Saint Michael’s S~h00l St. Michael’s Parochial School was dedicated in 1882 and staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester. Over the years it has sent forth graduates well-founded in the faith and in the secular studies prescribed by law. It continues to be an educational force in the com munity. Saint Michael’s Convent St. Michael’s Convent was opened during the pastorate of Rev. Bernard Gommenginger. It provided a fitting home for the Sisters who have been in charge of the Parish School. Saint Michael’s Parish Hall St. Michael’s Parish Hall was built in 1931 when the work of ex tensive Parish improvements was undertaken. Over the past two dec ades the wisdom of this project has been seen over and over. It has become in the last few years a Community Center for our youth where they may gather for wholesome recreation. It has seen the gatherings of members of the parish for many years and has been a force in bringing the Catholics of the community into a closer and stronger parochial spirit. Saint Michael’s Parish Playground One of the most recent parish projects that has been fostered by the people of St. Michael’s Parish is the development of a parish play ground. The area behind the parish school has been equipped with the best and most appealing playground facilities and has been opened to all of the children of our community. It was due to the tireless efforts of Father Bisky and the interest of all of the people of Penn Yan that the parish playground became the center of youth activity and a source of sound training for the young people of the area. The Story of Saint Michae1~ church The story of Catholicism in Yates county and the surrounding area could never be epitomized in the history of one hundred years. For long before the founding of St. Michael’s Parish in Penn Yan the doctrines of Catholicism had been brought to the Seneca and Keuka territory by Missionaries. These men had braved the wilderness and the vast expanse of the inner country. As early as 1786 two French Catholic settlers had moved into the section, and Catholic services were held from time to time in their homes. By the time that the vil lage of Penn Yan came into existence the influx of Catholic settlers began. By the year 1847, 15 Catholic families were living in the vil lage. When the number of families increased to that number, Fathers Bradley and O’Flaherty came from Geneva to celebrate Mass. Thomas Hendrick, one of the leading Catholics of the day, opened his home to the Faithful and thus gave impetus to the Catholic life of the sec tion. Mr. Hendrick was also responsible in great measure for the erec tion of the first Catholic Church in Penn Yan. With the permission of Bishop Timon of Buffalo, the Catholics began a campaign for funds in order to erect a permanent building where they might worship. Abraham Wagener donated a site in Pine street. The humble building that was erected as the first St. Michael’s Church began at once to be the center of Catholicity. When the build ing was completed, the Bishop appointed the first resident pastor, Rev. Michael Gilbride. There is still clearly written on the first page of the Baptismal Register these words: “I hereby certify that I became Pastor of the mission embracing Penn Yan, Yates County.. the twenty-sixth day of September, 1850.” . on Michael Gilbride, Pastor. The chronicle of the first fifty years of St. Michael’s Church can not be written entirely on paper. The magnificence of that history is rather inscribed on the hearts and in the souls of those who have drunk deeply wells of grace which flowed from this center of Catholic Faith. of Rochester and had its Bishop of newly-established the mightiest of the earl In 1868 Penn Yanforbecame part one of the Dioces American Bishops, Bernard J. McQuaid. Bishop McQuaid will always be remembered for his vigorous development of this new Dioce e. St. Michael’s Parish early responded to the Bishop’s plea for Catholic schools. In 1882 a new school was erected and staffed by the Sisters of St. Joseph from Rochester. It began at once to be the important influ ence in the community that the Bishop had predicted. In the year 1900 when the Golden Jubilee of the Parish was at hand, the original number of 13 families had grown to 300 and Catho licity had assumed an important role in Penn Yan. The Parish ha come to a size that demanded a larger Church. Under the direction of ‘ the Rev. Martin Hendrick, a new site was chosen in Liberty street and the present Church went up—a monument to the Faith and a worthy building for the worship of God. In 1901 the cornerstone was laid and the following year with much pomp and ceremony Bishop McQuaid, with many of the priests of the Diocese, dedicated this new Church to St. Michael, the Archangel. Many things could be written about the past fifty years. Many of fl the assistant pastor. Manythe could tell of of the new our first people will still remember coming of the Rev.building John Fitzsimons as Convent for the Sisters in Keuka street. And they will remember the purchase of the old village Fairgrounds behind the School. ?.K• 1 17 fI1 1 r~ 1 CY ~Daint lvi ic/we, S ~-I’iurcn tar,sn Otaj Pastor Rev. Francis C. Waterstraat Assistant Pastor Rev. Raymond F. Moore Trustees P. Henry Flynn Albert L. Kenville Auditors Jeremiah Buckley William Prendergast Teachers Sister M. Ephrem, S.S.J. Sister M. Lucretia, S.S.J. Sister M. Concetta, S.S.J. Sister M. Cecelia, S.S.J. Organist Mrs. Sidney Short Choir Director Charles Clark unkz~il~rt~ (t~cIn1u~r 1~ 195U QI~nteiuihtj c4~lasz nf lfl:3U ~ ~4JJJL Solemn Mass Coram Episcopo His Excellency Most Rev. James B. Kearney, D.D. Bishop of Rochester Presiding in Cappa Magna Assistant Priest Rt. Rev. Wilfred T. Craugh Assistant Deacons Rt. Rev. William H. McPadden, V.F. Rev. Frederick G. Straub Master of Ceremonies to the Bishop Rev. John B. Maney, S.T.D. Book-bearer Rev. Vincent P. Collins Bugia-bearer Rev. Thomas C. Kane Celebrant of the Mass Rev. Francis C. Waterstraat Deacon of the Mass Rev. Hubert A. Bisky Subdeacon of the Mass Rev. John P. O’Beirne Masters of Ceremonies Rev. Raymond F. Moore Rev. Philip E. McGhan Acolytes Rev Joseph M. McDonnell—Rev. Bernard C. Hanna Thurifer Rev. Leonard A. Kelly Sermon Most Rev. James B. Kearney, D.D. We wish to take the advantage of this booklet to extend our sincere thanks to all who have given so generously of their time and effort to make the Centennial Celebration of our Parish so successful. It has been this generous attitude and unfailing in terest on the part of all our people as well as our fellow priests that has made this so memorable an occasion. Saint Michael’s Church Rectory — 7 When the Catholics of this parish boast of one of the most beau tiful churches in the area, they give due credit to Father John Killeen who redecorated and embellished the present Church in 1931. Its simple beauty cannot fail to impress all who visit it. Father Killeen fi was also responsible for the building of the Parish Hall under the Church. When Father Killeen’s health failed, the Bishop appointed Rev. John as administrator of the parish and with He charac teristic zealP.heO’Beirne continued the work begun by Father Killeen. was succeeded by Rev. Hubert A. Bisky who ultimately became Pastor of St. Michael’s after the death of Father Killeen. Father Bisky’s pastorate was made noteworthy by his continued efforts on behalf of the youth of the community. The very well equipped playground on Keuka street will stand as a monument to his efforts. Before the actual events of the centennial celebration of the Parish had been begun, Father Bisky was transferred to Elmira and was succeeded by Rev. Francis C. Waterstraat of Moravia. To Father Waterstraat has fallen the gigantic task of making ready for the 100th anniversary. The re decoration of the properties, the social engagements, the spiritual activ ities, are the external manifestations that the Parish will offer in thanksgiving for 100 years of spiritual plenty. PASTORS WHO HAVE SERVED ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH Rev. Michael Creedon Rev. Michael Gilbrjde Rev. Patrick Canny Rev. Joseph Deen Rev. Joseph McKenna Rev. Dennis English Rev. Edward McGovern Rev. Guilelmus Gregg Rev. Eugene Pagani Rev. Angelo Lugero Rev. Martin Hendrick Rev. Bernard Gommenginger Rev. Hugh A. Crowley Rev. John G. Killeen Rev. Hubert A. Bisky Rev. Francis C. Waterstraat 18501850-1852 1853-1854 1854-185 5 1855-1862 1862-1869 1869-1874 1874-1876 1876-1892 1893-1899 1899-1915 19 15-1922 1923-1930 1930-1946 1946-195 0 1950- (During the illness of Father Killeen Rev. John P. O’Beirne served as the Administrator of St. Michael’s Church 19401945) ASSISTANT PASTORS OF ST. MICHAEL’S CHURCH Rev. John R. Fitzsitnons Rev. James Tischer Rev. Patrick Kelly Rev. Joseph Dissett Rev. Raymond C. Quigley Rev. William H. McPadden Rev. William B. Hayes Rev. Raymond J. Epping Rev. Martin F. Feeney Rev. Joseph G. Sullivan Rev. Patrick C. Connell Rev. Alfredo G. Morotti Rev. Joseph F. Hogan Rev. Thomas C. Kane Rev. Edward R. Dempsey Rev. Raymond F. Moore 1909-1914 1914-1916 1916-1921 1921-1923 1923-1924 1923-1924 1924-1929 1929-1930 1932-1939 1938-1939 1939-1939 1939-1940 1940-1943 1943-1947 1947-1947 1947- PRIESTS ORDAINED FROM THE PARISH: Rt. Rev. Thomas Hendrick, Bishop of Cebu Rt. Rev. Monsignor Wilfred T. Craugh, Ph.M. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph Hendrick WOMEN OF THE PARISH WHO HAVE ENTERED RELIGIOUS ORDERS: Mother Mary Aloysius Hendrick, S.S.J. Mary Hendrick A Miss Narden Mother Charlotte Hendrick, R.S.C.J. Sister M. Loyola Guider, S.S.J. Sister Marie Aimee Carroll, S.S.J. Sister Rose Marie Carroll, S.S.J. Sister Catherine Charlotte Hyland, S.S.J. Sister Mary Ade Manley, S.S.J. Sister M. Concillia Flahive, S.S.J. Sister Joseph Edward Creary, S.S.J. Sister M. Edwardine Prendergast, S.S.J. Sister M. Mercedes, R.S.M.