Priest`s Message - Rev. Fr. Catalin Mot

Voice: (585) 244.3377
Priest’s Message
Rev. Fr. Catalin Mot
Web: |
Parish Council Corner
Stewardship; Update on Building
Renovation Projects; more...
Divine Services:
Sundays: Orthros 9:00
am; Divine Liturgy
10:00 am.
Vespers 5:00 pm.
Recurring Weekly Events:
• Sunday School: Every Sunday
immediately following Holy Communion according to their schedule.
• Bible Study: Every Tuesday at
6:00 pm; and, every Wednesday
11:00 am
• Greek School: Every Saturday at
9:30 am according to their schedule.
• Orthros/Byzantine Choir Practice: Every Wednesday at 9:30 am.
• Pan Hellenic Dance: Every Sunday at 12:15 pm; every Monday at
7:00 pm; and, every Tuesday at
7:00 pm.
Other Scheduled Events:
• Saturday, February 6, HOPE/
JOY meeting 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm
• Sunday, February 7, GOYA
meeting 12:00 Noon
• Sunday, February 7, Philoptochos Valentine Party 12:00 Noon.
• Monday, February 8, Youth
Committee Meeting 6:00 pm
• Monday, February 8, Parish
Council Meeting 7:00 pm
• Monday, February 15, Good
News Publication submission
deadline for March issue. Send all
articles to Fr. Catalin at
• Thursday, February 18, Family
Night 6:00 pm.
• Saturday, February 20, NO
• Sunday, February 21, NO SUNDAY SCHOOL
• Thursday, February 25, Senior’s
will resume meetings on March
• Saturday, February 27, Upstate
NY Lenten Retreat 9:00 am to
5:00 pm
• Saturday, February 27,
Apokreatiko Dance 6:00 pm
February, 2016
Organizations Announcements
Community News
Philoptochos; Seniors Club; Missions and
Outreach; Youth Ministries; more...
Apokreatiko Dance,
Parish Registry; more...
Priest’s Message - Rev. Fr. Catalin Mot
My dear family in Our Lord,
One month from 2016 is already gone. We had so many activities here in Church, and now we
are initiating even more.
If you look in Our Church calendar, you are going to see, a lot of new programs. Let me explain
all of these new programs for you, so you will have a better understanding of what these new
programs are all about.
Let me first start with the Bible Study programs. We have one on Tuesday nights at 6:00 P.M.
and one on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 A.M. In both of these days, we are doing the same
thing. Next week we are going to begin to study The Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew.
I scheduled two different days to do the same thing, because I wanted to make it accessible for
everybody who wants to come and participate in this educational program. For those of you who
are working (on Tuesday nights), as well as for our parishioners who cannot drive at night (on
Wednesday mornings).
I also scheduled once a month, on the last Thursday of the month, between 6:00 P.M and 8:00
P.M., a new program, called :“ The Family nights”, which is also an educational program.
The purpose for the “Family nights”, is to give an opportunity to all our families, to come together and participate into a worship service (Small Paraklesis Service to The Virgin Mary), and
then to listen to a short presentation about simple teachings of our faith (for example: ‘tonight
we are going to talk about The Sign of The Cross’), followed by questions and answers and at
the end we will have the opportunity to share a meal (potluck dinner) and to get to know each
other better.
Once a month, on the third Thursday of the month, I also plan to have a documentary movie,
with a topic of Our Faith.
In conclusion, I just want to remind you, that Your Church needs your support, we can keep our
doors open, only through your generosity and benevolent contributions, we thank you very much
for your continue support and look forward to serving you, according to our modest ability and
With all my love and appreciation, for the opportunity to serve you, this wonderful community, I
remain, prayerfully yours, in Jesus Christ Our Lord, His humble servant,
+Father Catalin
Church Services and Events updates and cancellations:
Check the regular Sunday Bulletin for updates. For those who have access to the Internet, check the Church’s on-line
calendar at: http:/ In the case of inclement weather, call the church office to
find out if a Church Service or event has been cancelled 585.244.3377.
February, 2016
Parish Council Corner
Parish Council President’s Message…
Dear Parishioners
Happy New Year! On behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank you for your love, dedication and support to our church and
to our community. As the new president of the Parish Council I hope to fulfill your expectations and I promise you that I will do my
best to address our church’s needs. I hope you all will help me! If you would like to talk to me about any issues of our Church
community, I am going to be at the church office every Sunday and I am also going to be at Greek School every Saturday. The Parish Council and I welcome and value your input!
Our Church needs your support. We do not receive funding from the government or other sources. Our 2016 Stewardship Campaign will be “kicked-off” shortly. I would like to ask each of you to send your Stewardship, or a part of it, as soon as you can!
We need your help, but most importantly we need your presence, your involvement, and your service! If we have that we will overcome all our challenges. We are already into February and we will celebrate the Carnival with a community dance, that the Greek
School is organizing, on February 27th. I hope to see you all there and of course at church on Sundays!
God help and be with us all!
-Maria Aslani-Breit, President, Parish Council
Αγαπητοι µου ενοριτες
Καλη χρονια! Εκ µερους του Συµβουλιου της εκκλησιας µας θα ηθελα να σας ευχαριστησω για την αγαπη σας, την αφοσιωση σας και
την υποστηριξη σας στην εκκλησια µας και σε ολες τις δραστηριοτητες της κοινοτητας µας. Μονο ετσι θα κρατησουµε τη θρησκεια µας
και τις παραδοσεις µας! Ως καινουρια προεδρος ελπιζω να ανταποκριθω στις προσδοκιες σας και σας υποσχοµαι οτι θα κανω καθε
προσπαθεια να βελτιωσω τις υπαρχουσες συνθηκες. Ελπιζω ολοι σας να µε βοηθησετε! Αν θελετε να µου µιλησετε, για οποιδηποτε
θεµα θα ειµαι καθε Κυριακη στο γραφειο της εκκλησιας και καθε Σαββατο πρωι στο ελληνικο σχολειο.
Η εκκλησια µας χρειαζετε την υποστηριξη σας αµεσα λογω της δυσκολης οικονοµικης µας καταστασης. Εµεις ειµαστε οι µονοι που
στηριζουµε οικονοµικα την εκκλησια µας, οχι το κρατος ή αλλοι ποροι. Θα παρακαλεσω ολους σας να στειλετε τη συνδροµη σας, ή
µερος της, οσο δυνατο γρηγοροτερα !!! Χρειαζοµαστε τη βοηθεια σας και κυριως χρειαζοµαστε την παρουσια σας! Μονο ετσι θα
ξεπερασουµε ο,τι προβληµατα εχουµε. Ειµαστε ηδη στο Φεβρουαριο και θα γιορτασουµε τις Αποκριες µε ενα χορο που διοργανωνει
το ελληνικο σχολειο στις 27 Φεβρουαριου. Ελπιζω να σας δω ολους εκει και φυσικα καθε Κυριακη στην εκκλησια!
-Μαρια Ασλανη-Μπράιτ, Προεδρος του Κοινοτικου Συµβουλιου
Building Renovation Projects Update…
Hello Parishioners,
A quick update on our building renovation projects. All is going well and as you may have noticed a lot of hard
work has been going on. First, we would like to ask that upon entrance to the church everyone uses the HANDICAP ENTRANCE on the East Side from the back of the church. Secondly, new marble has been ordered for all the
stairs that are remaining. They have an approximate deliver date for the middle of February. By the end of February
we hope to have the main entrance and side entrance of the narthex open. Thirdly, once these two staircases have been completed we
will be closing off the community hall entrance for a couple of weeks while we reconstruct this entrance.
An update on the water damage work in the community hall has been repaired and replaced. We are presently working on getting
and finalizing bids for repairing and replacing the church ceiling tiles that have been damaged due to the water damage so that we
can have this project completed before Easter.
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience of the balcony not being completed, we are determining what plan is best for the church.
As you can see we have a very busy and full list to work on and please let it be known that we are working as fast and efficiently as
we can to restore our beautiful church. The building committee will be holding meetings with the community for questions, comments and opinions on current projects and projects in the future. Please stay posted for the next building committee meeting date.
Thank you to the community for your financial support and patience during the renovation process.
-Anastasios Kolokouris, Parish Council
February, 2016
Organizations Announcements
Dear Annunciation Family,
It’s hard to believe that we are, almost, half way through our Liturgical calendar and into the month of
February 2016! The month of January is past us, and we are quietly adjusting into our routines. By the
time this Good News reaches you, your children are reminding you and planning for the Presidents February break. Some of you will be going to Florida to get away from the upstate weather, though I have to say
it has treated us positively. On the other hand, Philoptochos is looking ahead and wondering what else the
organization can accomplish in order to meet its many obligations. First and foremost, we have to meet
our 2016 National Philoptochos and Metropolis obligations. As a reminder, the Liturgical calendar year
began September 2015. Between now and September 2016 we will have already contributed and continue
to meet those obligations of over two-thousand dollars. This of course doesn’t include the constant contributions we make throughout the year that are not a part of our National and Metropolis obligations. Thus,
we thank you for your donations, because without your generous contributions these mandatory obligations
would not happen.
We take a moment to thank the Philoptochos ladies who volunteered for the January coffee hour and all
those that joined them. The coffee hour basket for the month of February will go to the American Heart
Association. Thanks for your contribution during fellowship. Please continue to sign up for coffee hour and
bring a friend to help. Sign-up sheet is hanging in the kitchen. We invite all to volunteer. God Bless the
families that host the fellowship in memory of their loved ones. “Zoi Sa Sas!” We sincerely appreciate your
donations in their memory.
The Philoptochos Vasilopita Luncheon that was held on January 10th was well attended by our faithful
parishioners. Overall, $2,127.00 was donated by all those who attended the luncheon and those donations
that were made by our Annunciation Organizations. At this time please allow me to thank the following
groups: Agia Paraskevi, Parish Board Members, Hellenic Cultural Society, Daughters of Penelope, Pan
Hellenic, Ahepa, Seniors, Greek School, Choir. We thank you for the fellowship and continued support for
the St. Basil Orphanage, which I might add is one of Philoptochos’ obligations. We thank Sophia Demkos
for organizing the delicious Vasilopita cake that was made along with the following ladies: Dionisia Lianos,
Dina Marou, and Despina Georgantopoulos. We hope you all enjoyed the delicious cake and wishing those
that won the “coin”, “good luck” for the year. Looking forward to next year!
If you haven’t joined Philoptochos yet, please consider becoming a member and joining our family. Philoptochos would like to welcome Nancy Papapanu as its newest member. If you would like to join
please call Maria Economides or if you need to become current with your dues.
Philoptochos calendar of events:
2-7-2016 Meeting and Valentine’s Party right after the Liturgy. A reminder to Philoptochos Ladies bring a dish to pass. All are welcome!
3-13-2016 Philoptochos meeting to discuss the important upcoming Vespers of March 24th. Please
attend this important meeting. To our Annunciation Parish Family, Please mark your calendar: March
24th 2016 Hosted this year by our Annunciation Parish and Philoptochos. This is a reminder that
this year it is our turn to host and welcome our Parish Brothers and Sisters from the surrounding Greek
Orthodox Churches. Philoptochos is asking for your help, we will need all our parish families to prepare a “LENTEN MEAL” and bring it on March 24th. Please contact the following ladies from
Philoptochos: Despina Georgantopoulos, Betty Vamvakitis, Helen Eisenberg, Niki Chamberlain,
Akrivi Bitsas, and Angie George.
4-10-2016 Philoptochos meeting right after the Liturgy to discuss the Saturday of Lazarus.
4-18-2016 Our second Alex & Ani fund raiser. Held at Culver Road Armory from 6pm-9pm. All are
4-23-2016 Saturday of Lazarus on April 23, 2016. Philoptochos is hosting the breakfast. Organizer is
Helen Eisenberg.
5-15-2016 Philoptochos meeting after the Liturgy. Last meeting of the season.
As we are approaching Megali Sarakosti, Philoptochos wishes all of you a continued blessed year and remind all of you that Philoptochos will continue to meet all its obligations and the needs of our Annunciation
and our Parish family. May God Bless America and the Annunciation on East Avenue.
-Niki Chamberlain, Secretary
February, 2016
Organizations Announcements
On December 17th, the Senior Citizens’ Christmas luncheon
and party was held. It was a lovely affair, well attended, and
our community hall was filled with Christian Fellowship and
Christmas Spirit.
On Monday, February 29, at 6:00 PM, 6 to 8 members of our
community are needed to volunteer at the Open Door Soup
Kitchen. Please sign up on the list located on the Bulletin Board
in the Church Hall. For more information, contact Kim Stathopoulos or Presvytera Felicia Mot
The seniors wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to the
“Christmas Chefs” - George Anagnostakos, Michael Papapanu, and John Keventzidis who volunteered their time and
talent to prepare our delicious lunch. We also wish to extend
a very special thank you to the Flower City Chapter of
Ahepa for their generosity. In keeping with the “True Spirit
of Christmas Giving,” the Ahepans donated the cost of the
food for our luncheon. For nearly 100 years, the Ahepans
have done so much in support of our Annunciation Church
and Greek Community. It behooves all of us to let them
know that their many philanthropic works and contributions
are truly appreciated!
Looking ahead to 2016, we wish everyone a happy and
healthy New Year! Please note, the Seniors Club will NOT
be meeting during the wintry months of January and February. Our next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, March
31st. Meanwhile, keep warm and we’ll see you in March.
Until we meet again, we remain your officers,
-Mary Pantas, President
-Demetra Korovessis, Vice President
-Bessie Fletcher, Secretary
-Lorraine Theodorou, Treasurer
FOOD PANTRY: Our Missions and Outreach Committee will
continue collecting shelf-stable food items to aid families in
need. Please leave your shelf-stable food donations in the container in the Church Hall.
Supporting our Food Pantry is more than just bringing food
items to Church, it is giving back for the many blessings that we
have received.
Thank you to all of the individuals who have given so generously to make this ministry possible.
If you would like to sponsor flowers for the
health or memory of a loved one for a Sunday
Divine Liturgy or a Weekday Divine Liturgy, contact the
Church Office. The price to fill one vase with flowers is
$20.00 or $40.00 for both vases.
Join us for our Annual Youth Lenten Retreat
The Joy of Fasting: The role of fun and fasting in spiritual formation
Upstate NY Youth Lenten Retreat at The Strong National Museum of Play
DATE: Saturday, February 27, 2016
TIME: 10:00am - 5:00pm
LOCATION: Annunciation Church and The Strong National Museum of Play - Rochester, NY
AGES: Grades 6-12 are invited to participate in this retreat. Please contact Youth Director Niko Tzetzis if you'd like to bring
younger children.
Meet us at the Strong Museum of Play at 10AM
Evening activity:
Apokreatiko Dance
6:30pm at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Tickets $10 for Under 21, $25 for Adults
We will start the retreat at the Strong Museum of Play at 10:00am and have activities there throughout the day. At 4PM, we will
return to the church where the kids will finish the retreat and have an opportunity to get ready for the Apokreatiko Dance! We need
parents to stay around and chaperone. All of our kids are invited.
In Christ,
-Niko Tzetzis, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.
February, 2016
Organizations Announcements
The Flower City Chapter # 67, Order of AHEPA, and the AHEPA Rochester Foundation have announced the 2015 scholarship winners.
Receiving the Dean Zutes Memorial Scholarships
each for $1,500 are awarded to: Mr. Valenti Marou,
Ms. Anna Kostakis, and Mr. Patrick J Manou.
Receiving the Papapanu-Dedetsinas Memorial Scholarship, for $500 is awarded to Mr. Peter N Matos.
Receiving the Panagiota E. Tonias Scholarship for
$500 is Mr. Paul A. Matos
Receiving the Drs. Destounis and Matos Scholarship
for $500 is Mr. Sebastian C. Mot
The AHEPA 67 scholarships each for $500 are
awarded to Mr. Daniel M. Mot, and Ms. Nicole
The Order of AHEPA and the AHEPA Rochester Foundation congratulates all the scholarship winners, and wishes them success in
achieving their goals. Award presentations will take place on Sunday, January 10, 2016 3:00 PM at a reception to be held at the
AHEPA 67 Apartments, 100 AHEPA Circle, Webster, NY 14580.
Since 1992, the Order of AHEPA has proudly awarded $137,250 in scholarships to local recipients. The AHEPA scholarship program for 2016 is open to all high school graduates and undergraduate & graduate college students from Holy Spirit Church and Annunciation Church parishes. New applications will be available January 2016 and must be submitted to the AHEPA Rochester
Foundation by June 30, 2016. Those wishing to apply for a scholarship application should contact any member of AHEPA,
Anargyros Caloyeras, Dimitri Stefanou, Nikolas Tzimas, or Dennis Kiriazides.
-Dimitri Stefanou
Daughters of Penelope Youth Scholarship applications are available locally through Landa Prifti or Jane Mickles.
application and guidelines are available on-line at the Daughters of Penelope Website site at the following links:
The National
-Landa Prifti,
Attention all Sunday School Students in Grades 7th to 12th
Coming soon to our parish, the 2016 St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival !
Stand up, speak your faith to feed our brethren as a young Orthodox Christian. Get a head start by viewing the topics at http:// Contacts are Rhonda Stamatis, Juan P
Linares and Niko Tzetzis.
-Juan P. Linares
February, 2016
Community News
February, 2016
Community News
• Dimitri Paraskevopoulos
• Shawn Miller
• Alexandra Brooklyn, daughter of Brandon & Vasiliki Pease was baptized on January 3,
2016. Godmother: Suzanne Jolevski
+ Anthony Stathis, fell asleep unto the Lord, May 22, 2015
+ Stergios Nassis, fell asleep unto the Lord, May 25, 2015
+ Robert Schaeffer, fell asleep unto the Lord, November 28, 2015
+ Zoi Kokorotsis, fell asleep unto the Lord December 27, 2015
+ George Gerakos, fell asleep unto the Lord January 26, 2016
+ Nicholas Nickson, fell asleep unto the Lord January 27, 2016
Parish Directory Correction:
Our apologies to Elizabeth Forgione who was incorrectly listed as living in Webster.
-Sylvia Bauer, Parish Administrator
You can keep current on all church services and events by viewing the parish calendar which
is posted on the web site.
CLICK ON: calendar
-Rhonda Stamatis, Parish Council Vice President
Remember the Church
in your Will
Parish Information:
Contact Us:
Voice: (585) 244-3377; Fax: (585) 244-3388
Rev. Fr. Catalin Mot,
Nicolaos Tzetzis,
Youth Director,
Rev. Fr. Jerry Tasikas,
Sylvia Bauer,
Parish Administrator
• Maria Aslani-Breit, President
• Anastasia Broikos, Secretary
• Julie Eveleigh
• Anastasios Kolokouris
• Dimitri Koukouves
• Amiel Mokhiber Jr.
• Michael Naselaris, Treasurer
• George Nassis
• Dorothea Sanchez
• Dimitri Stefanou
• Rhonda Stamatis, Vice President
• George Stamoulakatos
• Demetrios Stathopoulos
• Eric Vangellow
• Van Zissis
Non-Profit Org.
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Please email all articles for publication directly to Fr. Catalin at
The monthly Good News Deadline
for the March issue is Monday, February 15th.