Lab in Social Psychology - Northeastern University

Northeastern University
College of Science
Psychology Department
Psyc 4614: Laboratory in Social Psychology
Summer 2, 2016
M,T,W,Th 9:50-11:30am
Classroom: Nightingale 180
Matthew Murry
043 Lake Hall
Office Hours
Tuesday 2:00-3:00pm
Thursday 1:00-2:00pm
or by appointment
Psyc 2320 Statistics
Psyc 3402 Social Psychology
Course Description & Purpose
Course Objectives (you will be able to):
1. Review and critique literature in social psychology
2. Develop and implement a research plan for investigating a novel, conceptually interesting topic in social
3. Compose a manuscript from independent research
4. Present novel scientific findings to a group of academics
Required Readings
Typically articles will be assigned to be read ahead of class sessions. Students should be prepared to discuss the articles’
content. These will be distributed electronically. There are no required text books for this course. It is recommended
that you have access to a social psychology textbook, a research methods/statistics textbook, and the Publication
Manual for the American Psychological Association, all of which are available at Snell Library.
Research Assignments
There will be several research assignments throughout the term. These will include reading & responding to
articles and completing problem sets. For article assignments you must thoroughly read each article and
complete the corresponding assignment before class. You must bring a hardcopy of the article being discussed
to class meetings. All research assignments are due at the start of class (hardcopies printed and stapled) and are
counted towards you participation grade.
Experiments & Lab Papers
You will perform and write up two studies during the semester. You will have the opportunity to revise both of
them. Rubrics will be provided for each lab paper; however, the rubrics are not checklists for getting an A. They
are meant as a guide. Both of these projects will involve incremental assignments.
Experiment 1: As a class, we will design a study, collect and analyze the data. Each student will write an
individual lab report in APA style.
Experiment 2: In a group of 2-3 students, you will develop a hypothesis, design an experiment to test that
hypothesis, collect and analyze data, write a lab report and give a final presentation (see below).
Article Presentation: You will find a social psychology experiment published in an empirical journal and present it
to the class. The format will be reviewed in class. Social psychology topics will be assigned and articles MUST be
approved. Articles with brief summaries need to be sent to the instructor for approval before Tuesday, 7/19.
Experiment 2 Presentation: As a group, you will present your final project.
The quiz will cover the classroom lectures and some in-class discussion material. An in-class review will be held.
Class Policies
Deadline & Late Assignment Policy
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day specified in the course calendar. For each deadline
that is missed, the permanent penalty is 10% per day per assignment. Article responses and research activities
should be submitted in class as hardcopies and they will NOT be accepted late without prior approval from the
instructor. You will be permitted one missing research assignment without penalty for the semester (please note
this ONLY applies to research assignments NOT presentations, quizzes, experiments or lab papers).
Make-up Quiz
Students will be permitted a make-up quiz if he/she has an illness or emergency-situation that results in him/her
not being able to take a scheduled quiz but must contact the instructor within 24-hours of the scheduled quiz.
For non-emergency situations, students must contact the instructor prior to missing a scheduled quiz and the
instructor will determine if arranging a make-up quiz is appropriate.
I strive to create a safe and respectful learning environment. I try to treat you with respect, and I expect you to
treat me, and each other, likewise. If you feel this is not achieved, please arrange a meeting to speak with me.
To ensure the success of this course for you and your peers, please follow these simple guidelines (as will I):
Please arrive on time, stay till the end of class. Turn off your cell phone (vibrate is not off). Please do not pack up
your bag until class is over. Please do not sleep, send text messages, use social media sites (e.g., Facebook,
Instagram, etc.). Disruptions of lectures will be considered against your participation grades. If you must use
your phone for an emergency, please let me know at the beginning of class and step out of the classroom to
take the call.
Laptops & Cell phone
Laptops can be a helpful tool during class, though they can also be distractions. You may not use laptops during
class lectures (the slides will be available via Blackboard). However, laptops can be very useful tools when
working on the experiments and lab papers. You are welcome to bring them to class and use them during group
work, if they are used appropriately. Cell phones are usually just distractions, so should not be used in class.
In order to promote open discussions throughout the course, any recording device used to capture content
(video, audio, photography) during the lectures must be pre-approved by the Instructor and disclosed to all
other students. Likewise, the anonymity of all documents submitted by students throughout this course will be
maintained unless the student approves otherwise.
Attendance and active participation in class and during individual/group activities is absolutely critical to this
course. You must attend ALL class meetings. If you miss class, you will also miss material that is essential to your
completing the experiments and writing the research reports. If you cannot avoid missing class, you must discuss
the situation with the Instructor PRIOR to the class.
Emergency situations or serious illnesses that result in multiple absences or missed assignments will be handled
on a case-by-case basis by the instructor. Please contact the instructor promptly (within 48 hours) to inform him
that you have an emergency situation (you do not need to include details of your circumstances) and the
duration of your anticipated absence.
This class is an active experience and requires your full engagement. Class participation includes active
involvement in class discussions, exercise, and activities. I do not expect everyone to talk all the time, but I do
expect everyone to make quality contributions to each class. Attendance is expected, but attendance alone does
not constitute participation.
Participation can include office hours. It is very important to me as an Instructor to get to know students as
individuals. It is also important to you as students to become more familiar interacting with professors and
colleagues. Students are encouraged to attend office hours whenever they need or want. I am happy to talk with
you about any class related activities, your career/ graduate education interest, or any other concerns you may
Ground Rules for Discussions:
• Do not talk over each other
• Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones)
• Ask questions if you are confused
Academic Integrity
The University’s policy on Academic Integrity will be strictly followed. You can find the policy here: It is the responsibility of each student to active
the highest standard of academic integrity as put forth in the NU Student Handbook. Lapses will result in a
failing grade for the course and an automatic referral to the Student Judiciary. You must observe the instructor’s
rules regarding team projects. Each paper must be written independently. There will be penalties if team
members’ show evidence of impermissible collaboration or copying. This means for Experiment 2, you may work
with the other members of your group in designing and running the experiment, analyzing the data and
discussing its interpretation, but you must write the paper alone.
Experiment 1 (draft & final)
Experiment 2 (draft & final)
Research Activities & Participation
Article Presentation
Grade Scale
93-100 A
90-92 A88-89 B+
83-87 B
80-82 B78-79 C+
73-77 C
70-72 C68-69 D+
63-67 D
60-62 D< 60
Course Schedule
An outline of the course schedule for the term is attached. It is subject to change at the instructors’ discretion. If
changes are made you will be provided with an updated schedule via blackboard.
Monday 7/4
No Class
Tuesday 7/5
What is Social Psychology?
Course Introduction/ Syllabus
Wednesday 7/6
Scientific Method &
Research Process
Discuss Exp. 1/ Pilot surveys
Article Discussion
Thursday 7/7
Research Design
Exp. 1 Worksheet in class
Article Discussion
Monday 7/11
Sampling & Measurement
Exp. 1 Set-up: Surveys & Protocols
Create Exp. 1 Survey w/ Pilot Data
Tuesday 7/12
Measurement & Error
Article Discussion
Wednesday 7/13
Hypothesis Testing & Statistics
Article Discussion
Thursday 7/14
How to Write a Lab Report; APA
Monday 7/18
One-way ANOVA/ SPSS Lesson
Exp. 1: Analysis & Results
Tuesday 7/19
Reliability & Validity
Discuss Exp. 2
Article Discussion
Wednesday 7/20
Literature Search
Form Exp. 2 Groups
Article Presentation Assignment
Thursday 7/21
Quiz Review
Discuss Exp. 2 topics with group
Exp 1. Draft Due
Monday 7/25
Exp.2 Worksheet in groups
Exp. 2 Idea Due at end of class
Tuesday 7/26
Article Presentations
#1: How to Read a Research Article
#2: Asch, 1956
Signed Syllabus DUE
#3: Reading & Discussion Assignment:
Williams & Bargh (2008)
Pilot Surveys Due before MIDNIGHT (via Google
#4: Reading & Discussion Assignment:
Elliot & Niesta (2008)
Pazda, Elliot & Greitemeyer (2012)
#5: Variables & Hypotheses Worksheets
[continue Exp. 1 data collection]
#6: Reading & Discussion Assignment:
Wolke et al. (2013)
[continue Exp. 1 data collection]
#7: Stats Review Worksheet
Exp. 1 Data Due before MIDNIGHT 7/14
#8: Reading & Discussion Assignment:
Masuda et al. (2008)
Email article for presentation PDF to professor
Presentation Slides due before MIDNIGHT for
7/26 presenters
Study 2 Idea Discussion (from worksheet)
Presentation Slides due before MIDNIGHT for
7/27 presenters
Thursday 7/28
Exp. 2 Method Development
Exp. 1 Final Paper Due
Monday 8/1
Exp. 2 Method Development
Exp. 2 Literature Search & Methods Due
Article Discussion
#9: Reading & Discussion Assignment: TBD
Wednesday 7/27
Article Presentations
Tuesday 8/2
Two-way ANOVA
Wednesday 8/3
Two-way ANOVA (cont.)
Final methods approved for Exp. 2
Thursday 8/4
Data collection starts
#10: SPSS Assignment
[data collection continues]
Monday 8/8
No class- data collection day
[data collection continues]
Tuesday 8/9
In-class meetings w/ Instructor
Bring Intro/Methods draft to meeting
[data collection continues]
Wednesday 8/10
Exp. 2 analysis & group work day
Exp. 2 Data Due
Thursday 8/11
Exp. 2 analysis & group work day
[data analysis continues]
Monday 8/15
Consuming Research in Popular
Media Research Discussion
#11: Media Research Activity
Tuesday 8/16
Ethics in Research
In-class group work
Experiment 2 Draft Due
Wednesday 8/17
Exp. 2 Presentations
Thursday 8/18
Exp. 2 Presentations
Monday 8/22
No Class
Experiment 2 Final Paper Due before MIDNIGHT
Name: _____________________________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________
I have read the syllabus carefully and understand the course rules and requirements.
I have taken Psyc 2320 Statistics
I have taken Psyc 3402 Social Psychology