2013 Directory March

2013 Directory
March - April
of the
935 East Avenue
Rochester, New York 14607
Telephone: 585-473-2977
Fax: 585-473-3195 or 585-473-5414
Table of Contents
Contact Information
Officers of the Diocese…………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………. 2
Diocesan Office Information ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….. 3
Office Holidays ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………… 3
Committees of the Diocese ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 4
Districts of the Dean …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……... 10
Canonically Resident Clergy ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….. 12
Lay Members of Elected Offices ………………………………………………………………………………..………………………… 20
Parishes and Missions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Officers of the Diocese
Bishop of the Diocese
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Secretary of the Diocese
Ms. Susan Woodhouse
62 Kinglet Drive
W. Henrietta, NY 14586
e-mail: susan@episcopaldioceseofrochester.org
Philip R. Fileri, Esq.
Harter, Secrest &Emery, LLP
1600 Bausch & Lomb Place
Rochester, NY 14607
FAX: 585-232-2152
e-mail: pfileri@hselaw.com
Treasurer of the Diocese
Mr. Robert W. Van Niel
19 Tobey Brook
Pittsford, NY 14534
FAX: 585-249-0475
e-mail: rwvanniel@aol.com
Assistant Chancellor
C. Thomas Wright, Esq.
111 Whitewood Lane
Rochester, NY 14618
e-mail: wrightlaw@rochester.rr.com
Assistant Treasurer of the Diocese
Ms. Bliss Owen, C.P.A.
Kasperski, Owen & Dinan CPAs, LLC
500 Linden Oaks
Rochester, NY 14625
585-641-0530 x100
FAX: 585-641-0527
866-369-4563 (toll)
e-mail: bowen@KODCPAs.com
Assistant Chancellor
Leslie W. Kernan, Jr., Esq.
Davidson Fink, LLP
28 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614
FAX: 585-760-7261
e-mail: lkernan@davidsonfink.com
Chief Financial Missioner
Todd Rubiano
Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
935 East Avenues
Rochester, NY 14607
e-mail: todd@episcopaldioceseofrochester.org
Ms. Nancy Bell
6 Goldenhill Lane
Brockport, NY 14420
e-mail: jonbell@frontiernet.net
Assistant Registrar
Ms. Carolyn E. McConnell
Episcopal Diocese of Rochester
935 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
e-mail: carolyn@episcopaldioceseofrochester.org
Phone: 585-473-2977
Fax: 585-473-3195 or 585-473-5414
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Missioner for Projects and Parish Administration
Ms. Kristy Estey
Canon for Mission & Ministry
The Rev. Canon Julie A. Cicora
Missioner for Hospitality/House Manager
Ms. Marie L. Fessler
Chief Financial Missioner
Mr. Todd Rubiano
Coordinator for Community Development
Ms. Eileen O’Connor Casey
Communications Missioner
Mr. Matthew Townsend
Assistant for Parish Audits
Ms. Catherine Shoemaker
Accounting & Benefits Manager
Ms. Twila C. Anderson
Ms. Margaret (Tobie) Smith
Ms. Jane Reynolds
585-473-8634 or 800-716-8634
FAX: 585-473-0598
Executive Assistant to the Bishop & Assistant Registrar
Ms. Carolyn E. McConnell
New Year’s – Office reopens
Martin Luther King Day
President’s Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day (observed)
Following Convention
Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday, January 2
Monday, January 21
Monday, February 18
Friday, March 29
Monday, April 1
Monday, May 27
Thursday, July 4
Monday, September 2
Monday, October 14
Monday, November 11
Monday, November 15
Thursday, November 28
Friday, November 29
Tuesday, December 24 through
Thursday, January 2, 2013
Christmas/New Year’s
Vice Chair & Chair of Steering Committee:
Chief Financial Missioner:
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh
Ms. Sarah Peters
Mr. Todd Rubiano
Philip R. Fileri, Esq.
Ms. Susan Woodhouse
Elected by the Districts
Term Expires
Ms. Mary Lou Hunt-Quintal (Southeast)
Ms. Gwen Van Laeken (Northeast)
Ms. Sarah Peters (Monroe)
Ms. Nadene B. Hunter (Southwest)
Mr. Richard Laidlaw (Rochester)
The Rev. Mary Ann Brody (Rochester)
The Rev. Deven Hubert (Monroe)
The Rev. Susan Kohlmeier (Northeast
The Rev. Eric Thompson (Southwest)
The Rev. Charlie Tyo (Southeast)
The Rev. Patricia Cashman
The Rev. Andrew Johnson
The Rev. Stephen Meister
Ms. Judy Carpenter
Dr. Carolyn Mok
Mr. Scott Seabridge
Diocesan Council
The Diocesan Council consists of the Bishop, the Chancellor, the Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Diocese, and 16
elected members, 8 clerical and 8 lay. Each District elects 1 clerical and 1 lay member. The other 6 members are elected
At-Large. Terms are two years, and after serving two terms, a member must rotate off Council for one year.
Council members may not serve concurrently as members of the Standing Committee or as a Trustee.
The Council administers the program and budget of the Diocesan Convention. The Council also serves as the Convention
between Conventions with the power to modify the policies of Convention as new circumstances dictate. With the
Bishop and staff, Council prepares a budget for the coming year. The Council is currently overseeing the reshaping of
diocesan resources according to the Diocesan Mission Statement in order to strengthen the ministry of congregations.
The Council meets the 3rd Tuesday, from 4:30 - 6 p.m. Some meetings occur outside Rochester.
Standing Committee
The Standing Committee consists of four clerical
and four lay members who serve four year
terms. Each year one clerical and one lay
member are elected. Members must rotate off
after one term for at least one year. Members of
the Standing Committee may not serve
concurrently on the Council, the Trustees or the
Term Expires
Ms. Linda Raide, Secretary
The Rev. Fred Reynolds
Mr. Jerry DeLuccio
The Rev. Carmen Seufert, Chair
The Very Rev. Brad Benson
Ms. Janet Farnsworth
The Very Rev. Michael Hopkins
Mr. Neil Houghton
The Standing Committee acts as a Council of
Advice for the Bishop and serves as the
Ecclesiastical Authority in the absence of the
Bishop. The Standing Committee gives consent
to the ordination of deacons and priests in the
diocese and the election and consecration of
bishops throughout the church. The Standing
Committee gives parishes permission to buy and
sell property or to incur indebtedness. It also
oversees ecclesiastical trials and the process for
electing a diocesan bishop.
The Standing Committee meets the 4
Wednesday of each month.
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Chair
Philip R. Fileri, Esq., Chancellor
Mr. Todd Rubiano, Chief Financial Missioner
Mr. Robert Van Neil, Treasurer, Ex Officio
Ms. Bliss Owen, Assistant Treasurer, Ex Officio
Nine persons are elected to serve with the Bishop. Trustees
may not serve concurrently on Diocesan Council or the
Standing Committee. The term for Trustees is three years,
and Trustees may serve any number of terms.
Term Expires
The Rev. Peter Harter
Mr. Neal Panzer
Ms. Beverly Smith
Mr. Thomas Bennett
Mr. Gilbert Ferris
Ms. Lyn Omphroy, Vice Chair
The Rev. John Burr
The Rev. Marilyle Sweet Page
Ms. Susan Scanlon
The Trustees are responsible for the real assets of the
Diocese, both property and endowments. The Trustees
oversee the upkeep of the Diocesan House and are
responsible for diocesan investments. Currently the
Trustees are studying ways the endowment principle may
serve the Diocese in addition to the use of the income.
The Trustees meet quarterly on the 1st Tuesday; from 3 - 6
p.m. Sub-committees have additional meetings (4 per year
usually on the same day).
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Ex Officio
The Rev. Peter Peters, Ex Officio
Elected by Convention
Term Expires
Ms. Susan Dow
The Rev. Richard Krapf
Ms. Nancy Newton
The Rev. Peter Bryant
Ms. Claire Crump
The Rev. David Hefling
Mr. Allison Bourne
Mr. John Clinton Bradley
Ms. Elizabeth (Libby) Campbell
The Rev. Linda Leibhart
Ms. Keri Omphroy
The Rev. Ken Pepin
The Rev. Jennifer Zogg, Chair
Appointed by the Bishop
Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Porter
The Rev. Ruth Ferguson
Mr. Dave Galleher
Ms. Heather Yanda
Commission on Ministry
The Commission on Ministry assists the Bishop in determining present and future needs for ministry in the Diocese (both lay
and ordained), in recruiting and selecting persons for Holy Orders, and in guiding and examining Postulants, Candidates, and
Deacons in training for priesthood. The COM provides financial assistance for the continuing education of clergy and lay
professionals. The COM also assists parishes in discerning appropriate candidates for Holy Orders.
By diocesan canon, the COM is both elected and appointed. There may be no more than 19 nor less than 9 members, and no
more than a simple majority of either clergy or laity. Terms are for three years. Members of the COM may not serve
concurrently as a member of the Standing Committee. After serving two terms, a member must rotate off for at least one year.
At least a simple majority of the members are elected at Convention. The remaining members are appointed by the Bishop.
The COM meets the 2nd Tuesday; from 5 - 7 p.m. Supper is included. Sub-committees may have additional meetings.
The Rev. Dahn Gandell
The Rev. Michael Hopkins
The Very Rev. J. Brad Benson
The Rev. Canon Dr. C. Denise Yarbrough
1. Canon Karen Noble Hanson
2. Ms. Susan Woodhouse
3. Dr. Carl Johengen
4. Mr. Neil Houghton
1. The Rev. Florence (Kit) Tobin
2. The Rev. Michael Hartney
3. The Rev. Canon Peter Peters
1. Mr. Shane Craig
2. Ms. Susan Hartney
3. Ms. Joan Mistretta
4. Ms. Sarah Peters
Term Expires
The Rev. Mary Ann Brody
Mr. Jeremy Cooney, Clerk
The Very Rev. James Adams, President
The Rev. Ruth Ferguson
Susan Scanlon, Esq.
The Rev. Lesley Adams
Ms. Nadene B. Hunter
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Ex Ofifcio
Ms. Susan Woodhouse, Diocesan Secretary
The Rev. Deborah Duguid-May
Dr. Carl Johengen
The Rev. David Smith
Bishop’s, Staff
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Ex Officio
Philip Fileri, Esq., Chair
D. Dyson Gay, Esq.
A. Paul Green, Esq.
The Rev. Michael Hartney
The Very Rev. Michael Hopkins
The Rev. Christopher Luedde
Susan Scanlon, Esq.
C. Thomas Wright, Esq.
The Rev. Canon Dr. C. Denise Yarbrough
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Ex Officio
Ms. Susan Woodhouse, Diocesan Secretary
The Very Rev. James Adams
The Very Rev. Brad Benson
Mr. Jamie Bishop, Chair
Mr. Gary Gocek
The Very Rev. Cole Gruberth
The Very Rev. Michael Hopkins
Ms. Catharine (Kitty) Kelly
Mr. Christopher Moore
The Very Rev. Lance Robbins
Ms. Patricia Selwood
Mr. Robert Walker
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Ex Officio
Mr. Bruce Blaine
The Rev. Eric Thompson
The Very Rev. Michael Hopkins
The Rev. Canon Peter Peters, Staff
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, ex officio
Ms. Libby Bakken
The Rev. Deven Hubert
Mr. Gordon Fuller
The Rev. John Karl
Ms. Amy Moyer
Ms. Lyn Omphroy
Dr. Sherry Ralston, Chair
Mr. Robert W. Van Niel, Diocesan Treasurer
Ms. Bliss Owen, Assistant Treasurer
Mr. Todd Rubiano, Chief Financial Missioner
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Co-Chair
Advisory Committee
Mr. Jonathan Bell
Ms. Nancy Bell
Ms. Jennifer Bleecker
The Rev. Canon Julie Cicora
The Rev. Peter Harter, Esq.
Ms. Jean Hutchins
The Very. Rev. William Petersen, PhD
Christopher Moore, Chair
Ms. Elizabeth Perjean
Ms. Patricia Selwood
Ms. Anne Van Niel
Mr. Robert Van Niel
C. Thomas Wright, Esq.
Mr. Craig Wilson
Canon Dr. Karen Noble Hanson
Ms. Marlene Allen, Co- Chair
Ms. Laura Arney
Mr. Tom Bennett
Mr. Christopher Cleveland
Ms. Madeline Gamble
Ms. Nadene B. Hunter
The Rev. Ginny Mazzarella
The Rev. Kenneth Perry
Ms. Susan Pickhardt
Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Porter
Ms. Geneva Robinson
The Rev. Andrea Stridiron
The Rev. Florence (Kit) Tobin
Ms. Patricia Wheelhouse
Dr. Marilyn Wienk
Ms. Eileen O’Connor Casey, Staff
Mr. Matthew Townsend, Staff
Mr. Moses Gilbert
Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) Porter
Mr. John Roy
The Rev. Andrea Stridiron
The Rev. Florence (Kit) Tobin
Ms. Kathy Walczak
Mr. David Watson
Ms. Patricia Wheelhouse
Mr. John Clinton Bradley
Mr. Robert Crystal
The Rev. Deborah Duguid-May
Mr. Neil Houghton
Mr. Nathan Kohlmeier
The Rev. Susan Kohlmeier
Ms. Shauna Marie O’Toole
Ms. Sharon Scott
Dr. Roja Singh
The Rev. Florence (Kit) Tobin
The Rev. Canon Dr. C. Yarbrough
Mr. Robert Crystal
The Rev. Barbara Fornalik
Mr. Richard Frey
Mr. Britton Hopkin, Chair
Richard Laidlaw
Ms. Gloria Lundberg
Ms. Margy Mayk
Dr. Robert Seidel
Ms. Sandra St. Martin
Ms. Kathy Walczak
Ms. Eleanor Welz
Mr. R. Bruce Colburn
Mr. Robert Crystal
Ms. Barbara Deming
The Rev. Deborah Duguid-May
Ms. Scarlett Emerson
Ms. Carolyne Garman
Ms. Kathleen Jones
Dr. Carolyn Mok
Ms. Dorothy Romanet
The Rev. Philip Schaefer
Dr. Marilyn Wienk, Chair
The Most Rev. Matthew H. Clark, Co-Trustee
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. Singh, Co-Trustee
Ms. Allynn Smith, Executive Director
Ms. Joan Belgiorno
Ms. Linda Berger-Dunn
Mr. John Berry
Ms. Sherri Catalano
Mr. Charles Chapin
Mr. Michael Connelly
Mr. Patrick Cusato
Ms. Sharon DiNardo Allen
Ms. Joanne LaFave
Mr. Kevin LoCicero
Mr. Bruce Marche
Mr. Kevin Marren
Mr. Michael Pragle
Ms. Diane Stofer
Ms. Penny Wisenski
The Rev. Canon Dr. C. Denise Yarbrough
(Education for Ministry and Via Media)
Mr. John Clinton Bradley
The Rev. Dahn Gandell
Ms. Susan Woodhouse, Representative
The Rev. Cynthia Rasmussen, Ph.D.
Monroe District – Monroe County except the City of Rochester including Caledonia
Dean: The Very Rev. Lance Robbins, Church of the Good Shepherd, 1130 Webster Rd., Webster 14580;
585-872-2281; gsoffice@frontiernet.net
Warden: Mr. Gary Gocek, 15 Red Post Crescent, Fairport 14450
St. Luke’s Church, Brockport
St. Andrew’s Church, Caledonia
St. Luke’s Church, Fairport
Church of the Epiphany, Gates
Trinity Church, Greece
St. Peter’s Church, Henrietta
St. George’s, Hilton
St. John’s Church, Honeoye Falls
Church of the Incarnation, Penfield
Christ Church, Pittsford
Grace Church, Scottsville
Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster
Northeast District – Ontario and Wayne Counties
Dean: The Very Rev. James Adams, St. Peter’s, P.O. Box 147, Geneva 14456; (315) 789-4910;
Warden: Ms. Catherine (Kitty) Kelly, 6099 Rt. 88, Sodus 14551
St. Peter’s Church, Bloomfield
St. John’s Church, Canandaigua
St. John’s Church, Clifton Springs/Phelps
St. John’s Chapel, Hobart College
St. Peter’s Church, Geneva
Trinity Church, Geneva
Grace Church, Lyons
St. Mark’s Church, Newark
Zion Church, Palmyra
St. John’s Church, Sodus
Rochester District – The City of Rochester
Dean: The Very Rev. Michael Hopkins, Church of St. Luke & St. Simon Cyrene, 17 Fitzhugh St., Rochester
14614; 585-546-7730; office@twosaints.org
Warden: Mr. Christopher Moore, 60 Valewood Run, Penfield 14526
Christ Church
Church of the Ascension
Church of St. Luke & St. Simon Cyrene
Church of St. Mark’s & St. John’s
St. Paul’s Church
St. Stephen’s Church
St. Thomas’ Church
Southeast District – Schuyler, Steuben and Yates Counties, except for Hornell
Dean: The Very Rev. J. Brad Benson, St., 122 Liberty St., Bath 14810;
(607) 776-4503; office@stthomasbath.org
Warden: Ms. Pat Selwood, 1769 Log Cabin Road, Penn Yan 14527
Church of the Redeemer, Addison
St. Thomas’ Church, Bath
St. Luke’s Church, Branchport
St. John’s Church, Catharine
Christ Church, Corning
St. James’ Church, Hammondsport
St. Pauls’ Mission, Montour Falls
St. Mark’s Church, Penn Yan
Church of the Good Shepherd, Savona
St. James’ Church, Watkins Glen
Southwest District – Allegany and Livingston Counties, plus Hornell
Dean: The Very Rev. Eric Thompson, 21 Main St., Geneseo 14454
(585) 243-1220; stmikesrector@gmail.com
Warden: Mr. Robert Walker, 47 North Ave., Avon 14414
St. Paul’s Church, Angelica
Zion Church, Avon
St. Philip’s Church, Belmont
Trinity Church, Canaseraga
Christ Church, Cuba
St. Peter’s Church, Dansville
St. Michael’s Church, Geneseo
Christ Church, Hornell
St. John’s Church, Wellsville
*ANDREWS, The Rev. John (Mr. John Rutkowski)
Priest in Charge: Christ Church
Office: PO 336 (Main/Center Sts.), Hornell 14843
604-324-3620; christchurchhornellny@yahoo.com
Residence: PO 547 (6963 W. Main Rd.) Lima 14485
585-582-1137; jrutkowski2@rochester.rr.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of New York
The Rt. Rev. Prince G. SINGH, PhD (Dr. Roja)
Office: 935 East Ave., Rochester 14607
Residence: 28 Watchet Lane, Fairport 14450
585-348-0974; rnpsingh@aol.com
The Rt. Rev. William G. BURRILL, D.D.
Residence: 10776 East Caribbean Lane,
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
480-563-8706; kburrill@earthlink.net
*ARRINGTON, The Rev. Sandra C.
Residence: 20 Trumbull La., Pittsford 14534
585-385-1578; sandya@rochester.rr.com
AYER, The Rev. Kelly
Priest in Charge: Zion Church
Office: P.O. 205 (10 Park Place), Avon 14414
585-226-3722; office@zion-episcopal-avon.org
Director: Zion House
585-991-3545; director@zion-house-avon.org
Residence: PO Box 278, Avon 14414
585-991-8250; kayer@gts.edu
The Rt. Rev. Jack M. MCKELVEY, D.D. (Ms. Linda)
Residence: 8 Grove St., Rochester 14605
ADAMS, The Very Rev. James H. (Ms. Sue)
Dean: Northeast District
Rector: St. Peter’s Church
Office: P.O. Box 147 (149 Genesee St.) Geneva 14456
315-789-4910; fax: 315-789-8467
e-mail: stpeters@stpetersgeneva.org
Residence: 517 Castle St., Geneva 14456
315-781-0319; jimandsueadams@gmail.com
BEDELL, The Rev. Bryan (Ms. Marion Overslaugh)
Residence: 28 Village Trail, Honeoye Falls 14472
585-582-6112: fr.bryan.bedell@rochester.rr.com
BENNETT, The Rev. Denise (Mr. Tom)
Rector: St. John’s Church
Office: PO Box 622 (32 E. Main St.), Clifton Springs
14432; 315-462-6611
Residence: 2882 Cty. Rd. 13, Clifton Springs 14432
315-906-4077; denniebennett@att.net
ADAMS, The Rev. Lesley M. (Dr. David Newman)
Chaplain: Hobart College
Office: 300 Pulteney St., Geneva 14456
315-781-3671; fax: 315-781-4032
Residence: 630 S. Main St., Geneva 14456
315-781-3340; Ladams@hws.edu
BENSON, The Very Rev. J. Brad (Dr. Carl Johengen)
Dean: Southeast District
Rector: St. Thomas Church
Office: 122 Liberty St., Bath 14810
607-776-4503; office@stthomasbath.org
Vicar: Church of the Good Shepherd
Office: P.O. Box 466 (33 Church St.), Savona 14879
Residence: 110 Robie St., Bath 14810
607-776-7983; cell: 607-329-9802;
ALONZO, The Rev. Lucille P. (Mr. Daniel)
Vocational Deacon: Christ Church
Office: 141 East Ave., Rochester 14604
585-454-3878; office@christchurchrochester.org
Residence: 541 Linden St., Rochester 14620
* CARROLL, The Rev. Douglas J. (Ms. Donna)
Residence: 3387 County Rd. #6, Cohocton 14826
607-566-3334; djcarroll1@hughes.net
*BOOTH, The Rev. Cora (Mr. Mark)
Residence: 4 Walden Ridge Dr., Asheville, 28803
*BORDNER, The Rev. Kenneth (Ms. Betty)
Residence: 3471 Cerrillos Rd., Trlr. 78 Santa Fe, NM
87507; 585-734-4548; ken_bordner@yahoo.com
CASHMAN, The Rev. Patricia (Licensed)
Priest in Charge: Church of the Ascension
Office: 2 Riverside St., Rochester 14613
585-458-5423; ascension@rochester.rr.com
Residence: 158 Annie La., Rochester 14626
732-319-3099; patcashman2010@gmail.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Pennsylvania
*BRICE, The Rev. Geoffrey L.
Residence: 1600 East Ave., Apt. 301, Rochester
14610; 585-461-1858
BRODY, The Rev. Mary Ann (Ms. Nancy Ramsey)
Rector: St. Stephen’s Church
Office: 350 Chili Ave., Rochester 14611
585-328-0856; ststephenspastor@frontiernet.net
Residence: 190 Penarrow Rd., Rochester 14618
CICORA, The Rev. Canon Julie (Mr. Scott)
Canon for Ministry and Mission
Office: 935 East Ave., Rochester 14607
Residence: 556 Forest Lawn Dr., Webster 14580
BRYANT, The Rev. Peter (Ms. Nancy)
Assistant Priest: Allegany County Episcopal Ministry
Office: 10 Willets Ave., Belmont 14813
(ACEM) 585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
Residence: 4160 Back River Rd., Scio 14880
585-593-3209; bryantpfb@yahoo.co
*COLLIN, The Rev. Winifred N. (Mr. Dwight)
Residence: 2696 Clover St., Pittsford 14534
585-442-0464; winifredcollin@gmail.com
*CORDINGLEY, The Rev. Saundra
Residence: 23 Seneca Rd., Rochester 14622
585-563-6115; scord1944@aol.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Maryland
BURR, The Rev. John T., Ph.D. (Ms. Antoinette)
Vocational Deacon: Church of St. Luke & St. Simon
Office: 17 Fitzhugh St. S., Rochester 14614
585-546-7730; office@twosaints.org
Residence: 594 Stearns Rd., Churchville 14428
585-538-4444; jburr28@frontier.com
CRIPPS, The Rev. David R. (Ms. Kathleen)
Residence: 9 Peachtree La., Pittsford 14534
*BUTLER, The Rev. Clarence E., Ph.D.
Residence: 19 Russell Ave., Watertown, MA 02472
617-744-0318; Butler@hws.edu
*CULP, The Rev. Robert S., Jr. (Ms. Karen)
Residence: 1412 Calle Esperanza, Sierra Vista, AZ
85635; 520-459-2905; bobculp@hotmail.com
CAMERON, The Rev. Krista
Rector: St. Luke’s Church
Office: 14 State St., Brockport 14420
585-637-6650; stlukes@frontiernet.net
Residence: 3345 Edgemere Dr., Rochester 14612
585-723-8613; revkrist@juno.com
CURTIS, The Rev. Sandra K. (Mr. Crocker)
Residence: Box 272, (10 Sheather St.)
Hammondsport 14840; 607-569-2534:
FINN, The Rev. Michael (Ms. Jane)
Vocational Deacon: Church of St. Mark’s & St. John’s
Office: 1245 Culver Rd., Rochester 14609
585-654-5713; stmarksandstjohns@gmail.com
Residence: 29 Van Beigh Ave., Rochester 14610
585-288-5005; mikefinn@infionline.net
DARLING, The Rev. Mary (Molly)
Residence: 724 Valle Vista Ave., Vallejo, CA 94590
510-531-3412; molly@cephasconsulting.com
* DEANE, The Rev. Warren H., D. Min., (Ms.
Residence: 418 Sherburne Rd., Portsmouth NH
03801; 603-436-6876; whdsr49@aol.com
*FISH, The Rev. Gloria H. (The Rev. Kenneth
Residence: 46 Azalea Rd., Rochester 14620
585-461-9435; ghfish@frontiernet.net
*DUDLEY, The Rev. Michael (The Rev. David Helfling)
Residence: 28 Perry Pl., Canandaigua 14424
585-905-3216; ddudley344@aol.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Ohio
FORNALIK, The Rev. Barbara H.
Vocational Deacon: Church of the Good Shepherd
Office: 1130 Webster Rd, Webster 14580
585-872-2281; gsoffice@frontiernet.net
Residence: 1399 Schlegel Rd., Webster 14580
585-265-1760; btfrnlk@frontiernet.net
DUGUID-MAY, The Rev. Deborah (Dr. Melanie May)
Priest in Charge: Trinity Church
Office: 3450 W. Ridge Rd., Rochester 14626
585-225-7848; office@trinity-greeceny.org
Residence: 250 Danbury Cr., S. Rochester 14618
585-729-3231; deborahduguidmay@gmail.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Natal
FROLICK, The Rev. Paul
Priest in Charge: St. George’s Church
Office: 635 Old Wilder Rd., Hilton 14468
585-392-4099; stgeorges@frontiernet.net
Residence: 59 Hamilton St., Rochester 14620
585-241-9317; pfrolick@gmail.com
GANDELL, The Rev. Dahn D. (Mr. David, M.D.)
Rector: St. John’s Church
Office: 11 Episcopal Ave, Honeoye Falls 14472
585-624-4074; stjohns@rochester.rr.com
Residence: 21 Warwick Dr., Fairport 14450
585-223-3087; 585-233-3100 (cell);
* ECKART, The Rev. Richard J., Jr. (Ms. Renate)
Residence: 38 Dale Rd., Rochester 14625
585-586-0399: reckart@rochester.rr.com
EDMISTER, The Rev. Gary M. (Licensed)
Residence: 8309 Whitehead Rd., Hammondsport
14840; 518-231-5209; gedmister@yahoo.com
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
*GARRENTON, The Rev. Linwood W.
Residence: 599 East 7th St., Apt. 6E, Brooklyn 11218
718-282-3819; lingarr@verizon.net
*ENGLISH, The Rev. William H. (Ms. Elizabeth)
Residence: 248 Commons La., Foster City, CA 94404
650-578-0164; whenglish@comcast.net
*GRAMLEY, The Rev. Thomas S. (Ms. Lee)
Residence: 13 Prospect Ave., Canisteo 14823
607-698-4116; 607-661-0919 (cell);
EVANS, The Rev. Donald Evans (Ms. JoAnn)
Residence: 12 Wilson St., Corning 14830
607-936-8728; devans22@stny.rr.com
Canonically Resident in the Diocese of Central
*GRIFFITH, The Rev. Bruce, Th.D.
Residence: PO Box 20216, Rochester 14602
585-672-3030; bgriffith1@rochester.rr.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Long Island
FERGUSON, The Rev. Ruth E.
Rector: Christ Church
Office: 141 East Ave., Rochester 14604
585-454-3878; rector@christchurchrochester.org
Residence: 60 Bonnie Brae Ave., Rochester 14618
*GROSKOPH, The Rev. Elizabeth M. (The Rev. Ralph)
Residence: P.O. Box 541, Hancock 13783
607-637-4952; frliz@pronetisp.net
*GROSKOPH, The Rev. Ralph G. (The Rev. Elizabeth)
Residence: P.O. Box 541, Hancock 13783
607-637-4952; fralph@pronetisp.net
*HENSHAW, The Rev. Richard A., Ph.D.
Residence: 199 Crosman Ter., Rochester 14620
585-461-9872; rhenshaw@rochester.rr.com
*GROVER, The Rev. Charles L. (Ms. Joan)
Residence: 1732 South Edgefield Ave., Dallas, TX
75224; 315-886-6233; clgrover@me.com
*HILL, The Rev. Donald (Dr. Nancy Woodworth-Hill)
Residence: 321 E. Market St., Jeffersonville, IN
47130; 812-282-1180; dbhill321@gmail.com
GRUBERTH, The Very Rev. Cole (Ms. Corie
Residence: 106 ½ Homestead Cir., Ithaca 14850
585-466-6800; ggruberth@gmail.com
HOPKINS, The Very Rev. Michael (John Bradley)
Dean: Rochester District
Rector: The Church of St. Luke’s & St. Simon Cyrene
Office: 17 S. Fitzhugh St. Rochester 14614
585-546-7730; office@twosaints.org
Residence: 56 Vassar St., Rochester 14607
585-256-3597; rector@twosaints.org
GUENTHER, The Rev. Nancy (Licensed)
Residence: 88 Cedar Terrace, Hilton 14468
585-697-4288; nguenther@rochester.rr.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Western NY
HUBERT, The Rev. Deven (Mr. Frederick Koehler)
Rector: St. Luke’s Church
Office: PO Box 146 (77 Country Corner La), Fairport
14450; 585-223-2796; slukefpt@frontiernet.net
Residence: 66 Little Briggins Cir., Fairport 14450
585-377-7097; DevenH@frontiernet.net
*GUTIERREZ, The Rev. Jorge M. (Ms. Carolyn)
Residence: 48 Whitcomb Rd., Boxboro, MA 01719
978-263-7952; yoyigutierrez@gmail.com
*HAINES, The Rev. Jeffrey (Ms. Katherine Anne)
Residence: 24 Cobb Terrace, Rochester 14620
585-473-2845; jandk@rochester.rr.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Western NY
*HUMPHREY, The Rev. Barbara M. (Mr. Paul)
Residence: 5389 County Rd., #36, Honeoye 14471
585-367-2375; revrn3@juno.com
JOHNSON, The Rev. Andrew (Ms. Linda)
Deacon: Church of the Incarnation
Office: 1957 Five Mile Line Rd., Penfield 14526
585-586-7860; incarnationoffice@frontier.com
Residence: 146 Crossover Rd., Fairport 14450
585-381-3989; incarnationdeacon@frontier.com
*HANSON, The Rev. Bruce E.
Residence: 352 Jasmine Rd., St. Augustine, FL 32086
HARTER, The Rev. Ralph M. Peter (Ms. Leslie)
Residence: 98 Canfield Rd., Pittsford 14534
585-264-9882; peteharter@rochester.rr.com
*JOHNSON, The Rev. William (Ms. Annette)
Residence: 211 Buckingham Way, Somerset, NJ
08873; 732-568-1152; inscape@verizon.net
*HARTNEY, The Rev. Michael E. (Ms. Susan)
Rector: St. John’s Church, Catharine
Vicar: St. Paul’s Mission, Montour Falls
Rector: St. James’ Church, Watkins Glenn
Office: 112 Sixth St., Watkins Glen 14891
607-535-2321; epsc@stny.rr.com
Residence: 210 Reading Rd., Watkins Glen 14891
607-210-4041; michael.hartney@aya.yale.edu
*JOHNSON-TOTH, The Rev. Louise (Mr. Gregory)
Residence: 243 Genesee Park Blvd., Rochester 14619
585-436-6715; ljohnsontoth@yahoo.com
JOHNSTON, The Rev. Suzanne (Mr. William)
Vocational Deacon: Church of the Epiphany/
Ephphatha Mission for the Deaf
Office: 3285 Buffalo Rd., Rochester 14624
585-247-4190; ephdeacon@frontier.com
Residence: 44 Washington Rd., Pittsford 14534
585-586-4158; suzanneejohnston@aol.com
HEFLING, The Rev. David (The Rev. Michael Dudley)
Rector: St. John’s Church
Office: 183 N. Main St., Canandaigua 14424
585-394-4818; stjohnschurch@rochester.rr.com
Residence: 28 Perry Pl., Canandaigua 14424
585-905-3126; rector@rochester.rr.com
*KARL, The Rev. John C., Jr., D. Min. (The Rev.
Counseling and Consultation Services
Office: 2024 W. Henrietta Rd., Suite 5G, Rochester
14623; 585-272-7780
Residence: 995 Park Ave., Rochester 14610
585-442-5717; jkarl2024@frontiernet.net
*LEWIS, The Rev. Catherine B. (Mr. Richard)
Residence: 7086 Salmon Creek Rd., Williamson
315-589-2728; clewisusa@rochester.rr.com
LEWIS, The Rev. Karen
Residence: 610 West Ottawa St., Apt.908, Lansing
MI 48933; 315-604-1679; lewisk720@gmail.com
*KARL, The Rev. Sharon L. (The Rev. John C., Jr., D.
Residence: 995 Park Ave., Rochester 14610
585-442-5717; jkarl995@frontiernet.net
LILLIS, The Rev. Rosemary H.
Residence: 1222 Sunset Ave., Asbury Park, NJ 07712
732-701-3840; garden3priest@gmail.com
KASEY, The Rev. Philip (The Rev. Polly McWilliams)
Priest-in-Charge: St. Luke’s Church
Office: 187 West Lake Rd., Branchport 14418
Residence: 4326 Teall Beach. Rd., Geneva 14456
315-585-1019; phkasey@comcast.net
Canonically resident in the Diocese of New Jersey
LINNENBERG, The Rev. Daniel, Ed.D. (Dr. Ginny
Residence: 267 Brooklawn Dr., Rochester 14618
*KEENEY, The Rev. Canon Albert J. (Ms. Linda)
Residence: 4952 Butler Rd., Canandaigua 14424
585-396-0136; al.keeney@gmail.com
*LUMBARD, The Rev. Canon Carolyn
Residence: 326 Frederick Douglass St., Rochester
14608 585-739-2977; carolyn.lumbard@yahoo.com
KOHLMEIER, The Rev. Susan C. (Mr. Charles)
Rector: Zion Church
Office: 120 E. Main St., Palmyra 14522
315-597-9236; skohlmeier@rochester.rr.com
Residence: 114 Canandaigua St., Palmyra 14522
315-502-4415; pastorsusank@rochester.rr.com
*LUTZ, The Rev. Dr. William (Licensed)
Residence: 82 Scott Ave., Elmira 14905
607-725-1090; brsebastian@juno.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Central NY
*LUEDDE, The Rev. Christopher (Ms. Susan)
Residence: 31 Kitty Hawk Dr., Pittsford 14534
585-264-0048; csluedde@gmail.com
MAZZARELLA, The Rev. Virginia (Mr. Charles Ennis)
Residence: 327 Mendon Center Rd., Pittsford 14534
585-248-0107; mamazzarella@gmail.com
KRAPF, The Rev. Richard (Ms. Lisa)
Vocational Deacon: St. John’s Church
Office: 183 N. Main St., Canandaigua 14424
585-394-4818; stjohnschurch@rochester.rr.com
Residence: 15 Granger St., Canandaigua 14424
585-394-2694; rkrapf@rochester.rr.com
*McCART, The Rev. Thomas, PhD
Residence: 152 Dartmouth St., Rochester 14607
585-244-2641; tmccart2@rochester.rr.com
McNulty, The Rev. Lynne H. (The Rev. Brian)
Vocational Deacon: St. Stephen’s Church
Office: 350 Chili Ave., Rochester, 14611
585-328-0856; ststephensoffice@frontier.com
Residence: 28 Gillette St., Rochester 14619
585-328-4494; lmcnult2@rochester.rr.com
KUHN, The Rev. Philip (Ms. Marilyn)
Residence: 25 Wood La., Maynard MA 01754
978-637-2163; pjk65_6@hotmail.com
LEIBHART, The Rev. Linda (Licensed)
Priest-in-Charge: Church of the Redeemer
Office: 1 Wombaugh Square, Addison 14807
Residence: 3100 Knoll Road, Painted Post 14870
607-377-5445; vicarkatz@aol.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Bethlehem
MEISTER, The Rev. Stephen G. (Ms. JoAnn)
Vocational Deacon: St. John’s Church
Office: 54 W. Main St., Sodus 14551
315-483-4235; stjohnsodus@prodigy.net
Residence: 28 Orchard Terrace, Sodus 14551
315-483-6366; sgm13374@aol.com
PRESCOTT, The Rev. Vicki (The Rev. Paul Couch)
Rector: Church of the Incarnation
Office: 1957 Five Mile Line Rd., Penfield 14526
585-586-7860; incarnationoffice@frontier.com
Residence: 2500 East Ave., Apt. 5H, Rochester 14610
585-218-0311; incarnationrector@frontier.com
*MOTHERSELL, The Rev. Lawrence L. (Ms. Patricia)
Residence: PO Box 1 (5493 Crossett Rd.), Geneseo
14454; 585-243-3694; llmnla@rit.edu
MROCZKA, The Rev. Mary A., Ph.D.
Priest in Charge: Trinity Church
St. Peter’s Church
Office: P.O. Box 127, Dansville 14437
607-324-3620; stpete@frontier.com
Residence: 92 E. Red Bud Drive, Dansville 14437
585-447-8531; rectorstpete@frontier.com
PRICE, The Rev. Terrell (Ms. Diane)
Vocational Deacon: St. Michael’s Church
Office: 23 Main St., Geneseo 14454
585-243-1220; stmikes@rochester.twcbc.com
Residence: 10 Melody Lane, Geneseo 14454
585-243-3593; tprice7552@rochester.rr.com
NICKOLOFF, The Rev. Matthew (Licensed)
Residence: 360 Linden St., Rochester 14620
585-746-3048; mnickolo@gmail.com
*PURCELL-CHAPMAN, The Rev. Diana (Mr. Fred)
Residence: 2052 Gold Rd., Genesee, PA 16923
814-228-3482; dinfr92@frontier.com
*OWENS, The Rev. Miriam E. (Mr. Raymond)
Residence: 515 Oakridge Dr., Rochester 14617
585-338-3463; mimio@rochester.rr.com
RASMUSSEN, The Rev. Cynthia (Ms. Mary Ellen
Rector: Church of St. Mark’s & St. John’s
Office: 1245 Culver Rd., Rochester 14609
585-654-9229; stmarksandstjohns@gmail.com
Residence: 215 Parkview Dr., Rochester 14625
585-288-8864; rasmussen.cynthia@gmail.com
*PAGE, The Rev. Marilyle Sweet
Residence: 401 Beresford Rd., Rochester 14610
585-482-7771; marilyle@rochester.rr.com
PEPIN, The Rev. Kenneth (Mery)
Priest in Charge: Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Office: 505 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester 14620
585-546-8400; kpepin@episcopalseniorlife.org
Residence: 60 Seabury Blvd., Webster 14580
585-347-6025; kmgkpepin@rochester.rr.com
REYNOLDS, The Rev. Frederic W. (Ms. Jane)
Rector: St. Paul’s Church
Office: 25 Westminster Rd., Rochester 14607
585-271-2240; info@stpaulsec.org
Residence: 49 Shoreham Dr., Rochester 14618
585-473-7811; fred@stpaulsec.org
PERRY, The Rev. Kenneth (Ms. Josephine)
Vocational Deacon; St. Peter’s Memorial Church
Office: PO 147, Geneva 14456; 315-789-4910
315-789-4910; stpeters@stpetersgeneva.org
Residence: 273 Kashong Road, Geneva 14456
315-789-8571; kperry@stpetersgeneva.org
ROBBINS, The Very Rev. Lance D. (Ms. Karyn)
Dean: Monroe District
Rector: Church of the Good Shepherd
Office: 1130 Webster Rd. Webster 14580
585-872-2281; gsoffice@frontiernet.net
Residence: 541 Adams Rd., Webster 14580
585-787-1852; lrobbins3714@aol.com
*PETERS, The Rev. Peter W., Ph.D. (Ms. Sarah)
Residence: 239 Yarmouth Rd., Rochester 14610
*RORKE, The Rev. Stephen E. (Ms. Jeanne)
Residence: 6727 Royal Thomas Way, Alexandria, VA
22315; 703-550-3655; steverorke@verizon.net
*PETERSEN, The Very Rev. William, Ph.D., D.D. (Ms.
Residence: 49 Winding Brook Dr., Fairport 14450
585-425-2572; whpetersen@aol.com
*ROY, The Rev. Byron
Chaplain: Rochester Friendly Home
Office: 3156 East Avenue, Rochester 14618
585-381-1600, x268
Residence: 19 Abbotswood Crescent, Penfield 14526
585-248-8617; broy@friendlyhome.org
*POPE, The Rev. Daniel S., III (Ms. Patricia)
Residence: 406 Canandaigua St., Palmyra 14522
315-597-5657; dpope@rochester.rr.com
*SAWTELLE, The Rev. Gary D. (Ms. Barbara)
Residence: 2171 Scottsville Rd., Scottsville 14546
585-889-5075; gsawtell@rochester.rr.com
*STEINHAUER, The Rev. Roger (Ms. Maryanne
Residence: 97 Aspen Circle, VT 05482
585-732-0091; rsteinha@brockport.edu
*SCHAEFER, The Rev. Philip D. (Ms. Elsa)
Residence: 47 Brougham Dr., Penfield 14526
585-377-2129; elsaphil@frontiernet.net
STEVENS, The Rev. Nancy (Mr. David Williams)
Rector: Church of the Epiphany/Ephphatha Mission
Office: 3285 Buffalo Rd., Rochester 14624
585-247-4190; coeoffice@frontier.com
Residence: 60 Ridgeway Estates, Rochester 14626
585-225-1712; coerector@frontier.com
SCHNEIDER, The Rev. Marian
Assistant Priest: Allegany County Episcopal Ministry
Office: 10 Willets Ave., Belmont 14813
585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
Residence: 13 East Water St., Friendship 14739
585-973-2237; marian_schneider@yahoo.com
STEWART, The Rev. Carol (Mr. Gilbert)
Assistant Priest: Allegheny County Episcopal Ministry
Office: 10 Willets Ave. Belmont 14813
585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
Residence: 3074 O’Donnell Rd., Wellsville 14895
585-593-1402; stewarcw@alfredstate.edu
SEUFERT, The Rev. Carmen (Mr. Dwight)
Rector: Grace Church
Office: 9 Phelps, Lyons 14489
315-946-9687; geclyons@verizon.net
Rector: St. Mark’s Church
Office: 400 South Main St., Newark 14513
315-331-3610; stmarknewark@prodigy.net
Rector: St. John’s Church
Office: 54 West Main St., Sodus 14551
315-483-4235; stjohnsodus@prodigy.net
Vicar: Christ Church (Summer Chapel)
8350 Bay St., Sodus Point 14555
Residence: 7551 Jackson School Rd., Lyons 14489
315-331-8251; crseufert@prodigy.net
STIEGLER, The Rev. Mark (Ms. Shirley)
Residence: 3835 O’Neill Rd., Lima 14485
585-367-3917; stiegler@frontiernet.net
STREETER, The Rev. Christopher M. (Rev. Jennifer)
Priest in Charge: Grace Church, Scottsville and
St. Andrew’s, Caledonia
Office: PO 158 (9 Browns Ave.), Scottsville 14549
585-889-2028; gracescottsville@frontiernet.net
Residence: 307 Tarrington Rd., Rochester 14609
585-419-6610; revcstreeter@gmail.com
STRIDIRON, The Rev. Andrea R
Vocational Deacon: St. Thomas’ Church
Office: 2000 Highland Ave., Rochester 14618
585-442-3544; office@stthomasrochester.org
Residence: 120 Crawford St., Rochester 14620
585-442-8236; stritz@frontiernet.net
SHANNON, The Rev. Robert L., II (Ms. Mary)
Residence: P.O. Box 2006, Orleans, MA 02653
*SINNOTT, The Rev. Lynn (Mr. Pete)
Residence: 4577 Townsley Rd., Cedarville, OH 45314
937-561-3722; revlynn@rhtns.com
SYMINGTON, The Rev. Sidney
Residence: 4674 Garfield St., NW Washington, DC
20007; 203-209-2339; sssymington@yahoo.com
SMITH, The Rev. David G.
Rector: St. Mark’s Church
Office: P.O. Box 424 (179 Main St.) Penn Yan 14527
315-536-3955; pystmarks@verizon.net
Residence: 130 Ogden St., Penn Yan 14527
315-536-6389; davidstmarks@verizon.net
*SZYMANSKI, The Rev. Canon Walter Lee, TSSF
(Mr. Paul Marrocco)
Residence: 334 Main St., Pittsburgh, PA 15201
412-683-8034; szymanskiw@gmail.com
* SMITH, The Rev. Donald H. (Ms. Bernice)
Residence: 2492 Keystone Lake Dr., Cape Coral, FL
33909; 239-772-7837
TATEM, The Rev. Catherine (Licensed)
Rector: St. Peter’s Church
Office: 3825 E. Henrietta Rd., Henrietta 14467
585-334-1110; office@stpetershenrietta.org
Residence: 60 Eagle Pine Way, Rochester 14623
585-334-8512; revcat08@gmail.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Mississippi
* SPIELMANN, The Rev. Richard, Th.D. (Ms. Janet)
Residence: 2126 E. Alameda Dr., Tempe, AZ 85282
480-858-9371; jrspiel@cox.net
WHITE, The Rev Andrew D’Angio (The Rev. Sara
D’Angio White)
Associate to the Rector: Grace Church
Office: P.O. Box 316, Lyons 14489
315-946-9687; geclyons@verizon.net
Associate to the Rector: St. Mark’s Church
Office: 400 South Main St., Newark 14513
315-331-3610; stmarknewark@prodigy.net
Associate to the Rector: St. John’s Church
Office: 54 West Main St., Sodus 14551
315-483-4235; stjohnsodus@prodigy.net
Associate to the Vicar: Christ Church (Chapel)
Office: 8350 Bay St., Sodus Point 14555
Residence: 103 Williams St., Newark 14513
315-332-1244; fatherandrewdw@gmail.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Connecticut
THOMPSON, The Very Rev. Eric
Rector: St. Michael’s Church
Office: 23 Main St., Geneseo 14454
585-243-1220; stmiks@rochester.twcbc.com
Residence: 21 Main St., Geneseo 14454
585-270-1220; stmikesrector@gmail.com
TOBIN, The Rev. Florence (Kit)
Residence: P.O. Box 304, Corning 14830
607-377-7467; kitt_789@yahoo.com
TYO, The Rev. Charles (Ms. Bonnie)
Rector: Christ Church
Office: 33 East First St., Corning 14830
607-937-5449; cepiscopal@stny.rr.com
Residence: 4484 N. Main Street, Hemlock 14466
585-367-1052; ctyo@rochester.rr.com
UFFMAN, The Rev. Craig (Ms. Claudia)
Rector: St. Thomas’ Church
Office: 2000 Highland Ave., Rochester 14618
585-442-3544; office@ststhomasrochester.org
Residence: 26 Hedge Wood La., Pittsford 14534
585-348-0543; rector@stthomasrochester.org
WHITE, The Rev. Sara D’Angio (Rev. Andrew)
Transitional Deacon: Christ Church
36 S. Main St., Pittsford 14534
585-586-1226; sara@christchurchpittsford.com
Residence: 103 Williams St., Newark 14513
585-749-9125; sdangiowhite@gmail.com
*VAN DEVENTER, The Rev. Reed (Ms. Abigail)
Residence: 53 Winding Rd., Rochester 14618
585-264-9180; abarv@frontiernet.net
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Minnesota
*WIENK, The Rev. Dennis L. (Dr. Marilyn)
Residence: 274 Rosedale St., Rochester 14620
585-473-4851; dwienk@frontiernet.net
*VAN EENWYK, The Rev. John R., Ph.D. (Ms. Juliet)
Residence: 4440 Frontier Dr. SE, Olympia, WA 98501
WILLIAMS, The Rev. Peter A. (Licensed)
Residence: PO Box 170 (13 Court St.) Cortland 13045
315-727-8189; frpete310@aol.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of Central NY
WALTERS, The Rev. Joshua (Ms. Emily Blecksmith)
Rector: Christ Church
Office: 36 S. Main St., Pittsford 14534
585-586-1226; office@christchurchpittsford.org
Residence: 67 Reitz Pkwy., Pittsford 14534
347-572-3606; josh@christchurchpittsford.com
WIMBUSH, The Rev. Claire
Assistant Rector: St. Thomas’ Church
Office: 2000 Highland Ave., Rochester 14618
585-422-3544; education@stthomasrochester.org
Residence: 80 St. Paul St., Apt. 5J, Rochester 14604
WHEATON, The Rev. Philip E. (Ms. Sue)
Residence: 7211 Spruce Ave., Takoma Park, MD
20912; 301-270-9038
WITT, The Rev. Richard (Licensed)
Executive Director of Rural & Migrant Ministry
Residence: 16 Lawrence Rd., Accord 12404
845-626-2546; rcyrilwitt@aol.com
Canonically resident in the Diocese of New York
WYLAND, The Rev. Richard R. (Ms. Jeanne)
Residence: 41 Great Oak Ln., Redding, CT 06896
203-938-3978; rwyland@harveyschool.org
YARBROUGH, The Rev. Canon Dr. C. Denise
(Dr. Tracy Mitrano)
Director of Religious and Spiritual Life
University of Rochester
Office: dyarbrough@admin.rochester.edu
Priest in Charge: St. Peter’s Church
Office: P.O. Box 67, Bloomfield 14469
585-657-6715; st.peters@rochester.rr.com
Residence: 1024 Park Ave., Rochester 14610
585-730-8079; dyarbrough1024@gmail.com
ZOGG, The Rev. Jennifer
Associate Rector: St. Paul’s Church
Office: 25 Westminster Rd., Rochester 14607
585-271-2240; jennifer@stpaulsec.org
Residence: 47 Clover Dr., Apt. #4, Rochester 14618
585-360-4495; jennifer.zogg@gmail.com
Bennett, Mr. Thomas (Tom) (T) 2882 County Rd. 13, Clifton Springs 14432
(H) 315-906-4077; thomasmbennett@att.net
Bourne, Mr. Allison (COM) 563 Sawyer St., Rochester 14619
(H) 585-328-1093; abourne1@rochester.rr.com
Bradley, Mr. John Clinton (COM) 56 Vassar St., Rochester 14607
(H) 585-256-3597; johnclint@me.com
Campbell, Ms. Elizabeth (Libby) (COM) 32 Cribb St., Canandaigua 14424
(H) 585-394-0687; libbycampbell@rochester.rr.com
Carpenter, Ms. Judith (DC) 17 Santa Circle, Pittsford 14534
(H) 585-383-1756; jcarpenter002@rochester.rr.com
Cooney, Mr. Jeremy (DB) 224 Mill St., Rochester 14614
(H) 585-313-9415); Jeremy.cooney@gmail.com
Crump, Ms. Claire (COM) 15 Branchwood La., Rochester 14618
(H) 585-241-3733; claire1835@aol.com
DeLuccio, Mr. Jerry (SC) 185 Taylor Rd., Honeoye Falls 14472
(H) 585-503-3281; jjdeluccio@rochester.rr.com
Dow, Ms. Susan (COM) 216 Whistle Stop, Pittsford 14534
(H) 585-742-5477; sdow@rochester.rr.com
Farnsworth, Ms. Janet (SC) P.O. Box 721, Savona 14879
(H) 607-583-4923; janfarnsworth@stny.rr.com
Ferris, Mr. Gilbert (T) 8788 Route 53, Bath 14810
(H) 607-776-7101; gilf14810@yahoo.com
Galleher, Mr. Dave (COM) 15 Corwall Rd., Geneva 14456
(H) 315-789-8245; dgalleher@rochester.rr.com
Houghton, Mr. Neil (SC) 3873 Rush Mendon Rd., Mendon 14506
(H) 585-624-4225; neil.houghton@me.com
Hunt-Quintal, Ms. Mary Lou (DC) 5296 County Rt. 17, Campbell 14821
(H) 607-527-4438; quintaljml@gmail.com
Hunter, Ms. Nadene (DC)(DB) 9930 County Rt. #46, Dansville 14437
(H)607-295-7714; carfuffle@aol.com
Laidlaw, Mr. Richard (DC) 237 Ridgeview Dr., E. Rochester 14445
(H) 585-586-7111; dlaidlaw@frontiernet.net
Mok, Dr. Carolyn (DC) 507 Rockingham St., Rochester 14620
(H) 585-244-3883; dokmok@pol.net
Newton, Ms. Nancy (COM) 107 Oakdale Dr., Rochester 14618
(H) 585-442-9722; rgnsnewton@gmail.com
Omphroy, Ms. Keri (COM) 9 Waterbury La., Rochester 14625
(H) 585-264-1436; komphroy@aol.com
Omphroy, Ms. Lyn (T) 9 Waterbury La., Rochester 14625
(H) 585-264-1436 (O) 585-423-6984; lynn.omphroy@xerox.com
Panzer, Mr. Neal (T) 37 Country Club Dr. Rochester 14618
(H) 585-586-6351; panzernj@aol.com
Peters, Ms. Sarah (DC) 108 Dunbar Rd., Hilton 14468
(H) 585-392-6592; sstoll9n@gmail.com
Porter, Ms. Elizabeth (Liz) (COM) 71 Center St., Geneseo 14454
(H) 585-243-2231
Raide, Ms. Linda (SC) 2514 E. Sherman Hollow Rd., Penn Yan 14527
(H) 315-536-7186; rlraide@roadrunner.com
Scanlon, Ms. Susan (Sue) (T)(DB) 18 Stonebridge La., Pittsford 14534
(H) 585-381-2050; cayugan@aol.com
Seabridge, Mr. Scott (DC) 34 Highledge Dr., Penfield 14526
(H) 585-586-4998; scott.seabridge@gmail.com
Smith, Ms. Beverly (Bev) (T) 6292 Rush-Lima Rd., PO Box 87, Rush 14543
(H) 585-533-2031; BDS5C00@aol.com
Van Laeken, Gwen (DC) 1671 Schlegel Rd., Webster 14580
(H) 585-216-5329; gwenvanlaeken@gmail.com
Woodhouse, Ms. Susan (SC) 62 Kinglet Dr., W. Henrietta 14586
(H) 585-487-9004; sjw@frontiernet.net
Yanda, Ms. Heather (COM) 1725 St. Rt. 244, Alfred Station 14803
(H) 607-587-8167; yanda@alfred.edu
Diocesan Council
Standing Committee
Disciplinary Board
(T) Trustees
(COM) Commission on Ministry
Church of the Redeemer
Southeast District
1 Wombaugh Square, Addison 14801
St. Philip’s Church
Southwest District
10 Willets Ave., Belmont 14813
585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Linda Leibhart
607-377-5445; vicarkatz@aol.com
Person in Charge: Mr. Raymond DeTine, Jr.
585-268-5010; ax319:Verizon.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Vanessa Bendelwski
Southwest District
10 Willets Ave., Belmont 14813
585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
St. Paul’s, Angelica
St. Philip’s, Belmont
Christ Church (Landmark)
Southwest District
5781 County Rd. 20, Belmont, 14813
Christ Church, Cuba
St. John’s, Wellsville
Assistant Priest: The Rev. Peter Bryant
585-593-3209; bryantpfb@yahoo.com
Assistant Priest: The Rev. Marian Schneider
585-973-2237; marian_schneider@yahoo.com
Assistant Priest: The Rev. Carol Stewart
585-593-1402; stewarcw@alfredstate.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Vanessa Bendelwski
St. Peter’s Church
Northeast District
P.O. Box 67 (44 Main St.), Bloomfield 14469
585-657-6715; st.peters@rochester.rr.com
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Canon Dr. C. Denise Yarbrough
585-730-8079; dybrough1024@gmail.com
St. Paul’s Church
Southwest District
Park Circle, P.O. Box 442, Angelica 14709
585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
St. Luke’s Church
Southeast District
187 West Lake Rd., Branchport 14418
Person in Charge: Mr. James Scholla
585-466-3391; schollml@alfredstate.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Vanessa Bendelwski
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Philip Kasey
315-585-1019; phkasey@comcast.net
Zion Church
Southwest District
P.O. Box 205 (10 Park Pl.) Avon 14414
585-226-3722; office@zion-episcopal-avon.org
St. Luke’s Church
Monroe District
14 State St., Brockport 14420
585-637-6650; stlukes@frontiernet.net
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Kelly Ayer
585-991-8250; kayer@gts.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Tina Sickel
Rector: The Rev. Krista Cameron
585-723-8613; revkrista@juno.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Deborah Turner
St. Thomas’ Church
Southeast District
122 Liberty St., Bath 14810
607-776-4503; office@stthomasbath.org
St. Andrew’s Church
Monroe District
175 North St., Caledonia 14423
585-538-2112; gracescottsvile@frontiernet.net
Rector: The Very Rev. J. Brad Benson
(H) 607-776-7983; bradbenson28@hotmail.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Roxanne Gaylord
Rector: The Rev. Christopher Streeter
585-419-6610; revcstreeter@gmail.com
St. John’s Church
Northeast District
183 N. Main St., Canandaigua 14424
585-394-4818; stjohnschurch@rochester.rr.com
Christ Church
Southwest District
P.O. Box 112 (19 South St.), Cuba 14727
(ACEM) 585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
Rector: The Rev. David Hefling
585-905-3126; rector@rochester.rr.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Richard Krapf
585-394-2694; rkrapf@rochester.rr.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Deidre Dye
Person in Charge: Mr. John Schmidt
585-968-3348; Schmidt@peoplepc.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Vanessa Bendelwski
St. Peter’s Memorial Church
Southwest District
PO Box 127 (Clara Barton & School St)
Dansville 14437
607-324-3620; stpete@frontier.com
Trinity Church
Southwest District
P.O. Box 202 (N. Church St.), Canaseraga 14822
607-324-3620: stpete@frontier.net
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Mary Mrozka, Ph.D.
585-447-8531; rectorstpete@frontier.com
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Mary Mrozka, Ph.D.
585-447-8531; rectorstpete@frontier.com
St. John’s, Catharine
St. Paul’s, Montour Falls
St. James’ Church, Watkins Glen
112 Sixth St., Watkins Glen 14891
(EPSC Office) 607-535-2321; epsc@stny.rr.com
St. John’s Church
Southeast District
4938 County Route 14, Odessa 14869
ALL MAIL: 112 Sixth St., Watkins Glen 14891
607-535-2321 epsc@stny.rr.com
Rector: The Rev. Michael E. Hartney
607-210-4041; michael.hartney@aya.yale.edu
Rector: The Rev. Michael Hartney
607-210-4041; michael.hartney@aya.yale.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Beth Vann
St. Luke’s Church
Monroe District
PO Box 146 (77 Country Corner Ln.), Fairport 14450
585-223-2796; slukefpt@frontiernet.net
St. John’s Church
Northeast District
PO Box 622, (32 E. Main St.), Clifton Springs 14432
315-462-6611; info@stjohnscliftonsprings.com
Rector: The Rev. Deven Hubert
585-377-7097; DevenH@frontiernet.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Barbara Gosnell
Rector: The Rev. Denise H. Bennett
315-906-4077; denniebennett@att.net
St. Michael’s Church
Southwest District
23 Main St., Geneseo 14454
585-243-1220; stmikes@rochester.twcbc.com
Christ Church
Southeast District
33 East First St., Corning 14830
607-937-5449; cepiscopal@stny.rr.com
Rector: The Very Rev. Eric Thompson
585-270-1220; stmikesrestor@gmail.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Terrell Price
585-243-3593; tprice7552@rochester.rr.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Keely Rosica
Rector: The Rev. Charles Tyo
585-367-1052; ctyo@rochester.rr.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Debra Townsend
St. John’s Chapel
Hobart & William Smith College
300 Pulteney St., Geneva 14456
315-781-3671; alexander@hws.edu
St. George’s Church
Monroe District
635 Old Wilder Rd., Hilton 14468
585-392-4099; stgeorges@frontiernet.net
Northeast District
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Paul Frolick
585-241-9317; pfrolick@gmail.com
Chaplain: The Rev. Lesley M. Adams
315-781-6180; Ladams@hws.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Linda Alexander
St. Peter’s Memorial Church
Northeast District
P.O. Box 147 (149 Genesee St.), Geneva 14456
315-789-4910; jimandsueadams@gmail.com
St. John’s Church
Monroe District
11 Episcopal Ave., Honeoye Falls 14472
585-624-4074; stjohns@rochester.rr.com
Rector: The Very Rev. James H. Adams
315-781-0319; jimandsueadams@gmail.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Kenneth Perry
315-789-8571; kperry@stpetersgeneva.org
Parish Secretary: Ms. Sue Adams
Rector: The Rev. Dahn Gandell
585-223-3087; motherdahn@hotmail.com
cell phone: 585-233-3100
Parish Secretary: Mr. David Wells
Trinity Church
Northeast District
520 S. Main St., Geneva 14456
315-789-2919; atrinityepiscop@rochester.rr.com
Christ Church
Southwest District
P.O. Box 336 (Main & Center Sts.), Hornell 14843
607-324-3620; christchurchhornellny@yahoo.com
Person in Charge: Mr. Bruce Tuxill
315-781-0826; tuxill@verizon.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Mary Shelley
Priest in Charge: The Rev. John Andrews
585-582-1137; jrutkowski2@yahoo.com
St. James’ Church
Southeast District
PO Box 249 (Main & Lake St.) Hammondsport 14840
Garrett Chapel (Summer Chapel)
Skyline Dr., Bluff Point 14478
(St. Mark’s, Penn Yan) 315-536-3955
Person in Charge: Mr. James Grillo
607-968-0143; grillojj@alfredstate.edu
Trustee: Mr. John Barden
585-275-5458; john.barden@rochester.edu
Services: Sundays, Independence Day through Labor Day,
9:00 a.m.
St. Peter’s Church
Monroe District
3825 E. Henrietta Rd., Henrietta 14467
585-334-1110; office@stpetershenrietta.org
Grace Church
Northeast District
P.O. Box 316 (7 Phelps St.), Lyons 14489
315-946-9687; geclyons@verizon.net
Rector: The Rev. Catherine Tatem
585-334-8512; revcat08@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Marti St. George
Rector: The Rev. Carmen Seufert
315-331-8251; crseufert@prodigy.net
Associate to the Rector for NPEM:
The Rev. Andrew White
315-335-1244; fatherandrewdw@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Mr. David Bouwens
St. Paul’s Mission
Southeast District
108 South Genesee St., Montour Falls 14865
MAIL: 112 Sixth St., Watkins Glen 14891
607-535-2321; epsc@stny.rr.com
Church of the Incarnation
Monroe District
1957 Five Mile Line Rd., Penfield 14526
585-586-7860; incarnationoffice@frontier.com
Rector: The Rev. Vicki Prescott
585-218-0311; incarnationrector@frontier.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Andrew Johnson
585-381-3989; incarnationdeacon@frontier.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Janet Seabridge
Vicar: The Rev. Michael Hartney
607-210-4041; michael.hartney@aya.yale.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Beth Vann
St. Mark’s Church
Northeast District
400 S. Main St., Newark 14513
315-331-3610; stmarknewark@prodigy.net
St. Mark’s Church
Southeast District
P.O. Box 424 (179 Main St.), Penn Yan 14527
315-536-3955; pystmarks@verizon.net
Rector: The Rev. Carmen Seufert
315-331-8251; crseufert@prodigy.net
Associate to the Rector for NPEM:
The Rev. Andrew White
315-332-1244; fatherandrewdw@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Mr. John Bouwens
Rector: The Rev. David Smith
315-536-6389; davidstmarks@verizon.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Anneke Wheeler
Christ Church
Monroe District
36 S. Main St., Pittsford 14534
585-586-1226; office@christchurchpittsford.com
St. Mark’s Church
Grace Church
St. John’s Church
Christ Church
315-331-3610; npem@prodigy.net
Rector: The Rev. Joshua Walters
347-572-3606; josh@christchurchpittsford.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Sara D’Angio White
585-749-9125; sara@christchurchpittsford.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Cindy Kline
Rector: The Rev. Carmen Seufert
315-331-8251; crseufert@prodigy.net
Associate to the Rector for NPEM:
The Rev. Andrew White
315-332-1244; fatherandrewdw@gmail.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Stephen Meister
315-483-6366; sgm13374@aol.com
Chapel of the Good Shepherd
Rochester District
Epis. Church Home, 505 Mt. Hope Ave., Rochester 14620;
Zion Church
Northeast District
120 E. Main St., Palmyra 14522
315-597-9236; zionoffice@rochester.rr.com
Chaplain: The Rev. Kenneth Pepin
585-347-6025; kpepin@episcopalseniorlife.org
Christ Church
Rochester District
141 East Ave., Rochester 14604
585-454-3878; office@christchurchrochester.org
Rector: The Rev. Susan Kohlmeier
315-502-4415; pastorsusank@rochester.rr.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Louise Smith
Rector: The Rev. Ruth Ferguson
585-773-1580; rector@christchurchrochester.org
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Lucille P. Alonzo
585-473-8292; lucya@frontiernet.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Marianne Sickels
Church of the Ascension
Rochester District
2 Riverside St., Rochester 14613
585-458-5423; ascension@rochester.rr.com
St. Paul’s Church
Rochester District
25 Westminster Rd., Rochester 14607
585-271-2240; info@stpaulsec.org
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Patricia Cashman
585-730-8079; patcashman2010@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Mary Vasquez
Rector: The Rev. Frederic Reynolds
585-473-7811; fred@stpaulsec.org
Associate Rector: The Rev. Jennifer Zogg
585-360-4495; jennifer@stpaulsec.org
Parish Secretary: Ms. Judy Loveland; judy@stpaulsec.org
Church of the Epiphany
3285 Buffalo Rd., Rochester 14624
585-247-4190; coeoffice@frontier.com
Monroe District
St. Stephen’s Church
Rochester District
350 Chili Ave., Rochester 14611
585-328-0856; ststephensoffice@frontier.com
Rector: The Rev. Nancy Stevens
585-225-1712; coerector@frontier.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Suzanne Johnston
585-586-4158; suzanneejohnston@aol.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Faith Weston
Rector: The Rev. Mary Ann Brody
585-413-3453; ststephenspastor@frontiernet.net
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Lynne McNulty
585-328-4494; lmcnult2@rochester.rr.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Elaine Francheseco
Ephphatha Mission for the Deaf
Rochester District
3285 Buffalo Rd., Rochester 14624 (Church of the
585-247-4190; coeoffice@frontier.com
St. Thomas’ Church
Rochester District
2000 Highland Ave., Rochester 14618
585-442-3544; office@stthomasrochester.org
Rector: The Rev. Nancy Stevens
585-225-1714; coerector@frontier.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Suzanne Johnston
585-586-4158; suzanneejohnston@aol.com
Rector: The Rev. Craig Uffman
585-442-3544; rector@stthomasrochester.org
Assistant Rector: The Rev. Claire Wimbush
585-775-9933; education@stthomasrochester.org
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Andrea Stridiron
585-442-8236; stritz@frontiernet.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Kathleen Merritt
Church of St. Luke & St. Simon Cyrene
Rochester District
17 Fitzhugh St. S., Rochester 14614
585-546-7730; office@twosaints.org
Trinity Church
Rochester District
3450 W. Ridge Rd., Rochester 14626
585-225-7848; office@trinity-greeceny.org
Rector: The Very Rev. Michael W. Hopkins
585-256-3597; rector@twosaints.org
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. John Burr
585-538-4444; jburr28@frontier.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Nancy Andrus;
Priest in Charge: The Rev. Deborah Duguid-May
585-729-3231; deborahduguidmay@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Lisa Scoppo
Church of St. Mark and St. John
Rochester District
1245 Culver Rd., Rochester 14609
585-654-9229; stmarksandstjohns@gmail.com
Church of the Good Shepherd
Southeast District
P.O. Box 466 (33 Church St.), Savona 14879
607-776-4503; rector@stthomasbath.org
Rector: The Rev. Cynthnia Rasmussen
585-288-8864; rasmussen.cynthia@gmail.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Michael Finn
585-288-5005; mikefinn@infionline.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Patricia Cummings
Vicar: The Very Rev. J. Brad Benson
607-776-7983; bradbenson28@hotmail.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Roxanne Gaylord
St. Andrew’s by the Lake (Summer Chapel)
1206 Lake Rd., Webster 14580
Contact Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster
Service: July - Labor Day, 11:00
Grace Church
Monroe District
P.O. Box 158 (9 Browns Ave.), Scottsville 14546
585-889-2028; gracescottsville@frontiernet.net
Rector: The Rev. Christopher Streeter
585-419-6610; revcstreeter@gmail.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Pam McShea;
St. John’s Church
Southwest District
12 E. Genesee St., Wellsville 14895
585-268-7622; acem14813@verizon.net
St. John’s Church
Northeast District
54 W. Main St., Sodus 14551
315-483-4235; stjohnsodus@prodigy.net
Person in Charge: Mr. Arthur Van Tyne
585-593-4352; avantyne@yahoo.com
Parish Secretary: Ms. Vanessa Bendelwski
Rector: The Rev. Carmen Seufert
315-331-8251; crseufert@prodigy.net
Associate to the Rector for NPEM:
The Rev. Andrew White
315-332-1244; fatherandrewdw@gmail.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Stephen Meister
315-483-6366; sgm13374@aol.com
Parish Secretary: Mr. John Bouwens;
Christ Church (Summer Church)
8350 Bay St., Sodus Point 14555
Contact St. Mark’s Church, Newark
Services: Sundays, Memorial Day - Labor Day, 9:00 a.m.
St. James’ Church
112 Sixth St., Watkins Glen 14891
607-535-2321; epsc@stny.rr.com
Southeast District
Rector: The Rev. Michael E. Hartney
607-210-4041; michael.hartney@aya.yale.edu
Parish Secretary: Ms. Beth Vann; epsc@stny.rr.com
Church of the Good Shepherd
Monroe District
1130 Webster Rd., Webster 14580
585-872-2281; gsoffice@frontiernet.net
Rector: The Very Rev. Lance D. Robbins
585-787-1852; lrobbins3714@aol.com
Vocational Deacon: The Rev. Barbara Fornalik
585-265-1760; btfrnlk@frontiernet.net
Parish Secretary: Ms. Mary Jean Crawford
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