G.H. RAISONI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NAGPUR Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Branch: -6th Semester [Electronics And Telecommunication] Subject: - Control Systems List Of Experiments Sr. Name of Experiment No 1 To study Synchro Transmitter 2 To study Synchro Transmitter and Receiver in pair 3 To plot speed – torque characteristics & speed Vs back emf characteristics of A.C servomotor. 4 To measure basic step angle of Stepper Motor 5 To study potentiometer as a transducer and error detector. 6 To study the time response of simulated Linear Systems Simulator 7 To plot Root locus by Using MATLAB Software 8 To study transient response of second order system using R, L, C series circuit. Experiment No: 1 Aim: - To study Synchro Transmitter Apparatus: - 1) Synchro 2) Multimeter Circuit Diagram: S2 STATOR WINDING OF TRANSMITTER V V/2 V/2 V12 V23 S1 S3 V31 R1 ROTOR WINDING OF TRANSMITTER R2 AC LINE TORQUE TRANSMISSION USING SYNCHRO TRANMITTER Theory:- Theory should cover details about following points. Procedure: - 1 2 3 4 5 Constructional details of Synchro Transmitter Constructional details of Synchro Receiver Operation of Synchro Transmitter Receiver in pairs. Advantages and disadvantages of Synchro. Application of Synchro. 1) 2) 3) 4) Connect the system to main supply Switch on the main switch and SW1 Do not connect any wires between the stator winding of TX & TR. Starting from zero position (i.e. Knob of synchro transmitter at 0 degree) note- down the voltages between stator terminals i.e. VS S1 , VS2S3 , & VS3 S4 in a sequential fashion . 5) Rotate the knob by 30 degree and again note down Vs1S2 , VS2S3 & VS3 S1 6) Repeat step no.05 for further rotation by 30 degree (i.e. knob at 60 degree now) 2 7) Like this make one complete rotation of 36 degree and note the readings in a tabular form. Observation Table: Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 12 13 Position of Rotor in Degrees 0 degree 30 degree 60 degree . . . Stator Voltage or terminal voltage ( RMS value ) Vs1S2 VS2S3 VS3S1 330 degree 360 degree Graph: - Plot a graph of angular position VS voltage for all the three phases . Result: -The synchro Transmitter was studied and waveform of stator winding voltages was plotted on graph . Conclusion: - : It is observed that due to transformer action, the angular position of rotor is transferred into a unique set of stator voltage, viz. VS1S2 , VS2.S3 & VS2S1. Viva Questions: 1) Explain the working of synchro – transmitter as transducer? 2) Write application of synchro – transmitter as transducer? 3 Experiment No: 2 Aim: -To study Synchro Transmitter and Receiver in pair. Apparatus: - Synchro Transmitter & Receiver Kit 4 Circuit Diagram :S2 S2 STATOR WINDING OF TRANSMITTER V STATOR WINDING OF RECEIVER V V/2 V/2 S1 V/2 S3 V/2 S1 S3 R1 R1 ROTOR WINDING OF TRANSMITTER ROTOR WINDING OF RECEIVER R2 R2 AC LINE TORQUE TRANSMISSION USING SYNCHRO TRANMITTER S2 STATOR WINDING OF TRANSMITTER S2 STATOR WINDING OF RECEIVER 3V/2 0 3V/2 S1 3V/2 3V/2 0 S3 S1 S3 30 ROTOR WINDING OF TRANSMITTER R2 ROTOR WINDING OF RECEIVER R2 AC LINE TORQUE TRANSMISSION USING SYNCHRO TRANMITTER AND RECEIVER AS PAIR Theory: -Theory should cover details about following points. 2. 3. 4. Constructional details of Synchro Transmitter Constructional details of Synchro Receiver Operation of synchro transmitter receiver in pair. 5 5. 6. Advantages and disadvantages of synchro. Application of synchro. Procedure: - 1) Connect the system to main supply 2) With the help of patch cord establish connections between corresponding terminals of TX & TR stators. i.e. connect S1 to S1 , S2to S2 and S3 to S3 of TX & TR stator respectively . 3) Switch on SW1 & SW2 as well as main of instrument. 4) Move the pointer (rotor position of TX in steps of 30 degrees and observe the new position of TR. 5) Enter the input angular position & output angular position in the tabulator from & plot the graph. Obseravtion Table: Sr. No Synchro Transmitter 0 30 1. 2. . . . 12. 13. Synchro Receiver 330 360 = 0 degree Graph: - Plot the graph between O/P angular position ( Receiver side ) Vs input angular position ( Transmitter side ) Result: - The Synchro Transmitter Receiver in pair or as an error detector was studied . Conclusion:Viva Questions: 1) 2) Compare the constructional difference between the synchro – transmitter and synchro-receiver? Write the application of the synchro –transmitter and synchro-receiver as pair? Experiment No: 3 Aim: - To plot speed – torque characteristics & speed Vs back emf characteristics of A.C servomotor . Apparatus: - 6 1) AC Servomotor set 2) Multimeter Circuit Diagram: 10K /8W 110V P1 C /1mfd A.C. 230V 0V ROTATING DISC REF. WINDING DCM ACSM - Eb + LIGHT SOURC E TP1 P2 VR (TP2) SPEED CALIBERATION SIGNAL PROCESSING PCB2 M1 LOAD CONTROL PHOTO PICKUP - M2 TP3 E RECTIFIER AND REGULATOR PCB 1 -- PCB3 RPM TP2 + TO LAMP BLOCK DIAGRAM OF AC SERVOMOTOR Theory: - Theory should cover details about following points 1) Description of set up. 2) What is Servomotor? Give their classification in brief? 3) The requirements or desirable features of servomotors. 4) Constructional details of AC Servomotors. 5) Working 7 6) Point of differences between AC servomotor & normal Induction Motor. 7) Application Procedure: - 1) Study all the controls carefully on the front panel. Keep the switch SW1, in upward position, indicating that the armature circuit of dc. Machine is not connected o Auxiliary power supply, switch SW2 should also be in off position. 2) Ensure P1 & p2 are in fully anticlockwise position. 3) Note switch ON SW1 & also switch SW2, you can observe that AC servomotor will start rotating & the speed will be Indicated by the meter M1 on the front panel . 4) Also SW3 in OFF condition, vary the speed of by moving P1 in a clockwise direction and note the emf. gnerated by the D.C. machine ( now working as a dc generator or tacho) At terminal Tp1 . Enter the results in Table no-01 ( Use a DC voltmeter in the range of 0-to 2 volt or so .) 5) Now switch SW3 , in off condition , switch ON SW2 and keep the pot , P1 in minimum position / You can observe that the AC servomotor starts moving with speed being indicated by the RPM indicator . You can measure the reference winding voltage (which is variable by pot P1) 6) Set the control winding voltage to 35 volt and the note the speed of A.C. Servomotor by controlling Pot P2 in a slow fashion. Note down corresponding values of Ia & on meter M2 & RPM meter M1 respectively. Enter these values in Table 2. 8) Now switch off SW3 & set the control wining voltages to 45 volt & 55 volt respectively & repeat the procedure as in step 5 . 9) Polt the speed torque characteristics for various values of control winding voltage. Observation Table : - TABLE NO:- 01 (Table indicates only procedure) Sr.No N Eb ( in volt) 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 - (in RPM ) 1175 1125 1100 ----- -1.35 -1.31 -1.26 ----- TABLE NO:- 02 (Table indicates only procedure ) Control winding voltage = Vc = 35 volt . Sr.No I (in MA) 1 0 2 200 3 300 4 -. -. --- Speed N ( in PM ) 1475 1400 1350 ----- Eb ( in volts ) 1.47 1.4 1.35 ----- Pmw = ( Eb ) .(Ia) ( in mill watt) 0 280 405 ----- Torque in (gm-cm) 0 19.46 29.19 ----- Note: - Torque ‘T’= ( P* 1.019* 104 *60 / 2 N …… gm = Cm Graph: - 1) Plot a graph for back e.m.f. ( in mV) Vs speed in RPM 2) Torque -speed characteristics of AC servomotor Result: - Torque speed characteristics for AC servomotor & back e.m.f. Vs speed characteristics was studied and graph are plotted. Conclusion: - Note the readings in a tabular form. Viva Questions: - 1) What is Servomotor? Give their classification in brief 2) Explain the torque – speed characteristics of AC servomotor? Experiment No: 4 Aim: - To measure basic step angle of Stepper Motor Apparatus: - Stepper motor set up. 9 Circuit Diagram: STEPPER MOTOR PANEL DRAWING SINGLE STEP CW FREE RUN CCW WOBLE PULSE SEQUENCE GENERATOR PHASE uP INTERFACE 1 2 POWER DRIVER 3 4 FREQ ON Y TRIG Theory: - Theory should cover details about the following points . 1 3) 4) 5) Equipment description. Construction of stepper motor Working Application Procedure: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Connect the motor unit to main unit & switch on the supply Keep switch S1 to manual stepping. Select clockwise (CW) rotation. Connect all phases to the corresponding drives. Press the manual stepping push button inn multiples of 10 pulses & note the change in angular position from the dial 6) Calculate the average basic step angle. 7) Repeat the above step selecting counter clockwise (CCW) directions rotation. Observation Table:Sr. No Direction of Rotation Angle subtended in 10 steps ( in Angle subtended in one step ( in Average basic step angle ( in degrees) 10 1. 2. CW CCw degrees ) --------- degrees) --------- -------- Result:- Basic step angle of stepper motor in found to be ……………………. Conclusion:Viva Questions: - 1) Explain the different types of stepper motor? 2) What is importance of stepper motor as per industrial purpose? 3) Write the application of stepper motor? Experiment No: 5 Aim: - To study potentiometer as a transducer and error detector. Apparatus: - 1) 10 Turn precision helical potentiometer 2) Multimeter 11 Circuit Diagram: - POTENTIOMETRIC ERROR DETECTOR ON 2.21 AC VOLTS EXCITATION DC POT 2 POT 1 + BALANCED DEMODULATOR _ AC / DC EXCITATION INSRUMENTATION AMPLIFIER POT 1 POT 2 BALANCED DEMODULATOR V1 V2 + _ Vo CARRIER (Internal) SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Theory: - Theory should cover details about following points. 1) Equipment Description 2) Building Blocks 3) Experimental Work Procedure: - 1) Connect the main cord to supply line & switch on the main switch & 12 device button. 2) Adjust the output voltage of potentiometer to zero by rotating the knob of potentiometer in anticlockwise direction. (note that we are using only one side i.e. one potentiometer). 3) Measure the input voltage between I/P and ground. 4) Now rotate potentiometer knob by one rotation i.e. 3600 & measure o/p voltage between terminals, O/P & ground. It will be approximately (1/10)th of I/P voltage (Because the potentiometer on which we are working is 10 turn potentiometer) . 5) Repeat step no 4 ten times. At the end of tenth rotation O/P voltage is equal to input voltage. Observation Table: Sr. No. 1 Angular Position (in Degrees) 100 3600 7500 10800 Output voltage (in Volts) 0 3.6 0.72 1.08 Graph: - Plot a graph for angular position Vs O/P voltage Result: - Potentiometer as a transducer was studied & graph is plotted between angular position Vs output voltage. Conclusion: Viva Questions: 1) Explain the working of potentiometer? 2) Write the application of potentiometer? Experiment No: 6 Aim: - To study the time response of simulated Linear Systems Simulator Apparatus: - Linear System Simulator KIT Circuit Diagram: - 13 Rs + Cs K1 ----S K - 1 Rs + K3 -----------ST2 + 1 K Cs -1 CLOSED LOOP OPTION FOR FIRST ORDER SYSTEMS DECISION MAKING SYSTEM Cs + REFERENCE OR COMMAND G(s) - MEASUREMENT BLOCKED DIAGRAM OF A CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM 14 C(t) Y(t) K -S 1 t t r(t) C(t) K ---------ST + 1 1 C(t) = Kt K .632K t C(t) = K(1 - e-t/T) T t UNIT STEP RESPONSE OF FIRST ORDER TRANSFER FUNCTIONS Theory: - Theory should cover details about the following points. 1 2 3 4 Equipment description. Construction of Linear System Simulator Working Application Procedure: - For Open Loop Response 1) Note down the value of K1, K2, K3 and T1 , T2 2) Error detector cum variable gain a) Apply a 100 mV square wave signal to any of the three inputs b) Set the gain setting potentiometer to 10.0( v=0) c) Measure the P-P output voltage and note its sign. Calculate the gain. This is the maximum value of gain. d) Repeats for other two inputs. e) Write the equation of this block and verify by connecting the signal to all three inputs. 3) Disturbance adder a) Test it in same manner as a) 4) Uncommitted amplifier a) Apply a 1 volt p-p square input . b) Measure the p-p output voltage and note its sign. c) Record the equation of this block for later use. 5) Integrator a) Apply a 1 volt p-p square input. b) Measure the p-p output voltage and note its sign. c) Calculate the gain constant K of integrator and write transfer function of block. 15 6) Time constant a) Apply 100mV p-p square wave of known frequency to ensure that steady state. b) Find on the trace the time t= T, where response reaches to 63.2 %. c) K= ( p-p steady state output / p-p input amplitude ) d) Write transfer function of block First Order System - Closed Loop Response b) Apply a 1 volt p-p square input. trace the o/p waveforms , for K= 0.5 , 1.0, 1.5 …………. c) Calculate the time constant in each case compare it with theoretical results. d) Calculate steady state errors for the above case . e) To find steady state error for ramp input, apply 1V p-p triangular wave input . connect system i/p to X input and output to Y input f) The vertical displacement between the two curves is the steady state error. g) Repeat the measurement for different values of K and compare the results with theoretical values. Result: - We studied the first order open loop and closed loop system with linear system simulator. Viva Questions: 1) Explain the different standard input of control system? 2) Explain the effect of feedback element on control system? 16 Experiment No: 7 Aim: - To plot Root locus by Using MATLAB Software Problem: - Sketch the root locus for the transfer function given below. 10 G(S) = --------------------------------------S (S+1) (S+2) (S+4) Theory: - Theory should cover the following points . 1) Explain about MATLAB Software 2) Write steps to plot Root Locus 3) Advantages of using software for analysis. Procedure:- 1) Solve the problem manually 2) By using MATLAB software feed the data as above problem. 3) Do the analysis by MATLAB software 4) Compare both the result Result: - Result obtained manually are as results obtained by software . By using software we can do analysis of large system. 17 Experiment No: 8 Aim: - To study transient response of second order system using R, L, C series circuit. Apparatus: - 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Function Generator Cathode Ray oscilloscope Capacitance box Resistance box Inductance box Circuit Diagram: - Theory: - The theory should contain the details about following points . 1. Definition of Time response , Transient response and steady state response 2. Type and order of system. 3. Time response specification viz. Delay time ., rise time Peak time , Overshoot , Settling time , steady state error ( write down expressions for these specification ) Procedure: - (1) Connect R, L, C in series and give supply to this series combination through function generator . Connect CRO across capacitance box. (2) Give a supply of 2 volt ( peak to peak) by function generator .( Measure this on CRO ) (3) By varying R, L, C as well as adjusting frequency to a suitable get the time response on CRO. (4) Note all the time response specifications and draw the response on graph paper. 18 Observation Table: Input voltage (P-P) =-------------------------- Input frequency: --------------------------Sr. No 1 2. 3. R L C tr tp % Mp Specimen Calculation:(1) l.C) (3) tr = ----------------- (4) % Mp = 100 e - Graph : - Sketch the complete time response on graph paper . Result: - The time response of second order RLC series circuit was studied and plotted on graph paper. Viva Questions: 1) Explain the steady state and transient response? 2) Explain the classification of control system according to the damping ratio? 19