PAK MKII front end


PAK MKII front end

Your Dynamic Data Measurement Partner

The PAK MKII front end provides the User with a single structured measurement solution based upon a stable concept, innovative ideas and attention to detail. The flexibility of the system accommodates small and large multi system measurement applications, in both mobile and laboratory environments. A wide range of signal conditioning Modules exists which can be configured to suit each individual User’s requirements including fast transients, acoustics, vibration, strain, CAN and temperature.

rotational speed and rotation angle:

RPM sensor, angle transducer, i n c r e m e n t a l e n c o d e r ,

RPM from CAN; a i r b o r n e s o u n d :

ICP microphone,

200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone,

analog artificial head, digital artificial head;

c o n d u c t e d s o u n d : piezoelectric accelerometer, ICP a c c e l e r o m e t e r , s t r a i n g a u g e ,

laser vibrometer;

voltage input; e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y m a n a g e m e n t ;

digital inputs; digital audio; CAN; vehicle and test rig; GPS for time and position, IRIG for time; control outputs e.g. function generator: white noise, ramp, fade, chirp, sine, square, triangular, playback from file;


J thermocouple, K thermocouple,

T thermocouple, Pt100 sensor;

d i s p l a c e m e n t : rope transducer, inductive transducer

(LVDT); stress and fatigue analysis: strain gauge, force transducer, load cell, p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r ; piezoelectric accelerometer ;

rotational speed and rotation angle:

RPM sensor, angle transducer;

i n c r e m e n t a l e n c o d e r , R P M f r o m C A N ;

airborne sound:

ICP microphone, 200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone, analog artificial head, digital artificial head; conducted sound: piezoelectric accelerometer;


(c) BMW AG





The PAK MKII front end is a compact, highly integrated and versatile system for the measurement of dynamic parameters, ranging from slow bandwidth thermocouples, through medium bandwidth strains and accelerations, to high bandwidth sound. It is based on a well established concept with the VMEbus as its central conceptual tier. Mainframes are available in 5 sizes containing 2, 3, 4,

6 and 10 VMEbus slots and can be synchronized together operating as one PAK

MKII although geographically separated by 1000m or more.

3 different VMEbus based System Controllers are available to best suit the above

Mainframes. These boards provide either a 100BaseT or a 1000BaseT Ethernet interface to a Workstation. Wireless LAN is also provided on all except the largest

System Controller. Battery backup is supplied on all Mainframes.

A MiniTerminal provides a bright LED display as a practical solution to show test information as well as to input commands from a User. It connects to anyone of the above System Controller boards.

Although the VMEbus is flexible, a more compact tier of modularity is required for signal conditioning amplifiers. A Sub-VMEbus concept was therefore devised where 4 signal conditioning Modules fit onto a special VMEbus board which provides the mechanical and electronic infrastructure for these Modules. Typically each Module contains 4 channels with some containing 8 channels and others

1 or 2. Thus using this average of 4 channels per module, a 2-slot Mainframe contains an average of 16 channels and a 10-slot Mainframe 128 channels. A limitless number of measurement or control channels is achieved through the synchronization of Mainframes to form SyncLink Clusters and SuperClusters.

A wide range of Modules exists to measure parameters such as voltage, acceleration, pulse-period, sound, strain, force, pressure, displacement, temperature, digital audio, CAN, GPS and IRIG. This offers the User complete freedom when configuring their measurement system. A Module which provides an analog output signal is also available. All Modules can, subject to certain operational precautions, be removed or inserted into a Mainframe in order to satisfy a particular test’s needs.

On a smaller scale, if necessary, SubModules provide the final interface between a Module and a specific sensor. An example of this is when both a Pt100 temperature sensor and K-type thermocouple are plugged into the same Module, each with its specific signal and connector needs.



concept is able to

w i t h s t a n d f l u c t u a t i o n s i n





The PAK MKII concept was established in 1989 and is based on recognized hardware standards such as VMEbus, IEEE 1101.2 and Ethernet whilst other standards such as PMC and IEEE 1588 followed later. These standards contribute to the longevity of the User’s investment as it allows the PAK MKII design to withstand fluctuations in technology and changing customer requirements.

This is due to these standards’ common use in aerospace, military as well as professional instrumentation and control systems. Through this, PAK MKII’s designers and developers are provided with a consistent framework whilst ensuring that modularity is maintained in the years to come.

Due to this innovative concept of modularity, all VMEbus boards and Modules can be used in all Mainframes, subject only to the data rate and electrical power limitations of the System Controller and Power Supply boards. The uniformity in design of all Mainframes makes them equally suited to both mobile and laboratory applications thereby offering the User exceptional flexibility. Finally, the comprehensive design concept also allows for easy upgrading to more of the same or newer technology Modules, VMEbus boards or Mainframes with minimal disruption and loss in investment.


The highest available levels of modern technology are used in the electronic design of the PAK MKII. Components are carefully selected according to the criteria of functionality, performance and size. Mechanical construction is also carefully executed to provide resistance to shock, vibration and thermal stress whilst retaining an attractive appearance.


The PAK MKII makes use of a professional real time operating system, namely

Windriver’s VxWorks, on all its System Controllers. This allows considerable software flexibility when integrating new applications and third party VMEbus boards. Consequently, new applications could include EtherCAT, telemetry, extended web server and standalone operation.

Being able to operate standalone without a Workstation, is particularly significant as it allows the PAK MKII to handle harsh or confined mobile environments where a Workstation cannot be used. Another standalone requirement exists in control applications where failure in the link to the Workstation could cause severe problems. In such cases the PAK MKII’s internal operating system ensures logical and safe decisions.


The PAK MKII was awarded the International Forum (iF) Product Design Award in 2006 for both functional and aesthetic design. The iF Design Award is one of the world’s oldest international design competitions where entrants are evaluated on design quality, workmanship, choice of materials, degree of innovation, environmental compatibility, functionality, ergonomics and aesthetic appeal.


GPS, CAN and other non analog measurements are made within the PAK MKII front end, allowing optimal synchronization with analog measurements. Each time a GPS or CAN message is received, it is time-stamped against the same clock which samples analog input and output data. The normal time-stamp resolution is 5 µ s whilst a tighter time-stamp resolution of 50ns is used in time-critical applications.


PAK Software is tightly integrated with the PAK MKII front end thereby forming the PAK MKII measurement system, a formidable partnership in measurement management and performance. This can be illustrated by PAK keeping control of high channel counts through the use of special setup utilities during the preparation of the measurement, as well as the supervision of signals during the operation of the test. For instance, a control window comprehensively visualizes all active

Modules on the Measurement Workstation, showing the strength of each incoming signal. The added User’s benefit of simply monitoring the Workstation without having to consult the front end, improves control of the hardware configuration.








offers Users complete

f r e e d o m in channel configuration






PAK MKII FRONT END t3 t2 t1 t4 t5

Understanding the

5 tiers of Modularity

The PAK MKII system takes the concept of modularity to an unusually deep level with it being repeated in 5 sub-system levels or tiers, namely

SubModules, Modules, VMEbus boards, Mainframes and SyncLink Clusters.

These 5 tiers of PAK MKII modularity are collectively known as 5tModularity™ and are symbolized by circles defining 5 regions as shown on page 5.

VMEbus BOARDS (t3)

The core of any modular concept should be powerful and versatile but most importantly stable and sustainable. For some 25 years after its launch, VME is still flourishing and is associated with at least 30 other standards. It is predominantly used in aerospace, military, industrial, measurement, control and research applications. It was for this reason that the VMEbus was chosen as the core of the PAK MKII concept. The VMEbus tier is known as tier 3 or abbreviated as t3.


Although the VMEbus is flexible, a more compact tier of modularity is required for signal conditioning amplifiers. A Sub-VMEbus concept was therefore devised where 4 signal conditioning Modules fit onto a special VMEbus board which provides the mechanical and electronic infrastructure for these

Modules. This board belongs to the Signal Conditioning series and currently is the SC42.

Modules are easily inserted and extracted through the front panel of the SC42 allowing Users the flexibility of self configuring the measurement system for a particular test. Currently there are 15 different Modules available, each addressing a particular sensor type. This is tier 2 or t2.


A SubModule is sometimes required to provide a special interface to an individual sensor. An example of this includes using K thermocouple and

Pt100 sensors on the same Module to measure temperature. SubModules are thus used to further personalize a Module. This is tier 1 or t1.


Flexibility is also required in a Super-VMEbus tier. Different sized Mainframes optimize the number of channels to be measured whilst at the same time offer freedom to accommodate additional boards at a later stage. In this way the PAK MKII grows according to the User’s demands. 5 Mainframe sizes are available, each with a different number of VMEbus slots, namely 2-slot

(MF02), 3-slot (MF03), 4-slot (MF04), 6-slot (MF06) and 10-slot (MF10). This is tier 4 or t4.

As all Mainframe slots are VMEbus slots, any VMEbus board can fit into any slot of any Mainframe, once again illustrating the sustainable concept on which the PAK MKII is based. The choice of VMEbus System Controller for a Mainframe depends only on its data processing ability and the size of its power supply.


A SyncLink Cluster concept was developed to allow any number of

Mainframes to be synchronized together, effectively allowing numerous

Mainframes to operate as one virtual Mainframe. This is called a Cluster and is tier 5 or t5.

These Clusters are useful as they reduce sensor cable lengths, increase the data rate coming from a test, allow for greater geographical reach and accommodate a limitless channel count. Such a Cluster would normally demand higher data rates for which Gigabit Ethernet is implemented.

This concept has additional advantages. For instance as part of a deliberate strategy, Users may wish to purchase smaller Mainframes for mobile tests and combine them from time to time in order to measure the increased channel count of larger mobile or laboratory based tests.

t5 t4 t2

Eight available SubModules in t1 t1

Fifteen available Modules in t2 t2

Six available VMEbus boards in t3 t3

Five available Mainframes in t4 t4

Limitless channel count and greater geographical reach is provided in t5 by connecting Mainframes to form Clusters and SuperClusters t5




t5 t4 t3 t2 t1








MF10 and MF02 Mainframes are shown with an SC42 VMEbus board containing

4 Modules which are partially inserted. This illustrates how Modules are plugged into the SC42 board and how an SC42 board may be used in any Mainframe, no matter whether it is large or small.


Join us as we guide you through the

stages of


c o n f i g u r a t i o n

Configure your PAK MKII front end from a range of Components and Accessories

The beauty of the PAK MKII’s 5tModularity™ lies in its personality. Each PAK MKII is unique to its User through its own configuration. Differently sized PAK MKII

Mainframes are populated with VMEbus boards and Modules of the User’s choice to suit their individual test requirements. SubModules as well as Accessories, such as the

MiniTerminal and SeatFrame, provide additional functionality and ensure the User of an easier, more accurate, measurement environment. These PAK MKII Components and other Accessories are mentioned below with a reference to the pages on which they are discussed. The principle components are shown on the adjacent page.

MAINFRAMES: pages 8 to 11

There are 5 Mainframes namely MF02, MF03, MF04, MF06 and MF10. Each comprise of between 2 and 10 empty VMEbus slots that can be populated freely, restricted only by the size of the System Controller and Power Supply. The System Controller and

Power Supply are contained on a single VMEbus board for MF02 to MF06 and on two boards for MF10. These boards fit into slot 1 of MF02 to MF06 Mainframes and slot 1 and 2 of the MF10 Mainframe.

The range of Mainframe sizes offers Users flexibility when choosing the number of slots needed. Some of these options include:

• One large Mainframe which can be used for both mobile and laboratory testing

• Two medium sized Mainframes which can be linked together for larger tests and used separately for smaller tests (See SyncLink Cluster Concept pages 23 and 24)

• Combining larger and smaller Mainframes where the smaller can be optimized for extreme mobility in specific applications

This together with further details on cooling, number of channels and dimensions of the

5 available Mainframes can be found on pages 8 and 9.

VMEbus BOARDS: pages 12 to 14

There are 6 VMEbus boards to choose from when populating a Mainframe as follows:

• PQ12 and PQ20 which are combined System Controllers and Power Supplies for

MF02 to MF06

VS20 and PPC7D, which when operating together, fulfill the System Controller and

Power Supply requirements for the MF10 Mainframe

SC42 which provides a signal conditioning engine and infrastructure for any 4


SL21 allows multiple Mainframes to operate in a Cluster and can be found on pages

21 and 22

MODULES: pages 15 to 21

These pages introduce 15 Modules to accommodate virtually every signal type. The table on page 15 shows which Module corresponds to which signal type and provides a useful overview. It is important to note that any number or any combination of these

Modules is possible, with the only restriction being the amount of available slots in the chosen Mainframe.

SubMODULES: page 22

The purpose of the 8 available SubModules and their relationship with their corresponding Module is explained on page 22.

SyncLINK CLUSTER CONCEPT: pages 23 and 24

The SyncLink Cluster Concept shows how an SL21 VMEbus board can connect up to

4 Mainframes to form a Cluster. This concept is scalable, since by simply adding an additional SL21 board, 4 Clusters can be linked together, operating as one system.

This is beneficial as Clusters not only offer a limitless channel count but improve cable management, offer greater geographical reach and avoid data bottlenecks.


This page focuses on two of the PAK MKII front end’s accessories, the MiniTerminal and the SeatFrame. The MiniTerminal presents valuable test information presented on a LED display as well as buttons with which Users can input information into the system. The SeatFrame provides the means to fasten both an PAK MKII and a laptop to a car seat for tests involving motor vehicles.

SyncLink Cluster




VMEbus boards








8 t4 [ 5t Modularity]

M a i n f r a m e s

All Modules and VMEbus boards

fit into all Mainframes

which can be used in

both laboratory

and mobile




5 Mainframe sizes, all suited to both mobile and laboratory applications

Mainframes are machined from aluminum and accommodate between 2 and 10

VMEbus boards as shown in the tables below.

An unusual concept used by the PAK MKII system is that the Power Supply is contained on a VMEbus board. This enhances the modularity of the system as it can be readily maintained and upgraded. A battery is contained behind the backplane.

All VMEbus boards are cooled by conduction only. This is advantageous as no dirty or dusty air moves within the Mainframe. The external surfaces of the smaller Mainframes

(MF02 to MF04) are cooled through natural convection. The MF06 is cooled through a combination of natural and forced convection while the MF10’s external surfaces are cooled by forced convection only. The fan speed of the MF06 and MF10 is controlled by software to maintain a suitable running temperature. For noise sensitive measurements the fan can be switched off for periods of up to 20 minutes during which time the

Mainframe acts as a large heat sink.

A convenient carrying handle is provided on MF02, MF03, MF04 and MF06 Mainframes.

It can be removed if required.


Number of VMEbus slots:

Number of channels

(if 4 ch/module):



(W H D):

Mass, fully populated with battery:





291 x 68 x 267 mm

4.3 kg

5.3 litre

Power Supply and

System Controller:

Number of free slots for

SC42 boards:

External surface cooling system:

PQ12 or PQ20




Internal boards’ cooling system:

Mass, fully populated without battery:

Battery energy and life if fully populated:


4.0 kg

15 Wh

20 min



Number of VMEbus slots:

Number of channels

(if 4 ch/module):



(W H D):

Mass, fully populated with battery:

Volume :




291 x 88 x 267 mm

6.3 kg

6.8 litre

Power Supply and

System Controller:

Number of free slots for

SC42 boards:

PQ12 or PQ20


External surface cooling system:

Internal boards’ cooling system:




Mass, fully populated without battery:

Battery energy and life if fully populated:

5.5 kg

24 Wh

20 min


Number of VMEbus slots:

Number of channels

(if 4 ch/module):



(W H D):

Mass, fully populated with battery:





291 x 109 x 267 mm

8.3 kg

8.5 litre

Power Supply and

System Controller:

Number of free slots for

SC42 boards:

External surface cooling system:

Internal boards’ cooling system:

Mass, fully populated without battery:

Battery energy and life if fully populated:






7.3 kg

35 Wh

20 min


Number of VMEbus slots:

Number of channels

(if 4 ch/module):



(W H D):

Mass, fully populated with battery:





291 x 151 x 267 mm

12.9 kg

11.7 litre

Power Supply and

System Controller:

Number of free slots for

SC42 boards:

External surface cooling system:

Internal boards’ cooling system:

Mass, fully populated without battery:

Battery energy and life if fully populated:







10.3 kg

70 Wh

25 min


Number of VMEbus slots:

Number of channels

(if 4 ch/module):



(W H D):

Mass, fully populated with battery:





291 x 231 x 327 mm

19.2 kg

22.3 litre

Power Supply and

System Controller:

Number of free slots for

SC42 boards:

External surface cooling system:

Internal boards’ cooling system:

Mass, fully populated without battery:

Battery energy and life if fully populated:

VS20 and






16.7 kg

70 Wh

15 min

PAK MKII FRONT END t4 [ 5t Modularity]

M a i n f r a m e s






Due to its


exceptionally high

channel density

and conduction cooling, the

PAK MKII range is equally suited to both

laboratory and mobile applications.

Shown above in

real size.

Scale 1:1

Due to its


exceptionally high

channel density

and conduction cooling, the

PAK MKII range is equally suited to both

laboratory and mobile applications.

Shown above in

real size.


PAK MKII FRONT END t3 [ 5t Modularity]

V M E b u s b o a r d s

PQ12: VMEbus System Controller with 90W Power Supply for MF02 and MF03


The PQ12 is a dual function board combining a VMEbus System Controller, Master,

Arbiter and Interrupt Handler with a 90W VMEbus Power Supply for use in MF02 and

MF03 Mainframes

Where used:

In slot 1 of MF02 or MF03


• Combined VMEbus System Controller, Master, Arbiter and Interrupt Handler

PowerPC processor with 128Mbyte SDRAM

100BaseT Ethernet port providing continuous 5Mbyte/s to Workstation

Wireless LAN to Workstation

SyncLink input for operation in Cluster or SuperCluster

Dual RS232F port for use with MiniTerminal

90W VMEbus Power Supply

10-32V DC input from external power source

UPS between external power source and internal battery

Input power protection circuitry for use within motor vehicles

Fast battery charger for internal battery

Comprehensive monitoring of internal Power Supply circuits

PQ20: VMEbus System Controller with 150W Power Supply for

MF02, MF03, MF04 and MF06



The PQ20 is a dual function board combining a VMEbus System Controller, Master,

Arbiter and Interrupt Handler with a 150W VMEbus Power Supply for use in MF04 and

MF06 Mainframes. It can also be used in MF02 and MF03 Mainframes when higher data rates are required

Where used:

• In slot 1 of MF04 or MF06. It can also be used in slot 1 of MF02 or MF03 when higher data rates are required


• Combined VMEbus System Controller, Master, Arbiter and Interrupt Handler

PowerPC processor with 256Mbyte SDRAM

100baseT Ethernet port providing continuous 7.2Mbyte/s to Workstation

Wireless LAN to Workstation

SyncLink input for operation in Cluster or SuperCluster

Dual RS232F port for use with MiniTerminal

150W VMEbus Power Supply

10-32V DC input from external power source

UPS between external power source and internal battery

Input power protection circuitry for use within motor vehicles

Fast battery charger for internal battery

Adjustable 12V fan power

Comprehensive monitoring of internal Power Supply circuits



t3 [ 5t Modularity]

V M E b u s b o a r d s

PPC7D & VS20: VMEbus System

Controller with 200W

Power Supply for MF10



PQ12 with frame removed


The PQ12 and PQ20 boards are able to combine the VMEbus System Controller,

Master, Arbiter and Interrupt Handler with Power Supply on one board. For bigger systems this is currently not possible and these functions are split between 2 boards, namely:

VS20 provides a VMEbus System Controller and Arbiter together with 200W Power


PPC7D provides a VMEbus Master and Interrupt Handler

Where used:

• The VS20 is used in slot 1 of MF10

• The PPC7D is used in slot 2 of MF10

Features VS20:

• VMEbus System Controller and Arbiter

SyncLink input for operation in Cluster or SuperCluster

200W VMEbus Power Supply

10-32V DC input from external power source

Flexible power on/off functions

UPS between external power source and internal battery

ISO 7637-2 compliant input power protection circuitry for use within motor vehicles

Smart battery charger for internal battery

Adjustable 12V fan power

Comprehensive monitoring of internal Power Supply circuits

Features PPC7D:

• VMEbus Master and Interrupt Handler

PowerPC processor with 1Gbyte SDRAM

1000BaseT Ethernet port providing continuous 20Mbyte/s to Workstation

Dual RS232F port for use with MiniTerminal

Additional 1 1000Base-T port, 4 serial ports, 2 USB 2.0 ports and 2 PMC sites for future expansion



PAK MKII FRONT END t3 [ 5t Modularity]

V M E b u s b o a r d s

SC42: VMEbus Signal Conditioning

Engine and Infrastructure for any 4

Modules. Suitable for all



The SC42 board provides the isolated power, signal processing and mechanical infrastructure for up to 4 signal conditioning Modules. It is a highly complex board using 5 powerful 24bit DSPs to process large volumes of data transferred between the VMEbus and each Module. It also provides isolated power for each Module, sample timing infrastructure as well as internal communication interfaces used to set parameters for each channel.

A DC accurate calibration engine is available to calibrate each Module using both DC and AC signals. A 0.02% 3ppm/°C accurate internal reference and DAC is used to generate both DC and AC calibration signals which are switched into the front end of each channel. All applicable channel settings such as gain and AC/DC coupling are selected and individually calibrated. Calibration values are written into non-volatile system memory which expire automatically with hardware/firmware changes or after a given time. Auto calibration typically commences at start-up but for greater accuracy, can be requested at anytime such as at specific operating temperatures.

The SC42 also provides the flexibility of easy interchangeability of Modules within the same Mainframe or other Mainframes, enabling Modules to be smaller and less costly. This empowers Users to economically purchase additional Modules to satisfy their measurement and control requirements. Modules are plugged in through the front panel of the SC42 and can be inserted and removed without removing the SC42 board itself.

Where used:

• 1 SC42 is required for every 4 Modules


• VMEbus Slave and Interrupter

Mechanics to accommodate 4 Modules

Provides accurate timing infrastructure for 4 Modules

5 separate 24bit DSPs, one per Module and one on the board

4 isolated power supplies, one per Module

Houses the Module’s auto calibration engine

Provides analog engine for 41 series Modules (previous version Modules)

Thermally optimized and encased in aluminum


VB10: Blank VMEbus board

Empty slots, or slots deliberately left empty for future growth, are filled with a VB10

VMEbus board. The VB10 fulfills mechanical, thermal and electronic daisy chain functions as required by the VMEbus.


SC42 with frame removed

t2 [ 5t Modularity]

M o d u l e s

Modules to accommodate every signal type

As VMEbus boards are too large to provide a sufficient variety of signal conditioning amplifiers in a single Mainframe, a sub-VMEbus conceptual tier exists where 4

Modules can be inserted into the front panel of an SC42 VMEbus board. A notable feature is that these Modules can easily be inserted and extracted through the front panel of the SC42 allowing the User complete freedom to configure the measurement system for a particular test. Typically each Module contains 4 channels with some containing 8 channels and others 1 or 2.

Modules are innovatively packaged in an aluminum casing so as to optimize both size and thermal performance. Most Modules are galvanically isolated providing a 50V difference between the ground potential of the Module and that of the Mainframe.

Currently there are 15 Modules to choose from, each optimized for a specific task.

New Modules are continuously under development to accommodate new User requirements such as higher bandwidths or monitoring new communication networks such as FlexRay and EtherCAT.

What can be measured?

±10V voltage input


ICP® microphones, accelerometers, load cells, pressure based sensors

±60V voltage input

V ery high speed voltage input

Tacho pulse input with 100kSa/s Scope mode

Tacho pulse input with 5MSa/s Scope mode

200V or non-polarized microphones

Piezoelectric accelerometers, load cells, pressure sensors

Strain gauges, load cells, pressure sensors, strain based accelerometers, inductive (LVDT) and rope displacement transducers

J,K,T thermocouples and Pt100 sensors

±10V voltage output


Digital audio input


External GPS


** Only 2 channels ++ Pulse rate for sum of both channels

















2 networks

2 stereo










2.5MSa/s up to 700kPulse/s++ up to 1MPulse/s++











Standard specific

NA Not applicable





























ICP42, ICT42**

ICP42S, ICT42S**

ICP42, ICT42**, WSB42

ICP42S, ICT42S**, MIC42**, WSB42S, ALI42**

ICP42S, ICT42S**, ALI42**






GPS42, IRG42




rotational speed and rotation angle:

RPM sensor, angle transducer, i n c r e m e n t a l e n c o d e r , s o u n d : c o n d u c t e d s o u n d : piezoelectric accelerometer, ICP a c c e l e r o m e t e r , s t r a i n g a u g e ,

laser vibrometer;

RPM from CAN;

ICP microphone,

200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone,

analog artificial head, digital artificial head;

voltage input; a i r b o r n e e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y management;

digital inputs; digital audio; CAN; vehicle and test rig; GPS for time and position, IRIG for time; control outputs e.g. function generator: white noise, ramp, fade, chirp, sine, square, triangular, playback from file;

temperatures: strain gauge, force transducer, load cell,

J thermocouple, K thermocouple, T thermocouple, Pt100 sensor;

p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r ; displacement: rope transducer, inductive transducer (LVDT); stress and fatigue analysis: piezoelectric accelerometer ;

rotational speed and rotation angle: RPM sensor, angle transducer;

i n c r e m e n t a l

MF06 populated with the current range of Modules:

a i r b o r n e s o u n d :


ICP microphone,

200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone, analog artificial head,

digital artificial conducted sound: piezoelectric accelerometer, ICP accelerometer, strain gauge, laser vibrometer;

voltage input;

e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y management; digital inputs; digital audio; CAN; vehicle and test rig; GPS for time and position

, IRIG for time;

control outputs e.g. function generator: white noise, ramp, fade, chirp, sine, square, triangular, playback from file; temperatures:

J thermocouple, K thermocouple, T thermocouple, Pt100 sensor; displacement:

rope transducer, inductive transducer (LVDT); stress and fatigue analysis: strain gauge, force transducer, load cell, i n c r e m e n t a l e n c o d e r , R P M f r o m C A N ;

airborne sound:

piezoelectric accelerometer ;

rotational speed and rotation angle: RPM sensor, angle transducer;

ICP microphone, 200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone, analog artificial head, digital artificial head; conducted sound: piezoelectric

rotational speed and rotation angle:

RPM sensor, angle transducer, i n c r e m e n t a l e n c o d e r , s o u n d : c o n d u c t e d s o u n d : piezoelectric accelerometer, ICP a c c e l e r o m e t e r , s t r a i n g a u g e ,

laser vibrometer;

RPM from CAN;

ICP microphone,

200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone,

analog artificial head, digital artificial head;

voltage input; a i r b o r n e e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y management;

digital inputs; digital audio; CAN; vehicle and test rig; GPS for time and position, IRIG for time; control outputs e.g. function generator: white noise, ramp, fade, chirp, sine, square, triangular, playback from file;

temperatures: strain gauge, force transducer, load cell,

J thermocouple, K thermocouple, T thermocouple, Pt100 sensor;

p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r ; displacement: rope transducer, inductive transducer (LVDT); stress and fatigue analysis: piezoelectric accelerometer ;

rotational speed and rotation angle: RPM sensor, angle transducer;

i n c r e m e n t a l


VMEbus Blank Panel


2 Channel CAN Interface


8 Channel J, K, T Thermo couple and PT100 Input



4 Channel Charge Input



4 Channel ICP ® and Voltage

Input Amplifier


Internal GPS Interface


2 Channel 2.5MSa/s Tran sient Voltage Input Amplifier


2 Channel Microphone

Input Amplifier


Advanced 4 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier


IRIG, Internal GPS and

External GPS Interface


4 Channel Voltage Output



4 Channel Bridge and

Voltage Input Amplifier


2 Channel ICP fier with 2 Channel Tacho

Input Amplifier

® Input Ampli -


Module Blank Front Panel


2 Channel Digital Audio



Advanced 4 Channel Bridge and Voltage Input Amplifier


Advanced 2 Channel ICP nel Tacho Input Amplifier


Input Amplifier with 2 Chana i r b o r n e s o u n d :


ICP microphone,

200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone, analog artificial head,

digital artificial conducted sound: piezoelectric accelerometer, ICP accelerometer, strain gauge, laser vibrometer;

voltage input;

e l e c t r i c a l e n e r g y management; digital inputs; digital audio; CAN; vehicle and test rig; GPS for time and position

, IRIG for time;

control outputs e.g. function generator: white noise, ramp, fade, chirp, sine, square, triangular, playback from file; temperatures:

J thermocouple, K thermocouple, T thermocouple, Pt100 sensor; displacement:

rope transducer, inductive transducer (LVDT); stress and fatigue analysis: strain gauge, force transducer, load cell, i n c r e m e n t a l e n c o d e r , R P M f r o m C A N ;

airborne sound:

piezoelectric accelerometer ;

rotational speed and rotation angle: RPM sensor, angle transducer;

ICP microphone, 200 volt polarized microphone, head phone microphone, analog artificial head, digital artificial head; conducted sound: piezoelectric

PAK MKII FRONT END t2 [ 5t Modularity]

M o d u l e s

ICP42: 4 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier

The ICP42 Module can be used with ICP ® based accelerometer, force and pressure sensors as well as measuring analog voltages. All 4 channels operate completely independently of each other, each with its own setting of mode, gain, coupling and so forth. Also see ICP42S which contains additional enhancements allowing higher sampling rates and a further range of ±60V.

Where used:

• With any ICP® based sensor commonly used to measure acceleration, force

• or pressure

With any voltage source up to ±10V


• 4 channels, each independently configured

All settings made by software

4 input modes of operation: ICP®, voltage DC, voltage AC and TEDS (Class 1)

24-bit resolution, 102.4kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 45kHz Bandwidth

<0.2° @ 10kHz phase accuracy between channels of same or any other


±(10V, 1V and 100mV) input ranges

4mA ICP® current

Short and open circuit cable monitoring

Pre and post filter overflow monitoring

Selectable low and high pass digital filters

Differential or single-ended inputs for voltage input mode

2MΩ differential input impedance

1MΩ single-ended input impedance

Supports auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

Performance at 1V input range, ±1V signal @ 1kHz, 96kSa/s




116dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range

114dB Total Harmonic Distortion

112dB Crosstalk

SMB connectors

ICP42S: Advanced 4 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier

ICP42S: Advanced 4 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier

The ICP42S Module contains all the functions of the ICP42 but additionally provides double the sampling rate, a further range of ±60V and Lemo connectors.

Where used:

• With any ICP® based sensor commonly used to measure acceleration, force

• or pressure

With any voltage source up to ±60V


• All ICP42 features

Additional features/enhancements:

• 204.8kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 90kHz bandwidth



±(60V, 10V, 1V and 100mV) input ranges

0.6MΩ differential input impedance for ±60V input range

Performance at 1V input range, ±1V signal @ 1kHz, 96kSa/s

116dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range

114dB Total Harmonic Distortion

112dB Crosstalk

3 way Lemo EHG 0B connectors for differential low noise cable types


ICT42: 2 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier with 2 Channel

Tacho Input Amplifier

The ICT42 Module is a hybrid Module which combines 2 channels from the ICP42

Module with 2 tacho input channels. The tacho channels provide tacho measurements with a resolution of 20ns as well as 16-bit accurate trigger level settings. Triggering of tacho signals can be set for rising or falling edges with adjustable hysteresis whilst additionally providing AC coupling for sensors with varying DC voltage offsets. A scope mode is provided to view the tacho signals to assist with the definition of trigger levels.

Where used:

• Measurement of pulse rate and time between pulses such as rpm and crank

• angle (2 channels)

With any ICP® based sensor commonly used to measure acceleration, force or pressure (2 channels)

With any voltage source up to ±10V (2 channels)

ICP channel features:

• 2 ICP42 (see ICP42 description) channels with 4 input modes of operation:

ICP®, voltage DC, voltage AC and TEDS (Class 1)

Tacho channel features:

• 2 tacho channels each independently configured

2 input modes of operation: tacho DC and tacho AC

20ns tacho resolution

700kPulse/s rate for sum of 2 tacho channels

16-bit resolution on tacho trigger levels

Software settable triggering on rising or falling edge as well as hysteresis

±(60V, 15V and 2V) input ranges

240kΩ differential input impedance

12V or 24V DC output to power sensors or external sensor conditioning

Scope mode for viewing tacho signals with 102.4kSa/s sampling rate per channel

Supports auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

125dB crosstalk measured in ICP® channel when 1V @ 1kHz square wave signal is input into tacho channel

4 way Lemo EHG 0B connectors

ICT42S: Advanced 2 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier with 2

Channel Tacho Input Amplifier

The ICT42S Module is a hybrid Module containing 2 ICP42S channels and 2 enhanced tacho input channels. The tacho channels have been enhanced by providing higher tacho rates and a high speed scope mode which can sample the tacho signal at 5MSa/s.

Where used:

• Measurement of pulse rate and time between pulses such as rpm and crank

• angle (2 channels)

With any ICP® based sensor commonly used to measure acceleration, force or pressure (2 channels)

With any voltage source up to ±60V (2 channels)

ICP channel features:

• 2 ICP42S (see ICP42S description) channels with 4 input modes of operation:

ICP®, voltage DC, voltage AC and TEDS (Class 1)

Tacho channel features:

• 2 fully independent tacho channels as described in ICT42

Additional tacho channel features/enhancements:

1000kPulse/s rate for sum of 2 tacho channels (Q1 2008)

Scope mode for viewing tacho signals with 5MSa/s sampling rate per channel

CHG42: 4 Channel Charge Input Amplifier

The CHG42 Module is used with piezoelectric based sensors to measure vibration, force and pressure. This Module offers 4 independent, single ended input channels through traditional Microdot connectors.

Where used:

• With any piezoelectric based sensor commonly used to measure acceleration, force or pressure


• 4 channels, each independently configured

All settings made by software

24-bit resolution, 102.4kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 45kHz Bandwidth

<0.5° @ 10kHz phase accuracy between channels of same or other Module

±(10nC, 1nC, 100pC and 10pC) input ranges achieved through 2 capacitor sensitivity settings and 3 gain settings

These capacitor and gain settings can be made independently of each other

Selectable low and high pass digital filters

Exceptionally high impedance charge amplifier



Software switch is provided to discharge the front end capacitor to allow a faster settling time for new measurements

Supports limited auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

Performance at 1V input range, ±1V signal @ 1kHz, 96kSa/s

110dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range

112dB Total Harmonic Distortion

10-32 Microdot connectors t2 [ 5t Modularity]

M o d u l e s

MIC42: 2 Channel Microphone and Voltage Input Amplifier

The MIC42 Module provides excellent performance for acoustic measurements with both DC and AC coupling. It also provides power for a microphone preamplifier as well as 200V to polarize a microphone capsule.

Where used:

200V or self polarized microphone with preamplifier

Any voltage source up to ±12V


2 channels, each independently configured

All settings made by software

3 input modes of operation: voltage DC, voltage AC and TEDS (Class 1)

24-bit resolution, 204.8kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 90kHz Bandwidth

<0.2° @ 10kHz phase accuracy between channels of same or other Module

±(12V, 1.2V, 120mV) input ranges

±18V preamplifier excitation

200V or 0V Polarization voltage

Selectable low and high pass digital filters

Differential or single-ended inputs

2MΩ differential input impedance

1MΩ single-ended input impedance

Supports auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

Performance at 1V input range, ±1V signal @ 1kHz, 96kSa/s

132dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range



110dB Total Harmonic Distortion

116dB Crosstalk

7 way Lemo EGG 1B connectors

WSB42: 4 Channel Bridge and Voltage Input Amplifier WSB42S: Advanced 4 Channel Bridge and Voltage Input Amplifier (Q3 2008)

The WSB42 Module is used with AC and DC bridge measurements including inductive displacement transducers (LVDT) and strain gauges configured as full, half or quarter bridges. The Module offers numerous software selectable features such as excitation (AC, DC), bridge sensing, enabling of internal bridge completion resistors and calibration through an internal shunt resistor. The bridge can be balanced automatically or a previous balance value can be recalled.

Where used:

• Strain gauges, load cells, pressure transducers and inductive displacement

• transducers (LVDT)

Any voltage source up to ±10V


• 4 channels, each independently configured

All settings made by software

4 input modes of operation: bridge DC, bridge AC, voltage DC and

TEDS (Class 2)

24-bit resolution, 102.4kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 45kHz bandwidth

<0.2° @10kHz phase accuracy between channels of same or other Module

±(250mV, 25mV, 2.5mV) input ranges for bridge mode

±10V input range for voltage input mode

Full, half and quarter bridges. Local or remote sensing

Internal half bridge and 120Ω/350Ω quarter bridge completion resistors

100kΩ calibration shunt resistor

0 to 5V excitation, DC to 10kHz

1GΩ differential input impedance for bridge mode

Selectable low and high pass digital filters

Supports auto calibration and auto balance

50V galvanic isolation

Performance at 250mV input range, ±250mV signal @ 1kHz, 96kSa/s




110dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range

90dB Total Harmonic Distortion

120dB Crosstalk

7 way Lemo EHG 0B connectors


The WSB42 Module contains all the functions of the WSB42 but provides double the sampling rate as well as the additional functionality itemized below

Where used:

• Strain gauges, load cells, pressure transducers and inductive displacement

• transducers (LVDT)

Strain gauges provided with constant current excitation and measurements made in AC mode

ICP® based sensors

Any voltage source up to ±10V


• All WSB42 features

Additional features/enhancements:

• 5 input modes of operation: bridge DC, bridge AC, constant current AC, voltage

DC and TEDS (Class 2)

24-bit resolution, 204.8kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 90kHz Bandwidth

Constant current mode with AC and DC coupling

0 to 15V excitation, DC to 10kHz

Supports zero wire TEDS sensors as provided by HBM


20 t2 [ 5t Modularity]

M o d u l e s

THM42: 8 Channel J, K, T Thermocouple and Pt100 Input Amplifier


ALI42: 2 Channel 2.5MSa/s and 1MHz Bandwidth Voltage Input Amplifier

(Q4 2008)

The THM42 Module contains 8 channels for use with Pt100 sensors as well as J,

K and T type thermocouples. Internal cold junction compensation and linearization are available for J (Fe/CuNi), K (NiCr/NiAl) and T (Cu/CuNi) thermocouple types

(other types on request). The Module also includes 0.5mA current sources for

Pt100 sensor excitation which are continuously calibrated to prevent drift and offset errors. SubModules (see page 20) are available which contain a pair of commonly used miniature J, K or T thermocouple connectors with cold junction circuitry for thermocouple applications or a pair of Lemo connectors for Pt100 applications. Any combination of THM42 SubModules can be connected to the THM42 Module.

Where used:

• Measurement of J, K and T thermocouples

Measurement of Pt100 sensors in constant current mode

Rope transducers in constant current mode


• 8 channels, grouped into 4 pairs with each independently configured

All settings made by software

4 input modes of operation: J, K and T thermocouples, Pt100

24-bit resolution, 24kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 1.5kHz Bandwidth

±(250mV, 25mV and 2.5mV) input ranges

Thermocouple linearization

0.5mA Pt100 excitation current

Short and open circuit cable monitoring

1GΩ differential input impedance

Supports auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

Performance at 250mV input range, ±250mV signal @ 1kHz, 6.4kSa/s

114dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range

112dB Total Harmonic Distortion -

128dB Crosstalk

TEDS (Class 2) to identify SubModules

7 way Lemo EHG 0B connectors with 2 channels sharing one connector

ICP42S: Advanced 4 Channel ICP ® and Voltage Input Amplifier

The ALI42 Module measures very high speed transient analog voltages with a bandwidth of up to 1MHz into a local buffer containing 660kSamples per channel at sample rates of up to 2.5MSa/s. A comprehensive range of triggering options is available. Continuous data transfer can be achieved at 1MSa/s or slower sample rates. Other features include 0 to 15V excitation for strain gauge bridges and 4mA for ICP ® sensors.

Where used:

High speed transient signals at sample rates of up to 2.5MSa/s

Continuous data transfer at sample rate of up to 1MSa/s


• 2 channels, each independently configured

All settings made by software

5 input modes of operation: voltage DC, voltage AC, DC bridge, ICP ® and




TEDS (Class 1)

24-bit resolution, 2.5MSa/s sampling rate per channel, 1MHz Bandwidth

Local buffer contains 660kSa/s per channel

Comprehensive range of triggering options

Continuous data transfer at 1MSa/s

Alignment of transient data and continuous data from other Modules to 50ns accuracy

±(60V, 10V, 1V and 100mV) input ranges

4mA ICP ® current

0 to 15V bridge excitation voltage

Pre and post filter overflow monitoring

Differential or single-ended inputs for voltage input mode

2MΩ differential input impedance

Supports auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

Provisional performance at 10V input range, ±1V signal @ 100kHz, 2.5MSa/s

110dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range

100dB Total Harmonic Distortion

110dB Crosstalk

7 way Lemo EHG 0B connectors

ALO42: 4 Channel Voltage Output Source (Q2 2008) DAR42: 2 Channel Digital Audio Receiver

The ALO42 Module provides excellent accuracy, high resolution and low noise for applications requiring analog signal generation. This Module is capable of driving devices such as electro dynamic shaker controllers for shock and vibration analysis at frequencies of up to 80kHz. Both standard waveforms as well as data spooled down from a Workstation are available.

Where used:

• Driving analog signals into electro-dynamic and hydraulic shaker controllers

• Driving analog signals into other circuits requiring a ±10V static or dynamic signal


• 4 channels, each independently configured

All settings made by software

24-bit resolution, 204.8kSa/s sampling rate per channel, 80kHz Bandwidth

Excellent DC gain and offset stability

<0.2° @ 10kHz phase accuracy between channels of same or other Module

±10V at 50mA output

10Ω output impedance

Supports auto calibration

50V galvanic isolation

Input and output handshaking with device being driven

Automatic safe shutdown upon fault condition

Provisional performance with ±1V signal @ 1kHz, 96kSa/s

120dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range


110dB Total Harmonic Distortion

110dB Crosstalk

7 way Lemo EHG 0B connectors

The DAR42 Module provides interfaces to receive two AES3 digital audio streams.

For synchronization between the DAR42 and external digital audio transmission equipment, the DAR42 additionally transmits a synchronization signal which can be selected to be either an AES3 output signal (data at digital zero) or word clock signal.

Where used:

• Measurement of devices providing an AES3 based digital audio signal such as a digital artificial head


• 2 stereo input channels each independently configured

All settings made by software

Frame rates of 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz

Single AES3 or master word clock output

3 way Lemo EGG 0B connectors for AES3 input

3 way Lemo FAG 0B connector for AES3 output

CAN42: 2 Controller Area Network Interfaces (CAN)

The CAN42 Module provides interfaces to 2 independent Controller Area Networks

(CAN). Each CAN interface contains an SJA1000 CAN Controller and TJA1040 high-speed CAN transceiver, conforming to CAN 2.0 A and 2.0 B (11-bit and 29bit identifiers) and physical layer specified to ISO 11898-2 (high-speed CAN).

Messages received from the CAN are time-stamped to synchronize their reception with analog and digital measurements from other Modules in the system. Fully implemented features include Listen-Only mode, Self-Reception of CAN messages and transmission of Remote Frames.

Where used:

Monitoring of CAN based messages

Control of CAN based devices


• 2 CAN interfaces each independently configured

All settings made by software

Conforms to CAN 2.0A, 2.0B, ISO 11898-2

10kbit/s to 1Mbit/s bit rates

100V galvanic isolation for each CAN interface

Time-stamping of received CAN messages to 5µs resolution

Incoming data filter receives only specified identifiers

Remote Frame Transmission and Reception

RJ45 connectors

GPS42: Internal GPS Interface t2 [ 5t Modularity]

M o d u l e s

The GPS42 Module contains a GPS receiver unit which interfaces to an external

GPS antenna and provides position and time information. This is recorded and synchronized to analog and digital measurements from other Modules in the system.

Where used:

• Obtain time and position information which can be used to synchronize other measurements


• 1 internal GPS channel

All settings made by software

NMEA Protocol

4Hz position updates

4m CEP (Circular Error Probability)

5m SEP (Spherical Error Probability)

Time-stamping of received GPS time and position data to 5µs resolution

3.3V or 5V antenna voltage

SMA connector for antenna

IRG42: IRIG, External GPS and Internal GPS Interface

In addition to the GPS functionality described in the GPS42, the IRG42 module provides two additional functional units namely external GPS and IRIG. Support for an external GPS is through 2 RS232F communication channels and an input to receive a time pulse. IRIG-A and IRIG-B data (both analog and digital formats) are digitized by a high speed ADC and decoded. Both the external GPS and IRIG data are time-stamped to synchronize their data with analog and digital measurements from other Modules in the system.

Where used:

• Obtain time and position information which can be used to synchronize other measurements


• 1 internal GPS channel, 1 external GPS channel and 1 IRIG channel

All settings made by software

3 modes of operation: internal GPS channel, external GPS channel and IRIG

For internal GPS features see GPS42

External GPS support through dual RS232F channels and time pulse input

IRIG-A support for A000, A003, A130 and A133

IRIG-B support for B000, B003, B120, B122 and B123

Time-stamping of GPS time and position data to 5µs resolution

Time-stamping of IRIG messages to 5µs resolution

7 way Lemo EHG 0B connector for external GPS

SMB connector for IRIG

MBL: Module Blank Front Panel

The MBL provides a blank front panel for an empty Module slot. This empty slot can be used to accommodate future growth.




PAK MKII FRONT END t1 [ 5t Modularity]

S u b M o d u l e s

THMJ10, THMK10, THMT10: 2 Channel SubModules for Thermocouple


THMP10: 2 Channel SubModule for Pt100 Temperature Sensors

5 thermocouple based SubModules exist, each containing dedicated thermocouple connectors. The SubModule contains a pair of miniature thermocouple connectors of the appropriate alloy and color according to either IEC or ANSI standards. Coldjunction-compensation is facilitated through the use of a 0.5°C accurate temperature sensor in thermal contact with the connectors’ contacts. The SubModule type is identified through a TEDS interface

Each SubModule connects to the THM42 Module through a 300mm fly-lead ending with a 7 way Lemo FGG 0B connector.

These 5 SubModules can be listed as follows:

• The THMJ10B SubModule contains Iron/Constantan (Fe/CuNi) alloys

• and black connectors (both IEC 584-3 and ANSI MC 96.1)

The THMK10G SubModule contains Chromel/Alumel (NiCr/NiAl) alloys

• and green connectors (IEC 584-3)

The THMK10Y SubModule contains Chromel/Alumel (NiCr/NiAl) alloys

• and yellow connectors (ANSI MC 96.1)

The THMT10N SubModule contains Copper/Constantan (Cu/CuNi) alloys

• and brown connectors (IEC 584-3)

The THMT10E SubModule contains Copper/Constantan (Cu/CuNi) alloys and blue connectors (ANSI MC 96.1)

The THMP10 SubModule is used in conjunction with a THM42 Module to provide

2 sets of 4 way Lemo EGG 0B connectors for use with 2 Pt100 sensors. These connectors provide a 0.5mA current to a Pt100 sensor and sense the voltage across it. The SubModule type is identified through a TEDS interface.

The THMP10 SubModule connects to the THM42 Module through a 300mm fly-lead ending with a 7 way Lemo FGG 0B connector.

THMS10: 2 Channel SubModule with Screw Terminals for General

Thermocouple and Pt100 Use

ICTV10: 1 Channel SubModule for Tacho Input Overvoltage Protection

The THMS10 SubModule is used in conjunction with a THM42 Module to provide

2 sets of 4 way general-purpose screw terminals to connect to a pair of J, K or T thermocouples or a pair of Pt100 sensors. Cold-junction-compensation is facilitated through the use of a 0.5°C accurate temperature sensor in thermal contact with the connectors’ contacts. 0.5mA current is provided for Pt100 use. The SubModule type is identified through a TEDS interface.

The THMS10 SubModule connects to the THM42 Module through a 300mm fly-lead ending with a 7 way Lemo FGG 0B connector.

The ICTV10 is used to protect the ICT41L (predecessor of ICT42) and ICT42

Module’s tacho inputs from excessively high voltages. These may occur when inductive devices are discharged or when measuring close to high voltage circuitry.

The SubModule contains high energy overvoltage dissipation devices. These devices limit the output voltage to reasonable values which will not destroy the internal circuitry of the ICT41L and ICT42 Modules.

A BNC connector is provided on the SubModule to interface to the appropriate tacho sensor. The SubModule connects to the ICT41L or ICT42 Module through a 300mm fly-lead ending with a 4 way Lemo FGG 0B connector.

C l u s t e r s p r o v i d e a

l i m i t l e s s c h a n n e l c o u n t , g r e a t e r

geographic reach,

improved cable management


reduced bottlenecks

t5 [ 5t Modularity]

C l u s t e r s

SyncLink Cluster and

SuperCluster concept

SyncLink takes the concept of modularity one step further by providing the means to group up to 4 Mainframes together to form a Cluster, up to 4 Clusters together to form a SuperCluster and so on. In this way a limitless number of Mainframes are grouped together providing a limitless channel count, greater geographic reach, improved cable management and reduced bottlenecks.

The SyncLink Cluster concept operates using a common clock transmitted over a single fibre-optic cable from an SL21 VMEbus board to a PQ12, PQ20 or VS20 contained in slot 1 of each Mainframe. This cable follows the same routing path as the

Ethernet cable used to transfer data to each Mainframe. A fibre-optic cable is used to ensure sub-50ns timing resolution and immunity to outside electrical interference.

In order to simplify the routing of cables, the SL21 board contains a 5 port 1000BaseT

Ethernet switch together with a 4 port fibre-optic SyncLink source and 1 port fibreoptic SyncLink receiver in a single VMEbus board. These ports allow Mainframes to be grouped together in units of 4 to form a Cluster. Only one SL21 board is required per Cluster and can be plugged into anyone of the Mainframes which form that


This concept is scalable, since by simply adding an additional SL21 board, 4 Clusters can be linked together. As such 16 Mainframes will only need 5 SL21 boards. There is no limit to adding more Mainframes as long as the appropriate SL21 boards are added.

See page 22 for diagrams illustrating these concepts.

SL21: VMEbus 5 port Gigabit

Ethernet switch and SyncLink hub

Where used:

• To synchronize multiple Mainframes in Clusters, SuperClusters and so on


• 5 port Gigabit Ethernet switch containing:

1 port on the far left which is connected to the Workstation or to another SL21 at a higher level

4 ports to the right which service the 4 Mainframes in the Cluster or another 4

SL21 boards in a SuperCluster

• 5 port SyncLink hub containing:

1 port fibre-optic SyncLink receiver which is the port on the far right and which is left open if there is only one Cluster or in the case of a SuperCluster is connected to another SL21 at a higher level

4 port fibre-optic SyncLink source which provides the SyncLink signal to the 4

Mainframes in the Cluster or to 4 further SL21 boards in a SuperCluster

1 SL21 board is required per Cluster and can be inserted into any of the 4

Mainframes forming the Cluster. It can also be inserted into its own Mainframe

1 additional SL21 board is required for a SuperCluster of up to 4 Clusters (or up to 16 Mainframes)



The SL21 VMEbus board uses proven Ethernet concepts of 1000BaseT. The

SyncLink fibre-optic cable and SyncLink hub mimics Ethernet’s CAT5E cable and switch, providing identical routing paths for both cables

Channel count is increased. A 10-slot Mainframe can have 128* channels, a Cluster of 4 Mainframes 496*, a SuperCluster of 16 Mainframes 1968*. There is no Master/

Slave limitation

Clusters and SuperClusters have the benefit of shorter signal cables contributing to lower cabling costs, reduced cable noise, reduced cabling faults and improved cabling management

SyncLink optimizes measurement infrastructure and cost as multiple small systems can be used separately in some applications but also together for larger tests

If a data bottleneck occurs between the Cluster and Workstation then multiple

Workstations can be deployed on the same network

Dealing with remote measurement situations:

Clusters increase distance between Mainframes to reach remotely placed sensors

Measurements within one Cluster can be spread over a large area with a 1000m radius

Measurements within one SuperCluster can be spread over a large area with a

2000m radius

* Calculated on an average of 4 channels per Module in an MF10 Mainframe



PAK MKII FRONT END t5 [ 5t Modularity]

C l u s t e r s

Cluster: hundreds of channels

This diagram shows how only 1 SL21 is required per Cluster of up to 4 Mainframes.

The SL21 can be accommodated in anyone of the 4 Mainframes in the Cluster





Additional workstations may be added

1000m from SL21

Measurements within 1 Cluster can be spread over a 1000m radius

SuperCluster: thousands of channels

This diagram shows that in the same way that an SL21 can synchronize up to 4 Mainframes, another SL21 can synchronize up to 4 Clusters by linking it to the single SL21 contained in each Cluster




Additional workstations may be added

Cluster Cluster Cluster

2000m from first SL21 2000m from first SL21

Measurements within 1 SuperCluster can be spread over a 2000m radius



Scalable Concept: limitless channels



MT11: MiniTerminal

The MiniTerminal provides the User with valuable test information, such as instructions to a motor vehicle driver. It contains a super-bright LED display with 2 rows of 24 alphanumeric characters for optimum visibility in daylight conditions. User input is provided through 6 buttons which can be labeled as soft keys. These buttons are easy to operate even whilst driving. A piezoelectric buzzer is contained within the unit.

The RS232F based communication to the PQ12, PQ20 or VS20 (depending on

Mainframe size) is through one of 2 sockets found on both the left and right sides of the MiniTerminal. This affords the User the choice of the most comfortable position to insert the RS232F cable.

The MiniTerminal is compact (115 x 48 x 29mm) and machined from aluminum with a tripod screw thread on its rear lid for easy mounting through third party mounting kits.



SF10: SeatFrame

A SeatFrame has been developed which allows any MKII to be mounted together with a notebook onto a car seat.

The SF10 SeatFrame has the following features:

• Consists of machined aluminum members which are strapped to a seat using a

• safety belt

Safety belt can be moved out of the way to facilitate set up of the MKII

Horizontal and vertical beams can be adjusted to hug the seat

3 sets of feet take up the local seat angle

Width of feet can be adjusted to suit seat

Any PAK MKII can be fastened to the frame

A notebook is strapped to a plate mounted above the PAK MKII

Multiple settings and adjustments allows the notebook to be placed in the position that best suits the User

The SeatFrame can be disassembled and folded for easy transportation

Equally suited to both left hand and right hand drive vehicles

Optional attachment is provided for an acoustic head




Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH

Robert-Koch-Straße 13, 82152 Planegg/Munich, Germany

Tel. +49-89-85602-400 • Fax +49-89-85602-444



China: Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme Beijing Ltd

Unit 1002-1003, North Ring Center, #18 Yumin Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100029, China

Tel. +86-10-5128-5118 • Fax +86-10-8225-1626


France: Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme S.A.R.L.

105 Chemin de ronde, 78290 Croissy-sur-Seine, France

Tel. +33-1-30092990 • Fax +33-1-30092999


Italy: Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systems Italia S.r.l.

Via Livorno 60, 10144 Turin, Italy

Tel. +39-011-2257394 • Fax +39-011-2257207


Scandinavia: Müller-BBM Scandinavia AB

Marieholmsgatan 9, 41502 Göteborg, Sweden

Tel. +46-10-4808500 • Fax +46-10-4808599


South Africa: Mecalc (Pty) Limited

125 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Highveld Technopark, Centurion 0157, South Africa

Tel. +27-12-682-9000 • Fax +27-12-682-9050


South Korea: Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme Korea Ltd

RM 201, Amin B/D, 110-1, YangJae-Dong, Seocho-Gu, Seoul, 137-130, South Korea

Tel. +82-2-529-0375 • Fax +82-2-529-0378


USA: Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme, Inc.

455 E. Eisenhower Parkway, Suite 210, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USA

Tel. +1-734-327-4147 • Fax +1-734-327-4143



Australia: Vipac Engineers and Scientists Ltd

279 Normanby Road, Port Melbourne, Victoria 3207, Australia

Tel. +61-3-9647-9700 • Fax +61-3-9646-4370


India: Welan Technologies

‘Nissim’, Plot 10A, Lane No 13, Ganesh Kripa Society, Paud Road, Pune 411038, India

Tel. +91-9225510908 • Fax +91-20-25393126


Italy: BPS S.r.l

Via Newton 12, 20016 Pero, Italy

Tel. +39-02-3534830 • Fax +39-02-33912334


Japan: TOYO Corporation

1-6, Yaesu 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8284, Japan

Tel. +81-3-3279-0771 • Fax +81-3-5205-2030


Malaysia: INFO-TRAX Sdn. Bhd.

42-3 Jalan Sulaiman 1, Taman Putra Sulaiman, 68000 Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia

Tel. +60-3-42706085 • Fax +60-3-42706054


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