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Rndl dOClll1lrnr ,U' e\'i,lrnCl' in :tny pl'OI'PNli11!\"
the pl'ecelliug' tll1ti~s OUk"ll ,,;-T"eusl'l> g"r'l11tu/l 1.y
tllll (JI'UWU of allY Wll~tl' laud" uurler the IJl'uvi:si<'Dl:! of lIny " -'!lIb'
L:mus Ad, tll' Gulr\ J?ieltls I t.J.
tIll' .. t!i",!1' of the ('OUl'L wlto~c ,lulv it. i to rea.1 ,meL rlOCUlUcnt"
~iI!l1l cflll !d.ttc'llti(lll to :tuy oll1is~ioll or itl~IUli.I·ieuc'y of the sta111p,
"Iltl 511ell drH:IIIL1"nL. h,L11 not h~ l'l'{'0ive,1 in (j\'i,ll'l1m' nntil nn,Y
oIl1' j' :tlltl filw l'!'ll'li1'co1 5]u,1I1u1I'o hOl'n ]1il.i!1. The ufficcl' [1[:01'(',
,,,i,1 ~1J;1.1I 1'(>I'~i\'1' UIf' <lL1Ly ftwl lin", n.lHl gil'e nl'cecipt for them,
\\ ilerl'Ul)on !inch ,IoCllment,; sbn.ll he n.umiS~ltble in l'videnc('
(s;tV'iug' nth!'l' ohjections). The officer Rhall accollnt to COIUUJil"
SiIllH'l'~ 'U! pl·tlvirlerl. Pl'oyiclPfl thn.t this provision .hallllOt "lil i ly
I,} IIny rlo/'jlm,'ltl PoI'l'l'"s;7y Irro],i!Jileri /0 /Ie ,.I,ol1/letl fI/lu e;ce/'olioi/.
'l'l1r. 1'!'g'ish'n,tiol1 III' IUlshLmpp,1 DC'(,IIs is 'll~o p1">.]'
.i1'L\ 1 LS-Coll 1rfwts, !Ir;Tl'elucntl', ,wII lIOnel", IV1' ~uU I' 'YUlI,'(' (If uI;,ils nTe
,'x" 1JJ 1}t.
01" 'l'IL\"KI:lFEH in t),·!..t('(lllll' I) "i "ThL' l."Ultl 'I.'mm',
fer Ad, 1I--'U."
\\'!Jere the traul>f"l" i~ lWt .. tnms[el' on" >Hle "1' '-'~"'IHllg:e .. t thcllI"P'
perty thcreiu-'I'he saw" dnty as for a cuuvc~uw,;c 1>11 L1le :ll'!lf
, aDY prupert,\'·
\Vht"'l't! tho tl'an t"pl' is lH. d· tl tl'£LllSft.')' q.1l H sale IIr c.."rh:lll!..!·c· 01' t]1I\
l'l'operl,Y lhcl'l'ill '"
.. 111, (1,1
1"1:\( 11)( LEN'j'llg:t[O\',\T, 011' f<t:111lp"fll[,thc: pnQll!sl' Ill' lU',ing-UW1IJ
"c(;uu, Ill' fill,\' 11,.(, "'llll1,j"lul(.e, "1' ,Il'Y)"c wilh inll'nl. in c!l,fttLlI,1
11"1' l\T;Ljl'sl,Y "I' ,luiy. inc-lIl'
,v""1'" I"'IIILl
allY tL'l'lH not l1X ('l"i('rling' fOll!' :,"'cuxs.
fl-l1uduh'nt I'C'1I101',1 I :U1d
Ir .... f(~lolliL·;;,
PIlLI 'rEi:l iuSHl'illg' (11(' hl,hlt:r 'L:5ain~1 I'i~k "t lu,,::;
allcll)ulici~K ll( ;Ui~UnLn{;C IJU liVl~ti of 111,:3]'':;lfl1:-:
arc eXt!lLll't.
lwuaJI,I', ull "olll'idioll, of R('I"'n,
iUlpl'i""llllllt'nt witll 11111',1 lallOlll' f(l]'
RPC'llnrj liS)'
IL ~bl1np,
.11\1 rtl' stal1l11. OL'
tlI'P ilet:ln,l'f"l t"
1'()1.J1,CY O.F ISS
(T, wilhnnt ('(1ll.litiollR. 01' :LuI,tlLil!" that ml<>'ht ('Oil,
~Iituh' it lL ]lI'''"l1isRory
not!', or 'Ill ''t'~U1L'l1t. is not li:LiI]" hI
c1nly. No iluthority for this in N'P\\ 7,,,:l1:11101 Ad, I,nl it
ac-Ctll'diug' t I llrecc(1l'ut in Enghmd,]
'LE.\H I':, ()ll, A({H.EJElIfE?\T for IL Il'a~", or a.ny written l10 'lllucnt for th,'
t<'nam',r \II' Otl'1l1ltUlr;)' of :tny Itmrls, telIHll1(,llt.fl, OJ' h~l'l'<lit'l1l1"nt.:,
witbout Illly C'011!;irlprfltion hy wa.y of pI'\'Uliurn, 1.hl' J'1l11"win",'
<lllr:ir'~ ill l't'Rpe,'t of tIll' 'yl'[\'1'l~' l'Cllt"Vh<:l'<~
M,l: ,\'NI,l'ly I'l'lll
no1, I'xt,'pd ,£>511
:lJl11 Hot "X""I"] .£lUl1
fl'n...tiolJ,a I. pad flf £:;0
Wlll'l'e til('
H'Ll1J(' ~hil,ll
A hllve .£ IOil,
1'111' "I'PI',\'
('.xcl'",1 £::;0.
:!k 1;,1
.~ (+H.El~,\f EN 'I' fnl' n lens( nf ,my l:lndH, tL'nl'IlWnW, 01' hl'l"'·
il.itlIUH'l1t~, g1':111te<l in'l'atllln oj' n ;;jtl1l .. ,I' I II O1W 1-, Irv waY
l.Ti:.\..i:lE, OR
,',f ]J),,'1I1iulil. wi1.hont rent. 01' with tUl ,u11111aJ l'I'ni-'rh'" "ri ",,71;.
jY/1t r1uti"N }1.l,l'"hlt, np'))] " 1"'IW",ntll('\' (,,,jpnl:li,·,l "11 il1(> ,,1111,
sic]PI';11inll ]'J' "",,yof pn'111illll1 "X])l'(·'R~,..l tlll'I·"in.
c,f :111Y IflW]H, b'lWIl1C ni8, O)'lIP]'l'(libmunIR, gTt1llh'" in tOIlf<i,I,'l''''
tion of ,I Hum ,,1' mOllC'Y. hy WILy 01' pt'l'miIllU, 1111rlllls() of :L YPfl,l'l,y
I',ellt "lIlnlllliil1~ i().t~() f1n'111pwft1 ',ls-1~,,(h 111I,,,d
1111011 il f'(lllV(o',"'l11('C', :l~COl'I ling' t n I 11<' pon~i\lrl'lIti, 'Il
tb"l·,:i:n '·')'Pl'PR~f'.I, nn,l for II Ic-,,~e ill \'OllRl,l.. ml i"li "I' " 1"'111 <II
tbe. ~Hllll' anJ01111i".
_\ . .-1-, 1K70,1' fll1(l
('\7\'l'Y tl'H.llRl'P1' Ill' Stll'n-'lldt'l'
EX"j'l\(lillg ..c~~, n·l I(l Hot ex/.;c~~ding' £;)0 ., .
1I'IL\ti'SPJ<jP', OF I,EA,'E OF El
puh.:y uf HuH, 111Sl1l'lIllCe Oll ""~ rt'.\'''g'"
For every ..cWO al.l,l ,1J1'y fl"L~tiU[hd 111.1'I'L l'[ £(Illl 11ll'l'l,I"Y in,<uI"'u Is. fld
I~ul' "vel'y l'<il.iey or He," inB1U'tlllCe fnr li.UJ"-~,,t,Hl'il'~ Ad l::it,ulll'lI1:tY
1)1) ,"~lIix"d l,y ,xulal'Y, .w,l if HU, LUU.;t IJ,-, C,W\JL,llt·tl h," ~U1lJ '.
B'ul' uvery .,t;ItJO "wI illIY frtLdiolltil lJ,u'j, "f ..clUU lilcl'<:l,y in~lll'l'd . .
'Ylllli'u the in"lll'''liI:e 'ball he ,lItulc [ur any liUll' 1I,,1 U:I.""",(il1'-, si;.r
lliQnthR ...
.. I;; till
Whenl t1ll' lUHII1'llllC{, ~hall bl' 1",,<1, fur aJ.1Y tiulC ,'xl'ueclii1!4 "ix
llH.Jllllt~ :mtlw,l u:\ceeding tln'lI'e lIlunthti
2~ lI'l
U 11 L if the s<: l".ml" lLllllllititil1l·t iu toru'll, "f [wu U1' l""l'e l"'I'''''l1~ ~11ll U
IJe :insl11'ccll,y OliU ]Julie,v ]'0,. ,L Vl>yug'l! LIt' I'Ul' lillll', (bClL Ill!' ,lnt;)lIf oue shilling', ur the ,luly "f one shilling' "1' Lw,' shiHiu;!", as
Lh" e'UilJ wily I,,", ~haJl UU ehal'!;-e,l lherc',n in I·"~l'\.!ct ,'f CV(;)''y
full $11111 IIf one 111rudl'elll'vuUt1. , u.ncl en'x)' J'r'II'LIl,na1l'nrf "f ')1!!'
humlred [",uml>; thcl'CLy LnHu'ctl UpOIl lilly ~Cplll'lttv "" ,[iHtinc
::"':1, .im'Ul·:lJ]CC fur tL vuyu,g'U :Lllcl for time, to l'Uell\' I'lIlIy time l.,eY"I.d
twent,r·f01U' hom's from 'll'I'ival ;m!l lIJou1'il1g' uf the ship, sl",1J I,,,
cb,w:g-cd duty buth fox VOYltg'U Rn<11illlc.
:::;Ct:, H7 tle.linus, .. sea in ILl'<1U<'U" and "l'(Jli.:y."
11y i::il'C, H!l.lIll.«,u
illtiUl,U1ee must I'l! IJ~' policy, and Rl)ecif~' lh,' risk ul' ,,,It'pnt,11 e,',
names of ulldenVl'itel's, 'LIlt! sums :insnred, ol'l'"li"J will III.' ".'Itl;
i:lcc. nu, no policy must be for Junger tiUJlJ tlHll1 lw"I".: wllnth.;,
or it wiU hc void
l\hu'inc policies may llC shtul}ll'rl within f,,[uto(']] dUYH H1'1 "1' ,I:, ttl 1111,1
jil'st ~i~J1tLtL11,tJ witho11t p"nll,lty. After fUUJ't.l'CII Iln,ys n,n ,l within
lhi.rhy ch,ys, on ll:LylllcnL of <lilLy :11\,l t('n 11(11111(}'; puwtoll,Y; "I'Ll'!'
thirLy days lhey CUllilOt lJU st-tLLU1)ec1 if l'xu<:uLe,l wilhiu LII,)
l' IWl\1l 'f:;ORY NO'PE, 1"'1' t.he paymenL in tI.ny qtllul' lIltLUlier thou to I b '
beare!' 011 d()lll(Lnd of =,v sum of 111 l1E'y not I!xr,cclin,Cf ..c~.;
.M EJV[ORANDUM OF LE.A SE in 8"1",11111,, E .. f .. '('h,· I,,,n.( 'l'l';Lllf<Y' 'I'
dUlY ,t~
d'IlIJi.l.''': I" tin'.
.l< 1.11' ever.y
'[:\1 I' I{ 8NH I ~D S'I')\ MPS 11!'P,1 not 1)l! co.nul!Uccl, anc1111\l$t uul be l'elUoYl!,l
tl ... nSll:1~ 'L,ll\('~iv,' ShLIl1P". Inc-oJ'])Ol·o.ted ('oUl]lnnies io tilJ.ce ont
.v ..;td~ l,i ('''J1s ,'~ (Ill 1 ;;(' J'LDlliLI',\'. li'il'Rt lisen,,"' JI)'IV I,e ;8S1lt'I1 hi
:llL.\' 1'(,1111':111.1' :Ll !lily tilll(> dlll'iug' litO ),(':11', hill", mtinur." in
furceouly till pnll of .I','n1'. (l"l't,a,ill ('"mp'llli<,~ aI',' I'X"1I11'1.
Tn [T-.\" simpl., T ()
m::. ",NC lil,
l·lh!t·Ljug'tlIP':->:1.11I1· ,
CUNIBI~AN("E ill l:kilp,lnl\'
~,I1}ll' duh' II,'
"'I'll" Land 'I'l'tln,ft'r Ac·t, 1Hill."-'I'lH'
\"f'Y,lllN' .m tb<, R,\],' of any lll'op"rt~·.
('onn tl'l'P:ll't of lelt!!(' ...
For n1t~ I.. :m,l t ill\C' nf stlllDping 1,'a""" .
"1' " J)""d."
l:~ I;,j
Pn.lll1isSlJl'Y Nut., for l Ill) pll,Ylllunleitll!;'1' tu tlll) iJ(!~\"'I' (In ill'Uln.l1ll, lip
in ,my oLIt(1l' IIltLllllUJ' ilWJl to Lhe l,ctLl'e1' (Ill ,lc1I1t1m1. of H,ll y SIIIll
of 1I1011l'y uxe.'\J,lil1;'; ..£;jU >lull not 'xceec1iu).t £lOll
.. .
WlH!l'I' 0 ..' HlIUl tih:dl l'x"ee,l .l:lOU, thon for tJVel'Y x;)U [\wl fl'ildiomu
l'lIrl "f S'';O
l'rom.i"...ory !,ote l'a:yavle 011 dtl1lllind