Magnetic Fields Electromagnetic Spectrum Lecture 4 Where was the compass first used? The first compass, which uses a magnetic needle, was used in China The compass was shaped like a spoon and was usually made of lodestone or magnetite. N S Most materials are not magnetic. A common mistake is to believe that metals are magnetic – only a very few are. The magnetic materials you need to know are : • iron • steel (which is nearly all iron) • nickel • cobalt Like poles repel. North and north. South and south N S S N S N N S Unlike poles attract. North and South. N S N S magnetic monopoles do not exist If you take a bar magnet and break it into two pieces, each piece will again have a North pole and a South pole. N S N N S S N N S N electric monopoles exist S S N S Every magnet has a magnetic field around it. By convention, we say that the magnetic field lines leave the North end of a magnet and enter the South end of a magnet. the Earth is a large magnet, and one with a magnetic south pole near the Earth’s geographic north pole, and one with a magnetic north pole near the Earth’s geographic south pole Sometimes, the Earth’s magnetic poles flip. This happens every half-million years or so. Magnetic South Pole Geographic North Pole Magnetic North Pole Geographic South Pole Magnetic North Pole Last reversal was 780,000 years ago. Magnetic South Pole When the magnetic particles from the sun, called “solar wind”, strike this magnetosphere, we see a phenomenon called aurora Some animals can sense the earth’s magnetic field and use it for navigational purposes. This ability may be related to the presence in the lobsters of the mineral magnetite, a magnetic material used for compass needles. magnetotactic bacteria If he held a magnet near the slide, the bacteria would move towards the north end of the magnet. These bacteria are able to do this because they make tiny, iron containing, magnetic particles. It uses this magnet as a compass to align themselves to the earth's geomagnetic field. Oersted discovered that electric current in a wire can deflect a magnetized compass needle, The direction of the magnetic field is given by the Righthand Rule current (I) in direction of thumb curl fingers in direction of field (B) When a current is run through a cylindrical coil of wire, a solenoid, it produces a magnetic field like the magnetic field of a bar magnet. The solenoid is known as electromagnet. How strong is magnetic field ? Forces due to Magnetic Field on moving charges (Lorentz Force) We know that current consists of moving charges!! Magnetic field excerts force on moving charged particles; Magnetic force FB qv B The magnitude of the magnetic force is FB q vB sin If the index finger of the right hand points in the direction of the velocity of the charge, and the middle finger in the direction of the magnetic field, the thumb indicates the direction of the magnetic force acting on a positive charge. Magnetic Fields Magnetic field B: SI unit of magnetic field: TESLA (T) Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a non-invasive technique used to measure magnetic fields generated by small intracellular electrical currents in neurons MAGNETIC FORCE ACTING ON A CURRENT-CARRYING CONDUCTOR Magnetic force FB IL B The magnitude of the magnetic force is FB BIL How strong is magnetic field ? Magnetic field due to a long, straight currentcarrying wire Magnet Coils (Solenoid) The field is stronger inside , weak outside To increase the strength of an electromagnet we can do three things : Add more turns to the coil of wire Wrap the coil around a soft iron core Use a bigger electric current DC motor A coil is pivoted to rotate freely inside a magnetic field. You put a current through the coil, which feels a torque. When the coil has turned by 90 , switch current direction, so that it continues to turn (commutator) Summary Magnetic Field is generated by permanent magnet moving charges Currents Effect of Magnetic Field Force on moving charges Force on current Almost 200 years ago, Faraday looked for evidence that a magnetic field would induce an electric current He found no evidence when the current was steady, but did see a current induced when the switch was turned on or off. a changing magnetic field produces an electric current in a loop surrounding the field called electromagnetic induction, or Faraday’s Law DC motor Electric Generator Electromagnetic Spectrum What is Electromagnetic Spectrum? • The electromagnetic spectrum is the complete spectrum or continuum of light including radio waves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and gamma rays • An electromagnetic wave consists of electric and magnetic fields which vibrates thus making waves. Wavelength, Frequency and Energy Since all electromagnetic waves travels at the same speed, wavelength and frequency have an indirect relationship. Electromagnetic wave with a short wavelength will have a high frequency and electromagnetic wave with a long wavelength will have a low frequency. electromagnetic wave with a high frequency has high energy and with low frequency low energy Properties of waves include •Speed (c) • Frequency (f) •Wavelength ( Speed (c), frequency (f) and wavelength ( ) are related in the formula xf=c Electromagnetic Waves • Speed in Vacuum –300,000 km/sec –3 108 m/s • Speed in Other Materials –Slower in Air, Water, Glass Electromagnetic waves travel through empty space! Radio waves •Low frequency •Used in many devices such as radio, wireless devices, etc. f ~ 100 MHz λ~1m Medical applications of radio waves RADIO WAVE Signal Transmission MAGNETIC RESONANCE The only radiation patients are exposed to by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging is very low energy radio waves. Microwaves • Longer than light and infrared, shorter than radio • First used in radar, now used in communication, medicine and consumer use (microwave ovens) f~ 1-10 GHz λ~ 1-10 cm Medical applications of microwaves Physiotherapy Microwave diathermy The heat energy obtained from the wave is used for giving relief to the patient Infrared waves • Invisible electromagnetic waves that are detected as heat • Can be detected with special devices such as night goggles • Used in heat lamps • Higher energy than microwaves but lower than visible light 14 f~10 Hz λ~ 10-300 m 38 Medical applications of infrared images in thermography The human body gives out infrared radiationn that can be detected by sensors. A pyroelectric thermometer measures body temperature by determining the amount of infrared radiation emitted by the eardrum and surrounding tissue. Visible Light • The portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that human eyes can detect • red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet • Red is the lowest frequency and violet is the highest frequency 15 f~10 Hz λ~ 400-700 nm Medical applications of visible light Visible light in optical fibres for medical uses UltraViolet • waves with frequencies slightly higher than visible light •Most humans are aware of the effects of UV through the painful condition of sunburn. •uses: food processing & hospitals to kill germs’ cells, fluorescence Microscopy: 14 10 f~ 7.5 x -3x λ~ 10-400 nm 16 10 Hz Medical applications of ultraviolet Ultraviolet lamps are used to sterilize workspaces and tools used in medical facilities. X-Rays • High energy waves • First discovered by Roentgen • Used in medicine, industry and astronomy • Can cause cancer 16 20 10 -10 Hz f~ -8 -12 λ~ 10 -10 m Medical applications of X rays COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY PLAIN FILM RADIOGRAPHY STOMACH RADITION TREATMENT CONTRAST RADIOGRAPHY Gamma rays • Highest energy • Blocked from Earth’s surface by atmosphere 20 >10 Hz f -12 λ<10 m Medical applications of Gamma rays It can be used to treat cancer. These high energy rays are directed at cancerous tumours to kill cancer cells. Tracers Used in Nuclear Medicine – the tracer is injected into the patient. The radiation emitted from the patient is detected using a gamma camera. Sterilization - medical instruments (e.g. syringes). Gamma rradiation not only kills cells, it can also kill germs or bacteria.