International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 Comparison of Cuk And Buck Converter Fed Electronically Commuted Motor Drive Amit Dodke EE department , DESCOET, Dhamangaon Rahul Argelwar EE department , PCE, Nagpur B.S. Dani EE deparment PCE,Nagpur e-mail: Abstract— In this paper novel technique of Controlling electronically commutated motor drive(PMBLDCMD) using cuk converter explain. A DC-DC converter topology is employed for speed control BLDC MOTOR and operated with voltage follower Approach in discontinuous conduction mode (DCM). This paper give comparative performance of speed controlling of BLDC motor using Buck and cuk converter. The performance of BLDC motor is studied using MATLAB Simulation for wide range of speed control. Keywords—BLDC motor, cuk converter , Voltage Control, VSI I. INTRODUCTION High torque and low power applications mostly prefer low voltage PMBLDCMs operated at constant current. Such applications require the DC link voltage lower than the average output of a DBR fed from a single-phase AC mains. A DC-DC converter is connected between the VSI and the DBR fed from single phase AC supply to provide controlled voltage at DC link capacitor. There are many DC –DC converter topologies available such as buck, boost, buck-boost, cuk converter amongst which the cuk converter topology is used in this work. It provides controlled DC voltage to the PMBLDCM drive from an uncontrolled DC output of a single phase AC mains fed DBR while improving the PQ at AC mains [1]. The cuk converter topology has advantages of its simplest construction and minimum component requirement over other topologies. The merits of cuk converter topology has input and output Current is ripple free. So that smooth speed control of BLDC Motor is possible .The cuk converter is designed for DCM operation to result in reduced sensor requirement with the desired speed control. it suitable for household application such as , water pump, fan, mixers, etc.[2]. It not only used in household application but also these are suitable for other application such as computer automobile starter ,disc drives, , automobile wipers, medical equipment and many other industrial tools. The BLDC motor is also known as electronically commutated motor because an electronic commutation based on rotor position is used for controlling the speed Permanent magnet brushless DC motors (PMBLDCMs) are preferred motors for a compressor of an air-conditioning system due to its features like high efficiency, wide speed range and low maintenance requirements. The 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE Dr.S.P.Muley EE department PEC,Nagpur operation of the compressor with the speed control results in an improved efficiency of the system while maintaining the temperature in the air-conditioned zone at the set reference consistently. Whereas, the existing air conditioners mostly have a single-phase induction motor to drive the compressor in on/off control mode. This results in increased losses due to frequent on/off operation with increased mechanical and electrical stresses on the motor, thereby poor efficiency and reduced life of the motor. Moreover, the temperature of the air conditioned zone is regulated in a hysteresis band. Therefore, improved efficiency of the Air-Conditioning system will certainly reduce the cost of living and energy demand to copeup with ever-increasing power crisis . Because of numerous application of BLDC motor in low power need to be smooth speed control. propose methodology use dc dc cuk converter for smooth speed controlling and compare with buck converter topology. [4] II. PROPOSED CONTROL SCHEME DC-DC converter feeding permanent magnet brushless motor drive is proposed here for low power application. A cuk converter comes under the category of DC to DC converter. In proposed circuit single phase supply is feeding to uncontrolled rectifier and DC converter is to control the voltage of DC link capacitor. Voltage of DC link capacitor is used to control the speed of BLDC motor. The output of DC link capacitor is fed to inverter and then BLDC motor to control the speed. A voltage follower technique is used to control the speed of BLDC motor. Fig1.block diagram of cuk converter fed BLDC motor drive. International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 III. CUK CONVERTER Fig. 2: Cuk Converter Circuit Representation with input and output current waveforms The Cuk converter is named for Slobodan Cuk of the California Institute of Technology. It is the result of applying the duality principle to the buck-boost converter to use a capacitor instead of an inductor as the primary energy storage device. As a result, the DC transfer function is nominally the same as that of the Buck-Boost converter Vo = -DVs/ (1-D )where, Vo is output voltage Vs is input voltage of cuk converter Output voltage polarity of cuk converter is similar to that of buck boost converter. An advantage of the Cuk converter topology is that the current pulsing occurs within the converter itself and both the input and output currents are not pulsed. Furthermore, if integrated magnetic are used, the input or output current can (theoretically) be nullified as the ripple is transferred to the other side of the converter. Because only one capacitor suffers the losses associated with (internal) current pulsing, the Cuk converter is more efficient than a filtered Buck-Boost converter. The operation of Cuk converter in DCM is described Interval I: When switch is turned off, the energy stored in inductor Li is transferred to capacitor C1 via diode D, till it is completely discharged to enter DCM operation. Interval II: When switch is turned on, inductor Li stores energy while capacitor C1 discharges through Switch S to transfer its energy to the DC link capacitor Cd. Input inductor current iLi increases while the voltage across the capacitor C1 decreases . Interval III: During this interval, no energy is left in input inductor Li, hence current iLi becomes zero. Moreover, inductor Lo operates in continuous conduction to transfer its energy to DC link capacitor Cd. =197.95 Volts where VS is the rms value of the supply voltage. Voltage rating = Kb * ωrated *10-3 = 156 Volts. Current rating = Trated (Rated Torque) /Kt = 1.62 Amp The duty ratio D for the Cuk converter is given as, D = Vdc / (Vin +Vdc) = 156/198+156 = 0.44 where Vdc represents the DC link voltage of Cuk converter. The dc link voltage of the PFC converter is given as Vdc = Vin D/(1 − D) (1) where Vin is the average output of the DBR for a given ac input voltage (Vs) related as Vin = 2√2Vs/π. (2) The Cuk converter uses a boost inductor (Li) and a capacitor (C1) for energy transfer. Their values are given as Li =D Vin/ {fs(ΔILi) (3) C1 =D Idc/{fsΔVC1 (4) A ripple filter is designed for ripple-free voltage at the dc link of the Cuk converter. The inductance (Lo) of the ripple filter restricts the inductor peak-to-peak ripple current (ΔILo) within a specified value for the given switching frequency (fs), whereas the capacitance (Cd) is calculated for the allowed ripple in the dc link voltage (ΔVCd) [7], [8]. The values of the ripple filter inductor and capacitor are given as Lo =(1 − D)Vdc/ {fs(ΔILo)} Cd =Idc/(2ωΔVCd). (6) The PFC converter is designed for a base dc link voltage of Vdc = 200 V at Vs = 220 V for fs = 20kHz, Is = 4.5 A, ΔILi = 0.45 A (10% of Idc), Idc = 3.5 A, ΔILo = 3.5 A (≈ Idc), ΔVCd = 4 V (1% of Vo), and ΔVC1 = 220 V (≈ Vs). The design values are obtained as Li = 2.5 mH, C1 = 0.66 μF, Lo = 4.3 mH, and Cd = 2200 μF The simulation diagram for Cuk converter is shown in fig .3. Mosfet is used in cuk converter for high frequency and operating frequency is 20 kHz IV. DESIGN OF PFC CUK CONVERTER The proposed drive system is designed for Cuk converter as PFC converter fed BLDC motor drive operating in DICM. The output inductor value is selected such that the current remains discontinuous in a single switching cycle. The average input voltage Vin after the rectifier is given as, Vin = 2*1.414*VS / π =2*1.414*220/ π 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE (5) Fig.3. Simulation of Cuk converter International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 V. CONTROL OF CUK CONVERTER FED BLDC MOTOR DRIVE The control for dc-dc cuk converter is given below. The following are the three block give the control of cuk converter for Electronically commuted motor drive. A. Reference Voltage Generator It generates voltage which is proportional to the output speed of BLDC motor. The reference voltage generator produces a voltage(Vdc*) by multiplying the speed with a constant value known as the voltage constant (Kb) of the BLDC motor. This voltage is compare with dc link voltage(Vdc) of cuk converter for required speed. B. Voltage Controller similar. There is a hall effect sensor is used to detect the rotor position. the sensor are mounted at 60° electrical interval. The sensor used in trapezoidal motor is cheaper than sinusoidal PMAC motor. The switching sequence of VSI for different positions of the rotor is shown in Table I and II. Decoder module in the simulation diagram implements the following truth table. TABLE.1 Truth table for decoder module The errors produces by the Vdc* and Vdc is given to a Proportional Integral( speed controller) which generates a controlled output corresponding to the error signal. The value Ki and Kp is set by using trial and errors method in matalab simulink. C. PWM Generator The output of the PI controller Vc is given to the PWM generator which produces a PWM signal of fixed frequency and varying duty ratio. A saw tooth waveform is compared with the output of PI controller . If md(t)<Vc(t) then S= 1 else S= 0 where S denotes the switching signals as 1 and 0 for MOSFET to switch on and off respectively. ha hb hc Emf_a Emf_b 0 0 0 0 0 Emf_c 0 0 0 1 0 -1 +1 0 0 1 0 -1 +1 0 1 1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 +1 0 -1 1 0 1 +1 -1 0 1 1 0 0 +1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 The gate pulse generation for inverter implements the following truth table. TABLE.II Truth table for gate pulse generation emf a emf b Emfc Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 +1 0 0 0 1 1 0 -1 +1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 +1 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 1 +1 -1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 +1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fig.4.Simulation of PWM generator Where d is output of PI controller and c is input to gate terminal of MOSFET of Cuk converter. VI. ELECTRONICS COMMUTATION. The BLDC motor employ a voltage source inverter & a trapezoidal PMAC motor is shown in fig.3.4. The stator winding of star connected .it will have rotor position sensor which are not shown in figure. Let the stator winding is fed with current pulses which are 120° duration. since theair gap flux is constant ,the voltage induced is proportional to the speed of rotor.[7] During period 0 to 60°,switch T1 & T4 are ON at that time winding A & B connected to dc source. for next 60° operation,T1 & T6 is ON, at that time winding A & C is connected to dc source. the operation for next duration is 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE The Brushless DC motor normally consists of stator windings, where the arrangement is determined by rotor pole pairs made of permanent magnets. In the Brushless DC motor, the commutation sequence plays an important role in enabling the rotor rotation.[2] Each commutation has one of the stator windings energized to positive power (current enters into the winding), the second winding as negative. In order to keep the motor running, the magnetic field produced by the windings should shift position, as the rotor moves to catch up with the stator field. Hens we have to excite winding sequentially for maintaining rotor in running condition .This is done by electronic switches, ON& OFF sequentially. In other words, the process of activating current flow in six directions through the appropriate motor phase windings to produce an output torque is called as commutation.[8] International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 VII. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION. Fig.5. Cuk converter fed BLDC Motor Drive The proposed Cuk converter based PMBLDCM drive operated with voltage follower control. The proposed controller is operated to maintain a constant DC link voltage with PFC action at AC mains. The DC link voltage is sensed and compared with a reference voltage which results in a voltage error. This voltage error is passed through a voltage controller to give a modulating signal which is amplified and compared with saw-tooth carrier wave of fixed frequency to generate a pulse width modulated signal for the switching device of the DC-DC converter. For the speed control, the speed signal derived from rotor position of the PMBLDCM, sensed using Hall effect sensor, is compared with a reference speed. The resultant speed error is passed through a speed controller to get the torque equivalent which is converted to an equivalent current signal using motor torque constant [8]. This current signal is multiplied with a rectangular unit template waveform which is in phase with top flat portion of motor’s back EMF so that reference three phase current of the motor are generated .These reference current are compared with the sensed motor current and current error are generated which is amplified and compared with triangular carrier waves to generate the PWM signals for the VSI switches [7] VIII. Fig. 6.Simulation diagram of Cuk converter fed BLDC motor drive IX. SIMULATION OF BUCK CONVERTER FED BLDC MOTOR DRIVE The MATLAB simulation of Buck converter fed BLDC motor drive is as shown in fig.7. Diode bridge rectifier is fed by 220 Volts AC supply. The output of Diode bridge rectifier is fed to buck converter. The duty cycle for buck converter is provided by pulse generator. Three phase voltage source inverter is fed output of buck converter. The BLDC motor is fed by this three phase voltage source inverter. SIMULATION OF CUK CONVERTER FED BLDC MOTOR The MATLAB simulation of Buck converter fed BLDC motor drive is as shown in fig.4. Diode bridge rectifier is fed by 220 Volts AC supply. The output of Diode bridge rectifier is fed to buck converter. The duty cycle for Cuk converter is provided by pulse generator. Three phase voltage source inverter is fed output of cuk converter. The BLDC motor is fed by this three phase voltage source inverter Fig.7.Simulation diagram of Buck converter fed BLDC motor drive 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 IX .RESULTS The comparitive analysis of results of both system is given below. Following fig shows the comparitive result of Cuk and buck converer fed BLDC Motor drive . 6 4 c u rre n t 2 0 Vo -2 200 -4 0 V o lt a g e ( V ) 300 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 100 0 0.1 0.12 Time(sec) 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.16 0.18 Stator current ia 5 4 -100 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time (Sec) 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 3 2 Vo Ia 1 250 0 200 v o lt a g e ( V o ) -1 150 -2 -3 100 50 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time(sec) 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time 0.12 0.14 0.2 Fig.9 .Comparison of stator current of cuk and buck converter fed BLDC motor drive TABLE .III. Performance of cuk and buck converter fed BLDC motor Fig. 8. Comparison of output voltages cuk and buck converter fed bldc motor drive Vdc Output speed using converter (RPM) 140 1095 1089 160 1332 1326 180 1542 1536 200 1866 1860 2000 1500 S p e e d (rp m ) 0 1000 500 Cuk Output speed using converter (RPM) Buck 0 -500 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time (sec) 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Rotor speed (rpm) 2000 s p e e d (rp m ) 1500 1000 X. 500 -500 CONCLUSION A simple control using a voltage follower approach has been 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time (sec) 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Fig.7 Comparison of output speed cuk and buck converter fed bldc motor drive g q ( ) drive. A novel scheme of speed control using a single voltage sensor has been proposed. A single stage PFC converter system has been designed and validated for the speed control 2.5 2 for a wide range of speed. The performance of the proposed Tm 1.5 drive system has also been evaluated for varying input AC 1 0.5 0 0 used for voltage control of a Cuk converter fed BLDC motor voltages and smooth performance of motor is obtained. The 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time (sec) 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 proposed drive system has been found a suitable control Electromagnetic Torque (Nm) technique among various adjustable speed drives for many 3 2.5 low power applications. With help of comparison with buck T o rq u e (T ) 2 1.5 converter it can be concluded that the Cuk converter fed 1 BLDC motor gives better performance. 0.5 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Time 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 Fig.8. Comparison of electromagnetic torque cuk and buck converter BLDC fed motor drive 978-1-4673-9939-5/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) - 2016 APPENDIX BLDC Motor Rating: 4 pole, Prated (Rated Power) =252.72W, Trated (Rated Torque) = 1.2 Nm, Wrated (Rated Speed) = 2000 rpm, Kb (Back EMF Constant) = 78 V/krpm, Kt (Torque Constant) = 0.74 Nm/A, Rph (Phase Resistance) =14.56Ω, L (Phase Inductance) = 25.71 mH, J (Moment of Inertia) = 0.00013 kg-cm2. REFERENCES [[1] Singh, S.; Singh, B., "A Voltage-Controlled PFC Cuk ConverterBased PMBLDCM Drive for Air-Conditioners," Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.2, pp.832,838, March-April 2012. [2] Simonetti, D. S L; Sebastian, J.; dos Reis, F.S.; Uceda, J., "Design criteria for SEPIC and Cuk converters as power factor preregulators in discontinuous conduction mode," Industrial Electronics, Control, Instrumentation, and Automation, 1992. 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