St. James' News Christmas 2010 St. James’ Catholic High School A Specialist Humanities College John Chapter 14 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way? “ Jesus answered , “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” SUCCESSFUL INSPECTIONS We have come to the end of another hugely successful term for St James’. Right at the very start of the term, on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th April, the school was inspected by Ofsted under section 5 of the Education Act 2005. Inspectors concluded that the school is Good overall and that the Behaviour and Safety of pupils is Outstanding. The report states that, ‘This is a good school. Students' achievement is good and their attainment is high. The quality of teaching is good overall, with some that is outstanding. The behaviour and safety of students is outstanding. The school is a harmonious community and there is a very strong culture of mutual support and respect. All students have a high moral code and this includes showing respect and caring for each other. The leadership and management of the school are good. Leaders and managers across the school have been successful in improving students' performance and raising their achievement through improving the quality of teaching. The curriculum is good, and the excellent enrichment opportunities make a significant contribution to the outstanding promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural SUMMER 2012 development. A distinctive feature of this school is the success it achieves in blending the academic progress of its students with their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Students grow to become well-educated, responsible and caring young people. Their emotional development is a key element in securing their academic success. Parents comments included: “St. James’ is a happy vibrant school” and “My son is loving every minute of his time at St James'’. The inspectors concluded their report with praise directed at the pupils themselves: “The highlight of your school is you! We judged your behaviour, and your attitudes to your learning and to each other as outstanding. We believe this comes from your personal values and the impressive way your school blends your academic progress with your spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. You are leaders in tackling discrimination. You told us you feel very safe in school because of the excellent care you receive.” It’s a report which is testament to the dedication of staff and 1 governors to providing the very best learning and outcomes for the young people of this community. Considering that inspectors were using the new and more challenging OFSTED evaluation schedule these judgments are a real positive validation of school performance and improvement in recent years. On Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd June we had our inspection of denominational education which was carried out by two inspectors from our diocese – the diocese of Shrewsbury. Judgments were made about the delivery of the RE curriculum and the spiritual life of the school. The inspectors concluded that St James’ is an outstanding Catholic school. The report goes on to state: ‘Achievement of the pupils at all levels is a high priority for the religious education team and overall, standards are significantly above average and within the diocesan threshold for outstanding. Pupils in the school feel valued and cared for and understand what it means to be in a Catholic school. They express a great sense of community within the school and feel that teachers know them well and are concerned for their well-being. The RE Department provides well-structured and engaging teaching that fully meets the needs of the pupils in its care. Pupils at all levels and of all abilities take a real responsibility for their own commitment to working in the community. There is a real enthusiasm among the pupils to help others and a similar enthusiasm among the leaders and managers for this to be part of the pupils’ experience at St James. The sense of self-esteem and independence they gain is extremely positive, as well as the innumerable benefits seen in the places they visit. We are very proud of both of these reports which confirm that St James’ is a school which prepares our young people to take their place in adult life as mature, engaging and delightful young men and women with a wide range of skills and talents. This newsletter demonstrates that there is a wealth of extra curricular activity taking place at St James’ and I do urge you to read about the many enriching activities that have taken place for your children this year. Congratulations to Mrs Malins and our Faculty of Performing Arts on their successful application for the Artsmark Award, and on the recognition from the Arts Council that we are “outstanding” in these subject areas. This is a fitting reward for the high quality teaching and learning that is consistently provided in this faculty. The end of the school year whilst it provides us with the time to reflect and celebrate our many successes, is also a time of sadness as colleagues leave us. Mr Vulliamy retires after 21 years dedicated service to St. James’. In recent years he has been Director of our Modern Foreign Languages Faculty but he has also contributed so much to our school as a musician, a much loved form teacher and in many trips and extra-curricular activities An outstanding teacher of French and German he will be greatly missed. We wish him a long and happy retirement. Mrs Vaal has been a highly valued member of our SEN team since 1998. Firstly as a member of the local authority Learning Support Service and more recently as a Pupil Support Teacher she has been totally committed to providing the specialised teaching, support and care that has enabled pupils with special needs to flourish at St James’. On your behalf I wish her every success in the future. In September 2010 Mrs Hulme was appointed to cover the English timetable of Mrs Morgan and at the same time Mrs Hall took over some of the Geography, ASDAN and Learning For Living teaching delivered by Mrs Livesey. I wish them both every success in the future and thank them for their contribution to the school. Miss Neves has been a valued member of the RE faculty since January 2009 and more recently has shared the Head of PHSE role with Miss Brooks. I would like to thank her for all her hard work, commitment and dedication in the faculty and in her other roles, and wish her every success in her future career. Miss Lyons was appointed initially to cover the later part of Mrs Bickerton’s maternity leave. She worked extremely hard within the faculty of Creative Technology and in the second part of this year she has continued her good work as an Intervention Teaching Assistant. She leaves us to take up a teaching position at Parrswood High School. I would like to congratulate her on her new appointment and wish her every success. Two members of our Learning Support team are also leaving us at the end of term to begin their teacher training. Mrs Jones and 2 Miss Farrell have been working as part of the SEN Faculty providing in class support for students who require additional help. They have experienced a broad range of subjects and teaching styles which I know will hold them in good stead as they return to university to undertake their PGCEs in September. I would like to take this opportunity of welcoming them to the teaching profession. Sadly, due to ill health, Mrs Hall has also left the Learning Support Faculty this term. She has been a great servant of the school and we wish her a long, happy and healthy retirement. The Director of Faculty Mrs Nolan is also leaving the faculty temporarily as she takes up a two year teaching post in Jordan. We wish her every success in this exciting new venture. Mrs Duszynska has been a Cover Supervisor at St James’ since December 2010. She leaves us now to take up a similar role closer to home and I would like to thank her for commitment to the role and wish her every success in the future. Also, Mrs Furness leaves at the end of this term after a number of years as a part-time business studies, ICT and mathematics teacher. Formerly a full time and permanent member of staff at St. James’ she has always provided dedicated service to the school and I would like to thank her on your behalf. I would also like to thank Mrs Ann Taylor who has also carried out a number of roles in school either on short term contracts or as a supply teacher. In all of these roles she has always been totally committed to the best possible learning for our pupils. th On the 29 June we gave Mr Lowry a fantastic ‘send off’ with a Mass of Celebration followed by afternoon tea with staff past and present, governors, PTA members and friends of the school. On behalf of the school I would like to wish him every success as he joins “Her Majesty’s Inspectorate” in a permanent inspection role to follow his secondment as an inspector this year. By now you will be aware that I too will not be here in September. I will be taking over as Headteacher at All Saints Catholic College in Dukinfield for the academic year 2012-13. Mrs Mullen will carry on as Deputy Headteacher with Mrs Morgan carrying on as Assistant Headteacher (Key Stage 3). I would like to thank every member of staff at St James’ for all their help, support and hard work over my time here as Headteacher, DeputyHeadteacher and Head of Mathematics. I will miss St James’ but am looking forward to my new role. I wish Mr Beesley every success as Headteacher here at St. James’. Finally, may I wish everyone a happy and restful holiday and I look forward to some excellent results in August J F Barnes Headteacher ST JAMES’ PTA The first meeting of the academic year will be held on Monday 10th September 2012 at 7:00pm SCIENCE DEPARTMENT CONGRATULATIONS Natalie Hyde joined the Science Department at St James’ in October of 2010. She is studying an Apprenticeship in Laboratory Techniques and a BTEC in Applied Science. Over this period Natalie has become a valued member of the Science Team at School. We are very pleased and honoured to announce that Natalie has now successfully completed her course and has become a fully fledged member of the Science Department. This has been another busy, exciting and successful year at St James’. We are saying goodbye to Mr Charles Lowry, who is leaving the school to take up a permanent position with Ofsted after 12 very successful years as Headteacher. The Governing Body wish him all the very best for the future and would like to thank him for his dedication and the work he did during his time with us. We look forward to welcoming Mr Tim Beesley who will be joining us in September as our new Headteacher. The Governing Body would also like to thank Mr John Barnes for his commitment and the support he has given to the school in the last year as Acting Headteacher. John led the school through a highly successful Ofsted inspection. and an equally successful Diocesan Section 48 inspection which resulted in the school being rated as outstanding. The Governors are very appreciative of all John’s hard work. John is leaving the school for a year’s secondment as Acting Headteacher at All Saints Catholic College in Dukinfield and we wish him all the best in this new venture. Mr Paul Carter Next year, Natalie will be studying a Senior Technicians and Leaders Course at York University. This course will be both demanding and satisfying for Natalie as it has credit towards a degree and will allow her to develop her skills in a more senior position. The course is in 3 residential blocks at the National Science Learning Centre, York, and will also involve several written assignments. We all wish Natalie the very best in her educational development and congratulate her on her recent qualification. Science Staff Parents Information Evening Parents of Year 9, 10 & 11 pupils Thursday 4th October 2012: 5­9pm Come and see us at Stockport Town Hall to chat to local staff about options available in Further Education, Apprenticeships or Employment. For further details email: 14‐ Or call 0161 474 2350 3 RE FACULTY On the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, we said a fond farewell to Mr Lowry, who after 10 years of headship at St. James’ is to leave us to take up a permanent role with Ofsted. Section 48 Inspection June 2012 On the 21st and 22nd June, we were inspected by the Diocese. They said that overall the school is OUTSTANDING. They said that, in the RE department, Achievement, Quality of Learning, Teaching in Learning, Assessment marking, the Curriculum and the Leadership and Management are all Outstanding. The Mass involved input from many pupils and staff (including a very clever take on “Matchstick Men!”) and Mr Lowry was given the opportunity to read the First Reading and to address the staff and pupils. The inspectors also said that our results in RE. are significantly above the national average. Pupils enjoy RE, are aware of their RE targets and can explain their progress. The resources are excellent, leadership in RE is outstanding and the Director of Faculty has a clear vision of where the faculty was, where it is now and where it needs to be. Both Father Peter Sharrocks and Father Pat Munroe were involved in celebrating the Mass, along with the choir and the orchestra who performed brilliantly. We also welcomed past members of staff- it was lovely to see some familiar faces from the past. Despite the warm weather, the pupils were very well behaved in Mass and gave Mr Lowry the send-off he deserved. Overall, St James’ is an outstanding Catholic school After Mass, staff and guests were treated to a fantastic afternoon tea in the school hall which had been truly transformed. RE Rewards Summer 2012 We wish Mr Lowry luck in his new role and hope that he keeps in touch. YEAR 7 Effort Kieran Hughes Attainment Amy Hall-Murphy Improvement Lewis Bibby Prayer -Memorial Garden From a little seed of an idea earlier on this year has grown the plan to have a prayer/memorial garden located within the school grounds.. YEAR 8 Effort Matthew McGowan Attainment Maisy-Lou Taylor Improvement Vicky Deeney YEAR 9 Effort Nathan Hope Attainment Antonia Smith Improvement Shane Vaux YEAR 10 Effort Conor Goodier Attainment Josh Heathershaw Improvement Harrison Kilburn The idea is simple; we want to create a place for our students to go to, to be still and reflective in an otherwise noisy and frequently chaotic world. A place, which is fully inclusive and which enables our students to have space to find peace and rest, a place that will leave them refreshed and in touch with their faith. It is no coincidence Farewell to Mr Lowry 4 that Jesus likens faith and the Kingdom of God to a Mustard Seed, he was showing us that there is a relationship between the beauty of nature and our spiritual life. From the tiniest of seeds can grow the most amazing beauty. Interestingly, the last place we see Jesus praying, before he was arrested, was a garden. Jesus found solace and comfort in nature and we are hoping that we can offer the same to our students. Donacha Maguire, Ama Mainoo, Sebastian Sharples, Nuala Ginty, Jennifer Small, Ella Sivori and Charlotte Edwards. Straight away the newly elected members got to work and decided on creating a new prayer booklet to be used in form times and at the end of the school day. Each member contributed two prayers and the booklet was complete with contributions from staff at St. James’. Our aim is that by Spring 2013 we will have a garden, which, whilst not fully developed, is a work in progress. A small group of us has already met, a location has been decided upon and we are currently in the process of seeking the help of a landscape architect! The real hard work will begin in September, when we will be busy digging up the land and raising the money we need to make sure we create a space which is worthy of our students. Please keep our budding prayer/memorial garden in your thoughts and prayers over the coming months. The following prayer was contributed by Nuala Ginty: Bless Our School Lord, Bless our school. That working together and playing together, we may learn to serve you. That working together and playing together, we may learn to serve each other. Mrs A McGarr We make this prayer in Your name, Amen. Confirmations 2012 The Faith Council also worked alongside the School Council in raising money for charity, in memory of Amy Watson-Wright, by washing cars for the staff of St James’. The RE department would like to offer their congratulations to those pupils from Years 8 and 9 who were confirmed this year. Bishop Mark led this very special celebration along with priests from the various parishes at Our Lady’s in Edgeley. In the coming year, the Faith Council plans to continue raising the religious profile of the school. End of Year Mass This year’s End of Year Mass was co-ordinated by the Expressive Arts department (Music, Drama, Art) and used the phrase “Success and Achievement” as their theme. Particularly relevant at the end of the academic year following exams and test and also relevant to the 2012 London Olympics. It gave St. James’ the chance to celebrate success and achievement at all levels- no matter how big or small- and reminds us as in the Parable of the Talents that we must always make the most of the skills and talents that God has given us all. “I will pour out my Spirit on everyone.” Acts 2:17 Farewell! So long! The RE department would like to wish all the Year 11s a fond farewell and all the best for the future. We hope that they do well in their exams and that they will always hold a special place in their hearts for St James’. Faith Council 2012 The Faith Council were officially launched in January 2012. Students from all year groups applied, with 13 students being chosen to represent each year: We wish you all a peaceful and happy summer holiday The RE Department Daniel Everett, Kieran Hughes, Amber Kelly, Caleb Hall, Millie O’Hara, Maisy Lou-Taylor, 5 School Trips information • • • In your child's report, to be posted out to you at the end of the year, you will find a trips permission and medical information sheet. Unless we receive the signed form back, your child won't be able to participate in school trips next year. Please complete both sides of the sheet and return it to school as soon as you can. The form acts as permission for non-residential trips throughout the year. We also use it to make sure that we have up-to-date medical information for all our pupils. A copy can also be found on the school's website, in the key information section, along with a copy of the explanatory letter. This year, we have included a question on this form, to ask if your child is a carer for somebody else with an illness or disability. We are asking this so that we can provide support in school to young carers. A representative from Signpost (a charity which supports young carer) also comes in to school. Please don't feel that you have to fill in this section if you don't wish to. A separate Disability Questionnaire is also on the school's website (please see below for further info). Please note that the information requested regarding tetanus injections has changed, so that we can give more useful information to medical staff if required. This is in response to a request for this change from the NHS. Medicines in School • Also included is a letter which explains the school's policy for medication in school. Please note that we don't store medication in school over the Summer Holidays. Therefore, any medicines will be sent home on the last day of term. Please ensure that, if you need to send in medication in September, you request a form from school reception (as explained in the letter) and return it with the medication in September. Pink Forms for Short Term Medication (e.g. antibiotics) • Please don't return the pink forms that will be included with the reports. Please keep these at home so that you can send them in with short term medication (such as antibiotics), if your child requires these during the coming school year. We ask that you try to arrange with your GP that they prescribe short term medications that do not need to be taken during the school day, wherever possible. This is in line with DFE guidance. I'd like to thank parents for their co-operation with this during the current school year. We have had very little short term medication brought in to school this year. Disability Questionnaires • You may remember that last year we sent out Disability Disclosure Letters/ Questionnaires to all parents which requested information about any disabilities which you or your child may have. Please note that you are not obliged to disclose such information but, if you choose not to tell us about a disability, it will be difficult for us to make the adjustments that you or your child might require to access the school. This year, we will again be sending paper copies of this questionnaire to the parents of new Year 7’s but we won't be sending them out to other families. Instead, you can find them on the school's website, in the Key Information section. Please could you fill out one of these forms if you wish to update the information which you have already provided to school. If you need a paper copy, or a copy in a different format, please contact school for this. Keeping School Informed • Please contact Rachel Hughes (Managing Medical Needs Co-ordinator) to inform the school of any changes to your child's medical condition during the school year. Mrs Rachel Hughes 6 Learning Resource Centre Did you know that all these movies came from books that are worth a read if you’re looking for something to do over the summer holidays? The Woman in Black, starring Daniel Radcliffe, from the book of the same name by Susan Hill. Arrietty, a Japanese cartoon style movie, based on The Borrowers by Mary Norton. Snow White and the Huntsman- a traditional tale from the Brothers Grimm, but a book of the movie by Lily Blake is out too. John Carter, the new Disney adventure, is based on the John Carter of Mars books by Edgar Rice Burroughs. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, from the book The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, from the book of the same name by Jeff Kinney And for older readers: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, from the book of the same name by Jonathan Safran Foer. Anna Karenina, due out later this year, starring Kiera Knightley, from the book of the same name byLeo Tolstoy. Great Expectations, due out later this year, starring Voldemort, Bellatrix and Hagrid (well, the actors who played them, any way!) from the book of the same name by Charles Dickens. Happy reading, and have a great summer break! Mrs Smith and Mrs Morrin CULTURE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP Culture SIG has been meeting once every fortnight with the aim of promoting all things cultural in school. Mrs Smith and I would like to thank everyone who has supported the group throughout the year; it really has gone from strength to strength. We enjoyed talks from members of staff (Mr Guscott and Mr Cross) about their love of reading and they inspired us to sample new books. Andrew, from Simply Books in Bramhall, visited earlier on in the Summer term to invite us to his shop and tell us about the latest exciting titles on the shelves. Another highlight was a visit to Michael Grant, award winning American Author of Gone and Bzerk, at Cheadle Hulme School. Although Michael told the audience from the start he wasn't a role model to look up to quite a few of us disagree since he inspired some members of the group to write their own stories. Over recent weeks it has been the members of Culture SIG themselves who have given wonderful presentations about books and films they have enjoyed. Well done! 8X2 There are some fantastic authors in 8X2, so much so I decided to enter their work into the Well Warrington Competition in June. I was right about their talent. Congratulations to Michael Hannon who won first prize for 'One Does One's Best' and Laura Minmagh for third prize. The judges were very impressed that two winners came from one class and have therefore awarded the class a prize too. Well done everyone! 9x1 and 8ES1 The Truth about Youth Project in Manchester Royal Exchange will be displaying work from these two classes for their speeches about youth. If you are in Manchester over the next couple of weeks call in and see some of the thoughtful and intelligent speeches from these two groups as part of Manchester Festival. Mrs Hulme 7 One Does One’s Best The sleek, majestic ship cut through the waters. Its infinite beauty was unique. It was the QE2, a torpedo, slicing through the sea. The Mediterranean restaurant was busy. The scent of tea and fresh cream cakes drifted across the room and over the passengers. One lady, a large woman with an overly conspicuous hat, gave out a largely irritating laugh. A man at a table in the corner summoned a waiter, who dropped his tray on the floor. For a few seconds the sound of breaking glass and shattering china tea cups rippled through the air, like a tidal wave on an already disturbed sea. The loud noise was not even audible over the dim of the passengers. Clive Fox strode out of the Mediterranean restaurant onto the deck. Yesterday they had left Southampton and were now on the high seas. Fox breathed in a lungful of smoke from his recently lit cigar. Over the years, many words had been used to describe Clive Fox but only a small selection really suited him. A gambler, a charmer and a professional. Fox was a writer; though this cruise was not work related. This was his holiday, and he was determined to enjoy it. Fox finished his cigar and sighed. He moved back into the dining room and selected a small table away from the laughing woman and the upset waiter. He waited for a waiter to come to the table where he now sat. Fox liked quality cruises. He also liked food, the unique dining experience at the Savoy or the Cafe Royale. The occasional trip to the local casino or cocktail lounge. Fox knew that no one would ever say “save your pennies” if they themselves had cash to burn. This is how he liked to spend his money, and he knew he’d never be short of cash. At that moment a waiter glided up to Fox, producing a notepad from his pocket. “Would you care to order sir?” he enquired. Fox scanned the menu for a few seconds. “Just tea for one please.”“And cakes?”“Choux Buns, please.”The waiter disappeared from the table and returned about five minutes later. He placed a tea tray down in front of Fox. “Your tea sir,” said the waiter. “Thank you.” Fox poured himself a cup and wondered how he would spend his day on the ship. A stroll along the Royal promenade perhaps, or maybe a visit to the gym. As he picked up a choux bun he made his choice. The promenade it was to be! After he had overindulged in the riches of afternoon tea, Fox tipped the waiter and emerged onto a corridor. On his right were a row of windows. The sun smiled back at him through the unmarked glass. Whilst walking down the corridor, Fox caught sight of his own reflection in the window. He saw a well built man of about forty, with greying red hair and sophisticated features. Bright blue eyes sparkled and a thin eyebrow rose. The man sported a navy blue blazer and a pale blue silk shirt. He had cream trousers and wore an ascot cravat. A middle aged couple walked past Fox, the lady dressed like a film star, the man wearing an expression of utter boredom. Fox entered the promenade. Through the glass cabinets Rolex watches screamed expense, and diamond earrings displayed themselves in a glamorous array, which would have made any other item of jewellery appear ghastly. Fox continued down the promenade exiting onto a corridor with luxury cabins on either side. Fox glanced at his watch and gasped in shock. He stepped into the nearest lift and pressed for deck seven. The lift sang an electronic clang as if in obedience, and Fox ascended in the metal contraption to his cabin. He unlocked the door and changed quickly into his evening clothes. When Fox emerged from his cabin he was wearing a black dinner jacket and trousers with black bow tie. He stepped into the lift again and stepped out onto the activity deck. He made at once for the casino. As he entered the room the stench of sweat and stale alcohol hit him with full force. A man, with a girl draped over his arm pushed a mountain of poker chips to the cashier and asked for cash. Another man dabbing his forehead with a silk handkerchief reluctantly paid in the money he’d lost to a second cashier. Fox walked in, nervous but confident, the usual feeling he experienced in casinos. Fox’s eyes swept over the room. The only place was at a roulette table, between a nervous woman and an even more nervous man. Fox took the place. Fox mouthed the amount of cash he wanted and the croupier pushed over a pile of chips. “Place your bets, place your bets!” announced the croupier who began to spin the wheel. Fox quickly slipped a stack of red chips to the square on the table marked “red, fourteen”. The tension building inside Fox, stabbed through him like a dagger. The wheel slowed, the metal ball bouncing madly in the confined space. It fell on a red. Fox leaned further in to see the exact number. Fourteen. He tried to suppress his relief as another stack of chips, and his original bet, were slid across the table towards him. “Place your bets, place your bets!” announced the croupier. Fox pushed his new winnings onto the square marked “black, nineteen”. The wheel turned, faster, faster! The ball ricocheted again and again, the excitement rising in Fox for the second time. “Black, nineteen, place your bets, place your bets!” repeated the croupier. Yet again a mountainous, treasure trove of chips were slipped in Fox’s direction. Fox brushed all of his chips onto his lucky number, “red, twenty-three”. The woman Fox had passed earlier who had been dressed like a movie star passed him a sheet of paper. It was the score card for the game. Twenty-three had shown up just before Fox had joined the game. “I think perhaps you’ve made a mistake there my dear” the woman said with a slightly sarcastic tone in her voice. He could smell expensive perfume as she brushed against his shoulder. But he knew she was right. It was damn near impossible that twenty-three would be given by the wheel again. He’d have to pay in all that money! Then, a miracle occurred. “Red, twenty-three!” announced the croupier. Fox let out a little shriek of surprise and joy. Even the woman behind him muttered something under her breath. Later, at the bar, Fox sipped at a gin and tonic. A glamorous blonde sat down next to him. They introduced themselves and began to talk. “So,” said the blonde, “pretty good work at the table. You must be an expert!” Fox casually raised an eyebrow. “One does one’s best.” Michael Hannon 8M 8 Lower School Presentation Evening Years 7, 8 and 9 award winners and parents enjoyed a fantastic celebration on June 28th. The evening began with an entertainment programme of music and drama. There was a preview of the singing and dancing from the forthcoming school performance of “We Will Rock You”. There was an enjoyable taster of “Radio Gaga” performed by members of the cast and the talented Sam Lanigan gave a solo performance of “ I want to break Free”. Also performing on the night were Jenny O’Mullane, James Hall and Millie Thomas who entertained the audience with amusing monologues. Dr Guscott was the host for the evening and Mr Vulliamy presented the awards, with the help of Mr Barnes. Mr Vulliamy addressed the audience about his teaching experiences and gave some sound advice to the pupils. Over 200 prizes were awarded for effort, attainment and improvement in subjects and for excellent attendance. Pupils also received form and citizenship awards. Congratulations to all our prize winners. fÑxv|tÄ fv{ÉÉÄ TãtÜwá MARTIN CHARNOCK AWARD Walter Grouve-Neto JOE DALTON AWARD Jessica Thurston GARY COX AWARD Paige Quinn YEAR 7 AWARD YEAR 8 AWARD YEAR 9 AWARD John Mediavillo Emily Jefferies Kristina Frain The following is the address that Mr Vulliamy gave during this year’s Lower School Presentation Evening: Initially I felt very honoured to be asked to address pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 who were going to receive certificates for excellent effort, attainment or improvement during the year – but then I recalculated as my SATNAV often has to and then I realised that I had only been asked because I am now OLD, BOLD and PAST-IT. Never mind - onward and upward! And that is where I hope you are going – onward and upward. So here are some serious, but wise thoughts written by clever people about education: Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle – You are here tonight because you want to know things and to know how to do things and are prepared to work at it! And to keep trying – remember the saying – if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives – I hope that many of you are beginning to realise that education is not just about knowing facts, but knowing how to work things out for yourselves! You might like some of these less serious thoughts about assessments and the like: Father: Well son, how are your exam results? Son: They're all under water Father: What do you mean? Son: They're all under C level. Pupil: "Excuse me, Sir, but I don't think I deserve a mark of zero for this exam paper." Teacher: "Neither do I, but it's the lowest mark I can give." We have a lovely Scouser, called Tommy who shines up the corridor every evening after school, he told me this joke a couple of weeks ago: A teacher is giving feedback to 3 pupils after an exam – “Your score was the lowest, Michael, but Jock and Paddy you ended up with the highest scores – however I’m giving the prize to you Jock”.” But that’s not fair, if I got the same Mark”, says Paddy. “Well, it all hinges on question 3 – where Jock wrote “I don’t know the answer” and you wrote “neither do I”. "You never get anything right," complained the teacher. "What kind of job do you think you'll get when you leave school?" "Well I want to be the weather girl on TV." I just want to finish by sharing a short poem, penned by my ancestor Vulliamy-Shakespeare, but just before I do so can I say what a pleasure it has been to teach a number of you in Yr7, 8 and 9 and to witness your enthusiasm and energy, sense of humour and sense of hard work. I hope you continue to take full advantage of being at such a great school as St James’. Here’s the poem by the Bard - not really. It’s about YOU! A group of pupils, young and bright, who study hard, sleep well at night Know when it’s time to work or play Help others to enjoy their day You‘re curious and want to know What makes this world go fast or slow You ask the questions, search out the answers You take a risk, you take your chances You have the energy and the drive In all you do take time and pride. So, always have your book and pen Then try, try and try again. 9 School Council News Mrs Bickerton This term school council have focused on fundraising, they wanted to raise money for the charities supported by the families of Stuart Tyrer and Amy Watson-Wright. The charities are ‘When you Wish upon a Star’ and ‘Help for Heroes’. The Year 7 School Council reps planned a sponsored silence on the Year 6 day as a tribute to Amy WatsonWright. A group of volunteers communicated for the day using only a whiteboard and pen. The raised a total of £88.48 Year 7 doing their sponsored silence Year 8 and 10 School Council Reps joined with the Faith Council to run a two day charity car wash. The reps put flyers into staff pigeon holes to advertise the event. The pupils raised a £24.50 The main fundraiser for the term was the idea of a Teacher Swap day. The year 9 school council reps advertised with form groups and found teacher volunteers to take part in a job role swap for the day. On Tuesday 10th July many of our teaching staff stepped out of their comfort zone and had a go at teaching a different subject. The head teacher, Mr Barnes even swapped role with our caretaker, Mr Ellison. Pupils and teacher donated money for the day to go ahead and a total of £128 was raised. 10 Mr Ellison started the day with an announcement in staff briefing The Year 7 pupils were taught about Capital cities by Mrs Bickerton Whilst Mr Cawley and Mrs Moss shared a double lesson in Food, making Dutch Apple Cake with Year 8 pupils Mrs Bickerton reading ‘The Snail and the Whale’ to Year 7 pupils. 11 Mrs Wheelan in ICT MrCawley in RE, pupils rapped a number of his favourite hymms Mr Guscott and Mrs Birch both had a go at teaching German!! Mr Ellison ran a meeting with the deputy head and assistant heads. Whilst Mr Barnes emptied the recycling bins and buffered the dining room floors! 12 Mr Martin from Science swapped with Mr Keane in RE Mrs Peters left RE to have a go in CAD CAM Mr Vulliamy swapped languages to teach English Mr O’Brien had a go at RE, whilst Mrs Livesey taught Year 10 English 13 Mrs Moss swapped English for Year 10 Maths, with a only a couple of head scratching moments!! Mrs Connolly left her RE department to have a Jeremy Kyle style lesson on Henry VIII, having the 8 wives in the hotseat! Mr Guscott had a go at demonstrating biscuit decoration to a group of enthusiastic year 7’s. His decorating attempt was a little poor in comparison with pupil efforts! And finally 9J had Mrs Bickerton attempting to teach History, they created a timeline of their time at St James’ so far. 14 MATHS FACULTY Manchester Metropolitan University Revision Masterclass On Friday May 11th, 40 Maths trainees from MMU returned to school to deliver a whole day of master classes to the year 10s and 11s. The trainee maths teachers delivered workshops to cater for C/D borderline pupils and also the Gifted and Talented A/A* pupils. The pupils were engaged in exciting activities which tested their current knowledge but also explored concepts in more depth. The workshops were thoroughly enjoyable and of great benefit to the pupils. This is one of many intervention programs which has occurred this year to provide maximum support for our pupils before they sit their GCSE exams. Other intervention which has occurred includes 1:1 tuition for targeted pupils, peer tuition of C/D borderline pupils by the Gifted and Talented pupils and after school revision classes. The KS4 pupils have worked extremely hard and lets hope all this hard work pays off this summer. Charlie Gallagher, James Brookfield, Dom Carter and Josh Coll having their brains stretched by finding an estimate of the mean (C/D borderline workshop). Tom Millar, Matthew Mole, Dean McKeown and Chris Flanaghan analysing Loci problems (C/D borderline workshop). Kate McDermott, Kathryn Hewitt, Eamon Brooks, Joe O’Dowd, James Hurleston and Liam Crompton trying to pair up quadratic graphs with their equations (A/A* workshop). “The revision workshop was really helpful because I learnt all about what I didn’t know like Pythagoras Theorem. It made it much easier to understand. Some topics I didn’t fully understand before the workshop but now I do, so it was a good day and a great idea for us to become involved with it.” Hannah Shaw “They explained things in great detail and we also found out brilliant new revision techniques”. Corrine Hutton Department news In September we welcome Helen Rickard to the department. Helen is a newly qualified teacher and will be teaching maths full time within the department. In November we look forward to Mrs Healey returning after her maternity leave. Summer rewards for mathematics are: Mr Wheelan’s puzzle of the term: How many film titles can you come up with that include mathematical terms? eg. “ Cube”, “Dark Matter”, “Apollo 13”, “Primer”, “The mirror has two faces”. Bring your list into Mr Wheelan in September and the person with the most will win a prize! Year 7 Effort – Alex Langdon Attainment – Jenny O’Mullane Improvement – Erica Lau Year 9 Effort – Olivia Thorley Attainment – Ethan Callaghan Improvement – Megan Ashworth Year 8 Effort – Carlos Nery Attainment – Joe Kitchin Improvement – Chantel Barry Year 10 Effort – Sophie Doyle Attainment – Vicky Gorton Improvement – Caroline Abbot 15 QUARRY BANK MILL REVIEW On June 28th, Year 8 went to Quarry Bank Mill. We visited the mill, the Apprentice House and village. When we visited the mill we were able to experience all the machines that were used and hear how loud they were. After, in the Apprentice House, we visited several rooms such as the bedroom, classroom, medicine room and toilet. The village also gave us an idea of the types of shops that would have been there. My favourite part of the trip was visiting the classroom and writing with feathers and ink because it is very different to our lives now. Quarry Bank Mill is a useful trip to take part in because it gives people a better idea of what life really used to be like and all the different jobs certain people had to have. It was worth taking part as it very relevant for what we've been learning about recently. By Emily Roden and Sophia Swindells COMMUNITY REPORT St James’ plays a very active role in our local community – reaching out to people who benefit from our acts of citizenship in a multitude of ways. For two and a half years now, we have developed and now have strong links with all our feeder primary schools; Abbeyfield Residential Home, St Ann’s Hospice and The Heatons school for children with profound disabilities. It is testament to our pupils how well they give of themselves within challenging situations, as well as within the more comfortable environments. Time and time again, our pupils have stepped out of their “comfort zones” and worked alongside people who are less fortunate than themselves. Examples include our weekly activity at the Heatons, where a rotation of four pupils “buddy” up with severely disabled children to help them focus on their learning. Teachers at the Heatons say that on the days St James pupils work with the Heatons, their learning absorption doubles. Residents at Abbeyfield in Bramhall look forward to St James’ weekly visits, a special time when our pupils get alongside the older people to play games, run craft sessions, help with gardening projects, talk, listen to the residents’ life experiences and generally develop friendships. Kay Bowyer ,who manages Abbeyfield, has fed back that St James has brought light into the life of many of the residents who don’t have their own grandchildren, or they live too far away to receive regular visitors. We work with all our feeder primaries; especially Year 6’s to help prepare them for starting their next chapter at St James. Groups of our pupils spend time with the primary schools, engaging in Reading for Pleasure activities, writing workshops, transition assemblies and collaborative charity work. All our pupils have been a real credit to St James on the Reading visits – this month our shining stars were Callum Hale, Daniel Murray, James Pilli, Ryan Burgess and Valter Grouve-Netto from Year 8 who were deemed as super heroes by the Year 3 children they read to at St Peters! We have an amazing body of enthusiastic, selfless pupils who are passionate about helping within the school as well – and as such a strong group of pupils have come together from all year groups, who work alongside Mrs Wallace in encouraging school-wide involvement in our work that has a real impact on peoples’ lives in our area. I have recently set up a press officer group which has representatives from every year group, who meet to share the best news stories from their forms, decide which is most newsworthy and pitch their stories about St James to the Stockport Express Advertiser….so you can read about the amazing acts of citizenship your children are involved in, and the impact they are making in our community! Mrs Wallace 16 FACULTY OF CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY The Summer Term in Food Technology During the term, Food Technology welcomed a group of Year 5’s. The pupils spent a lesson making their own sugarpaste teddybears to take home. Key Stage 3 pupils have excelled themselves this term. Their ability to develop food products independently and present the dishes to such a high standard has been fantastic. Some examples of work are displayed below: 17 The Food Technology GCSE pupils in year 10 are now well underway with their GCSE controlled assessment and they are producing some fantastic products from scratch. So far we have seen homemade pasta, bread rolls and pizzas produced with fresh dough, burgers, meatballs, gnocchi, nan bread, houmous, guacamole, salsa plus many more products. Just a small selection can be seen below: SMART Club In May we visited Manchester University Museum, where we attended an exhibition celebrating the life and works of the famous Manchester scientist Alan Turing. We also invited other students who share an interest in science and technology to accompany us on the trip. We spent the day visiting the different galleries in the museum and the day was enjoyed by all. When we returned to school we typed up our reports reflecting on our trip. We have recently started to grow sunflowers in the school green house. This is part of a project linked with the works of Alan Turing and with the Manchester Science Festival. They are making good progress and we are excited to be part of an Alan Turing project. We are also planning our next trip which will take place in the new term. Chris Wigfield Matthew Fox Patrick Bolam 18 Oliver Drouet Textiles Projects Summer 2012 Textiles Club Years 7 & 8 Wednesdays 3.15 – 4.15 Rm 28 First project: door stops Year 11 Controlled Assessment Products 1. 100% Recycled cushion with knitted plastic bag section 2. Handmade leather rucksack satchel inspired by ‘Wildthings’ 3. Collegic cap and hat box 4. Collection of 3 ladies dresses ICT inspired by ‘Outrageous Design’ 19 ICT The range of ICT software available for pupils to use in lessons has continued to increase and along with the Adobe software which includes Flash and Photoshop we have recently purchased the Serif range of applications which includes, WebPlus, PhotoPlus, MoviePlus, PagePlus, and DrawPlus. These programs will enable pupils to show off their creative skills in a variety of areas. BLOOD BROTHERS On the 19th of June, the GCSE drama students along with drama enthusiasts from the lower years, travelled to the Manchester Opera House to watch “Blood Brothers” starring Marti Pellow. After our usual lecture from Miss Brooks about how she doesn’t like people eating their sweets loudly between silent scenes, and how we are representing the school, the play began. Our first impressions of the play was that it was extremely humorous, despite the serious and dark themes. The acting was great, and the musical sections also were interesting! It indeed sparked up a few outbursts of laughter! The night was enjoyable, and an eye opening production by Willy Russell. A definite recommendation and a fantastic way to spend a Tuesday night, regardless of the deal we made about having to write a 2000 word essay, post production. There was sure lots to write about, as the play was filled with plenty of techniques, great moments and the set was very impressive. Overall a great night, and we await another theatre trip! Thanks to all the teachers that helped organise and came along. Fariba Ghazizadeh, 10J and Reiss Lee 10M 20 YEAR 10 BUSINESS AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS On Wednesday 27th June, 40 Year 10 students visited Cadbury World. The aim of the trip was not just to eat lots and lots of chocolate, but to learn how a business that started from something very small, grew into what it is today. It was interesting to drive through the little town of Bournville, where Cadbury World is, as this was the town that was originally built for the employees of the factory. They had their own school, village green, houses and their Quaker meeting place, all of which are still in use today. There were copious amounts of free chocolate to be had and a big souvenir shop just in case we didn’t get enough chocolate on our way round the tour! The pupils behaved impeccably and thoroughly enjoyed the day. On the 24th June 2012, Stockport gathered to celebrate the arrival of the Olympic Torch. The basketball team that I play for were extremely lucky to be part of it. The manager of Adidas asked us to become involved in the event. We, with many other athletes took part in showing the people of Stockport our talents and skills. I felt very privileged to meet the comedian Keith Lemon and two time Olympic gold decathlon winner for GB in 1980 and 1984, Daley Thompson. It was a great day and an opportunity of a lifetime to represent Stockport. Kathryn Lane – Year 10 Kathryn (centre) with the Olympic Torch 21 YEAR 7 The summer term has flown by as Year 7 have worked very hard, especially studying for their maths and science exams. All of their hard work has been celebrated either at Lower School Presentation Evening, which was a lovely occasion, or at the summer rewards pizza lunch which is always a well received treat. This term has seen many sporting events and achievements including cricket, rounders, hockey, football and running and not forgetting uni-cycling. We are all extremely proud of Jonathan Barton’s world record for uni cycling. This is an amazing achievement. Jonathan is a Guinness Book World Record Holder! On the 9th and 10th of June 2012 the Stockton on Tees unicycle group did a 24 hour unicycle challenge for the Esther Benjamin’s Trust. Eighty-five riders took part and covered 2,742.5 kilometres or 1,704 miles, breaking the world record. The youngest rider was 6 and the oldest was 85. The ride was at Middlesbrough cycle track. I went with my brother and 3 other friends to take part and my number was 5. I did 17 laps in the rain but it was great fun and each lap was one kilometre long. Jonathan Barton Form 7A This term I have received the form award. I was really pleased that I got it because I am always happy. By Charlotte Kiessi 7J In Humanities & Enterprise week we all enjoyed new experiences, especially the space rocket challenge, bicycle high, CAFOD day, tent trading game and working with the author and comedian. Each form has continued to support their chosen charities and 7A have raised money in a weekly copper collection to send children to school in Africa through CAFOD. This has been a wonderful year. Getting to know each other and settling into life at St James’ was our top priority and we really have achieved this. I wish you all a relaxing and well deserved rest over the summer and thank you for all of your hard work in Year 7. I now look forward to Year 8 and building on the foundations we have laid this year. Miss Woods 7C Newsletter What a year for 7C! In a recent survey, the class all agreed it had been a busy year from beginning to end but we have had some great outcomes and lots of fun a long the way! Our leading lady on the sports field and sports representative, Jasmine Hannon, has been running for Stockport Harriers. In addition to all she does at school, Jasmine trains three times a week and participates in a variety of competitions and has represented Stockport. Way to go Jasmine! Another keen sports member in our form is Lydia Farnell. Lydia has been playing for the girls’ netball team in school and has really enjoyed it. She has experienced winning, losing and drawing but what counts is the participation. Keep it up Lydia! The girls have also participated in the Year 7 interform rounders matches organised by our expert PE staff, Mrs Bratherton and Miss Molyneux. This has been a learning curve to date but now we know what it is all about, the other forms had better look out next year! Our achievements have also extended to the Art department. Charlotte O’Gara stated that she enjoyed making little characters and that she had hit a very high level. Well done Charlotte. We have all grown in strength and confidence this year and hope we go even further in Year 8! Amealia, Isaac and Chloe 22 7S News – Hockey player of the year A few weeks ago Anna Pullar won hockey player of the year. She won this award because she always turned up for matches and practices and was always high spirited, even if she wasn’t always picked for the team. Anna said ‘I really enjoy P.E. at St James because all the P.E. staff are really supportive and encouraging’. Anna really enjoys hockey and all the other sports here at St James and we all hope that she will carry it on through year 8. 7E News Form 7E got many awards in the Lower School Presentation Evening. We have bonded as a family. The girls of 7E came second in the inter-form football tournament. In the inter-form rounders tournament, the girls’ team only lost one match and are waiting to see whether they won after all. As for the boys’ sports teams, we had 5 representatives from the cricket team who won against Kingsway: they were Dom, Alex, Marcus, Liam and Joe. Our form assembly, on Friendship, is coming up soon. YEAR 10 This term has been a hectic one for Year 10. There have been exams in Science, Geography, History, English, Maths and RE. Year 10 have been revising hard to achieve high grades in all their exams. There have also been trips to Cadbury World for the Business group, Manchester Art Gallery for the Art group, The Lake District Residential and Iceland for the Geographers, Blood Brothers for the Drama group, Manchester University Visit, and the Ski Trip during the Easter holidays. Year 10 students have been involved in many whole school activities such as, Intake day, Intake Evening, Year 5 taster days and the celebratory Mass for Mr Lowry. They have acted as fantastic ambassadors for St James. In June we started the difficult process of appointing our Head Boy and Head Girl and our Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl. There were lots and lots of applications to read and sort through and we managed to shorten the list to 15 interviewees. Myself, Mrs Livesey, and Mrs Warrington - one of our governors, interviewed the candidates with a view to chopping the list to 8 candidates! What a task!! The quality of interviewees was outstanding and we deliberated for some time. Eventually we selected our 8 candidates who then had the tough task of coming into the staffroom and speaking for 1 minute to all the staff telling them why they would be good in the position. Once again, all pupils excelled themselves and made me incredibly proud! Staff then voted for who they felt would best suit the position. The votes were counted and an announcement was made in assembly. Head Girl – Nuala Ginty Head Boy – Jack Lavelle Deputy Head Girl – Kate McDermott Deputy Head Boy – Tom Hurleston Special mention needs to be given to Fariba Ghazizadeh, Sophie Doyle, Joe O’Dowd and James Hurleston for their amazing presentations to the staff. 23 We now have a fantastic team of senior prefects and prefects who I know will do our school and themselves very proud. On a personal note, I am delighted to say that I will be continuing my role as Head of Year for the next academic year. It is a challenging but very rewarding time taking Year 11 through to the end of their life as St James’ pupils and I am very excited about it. I would like to wish all Year 10 and their families a restful and happy summer and I look forward to seeing them all back on Wednesday 5th September refreshed and motivated ready for their final year! Ms Holbrooks Head of Year 10 YEAR 11 It has been a wonderful journey for Year 11, from their arrival in September 2007, to now. After a very hard term with masses of hard work and revision, they have reached the end of their time with us at St James'. It was an absolute delight to celebrate together at the Year 11 Prom at the Hallmark Hotel - with some of our students arriving by very creative transport...tandems, ice cream vans and dune buggies along with limousines and Hummer limos too. Mrs Hutchings' organisation and arrangements were delivered to perfection and a fantastic farewell was enjoyed by all. On Tuesday 10th July we said our last goodbye with the Celebration Breakfast - a celebration it was as staff and students came together to watch the Prom photograph slideshow and share memories with each other over a bacon butty and a brew! We wish all of our students a restful, safe and enjoyable summer and we look forward to celebrating some fantastic, well-earned results on August 23rd, from 10am. 'God has a plan for you...A future with hope.' Jeremiah 29:11-14 With best wishes, Mrs Moss and Mrs Macleod and the Year 11 Tutor Team xx Calling all Year 11 pupils and parents YEAR 11 CAREERS CONVENTION Tuesday 25th September 2012: 24 5.30-7pm Come and see us in school between HUMANITIES FACULTY Another fantastic term with a plethora of extra curricular activities to enrich pupils’ experiences and enliven the mind.... SKI 2012 Teachers took the largest group ever of Year 10 and Year 11 pupils to Bormio in Italy in the first week of the Easter holidays. Flying from Manchester to Bergamo, the party was transferred by coach to the high Alps close to the Swiss border. We enjoyed superb weather and a variety of skiing conditions staying at the 4* Hotel Cristallo. The group of 59 pupils all took to the slopes for the full 6 days, enjoying 4 hours of lessons. The entire party benefited from superb instruction and all mastered the basics of skiing – even Mr Ellison conquered the notorious black run without falling over! Other staff accompanied the party including Mrs Wilby, Mrs Rickett, Mrs Chadwick, Miss Mylott and very importantly Mrs Moss who stood up to the plate with barely an hour to go after a member of staff dropped out due to illness. Many thanks to all staff for giving up their holiday time and allowing the trip to take place. AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING..... ICELAND Iceland Trip 2012 This year the GCSE geography groups were given the opportunity to visit Iceland. They went on the trip from the 4th to 7th of May. It was a trip full of site seeing and we got to experience the countries beauty. Whilst we were there we visited one of Iceland’s main tourist attractions ‘the blue lagoon’. This was a great experience ‘a once in a lifetime opportunity’. On the second day we visited Iceland’s hydroelectric power station, and climbed Stori-Dimon Volcano this was around 80m high, at the top we could see the volcanic beach below as well as the beautiful views that Iceland had to offer. We then visited some waterfalls the first being Seljalandsfoss this spilt over a basalt cliff and this was due to the isotonic rebound of the land and its lava flow. This waterfall was amazing and we were very fortunate to be able to walk behind it. The second water fall that we saw was Skogafoss this was an impressive 60m high with a wide thundering curtain. Some other things that we saw were Reynishverfi we were able to walk along the black volcanic beach to see magnificent balsalt cliffs and caves where we were able to sit on the balsalt columns; as well we visited the coastal town of Vik. On the third day we visited Kerid which is a volcanic crater lake. We also visited Gullfoss this is a waterfall of double drop around 33m then plunge into a mile-long gorgeone. We had the experience of an earthquake of 6.2 on the ricter scale by going in an earthquake stimulator. As well during the day we went and visited spouting geysers and hot springs – here ‘Strokkr’ erupts every 57 minutes reaching a height of around 30m. This is one of the trio of neutral wonders on the Golden Circle route. Finally we saw the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and rift valley’s are clearly visible where the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates pull apart around 2cm a year. This finished off an amazing holiday, a school trip which I will never forget. Iceland was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity and great experience to see for real some of the world’s natural features that we have studied in class. I would definitely recommend going on this trip. By Elizabeth Lowe and Yasmin Mills 10S 25 YEAR 7 MANCHESTER TRIPS In late June 2012 Mrs Livesey organised a series of trips into central Manchester which enabled pupils to witness at first hand the regeneration of the City Centre after the horrendous IRA bomb in 1997. The pupils were given a tour of many iconic venues, including the world famous Chetham’s Library Where Karl Marx researched his manuscript for the formation of communism. MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL We also visited the magnificent but eerily underused Triangle Shopping Centre. Unfortunately the Urbis centre was being refitted for its new function, the National Museum of Football but, next year we will definitely visit it! Pupils also witnessed the entertainment and leisure section of the Printworks as well as seeing the integrated tram and train network at Victoria Station. Staff accompanying the trip were Mr Wilby, Mrs Livesey, Mrs Mullen and Mr Cawley. 26 Castleton Trip 13 July 2012 Mr Wilby, Mrs Wilby, Mrs Bickerton and Mrs Rigby took over 40 Year 8 pupils to Castleton in Derbyshire where, despite the incessant rainfall, pupils were able to visit one of the steepest roads in England – Winnats Pass (featured in trailers for the Olympics), take in the view from Mam Tor, an ancient hill fort, now closed due to earth slides (same as earthquakes), and witness the stalactites and stalagmites of Treak Cliff Cavern. Year 10 Lake District Residential Mr Wilby, Mrs Mullen, Mrs Livesey, Mrs Lomax and Mr Dawson took a group of 50 GCSE students to the th th Lake District on 5 and 6 July 2012. Pupils took part in a range of data collection techniques to enable controlled assessments to be completed during the summer holidays. ‘PUPILS MUST GET OUT MORE’ Michael Palin has said that children must go on geography field trips to fire their imagination. The globe trotting TV presenter believes it is vital that pupils see the natural world, and suggested that they the classroom less often nowadays. Ahead of a speech on geography to the Prince’s Teaching Institute this week, Mr Palin said his love of the subject came largely from the chance to “get out of the building”. He added: “It’s different now, partly because people have laptops and don’t have to go out. We need to ensure that good teachers can fire the imagination of the children. (The Independent 9/7/12) We enjoyed good weather on the Thursday and excellent accommodation at the YHA, but the rainfall did not dampen pupils’ spirits on the Friday. Both Geography classes were able to really get on with the fieldwork tasks by being by being off timetable on Monday 9th July which should really benefit GCSE results next year. Mr K Wilby – Director of Humanities Photos of all trips are available for pupils on the Y Drive/Geography area 27 SCIENCE NEWS Pupils in science have worked very hard this term. KS3 have sat end of year exams and KS4 have been busy planning and carrying out their GCSE coursework. It was a pleasure for the science staff to be able to acknowledged all of pupils hard work in the summer rewards: Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Attainment Daniel Everett Rowen Frain Lucy Clewes-Jones Liam Crompton Effort Amy Hall-Murphy Shona Hutton Lewis Thurgold Rebecca Watkins Improvement Olivia Keeble Luke Walsh Cameron Foster-Grime Liam Morgan ENGLISH FACULTY It has been a very busy year for the English faculty. Over the course of this academic year, Year 11 students have enjoyed a visit to the Lowry Theatre to see an acclaimed production of “An Inspector Calls” which they have studied for their GCSE English Literature examination. They have also benefited from two GCSE examiner revision workshops, one led by Byron McGuinness, an AQA assistant principle examiner and the other by Frank Farrell, a well regarded English gifted and talented consultant. Year 10 pupils have successfully completed their 5 GCSE controlled assessments and were entertained by a staff performance of their English Literature GCSE examination play “An Inspector Calls” during HAE week. Year 9 pupils have completed a variety of tasks and activities based on the Shakespeare play “Macbeth” and a selection of other literary texts; next year the faculty is planning to book a theatre company to perform Macbeth to our 2012/2013 Year 9 cohort in order to enhance their Shakespeare learning experience. Along with students in other year groups, Year 8 pupils have recently produced some fantastic oral presentations which have allowed them to demonstrate their ICT prowess in addition to their speaking and listening skills. Year 8 enjoyed an interesting English day during HAE week, when the author/comedian Dave Smith entertained them in hilarious fashion. They also produced their own book “blurbs” and completed a library quiz with prizes for the most successful participants. We would like to wish our outgoing Year 11 pupils all the best regarding their GCSE exam results and future careers and we also send our best wishes to the whole St James’ community for a happy and enjoyable summer holiday. Mrs A Rigby Director of Faculty 28 Miss Bray and Mrs Malins’ Yr10 GCSE Art groups visit Manchester City Gallery to explore a variety of artists’ styles and techniques. Mrs Malins attended a training meeting in the spring for Arts Award. She is now an ‘Arts Award Advisor’ and SJCHS is now able to explore four accredited levels; Bronze, Silver and Gold. These are equivalent to part of a GCSE qualification and is something we are able to offer our G&T pupils from Yrs7-9 in all art areas. 29 We received notification in June that we were successful in our application for the ‘Artsmark Award’ round 12. This is a magnificent achievement for the school, as the Arts Council have recognised us as being ‘Outstanding in the Arts’. Many congratulations to all involved – including our MANY talented pupils. 30 Yrs7-10 have been rehearsing for ‘We Will Rock You’ which will be shown in school on 23rd-25th October 2012 31 Youth Craft Workshop (run by Miss Lyons) Aged 10 – 14 yrs old? Then this Summer come and join the ‘you felt like it’ workshop running on the following dates : August 2012: Monday 6th ‐ Friday 10th / Monday 13th – Friday 17th The Perfect workshop for those who enjoy creating, practising existing or learning new craft skills... 5 projects (repeated over 2 weeks), you will design and make your very own products and all the materials will be provided. I am a qualified secondary teacher of Design and Technology (textiles) and look forward to a summer workshop where the crafting can continue! The workshop will be held at: St Peters’ Parish Hall / starting at: 9am and finishing at 3pm /The cost: 1 day is £15 (£10 deposit and £5 on the day) Or get 5 days for the price of 4 at £60 Interested? For more details and to book places please call Sarah on 07742686298 or email: Please note this is a workshop where parents/ guardians are not present and so when a booking is placed relevant health and safety information will be sent to you. NB: Please note this workshop is being run privately by Miss Lyons and is not being organised by St James’ GOING TO FRANCE On the 12th of July nearly all Year 8 will be going to France, so my bag is packed and I am very excited. I am looking forward to seeing all the sites in France for example the Eiffel Tower. Also I am looking forward to Disney Land because I like all the Roller Coasters. I am sure I will enjoy my time with my friends. Also it will be good to try new foods from other cultures, as long as they don’t give me frogs legs! Au Revoir Sean Young 8S 32 Olympic Baton Relay Six of our Year 7 pupils participated in an event organised to celebrate the Olympics London 2012, this was the Olympic Baton Relay. This involved all the schools in Stockport transferring a relay baton from one school to the next. Our six pupils were‐ Aidan Byrne Danielle Stringer Freya Tan Faye O’Brien Mary Sweeney Jessica Lax St James’ received the baton from Thorn Grove Primary School and the pupils from 8A, 9A and 10S greeted their pupils with banners and cheer. Miss Molyneux and Mr Reid then ran with the children to Bradshaw Hall Primary School were we transferred the baton to pupils, staff and parents in fancy dress. It was a great event! Olympic Presentation PE FACULTY This year has been an eventful one for the PE department. Many of the St James’ sports teams have excelled in many sporting activities. The PE department would like to start by thanking all the pupils who have taken part in extra‐curricular sport this year and represented St. James’, we are extremely proud of you. Finally we would like to thank parents and staff who make it possible and allow our young sporting stars to succeed. Curricular PE During lesson time we are pleased to say that we have been, and still are able to add variety to KS4 core PE. Some of KS4 lessons next year will take place off site at Total Fitness or be lead in school by a gym instructor or a member of the PE department. The PE lessons in KS4 will have an emphasis on educating pupils of how to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. We aim to do this by introducing both boys and girls to participate in ‘lifestyle’ activities, which are activities that they are most likely to do once they leave St. James’ and enter adulthood. Pupils can then use this knowledge to help them exercise and remain healthy once they leave St. James’. Jordan Raynes who will be competing in the football at the Para‐Olympics came in to St James’ to give an inspirational talk. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Total Fitness for their on‐going support and help in establishing an excellent relationship with St James’. He gave a very powerful presentation to all of our sporting teams from year 7 to 11, the SEN department and the year 6 pupils from St Peters and Cheadle Catholic were invited, a total of 150 pupils attended all were inspired. SSCO News Mini Olympics Competition Two schools entered the St James’ 2012 mini Olympics competition St Peters and Cheadle Catholic. A total of 90 year 6 and year 5 pupils attended the event. The speech was informative, interesting and aspirational, it was accessible to staff and pupils alike and a pleasure to be a part of. The event took it’s inspiration from the Olympics with many of the sports included, from athletics to basketball, badminton and rhythmic gymnastics. The presentation gave pupils an insight into the life of a Para‐Olympic athlete and the journey Jordan had undertaken in order to achieve success. He spoke about his International successes and the number of times he had represented Great Britain. Our year 10 Ambassadors worked hard to make the day a great success and were responsible for the scoring and the marshalling of the activities, they were a real credit to St James’. Finally the pupils were able to hold the medals and British caps and have photos with sporting star! The pupils from Cheadle Catholic and St Peters were outstanding in their, enthusiasm, effort, support of each other and their talent. There were some Stars of the future evident and who knows maybe the Olympics! At the end of the presentation the pupils were fully aware of what it meant to be an Olympic and Para‐ Olympic athlete and how special it was that the Olympics was taking place in our own capital, an event that will probably never again take place in our life time! 33 Rhythmic Gymnastics Fantastic! and therefore won by taking into account the number of rounders each team scored and the amount they conceded. The year 7 pupils of St James’ have been trying a new activity this last term. Rhythmic gymnastics has been offered as an alternative to the traditional sports in the extra‐curricular timetable. Five of St. James’ pupils enter the North West School’s Rhythmic Gymnastics competition. These pupils where: Well done girls we hope for the same level of involvement, motivation and enjoyment next year. Athletics St. James’ has had many fantastic individual performances in this summer’s Athletics. We have entered a league event, Championships and Year 7 Championships. Below you can find the results: Alicia Barlow Chelsea Bramhall Jenny O’Mullane Hannah Crone Rosie Cowgill The girls worked extremely hard week in week out and their hard work paid off as they finished the competition in second place and therefore receiving silver medals. St James’ PE dept are very proud of them. Well done girlsas o STOCKPORT SCHOOL’S ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS SELECTED RESULTS 23RD MAY 2012 CHAMPIONS Will Aldred‐ Yr 8 200m Joe Newsome‐ Yr 8 400m nastic Lucy Donaghy‐ Yr 8 1500m PE Extra Curricular News Yr 8 Boys Relay Team Rounders Joe Bevan‐ Yr 10 200m St James’ rounders teams have been very busy. The Year 7 & 8 girl’s rounders practice has been flooded with pupils. It has been fantastic to see approximately 40 pupils attending each practice. The Year 9 rounders team entered their tournament and played some fantastic matches and demonstrated some exceptional individual and team performance. The Year 7 rounders team had successful tournament. They won their group, which entered them into the semi‐final against Bramhall. The Year 7’s played fantastic and beat Bramhall to get through to the final. Unfortunately the girls was marginally beat by Cheadle Hulme School and therefore, finishing the tournaments as runners up. We are very proud of how far the year 7 team has come this summer. Second Place Ben Gleeson‐ Yr 8 800m Donnache Maguire‐ Yr 9 1500m Third Place Ellie Doran‐ Yr 8 200m Yr 8 Girls Relay Team Beccy Hoult‐ Yr 10 Triple Jump ATHLETICS LEAGUE MATCH 2 RESULTS 30TH MAY 2012 First Place Danielle Stringer‐ Yr 7 1200m Due to the over‐whelming interest from the Year 7’s in rounders Miss Molyneux and Mrs Bratherton held a Year 7 inter‐form rounders league on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes. This yet again received great levels of interest and participation and all 6 forms in Year 7 entered a team of at least 9 players to compete in the league. Each forms got to play every form once and the winning team and the runners up received medals. Well done to the winning form 7E who narrowly beat 7S to the title. Both teams finished the tournament on equal points Freya Tan‐ Yr 7 300m Kate Appleby‐ Yr 8 300m Will Aldred‐ Yr 8 200m 34 Joe Newsome‐ Yr 8 400m St James’ Sport Stars! Kate McDermott Year 10‐ Netball and cross country Kate is a talented individual and she has had a very good year in both activities that she competes in. Kate plays netball for Didsbury and she is also playing county netball for Cheshire. Kate is also a competitive runner. She trains at Manchester Harriers and this year she has represented Stockport in cross country competitions. Kate has been suffering from an injury in the last few months so we hope she recovers soon and gets back out on the road soon! Well done Kate and good luck. Robyn Neale Year 10‐ Netball, synchronised swimming, swimming and tennis Robyn has an extended sporting repertoire as she competes in four different activities on a weekly basis. Robyn is a member of Didsbury netball club where she trains and competes regularly. She also competes in swimming and synchronised swimming competitions. In swimming Robyn finished in first place for the club sprints and she has competed as a solo performance in the synchronised swimming Cheshire competition. Later this year Robyn has many synchronised swimming events to look forward too. She has a skills competition on the 15th July, the Scottish Nationals in October and the Nationals in December were she has been picked to do a solo in her team. Well done Robyn and we wish you the best of luck. Lucy Donaghy‐ Yr 8 1500m Yr 8 Boys Relay Team Donnache Maguire‐ Yr 9 800m Second Place Aiden Burn‐ Yr 7 1200m Jasmine Hannon‐ Yr 7 800m Donnache Maguire‐ Yr 9 400m Yr 7 Girls Relay Team Third Place Ellie Doran‐ Yr 8 200m Joe Bouton‐ Yr 8 200m Flo Burns‐ Yr 9 200m Yr 8 Girls Relay Team YEAR 7 CHAMPIONSHIPS RESULTS 4TH JULY CHAMPIONS Danielle Sringer‐ 1200m Freya Tan‐ 300m SECOND PLACE Yr 7 Girls Relay Team Aidan Byrne‐ 1200m THIRD PLACE Jess Lax‐ 200m Beccy Hoult Year 10 ‐ Netball Beccy has had an extremely successful year in her netball. Beccy plays for Tameside u16 and her team finished in second place in the Nationals this year. This year we have watched her grow into a netball superstar. Having participated in many trials and working very hard it seems the hard work has paid off as she Beccy is currently training and competing for the Northern Thunder main squad and also the England u17 long squad. Well done Beccy we are very proud of you and keep it up. Cricket Belle Walsh Year 10 – Cheerleading St. James’ U13 Cricket team has had an inconsistent cricket season due to the weather affecting most scheduled games. The boys, where possible have trained hard and the U13 cricket beat an attacking Kingsway side by 6 runs. The impressive bowling applied by our lads won us the game and we have high hopes for these players next year! Well done boys. Belle is a member of the very successful Rising Stars Cheerleading squad. Belle has had the privilege to represent Team UK in the Cheerleading World Championships in Florida, USA! Team UK finished in 6th place out of a possible 40 and they achieved the best result a British team has finished in several years. In preparation for the Worlds she had to work extremely hard and unfortunately she will have to do it all again, as she has been selected again to attend the Worlds next April! Well done and good luck Belle. 35 Michael Tebay & Will Sparrow Year 8‐ Skooter Competition Michael and Will entered a Skooter rider competition and finished in 13th place out of 80. Well done boys and good luck for next year. Libby Neary Year 8‐ Swimming Libby swims at Manchester Aquatics. This year Libby has qualified for Cheshire times. Libby will be entering the M &D’s competition and hope to qualify for the regionals. Well done and good luck Libby. Matt McGowan Year 8‐ Swimming Matt swims at Manchester Aquatics. This year Libby has qualified for Cheshire times. Matt will be entering the M &D’s competition and hope to qualify for the regionals. Matt has also competed in an open water swim in Salford Quays. Well done and good luck Matt. Ben Gleeson‐ Year 8‐ Cycling, Swimming & Running This year Ben has won a track omnium and a cycle cross race. Ben has also achieved a personal best in the 800m of 2.23. Later in the year Ben will be competing in the Tameside Triathlon. Joe Brennan Year 8‐ Football Joe is currently on the books for Burnley FC, playing for the U13 football team. Joe is dedicated to his training and next year will be taking extra training sessions. Joe has managed to secure an extra 4 year contract, which is a fantastic achievement. As well as the extra training sessions Joe is taking part in this year he also has a tour to America to look forward too. Well done Joe. Will Aldred Year 8‐ Athletics Will is one of our talented sprinters. Will is a 200m runner and he is currently the 11th best in the North West. Will is the Stockport Champion for the 200m, achieving a better time than boys in year 9 and then went on to represent Stockport. Will has achieved a personal best 25.3. Well done Will. Tom Gilles Year 8‐ Golf Tom is a member at Bramhall Park Golf Club. Tom has had a successful year and has won an overall major, he has won the best front 9 score on captains day, won nearest the pin and has won an adult and junior paired competition. Well done Tom. Molly Moran and Petra Brook‐ Year 10 Irish dancing Molly and Petra are both fantastic dancers. Although they are at different dancing schools the dance genre they both specialise in is Irish dancing. Molly trains and competes at Ciera Kennedy dancing school and Petra is a member of Mehan dancing school. Both girls will be participating in the qualifying rounds of the world championships. The worlds will be hosted in Boston. Good luck girls. Ama Mainoo Year 9 ‐ Netball Ama has also made excellent progress with her netball this year. Ama plays for Didsbury. Ama has recently been successful in the pre‐trials for Cheshire in May and has got through to the qualifying rounds in September. Ama has helped her team win the Reddish league and also finish in second place in the Cheshire and Merseyside League. Well done and good luck Ama! Donnacha Maguire Year 9‐ Athletics Congratulations to Donnacha who as a result of representing Stockport in the Greater Manchester cross country competition had the opportunity to compete in the English Schools Competition in Somerset. Donnacha is the 64th best Junior boy in the 3750m event. Donnacha was also runner up in the Stockport Championships in the 1500m. Well done Donnacha Callum Middleton Year 9‐ Hockey Callum has been selected to play for the U14 UK Lions. This year Callum had toured Scotland were the Lions finished in first place, competing against sides such as Belgium, Germany and Scotland. This year has also seen Callum travelling to Belgium and Scotland representing his country and Callum will be visiting Ireland this year! Well done Callum. Nathan Holland Year 9 & Will Patching Year 8‐ Football St James’s will be losing these two talented footballers too other schools as they both aim to pursue a football career. We would like to wish them the best of luck at their new schools and also on the football pitch. Good luck boys and well done. 36 finished in second place in the Cheshire league. Well done and keep it up Beth. Danielle Stringer Year 7‐Athletics Danielle has had a fantastic year and travelled up and down the country to represent herself, St. James, Stockport and Manchester Harriers. Danielle has represented St James’ in numerous sports and one her most recent successes was finishing in 1st place in the Yr 7 Stockport Athletics Championships in the 1200m with a time of 4.01. Danielle has also recently achieved her PB in the 800m of 2.29 seconds. Well done Danielle and keep it up. Freya Tan Year 7‐ Football Freya has had a brilliant start to St. James’ and has represented St. James in many sports. Freya has been awarded with two awards from the PE department one being the footballer of the year. Freya has assisted her football club Altrincham Girls FC in winning several medals this season. Freya is also the Stockport Champion in the 300m. Freya has been undergoing training and trials with Manchester United. Well done and good luck Freya. Ellie Doran Year 8‐ Girls football Ellie has had a successful season. She has won footballer of the year for St. James’ and her club outside of school also won the South Manchester Cup! Well done Ellie. Charlie Abernathy Year 8‐ Ballet Charlie is a fantastic dancer. She is currently at grade 4 level in ballet at the Alicia School of Dancing. Charlie is also extending her skills and is helping with the teaching of the younger children. Well done Charlie. Lucy Donaghy Year 8‐ Netball and Athletics Lucy has had yet again an array of sporting successes. Lucy is currently playing netball for Didsbury and she will be attending trials for Cheshire in September. Didsbury this year has qualified for the Regional competition and finished in second place in the Cheshire league. Lucy has also had a successful athletics/cross country season. She has represented Greater Manchester in the English Schools competition in Gateshead, which was featured on Sky Sports, and represented them also in the inter‐ county’s competition. In the English Schools competition Lucy achieved her personal best in the 1500m of 4’45.45seconds, which is outstanding. Well done Lucy and keep it up. Emma Donaghy Year 8‐ Netball and Athletics Emma is also an outstanding netballer and athlete just like her sister Lucy. Emma is currently playing netball for Didsbury and she will be attending trials for Cheshire in September. For Didsbury this year has qualified for the Regional competition and finished in second place in the Cheshire league. Unfortunately for Emma this athletics/cross country season has seen Emma affected by injury, therefore she has been unable to compete in any athletics/cross country competitions. We wish her speedy recovery back to full fitness and wish her all the best for next season. Well done Emma and keep it up. Naomi Neale Year 8‐ Netball Naomi has made excellent progress within netball this year both for school and club. Naomi is currently playing netball for Didsbury and she will be attending trials for Cheshire in September. For Didsbury this year has qualified for the Regional competition and finished in second place in the Cheshire league. Well done Naomi and keep it up. Beth White Year 8‐ Netball Beth is yet another year 8 netballer on the school team and playing for Didsbury netball club. Beth will be attending trials for Cheshire in September. Didsbury this year has qualified for the Regional competition and Mrs K Booth Teacher of Girl’s PE‐ Team GB International Rhythmic Gymnastics judge The PE department are very proud to see Mrs Booth attend the London 2012 Olympics this year. Mrs Booth will be representing Team GB on the judging panel. Mrs Booth has done a fantastic job also with the first year in her SSCO role and the Olympic fire has well and truly been lit within St James’ and within her feeder primary schools. Well done and good luck Mrs Booth and good luck team GB! Miss V Molyneux May the road rise to meet us, May the wind be always at our back May the sun shine warm upon our face, And the rains fall soft upon our fields, And until we meet again, May God hold us in the palm of His hand. 37 ST JAMES CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL TERMS AND CLOSURES SCHOOL YEAR 2012/2013 AUTUMN TERM 2012 Pupils start school Wednesday 5th September 2012 Autumn Half-Term Pupils finish school Friday 26th October 2012 Pupils start school Monday 5th November 2012 Pupils finish school Friday 21st December 2012 Pupils start school Tuesday 8th January 2013 Pupils finish school Friday 8th February 2013 Pupils start school Monday 18th February 2013 Pupils finish school Thursday 21st March 2013 Pupils start school Monday 8th April 2013 Pupils finish school Friday 24th May 2013 Pupils start school Monday 3rd June 2013 Pupils finish school Friday 19th July 2013 SPRING TERM 2013 Spring Half-Term SUMMER TERM 2013 Summer Half-Term STAFF INSERVICE DAYS BANK HOLIDAYS Monday 3rd September 2012 Tuesday 4th September 2012 Monday 7th January 2013 Friday 22nd March 2013 Monday 22nd July 2013 Good Friday Easter Monday May Day Holiday Spring Bank Holiday Friday 29th March 2013 Monday 1st April 2013 Monday 6th May 2013 Monday 27th May 2013 NB: Please note that Friday 8th February is a normal school day and not a review day. Pupils will be in school for the whole day 38