart. meats. Camp Coleman. Phone 81 USED Furniture bought and eold. Compare our prices when buy THREE room furnished aparting or selling. P. x. Tate, 1109 ment) private bath; electrio box; W. 3rd (West Highway). 2 outside entrances: newly deco 319 rated: garage; all bills paid. 1603 Radios & Accessories BEDROOM. 704 Johnson. private FRONT bedroom; f MAKES OF CARS FOR RENT Apartsaeats FOR SALE Crosley Radios EXTRA MONEY SALBfl and SERVICE J. O. Celdlrtm, Foreman 67 GoHad ...2i9tx ..-r- . Ob All u Minimum i., ,nw. YOU'LL NEED Chrysler aaa" unmi .!". aft PhoBO M E. 3rd 414 One Week RUTH Edwards McDowell has ao-ANNOUNCEMENTS cepted a position at we waDors Beauty Shop where she will be Bosiaess Services permanently located. Friends are Stand, ? nvlted to call 1382. News STALLINO'S Mala. Expert shines, guannteed repairing done reasonable iase. maxiuiuvfli RADIO .Record NOTICE to my friends: I have lust snop. 130 The newspapen, rental library, travel taken charge of the o. K. Baroer Phone 23a bureau. Phone 1883. Shop. Your patronage apprecifur-crated. Curley White. ALL kinds of Taxidermy andDeer-heawork guaranteed. Travel Opportunities a specialty. Mrs. Nellie Tipple, 404 Washington Blvd. TEXAS Travel Bureau at Jobe's Phone 1358. Cafe. Can. passengen dally: Clamour lone the Tricycles, repaired, reehare expense plan. Free Insur BICYCLES,any make. Have full line painted, ance. TeL 8536. 1111 West 3rd. reWheels Rainbow of Sound. tires, tubes. TRAVEL, shan eipensef Can parts, built, trued. Pedals per pair low to all points as and passengen 405 Harley-DarldsShop, 60c. dallvi list- - vour ear with us. Bis Spring Travel Bureau, 300 stain. W. 3rd. CLEMENTS Grill and Fender Shop fnone iou. torn ana Dent xenaen ana 110 Runnels TRAVEL COURTESY Bureau. makes grills look like new. 605 E. 3rd. Special attention to ladles and Woman's .Coliunn children. 310 Main, Phone 1883. Vacuum Cleaners Share expense plan. YOUR worn fur scat eaa be re Iastrnctlon mnrf.l.ri aad mads like new. Ex BARGAINS pert work. Also alterations and TODAY Is your day of opportunity. in best makes, new. All makes dressmaking. Mrs. J. U Haynea, Demand growing for secretaries many like new. Take in Used, 808H Scurrjr and bookkeepers. Don't .delay. machines, cleaners, sewing Big HOLIDAY SPECIAL Start training today la The typewriters, adding machines, Spring Business College, 108 H B. 33.60 permanent 33, 2 for 5J6; gasoline, good rugs or what 2nd. Phone 1693. 34 permanent. 13.60: 35 perma-ehave you. The largest vacuum 35: also 34: 36 Dermanent cleaner business In the west Business Services y CaH No. 1855 Beg. 400 Doaley at yours Days Public Notices Let as estimate Free any Job you may bare. None too Urge or too small. general operation of your car hasn't been checked for the tost 5.000 miles, now would be do the a nod time to let' us lob. The service of skilled are costs moderate sen and Payt .Mr...MM. Word Capital Room Two. General Contractors Two Three Per Wort Per Card ef Tbaaks Estella The Reader. oe oregg. Hotel, Heffernaa bat Day ,,. Word Keepers JaTva DwBSUS CONSULT ,....,. Wore Per 2e-Wo- rts ANNOUNCEMENTS W. R. BECK and SONS Performance 2c 3c 4c 5c LUBRICATION BIG SPRING MOTOR Improved 4a.8ftVBVys PM EXPERT REPAIRS THREE doHar permanent 8SJ&. II WET Quality lumber set dtreet permanent seuw or 3 lor . All Save 30. Truek delivery. Write e8 permaaenta Wto or 3 for for ataJegue. Bast Tea Saw IS. Our Quality for permanent ' BU1M, AVttfOr, Tl waves guaranteed. Bonnie Lee Beauty Shop, 606 Johnson, Fbone 176L SMALL bey's Bieyels for ale. tn gooa eeaaiuea. sw . xetn. 18 permanent 8MB. 38J0 permanent W or 3 for 36. 8640 perma-Bea- ts A Traetor and all farm equipment, ft or 3 for $7. All 17.50 a feed grinder and a row binder. permanent 39. Shampoo, set, bo Phone 14M, 3. X. Harper, UU 40c, dry, with dry 50c. Oil ShamMain. poo, set, dry 75c Lash and brow dye BOe. Manicure 60c. All work WANTED TO BUY guaranteed. Modernistic Beauty anop, bum noian. fnone iw. HoosehoW Goods FURNITURE wanted, we seed FINANCIAL used furniture. Give us a eaaaee Busteese OpporttuUtles befon you sell. Get our prices oeiore you Buy. w. Meeue- CAFE aad Domino Kail for sale ter, iwu w. eta. er trade. Reason, Health. Would WANTED to buy used furniture, take good ear. drift's Cafe, 306 eto. u you aava most aayiaing Main, Lamesa. Texas. of value to eell, doa't fergst this DOWNTOWN Cafe for sale; doing Is the plaee. See J. O. Taaaehlll, good buelness. See O. C. Moore, 1608 W; 3rd. 216 Runnels. a. a. Weekdays 11 Can Wanted; MMttJtH Bales TnMkst TTattere; TreaV er Houses; For Eseitaagei Carta, Sanrtee aaa FOR SALE BaitHag Materiek Woaaaa's Cohimw VeWeWBjJ Oseel for Sale. Oar Used two-spee- & 4Ut CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Automotive USED TRUCrTvALUES! t Well GtecDr AW In Wording Ads CLASSIFIEDS BRING AMAZINGLY LARGE RETURNS The RmuU Number CtH 728 Cenur Mala fAoinm ff, 14H1 have bad a grudge against berf Rankin hesitated. "DVou. remember," be said at last 1 told you earlier la the evening that it wasat fair for you to ask ma my opinion ef the people at the Inn until I Knew who was killed? Well, bow X know not going to preIt Was Aaa, tend to pull aay punches. The Barn's suceees last summer was Bingham's one due to Aaa. Ell husot the Ban's backers. ' band, Horace, "By the way, Asey interrupieo, "Just for the record, what's Horace's last samet" "His teat same?" Rankin said. "Why, It's let's see. Sproul, I tatak. No, K teat It's Henderson, er Sanderson, er Henmsen, er MMMtklar. X doat realty remem ber. Anyway. Horace aaa wit eaouga to know that Ann Is good.1 To Be CenWaney zz t SiSJ) ?&tor'p71 arrtm. "Just wait till you see what you bought us for Christmas!" biRTEBfETAlFdsHAllfVn it.. AUitntan staUnsaa ACROS3 L rXmlaltb 4. Dtopatrhed 5. Bosonlfis berb IX. Period ot time 11. Always 14. Silkworm It Company Dsprsnloas be twesa am. tain Mil H. aomtnoal solMs Is. Dlarn.M eoln 40. Amerlaa.eBt le. split tt. Psrforniea IT. Wktar eraft aloBS It. thytbmlcai 4t. rl.h nne with M. Ensltib qutaa Olnznan a llnn Unlu ef oae's tt. Stoter partat In cr- 4. Seora ML Smaller tala aaoMs flylns tor It. Canvas shelters to. U Bustl M. ImlUU (X. Kormsriy ST. Vttts a tt. On who Ursa H. BoMrvtM puolleaUaa la a alac Bailor Metrlo Und It. es. fUooIra meaiur as.ttve M. Low haasti M. Mara ' a Qfaaa? 1 n 1 IT. HK Ha Store A DOWN 1. B3nd 3. Lssee u V SB "B3" "TF V el iihtsee h ' mr wF W ut part a, Pat v ajvesameemaai jaaaaxaBBj at MaaufM.. y mm ejtuwAj1LjajkfaASjB M. AraMa M. JC jm H """"""I" 11 PI rhfcl -- eela eatef PaSet seek H. KaJjajwe epaV aaTwVfJ8a fj- - w flBBBBBB a. Ht N. "TT ewt IBtMjaK8ja t. Snorts fat fc,Lww mprW mm tOummtta at taatag CTfctehei rn Is" Ell' rrrn -- tt Ii. iriBFitsainriiiTi laBf Setutlea Ot Yeeterdeya H 8SBar8jj8BBB laStaati Jaase'1 gCweedjaem aM4tet n sBaealttaM 1 rfpw mnmmmmmimm o TaQBEIOBT Rl.T ' Big Spring Bwmld, Wednesday 3 H RHStB HSJEfi A-- mw'i,- rat lir lut structure of Britain and without which Britain probably could, not continue to exist What about Russia's place! Con- Untied aid tq Russia, Valtin thinks, Is important. "Every nasi tank that Joe Stalin destroys is one less for Americans to destroy," asserts Valtin, who would string 'along with Russia Until Hitler is silenced, and then turn on Russia until the . Soviet capitulates The Russians' are not fighting because they want to fight. They are fighting because they are forc ed to fight . . . The Russian strategy is to bleed the rest ot the world white, one nation against the other, so that they will be easy prey for the ultimate attack by the Soviet," according to V&ltln. In other words, he would play the game with Russia as Russia would play it with the United States. This Is essential, he says, because Russia must not- have a place among the victors 'at the peace table. "Imagine "President Roosevelt and Joe Stalin at a peace table Roosevelt clamoring for a democratic Europe and Stalin demanding a Soviet Europe." Valtin, an agent of the German communist party at 18, is now 80. He speaks deliberately, .hie, dark eyes looking through "his interviewers without seemingly looking at them. He has an easy, bass voice and speaks perfect English with a slight accent His knowledge of his tory is amazing, considering his. formal education was very oner. He has slight difficulty in' hearing because of blows over the head by gestapo agents. Valtin plans to deliver about 70 more lectures before resuming his writing. A new book, "Bend in the River," dealing with travels, is to be published in January. Valtin has hopes now that his citizenship bill in congress will near the point of passage and that the justice department will then declare his eritry Into the United States in 1938 when lie jumped ship after .escaping the OOPU and gestapo) as legal. Then, he says, he would apply for citizen ship as of his entry date, making lb possible to become a citizen in 1943. And he said that with a degree of anticipation in his voice. U ' V - ko4 KM t V ahiy nut tUlUCUaU vn wmm fwvr fcotl the wet thli ta XM tr of J eot Continued Freea I ! vpiC toi mm i Today And Wednesday A Bandit Queen Slakes Conquests! ; ve ot an "BELLE ha A' wt at ea ., H Al flIIFFN a ifUkkll M. sh' ot) TyAn Markts At Muslc-And-DaBcI- ng A Glanc Of do TH oie "YOU'LLNEVER da ' M tt it k TMTt: issVaKssatR.safjaMsaflLfaLssissPaVafcjw' , "jgHEHi "" 'mUlH mwmWmwmWMKERIUKBuii it S'l I HI III I HtslVEMfflsi Mrnvm" mMW tm m m.M mmMm-j- wJ M I HfHrHU'LiS HhThHHEHHHHb1 MM ' S 'i BSNV-- HVAHVAVHF f J WMM HHrfltwifL V - , iH fc !.H jHHHThThThI AUHHSi HHYhYhYhYpHH ' """ a oiar West Coast ?fro"J h-- ?? '" etaee U8 armea the first world war and otookwTwer; wita rules ana fixed bayonets.- Mi-Defen- se r ConUnaed From Page 1 to have followed one squadron out to sea, but no shooting- - or other attacks were evident Expressions of 'incredulity. In Washington Jut night gave way at last to a noncommittal statement Issued at the war department's puDiia relations office at 2:07 a. m. (Eaotern Standard Time): "From information received up to the' present time we cannot con firm the presence ot any hostile planes." One reconnaissance squadron flew south, it was said. The other was reported to have headed due north up San Francisco Bay to' fly over the naval construction bam at Mare Island and! the Vallejo sec tion and then turn out to sea southwestward In the vicinity of the Golden Gate. The hostile formations were re ported, soon, after the conclusion of a test of U. S. aerial defenses and a radio blackout In the area, add ing to public confusion. A Japanese attack on the Pacific Northwest was forecast by Air Commander A. F. Godfrey. He said the Canadian Air Force was "standing by," with intensified patrols, and that instructions were Issued to aU cities in western Canada tor a complete blackout Hundreds of lights had blazed in San Francisco, during, a prev test blackout and Mayor 'Agelo J, Rossi said steps would be taken today "to remedy this situation." The presence ot Japanese planes 6,200 miles off the Golden Gate created an electric from Japan as atmosphere in "Washington President Roosevelt prepared his first broadcast since the nation declared war on Japan, scheduled for miles off the entrance to Manila Bay in the Philippines. The island Is ot paramount .strategic .Importance, virtually controlling water ways between the middle Philippine Archipelago and the China Sea. Brings Alarm knocked out Air raid VMjtsaln nnfa ihrniwfc.: out Long Island were manned by volunteer spoilers. Aa air alarm was sounded at fee navy's huge new air base at Qaeasett, R. L, and all civilians werp ordered to evacuate. Officers said all tnea were "at their battle stations." Civilian emnlnvi 1n warn evacuated from the Boston naw yard. . Schools throughout the greater Boston area were ordered to release all children at one, unfl was a great outpouring from the Vn.i-i- scnooi Duuaings. The B a thlehem Shipbuilding company's largest plant at Fore Rlyer, near Boston was completely evacuated under orders (urf by Superintendent W. H. Collins at 1:10 p. m. Tne ' plant has 18,000 ' employes. iMK-k fIbHhVWlJhhbhhI InHHHffHffHffl rHHHHM Throng AutCapitol-n?,,-!-, " IwHjllHJHHHKii BwV'HTHHVeVeHBiksaMHTHHTHTHHHH7HTH hhThThhhThThViihhbhhThThb Ku.""" II -- ' pUkwii Pfr? vaTBMh W IlmHB fll 'IHHsHBHHHBkM BBBBHHHMJaJUjHHMHl VHHHHHHHHHHHH . 'll HhhYhThYhYhw " ;" LayjrjTK bJMWM Chrowds ' VX VJ VVVVVVVVVm VVVVVAIBHBMKt-f-1 H BHHfHfHfHfHHHsM2LHHHiii H W-.;'- " '4fi ' Massachusetts' civilian airraid warning service, went into action 'shortly after noon oa 'a report' that planes were- - approaching southeastern New England. The servtcA cmnlovi inrn num. bers of .civilian spotters working iroro nign observation towers throuehout the ration, and eo. operating with the army. T Saw It fit Tb BtnM lh TWonaa Tinnil an.1 StaniD camnalm was almoat Inn successful hum Titan'vlf w.nt over so wen that supplies were ex- nausiea oerore tne job was more than half complete. J. B. Collins. COllntv chairman. said that workers reanandud vm. aenuiiy wen, distributed 1,000 ribbons, bearlnr tha aueatlnn; TrM you bought your defense stamp to-SUCCESS Of oayT-Worke- Local People Concerned For Kin In Pacific Wool ts, rage iLl ' Steps are being taken in Big Spring against possibilities of sabotage of defense industries and utilities. What action was being taken and the strength ot guard units around the various plants and stations Was necessarily a secret but the fuel and water units and others had moved to eliminate the possibility of entry by saboteurs, if there be such in this area. One Industry taxed the capacity of the police department Tuesday morning by requiring all employes to be finger printed. A thorough check of all qualified ursi ma men was oeing effected and the fire department was organizing with other departments in this area for a cooperative program of aid designed to meet any eveniuauiy. News From Men In Service News about young men in the service: Harold F. Renfro, Colorado City, son of Mrs. Ozelle Newsom, Burnett and C. Renfro, Colorado City, has been assigned to Jeffer son Barracks with the air corps. Eugene Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peters, enlisted Monday In Lubbock with the United States coast, artillery and is to be station- ea in Puerto Rico. Frank "Duley, 'who was home on furlough Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. XV J.' Dtiey, was called SUITS Major General Francis B. Wllby. commanding the army's first corps area attending a civilian defense meeting, was suddenly summoned from the platform at FaneuU Hall and left for an unannounced destl-- . nation. . . AU radio range stations airway trafflo In the "New York City vicinity were suddenly shnt down, the airway trafflo control bureau ,at La Gnardla Field said. All planes at ' LaGuardla Field were grounded. The trafflo bureatr here said It did not know whether the radio beam station shutdown applied to the entire eastern area. The coast guard cancelled all liberty and doubled Its guards and lookout- posts throughout the metropolitan, area. Several coast guard planes were patrollfng offshore when the alarm came through from army officers. Shortly before 1 p. m. a squadron of army fighter planes roared over the Battery' and headed up the Hudson river. DRESSES Smart styles of qinMty coa-trolU- Make-Dr- esses Now 8 No J. A $29 $32 Vto M hiASHIOfl vouurs wtAJt George White's Kin Dies In Arizona George White 'left Tuesday morning for Phoenix, Ariz., ' on learning of the death of his brother-in-- Roy Lockheed. Lockheed, who had been 111 only two weeks before he succumbed of an heart attack, bad been a visitor here many times. Funeral arrangements were, pending. law, Many Never Suspect Cause Of Backaches nUOMTreateeatOftenBriBtsHasBrlC8el Eldon Hull underwent major surgery this morning. C. R. Lambrlte underwent nasal surgery Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Dunlvan are the parents ot a baby girl born Monday afternoon, weighing 8 When dlxsder of Hdacr function txralu poiaonoa natter to return la your blood. II miymm nagging barVsrhe,rheqmatloptes, leg pains, loea of pep and energy, getting op Bights, swelling, puffiseaa under tb area, headaches and diiilneae. Frequent or scanty passages vita smarting and burning sometimes shows there Is something wrong with yoor kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Juk your druggist tor Doss's Fills, nsed soeoeaafully by rnBllons for ores 40 years. They sirs happy relief and wffl help the 16 mues of kidney tubee flash out poieoD cms wast from jroor blood. Oet Dosa's Fills. pounds, 12 ounces. Frank Dyson of Stanton is re ported to be improving following treatment for minor Injuries, received in an automobile accident Sunday night F. M. Myers' condition is reported improving. Clarence Vaughns' condition reported good. Do Tour Xmas Shopping Now Games, Toys, Radios, Sporting Goods. Buy now. Our stock is y complete. Use our plan. Is lay-awa- Carnetf s Radio & Sporting Goods LUNCHES 11 Donald's E. 3rd. Inn k Phone 9et HOOVER PRINTING CO. BUTTER TOASTED SANDWICHES Burma and Thailand are the principal sources of teak wood Imported 'into the .United States, the Department ot Commerce reports. $24. (ft Big Spring Hospital Notes Drive $20 Coats with precious fur trim $48 - $58 - $79 In California. Mrs. J. W. Jagoe was employed as sixth grade teacher at College Helehts. and Mrs. Veth Vulrh amn added to the Kate Morrison faculty. Myers, Joined Monday $16 Country Clap, etc; Two resignations rr arrntri and a leave of absence granted by the Biff Serine- school board Mon day night Mrs. W. E. Martin, ate Morrison school teacher, nilnml accept a poltlon In Abilene, and C. ta. uaraner. nign school mathematics teacher, resigned to obtain employment In Fort Worth. Mrs. w. ju. uage was granted a leava of ahsenrji n thnt aha mav Join her husband, who Is employed in Fort Worth with the air corps. Another eon of the Myers, Joe Robert, Is stationed .at Kelly Field. $14 Frlntzess, Kuaerite, Smith, commandant at Fort Totten, Bayslde, Long Island, told the Associated Press at 12:45 p. m. ,EST) he had not been officially Informed of the approach .of hostile aircraft STEAKS $8 charge for altcratteas Rodney Col. $6 COATS ' back to camp at Marfa. jimmy Myers, son or Mr, ana Mrs. COATS 1 Defense Setup Two Teachers Taken Here Here Resign Ribbons Used iously-arrang- GET RICH" te 1 iZiM'Wf&mWmmmm 3. The first Japanese aerial' ass satilt on densely-crowde- d Manila Itself was apparently In progress at m., (8:03 7:03 a. p. tn, E.S.T. 7 Tuesday, Manila time) as the , Manila radio station was heard to rs repeat over and over again: "Air Raid Air Raid Air Raid!" ranarted that mnn.fif 4. DNB '(German vnews' agency) were responding unselfishly In Gene Honey quoted Imperial Tokyo headquar- promising to stock stamps so that ters a4 announcing that Japanese uoppers may easily purchase Randolph Scott warships had fiercely shelled tiny them. Midway Island, American possesUnable to secure a sunnlv n riK. sion 1,300 miles west of' Honolulu. bon here, Collins said it would be DNB said airplane hangars and a any or so Before more could be secured and nrlntud. u,.nkii. fuel depots were set afire. 0. Singapore dispatches reported he urged that there be no slacken Wednesday were ing or roe campaign in buying that British reinforcements being rushed to northern Malaya stamps and bonds. as zo Japanese troop transports Tke Gayest of attempted new landings in support" ot forces already engaged in bit Comedy Bomances ter fighting in an attempt to gain NEW YORK control of Kota Bharu airdrome, STOCKS Weak; more war sell near the northern terminus of the Fred Astalre lng hits list rail line to Singapore. COTTON Weak; commission 6. Japanese troops occupied Rita Hayworth house liquidation and stoploss sellBangkok, the capital of little ing. Thailand, which yielded yesterday WOOL TOPS Lower; local sill after, a brief-live- d ?token resist Reports of more Bis: Snrins- ing and liquidation: ance 10 roe Japanese lnvaoers. CHICAGO in 7. The Berlin radio said the Jap- youths in. .Pacific volnts cam WHEAT Strong, milling de anese embassy at Bangkok an- Tuesday as the flow of news from troops iiawaij anaoth,er points was limitmand. nounced that- - Japanese CORN Weak, lower, liquidat "have thrown back English forces ed. Mr. end Mrs. A F. GllUlandwera ing sales. which attempted to enter Thailand top HOOS Active! from Burma. (The British have anxious about the safety of their son, William Elton Gllllland, who 10.80: reduced receipts. denied entering Thailand.) CATTLE Yearlings and ateem 8. Domel said the Japanese fleet had gone to Guam In the employ of a naval aircraft contractor. steady to strong. In China waters announced the Measles Epidemic The last we heard from him," capture of the 10,609-to- n American said bis father, "was In a letter No 10 p. rtu, EJ3.T.) liner President Harrison, and sevMeanwhile, bulletins on tne gi- eral hundred other vessels along which said he was leaving Pearl narDor (Hawaii), last Friday for The current epidemic ot measles, gantic new conflict broke in rapid-fir- e the Chinese coast BOSTON. Dec. 9 UP CVS. Dept, sequence: 9. Great Britain Informed Japan Guam." JHUBpa and other children' very Agr.) was There was the possibility that There little , L Berlin vibrated with rumors that she will abide strictly by the In Big Spring Is causing no activity in the Boston 'wool mar- that the relchstag- would meet to- terms ot the Geneva poison gas the ship had turned back, for the great alarm. ket today. Members of the trade morrow to make known Germany's protocol and asked Japan's assur- distance to Guam from Pearl Dr. If. H. Bennett, city health general are waiting for .further official stand on the American-Japanes- e ances that she Intends to do the Harbor Is 3,835 miles. Wake war, possibly to declare same. This followed BrltUh uncon- Island, which was reported to be officer, said there were many clarification ot the report that the government Is placing "celling" reports that Japanese in the hands ot the Japanese, is sseasles cases, and recommended on the wool prices as 'ofa the week war on the United States. reported firmed troops planes bad already dropptd poison-ga- s lfix miles from Hawaii and It Is were Japanese 2. that children be kept away from of Dec. 6. possible that the ship bearing bombs. to have seized Lubang Island, CO Elton was only those infected. He said doctors of the way to that point when the initial eotild give a serum to exposed chil- CASES CONTINUED assault occured, and might have Continuation until the January dren that' would lighten the case. pot back for port term of court were given In the y. Supt C Blankensblp of the trials of Verna Norris, charged Less encouraging was the spec elty schools said absences from with forgery, and Robert N. Earp, ulation over Floyd Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Dixon. Floyd school were above normal .but that charged with forgery, in district was reported to have been one there Was no cause for alarm. court this morning. of the handful of men stationed at Wake (midway between Hawaii MMVWwj!S&HSaAjSiw The Tokyo radio declared that have been shot down. ana uuamj. Japanese claim posBangkok, the capital of Thailand, session of the island now. the rising sun flag now was flying Mr. and Mrs. D. C Pyle were over both Guam and Wake, United was reported to have been occuabout their son, DougStates islands in the Pacific, and pied last night by Japanese troops concerned lass Pyle, Jr., who was stationed a, hard fighting was reported over crossing from French In the Pacific with the navy. Fred $Ji many areas in the war which Ja- without native opposition now, to Carter, whose father Is employed pan started with savage surprise strike at the British bastions In at a local grocery, was reported to have had a brother on the same Malaya. attacks Sunday. Big Spring, was reported Dispatches from Manila said unBritish reinforcements were rush- Jones, to have had ab rother on the same official casualty' estimates listed ed into northern Malaya by the possession. YOU CAN MAKE THEM BOTH HAPPY WITH LOVELY 200 killed and wounded at Clark Singapore command to check an Field, military airdrome 40 miles An exceptionally strong holiday north ot Manila, and at least 150 evidently growing battle against business Is Indicated others outside the Immediate Ma- the Invaders by land and sea. according to the Department of nila area. Japanese troops were reported to Commerce. r Besides the Japanese seizure of have steamed down 'Thailand's Lubang Island, fears were expressed that the invaders might coast aboard 23 transports to augAND STAY HAPPY YOURSELF. . effect a landing on the big Island ment landing forces now engaged ot Mandanao, where 10,000 of the in a struggle for Bharu, rail town TAKING ADVANTAGE OF EASY o and 25,000 Japanese settled In the site of an airdrome. area were said to be armed "Heavy fighting for control "ot CONVENIENT TERMS AT N cooperate with an the airdrome took place yesterday and ready to Oil Invasion attempt In the evening and continued cat PPOCMltlsHlH The capture of Lubang island through the night" said, a comCoantry Fried Chicken was reported carried out with the munique issued from Singapore. Sandwiches Steaks aid of fifth columnists posing as The Japanese were said 'to be , Hot Bsscalto striving for air supremacy. The fishermen. A new batch or Japanese claims, German news agency, DNB, quotreported ed the Japanese high command as official add otherwise, Jack Potter, the U. 8. defense base at Guam baying that Japanese troops were 6M W. Srd. Phone 91 "Taken without resistance." an attacking the Singapore area. 300 J American seaplane, lender sunk off miles south ot Kota Bharu, ahd Honolulu, and a bag of 300 U. B, that the air force had raided Brite Jwarplahes In the ish bases elsewhere. In Malaya, deoperations. Domel said these, in- stroying a number of planes. The e bombers and British, however, said that, the cluded 80' Japanese had attempted "a new fortress planes. Axis dispatches from Berlin de- landing" In North Borneo and that clared., Midway Islandi another BrltUh troops,, were engaged In American possession,' was shelled fierce fighting with, survivors of a sSeetrieal Ceatraetere fiercely yesterday by Japanese heavy bombardment by British Phoae M lie & ad warships and that airplane hang- and Australian planes. ars and fuel depots were fired. Ramifications of the war led to The Philippine Islands, the tar- the arrest of Hans von Bernard, get of air attacks In which up to former commercial, attache of the THREADING Crik ! 5 Jturatea 850 persons have been reported German consulate id San Franciste IS Inch Pipe t killed and wounded, faced a new co, by FBI agents.' Nat Pleper, FBI We Have AU Types Pipe threat In , reports' that Japanese chief in San Francisco, said only Maebteef troops had seized Lubang .Island, that his agents had taken Into cusrVerk Guaranteed about 50 miles off the entrance to tody '"certain German aliens con- Big Spring Ires ft Metal Co. Manila Bay. At least five Japanese sidered dangerous la time of emer vm. West St mmim QmOWL v 9M U& raiders, however, were reported to gency by; the attorney general.' STARR If ,v !l 'i (.. : - To Mdy Air Raid weaken posltlona In the Atlantic to protect Singapore, the police key to the etltlre Eastern colonial 'v III 1W1 1. a possibility that not only the United States but also Britain would Half Trice ; Valtin T Iod? AI Continued Frost BBstM Hr 8prif, Tm, Tudy,Dwmb-1- PHONE 109 4th Street 206 E. Corner San Angelo Highway and Park Road two-thir- Tokyo Lists Many Gains In Far East I kissed hard starting whenthey a&& good-by- e WIHTERPROOFED my car Indo-Chln- i l j BIRTHSTONE RINGS Use: ;py Da-va- Ttli PLENTY GAS. BUT WHY IN I BLUE BLAZES WOrfr THIS BU66Y THINK MY BATTERY IS ANEMIC START? C' SOUNDS LIKE AN I YUM.WIMTHtMioOr' IDEA.6WEI i AH IDCA THAT WILL IT THE WORKS I SAVE YOU MOHEY. I WTLt HAVE YOU XH jNAjrry, THIS IS WHAT I CALL ASWEETRUHHIHS CARIWINTERPROOf REALLY DID THE W . afi klVA'S mJEWELERS lite TAYLOR ELECTRIC CO. PIPE wiirtT.VA r.;. JOB. Hawaii-Philippin- W0 A MAVERICK DRIVE-I- long-rang- aK. MISTER. ..ALL YOU' NEED IS A WINTER-PROOJOB AND SHEtL KICK OFF LIKE DUTCH'S Pop. BTo m " "" ml MM KS9.95 H 3.95 wm 1 YOUR BATTERY IS O Il... .TA"MUlfflu '"' fijg .?$ X?fo lll:ld:.llJ:MH:i.UM.llJ:i Winterrroof bt,,.-,. ftr rue? n vine arn UAatr tut mmi a. a.. tajt at- - .ja- - au.1 .) xAax , at I) JL i