Registration form - Camas High School

Camas Science Olympiad Tournament Registration form 2015-2016 Season
Middle School Invitational December 12, 2015
High School Invitational January 16 2016
Both tournaments will follow the unified schedule. Team set-up is in the CHS Commons; enter through
the door by the flagpole. The doors will be open by 7:45am. We are normally done with awards by
4:30pm. There will be invitational medals for 1, 2, 3 in each event and trophies (max 1 per school) for 1,
2, and 3. Please bring your own food.
Coach/Contact person:
Coach Cell Phone at Tournament:
Coach Email Address:
School District:
Total Amount at 70$/team:
Team #1 Name:
Team #4 Name:
Team #2 Name:
Team #5 Name:
Team #3 Name:
Team #6 Name:
Please send or bring with you to the tournament a check or PO for 70$ for each team you are
registering. Make your check/PO out to:
Camas High School ASB Science Olympiad
26900 SE 15th St.
Camas WA 98607
Ph: 360-833-5750 (Teresa Harte, ASB Accountant)
Email this completed form to Matthew Chase …. Questions, comments, etc., please contact:
Matthew Chase, Camas High School Science Olympiad
360-901-1686 (my cell phone and contact phone at tourney site)
“C” tournament teams WILL be asked to sponsor one event for each team they register (max two).
“B” teams will be asked to sponsor one event per school.
If there are more than 20 teams that register for a tourney (last year there were 24 in “C”), then there is
likely to be the following restriction: For Lab events only, at most two teams per school can participate
in the event. This is due to space restrictions and materials limitations. eg: Experimental Design, Chem
Lab, Crime Busters, WIDI, Materials Science, Shock Value, Metric Mastery, Can’t Judge a Powder. If
either of the tourneys does go over 20 teams, the final decision of how many teams in an event will be
made by the event supervisor in coordination with the tourney supervisor – Matthew Chase.