LAB MANUAL ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY LAB Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Document No: Date of Issue Compiled by MLRIT/EC/LAB MANUAL/ET 01-July-2009 G. Karthik Reddy Geethu Mohan VERSION 2.1 Authorized by HOD(ECE) Date of Revision Verified by 29-Dec-2014 M. Sreenivasa Reddy Institute of technology Electrical Technology Laboratory Manual II B.Tech II-Sem (ECE) 2014-2015 PREFACE The significance of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab is renowned in the various fields of engineering applications. For an Mechanical Engineer, it is obligatory to have the practical ideas about the Electrical and Electronics Engineering. By this perspective we have introduced a Laboratory manual cum Observation for Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab. The manual uses the plan, cogent and simple language to explain the fundamental aspects of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in practical. The manual prepared very carefully with our level best. It gives all the steps in executing an experiment. GUIDELINES TO WRITE YOUR OBSERVATION BOOK 1. Experiment Title, Aim, Apparatus, Procedure should be on right side. 2. Circuit diagrams, Model graphs, Observations table, Calculations table should be left side. 3. Theoretical and model calculations can be any side as per your convenience. 4. Result should always be in the ending. 5. You all are advised to leave sufficient no of pages between experiments for theoretical or model calculations purpose. Institute of technology Electrical Technology Laboratory Manual II B.Tech II-Sem (ECE) 2014-2015 Instructions to the students to conduct an experiment: 1. Students are supposed to come to the lab with preparation, proper dress code and the set of tools required (1. Cutter, 2. Tester (small size), 3. Plier (6-Inches)) 2. Dress code: Boys: Shoe & Tuck. Girls: Apron & Cut shoe. 3. Don’t switch on the power supply without getting your circuit connections verified 4. Disciplinary action can be taken in the event of mishandling the equipment or switching on the power supply without faculty presence 5. All the apparatus taken should be returned to the Lab Assistant concerned, before leaving the lab. 6. You have to get both your Observation book and your Record for a particular experiment corrected well before coming to the next experiment. Guidelines to write your Observation book: 1. 2. 3. 4. Experiment title, Aim, Apparatus, Procedure should be right side Circuit diagrams, Model graphs, Observations table, Calculations table should be left side Theoretical and model calculations can be any side as per convenience Result should always be at the end (i.e. there should be nothing written related to an experiment after its result) 5. You have to write the information for all the experiments in your observation book 6. You are advised to leave sufficient no of pages between successive experiments in your observation book for the purpose of theoretical and model calculations. Institute of technology (A40288) ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY LAB List of Experiments PART-A: 1. Verification of KVL and KCL 2. Series and Parallel resonance 3. Time response of first order RC/RL network for periodic non sinusoidal input-Time constant and steady state error determination 4. Two port network parameters-Z, Y, Parameters, Chain matrix and analytical Verification 5. Two port network parameters-ABCD and h Parameters 6. Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity theorems 7. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem 8. Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems PART-B: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Magnetization characteristics of D.C. Shunt Generator Swinburne’s Test on a DC Shunt Motor Brake test on 3-phase Induction Motor OC & SC Tests on a Single phase Transformer Load Test on a Single phase Transformer Regulation of 3-phase alternator Institute of technology ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS LABORATORY List of Experiments PART-A: 1. Verification of KVL and KCL 2. Series and Parallel resonance 3. Time response of first order RC/RL network for periodic non sinusoidal input-Time constant and steady state error determination 4. Two port network parameters-Z, Y, Parameters, Chain matrix and analytical Verification 5. Two port network parameters-ABCD and h Parameters 6. Verification of Superposition and Reciprocity theorems 7. Verification of maximum power transfer theorem 8. Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems Institute of technology Expt. No: 1 Verification of KVL and KCL. Aim: a) To verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and and Kirchhoff’s Current Law theoretically and practically for R1=1K Ω, R2=10K Ω, R3=4.7K Ω,VS=10V b) To verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and and Kirchhoff’s Current Law theoretically and practically for R1= 470 Ω, R2= 1K Ω, R3= 10K Ω, VS=10V c) To verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and and Kirchhoff’s Current Law theoretically and practically for R1= 100 Ω, R2= 50 Ω, R3= 150K Ω, VS=10V d) To verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and and Kirchhoff’s Current Law theoretically and practically for R1= 10 Ω, R2= 10K Ω, R3= 100 Ω, VS=10V e) To verify Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law and and Kirchhoff’s Current Law theoretically and practically for R1= 330 Ω, R2= 4.7K Ω, R3= 100 Ω, VS=10V Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Range Quantity Voltmeter Ammeter Digital Multimeter Bread Board Connecting wires (0-20V) (0-200mA) (0-200) 1 1 1 Procedure: 1. To verify KVL, Connections are made as shown in the Fig-1 2. Supply is given to the circuit and the readings of the voltmeters are noted down. 3. Kirchhoff’s Voltage law can be verified by Vs=V1+V2+V3. 4. To verify KCL, Connections are made as shown in the Fig-2. 5. Supply is given to the circuit and the readings of the Ammeters are noted down. 6. Kirchhoff’s Current law can be verified by I=I1+I2. Precautions: 1. Making loose connections are to be avoided. 2. Readings should be taken carefully without parallax error. Circuit Diagram of KVL Circuit Diagram of KCL RESULTS: Viva questions: 1. State KVL and KCL? 2. What is limitation of Kirchhoff’s law? 3. List some of the examples of Voltage sources and Current sources? 4. Explain the Voltage division and Current division rule? 5. Differentiate between active and passive elements? Institute of technology Expt. No: 2 Series and Parallel Resonance Aim: a) To determine Bandwidth and Q-factor of RLC Series and Parallel Resonant circuits for R=1K Ω, L=1mH, C=0.01µF b) To determine Selectivity of RLC Series and Parallel Resonant circuits for R=10KΩ, L=10mH, C=10nF c) To determine half-power frequencies of RLC Series and Parallel Resonant circuits for R=1K Ω, L=1mH, C=0.01µF d) To determine resonant frequency and Q-factor of RLC Series and Parallel Resonant circuits for R=10KΩ, L=10mH, C=10nF e) To determine maximum current of RLC Series and Parallel Resonant circuits for R=1KΩ, L=10H, C=100µF Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Digital Multimeter Bread Board Function Generator THEORITICAL CALCULATIONS: Series Resonance 1. Resonance frequency, f0 = 2. Quality factor,Q= 3. Bandwidth, BW= 4. Selectivity=Q0 = = Range (0-20V) (0-200mA) (0-200) Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 Parallel Resonance 1. Resonance frequency, f0 = 2. Quality factor,Q = 3. Bandwidth, BW= 4. Selectivity=Q0 = = Procedure: Series Resonance: 1. Circuit is connected as shown. 2. A fixed voltage is applied to the circuit through function generator. 3. The frequency is varied in steps and the corresponding ammeter reading is noted down as Is. 4. A graph is drawn between frequency f and current Is. Resonant frequency (fo) and half power frequencies (f1, f2) are marked on the graph. 5. Bandwidth = (f2-f1) & Quality factor Q=fo/BW are found from the graph. 6. Practical values of Resonant Frequency, Q-factor and Bandwidth are compared with theoretical values. Parallel Resonance: 1. Circuit is connected as shown 2. A fixed voltage is applied to the circuit through function generator. 3. The frequency is varied in steps and the corresponding ammeter reading is noted down as Ip. 4. A graph is drawn between frequency f and current Ip. Resonant Frequency (fo) and half power frequencies (f1, f2) are marked on the graph. 5. Bandwidth = (f2-f1) & Quality factor Q=fo/BW are found from the graph. 6. Practical values of Resonant Frequency, Q-factor and Bandwidth are compared with theoretical Circuit Diagram of Series Resonance: Model Graph: Circuit Diagram of Parallel Resonance: Model Graph: Result table. Precautions: 1. Making loose connections are to be avoided. 2. Readings should be taken carefully without parallax error. Result: Viva questions: 1. Define Resonance and 3dB points? 2. What is phase difference between voltage and current in inductor and capacitor? Which is leading? 3. Define Selectivity, Bandwidth and Q-factor? 4. For RLC circuit what is the power factor at the lowest frequency? 5. What are the expressions for admittance, conductance and suceptance and also write its units? Institute of technology Expt. No: 3 Time response of Series RL and RC circuits Aim: a. b. c. d. e. Verify Series RC Circuit for Verify Series RL Circuit for Verify Series RC Circuit for Verify Series RL Circuit for Verify Series RC Circuit for R=1K Ω, C=0.1uf, V=15Vp-p R=1K Ω, L=50mH, V=15Vp-p R=1K Ω, C=0.2 uf, V=15Vp-p R=1K Ω, L=100mH, V=15Vp-p R=1K Ω, C=0.01 uf, V=15Vp-p Apparatus: S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Function generator CRO CRO probes Connecting wires. Bread Board Theoretical Calculations: Formulae required: For RL Series circuit, Time constant, τ =L/R For RC Series circuit, Time constant, τ = RC Range (0-10MHz) (20 MHz) Quantity 1 1 1 1 Circuit diagrams: Series RL Circuit Series RC Circuit Model Graph: Procedure: Series RL Circuit: 1. Connections are made as shown 2. Input voltage (Square wave) is set to a particular value. 3. The waveform of voltage across inductor is observed on CRO and the waveform is drawn on a graph sheet. 4. The time constant is found from the graph and verified with the theoretical value. Series RC Circuit: 1. Connections are made as shown 2. Input voltage (Square wave) is set to a particular value. 3. The waveform of voltage across the capacitor is observed on CRO and the waveform is drawn on a graph sheet. 4. The time constant is found from the graph and verified with the theoretical value. RESULT TABLE: RESULTS: Viva questions: 1. Differentiate between transient state, transient time and transient response? 2. Define natural response and natural frequency? 3. Define time constants for RC and RL circuits? 4. What is meant by rise time, settling time and delay time? 5. What is meant by damping ratio? Institute of technology Expt. No: 4 Two port network parameters (Z-Y parameters) Aim: a) b) c) d) e) Verify z-parameters of z11,z12 for R1=470 Ω,R2=1.8K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω. Verify z-parameters of z21,z22 for R1=470 Ω,R2=4.7K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω Verify y-parameters of z11,z12 for R1=1K Ω,R2=1.8K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω Verify y-parameters of z21,z22 for R1=470 Ω,R2=1K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω Verify y-parameters of z21,z22 for R1=470 Ω,R2=1K Ω,R3=1K Ω Apparatus: S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Range Ammeter Voltmeter Digital Multimeter Connecting wires Bread Board (0-200A) (0-20V) Theoretical Calculations: Formulae required: Z-Parameters: Quantity 1 1 1 1 Y-Parameters: CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS: When I2=O. When V2 = 0: When I1= 0: When V1= 0: Procedure: 1. Open Circuiting Output Terminals (I2 = 0): a. Connections are made shown in fig (1). b. Supply is given to input port. c. The readings of ammeter as I1 and Voltmeter as V2 are noted down. 2. Short circuiting output terminals (V2 = 0): a. Connections are made shown in fig (2). b. Supply is given to input port. c. The readings of ammeters as I1& I2 are noted down. 3. Open circuiting input terminals (I1 = 0): a. Connections are made shown in fig (3). b. Supply is given to output port. c. The readings of ammeter as I1 and Voltmeter as V1 are noted down. 4. Short circuiting input terminals (V1=0): a. Connections are made shown in fig (4). b. Supply is given to output port. c. The readings of ammeters as I1& I2 are noted down. 5. The Z, Y, ABCD, Hybrid parameters are calculated using formulae and verified with theoretical values. Observations: Result Table: Precautions: 1. Making loose connections are to be avoided. 2. Readings should be taken carefully without parallax error. RESULTS: Viva questions: 1. What is transfer impedance? 2. Why Z-parameters are used? 3. What are applications of Z and Y parameters? 4. What are relations used in Z parameters? 5. What is the relation between Z and Y parameters? Institute of technology EXP.NO: 5. Two port network parameters (ABCD and Hybrid parameters) Aim: a. b. c. d. e. Verify A,B,C,D-parameters for R1=470 Ω,R2=1.8K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω. Verify h-parameters for R1=470 Ω,R2=4.7K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω Verify A,B,C,D-parameters for R1=1K Ω,R2=1.8K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω Verify h-parameters for R1=470 Ω,R2=1K Ω,R3=4.7K Ω Verify A,B,C,D-parameters for R1=470 Ω,R2=1K Ω,R3=1K Ω Apparatus: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Digital Multimeter Bread Board Function Generator Theoretical Calculations: Formulae required: Z-Parameters: Y-Parameters: Range (0-20V) (0-200mA) (0-200) Quantity 1 1 1 1 ABCD Parameters: Hybrid or h- Parameters: CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS: When I2=O. When V2 = 0: When I1= 0: When V1= 0: Procedure: 1. Open Circuiting Output Terminals (I2 = 0): d. Connections are made shown in fig (1). e. Supply is given to input port. f. The readings of ammeter as I1 and Voltmeter as V2 are noted down. 2. Short circuiting output terminals (V2 = 0): d. Connections are made shown in fig (2). e. Supply is given to input port. f. The readings of ammeters as I1& I2 are noted down. 3. Open circuiting input terminals (I1 = 0): d. Connections are made shown in fig (3). e. Supply is given to output port. f. The readings of ammeter as I1 and Voltmeter as V1 are noted down. 4. Short circuiting input terminals (V1=0): d. Connections are made shown in fig (4). e. Supply is given to output port. f. The readings of ammeters as I1& I2 are noted down. 5. The Z, Y, ABCD, Hybrid parameters are calculated using formulae and verified with theoretical values. Observations: Result Table: Precautions: 1. Making loose connections are to be avoided. 2. Readings should be taken carefully without parallax error. RESULTS: Viva questions: 1. What are applications of ABCD parameters? 2. Write the relations for ABCD parameters? 3. Write the relationship ABCD and Z-parameters? 4. What are applications of h-parameters? 5. Write the relationship ABCD and h-parameters? Institute of technology EXP.NO: 6 SUPERPOSITION THEOREM AND RECIPROCITY THEOREM AIM: a. b. c. d. e. Verify superposition theorem for R1= 470 Ω, R2=1K Ω, R3=2.2K Ω, V1= 6V, V2=3V Verify superposition theorem for V1= 5 V , V2= 10 V, R1= 470 Ω, R2= 1K Ω, R3= 470 Ω Verify superposition theorem for R1= 470 Ω, R2= 1K Ω, R3= 470 Ω, V1= 10 V, V2= 10 V. Verify reciprocity theorem for Vs=10V, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 1KΩ, R3= 1.5 KΩ. Verify reciprocity theorem for R1= 470 Ω, R2= 1KΩ, R3= 1.5 KΩ, Vs=10V. APPARATUS: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Digital Multimeter Bread Board Function Generator Range (0-20V) (0-200mA) (0-200) Quantity 1 1 1 1 THEORY: SUPERPOSITION THEOREM STATEMENT In any linear bilateral network containing two or more energy sources the response at any element is equal to the algebraic sum of the responses caused by the individual sources. I.e. while considering the effect of individual sources, the other ideal voltage sources and ideal current sources in the network are replaced by short circuit and open circuit across the terminals. This theorem is valid only for linear systems. RECIPROCITY THEOREM STATEMENT In any linear bilateral network containing the response at any branch (or) transformation ratio is same even after interchanging the sources is V/ I1 = V/ I2 THEORETICAL CALCULATIONS: PROCEDURE: SUPERPOSITION THEOREM: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (1) 2. Current through load resistor is noted as Ix by applying both the voltages V1 and V2 through RPS. 3. Make the supply voltage V2 short circuited and apply V1 as shown in fig (2) and note down the current through load resistor as Iy. 4. Make the supply voltageV1 short circuited and apply V2 as shown in fig (3) and note down the current through load resistor as Iz. 5. Now verify that Ix = IY + IZ theoretically and practically which proves Superposition theorem RECIPROCITY THEOREM: 1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (1). 2. Note down the ammeter reading as I1. 3. Now interchange the source and ammeter as in fig (2). 4. Note down the ammeter reading as I2. 5. Now verify that Vs/ I1 = Vs/ I2 theoretically and practically which proves reciprocity theorem. Observations: When both the sources are acting: fig (1) Vs1 Vs2 Theoretical Practical Ix Ix when v1 source alone is acting: fig (2) Vs1 Vs2 Theoretical Iy Practical Iy When V2 source alone is acting: fig (3) Vs1 Vs2 Theoretical Practical Iz Iz TABULAR COLUMN OF RECIPROCITY THEOREM: Before interchanging the sources: fig (1) Theoretical values Vs I1 Vs/I1 Practical values I1 Vs/I1 After interchanging the sources: fig (2) Theoretical values Vs I1 Vs/I1 Practical values I1 PRECAUTIONS: 1. Avoid making loose connections. 2. Reading should be taken carefully without parallax error. 3. Avoid series connection of voltmeters and parallel connection of ammeters. RESULT: VIVA QUESTIONS: 1. What is superposition theorem? 2. What is reciprocity theorem? 3. What is done to voltage sources while applying superposition theorem? 4. What is done to current sources while applying superposition theorem? 5. What is bilateral circuit? Vs/I1 Institute of technology EXP.NO: 7 EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF THE VENIN’S THEOREM AIM: a. Verify thevenin’s theorem with Vs=5v, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 3.3K Ω, R3= 470 Ω b. Verify thevenin’s theorem with Vs=5v, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 3.3K Ω, R3= 470 Ω c. Find the thevenin’s current when with Vs=5V, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 1K Ω, R3= 470 Ω d. Find the thevenin’s current when with Vs=10V, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 3.3K Ω, R3= 4.7 KΩ e. Find the thevenin’s resistance when with Vs=5V, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 2.2K Ω, R3= 470 Ω APPARATUS: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Digital Multimeter Bread Board Function Generator Range (0-20V) (0-200mA) (0-200) Quantity 1 1 1 1 THEORY: STATEMENT OF THE VENIN’S THEORUM: Any two terminal linear bilateral networks containing of energy sources and impedances can be replaced with an equivalent circuit consisting of voltage sources V th in series with impedance, Zth, where Vth is open circuit voltage between the load terminals and Zth is the impedance measured between the terminals with all the energy sources replaced by their internal impedances. PROCEDURE: THE VENIN’S THEOREM: a. Connections are made as per the circuit shown in fig (1). b. Apply DC voltage to the circuit and note down the current IL flowing through the load. c. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (2) by open circuiting the load resistance. Apply DC voltage and note down the reading of voltmeter as Vth. d. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (3), measure the effective resistance Rth with the help of a multimeter, by replacing the voltage source with short circuit. e. Connect the venin’s equivalent circuit as shown fig (4) note down the load current IL1. f. The venin’s theorem can be verified by checking that the current IL and IL1 are equal. THEORETICAL CALCULATIONS: OBSERVATIONS: THEVENIN’S THEOREM: Theoretical values Vs IL Vth Rth Practical values IL 1 IL Vth Rth PRECAUTIONS: 1. Avoid making loose connections. 2. Readings should be taken carefully without parallax error. 3. Avoid series connection of voltmeters and parallel connection of ammeters. Viva questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. State Thevenin’s theorem? How to calculate Vth? How to calculate Rth? What is Norton’s theorem? How to calculate Norton’s current? IL 1 Institute of technology EXP.NO: 7 MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM AIM: a. b. c. d. e. Verify maximum power transfer theorem for Vs=10V, R1= 4.7K Ω, R2= 1K Ω, R3= 470 Ω. Verify maximum power transfer theorem for Vs= 10 V, R1=1K Ω, R2= 470 Ω, R3= 4.7K Ω Verify maximum power transfer theorem for Vs= 10 V, R1= 470 Ω, R2= 1KΩ, R3= 100 Ω. Verify maximum power transfer theorem for Vs= 15V, R1= 470 Ω, R2= 100Ω, R3= 470 Ω. Verify maximum power transfer theorem for Vs= 10 V ,R1= 470 Ω, R2= 270Ω , R3= 100Ω APPARATUS: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of the equipment Voltmeter Ammeter Digital Multimeter Bread Board Function Generator Range (0-20V) (0-200mA) (0-200) Quantity 1 1 1 1 THEORY: THEOREM STATEMENT: It states that the maximum power is transferred from the source to the load, when the load resistance is equal to the source resistance. THEORETICAL CALCULATIONS PROCEDURE: 1. Make the connections as shown in fig (1). 2. By varying RL in steps, note down the reading of ammeter IL in each step. 3. Connect the circuit as shown in fig (2), measure the effective resistance R th with the help of digital multimeter. 4. Calculate power delivered to load PL in each step. 5. Draw graph PL vs RL and find the RL corresponding to maximum power from it. 6. Verify that RL corresponding to maximum power from the graph is equal to the R th (which is nothing but source resistance Rs). OBSERVATIONS: Tabular column: Theoretical values S.NO RL IL PL=IL2RL Practical values IL PL=IL2RL MODEL CALCULATIONS: PRECAUTIONS: 1. Avoid making loose connections. 2. Reading should be taken carefully without parallax error. 3. Avoid series connection of voltmeters and parallel connection of ammeters. RESULT: Viva questions: 1.State maximum power transfer theorem? 2.Give the expression for maximum power? 3. What is the condition for maximum power? 4.Give the 3 different equations of power? 5. What is the unit for power? Institute of technology ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY List of Experiments PART-B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Magnetization Characteristics of D.C. Shunt Generator Swinburne’s Test on a DC Shunt Motor Brake Test on 3-phase Induction Shunt Motor O.C and S.C tests on a Single Phase transformer Load Test on a Single Phase transformer Regulation of 3-phase alternator Institute of technology Expt. No: 1 Magnetization characteristics of DC Shunt Generator AIM: a) b) c) d) To determine the critical field resistance (Rc) and critical speed (Nc) at 1400 r.p.m. To determine the critical field resistance (Rc) and critical speed (Nc) at 1450 r.p.m. To determine the critical field resistance (Rc) and critical speed (Nc) at 1500 r.p.m. To determine the critical field resistance (Rc) and critical speed (Nc) at 1550 r.p.m NAME PLATE DETAILS: Specifications DC Motor DC Generator Speed 1500 rpm 1500 rpm power 5HP 3KVA Current 20A 13.6A Voltage 230V 230V EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED: S.No Equipments Type Range Quantity 1. Voltmeter M.C 0-300v 1 No 2. Ammeter M.C 0-1/2A 1 No 3. Rheostats Wire wound 300Ω/1.5A 1 No 4. Tachometer Digital 0-300)rpm 1 No THEORY: Open circuit characteristics or magnetization curve is the graph between the generated emf (E g) and field current (If) of a dc shunt generator. For field current is equal to zero there will be residual voltage of 10 to 12v because of the residual magnetism present in the machine. If this is absent then the machine cannot build up voltage. To obtain residual magnetism the machine is separately excited by a dc source. We can get critical field resistance (Rc) and critical speed (Nc) from open circuit characteristics curve. Critical field résistance: It is the maximum value of resistance of field winding of D.C. shunt generator at critical speed.. Critical speed: It is the maximum speed of D.C. shunt generator at critical field resistance beyond which generator fails to generate voltage. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PROCEDURE: 1.) Connections are made as per the circuit diagram and supply is given by closing the DPST switch 2.) Motor is started with the help of three point starter and bring the motor to rated speed by varying the motor field rheostat from minimum resistance position 3.) At rated speed by varying the generator field rheostat from maximum resistance position note down the readings of open circuit voltage and field current up to the rated voltage of D.C.shunt generator. 4.) Switch off the supply and draw the graph between Voc and If and hence it is the magnetization characteristics curve. PRECAUTIONS: 1.) Loose connections must be avoided 2.) Always check the connections before u switch on the supply 3.) Motor field rheostat is kept at minimum resistance position and generator field rheostat is kept at maximum resistance position 4.) Experiment must be done in the presence of concern lab instructor. TABULAR COLUMN: S.No 1 2 3 4 5 VOC (Volts) If (amps) CALCULATIONS: N1=minimum speed i.e.,1400 r.p.m Rmin=Voc(max.)/If(max.) Rmax= Voc(min.)/If(min.) Where Rmax= critical field resistance N1/Nc = Rmin/ Rmax Hence critical speed and critical field resistance can be found from the above calculations. RESULT: VIVA QUESTIONS 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) What is the Basic Principle in dc generator? In DC Machine which Induced emf is suitable? The direction of induced emf and hence current in a conductor can be determined by? Mechanical Energy Converted to Electrical energy is called as? Write the EMF equation for D.C. Generator? Institute of technology Expt. No: 2 Swinburne’s Test on D.C shunt motor AIM: To perform Swine burn’s test on the given DC machine and a) Determine the efficiency of D.C. shunt machine at 1500 rpm. b) Determine the efficiency of D.C. shunt machine at 1450 rpm. c) Determine the efficiency of D.C. shunt machine at 1400 rpm. d) Determine the efficiency of D.C. shunt machine at 1550 rpm. NAME PLATE DETAILS SWINBURNE’S TEST Specifications DC meter Speed 1500 rpm power 5HP Current 20A Voltage 230V EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: S.No DESCRIPTION RANGE TYPE QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 Voltmeter Ammeter Rheostats Tachometer (0-300)V (0-10)A &(0-1/2 A) 300/1.5 A Digital M.C M.C Variable type Rotatory 1 No 3 No 1 No 1 No CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: THEORY: Swine burn’s Test is to determine the efficiency of a given DC shunt motor when working as both motor as well as generator. It is simple indirect method in which losses are measured separately and the efficiency at any desired load can be predetermined. This test applicable to those machines in which flux is practically constant i.e. shunt and compound wound machines. The no load power input to armature consist iron losses in core, friction loss, windage loss and armature copper loss. It is convenient and economical because power required to test a large machine is small i.e. only no load power. But no account is taken the change in iron losses from no load to full load due to armature reaction flux is distorted which increases the iron losses in some cases by as 50% Principle of DC Motor: It starts that rotating conductor is placed in between the magnetic fields the conductors experiences force and rotate the rotor, armature winding, yoke, eye bolt and frame test. PROCEDURE: 1. Make connections as per the circuit diagram. 2. Show the connections to the lab instructor. 3. Keeping the rheostat at minimum, Start the motor with the help of starter, and by adjusting field rheostat bring the motor to rated speed.i.e.1500 rpm. 4. Note down all the meter readings at no load. 5. Do necessary calculations and find out the efficiency of the Machine as a motor and as a generator. OBSERVATIONS: S.No 1 2 Ia If IL CALCULATIONS: 1. Load input voltage = VL IL 2. Load armature copper losses Wi =Ia2Ra 3. Constant losses or no-load losses Wc = (VLO ILO) - Iao2Ra where Wc= no load input – no load copper losses. VL Ra Efficiency as a motor: IL= Assumed load current at any load i.e., 5 amp or 10 amp or 15 amp. VL= rated voltage= 230V. Motor input power = VL IL Motor armature copper losses (Wcu) = Ia2Ra = (IL –IF)2 Ra Total losses= iron losses (Wi) + copper losses(Wcu) Efficiency of motor= output power/input power. Where, input power = VL IL And output power = input power – power losses. Or input power = output power + power losses. Efficiency as generator: IL= Assumed load current at any load i.e,5 amp or 10 amp or 15 amp. VL= rated voltage= 230V. Generator output power = VL IL armature copper losses (Wcu) = Ia2Ra = (IL +IF)2 Ra Total losses= iron losses(Wi) + copper losses(Wcu) Efficiency of Generator = output power/input power. Where, output power = VL IL And output power = input power + power losses. Or input power = output power - power losses. RESULT: VIVA QUESTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Which of the following is the unit of Torque ? When the starting resistance of a D.C. motor is used generally? Armature Reaction is related to? Brushes are made up of? The function of the commutator? Institute of technology Expt. No: 3 Brake Test on 3-Phase Induction Motor AIM: a) To conduct a brake test on the given 3-¢ Slip ring Induction motor and to draw its performance Characteristics curves at load current of 1,2,3,4,5 amps. b) To conduct a brake test on the given 3-Slip ring Induction motor and to draw its performance Characteristics at load current of 1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2 amps. c) To conduct a brake test on the given 3-Slip ring Induction motor and to draw its performance Characteristics at load current of 2.8, 3.8, 4.8, 5.8, 6.8 amps. d) To conduct a brake test on the given 3-Slip ring Induction motor and to draw its performance Characteristics at load current of 1.5, 2, 25, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 amps. NAME PLATE DETAILS: (to be noted from the machine) APPARATUS REQUIRED: S.NO DESCRIPTION RANGE TYPE QTY 1 2 3 4 5 Ammeter Voltmeter Watt meters Autotransformer Tachometer (0-10)A (0-600)V 10A,600v,UPF 600v,3-¢ ( 0-3000) MI MI Unity variable digital 1 1 2 1 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: PRECAUTIONS: 1. There should not be any load on the motor initially. 2. The brake drum should be filled with water to cool it. 3. If the wattmeter shows negative deflection, reverse either pressure coil or current coil and take that reading as negative. 4. The rotor external resistance should be kept at max resistance position initially. THEORY: As a general rule, conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy takes place in to the rotating part on electrical motor. In DC motors, electrical power is conduct directly to the armature, i.e, rotating part through brushes and commutator. Hence, in this sense, a DC motor can be called as ‘conduction motor’. However, in AC motors, rotor does not receive power by conduction but by induction in exactly the same way as secondary of a two winding T/F receives its power from the primary. So, these motors are known as Induction motors. In fact an induction motor can be taken as rotating T/F, i.e, one in which primary winding is stationary and but the secondary is free. The starting torque of the Induction motor can be increase by improving its p.f by adding external resistance in the rotor circuit from the stator connected rheostat, the rheostat resistance being progressively cut out as the motor gathers speed. Addition of external resistance increases the rotor impedance and so reduces the rotor current. At first, the effect of improved p.f predominates the current-decreasing effect of impedance. So, starting torque is increased. At time of starting, external resistance is kept at maximum resistance position and after a certain time, the effect of increased impedance predominates the effect of improved p.f and so the torque starts decreasing. By this during running period the rotor resistance being progressively cut-out as the motor attains its speed. In this way, it is possible to get good starting torque as well as good running torque. PROCEDURE: 1) Give all the connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Switch –ON the supply and slowly vary the auto transformer up to the rated voltage carefully. 3) At this voltage no load is applied. 4) Note the no-load readings of ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeters, speed & loads s1 and s2. 5) Gradually increase the load on the motor by tightening the belt or rotating the wheels of a pulley and note the readings of voltmeter, wattmeters, spring balances and speeds at different load currents . 6) Remove the load completely & Switch-Off the power. GRAPH: Graphs are drawn between the following a) speed vs torque b) efficiency vs output power c) load current vs output power d) slip vs torque. OBSERVATIONS: S.No Voltmeter reading Ammeter reading Spring Balance S1 S2 Torque CALCULATIONS: Input power= (W1+W2)*M.F Where M.F= multiplying factor. Torque = force * distance =F*r = mgr =((S1-S2)9.81*0.1)NM Output power =(2ΠNT/60)watts Efficiency=output power/input power. Slip (S)=(NS-Nr)/Ns Where, W1+W2 = wattmeter readings, T is the torque and N is the speed And Ns= synchronous speed and Nr= rotor speed. Also Ns=(120fs)/p where p= number of magnetic poles and fs=supply frequency Speed Model graphs: Graph: Graphs are drawn between the following a) speed vs torque b) efficiency vs output power c) load current vs output power d) slip vs torque. RESULT VIVA QUESTIONS 1. Which motor is suitable for Electric Traction? 2. Which of the following are Iron Losses? 3. DC Motors in Starters are used to? 4. Swinburne’s test is conducted on DC Shunt Machine at? 5. Armature windings are made up of? Institute of technology Expt. No: 4 OC & SC TESTS ON 1- PHASE TRANSFORMER Aim: a) To conduct OC & SC tests on 1-phase transformer and to calculate efficiency and regulation at unity power factor. b) To conduct OC & SC tests on 1-phase transformer and to calculate efficiency and regulation at 0.7 power factor. c) To conduct OC & SC tests on 1-phase transformer and to calculate efficiency and regulation at 0.6 power factor. d) To conduct OC & SC tests on 1-phase transformer and to calculate efficiency and regulation at 0.8 power factor. Name plate details: 1-PHASE TRANSFORMER Power rating 2KVA Input Voltage 110V Output voltage 220V Input current 18.2A Output Current 9.1A Apparatus required: S.No DESCRIPTION RANGE TYPE QUANTITY 1 2 3 4 Voltmeter Ammeter Wattmeter Auto Transformer (0-150)V (0-2)A &(0-10)A L.P.F & U.P.F 230 V/0-270V,8A M.I M.I Analog Wire Wound 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No OPEN CIRCUIT TEST:- SHORT CIRCUIT TEST: Theory: Transformer is a static device which transfers electrical power from one circuit to another circuit either by step up or step down the voltage with corresponding decrease or increase in the current, without changing the frequency. OC Test The main aim of this test is to determine the Iron losses & No- load current of the T/F which are helpful in finding Ro & Xo.In this test generally supply will be given to primary and secondary kept open. Since secondary is opened a small current (magnetizing current will flow and it will be 5 to 10% of full load current. The wattmeter connected in primary will give directly the Iron losses (core losses). SC Test: The main aim of this test is to determine the full load copper losses which is helpful in finding the R01, X01, Z01, efficiency and regulation of the Transformer. Generally low voltage side will be short circuited and supply will be given to high voltage side & it will be of 5-10% of the rated voltage. The wattmeter connected in primary will give directly the full load copper losses of the Transformer. Procedure: OC Test: 1) Give connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Switch-ON the supply and apply rated voltage i.e., 110 volts to the primary winding by using the 1- phase auto transformer. 3) At 110 volts of voltmeter reading wattmeter reading represents the iron losses or core losses of a 1-phase transformer. Note the readings of Ammeter, Voltmeter & Wattmeter at 110 volts. SC Test: 1) Give connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Switch-ON the supply and vary the Dimmerstat till rated full load current flows through transformer. 3) At rated current Note the readings of Ammeter, Voltmeter & Wattmeter .At rated current wattmeter reading represents the copper losses or winding losses. Observations from Open Circuit Test: S.No. 1 2 Voltmeter Ammeter Wattmeter Observations from Short Circuit Test: S.No. 1 2 Voltmeter Ammeter Wattmeter Calculations: S.No. 1 2 3 4 load Input power Output power Cu loss Iron loss Efficiency full 1/4 1/2 3/4 1) Efficiency=output power/input power where input power = ViIicos ¢ 2) output power = input power + iron loss + copper loss 3) Regulation=(Vr cos ¢+/-Vx sin¢)/V1 Where Vr=I1R01 and Vx=I1X01 i.e.,V1= primary voltage and Vr=I1R01 = primary resistive drop. And Vx=I1X01 = primary reactive drop+ for power factor lagging and – for power factor leading. Where cos ¢=Woc/(Voc* Ioc) from open circuit test. Z01=Vsc/Isc , R01=Wsc/Isc2 , and (Z01)2= (R01)2 + (X01)2 Precautions: 1) 2) 3) 4) The Dimmer stat should be kept at minimum O/P position initially. In OC test, rated voltage should be applied to the Primary of the Transformer. In SC test, the Dimmer stat should be varied up to the rated load current only. The Dimmer stat should be varied slowly & uniformly. Result: Viva Questions: 1. Induced emf in a coil is directly proportional to? 2. The transformer rating is? 3. The transformer transforms? 4. The main purpose of using Core in transformer is to? 5. The transformer cores are laminated in order to? Institute of technology Expt. No: 5 Load test on a 1-φ transformer Aim: a) To conduct Load test on the given 1-Φ Transformer at 20Watts b) To conduct Load test on the given 1-Φ Transformer at 40Watts c) To conduct Load test on the given 1-Φ Transformer at 60Watts d) To conduct Load test on the given 1-Φ Transformer at 100Watts Name plate details: Apparatus required: S. No Apparatus 1 Voltmeters 2 3 Ammeters Wattmeter 4 5 Auto T/F Load Range 0-150V, 0-75V 0-2A, 0-15A 2A, 150V, 600W 1.5A, 150V, 600W 230V/0-230V (0-5/10)A Type M.I 1, M.I LPF UPF Qty 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No 1 No Procedure: 1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram. 2. By varying the Auto transformer, rated voltage is applied to the input side of the transformer and should be maintained constant throughout the experiment. 3. By varying the load in steps, readings of ammeter, voltmeter, and wattmeter are noted down in each step. 4. Efficiency and Regulations are calculated in each step and tabulated. 5. Graphs are drawn Output vs Efficiency Calculations table: Rated Secondary Voltage, V2 = 230V Precautions: 1. The Dimmer stat should be kept at minimum O/P position initially 2. Rated voltage should be maintained on the Primary of the Transformer 3. The Dimmer stat should be varied slowly & uniformly Results: Institute of technology Expt. No: 6 REGULATION OF 3-PHASE ALTERNATOR Aim: a) To conduct OC test & SC test on the given 3-Alternator and to determine its regulation by synchronous impedance method at 0.7 power factor. b) To conduct OC test & SC test on the given 3-Alternator and to determine its regulation by synchronous impedance method at 0.6 power factor. c) To conduct OC test & SC test on the given 3-Alternator and to determine its regulation by synchronous impedance method at 0.8 power factor. d) To conduct OC test & SC test on the given 3-Alternator and to determine its regulation by synchronous impedance method at 0.9 power factor. Nameplate details: DESCRPTION D.C MOTOR 3-ALTERNATOR Capacity Voltage Current Speed Excitation 5 H.P 220V 19A 1500 Rpm 220V, 1.5A 3 KVA 415V 4.2A 1500 Rpm 220V, 1.4A Apparatus required: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Equipment ammeter voltmeter ammeter rheostats type mc mi mi variable Tabular column: For O.C.Test: Voc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If range quantity (0-1/2)A 1 (0-300/600)V 1 (0-10)A 1 300 ohms/1.5A 2 For S.C.Test: Isc 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: FOR O.C & S.C. TEST: Precautions: a. b. c. d. Operate the 3-point starter slowly & uniformely. Keep the speed of the prime mover to its rated value throughout the experiment. In OC test, there should not be any load on Alternator. In SC test, the SC current should not exceed its rated value. Theory: Alternator is a machine, which converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. Regulation of an Alternator can be calculated by synchronous impedance method. In OC test the terminals of the alternator are kept opened and a voltmeter is connected. Keeping speed constant, a relation b/w field current & open circuit voltage are obtained. In SC test, the terminals are short circuited with a suitable ammeter & a relation b/w field current & short circuit Current are obtained. Voltage regulation: It is defined as the rise in terminal voltage of an isolated Machine when full load is thrown off w.r.t voltage on the full load, when speed & excitation remaining constant. Procedure: OC test: 1) Give all connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Switch-ON the supply & by varying the starter, prime mover speed is adjusted to rated. 3) Now keeping the field current at zero, note the induced emf in armature duo to residual Magnetism. 4) By slowly varying the potential divider, field current is increased& corresponding emf Induced is noted up to above 20% of rated voltage. SC test: 1) Give all connections as per the circuit diagram. 2) Switch-ON the supply & by varying the starter, prime mover speed is adjusted to rated. 3) By slowly varying the potential divider, field current is increased & corresponding short Circuit current is noted up to rated value. 4) Measure Ra value using multimeter. Graph: 1) A graph is drawn b/w If and V which is known as OC curve, by taking If on X-axis and V on Y-axis. 2) A graph is drawn b/w If and ISC which is known as SC curve, by Taking If on X-axis and ISCV on Y-axis. Model graphs: Model calculations: Now, Syn.Impedance (ZS) = OC voltage / SC current Xs =√Zs - √Ra E0=√(Vcos+IRa)2 + √(Vsin+IXS)2 for power factor lagging. % Regulation = [(E0-V) / V] 100 Where, P=√3*V*I*cosθ P=power rating V=voltage rating I=current rating Ra=obtained from multimeter. Model calculations: RESULT